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Agents of Escherichiosis 18/04 ?

? 1 Colon bacillus culture with the antigen structure O111 was isolated from the faeces of a 6-month-old child, who was fed artificially. What diagnosis can be made to this patient: + Colienteritis. Gastroenteritis. Cholera-like disease. Food poisoning Dysentery-like disease? ? 2 When a patient has disbacteriosis which is followed by the development of ichorous flora (proteus, pseudomonads) and rise of pH in faeces, it is necessary to prescribe to him biological preparations which will acidify the medium and manifest antagonistic action. What microorganisms are capable of performing these functions: + Bifidobacterium bifidum. Klebsiella. Azotobacter. Enterbacter. Serratia? ? 3 + For the first inoculation of defecation the following is used: Blood agar. Triple sugar iron agar. Hiss media. MacConkey agar (or eosin-methylene blue agar - EMB agar). Sugar broth.

? 4 When a xenogenetic antigen gets into the organism, synthesis of antibodies takes place. Which of the enumerated immunoglobulins penetrates through placenta providing the development of natural passive immunity of the neonate: Ig A. Ig D. Ig E. + Ig G. Ig M? ? 5 A bacteriologist doctor isolated Flexner shigellosis agents type 2, Zonne shigellosis agents and the enteropathogenic E. coli ?55:?59 from a young patient. What type of infection is this: Secondary infection. + Mixed infection. Bacteria carriage. Superinfection. Reinfection?

? 6 Information about microorganism sensitivity and its resistance to antibiotics with zones of growth and delay diameter is given in the antibiotic gram taken from bacteriological laboratory. By what method was the microorganism sensitivity to antibiotics revealed in the given case: By the method of serial dilutions in the thick nutrient medium. + By the method of diffusion into agar with standard disks application. By the method based on the colour change of the indicator when pH medium is changed. By the method of serial dilutions in the liquid nutrient medium. By the method based on the microorganisms enzymatic activity change. ? 7 E. coli serotype ?78:?12 was isolated from the patients faeces and its sensitivity to antibiotics was determined: for penicillin growth delay zone of 8 mm, for erythromycin 9mm, for chloramphenicol 10mm, for gentamicin 12mm, for polymyxin 25 mm. Which antibiotic is most effective for the patients treatment: Penicillin. Erythromycin. Chloramphenicol. Gentamicin. + Polymyxin. ? 8 A child suspected to have coli enteritis was taken to the infectious hospital. Colon bacillus was isolated from his faeces. How can colon bacillus relation to pathogenic variants be determined: By the microscopy of coloured preparations. By the way of growth on the Endo medium. With the help of phage typing. On the basis of biochemical qualities study. + In agglutination reaction with O-sera? ? 9 When the faeces of a four-month-old child with the symptoms of acute intestinal infection were bacteriologically investigated some quantity of red colour colonies grew on the Endo medium. What kind of organisms might it be: Staphylococcus. Salmonella. + Escherichia. Streptococcus. Shigella? ? 10 A 1,5-year-old child has vomiting, diarrhoea, elevated body temperature. His feaces were investigated and growth on Endo medium. 18 hours later round, slightly convex red colonies with metallic sheen

average size grew on the surface of the medium. What should be done with these colonies: Make the phagetyping of the microorganisms. + Carry out the reaction of agglutination with polyvalent of OK-sera of pathogenic serogroups. Regrowth microorganisms on the Triple sugar iron agar. Make a preparation and stain it by Grams method. Determine the motility of the bacteria in the dark field? ? 11 During the outbreak of the acute intestinal disease, the serotype of pathogenic colon bacillus was eliminated from some sick children. In order to refer to the eliminated culture as enteropathogenic E. coli, it is necessary to reveal the antigen ?111 in it. How is it possible to reveal this antigen in the eliminated culture: + To make the reaction of agglutination with the monovalent serum. To differentiate the antigens of bacteria by the method of immunoelectrophoresis. To use the method of drop micro-agglutination. To make agglutination reaction with the blood serum of the reconvalescent children. To use the specific precipitating serum against the mentioned antigen? ? 12 A 7-year-old boy has cholera-like disease (vomiting, profuse diarrhoea). During the growth of the patients faeces on Endo medium, similar colonies of crimson colour with metallic sheen appeared. What organism is likely to be the agent of this disease? + Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Salmonella enteritidis. Yersinia enterocolitica. Shigella sonnei. NAG-vibrio? ? 13 A child with acute intestinal infection developed quickly the signs of dehydration and blood appeared in the faeces. The paediatrician suspected colienteritis. Which method should be used for enteric escherichiosis diagnosis: + Bacteriological. Serological. Biological. Allergic. Microscopic? ? 14 Enterotoxigenic E. coli was eliminated from the soil during the sanitary bacteriological inspection of the city rest zone. Its toxin stimulates the appearance of c-AMP (adenosine 3'5'-cyclic phosphate) and, as a result, the hypersecretion of water and salts in the intestines appeared. What disease can this microorganism most probably cause:

+ Cholera like Escherichiosis. Dysentery like Escherichiosis. Urethra infection. Peritonitis. Enterotoxic shock? ? 15 Infants from the childrens home were registered with having the outbreak of intestinal infection with the signs of colienteritis. What investigation should be performed for the final identification of the eliminated agent: + Study the antigenic properties of the agent. Study the sensitivity to antibiotics. Study the sensitivity to bacteriophages. Study the biochemical properties of the agent. Study the pathogenic ability of the agent? ? 16 The faeces of a sick infant was sent to the bacteriological laboratory for investigation and the enteropathogenic E. coli ?55:?59 culture was isolated from it. On the basis of what properties can the isolated culture be referred to EPEC ?55: + Antigenic properties. Morphological properties. Cultural properties. Biochemical properties. Phagotype determination? ? 17 A 37-year-old patient developed intestinal disbacteriosis after having been treated by antibiotics for a long period of time. What medicine should be administered to the patient to normalize the macroflora of the intestines? + Eubiotics Sulfonamides Bacteriophages Autovaccine Vitamins

? 18 From the faeces of a sick child there was isolated a pure culture of pathogenic colon bacillus and it was identified from its antigenic structure. The child was diagnosed with colienteritis. What method

of microbiological diagnostics was used to determine the serovar of the causative agent? + Bacteriological. Serological. Biological. Allergic. Microscopic. ? 19 A 6-month-old child developed severe disturbances of the intestine, diarrhea. The initial diagnosis was colienteritis. What method is able to confirm the etiology of the disease? + Bacteriological. Serological. Biological. Allergic. Microscopic. ? 20 An 18-year-old male was followed by appendicitis as a result of endogenic infection. What microorganism living in the intestine is unlikely to be the causative agent of the illness? + Bifidobacteria Bacteroides Enterococci Escherichia Proteus ? 21 The feaces of the patient with acute intestinal disease were sent for bacteriological study. The material was seeded on the nutrient medium and on the second day the answer from the laboratory said no pathogenic strains of the intestinal bacterium are observed. The study of what properties of the bacterial culture made it possible to get such a result? +Antigenic Tinctorial Morphological Sugar fermentation Proteolytical ? 22 To prevent disbacteriosis remedy containing bifidobacteria is used. What group of preventive medication does it refer to? + Eubiotics Vaccines Serum Immunoglobulins Chemical drugs ?

23 What is the argument to prove that young children are not susceptible to develop dysenterial escherichiosis but are infected by serotypes of enteropathogenic E. coli? + The presence of Ig G The presence of Ig M The presence of serum Ig A The presence of Ig E Immunological tolerance

? 24 A 6-month-old child was hospitalized with signs of acute intestinal infection. The faeces were seeded on Endo medium for bacteriological diagnostics. The typical growth of the agent on the nutrient medium showed the initial result the causative agent was Escherichia coli. Give the cultural characteristics of the agent on Endo medium. + Red colonies with metallic sheen Large mucous colonies Small colourless colonies Pink colonies with white rim Swarming type of growth on agar ? 25 Bacteriological study of the urine revealed E. coli, the number of which counted 106 cells/ml. What is it evident of? + Ascending infection of the urinary apparatus (pyelonephritis) Glomerulonephritis with autoimmune component Infection of the urine by urethra microphlora Infection of the urine by air microphlora Septicaemia followed by the discharge of the agent with urea ? 26 A child was hospitalized complaining of general malaise, diarrhea with bleeding, back ache in the renal area. The body temperature is normal. The coproscopy didnt reveal any leucocytes. What microorganism is likely to cause the disease + Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Enteropathogenic E. coli Enterotoxigenic E. coli Enteroinvasive E. coli Enteroaggregative E. coli ? 27 Pure culture of E. coli was isolated from the faeces of the patient. Which from the listed below is not typical for Colon bacillus: + Toxic at lysogenia Normal colon microphlora of large intestine Causative agent of pyogenic inflammatory processes Causative agent of cholera-like diseases

Active component of eubiotics ? 28 A patient underwent the course of antibiotic therapy because of the acute attack of chronic pneumonia, diarrhea, intestinal disturbances, meteorism. Bacteriologic study didnt reveal E. coli, but the decrease of the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria. What remedy should be administered to the patient? + Eubiotics and vitamins Antibiotics and eubiotics Sulfonamides and eubiotics Antibiotics and vitamins Sulfonamides and vitamins ? 29 An isolated strain of colon bacillus appeared to be able to synthesize bactericines. What is this capability due to? + Plasmids Mutations Reparations Dissociation Bacteriophage ? 30 Name the signs, representative for all pathogenic enterobacteria. + Ability of glucose fermentation + Presence of O-antigen + Presence of lipopolysaccharide Ability of lactose fermentation Ability of phagotyping ? 31 What media are defined for lactose fermentation by enterobacteria? + On the eosin-methylene blue agar (Levins agar). + On the Ploskirevs agar (MPA with bile) + On the Endo medium On the selenite broth On the MPA ? 32 What rules of material intake provide an accordance of results for bacteriological research? + material intake made from the place of lesion + material intake is necessary to be fulfilled before an inception of antibacterial therapy + material is necessary to be sent to the laboratory as quickly as possible material intake is made with an application of antibacterial therapy it is necessary for the material to be frozen and saved for a period of long time use

? 33 Serotype + The strains The strains The strains phagotype The strains The strains

of of of of

E. E. E. E.

coli is coli, which differ by antigenic structure coli which relate to the same biotype coli which are representatives of the same

of E. coli which have O-antigen of E. coli which have H-antigen

? 34 Persons who are exposed to Escherichiosis caused by enterotoxigenic enteral bacillus are: Predominately first-year-old children. Only children of different age. Only adults. Only elderly people. + Children of different age and adults. ? 35 Name the factors of pathogenic E. coli: + Shigella-like cytotoxin. + Factors of adhesion and colonization. + Heat-labile enterotoxin. + Endotoxin. + Heat-stabile enterotoxin.

? 36 Enterotoxigenic E. coli is an agent of: Shigella-like Escherichiosis + Cholera-like Escherichiosis Hemorrhagic colitis Enterocolitis of children of different age + Toxic infections ? 37 Dehydration of an organism by enterotoxigenic Escherichiosis occurs due to the action of: + Heat-stabile enterotoxin. + Heat-labile enterotoxin. Endotoxin. Shigella-like cytotoxin. Verocytotoxin. ?

38 Choose the main characteristics of microorganisms which are the representatives of the normal microflora of gastrointestinal tract. + Predominate in the exploring material + Represented by humicular species. + Represented by pathogenic species with decreased virulence + Represented by potentially pathogenic microorganisms. The correct answer is absent. ? 39 Choose the microorganisms which predominate distal department of human intestines. + Species Bacteroides. Species of Clostridia. Species of Streptococcus. Species of Enterobacter. Species of Candida. ? 40 What is the purpose of using differential-diagnostic media by investigation intestinal infections? For the prevention from dying pathogenic bacteria and suppression of the growth of saprophytes. For the study of the properties of pathogenic bacteria. + For the primary inoculation of the material or for the reinoculation of the microorganisms from the enriched media. For the study and identification of definite types, species, serotypes bacteria. For the study of the biochemical properties of bacteria. ? 41 What are simple serologic reactions? Indicate the most correct characteristics. + They include only two components-antigen and antibody. They are effective only in the fluid medium. + The reactionary blend can contain three components. They can correspond to a sequence of several simple reactions They are put into effect only at t=37?

? 42 In case of enterotoxigenic Escherichiosis a lesion of what organ occurs. The large intestine. + The small intestine without a destruction of the enterocytes. The thin bowel with a destruction of the enterocytes. The stomach. The rectum. ? 43 Enteroinvasive E. ?oli is a causative agent of:

Shigella-like Escherichiosis. Cholera-like Escherichiosis. Hemorrhagic colitis. Salmonella-like Escherichiosis. Shigellosis.

? 44 Enterohemorrhagic E. ?oli is a causative agent of: Shigella-like Escherichiosis. Cholera-like Esherichiosis. + Hemorrhagic colitis. Salmonella-like Escherichiosis Shigellosis. ? 45 Enteropathogenic E. ?oli is a causative agent of: +Colienteritis. Cholera-like Escherichiosis. Hemorrhagic colitis. Shigella-like Escherichiosis. Peritonitis, cystitis. ? 46 Persons who are exposed to Escherichiosis caused by enterotoinvasive E. ?oli are: Predominately one-year-old children. Only children of different ages. Only adults. Only elderly people. + Children of different ages and adults. ? 47 Acute intestinal infections are diseases caused by: + Different serovars of pathogenic E. ?oli. + Differents serovars of pathogenic Shigella. Strains of potential pathogenic E. coli. Only pathogenic E. coli. Different species of Staphylococcus.

? 48 What factors divide E. coli into pathogenic and potentiallypathogenic? + The antigenic properties. + The pathogenic factors. The type of respiration. The mobility.

The morphological properties. ? 49 Due to the type of respiration E. coli is: + Facultative anaerobes. Obligate anaerobes. Microaerophili? bacteria. Obligate and facultative anaerobes. Capnophilic bacteria ? 50 Persons who are easily exposed to Escherichiosis caused by enteropathogenic E. coli are: + Predominately one-year-old children. Only children of different ages. Only adults. Only elderly people. Children of different ages and adults. ? 51 Pathogenic E. ?oli is a causative agent of: + Colienteritis. Cystitis. Peritonitis. Neonatal meningitis. E. coli is commensal GIT person. ? 52 When a six-month-old child is preliminary diagnosed with Escherichiosis what material can confirm this diagnosis during bacteriological investigation? + Faeces. Mucus from fauces. CSF. Mammary milk. Blood. ? 53 How is an infant fed by mammary milk protected from ????? + Ig M is in the mammary milk + Ig ? is in the mammary milk Ig ? is in the mammary milk A great number of Bifidobacteria in the mammary milk. By the sufficient quantity of microorganisms of regular microflora of persons gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in the mammary milk.

? 54 Why is an infant so vulnerable for E. coli? + Ig M do not pass through placenta

+ +

Ig A do not pass through placenta. Their immune system is not active. Microbiocenosiss formation of GIT begins from the second year life. They do not get eubiotiks in time.

? 55 What is the family, genus and species of agents of Escherichiosis? + The family Enterobacteriaceae, genus Escherichia, species E. coli The family Enterobacteriaceae, genus Shigella, species E. coli. The family Micrococcaceae, genus Escherichia, species E. coli. The family Enterobacteriaceae, genus Escherichia, species E. blattae. The family Bacteroidaceae, genus Enterobacter, species E. coli. ? 56 What is Escherichiosis? + Infections caused by potentially- pathogenic intestinal bacilli. + Acute intestinal infections caused by pathogenic E. coli. Traumatic infections caused by pathogenic intestinal bacillus. + Diseases caused by E. coli. Diseases caused by bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. ? 57 Which morphological characteristics are relevant to agents of Escherichiosis? + Monobacteria They always form capsule + Peretrichous or nonmobillity microorganisms Capable to spore formation and peritrichous + In capable to spore formation ? 58 What kind of tinctorial properties are relevant to agents of Escherichiosis? + Gram-negative microorganisms. Gram-positive microorganisms. Gram-negative microorganisms by Ziehl-Neelsens method are stained in red color. Gram-negative microorganisms by Loefflers method are stained in blue color. Gram-positive microorganisms by Burri-Gins method are stained in red color

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