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There has been no hatred in Western Christian civilization more persistent and enduring than that directed against

the Jews, over the past thousand years. The Jew were charged with deicid, with piercing holy communion wafers to make them bleed, and with the ritual murder of Christian children at Easter. In modern times, new and no less sinister variations have been added to the theme of Jewish peril that Jews are striving for world domination by achieving control of the inernational financial system, by promoting revolutinary socialist ideologies, or through conspiracies like the Judeo Masonic, Judeo Communit, or Zionist America occult groups. For the leading pagan cultures of antiquity Egyptian, Greek and Roman the chosenness of the Jews appeared to be something incorrigibly exclusivist and separatist, and more like a stubborn, intolerant and incomprehensible resistance to cultural asimilation. For example, the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes was especially irritated by the Jewish refusal to bow to the norms of Greek culture. The antisemitism of classical antiquity was a complex phenomenom that would later provide the bedrock on which early Christian hostility to Jews could develop. The relationship with the Romans would remain reasonably good until the great Judean revolt against Rome of 66 70 B.C. There were three such revolts against Rome ( 66 70, 115 117, 132 135 ). The demonization of the Jews began in earnest, however only with the special role assigned to them in the dramatic crucifiction of Christ the Mesiah as related in the Gospels. This demonization was even more stressed in the writings of the Greek fathers of the Church. A few major turns in the Christian Jew relationship took place along with the conversion of Constantine the Great in 312 as he granted full rights to Christians all over the Eastern Roman Empire, and later with the first Crusade that led to massacres like the Jewish Christian history had never seen before. Later on, Jews have continued to be hated, discriminated banished from countries like the Catholic Spain, or the Protestant Lutheran German kingdoms, and them by the entire Europe according to sources like La Croix Frances most popular Catholic newspaper of the nineteenth century.

However, not everybody encouraged this anti-semitic view of the anti Jew fundamentalists, due to the idea that Jews are also human beings, and have a right to exist on this planet, as well as all the other round them.

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