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, / .


The most important issue that 21-century organizations try successfully
to face and solve is the determination of the ways and the processes
through which they can measure and assess the intellectual capital (IC).
The study focuses on the importance of IC in modern organizations, and
reviews briefly the related-IC literature and theoretical foundations. The
study aims at determining the concept, components, and indicators of the
IC. Several models have been developed to conduct and manage IC, to
define the IC concept, to explain the major components of the IC, and
identify the major and sub-indicators of each IC component.
According to modern IC models, the major components of the IC are:
human capital, structural capital, investor capital, alliance capital, customer
capital, business capital, functional capital, supplier capital, corporate
capital, process capital, and innovation capital. IC plays important role to
support sustained competitive advantage and achieve organizational
efficiency, effectiveness, and organizational success.


Monetary Capital

) (.
) (Lim,Dallimore,2004:183

. ) Frost and
(Cooks,1999:183 Intangible Assets
Identity Image . ) Guthrie and


Formal .

) (Lim and Dallimore,2004: 183 Security

) (Huseman and Goodman,1999:25
) 200 ( %75

Knowledge Organizations

Literature Knowledge Management .



: Statement of the Problem


: Importance of the Study




:Objectives of the Study

-1 .
-2 .
-3 .
-4 .
: Intellectual Capital Concept
) (

) (.
) (Edvinsson and Malone,1998:21




) (Osterland,2001:49
Knowledge Capital Intangible
Assets .
Intellectual Capital-IC

. ) (Eppler,2003:191
Knowledge Management
Development Competitive Advantage
Intellectual Resources .
) (Jacob and Hellstorm, 2000: 37 )(Hellstrom and Husted,2003:166

Intangible Assets

: Measuring Intellectual Capital

) (Harvey and Lusch,1999:89


(1992) Kaplan & Norton (1997) Edvinsson & Malone
(1997) Sveiby (1999) Lev Andriessen & Tiessen
) (2000 .(2000) Bontis
) (Guthrie & Petty,2000:19



) (Petty and Guthrie,2000:156

) (Heffes,2001:63
Merger Acquisition

) (Chen, Zhu, & Xie,2004:1996

Knowledge-based Society


. ) (Sullivan and Sullivan,2000:331
( Human Capital
Innovation Capital Customer
Satisfaction .

. Historical Data
Hard Facts
Soft Facts Quality

. Value Creation


. Benchmarking
) (Mouritsen and Larsen, 2001: 366
Financial Accounting System
Intellectual Capital Accounting System :

Employees Customer Processes

. Technologies


Qualifying Activities ...

: Models of Measuring IC
) (Roots et al.2002:38



-1 1999 - Botis :Skandia
Botis 1999
Skandia :
- : Human Resource Accounting
) (Sackmann, Flamholz, and Bullen, 1989:241
Human resource Accounting System
Hermanson .1964
Human Capital
. Organizations
- :Economic Value Added System

) ( .

- :Balanced Scorecard (BSC) System
) (Kaplan & Norton,1996


Navigator Model System of IC

) Leif Advinsson
Skandia (

Total Value

Intellectual Capital

Structural Capital

Organizational Capital

Process Capital

Financial Capital

Human Capital

Customer Capital

Innovation Capital

) :(1
Source: Chen, Jin, Zhaohui Zhu, and Hong Yuan Xie, "Measuring Intellectual Capital:
a New Model and Empirical Study," Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 5, No. 1,
2004, p. 200.

) (Chen, Zhu, and Xie, 2004:201
Structural Capital

-2 Chen : 2004
Botis Chen


) (Chen, Zhu, and Xie, 2004:201

. )(
. :
- :Human Capital
. :
:Employees' Competencies:
. . . . . :Employees' Creativity:
. . :Employees' Attitudes:
. . . . - )( ) :Customer Capital (Market Capital

Market Value

Organizational Performance )(:
Basic Marketing Capabilities:
. . . : Market Intensity:
. . . . . :Customers' Loyalty Indices:
- .

. . . . - :Innovation Capital

. :
:Innovation Achievements:
) (.
. ) (. :Innovation Mechanism:
R & D . ) . . . . . :Innovation Culture:
- :Structural Capital

)( .
:Corporate Culture:
. . :Organizational Structure:
. . :Organizational Learning:
. . : Operation Process:

. . . :Information System:
. . . ) .(1
-3 :2004 Lim and Dallimore
Innovation . Knowledge Management
) (
. .


) :(2
Source: Lim, L., and Peter Dallimore, "Intellectual Capital: Management Attitudes in
Service Industries," Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2004, P. 185.

:Human Capital

: Corporate Capital

:Business Capital Resources

. E-Business
:Functional Capital


)( :Customer Capital
:Supplier Capital
:Alliance Capital or Partnership Capital

. ) (Das, Sen, and Sengupta, 2003: 13
Strategic Alliances


R & D




Marketing Alliances

Technological Alliances
:Investor Capital

-4 : Three-Way IC
) (Mouritsen and Larsen, 2001: 362
)( .
) (Stewart,1997:86
- :
- )( :


) (Stewart, 1997: 108 )(

. )(
)( :
. . . . . . . . . . - )( :



: Human Capital


. ) McGreger, Tweed,
(and Pech, 2004: 154
Competitive Advantage .

) (Porter,2001:65
Business Flux
Arbiter . Nothing Gap
) (Neville, 2000: 47 Mental Skills
E-Business Companies

) (McGreger, Tweed, and Pech, 2004: 155
-1 :Soft HRM


-2 :Hard HRM
Contingency Approach
-3 : Human Capital

) (Nesbit, 2001:23
. . . . . . . .
Labor Market

Knowledge Skills .
) (Lau, Chan, and Man, 1998: 5

-1 : Knowledge :
. . Operations Knowledge . . -2 :Skills:
. . . . . . -3 :Attributes:
. . . . . Business Context


) . (McGregor, Tweed, and Pech,2004:158

)( .

"New" Economy

"Old" Economy






















1990 .
. )(. )(. . . . . -3

)( .

Sustained Competitive
) ( . Advantage


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)-2004- (Lim & Dallimore
: :Human Capital
. ) ( . ) (.
Part-time Full-time . . . . ) (. . . . . . . : Corporate Capital
. / . ) (. . - Staff.

.Corporate Leadership
) (.
) (.
) .(...

: Business Capital
. . . . . . . .Telemarketing . )(. . . . . . : :Functional Capital
. Education . . . . . . . .


: ) ( Customer Capital
. . . ) (. ) (. . . . . . . . : :Supplier Capital
. . . Defect Suppliers . . . /. .(...
. . - .


: Alliance Capital
Partnerships .Joint Ventures
Acquisitions .
Mergers .

: :Investor Capital
. %10 . . . ) .(... . . . . . . . . . - .

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