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GENERAL ENGLISH_ GRADING TEST Test prepared by: Lien Nguyen Time allowed: 45 min Part 1 - Grammar : Choose

the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence 1. Both companies are ..........................the same business a. In b. with c. from d. through 2. ..................... there were so many options, everyone was satisfied. a. If b. Why c. Because d. When 3. If they............................more aware if the trends, they could have avoided bankruptcy a. were b. are c. have been d. had been 4. Make checks...................... to the company a. Paid b. payable c. paying d. pay 5. Ms.bolton is both a strong manager................a skilled negotiator. a. or b. with c. and d. though 6. ..................... the stockbrokers said the market was healthy, they refused to invest more money. a. Because b. Although c. In addition d. So 7. Marketing is important; ...................... , were hiring a new public relation firm. a. therefore b. eventhough c. nevertheless d. but 8. The secretary had the messenger ............................ the envelop as soon as possible a. delivering b. to deliver c. deliver d. delivered 9. The board meetings usually ...................................... on time. a. have started b. start c. are starting d. have been starting 10. Everyone was dissapointed to hear that the companys proposal was....................,, a. turned on b. turned up c. turned away d. turned down Part 2 - Reading skill : Choose the best answer refer to the following announce ment

Globalcall Communications Globalcall Communications has grown from a telecommunications solutions provider for local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area to a truly global corporation providing telecommunications solutions for clients both large and small. Established to fill a significant market gap for simple communication solutions, the company first expanded to most major North American cities before becoming a major multinational player. Presently, the company is extending operations to include voice over IP, as well as high-speed cable Internet access. Globalcall Communications' team includes more than 40,000 specialists worldwide in more than 20 countries on three continents. Next year will see the deployment of a third generation wireless communications network in Asian countries. The future looks bright for Globalcall Communications. By 2005 the company will be servicing more than 15 million households and businesses globally. Globalcall Communications will have become a household word. We look forward to serving clients and are planning to do everything in our power to make sure that your communication future is unlimited AND simple.

Questions: True or False 1. The company began by offering computer software solutions to local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area. 2. The company was founded on an approach to providing simple communication solutions. 3. The company is expanding operations at the moment. 4. Worldwide communications employs more than 40,000 specialists. 5. The company expects to be servicing more than 50 million customers worldwide by 2005.
Part 3 _Listening _ex1: Choose one statement that best describes what you see in each picture Picture 1: Picture 2: Picture 3: Picture 4: A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D

Listening ex 2: Listen to the recording. An American, Peter Wasserman, who is the CEO of an

international company, talks about what he thinks is important in preparing for business contacts with people from other cultures. He mentions several key areas to find out about. Identify six of them. Did you think of any of the same issue

Speaking test: Discuss important qualities of a good manager

Writing test The graph below give information on water use worldwide.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

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