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Modern Era: Part 1

I) Modern Era Different from other Eras 1) Industrial Revolution A) Begun in Great Britain B) Man Labor Mechanical Labor 2) French Revolution A) French Monarch overthrown B) Feudalism and Manorialism began to fade 3) PESTER - Huge increase in trade - New economic philosophy - Capitalism C) D) C) Coal Electricity Demographic and social inequalities increase New social and political system emerge

- New social classes - Slavery/Serfdom Decrease - Steam Engine

- Socialism II) French Revolution 1) Development of Modern Europe A) Scientific Revolution C) Agricultural Revolution B) The Enlightenment 2) The Phases A) The Moderate Phase (Republican) (a) 3rd estate over throws King Luis XVI and established a new democratic government - Tennis Court Oath - The Storming of the Bastille - New constitution / Declaration of the rights of man & citizen B) The Radical Phase (a) Is the threat of foreign invasion radicalize the revolution - Committee for Public Safety - Reign of terror creation of the gulietos C) The Directory Phase D) The Napoleonic Phase 3) Causes of the Phase A) This was a critical point in history. There was the downfall of powerful absolute monarchy, rise of the enlightenment govt.; anti-feudal; Led by the upper middle class (Bourgeoisie) B) Influence of the American revolution (democracy is possible) C) King Luis XVI is weak D) Profound social inequality , exploration of the 3rd estate E) Heavy taxation on the 3rd estate F) France indebt of wars and policies 4) National Assembly A) August Decrees Democratic legal reform (Abolish feudalism, Declaration of Right, church lands taken) B) Constitution of 1791 (a) A limited monarch (c) Tennis Court Oath (b) 3 Branches of government (Checks & Balances) 5) The Masses - National Assembly: Bourgeoisie - The masses: Peasants, women, san culottes

A) Great Fear masses go after the nobles C) Women march on Versailles (King under loose B) Storming of Bastille (symbolizes power) arrest) 6) Reign of Terror A) Domestic threats formal nobles and clergies plot to regain their power and privileges B) Foreign threats monarchs of Europe are very worried about the revolution spreading (a) Declaration of Pilate: war with Austin and Prussia 7) War against Prussian and Austin A) King Louis EVI is publicly executed B) Offer assistance to any other Europeans rebelling against their government. C) British, Spanish, Prussian and Austrians form alliance against France - From June 1793 July 1794, 20000-40000 people are killed on the guillotine; killed the queen Marie too. III) 1) 2) - Reign of terror ended with the execution of Robespierre (Famous chemist) Napoleon Bonaparte A soldier of the French revolution who spread liberal (enlightened) ideas across Europe Also a failure to the French revolution (a) Crowns himself emperor Napoleon I (c) Empowers family members (b) Takes right away from women Visionary military leaders (a) Tactical excellence (artillery) (c) Uses a volunteer army (b) Meritocratic advancement in professional army (d) Leader ship skills (beloved by soldiers) Military success (a) Frances borders are enlarged (b) Only a few of the major states were free from French power like Britain Affected Historical development (a) Invasion of Spain (peninsular War); Latin (d) Discovery of the Rosetta stone America revolts being (e) Sells the US the Louisiana Territory (b) Birth of guerilla warfare (f) Rise of the US (c) Egyptology is founded during the invasion (g) Propagandas used for media purposes PESTER (a) National Bank of France - Professional economist (b) National Public education - Universities IV) After Napoleon War 1) His empire collapsed - The rise of nationalism in occupied lands - British naval superioty - Technical schools





- Overreach (empire was too ambitious - Disastrous invasion of Russia

- Guerilla Warfare was in Spain 2) 100 Days: After Napoleon was kicked out of franc to an island off the coast of Italy; he comes back known as the 100 days when napoleon tries to take over again but is sent to an island off the coast of Madagascar. 3) Congress of Vienna (a) Wants to turn back the clock - Restore peace and order (choosing not to execute napoleon) - 2nd treaty of Paris created (very harsh) - Liberals (pro-French revolution ) vs. Conservative (anti these changes)

- Form a military alliance which would crush any new revolution - Re-Draw the borders created by Napoleon - Restore the over thrown monarchs to power (Spain/Austria/Prussia/France) 4) Nationalist wars and Unification movements A) Italy and Germany are centripetal C) More liberal movements B) Big empires like Ottomans begin to break down 5) Napoleonic Code (feudalism is killed) 6) Provokes conservative reactions V) Latin America 1) Liberation of Europes American colonies 2) Haiti is 2nd in the revolution 3) External effects of French Revolution A) The Peninsular War (a) Opportunity to rebel as the army leaves (b) Jonita Phase (self-rule) America (c) King overthrown B) Institution and ideas of democracy 4) Internal (Latin America) effects A) Wide spread availability of guns B) Economic decline in the colonies (rise of Creole power) C) Inequality of Casta system 5) Creoles A) They dominate the government, economics, societies of the newly independent states since the Latin America Revolution B) Simon Bolivar serves as President of several countries C) Father Miguel Hidalgo leader of Mexico D) The caudillos are powerful land owners that holds power 6) Liberals support - Constitution / laws of individual rights - Abolishes slavery and empowers lower classes 7) Conservatives leaded to supports - Powerful central govt - Strong catholic power - Keep creoles in power VI) Revolutions 1) States of Latin America were ruled by both Liberal and conservatives leaders who struggle for power throughout the 1800s A) Mexico: Brief rule by the French but the nationalism revolts; Diaz president of Mexico B) Brazil: the royal family of Portugal family fled to Brazil for protection. After the peninsular war they came back to Portugal but left their son to stay in Brazil to rule the land. C) Argentina: Oligarchy is challenged 2) Continuities A) Patriarchy B) Racial inequality (a) People of European decent still holds power, slaves still are discriminated C) Trade and agriculture remain the domain economic activities D) Land Owners hold power E) Catholic Church is still very powerful - More secular state and education

3) Changes A) Rise of the US (a) Monroe Doctrine (c) Mexican American War (b) Panama Canal (d) Spanish American War B) Change in key crops for trade since there are sugar beets in the old world. Coffee and beef are the new important crops. C) Abolishment of slavery D) Expansion of education (wealthy women) E) Population increase F) New political and economic systems REVIEW NOTES Hulagu Khan: Mongol; Chengis khans grandson; destroyed the Abbasid caliphate, rules Baghdad and Persia Iron helped Sumerians conquer and create a civilization Simon Bolivia: President of multiple countries in Latin America In Americas: no colonies, new social hierarchy, no slavery, patriarch, power in the church French Revolution: infamous technology (guillotine) 3 Technologies created by the Sumerians: wheel, bronze weapons, cuneiforms 3 Golden Ages: Pax Romana, Gupta Empire, Han Era Twin Events of Modern Era: Industrial Revolution, French Revolution 3 Long term effects of Neolithic resolution, emergence of civilization, world population goes up, sophistication in technology Abu Bakr: First caliph 3 Technologies that helped the Romans: Aqueducts, roads, military Devsaray System: Taking Christians turning them into Muslims for the janissary system Bureaucracy: a system of divided power among other branches who report back to the centralized govt Sunjata Kita: Founder of Malian Empire

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