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Connecting Oceana Act (2012)

Oceana Bill

16 Connecting Oceana Act (2012)

Proposed By: On: Bill Type: Sponsors: Representative Michael Svensson (GO) 10/02/12 Parliamentary Bill Representative Isolde Boyd (GO) Representative Tiia Hurri (GO)

Legislative Progress Report

Introduced by: On: Stage 1: Stage 2: Committee: Stage 3: Final Vote: Adopted: Signed into Law: Status: In Domestic Affairs Committee Representative Michael Svensson (GO) 10/02/12 10/02/12 Moved to Committee [Aye:16 Nay: 3 Abstain: 0] 10/02/12 Domestic Affairs Committee

Oceana Bill Number 16

Connecting Oceana Act (2012)

The purpose of this bill is to give Oceana the tools to build a world-class high-speed rail network. While this is good for the environment on a long-term basis, good communications networks between major urban hubs are also essential for the immediate economic climate, as it creates jobs, and creates the conditions for economic investment. The bill calls for the creation of a central state rail agency, Oceanan Rail, which will be responsible for maintenance of infrastructure, operating certain train routes, and regulating the private rail market with competition and safety standards.

Article I Establishing Oceanan Rail

Section 1: A state institution shall be established that shall be called Oceanan Rail (or OR). Section 2: ORs board of directors shall be responsible to the Government of Oceana, reporting to the Minister of Domestic Affairs or other equivalent official. It will be subject to legislative oversight from the Domestic Affairs Committee. Section 3: The responsibilities of Oceanan Rail shall be as follows: a) maintenance of Oceanas rail infrastructure; b) operation of subsidized rail services as directed by the government and acts of parliament; c) establishing safety standards for all rail transport in Oceana; d) regulating the private rail transit market, including creating a system of permits for private operators to operate on ORs rail network, and establishing a structure for usage fees; and e) actively studying the efficiency of the existing system, and researching opportunities for development.

Article II Initial Oceanan Rail projects

Section 1: Oceanan Rail is ordered to immediately research the most cost-effective route for a highspeed rail link between Emporium and Glaschu, and begin construction as soon as the route has been planned. Section 2: OR is also ordered to immediately begin planning a Southern Corridor connecting Glaschu and Beaulieu with stops in Aquae Corbie, Ovyn, Badenau. Section 3: OR is to create a research committee to investigate future routes, beginning with: a) an extension of the Southern Corridor to connect with Emporium via Passeleth; b) a Marpesian Corridor connecting Glaschu with Lyngvik via Clutha City, Bygris and Vik; c) a Western Corridor connecting Brathsund and Dunedin via Glaschu; and d) a Panopean Corridor connecting the eastern cities of Panopea.

Oceana Bill Number 16

Connecting Oceana Act (2012)

Appendix A


Michael Svensson Isolde Boyd Tiia Hurri

Oceana Bill Number 16

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