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`Aim The future holds a computing environment characterized by embedded and pervasive computing and networking that will

benefit society worldwide, not just the curr ent state in which computers and networks are proliferating widely The primary goal of the AKARI Project is to design a network of the future. The AKARI Project aims to build technologies for new generation network by 2015, dev eloping a network architecture and creating a network design based on that archi tecture. Our philosophy is to pursue an ideal solution by researching new networ k architectures from a clean slate without being impeded by existing constraints . Once these new network architectures are designed, the issue of migration from today's conditions can be considered using these design principles. Our goal is to create an overarching design of what the entire future network should be. To accomplish this vision of a future network embedded as part of societal infrast ructure, each fundamental technology or sub-architecture must be selected and th e overall design simplified through integration The AKARI Architecture Design Project was launched three years ago. A conceptual design was created in the first year, and this design was improved and parts of it were developed in further detail in the second year. In the third and fourth years, prototypes will be developed, evaluated, and verified to indicate the va lidity of the concepts. Societal Considerations and Design Requirements of the New Generation Network Er a As a process to embody the new generation network, we first derive requirements for the new generation network from Japan s emerging issues (social perspective), issues in achieving a future knowledge-society (fu ture perspective), and respect for diversity and new cooperation (inclusion pers pective). Social Issues: (a) Energy Issues (b) Natural Disasters (c) Medical Care (d) Food Issues (e) Crime Prevention Issues (f) Accident Issues (g) Domestic Regional Disparities (h) Aging Society with Fewer Children (i) International Economic Disparity (j) Education, Recurrent Education (k) Cyber Security Future Social Outlook: (a) Cultural/ Lifestyle Diversity (b) Media Convergence

(c) Knowledge-Society (d) e-Government/ e-Democracy (e) New Entertainment (f) Frontier Fields Design principles. 1) Large capacity. Increased speed and capacity are required to satisfy future t raffic needs, which are estimated to be approximately 1000 times current require ments in 13 years. (2) Scalability. The devices that are connected to diverse, ranging from high-performance servers to ugh little traffic is generated by a small device, , and this will affect the number of addresses and the network will be extremely single-function sensors.Altho their number will be enormous states in the network.

(3) Openness. The network must be open and able to support appropriate principle s of competition. (4) Robustness. High availability is crucial because the network is relied on fo r important services such as medical care, traffic light control and other vehic le traffic services, and bulletins during emergencies. (5) Safety. The architecture must be able to authenticate all wired and wireless connections. It also must be designed so that it can exhibit safety and robustn ess according to its conditions during a disaster. (6) Diversity. The network must be designed and evaluated based on diverse commu nication requirements without assuming specific applications or usage trends. (7) Ubiquity. To implement pervasive development worldwide, a recycling-oriented society must be built. A network for comprehensively monitoring the global envi ronment from various viewpoints is indispensable for accomplishing this. (8) Integration and simplification. The design must be simplified by integrating selected common parts, not by just packing together an assortment of various fu nctions. Simplification increases reliability and facilitates subsequent extensi ons. (9) Network model. To enable the information network to continue to be a foundat ion of society, the network architecture must have a design that includes a busi nesscost model so that appropriate economic incentives can be offered to service providers and businesses in the communications industry. (10) Electric power nsumption continues electrical power of of the future must conservation. As network performance increases, its power co to grow, and as things stand now, a router will require the a small-scale power plant. The information-networked society be more Earth friendly.

(11) Extendibility. The network must be sustainable. In other words, it must hav e enough flexibility to enable the network to be extended as society develops.

Basic Design Principles for a New Generation Network Architecture (1) Crystal Synthesis

As the history of Internet development shows, network complexity increases with time since network uses become more diverse and new inconsistent functions are a dded. Therefore, the design must incorporate "crystal synthesis," a kind of simp lification of technologies to reduce complexity even when integrating functions. KISS (keep it simple and stupid) is one of the design principles for the conventio nal Internet architecture. This kind of principle is essential to avoid the situ ation that we make networks more complicated without giving careful consideratio ns. However, we never think that networks are stupid things as in the convention al definition of KISS and thus revise it to KIS* , where * includes terms such as s calable, sustainable, sophisticated, smart, secure, etc.) When we design the new generation network ar chitecture, we adopt the following principles in order to consider KIS* and stick to the crystal synthesis. Selection, Integration and Simplification: When selecting from among many techno logies and integrating them in order to enable diverse uses, simplification is the most important principle. These princ iples are applicable to networks which will be a part of society in order to enh ance diversity, scalability and reliability. Common Layer:In a network model with a layer structure, each layer's independenc e is maintained. Each layer is designed independently and its functions are exte nded independently. An example is IP, which is in charge of the network layer, a nd Ethernet, which is in charge of the data link layer. The functions of each pr otocol exist independently, and redundancy occurs in the functions because of ex tensions. If we assume that the network layer exists as a common layer, other la yers need not have the functions that are implemented in that common layer. One of the reasons for the success of the Internet is that the IP layer is a common layer. Therefore, we concluded that the design of the new generation network arc hitecture will have a common layer and will eliminate redundant functions in oth er layers to degenerate functions in multiple layers. End-to-End: A basic principle of Internet architecture is that a network should not be constructed based on a specific application or with the support of a spec ific application as its objective. We intend to create a new generation network which can have a role on generating new and various application services, enhanc ing security functions, supporting social activities and facilitating growths. C onstruction of simple networks is the first step. In order to simplify networks, a design guideline not to install excessive functions within networks is import ant in order not to restrict generation of new services and yield the situation that each system interferes with each other. Thus, the end-to-end argument is im portant for new generation networks. In new generation networks, various type of information devices such as PC, serv er, mobile terminals, sensors, tags (e.g. RFID), car devices (e.g. car navigatio n system) and home devices will be connected to networks. We need to design a ne w generation network architecture in which end systems are not interfered with e ach other by clarifying the definition of end of various systems from the viewpoin ts of not only end-to-end argument to keep interconnections at the network layer but also the o ne at the application layer. (2) Reality Connection principle Problem of Internet is generated by having distance between network entities and real society. And once dividing entities from original structure identify for a ny purpose and restructure these is needed. Mapping between entities, authentica tion, and traceability keeping principle are needed. And, once dividing of entit ies having original identification structure for objects and restructuring these

is needed. Split physical structure and logical structure: It is important for new generati on network architecture to manage independently logical structures. It is the gr ope of the separation method about addressing. New host's connection styles appear. For example, mobility and multi-homing. And various problems are caused by one addressing system is applied to some address structures.The architecture that permits various systemizations of logical addr ess spaces is important for effectively using physical network. However, logical spaces should be combined by appropriate mapping system for removing disjunctio n between logical address spaces. Furthermore, the substance of people and the t erminal in the real world the logical space made for convenience must be combine d. Bi-directional authentication: New generation network must be designed that has a method of dual directional authentication. A nd, information of authentication has to be controllable by the information owne rs. Traceability:NWGN have to be traceable for saving on damages from attacks. Trace ability is appended when addressing, routing, and transport layer are designed t hat is principle. Moreover, the system have to be traceable from application to real world for saving on damage of SPAMs. (3)Sustainable and Evolutionary principle The new generation network architecture must be designed as a sustainable networ k that can evolve and develop in response to changing requirements. It is import ant for the network to have a simple structure and for service diversity to be e nsured in end or edge nodes. To accomplish this, the following network control o r design methods must be followed to enable a sustainable network to be continuo usly developed over 50 or 100 years. Self-* properties: The new generation network should be self-emergent. For this purpose, many functions are required to enable the network to manage itself with out much involvement of network administrators.Also, the new generation network has to be adaptable to the new network environment supporting unknown applicatio ns of the future. In addition, it is necessary to organize the whole network to adapt to any environmental changes. In the future, the network must be designed so that the distributed orientation is further advanced and individual entities operate in a self-distributed manner and that intended controls are imp lemented overall. In other words, a self-organizing network must be designed. Th e network must be designed having an adaptable control structure for upper and l ower layer states without completely dividing the hierarchy as is traditionally done. In other words, a self-emergent network must be designed. Scalable, distributed controls: To sufficiently scale controls even in large-sca le or topologically varying networks, it is important to introduce self-organizi ng controls or pursue autonomous actions at each node. Robust large-scale network: As the scale or complexity of a system increases, mu ltiple simultaneous break-downs normally occur, rather than single independent f ailures. In addition, the factors in which software bugs are introduced are larg er and human error is more likely to occur when managing operation. The new gene ration network architecture must be designed to handle simultaneous or serious f ailures that may occur. Controls for a topologically fluctuating network: In a mobile network or P2P net work, communication devices are frequently created, eliminated, or moved. It is essential for mobility to be taken into consideration when designing a network.

For example, when the topology frequently changes, controls for finding resource s on demand are more effective than controls for maintaining routes or addresses . However, since the overhead for on-demand control is high, it is important to enable routing to be implemented according to changing conditions. Controls based on real-time traffic measurement: Failures become more commonplac e as the scale of a network increases. As a result, precision-optimized real-tim e traffic measurements over the time scale required for control are important, a nd these must be applied to routing. Also, to pursue more autonomous actions in end hosts, it is important to actually measure or estimate the network status in real time. Openness: Providing openness to users to facilitate the creation of new applicat ions is also important to the network. Network Architecture Design Based on an Integration of Science and Technology To build a new generation network architecture, twork architecture by integrating technological ntific) techniques. Setting up the architecture ies that were obtained by scientific methods is truction. Specifically, the following procedure it is important to design the ne techniques and theoretical (scie technologically based on propert the essence of architecture cons is required.

(1) One architecture that can be entirely optimized and can flexibly adopt new f unctions is constructed. (2) Then, to refine that architecture, a model is created based on network scien ce, and its system properties are discovered according to mathematical analysis or actual inspections. (3) Specific methods for achieving further global optimization (such as moderate interactions between layers or moderate interactions between different modules in the same layer) are created and new functions are adopted. This causes the ne twork system to grow. (4) The entire process in which new properties for that system are discovered fr om a scientific standpoint and new technologies are adopted is repeatedly execut ed. In other words, network development can be promoted through a feedback loop cont aining repeated scientific and technological processes. Network science provides basic theories and methodologies for network architectu res. However, the network system itself must be nderstood. New discoveries or pr inciples can be obtained and system limitations can be learned by understanding system behavior through basic theories and methodologies. These theories and met hodologies can also help clarify what makes good protocols or control mechanisms . When a network architecture is designed through network science research, whethe r or not the architecture is truly useful is clarified and implementation is pro moted based on the following five criteria. (1) Has a new design policy been developed? (2) Has a new communication method been implemented? (3) Was a new abstraction, model, or tool conceived?

(4) Were results commercialized and accepted by the user community? (5) Were solutions given for real-world problems?

Basic Configuration of the New Architecture The following components of the new generation network architecture can be infer red based on our design principles. (1) Optical packet switching and optical paths: Describes the possibility of uti lizing packet switching technologies that make use of the broadband nature of op tical technology and explains methods which are required when integrating switch ing principles having the different requirements for various service provisions. (2) Optical access: Describes New Generation FTTH concepts that are higher-speed and more useful for providing various services than those used at present. (3) Wireless access: Describes New Generation wireless communication technologie s and wireless network configurations that will exist in the environment where u sers can be surrounded by various sensors or personal communication devices. (4) PDMA: Describes a paradigm for mobile wireless communications that is adapte d to the communication characteristics of a packet network and in which cell des ign and channel assignment are unnecessary. (5) Transport layer control: Describes prospects for universal support, migratio n scenarios, and fairness of transport layer control and introduces a selforgani zing control-type TCP as an engineering implementation example based on a scient ific foundation. (6) Identifier/locator split internetworking architecture: Proposes an architect ure for simplifying mobile communications or multi-homing, protecting privacy, a nd constructing a scalable network. (7) Layering: Proposes a cross-layer architecture for exchanging control informa tion among layers not limited to adjacent layers. (8) Security: Describes distributed management security. (9) QoS routing: Describes the importance of routing from a user perspective and proposes scalable QoS routing for achieving the total optimization. (10) Robustness control: Describes a self-organizing approach for implementing s calability and adaptability for variations in the communication environment, inc luding failures. (11) Overlay network: Describes new possibilities having a framework for a new g eneration such as user controllability or sustainable network implementation. (12) Network virtualization: Describes a framework for promoting architecture de sign, principles of competition, and sustainable evolution. (13) Application Infrastructure: Data management infrastructure is a common plat form for providing various applications, and it is particularly a remarkable fun ctional requirement of the new generation network.

Proposal of New Generation Network Architecture We present the following five different network sub-architectures, each of which has its own goals. Model A: An integrated architecture based on layered model with cross-layer coll aboration. This model shows a new layered architecture from the physical layer through the application layer in which a new layer is added and the control plane is separat ed from the data plane in order to support future diverse applications. Model B: An architecture that reduces duplicated functions in lower (i.e., netwo

rk layer or below) and simplifies the layered model. This model is a proposal in which the current Internet is redesigned from the vi ewpoint of the clean slate approach. Main targets layers are from the physical l ayer to the network layer. Model C: An architecture for QoS guaranteed and multicasting. This model is a proposal for realizing QoS support and multicast by redesigning the transport layer. Model D: An architecture for connecting heterogeneous devices and networks This model is a proposal of functions for connecting future diverse devices to t he NWGN. The network and transport layers are the main concern of this model. Model E: An mobile access architecture for sensor-information distribution and r egional/individual adaptive services. This model is a proposal of an access network architecture that provides intelli gence to the access networks for service platform realization. If a network that includes all of the network sub-architectures presented become s a blueprint of the NWGN, there may be some inconsistency among the proposals. Our future work is to identify those inconsistencies and avoid them in the whole architecture of the NWGN.

Summary AKARI Architecture Conceptual Design Document is the first step towards the impl ementation of a new generation network architecture. It includes societal requir ements, future basic technologies, design principles for designing a network arc hitecture based on those requirements and technologies, and conceptual design ex amples of several key parts based on those design principles. Our approach is to concentrate our efforts on designing a new generation network while using testb eds to evaluate the quality of those designs experimentally. The most important goals of our efforts are design principles for an architecture that is comprehen sively optimized and stabilized. However, until the final design is omplete, eve n these design principles are not fixed, but can change according to feedback th rough the design and evaluation process. The network architecture is positioned between the top-down demands of solving s ocietal problems and the bottom-up conditions of future available component tech nologies. Its role is to maximize the quality of life for the entire networked s ociety and to provide it with sustainable stability. A new sustainable design mu st support human development for 50 or 100 years, not just 2 or 3 decades as it functions as the nformation infrastructure underlying our society. This new arch itecture must avoid the same dangers confronting the current Internet.

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