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Evans 1

French Revolution 1789-1799 Potato famine 1845-1852 (Little immigration change during the mid 1800s) Nativists start the KnowNothing party. Anti immigration. Short term success because they fell apart during the Civil War Civil War 1861-1865 Start of Chinese Exclusion Acts. Started because of the Chinese Exclusion League, labor, S. Dem, Cali Rep. Restriction successful because: Cali votes were important, no chines voting block, international relations with china were weak, racism.


What was it?

Restrictive or Expansive? NA


Naturalization Act

No restriction on immigration, established nationalized citizen


Burlingame Treaty Agreement with Chinese to promote immigration to the US (short lived). But since they didnt have a strong military, the US resisted. Proimmigration groups changed little. Page [Immigration]Act Chinese Exclusion Act Alien Contract Labor Law American Federation of Labor American Protective Association (APA) Scott Act 1st federal immigration act. Prohibited the immigration of immigrants who were undesirable. This included Asians, Cheap contract labor and immoral women. Gave the US the right to suspend Chinese immigration. Prohibits importation of immigrants for contract labor First labor union. Were worried that immigrants would drive wages down.


1882 1885 1886



Claimed it was bad for americans to get the undesirable immigrants. Rep changes support later because they didnt want to seem controlled by the APA. Chines cant return unless they are: government ofcial, teacher, student, or traveler.

1889: 1st Chines exclusion case.


Evans 2



What was it?

Restrictive or Expansive? R

Immigration federalized. Limited nativists. Progressive era extended the restrictive move Social darwinism preference on white immigrants Key factor leading up to Quota Laws Professional Expertise, got their info from APA. Not much impact Rise of Progressive Era Pre-WW2 Resistance to Lit tests and opening to experts Select committee was different because: emphasis on civil rights,


Immigration Act

Commissioner of the Treasury department established and Ellis Island. Makes immigration regulation controlled at federal level, authorize states to enforce federal legislation. Required all Chinese to carry resident permit, punishment was deportation. Opposed undesirable immigrants from S and E europe. They felt they threatened the american way of life. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization established, some knowledge of english is now required Pressure from Nativist groups to study the origins/ consequences of recent immigration. Concluded that immigration from the S and E Europe posed a threat to American culture and should be reduced. US would not impose restrictions on Japanese immigrants and Japan would not allow further emigration to the US. Bars Asians, literacy test required Required to have a visa from a consulate Quotas placed on immigrants depending on where their country of origin to 3% of poulation. According to 1910 census.

1892 1894

Geary Act Immigration Restriction League Naturalization Act Dillingham Commission (Immigration Act) Gentlemen's Agreement Immigration Act Passport Control Act National Quota Law


1906 1907



Gomper supports literacy test.

1917 1918 1921


Evans 3



What was it?

Restrictive or Expansive? R R R

1st Red Scare

1924 1924 1924 1933

National Origins Act

Aimed to freeze the current ethnic distribution. A response to rising immigrants from South and Eastern Europe. Based on 1890 act.

Great Depression Starts...until 1940s

Reed-Johnson Act Gradual Japanese exclusion. Only allowed 2% of population from original country to enter. Quota Act Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) Immigration Act European immigrants need entry visa and had to pass inspection at country of origin. manage immigration in the USA

New Deal, focus on improving our country Refugee Committees start..until 1950s WW2 Starts.


INS transferred from Labor to Justice as national security measure



Chinese Exclusion Act Repealed Bracero Program Displaced Persons Act McCarran-Walter Bill (Act)

Chinese already in the country could become naturalized citizens.

1943 1948

Guest workers from Mexico. Diplomatic agreement for the importation of temporary laborers from Mexico to the USA. Authorize admission into the US of certain European displaced persons permanent residence. Refugee relief and refugee-escape act. Liberalized Immigration from Asia, but gave the federal government the power to deport illegal immigrants suspected for war crimes. Gave preference to immigrants that had skills.


Foreign policy: refugees with communist backgrounds were more likely to be allowed in.



Evans 4

After Nazis used social Darwinism to validate genocide, no longer a good theory. Shift in immigration from Europe to Asia and Latin America


What was it?

Restrictive or Expansive? E E E

1965 1966 1975

Hart-Cellar Act Cuban Refugee Act Indochina Refugee Act FAIR Refugee Act Plyler V. Doe National Immigration Forum (NIF) Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) Immigration Act

Eliminated quotas based on country of origin. Gave preference to those that had US relatives. Gave Cuban nationals who entered/ were already here US legal status. Refugees from S. Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were allowed to enter the USA Under a specic Status. Special resettlement aid and nancial assistance given. Organization advocating changes in the US immigration policy, would result in reductions in immigration. Created to provide permanent procedure for the admission of refugees. To provide them with provisions and resettlement. S.Court struck down state statute to deny funding for education of illegal immigrant child. (Texas) Immigration rights organization. Publishes studies, lobbies in congress. Urges comprehensive immigration reform. Granted citizenship to illegal immigrants that had been in the USA since before 1982. But made it a crime to hire illegal immigrants.

Preference for family reunication, skilled workers, and those eeing communist regions. New restrictionists no longer focused on Darwinism. Focused more on population growth and environmental degradation.

1979 1980 1982 1982




Support for family reunication, increase employment based visa

Evans 5



What was it?

Restrictive or Expansive? R

Impacted immigrant electoral politics because some people wanted it and some did not (economical or discriminatory)

California Prop. 187 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Initiative to establish screening system to prohibit illegal aliens from using health care, public education, and other social services. Killed Pete Wilsons campaign. 1st time a state passed immigration legislation. Work force development program to welfare legislation to encourage employment among the poor. Was believed to reduce immigration because the immigrants were coming for the weal fair. Funds were restricted to immigrants.



Illegal Immigration Made changes to asylum law, detention, crime based immigration, and Reform and immigration relief. Limited access of benets Immigration Responsibility Act Ofce of Homeland Security Headed by Tom Ridge. Created in response to the 9/11 attacks. Primary responsibility it to protect the USA.

9/11: general crack downs on immigration

INS broke down into CBP, ICE, USCIS, DHS

Department of Homeland Security (Act)

Slowed down immigration policy and outcomes because it creates the perception of hostility. Created to consolidate US executive branch organizations related to homeland security. 22 agencies were incorporated into the new department.

-Customer service: Fail -Immigration: some what Successful -Bureaucratic: Fail

Evans 6



What was it?

Restrictive or Expansive? R/E

Demise: party division, Bush had low appeal ratings, lengthy us policy process, conicting economic interests. Senate Judiciary Committee wanted to avoid outside impact, closed door negotiations Looked at Plyler v. Doe for argument


Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Cornyn-Kyl (suggested restrictive bill focussed on border security), McCain and Kennedy and Hagel Proposal (pushed for path to citizenship and amnesty) and Arlan Specter (committee chair). Later legislated to give a path to citizenship to millions in the US and would increase border security. Provide conditional permanent residency to certain illegal aliens of good moral character (who graduated hight school, served in the military, or arrived as minors.)


Dream Act

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