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Greetings Brothers! The spring semester has kicked off to a good start, and expectations are high.

The semester promises to be a good one with two of the most anticipated events of the year, Crescent Girl, and the White Rose Gala being planned out. Philanthropy Plans for Crescent Girl are underway. The High Theta has already developed fliers for the event, and nominations are already being considered. Relay for Life is taking place soon and is always a promising event. It will take place March 2nd/3rd at the Ryder Business building in the Modesto Maidique campus. It will begin roughly around 6pm and end at 8am. It is a mandatory philanthropical event, so feel free to pass by and expect a strong turnout of active members. This year the event will be a joint venture between the active chapter and the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta. Our theme will be The Hulk, and we will have activities such as a carnival striker, a radar gun, and a caja china to raise money. In preparation for Relay for Life, a fundraiser for Relay for Life was held. In keeping with the successful business venture of the Fall 2011 Associate Member class, a rose sale was held the day of and the day before Valentines Day. A total of $900 was made from the sale, and we assisted the ladies of in selling baked goods. Recruitment We would like to thank all alumni who participated in Rush Weeks recruitment efforts. As usual, Tuesdays event Meet the Lambda Chis is a crucial event to rushing as it gives potential new members first glance as to what it means to be a brother of Lambda Chi Alpha. Presence at this particular occasion is always solicited from those that have already graduated as you have the most profound understanding of what the True Brother initiative means. Let us welcome our new associate member class of 7! The Associate Member ceremony was held on February 2nd in the Ryder Business building. Let us thank Roberto Amengual, Adrian Torres, Mario Grana, Dean Williams, Alex Alonso, Roberto Luque, Ruben Montesinos, and Francisco Perez for joining us in the event. On a side note, lets give a warm welcome to our new honorary member, Paul Landrum, who was initiated this February 11th. Paul will be #99; we would like to thank those of you who were there for his initiation.

Brotherhood As anyone following the recent turnout of events knows, the Alumni Association has had a bit of a revamp in the weeks that have passed. Due to the resignation of two officer positions, elections were held for pro-temp positions until formal elections in April. Steve Fernandez was appointed Vice President of the Alumni Association, with Mario Grana as Treasurer. Full-term elections will be held in April, as for a more definitive date, please get in contact with the High Rho Jose Paez (, 305-498-8285). We would like to encourage all alumni to try to attend the meetings in person; please feel free to contact the alumni chairman for information regarding the frequency of meetings. Brotherhood Retreat will be taking place this weekend, with groups leaving in intervals on Friday, and coming back on Sunday. The location is the KOA campgrounds in San Marco Island. Cabins have been rented out, and activities for the event have already been prepared. We extend an invitation to any alumni that would like to join us in the event, however please make sure that fees for joining are satisfied via the active chapter treasurer. Brought to our attention by Steve Fernandez, at the following link we are having alumni receptions programmed by the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation. Feel free to coordinate with other brothers in joining these events. Plans to start a monthly local get-together are underway, and a full list of all alumni living in Miami is being solicited from nationals. A phone committee has been put together and once we have the directory we will be making calls. The setting at the present moment is the Doral Ale House or a similar venue once a month. This is in the works, so as of now expect a tentative date.

Semester Calendar Date February 17-19 March 2 April 6-8 April 8-13 April 13 April 21

Event Brotherhood Retreat Relay for Life Family Olympics Pre-I Initiation White Rose Gala

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