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t a
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t i o
t i o
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Organizer: Organizing partner:
Managed by: Organizer:
The 2
annual edition
of the information
and communication
technology conference
and exhibition in Qatar
ICT in QATAR 2012
Qatars dynamic ICT market recorded a year-on-year growth
of 9.9 percent between 2009 and 2010.
The substantial expansion of Qatars ICT sector has resulted
in the implementation of advanced technologies much earlier
than neighboring GCC countries.
Fuelled by this growth and support, Qatar has developed into
an ICT hub in the region with limitless potential to grow with
Qatars successful bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup and the
lnux of rofesslonuls und lnvesLmenL Lhls wlll brlng over Lhe
next 10 years.
Accordlng Lo reseurch comuny lLC OuLurs xedllne murkeL
has also continued to expand due to growth in internet usage,
and internet subscribers in the country are forecasted to grow
more than 22% during 2010 2013.
Qatar has long been a regional leader in promoting the use of
ICT in government services, establishing the Supreme Council
of lnformuLlon und CommunlcuLlon 1echnology lcLOA1AR ln
2005 to oversee the development of the country into a fully
lnLegruLed lnformuLlonbused socleLy see Luble below
IT & Telecommunications
*Source: UN, ITU and Madar research reports
Qatar Creating a Vibrant Knowledge Economy
Qatar has emerged as one of the most exciting and vibrant
counLrles ln Lhe world Lhunks Lo vlslonury leudershl
1he counLry hus mude slgnlcunL rogress ln lLs mlsslon Lo bulld
u knowledgebused economy
The sector has been boosted by large scale ICT projects
lncludlng Lhe luunch of ON8N OuLur nuLlonul 8roudbund
NeLwork un lndeendenL enLlLy whlch wlll oversee Lhe
lmlemenLuLlon of nexLgeneruLlon uccess neLworks wlLh
ulLrufusL lnLerneL connecLlvlLy ucross OuLur Comblned
with the recent launch of the Qatar Satellite Company,
which will develop and launch the countrys own satellite
communications system. The government sector has also
seen u slgnlcunL udoLlon of Lechnology wlLh more Lhun
governmenL eservlces uvulluble Lhrough Lhe Hukooml
egovernmenL orLul
Qatars ICT growth is attributed to an attractive GDP growth
rate, a growing and young population with high purchasing
ower und un lncreuslng nuLlonwlde lnLeresL ln Lechnology
as well as an unparalleled construction boom driven by high
Qatars ICT development has been supported by large scale
public and private investment in the sector, which has resulted
in the country leading the region in many ICT indicators
OuLur hus one of Lhe hlghesL moblle eneLruLlon ruLes ln
the world as mobile subscriptions in Qatar outnumber the
population by 40%
of Lhe households ln OuLur ure now equled wlLh u
comuLer whlle of Lhem huve lnLerneL connecLlon
A sofLwure murkeL growlng fusLer Lhun uny oLher counLry
in the GCC
8roudbund eneLruLlon
in Qatar has also increased, from
ercenL of households ln Lo ercenL of Lhem ln
wlLh u hlghseed connecLlon
llxed und broudbund segmenLs conLlnue Lo grow wlLh
of Lhe households now connecLed Lhrough u xed llne
1 As per data collected from telecom operators at the end of 2010, 2 Qatars ICT Landscape 2010 Report, 3 Insights into Qatars ICT Industry 2009; Current
Landscape and Future Outlook IDC MEA Consulting, 4 Internet connections ith minimum speeds of 2 ps as per ITU denition, 5 Qatars ICT Landscape
2011 Report, 6 Qatars ICT Landscape 2011 Report
Conference and Exhibition
The IT Opportunity
The growth in ICT is supported by the emergence of a research and
development culture by organizations including the Qatar Science
und 1echnology Purk und Lhe reseurch focus of OuLur lounduLlon
This supportive environment underscores that opportunities
for growLh ln OuLurs lC1 murkeL ure henomenul CurrenLly
around 1.5% of the countrys GDP is spent on ICT and is projected
Lo grow ln comlng yeurs uccordlng Lo lcLOA1AR ln lLs
lnLegruLed eCovernmenL WhlLe Puer 1hls swlfL growLh und ruld
develomenL ln key lC1 lndlcuLors comblned wlLh Lhe counLrys
strong economic underpinnings, reveals Qatar to be an emerging
murkeL underlnned by Lhe low rlsk fucLors ussocluLed wlLh u more
esLubllshed murkeL
Accordlng Lo reseurch grou lLCs murkeL unulysls ln Lhelr recenLly
ubllshed reorL Seclul ReorL on Lhe lC1 MurkeL ln OuLur ln
Lhe lC1 murkeL ln OuLur ls ro|ecLed Lo exund uL u comound
unnuul growLh ruLe CACR Lo reuch u vulue of bllllon ln Lhe
year 2015.
With this growth potential as the driving force, ictQatar with its
sLukeholders hus develoed u sLruLegy Lo uddress chullenges und
exploit opportunities in the ICT sector.
OuLurs lC1 sLruLegy seeks Lo ensure Lhe deloymenL of udvunced
und secure lnfrusLrucLure boosL dlglLul llLerucy enuble knowledge
transfer, and create an ecosystem to incubate an innovative and
vibrant ICT industry.
This plan provides a roadmap to develop the ICT sector in Qatar
und enuble lL Lo ucL us u cuLulysL for develolng Lhe knowledge
based economy.
The Conference
The Award Winners
No. of speakers: 85
Unique delegates: 784
Return delegates: 1254
Best Accessible Website
Qatar Social & Cultural Center for the Blind
Outstanding Technology Adoption
MlnlsLry of lnLerlor 8lomeLrlcs LnrollmenL Klosk
& OuLur lounduLlon LRP SoluLlons AdoLlon
Most Promising ICT Startup
I Love
Best E-Service Solution
OuLur NuLlonul 8unk euzymoblle
Most Innovative Technology
Cisco | Cisco Multimedia
Best Booth
The Exhibition
Brands: 378
Exhibitors: 115
ICT Startup Exhibitors: 17
Unique Visitors: 4500
Return Visitors: 10.120
Total Number of Participating Countries: 11
Space: 10.000 sqm
Oigita| Arabic
ICT innovation and
Oigitization of
national content
ICT infrastructure
Lega| and regu|atory
Cyber 5afety and
Oigita| inc|usion
ICT Human Capita|
Internet and
The QITCOM 2012 Conference
Ol1COM wlll Luckle u rlch mlx of dlscusslon
topics critical to the development of a sustainable
ICT ecosystem in Qatar and the MENA region
lnformuLlon und CommunlcuLlon 1echnology lC1 lmroves
how we llve und work ln counLless wuys 1he Sureme Councll of
lnformuLlon und CommunlcuLlon 1echnology lcLOA1AR hels
deliver on that promise for the people of Qatar.
ln ull LhuL lL does lcLOA1AR connecLs eole Lo Lhe Lechnologles
that enrich their lives, drive economic development, and inspire
condence ln Lhe fuLure
lcLOA1AR ls leudlng Lhe sLruLeglc Lhlnklng und lmlemenLuLlon
of lC1 lnlLluLlves ln governmenL murkeL develomenL und
knowledge munugemenL educuLlon heulLh elncluslon und
cyber security.
Digital Media & Broadcasting
Digital Content
Broadband & National Networks
Assistive Technology
2012 Focus Areas:
Cloud & Virtualization
SME & Business Solutions
Web Presence & Optimization
5mart Home Oce
Green Tech & Smart Cities
Mobile Applications
Mobile Money
Mobile Gaming
Major ICT Projects
in Qatar
Qatars monumental growth potential in the ICT sector has been
supported by the emergence of a research and development
culture in the country due to organizations such as Qatar Science
und 1echnology Purk OS1P OuLur lounduLlon und OuLur
UnlverslLy Wlreless lnnovuLlons CenLer OUWlC us globully
recognlzed lnsLlLuLlons LhuL ure conducLlng cuLLlngedge reseurch
Q.NBN - Qatar National Broadband Network
lcLOA1AR recenLly luunched ON8N Lhe OuLur NuLlonul
8roudbund NeLwork un lndeendenL comuny whlch wlll oversee
Lhe lmlemenLuLlon of durk ber ucross of Lhe nuLlon 1he
bllllon ro|ecL wlll enuble uwurds of Mbs connecLlon
for mosL users ucross Lhe counLry Lhereby generuLlng greuLer
oorLunlLles for buslnesses und clLlzens ullke
Qatar Satellite Company
lcLOA1AR hus ulso recenLly luunched Lhe OuLur SuLelllLe Comuny
OSC Lhe rsL sLe ln u sLruLeglc lun Lo develo luunch und
operate broadcast and communications satellites to support the
lnLeresLs of sLruLeglc OuLurl sLukeholders OSCs mulLlbllllon dollur
development plan will prioritize video broadcast, government
communlcuLlons und Lelehony und currler servlces OSC wlll oer
u runge of vulue Added Servlces vAS Lo comlemenL Lhe core
satellite services, maintaining a competitive edge over and above
buslc cuuclLy rovlslon 1hese lnclude endLoend connecLlvlLy
lnvolvlng leuslng LerresLrlul ber LeleorL und luyouL cenLers
requlred by broudcusLers us well us murlLlme servlces und
An Extraordinary Growth Trajectory
1hese lnlLluLlves comblne Lo muke OuLur Lhe mosL uLLrucLlve
investment destination across the MENA region. Further
lmrovlng Lhe buslness oorLunlLy ln lC1 ls un economywlde
development plan leading up to the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup.
OuLur ls seL Lo lnvesL u monumenLul bllllon lnLo Lhe Lourlsm
sector alone. Additionally, the Qatari government has also
allocated 40% of its budget from now till 2016 to infrastructure
ro|ecLs lncludlng bllllon for Lhe New Lohu lnLernuLlonul
AlrorL us well us bllllon on u new deewuLer seuorL
1hese economywlde lnvesLmenL lnlLluLlves ure deslgned Lo
ensure LhuL OuLurs economlc fuLure ls brlghL mulLlfuceLed und
dlverse enough Lo susLuln u decudeslong growLh Lru|ecLory und
none is brighter than the burgeoning ICT sector, which is not only
growing independently but will receive an additional boost from
susLulned nuLlonwlde lnvesLmenLs
March 5 -7, 2012 will see two concurrent ICT-related events
taking place in Doha, Qatar. While QITCOM 2012 focuses on a
commercial platform for ICT development in the GCC, Doha will
also play host to the ITU (International Telecommunications
Union) Connect Arab States Summit.
The ITU Connect Arab States Summit will bring together
countries of the Arab region represented by heads of state,
government ministers as we|| as CEOs and senior ocia|s
from industry. The Connect Arab States Summit aims to help
generate the human nancia| and technica| resources needed
to support ICT growth in the Arab World, which is widely
recognized as the engine of future economic prosperity and
sustainable development in the region.
The discussion at the Summit will focus on the following themes:
QITCOM 2012 to be
held in conjunction
with ITU Connect
Arab States Summit
Rapid dep|oyment of broadband networks
Bui|ding workforce ski||s to prepare for a broadband
enabled economy
ICT app|ications and services to respond to the specia|
needs of persons with disabilities, women and those living in
rural or remote areas
Transitioning to digita| broadcasting to enab|e mobi|e TV
and interactive multimedia services and applications
Aordabi|ity of ICT services
Nationa| and regiona| regu|atory po|icies and frameworks
for data privacy and to combat cybercrime
Estab|ishment of and coordination between nationa| CERTs
Protection of Arab chi|dren and youth from harmfu|
content on the Internet
5timu|ating Arabic digita| content through innovative ICT
applications and services by youth entrepreneurs
5upporting the use of Arabic domain names
Creation of digita| archives to spearhead egovernment and
to preserve Arab cultural heritage
Trust and Security
Digital content
The combination of two industry-leading events being held in
Doha at the same time raises a plethora of possibilities for ICT
enthusiasts and professionals alike. Exhibitors and speakers at
OITCOM wi|| have access to CEOs and government ocia|s not
just from Qatar, but from across the Arab world- a truly unique
Who Should Attend?
The QITCOM conference is a gateway for international and regional ICT companies
und orgunlzuLlons Lo see whuL OuLur hus Lo oer ln Lerms of urLnershls und
research and development centers.
The QITCOM 2012 conference will also act as a catalyst to:
8reed u culLure of lnnovuLlon und enLrereneurshl wlLhln Lhe counLrles lC1 lndusLry
Provlde rsLhund lnformuLlon for rucLlLloners Lo ubouL Lhe luLesL Lechnologles from Lhelr orlglnul sources whlch cun
usslsL Lhe communlLy Lo develo Lechnology skllls und bulld cuuclLy for Lhelr resecLlve lndusLry or
Rulse uwureness us well us cuuclLy umongsL OuLurl SMLs of Lhe soluLlons uvulluble Lo furLher develo Lhelr
buslness wlLh LRP Cloud ComuLlng und vlrLuullzuLlon Lcommerce und Lbuslness whlle
roLecLlng Lhelr buslness for lC1 rlsks und securlLy huzurds
lncreuse lnLeresL umongsL young OuLurls und resldenL rofesslonuls ln ursulng u cureer ln lC1 by shurlng
success sLorles of worklng rofesslonuls ln Lhe eld
1he conference wlll be held over Lhree duys euch wlLh u dlsLlncL und selfconLulned Lheme
and program, discuss in the latest ICT trends, technologies, and opportunities.
Entrepreneurs & Investors
Digital content
Arabic Digital Content Enthusiasts
Digital content developers
Innovators in digital content and media
Cultural and national heritage digitization enthusiasts
3D & digital animation developers
Media professionals
Broadcast professionals
Content providers
l1SofLwure develoers
Software engineers
Application architects

Cloud Computing professionals
Data center specialists
vlrLuullzuLlon seclullsLs
ICT security professionals
QITCOM will become the premier meeting place for new ideas and new
Lechnologles l1 rucLlLloners from ucross Lhe lndusLry looklng Lo kee u wlLh Lhe
latest trends should attend including:
ICT Management
Chlef lnformuLlon ocers
Chlef Lechnology ocers
IT managers
IT operations managers
Technical team leaders
Technology procurement professionals

E-Health solutions
LLducuLlon roducLs
LCov sysLems
LCommerce soluLlons
ICT security professionals

Broadband & Networking
NeLwork develoers
NeLwork oeruLlon rofesslonuls
llber neLworks lndusLry execuLlves und rofesslonuls
LnLerrlse und verLlcul murkeL rofesslonuls lunnlng
8roudbund neLworks lunners
8roudbund neLworks lmlemenLers
Access ber neLwork lunners
Access ber neLwork lmlemenLers
Why exhibit?
Showcuse your luLesL roducLs durlng Lhe lurgesL guLherlng of lC1 rofesslonuls ln OuLur
NeLwork wlLh key luw mukers und declslon mukers from Lhe lC1 secLor
Llscuss your luLesL oerlngs und slgn conLrucLs wlLh reresenLuLlves from Lhe rlvuLe und ubllc secLors
Position your brand as an enabler and facilitator of innovative technologies
Sign contracts and close deals during the exhibition
1he exhlblLlon wlll uLLrucL u broud crosssecLlon of Lhe comunles who ure leuders und lnnovuLors ln Lhe lC1 secLor ln OuLur und
Lhe reglon Ol1COM ls Lullormude for comunles seclullzlng ln
Why become a sponsor?
Qatars ICT sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the countrys economy and QITCOM is becoming
Lhe ldeul luLform for comunles und orgunlzuLlons seeklng Lo esLubllsh Lhemselves us leuders ln Lhls boomlng lndusLry
By becoming a sponsor you will:
lncreuse your brund vlslblllLy
HlghllghL your luLesL roducLs durlng Lhe lurgesL guLherlng of lC1 rofesslonuls ln OuLur
NeLwork wlLh declslon mukers from Lhe l1 und Lelecom secLor
Huve u forum Lo dlscuss your luLesL oerlngs und slgn conLrucLs wlLh reresenLuLlves from Lhe rlvuLe und ubllc secLors
PoslLlon your brund us Lhe enubler und fuclllLuLor of lnnovuLlve Lechnologles
LlglLul conLenL und medlu
ConLenL munugemenL und dlsLrlbuLlon
LlglLul slgnuge
LlglLul rlnLlng
Audlo vlsuul
8roudcusL Lechnology
Cloud comuLlng
LuLu sLoruge
LocumenL munugemenL
LuLu cuLure mlnlng und wurehouslng
Home uuLomuLlon
Creen 1echnology
SmurL ClLles
Hurdwure und lnfrusLrucLure
1elecom ecosysLem
Wlreless comuLlng
LuLu cenLers
l1 lnfrusLrucLure
llnunclul moneyhundllng sysLems
Moblle Money
lnLerneL 8unklng
Moblle ullcuLlons
Curd Lechnologles
ConsulLlng servlces und Lrulnlng
lnLerneLbused buslness soluLlons
AsslsLlve 1echnology
LHeulLh soluLlons
LLducuLlon soluLlons
8uslness soluLlons LRPSCMCRM
Exibitor Pro|es
Travel and Accommodation
The Doha International Airport (
is Qatars gateway and connects the country to major capitals
1he clLy hosLs u LonoLch selecLlon of lnLernuLlonul und
reglonul hoLel chulns lncludlng Lhe Crund HyuLL Lohu lour
Seusons Lohu 1he RlLz CurlLon und W HoLel
OuLur Alrwuys OuLurs nuLlonul ulrllne les Lo und from more
than 100 destinations across the world.
Please contact your travel agent for your airline and
accommodation requirements.
The Qatar National Convention Center
Opening in 2011, the Qatar National Convention Centre will be
an unparalleled convention facility, boasting iconic design and
cuLLlng edge fuclllLles ln u worldrsL greenLechnology venue
Boasting over 40,000 sq.m. of exhibition space and QNCC is located
alongside elite universities, research and technology institutions in
Education City, a new global hub of ideas and innovation. It is only
20 minutes away from the central business district.
How to reserve and book space
Pleuse send your lnqulrles or book your suce vlu Lmull Lo
Online by visiting our website:
General Information
After successfully hosting the 2006 Doha Asian Games and the
2011 AFC Asian Cup, Qatar has also been selected to host the
2022 FIFA World Cup. In late 2011, Qatar will also host the World
Petroleum Congress (
WlLh mllllon lnhublLunLs Lhe OuLur enlnsulu ls u modern
and vibrant state with a thriving economy and vision for the
Doha was chosen as the Arab Cultural Capital in 2010 and
boasts a range of attractions including the stunning Katara
CulLurul vllluge ( with a custom built opera
house, exhibition spaces, restaurants and a public beach.
The Museum of Islamic Art ( has emerged
us noL |usL u lundmurk bulldlng buL u home for some of Lhe
most stunning pieces from Islamic civilization as well as a host
for visiting exhibitions. The newly opened Mathaf Museum of
Modern Arab Art ( is dedicated to Arab
culLure und creuLlvlLy houses u ermunenL collecLlon of works
and hosts visiting exhibitions.
The Souq Waqif is the thriving heart of the city, standing where
Lhe counLrys rsL murkeL once sLood Now u Lhrlvlng murkeL us
well as home to many of the countrys favorite restaurants, the
Souq attracts locals and visitors in droves.
vlslLors cun ulso Luke sufurls ( into Qatars
deserL or sLe buck ln Llme Lo vlslL Lhe counLrys murlLlme
herlLuge und rehlsLorlc rock urL 1he lnlund Seu or Khor Al
Daid, is a huge inlet surrounded by giant rolling sand dunes in
the countrys south east. Together with these sand dunes, it is
denlLely OuLurs mosL lmresslve nuLurul feuLure Also oulur
is the Sealine Beach at Mesaieed where you can enjoy the
waters of the Arabian Gulf.
vlslLors looklng for someLhlng more modern cun sho ln our
world cluss mulls und luxury bouLlques lncludlng vlllugglo
( and The Pearl Qatar
wwwLheeurlquLurcom OuLur oers Lrue Arublc hoslLullLy
in a modern and vibrant setting.
For more information go to
Your Destination
Qatar has established itself as a force to be
reckoned with on the world stage

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