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php /**************************************************************************** * The GoogleOpenID class * * This class implements a gateway to the Google OpenID federated login API * * By Andrew Peace ( * December 6, 2008 * Contact me at * * * Usage: * * To redirect users to a Google login page, simply create a GoogleOpenID: * * $googleGateway = GoogleOpenID::createRequest(" php", * "ABCDEFG", * true); * * The first argument is the URL you want Google to redirect to when it sends * its response * * The second argument is the association handle you've obtained from Google. * This parameter is OPTIONAL and can be set to null. However, if it is not * given or it is set to null, GoogleOpenID will automatically request an * association handle when it is constructed. This is wastefull! Association * handles last for two weeks. So, it is better to get and save an association * handle on your own using GoogleOpenID::getAssociationHandle(). * * The third argument should be set to true if you want the response to include * the user's email address. It is optional. * * Example: * * $googleGateway = GoogleOpenID::createRequest(" uth.php", "ABCDEFG", true); * $googleGateway->redirect(); * * OR * * $handle = GoogleOpenID::getAssociationHandle(); // <--save this! valid for t wo weeks! * * $googleGateway = GoogleOpenID::createRequest(" uth.php", $handle, true); * $googleGateway->redirect(); * * * When you want to recieve a Google OpenID response, simply pass the given * parameters to GoogleOpenID::create(). In most cases, you should just be able * to pass the $_GET variable. * * To continue the previous example, the following code would go in checkauth.p hp * * $googleResponse = GoogleOpenID::create($_GET); * $sucess = $googleResponse->success();//true or false * $user_identity = $googleResponse->identity();//the user's ID

* $user_email = $googleResponse->email();//the user's email * * OR, even easier * * $googleResponse = GoogleOpenID::getResponse(); // <-- automatically reads $_ GET * * Advanced users can create a slightly more customized request using the creat e * method. It accepts an associative array of openid parameters and sets those * that it deems appropriate to set (mostly, the parameters that don't have a * definite value when interacting with Google) * * * Full class signature: * * public static createRequest(String, [String], [Boolean]) * public static getResponse() * public static create(Array) * public static getAssociationHandle([String]) * public static getEndPoint() * public redirect() * public getArray() * public endPoint() * public success() * public assoc_handle() * public email() * public identity() * * Features to implement: * * -In constructor, fix relative->absolute URL conversion (it is messy/buggy) * -In getAssociationHandle(), use encryption * -Verify Google's response with signed, sig etc ****************************************************************************/ class GoogleOpenID{ //the google discover url const google_discover_url = ""; //some constant parameters const openid_ns = ""; //required for email attribute exchange const openid_ns_ext1 = ""; const openid_ext1_mode = "fetch_request"; const openid_ext1_type_email = ""; const openid_ext1_required = "email"; //parameters set by constructor private $mode;//the mode (checkid_setup, id_res, or cancel) private $response_nonce; private $return_to;//return URL private $realm;//the realm that the user is being asked to trust private $assoc_handle;//the association handle between this service and Goog le private private private private private $claimed_id;//the id claimed by the user $identity;//for google, this is the same as claimed_id $signed; $sig; $email;//the user's email address

//if true, fetch email address private $require_email; //private constructor private function GoogleOpenID($mode, $op_endpoint, $response_nonce, $return_ to, $realm, $assoc_handle, $claimed_id, $signed, $sig, $email, $require_email){ //if assoc_handle is null, fetch one if(is_null($assoc_handle)) $assoc_handle = GoogleOpenID::getAssociationHandle(); //if return_to is a relative URL, make it absolute if(stripos($return_to, "http://")==false && stripos($return_to, "https://")==false){ //if the first character is a slash, delete it if(substr($return_to, 0, 1)=="/") $return_to = substr($return_to, 1); //get the position of server_name $server_name_pos = stripos($return_to, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); //if server_name is already at position zero if($server_name_pos != false && $server_name_pos==0){ $return_to = "http://".$return_to; } else { $return_to = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/".$return_to; }//else (server name not at position zero) }//if return_to is relative //if realm is null, attempt to set it via return_to if(is_null($realm)){ //if return_to is set if(!is_null($return_to)){ $pieces = parse_url($return_to); $realm = $pieces['scheme']."://".$pieces['host']; }//if return_to set }//if realm null $this->mode = $mode; $this->op_endpoint = $op_endpoint; $this->response_nonce = $response_nonce; $this->return_to = $return_to; $this->realm = $realm; $this->assoc_handle = $assoc_handle; $this->claimed_id = $claimed_id; $this->identity = $claimed_id; $this->signed = $signed; $this->sig = $sig; $this->email = $email; $this->require_email = ($require_email) ? true : false; }//GoogleOpenID //static creator that accepts only a return_to URL //this creator should be used when creating a GoogleOpenID for a redirect public static function createRequest($return_to, $assoc_handle=null, $requir e_email=false){ return new GoogleOpenID("checkid_setup", null, null, $return_to, null, $as soc_handle, "", null, null, nu ll, $require_email); }//createRequest

//static creator that accepts an associative array of parameters and //sets only the setable attributes (does not overwrite constants) public static function create($params){ //loop through each parameter foreach($params as $param => $value){ switch($param){ case "openid_mode": //check validity of mode if($value=="checkid_setup" || $value=="id_res" || $value=="cancel") $mode = $value; else $mode = "cancel"; continue 2; case "openid_op_endpoint": $op_endpoint = $value; continue 2; case "openid_response_nonce": $response_nonce = $value; continue 2; case "openid_return_to": $return_to = $value; continue 2; case "openid_realm": $realm = $value; continue 2; case "openid_assoc_handle": $assoc_handle = $value; continue 2; case "openid_claimed_id": $claimed_id = $value; continue 2; case "openid_identity": $claimed_id = $value; continue 2; case "openid_signed": $signed = $value; continue 2; case "openid_sig": $sig = $value; continue 2; case "openid_ext1_value_email": $email = $value; continue 2; case "require_email": $require_email = $value; continue 2;

default: continue 2; }//switch param }//loop through params //if require email is not set, set it to false if(!is_bool($require_email)) $require_email = false; //if mode is not set, set to default for redirection if(is_null($mode)) $mode = "checkid_setup"; //if return_to is not set and mode is checkid_setup, throw an error if(is_null($return_to) && $mode=="checkid_setup") throw new Exception("GoogleOpenID.create() needs parameter openid.return _to"); //return a new GoogleOpenID with the given parameters return new GoogleOpenID($mode, $op_endpoint, $response_nonce, $return_to, $realm, $assoc_handle, $claimed_id, $signed, $sig, $email, $require_email); }//create //creates and returns a GoogleOpenID from the $_GET variable public static function getResponse(){ return GoogleOpenID::create($_GET); }//getResponse //fetches an association handle from google. association handles are valid //for two weeks, so coders should do their best to save association handles //externally and pass them to createRequest() //NOTE: This function does not use encryption, but it SHOULD! At the time //I wrote this I wanted it done fast, and I couldn't seem to find a good //two-way SHA-1 or SHA-256 library for PHP. Encryption is not my thing, so //it remains unimplemented. public static function getAssociationHandle($endpoint=null){ //if no endpoint given if(is_null($endpoint)) //fetch one from Google $request_url = GoogleOpenID::getEndPoint(); //if endpoint given, set it else $request_url = $endpoint; //append parameters (these never change) $request_url .= "?openid.ns=".urlencode(GoogleOpenID::openid_ns); $request_url .= "&openid.mode=associate"; $request_url .= "&openid.assoc_type=HMAC-SHA1"; $request_url .= "&openid.session_type=no-encryption"; //create a CURL session with the request URL $c = curl_init($request_url); //set a few options curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); //get the contents of request URL $request_contents = curl_exec($c); //close the CURL session curl_close($c);

//a handle to be returned $assoc_handle = null; //split the response into lines $lines = explode("\n", $request_contents); //loop through each line foreach($lines as $line){ //if this line is assoc_handle if(substr($line, 0, 13)=="assoc_handle:"){ //save the assoc handle $assoc_handle = substr($line, 13); //exit the loop break; }//if this line is assoc_handle }//loop through lines //return the handle return $assoc_handle; }//getAssociationHandle //fetches an endpoint from Google public static function getEndPoint(){ //fetch the request URL $request_url = GoogleOpenID::google_discover_url; //create a CURL session with the request URL $c = curl_init($request_url); //set a few options curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); //fetch the contents of the request URL $request_contents = curl_exec($c); //close the CURL session curl_close($c); //create a DOM document so we can extract the URI element $domdoc = new DOMDocument(); $domdoc->loadXML($request_contents); //fetch the contents of the URI element $uri = $domdoc->getElementsByTagName("URI"); $uri = $uri->item(0)->nodeValue; //return the given URI return $uri; }//getEndPoint //returns an associative array of all openid parameters for this openid //session. the array contains all the GET attributes that would be sent //or that have been recieved, meaning: // //if mode = "cancel" returns only the mode and ns attributes //if mode = "id_res" returns all attributes that are not null //if mode = "checkid_setup" returns only attributes that need to be sent // in the HTTP request

public function getArray(){ //an associative array to return $ret = array(); $ret['openid.ns'] = GoogleOpenID::openid_ns; //if mode is cancel, return only ns and mode if($this->mode=="cancel"){ $ret['openid.mode'] = "cancel"; return $ret; }//if cancel //set attributes that are returned for all cases if(!is_null($this->claimed_id)){ $ret['openid.claimed_id'] = $this->claimed_id; $ret['openid.identity'] = $this->claimed_id; } if(!is_null($this->return_to)) $ret['openid.return_to'] = $this->return_to; if(!is_null($this->realm)) $ret['openid.realm'] = $this->realm; if(!is_null($this->assoc_handle)) $ret['openid.assoc_handle'] = $this->assoc_handle; if(!is_null($this->mode)) $ret['openid.mode'] = $this->mode; //set attributes that are returned only if this is a request //and if getting email is required OR if this is a response and the //email is given if(($this->mode=="checkid_setup" AND $this->require_email) OR ($this->mode=="id_res" AND !is_null($this->email))){ $ret['openid.ns.ext1'] = GoogleOpenID::openid_ns_ext1; $ret['openid.ext1.mode'] = GoogleOpenID::openid_ext1_mode; $ret[''] = GoogleOpenID::openid_ext1_type_email; $ret['openid.ext1.required'] = GoogleOpenID::openid_ext1_required; if(!is_null($this->email)) $ret[''] = $this->email; }//if redirect and get email //set attributes that are returned only if this is a response if($this->mode=="id_res"){ $ret['openid.op_endpoint'] = $this->op_endpoint; if(!is_null($this->response_nonce)) $ret['openid.response_nonce'] = $this->response_nonce; if(!is_null($this->signed)) $ret['openid.signed'] = $this->signed; if(!is_null($this->sig)) $ret['openid.sig'] = $this->sig; } //return the array return $ret; }//getArray //sends a request to google and fetches the url to which google is asking //us to redirect (unless the endpoint is already known, in which case the //function simply returns it) public function endPoint(){ //if we know the value of op_endpoint already if(!is_null($this->op_endpoint))

return $this->op_endpoint; //fetch the endpoint from Google $endpoint = GoogleOpenID::getEndPoint(); //save it $this->op_endpoint = $endpoint; //return the endpoint return $endpoint; }//getedPoint //returns the URL to which we should send a request (including all GET param s) private function getRequestURL(){ //get all parameters $params = $this->getArray(); //the base URL $url = $this->endPoint(); //flag indicating whether to set a '?' or an '&' $first_attribute = true; //loop through all params foreach($params as $param => $value){ //if first attribute print a ?, else print a & if($first_attribute){ $url .= "?"; $first_attribute = false; } else { $url .= "&"; }//else (not first attribute) $url .= urlencode($param) . "=" . urlencode($value); }//loop through params //return the URL return $url; }//getRequestURL //redirects the browser to the appropriate request URL public function redirect(){ header("Location: ".$this->getRequestURL()); }//redirect //returns true if the response was a success public function success(){ return ($this->mode=="id_res"); }//success //returns the identity given in the response public function identity(){ if($this->mode!="id_res") return null; else return $this->claimed_id; }//identity //returns the email given in the response

public function email(){ if($this->mode!="id_res") return null; else return $this->email; }//email //returns the assoc_handle public function assoc_handle(){ return $this->assoc_handle(); }//assoc_handle }//class GoogleOpenID ?>

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