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1- List three main points for effective group work.

1- Interdependence between group members in accomplishing a task 2- Commitment 3- Sense of responsibility 2- What is a cyborg? Cyborg is an abbreviation of cybernetic organism which is party a machine and partly a person. 3- Define the term Bionics and give two examples. The Technological extensions of peoples limbs and senses. Bionics is about the connection and augmentation of people with technological devices. Examples could be the use of mobile phones, TVs, embedded chips, etc. 4- What is the different between hackers and crakers? The hackers hack into the system while crackers crack the messages during the transmission or in the system. 5- What is the Steganography? The science of concealing the existence of a message. The collection of elaborate techniques for, hiding one message inside another are collectively called steganography. 6- Define the term Multiplicative Inverse. A number which, when multiplied to another number in the group, returns a result of 1. 7- What is a Time-Stamp? Information giving a specific time, such as when a message was generated. 81234Give three examples of events which might you call for certificate revocation? Loss of a private key Exposure of a private key Change of authority or status of the key holder Expiration of a digital certificate issued for a limited period

9- List the hopes and fears concerning the future of Robotics? Hopes: Robots will relieve people of drudgery Robots will become highly intelligent Intelligent robots could be saints who are not subject to destructive emotions such as jealousy or anger. Fears: If robots become more intelligent than us, it may take over. Intelligent robots will see no need for humans, and will simply wipe us out.

10- Define the term integrity. Information is secure from being tampered with or modified in any way during transmission, and procedures are available to detect whether any such tampering or modification has taken place. Integrity is to do with making sure data and communicated messages are intact and not sabotaged. Part 2: True / False 1- Consciousness is what makes the differences between robots and humans. True 2- A-> B {M} kb indicates that Alice is sending a Confidential message to Bob. True 3- in the RSA Algorithm, without the secret data, even if given one of the keys it has proven to be computationally infeasible to work out what out what the other one is. True 4- When a has function is collision-free, this means that there is a procedure that allows us to find two messages with the same message digest. False 5- Digital certificate is concerned with the association between a key and an individual. True

Part 3: Multiple choice 1abcdeWhich of the following pairs are congruent modulo 7? 43, 8 3,7 21,13 5,3 32,26

2- using the Caesar code with modulo addition and a Key k=9 what is the ciphertext of H? a- o b- p c- n d- q e- r 9 = H = 7 9 + 7 = 16 = q

Which pair is a Coprime pair? a- 7,21 b- 25,35 c- 4,18 d- 13,26 e- 9,26 Find (23). a- 12 b- 22 c- 1 d- 4 e- 6 Find the multiplicative inverse of 8 modulo 29. a- 7 b- 11 c- 13 d- 15 e- 17

3 ) 26 ) 92 62 92 11 = 3 + 8
When two integers a and b satisfy the relation: (a mod n) = (b mod n), then the two numbers in modulo n are said to be a- similar b- symmetric c- identical d- congruent e- none of the above Find the decryption key Kbar of K, in modulo 7 multiplication, if the key is 5: a- 1 b- 2 c- 1/5 d- 3 e- 4
The word OPEN is to be encoded by digraphs using the method described in Module 5, having AA coded as 0. What would it be the correct codes for the word:
A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 F 5 G 6 H 7 I 8 J 9 K 10 L 11 M 12 N 13 O 14 P 15 Q 16 R 17 S 18 T 19 U 20 V 21 W 22 X 23 Y 24 Z 25

a. b. c. d. e.

379 404 29 406 400

117 342 17 144 117

: OP O = 14 , P = 15 ( 14 * 26 ) + 15 = 379 E = 4 , N = 13 ( 4 * 26 ) + 13 = 117
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is the additive inverse of 4 in modulo 11 arithmetic? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 10 e. 8

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. What are the letters coded by digraphs using the method described in Module 5, having AA coded as 0 and giving the codes: 579 19.
A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 F 5 G 6 H 7 I 8 J 9 K 10 L 11 M 12 N 13 O 14 P 15 Q 16 R 17 S 18 T 19 U 20 V 21 W 22 X 23 Y 24 Z 25

a. b. c. d. e.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. What is the ciphertext corresponding to the plaintext: ENJOYYOURTIME when encryption is performed using modulo 26 addition having a key of 12, with the letter A coded as 0
A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 F 5 G 6 H 7 I 8 J 9 K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25




Part 4: Problem- Solving Questions 1- Using Diagraph and modular addition; what is the cipher text for the plaintext DO if the encryption key used is 650. The code for the original letter pari DO is 92,

92 D = 3 , O = 14
( 3 * 26 ) + 14 = 92 C=P+K Mod 676 C= 92+650 mod 676 C= 66 mod 676 66/26=2.5 the first letter = 2 = C 2X26-66 = 14=O

2- Although encryption is used, the following protocol could fail; show how this message can be intercepted and how this problem could be solved. Use notations: B->A:{T}k, {P} k Answer: The protocol could fail due to the binding problem. Although the time and place are encrypted but they are not bond together. Ian, without having the decryption key, can construct combinations of parts of recent and old messages that will be intelligible when decrypted, and which might device Alice: B-> I :{T} k , {P} k Bob sends Alice a message about another meeting, giving a new time and place, which Ian intercepts. I->A: {T} k, {P} k Ian forwards Bobs message after replacing Bobs new encrypted Location {P} k with the old one {P} k Encryption the combination of time and place can solve the problem: B->A{T,P} k Bob sends Alice an encrypted time and place.

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