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Premire Lecture cA Du FVRIER 2012

Section Attendu que, de ce moqu de tout groupe reprsente un geste de discrimination; ALORS, Il est rsolu de modifier la section de la Constitution de la FUO comme suit : Les chants qui ne respectent pas les restrictions suivantes ne seront pas autoriss, sans tre limits a ses dernires restrictions : a. Les chants qui marginalisent de faon ngative nimporte quel groupe dmographique b. Les chants offensifs caractre sexuel c. Les chants qui favorisent la soumission un ou plusieurs rituels dinitiation d. Les chants qui encouragent la discrimination

First reADing BOA OF FeBruArY 2012

Section Whereas the mocking of any group of persons incites discrimination; THEREFORE, BIRT the following section of the SFUO Constitution be amended to read: Cheers will not be allowed based on the following restrictions which include, but are not limited to: a. Cheers that negatively marginalize any demographic b. Cheers which include offensive sexual content c. Cheers that lead to hazing d. Cheers that lead to discrimination

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