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PARTE I - DOMINIOS DE LA MISIN DEL RECINTO Programa Acadmico o Concentracin: Comunicacin Audiovisual, Escuela de Comunicacin Ao Acadmico: 2011-2012, Primer Semestre

Dominio de la Misin del Recinto evaluado Comunicacin efectiva (Effective Communication Skills )

Objetivos de aprendizaje estudiantil Objetivos del curso: 1. Comprender la importancia del dominio de la palabra escrita como factor esencial de todo/a comunicador/a profesional. 4. Decidir el balance adecuado entre los elementos artsticos y tcnicos en la redaccin de un guin. Perfil Egresado de COMA: C5. Ponderar las implicaciones sociales y culturales de los textosdiscursos orales y audiovisuales. (D), (A) Valores y Destrezas de la ACEJMC:

Curso o Actividad e Resultados: instancia en el Instrumento de avalo Comparacin del logro esperado con los Accin transformadora a tomarse cual se recopil usado (medida directa o hallazgos la informacin indirecta) COMA 4315 Rbrica Guin radial Resultados obtenidos mediante los 1. En las primeras semanas del curso se criterios establecidos en el instrumento: integrar al contenido temtico un repaso sobre acentuacin y gramtica, que intente Criterio III (Indicaciones): En las remediar dudas y lagunas generales sobre indicaciones tcnicas y artsticas de los acentuacin y puntuacin. guiones, el grupo evidencia un 88% de 2. Se referirn estudiantes con mayores aprovechamiento, lo que indica un nivel dificultades en acentuacin y puntuacin al muy bueno. programa de desarrollo de destrezas del Recinto. Criterio V (Ortografa/puntuacin): La 3. Se recomendar a los estudiantes que se ortografa y puntuacin revel un 76% de matriculen en cursos que desarrollen aprovechamiento, lo que no satisface los destrezas de redaccin en espaol, como requisitos estndar para un tipo de parte de sus cursos electivos. proyecto como el de un guin de audio.

Dominio de la Misin del Recinto evaluado

Objetivos de aprendizaje estudiantil

Curso o Actividad e Resultados: instancia en el Instrumento de avalo Comparacin del logro esperado con los cual se recopil usado (medida directa o hallazgos la informacin indirecta)

Accin transformadora a tomarse

4. Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information. Objetivos del curso: Responsabilidad 7. Ponderar la social [Social responsabilidad tica en Responsibility (Ethics, Diversity and el proceso de redaccin Inclusiveness)] de guiones para los medios de comunicacin. Perfil Egresado de COMA: C6. Valorizar principios ticos y de responsabilidad social como ejes de todo proceso comunicacional. (D), (A) Valores y Destrezas de la ACEJMC: 5. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity, in the context of social responsibility.

COMA 4315

Rbrica Guin radial

Resultados obtenidos mediante los criterios establecidos en el instrumento: Criterio II (Contenido) : El contenido de los guiones de audio (temas, asuntos, tratamiento de los mismos), el grupo evidencia un 89% de aprovechamiento, lo que equivale a un nivel muy bueno.

1. El contenido temtico del curso continuar enfatizando la responsabilidad del guionista para con sus pblicos, tanto en los aspectos ticos como sociales. 2. Los temas a desarrollarse en los guiones debern trabajar asuntos vinculados directa o indirectamente a las problemticas sociales del Pas. 3. El tratamiento de temas y el desarrollo de personajes debern mostrar atencin hacia el respeto a la diversidad y a sus pblicos potenciales, as como aportar al entendimiento de las transformaciones sociales en progreso en la sociedad.

II. Resumen del avalo llevado a cabo: En una hoja de papel adicional, describa brevemente las actividades de avalo llevadas a cabo, cmo fueron desarrollados los instrumentos de avalo usados, los hallazgos y el anlisis de estos hallazgos. Por favor, incluya los instrumentos de avalo usados. Indique cmo se evaluarn las acciones transformadoras propuestas. *Vase en el apndice el Informe de Resultados del curso COMA 4315 - 1er. Semestre 2011-12.

Apndices: Incluya la versin final de la Parte I y II del Plan de Assessment del Aprendizaje Estudiantil de su programa. En caso de que haya desarrollado tablas o grficas que ilustren los hallazgos del avalo, favor de incluirla.

Coordinador de assessment: _Jorge Santiago Pintor

Director del Departamento: _Dr. Jos A. Rivera

Fecha sometido: _31 de enero de 2012


PARTE II - CONOCIMIENTOS, DESTREZAS O ACTITUDES DEL PROGRAMA ACADMICO O CONCENTRACIN Programa Acadmico o Concentracin: _______________________________________________________ Semestre Ao Acadmico: 2011-2012, Primer

Conocimientos, destrezas o actitudes del Programa o Concentracin

Objetivos de aprendizaje estudiantil

Curso o instancia en donde se recoge informacin

Actividad e Instrumento de avalo usado (medida directa o indirecta)

Comparacin del logro esperado con el logro obtenido (hallazgos)

Accin transformadora a tomarse

II. Resumen del avalo llevado a cabo: En una hoja de papel adicional, describa brevemente las actividades de avalo llevadas a cabo, cmo fueron desarrollados los instrumentos de avalo usados, los hallazgos y el anlisis de estos hallazgos. Por favor, incluya los instrumentos de avalo usados. Indique cmo se evaluarn las acciones transformadoras propuestas. Apndices: Incluya la versin final de la Parte I y II del Plan de Assessment del Aprendizaje Estudiantil de su programa. En caso de que haya desarrollado tablas o grficas que ilustren los hallazgos del avalo, favor de incluirla. Coordinador de assessment: _______________________________ Director del Departamento: ________________________________ Fecha sometido: ________________

Documentos que sern entregados por el/la profesor/a (Tablas 1 y 2) Tabla 1: HOJA DE EVALUACIN-INFORME DE RESULTADOS POR ESTUDIANTE __X__1er. ____ 2do. Semestre, 2011__-2012__ / ____ Verano 201__

Cdigo y ttulo del curso: COMA 4315 - Guiones Profesor/a: __J. Rivera______________ Tipo de instancia que fue avaluada: _guin radial__________________ Instrucciones: Avale el trabajo de cada estudiante con la siguiente escala:






N.A. Nmero de identificacin del Estudiante ______ Criterios para el Avalo del Aprendizaje Puntuacin obtenida por el/la estudiante

I. Estructura II. Contenido III. Indicaciones tcnicas/artsticas IV. Creatividad V. Ortografa y Puntuacin Favor de incluir otros criterios que fueron avaluados: A. B. C.

Escala alterna (10 niveles de valor): Excelente Escala I.Estructura 10 a 9 La organizacin, extensin y formato del guin son sobresalientes. Muy Bueno 8a7 La organizacin, extensin y formato del guin son muy buenos. Bueno 6a5 La organizacin, extensin y formato del guin son adecuados. Pobre 4a3 La organizacin, extensin y formato del guin son insuficientes. Muy Pobre 2a1


III.Indicacione s tcnicas/ artsticas

La organizacin, extensin y formato del guin no cumplen con los requisitos establecidos. La investigacin La investigacin La investigacin La investigacin La investigacin y elaboracin y elaboracin y elaboracin y elaboracin y elaboracin del tema son del tema son del tema son del tema son del tema no sobresalientes. muy buenas. adecuados. insuficientes cumplen con los requisitos establecidos. Las indicaciones Las indicaciones Las indicaciones Las indicaciones Las indicaciones (tcnicas y (tcnicas y (tcnicas y (tcnicas y (tcnicas y artsticas) artsticas) fueron artsticas) artsticas) artsticas) no fueron muy bien fueron fueron cumplen con los redactadas de redactadas. redactadas de redactadas de requisitos forma forma adecuada. forma establecidos.

Excelente Escala 10 a 9 sobresaliente. IV.Creatividad El guin contiene suficientes detalles y/o descripciones creativos que contribuyen a la apreciacin del tema. No hay errores de ortografa o puntuacin en el guin final.

Muy Bueno 8a7

Bueno 6a5

Pobre 4a3 inadecuada.

Muy Pobre 2a1

V.Ortografa y Puntuacin

El guin contiene los detalles y/o descripciones creativos bsicos que contribuyen a la apreciacin del tema. Apenas hay errores de ortografa o puntuacin en el guin final.

El guin contiene algunos detalles y/o descripciones creativos que contribuyen a la apreciacin del tema. Pocos errores de ortografa o puntuacin en el guin final.

El guin apenas contiene detalles y/o descripciones creativos,

El guin no contiene detalles y/o descripciones creativos,

Abundan los errores de ortografa y puntuacin en el guin final.

Predominan los errores de ortografa y puntuacin en el guin final.

1. 2. 3.

Tabla 2: Avalo General de la clase - Resultados de cada estudiante avaluado Cdigo y ttulo del curso: COMA 4315 - Guiones Fecha: _3/oct/2011__ Tipo de instancia que fue avaluada: __guin radial_______________________ Instrucciones: Luego de evaluar individualmente a los estudiantes, el/la profesor/a cumplimentar la siguiente tabla (Aada las columnas necesarias segn la cantidad de estudiantes avaluados). A cada estudiante se le asignar un nmero de identificacin (Columna # de Identificacin del Estudiante). Se pasarn las puntuaciones de cada estudiante en la tabla y por cada criterio de avaluacin (Columnas Criterios para el Avalo del Aprendizaje). Tambin, incluya los resultados generales y las acciones transformadoras o recomendaciones a base del avalo del aprendizaje realizado. # de Identificaci n del Estudiante 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 7 10 10 7 9 8 10 10 7 10 8 10 10 9 10 Criterios para el Avalo del Aprendizaje Criterios adicionales (si aplican) TOTAL II 7 10 9 8 9 8 8 10 9 10 8 10 10 8 10 III 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 IV 8 10 8 8 9 8 8 10 9 10 8 10 10 8 10 134/150 (89%) V 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 9 7 7 10 8 7 8 114/150 (76%) A B C 37/50 46/50 43/50 38/50 42/50 38/50 41/50 47/50 43/50 47/50 41/50 50/50 48/50 42/50 47/50 Promedio general de cada estudiante Profesor/a: J. Rivera

Puntuacin 135 /150 Promedio (90%) de cada criterio de evaluacin

134/150 133/150 (89%) (88%)

RESULTADOS GENERALES DEL AVALO: Presente porcentajes con cada uno de los criterios. Sea especfico(a): Criterio I (Estructura): En cuanto a la estructura del guin de audio, el grupo evidenci un 90% de dominio, lo que representa un nivel de aprovechamiento importante. Criterio II (Contenido) : El contenido de los guiones de audio (temas, asuntos, tratamiento de los mismos), el grupo evidencia un 89% de aprovechamiento, lo que equivale a un nivel muy bueno. Criterio III (Indicaciones): En las indicaciones tcnicas y artsticas de los guiones, el grupo evidencia un 88% de aprovechamiento, lo que indica un nivel muy bueno. Criterio IV (Creatividad): La creatividad de los guiones de audio (acercamiento no trillado, desarrollo interesante del tema, recursos diferentes a lo cotidiano), el grupo evidencia un 89%, lo que representa un nivel de aprovechamiento importante. Criterio V (Ortografa/puntuacin): La ortografa y puntuacin revel un 76% de aprovechamiento, lo que no satisface los requisitos estndar para un tipo de proyecto como el de un guin de audio. ACCIONES TRANSFORMADORAS O RECOMENDACIONES QUE SUGIERE IMPLANTAR EN EL CURSO (A BASE DE LOS RESULTADOS DEL AVALO DEL APRENDIZAJE REALIZADO) PARA ATENDER REAS DE NECESIDAD IDENTIFICADAS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES AVALUADOS: Sea especfico(a): 4. En las primeras semanas del curso se integrar al contenido temtico un repaso sobre acentuacin y gramtica, que intente remediar dudas y lagunas generales sobre acentuacin y puntuacin. 5. Se referirn estudiantes con mayores dificultades en acentuacin y puntuacin al programa de desarrollo de destrezas del Recinto. 6. Se recomendar a los estudiantes que se matriculen en cursos que desarrollen destrezas de redaccin en espaol, como parte de sus cursos electivos.

Lineamiento entre los Dominios del Recinto y los Valores y Destrezas de la ACEJMC Dominios del Recinto Responsabilidad Razonamiento Destrezas Valores y Destrezas de la ACEJMC Comunicacin Pensamiento social (Etica, Investigacin lgico de efectiva crtico Diversity and y creacin matemtico informacin Inclusiveness) 1. Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press, including the right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and to assemble and petition for redress of X X X grievances. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of groups in a global society in relationship to communications. 4. Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information. 5. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity, in the context of social responsibility*. 6. Think critically, creatively and independently. 7. Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which they work. 8. Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve. 9. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness. 10. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts. 11. Apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work. Revisado por E.R.C.Z marzo 2011 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Effective Communication Skills - Ability to express oneself effectively in oral and written language that insures a clear, coherent and accurate communication. Critical Thinking - A thinking skill that enables the student to analyze and interpret the object of study, by judging, criticizing and analyzing the diverse perspectives in a thorough and constructive way, aiming towards the development of their own criteria. Research and Creation - Mastery of skills needed to design and conduct a systematic, objective, and critical investigation, qualitative or quantitative, of a scientific or social problem or issue; the ability to create, develop, and present a work of art or literature. Social Responsibility - The capacity to apply knowledge and skills gained through the undergraduate experience toward the development of abilities and attitudes that promote ethics and civic responsibility for the advancement of society. Information Literacy (Compentencias/Destrezas de informacin) - The American Library Association's (ALA, 1989) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report states, "To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." Diversity and Inclusiveness

Plan for the Assessment of Student Learning 2008-09 2010-11

School of Communication

The University of Puerto Rico Ro Piedras

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

School of Communication University of Puerto Rico Ro Piedras Campus

Mission of the School of Communication The School of Communication has as its mission the formation of professionals committed to the study, research, and practice of communication as it manifests itself in the dynamics of Puerto Rican culture and other international contexts. We aim to develop professionals in the communication media with a critical and investigative outlook, within a framework of ethics and social responsibility. This mission allows for a theoretical orientation and in-depth study of communication, related directly to the mass communication media and to their social, political, economic, and cultural implications. We have the mission to provide students with the tools they need to develop valued creative, research, communication, and critical analysis skills, and to develop the ethical values and the sense of social responsibility that our mission promotes. Goals 1. To prepare professionals in design, planning, and research in Communication, whose intellectual and ethical assets will contribute to the enrichment and dissemination of culture. 2. To promote excellence and social responsibility in the communication media by means of respectful and creative dialogue with media corporations and the community in general. 3. To be a forum for the discussion of communication-related topics in Puerto Rico and in an international context. 4. To promote research, publications, and dissemination of the studies and creative works of students and professors of the School. 5. To continue to develop opportunities for practical experience for students within media corporations according to their particular area of study. 6. To make available to the organizational, institutional, and corporate spheres the Schools communications proposals resulting from study and research. 7. To advise, design, and help other public and private institutions to establish strategies to solve specific problems in the field of communication. Objectives relating to goal 1 - Encourage the development of courses whose topics respond to the dynamic scenario of media companies. - Offer students a variety of cultural experiences as part of their courses. - Develop modules within the curriculum for teaching ethics and human rights within the context of the course matter.

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

Develop nontraditional teaching methods, such as student portfolios, journaling, performance tests, integration of audiovisual resources, group dynamics, electronic forms of information, etc. Promote the use of bibliographic resources and new information technologies from a critical point of view.

Objectives relating to goal 2 - Promote the creation of a series of dialogues in which controversial media-related issues are presented and discussed from the standpoint of ethics and social responsibility. - Establish a biannual encounter for researchers, professors, students, and representatives from the media and from advertising and public relations agencies, and set up a dialogue about the findings, challenges, and changes that have come about in each of those areas, for the purpose of securing bonds between academia, professionals, and media corporations. Objectives relating to goal 3 - Continue to develop forums on topics related to communication, and encourage discussion of those topics departing from the ideological and theoretical diversity of the field. - Continue to promote invitations to specialists in the area of communication, in order to broaden the knowledge of faculty and students. - Continue to encourage and secure bonds with international organizations in order to create a continuous presence of researchers from the School of Communication in international forums and publications. - Encourage the participation of our students and professors in local or international seminars and workshops on topics related to communication. Objectives relating to goal 4 - Continue offering two seminars annually for the faculty, led by well-known researchers in the area of communication. - Develop courses or seminars directed toward the investigation of topics and controversial issues in communication. - Encourage professors and students in the course on Scientific Investigation in Communication to organize the activity Al da en la investigacin [Keeping Up with Research], in which worthy investigation or research projects carried out by the students are presented in the form of posters. - Develop an electronic magazine on the Schools website in which students, researchers, and professors may publish and disseminate the findings of their scientific investigations in communication. - Develop strategies to encourage graduate and undergraduate students to attend the thesis defenses that are scheduled each semester. - Develop programs of academic and institutional research to enrich and reinforce the work of the faculty. - Reinforce the program of professional development to help personnel keep current in their respective areas.

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

Structure the distribution of tasks to faculty members in such a way as to develop a program of leaves of absence, sabbaticals, and research leaves that will encourage the research and publication of creative works by the teaching staff.

Objectives relating to goal 5 - Develop a systematic plan for supervised practice in each area of specialization. - Facilitate the implementation of practical experiences in courses whose subject matter so allows. Objectives relating to goal 6 - Continue to broaden the formative academic experiences by integrating community support projects within the educational process. - Establish systematic communication with media companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms, for the purpose of presenting the research carried out in the School in a usable form that can contribute to the development of those same companies, institutions, and organizations. - Develop a plan whereby the entire faculty will acknowledge distance education modes and may produce Internet support resources for their courses, and also begin to develop pilot courses in distance education. Objectives relating to goal 7 - Develop a targeted informative program to report to community organizations in Puerto Rico the services that courses such as Advertising Campaigns, Public Relations Campaigns, and Scientific Investigation could provide to them. - Develop a variety of workshops and/or trainings (along the lines of continuing education courses) contributing to professional development, with topics such as ethics in media, development of advertising campaigns, public relations, scientific investigation, electronic communication, writing, communication skills, etc. - Establish alliances with entities on other campuses, such as the University Institute for Community Development of the Mayagez Campus, in order to facilitate real clients for students in courses that offer practical experience.

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

Academic Programs Mission and Goals Information and Journalism Mission The Program in Information and Journalism provides students with a full understanding of the importance of the role of journalism in society, and of the need to exercise that profession responsibly and ethically. Goals The Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a major in Information and Journalism is designed for students to: Acquire skills in print, television, radio, and Internet journalism while developing their critical and investigative capacities vis--vis the media, mediations, and new communication and information technologies. Receive a broad general education in diverse disciplines, providing them with a solid academic and cultural foundation. Develop, from an ethical point of view, a sense of social responsibility that should characterize every communications professional.

Objectives Students of the Journalism program will be able to: 1. Have an awareness of the new theoretical trends and practices in communication, particularly in the areas of information and journalism. 2. Acquire a broad and comprehensive understanding of the historical, economic, technical, artistic, and professional development of communication media in general and of the press in particular, in Puerto Rico and abroad. 3. Examine the social and cultural implications of journalistic texts and discourses. 4. Value ethical and social responsibility as fundamental aspects of all communication processes. 5. Apply, from a critical perspective, the basic legal and ethical concepts related to freedom of information and the press in the production of news information. 6. Generate knowledge and analyze information through various basic research methods. 7. Master the basic principles of writing for different formats and styles, taking into consideration the particularities of media used and the different tasks of the journalism profession. 8. Understand and apply diverse graphic elements and new information technologies as they apply to the practice of journalism.

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

Alignment between Program SLOs, ACEJMC Values and Competencies Information and Journalism Type of learning (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes) K S A X

Student learning outcomes (SLOs) 1. Have an awareness of the new theoretical trends and practices in communication, particularly in the areas of information and journalism.

ACEJMC Values 4

Relevant course(s) INFP 4036, INFP 4059, INFP 4809, INFP 4205

2. Acquire a broad and comprehensive understanding of the historical, economic, technical, artistic, and professional development of communication media in general and of the press in particular, in Puerto Rico and abroad.

COPU 4017, COPU 4355, INFP 4205, INFP 4809 X

3. Examine the social and cultural implications of journalistic texts and discourses.

3, 6

COPU 4017, COPU 4355, ESIN 4008, COPU 4365, INFP 4809 X

4. Value ethical and social responsibility as fundamental aspects of all communication processes. 5. Apply, from a critical perspective, the basic legal and ethical concepts related to freedom of information and the press in the production of news information.

1, 5, 6

COPU 4365, COPU 4045 X

1, 6

COPU 4148, INFP 4001, INFP 4002, INFP 4036, X X

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

INFP 4059, COPU 4036, COPU 4045 COPU 4365 6. Generate knowledge and analyze information through various basic research methods. 7. Master the basic principles of writing for different formats and styles, taking into consideration the particularities of media used and the different tasks of the journalism profession. 5, 6, 10 ESIN 4077 X 7, 8 COPU 4148, INFP 4001, INFP 4002, INFP 4036, INFP 4059 8. Understand and apply diverse graphic elements and new information technologies as they apply to the practice of journalism. 11 INFP 4036 X X X

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

Curricular Map 2008-2010 Information and Journalism

Student learning outcomes

Relevant course(s)

1. Be informed about the new theoretical trends and practices in communication, particularly in the areas of information and journalism

2. Acquire a broad and comprehensive understanding of the historical, economic, technical, artistic, and professional development of communication media in general and of the press in particular, in Puerto Rico and abroad.

3. Be capable of examining the social and cultural implications of journalistic texts and discourses.

INFP 4036, INFP 4059, INFP 4809, INFP 4205 COPU 4017, COPU 4355, INFP 4205, INFP 4809 COPU 4017, COPU 4355, ESIN 4008, COPU 4365,

Instances of Assessment 2008-2009 Fall Sprin g INFP 4205

Instances of Assessment 2009-2010 Fall Sprin g

Instances of Assessment 2010-2011 Fall Sprin g INFP 4809 INFP 4205

INFP 4205

INFP 4809

COPU 4017 ESIN 4008 COPU 4355

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

4. Value ethical and social responsibility as fundamental aspects of all communication processes.

5. Apply, from a critical perspective, the basic legal and ethical concepts related to freedom of information and the press in the production of news information.

6. Generate knowledge and analyze information through various basic research methods. 7. Master the basic principles of writing for different formats and styles, taking into consideration the particularities of media used and the different tasks of the journalism profession.

8. Be informed about, and apply, diverse graphic elements and new

INFP 4809 COPU 4365, COPU 4045 COPU 4148, INFP 4001, INFP 4002, INFP 4036, INFP 4059, COPU 4036, COPU 4045 COPU 4365 ESIN 4077 COPU 4148, INFP 4001, INFP 4002, INFP 4036, INFP 4059 INFP

COPU 4365 COPU 4045 COPU 4365

COPU 4365 COPU 4045 COPU 4365

ESIN 4077 INFP 4001 INFP 4002

INFP 4001 INFP 4002 COPU 4148 INFP 4059

ESIN 4077 COPU 4148

ESIN 4077 INFP 4001


Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP

information technologies as they apply to the practice of journalism.



Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


Academic Programs Mission and Goals Advertising and Public Relations Mission The concentration in Public Relations and Advertising promotes the creative and theoretical activity, from an ethical and social responsibility standpoint, that will allow students to research, develop, generate, and assess strategies for effective communication production in the public relations and advertising professions. Goals The Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a major in Advertising and Public Relations is designed for students to: Acquire the knowledge to conduct research, design, planning, and implementation of integrated communications programs. Develop ethical attitudes and actions in the processes of communication connected to Advertising and Public Relations. Develop skills for critical analysis in the use of mass media and the development of communication strategies. Integrate a sense of responsibility and principles of social transformation from an ethical perspective to their professional roles in the public relations and advertising fields.

Objectives: Students of the Advertising and Public Relations program will be able to: 1. Understand the theoretical, research, and practical considerations related to human communication and media which influence the practice of his or her profession. 2. Acquire a comprehensive vision of media communication that takes into consideration historical, economic, technical, artistic, and industrial aspects. 3. Comprehend the development, creation, and production processes of advertisements for various traditional and nontraditional media. 4. Understand the managerial function of public relations and advertising professionals as well as the ethical responsibility and social impact related to the exercise of their profession. 5. Recognize the communication processes that are directed to, and generate from, audiences as well as their organization and socio-cultural implications. 6. Value and understand the ethical, legal, and social responsibility considerations related to the freedom of and right to information of the public or audience he or she serves. 7. Demonstrate competence in the ethical and legal use of information and communication technologies. 8. Have competency in basic language and writing skills and the formats and styles of various media. 9. Master the processes leading to the development and formal presentation of advertising and public relations programs and campaigns, as well as the creation and design of

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


advertisements and messages in relation to the media and information technologies employed. 10. Conduct research and analysis of information by means of both traditional research methods and new information technologies.

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


Alignment between Program SLOs, ACEJMC Values and Competencies Advertising and Public Relations Type of learning (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes) K S A

Student learning outcomes (SLOs)

1. Understand the theoretical, research, and practical considerations related to human communication and media which influence the practice of his or her profession. 2. Acquire a comprehensive vision of media communication that takes into consideration historical, economic, technical, artistic, and industrial aspects. 3. Comprehend the development, creation, and production processes of advertisements for various traditional and nontraditional media.

ACEJM Relevant C course(s) Values 2, 3, 4 COPU 4355; ESIN 4008; COPU 4017

3, 4, 5

COPU 4355; COPU 4017; REPU 4018 COPU 4215; REPU 4076; REPU 4155; REPU 4087; REPU 4157; REPU 4069 REPU 4018; REPU 4165; REPU 4166; REPU 4087; REPU 4157 COPU 4355; ESIN 4008; REPU 4165; REPU 4166; COPU 4148; COPU 4045 COPU 4365; ESIN 4008; COPU 4355

4, 11

4. Understand the managerial function of public relations and advertising professionals as well as the ethical responsibility and social impact related to the exercise of their profession. 5. Recognize the communication processes that are directed to, and generate from, audiences as well as their organization and socio-cultural implications

5, 7, 9, 10

1, 3, 5, 11

6. Value and understand the ethical, legal, and social responsibility considerations related to the freedom of and right to information of the public or audience he or she serves. 7. Demonstrate competence in the ethical and legal use of information and communication technologies. 8. Have competency in basic language and writing skills and the formats and styles of various media.

1, 5, 6, 7, 10

1, 5, 7, 10, 11 4, 7, 8, 11

COPU 4365; COPU 4045 COPU 4148; ESIN 4008; COPU 4215; REPU 4147;

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


9. Master the processes leading to the development and formal presentation of advertising and public relations programs and campaigns, as well as the creation and design of advertisements and messages in relation to the media and information technologies employed. 10. Conduct research and analysis of information by means of both traditional research methods and new information technologies.

REPU 4025 5, 6, 7, REPU 4075; 9, 10, 11 REPU 4165; REPU 4166; REPU 4087; REPU 4157

6, 7, 9, 10, 11

REPU 4165; REPU 4166; REPU 4087; REPU 4157; COPU 4045; ESIN 4077

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


Curricular Map 2008-2010 Advertising and Public Relations

Student learning outcomes

Relevant course(s)

Instances of Assessment 2008-2009 Fall Spring

Instances of Assessment 2009-2010 Fall Spring

Instances of Assessment 2010-2011 Fall Spring ESIN 4008 COPU 4355 COPU 4017 COPU 4355 COPU 4017

1. Understand the theoretical, research, and practical considerations related to human communication and media which influence the practice of his or her profession.

COPU 4355; ESIN 4008; COPU 4017

2. Acquire a comprehensive vision of media communication that takes into consideration historical, economic, technical, artistic, and industrial aspects. 3. Comprehend the development, creation, and production processes of advertisements for various traditional and nontraditional media.

4. Understand the managerial function of public relations and advertising professionals as well as the ethical responsibility and social impact related

COPU 4355; COPU 4017; COPU 4215; REPU 4076; REPU 4155; REPU 4087; REPU 4157; REPU 4069 REPU 4018;

REPU 4069 REPU 4155 REPU 4157

REPU 4155

REPU 4155

REPU 4018

REPU 4018

REPU 4018

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


to the exercise of their profession.






REPU 4165; REPU 4166; REPU 4087; REPU 4157 Recognize the communication processes that are directed to, and generate COPU from, audiences as well as their organization and socio-cultural 4355; ESIN implications 4008; REPU 4165; REPU 4166; COPU 4148; COPU 4045 Value and understand the ethical, legal, and social responsibility COPU considerations related to the freedom of and right to information of the 4365; ESIN public or audience he or she serves. 4008; COPU 4355 Demonstrate competence in the ethical and legal use of information and COPU communication technologies. 4365; COPU 4045 Have competency in basic language and writing skills and the formats and COPU styles of various media. 4148; ESIN 4008; COPU 4215; REPU 4147; REPU 4025 Master the processes leading to the development and formal presentation of REPU advertising and public relations programs and campaigns, as well as the 4075; creation and design of advertisements and messages in relation to the media REPU

REPU 4157

REPU 4165 REPU 4166

COPU 4045

COP U 4365 COP U 4365 COP U 4148

COPU 4045

COPU 4365

REP U 4147

REPU 4025

REPU 4157

REPU 4165

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


and information technologies employed.

10. Conduct research and analysis of information by means of both traditional research methods and new information technologies.

4165; REPU 4166; REPU 4087; REPU 4157 REPU 4165; REPU 4166; REPU 4087; REPU 4157; COPU 4045; ESIN 4077

REPU 4166

REPU 4157

REPU 4165 REPU 4166

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


Academic Programs Mission and Goals Audiovisual Communication Mission The concentration in Audiovisual Communication promotes the creative and theoretical activity, from an ethical and social responsibility standpoint, that will allow students to develop, direct, produce, or assess the diverse expressions in audiovisual communication: cinema, photography, and multimedia, among others. Goals The Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a major in Audiovisual Communication is designed for students to: Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in radio, cinema, and television, as well as in emergent audiovisual technologies. Develop their creative and critical abilities, according to the potentials offered by the various media audiovisual technologies, based on the concepts of mediation and social transformation. Receive a comprehensive trans disciplinary, general education which provides a solid academic and cultural grounding; Integrate a sense of responsibility, principles of social transformation, and an ethical perspective to their professional roles in the audiovisual communication field.

Objectives Students of the Audiovisual Communication program will be able to: 1. Have a comprehensive view of media in general, including historical, economic, technical, artistic, and professional considerations. 2. Understand new trends and theories in the study and practice of radio, television, film, and graphic communication and emerging technologies. 3. Understand the ethical, esthetic, and economic dimensions related to radio, film, television, and graphic production and emergent technologies. 4. Operate the necessary technical equipment for the management, production, and post production of radio, television, and film projects, including the use of digital and new information equipment and technologies. 5. Ponder the social and cultural implications of audiovisual text and discourses. 6. Value ethical and social responsibility as fundamental aspects of all communication processes. 7. Apply basic communication research methods from an ethical and critical perspective.

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


Alignment between Program SLOs, ACEJMC Values and Competencies Audiovisual Communication Type of learning (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes) K S A X

Student learning outcomes (SLOs) 1. Have a comprehensive view of media in general, including historical, economic, technical, artistic, and professional considerations. 2. Understand new trends and theories in the study and practice of radio, television, film, and graphic communication and emerging technologies. 3. Understand the ethical, esthetic, and economic dimensions related to radio, film, television, and graphic production and emergent technologies.

ACEJMC Values 1, 2, 8, 10, 11

Relevant course(s) COPU 4017; COPU 4045; COMA 4315; COPU 4148. COMA 4810; COMA 4815; COMA 4817 COPU 4365; COMA 4011; COMA 4315; COMA 4317 COMA 4341; COMA 4351; COMA 4361; COMA 4342; COMA 4352; COMA 4362; COMA 4810; COMA 4815; COMA 4817. COMA 4810; COMA 4815;

3, 4, 5, 7, 11

4, 5, 8, 10, 11

4. Operate the necessary technical equipment for the management, production, and post production of radio, television, and film projects, including the use of digital and new information equipment and technologies.

9, 11

5. Ponder the social and cultural implications of audiovisual text and discourses.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


6. Value ethical and social responsibility as fundamental aspects of all communication processes. 7. Apply basic communication research methods from an ethical and critical perspective.

1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

COMA 4817; COPU 4045. COPU 4148; COPU 4365; COPU 4077; COPU 4045 ESIN 4077; COPU 4045; COMA 4315

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


Curricular Map 2008-2010 Audiovisual Communication

Student learning outcomes

Relevant course(s)

Instances of Assessment 2008-2009

Instances of Assessment 2009-2010

Instances of Assessment 2010-2011 Fall COMA 4315 COPU 4148 Spring COPU 4017

1. Have a comprehensive view of media in general, including historical, economic, technical, artistic, and professional considerations.

COPU 4017 COPU 4045 COMA 4315 COPU 4148

Fall COMA 4315




2. Understand new trends and theories in the study and COMA 4810 practice of radio, television, film, and graphic COMA 4815 communication and emerging technologies. COMA 4817 3. Understand the ethical, esthetic, and economic dimensions related to radio, film, television, and graphic production and emergent technologies. COPU 4355 COPU 4008 COPU 4215 COMA 4341 COMA 4351 COMA 4361 COMA 4342 COMA 4352 COMA 4362 COMA 4341 COMA 4351 COMA 4361 COMA 4325 COMA 4011

COMA 4815

COMA 4815

COMA 4352 COMA 4342

COMA 4341 COMA 4361

COPU 4355

4. Operate the necessary technical equipment for the management, production, and post production of radio, television, and film projects, including the use of digital and new information equipment and technologies.

COMA 4325 COMA 4011

COMA 4351 COMA 4362

COMA 4351 COMA 4361

Assessment Plan, School of Communication, UPR-RP


COMA 4022 COMA 4317

COMA 4022 COMA 4317 COPU 4045 ESIN 4008 COPU 4365 COPU 4045

5. Ponder the social and cultural implications of audiovisual text and discourses.

ESIN 4008 COPU 4215 COPU 4038 COPU 4045 COPU 4355 COPU 4077 COPU 4365 COPU 4045 ESIN 4077 COMA 4315 COMA 4315

6. Value ethical and social responsibility as fundamental aspects of all communication processes.

7. Apply basic communication research methods from an ethical and critical perspective.

COMA 4315

ESIN 4077

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