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Contract - Elements of a Contract

Contract: the elements of a contract The first step in a contract question is always to make sure that a contract actually exists. There are certain elements that must be present for a legally binding contract to be in place. The first two are the most obvious:

An offer: an expression of willingness to contract on a specific set of terms, made by theofferor with the intention that, if the offer is accepted, he or she will be bound by a contract. Acceptance: an expression of absolute and unconditional agreement to all the terms set out in the offer. It can be oral or in writing. The acceptance must exactly mirror the original offer made. A counter-offer is not the same as an acceptance. A counter-offer extinguishes the original offer: you cant make a counter-offer and then decide to accept the original offer! But A request for information is not a counter-offer. If you ask the offeror for information or clarification about the offer, that doesnt extinguish the offer; youre still free to accept it if you want.

It is very important to distinguish an offer from an invitation to treat that is, an invitation forother people to submit offers. Some everyday situations which we might think are offers are in fact invitations to treat:

Goods displayed in a shop window or on a shelf.

When a book is placed in a shop window priced at 7.99, the bookshop owner has made an invitation to treat. When I pick up that book and take it to the till, I make the offer to buy the book for 7.99. When the person at the till takes my money, the shop accepts my offer, and a contract comes into being.

Adverts basically work in the same way as the scenario above. Advertising something is like putting it in a shop window. Auctions:

The original advertising of the auction is just an invitation to treat. When I make a bid, I am making an offer. When the hammer falls, the winning offer has been accepted. The seller now has a legally binding contract with the winning bidder (so long as there is no reserve price that hasnt been reached)

N.B: an offer can be revoked at any time before it is accepted, so long as you inform the person you made the offer to that the offer no longer


Consideration: each party to the contract must receive something of value.

This is best illustrated by an example: suppose I promise to give you my watch, but you dont give me anything in return. If I break my promise and keep my watch, you cant then go to court and make me give it to you. The contract isnt legally binding: you didnt give me any considerationfor my promise. So put simply, consideration is the price paid for the others promise. There are four legal maxims that apply to consideration:
o o o o

Consideration must move from the promisor; Consideration need not move to the promisee; Past consideration is not good consideration; The consideration given must be sufficient, but it need not be adequate.

The detail isnt necessary here, but there is a separate note on them if youre interested.

Intention to create legal relations: if my brother offers me a lift to London, and I say Ill contribute to the cost of the petrol and then dont, there isnt necessarily a binding contract that he can sue me under. If the arrangement is an informal, social one, then my offer to pay for petrol probably wasnt made with the intention of being legally bound (see the definition of offer above).

In general, arrangements of a social nature are presumed not to be legally binding, whilst commercial arrangements are presumed to be intended as binding contracts. Of course, these presumptions can always be rebutted in court by producing evidence to the contrary.

Writs are extraordinary legal remedies offered to individuals who do not obtain adequate protection under ordinary laws. Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution of India empower individuals, whose rights have been violated, to seek legal cover through writs. Article 32 is intended to dispute the violation of a fundamental right only in the Supreme Court. Article 226 supports enforcement of any right, including a fundamental right, at a High Court.

Types of Writs and their Legal Implications

The Constitution of India recognizes five forms of writ petitions, including the writ of:

Habeas Corpus This is filed to seek release of an individual from an unlawful detention; wherein the person is confined by the Police or even a private person without legal justification. The writ ofhabeas corpus requires the concerned authority to produce the confined individual before the court and explain the grounds for detention. If the justification is deemed inadequate, the court orders the detained to be released. A habeas corpus writ may be filed by the prisoner any other person on his/her behalf. Mandamus This writ is issued by the Supreme Court or a High Court when a government, court, or public authority fails to do a public duty. The writ may also be filed to stop the mentioned parties from doing a particular act that may be detrimental to the general public. It must be noted that a writ of mandamus or command may not be issued against the Indian President or Governor. Prohibition This is issued by a superior court to a subordinate court to prevent it from usurping a jurisdiction in which it is not legally vested. A writ of probation is typically issued before a case goes to trial or during the pendency of its proceeding, but before the final order has been made. Certiorari This issued by a superior court to a subordinate one when a verdict has been established on the basis of wrong jurisdiction. The difference between the writs of prohibition and certiorari is that the former is issued at an earlier stage of the trial, while the latter is issued after a judgment has been passed. Quo Warranto Quo Warranto implies What is your authority. This writ is issued when a public office is held by someone who is not qualified for the same. A writ issued by the court in this case seeks to investigate the grounds on which the person is holding the post. If the reasons are ascertained to be invalid, the individual may be restrained from taking decisions in the office. The court may also declare the office to be vacant.

Indian law
Under the Indian legal system, jurisdiction to issue 'prerogative writs' is given to the Supreme Court, and to the High Courts of Judicature of allIndian states. Parts of the law relating to writs are set forth in the Constitution of India. The Supreme Court, the highest in the country, may issue writs under Article 32 of the Constitution for enforcement of Fundamental Rights and under Articles 139 for enforcement of rights other than Fundamental Rights, while High Courts, the superior courts of the States, may issue writs under Articles 226. The Constitution broadly provides for five kinds of "prerogative" writs: habeas corpus, certiorari, mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition. The writ of prohibition is issued by a higher court to a lower court prohibiting it from taking up a case because it falls outside the jurisdiction of the lower court. Thus, the higher court transfers the case to itself.

The writ of habeas corpus is issued to a detaining authority, ordering the detainer to produce the detained person in the issuing court, along with the cause of his or her detention. If the detention is found to be illegal, the court issues an order to set the person free.

The writ of certiorari is issued to a lower court directing that the record of a case be sent up for review, together with all supporting files, evidence and documents, usually with the intention of overruling the judgement of the lower court. It is one of the mechanisms by which the fundamental rights of the citizens are upheld.

The writ of mandamus is issued to a subordinate court, an officer of government, or a corporation or other institution commanding the performance of certain acts or duties.

The writ of quo warranto is issued against a person who claims or usurps a public office. Through this writ the court inquires 'by what authority' the person supports his or her claim.


Dear Patel, The provisions of filing writ petition is incorporated under Article 226 ( for High Court) and Article 32 ( for Supreme court). There are following kinds of writ petition: 1. Mandamus

2. quo warranto 3. Certiorari 4. Writ of prohibition 5. Habeas corpus Both SC & HC are empowered to issue above writs in prescribed circumstances. For more details, you can go through INDIAN CONSTITUTION written by V N SHUKLA. A lot of materials are also available on net itself.
There are five types of prerogative writs, and petitions could be filed to have of the writs granted in your favour by the Courts. The writs are as follows: Habeaus Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo warranto.

This freedom includes deciding whom a university will c o n f e r degrees on. If the degree is procured by error or fraud then theB o a r d o f R e g e n t s , s u b j e c t t o d u e p r o c e s s b e i n g f o l l o w e d , m a y c a nc e l th at d e g re e . T he C A de c i s i o n w as w r on g an d w a s re ve rse d (UP Bd. Of Regents vs. CA, GR No. 134625, August 31, 1999) . I s su e : W he th e r t he t ri al c o ur t e rre d i n u ph ol d i n g re s po nd e n t ' s contention that they qualify as small property owners and are thuse x e m p t f r o m e x p r o p r i a t i o n . T h e q u e s t i o n n o w i s w h e t h e r respondents qualify as small property owners as defined in Sec. 3( q ) o f R A 7 2 7 9 . S m a l l - p r o p e r t y o w n e r s a r e d e f i n e d b y t w o elements: (1) those owners of real property whose propertyconsists of residential lands with an area of not more t h a n 3 0 0 s qu ar e m e t e r s i n hi gh l y u rb an i ze d c i ti e s a nd 8 0 0 sq ua re me te rs i nother urban areas; and (2) that they do not own real property otherthan the same. The share of each respondents did not exceed 300,and they also claim that the subject lots are their only real property. Th us , t he C ou rt de ni e d t he p e t i t i o n (Mandaluyong vs. Francisco, GR No.137152, January 29, 2001) . T he d e c e ase d i ns ur e d hi ms e l f a nd i ns ti tu te d as b e n e f i c i ar y, h i s c h i l d, w i t h hi s br ot he r to a c t a s t ru st e e du ri n g he r mi no ri ty . U po n his death, the proceeds were paid to him. Hence filed complaint byt he m ot he r, w i t h w h om th e c h i l d i s l i v i n g, se e k i ng t he de l i v e r y of such sum. The lower court rendered a decision ordering the uncleto d e l i ve r t he p ro c e e d s of th e po l i c y i n qu e s ti on t o th e mo th e r . I na n a pp e a l f ro m a q ue st i o n of l aw , th e S up re me C o ur t a ff i r me d t he d e c i s i o n o f t h e l o w e r c o u r t , e m p h a s i z i n g t h a t t h e S t ate shallstrengthen the family as a basic social i n s t i t u t i o n . I f , a s t h e C o ns ti tu ti o n so w i se l y di c t at e s , i t i s th e f am i l y a s a un i t th at h as to be s tr e n gt he ne d, i t d oe s n ot ad mi t of do ub t th at e ve n i f a st ro ng e r case were presented for the uncle, still deference to a constitutionalmandate would have led the lower court to decide as it did (Cabanasvs Pilapil, 58 SCRA 94) . A college, or any school for that matter, has a dual responsibilityto its students. One is to provide opportunities for learning and theot he r i s t o he l p t he m gr ow an d de ve l op i n to m at ur e , re s po ns i b l e , effective and worthy citizens of the community. Discipline is one of the means to carry out the second responsibility. The general ruleis that the authority of the school is co-extensive with its territorial j ur i s di c t i o n, or i ts s c h oo l gr ou n d s, s o th at a ny a c t i o n ta k e n fo r a c t s committed outside the school premises should, in general, be left tothe police authorities, the court of justice, and the family concerned.However, this rule is subject to following exceptions: (1) violationso f s c h o o l policies and regulations occurring in connection with a school-sponsored activity off-campus; and (2) m i s c o n d u c t o f student involves his status as a student or affects the good name orr e p u t a t i o n o f t h e s c h o o l . T h e t r u e t e s t o f a school's right toi n v e s t i g a t e , o r o t h e r w i s e , s u s p e n d o r e x p e l a s t u d e n t f o r a misconduct committed outside t h e s c h o o l p r e m i s e s a n d b e y o n d sc ho ol ho ur s i s no t t he t i m e o r pl ac e

of t he o ff e n se , bu t i t s e ffe c t upon the morale and efficiency of the school and whether it, in fact,i s a dv e r se t o th e sc ho ol 's g oo d or de r w e l f ar e an d ad va nc e m e n t o f its students (Angeles vs Judge Sison, 112 SCRA 26) . Th e c o nc e r n of t he g ov e r nm e n t i s n ot ne c e s sa ri l y t o ma i n ta i n p ro f i t s of bu si ne ss fi rm s. I n th e or di na ry se q ue nc e of e ve nt s, i t i s p r o f i t s t h a t s u f f e r a s a r e s u l t o f G o v e r n m e n t r e g u l a t i o n . T h e interest of the State is to provide a decent living to its citizen. Thegovernment has convinced the court that it is its intent. The Courtdid not find the impugned Order to be tainted with grave abuse of discretion (PASEI vs Drilon, 163 SCRA 386) . The right of government employees to organize does not includet he r i g ht to s tr i k e . B u t th e c u rr e n t b an o n th e m ag ai ns t s tr i k e s i s statutory and may be lifted by statute (SSSEA vs. CA, 175 SCRA 686) . Every generation has a responsibility to the next to preserve thatr h y t h m a n d h a r m o n y f o r t h e f u l l e n j o y m e n t o f a b a l a n c e d a n d healthful ecology. The case at bar is the minors assertion of theirr i g h t t o a s o u n d e n v i r o n m e n t , a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e , t h e performance of their obligation to e n s u r e t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f t h a t right for the generation to come (Oposa vs Factoran, GR No. 101083, July30, 1993) . The United States Supreme Court liberalizes abortion laws up tot h e s i x t h m o n t h o f p r e g n a n c y a t t h e d i s c r e t i o n o f t h e m o t h e r a ny ti me du ri ng th e fi rs t si x m on t hs w he n i t c an b e do ne w i th ou t danger to the mother (Roe vs. Wade, 410 US 113) . The constitutional right to information on matters of p u b l i c c o nc e r n i s se l f -e xe c u ti ng w i t ho ut t he n e e d f or an y a nc i l l a ry a c t o f legislation. When the question is one of public right and the objecto f ma nd a m u s i s to p ro c u re th e e n fo rc e m e n t o f a pu bl i c du ty , th e p e o pl e a re re ga rd e d a s th e re a l pa rt y i n te re s t, an d th e pe rs on at whose instigation the proceeding are instituted need not show thath e i s a c i t i z e n a nd a s su c h i nt e re ste d i n th e e xe c u ti on o f th e l aw s (Legaspi vs CSC, 150 SCRA 530) . I s s u e : T h e G e n e r a l A g r e e m e n t o n T a r i f f s a n d T r a d e w a s c h a l l e n g e d a s a n u n c o n s t i t u t i o n a l t r e a t y f o r p l a c i n g f o r e i g n investors on the same level as Filipinos. The Court held that whilet h e C o n s t i t u t i o n m a n d a t e s a b i a s i n f a v o r o f F i l i p i n o g o o d s , services, labor and enterprises, at the same time, it recognizes theneed for business exchange with the rest of the world on the basesof equality and reciprocity and limits protection of Filipino interestso n l y a g a i n s t f o r e i g n c o m p e t i t i o n a n d t r a d e p r a c t i c e s t h a t a r e unfair. The constitutional policy of a self-reliant and independentn a t i o n a l e c o n o m y d o e s n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r u l e o u t t h e e n t r y o f fo re i gn i nve st me nt s, go od s a nd se rv i c e s. I t c o nt e m pl at e s n e i t he r e c o n o m i c s e c l u s i o n n o r m e n d i c a n c y i n t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l community (Tanada vs Angara, GR No. 118295, May 02, 1997) . The interconnection which has been required of PLDT is a form of intervention with property rights dictated by the objective of thegovernment to promote the rapid expansion of telecommunicationsservices in all areas of the Philippines at an acceptable standardo f se r vi c e at r e a so na bl e c os t. T he d e c i si ve c o ns i d e r at i o ns a re pu bl i c ne e d, p ub l i c i n te r e s t, an d th e c o mm on go od . A mo de rn a n d de pe nd ab l e c o mm u ni c a t i o ns ne tw or k re n de ri ng e f fi c i e n t an dr e a so n a bl y pr i c e d se r vi c e s i s al so i n di sp e n sa b l e fo r a c c e l e r at e d e c on om i c re c o ve r y an d d e ve l o pm e n t to t he se pu bl i c a nd n at i o na l i n t e r e s t s , p u b l i c u t i l i t y c o m p a n i e s m u s t b o w a n d y i e l d ( P L D T v s NTC,190 SCRA 717) .

The applicable provision of law requiring publication i n theOfficial Gazette is found in Art, 2 of the New Civil C o d e o f t h e Philippines. The court succinctly construed that cited provision of l a w i n p o i n t , h o l d i n g t h a t a l l s t a t u t e s i n c l u d i n g t h o s e o f l o c a l ap pl i c at i o n a nd p ri va te l aw s, sh al l be pu bl i s he d a s a c o nd i t i o n f or their effectively, which shall begin 15 days after publication unlessa d i f fe re n t e f fe c t i ve l y da te i s fi xe d by th e l e gi sl at ur e . C o ve r e d byt h i s r u l e a r e p r e s i d e n t i a l d e c r e e s a n d e x e c u t i v e o r d e r s . Administrative rules and regulations must also be published if theirpurpose is to enforce or implement existing law pursuant to a validdelegation. Interpretative regulations and those merely internal innature, that is, regulating only the personnel of the administrativea ge nc y a nd n ot th e pu bl i c , n e e d no t b e pu bl i s he d (De Jesus vs. COA,GR 1090023, August 12, 1998) .



: SP Khammam.

Info. : Addl. SP (Admn) KMM. From : SBI KHAMMAM. Dated: 28-01-2012.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SRi R.NARSAIAH, PC 2244 OF DSB, KHAMMAM IS absent from 27-01-2012 at 0800 hrs AND IS WHERE ABOUTS NOT KNOWN (.) After joining of duty a detail report will be submitted (.) THIS IS FFI (.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Inspector of Police, DSB,KMM.

FAX / RADIO MESSAGE To : ASP KGM SDPOs KMM, Wyra SHOs KMM 1, 2, 3 Tns, CI KMM SHOs KGM 1, 2, 3 Tns, CIs KGM Town, Wyra Addl. SP (Admn), Addl SP (Opns)


From : SP Khammam Date: 18.02.2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(C.No. 08 /11-SB/2012) All the officers are instructed to download the attachments 1) Instructions to Police officers & Candidates 2) Route wise Departmental officers., which have been sent through APPMS regarding VRO & VRA examinations and follow the instruction dated: 19.02.2012 FN & AN sessions (.) MMU (.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Superintendent of Police, Khammam

IN STRUCTIO N S TO TH E PO LICE O FFICERS (VRO & VR A EXAM IN ATIO N S) 1. Smt. D.Sunitha SDPO, Khammam is designated as Chief Co-ordinator Khammam Division for

2. Sri. Bhaskar Bushan, IPS, ASP Kothagudem is designated as Chief Co-ordinator for Kothagudem division 3. Both the Chief Co-ordinators are requested to make necessary security arrangements at all exam centers as well as distribution center (DTO Khammam) and reception center (University PG college, Khammam) 4. All route officers are requested to make necessary arrangements for transporting confidential material (Question papers & OMR sheets) from distribution center to test centers and reception center and should touch with liaison officials and observers etc. 5. SHOs, Traffic PS Khammam and Kothagudem should regulate the traffic respective towns during the exam period. 6. All concerned officer are instructed to ensure that the Xerox centres will be closed from 8 AM to 6 PM on the examination day in respective centres locations. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS DRO Kham m am (Dist. Co-ordinator for VRO & VRA exam s) 9849906079 RDO Kham m am (Divnl. Co-ordinator for KM M Divn.) - 9849906081 RDO Kothagudem (Divnl. Co-ordinator for KGM Divn.) - 9849906082 DTO Kham m am (Distribution centre) - 9848778502 Principal, University PG College, KM M (Reception centre) - 9490368664 IN STRUCTIO N S TO TH E CAN DIDATES 1. Arrive at least 1 Hour before to the Venue with Hall ticket - Will be allowed in to the Examination Hall 30 minutes before commencement of exam 2. Candidate arriving after commencement of exam will not be allowed into the Examination hall. 3. Black Ball point pen to be used for Bubbling. 4. Use of Whitener / Blade is prohibited in OMR Sheet for making corrections 5. Correction of answer may entail rejection treating it is multiple answer, Hence, make sure before bubbling. 6. Carrying of Mobile / Calculator is prohibited 7. Question paper will be in telugu medium with multiple choices 8. Question paper series i.e. ABC or D has to be correctly written on OMR Answer Sheet at appropriate place. Otherwise entire set of answers will go wrong in evaluation by Computer.

9. Paper Booklet serial Number to be filled correctly at the appropriate place on OMR Answer Sheet. 10. Candidates can take home the Question paper after the Exam. 11. There will be no negative marking.


Sl. No.

Rout e No.

Venue Code

Name of the Liaison Officer

Name of the Observer

12200 1

Dr. RJC Degree & PG College, Near DEO Office, Khammam

B. RamaChandra Murthy, Principal, 8897374940

12200 2

Dr. RJC Junior College, Near DEO Office, Khammam

S. Laxmipathi, Principal, 9399321089

3 I

12200 3

Government Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam

Smt.B.Darjan, Principal, 9948121726

12200 4

Government Junior College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam

K.Balaswamy, Principal, 9440701339

12200 5

Government High School, Nayabazar, Khammam

M.V.S. Prasad, Prinipal, 9248794237

12200 6

Government Junior College, Nayabazar, Khammam

S. Nagarjuna Rao, Principal, 9440333163

// Attested // 7 II 12200 7 Administrative Officer Priyadarshini PG & Degree College, Nehru Nagar, Khammam Dr. S. Ranga Rao, Principal, 9849720104

Dr. B. Madhuri, Lect., in Telugu, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam, 9290005283 K.S.S. Ratna Prasad, Lect., in English, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam, 9440348903 Dr. B. Venkateswara Reddy 9347337496, Sri P. Rajasekhar Lect. SR&BGNR District B.C. Welfare Degree Officer, Khammam College, 9849904532 Khammam Dr. B. Sudhakar 9848521512, Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam P. Chendra Sekhar, 9441287847, Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam A Venkat Lal, Lect. In Telugu, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Sri Z. Ramdas, Executive Director SC Corporation, Khammam 9849906024 B.V. Prabhakar Rao, 9866925897, Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam

12200 8

Kavitha Memorial Dgree & PG College, NST Road, Khammam

Prof. M. Satyanarayana Rao, Principal, 9848879357

12201 0

Nirmal Hrudai High School, NST Road, Khammam

A. Padmaja, Principal, 9848446464 08742-226466


12206 0

Naveena Degree College, Opp. District Registrar Office, Khammam Sri Chaitanya Junior College, Harsha Complex, Wyra Road, Khammam Krishnaveni Junior College, Nehrunagar, Opp. Bhavani Mess, Khammam Matrix Junior College, NST Road, Khammam

S. Jaya Prada, Principal 9502948079


12206 1

M. Ratnakar Rao, Principal, 9246947755


12206 5

A. Bhanu Sudheer, Principal, 9246268099


12206 6

Srikanth, Principal, 9849312778

// Attested // Administrative Officer Kavitha Degree College, Near Old RTO Office, Khammam Dr. Ch. Radha Krishna Murthy, Principal 9849993725

Dr. B. Govind, 9866402131 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Dr. K. Govinda Chary, 9848517236, Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam P. Ramesh, 9848343772 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Dr. T. Shankar Lingam, 9390047515 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam A.L.N. Sastry, 9490375068 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam R. Venkati, 9441158181 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Dr. M. Venkata Ramana, 9441164999 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam T. Sujatha, 9440392455 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Y. Krishnaiah, 9985182424 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam B. Bhavani Kumari 9985933212 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam K. Harathi, 9440640094 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar,


12200 9


12201 9

Gorkey Public School, Near Old RTO Office, Khammam Krishnaveni Talent School, Upendraiah Nagar, Near Seema Shopping Mall, Khammam Pulipati Prasad Global Concept School, Near DM&HO Office, Khammam Little Angels High School (Krishnaveni Talent School), Gattaiah Center, Dwarakanagar, Khammam

M.P. Rajan, Principal, 9032004233



12202 7

Sk. Fareed, Principal, 9949609680

Sri S.Srinivasa Chary, District Educational Officer, Khammam 9849909122


12202 8

V. Sunil, Pricipal, 9396929263


12203 1

Jafar Ali, H.M,9848019113

// Attested // Administrative Officer SSRJ Arts & Science College, Besides Adithya Theater, Khammam

for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam H. Madhusudhan Rao, 9848516562 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam B. Ranjith Kumar, Lect., in C.S. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam K. Sudharshan Rao, 9866803550 Lect. SR&BGNR Smt. J.R. Lakshmi Degree Devi Dy. Director College, (SW), Khammam Khammam Cell - 9849903669 G. Suryam, 08742-254709 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam G. Kondal Rao, 9948038490 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam P. Augustine, 08742-220313 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Ch. Vani Kumari, 08742254240 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam S. Ram Mohan Rao, 9989334986 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree Sri College, B. Venu Khammam Manohar Project Director Ch. Narasimha MEPMA, Khammam Rao, 087429849562118 231844 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam S. Bharath Kumar, 9866153294 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar,


12201 2

P. Seethapathi Rao, Principal, 9959966443


12201 5

Century High School, Jammibanda Area, Khammam

P. Pardhasaradhi, Principal, 9848627844

21 IV

12204 1

Jyothi Balamandir High School, Near Adithya Theater, Khammam

Veena Jareeja, Principal, 9347246967


12201 7

St. Joseph High School, Prakashnagar, Khammam

N. Nakshatram, Principal, 8106290088, 9298909686


12201 8

Mont Fort High School, Prakash Nagar, Khammam RJC High School, Near Ayyappa Swamy Temple, Srinivasa Nagar, Khammam

K. Samuel, Principal, 9491405794


12203 4

Dr. Billal Ahmed, Principal, 9849001973

// Attested // Administrative Officer SR & BGNR, Degree College, Yellandu X-raods, Khammam Srujana Junior College (Shanthi Junior College), Near Krishna Function Hall, Bypass Road, Khammam R.R. High School, Bypass Road, Khammam Dr. S. Madhava Rao, Principal, 9948076876


12201 1


12201 3 V 12202 9

M. Veera Reddy, Principal, 9849867748


Ch.S.N. Prasad, Principal, 9490162736


12203 0

SES Dr. JayaChandra Reddy Junior College, Bank Colony, Opp. TDP Office, Khammam

C. Prakash Rao, Principal, 9441133745

// Attested // Administrative Officer C.V. Raman Junior College, Opp. District Court, Khammam P. Venkateswarlu, Principal, 9666666849

for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam L. Jaya Raj, 9989036412 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam G. Eswar, 9866781475 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam


12202 2


12205 9

Sri Narayana Junior College, Near District Court, Khammam

P. Balaji, Principal, 9603622777 Sri M. Bala Dasu, Assistant Director Mines & Geology, Khammam 9440817887

VI 31 12206 4

New Vision Concept School, Near District Court, Khammam

Md. Abid Ali, Principal, 9440781931


12203 2

Government DIET College, Tekulapalli, Khammam

Adinarayana Murthy, Principal, 9949993722

// Attested // Administrative Officer 12202 0 Rama Krishna Vidyalayam, Guttalabazar, Khammam P. Narender Rao, Principal, 9866872839

K.P. Ravi Babu, Lect., in CS SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam M. Sunanda, Lect., in Zoology, 9246766062, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam



12205 6 VII

Gayathri Degree College, Gandhichowk, Khammam

K. Srinivas, Principal, 9348348585


12205 7

Lotus Junior College, Gandhichowk, Khammam

B. Laxminarayana, Principal, 9399944658


12206 3

Siri Chaitanya Junior College, Gandhichowk, Khammam

G. Somaiah, Principal, 9849497755

// Attested // Administrative Officer VIII 37 12202 3 Harvest High School, Near Mamatha General Hospital, Khammam Sri Chaitanya International School, Mamatha Hospital Road, Parvathi, Principal 9848503589

Md. Zakirulla, 9985629500 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam S.P. Rama Devi, 7569557989 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree Sri P. Veenaiah, College, Project Officer, Rajiv Khammam Vidya Mission, K. Sukumar, Khammam 9849853046 9849909145 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam D. China Koteswara Rao, 08742-290424 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Sri G. Sambaiah, Dy. Director (GW), Khammam K. Hari Narayana, 9985000300 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam K. Nageswara Rao, 9949929061 Lect., in C.S.


12202 5

Haranadh Reddy, Principal, 9441309482



12202 6

SBIT Engineering College, Near Mamatha General Hospital, Khammam New Era High School, Mamatha Hospital Road, Khammam

G. Srinivasa Rao, Vice- Principal, 8977145484


12203 3

R. Venu Gopal, Principal, 9441076075

// Attested // Administrative Officer 12201 6 New Generation Junior College, Yellandu X-Road, Khammam Resonance Junior College of Science, Besides Hero Honda Show Room, Wyra Road, Khammam Resonance High School, VDO`s Colony, Near Bharath Gas, Khammam P. Seshagiri Rao, Principal, 9440987399

SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam A. Samba Siva Rao, 9908922678 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam G. Veeranna, 9849242315 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam B. Brahmam, 9440382233 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam A. Janaki Rama Rao, 9441244626 Lect. SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sri Ramakrishna District Cooperative Ramesh Officer, Khammam Jarupula, Lect., 9866317399 in Telugu, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam, 9618944654 P. Ravi Kumar, Lect., in Telugu, 9290403605, SR&BGNR College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam T. Arun Kumar, Lect., in Maths 9966998103, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam A. Chandra Sekhar, Lect., in Bio Chemistry, 9963871117, SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam M. Padmaja, Lect., in Bio Chemistry, 9985748090, SR&BGNR Degree



12202 1

V. Rambabu, Principal, 9492267543

IX 43 12206 8 M. A. Baig, Principal, 9399328778


12207 1

Srujana Junior College, VVC Complex, Wyra Road, Khammam

D. Venkata Reddy, Principal, 9059559703

// Attested // Administrative Officer Bomma College of Engineering, Allipuram, Khammam Dr. S. Murali Krishna, Principal, 9394590999


12204 6


12203 7

Vazir Sulthan Engineering College, V.V. Palem, Khammam

Ayeasha, Principal, 9866898754 9440108867

Smt. B. Venkatanarasamma , Dy. Educational Officer, Khammam, 8008090919


12205 3

Browns College of Pharmacy & B.Ed., College, V.V. Palem, Khammam

Dr. K.S. Ramana, Principal, 9505642799

College, Khammam B. Chenchu Ratnaiah, Lect., in Zoology, 9885135245 SR&BGNR Degree College, Khammam Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam R. Satyanarayana, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9849219191 U. Bhaskar Rao, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, V. Munnaiah, Khammam, Assistant Director, 9849869767 Disbaled Welfare, Khammam T. Prasanna 9000013642 Kumari, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9848985132 Ch. Ramesh Babu, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9848836011 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Smt. V. Padmavathi, Assistant Director Marketing , Khammam 9505517207 Dr. M. Madhusudhana Rao, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9490300752 K. Vijay Kumar, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9440476739 P. Ramanamma, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for


12205 5

Vazir Sulthan MBA & MCA College, V.V. Palem, Khammam

Ch. Venkam Raju, Principal, 9912103339

// Attested // Administrative Officer


12203 5

Government Girls High School, Opp. I twon Police Station, Khammam

K. Radha, Principal, 9703055511


12203 8 XI

Government High School, Ricca Bazar, Opp. Bustand, Khammam

K. Manjula, Principal, 99481808989059171 898


12204 4

Layola High School, Near Old DEO Office, Ricca Bazar, Khammam

Venkanna, Principal 9912326894


12205 8

Vikas Degree College, Vinoda Theater Road, Khammam

P.Vijay Kumar, Principal 9848344038

// Attested // Administrative Officer XII Sri Vivekananda Vidyanikethan, Mamillagudem, Khammam


12203 6

V. Subrahmanyam, Principal 9490144065


12203 9

DRS Degree College, Mamillagudem, Khammam Excellent Junior College, Near Saibaba Temple, Mamillagudem, Khammam

Dr. B.V. Appa Rao, Principal, 9491197999


12204 0

Ch. Seshagiri, Principal, 9490146667


12206 7

Montissori High School, Mamillagudem, Khammam

K. Sriram, Principal, 9966925333


12206 9

Nirmal Hrudai School, Near Saibaba Temple, Mamillagudem, Khammam

Sk. Khasim Saheb, Principal, 9010369586

// Attested // Administrative Officer ASR Government Junior College, Shanthinagar, Khammam

Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9989000364 B. Subba Rao, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9963505179 Dr. Hajoth Kaur, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9247139101 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam A. Param Jyothi, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9866494196 P. Shanthi, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9440725389 Sri Yadaiah, District Social Welfare Dr. G. Officer, Khammam Padmavathi, 9177255535 Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9490952405 V. Venkateswara Rao, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9848161319 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Sri Suman Chakravarthy, District Tourism Officer, Khammam 9440816081 A. Kavitha, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9492721478 Dr. V.R. Jyosthsna Kumari, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for


12201 4

V. Srinivas Incharge Principal, 9848046426


12204 2

Lotus the Real School, Mustafanagar, Khammam

K. Vishnu Vardhan Rao, Principal, 9440203484

XIII 12204 3 Baby Moon High School, Ngulavancha Road, Khammam K. Veeranna, Principal, 9848425642



12204 5

Government High School, Shanthinagar, Khammam

M. Balaswamy, Principal, 9963557691

// Attested // Administrative Officer XIV 12205 1 Sharada Engineering & MBA College, Raghunadhapalem, Khammam S.F.S. High School, Ballepalli, Khammam Dr. K.V. Narasimha Rao, Principal, 9603383808



12207 0

Sri A. Arockiaswamy, Principal, 9441638751


12207 5

Nirmala High School, Industrial Area, Ballepalli, Yellandu Road, Khammam

S. Seshu Kumar, Principal, 9848257247


12207 6

Pragathi Model School, Industrial Area, Yellandu Road, Khammam

Ch. Hanumantha Rao, Principal, 9948431659

// Attested // Administrative Officer Laqshya Engineering & MBA College, Tanikella, Khammam

Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9290503265 Ch. Venkateswara Reddy, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9963782496 G. Hadasa Rani, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9581588899 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam K. Srinivas, Lect., in Maths, SSRJ, Arts & Science College, Khammam, 9948834721 P. Lingaiah, Lect., in Smt. S. Mounika, History, SSRJ, Sate Audit Officer, Arts & Science Khammam, College, 9848154758 Khammam, 9010553266 R. Kotamma, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9849146341 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Sri V.V. Chalapathi, Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer, Khammam, 9848245905 Dr.M. Prashanthi, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9440223042 P. Sarada, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9848039118 K.C. Priyadarshini, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk,


12204 8

Dr. K. Raghu Ram, Principal 9000456094



12204 9

Pulipati Engineering & MBA College, Tanikella (V), Khammam.

K.Meera Sheb, Principal 9391508455


12205 2

Vijaya Engineering & MBA College, Tanikella (V), Khammam

Dr. N. Krishna Reddy, Principal, 9553702799

// Attested // Administrative Officer XVI Mohammadiya PG College, Arempula, Khammam N. Bhaskar Rao, Principal, 9989840360


12202 4


12204 7

Daripally Anantha Ramulu College of Enginerring & Technology, Naidupeta, Khammam Mohammadiya Institute of Technology, Arempula (V), Khammam (Rural), Khammam

Dr. P. Veerabhadram, Principal, 93904111333


12207 4

P. Mohan, Principal, 9298550660

Khammam, 9959123362 S. Satyanarayana, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9866555928 B. Rama Devi, Lect., Govt.,Degree College for Women, GandhiChowk, Khammam, 9502264117 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam I. Janardhan Rao, Lect., in Chemistry, SSRJ Arts & Science College, Khammam, 9866399036 M. Durga Nageswara Sri S. Venkata Rao, Lect., in Rangaiah, Manager, Physics, SSRJ SETKHAM Arts & Science College, Khammam, 9848516578 Ch. Shankar, Lect., in Lib. Science, SSRJ Arts & Science College, Khammam, 9246963627 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Sri K.L.V. Prasad, Assistant Director of Mines & Geology, Kothagudem, 9440817791 T. Srinivasa Rao, Lect., in Engish, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9490967639 R.N. Vidya Devi, Lect., in Botany, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9948701372


12206 2

BBM High School, Naidupeta, Khammam

K. Benarji, S.A. English, 8500276629


12207 3

Medha Institute of Science and Technology for Women, Saiprabhath Nagar, Khammam (Rural), Khammam

T. Sripal Reddy, Principal, 9666201032

// Attested // Administrative Officer Khammam Institute of Technology & Sciences (KITS), Thallampadu, Khammam


12205 0

G.S. Krishna Murthy, Principal, 9959005038,



12205 4

Annie Besant MBA & MCA PG College, Kodada X-Road, Khammam

M. Srinivas, Principal, 9440163580


12207 2

Anni Besant College of Education, Ponnekal (V), Khammam (Rural), Khammam

V. Savitha, Principal, 9989605915

// Attested // Administrative Officer I Vivekavardhini Degree & PG College, Laxmidevipalli, Kothagudem Krishnaveni Junior College, Laxmidevipalli, Kothagudem P. Narasimha Rao, Principal, 8886880643


12207 7


12207 8

Prasad, Principal, 9440774322


12207 9

Triveni High School, Laxmidevipalli, Kothagudem

K. Murali Krishna, Principal, 9246894466


12208 0

Sri Chaitanya Junior College, Laxmidevipalli, Kothagudem

Ch. Nageswara Rao, Principal, 9866246733


12208 1

Telangana Sri Chaitanya ETechno School, Laxmidevipalli, Kothagudem

E. Yugandhar, Principal, 9666666723


12208 2

Sri Ramachandra Government Arts & Science Degree College, Laxmidevipalli, Kothagudem

Dr. V. Krishna, Principal, 9949022551

// Attested // Administrative Officer II KYKRYBN Government Junior College, Chunchupalli, Opp. DSP Office, Kothagudem

Dr. K.S.V. Sarma, Lect., in Telugu, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9397346641 J. Abraham, Lect., in History, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9885665447 B. Bharathi, Lect., in Economics, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9014648434 A.J.Wilson, Lect., in Pol.Science, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 7702137325 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Sri Venkateswara Rao, Municipal Commissioner, Kothagudem 9849905882 M. Satya Prakash, Lect., in Pol. Science, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9849422866 Dr. M. Prasanna Kumar, Lect., in Commerce, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9985262424 K.S.R.K. Prasad, Lect., in Commerce, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9989125889 E. Narasimha Kumar, Lect., in Commerce, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem,


12208 3

B. Ramesh, Principal, 9440185752


12208 4

S.R. Digital School, Ramnagar, H/o Chunchupalli, Kothagudem

B. Ravi Varma, Principal, 9052222251


12208 5

Singareni High School, Near Post Office Center, Kothagudem

A. Vijaya Laxmi, Principal, 9347237170


12208 6

Singareni Collories, Womens Degree College, Kothagudem

Dr. M. Kamala Rani, Principal, 9491088493

9849165668 Dr. Ch.V. Nageswara Rao, Lect., in Physics, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9866189144 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam S.P. Srinivasa Rao, Lect., in Physics, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9989723943 Y. Chinnappaiah, Lect., in Commerce, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Sri Anand Ratna Kothagudem. Kumar Dy. Director (Adult Education) Janaki Rama Rao, Lect., in Chemistry, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem. Y.H.K.N. Bosu Babu, Lect., in Maths, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9959006197 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar, for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Dr. Uma Maheswara Rao, Reader in Botany, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science Sri Subbarayudu, College, Asst., Director, Kothagudem, Horticulture-I, Khammam, P. Padma, 83474449065 Lect., in Maths, Sri Rama Chandra Govt., Arts & Science College, Kothagudem, 9247864403 Sd/- T.A. JayaChandar,


12209 3

Sri Ramachandra High School, Kothagudem

T. Vijaya Kumari, Principal, 9963315129

// Attested // Administrative Officer


12208 7

Bharath Junior College, Ramavaram, Kothagudem

G. Raja Sammaiah, Principal, 7382341730


12208 8

Government I.T.I. College, Rudrampur, Kothagudem

M. Prabhakar Reddy, Principal, 8886882218

III Government Polytechnic College, Rudrampur, Kothagudem


12208 9

Ch.R.S. Sarma, Principal, 9912342046


12209 2

St. Joseph high School, Rudrampur, Kothagudem

Bro. Rayappa Reddy, Principal, 8500426995

// Attested // Administrative Officer Abdul Kalam Institute of Technology & Sciences, Sujathanagar, Kothagudem


12209 0

M. Janardhan, Principal, 98497834

IV Danavanthari Institute of Pharmacuitical Sciences, Sujathanagar, Kothagudem


12209 1

Dr. Ch. Dayakar, Principal, 9440227348

// Attested // Administrative Officer

for Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam

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