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Passion for Cats

By: Shara Katrina G. Sallave ES12FA8

Over the last hundred years the cat has seen its way of life change radically. Pedigree cats in particular have become the pampered and cloistered representatives of their breed. Leading a more restricted and disciplined life, the show cat, if it is successful at winning medals, becomes a marketable commodity, representing financial gain. The object of daily care and grooming, its diet strictly supervised and living in more or less restricted surroundings, there will be no unexpected romantic encounters for this cat. Its love life will be strictly supervised! Except if a breeder is trying to create a new variety by crossing, the pedigree cat will only ever mate with one of exactly the same antecedents. The cat chooses its owner. Whatever the breed, they all exhibit the same attachment, some more openly than others but all to the same degree. From the Chartreuse, the "dog in a cat suit,' to the Chinchilla who follows you around "talking,' to the Siamese who is capable of letting itself die if separated from its owner, to the nonpedigree who seems to understand the slightest gesture made to it, all remain faithful to the choice they have made. While happy to be part of a family and a mend to all in it, there is usually one person who is their favorite and can do anything with them. But the right has to be earned by respecting the cat's freedom, unlike the case of the elderly lady who spoiled her black and white moggy shamelessly and could never understand why the claws came out and the cat rejected her when she pestered it with too much petting.

There are certain factors to consider before you decide to get a cat. First and foremost, be prepared to spend time with your cat. Getting your first cat or kitten can be a huge step for a "Cat Newbie." These helpful articles and resources will help you in making that all-important decision of committing to a lifetime relationship. Whether you've just adopted your first cat, or are just thinking about getting one, this is the place to start. Although cats are known to be more detached than most other pets, they still require attention and care. Cats have their own distinctive personalities and they have their own unique habits and preferences. It is a good idea to prepare yourself with some basic knowledge about cat behavior before you get a cat. First of all, cats love to play. As aloof as they may seem, cats are actually playful creatures. Have you seen cats chasing around a fuzz ball? But cats usually don't play "fetch" like dogs; don't just throw a ball at your cat and expect it to be entertained. Cats like to be pampered by humans. They like to have communication with you. Spend time playing and interacting with your cat. We all know that exercise affects us both physically and mentally. The same is true for your cat. Playing with her is essential for bonding, weight control, and for helping your cat develop muscle tone, agility, and stamina, so a daily dose of aerobic exercise is as important for cats as it is for their owners. Cats are wonderful athletes, but you shouldn't forget that they like to be active for short periods only. Many cats like to be picked up and held, but usually they only like it for a very short time. For instance, if your cat begins to fuss or struggle, put her down. Always support a cat's hindquarters when you pick her up. A comfortable way to hold her is to rest her against your body with her front paws on your shoulder and your arm under her rump.

From the moment it opens its eyes and moves away from its mother, the kitten begins to play. It teases its brothers arid sisters, pushes and chases them and looks absolutely enchanting as it does so. Mother cat keeps an eye on them but only intervenes if she thinks the game is getting too rowdy. She knows that the leaping and chasing and mock fighting builds up the kitten's strength, resistance and liveliness. And as the kitten grows, even when it is alone, it will still play. It tries to catch everything that moves within its reach: the feather carried by a draught, a cork dancing on me end of a piece of string or a rolling ball, and it also chases insects and later on mice Much has been written about the cruelty of the cat. But the truth is that the cat, as it catches the mouse and then pretends to let it go, only to catch it again, is simply playing a game. The prey has become a live cork on a string or a ball that runs instead of rolling. Observers of the cat believe that the movement of anything small that slides, rolls, or above all runs away, triggers off an automatic series of coherent movements in response. Cats show their affection to their owners not only through purring, but also by pawing your arm, leg, or elsewhere on your body. If you are new to cats and not aware of this, you may take that as an attempt to scratch you. In actuality, it is just friendly play. When a cat cheek-rubs you, head-bumps your face, or pushes against you, he leaves his scented signature. These behaviors, termed bunting, are expressions of affection cats display to other cats, dogsand theyre most favorite people. Cats Love with Rolling. When kitty throws himself on the ground at your feet, and rolls around, consider this a loving greeting and a solicitation for attention. Presenting the tummy in this fashion places the cat in a vulnerable posture. So cats generally reserve the rolling

around for people they truly love. Theres no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. People who havent been blessed with furry feline love have a difficult time believing this, though, because kitties show affection very differently than people do. In fact, some cat behaviors that puzzle, aggravate or even offend people are a cats way of expressing undying affection. Cats are impeccable self-groomers even though they do require assistance. As for longhaired cats they should be brushed regularly and for all cats it is must to get there claws trimmed. You may think to get a professional to perform these jobs but with some care and patience most of guardians will be able to do these small jobs themselves. Somewhere, far back in the evolutionary process, cats must have been imprinted with their own "golden rule" concerning fastidious cleanliness. When they are not sleeping, hunting or eating, cats are likely to be primping meticulously. Felines, wild and domestic, are believed to spend up to one-third or more of their waking hours on preening. Far from being a vain preoccupation with appearance, however, the selfgrooming vigilance of cats is natural, reflexive behavior that is vital to their hygiene, health and comfort. The cat is a clean animal. You only have to watch it washing itself to be assured of the fact. The activity of washing is an instinct and often goes beyond mere cleanliness. It is also a way for the cat to cool itself, get rid of sweat and eliminate any dead hairs or other impurities that may be caught in its fur. And by using its teeth and claws it also gets rid of parasites. In addition, by licking itself the cat imbibes small quantities of vitamin D which the sun has produced on its coat. The mother cat teaches her kittens to wash. From birth she licks them often and for a long time, and so teaches them to be clean. Amusingly, kittens pick up the idea quickly and

are soon licking each other and mum, too. The cat cleans itself at every opportunity. It performs extraordinary contortions to reach the apparently- inaccessible parts of its body. It is equipped with the perfect tools for the job: a rough tongue which works like a brush, claws and teeth and even the pads of its feet, with which it rubs the damp fur. But it cannot reach absolutely every part. The inside of the ear, for instance, the nostrils, the teeth and the anal gland are inaccessible and the cat needs your help to clean these. This should be done gently and slowly since cats hate rough treatment. For a shorthaired cat a firm but gentle brush over in the direction of the hair, once or twice a week will suffice. A damp wool rag rubbed over the coat will keep it glossy. Longhaired cats need more complicated grooming. They need brushing and combing out against the lie of the hair and a flea comb should be used regularly on them to get rid of any parasites or bits of garden debris picked up in the fur, and also to prevent knotting. This should be followed by a final brush over. Cats can be bathed but only very occasionally, otherwise the natural oils in the coat will be destroyed. The water should be tepid and the head kept out of the bath. The cat should be rinsed and immediately and thoroughly dried. Once a week the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and anal gland should be checked. One of the great things about having cats as pets is that they don't need to be walked. And they're naturally clean, fastidious creatures. Well, that's 2 great things. But there's a drawback that every cat owner is familiar with: the litterbox. No one likes scooping out the clumps every day, but if you don't, pretty soon your whole house will be filled with that wonderful aroma of feline waste product, and your cat will soon start refusing to use his litterbox.

These automatic, self-cleaning litterboxes are "the cat's meow!" They automatically scoop out the clumps after your cat has used the box, and dump them either into a removable tray or into a waste bag inside an airtight receptable to minimize odors. Your cats will always have the clean, sanitary litter box they prefer when you use one of these automatic self-cleaning litterboxes. No more scooping! No contact with used, unsanitary litter! Reduce odors to keep your home smelling fresher and cleaner. To get a right pet for you and your life style is not an easy task. But to have a cat as a pet not only reduce your complexity but also provide you a good companion. Cats are also good for the people who do not want to have much responsibility of exercising their pet even though they want to have a pet as companion. Cats need less work than a dog or any other pet but they still need your attention and care. Cats though fairly do require your time. But it is as less as 30 to 60 minutes per day required by a cat. With the passage of time as human live is getting very busy I think everyone should have a pet. Because in living things only animal can give unconditional love and devotion. They are always happy to see you when you come back to home. Pets also teach you sense of responsibility. More over numerous studies shows that pet can have medical benefits that are beyond dispute. Cat names mostly describe the behavior of your cat. Cat names you choose not only say much about your cat but cat name also show how you take your relation with that cat. Cat names can cause people to judge a cat and react positively, negatively or fearfully when meeting cat. That is why it is very important to use a cat names that conveys the proper image. Most people name cat on the name of renowned artist or other heroes. Cat names are different according to their age and gender. Like if you

own a kitten and looking for name of the kitten, then the kitten name will be different than that of the name of cat that is elder in age. Some example names for kitten are Ace, Apple, Asterisk, Baby, Nugget, Molecule and Doll. These and many other similar names are used to name small age cats. You can also find name for kittens from your surroundings. Cat names for female cats are also different than that of male cats. The names for grown girl cat names and female kittens might be the same. Some example names for female cats and female kittens are Flossie, Orchid, Rochelle, Scheherazade and many other unique cat names. You can also make your cat different from all other cats by naming it uniquely. Unique cat name can make your cat get the impression you want your cat to set on other peoples. These names might be on names of countries, products and even on other animals name. Some unique names for cats are Fabian, Fiji, Fox and Frank etc. When it comes to naming your male cat, "Socks", "Rex" or "Snuggles" will simply not do. Your pet male cats also require some special name. You can name your male cat as Bart, Firefly, Panther, Socrates, Tater and Timber. You can also fine unusual cat names for your cat like it could be on the name of some famous mountain are a simply unknown name that is a bit entrusting to be the name of cat, but it will still get your cat a unique male cat name. Like age and gender color of a cat is another fact that plays an important role in naming a cat. Especially black cats name are mostly different from other color cats name. Like if you have a completely black cat than you can name it Black Bart, Black Magic, Black Olive, Black Panther and Buckwheat. Similarly there many name that are

only for cats with black color and can be categorized as black cat names. You can find name for cats in different books written only on the name of cats. There you can find some cool cat names. Behavioral problems in cats, such as avoiding the litter box, excessive meowing and other attention-seeking behavior, biting and painful or destructive scratching can be corrected by first eliminating physical causes, then instituting a program of gradual retraining, with the help of these resources. Remember that there are no bad cats, only uninformed cat caregivers. I would suggest trying to deal with one problem cat behavior at a time. Too many "dos" and "don'ts" will only confuse your cat and frustrate your training attempts. Start with the most potentially hazardous problems first - such as chewing on electrical cords - then move on from there. Here are the most-often reported behavioral problems in cats: Attention-seeking behavior and excessive vocalization often go hand-in-hand with cats. Causes for these behaviors can be either physical or emotional, or both. Before punishing your cat for excessive crying and meowing, or other attention seeking behavior, do some homework on possible causes. Stress and Anxiety in Cats While stress itself is not of behavioral origin, it can lead to a number of problems often considered behavioral, such as litter box avoidance or depression. When behavioral problems suddenly appear, savvy cat owners soon learn to first rule out signs of health problems, and next for stress factors, such as changes in the environment. Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior in Cats. Cats, like humans, can indulge in obsessive-compulsive behavior. In cats, OCD manifests in activities such as excessive

licking, fur-pulling, wool-sucking or feline hyperesthesia. Understanding the causes and eliminating physical problems can often lead to a speedy cure for undesirable behavior. Repetitive, relatively non-varying behavior patterns that appear to have no purpose can be described as obsessive-compulsive disorders. In cats, such behaviors include compulsive pacing, repetitive meowing (vocalizing), fabric sucking and chewing, or licking and pulling hair. The exact cause or causes of compulsive behavior in otherwise normal cats have not been identified. Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior in Cats this is when a cat exhibits abnormal, recurrent actions that are out of context with the situations in which they occur. The behavior becomes compulsive as the cat loses control over initiating or terminating it. The behavior is deemed excessive in duration, frequency, and intensity. The cat may be difficult to distract from the behavior and it may interfere with normal function. Shyness and Fear in Cats. Is your kitty a "Scairdycat?" Shyness and fear stem from a number of causes, but can be overcome with gentleness and patience, as these tips explain. It is always important to allow your cat to set his own pace, and to be patient if his pace is slower than you had hoped for. Cats, like people, come in all sorts of different personalities. Your cat may be shy by nature, and may never become the "lap cat" you envisioned. But with luck, love, and patience, she may enjoy sitting on your lap for short periods, from time to time. You'll find yourself enjoying those moments even more. What Causes Shyness in Cats? As with several other behavioral problems, shyness and fear can stem from a medical condition. It's always a good idea to have your cat checked by a veterinarian to rule out illness.

Cat Urine Problems. Inappropriate elimination (litter box avoidance) is the number one reason cats are surrendered to shelters. By eliminating physical causes, such as urinary tract infections, then targeting other common reasons for litter box avoidance, you can help your cat overcome this undesirable behavior. Remember that cats don't like to use a dirty toilet any more than you would. One of the top reasons for surrendering cats to animal shelters is for problems associated with spraying and/or urinating outside the litter box. We examine here the causes of spraying and peeing outside the box, how to combat litter box avoidance and urine spraying, and how to remove the stains and odor of cat urine from carpeting, bedding, and clothing. Cat care is one of the important issues for the cat owners. As the animals do not have sense of right and wrong so they cant understand what will be better for them or what can be harsh for them. That is why cat owners in fact pet owners had to take maximum care of their pets. Kitten care is the most important thing for the owner and normally requires some extra time than cat care. Buying a Charming cat is such a big deal that assures his buyer that he is not making waste of his money because cat as a pet provides an unmark able feeling of joy to its keeper. But this charm is permanent if we are taking good care of our cat as this cute pet is really very sensitive. Instead of diagnosing to our cat, we should take assurance from some veterinarian that our cat is not suffering from any disease. In same context, an expert veterinarian seems of great importance to any pet owner and he becomes more important if you are keeping feline as a pet.

Cat owners should try to choose a veterinarian who is interested in cats and seems expert to treat cats. The most extensive and dangerous infection causing disease of cats is pan leucopenia and is often called as cat distemper, or cat typhoid. Its inception is unexpected and severe, with symptoms like depression, fever, loss of hunger, and vomiting of yellow fluid. So every cat should be vaccinated to protect cats from this fatal disease. It is recommended to give first vaccination when cat is ten weeks old, and boosters should be given annually and periodically. Among many other common diseases in cats, Kidney diseases are considered to be very painful for cats. Sometimes such sort of diseases can be analyzed by observing cat urine. So sometimes many apparently healthy cats got small mineral crystal like particles in their urine. Though it is observed that such disease seems precaution to cat kidney diseases but reasons behind this situation are not yet fully understood, these crystals often join together to form sand like particles which may cause irritation or obstruction of the urinary passages. A urinary hindrance is a like dead emergency and must be treated immediately by a veterinarian. One of most dangerous and most ambiguous cat diseases is Cat Lyme disease. Cat claw Lyme disease is usually caused because of corkscrew-shaped Borrelia bacteria that love to occur inside Ixodes ticks. Ixodes ticks are mostly found in grasslands and commonly feed on grass eating animals like deer, sheep and horses, but they can also attach themselves to cats, dogs and humans. So this disease is equally dangerous for humans also.

Sometimes cats got victim of some unwanted parasites that love to feast on cats blood. We can easily judge this disease in cats by its very prominent symptoms like scratching of cat, and such cat scratching disease are quite painful and an ultimatum for beauty of your cats, so we should take care of them. Other important organ related diseases that can affect cats are cat mouth diseases, cat eye diseases and cat liver diseases. Though each of them keeps a long list under it but what ever disease your cat is suffering from, your quick and better response to that disease can keep your pet healthy and alive!

Normally very young kitten have to be taught the way of using bath, where to spend their maximum time, playing with ball and may other activities. Kitten care is also important because they usually havent gone through the experiences of different things and do not know the effect they could have, so owner have to stop them from doing anything like that. New born kitten care is bit easy as it knows nothing of the world and wont be able to do any dangerous activity by themselves, but they do require timely feedings and worm place to sleep in winters. For bit grown kitten care they should be given a small place to spend night, for this purpose baths are the best place as there are no laying wires to chew are anything with sharp edges, but remember to close your toilet b4 sending your cat in bath to spend night. In my point of view taking care of kitten is also very important because kitten will adapt that habits for permanently that you are trying to teach it and will take very small amount of time.

Cat health care is also responsibility of the owner of the cat. as owner of cat and spending some time with your cat you can easily understand any change in the behavior of the cat and can guess the matter behind that, when you realize the fact that your cat is having some health problem that you concern to cat health care centers for guidance and help. House cat care is bit easy when it is born and groomed at your home because it undergoes some instructions from the very first day and tries to avoid many things that can be harmful because it is guided to it since it was born. Whereas care for cats born and groomed out in streets is very difficult because it comes to new environment after spending a long time outdoor and they also require some training and extra care. Every cat lover can have cat care information from organizations providing free cat health care advice. Not only this there are many groups on different websites and complete websites are made only for this purpose from where you can find information about holistic cat health care, caring for cats, free care cat health advise us, care cat domestic health information regarding all cat health problems, community cat health care, article care cat health natural, advice care cat health and many other, may be one you are looking for. Cats health is one of the most important issues for the people who own cats as a pet. Cat health cannot be neglected in any prospect; it could be the physical problems that can be seen externally or it could be one of any other medical problems. As cat cannot express his feeling or problem in words and its physical problem can be seen by a naked human eye or any other medical problem can be judge by the owner of the cat

by the slight or great change in the behavior of the cat, but what if you are new with your cat and dont know much about his behavior and feeling some change in his behavior and some weakness in his activities, than you should concern to some maternity doctor for this purpose. Wait and see is worst policy that can be adopted by any cat owner in these conditions. There are many organizations made by the pet lovers working on the cat health issues. They are not only working locally but cat health issues are discussed globally. Anyone having problems related to cat health issues can easily access them and discuss cat health issues with them. As the number of cats owner and pet lovers are increasing the number of social workers working for cat health issues and other pets are increasing day by day. Cat owner can even reduce more of their complexity by giving some attention towards the cat health care is far better than treatment. If you are spending some time for cat health care can easily protect your cat from many problems especially getting physical hurt. Being a bit conscious and providing some time towards cat health care, will get your cat the minimum of chances that your cat can get any virus that can be responsible for any diseases of cat. A Dr. Dog pet supply cat and dog health care is from where you can get advises for your cat health. Asking cat health questions to the concern persons regularly about your cat health can guide you to protect your cat from many diseases. There are many forums working on cat health problems where you can post your cat health questions. Like you can ask them about cats Ear, Eye and Nose as if Why my cats eyes become cloudy? if you are observing some problem in his eyes or Is my cat deaf? if you fell that your cat is not responding on your call. You can even find answer to these questions. Cat owners can also get pet health insurance for cat that will

get them a bit of mental satisfaction and best of cat health care. Cat health insurance can also be taken for kitten health. You should care cat health insurance as it is matter of the health of your pet. You can get some good cat health information from different online forums and organizations like ad cat health and advice care cat free health. Having those good facilities of get good cat health care information you should not be careless about it, as it take small amount of time but provides a lot of protection to your cat. It is advisable for cat owners to bring their cats for a yearly checkup with the veterinarian to ensure that their cats are in good health. It is also beneficial for them to have a general knowledge of some cats health problems. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) are two immune system viruses that can infect your cat. FIV weakens the cats immune system and is transmitted through saliva. Symptoms of FIV may not surface for years till the final phase of the infection. For the time being, there is no known vaccine for this virus. FIV is not necessarily fatal but it weakens the cats ability to fight with infections and other illnesses. FeLV on the other hand, is one of the most common deadly viruses for cats. The good news is, FeLV is preventable with a vaccine and the number of death cases has decreased. Nonetheless, it is still best to keep your cat indoors to prevent it from catching any of these viruses. Worms are another health problem for cats. Tapeworms and ringworms are common parasites that infect cats. To keep your cat free from worms, do a weekly check on your cat for any fleas and ticks as fleas can transmit tapeworms. Generally, worms can be treated with medication from the veterinarian. One of the most common health problems for cats is hairballs. As it is cats nature to keep grooming themselves

by licking on their hair, sometimes the hair becomes a hairball and gets stuck in the digestive tract. There is cat food on the market that actually helps with preventing hairballs. You should groom your cat regularly to get rid of any loose hair on the body. Cats are also frequently affected with urinary tract infections. Unneutered male cats are particularly susceptible to this infection. Symptoms can include a strong urine smell or your cat suddenly failing to use the litter box. If your cat has a urinary tract infection, you should bring it to your veterinarian for treatment. Keep your cats indoors to keep them from getting into catfights, being attacked by other animals, or picking up infections. Most of the time, this is where viruses, infections and ticks are spread. If you bring your cats outdoors, be attentive to them and be sure they do not get into any hazardous situations. Finally, take your cat in for regular checkup with the veterinarian, and make sure he gets all the necessary vaccinations.

The popularity level of cats as pets has always been at the top. And now they are even becoming more popular household pets all over the world. Statistics showed that there are round about 100 million cats in the Western world and that number is increasing and increasing. You would think what is the reason that this is the case only with cats? (I am talking about popularity); actually cats are very cute pets and easily become an affectionate and devoted companion to its master. People love to have them especially women and children. It could not be said that cats are 100% domestic. It is questionable fact. History shows that human beings have bred cats to get the cats having specific and desired

characteristics. It is having a history of about more that 2,000 years. Each breed is having its own background history, special characteristics, temperament and size. If you want to have a cat and dont know or not sure about the breed which is perfect for you than for your information there are websites offering programs in which you inform them about your lifestyle and they select a cat perfect for you. These sites also contain information which is greatly useful for common people and cat breeders likewise. Globally there are more than hundred known breeds of domestic cat. All are having different features depending upon their specific region. These cats differ in their body types, coat types, eye colors, coat colors and length of coat. This includes naturally and un-naturally carefully bred cats. Different cats are having their different distinctive characteristics, energy level and exclusive personalities. They are long haired, short haired, solid colored, bi-colored, tri-colored, patch colored whatever you like or desire. Not all cat breeds are created equally in terms of being friendly and easy to get along with. In fact, some cats are known to be among the friendliest while others fall into the category of downright mean! There will always be a slight debate between cat owners due to the simple fact that even a breed that is thought to be in the friendly category can turn out to be hard to live with and vice a versa. A cats temperament is not always predetermined, as much of how a cat interacts with humans as well as other animals is a direct result of how it was raised. Here are the top 5 cat breeds thought to be among the friendliest and best to live with:

Maine Coon. Also known as the gentle giant, the Maine Coon cat breed is ideal to bring into almost any home. Full grown, these cats can reach up to 25 pounds, but its sweet-natured temperament makes up for the weight when it jumps up on your lap! With a tail that is bushy like a raccoon, its no wonder where its name came from. Although its fur is longer than a typical short haired cat, it doesnt mat or tangle like you would expect. Burmese. Not only is the Burmese cat breed among the top 5 friendliest, the breed is also known for being one of the more popular cats because of their loving nature. They are very outgoing and curious, and form strong bonds with their owners. Even when full grown, these cats display kitten-like characteristics. A short haired cat, their coat is quite silky or glossy, making them a favorite to pet and stroke. The Burmese cat breed comes in a variety of colors and can be surprisingly heavy despite their delicate appearance. Birman. The Birman is another cat breed that forms a strong bond with its owners and enjoys both giving and receiving attention. If you are looking for a cat that will actually come to greet you like a dog when you get home, then the Birman is the one for you! Considered a semi-long haired breed, they do require minimal grooming to avoid tangles. Other characteristics of these cats are their beauty; they are ideally suited to living indoors, and love to be around people. It would be rare for you to be in one room and the Birman breed to stay in another. Exotic Shorthair. People who love the look and sweet personality of the Persian, but who dont care to be a slave to daily brushing, will find the Exotic Shorthair a

perfectly friendly cat to add to the family. They are affectionate and loving towards people as well as other animals, and are known to be gentle and very tame. The Exotic Shorthair cat has a compact, rounded, powerfully-built body with a short, thick neck. Its large round eyes, short snub nose, sweet facial expression, and small ears give it an appearance that most people consider cute. Abyssinian. This breed of cat is also among the most popular cats to have as a member of the family, mainly because of their loyalty, desire to show affection and to please, and their intelligence. In addition to these features, the Abyssinian actually likes the water and can be excellent swimmers. They are usually not lap cats, as they are constantly checking out their surroundings and showing off their curious nature. This breed generally gets along well with other cats, but also requires its time alone in its own space. Why Cats are better than Dogs? It can start a war, end a marriage or strain a friendship. The truth about cats versus dogs is a hot-button debate that rages on, even if cat lovers know that their darlings swept to victory long ago. For cats, it's no contest: Their inspired playfulness and independent spirit are the secret envy of some humans, many of whom wish they could spend their own days batting at a catnip mouse and napping in the sun rather than tapping a computer keyboard. Even some die-hard dog lovers have inched toward the light of the feline side, drawn by their low-maintenance lifestyle and excellence as lap decorations. Why do cats best dogs? Here's a pawful of reasons:

Cats use a litter box. You dont have to get up at 6am to walk them in all types of weather. They also do not take much training in using a litter box as kittens. You just sit them in the litter box and they know what to do. Cats are independent. You can leave a cat alone for a few days and they will not be traumatized. Just make sure you leave enough dry food and water available to them. Cats wash themselves. While you may have to wash them very occasionally if they get into something dirty, cats do a good job of keeping themselves clean. Their self cleaning does lead to hairballs but there are hairballs. Cats are quieter. A cats meow is usually much quieter than a dogs bark. They will not wake you up in the middle of the night barking at anything that moves. Cats are more sophisticated looking than dogs. Cats are sleek and almost always attractive. They give off a regal air when they sit. Cats dont usually beg for food. They might not always be happy with the food they are given but they wont usually sit at the dining room table and beg for scraps. Cats purr. There is nothing like a cats purr to make you feel good. It has been proven that a cats purr can lower your blood pressure and your stress levels. There are also studies that suggest that cats use their purring to manipulate humans. Cats rub against you to show affection. They show affection by rubbing their heads against your legs or by giving you a gentle head butt. Cats dont expect to be taken for walks. Most cats will not tolerate being put on a leash and will not usually cooperate when you try to take them for a walk anyway.

Cats can live their entire lives indoors. While many people let their cats roam free, many others, especially in cities, keep their cats indoors at all times and the cats are perfectly happy and content.

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