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ILMU KELAUTAN Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences

ISSN 0853-7291

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences (IJMS) is dedicated to publish highest quality research KELAUTAN papers and review on all aspects of coastal management, marine biology, marine conservation, marine culture, marine geology and oceanography which has not been previously published (either in whole or in part), and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts could be written either in English or in Indonesia, but we are strongly encourage authors to write in English. The manuscripts should be submitted solely to ILMU KELAUTAN. ILMU KELAUTAN uses blind reviewing system by at least two reviewers. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION Manuscript should present an original and important findings of research in marine related sciences. Only limited number of review paper which has significant contribution will be published.

Instruction to Authors

ILMU KELAUTAN Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences

ISSN 0853-7291

Manuscript Format Manuscript should be written in 11 point Arial font double space in A4 paper with 3 cm left margin and 2 cm for other three margins. Page numbers should be located at the bottom right of each page. Figures and Tables are put at the end of the manuscript (after the references). Total length of the manuscript approximately 15 pages. For soft copies, we only accept in microsoft word saved in virus free file. Manuscript should be written in the following order ie. TITLE, Author(s) full name; Author(s) full address; Correspondence author data: phone, fax, and E-mail; Running title; Abstract; Key words; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; CONCLUSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; REFERENCES; Figures and the Figure Titles; Table and Table Titles. For manuscript written in Bahasa Indonesia should follow similar arrangement. TITLE Title should be concies and as informative as possible (not to exceed two lines). Authors should also give a running title, i.e. short title which will be put in the bottom of each pages of the paper. Authors Data Author(s)s full name (no abbreviation) and author full address, complete with postcode as well as phone/fax and email address. Abstract Abstract should be no more than 2000 characters, including spaces, to summarize the principal points of the study and therefore must be meaningful without reference to the body of the paper. It contains short sentences of introduction, methods, important findings, conclusion and implications. The abstract does not contain references, figures, tables, abbreviation, or acronym. Please also provide abstract in Bahasa Indonesia. For authors who do not speak Bahasa Indonesia, we will help to translate the abstract. Key words: 5-8 words which have to be closely related to the research INTRODUCTION Introduction should provide sufficient background information of the research to evaluate the results of the research, but an extensive review of the literature is not needed and in general, no exceed one typed page. The introduction also gives the rationale for and objectives of the study that is being reported and their relationship to earlier work in the field AND MATERIALS AND METHODS In this section, author(s) should provide sufficient information to allow another qualified researcher to repeat the experiments that are described in the paper. If the method is categorised as new procedures or refers to published paper which was not readily available for most readers, details metodology should be provided. If any modification being made, then it should be described clearly. Previously published procedures should be cited. The authors should also mentioned scientific name, number of samples and the location of sampling. Sources (company, city, state, or country) of unusual chemicals, bacterial strains, reagents, and equipment must be clearly stated. For those who work with satelite images, please also provide collected ground check data. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results and discussion should not be separated. State the obtained results based on the used methods. Avoid presentation of raw data as well as double presentation (e.g. table and graph). Every means value of the data should be given standard deviation. All data given in result should be presented in the tables or graph, although some results may be given solely in the text. Discussion can be done by comparing results/data reported with other research results previously published. Focused on the interpretation of the results rather than a repetition of the results/data. Similarities, differences, and the uniqueness of the findings should be highlited. CONCLUSION Based on the findings and discussion, conslusion should be clearly stated. It should be written as paragraph, not as a list.
Instruction to Authors

ILMU KELAUTAN Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences

ISSN 0853-7291

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In this section, author(s) should mention the grant source (Institution as well as year of the contract) and the person to whom the grant was given. Acknowledgement shoud also be given to those (individual/company/institution) who has contributed to the study especially in establishing research design, acquisition of data, supplying documents/photographs or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content. If the contribution of an individual quite significant, then he/she should be put as one of the author. Please refer to author(s) contribution form. REFERENCES. REFERENCES References only list the published or accepted material for publication. Accepted article(s) but not yet published should be sent as manuscript appendix. Refering website, personal communications, unpublished data should be incorporated in the text in parentheses. Personal communication need to be written with the initials surname of the source accompanied with the year of the statement, e.g., (Hoegh-Guldberg, 2011, personal communication). Authors should provide proof(s) of the communication such as email, etc. References should be listed alphabetically by the last names of the authors. In the case of several authors have same name, references should be listed chronologically. Only the first authors name and initials are inverted. Journal names are italicized and abbreviated according to those commonly used in international journal (see ISI journal abbreviation). In the text it should be referred by the name(s) of the first author followed by the year of publication in parentheses, using the following format: (Hartati and Widianingsih, 2011) or Suryono and Riniatsih (2011). When there are more than two authors, use the first authors name followed by et al. (written in italics). When several references are put in the same parentheses, it should be typed from the oldest year (Rochaddi and Zainuri, 2005; Pringgenies and Yusuf, 2008; Munasik and Trianto, 2010; Suwartimah et al., 2011). If the references have the same year, they should be listed alphabetically. If the references have the same author(s) and the same year, they should be listed by giving a lowercase a, b, c, etc. after the year of publication. The reference list should follow these styles: Journal article Craig, J.S., P.H. Barber, Ambariyanto, & A.C. Baker. 2010. The Recovery of Coral Genetic Diversity on Krakatau. Coral Reefs, 29:547565 Book Nei, M. & S. Kumar. 2000. Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics. Oxford University Press. 333 pp. Chapter in a book Waldman, J.R. & I. Wirgin. 1994. Use of DNA Analysies in the Management of Natural Fish Populations. In: Garte, S.J. (Ed). Molecular envirenmental Biology. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton. Florida. p: 29-64. Book by editor(s) Garte, S.J. (Ed). 2000. Molecular envirenmental Biology. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton. Florida. 256 pp. Thesis or dissertation Zulpikar, F. 2010. Aktivitas Peptida Antibakteri dari Hemocyte Kerang Hijau (Perna viridis) Terhadap Vibrio alginoliticus dan Streptococcus iniae. Thesis. Diponegoro Univerisity. Semarang. 132 pp. Publication with no identifiable author or editor Anonymous. 2011. Real decree 3-484/2000 (12 January 2001) on the hygiene of ready-to-eat foods. BOE no. 11. Boletn Oficial de Estado, Madrid, Spain. Article from Internet Refering to web page(s), it should include author, date, title, availability information, and accession date. For example: Choi, C.Q. 2008. Giant Clams Fed Early Humans. Available at: Accessed 9 February 2012.

Instruction to Authors

ILMU KELAUTAN Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences

ISSN 0853-7291

Conference Proceedings: Conference Wijayanti, D.P., E. Indrayanti & C.A. Suryono. 2011. Kajian konektivitas genetika antar terumbu sebagai dasar perencanaan kawasan restorasi karang dalam upaya mengahadapi global warming. Anonymous (Ed.) Simposium Nasional Penelitian Perubahan Iklim. Semarang, 26 Juli 2011. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Universitas Diponegoro. p: 15-20. TABLES Tables should be prepared in word (.doc file). The legend of the table should be brief with enough information needed. It should be self-explain so that its understandable without extensive reference to the text. Each column in a table must have a heading, and abbreviations, when necessary, should be defined in the legend. Use no vertical lines, but onle three horizontal line ie. under the title, under the box heads, and at the bottom. Give standard deviation to every mean value. Numbers and legend of the table should be written in 9 point Arial font. Data presented in tables must not be repeated in figures. FIGURES FIGURES Maximum width of figures should not exceeded 100 mm. Figures or photographs should be in very good quality (at least 300 dpi) and ready to print. In the case of figures containing multiple components (for example Figure 1A, 1B, 1C, etc.) should be mounted together. Each number should be put on the upper-right corner of the page. Black and white photographs should be clear and contrast enough to provide neccessary information to the readers. Figures and photographs can be printed in color, but there is an additional cost to the author. Color quotes will be provided after acceptance of the manuscript. Numbers and legend are written in 9 point Arial font. Measurement scale should be given to photographs and arrows should be given to point certain objects. Images should be prepared in JPG format. Clear credit should be given to the photographer. Statistical graphs should give standard deviation for mean value. Data presented in figures must not be repeated in tables. COMMON ABBREVIATIONS Frequently used acceptable abbreviations are given below. For further details on abbreviations, see the current edition of the ASM Style Manual.
ngstrm, atmosphere, atm base pairs, bp British thermal unit, BTU calorie, cal centimeter, cm CFU (never spelled out: colony-forming units) cubic centimeter, cm3 day (no abbreviation) degree Celsius, C degree Fahrenheit, F diameter, diam enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA equivalent weight, equiv wt fluid ounce, fl oz foot (feet), ft gallon, gal gram, g gravity, g hour(s), h inch, in. international unit, IU intramuscular, i.m. intraperitoneal, i.p. intravenous, i.v. kilocalorie, kcal kilogram, kg lux, lx meter, m microequivalent, eq microgram, g microliter, l micrometer, m micromole, mol milliequivalent, meq milligram, mg milliliter, ml millimeter, mm millimolar, mM minute(s), min molar, M mole, mol most probable number, MPN nanometer, nm normal, N number, no. parts per billion, ppb parts per million, ppm percent, % PCR (never spelled out: polymerase chain reaction) pound, lb pounds per square inch, lb in2 revolutions per minute, rpm second, s species (singular), sp. species (plural), spp. specific activity, sp. act UV (never spelled out: ultraviolet) volume, vol weight, wt

Proofs Proofs will be sent by Fax/E-mail to the correspondence author and are expected to proofread the article carefully. The corrected proof should be received by the administration within two working days. Manuscript Submission Fee Author whose manuscript is accepted for publication is subjected to pay 1.000,000 IDR (90 USD). Color photo(s) page will be charged 300,000 IDR (27 USD) per printed page.
Instruction to Authors

ILMU KELAUTAN Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences



Reprints Correspondence author will receive five reprints and one journal. Additional reprints and journal will be charged 50.000 IDR (6 USD) for four reprints and 100.000 IDR (11 USD) per journal includes posting cost. Privacy Statement The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Submission Preparation As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the items in the manuscript preparation check list and submissions may be returned to authors that list, do not adhere to these guidelines. Authors are also encourage to submit their papers electronically through For those who are not familiar with the system should sent the manuscript, filled and signed authors contribution and copyright statement forms to:

Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Marine Science Department Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Diponegoro University, Tembalang Campus Semarang, Indonesia eOr by e-mail to: ;

Instruction to Authors

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