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PR-LEITURA 1. Aps a anlise das figuras abaixo, organize-as na sequncia lgica dos acontecimentos e conte sua histria para a turma.

(LEE, Linda & BROCKMAN, Terra. Explorations. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000. Book 1, Unit 5, p. 42.)

2. Leia as perguntas abaixo para depois fazer predies sobre o texto a ser lido.

a) Por que voc acha que o homem de culos nada fez quando o outro lhe tomou os chopsticks? b) Por que o homem de culos no reagiu aos insultos? c) Como ter a mulher aprendido karat? d) Como voc acha que os dois homens envolvidos no incidente passaram a se comportar aps o ocorrido? PRIMEIRA LEITURA 1. Agora leia o texto abaixo, adaptado do original intitulado My Grandmother, the Karate Champion, contrastando-o com a histria que voc contou na questo 1 do exerccio anterior.

My grandmother was married to a man whom she loved with all her heart, but who was totally different from her. My grandfather was very shy, never laughed loudly, and always spoke very softly. And physically he was not as strong as my grandmother. About three months after their marriage, in 1970, my grandparents were having lunch at a Japanese restaurant when a young man began to insult my grandfather. It was only because my grandpa looked weak and had a pretty wife. In the beginning the insulting things, Hey! Wet chicken! This is no place for a weakling! My grandpa wanted to leave the restaurant immediately, but my grandma told him to stay and finish his meal. They pretended to ignore the man and continued eating. Tired of yelling insults without any results, the young man got up from his table, walked over to my grandparents', and grabbed my grandpas chopsticks while he was still eating. My grandma immediately reacted by striking the man with her elbow. The blow was so quick and powerful that he fell on the floor. After that, while the rascals friends were trying to help him, everyone else surrounded my grandmother and asked her who had taught her karate. She said, Who else? My husband! Then people assumed that my grandpa knew karate very well but did not use it for fear of killing the young man. In reality, my grandma had a black belt in karate. Anyway, after the incident, my grandpa never had to worry again. People started treating him very well, in a very respectful way.
(Adaptado de: LEF. Linda & BROCKMAN. Explorations. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2000, Book 1. Unit 5, p.43)

young man just told him

laugh speak spoke begin began meal try tired yell without rir, gargalhar falar comear refeio tentar cansado gritar sem soft marriage strike elbow blow fall fell rascal fear suavemente casamento atacar cotovelo golpe cair jovem desrespeitoso medo

2. O texto narrativo geralmente apresenta o seguinte esquema organizacional: situao- responde as perguntas: Quem? , Onde? , Quando? e O Qu? , problema clmax/situao difcil/vexatria, soluo desfecho, e no caso de fbulas, avaliao moral da histria. Com base nisso, complete o quadro de acordo com a narrativa que voc leu:

Problema: Soluo:

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SEGUNDA LEITURA 1.Responda as perguntas que se seguem: a) Quem est narrando a histria? b) Como o narrador descreve seu grandpa? c) Onde o casal se encontrava quando tudo aconteceu? d) O que provocou a ira da mulher? e) Por que o casal no saiu do restaurante? f) Por que o av do narrador no reagiu? g) Que mudanas o ocorrido provocou na vida do av do narrador?

TERCEIRA LEITURA O texto acima narra uma histria que aconteceu em um tempo especfico do passado (About three months after their marriage, in 1970). Compare as frases abaixo: a) The young man walked over to my grandparents' table and grabbed my grandpas chopsticks. My grandma immediately reacted. She struck the rascal with her elbow and he fell on the floor. b) The rascals friends were trying to help him. Observe que nas frases acima h sentenas no passado simples (walked, grabbed, reacted, struck, fell) e tambm no passado contnuo (were trying). Veja a diferena entre o uso do passado simples (simple past) e passado contnuo (past continuous).

Simple past
1. As aes acontecem em um perodo de tempo definido (no passado) 2. As aes tm incio e fim (no passado) 3. Tempo verbal usado para narrar uma histria. Formao: Verbos regulares: acrescenta-se d ou ed ao verbo.

Past continuous 1. As aes esto em desenvolvimento no passado, sem determinao de incio ou fim. 2. Expressa ou descreve uma situao ou atividade em desenvolvimento em um tempo do passado. 3. Tempo verbal usado para ambientar uma histria. Formao:

Exemplos: walk + ed = walked grab + ed= grabbed react + ed= reacted love + (e) d = loved try + ed = tried Verbos irregulares: begin began tell told get got know knew Exemplo: My grandmother loved my grandfather because he never laughed loudly. They were totally different from each other, but they tried to live well with their differences.

Was/were (to be/passado) + ing sit sitting sing singing play playing live living Exemplo: When my grandparents arrived at the very small restaurant downtown they discovered it was full. Three young men were sitting near the door and (were) having their meal quietly. An old lady and her four children were laughing loudly for no apparent reason. A Japanese student was insulting an old man who was very nervous.

Obs: Algumas expresses so frequentemente usadas quando o passado simples e o passado contnuo se combinam em uma narrativa:

When (quando)
While (enquanto) As (quando, enquanto) Just as (no momento em que)

1. Releia o texto, sublinhando todos os verbos que esto no passado simples.

Muitas vezes, atravs das formas verbais, podemos acompanhar a sequncia temporal de um texto; contudo, existem outras evidncias indicadoras de temporalidade ou logicidade cronolgica dos fatos narrados. So os advrbios de tempo ou conectivos: First, after that, later, next, then, finally... etc. 2. Volte ao texto e identifique os advrbios e/ou conectivos de tempo que de forma coesa sinalizam a sequncia dos acontecimentos. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

3. Agora que voc j conhece a estrutura do texto narrativo, sabe o uso e a formao do simple past tense e past continuous tense, coloque os itens abaixo em uma ordem adequada de forma a construir um texto coerente e coeso.

( ( ( ( ( (

) The farmer was very angry. He pointed to the pond and shouted, Whats the matter with ) While he was sitting by the pond pulling out the ducks feathers (penas), he saw a farmer ) One hot, sunny day in July, a tramp was walking along a country road. He was chewing a ) Then he saw a pond with a large, white duck swimming on it. ) Immediately he jumped into the pond and grasped the duck. ) Hurriedly the tramp put the duck back into the water and said It wanted to go for a swim,

my duck? coming across the field. piece of grass because he felt hungry.

and asked me to look after its clothes!

Como voc pode ter observado, o texto acima tambm narra uma histria que aconteceu em um tempo especfico do passado. No entanto, apenas seis dos vrios verbos utilizados - pointed, shouted, jumped, grasped, wanted e asked (sublinhados no texto) - so regulares, terminando em ed. Os demais, que no se encontram no passado contnuo (to be + ing), so irregulares. Estes APARENTEMENTE no seguem uma lgica para a formao do passado simples (simple past tense), portanto, voc dever tentar dentro das suas necessidades memoriz-los. 4. Releia o texto que voc numerou no exerccio 3 e circule todos os verbos irregulares que voc encontrar. 5. Transcreva exemplos de frases onde o passado contnuo foi usado para: a) ambientar a histria _________________________________________________________________ b) expressar uma ao passada que estava em progresso quando uma ao tambm no passado ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ o passado simples foi utilizado para: contar/narrar fatos_____________________________________________________________________

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