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f~·XA MJNATfO:V Of'"
f A l' H''1TN ESSES'

John E. Durst, Jr.

Fred Oueller

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[", · c'JI"S[;:1 [(1,,[ ,~~ ',\~\'H"[V 'J,.V,\\(]VOml ,L::[

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LI>LL L'Ii> 1<:lc> I(XX >[ .\." .~)I(J.\ ,\\:I.\i 'VZV-I,I ~'',101 II
';)~I heu 'I' W,I{IN]U ,WllLl.LVI\

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"OUot"V JO 'OW\S p"I!Un "! p,\\,u,j
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""!Jd Jno '"I \<I\tU .'1""[' o,nell,! ';0.\0·''''11 "U0>1'UI1"P ,.'p
·u,J 'P!""'" W'lt ~S"n~"c[ ~'n <>1 1<....1 'M OHOP ~""'1 ".-\\ ''"'!\
·~""'1 <I! "1''''' .'."IlI""'PU! <n '~'n •.W." 'IW<1 JO ""'(ll(lllu 1C4\
".,",oJU,'II" 'I! 01"1' 01 <011"·'11 JJ~I' I"!"'\!!" 'PLI"lq"~ ;"IJ.
'''!HOU HI3LJ.{tk"
ff,,,oIT""'0J "'II 01 p:.f'ln, ,OJ" Hotl"OII'!"~ ' ''11 II! p.i~!n)U'" 'I"
·!':'I,,\11 J~>110 II" pU" '~JO." lpn' 'J.','"'''''l 'p')!I" P"" pJtlll~'
.,,, 'I"I'~'''O'' 'V '''!"LllOI' '!I'\!,d "1[1 "! "'11"'" >JC "ll0<lJ'
1"1" 'J'pnl' '"!-,,m!ll '.'!WJ\'!U!WpU pile ~'''WI'f.1"lll" 'U 110."
,e ,unoJ ~'[1 JO 'UO!'!"!, 1'"" <Ollll"l' IIC ~"!P"[J"! "\11,,""'0
·.,o~ '1"1> 1'"" I""P'J "II JO '~lO.'II 'P'""! <u 1'''''!lqn~ U"I.\\

·,\I\VdIXCU ).' ll~(IN~1I ,\\]ILLlVI'1 "'1
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AlIIW", .1. 1I1lQDEH

!lARRY A. G,\[R
.JOIlN ]{. LENAHA"" .JR.
nO:-lALi) :\111.1,1<:11
ROlll;;!{T D. I'.:I.TZ
.JI"'I M. 1'l:IUlUE
DM"EL A, [tornER
.'OSF-I'll A. SllERl\IA:-I
ROIlElrf ll. W,\!.LlS
ElJW[:\ N. Wt;lIlo\!,\N

Ch~ rle. W. Iknton. J .D, F.llho riJI Director
SU"'" O. W.:iscnrdd , J. D. I:~",,,uli ...,, Edi lQ~
Ibr b~r:t J. o.."1\('n, J.D. Sl~rr Wril~r
SIC"Cn 1<317.. J.D. Lenal Wril~r
Christopher Kuncr. J. D. L~s<,1 Wril ~r

DoOIl.:!KU IOlan Edito ri:!.l Sen'i eos M ~nlt~r

K~t"eryn t . May [;);lOrial Super,·iw .
Ernesl Len nt Sen ior Cop)'~di\Or
11~\cn A. Jcn~ins Copyedito,
Reb...:,·u Piekcn Cop)'editor

"Oll~ £. 1)t.:IlST, JlI .

J<.llm E. DurSI. Jr. ha~ :, uial nnd ilppdlalc p ,~clirc ill Wood·
~tock. N.Y. lie rc,ch'~'tl hi s UA degree rrom C~lirorni" Sl~l~ Uni·
versity. magna I"m, /1111(/,'. in 1975, ~nJ hi~ lall' deGree rrom r-.:Cl\'
York bw S,-hool. ('IWt {Imlh', in 1980, He ;s a Director or
th~ New

., " York Siale Tri,,1 Lnw)wl "~~oci ati()n and Man:Olli o& E<lil<)r (,r
Trial Law)'"r~ Qua n er!)'. the offi cial publication or th~ New Y()t ~
State Trial L.a";w~ A~!l),'ialio n. Mr. Dum is a Ic't:tur~1 wilh th e
I\cw York St 31~ Tr ill t :l."1'cn A..oc;alion amI 1 speake. 31 """".
York Slale liar Associ ation ~m i nu~. lie is co-aul!to. <I( '\/Od''tN
" ...... York Di.« lI1w},. nn(l ('On. ribul' n, au thor 10 the I "',,,fua.. I .in-
bi/il), I'm eli...• Guld", and 113.\ published 13 b w joum'll articles un
'''' ;0''5 1....". of " ia l n'~~t;(~,

Frod Qu"lI~r is 1\ 'nCl1lhc r "f Lhe firm of Q"d]cr. Fi\h~r. 1I0"W

& WiSOI~k)', "I' I'CI\' York C il y. Mr. QUc]kr received hi ~ ]e&n\ ~ du­
e,llion at New Yo . k linh'~.sity (J.D. 19%) ;Hld wa s A~\''I\:i'' L" 1,lli -
tor of the L~w Review. Mr. Q\\cl\cr is a member elf Lh " ~~w York
~"d !'lDrid~ B~.s. ~nd i ~ ;,1 50 admitLcd to Ihe Ne": York CQlln of
,\ ppc~\~: 1Jnil~d SI;m s DiSlri~1 Courts. Soulhern and EaSLern Di ~­
Iriet, of :Ok.... Ynrk : UnilL'(\ Stalts Suprel11e Courl: ~r\oJ Un il~.,j
SI.1.IIIS Coun of t\ppl'311, s.,·..:u nd Cil'l: uit. I'k;$ '1 n1('n,b c. uf the tH-
socialion of the Ihr ur th.: Cil)' o f 1"".' Yurt:; New , 'ork Sml': ~n<l
Amrric:m;u ns: Mrlropolj13n WotTk'n'$ }l.11 t\\~lCi~-
1100; I'>rw York Crirn in;d 311<1 Ci~~ 1 Louns Hal ,\ ssoci:lIinn; n.n n~ ,
I),,, and ),.laoh~1!3n Trb l Co""",,1 ,\ """, jalion: NL'W York Counl~
la"'1'c rs I\SWCi31io ": .\ ~i3 Iio n ,,(Tr ia l l ;lllo)'C" or '\ I1lcri( a; ~t1d
N~'W Yurk S131e 'fliJl U.\\)'~ rs. A~rn:i~lion wh<:ro h ~ h"", ~r"ed 'IS
Oirwor. Vic. Presiden t. and I'I\:~idcnl. Mr. Qu"ll~r is ~crtifi~d ,11
a Fcllow by Ihe l"lcrn~lional A.'~dcmy 01' Trial Lawycr!: ~ Diplo-
mate of Civil Tr;JI '\d"oc~c)' b)' the :-<mional Board of Trial i\,J,'o-
cae)': ,md an i\dvoc~l~ by tho Ame rican Bourd of Trial !\d'·O~'IIC~.
He has lectured eAt~n5iv~ly and has authored nu merous teS:.1 pub,
lical;On~ ~nd law " "'i,'w alliciol.


l 'AII'r I


]',\11'1' III

~ !l.·r.""•• ", .11.I"h'M O,,. \\'.. ~" _ SHp . ... hll {: ...
~ I"" 11d>« _ lor.., CO"
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In',..,.. ......... ~ I M.... ~ r... Sb.ootJ ... 1'.,.11_, - , .....
Ii« S<M , C.",
~ _ l~ 11,,""0'"

I~ S.r'<I'i>ot rL~ I M,,,,~ ,," (~.\'I"I C.,,,,,,,,, _ U•.,...II ....

c._n>«.... ",<,<;.I"", C.....
16 \\"11""", _ w,m... til"" "••,", - .I .... ..w.. ,,",,,",I I i>",
17 11,10,111 _ ll"po, ~"," ."~ '."[lOll.'.";'" _ 1',..."", !Jol,Hi')'
18 11.i..m'". Wi. ...... - I _i "",. Ikl''''~''''' SI.. """""
''rudiKI. IJ.... ~I)· t:...
19 \'I.,, 11'1' ..... , _ P,h>l M'"," ,\ ~ .".. , ~._ l )<f,~ ...
.\",oJ, C• ••

". . . . . J_ ...
SoIo. ~ Cof Il<h .. _ f ... I".. .. , ~ 1""" 1l"'I"IC 11<,....;...,. _ Qb-
0,,-100;: c-.d _ .,-,<",1",.,.,... ( 'a ...
1.... 1'. OW"" _ 1"",",,,,,,0'1 Sr",'m.." ~ O ,b .. WI,,,,,,, - .....
M.... ~,;::lil"'H'" C.",

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Ch~lI.n~i"~ OIl,"nOlI"" ""d Rooulle";li,,"

35 S"b~.)' f:.,pl.),.", ~ He Go",k":IIII)' App,".,h _ ~l)p .00
f'.U Co,,,
,. h. f:)<"~"",,,,, ~ Slip .,,~
F." C,,-«
37 E),~I" ..."" WII~ 1".d,~u>1o \'it" _ 1",,,,,,,,,1.,, CoIlI,Io" C..,,,
3~ E).'~II"<" W;I~ Ob,lru,,«l I'k. ~ 1""."""1",, C.III,.,O\ Cu,,,
39 E),wll.'" Wllh l •• d,'l""'. I'i<. _ 1,,10,,' ll""-<o"1 C.",
40_49 R"o""d


l'ro,i"~ Yuu, Cas" TI,,{\\,~h C",,, f."""I"",i'Hl

~O Poll,,' om,.." _ 1'.11,,,' To Sc,u," "\,d.k", Sc,.,
51 1M........ " Dr" .. _ ' •• II,",j",'o"" _ ,\u'omotrll.· .\<d~"., C.,,,
51 ~:)<~')I""" ~ 1)"[,,<1),,, C • • ~I'.>n of """.. , (,,uJ<O ~ 1',""U<l>
U.hllllr C•• ,
53 )),1.:"" .. , Eor O"nOf _ K.. ,~I,'<i~, of n'h .. 1'1"1,", '"d,k'."
~ ,1,...11 C..",
~~ A~,,,,,,, 11'~n." _ r-;"lI~~".1 hi"'", I" ,1,,),1 C.,.

55 Ad, ..", 11',u,,,,, _ ""'llirl Md,"'''' C."

56 [Mond,n, 1),1<,,, oed 11"110", I\"hQ A'o"l<'<I .Iedd,n' _ Inl«_
,,,,Ion ColIl,l ... C''"


['eDdk-oI1 Consilicrarlons

§ 1.0 1 I ~) WblO<'5c> [-~

U"m .. i. 1\1'k""
1'",11 ;" of A[[",IOOt: 1:) < C.., lat ..
1 _ .. ' ·....,
~"'l L""'JuO)!<

11 01 1'.", of QI><"" i onbl~
1111 A,,,I ~ l n~ (l o~ .. ...,bk' .\ .. ~."
1111 ,I " .... ~ }""" 11 ........ ' ......1
,~ <:0..0 ' 0111"" II•• \\' ~ ......

,II"I I. G,"".I
n ,,, u ..' of l.raoI i"" ~ioo.,
IIn . d ..... ,.,. W ~ _.· ,\ a,... "
'" n,
1" It, ..;. " :>".,,,, _ 1><, or 1',1..
I.""",, .. I"~ ' ho WI ,",,,
,I . , ~ ,~

'" I. L 'n.. I""....."

TIl. I'. rth n
II ~ ." .

, ~

1.07 ".""i"~ II'",," ~) Stop

G~ n,:.. al Cn.~;olo..... [i... s

e ros, c~llm i nali on i~ Ihe " rilnary loa] ro r IClli ns thc accu racy ()j"
~ " 'illl<,,>,' tc~ti m on" . Tile cros! cx~m i ncr !.Ccks 1/1 ( I) di""r~\lit Of
imp!.':lI:h Ihe wi lnes~' o.Ii rm ~t i n,on)' :t$:l means 10 ",hili the ad ,
n r:;ary' s t~l<:, ~l1 dlor (2 ) II SC the Vli tn~.,,! 10 dc "cli.>" Ille crou cx-
llnl inds uwn C;ISe . The :t llornc~ ~hO\lld Icparal~]y cotl~ i d" r Ihesc
1:O'I1~ whcn " reparinll lhc !>C l ipe ror CTOU ""3minal;n n,

Sllcc~~~rlll i M1pea~ hnle nl i. J "rodu ~ 1 o r e~pe ricncc ~11I1 e<>tl fi-

dcncc, as well as Ihurough " r"par~l ion , The allo rnCr mU l l be ncxi-
11k: ""OIl Sh 1(1 :uJ~ "1 'Luickl)" 10 ~ ~~r..:h~ ,,&ing s;lu~ l iou:\.. 'rlle MI\).
~I~ncc 3n<l Jlnw or Ihe Cro5~ <"u minati on depend u!",,, Ih.: IIU!ltil~'
of the "' i ln ~!<' IC~li nto nl' and tI,e eron e .a min c r '~ quc,liu ning.
l! is impo rt an I lh~1 lbe (rOSS e' ~ mi n e r n""~ ' ael rru~lr~lc<i " r
to..., "i~ eon' pnsu r.: . "he j ul'}' ~huuld nOI II<: d ~pri " ~d or the UPllO"
tun ily 10 l i~ e lhe (jlIC51i one r no nl al1 er how (Hm ~u ll Ihe cm~~ ex-
am inali on . lIy bcin ~ in charge lInd by bc ; n ~ con fid enl, I)IC cro~ ex_
amin"," mal' $<"f)fC pOi nl~ "'ilh Ihe jury, C' '''" " -'Iholll di~t,cd i l int
[ke ... il\l ~U.

§ 1.02 lruIWachm onl

Wile n a .... ilnc..s I t~lifks hi - X,- he i~ nOi ofreri,,); d ill'Cl C\'i-
dellce lh~l "X" c~i !l !. l!e il a~ki ng th e lin tlc r or rael 10 ;,(r.'r thai
,r "",,'"
,., § 111.\

Wht"lh~r 10 (j r~l al! ack th e wilnc~~' character of hi~ lc~t\mon)'

dq"md, L1pon th e siluali on. It may tJ~ hl:nefici:,' for Ille crOM u-
aminer Ie ~h l)w th e ju ry I\u", th.: Wiln~f5 h3S (ab.i his l~ ,limony
fQr Ihe oIlier side, :Iud then cro~ uaminc tbe wilnc" as \0 th e
~ubslaru;<: of that l~ti nl0n)' . The jury will he ,ke pt ic:!1 of eve1'}"
thi ns the wil ness ~"Y ~ OIICC the "~ ln c'" r~ni!l:ln~hip, corTU,,,i,lll.
c\e .. h:IH been e,poSI.'tI. On .It... Ol hcr hal1d . .... hef" th e elms cu m-
in" , n 01lO1 rcadil)" i luJK"~<'h Ihe wiln e,,' char~ctcr. th e cross exam-
iner sbolll ~ pb n his c.\mn in al iol1 in ~uch a r'l~hi on :I I to dr:tw <luI
those cn\';ronmell wl factu r.;. ~uch a. om.cI"\'lIlionJ' vj ..... poinl . dis-
lr:o>:tio n. pa!!kIS. " f t;m.... Ch: .• lh~ l ,~n creme !1 potential f" .... rror,

§ '.OJ Uti in~ a WillIe'" F~'onlblc TC'l ill"I~)'

Th~ :JlI(lrn ~ )' should ~n lidpalc

:1IHI be prl'par~d to highlight to
th~ jurors :In )' f:t~o r~blc iMormnlion th e "iln~~~ m~y p,ol·ide.
For cxn mple. ~ ddens.: ",it ncss may hm'c (cnifiC"d on di,<'C t th.' 1
the <krcnd.,,,t " ";IS »01 ;11 r.wlt; yet. ir QII~lio .. cu efT<'Cti ..cJy. th ~t
willll."» m~y be hdpfuJ In cs,\.:Iblishi ns \i~bi1i ly and/or dam.lgCs..
"i1tC "' i! n~, ma~ identi l")' alld ~uthcnti c:'lc rcl c\- nnt photogr:.p!"
and daC ~lmC!ll ': he may C!lnblisJ, "" ' 10m lind pmCl ice in the i" du$·
try or ru tes of C(llllluC! 31>V1ic"bJe 10 In.: <'3.'>(:: III he may I',ovi dc
clidclltt of pai n 3nd .uf(~ ri ng an d ath er clem.,ll! or d ~nlnl'.fS. '!lle
"'hm'ss m~;' also in ad vcrtently 1)1".t OUI ill ndl11 l.s11JIc M;l!cmcnl5
that arc fal'o,:lbl c to l~e t"TO's n:ominc,', (";1<1.'. 5..,11 as infurmalioll
l"I:t:tftlin& !uMnl""m reml-d ial m,':L\Urel or jll .... ra ncc.
Th~ ab'!; t)· 10 U$e leall ing 'l"""'tions is fOI(Un:'IC, wj,.n cliclli'lg
ra" o r:lblc inrOl1ll31ion Oil cr<»,. The>' Cll l hk the cm $S c~:mli l1cr to
~tlt~ his directl y to the ju ry . Ihrough Ih e ~\l; !C " r C r05~ e.,~ "'i­
nm ion.
COlln~cl shuulll notc Ih;<1 I ~ ~ u~c "r Jc~u; nl\ ' I"estill" ! aU" m,...

r<~. R. I,.",. w,</' l. "!oi,l, , .1m;" (>I'IO;on ' "U f<1>I""i,," ,"h"'n" ""I) " h,"
rc'<'"""".\ ""n'''' ,-1\;1"",.« f,,. l,."hMn." 01 unu~.hruln,",,,
~nl. R. I:,jd. WS!~~ ""~,,h ""t ..."" "';~"'n:" M '1'«-'1;,· i""' ",.:,~ of <'<InLlo< '
'" . ...·il .,·'ia ...... h«'''' "1_ " '". """,,;n.l;"" <If • r,in'i(L.lI ~ itn", 01 nr" .. ~l"'f
"';In,,, , bou, "hun' ' 1>< "'In .... ""'"~ <""" r.' 3, h" ,.,.,irk'll .
•>;,.-c 1«'1" "01/,· i.oj", m . ! .
1113\ the "'illl~S~ i1 no! fri cndl >·.' Whcn fn ,'or~bl~ te.lim on)" ' Ol1k"
OU I for Ike li rs! Ijm~ on cross "'.~ ~miMlio~, the cmn t~3mi .....,.
i huu\d c lll ph ~~ile Iltc r.1ct tI'~1 Ih~ orpoliD!: 3ttorn,,}' d id nOI Jsk
[or Ih31 inform ntion durin!: lbe d i, « 1 ICSl imon)·. Tlt l, &i"c' Iho \m·
Il.e"~11 Ihm Iht OllflOr.c1l1 i~ cU "crillg up dUln asilill fam .

§ 1.04 rr~l'l'ration for e"","" r. ~"III'fUlIiOIl

III l'roparlnM n Script

'~ I 1',eJj ",'n~r}" Cun~ jlk.ali ou

The 1:'OI'"room is o f..::o a,ulogiu(j to J M;tgC. The}' ~rc 'si milar

in Ihe ~1I5<! UIJI a
I.:lw)·~r shuuld nOI Inku 10 Ihe courl .o!:,," wilhenl
3 script.

A !.C.ipl i~ Iho S I~rti nB fIOint fet cro~s cMmin31ien pl"I:rar.n i.,n.

The c m1S eX:IIll incr sh ould wrile OUI h i, queSli<>ns and ~ nlif.. ipll l~(\

COIlru.c1 s.houl d p~~. parti cul 3t allent;un 10 pIior 'l"IC mt nl~

malic by Ihe wiln .." , Ihal ~rc fa,·or.lbk 10 Olle's "'~. Such st~h"
rncn l~ m~)" be rou lld ill ~ uocum~nl.:I. sjl;o~ ~talcmc nl . l (\cr<l,i·
lion. illl cu'ic\\". or di' ~c I e,'3nlin l lioIO. In Ihe emc of a parly '1';1-
nm.. pt~alljl1glo and di &\:u" e!)' demands arc ~o lelltja' sourc.,. of J)Ii-
ul st atements or allmi s,ion', Th rou~" Ille ~ of such SI~tcmen15,
the CIon t~a mi ""r m~y he abl ... 10 pro,·. ;t5fX"CI' of hi, C:I'C. el icit
SI!lICllIt niS 111:1\ ~rc iocon si,lclH Wi lh prior ,1nlcI\l Cnl! , ur c~wh1i~h
a pos.sihl c mOl lw fo r ,,' rrur •• Ileh :IS p~rt;""n $hjp. I'.c,il,di\-c. ",,"mp-
lion. or n."'COllSlnll;lion of ole n,ot)' 10 . uil tbe Olh,... sid e.
The emire C!~, eXa mina1ion S("riPI lOl l1 be fmllled ('0]11 tht de-
posilion a!on .... Thc CroSi cnmin\'r can li ft o nly thu~e S laICI" c nl ~
by tht 3(\"CIV wilncn Ihal ar~ he\pf~l 10 hi. ca~e. Wh en a!~cd
(\u ri~8 em.s c_~ami nali oll wh~l h cr he. in t:1CI. m,ode Ih ... '131t'111en l~.
Ihe WilliC'S wil! merc!f agre e b)' $:lying ~r~H 10 '~l<11 ~Im ... melil. If

• , ",. r,~. II. !,\.;~. 61 1((1. " h"h son"oitr I" 'm;" 0 1""1>" ' n ~,,- .. "" ;",, q _
.ion>"" <H" . <>." nm";",, ""~ ... hen "'."".'n~ 3 ~o"i'" Or . d,·" .. '""n" ~
....... ~"<"""",'I)"'!Ira j 2.01l{~ 1.
'I'ur a ~'>Ou"lun n( 'h" "",...." fo, "rt,,,;,j ns ' h, ><"'' .."'" '~If,' <h. I}.

t ',.ellao I C"n. ld. ,"II"",

he doc! nlll lIid: 10 his plio r d q!o!ilion lestimony, lite tL'SI imuny
is "'~u 10 him, and Ill<' quc~tio""'1 h~' Clotahli ,lwd " prior incnnsi,-
ten t statemcnt

The ero., exnmincI ~hould nc\'cr Mk ~ qU ~'Slio n 10 ,.'hic h he

d Ol'S nol ~h\'Jd)' know the Jn~wc r o~ Ihat ~~ n not he nnswered with
J Mycs 0' a Mno ! To rJ''t) :ln ad,'o.'!>e "';men lcc"-:J~ in answc l 'n!;
is to i(w ile dU IllJ&i ng testi mo "y.
111~Iln ly li me to a.k a question thai doc! ""I mil for a M~C5M o r
Mno " ~nswcr is when Ihe cro ss c~am incr anti cipales thm the wi l-
neSS rna)' make 3 il31emcm Ihat i, in COI.,'nt wil h J priur Slate-
m"n l, 'Tht:n , if the wilnO:$5' trinl Ic'SlimOI1)' i, ~t ,-oriJncc Wi lli hi~
prim' stJtunCll1, teunscl c~ n u,e the prio r in ~O lls i5tcnt SWtcmcnl,
Th" ('f~ u am;ncr ('3 n then ;mply somc =son for the "i lnc"5l;'
lurnabu ut, ot her th an me." innd".rtcncc,

tdt Cut.ot .nd Order " f Oo. s K"lntin.d oR

fi' M and 1311 imp",ssinM ~rc retai ned best hr the jury, A ~rus~
c~~ ' nin3tion l oould be plan ned !.O Ih3t it sta rts off wi l" a WOII!>
poi nt , and en ds with a str ong (!Oi nt. Th ~ Olron ~cn POII1l 10 1",&in
",illl is often t" idcncc of t>iu o r plcjudic.:, sud . 3!. the "'il ncs~' re-
la ti onship o. f.icml~hip with Ihc ad,'erlC p~t1y, or innu~nl.'C hy the
opposing attOllley, Su,h nn opening ,au ieS the jllry 10 Ix: ,hPLk~1
fo c"~rylhi n8 the " i tneu wys I l\cr,aft ~r,
Afler d"'cll ing on Ihe b i ~., prejud ice , nnd corruption of the wit-
~ Ihe c:-rn\.~ c~m ination C\"cnluall~' tu rns 10 1fK: subSlancc nf 11M:
,H'~CI testimuny, Th. questioner ShO lll d rx>int oul defect. in nbs.I-
valion, memory. ~m1 n~ rrat ian, While th is l ~pe of i"' llI'~dlln ~nt is
j'.enct;tlly Ec~r~d tnw:t rd '~emc in!tanen of faCl, tilt Ci'Q» t~amin­
cr, if II<' can sllnw n suhsm ntin\ numher of e.rors or f:lct, ma)' be
able 10 aU3c\; Ihe wi tne»' gclK:. ;t1 ch~l'3cter. hn in f~Knce OIlY
arise ns tn parli5ilnship, corru pt ion , or ~no ... lcdte thai would dis-
~T~-di l all of Ihe wil " ~' 1~limon~',

Arter c~ $ li !lS dnubts upon th e substan ce uflhe W;In<.,»' te5l imo-

n)', Ih<: tf<>S5 .:x:Hn'l1cr should hn"c a feel for wh~lber the s tro~~~s\

....... ,,"
~!t~,,~ is ~~ l n ; llbe witness or Ihe ~uhSl ance " r tlle tc~t i mon )· . To
end till: "~~mlnnli(>n. coume! can cm~m~ilc inr"rm~ti()n th~t h;'5
;Ilr~udy I!c"n brought out. ,uch ~s billS. if be feels tllat is hi s manl!-_
<.'5t IlOint. !n scrilltillS Ihe em". if Ihere :I,e ~ number of ",mUll~
to attack Ille wilnes,' pani~lity. I!I~ fluestione r nUl)" hold b.I~k Ihe
~lrong~'5 1 f~ ~ w n. rm Ihe final blow. Once lhi: quc'!;lioning TeachC$
ils cllm:ll. and Ihe " 'ltn("Ss' rn.-dibi lit)· is a l it ~ low p<}inl. couJ\$C1
slroliid c ud his cro,~ namin.1l ion.

JcI Ch l1)l\IIl~' O)r t:~".ts

U111all y :! wilnesl can r,'Call "yon ll hc~t when ,ecited in chron o-

Iogic~l order. On direct. thi~ is Ih e st:md~ rd rorm of testim ony,

To teSt th ~ sincere recall of Ihe witn esl, il il sometimes helpfu l

10 .eqllire th~ w,I"CM 10 Slate r"ell OUI or ehronologll":r] order. Th e
quesli onins [~II jump from on ~ J'(Iinl il! lim ~ 10 ;.nOlIIC •. 'nl;i may
('aU~ II", .... i tn.~~ to conlr:1d iel hint....lf. h,:.'Ome ('(Infu...:<.1 a s 10
.... h l bappen~d, or b«omc <.Ii~rupI~d from hi' planned ~~t~mCf1t,
The I<:<"h nillu e MIOUld ~ u~d ~p"'inGh', i f Ih~r~ i . all \' t<)n~l'Tn
that th e jul')' lI"ill bc<:ornc conru~d as ttl f~et~ ~' ~II \\,lnl Ihetll 10 "'_
cali, The m~lbod i~ ju,\ m confll!ins fo r the ju ry as the wjtn e~~,

If] \ ''''}'h,\: Ihe Script

OIlC. Ihe cnnl in~lion t~llin!>' lin ce h ;$ impos.iblc to mni cip.1tc
~1I111~1 rna)' OCC U' , the,,~ "-,ami" ,,, mu~t I!c p,cp:ued It> ..a l')' lIi~
!.Cripl .... h,m neCC$~ry. A s.... ip. is 1I\~'1'elr :t 1I:lI1i ng p<}inl for the
<.'l"mS enminer: il is a" o"U i"" Ihat fO\;~ on IIto!.c csscnti~1
IlOinl\ th . ('r;~ <.'""m in.-r ",,,nt, brou!:lu out <lu ring el ms ('xam iml-
tion. In Ihi s " " I"-'CI, one eM mmp~rc the emf!. examiner to} n eli,,'!;s
pl:tycr. The cbe~1 1l]:t~"Cr m~)' kilO'" Ih" ~JXcir;(' openinH g~ mhil he
will UIC, and 11 ];111 Ihe moves he will make t:u in advance. '\1 .ume
point. ]IOWe"Cr, ~ince there ~rc 100 m"n~ \'ari~hk, in hi! <'lJlP(>-
nenL'. r("polll!.CI , the player ~an no lo "£~r plan "nyth;n~ hut h i ~
nc~1 f~ ,,. IIIO"C'. Tile besl lhe pl:ly~ r (and Ih ~. ...,."" e~am i!ler) ~~n
do i . :mlicip.l lC th" ahcrn~li ,'~s alld :ubpi himself to th"
",·" r-("h.a ngins. Sil u~lion.

hll Iltlh"'}'

"'" ,,,,,
"s!~ss Ihe witne" hinllclr, ralh~r than II i! statem ents, SllC'C i fi c~lly,
Ihc cro ss cx~mincr , h{lulll ~x plnrc thc witnc~5' backS/oumJ l1l1d hi.
rc l~ti on'hi p an<.l pnst den ti ng. wilh a p~rty of his nllorney-
ramili al, social, busi ne ss. or k t:11.
Any co nl~CI wilh n part)·, cil]",r al III<: lime of Ih e incident or
Ih .re~f1cr. m ~}' be: su ffici ent t{l e<:ncr:lI c hin. A ...i lll<.' » Who i. em·
ploy~'tl by an Jd ,'c~ P~" Y Iypically !Uk. In i nW:l\i~IC him"", r
.... ilk hi' ~nlplorn by his Inl;mOn}~ fi llJllcial &'l in is Ihe ulli ll'3lc
aoal. Even iflhe wil"",» is nOI in' led in imprC!.5i ng his Cml)lo)~
Cf. hc rna)' wi sh to praiec i h l nl~c1r an d/or renaw em pl oyee! rrarn
di!cipli nal')' mCJSUf<:". Also, ~n employee i, likcl )' to h ~ ,'c hCJ rd
tnlk of Ihc lawsuit ",'e, I\tU course of time; he is thll s bou nd to
id cn lir}· with hi, cmpll)W' s camp, 1>lorc{I\'er, the empkl~.c mal'
lin d ;1 dimcult to escape Ih ~ Gr.~ t roci~ 1 pressures plJ eed upon
him b)' re4 h;> ...· . mpkl)'e~~ 10 II<:lp Ih~ emplo!·cr.
Coull$('! mu .. l:Ike "\'cl')' opportunity to point OUI 10 I II<:' jurors
dlc n.;uu.e and extent of the ...·;t ncn· oonl:lC1~ wi lh lhe pan y. q ;••
w;lh lill invf,'Slig;ltor, an al(omey. II relati,·c. or tl•• P.~" Y himst'lf,

Ibl Gencnl Intc.OM in Oul"","1<1 (If Cuse

In so mc illSl~nccs, the wlt1\C~S il not partial to ....ard ~ particular
parlY, hU I inSlead is sellt ," ll y interested in the o U!~() m e ur the
.J~, for inslance," ""i tneSI wh{l ha s prc"inurJy be..:n :t ddend:mt
in a lawsuit rna)' be i nl<~n.'$ted In ho:l pin&WJt\C\)uc d.of'ul a I~",suil.
howevcr IIleo l00oo5. A wi tness OlJ)· 31$0 di~ikc p~n icubT tyfll."Io (lr
~,w",hs. l ""h :lS nu:dical tn31proc1lcc ac tion:,; he m3)' 1101 liM la",· •
WilS under any ci rCutnS13r>C;<:".

141 Locki.\: i. tho Wltn e.~~· T..,;t;mon)'

A wi IIlC";' Ic,timon~' cnn cha n ~e owr the cou rse of time. For ill·
i llmce. the wim~1i" reco ll ectio n may rllde, or he muy Vaci llate in
h l~ I(,.i mon)· to slli l his or til<:' ad,·cr5C party' , nccd\i. IJ i~ tS'lC ntia l
th31 lhe cro:;s C/.am;n. r Iw abk II) refre,h Ihc ...... u,,·u· T«all",,'{ion
or i m pc:\~h his currenl tC$l imony "'i~h :l prior ;lIconsiSlenl ..,,~.:.
On.:.: {he ~ro~s u am int r le:lrn, Lhe id~'Tllil y or :1 "·it,,~n, Ih"re
nr.: ' WI) major methods tlul)ugh whkh hi, Irial le~IIIl1 U I1 }' can b<:
ti~d dl)" n:

2) I'Y dl!T'OSition.
Su rrl:plltiou ~ rcCO rdl!l S~ of con\"ers::uion.l . lilm~. ;m ll olher 5i llli-
I~ r ~,· id~n(c Ola )" b~ ",;cd 10 c rcal e \b" "1l 1 0l ~1~ 5u'1' ri;.:-pri or In -
co,, ~islcn l 5wlemenl .'

lal Th~ Inl<: ... I( ...

An imcrdcw ~ nd a s.ill-lled Slatcm~'11 may be w fflcic nt. T Ile wit·

ne ,s m\l~l nlll Ix: a I'~rly o r an ~mp l(}yec (}f Ih e p:,rty. m. d he mUM
be coopCf:ll;vc. II i, ~ lh iC";l.I fo r an allo rn~r to inl~(\·ic\\· ~ nonj),l rt )·
"~H\I.",'.· 10 ,:(,,·cr hi, eXJl'l'n~. mill \0 p ro,·idc f<::lwn:tblc cn n1[)<.'11 ·
sali on fo r hl ~ lil11e in ane nd ing a m~~ I;11S o r ".-Mi f)·;nt: (al dcl\<>l-i-
lion o r u i.,.).' It i, impOnaut 10 ini en·jew IIle w i l nc~! a~ carl )· on
in the lili&:>lion j)''''l"!.~ 3~ ""..,hie. sinCi: hi~ :Illcg.iance often de·
I'Cmls ott who in lc ....·lcwl h im lirs!.
Ge ner ally. Ih~ inler .. iew is C<lnd\ICled hy ~ n iT\\"l"!.li&:>tor o r th"
~t10Tnc)· . Counsel, h owe,·cr.•hou !(] con(]llcl th e inlervi ew in ~
eomp li c~ lc(] •. ;tSC, Ot ",b l"'C ~ubllct)· or tact i~ ....-qtli~d in dc~li nll
wilh al e witne.l; CVC Il so. :!n invc.llillalo r 5ho uld b..: p""!.e ,, •• ~I
k3:U .",.lw.c IheN i. a dl~n<:1: Ihal lite wilness tIlay claim ln ~1 ,·Olm ·
5cl ",~<k imp rotJC r sUg&~ llion~
Tbe 'luc~\ion~r' .• !;O:lI Ullt tlll; :I n il1l,......,,~"" il to b luttl Ih e impact
Df or O'·C'I oli mi nu le ~d verse Irial le5tl mell)·. To ach i.,·c l hi~ obj"".
li~e, oounscr~ !IIratesr ~hould be 10 ,.·ill fricnd~ ~ nd in llu on,·c 111)0'
pic: i.c .. 10 ubluin an "ny. '>llh~r Ih:o n an ~"tm)·.' h i~ !h.C~(ON im·
f'O" ~ nl nOI to uircc lly nl!ack unfn,·o rahlc 5WlcmCIl I. Ilw wi lnc&
may rna""'. "l" h.i~ I>ll"lic inc,; ta"' )" cuu,.""!' Ihe w; lnc.s 10 be am:t~o·
Ili~\ic an d !<I fin d W:l~S In suppon Io;~ ~I:,lcm~lltl.

If uPllrwchcd in a n 31)p .ol'ri~lc ma nner. a wi u1<~ m:,yad mit

r~lIac; el ln his pro[}() ;cd lriallcslimeny. O nlhc ulhcr h ~l\d . if it is

·."i"1 ,""
• S,·,· ,.,.,,,.,,,1/)" i"(,~ I : .11) 11111,). Ji.. rW!";"~ of .",h u , ....rint'-
• S«' ~I"""'! Ruin uf 1~"f""T~".'1 Co,,""" R "I,~ ~.1 _4 . 4 ( 19X .'~
, S ...• Moo,) R~I,... ..r 1'M''''''''''1 CO"~"", Rul.- J.4c1., <""' mO"' 1, ~~ .\!.
• Sa II . I~Ol.ll ., ,1 s . ..".. 1,,1\ ,. TIl ,· (""II, "', ~f I ~\< .... ..... i "~ ~"<l Im<'""",,,,,,
U"fi"ft,i«>-lblt 1 91~ , .
.~~. ~,·~"'~II)" [1,,1. C"n<"Ii.·, U"", 10 \\-m f, imd< . "d Inn ... "", 1'«11'1< IS I~,,,"
I< S<~ U\ "r 19;I,j.


d"" r Ih;u lhe "'ll111!'U CJnnOl be ten!ly .-on,·in.",d of hb "rrOf'\;,

~utlS~1 ~hnuld nOI gi.·" aW;1!' biJ ...1»5 ,,~anlinJlion ~U311:f.)· or
!dcgrJph Iht :l1'Ca!. Ihm Iho.' "·i.n~$S will ne.;<1 to wo,k <In w witI>-
'1~1l1l ~ .o~~ ':"\3minaliun, ,\ l lh.: '-=lnlC tim.'. counsel can 1I1a ni ..;.,!!,
of <Ioobt in t i'lc m ind (of the wiln,~,.

1"1 11><: 0...,....;1;,"1

T h"r': :ln: 1"-0 i n51a~ wh ~", Ihe ~lI(\rn e)' cann ol inrOrm3U)' in·
I. ,.·i.,,,, the "·itn~!IS. anfJ ""'" U~ ~ deposilion:
I) wh~,c Ihe "·i\lu.~ i~ a pan y or employl.'t1 of ;1 plny. ~il1rc
no ron'-.:r..."llion <:":In lake pI3\:\: ,,;!laml th~ prt"loCnce or hi~
~ 1I0 r fl<:Y: OJ"

2) wh.,e lh" ,,·i .ne.~ is ItOt a party hu I i5 u ocoopct;lti,·c_;.t ..

he "ill n(Ol speak 10 Ihe ;""~'I ;gal,)r Ur "jIll a 11111""'.·..1\.
In add ilion. th e ~\ I.-:<am int' ,houlfJ ~l""al~ «Inside. Iht UM- of
~ dcpru.ilinn whe,e Ihe ,,·i.ness will probably &1,.... ad,·,,~ I""ilimo-
nl' or m:I)' b.:<:(>me una"a,1ah le ro. 1";11.
,,' -"
An allocm:y " -00 r.. il. 10 .JeJlO""-' ~ bWWll ad '-.,i'SC " ';Ineu l;1kClo
Unl~~5S:l r)' risk!- FirM. oouni<'l sum:ndcn tile a d"anIJS~ uf lin
~:I.I)· :l-uack. The ;1'.h.... f~ ",iln,-~s ~n d h;, ~l1orncy art !i~dy 10 he
kss pn:pau:.J at Ihe d<'\lO.i tiun IlIan during ,,;;11. ,\ !SO. tou n~ 1 w.-
c~ ""l ,,~bk pr"paral;o n li mc 3!l d 'Cl<lurccs; Ihe :luo.nC")· <,oOlducl'
;nt: th ~ deposilion o:dillarih' has ;1m pic opponu ni. ), 10 Im:p:..... hi.
ef<ntl ~xanl i n.1 li oll, ofl~n ~tr:li~1 from lh~ d""""ili(ln. l-"'ill)', « .un·
, .1 n1.1y \0510' h;~ only ~hnte In oblain detai lCt! us!imony un ,,-h idl
10 base Ihl' I,ial c roS/> CJ;;1 mi rl:u ;un.

lSI \\'hc lhu I.. c....... L~~Cli....

Tbe on!y Linl~ ooon~d ,hu uld cDn~idl.'1' .d m inin{l fro m crou .~ .
amin inf:, J y.~ln~1 i. wbon Ihe wiwl~s h"~ done no h" rm to IV"'"
wl'~ ~":I W. 'C his -.:ill io:loo.1l hi: Ih~ Ca!-t,

I-l " . ;nll l"ep;t' L-d a ",tipl fl)' 'III toul tl><: 'I.",. i5l-' ..i ln<'S~, the
c. oss c:o.alllincr 1'-'11"~ to know Ih~ "rcJ' Dr ."In"" ,h;!;t)' or the w",
n~ss. II i. r:lfe th31 a ";I n~"!.~ C'3nl'l<ll be q,••:~I ;on".J "bou, sc'ne (oj.
l"I~r.t! IlOin l I"ch ,1' Co nl[Iel wilh Ih~ OPI'usiflj; ~1I<)JnC~. f):I)n.......
of c.lpOfl K"!.. 13ck of rccollccti<lOl or Jel"i)•. or dislracl;ol1 :U lhe
lim" orob ..... ,,·:n lon. 'l'iK! id"" Ihallhe ",.. imDIIY m:.y C{)nl3in d~.
rC'Ct~ o.'~n be pbnlcd in Ih~ n,i" d or Neh j uror.
I 1.1l511 1 1_14

Cou nsd oIIould k ~p in mind 111.11 c,'e n if a ..i' nl~' !.I~I~ IJIC1' b
m~de d uri ng prc-trinl (] i,~ " cry or !; i Il'SI imony ~m IIn~u;'Ii!­
;>blc, C10$' a:lmin~lion may ,lUI ren .':!l ~~ IU3h1c c\"id~C'C. For in-
Ilan~e, Lbo ",ilnC5~ nI~r prolTer belpful teslimony reg;u !;l ir" Cui_
toms 3nd ptlKticn or in rorm:uion ('01I((1nin& the c redibili ty or
other ",iln~ssc~: Ihe ",iln,,'55 mar c,'t n ad m' l 10 raC1S r~ ~ornbk lu
counsel's dien l, e.z,., Lht ~inLifl-5 St,'CTC illiuM o r hb pain a nd

§ 1,05 St},l.,

HI In Ct"lIcnl
Wh ile the ~ir.e >lyle o r C1'05S C.>.:Im in:'ll ion n'ar ":"'1'
lO couLL!d'~ pcrwnalily a nd 1m: needs of J pan icu"'r , illlalion,
there a n:. £Cn\T.I1 su illeli nn Ihal :' pply HI a ll c:I~
T he importa~ of dcn, can or t"llnnOI be: O~c nLal~(], !i"1m 11M:
r"", Ih~1 i' m ~"<:'! the firil, and oftt n Ihe most Idl ing. i nll'!T'~!oion
upon Ih~ juror~ Thll" th e qU<:'!li on\.'T'$ app:-.. r~nec, ~~I"~Mion,
,viCl), JK>'l11ln:, se nse of C'Onfiocnce, C'O nlrol , cOM kt lon, cnthlJ$t.
:ISm, ~inrerity, i lllcm!lCn~, and hOl>CSly all pi a)'" majo r role III d e-
lerm in ing Ih.: df.:c1i\'~n ~ss of Ih ~ <'TOSS ~" aminllion , lO~o:n if 11'01:
jurors do nol lI"d<:n\,;lnd ~!I Clf Ih ~ nu.l ne..-s u r cou nsd ', lI:'a!O ning
durin, a c,on cuminltion, th ey C'lll '¢lise 111<: truth ;11 the "Y'=" of
In.; crou ...~am; lI~r,
Th ~ cross cnm;n~ llu n shnuld be sim" lc, }'CI wflieicntl}' lh gr-
oust> 10 get l CtmS the major poinl5, ,,,~ a \lo rnC)' shoulll Slid, ...,,"
short quc~l ioll.~ ;1\ cOllmu.:ling ; piCl ll r~ fo r lIN: jury, COu " ~
Wic uld a void diSl r.JCl ins 1m: ju rOf'; wilh In';l1l i,.u~~ o r wilh \1<:. ,
,o nli bliltks . k5 1 he fuet j uror rcS(.'n lm cnl o r t".IU:IC Ihe juron 1(1
foq;et Lhe SUMI:Lnol'e of h i. qlle~lion i nG, Sllb{kl y is ofto:n a k.:}' C'O n,·
fKlllcnt of ~ n, (IIiclt }'. ,\ 1 li m~s. il is moro a(]'-:t nlaseoo' 10 leave
« n:lin pOina un~i!;l :Lnll nOI ~l .: ...... ry (] ~13;1 0111 for tfu; ju')',
'(h.',.; mlY be 3n UIICLIU l>'oc:tl, bUI un'lJOk~ ... , u ndco:u m:nl ;n-
spi•.:.! by ilIe aLLornt~·. qll~$\io"'I, " 'hid, e" Cf)'on( ;n Ihe cou rt-
room s.:nscs. The b ck :Lnd conlCI1l of the qU<"!>liollinr, ~")uld ~n_
!lbI~ the Jll ro~ 10 r~ch Ihci . own rond u!oion ~ 10 ... 11:,1 is bel;C\'.
~blc . Th e juro r> "'ill I.:nd 10') ILIIS! I I~ C'O nd llsion more ir Ih,,'),
Ihc u;;hl o f i i ,

I_ I S

The cro~. c.~II ",i tlCr"l ~1}'Jc h~~;II' efTeel on lhe wi lntlo.'> :,. wen a'
I~ j,u~'. For in!.l~ n~, CO\l n~r i ~u~lio~ins !1)'1c m~)' d is:lrlll Ihe
witness, c~joJi n~ agrec menl , or il !lI:l y ;ll li mid:,lc th e wi llie"",, ,'0-
c,dng attl<'t'ffien l. 11,,, mO~1 elTC(1i"c SI)'le i~ Ihal " 'lIi<:h .-]iciu fl·
"or~ bJe lcM im uny frum Ihe wiIIlC.~, Th e m ale\:\, Ih e ~ll an,C)' p" r-
m e. in ~ehic~i "& lhi~ goal dc po.-ndi upon Ihe pal1;cular "itno:~~,
i, e.. whet hrr he is hO lIeSt and nonIUrt ;!M or f,, "orillie ol her sid e,
Couns.:! !>hould k~c p in ,,,illd Ihat cn~n ,m hoM"!.I, nonrarti,;,' 11
"';In e.'s dll<" IlII I like 10 ad m il .roM, "" ,, man et' how Il' roJ] ~ Ih" "'il-
ness' opinion i,., he may ..·c11 fl"'\ Ihal h is ",rilk a nd q:.1 3,,, -o n Ihe
lin(.- R:l lhcr Iha n ,,'·cr..., II wrOnS ,:"nch,~i<:lIl, IJ,~ wiln c." may
slretc h h is Msu mc nl ln gre31 Icnglhs in Ufder lo ju~li fy il.
In del erm in ing Ihe hel l 11)'1c 10 u~c, il is imporlanl Ihal lh~ n OSi
0),\3 011"., t "3lua lll Ih~ 1II0d "31ion of 3 ,,'il"~U, In Ihe C:'ISC o f a n
h onel t. n"nJla n;~ln " ' ln cl 5, D O S~;hk m01 iv31ins f~ c lors incl ude
Ih ." d c ~ i !\.' 10 be or ~ppo.-ar to b." im"",l anl. !trlf..,SI.",m. ;",d III.
n« <l 10 cnhi"al" I~ "".[><:1;1 of II«: ju ml'lo Of ~"~n ' n ~d ,'~r;:c "a ny,
T),,, hO'>C~1 W;111l.'r>S m u.c Ill: 311~ ...... ~hc<l. III least inili "Uy, in :'I
m,tlncr I h ~1 do..'!o no\ I,ut him o n the <l. fen j i" e or cau l ~ hill] 10
fea r tile quc~ti nl,cr, O,"'C ~o un sci d.'t eflnin ,., h i, mOli,·,"!. for t''!oti-
f) ing, he 511o..,ld a nl;c;palt how th ~ "ilncs~ ,",'HI rI.'!o)",nd 10 ~ ,'c r·
tain linc o f j'Hluir)" a nd Ih~n jlr~Jl:l 'c qucll iun~ in " umn ne. cal cu_
iaN" 10 make the wim <"Mi "llrcc t"31 tI><:l~ :'I, e potential dd;ci cnci~,
in 1';1 0",,, le ' limon )', For c~ amplc, wh~re Ilt cre is a n il!ue :lI 10
th e .. itrwss' abilil~' III obs.c"'. Of R'C;111 lito: illeidenl :1.1 i"ue, he
In :1)' adm il Ih,,\ c\'cf)1h in g h app ~ ncd 1('It' f"'1 10 nOli.'c ,iCla;!." or
that h~ <.':In na t lI;etur" Ih e at'<: idctll dc~ .ly ,,,,ymorl;. 'I n..: "'i,,,, ~
n~~<l n Dt ~ d mi! 10 th~ aC\"~l dcr, ci" n d ~5 , :II hlnr, ~s he "gree, tll:1I
I)t e I"'ICI\\;:l1 for in correel te sti mo ny C~; 'I~ : Ih; ~ ~d lll ill iQ n will
pl3~'C doubt in I" . m i ntl~ .)f lhe JUI,," ~ nd wilt open Ih~ door f"r
fu rt her c"idem'c t)IiH i ~ d", na£in ~ 10 the w;l nc~" Self-criticis m ;.•
mort pcrsU:lsiw Iha n criticis m bf wm~"nc else: , Ra llt<:, Ilian beinG
On Ihe defen . i,'c an<l t:tkin g ~" W)' """"rulllit )' 10 "'fll"'rI h;~ le$li·
mO il )" !lt e s.c1[.( rili r;11 witn"n rll~>' fl..,l ;nci!-i,'c for I~"'i nl; lbOl'f.h1
o f Ille cri licis,n h im.elf, and I\" !II,'I>I a ntI fai r for h" "i nG h lOlIgh t il
to Ihe ju~" s ~ uc nli OJ\ .

PI St"l in~ !. C".uul

11, ~ eros~ c.~ :'In, il\Cr , h ould COI"'O), a con'nl ~ n d i nll r ,~'Sc ncc In
Ih ~ COlltl wo m, Cnun ,eI wan l ~ Ih e juro r. In loo ~ 10 h;1lI fo. the nn·
~w~n H) Ih~ i . qut~l!o)n" Accm d in&ly. I h~ alto.ney mUSI be Ih~
mosl kllow!otlgllh!c pe.SOIl in the cou.t roo m; he nlU St b~ in f,,11
command of hi s f~ls and the app licahl e !~I •• of I:\w ~nd, lik e ~
leach"r. "'U~I be f"'(: p:l.~d to im!",n h is kno..-h:<igc 10 Ihe ju ry.
A5 much ru; IlOn il~e, the crOM e~~m i n ~ . IIlu SI hi: able 10 oontr ol
the wit!1c~s,' CnU n5cl must nn)' in ,ontrol of his 10110 and his cnl O,
,iOIlS, using thelll fOf t nlph':l5is..

IJI ,\((;hlde Tn"nrd W;lm.,. ~ ~ nd Ju.y

1wdicts r~,uh hOlh frO'I! bcinS riShl and flOn, bei ns lik cll ,
~A &rc:'ll man >h ow," h i~ (;fcalne" b}' th ~ "':I~' he Ilea l,' lillie men."
If Iht attornL'Y aC I," rocky o r menially superior 10 llie wilness he is
cross "~~ minin£, he may win the btlttlo un a pani cu l:.. point, bill
luse the w~r, Juror, mny he ofTe ndcd by ~uch ;1.0 attitude, and rna)'
cou5ciou!J)' or whcun~iuu'l)' ",dllec the <.l~ln;tg<'!o.
On ce Ihe allorn e)' has matk his poinl' 10 Ihe jury ell ."1'0!>'~ e.'~I11·
ination, he ~houl d :1"oid 'pP<1aring "dist1c or ~nUlg: counr..:!
should k~~p ~ IlOhr r:.~c ~buUI h i ~ 'UC~~~SC$ (In,j !()lo~ei , The crOI!
uamincr sloould :woid bcJ itllin~ Ihe ",itn.'$1 pcrS<ln ,Il~' or dn ino;
~ n Yl h; n& I ~ ~I elln tic cons;de,~'tI offe ll';n) by a jllro"

The cross cx~miner should ~how a resard for thy i S~\lc' in lh ~

ca<e and should appear cnth usl aSlic "boll! ,." .dlin{: fo r the trulh ,
Dcl enninins the !rulh ""II Ix: a d ifficult last for the j u.or.>. s.i nce
lhey C'Jn nOI nl\\",)'s rely on obj..'C11 vC f~C1I, 'Th e jnro r! must often
rdy on Ihe subjccti.'c judgnlenl of tile p~rt\e" tim "'Imc~,e', :tlld
e"cn the ~lIoruc~'S ,
Coullwl mUf! i)e able 10 co'lVi llO: I h~ ;UIO.5 Ih~1 hi, wl~ con·
cern is unco,'cring tile truth, Li ke ~ ,ciemi st, the au n,n.y', t~ sL: i.
10 strip ~way Ihe la)'en of obfu scatiull :mcl &c t to Ihe bo ttom of Ihu
mauer. n ,c eros. cumirn:r'l fucu s should be Ihc go ~l (the tru th ).
nOl Ihe b )'.T.i of co"crins 1h.~1 h.we 1>«11 r~mo'-~"'. shoukl
h~"c as little pc.",n:\! r<.-elin .." abou\ any Il'l rtkub r wit n",. as Il<l"
~iblc, with the 1l<l~5 ible c~,cp\io n or rc,'ulsinn ror l\ \Vilnes~ who
liu; IIII der o.,(h,
,\n allome!' who i, "'IUSh1 aUcmp1i n ~ 10 deceive or mislc:ld Ihe
jury !eriou.I)' imp~in the cred ibi lity of his client', casc, While

.... ....

sophi,tries may work 011 SOItt~ jurors. :ll tea" one juror i, hound
to se~ Ihrough thom and expo'e Ihe deceptions to his fdlolV jurors
in the deliberation room.

HI Altitude T(),,~rd Judgo

The ~ltorney who is respecled by the judge i, likely to be accept-
ed by Ihe jurors. It i, essential that the cross examiner appear as
knowkdr",hle a, the judge regarding the "pplic'able law. Counwl
doc'S nol want the judge to be able to beliltle or ridicule hi s skill,
or knowledgc. howe"~r indirccliy. lest he lose their trust.
The cross e~aminer must act graciou,ly toward the court in the
case of an adverse rulin~. CO\llI~d should ,how:on :lppropriate dd-
crence to lhe judse. sinc~ the juror, gcner<llly respect the judge',
impartiality and air of authority.
Counsc!111\1st alway, bc circum'peCI when he disell~ses law with
~ judge in fronl of thc jury, Stating an objection in a polite fa,hion
and nUlking an adequate record for apPc:11 is ordinarily ,ufficienl.
When the cro~~ examiner appears to arguc with the judBe. he risks
scriou'ly impairing his credibility with Ihc JUI")'.
A re.pectful attitude tow;mlthc bcnch may yield anmher imp"'.
Hlilt benefit. The Cross e.,aminer ,)]ould ~lwllYs remember thai
mo,( c"idemi:!I")' deci,ions by (he j"d&~ arc a mailer or di,cretion.

151 [~mhllslasm nnd C"nfidcnco

The cross c~amincr should. al all time,. be enlhll,ia~tic ;md eon-
\,e:. :111 air or oplimism. The attorney' s t:1CC can he a barometer of
hi, ,ueec;;., :lnd failures. If Ihe jurors wore to merely watch COUll·
,.1". facial cxprCS~iOll5 without lislcnins \0 Ihe te'timony, t\le),
should bc convincod thai he is winning a sound viclol")', Arter all.
if the cmss e.,,,miner ,'<In remain oplimi,tic and upbeat while :111
adverse witness i, lcstifying against his ean~e. he mn'l have faith
in his casco
The allome), should nm assume thai the jurors IIndcrsHmd the
significance of e\'cry an'wcr. It i. therefore impol1ant nO\ to ullder-
score tIle damage done by a wilne,s' an,wers by ~howi"g hesitmion
or doubt. 1c~1 the jury Sense the ero,! enmine,' , punctured confi_
dence. Ralher, counsel e:m mitigate the dam:lg" or deny its signiti_
"<lm'e by quickly moving on to his next (]lleSlion,
"" ""
§ 1,(lSI" )- ) ~

J61 The ,\uor~ey a~ ,\C)'"

The cro,~ cx~ min cri5 nnl Lh~ Slficl \'Qu;,'31cnl of an ~CLO' on n
Sl:!g~, U n';~~ ~n ~Clor, n lrial a llorn~)' ~aml ol rely cmi rcl y on his
~ .ipL; counsel mus! he nblc to t o " ';Ih Ih. now of IIt~ "inl ~nd III-
lim Olcl }' fJII b~~k on b~in$ hinl'CJr. ti le Ihe ~C!OI , " , 1"'=
eral.! enmi"c. mll!1 m elV ide a po li !>!lc'; prC~n1 3Iio ", o r he ~lIbj.'C1
to the ~"<:rc Cf;I;ci ~m of thos..: who [13)' $0 dearly witll th eir lime
_ nn mcLy, Ihe judge, Or poS;1I8 3110m~'y~, nnd Ihe juro..,

WhelM. co unsel ban'!; hi. ow n cmolion ~ in cross c ~ 3minal;on

dCp(oolon 100 p,VI'cub r wit nc.s and Ihe "lIornc:y'~ pcnon31 st}' le ,
Th e bask idc~ in eros... ~:umi n3Iion i~ 10 h3" ~ 3 1~lli ng ' mp l el on
the jU!)', >0 th at particular [1<linls s ti ,~ 0111 d uring <Iclio.:Tal ion~
Whik some 3I\Ofn<")"S ~uC<:~lru!1y Ini' i7,e ~ low key :Ipproach, nth_
e.. became cII\otion3Uy ill"a\,',:d in Ihc Pfoc<-~; n~', Mnn~< ~lIor·
ne)':; nr e ,"ery cQmrot!~hlc ,,'lIh a m iddl~ of tltc food 3ppraach~ Ihey
p.o.'i<l.: 3n lIonc..t, str aiglltforwnrd portr.:tyal of th eir con .. ieti(.n.
dutlr'lg ( ran eJ<ami nat'Or1 ill order 10 pc"'''3 d~ 1'><: j U'1"
Coun.<cl ()fI~,. U$C1. chan!!",> in lone (\f \'1)icc, bo~y rlj ng.t~gc, or
mCn1or~bk Or CO lorful b nJu3ic 10 hdt:hl¢n lhe Inlell$;Iy of the
C"'~5 c,.nm;n"tlon ~ I 'trategic poinrs. The ero" cumi ncr cnn 111'\0
U,"", .. ;,u:al c"idenc.:. ~"eh ,~a picture o r de m(ln 'lrJti (lfi, to hiGh_
light kC~'I ~ llimony, Vi~,t.aJ c "i<l~ ncc aflcn et.:at,"S IIIe ' Iro .."",t im-
pression On the jurors: In deed. jurors lend to rcmcm""r "'''allhL,!,
I « much bo.'1ttr Ih~n ,~hal tile)' hear.'

In ' IInI e localit ies, COll ri rule, ca~t r the ilslI>: of ",lIo!rc the nuO{-
nL')' must stand ...,1.e n ~ue!ll oni t1g ""'il[1C's.:~, Otiter courts. while
not 113" ln& fafnl!ll rub o n the whj~"'t , prefe r lh~t ~OU1llci ~taml at
n padium, ~'0'1 courlS. ha\\'C\'cr, perm;! Iht all". n..~' 10 cho<>w hi~
Some nU lho ri tic! opIne thnl the attorn-'y's po;;itian _~houkl b;>
bJiI.'1i on the Wiln~S' abililY to mai ntain e}'c canlnel with the j u·

'S" 'If<"Cft,lIy ,', I.;~"' n, "', or "~"""..,y_lJcm o l"I r:U;"< E,'jo",," '~ I""""'"
/It .Utl l ~i S~
1- 19

fOI'S . ,\«"O...Ii", 10 Ihtsc: rnmmcnlaIOf"'l. rnu n5c1 !ibould !Iand b)'

In.: jll,)" hm durin, Ihe q\l,,,slioni~ of hj~ own ,,";III(,~~. 10 enable
Ihe wil ....'M 10 "'3~~ ('~ Icnli"~ ~'yc ""1I1~C I "il" Iht jury; " '11<"11
qU~1Iionjn~ au ~d"ersc w'lne5s. Ihe ,,\lOr1'>C), ~lould ~land o~"", ite
Ihe jury I>o~. 10 as 10 promol. minimal eye comaCI \1(;1,,"ccn Ihe
wilne!' and Ihe ju rors (indl.-cd. Ihe wilne," nlay weIR 10 b. ",'oid-
in~ I""ki ng al Ibe jll11').
Na malicr IIIhere co un,~1
slands. hQllle,"er. he shou ld ~ 1 ... a}'1
maintnin OJ'e conlne l "'ith eilher Ihe jurors or the ,,'itnc l~, Eye enn·
tact lIIilh the juror,,; during erol' e.<amin3ti on i$ cl-PCcbn~' helpfu l.
JurM C}'C COn lilC! cr~aIC~ J bond between Ihe '1ul.~l lon.:r and Ihe
ju..,·. and is ''ifl«b ll ~' "aluable " ,here tile wit!l('Ss i ~ fllM; 5:1n. ("Of-
rupl. or itI~nt.
Ooee Ibe a l1orn~r d..-rida. ",,,,,", to Maod. he !houW onl>' eblnge
hi. posilion for a ~pctifi'" ""1'JIlI~- siR« Ihe issLIU of bOOy b n-
g\l3b'C_ CYIII ront;,( I. alld ""'~ ha";~ com~ into pI~y. The <1" o,lion"
may wi$h 10 ~flpr03ch Ihe wilm.~~ 10 :"k ctl13tn I)'pc$ of IIUOSlioll •.
10 cmphnli zc IlIdr import ance. Cou ... "1 m.w wi!>h 10 pus<: his qua.·
lion while bchlS the JUI)', ~s ir he il om: of Ihem.
In plel'~ ring Ihe scripl for cross uamination. lht cro~s ~l~mi n " r
shoulll w.ile in nmm io'" Oil Ihe possible u~c of IlIld)' l :on~u:tEC.
During tri.ll. how~"~r, counsel mUSI he f1e,iblc in hi~ "ppro"~h \0
body languIlgc: Cilho. the BeS tures come spont~ncou~I)' and fi l Ille
.i t I'Jllon. or th ~>' do nOl. Jr Ihe nlO"cmenu ore IliSh tly 011\ or 'yn-
eh. like a h~ d ly tlub\)t'(.l mo,·ie. il m~)' nlJkc a 1I'lICke!}' of ,he
whole l"tsCOlalloll ,

191 TOG!' of Vuif!'

,\ Jthouth 001 e\'e~'on", ....~n have Ihe sooo,O)U~ V(l(31 d~pl h of 3
Gcfl)' SpcftC:t', Ihe cron ~nmjncr C'3n slill b. e.<pres~lI'c IIlfou$h
Ihe u~ or lone. 11lfnuv, oul most of Ihr cros~ cnmin~I;On. ;1 is
sufficienl for co un se l to "S~ a slraiglnfoN-ard. !>OUd. anti cxm.:'isi,'.
"oice of norma l volume.
As a &c neral full', the ~ ross enminer shoul!1 re frain fro nl ~rx:a ~­
illl: in an cxce~I;"e l )' loud. ~ol"t. or high pildlCd '·o ic~. ,\ h;~h
pitched or ~~ceuh'cl)' lo~d lOne i. often :m i ndiC~ li oll thaI th~ at·
\orno)' is 1(\~l llg co nllol Inti ~pc~kinl: with his hc~rt in5lcad of his
nead. In nlany ~a~el. co unsd ma~' l>c ;n'·ol ....-.I in 'l\3 l1el1 I"hich
_.,,.. -

in, \0 lh~ "iln~SS or the pan y " 'ho c;JUo:d the ''';In.'IL 'r hi, 1.'<1,-
ni'l ue soould. ho" -",,,,,. be employed sparingly.

tIll ,\\"idlRlt unruH).."bl" ,\lIs,,'crs

Th .ough jn '<~.'l ;g"lioli. di s('uwl)" or prier 1~"li mon}'. 1:I)tl1l",1
. hculd be nhle 10 d~ICI'mi ne if , t..; ...-jl nes. i, likd~' II) lh~ ~ n ",,(3-
"or~We ani"", 10:1. qll~lioo. In rt\:Iny j",I311('\."'&, I~ aon e~3 n\i n'
c r '"-In 'Ivui<l "li cilin~ , udl lC~lil!lony by adi1c ri n& \0 the f"lltl",in~
II T he ~1 .;.o:3min~r 111" ,,1<1 1'1 01 ""rm il lhe "';Ineu to th't'
51"-',-dl C.• . Qu csli{l ns !'llould be n:l.ffowl~· r... m~'tI-i .e .. they
5hould al~ for '-ery sr«i fic iO("'01 31io ll , 1'n,:fcmbJ)". they
ll1<)11t<l be ,tN<lu",d 10 ~'icil :I. ~"\"lo- or ~no- respunSC.
Wl/Cn<:"cr Ihe wilncss al\cmllis 10 p ra" ide infonn aljo n
00)'0 11<1 ~hat ,,'as 3S~C'd in the qlll~tion, th e Cju<.>\ linncr
sllOUld inll'frulll hit". Tu ~,"Oili lll')' ~plI"ar:lll« 10 the jU!}'
of ~ n,..~r-up or di"" ur1 the aao. n~"1· may Id! Ihe
"-. w; Ih~t he "..ill lin\: 3n opfJOr1u nilY 10 ~.,p!~in hi!;
~ IU""CI", if hb :l.\lom~y w:ml~ him 10. on rcdir..'CI .

2) 111c cro$S cumincr $llould ~IOp qll cnicning 3n~r tete! .. ing
an i,, ~dwncnl f3"Ur:l!J!c 1"' ~l\"cr. Ie." Ihe ""imess thant<: hi.
:l1I Or <lJ< plain il a" "l!.! ·. On« Ihe wi lne~ is 3nchored 10
a Cl:rt~in pt»ilion. Ihe q U<:\lio n<:. n"l)" .citcf1Il C tho: po<ilion
' c-pealrot)" to cmph3!il~ ;1 to the jury.
3} Th<: qu," lione r !Oho uld ""'W ~~k -,,"hy~. Opcn ended
qUCIJio,,, """mil the ""Inn< 10 jU~lir)· hi~ ta""n!.:, and
Sol) a n)'l lIing he waJU$. ,\ "'i lne" c:>ll 1,"<'11",",,11)" rnal:c a fair
an;-ollnling of him""tf ir CI\"l'n the ch~nt"C. 11 is o nl \' whell
11I;;.C call be no co! an.wcr 10 Ihe QII"-llion o f -,,·hy·
Ihal Ihe ,,·i\l1<."<!i can be PUI 10 Ih,- \e5t; Ih i~ )ilual;u n ""tluld
nonna U!' occu . c urin!; Ihe hr:ll of a <ponlan co ,,! hmk willi
the wiln,os., when he i. down an d ca n"01 tel up.
-I ) CouJ\SC1 ~ould plttn his cro~s ex:r.nlinatioo 10 l'-oid 'Ilino,
or "i\"i~1 i~~"c~. "n k~s 11t ~)" cle~r1y ~~I ablish wilnt""!,S ,,"ur.
An ln empl !D tlblain minor ~o" or imP<';lCh on
i"n oc u<lw IIOinl5 n1a)' o lTtlld Ihe ju~', and 11"'!~'1I!illny gi\"l.-.
the wi l l>Clo~ 3n opJl'()"unity In ll1ake <1~lem~ n IS on m~jor
,... ....,

; t ,(~121

§ 1.(16 ('ollt rol ling the W h nc~ ~

111 In Gen eral

'nlC <1U~tiMc r muS! m ~inl ai n fOIltrol of Ihe wi l ....OV; 31 a ll limes.
Sinct Ihe wil ncs~ hlS ample op~o nun lty \0 make da m~ Bi1\g ~$ICr­
lions durin!: \Ij.o:ct (~a mjnal ion. Ihe e.OS\. (,>.:Im iner mU~1 n( \..:r
gi\'~ the ....· itnt~1 any leewny in an~weri n& quesl ionJ e n cro~~ C~!l nl;.
n:n ion. The crOM ~u n,i ncr m~inla i ns cuntrol o f Ihe ",iln ~\S
Ihrough ~u,h mean s ~. IC!Hling 'I UOSl; I,m •. proplanned IIO., ti oo ing
!,.,:lll'!lY. 3nd h' tcrruplin& unrtlSj)(Iru;i.'c :lnSWNs..

III T ile USll of IA'H<ii lll! QUeJ; ti"" ~

As pr..: "iou sly noted ,' Icadin e 'I"e 5\;on, ~hould :11 "'a),5 be used
d'l,illg cruss "~3m;n3tion.
There arc 5c"era l rca,o ll s wh ~' Ih e e rosl c~am \ ll e r Ihould use
o . ~ no~ a nSWeU pre"enl ,he wi tncs~
Ic~din8 qul'5 1io ll~. l'iI~l. ~)'c,~
fro m explain inll or Quanf)' ;ng hi~ fIO~ilie ll 10 the j ury.
S''rond. k:tding QUl'5lio ns a llow Ihe tfOS\. ~l~ mi m:r 10 11m.: hi.
ns~ to I h~ jury. III hi~ que~t ion s. toun s~l is nl~kinl.l statem ent s tl131
;tpJlClr flforol7k 10 Inc j ury; I~ ...i ln~~~ i. merdr ]JC'fflliU\-d 10 'c-
sVOnd . Ie stal e wh el her or not h ~ 3£rec~. Il cc~ u'c lh<: witn ess e~n·
not ~ Ill~i n :IIIy di5.3gm:nlcnls.. he i n " ari~bly io5e l e. cd ib ility.
Filla ll )'. meSI wi tnes,c, J re l ust",li blc: if a questio n hns n p rol1n-
bk an.we . _ Ih~~' .. i ll lend 10 usc ii_ ,\ ,,-ilness may folio ....' the 11-""
of Ihe ~ro.> exam iner as an a\'comn loomi on to the <lllc ~li oncr.
Atw. Ihe wi\",:~ m~y nlll Ih i" k il is "'()f111 a rplillj; ;lboll' wlul he
con siders to be an un im pe rtant i~, ue. The wit ne ss m ay not know
11031 cOlln.d 's poinl i. OMl: o f a If:lil o f :.Merlin n, Ih~t Ic~d 10 I fa-
"(!fable result : wi th uul a basic ~&,,:cmcn t with III<: whnl"!! Oil the
p rem ise underlying a lin<: IIr logic. the IrJ il " 'Quid nc\' er tel Slarted.
To ensure that !1 queM!on calt~ fli t a ~YCI~ or ~ no~ re. [)Onso:
" ; lhOUI nny ,,~pJ~nalion. Iht crmJ c.\:Im in e. d , uuld u..: a n O,lCoinS
meh ~I: " I, n'l il a fac I tl1 a1." ~1~ll't it co rrect Ih~ t , ~ ~ l)idn'l y(lu.~
o r ~ 1!il1'1 il l ru~ Iba l.· Th i~ (OOC<'I the Q"e~tio ne r III ma ke an n.!<:r-
ti un fo ll o "'in~ Ihe phm ~e; t'le "i ln~~ " 'in Illen hn"c 10 nv"~ or
di5:lgr~ \Vilh lh<: S!<Ilemen\.

L .'ie,' ,'''w'' l 1,1)),

,r",." ,
-'. -

Ihe JUI)' hu h e~rd al leal l a I' ~rl cf Ihe ,,-iulc!;S' ~la'C11l1:n l . Ihe
elMS ~~am ill~r ""')' n51.: Ihe LQurt to ~Iri~c Ih~ an.we r fro m the IC'
cord , OD tile other hand. if (oun~cI does not wa ll l In dr~w ru rth~r
allenl;oll to Ihe d~ m ~si ns remark, he may choose In i8 no r~ il by
nol JlkinS Ih31 it be slricken,

'n ll: ' '; i~ 00 one COif.,.., method fo r in l,;'fllplinl: I"" wilnc~~ who
has gone b.:ynmJ Ih e ho und . of Ih " (1lI csli on , The Ir;In K'rip l ~ rca.
IU 'W in Ih i1 tlc;llilol: pro ,i de lIu me.OU~ " ~ ampl ~ of di fTe rent te(h·
"'Q II : ~,

Couusc1 ma y be tlCI;le when illl.:rruplins til e wi ll1 e.I', " E~ cm e

nle. ;( nIU~' h3~" bc.:n my faull. ma )'oo ' d id,,·1 ma~c Illy qu e, li !)11
clear cnough " is u Y:lc ioll! w~~ of inlerrupting ~ w iHl~l1, The m·
IQrn"~- may inform Ihe witn~~s Ih~ l he will hn 'e an opportu nity 10
c~ plai" hi mself. if his al1llrTIey "'ishes him U) d o so. 011 <ed i. C(!;
Ih is a "oid~ 'he ~rmea rlncc Ihat the CfO SS •.• am; ne! ;, afra i,1 o f no
c~plan:uill n Or 113~ "'m et .. i .... (0 hi"'~_ Coun""r. T\':w.>ninl: m l)' he
Ill led :110 0& Ih~!e li\les: "J usl to mo "c Ihi. :llnl1&, pIC:I I" jU11 nn·
!,,'cr Ih" Q\I~'"!oI.;on; yOu' allorn~)" .;a n l , 1; yo u any furtlwr qU. j\ i(ln ~
on redirect." J ~roT5 lend III :11)(Irccj~tc nnybod y woo I.i,"f, 10 IIIIl" ':
the prO«<.:ding~ 1I10 ny..
Wilcoe rtpc:llw imcHupl;ofl is n<:e<;ua..,·. the ~TO\~ '~ ~!II ill"r
,llou!d a.~ Ihe c,)un 10 In51rllel Ih. ", Itn•• ! Ilill hi! 3MWC,. mml
be ra.pon~iw to .he QUC1>1 inIlS ~ .I;cd , ,\ ha rsh er LOne ma)' he tlken.
III i m~ l y Iha l Ihe wit ness i5 in l"llli~nall)" ,';ol:lI in& lhe rll ies nr lhe

A p;lfliSl n wi t n'"l>~ ma)" del i b"r~I"I)' nn'wer l }'csln'j qu e'lion

~Io n£ Ihe Jincs ,)f: "Yo_<. I ~w Ioim. and h~ "11!1 ' Io n. d ruDk,-
Whir, it "';1)" at lilll ~S he prude nl 10 mutdy igno,," I)' ~ . lnlcnlC III ,
al o lhcr lim~ ;1 1lt.1)" he nC(C~slry 10 :Il k the courl '0 illUfIIl"i Ihe
ju ry Ihn l Ihey C:llin ot t an sider ~u c h " Ilmcnic Ol . Il "c~u$c j uror$
",ill U$u:dt)" I..,· 10 (Illlo'" Ihr d ir.x:tiuM o f Ih.: COU' I, Ih ~ (I" esti" " . r
sha uld ask Ihe j\ldge to §\Ti ~e the r~mark fmlll lh~ refOld ~nd ill_
~In«:l Ihe wi ,!lt,"j,$ In be "'~pon.I;'·C HI th. (lUc"11itln. Til!! cro,~ exa m·
illCr should con ~l dcr m l inc 1111: jud~c 10 a dJlUlIli!Jt I h~ wil .....~ o n

sophi,tries may work 011 SOItt~ jurors. :ll tea" one juror i, hound
to se~ Ihrough thom and expo'e Ihe deceptions to his fdlolV jurors
in the deliberation room.

HI Altitude T(),,~rd Judgo

The ~ltorney who is respecled by the judge i, likely to be accept-
ed by Ihe jurors. It i, essential that the cross examiner appear as
knowkdr",hle a, the judge regarding the "pplic'able law. Counwl
doc'S nol want the judge to be able to beliltle or ridicule hi s skill,
or knowledgc. howe"~r indirccliy. lest he lose their trust.
The cross e~aminer must act graciou,ly toward the court in the
case of an adverse rulin~. CO\llI~d should ,how:on :lppropriate dd-
crence to lhe judse. sinc~ the juror, gcner<llly respect the judge',
impartiality and air of authority.
Counsc!111\1st alway, bc circum'peCI when he disell~ses law with
~ judge in fronl of thc jury, Stating an objection in a polite fa,hion
and nUlking an adequate record for apPc:11 is ordinarily ,ufficienl.
When the cro~~ examiner appears to arguc with the judBe. he risks
scriou'ly impairing his credibility with Ihc JUI")'.
A re.pectful attitude tow;mlthc bcnch may yield anmher imp"'.
Hlilt benefit. The Cross e.,aminer ,)]ould ~lwllYs remember thai
mo,( c"idemi:!I")' deci,ions by (he j"d&~ arc a mailer or di,cretion.

151 [~mhllslasm nnd C"nfidcnco

The cross c~amincr should. al all time,. be enlhll,ia~tic ;md eon-
\,e:. :111 air or oplimism. The attorney' s t:1CC can he a barometer of
hi, ,ueec;;., :lnd failures. If Ihe jurors wore to merely watch COUll·
,.1". facial cxprCS~iOll5 without lislcnins \0 Ihe te'timony, t\le),
should bc convincod thai he is winning a sound viclol")', Arter all.
if the cmss e.,,,miner ,'<In remain oplimi,tic and upbeat while :111
adverse witness i, lcstifying against his ean~e. he mn'l have faith
in his casco
The allome), should nm assume thai the jurors IIndcrsHmd the
significance of e\'cry an'wcr. It i. therefore impol1ant nO\ to ullder-
score tIle damage done by a wilne,s' an,wers by ~howi"g hesitmion
or doubt. 1c~1 the jury Sense the ero,! enmine,' , punctured confi_
dence. Ralher, counsel e:m mitigate the dam:lg" or deny its signiti_
"<lm'e by quickly moving on to his next (]lleSlion,
"" ""
§ 1,(lSI" )- ) ~

J61 The ,\uor~ey a~ ,\C)'"

The cro,~ cx~ min cri5 nnl Lh~ Slficl \'Qu;,'31cnl of an ~CLO' on n
Sl:!g~, U n';~~ ~n ~Clor, n lrial a llorn~)' ~aml ol rely cmi rcl y on his
~ .ipL; counsel mus! he nblc to t o " ';Ih Ih. now of IIt~ "inl ~nd III-
lim Olcl }' fJII b~~k on b~in$ hinl'CJr. ti le Ihe ~C!OI , " , 1"'=
eral.! enmi"c. mll!1 m elV ide a po li !>!lc'; prC~n1 3Iio ", o r he ~lIbj.'C1
to the ~"<:rc Cf;I;ci ~m of thos..: who [13)' $0 dearly witll th eir lime
_ nn mcLy, Ihe judge, Or poS;1I8 3110m~'y~, nnd Ihe juro..,

WhelM. co unsel ban'!; hi. ow n cmolion ~ in cross c ~ 3minal;on

dCp(oolon 100 p,VI'cub r wit nc.s and Ihe "lIornc:y'~ pcnon31 st}' le ,
Th e bask idc~ in eros... ~:umi n3Iion i~ 10 h3" ~ 3 1~lli ng ' mp l el on
the jU!)', >0 th at particular [1<linls s ti ,~ 0111 d uring <Iclio.:Tal ion~
Whik some 3I\Ofn<")"S ~uC<:~lru!1y Ini' i7,e ~ low key :Ipproach, nth_
e.. became cII\otion3Uy ill"a\,',:d in Ihc Pfoc<-~; n~', Mnn~< ~lIor·
ne)':; nr e ,"ery cQmrot!~hlc ,,'lIh a m iddl~ of tltc food 3ppraach~ Ihey
p.o.'i<l.: 3n lIonc..t, str aiglltforwnrd portr.:tyal of th eir con .. ieti(.n.
dutlr'lg ( ran eJ<ami nat'Or1 ill order 10 pc"'''3 d~ 1'><: j U'1"
Coun.<cl ()fI~,. U$C1. chan!!",> in lone (\f \'1)icc, bo~y rlj ng.t~gc, or
mCn1or~bk Or CO lorful b nJu3ic 10 hdt:hl¢n lhe Inlell$;Iy of the
C"'~5 c,.nm;n"tlon ~ I 'trategic poinrs. The ero" cumi ncr cnn 111'\0
U,"", .. ;,u:al c"idenc.:. ~"eh ,~a picture o r de m(ln 'lrJti (lfi, to hiGh_
light kC~'I ~ llimony, Vi~,t.aJ c "i<l~ ncc aflcn et.:at,"S IIIe ' Iro .."",t im-
pression On the jurors: In deed. jurors lend to rcmcm""r "'''allhL,!,
I « much bo.'1ttr Ih~n ,~hal tile)' hear.'

In ' IInI e localit ies, COll ri rule, ca~t r the ilslI>: of ",lIo!rc the nuO{-
nL')' must stand ...,1.e n ~ue!ll oni t1g ""'il[1C's.:~, Otiter courts. while
not 113" ln& fafnl!ll rub o n the whj~"'t , prefe r lh~t ~OU1llci ~taml at
n padium, ~'0'1 courlS. ha\\'C\'cr, perm;! Iht all". n..~' 10 cho<>w hi~
Some nU lho ri tic! opIne thnl the attorn-'y's po;;itian _~houkl b;>
bJiI.'1i on the Wiln~S' abililY to mai ntain e}'c canlnel with the j u·

'S" 'If<"Cft,lIy ,', I.;~"' n, "', or "~"""..,y_lJcm o l"I r:U;"< E,'jo",," '~ I""""'"
/It .Utl l ~i S~
1- 19

fOI'S . ,\«"O...Ii", 10 Ihtsc: rnmmcnlaIOf"'l. rnu n5c1 !ibould !Iand b)'

In.: jll,)" hm durin, Ihe q\l,,,slioni~ of hj~ own ,,";III(,~~. 10 enable
Ihe wil ....'M 10 "'3~~ ('~ Icnli"~ ~'yc ""1I1~C I "il" Iht jury; " '11<"11
qU~1Iionjn~ au ~d"ersc w'lne5s. Ihe ,,\lOr1'>C), ~lould ~land o~"", ite
Ihe jury I>o~. 10 as 10 promol. minimal eye comaCI \1(;1,,"ccn Ihe
wilne!' and Ihe ju rors (indl.-cd. Ihe wilne," nlay weIR 10 b. ",'oid-
in~ I""ki ng al Ibe jll11').
Na malicr IIIhere co un,~1
slands. hQllle,"er. he shou ld ~ 1 ... a}'1
maintnin OJ'e conlne l "'ith eilher Ihe jurors or the ,,'itnc l~, Eye enn·
tact lIIilh the juror,,; during erol' e.<amin3ti on i$ cl-PCcbn~' helpfu l.
JurM C}'C COn lilC! cr~aIC~ J bond between Ihe '1ul.~l lon.:r and Ihe
ju..,·. and is ''ifl«b ll ~' "aluable " ,here tile wit!l('Ss i ~ fllM; 5:1n. ("Of-
rupl. or itI~nt.
Ooee Ibe a l1orn~r d..-rida. ",,,,,", to Maod. he !houW onl>' eblnge
hi. posilion for a ~pctifi'" ""1'JIlI~- siR« Ihe issLIU of bOOy b n-
g\l3b'C_ CYIII ront;,( I. alld ""'~ ha";~ com~ into pI~y. The <1" o,lion"
may wi$h 10 ~flpr03ch Ihe wilm.~~ 10 :"k ctl13tn I)'pc$ of IIUOSlioll •.
10 cmphnli zc IlIdr import ance. Cou ... "1 m.w wi!>h 10 pus<: his qua.·
lion while bchlS the JUI)', ~s ir he il om: of Ihem.
In plel'~ ring Ihe scripl for cross uamination. lht cro~s ~l~mi n " r
shoulll w.ile in nmm io'" Oil Ihe possible u~c of IlIld)' l :on~u:tEC.
During tri.ll. how~"~r, counsel mUSI he f1e,iblc in hi~ "ppro"~h \0
body languIlgc: Cilho. the BeS tures come spont~ncou~I)' and fi l Ille
.i t I'Jllon. or th ~>' do nOl. Jr Ihe nlO"cmenu ore IliSh tly 011\ or 'yn-
eh. like a h~ d ly tlub\)t'(.l mo,·ie. il m~)' nlJkc a 1I'lICke!}' of ,he
whole l"tsCOlalloll ,

191 TOG!' of Vuif!'

,\ Jthouth 001 e\'e~'on", ....~n have Ihe sooo,O)U~ V(l(31 d~pl h of 3
Gcfl)' SpcftC:t', Ihe cron ~nmjncr C'3n slill b. e.<pres~lI'c IIlfou$h
Ihe u~ or lone. 11lfnuv, oul most of Ihr cros~ cnmin~I;On. ;1 is
sufficienl for co un se l to "S~ a slraiglnfoN-ard. !>OUd. anti cxm.:'isi,'.
"oice of norma l volume.
As a &c neral full', the ~ ross enminer shoul!1 re frain fro nl ~rx:a ~­
illl: in an cxce~I;"e l )' loud. ~ol"t. or high pildlCd '·o ic~. ,\ h;~h
pitched or ~~ceuh'cl)' lo~d lOne i. often :m i ndiC~ li oll thaI th~ at·
\orno)' is 1(\~l llg co nllol Inti ~pc~kinl: with his hc~rt in5lcad of his
nead. In nlany ~a~el. co unsd ma~' l>c ;n'·ol ....-.I in 'l\3 l1el1 I"hich
_.,,.. -

in, \0 lh~ "iln~SS or the pan y " 'ho c;JUo:d the ''';In.'IL 'r hi, 1.'<1,-
ni'l ue soould. ho" -",,,,,. be employed sparingly.

tIll ,\\"idlRlt unruH).."bl" ,\lIs,,'crs

Th .ough jn '<~.'l ;g"lioli. di s('uwl)" or prier 1~"li mon}'. 1:I)tl1l",1
. hculd be nhle 10 d~ICI'mi ne if , t..; ...-jl nes. i, likd~' II) lh~ ~ n ",,(3-
"or~We ani"", 10:1. qll~lioo. In rt\:Iny j",I311('\."'&, I~ aon e~3 n\i n'
c r '"-In 'Ivui<l "li cilin~ , udl lC~lil!lony by adi1c ri n& \0 the f"lltl",in~
II T he ~1 .;.o:3min~r 111" ,,1<1 1'1 01 ""rm il lhe "';Ineu to th't'
51"-',-dl C.• . Qu csli{l ns !'llould be n:l.ffowl~· r... m~'tI-i .e .. they
5hould al~ for '-ery sr«i fic iO("'01 31io ll , 1'n,:fcmbJ)". they
ll1<)11t<l be ,tN<lu",d 10 ~'icil :I. ~"\"lo- or ~no- respunSC.
Wl/Cn<:"cr Ihe wilncss al\cmllis 10 p ra" ide infonn aljo n
00)'0 11<1 ~hat ,,'as 3S~C'd in the qlll~tion, th e Cju<.>\ linncr
sllOUld inll'frulll hit". Tu ~,"Oili lll')' ~plI"ar:lll« 10 the jU!}'
of ~ n,..~r-up or di"" ur1 the aao. n~"1· may Id! Ihe
"-. w; Ih~t he "..ill lin\: 3n opfJOr1u nilY 10 ~.,p!~in hi!;
~ IU""CI", if hb :l.\lom~y w:ml~ him 10. on rcdir..'CI .

2) 111c cro$S cumincr $llould ~IOp qll cnicning 3n~r tete! .. ing
an i,, ~dwncnl f3"Ur:l!J!c 1"' ~l\"cr. Ie." Ihe ""imess thant<: hi.
:l1I Or <lJ< plain il a" "l!.! ·. On« Ihe wi lne~ is 3nchored 10
a Cl:rt~in pt»ilion. Ihe q U<:\lio n<:. n"l)" .citcf1Il C tho: po<ilion
' c-pealrot)" to cmph3!il~ ;1 to the jury.
3} Th<: qu," lione r !Oho uld ""'W ~~k -,,"hy~. Opcn ended
qUCIJio,,, """mil the ""Inn< 10 jU~lir)· hi~ ta""n!.:, and
Sol) a n)'l lIing he waJU$. ,\ "'i lne" c:>ll 1,"<'11",",,11)" rnal:c a fair
an;-ollnling of him""tf ir CI\"l'n the ch~nt"C. 11 is o nl \' whell
11I;;.C call be no co! an.wcr 10 Ihe QII"-llion o f -,,·hy·
Ihal Ihe ,,·i\l1<."<!i can be PUI 10 Ih,- \e5t; Ih i~ )ilual;u n ""tluld
nonna U!' occu . c urin!; Ihe hr:ll of a <ponlan co ,,! hmk willi
the wiln,os., when he i. down an d ca n"01 tel up.
-I ) CouJ\SC1 ~ould plttn his cro~s ex:r.nlinatioo 10 l'-oid 'Ilino,
or "i\"i~1 i~~"c~. "n k~s 11t ~)" cle~r1y ~~I ablish wilnt""!,S ,,"ur.
An ln empl !D tlblain minor ~o" or imP<';lCh on
i"n oc u<lw IIOinl5 n1a)' o lTtlld Ihe ju~', and 11"'!~'1I!illny gi\"l.-.
the wi l l>Clo~ 3n opJl'()"unity In ll1ake <1~lem~ n IS on m~jor
,... ....,

; t ,(~121

§ 1.(16 ('ollt rol ling the W h nc~ ~

111 In Gen eral

'nlC <1U~tiMc r muS! m ~inl ai n fOIltrol of Ihe wi l ....OV; 31 a ll limes.
Sinct Ihe wil ncs~ hlS ample op~o nun lty \0 make da m~ Bi1\g ~$ICr­
lions durin!: \Ij.o:ct (~a mjnal ion. Ihe e.OS\. (,>.:Im iner mU~1 n( \..:r
gi\'~ the ....· itnt~1 any leewny in an~weri n& quesl ionJ e n cro~~ C~!l nl;.
n:n ion. The crOM ~u n,i ncr m~inla i ns cuntrol o f Ihe ",iln ~\S
Ihrough ~u,h mean s ~. IC!Hling 'I UOSl; I,m •. proplanned IIO., ti oo ing
!,.,:lll'!lY. 3nd h' tcrruplin& unrtlSj)(Iru;i.'c :lnSWNs..

III T ile USll of IA'H<ii lll! QUeJ; ti"" ~

As pr..: "iou sly noted ,' Icadin e 'I"e 5\;on, ~hould :11 "'a),5 be used
d'l,illg cruss "~3m;n3tion.
There arc 5c"era l rca,o ll s wh ~' Ih e e rosl c~am \ ll e r Ihould use
o . ~ no~ a nSWeU pre"enl ,he wi tncs~
Ic~din8 qul'5 1io ll~. l'iI~l. ~)'c,~
fro m explain inll or Quanf)' ;ng hi~ fIO~ilie ll 10 the j ury.
S''rond. k:tding QUl'5lio ns a llow Ihe tfOS\. ~l~ mi m:r 10 11m.: hi.
ns~ to I h~ jury. III hi~ que~t ion s. toun s~l is nl~kinl.l statem ent s tl131
;tpJlClr flforol7k 10 Inc j ury; I~ ...i ln~~~ i. merdr ]JC'fflliU\-d 10 'c-
sVOnd . Ie stal e wh el her or not h ~ 3£rec~. Il cc~ u'c lh<: witn ess e~n·
not ~ Ill~i n :IIIy di5.3gm:nlcnls.. he i n " ari~bly io5e l e. cd ib ility.
Filla ll )'. meSI wi tnes,c, J re l ust",li blc: if a questio n hns n p rol1n-
bk an.we . _ Ih~~' .. i ll lend 10 usc ii_ ,\ ,,-ilness may folio ....' the 11-""
of Ihe ~ro.> exam iner as an a\'comn loomi on to the <lllc ~li oncr.
Atw. Ihe wi\",:~ m~y nlll Ih i" k il is "'()f111 a rplillj; ;lboll' wlul he
con siders to be an un im pe rtant i~, ue. The wit ne ss m ay not know
11031 cOlln.d 's poinl i. OMl: o f a If:lil o f :.Merlin n, Ih~t Ic~d 10 I fa-
"(!fable result : wi th uul a basic ~&,,:cmcn t with III<: whnl"!! Oil the
p rem ise underlying a lin<: IIr logic. the IrJ il " 'Quid nc\' er tel Slarted.
To ensure that !1 queM!on calt~ fli t a ~YCI~ or ~ no~ re. [)Onso:
" ; lhOUI nny ,,~pJ~nalion. Iht crmJ c.\:Im in e. d , uuld u..: a n O,lCoinS
meh ~I: " I, n'l il a fac I tl1 a1." ~1~ll't it co rrect Ih~ t , ~ ~ l)idn'l y(lu.~
o r ~ 1!il1'1 il l ru~ Iba l.· Th i~ (OOC<'I the Q"e~tio ne r III ma ke an n.!<:r-
ti un fo ll o "'in~ Ihe phm ~e; t'le "i ln~~ " 'in Illen hn"c 10 nv"~ or
di5:lgr~ \Vilh lh<: S!<Ilemen\.

L .'ie,' ,'''w'' l 1,1)),

,r",." ,
-'. -

Ihe JUI)' hu h e~rd al leal l a I' ~rl cf Ihe ,,-iulc!;S' ~la'C11l1:n l . Ihe
elMS ~~am ill~r ""')' n51.: Ihe LQurt to ~Iri~c Ih~ an.we r fro m the IC'
cord , OD tile other hand. if (oun~cI does not wa ll l In dr~w ru rth~r
allenl;oll to Ihe d~ m ~si ns remark, he may choose In i8 no r~ il by
nol JlkinS Ih31 it be slricken,

'n ll: ' '; i~ 00 one COif.,.., method fo r in l,;'fllplinl: I"" wilnc~~ who
has gone b.:ynmJ Ih e ho und . of Ih " (1lI csli on , The Ir;In K'rip l ~ rca.
IU 'W in Ih i1 tlc;llilol: pro ,i de lIu me.OU~ " ~ ampl ~ of di fTe rent te(h·
"'Q II : ~,

Couusc1 ma y be tlCI;le when illl.:rruplins til e wi ll1 e.I', " E~ cm e

nle. ;( nIU~' h3~" bc.:n my faull. ma )'oo ' d id,,·1 ma~c Illy qu e, li !)11
clear cnough " is u Y:lc ioll! w~~ of inlerrupting ~ w iHl~l1, The m·
IQrn"~- may inform Ihe witn~~s Ih~ l he will hn 'e an opportu nity 10
c~ plai" hi mself. if his al1llrTIey "'ishes him U) d o so. 011 <ed i. C(!;
Ih is a "oid~ 'he ~rmea rlncc Ihat the CfO SS •.• am; ne! ;, afra i,1 o f no
c~plan:uill n Or 113~ "'m et .. i .... (0 hi"'~_ Coun""r. T\':w.>ninl: m l)' he
Ill led :110 0& Ih~!e li\les: "J usl to mo "c Ihi. :llnl1&, pIC:I I" jU11 nn·
!,,'cr Ih" Q\I~'"!oI.;on; yOu' allorn~)" .;a n l , 1; yo u any furtlwr qU. j\ i(ln ~
on redirect." J ~roT5 lend III :11)(Irccj~tc nnybod y woo I.i,"f, 10 IIIIl" ':
the prO«<.:ding~ 1I10 ny..
Wilcoe rtpc:llw imcHupl;ofl is n<:e<;ua..,·. the ~TO\~ '~ ~!II ill"r
,llou!d a.~ Ihe c,)un 10 In51rllel Ih. ", Itn•• ! Ilill hi! 3MWC,. mml
be ra.pon~iw to .he QUC1>1 inIlS ~ .I;cd , ,\ ha rsh er LOne ma)' he tlken.
III i m~ l y Iha l Ihe wit ness i5 in l"llli~nall)" ,';ol:lI in& lhe rll ies nr lhe

A p;lfliSl n wi t n'"l>~ ma)" del i b"r~I"I)' nn'wer l }'csln'j qu e'lion

~Io n£ Ihe Jincs ,)f: "Yo_<. I ~w Ioim. and h~ "11!1 ' Io n. d ruDk,-
Whir, it "';1)" at lilll ~S he prude nl 10 mutdy igno,," I)' ~ . lnlcnlC III ,
al o lhcr lim~ ;1 1lt.1)" he nC(C~slry 10 :Il k the courl '0 illUfIIl"i Ihe
ju ry Ihn l Ihey C:llin ot t an sider ~u c h " Ilmcnic Ol . Il "c~u$c j uror$
",ill U$u:dt)" I..,· 10 (Illlo'" Ihr d ir.x:tiuM o f Ih.: COU' I, Ih ~ (I" esti" " . r
sha uld ask Ihe j\ldge to §\Ti ~e the r~mark fmlll lh~ refOld ~nd ill_
~In«:l Ihe wi ,!lt,"j,$ In be "'~pon.I;'·C HI th. (lUc"11itln. Til!! cro,~ exa m·
illCr should con ~l dcr m l inc 1111: jud~c 10 a dJlUlIli!Jt I h~ wil .....~ o n
spo~~i ,'c \(, the (lUdi cn,.: ~nd hi s wilness; he should "so "'illl Ihe
no .... ~ n,t C f \v.oS cl(;.m i ncr ,oo\lld on!~< rcf~r 10 lh~ script at n
t:1ancc. In order \0 hold lilt iUle"~l or
l ho~ ;11 ' ho; courtroom.
l;{l un ~e1 '~ quc~l ion s mU51 ""lind S!IOllln nCO Il I. F~rll,cr. the 1Y.l~ o f
lilt: qllGLio nins is ofttn dicl ~lcd by Ihe lllood in the COUrlro<>m
nn<.llh~ I'l--:lClions cf the w;InCu.'

121 Idullr"""IWI 0{ O~""IK'II"~ Wh ~nSCli

'n' h, c."~~",,,
In order 10 ~d~qu~Ie1)' ~ rcp:lrC for cro,s cu",in~tion ~n<J oUlline
the major arc"" of improctnnelli . <:tlll nM;! ", u~t identify ~II "ppo.'.
jog ""i ln~~scJ , 11,. rul e. of dlS[Iwcry ~Inmdy ravor the brood d i...
roW!)' of ,,";\n,"55 info rm at ion.'
In !iOniC jurir.dicliom. pu u ua nt \0 :I prc-tria l (mle r. c~dl p,l rly
11111" fornlaUy lisl all ,,-ilne~ he inlend$ III call. In n lhc r ~. while
~Il l ri~l wjl n~m'$ n C~d nOI b.; formllly listed ill ,,'Spoll~e I" a
pro_!ri~' order. ro!m~l n' ~)' obt ain Inc M me. :l<Jtlr~~ .. ~nd Ide-
IIhn" " numb\:r o r cot('h wiln~5 pUl'SOlml \0 ~ properly dmflctl no ·
li ec of d iS<Xl'·cry.
,\ nOl; ce or di !.Cm·~ry shOI,l d ~!>k rOf the id~'I\1il r or ,'ach " " Uk'S'
"'h" h~J info rm atio n con ccrninr,:
I) Ihe CCCUffcncc;
2) Ike co n~ ilion of Ih c pla ce nr occurrcr]ce or the produCI
i ll" ol~ed;

3) Ihe oolld uct of a" y fYJTly Of ",ill\<."'~ ",ilhin a rc;,w u:,blc

lime boCorc or "fter Ihe uccurrence;
~J "ny fatlS whk h I",~r II f>On liab ili l)';
5) Slalcmcn15 or a<ln,;SIo;o us by ~ny p:m y. 01 ~taIC n h: n'.~ or
dcd"r~li Cln ~ :'gaitls\ inLer c~ l h )' ~n)' wi lnc~~;

(,) th~ id emi t)· uf cud l pcm lll W)IO In '·c$ lig.1 Icd the
' 05...• ;"'''' t l.oSl lnl j.". '" ""~""' . d;""u"'on of f1.",jn~
' ........ , '.,1(" Fed M. C; •• P. 16-
S,',' inJ'" ,'il, : .
I - HI

71 II"" idem ;l)' o f = h (t:rwn who flTOvideu a Malcm~ nl 10

an)' ;nvIl11;gllor;
S) Ih ~idenl; l), of r:lch p~.wn who look pho to&rlplu. nr wllo
ha~ p)I Olosraph , of Ih e 5c~n" of Ihe occur"nec. or wh o
look ph glOgraplis o f persons Or o f Ih~ p.OO Il('\ irwol\'L'tI in
Ih" nttu rl,'n Cl:;
9) Ihe ide olity of (3t h person i n~oh'~d in $UMtqucnl ""-,,ien
changes, 5ub.'<I.'I I\lenl rC fl"ir~, Or Oilier 5ub'equen! Clln duCl
wh ich rd ale! 10 I t..: ' 3 S<:;
10 ) Ille idclllil y of (3eh pe rson who rerfonl1 cd o. nb,e ,"cd or
ort1c: . t d 10 Ill: ~rforml-.J a ny repai ,~ 10 3 place o r p.odu ~:
!lll d

11) the identi lY o f c:ICIl "'"........ 11 ;n wll ,~ in th~ p'~ nni n ~ o r

design or Ihe pro duci or pr~m i'e.l . and Ihe ma nufaClll rill g.
IC51; n& o r Io3.W o f Ihg flroUtKl,

Ihl '1'1 .., S Ufp rk;o WiCllfU

Th e OPllll&;nS ~l1orn cy m ~y be I",rmined 10 call a SU rpri!ol' wil-
".> lak" It..; 5l:mil. O fle n. a pri or wiUle.. Mmcmo;m or <k\X1<I,
lion i, nOI n ... ~il 3.blc. k a"in c cOlln.lollo h is own d~ v i cc~.
The CfOS~ txam 'nff'~ li m t ~s" sho uld b.: to s"t n uou~ly o'~tt l l ~
the tl"tim ony. TIle pU '1'u~e o r mO<Jc rn d i 5CO"~f)' rul c~ is 10 ~ vo i ,1
Ihe wrpris.: ..i ln(». Cou"~ 1 sho llld n'Cllf tha t he i\ un:ililc 10 flllly
.md ~dcq u"lcly p ,epar~ for [he Ct(l', c~" mill :t!;un o f 111~ unnn ·
nouncl.'CI wiln"""
If the c,'u n 0\'c rruk5 coml~e1'~ o bjCCli c n ~ an d pC, nl)1S th e \\'i l-
I1CM \0 teslify, coon!oCl should !.i m ply rdr on I,:cllcral corn:CPt~ o r
crou c ~ am ) n"tion, In ~ lmo~1 c"cl)' CJ!C. i ,"pc~cl"llcn l u)lpu rtu ni ·
lies "i ll intiuo.:: p;ortilan~ip. IlNpJr.uion by the Oppmillg J !1O('
!ICY, l"I)'lIl<; nl uf ex pell se, or fl'C' . Ihe alli l;ty In oble n'c. ari d Ih ",
Dbi lil)' 10 r~l-.ul.

In d otc rmin iul,: .... I,.;' h" . ~ Willl~~ h~~ a mOl;ve rO t 1,,-'; nl: I>iased
in fa"o r (Ii' or a~"i l"l :I p~rt icu la r pany, the . rou exa miner ,ho uld
- .. '
i 1.62 1",,- \\" ___"'

·nlCrc nl<l )· ~ onLy on.: n'"jIll premise: 10 ~"St~l>l'sh. Ir Ihe "'~ (nCj.s
i~ ~ 'pI)\I~ or e"'ploy..... (of a P.1rty, the ",ilnCM ...,iLI normally
wanl 11m pJ rt y to pre"J i! in Ih.: b wsu il. Afk .... Ihe fimt faci is tS-
tablilbCO. the majM 1'l"~lIliJC inclucubl}· follo"l-. There h :t d e,}f
~.~ [lli!n,l li o n "'h~·1!'e
.. illk"$s is "13~i llll a part icuLlt am"io" -hi~
rtlationship 10 Ihe p.;Irt,. ha~ b ia~~d h ;s perception . memor}'. 01
l1~rmli n n .

It is olk n " <.'["C!>s:I'1. to ('l;lablilh ~cwraL facts nr mitior prcm;~

Wrare Ihe c.on unmi"':l c:m r.utc«'d in di~ft d il i n, Ih~ "" lm·, s'
Ie-"Iimoll)', 1"0' in"anC"C . if Iht "'iln~"S. knOVo·S a part~· Of his ~\1 0f_
114:)'. Ihe crOSI c:.;am incr ",u~lli rsl 111O" ' lhallhil cin:umlMncc IIlI I
lefl IIIe: ..-iln<:u r:a'·o.-:. bly oJij.fOOS«I !(>WJrd .hl1 ptrson. ·n ", linkins
of Ih~st IWO '1\;00' prcn,iscs (rc Ll .iOllollip ,0 part)· anoJ j).lrt ;$im,
sh ip) L. O<I\ 10 Ihe " 'aja r pO\'m ise Ib;:!) lhm c.\ plains <tWit I' Ihe wil-
n ts:;' 1,"Slinmuy.

The [onuwing i~ 3 shorth J"d gu ide 10 Ihi, pr<rrJs:

Ci re"m~lano.'e-ue lllDn"r;I'<.'S Ihe ,1c.fCC livc qua lity.
n.:rc~"ti ~( " .. "L ily- Ihe a plan:llion ror Ihe ;nconcci a~!Cr!ion ,


Empl~-mcm by [}:In.). (";rcu m\13ucc) ..temonstrat~ fI:"nc. ~H)·

tru ~) II'lrtisansh ip Or ~i:lS (dcf,'Cl i~e QuaLit)·).
ra"i~nsh ip o r bilts dcm omlrnl,'!o th e ~"pLl"atio " for Iho (n( Dr-
r~"Ct ~iou ,

,\ny ile", of data ... hid, lend ! to I' ro" c :t lIef•..,I" ·,: Ilu.1lity ;1 rcl~'"
..-a,,\ ill l~f!'!lJ of d;Sl:n!dilillt .he W;In.."M' 1<'Slimon}·, H",,;n..: r.
e,'cn ) ~£ iCo1l1y rei e''o1!1t dal ~ mny. for po l;<-'Y rca~O l1S. he ud" ded 3:
tr;al. fo r ;n lt'lll\:e. 3 wit ntu' prior inoconsiJl<1!i ~I alcm~n t is rde-
,·anl. Yet if th e ~I al cmcnl concerned a wllnlCT:I I ma uer, Iht policy
3r,;ai ~1 tolbtcnl inues ~uir...s the ~., eL udon or lhe Slalcnlcnt!
1\1",. Rule MlS o f th e Fc<krnl Ku l<'S "f Evi de ncc limih the use: .,r
tcnairo C" idcn(:e 1'-' impt;lch the: w; tne$:\' char;lctcr.'

' Sn' v~" ~ I<I<' Y. Slot< . .\11 ~Id. ,\ pp.. . (/6 . .lH "~old ¥SO II'HI,I' M" ~",'n '"_
Slot •• {4> s.......1d I ~! fr,,,- ("Ilhl. "tor ' ~I

.\:0" .""""I~II... i'(/'" <\1. : .

I ..... ~. ~_-::
§ 1.0:
"X~ t~ills, b~s~ (m lite fael Ihal Ihe w,ln:is is .... iUing \(I ~wcn r
tl,at ~X ~ cxisn , 1m: ':" idcnce Iha l ~X" i~ a fact i& Ihe wi lness' as-
!.<;rtion IIt~1 ~X ~ iS:I fae! . T he purfXI"" of impcnc\unont is 10 ~h m.·
ol ltcr '~J>ons 10 clplJ,n lite .... il\ingness or tlt~ wj'nl"S~ to anen Ihal
"X~ i t:l f~l .

Th roup. lite im,,".lCllluenl p~cu. tlte cro" cxllminer seck, 10

~I\ow.' Ihc ju ro~ ...·hy pnnic ul ar ~tal cmCIII! made Itl" Ihe wilness 3.1:
nol JI;CUralc ~lId wl\)' the wit lleSs "..onk! make s ud . 51:Uc mC'lI s, de-
'pile It wi. in~ecur~ cy, T O"'-:l . d Ih is end, t". .
Cl"Q16 cl(:Imincr $(:""r·
ally Inta~h a wilnc's on one o r morc of Ihc foUo" 'ing grounds:
bias. prejudice, unrcl'zbilil )·, b el: of CJ.pcrtiw. I.:I.:k or intel ligence ,
~ nd l~clc or \'ct;lcily.

A I:I'»S C,\MlIincr impc;!chcs a .... ilneu ~. c\l.3lknzi ns c ilh~r Ihe

s"bslance of lhe ";Inl'\&' IC$li tnOn~' or hil ul ual cilametcr. In thi~
"-'!ipo:C1. Ille cro..s u a m;lIOr ho".~ in on 1.lclh ~.\"ICrll{l1 DOlI jlll~'II<"
~"Ond; t;Of'13 to diserc-u,t the ...·itne~~.

"'lc rn~1 rondilions t enelaUy fe fer 10 ouaid. r~ elo r5 affcctlnB

lhc ,,·ilncs.~'
perception, mcmm) ' Qnd narrnl ion. For c.,ample, Ihe
position of Ille wi tncss.. Ille dist ance bel"'cen the witness and lhe
C"enl. Ihe lightin g 31 III ~ tim e of Ih e "'·CIII. Ihc dut:llion o f lhe
""elll. ilnd \he romntc~ity of th e ",'cnt all il1flucnc: the .... 'Ineu·
nbility In 3c<:ur3lcly perce; "C Ihe (wnt .
Inte. nal condi tions refer to Ihe int,"","! Mill . o f the .... iln.~!;S as
il afTect s his IlCrccption. me mory. ~ nd III<: abili ty to ""rr~t c 3n
CI'elll ac~ " ratdy. 1II"~I t:lli,'c im",n~l colldil,oM inclu~c hil emo·
demal 5131(. mcnlJ I acuilY and concclI[r3tion level. bias alld preju_
diC<:$, P351 c.\lI<:ricnc.'S. memo,)', susccptibilil)' 10 ~ USS( 'lj on nr ;1>-
nn""e(" b>' ,'oun>el o. itWC~liBaIOl"$, and mot31ity and po! rl>Ol!31 be·
licr~ ,

Th.r~ a rc certain g.o: ncra\ lruths 3boill Ihe clree! of cu crnal :lI!d
inl" rnal con~ilions a ll a po!lson', po:l"(cplion. mcn\o,lr)" ~ "d OJ"a-
li on. For i"'lan~~, 3 fMh<: r will prob:lbly Ix: relUCUlli to t~ ,tlfy
"g~ill'l ~ . 01\. 'nK! jUl'(l r~ mUM ~l'lIly Ihe;r blo",I.,dJ;1: of t h~.c pml>-
~hi !ilic,
in c"~'uatine the reliability or the wil"oss' ~ s:;crti nn . 11 i,
Ihe UOl$ cumincr', job 10 anicnl:t\~ Ihese proh~hililic$ ,n ;" 10
" ru dd" a Iosic:ll ex planation fo. the ", ilne's' erroneous ~s'~ rl ;on .'

I S,',. , ~(,,' I 1~ . ... ~ ;<h ..I..,., .... cfl«o iw p,""" .. huft rot ,,"" ",,,,,,,..,1,,".
ILV .... '
Pr:tc(ical Considerations


!i 1.0 1 (;...,.1 (,,,,,.Irk'-'"

; I. D~ 1,."..><",,,<",
I l .IIl ll ,I " ~ ~ \\"~<><-.' , ."'... .... ., .... ;.""",
i I .• ~ 1'''~" .. 1on r.. ('0" v.,..".,.tl..
III 1'"r,,,,.\ooJ.. sm,.
1_\ 1',.,Jlml. ,,)' C... ltIo .. ,io",
11>1 , _ " " " 0( lI..i ...1<';I( Vrl .. So"""••"
1<\ F"'m l " ~ ,hi: ()oN1o.,
NI t .. I<OI.nd 0,,,,,. '" c ..., 1;,...,...,,1..-
\<\ <-",_IOfU ol t:~ .
[~ \ •• ry~ ,~ . StriP'
Id 11<1i><1)"
Pl ' ..... 'n,,' .... 0( Up_... '·, W(,.., ......
I" In <:...,...1
I~l ·,'h. SOl",;", Ill".""
1)1 1ol .... 'If,IotI 1'..11_.101,
1'\ '11.... 10.., of A~,<", I'• .,),
liII 1;,"".1 1.........' 1m{ _ . ~ f C.",
I~I 1-,,<1.I"~ I. " .. 1\'110""· ·r,·" I_,
to! ·' ... 1.........
tb] n. n "',,,I1I00
I~I II'h..b... '. r .....' 1:...,..-
§ I .I~ SlI"·
tI l ,_ G.....,
PI SI'II.o~ I. (." .... ~'l
P I .11t~" T..... ~ 1\1...... , ""d J_f)
1.11 Aid,"", ...o•• ,~ JI><l~,
l~l I:.'_o,",_;on<! ("....,..........
J6I 110< .111".., ' " "',,"


Olen'iew of the Law

I'T 11_1
"'", '"''
O" Cr1'icw of the Law

S I'N0 1'S IS

~ : .1 1 1.""""<1 ;"
i l ,a! &.,.. of (:r",. ~: , ,,,,, Iru 'I ..
III •• ,:•• " ••
III A,,"",j nll ' ~'"", In C;",,, ,o>. ,,)·
t 1.11.1 I,....,.<""}' ) 1' '''.1>1,

~ l .ll;O 1" , _ "-",

111 . \ I1",, ~l n . s. ~ ....... . 1 1'.,,1_1"
~' 1 I. ",~ or 1'.,." ,,",1 1.:. ""k<I••: l'~ j,I~",1 ..- .11. .. , 1 I _..ll j
IIlI 1'1"1.. 1_.1>,.'" su,.-_
II I .-\,,"~; "~ c: ~..-. <1"
I_I ' .. " I........ , .. II",",
IIl1 s,..-nr...1<1 . ,4 ~ 1I ,.-"MU<t I ~~ (",I .....
1' 1 0 ,,1.1, .. ond II"I'\J ,.. J.. ['ki ,,,,~~ Jj ,Iol,
PI 1..1'<"<11.... 0..·,
' 10," WI,_
~ l.1l6 T ) I" " or
1)"". ,1,," < l'wnllJ<-..!
Iii 1".... o(O-"~
PI I.'.., ~ 11 ... ol1"1: <)00<" ;""
1, 1 In G.... ,01
I ~] I .~ ( ·""<oII<r • •i....
' .. .,

~ ~ .O] InlnH.lucl ion

AI Oll o tim,·, a wiln ~"~ ~"'ul d be dl!l( l lialifi~ d fro lll Ic,ti/)' iTlll for
()lte of $~ "cr,, 1 rcll'<l m. i m'l "d i IIi' bc~ of belie r in !lIC Di vi nc Uci"s.
c~n3; " ( ri miM I ("OIl'-;(1;0"'. :md all in1<.""rC$1 in Ihe b "",,,ui l. 111 1('.
,'CII! }"'J I<. b<l"'~ "er. m"~t j ,n i,d kt i " n~ ha ,' e r~jc,·t cd ~ u ch emil I1mn
lJ \\' Lhcor;"s of in~<lm~tcll'1'; the mnde rn irClld ;5 10 lre:>1 (,''"-
ilIOn 1~ ...· im"OmpcICII~)" a, &Oill~ I" Ih e l"fi'll ih;!ily. r~ l~c r I":'" Ih ~

~_ l
compe leney . of ~ ".. iln e ...' W h il~ lho: trial jud&c mU~1 ~Ii ll deler-
min ~ Mli~ i l11 u m credib ilily requ i rcm~m~ (~u~h ~ s wh elher Ihe ...·il-
ne ss li n knowledge orillc m~ licr ~bou t .... hic h 11<' CXI"'Cl1 10 ICll i!,)"
and Ih e rele vance of Ilml ma lic! 10 h i ~ IC\l imon), or to " f;lct In
i"uc' I. ;1 is I)rimn rily Ihe Ill sk of Ih e ju ro .. \0 a~'lCSS the wiln~~~'
1!:Slim on)' all<l ".'nluatc hi~ trl"<iihi lilY, lHTl"l: livc eron cumi llal io n
is the mOIl .."»Co lia l ....'1:3/100 usn! \0 a ttad.: a ....;tn =· c. ed ibiHt)",
This chapler M't. fon lo Ihe gt:1I\;t:l1 1<'PI p ri ..... ipk s gun' m inl,! the
croM c~a m; llat ion of b y ,..jlnc ~~.,.. It ;s crucial. ho....c.·~. Ihal III"
pract ilioner h.:comc fami li3r with 1110: rul .. of loc~1 pt:lcttct . tn·
deed. eO ll sidcrin£ the hroad di scre ti on siven to judscs in n"l1lc'~
rdnlins IC lhe inlerrogali on cf W!t Il C $~C! , pe rmi ssible prnc t ic~s
lend 10 wily . cve n from courtroo n, lu COllr\mom,

I II III Gco~.~ 1

C.on ~~ ~ m; nal ion i~ onli n~rjly ''OJ, fi n~d 10 Ih~ Sllbjtt l m:I11,·, of
Ihe d i .~" f Mm;n31;on. ' lI"wc"~ r. if Ille ero.s e. ~ mi n~tl.)n r()Cll~
'S,,', •.t. l} uilOJ Sto", v, 1I, "i>. S4 l. 1', ~d 12~ ) (i,h Ci,. 1 97~J , ,', , 1. ,/e.,,,,,I•
•)0 u.s.
?:U II~ 7J )
,;:.,. "I", I'rei, [{. !:vHl. 601 . " . 'inl ,1"'1 "["I"'}' PC""" i, "'''''1'' "1' "' '" b", "il'
n, .. "« ~, .,, 011",'''''' p'""id, J io ,h, .. ,u!< •.-
.'IN ~<I<'~II.· 10 M.... "'·' fed,...1 1'm'«<. \ &01.0) (M , ,,!>:... Ik ""« t~ l~l.

' ~.... I'N. M. ".-id. 'D! . "bi<h pro.-idn i~".,n:

A"" ...... ""'1
"'PI"'" ~ r. ,h., , , "In'"';'''''''
1>01 !<>Iify "",u.. " " I....., dm<c ;. inlloo"'N " .11'00'0'"
II'" ".,,,,,,,,,,, of.he III,,,,,. E,,·
~_I r>1f<'

d,,,,. '" ","",'e "" "",.1 ~ __ )n!ce ""1', ",,' nl'<'d "m. "","i>l III "";n .....,- of
,~ < ~il'''~' )"mk:lf,
' .I"n · r.oI , It. 1:,;11 , 7lJ I. ~ hi'h p""'ioJ '"
If '1>< .. iln"" i; 11 01 , ,-"if~-in& '" ,n <>".,11. ,M " i,"",' IO\li1t>"n ~ ;n th' (," '"
,II "p, nl,)n' "' i "r, ,,",~·, i, lim it<d '" Ih'''' ,~, i n",,11 "' inr", ,,,,,, ".. h"" 0.. ('1
" , r. . "I1 ~ b•..od '111 t/" po.~,"<(II ;"n " r 'h, "j ' nm , "" (b) 11<11,ful ,,, ",I,.. u,,"
&".. odin, vi" I'" " -" nc"," « .. imOK)' '" ,h. "'« mli"""," ~ "f f", '"
'''u •.
• SO' "'l"""' ch. I . .. hk k di.ol>>C> p..ct"'~I..""id<f" ;"'" ,n, -o\'''') 'n ,n""i'-"
c""" ~,,",i"""Qn.
t 1'.1\. K,u, A Co- ' -. l'in'k'<n NoonN T"'" ...... 'It} F_"I I~ Stl (~d Ct. , l oJll ~
In, b".wh <>f ,"",,.,'" ""';"" ""'"J'" lor ,lot I~'n;'h<r "'- .d",j~i" .."., ..,,;ce,
'I>',m"h , ,,,,,,,,<,
of , "";"" I""'''''''
flood. ,h. "i"1
""",1 pt<»><,rll"l>orr. d '1......
,;"". b, Ih. d.I,"","" "" """" <",01;""""0 " n"""n in ~ ,h •••li<1il) <If .,,,"10)'.
\> ',,.,.. ,
!-J § HUI II

00 Ihe " ·' ... ess' cr~"'ibilil ~, IIle C11IM ","~m incr ;,; nOI li.niled 10
mlllCr.. CO" Cft"<! on dir« l.' In Ihis respect, bro~o.l diK reli!)n i~ ~c·
cordro Ihe Cmn exam ifIC' in d id li"!; f~"IS lend ing 10 C01\lra<l lCI
le.timon)' sj"en on Ilin~t c~~min~lion ur in scncmll)' imIX.1clling
Ille wilm'ss' cr~dibilil)·.' The cross examiner &"n . r~lIy m~ch ~
witncss on one or more of the fo ll ow ins grounll.: bia~. prejudke.
unrcJiahilit),. lack of kno"kclse. la ck uf inlclli~cn cc, and l i'C ~ oj'
\,cracity.' De sp it e the di~crction sivcn 10 tllc cross c.\aminer. tile
Irial court retain. bro~d tm"'Cr to Ilirect the mode of qllc! lio'lin~
ror Ihe rurpos;;~ of ~ ! ccnlli n;nu the Innll, a"o;llin!: the 1\('~dt~5

rom' <on!f;or". Tho ,,'<1;= •.,~ .. ;~'f;.", .M n,,' i ....ud. qU"'''Qnin, " 'Ih '''' ....1
'0 lb. r<H>11O<l>.

C:tIbty •. J ob n ," M" ".~I. s..k. C.,..,.. 116 F.1d I S06~ I"'~ e ' r. 1 ~ 3SL wi. <I.'
1IW. 106 So. CI. H l $ ( 1 ?~6~ In on .mOB .f,.UD" ,he m>JIuf""""." ,,( "" .....
•o<<<In",n'n& in,.,I.,;.." ~ f<'dun>. ,I< • .!' " ri<l <tIq" did no' .... ;n ,~. 1I<""",i,.
pbi n,;/f to «<'" ""mi". ,he d, r...,.., "i'"",.
ron«mi"~ ,~< W,.li"f. of •• ",""q.
n\)<, 'k ; ~p ; " .• Nj,\ , n~ ,,"'II""" IL><I d, ,,,~ ,"'1 ,n. I.\)<!inl ~ . , ino ,lim •• " ,,,,In. ·
S<lf ,', Ill'" jl~ S,\\',2d ~ 9 7 IM~, I"H "
'Sf"', .'S:

AII,,,<.I ,'. Ci')' "f H.nforcl, I j I C"",,, : ~4, 1?1 ,\,2d 69 (1 %.1, l'lI o ,·r." , CII'n,.
i.or •.,. qU"lil1n II" ... ;' '''''' r... i " ,~n,ilt<"""'. ;""" u,;o;i<~ ,,' " n"IJ'h\ul",~'
in ),i, ' r>tin,,,"y,
F..... "",,~ . ll"..~. '1 6 !'"J ..'- IOUo, 1 %7~ "The d, f""wn' .. ," .,,,~l.d '"~
<10"" ~ u m; ~ . " ",,.;no,,,. '"
,h. pb,.,;n' , bu, ... "" leu! ,.,Ii(...., 1110' ,1>0,;ii
bod """. ~1l he , ....Id II' "'O,~ It...• ",>lI"';on ~1 i"". ,,,
,bow 11.." 11k' "" ..... "l<' ..~.
~;n 10'0' of I ~. rl! ;n"ff, 'rb, " ;".,,, ",d It1flh1, ~ lU" ' .... lull ,.h!"~
~.Iof , ho< ,.. me ~' .. " I, ,I", pb ;ft,ill', ' II>OIn:r.
Ikr _ 1'1'<1. IL r:~ ;d. 101 U\o~ .. h'ob "i<ct<-I . n ~ "I'" ' I'/Iru.><Io hm;"n ~ , ...,..
•· ... mi" ""'" ",.h. "", u .. 1"'U ~,"Il '" on di''''I. Tho< provid,'"
c."""'.,.,m,", ,,,,,, 111<,. 1.1 "" I"~ 'IN ,,, ' n, .ubi«' "",,,,, of It.o ".,m " ,n,i,
""'~'" '''~ """"" .fr''''i ", Ih' <rodi"ili ,)· 01 tl,o ~ " .""'. n, " ,un "" ,. j~ ,h.
e""i" of J,'I"W; " ", I"' rlTlil ;n~u;!}' in", ,d<l it;o,,11 ''''',1<" ..
ir '''' ,Iir«l ,',"
,"' i"" " "",
'Scll ,', D)<, ~I(, S,\\',1J .1') 7 lM_, \'17.): ,\Ii,,,<.I . , Cit), of n."f,,,,\, \~\
c",,,,, 2~4 . 1'17 ,\.),1 M If~~'I ,
$0'< .\.,.... ,.,"1/)' :; w.'i",.. i" "I" j,~,"," I MI Il)l) l~b"I",,,, Ik .. ,!." 1'1! 7~
' .>;, ,' 'n"'~ } 1 .(o~
· ... '

''Onl llmlliion o r li m.:. :mtl prol,"C!.i"" Ihe ",·it n.,..\ from har;l s, mC1)\
all d ullt/I, e embarmssmcllt.'

A n au o rney 'nny 'II)t ~roS! CXllm illC a wi ll1c.\~ b~s<:d on ~n 11 11 '

c'SIa IJLi!Jlc'tl ratl.' Con'·cudy. il i~ pernli~~ihlc 10 'luesljon ~ "i ln~
r,'gMt/inS a rUe! ir the Cf05.' c~~ l1lil1 "r hm eS lnbl ishcd Ihe rael, or
if .he fact i~ nOt in 11i'llIIte o r is mctd~' inciden tal.' 'I1,U1>. il "";l~
PfOllCf W n ~k n wi LI1 ~s~ wheth er he Lholl!;ht the ~ccidcn t at i'sue
wo uld bay .... happ.;nc.... hnt! Ihe "tf~ nlbn ..~ :tu lol11obil t 1101 pun. ".

, All".! y . t ·ily .. r 11,"1<»01. IJ t Conn. 1.1\ • • t ~ l A.:d 6~ , I %~~ It>, ..... I '. 1:""'.
.W~ N,E.~d %.j 1, ..1. C" '\ pp, 19191.
!W.'. "-S., f .... k . "-vid, MI(~1. "~I'~ p,a,icr.... :
TIt< re, "" ,1,,11 ",, ,,.:.. "·, ,,,,,,bl, ,".1101
""Of ,,,. ","<1.",><1 "'~'" ui ",b,-"B •
... "ft~ .. IUl<>><> aft~ ""...n" n¥ ,..;.Jno"' .... " ' 0 (I) m,"" ,~. ,n'<",,~,,"'" ,nd
I",,,, n,, ,;o. "f,',,;, "
fur ,h . '<c"IOi •• ",., "r"", '''''h,,:,
"'u;J M.dl,·" ,'un,
"''''~lion of lim<. and «J) pro,", .. It........ (rom l.. ,~"n.c.' or IIftd ...• ••• b.o,.
• 5<1."", (~'1 or ~ ,'. fb,.,bo, ., J N.£.2d &2' d<>rl.. n. ,\pr 1~~OI.'\ ,,~.
Jcto, """b, d. "" ....·' ,;,. ini""" ' 011'<1<'] '1M" h, WJ> " Ill " .-cr h)' " "")'1)<" oo ~
Tj" ]ri, 1 (0)\1" did no, ....."mil <nor in ,"-" , iniD, II .. " • .Jnof, crbi«'icrn ," ~
,!.t>IlM .r.l.w t.;, '~e d,fo.", ",""",1~r ., f<1I,,~' ""~,. , ~ I'" ''' ' ",, 'Io~ .1 1';,. ."
"", Tho .. ;,,,,,,, .. ., ",., 01 "1<,,)',, ,b , ploiOlitr ,,01>.,'\1
in,.,IIM'o., r<pnli".
promlgfn III be: u><d in """'liR~ bu...... Th~ 'l" ,"i~" ",,"",,01 II"" " ",II ,.,!ro<'
' ;0", )J>u I"..,,, ~;"'" 10 ,1'0 ",'',,' .nli 10 .h . plolMlri. • RU 1"" ,,'J>"m in r...(
<:VHI' ......
s.: 11~'''" v, Y""nJ. I ~~ 1' • . SOl><r. )I~. )ll .\. ~rl N< (1 9j'l. II ~ .. , im"" ,mi..i.
bl< ~~ !he ...."" ""'",in« ,o.,~ ... i,"O'» wh) Ito ",.11.:<1 • ",.""n ,",h,',n ". 1 '"
I,;' b(M" " i. o , ~" ", <".1,,;. II h)' h, ,,:01 00i j,u)' ,..,,,,. I""'~'ny 'h"",Yo ,1,,, "'~ ~
,,01 ...1. n. q ........... ".' Iml",,,,,,,lr ..,......'d ........ " ,nd.d'" '. ,,,uml1"'" "'"
Plc>, ," ",I)' ~,~,.<~,.". (,,,I (,"", u hy 'h'
~ i'n.·."
, Urodr",d I'. SI, hl<t. ll~ So>. , d l:¥ (",1., 19,'1. 1ft ~p :te,:;gft 10 """,,Or 1m
pm!","!, ,1:'""fO ,u"o;i'I<d wb<. Ill< ,1 ,r,'.d'11I·' d,", 1"" );0. ' hc 1Ii, ' « >u" up)",,,,
0" pru]:>Oi<lf of lh' loll .... j~ " ....lion ..u-.'\l
of ~ d,kn", ",,' n= 'I) i~ ~tr. 1Ir...r·
f" .., mal.. ' "l " .. ,",,"" '0 Y"' '' 'n,rr ,i n" ,,1 ~l1J' hi> I ~,."I fill i", ;n ~i'h Ji l!
'" 'o:.'\l,; "i~ Thi. ;. hdo", II" r';~: TI" Q.",;on did .,,( "'."'" 111. '.,,'I,.u
of .~y 1m, bee."", ,~ , ~ """;Qn, "' ~'~N, did M\t ' "u"" 'hAl '"" 11,,"1! " ..
, ",,1 ,
Iml.r ' . {;~ ... J9~ ~ , "-.~d ~~~ "oJ, n, ,\1'1', 1 ~7','I ,

,..... ,. "
nUl ill f'O nl of \ h ~ W; II'~'~ , whe re \h ~ c,'id"nc~ "s l..,h li ~h ~ [1 that tlte
defendant ac1cd in Ih~l 1113nncr!

§ l.(f3 IJI ~cl)'w )' Molcri"Is

Couru.c l " 'iII sent'r.lllr '"'1!k 10 U~ t!~\ions Of nther disrow.y

nlUlc,ia!s 10 obtain admi s~io n s and Impcactmlcnt tc~titll 0l\y whk h
eJ n then Ill: ~mploycd durin s Ihe Ifi~ 1 C1'OS~ cx~mi ttalin " .' In(orma-
I;un S3m~n:d duri n, di5CO"CO)' ;~ " Iso hdpful in pinn ing d"w" a
"'i l"es, 10 ~ ddinlt e poSil;~ " al tri al.' In \hi ~ ,e'pc"CI, Iho SCOJ)o; of
t!is<:o\"~r)" h h. <>:Id,' ~lI1b.adng an ~' pc rm il.slblc ~nbjl"ci r(}, emss
c "lm ;n~lio n. · The ;nfonIl3 t;un soug.h \ tu."C:d nOl II.: admissible a t
I.h l if it ;, ,easonably calcula ted 10 lout! 10 Ih e disco",,!)· of adlllis-
sib!.: ",·;de nc o.'
• II",,, Y, l:oTo. J~~ :..- .K'~ 91\-1 Iln~. O. AI'I', l')'~)
, .1<:,' .~·.r"III)' ·'''rm I I·(I~I t I, wi'''" ~;..:""" tlIO in,po'''"'''' M tho <I<I» , i·
110. III do"lopi"8 el(", ,,,,. "'....... mi ... tIQn,
':s.....,,""~a/I!' ,.,"" ~ l.!)lI~lIt.l. wh;' I, " i" ..........ihl ,ho ~._i.;.", '0 lo,;k
;11 ,100 ... it ..·,,'"";",,'"y.
' .\'", ~.J:.. 1",-..1. R. C'v. 1'. Uo(hK l~ ~ hi.h ,,,,mil> ,I", d; " ,w",\ ~ ..:
' 11)' """t'. "'" p,i.U..,<<L .. hi,l, " ,<I<''On' '0 ,h,: ,u~jw mon", imoh·"!, ~
,h. l","d;"~ 'Oi"" " I",' h" it [( 1",« '0 ,I.., , hli", 0' ,I,r,,,,,, "r ,10< r"') ... " .
int di\.<n"/1)' ,Ie In 11\.' <I.i", '" ,I.r,","
nf ,,")' ,,'h"
1'011)" ... It i. "'" ,m" "><1
..... ooj..... i"" ,h .. d." ,nrOrrnJll;on "'~l ..·iO """"ibk . 1 ,"" u b i ,f tho
;or",m,,,,," ""'!~ ' O~P<"~ "....,,,,,111) 'n
.-'1<,,1 ...... I•• d ", '10< d''''''"n)" ,,f >d.
,.,i>l ibk •• IJo"",
~Ok, "","'",,«, ,""I .n .ddili".,1 p",,·i,'" h.. bt," >d,lcl l~ I~I. k.. C", 1'.
~(~hM II .II.... i'" • "'"" I" l i.,il,l", (,,,,,,,,,"1' '" ••1.", ~f ~". of d,lCO'or) mMh_
,,</. "".k, M,.i" ,i""n"",",,, ,
• Wil"", ". NOI(ull & \\',,,,," It y.. 10'1 III, "I'~ ' J<l 7'). • .jQ N.IU ,I ~ JO ( l 'I Hll
" 'IIor< 'h<' pl.;n~f" ,",ifin! Utot ' h. """'.. ,n .. hi<b "" ... "'O'~"'t ';I'I~,t o,'rr
,o.l .. n);: I. ,,,",,,, .. "h '"'~~""<I wi,,", 11", " iol ... "''' l ml'f'"",l) d,.>td ,1>0
d,r",J,"'" "~"i<)" II' """']lel Ih' "bi1lliO' 'n """•. " ",,~)\i'i ,," "",·,'i",,,
<"ni"~' '''''''''1<"' "" \>I\...·i"u,(1 "' ~ '" 'II: 401',,",1,.,', <!.lim .~'"! "I"", ,I"
~ bift . itT .'a,"" ,h., ,t,;., ""'k" d", nu, 'ip. n,.
img,,,,,,,ion "",~, h ~' Ut .. "'-1..._
~~"r, «'u" WI ~'" <Ii ,,'''''',,"hl, " .., odn",,,M ... ,,;,,1.
,\lion ,'. ('hl ~,'l.(" "lli" Puh. ("u .. ~! N.I".l<! ~QJ, ~)7, ~Jj X, I !.~ J ~ .\I) . ~ J!,
~$~ N. n>,!d 4~~. 4}l (1 ~6i l . "If .1,,,,,
i. on) """.. boli,y ,lilt,
, ~ . i"fOlft"'UOJt
[_, h\ ,,, "" <li"""..,,<I) i, """"h'in f"",, 1 f,;,1t (.". "",,,1,1. u.. "' rvi·
'""u,,,,1 ,,,
J ,",,· iHIt; ,f 1" i" ","",1 ""i,,",
10' ,',,,,, 1\ . 1","1<1 be '''mid,,,,,\ " ~
""nco nu"".l ... .h. I''''',.""",j,,• .,..
in Mft""' . ..
• F<d. R. t ';' . I'. ~61~~11. S...• ,~",., """ l.
In gcnc.:tL tbe crw.~ ">.3:n i n~.,. m~y U~ :III or p:m of :l. ... illl<.'5'
dcpmilion (ur l'w n Ihe dorus' I;"" Gf ~nn lhcr ~crwn ) fGr the [ltJf'>
1l"!C Gf contr ndlC linr, or inll)<;aching Ili~ I~Sli many.· Ir 1\ dcpo~ili on
is 10 be IIscd ~8ai n't a parI)', Ihal pany mU SI nOrm oil )' have b<en
rr..·scl1l allh~ laking or Ihe dl'posilic n or mo' l h ~\'e h~d r~a">llablc
noti~ lhereof.' :-Io le Ih:l.l if lhe erosl eumi ncr chooses 10 off~r
(lnly fIOnions of:L <lol><lIi l;on inla cvid"I\«:, an ~d,·~!"5Il ,,~n)' ml)'
r~Qu;r~ the ~I(W; cx~m;ncr tD in lroo\lce Dl her pa m which Mmlghl
in fairness 10 be co nsidered ... ith Ihe part introdu ced,'"

§ 1.1'" I'\'rml~ibt~ ,If Lay Witnfn 'r""1;mon~'

Rub; (.02 ~n<l 701 of the Fed er'" Rule . of Evidc " ~c uc rcp r\!'
5clllnlivc of resul:nio,,~ SIJvc rn ing Ihe le5 1imony of 1:1)' wi lnes!.C5. '

' '''''om-.n ~ I"' ...... l'orp. '. 1) 1... ~Ol So_ ~ .. ~s~ In... D<>L 0. "'PI'. l~i IJ:
1' .. _ v. Rodd" ~ "i R!5<I . ~. I 9S) ( I ~ ct. ,\pp. Ins).
Ii," F,~. R. Ci,·. j'. l ll 'XI).
' 11.;"u StOt" ,'. Pm'tor I< ()"',,~k: Co .. l iD 1'. ~ "PP. 191. 1(11 m. ~.I_ 1%1)1,
Til< " tlfl nL""~
ISlin«, ......."."Qn "OOf ;" ..1[ I... ......," ,.b,u",i •• ",;<1<11« ,n a ltia1. " ,.
nc="' ~' 1M , u,k dO_,liQn .... "lr.,n ","i,,, '"
[to.: ,,1«1'>31}'. ~<In~ ~ im
,~~ rill" I" I>< h,orJ O"~ '" 0""'''''''';"0 In"",,' . .. (1 1r ,.,k nt:i""« nul
~i,,", '''''" d'P'l\i ,;"n Tn' YI" " I'p,..,od to ~,""nl ;1< "" . ,; W, h "' ;'10,,<, "I
Il" ,n,l.
S...• F.... _ It. (iv. I' •.U{aXIJ.
0:. S h' B~<!" IId ,b)-. 515 I', SUII!'. Ii1 I {S , I ~NX. !9~ 1~ ~!I \I. 61 ~ !'.hlll
11J Ci,. 19S11. W""" ","nl<l r,,, ~ .I~ ..,t!O<: ,,( I~' d,r,.,.I"." M'O p""",, " .
~il"'''' ~'f'""i,," , II" "'" or ,PI< d'l'miti"" ""' nol I,,,,~,~,,«\ "'I'I~- 10"." ..
",,,,. oor..,,,,,",, Mf< i.."I"<"O",I ,· no' ""I;fl ,d of Iho d,,, or ,hoc do"'-"'I;,,.. TbO:
...... ,,'0<\ fo, 11,_ ~,f."d,m" .. 11<> .. =
r""'''' >Ilk.. ",_il iDn ~"'l l h, """""u_
ni., '" de""" Ik.· '"In"""
'I'<d. R. ( '",. I.. Jl(,X41.
,~" . Mm"m "~ ,'. II,,'; ,', "'14 1', SUI'P , 901 (1:.1). 1'.,. 19~OI_ T'", pl"in 'il\' 1"""1-11\
,,< j.-it 'L&i'" ,,,inn " I "'&i"~ 11,,\ hi, <"""i ",j,, ,,1 ,;,~" ,,," .1.\41«1 "h,,, II •
•" ,. ''''>I,d ~nl,n"' p",b;,hl< '~"". 1>ut<n. a nd "rip ><, ,,h«1. IW,u" Dne '"
,I» plai ~' itr. ,.,j,",,,,,, ..., u...."",..bk:d ,n,l. ,J>< p!oi"'il! ,.,,,,,1,,,«1 """" of
,II<' ", ilnn, tnI' '''d") from
J:'l. ~ 41
lri.>h. 1 ....• <OW" e;t<d 1'«1. It. Ci,-. I''''''.
in p<,mj","fI; ,I", ~,f,"~." , I" ,<oJ ,h. ~'I""" ,.,." '''Ii''"'n)- i",o II"
"","1. i,,<I",lin~ hi, no" '_\a""",I'''''. ~;o« n ~n LlI,1 I",," 1"'0" Ittol"" I,,, II"
udo","",o" '" i,,,,...,,,,,,
Iho "j",.,,.
.",<1 i1>;li ,v ",",""oiol pli", I.'h"'~ <UOV;,," ....
:If<~ p«jU'l' hool ,Ito< .. i''''", .......
p«""" '" ,,,:oJ. 'h, ...."'"
""."nll.", ,,,,,]d ""
u ...... lu[ 00"'·... ""' .... PUqrm<'\.
' . ...,. "<t""~ i 2.ft l ",Me> 1,,,,, J.
" ,-"JO"
2-7 § l .n~

U nd~~ Ruk 602, a w;lnen mu~1 h,,~e

pcrw,,:.I l no..,lI.'dS" ho:forc
be m3}' lesli f)' on " [larlicul~r maUer. ' Coun~el may. bll! is nnl fe·
(lu;rod 10. ;nlreduCt: Ihe 1~'StinlOny of tile w; tness b;n,u: lf ~~ .:~;..
<leI!« of (1CMoOnal knowlw&<:.'
Rul e 70 1 concerns Ihe ~l)' w;tneM' abilit}· 10 £iv~ l"'l imon~' in
the form of or>in;on~ or ;nfo:>cl\Ce'§. B«3U'l: a lay y;i\ncs~ is nOI an
expert wil nc,~.' the by wi ln en ' com[l~ lclice 10 gh-e opin ion. or in·
fC fCn C~'5 i. li nliled. The lay " ';III-C'" lil a)" &c" er:t ll y o"ly S;,·c ~n
opinion 01 infclentx lba( i~ bnu:d UIJ(!n bi ~ own IlCfn-"[lt io ll ~lId
' Jo¥ ~t 'no fac,~, ;"il Co. ' .. Sol:> Ib,;o Inll. ~. ~~J ~,~d t ~ (3d (i • . , ~~.:~ In
on act;"p a ,i,;"" (toni ,t.:- t.;lu", ,,( 'v.." (urn."" ""r<Iu_
b) lilt ",",n,;lT ('om
Ih, lIoron,"'nt. Ih' t,;,1 r OUIl 'l",,,, ~ I" <li""'<l iM in h,,' Ji"~ In;1I tl,o "'.,n ,;t1',
"';1"«. did "o1 h'" ",:,,,,..1 '''''. t.d~ ..,rrr,,,. , ", I."if)' on Iht ;,.,.. or ~ 'n..
_'- "" hou~ til. wi' ....., ""uld nol ",«i",l) ,,'1< ..
h~· ' fUIl""'(' ''''' i """,t>I<Ic
., a f\l> 'I~\t . nd hi, '",'i", oll~ ~ ." b,,,",, in J>.1 n on, '""'"lO ry of ,,,,,mil
,,«i,',J (' 0"' Ih o ~l.> in ,in: tl,o wi,",,,
n,d .,Ion,h'o 1'<,.,,,,.1 .""wlrd ,,,, " f!h,
~I.;n>lil', pbn'~ i" ""''''rill
bu, u.,.,ioq: pi"';.... anti "'. (uon, .... in '1u",.i"".
IIi. I.>t~..r <!,«;f" l """IN,.., "'~«l'~ ,~~ I".ilu", "f ,~< fu ", ,,., '''' • P'OflO'
, ubj«' of "0" ."", ;n.'li,,o.
C.-l"" D y • • .:>1.... 1:>. S~~ F. 5 u ~ ]\. 141) 'N.ll.N.\ ·. 19&<1~ 1'111>11<- <mp\(ll<n
""''-'" ,<11« f'ortl d,,,,!u.rp." ,h" ..«. ,11'ilN1), ""Ii""'I)' """i, ",,,I. Tho ","n
~,.o,,~ 'h< 1'I,,;nlil1"'," mUI; oo ,,, 'I,iI, '"' "" i.,"o)' ,,{ , ,lof,'"" ,"'i 'n,,, ~ IL» "u,·
""n,~ 10 oll.r •• ,Lk .... ("n<nDin~ ''''' job 01..,.." .. ..r , ".",kub, pl"nljjf. Th.
oc ''''''''' I..,l o( fI«>On,l ~"'''''kd," o( ,\Ie «.ot> i" ,!'l .... .", ",,<i. ,~ , ' """"M)'
"nl'<"u""" <.
,'~~ ,~, ' -. 1111"~""'. S: J F. S""",. I::!S I. , !~~ CE.D, ' ".. , 9II~ ' " on ,('Iion
",,>ina Out of a .... I."ion b<'I~~n '''0 ",et"" ,..,i,.",
.he ""u n ",~O<I , ',~ ,.'j,,,,,,,
i, <k,"" d ,n ''' f'',. nI to I.", r~' uol ,·" \, i. 0<;\,1)' in'I"" , ;I>l< tl", 1.,.1",,1 " ",·h.od
nIL ......'OIion: ·
""'~ ". Unit'" (" .. ins. I" •.. ~I ,1.IUd 9~ ~ , ~SJ N.v.s.~d ~ ll (I~ S", 11" Ifi·
"I <oull ."",1 ie all''''';OK" .. it"" " I~ ~;\" hi . ")';0;0" r<".!f«;"~ Ihe <0), i l"" in
, <~ ... 1>1"....,.' by 0 pc",.. ,,;u ~ ... "" •." """ k
~' ~ u u<~_ i .<_ ...... r-.n lb. po.! .....
"i,a .....1 ..", ;n ,1,< pl> l~'; fl", fa'd' "'h<A~ ' """i><>I , ~!O ,I>< ,If""'.
Th< ",i, ·
"'" ,lrd not h.,', 1'<''''''''
h"wl<~~< "ftlLo "." ", "r ,,'" ";~o" . he .Iid ,I.,,,, ""t
><e Il'~ ''In,1 ~ "h, "t "'Ir M ,'''' pl.Ii" I;O"~" ,,, w"", Ih. '''''',. IIIL' r~., ,,,,,, tho
~I,in"'f ''''m b. .... '" ''''' mOddl. of tiro "..-n .
.\", ',' ,,/.v, i"P', ! 1,11'<1111"1.
' F<d. R. bi.l. I.tll .
•S,,· ~"II" R. (b bu,,,- ,\ " oj Ad,·"" .. ~-<:m" f, .. rni~>li,'" or
" "o ,M , di" l l:Ipc ll' I ~h"lh< ~' BonJ" , 'I~~); M. Hoo, \, ,In of M"oc,,,y-(:"'"
h';mi." i"" of .'I<di,·~l E' .... " (~I'''b'-"'' I""""" 19~ ~).
§ 2.0~ I.")' \\'111 ...·",·,

which aids the jury in a bclt~r underslanding or hi, lestimony and

IIIe issues in IIIe ca~e.'
Tile Irial jud~" will gcncr'IlIy 'Idmil lay wilness lestimollY ir the
judge del ermine' lIiat the jury could lind Ihal Ihe witness pcr-
ceived the evellt at i,sue;' mallcr> of credibilil), arc u",ally lerl 10
'B,ady ", CIL,mi«,1 Comtr. C",p,. ;.1(1 1'.l<1 1')) I;:,t Cir. 1%4): 1-'"il,'<1 St,W\
v. )"'''0''. (,~o F.2J 11~1 17th ('i,. 1()~2), m/, d"lIi",I, ·1(,1) U.S. 1(143 {l')~31'
G"onwooo Ra",h". IrIC'. ". Ski, C,,"'tr. Co,. (,2') 1',2<1 ~I~ (~,b C;r. '9~1l1' t~"n·
'~I'l'h", e"'I<,,,,,,,,,'<. lnr,. ~'J(I r.'J M. IUlIb CiT, 19191.

T«rt-[,l, In" ", Ki"'".lll Inn. In, __ (,!O F,!d 399 (Jd ('i,. l'J:iO), ,'\ "wiler
IHOU 1h! • I",.d, of «",IToe'! .,,!ion , .. imt " m,,"ur,,,',,,,,,, 'n," ''''ttl hd<l Ih"i ""
,,,,'00"1.,,,,; I"''''''''''
);nQ"I,<1g, of U"
pl,int,t]', b,bn,e ,ILw, "'" ",fli,i,"\ to
'Iu,lify him to O~<T, ",.0
I"y wit""", hi> <,pi"ia'" ' ' <\
i"fm',,,'., Jr"~" f,om hi.
fl"",pt;O", of !ho ",I"n,c ,heel!, ""twith>illndins Ih. r"O\ 11." I", ,'(luI,! 01", "",.
if),"'"" ,,,,,n "iw"", 1<1 rol,,"ot "ro"otin~ pnnl'iplro,
\\',,,,on ". MeG« . .',13 S." ;:,1 46t {AI." 1~771. A,ki", , wit"",, "h<th" " ,w·
,"ill "fot), IUlo , llOuld It",o '!>plied "'" tlkin '" ",);i"" 11" "il"OI> '" ~i" hi,
ol'inio".'I~,", ,"n""hi"~ '"" "itlti" hi, kllowledr e, EI," ifl,c ,ould ,I""" a "H"
oio';'ln or o~cr" ~"'"'' ,,,,h " "'p<1''''
"""hI I", of tillie '<til", j" , IH,,,.,,Jin~
I""", on ,;'" ",,1 I,,,,, 0101
moro "pinion,.
' J,,), ~h,""r,\CMi"~ Co, ", S.,b lb.;.: I"d",,, (,91 F.ld ICt4 1.....1 CiT, 1'!~21'
M, i' ..,\,F.lI. F«lm' Credi, \-'nion ", e1ll"i. SOC') J"" Cn" (is' F.2J '1.10 H,h Cir.
"J~2), 1'",. v, F;",,,on, Ti,e & J("hbcr CQ .. ;4;: F,!,' ~H (;,10 C;" "J5lt 11,,_
".ltd ", Om,l" lIote!. [nc .. ,!~2 F.2d 1;:22 1St], Cir, [?lJI,
(i"","" ", 1I,i,I,', U l ,I,;,. 1'1j. Mil 1'.:.t ,,5') II'J~JI, TI", IT;.I "H", ""d in
I''''ll\i''in~"I"l' ,,"'i'ne" I" ,""i"111"" ,1."o "., no ~.,,' tl,e Jef"lld:'"t' , "" (001,1
h»'o 3Ioid,d bitting a ,hitd. Til, "i''',~' h;"t "" "k,"'I,d~o " I' tl" ,p,,'<1 (Jf tlLo
,l<r,",I,,"(, ",,~i,I,'. 11" oi,""ro tho ,hild .,," .i,ibk 10 II,,' ,1<1"",I'ltl. or lit,'
,'hild', pmili,," ," mO"'rrk'n" <1"'iTl~ 'h ' "mild, ,I[i'I[ to !he ""'iLkn!. ,inc< tILe
"il",'" t"" w" f",,",,<1 LlO ""otIL,, d,ild,
""'<I",,, In!, Co, ", 1'.><0' St"'[ C\I[P .. 161 C;", .-\"1', ,(j~, !~~ S,E..~J 2(' 1
",.d'e ". 10"",.112 N,\\',;:d 51111l",,,, I'J~jl ,,, .'" ,,'<;Je"t .;r; , i"l: o"t of 'he
,',,'I i,i"" of "'0 \,1 ti rk., t I", t n" I ...,,,,, I' '" 1>< rI)' '" 1\"i ""(1 \ I", pI> in, it r, nhi"" i 'lit
to quo\lio", ,,,I,,'d of tl" d,r,"", ~itom ,d,"i"~ to ,I", ,i,;I'ilil), "I' )1,,' ",',id,"t
".·n,. The "il""" '",," I,'J~" 0' e;""""",",,, \la, di"imil,,, to tl",,,' ,',i"ill~ .1
tlIO ,im, ",11" ",',i,I"li, Th' '''',id'"t "'P~Oll"~ "t lli~I". ~'Ililo 'hr ~it",",,' "l"c,·
",,,ion, '1m <Imi"r "flm, "'''' ,1.,)'li~I>I, Th' Jef,"'" _,II" JiJ ,,," .10"", tl,," tl"
mllditi"",, ",dl '" "',,11,,'" """, "0<1 It.,IlI, .'111" ti"" o'tlLe wi!n",,' "~'<"'tI·
Ii"", w,," th,' ""'''." tIKl!<." !h, ti"" "ftl" "-"i,I<",,

2_') § 1.11$1 11

IhI: ju ~·. TItU!>. su.:h I~Sl inIOIlY shoulll norma lly Ix: ndmillcd ,:,','11
i f the \\'i ln~1 i~ not pus; tl\'': 1boUI ",ll~t he hlS flI:",:i "c<!. rlrllv id,'<:!
thut Ihe ",i\!less hu d un (ll'l'ortuni l)' 10 o ble,"c mid ubtJitml so me
imp rcss iOtl S from hi, nbs e.v:\tion ,,'

When :1 wi tn~ 15 ICl l ific~. he draW l n

pielUre fo r the jur)'. The
crm~ c.~:, m in er must ~hu'" why the piclure W~5 not al"Cur~IC when
,,,ken, or why Ihe pictu re has In.., n Icltmdu:d si nce Ihe lime ;1 "'as
laken. 8.scnlially. Ih.. C' <)SS enmin", chanclI&<o~ the b y \\,;1111.'»'
l e. \i mon)' b )' 1Iu:t cki nil Ihe substan ce of the ",i lnn!' lCstim uny I"
his <t rlllu l t lmm el" ',

III Anad r;n!: Su""l~fI'" fir T\"'ilimuny

When nS!3u it ing th e ~\!bsl:m\.., (If the wit n ,.. , · tr .l !imony. "" lIIae!
gcncrall)' :tlk~cs that Ihe w;lnc", lack, personal ~""wtcd&e o r' Ihe

Oh m ". M<Q"",y, 6~7 I'.~~ ' 1 2 1 ~1"" '. 1' ~I. Til< pb.,nl,rr.IIqftI"_rrul
" '" of """'~ ".t<n ,,,",
.II<~ >I<""rior ....~ ... " " •. Wbet" ... ~(" .... 'oC" ,;",[11,""
",I lim " ,~ " ~;. "''';I11.''' r ..-". h,,,,~ unly "r><l"
""I:" ' ,hitdo.x><! n\l,,"o,k •. ,,,,,
"i,I,'''''11 p,,'~rl~' ' "M oin" llho def,nd , ,,)'. " hj«:' i"" to tl l ~ 1~ llirn""y. TIl , \"t''''
of ,in" b<1 "~' " " hil~h",," . n" 11" I;m, rn t,;ol ""~ , 'h< ~ ,\n .." "",," ,,") 'p« '
, ,\1.. ·.'« ~. 1'''l<KIcf,i. l Oll f.l.l I s(, I~'h Ck ( 'I61~ lht ~t","ilf "'" ;1IJ~1(d
" ben Ih o '" in "'h kt> ,lw ..." n~ i. s "ru <~ .h, ,Id'<.don)'. fll> ,l ",1' >T, TIl . ~,r. ",
don' 'lid "'" to>", ni, ,,<,.
!""); '.g li 1)'" "u , n , .1ppli"h]. " .1"1< I<'1ui ""I • •"" .
•n, ;\1 10 1, .'0 hi, I'or li)l", On if, n ""j ... , '''"kl . nt hO ......1 AAJ 1« ,_,I ilh"", h
• wi""". 'n am""",
'h~ ( ould o"l~ ' .... ifylhOl ht "",l~ ..... """", )00 r.... ~, th<
,illl< of tho .n:id<nl ~nCI ,~"!d "'"
1",,/)· .. hCllo ... th,,~ "" • "'«I hshl . Ih<
ro,,<t 1<I,.;lIOil ,!to 1<>.timOn). The f, '"
lhot ,Ioc wi(. ", ,liJ "''' ,,:'" Ih< ",,~ 1It:!'1
""~. be , .. ido"", 11"\1 h< ,,'" [I" UtkK''''',-'M wi ln,,, ; h~M" <f, '\1:11 "''''''\\1 \'""
m"ot ~' ,11,,,,,,( I)" ".,i.,;" llt ~ j uri ,),ouid til". 10 "'" I,,,i.,,,")'. Tt", ~i tn'" ""1
"'ni, i,~, (>< ,..",.1 kno .. Wp: ~' 10 " I"'I ..~ ,II< K''''' or ,) .. a«ld'"1 ,, ~, ... ~;.
rio ",!~ lII"mlf»l<d.
1'" , v. 1'0 ,,,, ",, l ';c< I< ~,,"l><f Coo. l~ll', : d 9 1 ~ fl l ~ Cor, 1 ? ~ lJ , n o 1,1"n,
,ilY ""' '' ;'' "~ il~ " ,i< , who" • ,ut",,,, I;", ., r l",Jc,1 ~lLiI< h, i", i"'l "<~, A " ,I"",
., lho "" "i~. ,I"';"n ",I., 01"" nr 'l,< ""'"k" , ,,," (<I M ly ,.uil)' \)", lI< 'Io<>ush'
h<.".. ,b. ~t.inl; 1f odd "" '" h" I;, •. tho o~'n"';",,'" , ... h '",timoOl)" "","m
"" 0', I, ".>\ "'" """",,1 tho! 11,. wi",,,,. ",. OOl~.r ""'lfi",~' , b«>luidy ....'''"''
a_ ",. ,,10.\ I>< ,,"-.
2- 10

t "cms in qU C~liun' or I b~1 1m: "'iln~ ss' I<'Mimon~' conlr:luiclS hi~

prior ~1~lCmcnIS .'

Inl (..:Ie\.; or l'crsoM,1 IiMU .. Ic~llc~ l"!' )sltn l Of l\I~nl,1


A~ p rc\'iou ~I)' notc~. II by wilness mll,l h~vc IlCfSonnl knowl .

e\1J;c of the ~" enI S ~t iSSUe t>.:f()r" hc m ~y l.:slif>· on a p~nicuklr
ma"cr. O~ lite I.;at rou" dct"rm; n~~ that II ~nabl~ jury
coul~ tind 1!1~1 the wi lnes' [)Crl:ch'cd Ih e evcnu in q uc!ti en, Ihe is.
~ue of cre dib il hy i. ~ m:tllcr for Ihe ju ron.'

til proving lack of J'C'r$OMI knowli.'<l);\·. lite erOSj c~ ~m ilWr &<''11e,·

:tlly 5Ce ks to show defeets in th e witn~,~' meni al :tnd!or ph;'sk~1
CJp;lcity 10 IUlify 10 Ihe C,'clllS al issue, " hc (TOU cl ami .. c. nor·
mall)' rocu~es on 0"':: or mo.c of the foliowi ng I':tetu ... : e.~fl'Cl'ie1lcc.
o b'erva lion, Iccnllcclinn, or ~bi l i lY 10 narrate cwo t. OIl the Siand .
Speci fica ll y, physiol08it31 "efect, l och :11 poor "isi,,,, ~ r he:II,nll
em cause inaccur:tl<l ohs( ...<:1tioll . 3§ ....~n Cn\'ironnlClllal r.WIOts, ;11·
elud ing d~rkll~'$, '''!\lighl, ~h~do"", obMruction, d i~tr:tcllon , and
noise. A "';ln e55' recoll ection ca n be ;mpJir~d b}' II'e lnp,e of lim e
hct ..-tcn II>\: ~\'Cnl and Irial. inJ iI"",lion. r...~;lioll. ' econSI.udion.
and luts'-'Stiol\, NMr.l\ io n can t>.: imp~ i l<'d by 31! inapp ' oprialC
choi<'C o r "'orJ I. emotional factol'5 in \'01veil "'ilh wi ln~s. Sianti tc. _
limon)" loU[.CCStion . Of intimidation b)' .-ou n",,1.
TIle cross c~amincr Ilrd i n~ril )' attack . Ihc ",iln c~, I~ ck or [)Cr-
son~1 kn owledge by circums tunl;al evi dence. 1'0' ~~:unpl ". C,'en if
Ihe ..i UH.~ di r.:al}· 3d mils lhat hi. plt~')kat rondilion at Ihe 1;'nC
oflh¢ "'et1t ~I issue ....:15 not oplimal , the ",i lm.'\.1 m~y still <'o nt~n d
Ihal he was able 10 ~ccu ,alcly obs""'c th e nC!iI in que.lion, Tile
CrD55 in~ will Ihen "a"e to introduce ~~;dc llcc ....." " ·ill& thai
his cond itioo ,,'U such I h~1 Ihe " 'il,lI,,,s rould not ha"c p rnercd
luffi eicnl kn oll'ledge of ,he C"C nl, Thi~ ,, " illcnee Ca n eonl~ rro m
Ihe ",imess hinl!.Clf on Ihe 'lan~ or from e>. I.i n! i~ c,·;dcncll--".g..
c.idtn~ inlroducl,..d b)' O1h"" witM'~ prior "imcss 1~,.t; m On )', or
docume nt",y or dcm e,mru ti"e evi dence,'

, SN '''.'''' ~ : .OSI I1l3).

, .IW /Ilf", § l ,Q~! 11th!,
, S,,' '''rrJ I :,O~,
• W'iJ!>1 Y.•\"'.'..~n "'.rN (""""'10. 19 M.,.. .~ ~p. 10 14. 416 K f, :d q14
(19UI. Th. pbln,llfbro""", .., """Qft
roc ;~juci<> "" ' """" '" "~<n h' r,n "n'
IiI U:.,' of A/wl",l
,\kO}IO} imake c~n I>c an issU<! in 0 pc rwn~\ injury ~c\i on. "'h)!; \
('00110 3grc~ Ih~1 e,·iu cIle.: of 31rohnl Il~ is Idc":ml if il C:IOI be
stIO"<n lh3t ~t coool .. rrtCIW It..: ,,·ilnc~ •. eilher ( II ~I Ih~ lime of
Ihe c'·cnt . • 0 3~ to "rre,1 Iii. po"w of obsen'a li ol1. (2) 01 Ih~ time
I)r Ille \cslimony, W ,I' tl) (Irrect his power of recall or n"rraliol1, or
0 1 in bo.1wwn Iho'IC li m.,,;, so a~ 10 ~ lTccl his 110""" o f
=oltcaion.· COIl I1 IiCI mn}' not pr.~nt evid ence of inl". knlioo on
~ I1 0 1hcr <>ecaslon to '110 ....· the wiln ess ' con dilion 31 lh~ li me ~t
i:l, ut,' Simi1a rl)', the witn ~!.' gener,} prar>C",i l~' 10 drin k alco hol i.
" 01 o ,uina rily ' Ck'OI nl IQ llLe wilIKU' condilion :01 Ihe lime o f Ihe
c"ent ' The (acl that , ",itn~'S1 i , , I1h:mbcr of Ako lmli ..'S Anony_

o I,dd.... .-\llh 01J~h il "" " p,nl"." 10 '~mi'. ~i'nM>' ' '''1"'00)' Ih " 'h' !,!,in'i!f
. ~pur<d '0 Iu," l>r<n d"; n ~ ; ... " ,,~ , ;mp'ul"" to . dmO! 0 h"",il:li , .... Ot~ i .... i_
~Jt;'" t.... tho p/linlilT d •• ttI; .. . to .. n "" . ..... "r",", ~ .uy, 1'be "<»\t,1>' INO'"
..... in 'l'rol'< ~~ o<Jm,n«.l b,c,,, .. ,, "'" ... "I,," '" I,) 0") ",,'ori,' ... ,"";" u"
,'J'O, lIow"',,, , ho IOltirr><>n r nf II", ""j,,,.,,
" :11 c"i J,",~ f"' ", "hi,to Ihe j"r)'
,outJ inr" 'hOI '~o !'I'.:tin'iiT ~"" """,, 11>0 .,,111>:"", or inl~.i, .. i"~ I><w,.!:t.
"h." "" rlimt><~ th ....."',•
• " "rith' ~, ~...m'.n I'<",'.l" Co"",,,,,,,, 19 ~h",- "~p. tOl~. U~ :-:.I!. ZJ ~~~
II ~Sj ), S.... 'Uf'!O Mlo 4,

O'!-""v,lin ~, 11"",o\>" S, 9, 1M", n, '\r ~, 1 9~J, n , rl ~i n'i!f f,'11

00 • ,l:Ii"''''r ",wi.,. (,oln • '"'' ""'1< ,..
0 00..1 oo.l. :!.ill<, ,'" <t1' ,ho< i".,
~bln,ifr. b<co <O""''''phun " ... I>do.~ ,..., ""''' and ' '''' jUl). 'ho ,h.1 ",,,,, did
MIl ,r< in ,,j ,ni,,i", ,...;""",. Ih" Ihc 1,',in"IT ~m 1>«" ~ ';"'i "~ J")' pri<>r \"'..
'" "" "" io,n"
Ii.,ry ", .\I."IIl.'" 55 ,\.I ) . 2~ I. :;n :>:.\'.S,l d ~".. tl'>7~~ 'n.. d. r.,,,l.nt! ,ho, tho driyn'" "",,. ;~ io n m d \p«"dill&. M h<r th.n ......"",.. mo\O,
mo.~" "" ,',U'""
a ".htcl., "". th , of OA ' "lOm.)/I;I, ,oci.! ... ,.Th,
",'f,"~'n' in,
,,,>Juwl.n ,n,.,_.,'Y roo", ,w,,,' whi,h "".d 'h." tI" ~f;"" " [""ot ~,,,I "i~
'h" hi, >on !, ~,I - h>d, I,,,, 1><.".- Sin," 'l'", ~", "" .. i<l"",. " ..I ,''' ol"'!«1
bto. 4";n ~1"5 Mft lTi~~lN I~ ''''' .cridCln, It>< "r",.n.. It> l>cn ;n tt>< " ....... ~
_I~ haw tnn nclud<d, . in.e it .."uld "",f"", ,h. JUry in' " 'hihl ,n~ 'II..,
Jri~ ~ifljl ,.~, aft ",""
Sn ' Pro!'!. '", ll oll id. ~ , :; ~ t<S..ld 163, loll N , I.!~ no. JI I N,\ ''s''ld B
II ~)'" In .. .,imi!»l ""';"" rh' ~", n,",""', " 'i.lcnc< ..r m<R' ""~, i,,,,,"en of
'~"'mp<r4<KO ," .... , "'" b" ","oUt m d in .m<"n' ni"~ ,. "", "', Ih , dd.",I,., hW
II" ""I"iI'lo in"n' '" ~ ., in "" inw,ic,.,«! rono;';no " II" ,i",o " f \1 .. " "lIhi""
'Unitro SU\" v , lJ;h,~", ~('" F"J ,2j ~l" Ci,. 19M~ \\',io;.h' I , ~,""i"n
).,0<...., Co,",,, ,,. I~ M,,,,,, " PI' 1014, 411> K E...'oJ 974 4 19~}~
:'_1 !

mous or i. a reformed alcoholic is aim nol C'On,id~rcd germane to

his condition at the tim~ in <lu~,tion. '

(iiI u,,, or Drug'

The CourtS have not fashioned 11 unirorm approach toward ~\'i­
denee that" witne" waS either under the influence of or addicted
to drug" at the time of" rde,'ant event Although the ph}',iologic:tl
consequences of alcohol inl:tke arc orten far from clear, e\'en Ic;,
is known :lbout the efTect, or drugs. The "ariety of a\'~ilable drugs.
"arying reactions to their usc, anll sode1al 'Corn of drug abuse has
made ti,.
courts' task in fashioning rules all the marc diflicul!.
There arc two school> of 1hought in analY/.ing e\'idence of drug
u,nge. The flm is the older belief thm drug lISers Me less worthy
or belief-even notoriolls liars. While it is ~rgllilble that Mug ad-
dicts may be dishoncst concerning lheir me of drugl. mOSI courts
agree thm there i, no reason to belic"c thm thcy :orc. a, " group.
1lI0rc dishonest about other m,men; than othcr witnc>scs.' Indeed.
Ihis tlleory i~ ~n attJcl: more Oil tlle character of the witncs> thnn
on hi, ment,,1 capacitie,." There i, "lSe Ia\\". however. lhal permit,

1:"",,hill '-. lb);«. J4J ,\,2,\ (,4j t:">',l!, l'n~l, 'nO" l'I",nliW> "~'It "(\l1i<l," ~'lh
11" .He,,",", ·, 1",1«t C'L Th o ,'0"" 1,,1" tl"" O"i<lo" ,'< ,,1'1100 p"i,,,,tr, .lti n ';"~
I"hih O'Ht hi, dfLnl:i"f "" tho ILL,)" i" 'l"'~ ';On w,"o , tlm;"il,l, ,,, ,,,,,,,.~ Iho
o",lihili'), of oi, to.timon)-, How",,",, hi , drin'in~ h.'\o;" w"ld I>()' 1" ,dmiu,'d
,., dir",:! ."id,"," of hi, "()oJi'~'n 0" 'h'
oi1.l" elf 'he "",id"",,
.1'",' "I,,,
Wi,I""c1 Y. 1I,lIin~ Comtr .. 10c" '!'! _-\.D.2<l (,.,(,. 47! N.r,S.',1 2t9
It ~S4), Tho plaintiff b"",,,h< , n ""ion 1<1 "''''-Cf for iojuri" I", ,"",l,n,d wi,,"
),0 fell [mnt "',ni,I""., Th"!,;,1 ,""<1
w<a in "IIm"in~ ,,,Ii,,,",,), ,·" ...·,10i"I' II"
'I!inki", hohib or ,o-<mplo)<O\ on tl" m'''trLl,:tion ,ito_ ~",lL t<";"n,")-W:.L' hi~l>_
Ir projllJici,1 000 '"'' no' pml."ti,-o or ~"" tho rla'ntilf diLl 0" ,'n)' ",·o",ion.
F.. "hmno", t<I1'010n)' «,"mnin~ ,I", rhl,nliW, "lkE«1 tlr,,,,,nl\ on til, tlOl)- of
,ho ",,·;tI<", wa, ,ami"i!>l, ""I)'" it tC"J<~ n, '"PJ>L'" Ihe dc-f"'nl",,r, II"," ,) Llf
how tlLo "<ci~o"t '>O<"ITod .
• D"-,, ". Blum. i(l.'\.I),~d 5~J, 411, N.\·.~."d 5J 1\9J'_II_
' .x·,· !':,II)" '-. M.,,)IO"" COI",II)" Cn_, 45 F."J J~2 IW.I)_ V" 19291. a/rd, 45
_2J 7~~ 14'h eif, 19)01; ~lo",11 '-. S'alC, ,7, p, UIlO (,\1.,~" l'J'SI; G",,"" '-.
S''''', 1.1) (]" J9•.-,. 142 S.E.:,1 5S~ 1I'l7~), SHIt< y. (""1,,, .114 ,1,::<1 7')1) I~k
S,,' ,\"'""",11), J W,i",!oin', ["ilk"" 1 ('(P[IH[ (.\l,nll,,,, 110m"" I')SJ),
".\",." i"r", ! 2.I)J[2! ["" <Ii",,,,,i"" "r ""."ki"~., ~"""" <'1"",,",0<,
.,"" 10 J" ''''!1'''II'''''' P"' "o"",,,od "'I J" """! "11 Q)
10""1." ,r,,, 0>" ~fUp "II ',{OOLUtl") I"''' ""IJ<J <,t1p "I' \10 1"'" 'I)OOP '~)JO Ju,
'UJO'U '~1 "" 0,,, "!""'I "'I ~"fU"J"OJ PU"'J[JL~ '.'U'P"'JOP 0111)0 '<Of1""!,",0<.1
"'''.' \Uof,nJ>lOJd >tl' ~"""",Jj", 1"'".1 U",,, I"!" "11 ',mm puo J"~7n'I'".w
'(OJ '''",n:'''\'''~""1 '(O~61J (,OL pn;".\".'< ~;:t '~~~ P,'U'V 'IL """;1 '.1 'I,IOJ,I
"'f'''od 0) PUOIl.J>J 0, "lOl"!""~"O
'4MP I"'; 1'1""\\ ,Iuo,u",,, '['l"on '!'l P"TI '"0,,'""
~J"S 'IlU'," ~uu'''I'''.''''.I,
'"II"~ 'III," "";'NO"I '''I 01 '" ",'"11" ""f'"""rud < JO "<>II""HY"", """ 0'11 ~"!"
''''fl u! p,I", "no} I"!" "11 ',.1"""~", P'IIU!!"O.I" ~LI!"'''I'P 'OJ "anmuO) '.'""1'
,u';or "11 ,IU'''',''1 01 '161(,1 'ddV '0 'pUIl WL r"~·N IlM "In,', '''1'"']
'II"'" I! '''''''I'' ,1l")OL"
',j "I"" "O"'l ','"'I Plno,,, OIn tllUP "N).! 'lI"fl'!""" ,,,"",,,, "'11 P"'I.'.l!" ','"'I
"!'l,u, ""11 01" lIn,l' '"'iI .pU"utl "I) '"0 ,IIII'~'p>J.' .'''u,,'' OII'.I(ll",L"q'O><iL"'
'''11 ">J "'!I" ,".'p
(l) '1'1'1")" OLYl1"' '"'00 'I'lL"""rOl" "'I 0) rl'~ <e," ,tJ"'l'lw

>LII ""1"'1 1"," V 'I"!ll ,~) J" Ol"!) "'1)I"un ,tJ"'l'I,)J '~l O'OJ"I ~"',"" '"O'J I'"
'llod "'"1) "I) '" '" ·'luO ""!l"nh .'111 P'!I"'!I "no, I"U' ,~, ""'I" ~,I"'l' ,Iuc I"'"
'''0 1'''[ ,~ It'" III "'1""1," "'Ul!~ " 1'" OJ 'W"r'''J'p "1' '~"II' (>1 ""!'''.'''I'
10 '''''I'"" We "',11 11 'IM"I 'lo:) "II ,SOl 1';:',1 %. ',1'1'!1I '" ,"10', p'''"n
:"'111 ..l,~'
'p,I"""" "",,, UOLI," 1() P'~l1"l '''1 "'~M '~fUp
J" '.I"""ll<'! ."1) "1"'" ,t:." ,,,",,,,, "I' '"'II ""'1",,""" '"" ""I) 01'4," "0'"""
J" "'Il P""'P ""I "U""r"",,, JO "'" P'IO!!"P" P"~ o~,~ "'"'u,," , ....~'":.,\Ol~ "I)
J" ,(l!I!'I!P,".' "1' 1""" 01 '""1'"')01' "[I "~Il< Q) "'"P' 0) ,OJ" ,00 ","" ""H"
-0.1 J~ 'I'~ ' '1'
'OJ ""!I"'''''''~""I '(>L(,l '0".\\) >L~ p,',j ,to ""'I~ ',\ O!"I",\
'''U,,'' "<i'""o." pliO o"IO>'od 0, .''''''''"' .'''u
'Il," " •
1''''.1.(1" .,," """"f!mu I"'"'~ '''"4 ,~0'1' 01 ","1"1'""") "a",~ 'l'fl'I")I> 0,
1"'11") POll '""I'"'!I·II' "[1 ',",,, """"[f"'" 'fJLI')O IU,"" "11 ~u'M'I' ,('I ,''''""",,,
JO "!I!q'pm '~l ~J".."l"j' 0' l"q""J'P 0'1' '''(~I" 0, ~"""J>1 "! '" H," I'!i' Una,
I"!" "'I' '"OI)""OlU "1""'0 " ''I '(Li~1 '(~O;)) 9 n',1 1:9, "["'S '" 'I~O',I"
'(E~I "f,) '1),1 ,;;'1 1','3 0;:' "10"11 '" "1<lS
P"f"l1 :(c,%[) 1% "S"ll ,(" '/"",,'/' 'I'" '(H%I "):) \IIP t,.
P;;',! 1'0r ">1"'~
P'''"11 '" '1'·'{J"D :I~[(d ''':1 'IlP?jo PC'd 'lL> 'u0I1,"'r '.\ ","I~ p·I)!"fl ".'.\' to

,t~n"! lP. lU~,\n "'II P~"'PJJJd ~lt U~ll'" JO p~U!l,nl

nl{ 1'~I{h\ ~~nlp JO ~Ju~nUu! ~ql J"pun ,1'." S'~Ul!," Jill l~lll ~:IU~p
"!.\a IUJ~q1i '~~\lsn 5nJp JO UO!S~!WPU ~'jl P~I!q!40Jd ';lIrJJU~~ ~,\\ll!
'].IIlOJ ',~~8~Ul!'" P~l\l~!XOIU!'IOlIO~IC JO ~J'i~~ ~ljl u! SV 'iJ~"'od ,{J
-(l\U~\U JOIPUI' UO!lr..\J~sqo .s~~\ll!." Jill 1)~PJJJc ~Au'll~mu sllrup JO
~SI1 Jl{l lUlll '! 11{anO!\l JO IQQIP~ IU1i.'"I~J ~JOW pUll pUOJ.1, :"1.1.

H',S,'UI!," ~1{1.10 '\)!I!q!P'J.1 ~ljl :lU!lU

-Jalap UCJ 'UOPCl1!JOJU! ljJn. 'II!." p"IUJU 'SJOJllf lUlIl cap! "'II uo
p"'''q ',,~n~1\ :lOJp wnu.1~ 5~.)11l!." c JO ~JlI"P!".1 JO UQ!I"Z!I!)n ;1\11

111,0'. § '"~l ·>lll J" ""1,","0 [j-<:

§ 2.0~IIJ

When permiS!;ib lc. evidcnce of drug in nu<:Jlocc ,.,'" be <.-stablishcd

by circu n'l L1nli'll c,· id~ n(c or by a.i:i" , Ihe wil",,""~ whelher he ,,":o.~
unde, Ih" i" nll . ncr: or Ih" d rug al Ihc ti me (lr Ih~ c'·cnl." Ut:C:IlUC
the physiolo&ical co n scllu~n~l-S of dr\lS Ui-3gc ~'" ~ti l! co ,u ro.·cr.;i"I,
co unscl sho uld be Im::p,\rcd to introou,·c CX l'Cri toll imo n)· or au-
th orit"ti .·c literature HI ~uppa rt hi~ doim that dru g " s;ol:~ ~dvcrscly
atTcct"d the "" =l1li01\5 o f Ihe wilne ss.."

/ilil ,1f""/lI/llIth'$S

Tri~ 1 court, gener~ll)' recosnize th allI ,,"i tneIS· prio r i n~tit"ti()n_

"lilntion for mental ill ncu rna)· nITect h i~ credibil ity. ,\ ccordin£ly.
connlel n' ~y IlUCM;On the witn<."!'s r<.-g:o rdinS h is prC\"iom hi~l u f)· .,f
(ommim',.. u~ for m"lI tal pro~l~m ... n TI'e1\: is aim authority per_
m illi nG lho: immduction of hospilal ,':,OOfds to show tM witn~s"
menI al illnCli'." SOlne ''00 115. however, h:,-,"c e~cl u dC<l flu cs li nns rc-
tatin ~ 10 ~ witness' hospitalilati on rur mental illn ess on the
ground s that the commitmen t wa. 100 renlOt" ;n (i ,n e from the
e'·eHl in rlucllicn."

"Uni,"" Sc:t..,. v. !lK~~,. S\16 F.2d IO¥ l I I" C". 1979t. s..,,. , .. C...,.. !~)
"00 . IU. SU P. l d ~l9 (Lnn
"1'''' 1,1. , .. It.><'",. 7 0, 1. " I'~· ;,1 '}(I'I. ~(. (",I. IIiH'. SJ7 !I ~101. lid"", 'h,
wion m 0,,"1<1 I>: imp<xh",ll,)· ~h"wioE 'hOI 1'0 10,>1 "",,!.oJ,
m."li"'o, ,.;,;."",.
j,," b<foro \~, ,,," "m",·,. h l",1 .,·;<I,"CC "" ,)<0 , If..., of '""iju' ....... wlJ b< f<.
qUUN. I>«nw: it, clJ«' " .." no. ,~m<i.nUr ..·.lI.~"""D.
l~pIc v. l>"t«Ic. 56) ' -!d ~ IColo.. I'H7)..... ,. "'P't' oDIC I!.
"lJII01t>\ St.,,,, , .. ". nin, 09~ f .!d 15Q U,~ Cir. I'no" Un;",1 SI>I<I , .. All,·
~ .. ni. ) ·'0 F.lJ 2;4 (7lh CiT. 1%41. ,wr. ,k"i"/. )Sl t!.~. ')1 1 (lg',Sl; Cni,,~1
St,,<> ~. U nd'l",m. (.'IS l"'.ld I 1 ~ 41 11'h Cif. I ~S) I. II,· ....., y. S,.,o.•
~~ A. l,1 ·1'12
IMd. t:1. S",",·. '\PI' t ~Sll, I'",~~'· , .. "n"",1 1. '" ".1).10 l~ . ~t: N .\·.S. ;O~ 1'10
1I~~1): S..,r" .... Ib rn .... 10) S.W.1J 61 1 rr,nn. IQ8$1.
.. t!blwd S........ .... Putt ....... I H F.M 491 ,2<1 Cu. 1'N~" CO/,in .... R";<~.r~.
' ~i EM !?~ l6Ih ( k l ,w,. "',,".In!. l ! S U.S. U 7 (I ~~j" \ ;Mo.l SIIII.. ,.. '.in~,...
' ''''''. G9 ~ " .2J I\ ~~ (ll!1l Cit. 19~.\1.
"lini"d 51"'" v. ll MM"'. , r)~ F.2d .!(,r, (hi Ci •. I'Jl4). n·". ,/,.,0/,,/. ·111 U.~.
'N ! (197,). Tho ","n ,.,, 1,,1,,\ 'I,,,""",n, r"".:",I;"~ Ih, ,,·; 10"'· ~,,.p;\"li,.,, ion fo r
~ ""'.. ...,, bo<,W,,..,~ a< " " , " n.,," in 'i" .... l'.. 00"'" .,r VI"'" "',. n»<k ,ho, 'he
",,"'"'<" "'o.J;'_ ",1.01<\1,,, ,,;,. .oonr><l,...,· Of ~"" I ifj"oo",.>, .. "n.....
r "",lo ' . I<o-.Iri~<l. 4 ) Cal. .Id 1)0. 1!h ". 201 I I 1.!)0 C'I. RpIf. 661 tl~~~)
In > ",",<It, ~'''K,u'in". ,t..-
", nit ",j""ro 'Il< ~ri,"d'"'" ,."",,. ,"",. ,)" , ho "."
d,~" >(,\ 0)/" hi, I i ~h' '" w," .' om;0" i,,,,.
"I,.", 'he <Ie roud, 0' " .", > 'I'"
I~' , ",ill,·"
,,, ;",mot'" ,11, p,jo ';I'] ' 1"o><<<1I ion "1""i,"", ,·~om" i n~ I", 111 , 1'..-, of P')··
2- 15 § 1M III

In a caw ,,-he. e Ilk! wh n~"SS ha, nol OCcn hosf)i la liz ...... fo . me llllli
iH~ I"~rc i, ~ defi n ile Ir~nd 1(\\\'3ld admilli ng p'>.... hi3 IriC ICjl' ·
Illony . ..-gardins lhe ''''In .."5I' menIal conditi"n if il 11:1aM. 10 d ill cr
his ~bil 'ly \I) ItSlif)' or In Ihe 'ncid~nt at i.sue,"

Ibl I'ri<J.r [n~o~ s l~ltnl Slnl"'111C11.ts

An cm:cli,'c way 1" di~c redil a w,tn t lS is 10 elicil an adml~s!o!\

or to pr~n\ c"id~nc~ lhal Ihe witness h~s mad e lJr~"i o u s Mal~.
menl' Ihal In.: in<:onsi.l lcnl .... ilh h i s ponenl IOlil11ony," The .... it.
nCM c~ n make 1m i n coM iS l~n L sl~ICm tn l dll.inB an informal inl cr.
vh:w. ~ dcJl<l>ilion ," :I Irinl in n p' ''' r nClion." or in :I documenl.

<hi:>!.;. tr."norn" SinN ,1>< "j,,,,,,,

-..~.!O l~'" 0l0i '1 III. ,im. of " b l . nd h, .
psychi"ri< ..... nl~nl ""'~".<d " >G'" , 4 , .... H .•1>< .... d ..'" 1"'" r<m<>1. In lin ...
• Ad did nol ",",. ",m" , nl "",rin, ~ 1'On ..... ........ ibilil}·.
Sm." ", S'aI', Jt Md, o\fo!I. 1:1,
H 1 A.ld SO l (I 9i41 __~ lUCOI .. t di, """",,,1',
""""io of , "'j,,,,,,,
m'~ . "'Or< Il\.u 10 f'""
bdor< lr;,1 ".. , P"'l"'rI)' .",Ilklr.-.J
'Kl con .. '''m;'',,"",
","';.', '\f" linmd S,"~, ", I,U]I<l, 611 F,ld 44 (4th (';r, I ~;?l: In,,,,l1\ _, 1"1,,1.
I ~ 25' ,II •. 51 1, 59 !Kl, 201 S~B ( I ~j: ): ~"IO ", Cordi""l, 19-1 C"""'
I H, ,I7H ,\,ld
610 (i9i4).
".1'''', c,~.:
Robllin. >, 1'1,,. ~'c.~ CII)' T"'"lil I\u,h" )m A IU,! 616 , 4S1 :-;,l' S, ~d )4"

1 _ ". T~ .nm, ... H$ S. E. l~ ¥47 I N,l'. 0 , ,\1'1', I ~BH I),ling ..,."" "",,,,i,
",,.;.,,,, • p:>ny U n "Ilet III< (T<'\j;l»~'r of , • ~" .... br <v,d",,,, ' &.>I ,h. .. j, ... "
hoo m><I. "''''' >lo"m"," In",,,,;'I..,, wi.h III, " ' 1""",' ,,,..I ...,j",,,", ,. Such
""'" <umon.,..... 1>U)' _"m ,,>1<""""'" .. lhch 11.>« b<rn m..... . i",., .,..Ur 0.
in ,,·rilin;: " h....1IMo ..... "'.... ""oo};n . jlb ~n f - 'ion " r ' l>< . ,"' .... "''';",d.
So... 1'«1, It. f.I.<.I . 6 1).
.. J,,' '''I''~! l,O), ~ ~ ,," discu,,,,, ,h, "to ,,.- diID>"Cfl " .. ,,,,;,1\,
"I.)nn ,., lIo1"'.. l .... p.. ! ~. ,\ri" 164, 6~K P,ld \~SJ (Ct, '\PIl, 1 ~~4): fl)""
Y, ~lrllm)' Il>nk" TM\ {'u" : &J M~, I~~, "~1 S,II',!d 114 11~~ SI; J),,;, ",

s,,,<, 4lo :<.IU <I 405 {ln~ , I~~jl: JM"' ", 5,"il", ("""""Y Rd, r ,,,,,",'n. ,,~
Mich. !lrp. lM, j.;! S.II',!,\ S.I' O~~JI: e'MO"" ". :«w Entland nl. ,~ Td,
Co .. oIll ..\.lJ 2 11111.1. 1 9 ~4) ,
/I", _,,·,'l'itt"''''~)I· I''. ~I oi"" SI..I " . M'I""~hlin. ~M, .U~ HNl ll'., 19Uj,
\mf'C"hm 'nl II)' n ",,0' i",,,,,,I"'"1 \1"'""0' fro", , I'<.,,'i o", "nr<I,,,d .,'"
.-;., "'" "n""n!.
,,'. ~OO',
~ _16

To be inconsi~tcn1. the ~talCll1cnl m(l~1 subs!"n! i:,II )' LOnlra" ~nc

!lle witl\c~' 11;""1:1 teslimony on ... l11~tcri~ll11~lIer!' In tlli. '~![I~CI.
Ih~ Slalcm~nlS new 1101 be d i .......'1ly inronsi~tent M iong ;Ii l lle~'
Icn~ to l'lrU"C di1Tcring fact~."

OIICC tile ",itne", II~$ ~el\ impeacllcd by ~ prior inconsi ~tC l\1
M~tcn"mt. Oll])("'i nc coun..:) may in lloouo:c ~ priOl ronsist",,\ M~IC'
IIWllt ilIad<: before Ih~ ""itne_>s 11m! ... mut l.·c tn lie. ,\ luiur clln si,-
tem 51alcmcnt is g~ner.llly ~dmissiblc nn l)' 10 fCPl ll a " h~ l'\lc
~S:lin't Ih~ Ill-da rant of .c« nt t''$t i moni~1 fJbric-a1 iun or iml'hllJo\:t
inf1ucno:c or mOli ,·e."

'h ad iliomI11r, ..u orney. I(Mkd In encounler di Oicul \ie5 in ' (IC·
c<""full)' u.jn~ a ~ricr ;ncon,i'lell1 ,1 atcntcl\l ~s atl Inlllt'""'lI1ICm
dCI'ice. sincc the Will1C jS had \0 be , hown or read th e prior S];lte-
m.'nt Ixior.>IIC could be croM cu m;nOO nIl il." Il y Ihi~ p'Ol....-d u r~,
" s,.,.:
1'.'I!i< ~ y. 11 ",",. 5 C')ll". "~~. 01,3. J(I). ,\.1J 4JlI ' ~~lt o~ v. (";ll' ,, ( S1"' ":'
""M, '! I 111. API' ld 1'. ' SI N_E.:lJ 1l.l1 1I~3~1.
M, (lC<' '-. ( :n. .... ,,;«~.n("o .. !l~ Cal. '\pp. Jd 1 1~. 1!'oS (":>1. Itr'r. S~~ ('? ~ JI .
In on ><, .. '" ,ri.,,,~ 'M "f ,," " ;,pI.,", ,,",I,. ""O'OIn,"' "",do I,)· " """'n~,, "-;1 ·
""" ,~,I", 1'<" ",\ """lli,," """,in;''''li "" ~-"' P"'I"',I)-"'),,,i,,,\>I,' ,,, in'!,>'""h
""II"""""'Y. In ho . ....',..,'''n'. 1\,... i'lI<" .,·...,.,.d 1\,,,, ,ho)" l,.d .... p<f;• ....-..l
d"" "".. r" ""d muld not "',n "Dr aJ\;,u<l<. li n.. ", .. , QR 01;",'<"1 c"n,;"",;,," JUf'
'1\1: Iri>!. II", ..-;"" '" I<"<ti!j(d. tho, .1" ,.-" \I"'~"'" "r O"~ ';l"m,·.", [",",1,'0«.
II", " " 1',,1 0.' '-. K' ~kl)· . J1~ !Ii•. old. 'I~) 11..'1. O . , I~I' . 19i5 • .I{,,, .;.,,1_,
pboI]o,;.r.>pb> or"" ""rid"", .... n< . 3 ,," .....' 10 11," ""..okft' ""'iro .... 11,., ,lot h'Jl~
"~y ,houldor >I \h< t'''''' '" ,b<~, r<'Illi>.! <\KII)"., " JioI '" "0< " ~~"'"
l"~~" n, «l"'1 hdd th" I),;. '<'I\I'I ""~ ,,,,,It,
Mt 1>< l'f"I~~I !" ;"'I",.wh,J 1»',
,I,t",,,"' ;n Ih .... it",-," .t.po, ilhll' ,1,.I,h,·,,· Mr<"~ ,,,, r'''h ~' I"" in " ,. ".-1_
"C~rum""""" 'h ' -. I~,kl ... l-I(, ~I''', J~).lOS ~£~d 1117 t1 9n ~ ''n'p''~_
Soo",,,. 1) ,\ .l ). ~ d 'ill" 4 16 :<. Y.S.ld l~ l (1~M)I,
" \ln Lled SI~W\ ,'. ilro""",". 1" .' 1',1.\ S~ I I~" !;; r. I ~! (,I' ,1~pI,j" ,,", '-. .- Itl,,,i·
,"" 1;,1"'" hhr.l"u,,,," !.ill" •• ,! F. l ,\'6 1 1 ~ Ci,. 19)!1; 1',1;,. v. Lo,,,, 1,1:1"0
11. .11. .. 41~ F.ld I'll (olJ Cit. 1'l70t 1,,-,.,.1< ' -. Mdtn<lr,. j.s K Y.ld ~ • .s. 434
N.t.!.1 1l!4 ..... ? N.\''s.M 9 ~ ~ (l 9~ 1 ~
.. 1 h< " "')ui",,,1 ..1, ...,. bid tI.,"," In nt, Q"<'''', c,><. 1 )I,." II. 11 •. ' 1')
I:nl_ l!ql. 976 (I~lOI .
.~, .. F.-.l. It. [,-;d. 61](" a,lv,,,,,, """""il,,,,,·, n01 • .
.~'" .«... ,~~'Io' l \\'0;",1<0"·' f"';d,""" \ M ll<J!l (M 'I'~'''' H,ndot 1~!71' • w;~_
m"'~ tl Il~'I_ I".o IL'\11o. Ilm~·". n,"II~'"m '0'. 1911 1.
, . ~" ".\
'<or, ,",, ,

"" I'>I"''',''~ ,OIl " o'""",",p • ,'0 'VO~Uud ""'~I I"""" 01 1'Ji" ''''''I''''"'''' """
-1>< "'I' ~"~I"ri>.J ,",u""nb.u "'l''''!' ~ <:»<n"'lP ~"'q .. -[0-, } oW", "'I" ,,,-~
leU,I) Mt r.s.n.: ~II( 'I ! ~ 1', '(rI 1" '.,,"JO~ " "'~I!!~''S "
,,,,"'''1"'' ,""""",,", "'!'~ "~ """I"J"'! '''~''I ",!!"pUM! ".1"1 JO'"
-11<",' ",," "'II ' "~I ,,)n l'''' I!~ """' ""' ~ j , 'I~L6I l O l~ 'S'll ;:t~ 'I"!",~, 'g,' 'H~
I'l '~'.~ 's ;: It '.~S r;"irs ' 8( -.t
p;:'.n: ~ . ... ~'""C.l -,
>idO>d ~"Ml ~r ' If
P~ '''' ,,, ! ~t '>~. r;: 'III ' 6 ''I'lo:) -, ...,w..',1 ;({ ~~I1 " , ", 'T S sur 'ro; -.I~~' '.!)
~" I "' I'OV I"""',l r UI' l1 "'""11\' u<I~l,>.I"";'w -" ',wI '1"11 'l",u·~"(I, '" "'II
' \,~(d ·"u\,
", J " ')' ," I .. <~ PeTS ~,( '''!'''U'''l', ""I"~'I 'O~&I ''''!I ~) :~, p,'~ .(1 '<11'_
-, "'~r"\' 1[~6 " .~H 1',-•• ,'1>9 );9 '" ", on '''''''II 'A """S ")/', ' -" 'S' o:

-lJ ! II~'fI''''''II1!,'' ~1I11cIII-:>\J &I(~'I)! " )0 1Ill!J j OO!I!ld:IlJnt 11 j O IIIJ"J

"'11 !I! "111:J!(l,(1- ~JU~jJ!,,, 'IUJ U p~q ~ Jll ~.n"~,,,! '~UI Ull'\! r. I.\!I "I
"1'1"U\\ '! "'I 1"41 Il \ll" ,S~U\!," ~ '11 Jl ' , lUll, 'i;>';od.lIld nI" 1U lpn.>d
-WI JOJ J« I!5<IUlP I: os,,, ~! Pnl'U(" IO~ !'!~UO)UI J O!lll J O ; 00' , \
" '.",,,~)~!,,,UOOU!
1'-)11,'11\: ~'1 1 0) q)\l(ru 1~'11 lu~\Unlo p 111\11 In UOl1'oo '~II I O ,'Ut P""
.'m!\ l~~j IPJj \lO 1,''l11l10J ~U! IOII II" 'lU~lU ~ICI~ IU"I'!'IIO~U ! .0!,,1 n
''''''1' (\\ Iu-,tunlilp C JI' 1.00 ~ .\ Iu \'\ ".'>n I~,ull rol JJJI{,\\ 1~41 310,,,,
IOU "w j "I!'!nh,'Wll'pn~Jl U,I"a " "!1mf JO SJ'$.lI)IU! ;l1111I! 'lJUJp
-1,') )!~U!JI~" ,1(' uo !pnpO)IU! ,1 111 l11U);">II n 5 1~ Ur.) pnU,1 V ' IU;lIU
'J!la~ . "!,,I " II '1" ! I>J~S". , ," UI !," "'II JII:st:>l. ;llUl "I AI!U!llJ O~~()
ue 1'_1PIO}]\) ' I .\ )joo 31!suddn 341 puc Hl"UI~l e!~ ~'-Il ,iu" p JO U !C'~_'L.J
UI .{I!U nlloddn lie l' lPJ"ll" '! $SlUl!," l 'll J! fI" I I!Wpe :.q !l C) jIIl UI
-l)eIS IIP1I!"""''' 1 J O !'~ p..l0 ))U"I' !'';' "! SU!JI\;'O '('Il£ 19 "ln~1 J,lpU n
'u Oll1:P U\1".1 c ~\\I'\\: I "mp'l "~U"P!" " !I"n~ ll'IJ' " Isu!dr. JI:<I ItiU"!)
'!P l~! ~ 4 1 ,J!I!pmll (q)£19 ~""~P!":! JO ~l~~ IU'~P'd 'p~~Ci~' '''''><1
"~Ie " :'1 ~JUJj)!_'~ 3]~u!J!~~Jo ~S"::>l{1 01 PJ~'-~' ' , I!,\ \ ,"CI IIIJJ In.J
'r<>s un ....J Su!\vd,l"
~!11 U\ I! ~"{II" ~ !P )., ,"'HII l'n!1I .I~ u!!U,,~a hQJ,1 ~'-Il 'IU ~ UI ~ l~IS
mlolm ,\U1:~ ~II) IO .ld" ~41 JOJ p<uoo~ JI 'J~,,",,,{I1 I 'SS,1Ul!," ~!II
01 l1-'I5<II-"!P SI U~ IUro 'I! JO 11_\\0'1' :Nl IOU fI.xI" !U J\U~!~!~ 3\11 'ss.'u
' I!_" "'\1 ,iq ,'1>1'(1j IUJW~I"1' . o !-'d C lIU!u.;,)U<,)., .""U! !,.. C ' ,,!u!lIIe
.~" U! ',',I L1"P!",! JIl " 'Iu ~ Ir.J,II"'d 'III J" r r.)~ 19 Jln~ JJpuf'l ..,'~Io,
,"I:t UO ,ulUOJ ~ !!II 01 ~JU"j"!iPI~ lJ!JI~ ~13~!~J p UeH \lJ~ JlOIU '11.1.
-u! 1'~lbIiC .)4! U!r.!dP 0 1 ,\ I!UlllJoddo li e P~I)jO.u c St ,,, $?U!! ..... "Ill

111';1)';: ~ """I "11 JO ""!"" " () Ll-c

ing hammer Cln be imrodu ccd 10 contradict his ~tntcmcnt." tn
t hl~ rcsp~~1 . ~
fil nl or " i,k'OI~r>C i~ ~~j n 1<.1 a Wior illoonsiS!ent
SI;lIcmcnt ,

liiil SUl/rco'S

The foll owinG 31\: w nl e <.I f th e !llorc ('o mlll[ln \.Our'c~ of ptior in-
conStMenl st~t~mC MS. In tlli! r~~~td . onty Ih~1 purtion of ~ docu·
ment conta; nin£ ; ncon$i~cn. ~1~ temcn I S C~ II lie urod:"
( 1) motor "~h icl e uC'I,·j.Jem rC!'l(1I1~;"

(2 J !'Oticc acci de nt rc!'OrlS:"

0) cl\lplc>~'cc :tccid""1 report l. if nOI prepared a~ an auorncfs
work product o f if 1>01 prcpaR't! for liti&:alion:"
(<I ) ho!pi lOll '<'«l,m.
(5) tafJ<: n;roHJ ~1l ~Iatemc nl, 1~'picJ tly tnkcll by ~n :IItomc)' or
alt i n ~urer. " and
" .'in', " ,~" W." ;nl~ ''"'< n ...,. I:orp. ... OIl") M",' i"", I.<"";IIS &. Furn'!"'"
('orl'. ~! <ltrio So. !d I l:!. )~6 ).'.11.2<1 61 I (I ~HI .

s,·,· g" II ,,~II)' ,\, l-i1KOO . An or " "" "",,,)_1>< 0' 00'''' ' ;' . h iJrn « (M.""",,,
1I<n"" Inn ...., 10. "'iI",h .. plain• •11< ...., of Iii"" ~ nd. _;.s"."",..,.
1M 'n'1'<""h-
""nl !>'lIN"".
" Si: loitr., ". 1:;""",•. ~O ,\. [).~ 681. lJ6 N.)'.s.2oI 11>9 !I'Inl: }t<{.""'s< " .
o ,~ "r ;-,' ,\O YO' k. ~ .~ ,\,IJ. ~H . D o N .Y S ~J III (19l.),
.. So'. q .. ){!, ",m'~n ~. 11e,1•. 9 ){,ft. ",~p. ~~ 10. ~1() 1'.2" 6111?~)~ G...""
' .. n ,n ~·n . )6 "'.Il.14 1)0. JI ~ ).' .Y ,~ ,'d ~12 0"' \1 ,
"N",h '. s,"'fI>nf;<' . ~]9 5.W.2d 4?1 fM,~ C•. ,\ ,,1' I!HU" Guido~. ){"'''or.
J<; A fl.2<! ) "" JlO ;-,',\", S.lJ ,.1 ( 1911 1,
-" 1',1 i'<' v. ){ O""', ,..,..." '" b~"l ( '.... ~}I j{,n. ~.1. (,<& , I',]" llO tI ~~2!; 1'<-0.
r k ", r ...... . 2J N .Y.l~ .'. l (. l N.t, : d 1 ~9. )IJ NS .S,ld lP (1 97!J1.
" 1', ,,,,1. v, ~'"'''' r. (">1, )d I ~~. lJ~ P,! " lOll. 1]1 I:~l. 1(", • . I I I {!~1},.
,\ n<"'u, ,'. ,.,' ...n' ..... 4 11 So. 1d & S ~ II ... (\. "PI' I ~~ l l. ,\ hl~"'y, ,.., ,,,,,It
rO" o.1 ,I,,, lOp< "'Qr<l'~ pr;o, in'"",",lon, " ,l' n1<n" ... ,, " ",,",ully ""mi", '~l ••
",. «.." . .. ."""'.. 10" ... l<i<p/M>n< roll,.,.."""" _..". <ln l)' '1 M or
,I", ,"of·
ior<" r«QI<\,np ~"I]'<~t.J III (""",d;" , .... ".,,,'. , ...1,11.1 ",. '" ;, ,,,,,, . ,,, poi""
Th. ''''or,j\n''' ....... ' .... "'""" "r
".11 ." (.0,.. ~,o~";,,. "" l ,hi", ' ' '""' ,h.. ro"
,I,>! " p,,,I.J ' '''.,'''' Q(t," I>t,.""" "''1' "1"<1 ~-i'h . or!! ",b.,,,..
,~". Fed. K. r:~id. '>IIUI>1I5, ~ nd I~ l dn.: ....;.' ,b. 'I'qui,.",m.. eo.- au.boft,"'·
,,,," "r ' «",IIi ,,!:"
2_ 19

(6) plc~lIings. inlcrroploria.. anll ileposilionl."

In Iln denni ning ~ ,..iln<:sf ~ha rn~ln. th~ cr"'~ e~nmi ner , ..",ks to
eSlabli,h a fl<J";bl~ m oth'~ for error. such :IS parli~l\ship. preju·
dieo:. or CO' Tuplion." COllnld can allO :Iliaci: Ih~ ,,·hlles! b:ls.:11 on
hil p~~t miKo nducl." opinion and rc pnt~lIon ",·idence. and e,'I _
d.n e, of habit. "

IiI /n (",,,,~I

,\ common mel hod of ~nde rm inlnt Ihe t{slim ell )· of a "'i lnc~s
i. lu PTr..en\ c~idcnc~ thai Ihe ,,·ilnen h~s Tl:3.1OIl 10 favor or di~3·
vor on. si<lc 01 ~n(Hh",. Wllrther inlCn lion31 or ~ utlC(ln~iuu •• Ihe
wi loel.'· le Slimon), ,muld Ihm lend 10 b" sbnled. The ~,,' o lion .
llul ,e,uh in p:lrli$3noJli p ( 3" be lIenoOli n~lw as bi~ pr"judice.
intern!. :and (",nlpl iun. No!e Ihal Ihe wurts Icoll 10 lu mp these
cm~so ric! under tile rubrk of bi~! . Bccau:r.c Of illi, (:1(1. an" , defin.
ins Ihe various catq:orie~. Ib~ lIiscus~ion b<"low ,,·iII gene' J lIr like-
....i ,e l!Ii li z~ Ihe Icr m bi~ s.
IIbs r~f~ 10 a fI'I '~nal c'~ oti"o in favol of :l p;lrt ~ .... b,le i.reju.
di c~ rden l(l a fl!:,J.(In ~1 em(llio n ~~'i n'l ~ Llart)·. Ilin. or prcju di (~
;, onl inar;I)' b~,ed Ujl<)n III I' ,,"iln c.' s' rclmi onship wi lh Ihe pari)' Of
'>I)lnC OIhn part ial pc '~n . 1 he b~si~ fm Ihe ,e\aliUII,hip (wh..1hcr
f3"0I"3hlo or unf~yorab!c) llIay be M><;ial. bU l in..,",s. k En!. f;un il ;"I. m
'CX Ll ~t.

lnlnnol rerer; to 3 Il\.'n ullal cOl oli"n fOf (lf asai n~1 Ibe NU ilC il.
~dl'. For in ~I:lt\ce, Illc W;IMSS may fi nd" poli tic'"l C:lu.e in Ihe law_
,uil: Ih" ,,·imess may bale Ihl' lyll" or la\\"Suh 31 , lake: OT. if he hu
p«'· i"u~)· lIcen a defcn danl in a l es~' nel i"n. the witnes i ma)· ,~

,. ..... i.n v. 1M"". 11'1 III. Ar!p- 'd £)6, ~S7 ~. rc M I ~) t ' 9¥)1. Jon", '. ~il.r
CO""') Rd. C<" ....'·n. I ! ~ Mi<h . .\pp. )69. }41 N. .... .Zd 5 J~ INUI, C"""",, Y.

SlnJnk. 0.111 ~.""'.!" ~4r. I~I ". Ct. "r p. I ~~l l' I\'n~'\'" v. Ii,,,,,. ·'51 ,\.ld l ol l
111.1 . I"S J), II,,,,, , ..V,"",",,,,,, ,L 6~(, S. W.2J \\118 n<nn. (;I. ' \IIr. I ~~ "~
" .'1« i.,p.. ) ~.M[1.31 .
.. •\<.,. mJ;" ~ l . n\t~lIh l.
" ,11•.•• mJi~ ! :. ~lP))<).
§ l.05121 .'-.' 0

; n!~' csl~"d In hdl';Il)'. Sj? "'""U n ~ ~h~ def'~1 Ih e !~ws.u it. howe,·o,
m~ ri l()r;o\lS.

Conupt ion r~rc~ 10 a COn.<oeiOU5 (\wice 10 Gi,·c f~hc ",·iden.,(.

resulti ng from ~n im proner inn ucn ce on th e ..... it nesl.
llil am·l'min;: 1-<'1'111 I'rlncipkl
,\Ilhnuuh tile Federal Ru le s of E,·iden..., do nOi "l<I.tCS...:ty d iKU»
i n'~:Jdrl"cn l for rna!.. (~ 13.... i5 Un.1ni nHl<J~ in pc .mitt ; n~ ~uch
imI'Cachll1cnl." Since the wi tneu' bia s is ~1"·;IYs si~nifican t in as-
...""!.-.i nll c t\:dibili ty, Ihe la nse of c\"io.lcoce 11I.:l1 (!In be l~ 10 shu ....
p~rtis;tn s hip ;s ,·cry broad!' S(lmc 1il\1i lali on~, hOl<"e '·cr. nn lh ~

"t:nior.1 Stato> ,. ,\"'~. ~6~ t:.!I. ~S. 50_S I Il ~z. ~ "Tho «>U" , nol},cd 0 ....
I. ... !<do,.. Ihe 1'<·\Ior.1 \I."ir. of E, ;"'."co ' ''1,. io'o ,/y."
,,,,I no"~,
\\·i'~ ,1." n,l. "r "",:,"in'; ' )" ll'<l1"I "in~ ;m","><~ " " M h!" ~ i"l ,..,nf,un,;"!. 1~'
du n...., "llh. f.d ..~l ]l.ul... of £0""",«. .. ~ ' b ", ~ " .. Rlil..<!)' 1\", ,.",<><1.
, d '" «wI< <1" i"l, 'h, ,,'Od or"i,,), ." ,; 101I iI,,)" 01 .",,,·,·_,",,,i,,,i<I,,
I,,, hi "
TI,o 10""«'"'1'of th ' (''''' I" ,' o ~ ,~, ,II< \1.0'" '""I'",~ I "" im ... ><~mmt
1'1 ,,-",ft, of bi", .. ","/i'no<d by '1>0 t.f.",,,,,, ' 0 b ... '" l~< Ad,·,,,,,,) C"',..
"" "'" NUIO> '" lIul", OO~ !'mP< .... h"><nl b, <~'["J(t« ,,";,I,m«] 'n~ (d O I;',, ·
p<M hm ln ' hy '"Ii~io"" ",",;, f, 0' o~ ioio .. ). "n d by II" pro.i';'... , .11 "" ' 0& ""y
,...ny '" . 11l<k « .:.Iibili!)" 'n \ 607. ;md l ltcraio, O:U»>-<UfO"Ii... 'ion ... "mol·
.." ,rr"" , ,,~ ,I,. <t«libilily ~ f ,h . .. iln",- I. Rol, ~ I 1(t'I,
.....,..~"".·rall,, ) W .i n".i~ " [ ...<.1<""
! 6(111 03) ( M ~U} ' '''· lJ<nllo' I'/S))
" t:nit<d S""", '. ,\bo1. ' W U_'i. ~~. SI -51 ( 19U~
,\ """"",,ful .h"",i"~ of bl,. no \]" ~'n of 'h ' wi,,,,,,, ~,,"' d h,,," " ..I, ,,,,y
'" 'n.~, t~, r.", Ie> .. bi'~ I.. ..,.;r",1 1nl 1lfOb>1tI. ", ,"" q" '" ,h. iu" lit."
'\ _Id ... "i,IIoU' .w<I> ,,,,,mo") .. .. !'",...r of Ioi.. i< . ,,""" ,I~")~ ,<I.....',",
I" ".,"", 'h, ju ry. ~ , fin ~" of f. ot ri nd ~<i ~ h" of . mlibi li ,y. I.. , ', 101" ,;,,11 )'
l~"n ,n' ~lto.! lu ~, ..... ,II « Mime< "~',b "" i~1 1><;), "" ,he ''' ~''<) ,~d 1<",1,
01 , """""., ,nr""""} .
• IWIN/I)..·' " "-,,, " . \'M ,\"~"". 41 S II.S, rm (l n~)
Ik .df ,. CI><ociC.1 Co." •• (0'1>', F.ld I'JS IN (i, _ I ~"' ). Thf p4in,ilT
I~,J bi. (""'''' "", plo)"'" ror MOl" , ,;.,.. '"~ 1i".,J. n .. ""f""I,", " "m,.,,",;n,,·,1
fQ' d,."" ~,, .• 1I" ltin ~ II" pl,in,;ff\ ;n.'cl"JlI.n' in, I(I00n," ,,, ,I. f" u" il . n , <.\<.
f,.".I.:"" ,r", ,ucd ill "',..... , ro' " ,.... ~ of;h Ia"", uoder !,dtl" f oo...t>. \\·h.,o
,~. p4in"rr... " '<"if)'i n~." ,"';,n.." 10f 1l .. io,u,,,, ~ilh '''1'''<1 ' " ,It"
,1.1"·' ,·I ,i", fo, ,·.,mto, ~ ,."" <",\~ i\ld n, Ihe pl.\in lift' , 'N"'" ' "' oli lJl;ns
ru,nt<lr ... ill, lit, ,n""",, .... , ~,op<" ,lf ' dmrul"'" '" >It"", 'he pb i"'iIT". tti•• i~ f"
,'.., ~f"" I~,",,-. ... T~' =-" «jcc1<d !h . ,n'"''''·'
«1","", ;00 !l"! ,t.. I'tte, be
,,, ,",1,·,1 t..,'UI< iI, !',"jn"id ,\ imp"! ,," , ~"cil'\'''! ill pmt"ti,'o '"0 1",.
f.d .. "d,~. Sa .... ,. ~6 ~ F. S"I'p. 113 CE.D. \ •• _ 1~ 79 J . n. plliQlilfpooi'",no<1
r. .. a .. , il on"".., "''l'"'. «."'n~in~ ,k., . "'""",c"", i,~' ""'j,,,,,>, ...,,, """'«! hI
I j~h L Lo t!l~bli, h bia$ ~~ iM. Finl. Lh~ n31urc anti cxtent o f CJOSS \!.\-
lIn,in;Uion i, krt 10 Ihe soond discrelion of Ihe Irb! aw n . Th"
~o url gCIl ~ra1ty [1crr()rm~ a we ighing nel in dctermill i ll~ Lhe propri o
ely of Lh~ crOH .Unlinaliun. If Ih e "'lnC<lo hJ' already been .ub-
j.-ct 10 ( (I»' ~m i na.tion on lh( p.,nicular m31\.'1" or tIIu mueh
pr~judku is i",·uln d. Ihe cuu n may rcjcci Ih ,' cXJmin Ulillll.'· AI"o.

",,1;"< <I<"", i,"<"> inta ' .... ityinc ","',">I bi.. >t " i,1. 1'1'0< Iri.>l .... "" prtIp<,ly ~I_
"'"' <d oht pl,,"t ilf u nl, o'''oJ """" <," "n; n,1 "'" " 1" ,)0. I<
it"""" f"""hI< hi., J u,
W th o ,kI wi,,,,' ,LI.~~ "II,,, "I" ],'Jli,m'Y ir ' he Icnifl 'd. ,",11<1' " ""'" ,,( "'''01
if \h< <Ii.! "'>I.
S« Jen ... ". 5h.><l<f'- . 9S 1<''''. Oil. H I ~ . "'.l<I SlUJ (I~ n ]. n , p,,",n,itr
~,out1,t "n '''''~Ifl rnt d"l\"~« ,';,i." ttoll' .n "u,"noM, ii, " ,IL I';M, T' .. ,,;,1
""un m,,! in ,,,"",,In~ 'h, ~l ,;nl;rr, " 01> c>om;l1>1iun or ' '''' ok!,"do~", ~ "~ .
... ' .. anin,U.,,,,. adJ"" " rm dri"DI,;"".I" boiily nil",'. in o,d.. \0 ~ b,~ .
,.d r"j...J, ,",,, 11 0''''· ... th ' n1'<" dh' "'" '''Iuil< rt,· "~,, \><0>.1< Ill , pl.'oi ." rr
~', mnlr; bulr"ilr ""f];~'" ' ''' "'.,,". of I,\~, .. <I 'h .· c.'"
\i, o,,~ J ."' )" ,. 1><,"
" hm;l1,,\ '0 ' h' ; '0)'.
"S"L,d,nQ " Winllrr. 60'1 f .M L!' I (1110 l k 197'1 1. Ue pbin'ilT b,,,,,,!,, •
, ...• "~,lL ,ith" .,,,ion '[\0""" " "'PU')' ,'""iJf ' " 1<(0'" r", ;nju ,;" I", """ i",,1 "
,IIC ,elUll "I" til< ,1, (cO\l.,. [", "'" ,'I""·,,.i.,, tiK,', ~ 1,,10 d i",,,,,j " ~ 'h, rl",",;«.
'0 .. dim ;" n..1ft propnL) ",,"';11<11 okkn-c ,_"""I '" , ,,,,du,, 3 ' im;l<d C''''''
"IOn,,,"";,,,, "f. wi, ... , ... 1 '' '''''"n 'm>n,p",, ;n~ ''''' pui" ,'f, • • ,,, ,!" ."U r<
o( ,I",;, ",IOIk'" ,I,;~. n, <i;",i" '''uri Li.,il,d 'he i"'lui.), ,,, ,I" ""u,< or """ r
['r;,n<l,h;~ . <I\L ,00u ,,'"'Q ,11010 1,,*, ",,"in"';,n •• ", ,., "li. U<}- of Ih' «1>-
'''' ..... ip " ..uu-c of it. r'<i""i,ool ..0-«1. TIoO """ i.I" 1 of tllc .. " ...... " .• , _ Ir
",bJro '" •• pIocJ.l;~. " If;'!. ,.d ~' ,. "","" ' '0 Ih . ,,,J ibi'il)' ,.['tho ~".,,,
""d 'he "',i~hl '" I", ,i,," t" 'hU '<II;mnoy t,~· Ih, ju ry,
,\I.b.un.> ''''I<~' ('", ~. \\'bil<. ) 77 So.!d ~-'O MLa '~J9~ ~I'"'ft ,-. A1.>I.:J"'a
8' 1 'ru<~ 11,,,,,-1. H N.\· .~d nl . )90 N.F.,M 1!' . • 11 N.\·.lUd j6 (!~1~1 .
,'i,'c ar", L'~l· ". !i<>ull"," ,,"", T,amp. Cn .. 7'Yl 1'.,,1 1::.1 I~'l< Ci,. i 9!~, . •\

,,,I,,,,,d ,-rn~IO)}u ", ...1" ." '<'fffi <r /0, inl",i" IK- >"".. i. m ;n ~ /o(om01;',· , •.oi_
"P"_ 1l>c: ",.L coun dMl 001 .\no", " , di"",,,LoK in !,ml'i"~ ,.-,.. ,Ik."," "'""'"'"'~
,~, b; .. or "~no of , t\< ",(.<><1 ... ,.. ~ "''''''. Il,< ~"i",lir\ ' ;!lct, n, <vi d.,",·< ;n
'I",,"io" ,1 ••,1, ,,·;11. 11, ...ion", .111'J,J """"",1"0""'. 1 hc pl>in",T ~"" ,~"n,i"'d
,n ,111100",", " ,limon)' ,L." .br>" "."" 4>0,' hL,""," ....~"C"C. bim ""d ,h. ,, ~ n«..
>I,d "'" ...... ~,tt<d~, "",",i,"<i)' "a.. «.n,;n. "'.","n"~ .~ h« ".",nl., ,,<,,u·
m , fro., II" i, t,tI, d, ..,", ,,>J " " 1:<" Of ,01b,,,,I,-"1<n'. '1' '"
~"i., i 'T ""'.
1,0\1 "'<r, ~"clu!ltd (""" '""if)',., ,. I" "·1",10,, Ih, ",I,,,,.. , t>;~ "<10'11)' cn,''''·
11m furul, (,,'m ,be "" ... '~;'f)" h,d both .1=;, '" IOneL""" of ..., 'ho ,,;, ... '"
.. ... hi "'" ",.in.,
in I<" if)·;n~ .
""'i,;.. ,
lb. ~t.i " 'i lf.1'd ,nfo,"""I;,," 10 'VprAi", """ "",,1.·0

II", MC /o.r An''''''', 1'._ 161 l')l. o\pp. _'<Il112. l l ) C.1. 1\1"', ~~4 ( IQlj~ A.
! i -}""-<>Id ..·h;'~ ~il' . 11<&«1 '11.11 """ ..... maL<>INl 1\)' ~ J1_, c ....o(d b] .. ~ ",(,,..
Lay Wit...",.,.

the ~'f0$~ c:<am incr "'USI shon- Ihat I h ~ c" i"kn(t m Of~ likdy Ih~ "
nO! dcmolln ralcs bi~~ ."

n it (rOU incr ii no. bound by Ihe win.a..' ~n l "'~r in It ro\"·

lug bils. Coun~] m~)' I1fm·t bin by C~I.i ntic (extC'fnal ' ~"ideno:.:'"
c"en if thc witne ss h~~ d;!.:l'·o"-cd ~ny pani,.:mship."
I\ole lh~\ coun sel nt~ d not ordina rii)' worry Uboul Ilearsn)' pmb,
le ms " 'hcn he inlflx]u«s le,.imon)' 10 dCm0ll51 f3 lt MaJ, since Ihe

d,"\. Tho UI, I " ,"" Imot\>fl'O.)· ",11 ';0\,<1 tho ~, r' """'ll'. ''''''' o ' ~'ni.,tia1t 1\."
... [din~ th , "'mplai"in~ .,itn",· f"i.t l,i., .oJ !"ojuoic<. Uden .. , ,,,, ",,,I .. ~,d
"h< """,""in,", ...;''''''' "1>e1h<r ,h,
hl<I. .~ Pl<!"",oe ,,,,in" \.bt~ Jl«lpl<' 110
",hi<h I~ .. "".>'
fffl\i.d -I'o.- ~ CoonKI "''' ,botI im~rop<'I, ptmudnl fi<lm
,, ~ i"~ ,~ ...
it""" " 1.. ,1",, II "'ou],l <l1f, nod bo<t if ~ ~1.'" ,..""" "bd h<1 fn, •
"Olt. Tho Ifi.) <oun ....., ..... it; Jim,I' On b)' fo,«I "'i,; 'h, d,fendln, from " e ~ ·
inr. '" d" 'rlop mofO 'h.~ """ In,e .,r . "ioknee ' 0 f'O"lhl • •;><;"1 hi,..
Ii<"<' /(o"",.~HJ"
f, <I. II. [ ,·,d. ~OJ . .. ~I.h M""~' ,h. roun d;....oo ;.." in ''' '"~ '''I "';,!,~ "' ''
<\,,,,.,, ""dol, ~"j"di <i"'.
F.". II, ~vN. ;'It. ,I> In, 'h,
","HI 1t".....1 »0 .... ," ' 0 o3<1.,,,,i,,,, 1><>", thO "i'n."
>hoWd b< ..."" . .... iMll.
"Mill. ~. E,te\k. SS~ f '::o3 II') Uth ei •.). ,"'.l ""IKJ. . ,).l II.S. 871 11 9;7~
TlIt,e ,,~, .... ,bi". ,I,", "' iokn« "r"
p,n",,,ti"" "'n"",,' p,io, "",ef",,"
,ion "'.. "I",",
,~bi ",
E,'''''' '. Unilt<! SU, .... }~ F,ld ~n I ~'h CO ,. t 9Ul. In" ,"O!Id<ft''''t"''~ "''''.
,h ....... " ..<lIIdnl ... Id .... e or 110, . _ , of """'e)' • "," eo"""",,, ""<>t .. ,,~,
,,,,id in 1";'"'' "'to,i,.;"", rOT pro!", ,,) . No ,It,",",lhtd,,".
m.><!. '" #>0.',,,,,
,',1"" of 'h.
"'i,o,,,' ~<Or< <1)',1Id on, ,'" oiJ ,wI ,I .. ",fo" info. th" tl,. ~n" •• n·
mm l b,~ u..",.id hi,",
CwDmine- ... '-'bI<O>ll> 1 " " ,,. " " , .... tl6 m. """ Jd 9 14, ~O¥ N,E.ld 1);
(\ ~SO). '\ ro' '''''!"' nn . b •• l><""Klt',n .n;"" 'e> "'....'... for 1"" ,,,,,,.1 iDj.,;n be
, .,t,i """ I," ~"",u' on''''il< <olli , ien. 111< H;,I '"." dK! "'" ."'''' i" "i"'''io,"
in « j...:'i"1 'he ",rcodon, ', "'tempt '0 ",," o,"",in< Ih, p,.in' ifl', ",i,"",_ th.
o3ri,« <If ..,• • "'0"""'''' in,ol.<'!l jn ,t..: ~«i<l<ft!. "' ' u It« fu,~"" ,l>;'.' ".
,,>,.Id'rn~ .nll/.> """ ""~. lit< ..... o/C""'wnt h.ld """" d;"",~ b)' "ipUb"~n.
,~. di""i,,,,1 '",ni"~" ~ :tnr in.. ' .. , ,h.
1<1»' .... . h'l in ,10< 'ou . and ,he .. i"
.." h.d ~,it~ " "cci" ~1 nOf boen iUI'OO ,TI)·",i" re, tho <li ,n,I,..,\.
" !J"b~.,.. ", V.n M«I,U. ~ JS U.S. 67J II')~M: t' n;,,,1 Stott, ,', W) "'"I.
U.s. 4S (I914~ 1.c"«~ ... $wI.... " T•• n",. Co .• 19') f .:!.i 1 2111 9,~ CIf. I ~S6~ II ..
ii" y. 0" ......... ... 7n f. 2d 142S (9,h Cif, 1_~
s.:,' 1'«1.
II, hid. Mtl\. , "''''i",,), ",nom",,,', ""t ~ ,
" s"I,,,do ". United s<'1 1«. !7S F. l d UO Ihl (it. I~G()I; Un;, ..... Sl"'" ", '101"
,...,.,. J)OI'.:!.i I07t. clH~. ('i f. 1~ 1 ~1.

§ ~".5fll

te~tin.on.,..;! pl~nl'''' 10 " ' K ftd ;I a '''; In,,,,~. not I" pftwe Ihe Iml10
of Ih ~ mnl1 ~ 1 :l!ser1~d ."

{iiil CtPUi .fC' SIIO" ,/,tJ: lli<fS

Short of gdting Ihe wil nt55 1D adn.illna\ hi51C'llinmny would b..:
"lTC('lcd by 11.1 f«lings 10"" lU"" p:\rty." roun-el ordinarily demon·
str-He, the t~il1clK\: of bi~ ! by pro ving rci alio nshi p llr co ndu cl.
In moSl CJS\.~
h,:11 is in(~ I",d (ro m Ihe f~r lu;o L d rcumlol anctS of
Ih~ e:o~. q: .• emplo ),•.,enl " o r for "Ie,
employm cm." O1 h~r busi.
ness rclmi onsl. ;p." friend ship with J pan )· ... [ami lt:.1 rela.i on, hil'
10 II I\Jrly." h O lljlil~' 10...:.. ":1
p.:Irty (",'hel lo er fm po: '$Il n~l lc amns"
01 IKc:lIl'IC of d.c p.:onf~ tl ..."" rcUt ion, or other ~ohjecl jo "ablc"
Ira ll" ), or n'Ccipl of mon q from n pnrly." Wilh rcgnrd to Ihe rc_
.. .f<",' Fnl. R. " . id. M Ud} . ..., !\O)u)
.. .-.:,,1\<,1. ' . St. ,o. 216 "I, . 1M. 1(,0 So. 1<1 ("'1 1' 9 ~ .lJ_ C."Q"",, 1 ",,"1,1 di,,-,<Ily
01, Iho ",j""" " "'I .. , {"<li"I ' .. ". "'..-;,d "", "".. ''''' ~.r••,\;l",.
S"" 1h ,'. lin" o:d S.... ,." !u f.:d I ~ 16tk Cir. 1'.I6Il, ....",. <I. .../nJ. J61 l;.5. U l
I I ~ . [I.R.I. " ."J .
" Sr><;n.k ". 1)-... ; •. I I I F..lJ 'I~ l (4,h ( ·i,. 1.... 0). (,"fl. ,k~'.-.I. JI> Us. M ?
" .... 11. n .. rbtf C...... . . F~itr:~;I~ 110 .... [ otp.. l ~ F.~d U l 1)1~ CII. 19S<1t,
l1un! I. Sc,b" or d {"o,,, tj"" It.R•. J! l s" . ltll~ J 1~1, . I~ J~ ••
"ll ro <l)' v . (."""",i,', 1 (7, ..",. [ nO' .. 7"1\ 1'.1<1 '" ) ( l ~ Ci,. 1~! 41 .
.I« l-OI<-m, a •. :<c,., ... o, ~ ( 'iI)' T•• n>i, "'" ' b .• ) i N. \ ·.ld I Jl. J J! :<.tl.lJ S)O.
1/ 1 ~. I".S_l d flo) (1 9 1) ) A ' . b...·' f " W~ O "' ''" ...11" " :11 II", nnl, "j,"", " '~) '"~
II", "1,' i"'i~'lylo,. "0 II", Ir.;,,". "'"' .n i nl~'<!1«1 wi",."" L'.·, . I lLo"~h h . ...., " "
)""£0' ''''~l..,'e d b~ ,he lIef....... ~ •• lbr .. ,\1.<» Iud .. IDOl;' . 1<> , b/rld hiIm.clf
(,"'" bl. ", •.
.. .1'' ''. "..~.• K,,,"y ,'. t..:r~< .. <>Od l,n~'1 .( Mft. [ " .• Sl Ill . "~p. Jd 7'JG. 40J
N_f..IJ 551 (l ~ nl_
., Unitc.l So" .. ~_ K<rr. OM F. l d J J~1 /~th Co,. l 'Illl. s,,1><l1..-. v. .... 1~'I".
6( 1~ r-.! J III I 17'" C". 197')): 1:"; ,,<1 S",., ' -. [(nl,;"'''"' l .111 F.2d 1I1'~ m.e.
Ci r. I'I1. ).
.. [.caT •. Soulhmr " ... T" . ",. ("o _ 79'1 E N l U I 19th n r. [ 9S~). $I", ".
clo.l1""" •. I'll Conn. tl'1) •• 7 ~ cI .1IJ l~ J 1 19 ~" 1. ,·m . Il.-nl" I. 470 t; . ~ . IO l D
(I .~ l l. 1(<<,.., I', ""w. ~ I ~ l'I . ~ . 377 . J •• N.W.'.! '1(1 10 (1 ~ ~ 4 l
" I.....) '. s."u' bmo I·••. -r" n,Po Cr>.. 7<1~ F.:'d Il j l {9th [ or l ~ij61 : ~ I m.> v.
t!M,J S'"to>. P 9 F,l d J I9 {~I~ ("or_ I ~Xl ! .
"/,, '" " nIh "" ,. 1',.1 67 C". M'[" ld $Ol . ~I) C,l- liptr. ~:~ (19~ 5 r. ~ ", j, ~v.
Smi' h. -'!).> So>• .;!J )61 mo. Ill". n . _-\~ P. 1'Ji1): Ih~ K''- v. ~""'. f>J;(l " .!,! ' ''''
(NcIi . 19Ul .
.. 1'".1'cr ' . S'.tto. 4j ) ,\!d (,7. 11>':1. 19~ :I ': 1t,'fC" ,'. lIl "o~ . III G, . M~. :!~'!.
I II ~Ud ~ }I 1' 9701.
ceipl or 11lO1I~)', ~ Willl~'" nlay \>ol dir('(:t~' ", ked wlml he i, llei,,&
paid 11.1 1~$li f~'." Compcno;,Hil.ln In ICllify in a sivcn C~!C dIll" nOI
n"cc ,~aril~' c()n~li\uIC" bribe. howc'·cr. $inc~ ~ w;lncs5 is rr~Clllcnt-
1)' paid for h i~ lime ~ nd expense in com ins 10 Nil" :md Ic,tir)'ing,"
An y acli on or I~nsun&~ cxpn:nlng ~ 5)' mp~lh)' or 11 0Il il ;I)' In_
ward ~ flJ" )' ;s ~dmi s!iibk \0 infer hillS. For namplc. :l JUI)' ,n) '
inFer b ias or p. ej udice ,,-hen :I wi\n,'l& coopilI"JtC!i ,,·;tll one p~l1y
lalhCT 1ha n a nolhel," when .!>erc is "" id e""" 11131 the wi tn,,,,, ha~
filed cri nli na! cha'Se, :I~ inM a p;l l'l l'," o r whe n the wi l n~~~ h:l$
been Illrc~lencd by ~ pal'ly 10 th e I:lw&llil."
E"id crlCc Ih311110 wilness a nd n P31'1), 'lfe or werc ad"cr);c p~l'Iic~
in it 11Clldinl: bw. uit is rclev:!nl to" ~howi ng of prcjud ic~." Also .
:1 pal'l>' ca n show bias where the witn~s! hm settled hi. 511 il wilh
Ihe ad,·cfSe Illrt)""
,. Jtq,on • • 81,d:, 11 1 ("....\~r- !~? I;) S.~. ::.I 4JI ( ' ~1D~
"5.,1>0 ' '. s.."", Qr><.-.o1 11ll: ("o,p.. ) 1 A.n ,!.! ~66. lS: N. L'Vd 6) 1197~~
>&I.'ftiw S,.,c< '. (",oulb. ~ 78 F. su, .... S~l m.ll. CJI. 1 ~1\Il: I'roplr ,. 11" 00.
I? (",I .•<,1 lSi. sO-! r .1d 110J. I )~ tol, ItOll. tb (1977): ~" \':>' 1'.,n,I.,. In •.
' .. Porrin (''''T',,~'' 111. '\IIfI, J.d ~~ .l . 41 7 :-;.f_:!.l ~l~j19~1),
"1:,,,,,,, l'.i .,ine. In" ' .. I'min r~'p .. ~.' llI. .\pp. Jd 60). ·117 :-;. ~.lJ SH
1191 II.
>& Ci ...1 , . W.Il,,,, 1'I"n'hi"~ .I,; II , .. I"~, I""" (,1, l'."d !(I(, I~h,nt. I'J~nl,
"n"U) v. ('~,~, i',' 1 (,,,,,II,. COfll .. lJ O F.ld 19l11d Ci,. !~S' l, Th. pl>;I1I; (I'
_.. 04 ~" ",,""'. ''''pl<»''
!.... ",('""" io" .rwllib<l. Th. ,,<r.., <au"""I.;"",1
tiN ."rtr>v> . • Ursi"S Ih. p,-,i."fl', i.,.,......", 1ft .. ..:1",,,,. to dol",,'" il. Th • .I<·
knll.o., ,I.., ,.«1 ;r, '''''''«. oO-r , ,,,,,r't< of '" I",,,, und", lidcl;r~ bond •• " 'hr.
' '''' pbln'ilT ...... ..,.;rF;.~ " , ...""." rd.- Ih,' ,ow «,,, , "" "' .,W<lirl,;..,. ' hr
"I.itnh)·, ...,on lur ,li,';<1& hi.",,1f ~ l1 h ,t.: ;"""Ort " '" ""'I><ill ,J",,,,,;,,,,, ,,,
"""" .1", pI:Il.,11r. b,., i. r"o,.,r II," 1M""''' ."') p«j"'''''' _in" Illr d. f. " ,
do. "
.. MO'"""" S.YT<. tl,2 C"I, AI, "_;d 1I ", :O~ <:;1, Rp"_ 4'" Itn·\) , I"" 1",)01·
"on li'~ilh ~ "" ion. Ih, "i"lj"l_c ""' n!~i~I.<l \I, iof"tO! II", jul':' Ih," II" " III,·
""nt >r." '."'~n' n"y 1,0'< oi,,«1 ,10" ,....;"'1>")' Ilr 1]" ",,,Ii,,,,
",·tkf,,<1,.,,· "it·
"""'> in ("0' 0(,11< plain'ilf.
1" 0"" " I ..i...,~~ II(! " _1l.2J 5' 9, 4lj N.\ ' _\ .1.1 171 (l ~"l ~ In . 11 ", .lIm "t"
in, O~I <1( . .. , . ,on"",ilo: .«id.n~ , ..... ,",t """t ..
, cd in, .. , aI~"" .h"
phI. "1l> _ oWl to ..."" . ,,-,nt''''' all "'~"""Y iI...,.. a 1'1'«"DgI in ,ho dof.... ·
"",,,' .~ , . ..>1o ~ htlh ... h. bod ...,1«1 bi. """,,,n,1 in)ID), "I"Ii.\I ,h. ,,<1....
F~", ,,,, " i!i.,·.. ~1 ~
1'.1" -'I>! I(lU •• l \>Iilt Th. <l<f,'odolll ~ ... , ",illod 10
.,Ob ."",i"" :I p""n~ ' "" 11" 1,I , inllff, ~'''. ,,110 I" , tirr«i II"" II" rl"i"lil1' ~iJ

E"idcncc of prior mis<;onduct is rde":l1lI 10 ~n :IllCmpt to dis·
credit A ... iw~", Gi"tn Ihis fact. 1\ il "flen impo"ibtc 10 poin t 10
anr one c1mractcriSlic of a ..... iIMS!. or one incidenl in 1 " ' t nc .... '
past al a ba mmelc' o( his Irull"'cllill8 CilpXily. Abo. an "m i' e Iri·
at or:u k a'l a scparale h~~rinc ""o~td ha"e 10 be cond ucl."tI lo d....
Icrmi no the ntitliw of any (h 3rll~5 or n1i~conduc\ Ihe cro~, ~~"m·
i n~r =y alkw=; such an c"cnl ..... ould distracl Ihe juro rs from Ihe
i§!,ues in lloe ",!.C." As such. lloe f'..-d"r:J1 Rules of [ ,·idl.-'1IC'C ." as
""cll J, ol licr coun ruICi." limil cite c i ,cum'llanc,~ unde, "hieh :III
allortlc~' m"y inlfoduco e"iden ce relaling 10 J \\'i lnc~s' mi scond uct.

ESl-llnt inll )'. Ih e f'etI~ral Ruk l of E"idem:c con!id cr ""idenee of

spccilic aCI~ of mi~nducl 10 Ix a dislraclion and lhe,ef.." " IRal
meh c" idcIH:e Js cnttalual. ,\C('Ofdinllly. l"OOnscl may 1'01 use •.,..
lri n,ie e" idenee to PHI"C sr>e cillc a~ 15 of lni'c()n~YCI, except in Ihe
... ca5.l.' or c~rt~in crimin,,1 cOllv iclioM," Th e \\'il"~ss c~n he ~,kcd
\\'lu:l h ~r b~ com miuw a particubr act. If h~ denie, ha" illl:- doo.:
~, 110" inqu iry ml/il end. and c-o.lnlCl may nOI jnlro~llc.: ~ " dc,,[e
lending 10 eOl\l ,adi ct lilt wiln ess.
In Ih e cas.c of crimin~t (an"ietlon.. under the Fc deml Ru l ~. of

, 11 "" «>.101 '" ,,'oid ,b, ,,,lIi,ion ~' i,_. l<> ........ ,11>1 11.., ""''''<>&<' ' .,," bi,oc.l
j~ " ....,. ..r rl>in"fT 1>;01<\1 on ~ .. b,."'1 "wh ,~ ~ ... "1.",,,,,, lrom 'h, pbin'
/I"' ,''''' {'''m r'''"~' ,', Ch""tO T"n,il ,\'>111 .. !<Ii III. ,'~", J~ 914 , ~O, ~.t,~~
Hl (I~JO~ ,\ _""'l<~ .." •~"" b,ouOol , n .<t'OAIt! '«<I"" r", inja' ;'" h~ , UI-
.. i ", ~ in 0 b"""UIO"' ...... 0011,,,,,,,,. T .... ,ri.1 ,oo., diool "01 .bu",
j " <11",.",;0",
in ,,~,j"!1 ,~. dr f<_" ,', " "'",'" ,,, ""'" r,u n,;n, III< ~lo'nl;fr. ..-10 ...... II><
<I""" or ,I,. , u,"n\<>lli!.:. ., to " " (o m"" 11"", ", " <<HId,"",",. Til<
,,,-<l,r"n,"'n' I,," I"," lIi1 m;,,,,1I \I)' ";I,ul"';Qn , II,. dl, ",i . ",1 ",n,i,, ",'d onr in·
""" .~< CUI 11.. , 11><1 in ,n" ,.,i~ 'd~ ,0. "" 'n<.>' 1,>01 ..h!", "",,,,'«I "'" ti",n
,ft),h'fIJ lOt 111< d,,,,,,i..,. .
•,s.,·" <11. M. I:. ;d. Mil!,) ,d. ;""1' ....... """«.• ""'~.
:;",' ~r "' 'f''!I!, 3 W,in" . ;n·, b~l" "" \ W!IO ,] (M'l1h,w 11<"""" Wall,
" ,\'". 1 '<~, R, 1" ,;'1, 6n~ oml 6lt'J .
• , S.,· Col. ["id. C<>Jc j) 7M.. Ii-/; 41"''''' 1981>); Fl •. Sial, ,10M. I~ 9(i.6(tt-.~IO
11 9791.
.. f'~ , M. l:.i<I. Il0l0>),
, 2.0SI1l

E\'i<kn,~. t'O un~1 may inaoouet \h ~ pu blic reco rd of conviClillns

that 31'<; t~n )'cnrs old or Ie,s" un d~r 11", following cir<'umMan ccs: "
I) th~ crime was pun i~lIablc h)' imprisonment of more than
one ~cat or by death (/lui Ih~ proba li v~ "aluc Clf Ihe
cv!llcncc outweighs il' p'ejudicial ~rrt'C1 10 Ihe dcfen d~ nl:"

2) the crime in.'oIw d -dj~,one1ol or raWl 51:lICmcnl, ~....,rlllc$,
of Ihe lIunishmcm,-
NOle IM I il is nOI norm~lly pcrmisl ibl c 10 admi t e~trinlk e" i-
denec of an ~ rrel\ tbl has nOI rCJU\lcd in a oo n"i('t;on,"

101 Opinktn n~ LI Rc pul allnn ~:.' \d('nec; Hnbll

Rule 40,1 of the Fedcml Ruk'!. of E"id. nec scncr~lIy pm hib iu
"" id enee of ., pcrwn', ChlrJClcr. subject \0 ,·..,ious CXC1;j)lion s,.
l'cn incnl 10 the c.oss cumin:II;On of:l b y "i ln ~ts in :I pcrM»l31 1n_
jury o r olher d" il ao;l;o n is Rule 608. Und er lhat ruk. geneT:ll , 1I)r_
~o;I"r ma~' boo: lInackcd Qnl.l' if the c" idc rn.:c is in Ille form of opinion
or repul ation leslimon),." and the (" ';denee refers 011/.1'10 llIe " 'ii -
nc~s' elt3ra~lcr for trutllftllnc~~ or unlrul hfuin(."!;s. " fu rther. lir e ~" •

.. Sa P,o!, R, fi,'i~, W4Ih). d,'h "o"i"~ ' n, <i"~""I' n<," u" .I" .. hi ,h . ,,,,,,'k.
''''" "''''0 'n '" "" j"'" "~I "" h< ""~
" !iN r,J. ~. E,id. W'lja)
" P""!'i' v. l·,,~,. 8J e ll. Aflp. Jrl 71'. I ~3 C~l. Rplr, 90 (19 1.,. 1O.'~<1'< 111<
dor;,,,,wll \o J, ",<»c<u. «I for ,.oin, 10.. '0101. llot <Gun bdd ."" ~ ~ rioo t\OM'kt'Oft
for ""'.....0" o( ""'om b.J "" r rob"" .. "Iuo fOr .ml"oo:hm,," pufJ'O'I<'>. bo-
<~ .... " ~ioI n01 <on ... ", <1ur""O<f·,",p<.><h[n~ to.;,. w<h:li .1;;00""" '" b:~ of
'.""'ry, StOIC'< ,.i.I<",,"Qr 1\0., prior <onl'",';"" w" ~~,I,· '" 11..., 0 "","',"h ili!
,rid »f<i urliciJt .rr", " " ,be j"'l'. it . .' ,"' " hon ,) .. 1<;:'1 ,"",,., <li><,<\;,," ,,, ".
dud, ,lot « ltI ,","
" 1'<o~lo _, SiSI. tl4 ,\.1).2,1 IO} ), lO~ N,Y.S_ ld 701 1 (l9S",.

S,,'CoItO" ". M, o,on, 41,) F, Su~p, I"'"

11). C"n", 191'11, COO""" <ou ld " ,,'
ill ..,,,,,, ,,, "-;''''', <O<K'min~. pr im I." .il) ""Qu i lt.\. ,in," ,"e,. "'J> M " ...
,-inio<o .
.. So,' ~hd F('d, IL !:,-id . • OJ • .. h,oto. p,n-id .. ift ~" th • • ''l'"1>'~'" .,. "I';"~"
''''''''''''''1'' ...OIti"'bI< in CO"" "Iot« .'-; ~.n«' .... cluJ.....,;, ...tmi.. ,~I<.
,. r"", It. E' ;~. 605laJ ... nru" ,h. "¢'I ibi"')" of . .. i"'.... 10 lot 'Uri"""" ..
.. til •• ,,,~~,~ b) ""in"", 0' 'Cl''''~I I." ,«1,,,,,,,,) ,f i. «1>1" '" ,"" .. ,,,,,,,,'
,,,,,hrol. ,,,,, !h)wo.... " , wd, .,itle"" .. ;\/.Im;,,;I,). ",,1,- ,r", ,h. "",",,,' ,)'"r...
1<, rOt "0,11("1',,, hOI \>::'" .,n",l.,d.
!;:\'idence. CO... IIs.:1 ma~ illUodUtt lhe p ubl ic Il!<:o rd of co.wictioll)
I II~ I 31. len yun. old or I~u" u nd~r Ihe follo ...; n); eircum~t anC\' I:"

1) the crim e "on< puni~hablc by il11pri ~OntnCnl uf more Ih"n

one )'~a r o r by d,'ath "II</ th~ plolxltivc " "I ue of the
cvi"cnc~ outwCi!;h1 it s I\fCjudi";31 ( rr~'Ct 10 110. d cfend:"'I;"
2) the crim~ invoh'cd "d!shone.! or fnl ic ~t:ttcmcm , rc~ardlc 'l
of Ihe puni sh ment. "
NOlc thaI it is not norm311r pcrmin ibk to :ulmit ~'tronr.ic t vi·
d cOC<l of an ~r1CSI thaI Im~ nOI , •• ulled in ~ Ctlll"ict ion."

Ie] OpinloK ~nd Rep.t "tlon .,,~: llnbil

Rule 404 of the Fetlcr:ll of E.. idcnre geocrnlly pfllhibilS

<.!,'Idcnre of ~ IX'non'~ cha~ff, ~ubj~ 1(1 vari oul t~c~"tio n l .
PCllincnl 10 Ill.; em" c~anli n ~l ion or a lay ",ilne" in a llCr~onnl in-
JUI)' or OIlIer dl'il ~cl iol1 il r~ ulc 60S. Und~r Ihal ruk:. a,'n er:!1 dlM-
aC I~r rna)' 'Do: nu nckcd onl.l' if Ih e cv ;dc~ce j~ in Ihe rarm or op inio n
or ' C"pUlalion "'Sio many," :md the C" idcR('( .dcls ""I}' to Ihe wil'
nC$$' clm f:l.,l er for lruthfulfll.'S~ or unlru thrlll llt.'S~. '" pUflhn. Ihe c'"
" ,\ '". F"I, R. 1:,,;0.1. (o(I~II>). d<li" ,",i"~j),"
'-;"'U,n l\'''-<' "od" "I' k" " ,,,,,;,.
,Ion fOOl . ,~'" "~, .,,, 0"1 " ," II< u«d .
.. $. ... F.... R. t:.. d. 6!I9t.}.
"1',,,,,10 ' -. 1'.",_ $ ) C,L _~~,. )j! H~. I ~~ <'' ''1. ~"" . '10 U ~?~ I, ",11,,,, 1M
d"'n<l." ...., P"",,""J 1o, .<lII "~ I~'m j" . 'h , ,'c"m ".kllh". I";'" '"n"."j""
l'c>r I''''''''';U" of I"'''~n h,..r no Noh" j," ,,10 , fQ' im"''''",,,nl nUr;>J"", \>c.
"0 .. ;1did nQI ,,,,,.,,n '~""·'<r.I " ,,,,"";n ~ IT.;" ,.,.h~ , di,h,,"'I} '" I;r, ...r
....,ill', Sin", <,-Id... ", of ,I>< ~, .... <"",>in ion " . , I,l cl}' ' 0 h,."
~ d<,",uTio!
. K p"jlMliri.1 .. f .. , gft Ill< io<),, ;1 " .. " iUlin ,Ito "iol <oun', J."'''lioR ''' n ·
<:I"d.!he O'iilet1 f<,
"I',~p" ". Sit:! . 12. ,""IUd 10' •• ~OS ~.\'. ~. Id :41 Il'J~('I,
S .... (:0"""" ~I'"",,, , oI6J F. s,,1't'. IHl Ill. l:n"n, 1919/_ (-o" ' \cl < ~ld",,1
;"",nop'" a " ;1... " ","'<'IDin, • ~, .... i . 'Wni'~ ,~,," i "" . , iDnl th.,. ".., nD .......,.
.. $,,,, a/", r~, R, I:"id, oIO~_ ".,rh r",<. ;n p. rI ,[,." ,,,,,.,. 1,"" (I' o";n;",,
, ,,'imon ~' i, I'<,o, ;"ibl< in 0., ,,,, .. he'" o,·hl , n,. ~r ' "O!"<'or i , ;I~"'i" i~k.

"Fc~_ R_ rc'·i~. /000(0) po'nt il> lOr: n<rlibili'f '" , "'it"",, to be '01')1<>"''' ..
,,·cll ... uoo);(od I>f OI'i nion or "1»1' >(;"" .",timon} ir il ,d ,l<> .., lh. ";1"...,'
u . (hful. .... J[_~.< .,
, uch ",i ol<1o« " ~ mi ,,; b1< .,.,1, , 1,", Ih< "".c,,· cb.~_
... (D' (""hf~ln"'~ .. 1>« • • n.o'~<'<I.
I 1.05111

ilk nce must r~late to Ule witness' rcrutation at Ihe lim( of trinl,
rather tb ~n the tim~ h~ co mmillcd the act s chnrgcd."
aosdy lIkin to chu."I(:I<:r is illI: wn<;<:j)l of h:lhit. Where:!!. char-
~t;1er ;~ a r,<: ncml dcKTiptmn of <»Ie·5 dis~ttion, habit r~ f...n 10 ;)
'"SlIbr j)rn~tice when ,eacting t o) n srccificd situation. "
Tn.: c'o s~ i~
SCllerlll)· permi tted to cl tabli ~h th~t a wit-
nt~ h~d ~ propcn~il Y or habil of d oing :l ~nkubr!ICI in :l pank-
ul~r way." Proof of p:lnio:\l )~ ' conduc i on :I siosle ntt:ll ion" 0, on
only a few CK;casion~" is nOi adequate to show habit.

Traditionally, an :lttorney wns prohibited (,om im!)l:nchinS his

own wiln c~s. either by inconsillcnl statements o r by an 1l1\3Ck on
hi~ dur~ter. TI," r:lt lOMlc for Ib is rule WlI$ Ihl ""un~l. by [HI1 .
liTl& Ihe witTlt"!.5 on Ihe ~'3 nd. ,·cuched fo, Ihe ,,·ilnrs$' w ,acily."
At prcs~nt, mo~\ ju,isdicti on. penni! an)· party. including Ihe
"Unit<\! Sl.>l<' ~. w.... n. r.6'f F.:d I n. (1 1th Cil. 1'1~~ 1' l!n,1<oI S",,", , ..
I....; .. ~IU f.~d 6J1 (I).C. CIf. 1 9J 1 ~
"S...·. ,.~.. Ilol\or~n~. \'il".;.. ( _ . In< .• 41 N.\".ld )~6. }(,11'. f..l~ \>!I t.
)9J N'y.S.2d .1 ~ 1 (191t t. 11,. I,l>inli fr, '\~lil><r."< .nd ... ","ili"< pr'~li~. fq .. rd·
In, Ioi< pn>«d"", in ....·'''''Int: "I' ,·.n, of f"cn ... " r><m,i"ihlo tn .h" ..· h,bi l. Tl",
.... rend .... ,..,. .blc to _ ,. tl! .. I"" pl>,n,iIf dUt "01 ... rm U<e ,.n. prof«1t).
,r...oby off.rift, o~ <~pl.>". ,ion. O1hr1 'h.n ~ drlr11 ,n ,~ , <~" ., '0 _ by I"e
' ;In .,ph'", ~.
"S,,· Fed . II. bit!. ~ ~ . ....·hi' h ".>t."
E>.i<k",~ ,01 .1>0 h.bil"f . P.,..,QA .... ull~< .au!in< 1'1>-:1;';< of ... "1I..\n'''lion.
_"'"'_ , ..... ,,""rol<J Of "'" .>lid ••<>. of I"" fll"OC" n<"<' of .)'.••,"""'...... "
"1,,",,,,\ ' n pr",< 'hOI It.. <coo.<I 0' ,~. """". 01 0'",";"';"" 0" 0 pm ....)..
".".,ion ,..~ s i. m" f,,",,hy with th, h.,l,i, oc roo,in, r,."i«.
" Utili.)· C". ",.. CO'1'. v. 1'""," Will",,! O,,"\[. C~ .. Hi F.:d ~\f, I"h Ci •.
1 ~ 17~
"Wil""" <. \·'"h"~ of ,\"'_ 561 F.ld ~9-I (... h ( .... 1 9n~ 'n 0 "",0111<1" ~
o.,li!)· .<li.n. "i.!,r>« .r U.. d,r<",l",r ••'iI""l ', il"", 10 Pf"""'"
d"""",,",, .r·
I'r 0 <oul1 0'"" <oo,,,,,lIio~ ~i"o''' )· In Ih", prior pr<t<lu", li,l,ilil)· '.'K:' ". .
"'" .unl'I,'" 10 ..,,14i.lo • !' .... "" " ," of r...",.. ln, disc",·,') . Th m hul
"",n ... <1:11"" or "'~~"" ' " ,b~ "U"'''Ou> ",lit. I'''>uib in'ol'i"~ .1It .sd<".
d,~, . ,nd ,n .h, !h", '~ " r.." m' ....,ndurl .. ..,. >I",,,,d. ,I>< ""(OId~.n ; """" ~
!~"C .,oJ ""'I<ot.
" ....'<" gtl'~·''''I)· 10 M()(ll~·' 1',"",1 I'I",i" ;! ~!17 .01-.0) IM mht,.. II<n <l<.
1~)6): H. W I"""", "" Ii'·,d ... <c t 8961li1Uo. llro" • . (."tu.dhoom ",'.• t~IO~

§ 1.I!'PI

p:lrt)· cal!in& I h~ wi lllC IS. 10 alm~k lh ",lnC IS' cr~ll ib il i ly; 111;1 rul ~
aPfllif~ whether or nOI the whnc~s it Ihe all.'c rr.c p:l rly." ht<lc.:d .
:t.) 1l;r,cUlWd ;0 1\ b It, scctio n. Ih e IISC of !cadins (J1I ~!l ion s ;, per·

mintd in Ih c c~ sc of II hnstil~ "'i ln "s!>. ~ n all,'c,," pany, o r" wit·

ncn i",..ntifi~d ....; Ih an :u.l\"Crsc paTI),."
Tile ratio nal e fo r ch;.nr,i n8 Ihis lon &5 l~ndin 8 comnlon law n Ile is
bunl o n I ~": nolion ,hat a " 'ilne»' lesli mon), C'"~ nnot I!c I~i·
lor' nladc 10 the ca ll"r'~ speci fkation s: mo"l lIm,. coun,eI Iw , Iil1l c
f,,~ choift in sckdinl: hi~ ,"·i ln~M." In :lddillun. ~ wilnen ~m,'"
li n!!."s h~rbo!1 ~Ilrp ri sc~ :tnd nW)' "fn rsc I" hy Ic~t ill1l)n y.
On t he oth~r h:md, thCl1l me juriodiction. Ih:iI Milt fI.""lri~1 ro.m·
.\<'1'1 abilit)' to cmSI cumi nc his O\\'n ,"'itncsi. The nm ;1 not3hlc ju.
,i!>d icl ion in this "'Pro is New York . Under Ituk -I jl.t oflh. I':~'w
York Ci"il PfO(WOrC L1W, ~nd Rulcs. a p~n )' m~y (1I11\' in'l'Cnd,
hi s Own wime" b), , howl ng 111 31 the witnc .. m:,ue ~ \lrior
Icnt . ,ah:nlenl Ih;'1 i~ ~ I I/"'r in a wrili ng ~u~r iboo h tho: wi ln<:loS.
or is m3ue tin der oath ." How cwr. " Slntcm ent thaI uo~s no l Icd, .
n;~ally rom l'ly ..,ilh Rille -1 51.. may. ncwrlhdt SJo. he u~d as a
mca n, (If illdirrt:t im r>e"d\lll cn t. for in.<l allCc, a M~t"mcm " "I
meeting Ih~ criteria of Rule 43 1-1 m3)' !lill ~ ~ U!-I:U 10 rdl,"'h the
will\Cl.S· rfCtln O:<lioll ."

.. s.... Col. bioi. Coo. ~ lU IW." , ~~~,. f~ S~, .• \n .... iO.t.!l!Ill~)9l

.~.,. dl,,, 1'«1 . 1/., E,,~ , ~\J l ,

"s.-,· illlh, ! H"'

Sn: oWd 1'«1. R ' ~.'d. ~ I I « '

".1',.., Fc~, It l: ,j~, W7 ~~ " ''''ry ~,,"'n,j lt<C', nolo
.. SN: III". Rob";", y. u.... \"o ,~ Cny , ', ... " , .-\ulh., 1O~ .\ .D.1d M to, -lS '
~XS.1~ l ~ ~ H 9M!. 10'0"·""0 v, GIrl! ,\ ' I ,,~ I'" . To. ( :n .. 10.) .U),I" ~ .\ ~, 47)
N-".s.1~ l .1l (1'1.;4),
"COOPt, • . T. 1lt< So Coor<'. -Ill ,\.l1.1d ~~'. 3M! ~.\·.S.~d I n (l9 1S~ 'n an
"'I'M \o""'tl" r<ot on '1I,~.d b,,><11 or,,, 'nl~tO)I1 '<"' mn\f.~I. II" <" "n ,,,1,1
'hOi. ,, ~ .,.. ,~I,,",O'''d ""'0 'lr<d ~'" "'" 'iEn.-.I bl· 1M "'"'''' 0... " hrt.
,~< " ,In." ~, d ' .... ft dod' ...., ~""\llo. ,"" ".I<n,rn'
",old be ~",d I>r ,~< rI"~ ·
,In., "",n""t .\ , ",.,n,
" f ,ndi",,, ;"'»<><",,""'
10 "flO"" ,It.
~' i",,,,' ""' n""J',
Til< I'OlJtI <;IN l w.'"".....
"oln·~!in". 1'1 ..... Y01~ (:;.·;1 t"'<lj« J 'St~.OJ
IM'!lhow ' ''"'''''' I~").

' ......"'"
§ 2.06 T fpC!> 01 Qu.,'lIlipR.' I '~'''''llt<l

III F"",, or Qu.,' )lio"

In sener~l , Ihe lri~l COUll h' 5 bru~d diSl:mi.", tu e~cl\l dc qU\'S'
!iUIlS Ihal al\: 11 01 n:lc"a!\ l, I1 n~ nlbig\lUu s, an.1 spcci lk,l ll}' word~d,
nle coun', u~ci~lon r.:snrdi nj!. ~ ~i\'cll quc!lion d epcl1 tls On Ihe
chmactcr of Ihe ,,'lt MeSI, the [\O! IUfC or the C~ 'C at tl l~ li llie the
question is po~c~, mId th e lestimOIlY likely 10 be cli d lctl.'
Amon!: Ihe more co n'nm " l:fou1l<h ror objetli ons 10 Ihc ['m ill nf
d,c qu c!li OIL aN Ilml the I[lIeS li on is;
I) ;"""""11111; '
2) 1/ f"'UPOW'" '1" "51I.>II- i.l>. , " ~Ombi nJlion or I" 'U or mo t".;
-,--= qUesl ioo. in olle. sud. lh.:t l oepamlC "n.,,-crs
'Wlt,tficld ~, l)<hri ...... I. jO 0 ,1. APP. 1.1 lS9. I ~ J I'.~d ~q l 119~1r. II, "" ~.
fe' lul.ed;'

MII!.J., 9' m. ,\PP. ' d 4 ~7. l )' :< . ,,"~d l U tl ~68 1.

s,.,. Cil > oJ 11<1... GI,d . ' . ~I ..rt .. J1J So. 1d I 110 It~~_ I)",. O . ,\fo p. I ?1~ 1.
I~ "~ ."ino ."'."~ flM' ,ft .U"'''','''~, m:iden •. 'ho ,,;,! """,. ~tai'<,I> iU •.
,:U""~ tt" ~ ,r,fOl.n". objt\'. iQ n ,~,~, )lIJ,;.,;Il'. qu,",,;u. ' 0 111, ",r' tI<1.,nl" in·
w"; ",.;.,, ~m""f «l11~,",'nl "I,<' h" ho "w"'~h' ,I", 'ru,~ ..." ",.'<I ,"~ ,~ , "'"
.[X,d I;• •i,_ TIlt '\O<>liM """,I ' "lcd ;"'P'..,,,<f 'fl'1Jolrn'. ! In~ " '<1, •• ,lIld. , ...."
J",m , d In)It U"" '",,,,.,,,\.
Sn' Fed_ II . l,,; d, (.) 1(.1... hid L ~ i .'", ,I", ,'"Un ,c.,,,, ,»"l o ,,," ,,,,1 0"" 'h"
m",1< ".<1
~"kr of 'I.OI,i"n;"! "i' n" ",,,
S oc ",," i.J'. ""'" : .1 \.
• Smilh ,_ i:<IoJM)' Hd . <If ~1.~ i>ol1 ("" "ly. M))I. '\1'fI. ]0I 10K. ~'>il N.C'd ~!~
(1%0)_ Th' pl.inh ff, ....,~'''' , .. lIo>iM rol>ll" ",ini. m. 0 " ~;, pror<ny, , ,..,,1..,,1'0')
\II, "''''';Iun"".I;I)' <>I ,h. ~.r""tl>.,., 1'> o'd"" . .... T ho )lIJ,lm jff.", 0 "".
n,." ""dn-..,.OO'i ..''''''''''M. " " . >10. ...1 "hoth., II< hod ><~"b«l (.., ",1.., , _
<11)- up"" " hi<h '" d• • clop o;<>.dom.niun,,- 11>< ( DUn h<Id ,IU• •1>< ubi ..... n
" roperl; .....1,;...-.1 tho pWl'1 .ff'. oIIj«1i"" 10 ,!>c: q Uc>tion Oft ,r.. £,a""'" .1U1 \II,
q"",rion ....~, nol ,,,,,,",," , ... J .. .., "'" I;",l led <,tho< to ~ 't>«if'" p.>t' <:>rl,", «Iun.
') .,.- 'QI!>c: ~, <~ ..·h... . 1,. I. .... . " qlLC'l' ia" "'.~ , 1"". 1<11.
(''''''n ..... '' .. II. IJo,·d·, I. ... <:0. ". Thum ... 618 s'W_lJ ~7~ .1'<-. C,,·, ,\~~.
I 'JS~~

,.,.,<s.".. ,. ll' ''''''n, ) 7~ S, L !d J~~ (N,t:. 1·.t~ I ). C,,"",,'I n"r"m ",\, i n' ""IIi.
""'" ,"" ,.",,), i.S Qu~.,io", ~"" I' II< lnn~ " ",i\l MI <l i<i ' <om,"",", <I, !O)"""'
<"id , ,,,'o bll ' "," ",~ iR""d ,;m"' I' In !" dt" .,"d ~"n,;I'>1< 11" wi",,,,.
S.',· Fort, It E. id, ; ul. " h" h ", ,,', 'h< 1:<"",,1 rri"e;pk II" , ,,1«,,", •• i<l"".
i, ",Ion;,,;!>k. w),;I, ;",')0,""1 ",'i,I<"," " n," , "o,i " i"k.
'n.,., '. 1:,,,,,,. ()r:,." 1\,,,,,,,,,,,•. 15l (,;,1 . •\ pp_ -'<l l i J. 1DI 1:"1. ilil "f'I'.
Il 'JH) ;Con"" v, r ' r>! S.t'lll ' ~' ofW,bo.>h. !l~ I"". ,Ipp-. In , 71 :-: . ~.:! J S9~
(l'1~S ).

..~ , ."
~~ .\O

3) "" "rbmmi_ for cum ~k . \h~ S\:OIX of !he C,ul'Mion i~ not

li m il~-d 10 II rclo";tll' tim~ p~.iod:·

4) (/mbigurlllS or rol(lillilJ.~: '

S) 'Ir¥"m~mllliq· · (A trial coon gc ncr~ Uy perm i" a dCV«- of
~!gu men t~l ion if the ,msw~r PO lcnli~ll~ belp~ Ihe ju'1'! ):

6) illlimidf1ll".~: · Or

• {"Im'o, v. z"p.l" O,,<.,n 1I'\(lUrrC\. I}S c.t '\~P. :1<1 115., lO t c, ,- Krlr, a~7
(19 ~01. C, II ". Lin ", 112 Or. I. :2 ~ 1'_ 117 (1 914).
, S~"I'.'~ '. J),,~ (1",,,. (:0.. .115 E1<l ~~: '~,b Ci,. J%1): C~" o~ y. b~>~
O<oon 11.",,,,,,,","- l~S C"~1. .-\r ~ . .\d li S. ~Ol c.1. II"" . ~11 (19U!: Can,,,,,,,..
~ ..lIh " . ·r.,,' o, . J~! ".E. ~ J 671 ( ~I"", ! ')7 ~J : n ,,,,",,",wo>l,h Lloyd', In •. C~,
". Ih'~" .. , I,'~ ~,\\' . : J ~7 ~ IT"" C ;\-, ,\»1' , I~ S~ ),
• C....... ;,;b ,._ .-\",,,ir--JD 11011<1> Mo>IOI Co. 737 I'.~d )6S \M I,. O . '\PI' 1'l!}J-
TIl. pl.J.lft,;(r ~"'utht • p'",h •• " li , l);li'l 'eli"" . ... in'! , m,nUr","",. 0(
' h'«·~ h "I, d 011 '«T.,in \·,h,<lc. ('" i"J"~ c, , ult.1in,J "iton II," ,<itid , !li~r« 1
O'W. I I>< 11;"1 ","m ~,al"'lly ,ull.i" o.I .~'j,,,,,,,," I~ 'l"'";''''' d;"",,,d 10) ,II,
pi.l;""n ,. > "';' ,,<Uo > ,,~"' ,. ••.• f", 'M d."""",,",. Th< ".,';"'DJl' "'" 1,,1.1
'" 10< ~n, ,"",' h . 10«"•• ,", ,~(y ,~.)IIi«l ,~., 'h. dc(. nd,~! ~,J I,,,,>cd """" ,I",
r"~Ik . "k,d. tJ,,.,.,, "':""""~ >"'I.,JI, n~ r,o~I'.
Soclh . 01" ~ J6 S.II".2d ) 9J (,Itt . I ~J~ ~
• ...""' ~. IIi"", .. ~o R.t l!o, % II!d ~l l (l 9S)~
• Uni, • .! s."., '-,
11,;;1,•. 6.• 0 !'.! .! ! I)l (! ," (if, ,g~OI. '\1,h""~h .1 \\;1",'1> n" l
\>C qU"l i" ",1 <o"",,"i "1 'I'« ir,~ .-><1> of mi"'""oJ ....... Ih. ,~ .. ,\ I",. II" ro".f '0
P« •..." < o" ~",' flU'" I~ inf , .~ ;",;",'<I>'io& > ,,'II ..... _100) b» olIO"' } ' D'
"",«I !'<I'm,n' q".""'"' (>lI><i, " itk d,IT","! .n,-." ,h. n ,nn..1 .,"'Od "
lini,oJ §I.,., ". C""b),. onl r,~ d 11'11 m.e. Ci ,. t~1~" Th ' ,<>u '1 ",.cd 1"0
lri., ",.,1', .I"') I. ~lO1"'1 wi"..."" [rom"".1'0< h.r."",,",. <mil''','''''',,' .....:
i" ,inliIJ.,......
J7~ 5<>. l J IS7 I,\b_ 1 9 ~Q ' n, 1,;"1 <0"" i",,,,,,,,"
Ril,y" ( :;'Y0( I!u",will ,.
ctl,-lim~.-.J oho pbjl1lift' .
h'" lh. dek"d>n'"
~i,' n"",n
'0 ",'" ( •• mi... > " "",., ;" .n a'''''''r' '" ••u t>-
• • ro";(~1 ':wh .. , ..... , n " ... " no <. ~I ,n,,,
' hot II .. ,!,,<" io"i,,~ ...,. 'n'!"If •• " i"~, h" n"li'(;n~. io:", ,,;"~, 01 ",",, ;n,,' .n_
"")'; "~ q"",( i""~
~o ' . Col>=>, ~~ A.1l.ld ~ lo, 41 1 :-.-. \·.S.2<t " I I l ql ~ ! . In 3 "";""n,1.,...
t~ , d, r,o.l,n! [O.!<,,,k~ th" . " im~'ol'<' ' 1"''';''" 3.l ,d of ,I ,r,nd," ,., .Iil>i ~ it_
"'" .r" ri n~ ~I"" , ,,,,,;",,!i o,, "'tl"i «.! • '" " .. I ol~" lOb!",,}' 'M.·i 'li "" . ,\I •
•I""'!,h I~ " ",n hold ,hoI '1>< .'v........ _-W<ll. ",,,.;nI1)0" ".n' 10 11,. G,>ftd
. .. t}., <lid,,', lOU .•• ,l1li »1.0.1 .n '<>"(1 b<~ ~ ~ ,bom:" - "", v\3iftl) ;"""UfIo." . ,~,
'"')'<"1";-") ,,( tI" '1",,1>0" IIi~ ",,, f«1 ui '" '" '' '" I,
.1;:,' ~It" foil . II. ~'; d . 611(.1 ,\ """II """'" ro, ,1" ;"5 ,b . ' 0"'\ lOOIM>\>k
talllm' 0"" 'he """" ,nd _ , of qlK'\';ftni~ "~o,,><> i, '" I"I01n:I. .. i,...,...
f,on, b",,,,",", "oJ ~n.J" , o",~""a""""'I.
""" '""


7) ' ('/X',il;"''', The ~nl<)UIl! or r~""tiliUIl Ih~ t will bo; ~Ik>wed is

wi thin the di scretion of th ~ trial court,' ''',umi nE Ihill the
wilnc~s &i"es n co mplet c answel 10 a ljues lion. il j~ Slound~
(or ot>jeclion 10 Icpcal lhc ljuC5Iion in hope I!I:I\ Ih~ witllC'Sl
""ill ehanS\! h i~ Il~timon)·." On Ihe u i liel h:l ll"'. Ihe COlI n
m ~)' pcrmit repetilion ir th e w itncss' a nswer is uncle ar or
inrnm plctc. "

121 U~e or tudin~ QU-Slion

lal In Gcncral

A It':3d in, q ueslion is u ' 1llC!liun rr.lmed in such :I man ner 11131
it SIl &\Csts to the "'itne n the :lnSWer the <lu cll ioncr <J..~i rcs. (jcn~..,.­
~ lI y. a qu estio n thai is s usceptibl e 10 being an swered M)'f~- or Mno"
is a leadi ng qu<."Stion."
Uceau5C ~ k'adill£ qu~sl ion SUg&I.'S!S Ihe dcs in:d an"''er, Ihe .I<C
or \cadin ~ IIUC,lions CSIC llIial1y cnable' Ihe em" e~am incr 10 ,tatc
h i~ C~!.<.' to Ih ~jury. 111 3ddilion. 1)('C~ u ~" the ",itl1~'S' i~ hci ,, ~ fo rced
10 ~ n~-e' .. )..,~M (I' Mno.M Ihe WilROI$ i~ p,e"cnt~'(\ fram e ,\ plai ni ng
01 qU3lifyin, Iti, pO~;li(ll1."

' 0",·" .,'.1..:lp"IO Oc" "

11.0\00 0;'>, 155 C,I, "I"' , lJ I I', lilt e.1. Rplf. ~~7
(lQ1-'I; 110M •• ).I it1.o,~' III. "~~. M 0l0i). ~ ll N.~!<l TSJ. I % ~I,
Ib1ft .. v , QIIOI,Ij" Il<-cr('o.. ~ ]5 .~ . !,l H I 111.1. 1 9J11 ~ In", .mon ~""n~ o.n
uf.n , . ,001Ob ,1< " '~";n. , pi.i.,.lI·, ,"" un,"1,1i!<>;uJ 'l""0I'0"" tn tl« ~ ;1',,,, .n.
nih" dr,,,,
in 'uh·cJ in Iho (nllilion , n, ,~' "r1 hehl Ih'l th o lri, 1 ," un ~ ;~ nol
>\Iu« ;,. ~" ''''t1i'''' in ,",,";n' n,. Ill,
o..,..·'ian of ~<f,'l'd""", ",,,"«1,,,
'he tin,
vi ".",Ii"";,. "n ,10< """nd. ,h.11 ""t..'. n".U~ , i"';l>. " "",Ii",,, h.><l·
I><rn OM"'''''' try I~' ""'n,,,.
Coop, A,,'n y. S,",,",. '-O ~ N,b, oM, l~4 N.W.2d ~.~ 11'17<)). In
1I; ~ h.l'l ,i , ,,
,n tu ,..11m on,. <>r<. ",«,unl lor osric.II",.t ."J'Pl...." ..."J 1»' II", pl>in·
"IT 10 tho d. I... .., .... . It< .naJ coun did not ' " in cul,nJ 11,,1 ,,"<>I;"". ',"'in, 10
.. ~"h .. ,h. "''''''pi''' ..nit 111. drl" 10' '" 6111, ....~. uftl'lln>tionobk .. ", ~'PI'
menuli,'. 'nd "pelili,'" Th o d,rend,n' h:k! p..... ·;ou.])' I."ifi.d", to ,t.< ",.. hod
u><d in «,rnl'lllin~ Ihe ''' ou n, h. bdl,,·.d h. owcd 10 lh. pl,inlin:
" RoJ>m.... '. " oIly, 9S C~l. A!'P. 1d):I), 21l P.'''' 9~1 (19J9J..
"Sa ~,,,.:r.lI!, J W" n" . ;O·j Ev"k .... I ~.I )[Ol) IM."),,w Ilcn ..... 1~51),
" ,.,.',' "'r'~ lJ I ,04[ 111<1 , whkb di",u>, Ih< pro,,; ..1 ~on, id"OI;.n' 'n'·~h·"d in
~"ftll<~", ~_iMo!.
To ("tI~ur~ II'~I ~ ""~~I io!l " 'ill ~1i~ 1 ~ -~..,.,~ or -00- n:~ponr.<". Ih~
crOSS fllamillCr ~houlll OI;.b: :, ""soli ve 3Ml:ni(l1l 10 I h~ JU I}. ·l"1te
wi" " .... ~hould me,dy ...."SflOod. S'3\ ;n& ,,-hclhcr he ~1',f''I:$ ." tli ••
~gf''C5. US<' (If 00" of Ih~ follow;n\:\'~ will insure ,hm ,he
q~c!t ion :l!.hll will c~n f\,lf ~Sf~", ",.n l ur disnSf~cmcol by Il't .... il·
nc~!; -1~']"1 il n "leI I\lJt." -Isn'l it COllcct thal.- "Oid,,'t }'Oll:
-1-I~\'Cn't }'ou." or "I,,]", it title 11131.-

Since;1 k"~i,,g '1uc~tion ."~.s.c ;IS ~II nnswer. i" ",. is ordinarii}'
fo rbidden on d ir~ct c~amin3Ii"n." e~ccp t w!ic'1l que 5\ioninl? nn
1"":'-1lrou,,~ an ~ OIher pfcli m i n~f)' "'JUe",." In ad~ i lio". a 1'Ol1 n
ha. the brood d i••:re,iun 10 Ilrohibi. the usc of lcadin!; QUC1linns
d urinS Ihe di n"t'l CUm in;}lion of ;} fricmlly wiln.'foS." ,\I Ihe J.~mc
lime murl. h3\"C ()I:nnined ,he u!oo: uf Ic.. d int; iun~ hy the
" /"0;\ cnm in.,,-. dC1Pilc tfle f~cl .hal lht wi.fICM is fri<'1Idl".."

"Sa 1'<<1. R. t:,·id. ~l l~~~ "h'h ",.""k"

L<,din~ '1""1,"", ,h'''''~ ""1 "" u"d I'" lh, ,ti",,, ",m;"";'''' "r, ~','n ,,,, «,
«~, "'
n,,)' "" n«<>~"l II'
'I'''~~' 'h '"jln",,' ',,'im,,"y. O"Jin"it-,· 1",<l'tIjI
"" ,,,,,on, >.l,,,,,ld be l,<m,j",,1 "" "''''·'''''''n";,",, Wb<n a p"rt)' <1,1", I"".
,i l< "';'11 ,,;, ,n ,<1,""", I" !I l' , 'If t\ ~ iln,,' i",n fl ,uI, "'i, I"""
It ,tL ,,.1 \(" ,,' i".
1<1"'."'''" m,)' k
b~' .,..,.Ii ". <1"""1",,,,
"1.1001;" '", 1l,IA. 4% S.W.'d 1)(, IT• ." (iv, "\~I" t'I7)),
.\'". g,·,k·,.II., S_ U.kl",;]!.•\U pf ,I,h , .. ",,-_tli,,,·' ",,"'i",'l~'" , :mlll
{Mml "",· lk-!.J" ,qli lt .
.. I ~I " ,._ Lit} ofellie,..,. '. ~ 11'.l.1 ~,)~. Mllith Cit. 1~ 5 l). The ruk I .,~h;bjl.
i~ lb. "'" ~( k,di", QU",llon, oa ~ "W , ,,,,,in>liM 'd" ""d",irn, .I I~ ~",,"
, ,\l ,h. ri'" of irur"'l""r , ur"",,"". ,.h<r.nt in "",min;"I\ (",0.111' "·.to.....,,
Ilo~ . be' ~'" or kad,ns ..u .,.~ .... .•

/" ,,- Iloo>.>."'. E, ..... 40' I',. :ns, t 71 ,\ :~ ] n II % n

S ..... ])'''hrinJ ". Non ....." ~"rI,. E, plor~uo~ CO>., t ll-: .\li<JL .IPI'_ )00. )t}.l
:'i_W_ ,~ JW (l ·ISI). In On "'I"'~ I»' m"fN'n) o~'n'" '0
,<><i.<I on oil .1>\1 , ,.
I,,,,,," I~,· ""I '00" did ""' .bol< il; ~ ,,,.,,,;,,,,, in ";,,,,'i"~ ,~ , ~I"m'i"'" ."<",p!
,,, UK k;,din! q"""i"'" "" Ii., di ,,,, ,·... "'in"~'" of. Iw'''n.,_;"" "i",d "" In,...,
Th, "i,1 joJ&<. ,,,'h,, ,h" ••,11"", Ih~ " '" of I"dior '1"''';''"'' ""[-,,,,«1 II> ,,,"",,,1
" ditT",n' r""" "I' 't"·";O";"G-"""'. , I" "' t. ,,,,,.11; I"o,!,", ".0 0'''''> ,in," du,;n~
{!"<>!ionin~_ Ab,en' " 01"" ,hu" ~f ,II"'''';~''. <ho 1<i.11 'O"rt" ~ol'"i,," ~"uhl Ml
be ,,"<!Toled,
.\",;' ,~",',~I!,' red, R. !:"tU.• 11 ("1 ~ ~, Ow,)' ",",m,n« n,,'o,
" ........ ,'.\'. :
T o c" !u r~ I'm! a Ir"c~lion "ill d iei l :O ~y('S" or ~"u" r.:!J)UIH<', lho:.
,,(l~~ "" ~ Ini nc r sh,)uld Mlak~ a p<)sili\'c mserli on 10 the jury, 'Tiw
wilnc" ~hould 1LL ~ rdl' r~'Sfl'Ind .
II;nins .. helh. , he af"'.~ 01 <I i...
:O~"'-'S. Us.::
uf OI1 ~ of the flllluwjng phtas~~ will inslLl e Ih:'1 th e
question ~'~ cd will call for ~s r."'m..: nl \lr di~, ""'mc ni by d,c ...·il.
new "' ~n'\ it:a fJ.·\ Ih.ll," "'SU'\ il correct tha\." "Didn'\ you,"
"li a\'cn ' l you .~ 01 " Isn'\ it Irue l"al. ~

Ib1'll CUlIsidcI;llionS

Sim'c a Ic.Hling 1111<,,>1;.10 ~lInesU a n :111....el, it s u", i~ o rdi .. ~ri ly
f<llhid<l c" o n dir<'('t cXllmi"atiun.'· C~Ccl't When l\ucSli uni ng on
b~ckfraUlld ;'nd olher prclimi n~I)' m~l1c rr.. " In add iliun, 3 <"mI 11
has tho:. broad di Kl clion 10 prohi bil tile Us<.' of kadinr, I\UCM;Ol1S
durinB the direct c~~millalion of II friendly "'ilnc s~.'· AI Lh~ s;lm~
!i lll~, ctltll1i h:t.-c fM'rnl itL<'<i Ihe ti s." nf ie.dins qu on. b>' Ih c
crOb c~"lll in ~r, d ~ ! pil. Ihe fa ci th ai Ilt ~ wiln.'S.1 it fri endly."

" s,,· FfJ, It, [ ,'i<! , ~ I 11'1, .. IN,'h P'''' ,,'<"<

I""J,"~ q"""'"R' "'",IJ .... "" """ OIL IlL< di,,,,, " ' m,""''''" uf • ~'il",·" e"
," pt ,. ROO), '" ""'''''''r,'
10 ,10,,1"1' ,I" ~ ;m",' '''''''''''')' o'~'''''''J)' k>oli"t
q..... I'QR. _I~ l-., (,«",i"""
UR """. ... """,."",, •. Wh," • P"'!' ",11 ,,, h" ,
.it< ~ ,I"',.., "" 3d,.."" p",)'. '" , .. iI."" ;,IC'!!Iifi,d "nlL ~n ,J, ..... p;L,,~. ,n·
l<ff1lj).:Ln"n m .~
"1)"1'~ v , I)"bk• • ~6
hi laol;1\l; q""." """,
5.\\'.:" 7;b n'<,. (';Y, '\ Pf' I~UI .
....,' ~"'~~dl'-,' S 11.>1".."., A" roC ,\d.",.::t<)'_D" "" h ,,,,;.,,,,,;,, " l l, njl1\
,M .m )""" u.", .Jc, I ~ Sl).

.. tlh, ' . G'~ 0f(:hir.«>, ~6; E :d {o(I~ 1,( ~ (llh n T, I 'lS I I, TIL" 101, 1,,,~,,ili',
i"r. ,I>< ~ .. "I 1,'><Ii ll!< qo"'"""
OR d ,T«1 "~ml" ••~", .. ,. " ""~ '" ~"",d
,,,,in" tIL , ri'" o( 'mp,."", '""~"';O" 'nl""., in " "",,.i. ~ f" ' .,II), "i'n"'"
,hl"" l h 'h,
~'" "r "', din, '1""lion •.•
I~ ,,' J "-'r~ft·. E, ... ,,', ~1 " I',. ~ GS. !" ,\. :'oJ 17; (I % l)

,~"" l.l<lL'i'r. \. ~" "I"T" ~t;dl. r" pl",'''""J:,,-. 111-1 M"1,, .11'1' ,100. JO'
N,II' ~d SNI (l~~I'. l n an '<I;on I» P<"l ~~'" ...... """ '" ",,,·,,,1 on ,,;1.,.,1 P I
Ie"" , I~ ' 1t,,1 '~"T\ ,lid ",' I ,1",,,· i" ,"..... t1i~ft .n " .,."mF Ift( ~l"n"ff" ""<'"'"
10 ,,'" 1<><1 '00: 'I"""'''.' 0. 11 ,0 <1,,,\" """ ;n,,iO IL (~' . h"ri""";"\~'1;,,J .. ,,,,,,,,
n o 11;.1j"~"". 1,,1m ."'" all_ 'he "'" Qrk·:>din~ 'IU"''''''''. ""ff""nt to ...... n...1
• Lllff, wI\ 1i,.-" ...,1' 'I ",'''i,\\i''~_", o " <I",""
'I"'." IO"LXT, 1"~< Q"", .i.,,·
~"Ti" 1
"O"h"'''"" ,' '''''01 a rI<.,
'1"'''' .... d,,, .. ,KooL. 'h< .ri:LImu,,', d,-r;"o. 1'0014 "<U
'''' ",,,","I' d,
;>.... )(>',~~~JIJ' I'N. II , E"d, ~J I .~) ,uI"",,} """n>i"", """,
",\."0.". ,\~.:
''') \\'1111'"''''''

T il "oSllfe 11131 a qll ~!\io n will cli~i l I' "y~" or "no" r~\p{) n*, lhe
trOS! "A~nl;l1e r .h ou ld ll1 ah ~ !)('~;I;\'C J I~r1 io!l to Ihe jllf)" Tile
wi ln\;u oII""ld merd)" respond, SI~ l i"S ",h~lb~. be !IS~ o r d i\,
"~'e~ s , u~ of one of Ih~ r"ll' '''..(nt l,b,aU5 will in~urc lhm Ihe
(IUCs,ion u.ked will can Ii" agrc~",c nt or d;5~SrCClll cnt 11)' tl' e wit,
n .u; " h o't II l\ f3,\ Ihat" "I,n'\ i, corr«l lhal ," "D idn', ~-ou,"
"'I:" 'en', ~ou," or "I,n'\ ,I IfU~ Ihat "

Si n",' a kJd ing IIUt !lion SUl!!:"SI~ 3n an'''cr. ;\. u~ is ord inariI)"
f"'hidden on (l i«'C\ c~~ ",ina!ion," ~xCell\ "'h':l\ qUcllioni nB on
b"C~fOUnd n n~ olhe. prd imi n,,'>' mJllc.s, " In ,ddi,i"n, " co un
h"~ Ill<: b.ood d iM'T<'tion \0 p.ol,;b;1 lhe " SO: of "--:ldio\: " "~,' io,,.
du ring Ihe d iro!t!l c~lnn i n", i~n or a fricodl~' wiln,'n." III Ihe .~me
(im ~ , courtS ), a,'(" pc rlllincd the u.c of !c3dinB \!u,'~ (i uns by Ihe
eto,", ("~3nt iA~r. <l"WiL~ Ibe (n,'1 Ih~1 Ihe "·'In e.~ i~ rri t n~I)' "

" s", r ,d. II, f .• id, 6111,1, "hid, ~'",,<k"

I-"><\i"l: """,,1"11. ,hoy ld "''' b< W;</ !I"
II" di"" "" mi"''';''" of • ~ ,,,,,,,, . "
«f!\ ~' " 0.\ b< A«\."'''''Y '" ""'<lop \~O .. iln.,.' W\'i'''''''I. Q,d,,,,,,,I!' "'><II~~
~u""O"' <l'Quld Jot: ",,''''''1«' "" <J".~ ".nti",,'lo", "-lI,'R. """1 <~1I, . ......
lit, " i'""', 'n .J", ,,, Il-Iny, "'- ' wh"", joj,""r.." "ilh a" ,J,,,,,,
1""11', in,
"n"~"",n n,") ]t< I,;, I<;d i", quc"i O''''
" ' ''''.l y . 1).",1:. ,\96 S.\\',~d 176 \l'", CI,-. Apr, I?!)I
,\0, . )" ...,.,~!Il' S, p. IJ"in, ,\n 0' IId.·......}_I)o''''' E""" ..."o" ; ~ "SI']
I M,\,I,,',.. lk ",-,,' , I~~ II.
"1~1i, ", c;., '~'Cbi","f.'" 1>1<1 F.l,II"'" Id 1 17lh l'lI, IO~ II, n, rule I'''''''hi,.
;'" ,b, "" or ... .,J"'"
~u"'lion. M J ut<! ",oou ...LLM .... , ¥dn irn«l to 1'..,,1
,,,,in" 'h' Il.... of '"''''''I'rt
IOU ''';''" ;~~<t<'" in " ' min;,.,. (d,o.Il} """''''<"'
"L!~"~ll ,", " '" Ole Ie,,~i" ~ ,,",,'i'~l>. ·
I" ,.' R,,,,,,,', 1:""",_ <()..I I'•. !\I~, III A"J \17 (1 9M) ,
S,,' IkhrilOJ" Nonh<,n M" h. b ~h,,"' ,o" ( :ft.. LlJ.,I ~hr~. ,\JOp. JUQ. ~
~. W,l,1 If,\) I!'I~ '), In,n ",' lion I~- "">!><"~ "WI' ''' ' 0 "..-i",I ' " 0;1 " ", V '
k ,,", 11« ,,;.1 '''lin ,,~t ,,,,, ,I",,,, it. Ji,m,i,," in ",j""i" ~ tho r l;,;"ti!!,' ''''OIl''
~. "'" Ic.uli"~ q''''''OIl' " " lit. di",'1 ." , n"",,\i,," ~t' a b<"i"r.-i~'r.i,cd ~j!"" ",
1 "" "...,1judr<. ,>\1"" ,hoI' , II"" 1It. 1l", ..ric...!;"¥. q.... ,ia .... . uU.." d '0 ,"""",1
, ~l\r.II:"' f,,,", ~f ~"",;"" I",_n''''~' ,1"""" ;,.,.."~ "'W". .,h' n.,,', ';m, J",i""
Q,,,,,\i',,,i"~. ,\bl""" cI", ",,"'" "f ~i ~",.,i Llll, the l,i.1 mOl"" d,~'" i,," """hi ",1\
II< u"... "I<~
S,'.' ~..~'h1lIJ' l'<d. 11 _ E. i~, M 11<\ . d, '''''Y rom .." " ", Hok .
" '~'. " .~,:

"cad in!: qUl':\lions Me pnru ilh,d dllrin" IIrdinarv cras~
to<:I mi n~lio.. " or "" hen qUl~I;Onin& :I h~li k: or 1I..",min£ " ·itnen.
an ;l<h 'crsc p:! n y. o. ;, p;ln y illen!ilicll willi an 311,,;; rs.: ~r1 r."

,\,,',,;n ,'. J. Il.or ~\<1).,.,"Ol' .l, I:.... ~~4 r. l~ JJ~Ulh ( ' i l . )~ ~l ~ ,' ~,~dt1 "'",
pl ~,d <m 'IL< " d<" ,I.>~I·' oknkk Nrt< 1,,,,,,! M an ",~ion , n" ""."i";,,, ... inJ ...
r;', T h< 1';.1 ,'n"!! oIid ""lob" \< '" d;« ,,,in l1 i" p< 'm il1i "~ Ill< <ief",,j'"1 " '" "
1.."Ii " 1 '1",,' iol" "h, " ' ''''' " ,1n,i ni nt it. ","" ,"'pk') ,'0', AltlLou~.h " \ri,,1, ,,,,,I
I"" 1"~'" '0 "quiT< • 1'0" y ~,,," ".01i.i03 " f,;"ull)' wi'n<" CI1'pI<» ' II,
no",lo,din, (" " ' ;on,, \h . "iOl ,'''Ufl', d« " i1l ,10" "'l"',d i. 0 "'"" ,, "f ,li'no'
- lion,
M",,' , n' " . C"" " '~'Ilo" ,' tl:.I' p l" COql., j10 F.ld 621, (Mh (<r,t (,~I, rh, ·
"~,,,,,I. 4.19 U.l>. ~a l (1 9M), I n ~n )(li"" .",ine uu' U( 11" d,,,,"'.i ll\\ .Jc,'~ "f II"
pI ';,,,i((. tw,~,ad. .100: ~i ... i<l ''''''to
dod "'" .,~u", ;,. di><'OIOOR i~ ... on,;","~ .h.
doornlb", ." u>< ...., d;"J '11It\lion ... l>rn ...... , "" u';nin~ ,t> cn,pln}<n. ,\I'_~
'be f'nIe .. l llul.... .>f 1,,,d<fI(~ ~119w "'" "'" of l~i<lS qu .... rion' ... hCR ' be ..i, • .,.,
i. 3ol~..,.,. 'here i. RO I«[U;'«1>C1l' ,ho,
IDTb,d. \be u,," oflc.>tl iftJI 4""'110R' Ioj ,I",
....... , e""rui."~ "'''f W> ",bom ' he ,.,'n,,' ;, r,"... dlj·.
Fi>bt, y. Th.... ' .... "'. !1! ~L~d ' 1I11:>'.C O . ' \ PIL lnl~ In on "" ~'" ~, .. in,
"ut or. I",,.,,,, , ...11""". Ih• .M,"d. ... ,... i,k.! . , ~" . d,'m< "'In",, ,b. f,,,
plainl;ff. TIl, pbl.,m·, ,""",,-1 <~ 'i''<''~ to , .. " l., <li ~ q ,,,~,i,,,,, ¥<~-...,j "r ,),;,
wi, n,... , ,I ",in ~ or"" ~,, ""' inll '()'" 'Ih, 11;,1no"" <Ii ~ ''''' "I~,,, it< dl",~ , .~ " in
.11"" i"&tho u" nf II " ,,'0.11 0, ' ,Ul'"iono,
"F,d. l\, I:" id. 61 1« 1. qLl Ul<d ' ''I''" 'K~ ' 1.,
" S,·,,·
Uni,," 1',,; (<< 11.11, v, \\,. ,,1. 2)1) 1'.,,1 ~S7 , ~ 'l(, 11l),h C i•. I ')~ "I, !.o, dinn 'I """
Ih,n,m,,' t." "".I
d "ri "~ 11 .. ~;10<1 ,,,m;,,.,i,," "r on "In,,,, '"
('Ih " '1'''' M.,
''mT'"'"'"''' " ""I( "' •• • n ,.I,',,... ,..
, t )' i n ''' ',,,ion
to '"< ''' '')
"U;"~ , ~ , ,. lln",
t<> I<llif)'.
E", y . C.1<.,I. 4l~ Su. !.Ill (1'1.\. 1),,1. u . ,\pp. 1~5l): li<><:"'' ''' v. ':U,"t"""
Si 1I1. ,\pp. J~ 7'HI. l61 !'£ld ll~ (l 917r. C""",dl y. CI.,'rI. nd, ~ ~ ,\. !>.!d
S~I, J ~~ N,Q •.1.. ~7~ I I'~ ; ~ ~

Sl,IC ."S .rI. I""".", '. Nu" b C,.oJI,", Famt Hu". " h... "1'<"') . ~7K S.I: :"
,~$ ' '0".1:. l~~l). I~ .n .. ,j,,~ h,o"c)n by ' lor ~l'i" ,;ff I" MIl ...... ,," un ;",~r'.""
J.f"w,",. ,b. ",,' roll" en«I,. ""'''';nl '" .n.... ,,,,.
~f<)ni" m' <tl~,; ... ~~. ' I><
pl>i. ,'lf. OR ~,,«, r,.. ",i~"""" 10 "'~ I,""i"~ '1"" "0"' ",' "m .nn......' " M
"we ,~<."" o. ""~h»'". "f Ih . ~<r" " <1"" , Sin,'" "" ,l< "'i,,,,,"'-' ~ " f< ~ i ' ll<r L1 t,'o"
'" <n,pl")',,, ~r .. "I ,,· , .. I'''" )'. t he p[;Oinl i 'T ~ :.d , ' ;rln ,n "" 1 " "li"~ '1" " " On'
"" <Ii"" "" .n,i"" ,,n,
GLllfln,. C<>. ", J,~,",,'". (. 1(, S,W. ~ d .1~11 ('1",'", Ci,', Ap,', I'J~(,I, I" " ~ ,)1, c '"
"""r<"'""''' ,,"'. ,10 , 1,1..1 ,'0 ,,,, ,l i.1 "". , 1'111< il> <I; I<'""j"" ill ,":r"''' ' ;''~ II",
, " 'r~()'''''', m"" ...1 " , "..I. I ",," i lit 'I..,n i" '" "r Ih' ,,",k ....,h" 10 i1«1 II" " " "k,) ,".
,; n" .he ~'il"'" .. ~\ c)r"I~ 'n","";";< ,~< C",~I<» oe'> 'I> 1"'"1"'''

2- H

5 inc~ lhcr~ i, lild~ or no da ngt: r of false 5US*n lion, If the.e is auy

doubl U 10 ,,'l!Qlher Ihe wilness is tloslile. coul~~cI should prc~Cnl
pruili,'c proo f 10 tilc court 10 I h~l c lT~'Ct."
t\·OIC Ih~1 ~ courl m llY at!o rcllul~lc Ihe usc or I c~ dilll: <IU CSl io ns
35 a means of spc..:<Ji n, up lhe Irill PTOC'c:Sli."

Sol' fBi. v. Ci'y nt Cbi""o. 6 ~7 F.1<I 606 (71 ~ CD. I~ S t~ Th< trilIl iudf.<·' Id.l·
u'" It> , 0."., ,1>< p!~i ""fl'. ~"orn ,)' '0 u" 1,><11", qu.',li"." d"rin ~ Ih, dl "," ",.
,m l"",i<m of ad,-,,,, "'i' .., ..... ..." " ..... 11............ ..., ,.", •.:.) v," ' «10' <>"11.
~I"'" "" plej...ri<e '" .. ,ha .. n.1>II I~ ' p1.>;~'iffi. "<r<: oll.~ <'III" ,_" ..",i ,-,I) Q"""
,j"n 'h' IIi,""", no rodi " .. " ,nli"",io •.
~.!« Ri.'tr<Jd. 1M. Co. 01 Aftl, V. 5.n;".. ~ ~ I F.N t!lQ~ t11~ G., 1~~6). "n
, u'onJ(>bi l. lo.u"", ,·I.limN ,h .. i" po.!i')' did n"' "" or on ' rMli'-i ~ LI.'1 ~ I", .., . 'n·
,-<>1,-'" in a n • • "",_Ie amdrn' . 11,..,\ 110' ... _ to .do", ,n pcnn;' <Utln..-I for
I"" iroj.rod .,. ",<ill IO" ~ \co.linl qu m,,,n , nf 'ho in,u"d ~nd I' or It.Ull,'" n.~
",,,lin, "~<lh .. 'he inj",.~ rn<>!w;,' h,"" p<f",i'''on ,,,"'" II>< ,",,,,,,,,b.i'e. Tbo}'
'"= ..... 1""'" 10 ,h. ><i...... «I""'" I\.kl inoc","S",d tI" I","red "I I " ~'h i"
" few,« to I~O ;m ' or I"'.""io" .• "~ "'0" " -0' "" """"-in, II", , ill",. II", ;,..
, ...«1 ... bn" d,,,,,,,,,. "'" r"",.....,lty ",1<,..><>1 ,a >1>< ..... 'ul'
t> ~ «. i<>v. w i!
0;.>"" II" i.", rod . rMl It.... d,,,g!"or "n .in~ 0"' or Iho " oid, ", h.>d Ji ,..\><'"
mi, .cJ "",""'oril,- 1>:/ .he I ~ju"d "'n,..<1"~
Sn' I/Nfff,,'I)' J Y".i "" ,i~·' E.;d,"<c ~ ~I '!O~l (M , "ilcw n,,,,,,, ,9~7"
" ;>""'.
0".1;.. F«I, II. EL>d. 61 11,1. ,.both ""..... ''''" roun ... ,,,,,,,bIc-
,he m1lLl< .nJ ,,,",,,, ,I i.',",~ ';"~ "-,, ••
<M " nd ,II< p"",.,,\Ii <l. "f ,,-i·
<l,n« '< ' "",.1", of "-<>iLJ i"f ' M ,...«JI""
<o .... "~'iM of ,il~'.

'~"" ~.'
" ..

ClUI'Tf.R so
Derendnnt Driver and Witness
Who A\'oidcd AccidcnI-
lnlerscction Collision elISe
Crl<~ K\ . .. r.~HcI'''''·
~)- E~"ln N. Wtli,uo'


§ 511.0' c ..... t: .............. f 1)d", .f ,\u'.. ""'~I, j. W~ j'h !' '''.,Il! \\"~,.
111 C~A<i . .... '" m'r<"l 'I"..,I-n,)
I~I 1',1.. 1'01" SI ... m•• , '0 r.....
PI c-r..,;oc Li... of 0I0,","'*<
[~I 1." ...", of O~ ..... ,I "~ ,'"Q'._t'
151 \I"~ .." . 1i'1'<'I< .... \\'I,~ ."IdI' j),'.lnR
[-I r.. ..s.,;." ror 1'''''",.......'
171 r",~1on of ,.,»1,...
III .s,.-..I.r \',lokIn
t9I '1t1~ or ,"(,j"n
, 'CI T<"I. ~ \\1....... · "«;'",,,1 \ '1 ... "
ILLI IIi,.", lJl~ :-:., W.... GI"I,.. 0. !'oil~h' of .II"....
1,21 ,'hU~". Sn- 1." ......1n 0. A",,_~
[Lli WI, ..., II"'~" S« ~1o l\ StV"""'~ 1..1.., 00 ,\,~p'''.1<h
II~' 1'<>">~1o •• f ... ~""" lot l .ffl ( ........ to ..
,LSI Tnlio. WII",..• J"'Xl'I<n' of I}I,,_,
'L61 11"1,." , 1l.~ 1111 ... S"", 1M In. I.< r,
[171 W~""'. 111<1 N .. ~ lh", of ' ·... "'1 ... In In,.".."", •

• [d~'n N."". «n;,'clboo,h hi, ", d"&,,,"o>1o .n d ''11.1 .J.,.:;,," Jl St.

Jo~ "·.Un"'<"iI)' (II.", .•t '-' __ H.), II. I. 3 " .......... of ,he 1'1"", Y~'l lb •. ~h.
\\·", ~ ",.a ~[.. (kc. \0 .., ill N,,,, YoN; ('; ly.
'rho ~"nl<' or "II ~"ti", ",tn "",,, ,~d ""vo->i"t ro"MoI ~ ., C 1:0<,. ,h0rw-<!.
S~ -I
1-", \\'~"""'" 56-2

1'111 S!>«OIof ll"i' ....• , ·.toklt

1'91 II,' .... l)id 1'>"" Sio. 1)0_. 1";0<'0 t:",<r;'" 1.,,,,,,,,100
I~OI 1'0,1, ... ()( Wit"",,' 1'.Melo In 11.[,,;". '" ,',~I,,,, !. I,.r, (".n'"
11.) \\] ...." I)~ :"00, ;»",In" 0« _ _ of C», 0 .. m. I .....
II!! 11.... ~~" 1)00 W~_.' 1""01"<
I~JI SI.. or Co, ,. J.d'
12~1 WH . . .. Old 1'>"" s.., W<.lboo"d 1.... <0
Il~l S,..d oJ \1'1 ,,,,,,,' ,',Iok", 0. .\_~ .. I., • ...." ...
I ~'I OI..... ~ W..... \\1...... ).... Oko"n.... :11>1. Stp.t"!oo,:
W.,,_d • • d I:'" ...... T ••IT",
I ~J I \\'It""., I)Id 1'>""" 110"""" Spr<d. T",n II'h,<I. or s...mll II.,.
§ SG.Il c~'" .;...,Io,,,;on or Orh., .r \'<~Id. ·Iho...."" ...<1 .11001!-'"'"
..1"_1< fa \'~"h I'J.I. tlff 11"", . I .........."
III Oh ....... " ...... lAI"'''~ ...... II'",,, \\"Il<><" So. C., ',IuI, ("01li0i<>i
lI"itJt 1'101,"10'1". ""_;1<
I!I T,,"lna 11'11 ..,,' ~I."" )'
jl) .. o,"i ...... s,."d or 1'1.).mr, Car 1',,,,, 10 t:n .. '''~ 1.,,,,,o,,,lon
1-1) T"d_r" .If.... \ .... .. J. 1I.",lnl
lSI IlIwwotl .. I\ct ..... .I,..... , . . . . c_,
~I I'oi, 1>1,. D. """'"•• , .f ~I""or 'UfO\< 1J''''I0~ lr.",,,I~1
I1J T""ln,".y,' ~lo'or ,"dll<le IJ""I"~ On Sp<,~ .n~ ... ,1 ,1 •• of
.\0 ,.,,,,0l0i1,
I!II \\l'n". T...In.. . . ) 1.' .. \, .. lI "" i "~ "!boo 0 11000,
..... _ b ... ...., 11ir«tl_. S;"...! (ho
I'll \1'lI ••" 1104 TI .....• ' . IIt"~.
II') C,I,.,.,;•• of 1Il,...... WI,,,,-,,-, Tm "h'~ ],,], ... ," Ur .~I"'

1II1 1'''';11'''' 01 0,,,,,, ,",~ I' lo W.... Wit""" l!.. ~t"d

1"1 ""'~Ion oII1.IoUll", ("~, W~ W]....... fl"l ,Ippl;,. III. lI" l ..

S"""'"'I')' 10{ Hasic FI1<.'t.< tIIul 11lt,..!dllrl~· IImw rb

Th e IllaintilT in Ihi ~ Iilig.1li on wns i. pass~"gc ' in an allt om obile
<.Iri"~n hy hi~ hillh K hoo l fri.nd. TIley were in 1!le f~r riglu·b.1nd
L'''t of ~ lum:,;"e. Ir:,,,ding eaS! . :tp!)Ill;lChin& 31\ inIC"""CI;OIl w;lh
a fO)~. ,\11011"" , ,·. h id. ,,~. b<: inC dn" c n in the len iane, tr:wctin g
in lhc In nlC <.Ii'"~li(ln neM \0 Ih ~ vchicle conlUininr, Ihe p\~inl irf.
A Jlil ,<.I mOlOris! ""a~ lra,'di ns """'\, in III!! op~ilC <.Iir<'Clion of
.he ~l3in.iff'. ~a,. o n Ihe .:onoc lurnpik. Th is wnlOOu IW n'oloris'
re"ck\'d Ihc ;nl.' .-«"llon wilh the road , an<.! IlIr~ !eft in fron l of
the o.her IWO caSloou nd "r:ilidc~. lnc ,"chidc in whiell lhu p lain liff
.. --

w... ~ a [Y.l\scnger struck Ihe w;:~oountl \'( hick on its !i!;hl r~Jr side
jusl I>cror~ ;1 p» Itllmlr,h the jn Lff'SCI:Ll0n.

Th~ drivt'r of \h~ p bi ntitr. <:If clai med Ih31 hii ,-;(".0' of th~
lall'" t<lIll;Ult;1I Ihe Op~lt d irctt;oo "'-:II obstnlcted by lh~ ,·(h;·
de thai "'-:II L!J'"l:li ne ~lons\idc procc.·dine in th~ ~m~ <.Iir«"lio n.
He cbimw he did nol SC'I: the ....'l!~lbound '-.:hide (uming at.o~s the
inlcrS<:elIOn un lil ~ ~plil :.e~ond b.:ror~ Ihe collision, ",11<:11 the eM
Im"cIiDe a1ontMtI" or:lkcd.
The pb inli ff >O<J&J>t 10 bold bolh hi, dn,...,. :1.I1d the dri,·", of Ibe
......~bound :IIIIOnl0h,1o: Li~bk for """'<r:lCL! ~1JKIs..'S. ·r hus, Ihe
plai nliff!.i;b; ml "'c. e thai Ihe \>.. ~.\I l>ound "chid" mJd e a n",ligtnt
td l lurn. and Ihal his 0"'''' d.iwr nt r~ik<.l 10 !Jow up ~5
h\: app' O:Imed \!I e inlcrsc:,tion . a lld C~il"d 10 a",ll)" his bnkl'$ \0
~,'Ojd Ihe (oUi.ion.

P"-"!renl"d I!.:rc: arC Ihe no» ~x;un; n:lliM$ of Ihe pb imi ff. <lr;' ·.
er ~n d Ihe ddvcr "r the vehicle thai tr".wc!"d di«x111' ~1o"Jl.'i ~~ in
I h ~ !cO la nt £OinS in Lhe S~n'<" c;>stbound d i r~ct;on. The ~(OSS ,,-,.
;lIlIi" 3\ioll of th" \Ilaillti rr, d . h·cr (u;m':lrilr ronc.:ms '"!i1.1blisbi ug
h i, ticld of ,·isio n. \0 show 11M li e sllOUJd ha" ~ Sl:ell lI.c ",.'SIOOund
'-chiclc in lime 10 brake and a \"oid the collision.
T he C' OU \:.\:In. in;lIion of II!.: <Iii , 'C1' of the Qr po:!<:e("<I; nt; ahmt;·
side c:utbound is ajm~d a l 11> 0..-i,,& Ihat oo'l1id~ri ns hilspa.-d. dis-
t:lnc.: ~nd lite rendilions of '·i~ibil;ly. Ih c wC"!.loound ,"chick ""Wi
" i, ibk 10 hin, .. ndlh3! he "3d cnou&'ltimc LO br.l k~ .. nd :I"oid a
("(I\lision. Br im",i"'I'o ll . thcrero,..,. Ihe dri" ~r o f Ihe plain tiffs ,'c-
hid" sbould al'lO h3'·c k"C1I Ih~ ",-cllbouml Ca r ~nd SIOf)p.:U ill li nN:
10 "'old the "-eidel/! . Mr. Wcidlllal\ ~Isu uses th;1 cross e~3min:l·
tion 10 delllol\slt.. tc lhal Ihe position or .h. I....... c~5tbuund '-ch icll'S
""" sw:lt Ih:l\ the pkointiff'l drive. Ih ould ha\"e h3d ~n unobslruct·
cd vi",,' of t h~ WC1 IO<lUll d ':lr:11 il turned into th~ in lcro.:clion.
Mr. Wddm3n did su ch a Good job Ihul the j ury fOLlnd Ihc dde,,·
d:lnt tlri"cr of Ih~ " lai"li frs caf '.l~ liable, ilJ\d Ihe dri~CT o f the
westboond "ehid~ only 1000o li:l hk.
§ 56-I)! Crl/Sli .:x~ll1i.~tlan "r Ori ..... "r AIII"OIulHle i. W";th
Pbi,HU \\'IS I ""~"""gcr

III CondU!i;"" 0( I);,.,., To:stlmo ll}'

Q. Can you tcll ,I' ho ....• ~"Ou nppll<i! )... ~ , brake7
,'~ , ...,
A. V,'S. Y~ry h~rd.

Q. Old YOII ch~ ngc the dircctl ()!l or )'ou r ,'chid o'!
M~ . K ~ I.t.\,: I m i~scd tim an'"'~r.
Tile e(lu~~ "Very h~ rd. · I ~ that ..... h~t you SOl id?
TIII, Wtn<= YC'S.
Q. D id you ('ha lll:C the di l'tttion or your 'Icl1 ick:?
,\. >10. I didn·t.
Q. eln )'0 11 ten Ihe COlirl and ju ry whal parts or the \'ehitlc'
C:l!lIC in .<:"'ta~1 with ('neh ot her'!
A. M)' frunt ami later I found OUI lh~l it WJS his pa'~~ ngcr
Q. Di~ )'OU C,'CT "'" that v~hk!(: romins in a we . tbo ~n d
A. No. I " 3d n·l.
Q. As yo u ~p pro.lchl'd the intcrst'Cl;on of Sprin~ Ro ~d 3nd
E3M"il1e 'Turnpike, in wh.,l dir',(:lion were you lookitl S?
,\. EnM. 5lrai&hl ahead.
Q. Did ),ou have hc~dlighl ' on'1
,\. Yes.
M k. nl.' K~; I h:! vc no further 1\\~\lons. TI.anl you. Kenn eLh,
You may inqui re.

121 Pr ior 1'111.., Slal~lIK'f1 l III l'jlll«

COMMENT: CounseL oll ~ $Vjlgesting Ih~1 Ihis )'C\l"t m.1"
misled tho flOIice JI tl,e scene ab~ut hk homo ad dress.
Q. M •. Gcdda. )'O U lisled your 3ddrc.~ as 45 Greetl GrQ\'~
Streel. E:l.tyillc, New York: you don't live there, <kl )'ou?
A, He :u.~cd me for m ~ ""renlS·.
Q. YOIl r pan:" ts li" e I!",r~ , You Ih,t in C . liforni • • d on't yo,,?
A. \'''S, I do,
COMMENT: Afte. ~\lJ:&~t ing tl>i>t the wilness is cilp.lhle of m~ ~ ln8
mi~ludin8 $tatemenls, c~unseL "lOVes . llItIt inlo aJ'l<)thc. LiM QI I"t.
r>".~hmont ; ttwt the wiLne~$' t~ $ limO)l1y w~s cC)/rupted by ,ugg05\1O)I11
from his a\lQrn~1'
!i ~I~!

131 Comlnw'''': l.illC of O~jo ....

Q. When d id ~'oll ,(I in rrom C~i(om;3?
Mil.. DI.,I.:[; I ~ !I' toi oS 10 objt!Ct t" Ih l~. Ihis i, irrelevant . M~ )'
.... c 3~f)fOOcb (he bench?
Tnr. COCkT. Yn,. COJm' Ill'.
{Off Ihe 1"«01(1.)
(Disw " ion "rr lhe «cord.J
Till; COCRI , I ..... ilL let hilll answn thc '1l1c~\ion when he can\\:

M~ Uu"r; I "",·C :In obj«lion ;lIld tJ~~pljQn.

Till! Om",., y~.
;l.1~ .
DUKe Tha nk }ou.
Mil. W~IUM~N; ; )' I h~,'( it rtr~ad . p\~a~c?
(The qU("5lion 3bo,'c w3~ ",ad bad,: 1»- the rCpQf1Cr.)
1\. \'~-:;I< 'd3Y.

Q. ....'!oal li me?
Mil. Ol.->.K(; I am goinC 10 obj«1 II' llIal. YOII' ~I"no,.
T>lE C (}\)RI : O"'c,rukd.
!lob.. a,-,-,,~: Rcsptclrullr ~~CCpl .
,\ . '\pflro~ i llla!d)' citlU o·dock.
Q. 1I",·c roo bo...,n in Ihe ("" nroom. ill Ihe courthu!W! a n day.
yc § or no?
Mk. BI ... oa:: 1 am ,oint: to obj."tt 10 (bis. ¥O\Ir Honor.
Till; Coun , Well. Ie! the r ~co ,d indicalc Ihal I ~a,'e n'l Icen
h im ",jlh in til< courtroolll,
,.' -
~IK. WnrN ...... ; I "'ani 10 know if he was in this hl1ildillB 31 any
li me 11Mb)'.
Tilt W I TNUS' No.
Q. Wherc h .. ,·c )'011 ~ ~ n lip IInlil 2:00?
:'IR. DU I> E; Obj(cled 10. YOII' Honor.
T,u: CUI.'''l": I don'l S«' Illa l Ihat's ,de"a" l al thi~ poinl.-
M". \\'111>1o" N: ! will wilhdm'''' IIt~l in t~~1 rfl rm.
Q. fkfOf( yOIl ,J1llI: hne lod~y-... h;1I li me d id fOil 3nhe. by
1"~ way. in Ihi\ colln ho w.c?
,~ .

CO MMENT: The QP~nt ~tt g<ney must ~ I ~w;,cd lQ voice ~.

lions 10 tac:b tI"".~n. A conlinuitlil. ~ne 01 o\)jl'<:tion$ i~ only I!P~''''
"';oM whtl'e !he (lue$tions ,el~lo to a malle, 01 '\Ibs'anl;~ t~w
",h jclt tile ( O\lrl IIa$ f\j lptJ 11I)0Il, su, h as tile u,,~ 0 1 ~ubseQtJent d e.
sien ellange1.. Thus. ~ r;<I<ltinuirtg tine of objections 00 queiioons 'eJilt·
ing te imP1l~e n menl should nOI be pe rmitted.
\! Ih~ CIpjlGiiinC allo,n~ eont,nue\. to l~\'" oI)je<;tion. tlt~1 ~'"
overr uled by tile (Ollrt. !>C lo!.eS col>(.libi.lily with the jury. The low oj
IQSins e, ellibUity wlU chill his U I~ \0 rai.e c",,~ta nt OOjectiO<l ~.
~ III. II I..\I'E! /1.13)" I haw ;} contin I/ in!: objCt:lion 10 ,hi. li ne of
Mil. WLU>ItoMI': YOII r Iionor. , ""ou t'" like to h~"c Mr, lU~~e
'In objmion 10 any one q~ion.
Tit' CcM.; U , I ..i ll o'~rrule the cbjO'Clicn 10 Ihi$ '1wSl ion.
M K. WIiIlJ.'t~N: T bJnk you,
Q. What linle d id )"'U CO'rtt !O Ihe buil di,,!: \OO3y?
.\ . Too.b)'?
Q. Yel.
,\ . This bui1<ling?
Q. YO$.
,\. I l c~")' don'! !;: no\\". I do~'! ha'-: a " ·,,!ch.
Q. WeU, ,,'(""lC )"ou he..., Oil 2:00?
,\ . In Ihis bui lding':
Q. YC!..
A. ;"'0,
Q, Did ~·ou ~OIllC di~ly h~ )"Qur hom~?
A. Yes.
M ~, Ol..,!;/:: Obj~<:1 ioR. Yoo r Honor, Ihi, i~ compk lclj'-
Tiff Cnt:~T' ! da ,, ', know if Lhi~ is n:t.:'·~ nl III Itt<: is..uc o(
,,1\31"$ hefo r~ ta 31 Lhi~ poin!.
/I-T H. W£lIm .....: Lei m~ aD: Ihe neSI qUeY;un . I think I can denl'
on!>lr.IIC n:1C"\·;mcy.

141 I nn~ of OppMial: .'lLurnc~

COMMENT: As ~IW IhfOUghcU\ this book. meetings "";l~ ~n ~I'
lOlI!Cy $tl~llhal lhe w;lnt!>~' Iellimony .... as ' p<l!j).lrftj" by Ihal II·

... ..
Ikknd. nl Il,;,·., ~"d \\';1"."

torney to ~ uit the "ffd~ of the ea se. In faet, Ihi s is wMM tx;cur~ wil en
an ~tt orncy meets wittl nJ~ elLonL n"", it is 1I I~ir w bje<:t of 1m·
peachm.... t, ~nr:t .mme<lialely Wf!.~el'lS the (te<libilily 01 the
The OP~"g "Uatn~ ctluk! request on in~r u et;on from the court
tllJl the re is noUl ing wI Gng with an attorney meeti ng willi his clil' nl.
or with a"u. 10 o;Iil(....... lhe casc.
Q. Whe n you CJme here did yo u m~c l wi lli Mr. Merri lL?
,\ . Y\"li,

Q. Did ~'Ou r,o o" cr-

M~ . 1I1A~ t: YO\lr HOlior. Ihis i~ JUSl ....·ha' I Ir;~d 10 bring CU I
on d ill.'Ct uJmin:lIion amll lli~ ;1lhe nli5<:hid Ih~1 , W:lS t ryi n~
Ie amid .
.\I N. WUO)ol .....; Th i. i, nnl imp l'Qper, JUd!:\,o
Ti m C OI:Hr: Ycs. I am s oillll lO overrule th e ohj ectio n. r will le'
the (\lIcll IOtl be :r.n,,,,,,M .
MM . E1u~[: Re spectfully c~re pt.

Q. Did )"OU m~...,t wil h "It. Merri ll?

,\. Yes.
Q. Where did yo u I11 C", wi lh M r. Merrill . In Ihl s huildin!';?
:"I ~. nl"'~I:; YOII' Hono r. "' ~)' , h.~w :I. cUl\linllinr, objectiu"'!
TH~ Cr1\.' K'lo Y OII b~ vc In obj<:cllon 10 Ib~1 IIUI.·!.\!UII. )'~'S. The
objttlion is 1)\-tHllktl.
,\. Will )·ou r~pcal \b~ qll esl;,,"'!
Q. Whelc did )'(IU mcc\ Merrin ?
,\, In Ih is bu ;hJ illl;.-
Q. ,\nd when yo u m~' wilh M r, /'oIer,ill . did he !ollow )'OU yo ur
Itslill\(>ny in I" ~ exa minali on bd,lfe Ir;~l?
,\. Yc~

Q. Oid h~ ,h o'" you ),,, ur 'c~tl mml)' at tlte " ll>tIlr Ve hi cle
h c~.i nJ:·!

A. Yes,
Q. 'I "",· Ions tl id )'UII sll<'lId wilh M r. Merritt?
,\. I rc~ I I)' don ', know.
Q. Wel l...... a' il an ),OUr'! Wus il Ie, ! than 3n 11 0U '?
,...... ,.,.,
§ 56.0I[~1

,\. 11 ""OIi I~M Ih an an hOOT.

Q. W~~ i\ more thOin tcn minutC"S?
A. ~I o re thn n Icn minu lc:..
Q. Wll ~ il more th ~n n h,1I[ an hgur"1
A. ,\IXlU l 3 hlr;m ho u r.
COMMENT: Many w"nt$~ lee l guil! J IXIUI I1II!(!ling w ilh their .:Il1 or·
~ ; nd diK lM'1l£ Ih t lt tC$limony. Thl$ guill ,s oog!!ndered b y t he
knGNledgl' IIIe atlame-y did make suggMtiO<ls a~ I~ ""'31 Iho wit·
M'S sllcu la say. Any t,"re a Wit,ICS~ attempts Ie minimize th e ~iscLlS'
sions wilh hi 5 aUcrnay, ceun5el will knew Ihe witn a~~ reels cuilly.
COlJn ~1 ~hould Ih en rocu ~ o n tilC dc cOP l lQn te sh ow th~t tI' e di 5 CU~'
sOons wcre not minilMl. Ba will " ' gy e Qr illiiesl that IIIC ";111e$ at·
t~m pl~(lIO tlecl'iv~ tile ju ry becall~ of ll~iII about imp roi'OI ~ U~r
tia ....
10 this case . the wil ness ~~)"S IIC 001, mel wilh his attorlleY fer tI.lll
nil l'OIJr . Tni' is l,iShly in,preb~ble: few pilnles ~Ie pul on the sl~nd
will, s uel, minimal prep~ral icn . for !I,e j~Ior~ to estimate lho Iirill.'
;X1 " ~lIy Spe ~l. lhoy mUil know each aCli-l ity tt);lt IOIl k place ~I IIHlI
l ime petioli.
Q. D id Ihat half an h""r i" ~l ude Ih" li me it lool: you ' 0 rcad
th~ cxnnlinntio n beraTe trinl?
A. R~Jl~1\ L thl qU C! I[M ?

Q. WU Lhe h~lran hoUI. did lhal ind ude thc Lime iltoulr. you
10 Iud that """ miIl3Iion bcfor~ u b i?
.\. Which ""a miM I;O" ~ rc ~ou n lkinl; ahoul?
Q. Tll i, Dn e here. You lake a look ~I ;1. so n, and )·ou Icll me
whethcr or not ~'ou read this'!
i\. Ye l .
Q. Now. in 'hal half 110 1,1 ( 1 lim.:. did rOil ....";Id t1l31?
A. TII:lI h~lf ho ur's Ihn,,?
Q. Yes?
.\. Y(~.

Q. B..'$id c, rC3d;", \lUlL. how much mOle lime did yo u ~1><"TI<i

" 'ith Merritt?
:\. I n:a\ly don', i:::fIO"·. You ..... a~t il ~o..... n LO the minute?
Q. Well, r would like_ yo u lell me how much li me )'ou spent
..... ilh Mr. Merrill .
~6_ 9

,'. I ~~ id ~h<lu l h~lr an hour,

Q. 'T hai half r, our'$ li me, )'OU look lite lime 1(> ' C3d Iha l: i.
Ih:ll risJl t'1
,'. Tr, al's ri;h l,
Q. Did }'OU I~ke, ,11<0, Ih e li me 10 read I h~ olher M Ola r
Vchido he3 ri "c~
A. Yes,
Q. An d !ben afte r you rc~d bolh Of lh~ did h;: ~o"' yrnl ~ nl'
olhe. papers to bdp rdrcsh }'our rccallcctio n?
.,. Yel,
Q. Wh;,l O!hl'T ImpcJ'S did ~ou ><Ie, ju., \dl m ~?

A. JU M Ihmo IWO,

Q. Th3", :1M
,'. YC$,
", . Q. No,"" :lllc. yuu I'in i.1ic<J wilb Mr. M ~l ritt. d id ,'QU Ihen {UI
the fi r$! li me mcel Mr, Lllak~1
A. COUld you rluse poin l OUI Mr. !ll:l~c?

Q. Tll is gentl eman righl I' etc (indicati,, &l.

,'. \'0::0"
Q. You law Mr, Rinke Jf,e, )'OU saw Mr. Merrill . • ikit!?
,'. Righi,
Q. Did )'OU lui\:. 10 Mr, Il bkc al\(lul wllJ t )'0\1 were going 10
lesll f)' 10, M ~II?
A. Yc"
Q. Whon did )'OU Ic~m for Iht fi r.t lime lh ~1 Ihi. ('3SC was
- Ctlmlng on for tri a!?
MR , Ih" u : I am toing 10 objl'Cl 10 11.,,1. Ymlt Ho nor,
Tn " C(lU ~T: O"erml.d,
M~, II,-,~ [ :Re'llcarully e~('Cp1.
,\. Well, I h ~3rd ,.,r il n 10\ o f lim~$ , 11 was dcl nyed a rew lim.-s
in Ihe ""~I fl:'" y~~n.
Q. Let's s..w Ih is pn~t weck, wh en did )'Oll karn nlmul Ihis
t SUl I131 S6- IO

A, ,\ \o ntLl)·.
Q, M ()!I dJ}", a n ~ did )'OU speak 1(1 your fJlh n , Jt Ihal li nle~
A. M !' mother.
COMMENT: II rs ~Iy , Ue. imi!IYi~ ;mp<Gpt'. ~ ~Iions ~ tho OIl'
""sinS attorney Ihal ,QUflI el mQ"ei <)II 10 the l ub.s IaJ'l" "e porticm of
the wiln~~~' tC!'l j'mOl1Y.

Q .. YOIIi mOlher. Now. bac\.; Oil th e W )' o f Ihal ~~cid ~ nt , nhou l

10:)0, you wen; comi ng from th t Wih on ROIe,," 'a)': isn' t
lhal . ight?
A. Ri&lu.
Q . Deo:n o n it in Ih" d lYl i m ~ a nd M IL lid ill!: t h ~r~ !It ";&I'I?
A, Right
Q, Dy Ihe ""J~" abo"t 00'" many lintcs wo uru f uu sa)' yo u h:hl
dri,'e n a cm ;II ni&ln . room III~ li~ ynll fo m goI you.
,\, I can ', tell )'OU cla cl l)~ more Ihan Ion lin\<'$.
Q, Mo.e tha n te n Li m t 5. W :t5 il mo. e than 50 times?
,\ . :..rn,
Q, Mon: IIlJII 25 lim e...?
,\ , I c::tll'c ro:r.lI y ttlL yo u.
COMM ENT: Ttl<! M Il."IIlY rrl;] n~ges 10 le i tile jll'Y know IIlJI tht <lr'"
01 w~ s 'IC!lY inoq,erienced JI I h~ limO 01 11>1 ~ id ,nl. Th~ fnle rt llce
I, om this te>lim0"Y rs, ot (OUf"'. IhJ l lhe dri~f IJ C~ compotency
as ~ driver. TJtus. tile jury would be more likely 10 belie-oe tha t w ch
~ drovcr /N de a n er felr in jUc!&JrN! nt which led 10 t h £ ace,d('lll.

161 FotI~dat;"" rur 1"ooIoU-~\I'\i

Q. In an ), f ,'e nl, wou ld ),ou la kf a look !II litis p iclu.". thi~

I'r~im irrs Elthibil r 7 in c " idc IlC~, \\'011101 , 00 lell me
wh ethe r o r not tl1 i~ j,; th e I<';jy E ~\.I"jllc Turnpike lllO~ro 10
~.... u Ih~1 nlP11. c~~t Ih~ t th e pi",ure I<~ l~kcn in Ille
da)1im e, in th o; oIin.'C'Lion that you "."'" co ming?
A, Yes..

A. Well. Ib;~ i~ ' ~"e!l fron] 'he ~ llIcr bnc.
Q. All r;£hl. ,\ml }'ou "we in Ihe ritJI l-hand lane: h Ihal right!
,\ . Right.
Q. UUI e.o.«pI. ror Ihal, 1h<!I'$ Ill<.: w:ly i\ I~o"c-d, J 'r~ ;~11 Jnt!
1'''"t'I, roo could ~~ iO'''" dislnncc ~htJd of you. cou ldn' t

A. Well . if you n "li~'" the ""r\"~ aro u~d a,'Or h= (indicatin,).

If I "Ill on Ihe ri d~ and th ere ;s J o:'<Ir on nl)' lefl. you
o nl>Ol !oCil o,'er h OH.' (inlJitati n ~).

Q. "0..·• take 3 loo~ at Ihis r ietu .e. I lti~ i~ Plainli O'"~ ) in

e"idencc. Ih;, is tak.m from tht opposite dil\"rtion; d oc.
Ihl .ho'" the C\,,"\'C tll31 you JUM lold us aooul, behind )·ou
or weSI of Ih e inlcfiCt"\ion?
,\ . YI:"'.

/11 l'osillua 01" Vehirk.-s

Q. No"'. "·h.,, you We re coo"; n~ down in IIiaI tis!t l·h3 nd bn~ Reed A'"t1Iue. Ih;5 a. IOU .<:I;d " I iOnIC po;nl ""lI~
al O!lgside of ~'nu: it IbM ri&lIl ?
,\ . Yrs.
Q. Aud 'hen-, W3' on ly a Ihrce-fOOI diffcr"llcc bclw~cn Ih e
frooll of {hat CJr ~ ml Ihe rrl)!ll of ~'our c~ r; ;WI'/ Ih31 so1
". Appro>: im aIely.
Q. r-,·ow. Iell me_
,\ . Well. 111 IdL ynu-
Q. !>In. no. You just listen 10 the qUeslion.
Mp,. Ul." ~c Your 11,,1101. may h.: be ~ no "'~ 10 ron!;n llc?
T,,~ COCI<I' Rc;!d b.:\Ck '1\.11 !~n U;l\c nocnl by 11>0: W;\lI.'1.<.
( nl C l~~t ~lnlemCl11 II)' Ihc "ilnc'u W;lS fC;ld b~c~ br lh~ (cpOn ·
,\ . (COl1linU)II£) \\'dJ. when I '''' S <.Irh~ng. ir I looked 10 my
left. 1 c""ld .'I.'C p.rob:lbl)' lilc b:lC l ~;II. If I~rc "'U ;I
person, )'I>\l );;ncw,·. ill the ,cal. [ coul<.l w.: m:t)be like
lit<.: pI:opl" i itli ng in the front r ('(l ul d $<.'" maybe t~.>jr hack .
he~d!. jU ~l lite th~ir sidC"' . 1 couldn', c,'en "''I:
Ihei r ~rofi"""
I...... · )
Q. In olh~r "'ords. from "'here ~'ou. " ·c r.: s.itting~
A. Riglu. If I looled 10 III}' Icft.
Q. Th:Ifs wlle;c Ihe rC;ar 5(':\1 P3"i':tlsen wo"l d 113"" be.:n ;n
Ihal r"r; rW'!'!
A. No. If I looked 10 my !cft. <l<J1 CXJ ~ Uy 90 dcogn:cs. I ~ m
131kint: abo.,1 4 S "'-17\Xlo. if I ,bneed It> m}' ler, to s.,'C if
.hen,) wa5 J e~r "on'in& Ih ~ ol her " 'lIY, L $<:("-111 s....., t"'"O
hea ds of ....h oc,·ct ,,";as in Ihe Qt.
Q. AI mo ... how ",any f~t :lh~d of Ihe fmnl of )'our ('3r ,,-:1~
Ih~1 other c3r7
,\ . S;'( ftci.
COMMENT: Counsel flOW s t.tts 10 build tit<! $U~anliYe !IiI'1 of Ihe
(lOSS e"'mm"l ~n , 91 estJbli~ h'llll the position of lhe two ,eh,elp';.
he hopes 10 u'lamalelJ S/low Ih~t il IItt! Ca' on the leI! eoul~ brake
a nd .void th" ~eadent. then !flo d' ;~e' of the pl~ , nlltr"1 n, $I1wld
31s0 h30c I)fc"" "!II,,
to avoia 1'- .!;Ct!I~t

181 SlK'i'd or \'~hk:I,'s

Q. Now. when you were ahoul t"'o bu ndr~-d fecI bo:fon.· Spring
Rood ;md )'00 " ' e ridi ng in Ihe righl.hand I""C'. ho'" f:Ul
Wtre Io.u goinc'!
,\. '''';I~ lroin~ a\.>o"1 2S rnil~.1 an Iiou r.

Q. AI , hal \'IOi nl~

,\ . Approxim:alely.
Q. A~d 200 r~~I . 2S mik~ " u holll, "-:1~ !h.:I.l ear Ihal W:tll 10
YOllr !tfl, a' Iha l di.,anCt' "hcJd of ~tlll at Ih':l1 nlClMl~m
",ben you .."'" abo"1 200 fC't1 bcrun: '''~ ttl. nn?
,\. t don' l r~!Il~nll>cr,

191 l'" lcld or Yi.ion

Q. AI I" :U li me. could y~u look W"i,tn lIh~ad or ynu'!
A. Yet.
Q. Were ),ou able Ie s....,. when ~"O" ...-crc 200 r~<1 from tbe
ttl' n.. r. "'':1\: YOIl ~blc to IcC Ih~ ccnlcr ClIJI] .<Cp;jr~ti ", Ih~
"" ,,,too,,nd b nn fronl the Ilne< 1h;l1 you ""'e Ir::I,·d ing in'!
..... Wcll. there were Oilier c~u ",ay "II aLl. 3d.
,~ .... ".
5G _ll § ~6.1L[91

COMMENT: II i~ Importa nt fe r Ih~ CrOS~ examine ' te cOfItrQ/ In e wit·

n~. If Uli! "';~j is allcwt'd to e vade qUl'Stion'i by vQlunleering his
avon I!I pl3n~lIen 01 events, the wilness ";11 dillerl 1111' le51imany te
achieve his own a lms. Coon..1 ~ rC\fenl$ this by insisting 11...1 11\0' " 11·
ness answe' 1M spe cilic Gl1<!slIQn ~ ! ke d.
Q. :-.low, jU~1 a nswer my qu ciilion, Mr. Gcdda. Were you able
10 ~ Ihe 1V~5 lhound b n~5 ....·hen your ca r ""a~ 200 f~"1:1 WCSI
of Sprin; Road?
A, I don' l remembe r.
Q. You don ', re memhcr?
A. No.
Q. Now. "'hen )'<Ml ,,'en: ~hout I SO fc'ct from Spring Road .
were )"OU able to ~ Ihc n'nter ma ll?
,\. Well, I!.(C. til"", QU~5t!ons_
Q. Can't you an<wer that ye s or no?
A. Well, may 1 l ay somclhin;?
Til" Cuukr, An.,. ..", tit.: ' lu<'Mion "" be~l 3S rou nn.
,\ . Wdl. I ..klll'l rc",rmber.
Q. Well, wh)' !lo n'l y<Ml take J loo k at all Ihc se piclur~ dial
arc in c"ldc n~e and )'OU tell-loo~ al them eardull)' nod
Ihen you tell me whcth~r or not when )'OU were I SO reet
befole Spri nc Road you "'c r ~ allle 10 5<:~ Ih e m:tl l ~nd nllf
p:Jft o f tlte Id l ·hJ nd !Jnel 3\ )"011 "'er~ SOing, or tile
",cuhou nd lan.~
MR. 1l1"Kr.: I '1m going 10 object to 'hc for m o f the qut,tio n,
Your Hon or.
T mi COI.'kI; Wh at pan d o )'O~ obj<xt 10. Mr, Illnkc?
M~, BJ..,J;f.: !'inl (iI :u:c. able 10 ~e; Illne i~ no 1'~l inlonr Ihm
II,' " ":IS looki .., in ,ha l d irection.
TII [ COlin, I ",ill SllMain Ihe c bic'clion.
Q, Mr. Gcdd~ . as ),ou were siuing in Ihat ~ar and you "'~re
looking ~I r:,ighl uhcJd o f )'ou. could )'ou Sl-c Jny t>f the
left·hand [un.::;. ,I><: "cStoound ",hen )'00 ....·~f" ISO fccf
ffOm tl>\; corner?
MM. 1l1.,Kr.: I 2m soi ng to Objo.'Cl to II><: for m M Ihal '1IIesttOIl.
Til . COllMT, Sa me qUC! lion . I w()Illd Ihink so . ! will suslai n the
LU~II I \U~'l\ p-'JU l.uP!fl nOA '0
"IIJI[1 p,'"U \,11011 I "'N 'V
LU! ~e ,(~"S '0
'0;.1 '"
i.~\u !1
\':'11 \U Sl'!"!'jl JOJ ';.",,"[S UJOIoI ~,'Cllll!ll!1ll no.'; ueJUl M,~ '0
'u ~ q\ 1ll~' !1 ~lO." I .I! ''''IW ~ ILI,'J
l,!IOP r l nq ',"o\lllI~111 J~~," J ',,,ull ' :lqIllJU'~J 1,UO P ·( U ~JJ ! ·V
,; pul~ ,(UI' .10 ' ....~~la ~tJ," 1\0,' Pia ;,<:>,(J ~1\lJ,(
'I I!,,, ~!(II\O" ,(ur. ~,'Clr 110,( PIP ·I" ~f'! ),)" ~! ql J" ~W !I Jill 1\' ·0
'~uau04 ~14 uO!I~nb 01 W"'1l Ptal ~t'UI I;""'iue a..!~et.3 ~!1I \fI!! 'IU8p
'In~ OI'n 01 P"I ,""s~r.J ,~;)M 01 "ml,e, ,Ss,}UI'M " 41 1~41 iINIll'l'I 01
~'olnl "41 pe~1 All'" lOU Amu AUOlU'I~1 SI4! ·lu;lp!~jI.' "41 JO 8W!1 " 41
lC ,u~ln ,ea", 01 PJ1~;W uO'SCi' ", we s.>Oj l "~ '''''''I1~ ~ uu ~;l{IPUI
~~ ~4 W41 a'i !liIQ 01 5,om l 0111 ~~ A~w ;)";~Od5JI P"lqwn! ,ii!IU1!'"
a'll ' IU iP I~'c Jill )0 "lUI) ~ In )e ~~SSCI3 alO" "q I! $loUI!·" ~1 ~~ "
losuno, 'u C)ll ~~ 'W~'J '"on 10 )iJJWn.1 :J~ !M01101 ~In 01 :lNlWWO::>
IU~PIJl \' JII 111111:.1 uO ~:I!i~"l:) n,'.\\ J"N P!(I '~."'l! ,\\ 1111

-JO lro~1 Joo,\ ; "~"" I IJ,\\ '~ I"

~'!1 U!CI!ns 0 1:.IU!o:I " '" I : "'~"")W S!'II I" Su!4I,~U., ~_,old 0 1 gU!
.tf.I '1 \U)! Ir.Jl'"Dm~p lt ll1 ICIll ,V>tlll~ J.UOP I 'nJ,\\ :J.>lm':J ,111.1,
'JOU!!11 mOA ·01 pnJ"r'l O : :'~'.'I! 'M ~"
i.~J~\jl J~,'!! p,coq~~lllq ~1l1 ., "' n o ,~
UllJ ·pUJ1! mo,( 5\11-'01" In<ll(l! ,' ' 'Jl~ '~\U 11"1 no,( Plt\!),,, pur.
P~ I~:>S ~J~ no", JJJq." m OJJ ~lU lI> ]l\;'\\~jl ' ~()(I[ 01 no,( lUll",
[ ' J l~ '~w It'J aU! 41~'U '" op III 110; "~ ! l l'lno,,, I ',,,au '[P.\', '0
'\'.'A .\'
i.JII ~\)~L'3 I" p.~ ~.J~,' !JP J'I"I nu,\ P!O ·0
' O,\J .\'
l~w UOPJf.d '0
'ON '\'
i,~! UO!;!A lr.lJ1Id !J;I(I 1~1[,\\ ,\\OU,\ n o~!!o '0
""!~!,\ I~, .)l l~!'~'[ ." ~UI!.\\ I!U!I ~'),l 1011

t l-<iS .......... '1.11 ' ''"I WIIIO"h' §


,\ , No, b..ocJ.lI$t' I jll~1 ~(.'tl the tiri.'(r'~ t~I :lIId I too\,; an <!'\l
I~~ a nti e V\',}1!ti,.£ and I dill " '1 need them.
Q. Were ~Oll "-el ri ns 1:I~SSC1 tlmt n igh l as YOII tiro "c Ihe .::If'!
,~I I\,
U....\",o:: Ilc s:lid he didn', IK'Cd them, I] c h'ld j U,<1 !.:Iken ;I
driw r'$ lest.
Mit. WI'I!~"~~: I \\';lnl \0 knllw if he '"~, ,"'c:>rinG Ihem.
'f ll~ C~II1 : Wc~ ~w ,,"'C'.. ri ng £Ia~~~
T ut W[1 ~(,<&: No.
T u£ Cot;IIT: II~ " l1S/1 '! " "(':Iring gl.l ~o;c~.

II ~I ,\ bi li~' 10 ~ b lu st'f lkul On " " .,..."..h

Q. And '"" hen lOU ....c r( 150 r~~1 ~ro.-c !~u ,o.,dll,d Sprin£l.
Ro:Id. could YOII see Spri ng Rood 3\ Ih3\ ti me, ~tltliy,.1
ahea d?
MI<, UL, f(f: I ohj~1 10 the fllnn of the qlln ,;OTI.
~I _. Wt:Ill'l,'s: S' r.lisbl abead.
TUt CO'!U. I Ihin\,; " 'Miller he cou ld or nOl ;~ rrJlly ~ 1111<:"11'011
10 decide. :md WhC1 hcI he d id i~ ~ mallcr for hi'l! 10 Id l II.\.
Q, AU ' ith l , dill }CIU S<.oe. "'Mn you lI'ere 150 f~", bi:for... o r
We'!l! of Spring Road. did ~'Oll Stt Ihe inlr r.;cclio ,,?
,\, y~'S .

1131 \\' iloess Did NUl &.., ,\\:11/ Sc:,...ral;n,t: L"'lL'S A"
Q, a i d ~" u ~ .c Ihe mall ~3t in; Ihe \\'('. n",un d I~ n e.< frolll
Ihe t"aSibollnd lan<"!> a. lha! li n,~?
.\ . !>to.
Q. Did !'<>II 140e any or . he (~slh<>ll nd b nC1-11ic ""t':'II OOund
l:lJl~~ "'hen r Oil ,,~ .... ' SO fecI frum Ihe ill ICfs.:cli,m'?
,\ , 1 ,,<wId <oc ~ fe"" , li ~c m3)''''' ~ m;k {II" two 111': h,n r '-,1 " '1
. ... \0 n'!' 1"'1, a""ro~in'~M)'- r {..... Idn', ..,,,,,,n ~""
Wellbury ~I ;~ School. " 'hid . is o n Ih.., CllrRCf of. I bi:1i.;,,,
it's CJ ~ I>C )' ,

114\ "".iIi"• ..t "cll~l~ in I..dl CUl tl

Q, Nov.-, " '11m ~'<III W( le I ~O r«1 b:,d;- bdofC yoo &01 to Ihe
epl lN •. "'h~'T'" "-:l:I lhi~ 011,,·,.-a'.
\hi ~ Ih ir« ~ar Ih:u ~Oll $I.y
lalcr wenl I" Ihe Lcrt. h .ctali",,, 10 th e front (I f l'uIJr ear?
"~" " "


,\. C(luld you ropl:al Ih~1 apin7 When did I see il?
Q, No, ..... h~ rc wa! it?
A. On my len , in lhe cenler bnl.'.
Q. I [0"" ~losc to yo ur Cllr wal ii, then?
,\ . 11 w3~n'l doS<.:, It ..... ~5 ju~t normal, maybe five fect , I don '!
kn ow wh~ t the CX~CI d ilt"n cc is.
Q, Did th~ 1 car, ;n ~n >' wa)', ob, tnlet )'our " iew of SprinG
Rood " 'hen ~ou " 'o:1'e I SO feCI rrom Ih~ rorner?
A. Arc you talkinG about SprinG Road on the riGht-hand ,ide,
OIL Lh~ oomer?
Q. Yes, And as il intcr5(:ctcd Eastville Tu rnpike ,
A. II blocked m)' .iev-' Ihe ; nl~~ion tl) my left; bu t I
coul d sec to lh~ right o rth c corner, but I couldn 't sec to Ih~
Q, And Ihi , I~ wliell ~'ou wen:: 150 fec t b.:fon: ~'I)u gOt 10 th"
A, AIlPto~imatcl)', I am Goi ng to Ioay nael ly by r~ . , I 3m ju~1
goi ng b )'- ';gb l before the impa cl, I Mil goin ~, you know,
a few fee t boIh ind,

[IS[ Test;n!: Witnc~s' JLKl~Rlcnt "r l)l stnncc

CO MMENT; It is ollo n "roM to tUI: th~ wiln e~s on dillnncc by u ,j~1:
til e CQu rtrlXlm ~ , a Gui~ , Of tl)Ur!Oe , ~s 't~!ed ~I sewh. r~ ill tl1o,
book, <:ou"",1$hould kM\~ the dil.llllCC bt1_ objects in tl>e CQyft·
,00II1 beIQreI1 D~ d,

Q. Ilow mu(h ,",o uld )'00 SIIy i. i, rrom livre to the eml of tb i,
A. M1Ybo: 20 yanls,
MH, WI~J[)M,'N: ,\bout 60 recL. Mny we know ihe ,'~'aCI mt~.ur.:­
m"lI11.. ma l' il pte:ISC 11..: court?
TH" C')I'HT, fronr l>'hCll!?
Mil., W'''!)).l M': From ..... here Ih.; " i ln rr;r; ;, sentell 10 the end of
this courtroom ,
T,,~ Cum,,: I should \;now it b)' now, 1 1I;l\'~ bee n her e ~ Il)nS,
Thirt)"cighl reel ,
'~"'. ' "
· ..


COMMENT: Tttu~. the w1ln~$ lias C'S!Tm~t ~~ that 38 feel G 60 lecl .

The wilnC'Ss' esbm3lians m~ Ih(lre/Qn! otMDlI$I1 ina(tll.ntc .

fl 6[ wrl ~ lIad nUnoi SJNlI On III!! I...rt

Q. Now. sir. whe" yo~ "we at teas! l hi~ di51a",,~ from II>.:
~c~r. h o..... d 05<i '" IIII' front of your c:tr "":I~ Ihal c~ r on
) '00'h!n?
,\. "pprn.,i",alcl~ lnr~..: to ~i;p; fcci .

Q. And ~I IIIa1 ti me, .. he n you wcn: lh:1I \I,Sbn ee ftem Ille

corner, was--I!id )'011 !lIe lll alJ ~'p;l131iolll the
W1'5Iboun<l lao i:S from the ('lstbc""d bon?
A, 1'0.

Q. Did}"oo.c.: anr or the ..-..'!lbcund lan~

ill lhal li Me?
,t , Nnl "here the inh:ncctioo i$. W~ r up ruflll ..... r b.~d a hlilld
spot an my left
Q. for haw far b.1CJ,:, we.1 of the inlcr"''''lion. <.Iu you ..:I)' llIal
you had 3 blinu SpOt and couldn 't 1'<:'e the wc~too u nd l~nC'S?
A. r can', remembe r.
Q. Yo u can't rcmcmbn'!
,\ . ~o.

Q. Wel l w:u il ;I' Ie~Jt I",icc the Irnph "f Ihi~ (ounroom Ih~1
you "" uld!!' r '<:c Iht "''l:SIOou nJ l'l" es?
!loIN. ULAKE: I Qbj~'tl ID Ihal, Yll ur Ilo uor. li e !.;lid h~ C:H>'I r~·
me mber,
Tnr. eo."u , I wilT ~11o,,' ii , In ~ qlll:~li(ln on cr(lS~ uam inal ion,
I ....iII " Uo .... iI, o\'~ cnlkd.
~I R, IIIA!.E: RC'l!)l't'IMly e,~ccDI,
Tu~ Cot'''l: YOII ma)' " n~...." r,
T!I~ \\'Ir~'j:s..; L cos I h..1n I"i(:~,

Q, Now, when your " i. w or ,Ire ",nllx!lI nd 13Ms ...,,!, ,1.' )'on
l"IY. hJi ndcd. )"011 m<:":l n; t ...-31 O!Jstf1lt:lro. )'011 C(\uldn'l .....,?
,\. "n. IhC1't- .... -:\S 3 ~3f On my k fl 3nd I rollldn', ,,-":-"'ocn
I 1Uu.a1l)· dri ~" I look Sl r"lIigh, n h ~!l d and I look '0 len
and ",ar '·je...· mirror$ :\no! e'·C1')1hinC. Wh.m I lookC<! 10 th e
I~n J !I«. a c;tr, I ,,:un 1« Ih" ; nw~;D<I if . ("3' h 11" .:1
I SU I!I?! 1... ), \\'ho",,""" 'i6_IM

on n!>' lcft , nh ~J" of me, Th~re i~ II 101 of I h i ng~ in ' he w~y

and iI', ~l ni ghl ,
Q, And "'hen )-011 ""ere ;II l~aM J S o. 4G f~l ~"'a)·. yoo
l"O</ldn'l ! « ' b~ mJll OJ" ,h" "'c ~bound I3 ne: i~ 'hil l ,ighl""
,\, AI Ih e inl~r~cc\io n1
Q, ,\1 Ihe inICfliI."l:Ll on.
,\ . Yl"$.

Q. Well. co uld ) 'O ll ~cc an)' cn ' ~ beyo nd Ihc imcnccl lon or en s!
of Ihe i nl~rsec'[o n in the wC~lbound lunci whcn ) 'Oll wcre
ooc courtroom fro nt ,h.
M ~ . DI"' ~':: Oh;"'C, '0 ' he form of IlK: qws!lon.
THf. C<)I:K1': C"ernl le.!, I will Ie. him an:l\O.-cr.
A. I $.:I\\" it wa)' up ahead. I d ilin', ~c any,h ing near Ihc
in,c ' $,:ctio n,

\17\ WIIII~", Did :O;m 5(c Li~ht~ 01 ""hreln in In.c's~~ t;<>n

Q. Di d )·Otl ~ an)" !ish's of Qny ,·ch id ,... In 'he imcrseelion of

Sprint Rood w..... n ~ou WeN Ihe len&,1! of Ibis ,-Our1foom
fro11\ the corner?
" ., .
il. 1" 0. ddinilcl)' 110.
Q, :0;0'/
,\. No.

\181 Spcrd of Wi.n e!<~· Vchid e

COMMENT: A w il n~ ' ulimalf 01 speed is iltW.a1S suspect the b el
1""1 til .. w,lnton dill n01 3Clu~ll~ cburve Ihf ~<>meW ~olJld bit
flQl . d,
Q. Aboo, huw fn~1 would you ,."y )'00 ..... ~rc &(li ng. at tlim li mc',
,\. ,\p"fo~ i matcly 40 milcr. ~n hOUf,

Q. You did n'l look~' your !n,'~d"mctcr. did you'!

,\, I ~an'l rcm~m rn.r .
Q, Y'IU nwa n I"''' tlou', rememrn.r " '/lclller I"''' d id?
,\. 1 jUM don' l rCII!cmilCr Ihll niglll,
Q. Well. il'~ In ~pproximmi nn. righI , it ~o llid ba"~ becn u
lill ie leJ~, w uld haH: bc:cII a lillie IIII1IC. ' ight?
56- ', \)",. . . ., j)'; • ., """ \\., ........ § S6.0I/ ' ~

,\ . I lion', ' ''i ok ;1 couLd hJ\'C ~~p II lillk: hi, mOl':'

Q. You m<:<>n it routd"'1 hliyc \>«n 012 o r 4~ m ik s lin bour'1

M it.. UJ.\ ~ 1i! OhjeCl 10 'he fOrln of the (jwstion, Your Il0 no r.
T n. COURT. Sust ~i ncd.
Q. Well. wt1~. ~T~n'l )'011 sure: it "':un',
45 mik5 an hOllr?
~I M . R.... ~ I!: Objcl:1 !o Ihe form of 'h" quclI; OIl . Your Hono!.
'fur COllin., Sust~i ncd .
,\ . Wdl. fill( of 3!!_
l',,~ CClIJIlT: Don', Qns"'~r•
•\I~. WtII~~ ,.: Ma l' I b~n,: :I monlCnl . Yallr lionor:
TI!~ COI.:lr.T: YC1o.
MR. W[mM_\'~: 1 ",ill willuiraw II in Ihm form. al this , im".

_11'1 WhatS~ Did :-<,,( Sian' no,," l'riOl" 10 ~:nlcrin~


Q. Did Y'llU c"(1" sec lite liSltlS o f Ihe...:lt;n ...tlkl! ~'ou ...."r~ in
coni,ion wilh?
1\.111. RLAKIi! I lim ~oint ' 0 obj«l 10 th is, bl: h:l$ al!ud)' Tc~d ;,
;"'0 e" j<k1lO,'(.
Mil. Wl'I)'IMlO; I 3m no. Tc~d;ng from il • • am ;JS~; n, hilll a
Q. Did you e"cr IllI' 1ig!\I' of (h ~ c~r \i, whkh you "'cr~ in
coll i\io" ",i lh befote lhe Ii.lp!)cnint o( Ih i!. acridelll: j llsl
)'i.... or no?
:\, Ilo.:cau.c of ,II<: ObllntClinn~
Q, y~'S.

.\, So,
Q. You kepI cithl on Sni"l1 al \he $~ntc ~flCc<.I: isn' t Ilt~1 MJ~
,\, Y('5..
Q. Did ~'ouknou' 1h3! \he:c w:q; ~ n ;nt (.'rs«Iion cnmi nl\ "P
~llotJt SO r.'<:1 ah~a(\ of yO!. when ~ou sa~ your "iew ""~
uh!;. roctro?
A. w"n. i!'\ U(ll " ''C<)' bis inlcl\crlicm ,
Q. Bu' ~ou di(\ knnw that Lh~r~ was ~ n inlC1'k'1:.ion lltcrc.o?
,\ , Ve~.

Q, Oi" you ~I ow up al Ihm point wh~1I yoo rcn li~c<.lt h at there

W:lJI nn inlct5~ctioll ahcn" of ),ou1
,~ , Ko, I "'as just doing a ~I eadf spe; ~ ,

COMMENT: The w~n~u ,)01m:l~ Ihal despite !lis koowledge 1....1 an

inlersecli<'m "'JI coming up, he did 001 reduce speed,
M~. T(I~" [ nm so rry, I "lilli" hear tlml ans"w .
Tu~ WJTh'f~~~' 1 ,,-:IS 1I0; ng a slead)' s~,
:'IR, TOIWIIU: nl~nk you .

1201 l'oslllOIl or WII"e~.' \'~hide ift IM~li(}n 10 Wilkie in

I.dl C~nl~r Lane
Q, And you wen: In Ihe ri&lIt' IL~nd 1~11C; is 1113.1 riGht?
,\, Y...s,
Q, And Iher~waS no ~~r in 'he CJ;trcmc lcft,h~o d lalle ~, you
wcr~ ~O fo:e\ from Ihe rorner ....31 t[t<.:rc?
,\ , I «...1110', 1.:11 you, 1~.;ausc I d id n' t §I." C-I couW,!', ~u if
Ihere ",ns ~ ... r 10 my l. fL-Ihcr~ "-:IS a C(lt II) my left hU L
if (h •• e was anoLlwr eM 10 my ~A\te mc Icrt , I cou ldn'l SI."o:
Q, Wdl, Ihal rot I"OU ~)' W'3~ Ih,ec fo:el ahead of youl
,\, RiEhl .
Q. Did Ih~ t [:lr-
"'1M. lIuKE He d 'hT\:c \0 5;" fCI;I. Your Ii ono r.
Q, n ltl.'C 10 ~u. r~tI . Di!l lhal l'3r. in 3 111' "':ly. oM lroct you r
view of Ihe left-hand lane in thc lIir"ctio n you w~rc ~"i nS?
A, Well . If there W:L $ ~ ~ar three 10 lIix feCI in (ru n' of !i]e car
in ll1u c..:tner Ian~. 1 WCl<J ld,,', r.:~ il.
Q. Well, how 3boul :llonp idc nf IIl;II r:Lf. w;']~ lho: f~ a 1.':11 in
that l!Lo c, in the la ne clo ....'!;t 10 the mall?
,\, 1\:0.

Q. TIIc.c w~«: only ''''0 e,~~ rid ing dO" "11 E:lJIt" illc 'I urnpike <11
Ih~1 li mo:, ymm,clf !\nd tbe 1.':1 ' alon&silk of you: isn' l Ih) 1
W-" "'.'
,t, Righi,

121 r WltnCll~ Did NOI :'1104100 <k<'uPII.'~ or Go. 0 .. Ilis Lef.

Q, Now, d ill Y~II I ~kc nolice of who .he OCCIlp.lnIS "'crc o f Ihe
car 111:11 WJI lIwllf,Sidc Df )'011 anI.! a liaic bit ~head of you
as YOIl .. ere riding lIown Ihe rO:td ... ay'!
,t, No .
Q, W,U Ihere 0111: o r more IhJIl ont" (oCW)n in 11\.'11 C'a' 10 yo ur
,\. W~ll. I found OUI bIer Ihc re WaS mOfe Ih~n one.

1221 1I~~dH~hls 011 Witness' Vchlde

Q. Now. )'01' hml your hcadli r,hb on al Ih" lime you w~re
riding:. did )'ou llOI1
,t , Yi.'S.
Q, And th ~)' ..·trc the Io\\' beam s?
A. Lo ..' bo::ilm~.

Q. And how f~r ahc~d of you coull.! YOIl '~'e JS yon were rilling
alons. dim:lly In front of you ",j,h tho..:: hc"m~?
A. Ajlf)toxim ' ltly J 50 ft el .
Q. You mt~n the mO,1 )'OU co uld sec willt )'our llcudli s hts \\':I.~
1~O fecI M )'ou Wen) pr<X:C1.'tIing 40 mile!> a n hoo(!
,\. No , I mranl-YOII a~ uyinS ho,,·_ ..,;,h nt>, hC~dlil:hl~ on.
llo ....· fur (~I\ the hcadliglllS Co 10 $Ce. ~o I sa id t 50 feet: tl\ll
1 could ~c Ihe rood w~s gllinC inlo ~ $lrni~hl_1 C(\uld $1.'''
a r~w rIIj",~ ah.~d. ~ couple or m i "'~ ~ hc "d.
Q. A nd ..·... uld ~.... u ~gr.~ Ihal ,.. )'O U look~d further OUI in the
diWtncc you could iCC more of Ih e rQadway?
,I. Ri~hl. ~.,aCllr.

Q. Would!!'1 Ih~I be a r,,;r \Ia lcmcnl ?

.\. RiGhi.
Q. SO 111:11 "'h en )'OU ""cr~ lOO feCI from Iho corner. :IS )'OU
looked strai~hl ahead. )'0\1 (an SCi) mnfC of ,,1'~ I '$ ~h(JO of
yo u 1" 3n WItCII you :tfC closer to the (orner; jlll'l Ih;" W '!
A, More Ihao ....'h~I·! W"'II do ~uu m~an'!
§ !\(,.ollll1 %-22

Q. Well. ~'Ou lold me "'h~n )'011 gel dOI~T 10 Ih~ corneT. you
<Ion'I":C Quile as m...:h of 1M: :ltc:l ~s yell sa: "'~y bc)·oml
the com<:r. isn'l 11l:1\ riPIl?
A. Well. Ille r,·:IW!I_ b«au\.(" of thai. btc:lU~ th~re W:15 ~ .::It
to mI· lefl.
Q. You m .....~ n Ihe only Il.""aWI\ you rouldn·t SI.~ ...·n b..'Q1UC of
lhe (;lr IIml "'lIS 10 your k fl l
,\. On Ille tefl.ha nd ~id~, ycr.. I rould:l« s"~i&h l ah~3d 3nd 10
th~ right.
COMMENT: TN: defense claimed \I\,l\ 1M witne$s could no! see- ~I
\I\~e<r r IQ Ilis 1~1t . Tn",. coun!oCl m~1 ~sI.lblish the field of .j~ion ~ s
the drilret 1oIIkt"d 10 his lelt.

1131 Site of Cur 10

Q. Tell 1"1'"1<:. w~~ tllis ~ II ~'~ratc·size ", r Ih~ 1 ",·a~ 10 you r !el"!.
"'~ il ~ little <."lIT o r ~ bij; car?
A, I betic,"" it "'''5 "11 ~VCr.lSC-silC c-~r,
Q. And Illert W!lS 1<>111<: di!l~ncc fro ln ttl<: bum.,..,r of Ih~ t .::.,
10 Ihe ""i lld~hidd of Ibal c:l r ... -:$n"1 Illerc.
.\. y~

Q. Welen·, yuu abk: '0 1001.: (\n't llie ",indshidd of [h~ hQod
of 1113 ' CiI . ?
:'IM . S ...."r.: O bj",,' 10 11M: form of Iii,' <,lIl:\lioll .
Q. !)ill )'0 11 !O<)~ o,·cr the wi ndshield of 1i131 (':lr1
A. O,·cr 11>.:11 C"lr'!
Q. \'~.
,\. I ('()\Ildll·l ha ' ·c be1.·ilUse I ..·as bell i,,1l him 100hl. I s:Jill if I
looh-.J 0''''' 10 III~· I<-fl I k-" Ih~ b:tc\.: of lht hcad of Ihe
,""Sl:n£c~. So 1\0..., (QuId 1 ~e ilH r (he hO("d~

Q . Well. kt"s ~s~u",~ 111.11 I"~ Qr w~. (oll r r~"("I ~hc~d o( you:
i~ tIm righ l?
A. " c.\..
Q. ,\nd wh~1l I J:\)" ~hcad. I mc:ln Ill<: fronl orth~( COlT ....~ si~
(co; t from (he r"'llt o( ~·ollr c~ r.
A. Rii:/ll.
S6_!} u...-"""..\ Ix h~r •.011 \\.1\"....

Q. Now. a~ you life ~m ins lIoWII Ihe road ""),, and lcl'~
a~!ume yOIl ar~ 200 reel hnck. wilen >'ou ,,'Ctc lookint;.
son.c po. lion 10 ~O "T lefl, you sa~, ,,-~, omMutt~~1 ~. lha t
car. tishl?
,\ , Rid ·l.
Q. Well. c'lluld 1'011 see ~ lI ead o f Ih al car, 10 your kff!
,\ , Rid"·
Q. R;s:III?
,\ , RighI.

'~I WItIW5S!);d No\ &.1: Wesl00u~d

Q. No ,,,, 1 "'"3nl 10 kn.,.." h.,.., flit did )'OU ha '·c 10 be b:lck o f

thc intc",cc liQn I.Ieforu- whcn you werc nbie 10 see Ihe Icrt
of tho,t , ente r malL?
M~. a..... I<!;: Objec i .0
I h~ form o f Ille qu c$lio n. Yo ur Ii o llu r.
Till COI!RT: SUMa i n~d,

Q. We ll. befOfe YOII gOllO a 'Cf la;n l)(l inl on Ih a. m;ldw"y. as

f ou " "CTC ap p' O;'lching Spri n!: ROl <J . )"Qu WeK ~hlc 10 ~'C 10
your 101\; ;$11·1 .11:1\ rildll?
,\ , I don'l undc .. ta nd Ihe <lu1,$I'on.
Q. Well. you jUM laid n1 ~
Ihal a~ ),ou g<: 1 d 05cT 10 Ihe COrn,'"
wh:1I )"Qu wuld ~ nurowN.
A. RiUhl.
Q. Pi ne. "rh\;n ob\'iously, thcll if you weren't IlIc.c. (luitc Ih al
d 050l 10 the rorne '-hl:fo ,~ yOll 1:1'1 10 thai point ,,·he,.
yo ur ,·ic ...· of III~ rel't·h"n d !n n~.1 werc ob~trUCl td . yuu could
'l'e the !el'! ll!1 ~~ or Ihe w,,·w>ou nd !~m·.'" (ouldo', yo,,?
M k . ISt.\I<';: O bjc",\ 10 ' h~ fO '1ll of llt ~ qUCSli on.
T'I[ C()I'~T: I "'ill lei I!"" P:11'\ of il ~t::md . No..· 3~k lhc I>CJ\I
Q, You (ou\oJn', $\.'C il hdOfe yo" got 10 Ihll (lOi nl wh~rc ~·our
,·i~,,' ,,·as " bllnlctcd?
TII~ C OIJIIT. I will sU'lain Iht obj...-clion 10lhat, I Ihink. Jg3 in.
we nr~ Se lli ng 10 Iho !'<li1\1 of "'hnl he co uld see. We a.e con ·
~crn.d wi lh "'h~t he did s.e,

II... " " "

.' .

§ SliJlI [24j

Q. wcrl. ~I\rigl... You 1.:11 us ~I whal poim 011 InC roadwa y

be fore yOV BOlIO Sp rins Rood Wl:re ~'OU a ble. wh ik: )'0\1
"...,," looking 5uaiill'\ ;!l1t'ad o f ) 'OU. \0 we ll1 ... "-~'Slbol,lmJ
MR. R\ .... )(f.: Object 10 the form of Ih c q llc lliotl . YOIIT I[onor, ,\1
I'I"h3\ VOilll d id he ~, if he did , I ~tlHg.,'lI.
Tn.. Coon. If ytW ~$I.: him if lie did lo«, IlOI whal he could ~.
Mil. Ww»,"",,: I ....ill 3~1 hi~ Uonor's qu:llirl(':llion.
Q. Al ...11:11 point did you !ott' II«: len·h311\1 !:ines. Ih31 ,,"ould
be. the w.:sIi)(lImu 1~ ntS: "' h~ rc "'u \'ou r nT ,,-hell you d id
IotC Ihe left·hand lal\C$?
A. I don't undcnl:tnd Ille quCS! ion. While r am dri'-in!:?
Q. Yes.. ",tlile you mc dril·;ng. VOl! ~Ie
gains 40 mile. an hemT
~nd you ~ fC in II«: ';sh t.h~nd L1n ~ . [ "':1M1 10 know. Iller...
<::1m(: a (lOin! . ;tS you "v" ridinG alon;.",hen you Wtr ... a~c
10 ~. l~ ~'Oll 10111 u.s. l he intt'r!«1ioR (III...,,;! of you'!
A. Ri!:lu.
Q. AII<i )'011 " 'cre able \0 ~ 10 !·ClIIt left and then ~ftCf ~
white, nJ ~·ou t .... velcd d~r 10 Ib" torner, )·ou couldn", s~ c
10 Ihe "~Ibou nd b nCJ :\0)· morc. l1m·s wh~ \ Y"U ,,,Id us;
lsn' \ th~t riVI l?
A, RiGht.
Q, We!!" wallt \0 know, ~ \ wh~ 1 poi nt ....ere ! "OtI ..1ICn·you d id
..:.< Ihe "·c ~boun~ I:tncs~
A, A\ no pOinl Il«;im c ""e Wf"fe 11":" ·")' 011- lor,e!hn. ·rlle IW "
C~ 1l for a ~Uli silo" period, ~nd Ihcn Ihe imllllct. So I
rou/dn'I ,..;:c~)t Ihe W"Y In my lef..

Q. W(iI, (nr 1"10... Ion,. ~ dist.:tne<: WUc )"ou " '1'".:lill& io Ihal
position, :II) 10 ~P<'ak. in landen> ....; Ih Ih:u olher nr JO th~1
)·011 did not S~C all )· of the ..·tslbou lM.l I~ne~·!
M~. BL--'. I'J:! Obj<:cllo 11>0: "i n "'ndem." Yo ur Hooor.
TIL'. C!ltJltT, Sll$l~i ncd. s Ihal pan of it.
Q. AU righL, Ink. cu t lhe words "in landem." Wllere you \lL)·
Illis ea . " 111 111 = 10 si., feci ~ht~d of th e fronl o{ yOlir car,
I " "nl 10 ~IIO\O..
for /00\1>. ton,.it d i5l:t ntt did )llU 1r:I>·d",·.,h
rOtO r ,·le....· o!J.muctcd of the wMlbound 1~lItj?
,...... '""
Q. Si r'~
A. I C:ln', tell ~'Ou u3C\ly. by fl.'f!l.
Q. Well. was it twice tIM: lC1lEth of this eourtroom? W:u. it
nlO!'C tltJn twice the h:nJ;lIl of Ibis ('oun room?
A. About four timl."S the sire of tile rournoom.

\251 SIK'f!tI of Wllllo$" Vehicle On l\p1'ruII<:1I 10 IM~rSil< tion

Q. Anti ~'Ou ",c,~ doing 40 lJI iles ~ " h cur'!

,\. App ro~im~ld)'_nol ",Io~n I \\'3~ 200 fc~\. 1 was only Going.
oh. maybe 35 .. c~ d)' ~nd_lhen .10 wa~ \h ~ top.
Q. vou nteJn ~s )'011 l o t closer- 10 Ih. ('orner, you increased
)'our ~p«d?
A. No.
Q. Wall . didn'\ )"ou jUM s:.)' IItal ?
,\. I !olii(/ I W:1!; goin, bel"'':':'' 35 and ~O, ~tcldy ~!lCcd.

Q. But you loW ~llllu\ foUl limes Ilta length or Ihh coumonro,
in lIi~lancc. )·ou ""'fe doing 3I"0Il "11 30 mile. an hou r'!
,\, U.tween 35 and 40.
Q. ,\nd then you iner.:lJlw 10 '10 ~I w mc poi ,,! ;t.~ YOll 1101
close r to Spring Road?
MR. 1I1... );(,: ti c didn't s~y Ihal. "our ~Io"or.
A. :-10. Il ll, I W(I.' JU St 35 to 40, I ~ goinj:, bet,,~ 200 fe CI
a nd lite imp,le1. I w;\~n'l inc!'Ca lin&- h \\'a~ j ust a &!cJdy

Q. ,\ll riGht. ,\nll you kcpl it j:Oi ng stc~lIy! is lh~t fisht?

A. Risht.

tUt 0I~13R« \\'II<!R Witness t:1 ...! Obwnd ;\!RII Sclmnting

W~slbU11nd ~nd \,astI>Ollnll Tt~mc
COMMENT: Counsel has ulab!ished \110 drcum51a n~ es ~f the ace~
dent. Ho flOW os\ab!i,III." Um c:r uei~ 1 faets addint: up to the defen,
da nl 's l iabiHl~ : I~ e defendant should 1Ia~ secnllu.' other ~l,icl e. ~ ~t
r'ltg\«!cd 10 s low up. sl~r a WJy !rom thp eOlli Jlon. CH' s.ound hi1
hom .
§ 56.0 1126)

Q. Ko\\', hov,. f:tr bacl;_Did you, a t lin>' tim ~. as }1)\1 wc,~

""proachin g RCl'd Avenue. see t!le maU which !~ par.Jlcd
Ihe ,"'",,"I ano ~:lllbou no IT:lffic al Ihe ;nle lwct ion of Sprin!;
,\. No. When I U"" ma)'\)c, lei me tak~ thnl b:l(k. Wh~1l I Yt'~ !
nl",'bI: ~ few-le!"s !.:.Iy " half a mile h;lcl; . I collld Ke tho:
~ e.;t ion . th e il'llc rscet ;on 011 the lefl . und ! cell id 5C~ Spring
RO;HJ on Ih~ ri~lu-h"nd &iuc. I cOlll d I CC t !l ~ li ghlpOSl an d
llu:n I ~"\W the high Khool, so. t of, on the co.ner.
Q. nmt's whcn you w~r.: a hal f mik back'!
A, No. bcl"'"C'I.' n ;I qua ll~r of a mile :lnd a half: I don'l kno'"
e~ ~ct l r·

Q. W..-tl. a qua .ter of a mile. Wil en yo u wcr~ ~ ILII3m. of a

mil<: 1"'lI}". )'011 31\: dm nt about 15 10 40 mil.:s nn IlQ ur?
,\ . Ri sht.
Q, "ml then you d id }<,'" Ihe ')l and in Ih e 'Il idd!e :tnd Ihe
westbound Inncs. I take il. }'o u arc tel li ng us?
1\ . Ri &lll.
Q. Did ~'O ll s..'t: ~IIY lighls of an)' can comin~ ,,"c'thound. at
that lime'!
,\ . alt. mil'" hI '''' ~n :a fev.· mill." "f'\: th O)' weren', c~cn '"
the light yet ; going ca5t 10 WCS I. Ih ey wer\:n ' t oYcn :II th~
li ght )'t l. I coul!.l !J.'I: m:I)'~ a I"e,,· ca r5. II ,"'3~ Ii&lu tr.Jnic.
Q. You Ilr~ \a!~ i ng ~b(lu t the light o,'~r at Clancy A,'~nuc?
,\ . Righi.
Q. Now. wh~1 i~ Iht ~ i5 l n n ce bctw~n Cl<m ~)" A\"c nu ~ ~nd
Spring Road?
,\ _ Th~ di~I:mfC?

Q. In )'Ol1r opl l1 ion .

•\. :'Ia)'bc 3 quarter of a lIlil~.
Q. An~ )'011 saw no ~~rs in Ihal qU<lrtcr of :1 mile c~ pa)]~e
be lwecn Spring Road ~n d CLaney ,"·~nu~. \'o millJ:
" '(:sl bou nd al tha i ti me when ~"<Ju we..., fOll r- " q \lllm-r of
a mile back; is lIla! riGhl?
.\ . App.oxim,11cl y.
Q. WeU, ,,·IIen yo u "'"l:~ ~n cipllh ofa mile f!\lln lhe eorn~r.
"'.= you able 10 Si:~ th~ t o r did ~ou !oo:\: Ihal 'n ~!!
~PJral;ns (";lSI ~nd w.:!>.bou noJ .raffic ~ I (he ;nlclWc' ;On or
Sprine RQ;ld~
,\. No.
Q. So, I"~ doSl'\1 ~"tIU ...ere w:.~ JpPl"<;ai m3Icl~· 5. qvarto:r of a
mile from Ih e corner when )"011 ...·cto: abk to $I:< III<; rmU al
Spri ng. Rro.d?
,\. I1ctwecn a quanc, of ~ m ile and J h~lr ~ I"ik.
Q, No d(l$C:' Illan 'ht?
,\ . ~o closer Ihan th:lI.
CO MMENT: Notice how ll1e atto"'..... $kitif<>lly con'i",,~ 10 Queslion
lhe wilnMS on his ~bjlplY Ie sec Ihc 'oad ahead a~ Ill! neared Ihe in-
lersc-ct;IIf1 .

127) Wi(IIH~ Dill Not Rtd"", St>c«, Tll n, w r, oel. "'" Salnll
lI olQ

Q. And you 1(0$11 comi nt al Iho s;amo: .~-u ~n Ih31 time up

umit tile lime o f this ~id~'nl; is lhal riglll?
,\. Ri!;lll.
Q. Now. ~id )"0" lUlr !ilne HI' n your wh,.'.:! rigllt or left r'om
the li me ~ou WN\: 200 f •...,1 from Ihe con",r lIll unl,l Ihe
lime of Ihis a~idtnl: ~.<"S or n01
,\. No.
Q. Did )·00, 31 a llY li me, blow )"our hom ... h on }'OII ...·cr" !OO
(ttl from Ihe comel up unli! Ihe lime of thi, :lCCidcnl?
A. No.
Q. Th e filS!. I;mc-I will with draw Ih~1.
MM. Wl.'lo.I.I ......: :-<" ("nllcr qlWSlions . You may ;nq~i r~.
COMMENT: Once doubts " nil ;"'HellCes I".,,~ been pl.lnlel! in tt>o
",ind, of the Juror5. cO<IfISOl ends lois Cl~ e:o,)~l",n. 8)' fi$hinc
fer adMicn~1 em'". I:QIlI\.el YlO<IId In,k g;.mg IIIe w,tne5S an 0wc'·
lunity 10 ~pI~jn hIS t~\imonr. The ,ury is Id! "";Ih ~ 'ie.1l • .. ndlll·
IClcd pic:lure o1 1he de fellda nn neglect a s he ~ ~prciKlled the inle<'
j6 - l ~

§ SIi .Ol C'o~s b"ont;nnl lon or O,h'c, of Veh lde Thn[ T m\"';ed
.... ~ide ,\ulol l,(lbi\t- in Whk h I'h' !ntiff \\'115 ~

(I] Di' [M~e . "0111 I m,'f"Sc~cJu_ w .. ~~ WIt (K"!;S S~ .. ell' Tit. ,

Coll ilk-d WI[h Pl9 ln lirr~ ,\u[onlO bile
COMMENT: COImsel ltSU Ihis wanen 10 den'cmsh;lle tltJ I lite pia",.
tift' s dmcr shtlUld lla'~ seen 111 &we.t~ nd e~ , as it turned into the
inl8fSl'Clion. ,met Ihal he had sul/icient time to """,d tIM! ~e(idenl.
Q. Mr. L, nc . 3~ you we re com ins \llI,,"n the rond e~~lbo utid on
EaM" ilk Tumpi~e. you sighTed o r 11:1 .... ;) c:-:J, tomil)!;; in the
OP!Xl~i le d irection in th~ left-ho nd lu rn ing Innc. d idn't )'(l u'r
,\. y~ I did.
Q. And 3t th . t tim e. whCll you ~~". that car in thnt Icft_IInnd
lurnin, b ite. IIow ra r we re you from Sprirltt R03d?
A. I\boUI a hu ndred feCI.
Q. You me3t1. til. fi l":\ t lime )"o u ~w lI,e kfl·h3nd lumi ng C;lr.
..... hich we now knl'w ,,"us Ihe Rainl(1ndi en,. ynu were :1
hundred fcci from Ihe comer?
A. Th;. h:l[1 p~nc\l feur yc~11o aso. If )"o u were tu :lsk me in
~ nol lwr fo ur ~"C~rlo. I wo uld p ro bably tell Y<Ju 500 f« L I
d Oll't rcall y ",member It Iha t we n. I w(lul\1 ~y :lIro ll l a
buntln:<! r.~t.

12! Tcslln~ Witness' McnlOry

COMMENT: Sc mClimes a Witness "tte mj>ls 10 ~h~nGC prio, tc~limo·
M by claimi ng that ~i . ~rio r \est i m ~ny wa~ net acc ur~te . No excule
~ould be atCi!Dled bV the ClOSS examiOl ' fat (hanging prior te<>limo·

Q. Well. woliid )'0 11 "ly. th~n. th.1I back in Ju ne of 19... your
memury about th j~ (I eeiden t il !letlCr than h i, lod~)"?
A. 1'0.
Q. Abnu! th e ~~mc,
,\ . If ~.... u ~r~ 13lki .., :tbou' the :\Io lor Vehicle lo ~:l.ri nc?

Q. YC i. l am ~pcci fl,al1y.
A. Richl. ...~U I ,e3d it.

Q. 1,1,'.11, couldn'l you ju!1 3nsv"~, lhal llul.'Slion. i~ yell.

memor}' bettcr 0. equ al 10 or In. th~ n what il wa~ ..... hen
Y(lU I~~lifitd in Jun<:: (If 19.. , 300UI ~i\:hl monlhs followin\:
the happening of tho: ;Ir<;ident?
MN. ll[.>,j(r: Your I-Iono ., may he b. ~lIowed 10 nn.\wer'1
TilE Couu: W~ll "t is. We lire ",,;ting (or hinl \0 :ini"ocr.
A. Is my memo ry belle.?
Q . EqU:lll0 0. less Ih~n.
A. Concerning the accident?
Q. Yes, (If COu l'5C.
A. Right JU>Vo', I ","wid !.:I~' my memory is oclle' .
COMMENT: CommOl1 SOn5e ioo lcates that the wil n~u' memory is
bette. right 'ltl'f Ille aceiClnnt ,lI.,)n it is "t tr~l. This obviOUS lat! will
be oole<.! by the jury.

131 l'o>ition and SI\H'd nf PI~I.lllrs Ca. I'.io< I" I!m.....;nl:

Q. AU , ight . No .... oomin& dO,,"11 Il\;It ro., d )"00 ...~ riding in
the center lane anoJ you "'er~ doini, between 40 ~ nd 4S
miles all hour; isn't lhal .ight?
,\. "e~.
Q. Do you 10:11 U$ Ibat)1 r.ome poi nl bero!"!:),w ,tach. d Splin!:
Road, }'ou not iced n enr co ming from )'our ("(,:I f in Ihe lane
ruonglldt: of ~O ll, 0( 10 )·ou. ,i~t: isn't Iba l so?
A. y...".
Q. ,\ n:l lhal nr \\"lI!. o\'crlaking )"011, wasn', il?
M ~. B!"'K~ : ObJ~'<: 1 \(l the form of l ~e quCUion , Your Hon or.
Mrt.. K.F.u.\~ I ,,"ill wjthdraw il ill llIal fonn.
Q. W~S Ih:u car o"cnnking yo u, going fastcr tll un y(l~?
Mil. Bl_,t;t: Objn:l;on to th . foc", o f Ih . q~l io n, You r I-I on'
T ilL Coo.:KT: I wilt SUSI~in Ihe objn:tioll.
Q. Wa~ the .ar go ing Ihe ~nlc sJX~d as yo u ""ere £<lin,?
A. The (";I' :;cemro [(I be &oi ng f~ SI.f Ih ~n 1 w~ s.
' 6.-- .1(1

Q. And :lS ~ mnll ~ r " rr:tCl, thnt eM pul h;u Ull ~" cn w your CJr.
di d n't i l? JU Il ~'I."S o r no,
'-lit . 11!..\t;r~ Al what Iinle, " " u r H" nor'/
Q, Al an )' time hcfor~ you , ea cl"!o:u Silri n& Rood .
,\. J dOn 'llll in \( Ihe ca, "'us eVen . J th ink. m ore or le ss. it was
a li lll~ m h inll.

1.11 T C'1il1lun }" ~I MUl or V.h ld. f kl1in~

Q. We ll. d o you rem embe r back u n Ju ne 81h of 19 . . -

MR. Bl..\KR: I am goin!; 10 olljecl 10 ~ny re'J.d;n& from ~n)' Mo-
10' v chick minulc~ as Illere 11:1£ nol bee n a I1 ra f}<: ' ro umlmia ll
l3io .
If you wnn l, I would li ke In npprO:lch Ihe bellc'h on tlml.
T u[ CQURT: lei me .'l<."t' whal he ;1 !:Oi n!; 10 rcad.
MH. Ku.I.Y: Can I ~flC~ k'! I Ie may Soly MlmCI l\ in &_
M it. n' ..."; I owrhcar" ~Ir. Kelly. Ma f , apflroach lh e Ilen c1,'!
1"bat Isn't my objecti on.
M it. \\'uo:.o." .: U !'S &" Ufl. Ihis i, ~iI!)'.
nIl; COliH : Yes. Gentl emen. com e up, 11 "'~$<'.
o rr ILt. rccu ,d.
(Di!c ur.siun off Ille ,,",em d .)
THr. C(ll'l<l : ' " i ll rtw",'e you r rirJll lo mnke Ih:11. 1 u nd erstand
Ihe nature of your obj~cli on . J will re ~r"c your righ l 10 make
Iha t objeclion :11 the fi ~t oflf'On unity.
MR. RI.A~ E: Th ~~ k Y<'lLl . Your HOll or.
Q . :\,.. L~!\c, do )"OU rem embe r JI par.e 10 ~I Ihe :' Iot o,
Ve hicl e Ilcarillj;, do )"t>U r~m "mbc, Loa" jnlt- :.:;\;ed Iloi)
fl u"..l;on an d SivinS Ih is a" 5wcr, ~i ', linc I I:
'" Q ueSli " n; Tell nl e whm h~J'lPI'I .. d a l\cr )·ou proce.:.....,d on
En t,·me?·
'"Answe r: Wdl. when 'WI c nlll I'.:IsI ~illc Turnpj ~" 1 lumed
10 thv fiSh! IlUl' a nd mO" cd 0" .' 10 th e ccn lcr o r
mny h ~vc- I lu rned 10 Ihe 1;C1\l"r, Y'~ I d io nnd
n'o... ~d tu Ih e len a nd Ih ere was- -
lSI l>i"l;p.s,"II> lk:I"~ '\tlor.e)·~ ~'ICI C"nl

COMM ENT: T'Jn .er i~ts Qf ~riar tc sllmGlly mu.\ kle ~ulllenliealed.
M.1ny stales h~ve p,ovi~ion. '<>fIld' autom~t";"lly aulhcnlicat ~ c~,t;·
fied t, .. nseri pa .
~ b. 111," :'-: Your !lonor. nla~ I ~~k til:!.! ...·c ~pl'ru~,b .ht ""n...-b
~g;li n. 1 just [tot a cupy of tb is ~"d I see wbat b~ wa nts h) r~ad .
W()Uld ~(lU btinll ihat up. pk.~sc. ~i~
Tnt: CUll,.,: I jU~1 , ...~d .he </""" iol1, Come ur. ~nll~n>cn,
Off Ibe '~'1'O! d .
(I)iwu~sioll otT ,he reronl.)
TIi~ C,"' .. " T~l;c til: ju,y 001 fo r a m;llIltc a nd "..., wilt !;t'! Ih i~
,hin, ~, .... ith'(lI"u 0111.
tTh ~ ju!)· ten 'h ~ cu unroulll. and Ih" folto,,·ing occu r,..,U in 'h~
~~nt"l: of ,he jUry.)
MR. W",,,,,,,,,,,; Your !tonor. m.:l~· '·,e haw 'h~' .....i''''"!s """ of
.h. m"m ..... hc1\ 'W di,cus, Ihi,~
T,,~ Coun : \"~$. sUfI:I)·.
Will >-00 '~il" . pica..,'!
(The "iln~'loS lef! .he 'ou flT[)Clm.)
COMMENT: When~yet III" iury ;,; e.c,,"'" 10 t:li<eUIS " le£;ll point
th~t concerns ''''' witflt>u' Itwrnony. co"",el should .emembe. 10
! ><:USi"! tile witness Irem t ho;- courtroom ~~ w~l . li the "" ,ness is po-e,..
en! durirllf the doscll\s;"" .:Ima~ ,lie ( oun ~Ild (oum el. he may Ire
able to prepare him>!!!! lor future <i~ticntfil: 0)/"\ ttl. Ossut'S , .... , .. e
Tlif C.oI;MT! All .ight. make )"UlIf ~" t>lic~';\)n fi '-'I. Mr. BI~ ke •
... i lh fI:'Pl'C1 10 ~·OUt ...·"nli n& Ihe $Ienogropl"'r It':IC.
M1<. Bl.,n: Your 1·1011<),. Ilotlgo: ~n objection arid '· c n>~
ri(;lll to lite ~uj ng o r :tny 1':1<1 of lite MOIOf V.:h i~k l1\in m...s
benu,.,.:1 plOpcr found~tion h :t.< nOI been l~id and r 5>I~"'1 ~
ccrtili c~'i on hy Ihe Cou , t Repone. who look Ihe mirlU' e~ ;s
not cno ..;'.h ",r ~ rmll>d:tliclfI. I.c\ me put it lI!:u " ':I} •• I SU~,.
111a,'e a rjtlll \0 h~,·c the Co urt Reponer here and ~,.os~ c..,,",.
_ ..-.
inc :un! I n>U~I point ,,"t. ;!"s no, " CUtIn R'1'Ortcr. i"~ " M,,·
lor Vchfdc h.a tin, r.:r><>nc, ~" c ~ pctil.'1"lCC is tlial hi, qu~l·
"~)' of profidcnc)"-
M1<. KI:1.!.\~ U ,,'e~~ h~ ,,"nl> 10 1C"ltl ir~· 10 111:11 . Ilh;n!: Ih"I'~ im·
TlI~ Q.,uu , A. no lim e do 1 ha"" any irrdiQli.,,, (10m the " i l_
1l~-SS tlmt ,I", <I"ell;Olls and an~":1"!' Ih:tl ~ re read '(1 h;1ll arc
nOI in :KI.'ord;:lllcc .... ith h;~ .","OI!~,inn o( ,e>l i n","~ :In\l Ilt:lt
he q"'"!.';Qn s 111\';, accumcy. and ! h ~'-e '" nw ....k . Il<: ubj<,·-
Now. ~dd~ )-ollfsd f 10 !h ~ '1o~... t!o n itwlf.
MI<, 8t.,.o.:c; R~f~rring 10 p~ S~ Len , Y<)ur 1I0nor, A~ t unde r.
~Iand ii , staTling at tine ! ! and C'O m inui nc, I "oo,'d ~~" YOllr
Bonor Ihl 0 111 of he~ri ne of II\( jll ry, that ",MIl" "" quest ions
~r" gai ~ 10 n.: n k<'d. tllat ~Ir. Weidnl"n a~k them of Ihe wit.
n ~s' nnd h'" be aUowcd to Stat e whether it's an ~'C\lt';Itc u .. n·
scription cr hi~ anSwer or. in the 3 hcm~tiv..,. Ihat be be 3 1i<c(1
10 read iI to himsel f.
I am t~pccia Llr ill lcr<~c'd, if yt>ll no on to Ihe nC.'1 quc~li o n. I
Ihink where the_th e halh p~TlS or the page_where il men·
li on' ra,~ and so on.
THO C<)lIItT: ~I me ask ~'oo Ihis, ~ Ir. W"jdm:.n: ....'hy ;Ire yt>ll
rcadine IIIC5C qll.stions? I think I koow. I ju~' wnnt it for the
MK. W[l!' M ' ~: Because, Your Hon or, Ihe wi Ulc~ np!,-1I"'fl,I)'
wa, prccluded rn:a n nns"-rri ng ~ qlltslion ~ to ..... htthcr or oot
lhe G..'d"'~ el f <'~11'~ up alollf.,'i dc or him , pulled up ahead of
him: "" helher or not Ih ey were ridillg sid. by side ~ nd this-
TIl[ C OUKT: ""hen W 3~ II\! pr\:<:1 udetl rrom doinG I hi~?
MR. W[lUM"'~: Th is "':IS an dirCCl en min31ion if )'DII .....i U. Ih e
"'i ITl\:S~ "'~nr~d 10 p resellt -'Omc opinion ~. to if he th ~ uglH Ihe
olhe. ea. "'3' coming up l nd 1 asked him ",h~lh~r or 1\01 lhe
oLher elr paned him and he sn id 11<: d O<."l'n"l remcmlll: •. I "'-:lnl
10 now-
Ti n' C"'ikl' I lhink Ih" 1~lill' on )' of th ii wil MSI i. 10 lhe Mfcel
th~ l lhe <'ar ne\'cr rca ll)' ~ot uPIO him and Ihal he ne"e r r~aHl'
c~ ugllt up to him. l"hi ~ is not ' eally inronsi~lenl, is il?
MR. WW)MAN: I \hink Yoo r Honor " 'ill find .Iul he s;.ys lI.,re
thn t lite frotlt end of his <':1'-=)1 1 j U ~l go (0 m)' nOl C'_lhnl
his b.l' " enJ ..... "-$ ncar m y fronl cnd , So (hal Ih~ G ~dda ca f ..""~
ahead of him.
MI!. nIA~r: Th ~rs a di ITcl'\.'fl t q u~tion. Your Uo" or. I ",'as
MR. WHI)_",\II: The court a;ked me why 1 want to read th ;s. I
""~nttd to show him. Your l-l onor, that Il c !~.",i ric d Iha l the
GcJda ClIr "'~. ahead of him 31 on~ paim,
Mil. (k.. n : ~13y I bo: hcard for II mom~nl . Yoor Honor?
I ]hol/gIIl ~'ou "we ulki nJ; .. \lom Ihe Que.t io n on lin ~ 11.
Cool J I S<:e ..-here thaI question is?

M ~. K~t~y; C l n I jUlt 5:1.~' somethin&, 100, jut/SC? Tbl'r" is a n

a ...f ul lot of Ihis llIan's leslimony Ihal i~ cOO1t:ldictory on litis
MOlor V~hidc buri n&. "0\ juS! Illil One answer. !n Ih is MOlor
Vehicle h e~ring be pul l billlscLr in I ~ I<:fi 111111'. pu'~ G,-·,.hl~ in
tbe tenter 1311(. tb:u's " mont OIher Ihin~
~b . W~tu"..u: Your HUllo r. I d on'l lhink ...·c rcally h1.'~ 10 &0
inlo 1m: o lh.:r (ontl:tt/i~,; CI11~. Ynu wlInl 10 ~ "OW the purpt»C
for the spcdfie Que5tion5 a nd I ..... nl 10 lih_· the cau n why I
w;!.S d oing "'hal I wa l doinS; lit3.1 he sa)" Ihl\ (k.ld.;l ...;11 )hC'ld
o f h is car. paswd him and go t up ahcad of h is .;-:u'. d'~1 Ute rcar
of Ihe Gellda (ar "'-as 10 tbo: fronl of hil c~r.
Tut COIIMr, ~M y ca r ..... 1 stan,"!: in a rar:e so ma~h<: wc Wcrt
~11110\1 c'·cn.~
Mil. W[llN.\,.... Uerorc Ihal.
TUE COL'rn: I underSland Ihat; bUI I mean. he Ir ~. qualilicd it
by s:t}~ ng. ~My car ....:u Slan ill! 10 raa:. 100 maybe ..... were l l-
mClSI c"en."
t.h . WQI>"~~: lti&lJl. Yo ur Jlooor. firsl he 503~S. wllal hap.
pcll(d "" 2~ I b~ 1 he catlre liP 10 him lind then lie p~ l5Cd hirn lind
h~ got.-s 1)11 \0 "'I1'!~i n lha l. Ik says h~ doC'sn ', ,ik., ridins along-
side sonw.:bod)'. So be picks u p and be ",enl r~~l o:t". TII~t'5 u -
3o;t Ly 01)· JlU~ in "'adi n, \hese quell;Ons.
TH ~ Co !JIlT: AU rigbl. nn: you ob~i ll(.' l eI me sec if! under_
Iland you .
Ma. n....,,~:Mar ! M"ke a poim?
Tni' CotlltT_ Your fi rS I ohj<.'t'Iion ...·as on !he ,.ound Ih)! yo u
w~nled the "'iln~$ 10 Iud 'h eM! (\u~lion s'
MM. Uu,~c ,\ nd ! Ihinl.: LshCluld le lL you why."mt I would u k
you 10 '·o ir dilc him . ir Ihe coun bdievcs him. Mr. To,,~I!~, in
Ih~ uririt o f «Ii>ptl':1lion to a colleague. allo""ed IIIC to ha\"C :a
cO!'y or Ihal MOlOr V(hicl~ bu.ring ,h i. morn ing . I lie" .... hat/
;1 IIn lil lhis morning. Tile wilness. in "3dj n~ il. has poin t,,\!
ou\ 10 ru.: IbJl Ihal a llSWCr is ina~lIr21~. I liM Idling you Ih31
Ihe man 503)"$ ll1a\ .he tran$Cfipl is iM rcur:tte.
, would as" you 10 voi r d ile b im Of! ll1al M all,., if it is ;nlcru_
ral(, tlK:y ha.-.: no ligh ltO u~ il.
Till Cl)l;al: Well. ill " 'hal rC5jlttl t/oes be !a)' it'~ inattuf':llc1
I",)' Wi( ...,,",

)l ~. IbAK.E; The o nly Ib in&h~ poinlo:d OUI 10 me W<'l$ III" r.tcin&

bu)incss: bUI I wou ld ~SJ,; ~"U\I (0 voir din: hilll :md a~l: him . He
113& rcad il.
'rI1I1 COWl!: Il c h~s "Ir~ad)' re~d if!
M•. Dun: Ycs. Your n onnr.
I d idn't SO inlo ~ t\~'lhin& cll.c, I d idn'l 1;1I 0W " 'hal d>e "11.' inac-
CU '~le, in h is opi nion. if a nything.
1"t1 ~ Cmlll.T: Well. in.... ldls me i\\ inaccuro lc wl'U I should I do
) 1«. 01..\"1<: Then , I I.:ly lh,-~' ~3n nO! IOSC ll.
Tllii C')\!H; Dring him in fOf a momCJiI and I~I II;m Id l me.
Mk. K",-l,Y; C~n I jUM ~WI~ fo. Ihe r\:co rd Ihe c>"idcIlee \\'ill
,how lhal Ihis car muc~ lilt: center d i" ider in Iud :I W:lr 1h:!1
Ihe fI"OPle in h is cal Wen.: inju..."li. He h il it w ha rd ~nd Ihi5
bu~illCS!o o r ju ~t being a "';In e!$ 10 thi' accident, I'm nOI 100
\1" 0 Ihnl thi~ man. at the lim~ Ihis "ccid cllI happened . W3Ij\l ~1
:, witness 10 (hi5 accident.
"fll~ Cutin , You d idn' t 5UC hi m. d id YOII?
M«. Kt1J.'~ .'10. we didn', SIk: him. ,\I one ,imc a lawsu it ""lIS
$Ia rt<X!. I lh i n~: Iml he wa S nO I in (he litig,alion and _
Till COURT; Old the 'lnIUI~ run?
M~. KElLY; AS r:u :t.~ ho: i~ concerned. Ih e Ilnlnle h:l$ ru n: bu l
I (~lIlen you for lI.e o:co.d ....e are 1101 soin& 10 OUt Ih i) man.
M~ . T"~'· II.U!: Ir Your I[ ono. l,kmc. befO fe he i. hr(l\lgln in,
may I ,uy ~om el hing?
Tm: CUl.'Rl: YCi.
M•. TmW1LLI,: I . uhm it. Yuu r n ono •. th~t ~ ,·ai.
di rt nOl in
Ih~ p rnc nce of Ih~ jury would nO! b.:: p rof\Cl" ~au~ if Ihi~
",i tnCliS should t( l lify th at ~ nl'lhing ;$ Intpmrer in tllerc and
,hen put me or 3ny of Ih~ ot her lawyer!; "'ho mi Shl "'J ilt 10
b ring in Ihls SlcnoV~p~ ' -Whe n Ihe lIenOCr.lphcl would
come ill, ir toe d o ..... who would ht be lClli r~'in& tocfo. e. the
eoun Or Iii<: jury? I me:!ll. "1: wo uld bt I,,~in~ the wbole ca'iC
QuI of conl~~t .
Till C"'!Ml': I undcr.t~nd .
,\ 11 riChl , bTinl: Ioim in.
(Th. witnClS Cl\!Cn."li the toUnroom.)
Tu •. ClU ~' Dank! l.ane. you arc 51i!! lC! li fying und er Ml h.
COMMENT: Tho iullge is to"",..ced ' ''at \I'efC Is sCome q\fH1ion al
to \tie acujr"'~ of tile MolD. VeNdc 1rc2fln& t'3~. No' ~ hcm
(e,..nsel !Jmplv "tole! wilh the 11ovo-" or C~;Oni and waits palo. ntfy
as the juOgc calli tho wilnK s b.ack /0. lome que.lIKmmg.

161 \,vi. Ill" 0.. A~rr I>f i\l ulnr \'ffiicl~ !lw .i'l:

By Tm: OJlJ~T;
Q. Mr. Lane, befo re )'OU ")<)~ Ih e .1 1~n d Ihis mornil\t. did )·ou
rc:\d ~n~,binl> 10 Icl"reih )'OIIT r«OlI<'I:\lol\ uf Ihis aCei" e"l?
,\, \' ~ t did.
Q, What did yo u rcad?
A, • •.::ad a $13lem enl s h'r n 10 me__ Ihal [ ta"c to Oct ..'Cti ,·.,
Mcrr~n , ...·hieb is :oJ.., Ih: s.,me Slatemenl Ih~1 Ihil
&CnIJ~n,a'l o~". hc r~ -
Mit. O••,I(l: • look il oil! of Ihe !h!!l, icidc fik Your Bonor. IIIe
Ilalemeni Dl:1~l i~c l>Icrrcll l ~lifi .."t11 0.
TIt¥ ((11.;1<1, ~ Iark U131 fo r idenlifie:nion ~':1 Court's Exhihi t.
(Th.., "3tcn,.,,1 r~r..... rcd 10 w~, rceei .....d and ma rked COUrt'S
£';hibi, I fer idcrui[if.-a lic)lI,)
Q. You.~ (oun's &hibil I fer idenlirotal;en7
,\. Anll I al:r.o .e:W I h~ .Io lotor Velli('te RePOI"1.
Q, Now. h3"jng read 11131 !>I31tmcnl and the MOlor Vchidc-
oJid )'00 rc:ld anYlh ing d~e?
A, Ko.
Q. l1a"i n~ reild IhOloC 1"-0 documt nt <, do )00 ha"~ an)1hinll
yau ""~nt 10 leU tbe court wilh rup.,cI 10 eilher or Ihm.:
110'0 deeu m<1lI~?
A. Yn.
Q. What do rm, " ":Inl 10 le tt ,",,'!
,\ . The st:ttornellt I!I ~ I the ,\jOl or Vchldc :mll J m:1dc Ihose
Ualcm<1llS. JrtcJ"\\"luds .....,1\1 I>:t.d:. do,,'" E:L<lvillc
TUfn l)ikt III<! sam" "'a~ II"" I "'.:til down t""Tt the nirht of
the aa:idcn! and! reali,cd Ihm J " ,I.n'l in Ih ~ left Ja".,.
"~ ..,,
§ 56.01161 S6-36

that I was in thc cemer lane amI ~nother thing was when
[ read something about-if I could see it?
Q. Well. you lell me.
A. Well. if, something-nIl' car in the center lane. I fell my
car ,tarting 10 mce or something \0 \hal cfTcel. ! don't
relllcmber r.ayin& that and 1 noticcd that there wcre a rew
errors in there as far as lhe names wenl. ['am Roseg was
Q. What?
A. The passengers in my car. Pam Roseg was the name of lhe
passenger. and ill there il was forseg. Al<o. the OIher guy
in the back ,cal was DeDmio and it was read in there as
DarTO. So ! figured maybe th ..e was a typographical error
or something as to that sentence that was in the testimony.
Q. Well. actuully )"ou sa)" you don't recall having ~aid thm?
,\. 1 don'\ recall il. no.
Till: CO\lRT' On the basis or this short ,'oir dire b)" the conrt
with respect to Mr. Lanc', having read Ihe document. which
the court marked ror identification. and the hearing before Ihc
Motor Vehicle Bureau, Ihe coun will :Illow Ihe questions to be
Mr. Blake. )"ou will ha"c your exccption and tile court-! will
let the jury determinc whether it'~ a maller of railure to rccol-
lcct or his nOl lI.winS 5aid tllal. If the issue is pre,,~d to the
point where the court feels that il is necc~5ary to brinE tho ste-
nographer in, the coun will direct this up()Cawnce at Ihe appro-
priate lime.
Bring thc jury had: in.
M~. KEl.L\,; May I ha"c that transcripl marked for idomific,,-
T!II: COI;RT, Wc'll mark yours, Mr. Weidman. for idenlit;ca.
MR. W£l[lM.'N; Your 1l0110r. it's already marked,
COMMENT: The wilooss !IilS poinled GUt ordinary errOrS in Ille Ira"·
script. such .5 wrongly spelled names. The fact that he docs not rC'
member specific le~timony i~ also not enough to in"tidale U5~ of the
PI T~'liml>ll )' ~I Mill O, Vchldc Il~minl: On S pec'" nod
l'osi licln or A~Io~bilt
(The jm)' cnlu('I;\ Ihe <;ou n room ~nd lit. filii ow ing nccur",d in
Ih~ pr~entO Ilf Ih" jllry.)
Crou E~l!mill:l\ion b)' M r. Wcidll1~n: (Conli!llled)
Q. May! 00'" !\!lU! Ihe qu~slioo und Ihe answe r. 'l'1l1i. Hono.?
Did you gil'c Ihis ~ns""~r 10 lh i~ q~lion. Mr. '~'ne. ~I Ih:)l
cnmln:l1i cll. Ihe MOlc r Vchi cle hea.i ng or thaI dat~. Ihis i~
p;l~c le n. line I::!, You, I-I ono•.
"Qu..~lion : Ten me "'h~1 bappcnc'(l aft er you p,<>recdcd
on EM\vil~?~

"A n.v'er: Wdl. " hel' I YJI onlll 81s\\"illo T umpikc. I

lumed to Ihe .iShl la ne and mll"cd Ilve r 10 \ ~ c c:cn,c. or
may ha,·~_ r umlCd'o tho cenler. I·c,. J did. nn~ mll'·cd 10
lhe left , ~nd Ih e'~ W::lS :, ca, behind me. I oou'd ........ Ihe
liglus in nI)· mirror an d I kept on Goi ng ~nd \hi , ell' pulled
u p 1i~e ;1 "·as coing 10 1'::1,' me.-
Did you IIi"" thi, ~n".'cr to Ihat question on ,1\:'1 dny : j ust
yes or no'!
,\ . y~

Q. Did you Sh'c this lll1 S"·cr 10 Ihi 5 ql.lcstio n, Ih e vc')" nc.1
li ne::
"Qunlion; Abaul how r~51 werc )'O U ~oinll at the timer·
" An ~,,"Cr: Too\; 11 whil e ror my <.':1' 10 sel u p. I Ih;n ~ • W:O$
goin,. a001.l1 35. m:l.~·be, lind lh(~ C:I.' p.uIlC"l! alonssidc or me;
maybe! WIIS doin)!. 35. hU I I w~s on m y way "pia lI);I)·be
40. ~5 and Iho ca, nUl to me pulled up and hi $ rronl

M... BlA"~~ Your Ilooor. (her:;1 uo cml'h, s's.

T)l f. C O\IKT , Vel .
Q. (oonlinuio, ) - _ h is bad t llO w:o< n(':l' nl )· froni end. 001
my car was swnins 10 race. so ma ybe we wcrC ahml:,\ c\'en
a nd I don't l i~c E~~h'iIlc Turnpike tx:C.1Uk: Iho,,' :Ire no
ligh's ,ond lanes nrcn'I\1l1l' wide and l_~
».IM. Aun": YOllr 1l0nO!". I ~ 'n coin!: 10 objc~1 to U'" [<'$1 o f
Ihis. It is nOI ron t '~ditIOI)' of an~lhins.
l l!~ Cl>l.'ItT. I am coine 10 !i1l"13;1I Ihe obkclio n "'; Ih r(iprt·t \()
\h ~ Tl~n " anin~ wilh - I dOn'l lik ... 1: ~Sl ,·ilk T .. mpikc- ~ un
line 25. page Icn. up 10 Ihe .... old ~ f"\ICI:' on li nc rilur. Yo u
m:>y <.'I>ITI mtntc after Ih31.
M~. We lo" ...": I C ~CC PI 10 lhal.
TUE COIall . Al1sulule1y.
Q. (Conlinu i" Cl ... od Ih~n I rontinue _'."/ "-:I. ;clnG ~OOUI
40 ~l l he lim", Your 1Io"o'.!.O l1W1kd ~hci!d of th~ ~1I )
dn,·ing. n('~1 10 me a linle h'l ~nd ~s ".~ prO(~"1k-d (urt h~r
<1 ..",,,- I ~ ..... a car i" the turnpike Jalle wi th h;~ hlinh r~ 0"
ami I k~pt !<Iyi~ 10 n'y~lr-~
MM. /lu ....:: I 311' Ylinll l<I obj.,.:, 10 III;, .
TilE C')I;Qr, t " i ll sUM"i " 11\;1•.
MR. W,.1>>>.......~ iU 10 "'hal poinl'!
TIt. Co)t:Kr, Up 10 lilt poill! . "' l:I'" a cu i" the lumpi!.e !.:ope
.... ilh hh hli n~(1'S ou. I look n'~ Innl on' the s;u;."
M ~. W!:L~M!<: Oby.

Q. /)id )'U" ~l~c Ih:1I :u.s"·cr 10 I II~I Ql>c~lio,,?

,\ , I d(",', rc<:alL I jn,! dun'l r~ c ~lI "h~\ h~1 I "aid Ih,)!'c wo,d~.
I jY" don'l rc<:~1! w!telher I .... id 1100'0( word ...
Q. I M"<. Well. in an~ C'·CIlI. i~jI', i . a fact th ai as }'"'' wcr ,
' id i" , alo" {\. Ih i, l"'lr (rom Ix:hind )-011 c:tm( li p 10 )"11 ~ n"
~ liul~ ~hl."3d of )'001 and that Y"" Jlulled up in fwn. or it:
;sn'l Ih~1 507
A. 1'/0.
Q. Did th~ car thai ,,-as 1",lli ml )"ou ~wr Come up o n ~jlllc, .lIe
ri~t b ne 10 l ou. l ig.hl "dj~«ol 10 yo ur <::u. ~~> 01 <w'!
h. Yc~.

Q. ,\Ild ,,-hen tl~'l car ~"me up adi"'''' n! o. ~lcn~d~ of yo u r

C:II . di<l Y"11 inncue the §jlc'('d of l'o llT . at?
,\ . I .k clo::W'd lhe ~c-d of mI' (:lr.
1111 Wit urs. -r"",irl<'d ~I ,\[<>Ior \"~h ltk ' I c;llip~ T"~I O ,lier
,\~!I>mobil. I lad l)irCl: tio,,~1 Sil(n,,[ O n

Q. All l igh t. Now, bero" ., in an5"'cr 10 Mr. Blalu: 's q llcuion.

you !<Ii'" )''''' did,, '1 t<:'n~nlb:r "'helhe, or nm Ib ,- car Ih at
MM. lJu ~r: Your 1I0nor, I am soin ~ to object tn the rest ur
thi~.It i5 nOi CO n! wd it1l.lf)· I.r a!)ylhin~.
l"U( c.·~:u. 1 ft m goinG tu sl,,\~i n Ihe ob jec t; "n ..... ilh ' "Socct 10
Ihe 03rt ~l ani1\g ..... ilh ' I d lln'l like c a,h'inc Tu .n"ik c -~ (>T1
lim: 25. pat:<' I ~n, up 10 Ille .,..",,1 'f;ls!<.'r.~ " It line [UUf, Ynu
may commcn \'C ~!'Ic r that.
MR. WU1' M ~)<; I C~( "Ilt \0 lh al.
TU~ COI; ~ I. A,,"olulCl,..
Q. (ConlinuinllJ ,'In d tbell I conlinu ~ now. "I WI" soing "l, ullI
~(] "I the lime. Your I loIlO •• SO I pulkd ahcruJ .. f lh'·llu~·
d'; " i n~ IIc~ t \0 me ~ lillie hit ~ud as we I'roc" cdcd funher
!lllwn , I ~~w ~ ""r in the I\l r nn i~ c lan e willi hi~ hl;lIlcn " "
:md I kenl Ioa} ing 10 ",~"SClf-"
MR. 1l1_. H: I nm !:()in~ to nl,j cC\ tn th is.
T nr. C<.l ltI<T. I will s,I<' a;n Ih~ I ,
J, I ~. w":",,.. s: As 10 ,,'hal llOi nt ~
Tut C(~;Kr. Up 10 Ih" poinl. " 1 !aW ;1 c~ r in th e t ll ml' l ~c
"'i ,h h i. bl inh r~ (1 11, I look my fOOl OIl" Ihe 1lJs.··
J,!rt. W['I()_" .. :<: O~:I)'.

Q, Did you I)i,'o Ihnt ;\ n\W~r to thai question?

,\, I don ', ,,'C:.ll, I jll~t 1100'1 ,,'Can ""h~1hcr I !.<l id those "·ord!>.
I ju,t don'l f(l"~n whcth ~ r I ~aid Iho ~ wonl,.
Q. I <ce. Wdl . in any C\'CIII. is,,'t il a rne t thai n~ you ' Wfc
rid illj; alollt'. Ihi. <'":It r"')m hchind ),ou l-:t m~ up to )-OU a nd
~ li llie alwad or you and Ih:'1 Y"u plllle" "»
ill from or it:
i ~n' t lhat :\0'/
Q, Did the .ar Ih a\ w:t & [x,hi nd )'O ll Q,'cr "'" m ~ IlP " n eilher Il, e
righl !;\Il C to yt>ll, rh:h l adjace nt h. Y01lr " ~r. yc~ or 1I0?
,\. Yes.
Q. ,\1101 ",h~" \h:1\ C:lf (:In," U\' adj:t~ "nt nr n\Oll\l.,jde o f yu" r
,'nr . 'Inl )'Iltl i ncrca~e Ih e ,~ed uf ) .')1,. ,'317
,\ . I dccfeaS«l the SPCl..l "r lilY ,'ar,

!lI t \\";.,,~,~ TC!<.;fll"' :oI /'tI'''m hlliel" II.-"ri~ T ba. Other

,'Iylultl<l bil c Ihd DI'cctinn.' Sigllnl On
Q. ,\11 right. Now. ""r.l le. In ,nt,we! to Mr. mal.,·'. (We";')\).
l OU ui<l ),011 d idn'l n:memh.:r " 'hclh4't o r '101 Ih,' <'~r I h~ 1


,,~ ui!i rn':lIcly Ihe Raimondi cal th;l.t ,,;\S !Mki"C lhe
l"r,.lIand tum b~u its hJ;nker on. ri!:l!I: do )"011 le member
me jusl readin£. 10 ~"{l." wher e )'011 1C'S,;fi~'d lite ell! lI'Id'"a'
its blinker lighl o n, don.t' , 111011 hdp ~'.m ,,,r,",-osh y()ur
m ~mory?
,\. eo,,'d y~ u eithcr rc""al or rel'br.l~e 'he ,! uc51io n?
Q. I~ 't ;' 3 fad 'M' \Ite ,,~r Ihal ~'ou I.lW, bc rOl~ i\ mad~ iu
l urn. h~d ils bLi nker ';&11' .,.,?
.... R;g1,1 rnlll' I dOL' " H'calJ wht l!!..,. Ih" c~r h3d ;l. l>l inker o n
or n01,
Q. 00 )'nu ,~ mcmber h:a\'inl: I~osli ficd hacl.: ~l . h:1I he~ri nt on
hIll<: 8, 19., . 1)Ol&r: II . just Ihal fIOr1ion , - , '~"':l <'~r ill Ute
lumpi ~c Innc-- r"~lI )' Ihe lurnin!: lonc- "\\";l l! ;\1 hJ;nlcer.<
A, I "'3d ' h.I ,
Q. 00"& Ih31_Do )'OU n.:mcLI,ilcr le5"fyi ng?
A. I PfOh.1bly s~id ;t Ij,en,
Q, Vuu prl$ibly 'io:lid it then?
A, I l)' did , I don', rem~nllM:r no"', though.
CO MMENT: Coun$el llc.c d!mon~l,a\~$ elf~ .. c ur.e 01 pfior le..ti·
'IIOn1 10 ""'~e tho pginl tt"'lille ",ill\~ ob!ol"<\'C4 tile wes lbound ......
Plro. 10 tile .. r;cicl~nl.

191 WiUM'll,< lI ~d Ti~.~ .11 Ihalt~

Q, )\/OW, when >'011 g ..' 'hll e~r ;11 the lef,.h and tum lant
('IIII;n, ",c,tlx!und, it'. :t fJCi. ;sn't iI , your (."~r ,h.l,
ronLIIlU~d SUIllC dl,bne.; b<:ror~ )"Oll a l11l1icd your h.~kc~
after t~J I nlOJn"'II : isn't tb~1 so?
,\. y~...,

Q, ,\lId ii" a 1a.' I, i,ll', it, lhal !h"rc ,,',:,s 1l1" Yi>.! len ~co.ld. of
<Ida)' fron1 the LilUc when ~'Oll fi "t ~ '" '1m' car. d.e
RailllOlldi car, in ,lie Icrt · bnnu lurnin, bn .. unl11 11r~ limc
Lhal yon firsl aTIfI!itd ~'<lur ht'lh-s: i.,,',
lhal !tO~
Mx . 1lt.... n~ Objecl to !he rt,r", uf th C \l1I,- ., io)l\, Your lIonor,
i," ~p«Ul:rl;On.
Tur; COl'kl~ I ,,~U I~I I!illl ~", ..'Cf i1. II" n n ~.., Oil rronltl" "",
im mc(lia lcl)' look m)' foot off lhe~, ,,'hidl ~!o"'s Ih~ elt
down a hi!.
1'01 C"'evlali,,. or P'511111«' Wi" Tra""lrd l'ri.,.. IU
Q, Wlm"~ the 1n;n'm l! ~1K(d. Ih~! YOUt Cl r wa~ from
Ihe lime ~'Ou lin t s:1W the.::r.r in thatlen.!!and Horning lane
until the I'me you fi N! PUI your foot on lhe brake, Icn
s«onds bllf~
,\ , Thin )',fivc.
Q. Al1 righI, do )'QU know h aw man )' fC(t :I C1Ir Ir:I>'I:ls ..1K-n
it's lOOin~ 35 milel an hou r, )'O'S or no. Mr. L:lnt~
A. No.
COMMENT, Every llUOfIWl1 musl memorize «Irt~1n (ornllbs fOI \/I.e
on .'OSS C.r.1rrtin'lioo. Giocn an e~lim3le 01 speed in m,I e. pcf rw Uf,
t:OUnul ~n lietelmine tile IW~I 0I1cet 'he '<'Chicle II~et"' ' n a
seo:ood. I.S x m.p,h, - lcel ~r .ecllITd. Tltul . /I vetrie!\! Ir.rveIil'lll
10 m,p.h, ",,11 It~~ 15 ,~ in one scc::>nd, A ""bide traveling 30
m,p,'" wiIl II;Wf!1 45 'eel in (Inc weond. n,,,
eaut1 ~h0<l16 lake jlJtJi.
cial no1 lce 01 this IOtmulQ,
M~, W( tD."IM<' Will Ihe .-nun lake judici~1 nolice 11I:a1 il is :I
mllh cm:lli l::ll 1ci~"lilic r:K\ lMI l C':tI' u;}\'Clillg 31 )5 m ile'S an
hOllT i. do ins 5! and n half fcc ! !'<Ir sC'CO r>t/?
Tu~ COUIIl : I Ih ini: 'I'S :I mlthem:Il,c:t! formula 11I:a1 I worked
out onc~.
" 1M. Wl1l>.".\.'~ 11Ial"s rishl. On<: ~nd ~ hlf lima the n)ili')~
coMmoo 'nlo fcct per stCtmd ~t 30 m'les pcr hour nnd you ~rc
doin!;.l5 (<<I I'Cf l.Ccond.
TUE Couu, ,\II righ t.
Q. So Ihll ~ou tr:t~ded len se<:onds in 3 point or t; me doin;
~t r~JU_

M~, RIAI'll.: You r llo nor, he never ~id he I'M·etcd ten ,>«ond~
and )'011 sw;t~incd an objoctic n,
T"c COUI1l: I SU&l~'lKoQ the obje~ l; on whcr~ )'011 ~~kcd him
wbelll~r he 1"" ...,1>:0:11 tl'!c r::ue or 45 nlib ~n hour for I~n l.C~

MR , W(l t»O~:-.~ He did 53y lhe m;nil1l:U SjXoo "'":IS JS mi lt).
N(Il\' 11131 was "'hal111.,.\ ~'OU Ilg man jusl toM me. lie s~iol n"~r
~ h.:I~ ~cn-S.\!cond pt'fio~ Ih~ min im al 5pced lIi~ e~ r wcnl ""s 35
mil~1 an hour,
Tut O ll.1Ml , I\n~ r sa)'. o" ~ r Illal l t,, ·>ctvn~ pt'riod be 1(:1.,'.:1.<1
al !e~sl loS miles ~n " OIlT or S2 and ~ hllf feel G"c r 1hat
l" n_o«oOO period.
MM . /lUIo:I:: Yo ur HonGr. Ihc h)' is il could ha\'~ been len wc·
on(J5. lhal'~ how lhe ljueMio1\ ori &in~tcd.
T!ll~ COl.1Ml, R~ad ba·ek ~hc quesl;on.
M ~. 91.\la,: II gm:~ b~~k .0 when ,lie ~cn SIX"On<l~ fi rst came up.

MM. Wm 'M.w ; :"Il)' we now ~Iok M r. make. as w~ ha"c been

".!(ing him .. II ;llon~ rh rOtlgh OUI , nOl IG do IlIar!
CO MMHn : Thl!' opposine altOfnoy mu. ! be $to~()ed Ir<ln' I:Jlll nB ex·
pla!O;lt,Qn1 an~ commC1111 in M Jlt.,Ll pt to ~r.;\JolIle ttle ju,y dUl ine
Ihe t'o ~~ e>~m i n~lion ,
(The following WM r~~d b~ck b y lite Rcpon"r:
MQ. Wh::u W"f Ihe minimal spI.'<.v ~ha, yuur ellr \l.'1I~ do] n!:
from Ihe ,i m~ you li l"5l $,'I .... the car in (ha( lefl_h an d lunt-
in!: bnc unli! the ti me you linl put your root nil Ihe
b rake•. ~cn $econd ~ latcr?
A, Thin,'-li"C)
M R. W ):IIl MM': At kll~l ) S mil~ an hour.
TH t CrIlJ~1': If Ihu" i! 311 obj<:'C lion. I «ill a\'erru1c il.
111M, BI..,,; ~; R~tlf"lIy C~~l".
,\I,,>" I Siale ,hc ~Iound~?
TII( COIJIiT: No. I tb ink I kn ow the 1m.;., I willl~t the rutin!.!
Go :lh~,,,l.

IIII I"lslliun nf Olhe r Vehicle When Whncs\ !l'nked

Q, :-lo....·...... here Wa~ thc kf1· h~H<I lu mlng e~ r "'h~" ~..,,, Ii",t
~ [l~ tied )'(>IIr brJ kc?
.\ . 11'c ....M "~.IS in (h.:: Iuruins 11Ine: bUI ma vi ns. 1'd ~ay t h~
fronl ~nd of the cat w;" ill th e left la ,,~ or .asthoumi tr:,ffir
when I firM an~llcd my bmk~,.
.' .

Q. So Ih~1
il lml :11,(,,11)' crlMt'd Ibe m311 ami " -J\ ,nlo SUffi\:
()(mi ll n of Ihe lefl·lI.a nd km" or ~Ihou nd Imm" ",hell Y"Y
fin l ""I ) '01,1, fOOl o n Itlc brdl;e; hn' l Ihl l 001
~II\. Ill-'''C ACI" Ih~ m.n, Your HOllor?
Q. In lo Ihe d'\";tkr.
TIJ~ C<)t.·~ I : Do yo~ undcw:lnd Ibal?
Mil. W>:II~W.,.: \'ou r II<mor, i5 Ih,'rc an ubjc<:lion 10 Ih~ form
of Ibe QU~lion'!
-- . -- M~. 81..'. n; n,cre is an ol1jc(.'\ion 10 the form of the IjUeS(i(ln .
TUL COlIIIT. Wh,ll:S your o bjetlion? I don'l lIndtmand il.
M". fu..KF. O«;,usc ,( 'n isstlle'l ,.,h:u Ihe ..·it"e~~ aM",wed \0
Ihe !JII qU''1 lion .
Mil. Wrll}~ ....: I "~II "~Ihdm.... ' I.
Q. WhCtl the lQimOlldi ror- "'ht n )'OU ~w Iht Raimondi ....Jf
i" n cerlnin po<.ilion. "'h<:n YOIl pU l }"O\I r fllOl on II"" hr.l1;c,
i!"~ ;, f:1Ct. isn', iI, Ihal Ihe Raimondi ,~r ha d . 1"'':Idy. ~I
lea.l Ih" fron i of il. I!.:td fI:l~~ Ihe lCp;lr;Uof or m~lian. or
Ihe ". atr. a nd .....,:II-some jlor1io l1 of Ihe e'lf "'";IS ;,Irrod r
;"to Ih~ kfl bnc for c.~!.. boLlntl Ir:tlr..:?
A. YC5. th.(s Irut.

Inl l'tIS,.i ... 01 ",,"!nllll'J; e;u- Wilm '\11~ .1tst Ap,Ul'll

His flrnk.~

Q. AU rir.hl . Now, do )'OU know ,"her~ th~l (':Ir ...·w;.. ~Ion~illc

or you, "" lOU ~ill . Iht <":!.r Ih~t CilmQ up rro.n bo:h ,nd )"oLI .
....1';ch we now );1\0,," ;.\ tIl<: Ocdd:t C3r: do )'011 kn"'" when:
Ih31 (a l ...~ ... hem ) '0\1 fim PUI )"o ur rool on Ihe br3kc?
A. That ca. """:IS :,bolll r,,·c feel 10 Ihe n.""lIr of 111)" bumper in
lit(: ris:ht.~nn" l~nc.

Q. Ami Ib3!'~ "'hen )"ou " ...·Ie nf'pl~;n~-"'ll<:n )'ou .= the

R~imonll i ar m:tkins iI I" ...·!
,\. y<:!.
Q. tel"," ~sl; )"OU 11,i,. 1)0 )'u u r~nl ~ nl !lcr !"" 'inl: bt.-cn :L~kc<l.
by Ihe R.fen.-e. lhe foll_ing qucslion:1I pace 2~. 1;ne 20_
M ~. ll'-'~ t: M3~OC before )'o u rcouJ il . Your Ban or, m::t)" 1 h:t"c
:1 conli nllilll: obj«ti,," 10 ",nd i n~ from Ih ;s ImnKrip l?
,..... "'.,
• . . • . I .

"fur, COlJRn Ye •.
fob. ~Io:~: Th:m" \'0\1..
Wh at li ne ~re you JOing 10 . tad from?
"f!l ~ C<)l!Jn~
MI<. WEImI ....": Line !O. Your lIo nor. r crh:l.JlS you mOlJId fI.'"Id
the entire qucslion Ii~. I inlcnd 10 re:ld Ihrouth Mr. Lllne'5
3nswel al line ni~. Vo ur IIono(.
TOil; COURT. I "'ill let ~'ou ul; 11\:11.
Q. Do you remember:l. referee h3"i n~ :l$ked )'01.1 Uti. qll eJ<t!on
or Ibtic qocstion.;
L.:t me ask )' 0\1 Ihi~ Thi, "liS tlw QUC!>Iion I
""Qll estion:
h~d in mind. 100. AI the lim e )"ou $;lV" Illis nr in ."" tu rn_
ing 1a~ of Ihe .. ~ballnd r<>3,h'·a),. eould ~ou Iell me
....·her~ Ihe Gcdda c~r ....·iLS wi lh n:spec l 10 ~'OUf ""hiete, W3.
;1 11ill betiilld yOD at , .... , point. 31 Iht li me whl."1l you .:l""
Ih;5 weslbo und car in the lumill£ bncT
~Mr. !..anI:; Definitely b"',;nd mc.~

-ntr. Rerel= And do )"(IU "now ho.... far, WlIS he ~nle

disu.nce or close behind you?""
- M r. Lane: Mayb= I,,"() or Ihl« e~r lengths h<"h ind."
SM>". d ill you P'''' tho~ ~ni'n"1"S 10 those qu.ostions 10 Ihe
Re tl>tc:k 011 June BII! of 1'1. . 1
,\. Well. a~ J !\.li<.l before. I <.Ion'l le:d!)' r<"t"all " ·....1 11':15 :laid at
Ihe Motor Vehicle h""~ but-
Q. Well . was i. tOle When you t$irlCd there at Ihe hf~ .i nIl7
MK. {l1...I.:r.: I ohjeCt 10 Ih~ rom, o( Ill<: 11110:->1ion. Y"u. lio nnr.
TI1( COURT. Su.uiMd.
,\. Wll ~ 1 I !\.li<.l Ih" re w:\s Irlle 10 Ihc bn l of my kno"' ...."<Ig.:-.
Q. In olher WOlds, 10 Ih~ best of )"Q\I' "n ""'Ic<Jl~,
;n Ihal
moment " 'ho:n )"OU i.lW I!J.:II R 3i mondi in Ihe J( f'·h3nd
turninll rane. the Gco.Jo.J~ .·~r WJS IWO 0' Ih(t.-c f~' Icnelhs
bclIin" )'gll; i.n'! Ih:ll !o<l1
,\. t really dan't \;no .... I don', know how far.
Q. Well. let me ~s" you Ihis. Mr. l~n,," H"", n,ueh do )'''\1
n.I; m;tle an 3\"~", nr knph 10 ~~
A, rd 103)' 18 [0 20 f~C1,

Q. Would you ..:I), lbal th~ G~dd a c.l r WM nt lea't 40 [eCI

b(himl your Car 3\ Ih!!t "",melll when ~o u s~'" the
Raimondi c~. in Ih~ iel'l·ll:lnd luminl'.l~ nc. Yl~ 01 'IO~
A. I don'l I<now. I d on'l know if Ih e c~r W.l$ S fcel or 20 fee l
bi:hi nd IUt, )(l [tel. I saw the en. alongsi<lc of me und r
<Iid" '1 wan' 10 <In" , alon~idc a no ther (';I f,
Q. So )'011 pllllw ahead o f it?
,\, So [ pu lled allead of it, a lillie, and Ihat's wh~'I1 I nOli';':d
Ih~ 1 Ih ele wa s 'Inolhe' ~~r cOLlling. An", ,hal I d idn" !ook
'II Ihe other ,'It, I conccntmlcd o n the car in frool of I'lIC,
So I d on', kilO'" whether thaI Car WaS 5 feel 0, 40 feel,
Q, o~ th lnl'. ),o u do know for ~ure, In~1 IhM enr was not ril'.hl
alo nS"i<le of )'Ollr \':11 at Iha t momen t, wn~ it?
A. No, il w;\.~n 'l ,

Q. And il ",':.,. n', three (CCI bcbi nd ~ou. "'" e;lh~r, w~s il1 II
." ,
was 10 the rcar of your c~r, wh~IC\,", di.'\!lMC it " -as; isn't
111)1 so?
l>l rt. WEO!>JoIAN: Thank >"011, r h,,,"c nO further qt,.s\ion s,
COMMENT: The atlom~y COIltlU(l~ en a streng MIO . He hn g~i ned
tile a dmission thltt th~ car ill ... hleh lire p!.lintitl ""'5 3 p~nensef ... ~s
10 \00 rt Jr of II>!! ... iln~ss' ear, net right a l&ngs ida e[ It, whe,e it
wouk! be blodlOO tit Ih wllnMS' eM. This is consistent with th e
plaintifl"s theery 01 I .... c;:,se , t/\c!1 the lI.-iva. 01 the p13inl,lI', car
should h~ ebservtd tho v;c.tbound ca r and a_oidod the ~ ccill ! nl.
Bive n the l;J(;t t h~t 11M! witness o~C<VeII the W1)jotboulld aU1<'lIIobi!Q
3no wn able to 'lop.

,. . .....,

Collutcml AUnck

1''1' 111-1
, , , . , "" .


Defendant's Maintenance Workcr-

Slip and Fall Case
c."" E"""in"li.n
111 .1()lIn .:. 1>1l"I, ,I •• '

S \' NOr S IS

§ l.D1 1:.1.>1I1h . t.,: Wh ••,,, .. 111"", 1. ".' ''''''

Ii l.o~ ',..,,',1 ot C""'ot' .It, o_"~
§ Ul WI,"", :0'<", C." I\"tio,,,, s,.,,,_'"
i ).• ~ Wit"",. lm.k, H.wh,"~ "')_" 1'0< \\""'~
f 3,05 Work IU""'1 .... I',o<,..! ...., I""n~'""""

~ J.G£; M<II"'" rOf rh •• I.K n""

§ l.07 I",~I ••• II.I. " •• 1,1..: \\'11 ....., 1)",,10.... S.d.~ An)' W.", on Ft.-r
§ 3.QS l''W.r I',""..:r.rp,,", " C""'r.... "" To"i_y

Th e pla inti ff; 1I Ihi~ o;3!oe ""3~ iniltf~:d whom he stipPI'd in ~ "lid.
dIe of " 'a ln on Ihe 000. of a lau ndroma l, Tb~ eros. e.\3 mi .,311,.O
111:11 folio"... is Ih:'1 of 11.( (1IIpI05( ro;"!>pon~ibk for IIlI: maimt'.
n""c~ and )Up!.:f\·i~lon of llot lauodromat p'cm isa..

Tile plaintiff lIe~~ LO Clota hlish Ihat the warcr " 'a s 0 11 Ihe Aoor
for a sufficient period of time for the dcfeLLd:uu In ha.'~ 'Hltkcd ii ,
amI <."leaned it up. Since thcr~ w~re Il\l nOlke .... itnC I!~I. It .... 3~ 11 ~.
CIsar,. to ~how Ihm Ihe derendant's employee himsdr uffirmallw\)I
creatod Ihe [JlIddl~, b~ inadcqu~(cI)' mopping th~ floor Ihe nighl

• Jolin E. Dun', Jt.. <"""",k<....

"I" ,M ,,1 ..[d."~·".')'-c,,,u ",""mln"'i.~, .if I,,,,'
W"'~',~f>, "'''. or ""un",l ,n )"," ,,\\,000, K.p!.,n. ,-" io<. (;",k ...l", ." T.,.,"\,,"",
., ,too ,in", ,~, ,.,,,, ~'" u;,·.l

§ 3.1. ,-,
t>crllf~ !h~ ineidcl11. Inadequate mOllpin~ "ku should have OC<'1l no-
l aumJro m ~t in Ihe morning.
tice" b}· Ih e ,,·iln ns :IS Ilc opene" Ih e
:-lat\1ra!l~· . Ih . re were no ,,· i\M C5Ie5 \0 Ihe wny the c mplo)·cc
nioPlX'd the nOllr. The credihili ty of Ihe emp lo)"ee in general had
10 be i(l1p;li ...."<I. ~ tim! the ju ry would infer tht he was the t)·PC
o( clnplo)"<:e I hat .... o uld I>.: The only proof <)f n'·tJisonCf:
was llut Ihe ..... do.I~ e.\ iSled. C<)unse\ h.1" to ~how lhal IIIe emiliO)·'
~""I:: a n" Ihe o"·n~"T "'e re IItt: t l·PC~ Ihal woutd haw .i lh~ '"tI.·~ tl"<l i1,c
~u"dl( th lINSh nc~itcncc in Ihe li m pl~c •• or failed to 1n3'U lai"
t he l~undronl~1 in a pruden! CIHl"lIh ra!.l.ien 10 dean up lh~ (lud,
(110. The enlire eUM'- in oth.r worlll. dl:pcllded e n Ihe tc~t i n lOn)" of
Ih e cmplo)w. a nd the de&rcc to whiCh Ihe empl oyee·! cred i hilil~·
coul d be i mp~ircd in general.
Thc 3110IllC,· for Ihe dcfcndanl m" de ~ motio" ;11 Iiml'l('
imm~"<Ii~leI)· lJ<:rOf~ Ihe lO:stim oll )· to u du de a!l~< qUC'li on~ ~hlWl
allY p.;I)1nem~ >=I:i,·cd bl· H,. wi tllllU, Oil tho,: f,Wumh o f lhe pr,,·i.
I(L~ ~",i l!Sl KI f_incri mination. TI>.: ("()Urt d<'!lied the molioo, "~po
p.;I IcnTly, the ",i t nc<>.~ W3S p:l id Orr Ihe boch. :lnd he nC'·cI pJillany
incume tax~l.

T he ~Ub! lan~C of the Ic~timon)· was ltvoided wi th Ih . en tire ru'

e us plnccti on lhe crcdihilil )' of the wltnc~ •. He wa s tIT" 01.1)· wit_
n.'~ to the ma imen"",·c of Ihe IJundro mJt. The owner I'nd pre,·i-
011$1)· lcslijj~-d Ih"l he ,·isilcd his nrious lmmd romJt. a ni)' once ~
T he " ·'tnef\ was 5ub""",n:!W by the Illa inliff. He had nc ilher
hI."C1l d("flOKd . nor given a ll~ lcmen'. Th"' .... !oe"~ :\eu led a lhe
cross .~~ m i nalioll.

§ 3.0 1 E~t.b l i"hin~ \\' It" l"S~ 1>11 Dln·cl Is Ad,." .

Q. Is II Mr. Torre . er Mr. I'crn Jndez'! Which is c u\\nmnry 10
,\ . Wel l. some (11:0",' call n. e Mr. Torre. ~nd ~mC enll me
Mr. Feln.and,'z. b.."'lU~ in !'uerto Rico we u'" . he I;m twn
IIJm~ my ralhcr'~ 13st n:lmc and my mOlher', 1:1.)1 n:uuc.

Q. Whi<:h shollid I ":\e'!

,\. Yau ~~n 11M' all)" ail e )·0" l j~~.

Q, Mr. Torres. yo u a nd I ha'·e R<:'·cr me l bdore. I",,·c ...·c·!

§ .\.(I!

.-\. No.
Q. We h~'"t! ne"~f ~~ n 10 eacb !II hel O"C1l hc Ide phone Of
:l nyll.; n,?
A. No.
Q. You a re hew lodn~' hl:C~II~e yOIl recch'cd:t $lIbpocnR tcll;R~
you 10 Ix: her e?
,\. [sot n paper.
TUE COl'Ml: Did )'011 &CI n piece of paper Ihal lo[d ),ou 10 come
Till: Wn "~"" Yes.

Q. ,\ nd whcn ~'OII ....'(ci"nI Ihal p iece of p.:IlX" did rOil $I',:ak

willi Ihc llefenllMI . Mr. m""b:mll?
A. No.
. Q. You didn'I I:lI~ 10 him m an 1;11;\ nillhL~
A. No.

Q . Did )'ou Lulk
\. No.
h) him yellcrd ay at all?

Q. Did you 1;\lk Lo him 31 ~11 "bouL Ihi s C:tSC }'c~tcrda)' :11 ~n)'
time. mornina. noon. c\'enin&~
A. :-10. J u~t III)' .... ire ~nd I. That's ~lL

Q. Oid yo u SIX:!\; \0 I, i, ~!Iornc)'".'

,\ .
COMMEtn: Thi5. i~;) ~1Andard queslion ill Ihe beginnlnC 01 ~ (fOS~
eJaminalion. Of cou'n. il lS .. ell ""own lhal no alloor>ey "'ould allow
" wilr>en 10 I~~e Ih! Sland ..mllOul 5pt"aking wilh him b(:for ehoand,
Occal ;"".IIy. ~ witOlen I, not t~ld Ihnl il is a ll , ;ght to adm 'l llIal 110
spoke wilh I~ ! "tierney, M ~ny wilnes",s have 3 Guilty conu:loncc
about it ~ nd Iherel",! dony having d~n~ '0. It i•• uch arl i mplaull~le
n~ l ition Ihat. even I~ tlte unlikely e"cnl that il i. true. Ute jury will
nol beli~"e it.
WM en a .. il'leSS lakes a position wllich i, im~au'ibl e. ecunlel can
lake adv~nl~ge 01 It . In Ihi~ ease. the prinlary e"iuCf1 ce "g~insl 1M
delen d"n Lis a general inl~,once 01 negligence due 10 tI,e ,MI,aeter
01 I~e n"',"lon~l'\(~ ma n. an d the CifC1Jmstances 01 hi s WQ,k. II th e
,. . .
§ 3.02

Witness is wlllil11: 10 yio l~ le "is OJ I" on one IsSUi! 10 s~il his nuds,
lhe jury may disbctievv everything he tesl;ties Ie,
A New yo '~ P.alle," Jury Insuuction (1:22) providn. · tatsus in
UOO, \Jlsus In omn;bu~:- "n y<lu fifld Ih, l any wiln H s n3s wiltuny tes ,
t, fied f, lsely as 10 any m' lcrl~t IJct, Ihe fJW pcrm~$ you to OisU"Silll1
completely Ih" en.i. e testimony 01 thai \'i,lness upon tile p';ndplc
III J t one 1'111 0 testifies f~ Is.cly atloot on e matCliu l Inct is .. u<le li~ ely
to ~tity I"tsel, " bout evcry\h,"g ' . . •
Q. Did,,' , 'JI~ 10 hinl al:!1l. NO\>.' ;\I>oUI loo;'y, di d yo u mil; 10
/11,. 'oo["rc Ihe triul ~!'rled'!
,\ . No.
Q. NOI,\ aU'!
II. N".
Q. Ilow nbou\ dUrl l1ll llln<.·h !o d"y~
,\ . ,\1 Lunch lodlY "'e lalkd ,bOll! m)' Sra n"'.... tu. nlat's , II,
Q. You I,,'l~d ,hollt your &'~IWo;(lll bu l 1-ou di"'n ', lall; aboUI
III~ (JIie ~I all?
,\ . NOI I Lo~ C3S~. no.

Q. Di "'I1' , C\' C" l11~nlio !1 ".-h:u he had sai'" ~":Irli"r du. in!; II.~
Hlal: is th ai righ[ '~
,\ . rlns~'!

Q. OJ'" M r. IIL1Sh.1 " d Inll '0 lOU about wh:1.I he Imd said
\),,,lic( wh~n he t""~ tll c Ilnn d?
,\. r.:(>.
Q. 1U51 lite gr;mdwll'!
..\, J~M Ihe gr.l nd! on.
Q, Wilen ...·a~ tile bM li ",~
you ~)II)k ~ wl lh ~h. Illa , hand at nil
~boul th is ~"cidem :md lhi:o l~wsllil?
,\, 111e l~s l lin.e a """1 th i~ ncd d~n l, he wid me 31l<JI" t)m e.
filllr monll.s:IgO he h:ul ln go 10 the court fo~ lha! ~3"". blll
I don'! lnow if he did gu o I'le did nOl I~II 111 ~.
Q, O J,,, you .I[X"ak wllh 111.1 ~ \ln rnc}" ~t all)" lime prior I" lod ay?
,\. :-o\>.
Q. Did )"ou go 0\11 10 lunch " 'ill! hi",'!
,\. With 111. att orn .)'?
J-' § 3,04

Q. 1'<> lund! lod.:1y ",ilh !Ii.. ~ ' Hlrncy ~nd Mr. !)I a~b~nJ'!
A. Ko. I h.., d lunch ....ith .\1•. OI» b;md . :",d my "ife :md his
wi fe. Th31'S ~n.
Q. You n" "~r mlk~d \0 an)' aHe rnc)' about tt1ii~
A. No.

~ J.II.1
Q. Did you e-'c. give ~ u~'cmcnl 11> ~ " l' ... nc abcnll II,;:., ~
",.illenM~lc mcnt, where you wlh-d aoom Ihi~ wh ole
A. No.
Q. Nc""'- l.o:1'-C a M3tcmcn l \0 an~on.;?
A. No.
§ .l.OJ
CO MMENT: The Wltr.eSS look on ; rnpl~u.ibll! po~ilkln . that he 1:0\ up
cY<:ry mo:ni"l; ~1 6;00 ~ .m. to OPen the I~undfomal. and Uo' it ev·
ery night. £(11' 17 \'C.:ns without ~tti"ll ~nv pilymenl. One!! ... willle$s
\3 kos weh ~ jlC5llilm, the C'03:; t'lC3m inatiDn $hOllla dwell o n II. \0
" ,,' heigh le n tile Inlerence lhat the w,tnc.s will re<>diT~ diSllI'&a ,O hi. oa tl,
10 suit his conve nl ~ nc e. or llel p his cmplo~e"

Q. You worked ror Rog~ r Il lasband. Ih ~ owner "r the

b und . omal. in J lll~' o f 19 •• : ;., Ih~' rom.'<:I?
,\ . y"". sir.
Q. You "" er~ p~id ror )'our work for the l~ un dromm?
,\. No.
Q. He didn', yo u \0 wmi ; for hi", in t!w l~ul\droml \1

,\ . 1 "'ru. nOI gi~cn 30!, mOiler. Ik g." ·c m~ Su",e gifl~ c,·t ry

yea r.
Q. lie onl y ~a"c )'OU a girt c"cry year'?
,\ . y~ ,. sir.
Q. Out 00 "'00<,)1
,\. :-.10 \110n..,),.

CO MMENT: TII~ witness is I)(epar~ \Q blilloely testl(y tha t h \11',)$

not paid anytl\irt e ()r w<)Iking (er \ll ~ defend artt (0' 11 yCJ rs. He nild
na t 3n licip~t~ go ine inlo the ooto il ~ of til e i~sue, He tloereforc ~p.
"... "','

pe."s w rOlOUod by the o::ontinuatiofl 01 Ihl' (lUCSliunifll:- and ollon h;~

<Sem eJroo, lroe ; mpre~ilo n Ihat he i ~ wugeling 10 cool, .. e ,In·
$l'Ier~, He wc",es 0 l~ngl e d w~h .

Q. Wh at eifl did h e give you (0' 19 .. 1

,\ . 19 . . . [ thi nk he &<t"e me the WJlch or r~<.I;o. Some thing
lik e Ih3 1.
Q. Wh at kind o f w~tch "'3S it?
,\ . lie , i,'c me Bulo"3.
Q. Do you ~now how "lUeh lh at "'~l~h ros l?
A. N o.
Q. 0., yoo h,,-e ;1 on nOw?
,\ . No. I io!!.
Q. You lost il ~
,\. Yes.
Q. I~11),11 aU he ",""": )"ou for wort i" S;1I Ihe I~und.ont;ll?
,\. He ~I\'c m~ so me t~le\'i~ion ~Cl!.
Q. Couple Idc~i5ion sen?
A. Yc~.
Q. W hal ki nd o f ld c\; sion '"'t~ d id he s)\'c y(l,,?
A. Zenith. black Jnd ""'hite.
Q. Wh en <lid II ( gj, c ~'OIU the ldc" ision 1C1S?
A. If, ~ lone lin.c. He pvc nl e o nc ~bout 14 ~c" rs n~o. Th e
other one abo ut ni llC )'eal'! ago.
Q. Did )"Ou 1"«\.";\"1: lhe watch ~$ \"t>mJ!"n"'ltion for ~"Our "-...r);
or " '0< it ju~t ~ind uf" frknolly gin?
A. Ilc JP" c il 10 no e ror ~ ,i rl. Be j;:l~c "'" II si ft rw- my
birthday an ti ChriMm3• .
Q. I'~r<lo n me?
A. B e g.wc mC a gi ft o n my b i' lhtla )·. Chri$ t m~s lim~ . You
kn o"" ' om clhing like thut.
Q. D id ~"Ou
conside r yOlirsclr lin empiore.: o f M r. Bb slxond o r
Vlere )'ou jU 5l ~ fri end "f Ilil?
,\ . Ju st friend.

§ J.O-I 3_(,

pears surprised bV tllC continuation of the qucstiooing, and often Ilis

demeanCH" gives the impre5si<.m that he is struggling to contri_e an·
swers. He weaoes a tangled web.
Q. What gift did he gi\'e you (or 19.. ?
A. 19 ... [ think he g;l"C me the WJtch or radio. Something
like thaI.
Q. What kind of watch was il?
A. H~ r,i"e me Bulo"~.
Q. Do you know IlOw much Ihut watch cost?
,\. No.
Q. Do you lla"c it on now?
A. No. I lo~t.
Q. You 10.1 il?
A. Yes.
Q. Is that ~II he gave you for workin~ at the iaundrumJt?
,\. He ~h'c me ~omc leic"ision SC1~.
Q. Couple television sets?
A. Yes.
Q. What kiml of t~lcvision SclS did he give you?
,\. Zenilh. hlack and \\'hil~.
Q. Wh~n did h~ give you th~ 1c1~"i~ion sets?
,\. It's a long lime. He S~\'e me on~ Jhout 14 ycar~ ~go. The
other one aoom nine years <lgo.
Q. Did yuu rcceiyc the watch J' compensatiun rnr ynur work
or 'I'm it JUSl kind of <I friendly gift?
.\. I·k gave il to me for ~ girt, 1·1" ga\'e me a ~;ft fnr my
birlhday :tnd Christmas.
Q. Pardun me'!
,\. I-Ic gn"c me a gift on my birthd:t)". Chrislmas time, You
knuw. something like that.
Q. Did you cnnsidcr YOllrself an cmployee of Mr. Blasband ()r
were }'nu just a friend 01" his"!
A. Just rricnd.
J-7 Maiol •• an", Worhr § 3.0~

Q. Just a rrie",l?
A. Yes.
COMMENT: Counsel repeats and elaborates his questions when he
feels tlHlt the answer is implausitlle. This highlights for the jury !tIe
nature of the response. In tile immediately pri"," testimony, lor in·
stance, the employee claimed a close Iricndship with the defendant
owrlCr. In fact. the Owner of the laundromat, who had already testi·
fied, owned n numb.r of laundromats, did not live in the area, and
lVas a completely different tyf>l' of person th.n the witne". They
were not the types that would "hang out" together. The inc(}l1gruity
of the witness' testimony is p~inful.

§ 3.05 Work lIi,tory ~nd i'r"""durc ~t i.9undromnt

Q. When did you Ii!"!.t meet Mr. Bbsbant!?

A. A long time ago. About 17 yems.
Q. Have you heen working m the laundromat throughout
those 17 ~'em', ,ince you mel )'Ir. B\~,band? Just yes or no.
A. Y~s.

Q. And how nHleh spare time would you put in at the

laundromat on a daily basis?
A. I put about 25. 30 minutes e,'e!)' day.
Q. SO would you open up the store in the morninr,?
A. I open in the morning.
Q. :\nd >'ou would get up carly ~o thm you could <10 (Imt for
A. I gct up carly. >·cs.
Q. What time do you get Ujl in the morning?
A. I ge( up live o'dock in the morning eve!)' morning.
Q. An<l then you would go open the laundromat'!
A. No. I <taycd home and sometimes ~ix o·clo,·k. 6:30. I
opened (he launt!!)·. Six o'dock, 6:30.
Q. Wh~t woult! you do when you would upen (he l:mmlrom:tf/
,\. I would buy coITee and sit down and rcad the paper. and
when the customers started to ,'om~ in I went home.
Q. Al Ihi~ ~all1c time you had ,mother full time job, didn't
§ 3.05 J-S

,\. yc~.

Q. And you would go to )-'our job at Thr~e Star'!

A. Three Star, ye,. ,ir.
Q. And when you worked at Three Stur you worked from
,c"en \0 three, full time: riBht'!
A. Seven to three full tillle.
Q. Ami durinB break, you wouldn't come back \0 the
laundromat. would you'!
.... Sometime. [ could became I got a IS minute break.
Q. [m't it a fact you only ge\ ten minule break, at tlmt job'!
A. ..iftccn minute break. A h:1[f hour 1lll1Ch. I came to check
up ~ometime •. NOI every day.
MH. 1le,\N: Exeu~e me. Judge, I would object \0 that line of
qUcMioning only ;n vicw of th. fact thm we already had te,ti·
mony Mr. ".rnunde," wa, on "acation and that the week of the
alle&cd incident he wm in a different routine. and I woule! a~k
tltm tile questions relate 10 thaI different routine :nul not be in
~uch a gencral way.

Till: COUKT, O"crruled. I will let }'OU e,tabli,h the regular pat-
lern and then the ,"uriution.
Q. SO you worled full time. b\ll wou!d ,pend about 25
minUleS a da)' at the laundromat.
,\. Yes.
Q. And part of thai wa, opening tlte laundromat in Ihe
A. Ye,.
Q. And part wa, clo,ing th~ laundrom'll al night.
A. Yes.
COMMENT: Coun.el Iiones 10 e,l~bli,h that .irtte the wilne" w",
0'1 vacali"" from ili, full time job wilen tile accident occurred. the
I"urtdrorn~\ was 11<)\ wefl maintained at that time.

Q. Now, wilen did you staft YOUf \'acmion in 19,. '/

A. I .\,m in J\lly Stlt.
Q. Whm da)' wa, Ihat, by the wa}"!
,\ . MOllday.
Q. ,\lId h o'" 1011; a "acalio ll d id you gel1
,\ . Tbr~'C " 'l't:b.
Q. Did )'o u \cavy the 10WII ;I I ~ll?
A. I Ih'e nOOu l \wo bloc ~s from lhe shop.
Q. Did you Ica\'t 10w n 0 11 }'o ur vacation?
,\. No. I did nOl ~o an}" pbce on my v~cn(ion.
Q. Did yo u l i k~ ..... o r~ l ng a\ Iha1 bundrolna!?
A. [ like it bo.·C;l u;,;: h ~ iJ my frie nd, He is m)' good friend.
Q. Yo u .... njo>· goinlllhc n: ;lnd-
A. I m jn)' 11 • )"'. I d id c'·en·thiIlS bc.::tu~ h .... is III)' good
fr iend. I le ll you (o r ~urc-cl<Cll!iC lIle. he i$ m o re lh:m a
friend. I woukl ,'all him :l brolhcr.
Q. I ullder:.1and, You " 'o uld do anylh illS for him: rj,h l~

A. ' ,,"0 resJ'OII$4: .)

COMMENT: Til e "';!n ess, in ju st il~ l ng his conl ribtllioc SO n' UeM lima
free of charco 10 !)ene!it Ih is dafc ndJnt. II~s in, peached his own
credibili ty by dcmonW,1ti Il 8 a high degree or partisa ns hip.
Q. Did )'OU on ~'our vacation day on Jill)' 101h. di d ~'o u r,C l u p
and go 10 Ih e lau ndro nml at s i~. 6;:J.O. in Ihe morni l'll an d
open il up?
A. I o~n~d n 6;}(). I s". d own ~ I the table. I ...-.: Ih~ l e lI e 1111
CU§IOmtli :l1 ~lL I w~nl In Ihe buen' :loom n ile b~ LO.: k up.
boughl :I ,01T~c lind p;!JI('r and C:1II1.· b:Ick 10 Iht b undt')'.
l31 00,,'1\ ~ "d d t3l\~ 11I~· colT,..: "nd read Ihe p;'f\l:r a half
Q. \\"131 I j m ~ ,,-~ s lhal?
,\ . Aboul ciS11i o·eloc ~. Som cl hi n ~ like Ih~t .

Q, You C~ IIl C ba~k ~ I ciC1u o'clock?

A. Ye~.

COMMENT; Th a accidQ nt l1,l p~n e d sht>rtly after 8: 00 , 50 thaI Ill e

witness was in a pcs lticn Ie h~ve Qb~erved nny VlJter M Ih e tiocr, b,
hi~ ow n ad Ol inlcn ,

Q. Where did \LlU go "' hon }'U U left Ihe la ul1 dr<>nl1u?
",.,' ,

A. Ilccall~e [ &0 OUI and lalked with lilY people, frionds uf

mine. and I came buck, YOII know, [ camo by the bundry,
checkod up on it amI went hact to my house. Mtcr tbat I
did not come back for a row hours.
Q. You opened up the laundromat and then you went to gct
some colTee, and tl!Cn you came back and sm down and
rcad the paper?
,\. Y.,. sir.
Q. [f~ a vacation day and YOII went to the laundromat 10 hang
oul; i. Ihat risht?
A. Yes. sir.
Q. You did it bccau~e you lited to help Mr. Blmb:llld, the
defcndmu in thi~ casco
A. Yes.
Q. And )·ou put in thous:tn(is of hour" of work at the
laundromm, O,'or th. }'cms, without gelling paid.
A. I do not sot paid.
COMMENT: N<xice that c(}(m~cl comes back at v~,ioo~ times to elicit
tI,e implau,iltle answer regarding the witness' lack of compen .. lion.
In tI,is way I,e capture. the witne~~ off guard and also impresses the
jury witl, tI,e witr,e,,' lack of crcdibilit~.
Q. And ~lthough you weTCn'l bcin~ paid. you lOok on the
respon~ibility of keeping Iho laundromat clean.
A. Yes.
Q. You were the only olle who wa s supposed 10 keep Ihe wmer
01T the floor of Ihe laundry, right?
A. Yes.
Q. Now, an the nighl before. on Jul)' 9th, the night before the
""idont, when did }'ou lU~1 leave tl1e bundr)"'!
A. AboUI eight o'clock in the night.
Q, And i, lhat when the laundromal do'cd up?
,\, I clme "ny time after seven o'clock if no customers are
inside the bundry.
Q. Bul there w.rc still ellstamers in 50 you didn'l do~c I1ntil
about eight'l
3- \1 , U ti

A. I ,.,.,iltd " m il Ih" (U'lo men. fi nished ~Ild cluwd til ..

laund ry.
Q. \\'10 31 <.lid )'Ou do to cl c.., 11," L'lUn dry th . nil!Jl\ bo:rol'\: th .
:u:c idcnl?
A. What di d I do th ai n;ght be ro re ! cI"'cd ?
Q, Ye s.
A, Clean the I'I I;t C~,

Q, How d o ~'ou clean it?

A. We ll . I ~"'~~" [h e floor ~ nd mop.
§).(16 Mclb od rot ac~ nlng Boor
COMM ENT: Covnlel itI the loIlowing seemelll 01 uo~ e>.3minitllon
s~ Ihal Illu wilness IOSflI it m elhDd c l lloor mopping Ih~1 could
h~.e ,,[[~ w,)lef to , on Ihe 11oa, " Ite, the Pfocedure ..a~
lin;~etI. The ";lrIC$$ .1Itemp'" 10 nel:i"le lh;~ inle,e nce by POinling
oul thai the two~e 01 time W<lukl iUelI aCQ;l/npl;sh an, d r,lng thllt
s lill needed to t.11<c place. The jury is Ie/I wilh the 'e~ t lIOI~bili ty thill
Iaxily in mCoPPlns could h~v~ "' II wa ler o n the floor,
Q. YOXI tn~~ ~ pail or water all<.l ",op th e fl oor up?
A. W~~h I h ~ floor,

Q, And ,'ou di \l thal tb:tl ni ghl?

A. Yes. • ir.
Q. Now, ",lim do )'uu do after you ",lIP tht floor?
,\ . I dry ii,
Q. I~ow do you dry i "~
A. Wi th a dry mop.
Q. Arul ",103\ h.ll)flCni if yolO <.10'1', 05C lht d r;.' mop?
A. Nol b inl1 hDfl!'('ll ~ b«31O iC it's too ma n!' b01l1S h<:t" W n " 'glII
to so:" cn or 6:)0, It'i d l)' "' hen I COm e hack.
Q. So j'CU rou!" net dl)' mOl' it and it wuul(1 be s.o n ~ in l h~
morn i ns?
A, In c~.e I d id not d,)' it , it' s very dry ir. the morn ing bceau ~c
il ),a~ time 10 d'}' bcc:tu~c I dc 1\01 PUI \OXI ",uch wate r o n
when I mOll ,
Q. If )·ou pu t 100 ml,rh w~ tcr on w h~n )'OU mop)l~d. il
" 'ou ldn'\ b~ 0.1 1)' in Ille mo rn i ng. wnuh! il7
,...... ,,,.,
§ .un

A. ! (jan·t know.
Q. ·I1K""rC h:tve I><:cn lim~... wh ..'11 )ml did nOl (jry nlOI' lh" tlnDr
nne r moppi n~?

A. INa '~5POllil:.)

Q. H~\'e you done that heroIc'?

i\. Yc .•.
§ 3.07 IIIlJlbu . illlc .'''sltil,ft, Wil~.·,s Dcn! ..... Mdlt!: Any \\"mtor
"n From
Q, Vall We.e told to dc:tn u p ~n~· w~ IC' on II..: floor. ri!;ht?
,\. 1\'0. There "''1S no ... ~tcr un tI,e floor.
Q. VOIl "'~.c nat told \0 d ean up an~· "'!lie. 011 the floor1
A. N".
Q. Yo u ne'·Cr clc~ncd up ~ny w~tc . ull the flou ,?
,\. I lIa,"C ne,·e~ ,,-"Cn wau:r on lite fl oor.
Q, You were ~llpP<l>cd to mnke in !pcct iall~ of the store to
m~~c sure th~""rc ""!Im·t ~ Ily " "!Iler n n the noor?
A. ! <In c'· ~ I)· !IImnins.
Q. Mr. Torn..., doc!,,·t ... ~tcr !.O lllctim n tet Oil lite floo r W~CII
cUMom"rs l r:lC~ il in?
,\. 1 )m \,c n~ '·cr Seen :I!I). Wa l\',. ! ha\"~ 'IC Wr seen lhal, " "alcr
all the nonr from tl't c"'tol"cr~ • ha'·c newr "''l:1l "':ller un
Ihe fluor. 0Cc3USC ill the wintertime I Pllt a IU& in I h~ rront
(joor for the pc opk h~w lI'el fe~t or '0. wt: t ,Il oe' ()r
!>Onwtllin B l ik~ Ili:LI.
Q. Well. you flIl l lh ~ lug there lot. Ihltlh~ W~ler d("-~n· 1 gel Oll
the flo or, ,,,,'t Ihal corrc~t'!
A. ~o. I ha'·c nnc r s....."n "·:IL~'.

Q. And ).(11' Il"t ", m·, ""mi ns from the clotl, ~ :tn(j rrOIll the
washing tl1:t .. hil\~~'1
A. No.. The ""3t.... lh~\ rom~s r,um Ilw w'lsh in!! n.achine ~C5
ill Ihe hJc k.
Q. \Vllat if the)" {l!WO t~c door ~1 the " ·",ng li ol e. {[ " y<ln gCI
somc "~Il el o n Ih.: noo, in from ,)f Ih ~ ,n athi nc?

§ ,\ .(lS

". Ir i, tot a lillie I~~k il gne, in Ihe h~("\" lOll . The)' I~ot about
rm,r inches of conCT~le from Ih ... 110m 10 Ih~ m~dli ll""
Q. Somcl iml'S people lake Iheir bu ndl)' OUI of Ihe m 3(' h in ~
and ir~ "ii! .... el?
,\ . :>10. J ~[ link bit, bUI lid ,"'31"r "n 1100r.
Q. And Iltat waler drip! d(IWn nlHO the Oonr.
,\ . No. I neVe' sn:n n.. WOller o n Ihe flou r.
Q. well . )"lU'r~
on\)' there in tk ,'ally n\(lmin ~ 'Ind right
""ror~the Illace t lo'><'S. h n·. 1 11.~t ri,Jn?
A. Sometime'S I <'Oln~ other timc~.
Q, li nt I!luall y o nl y \0 llllCn ~nd 10 dOli ...?
A. SQlul1imc •.
COMMENT: Nol;ce th~! ~ c 'p l t e pe r&is lcn l Q,,",l lcning by
\1,. ~It~,·
""II. Ihe ....1""'. 'e iterale~ tfl~ til~ ny \ h~( tflCre W~5 n.,cr
any WJte-r
00 the !iacr 01 the l.luno1lon'1;)[ at any lime. This pD5iiiO<l 15 ~I OUd~
witll Ih~ Cam mOI' kncwl ~d ge Inat tl'ere i ~ h e qu cr\t l ~ some wJI ~ r on
\ h~ lloor of .,<)d. amat .. l .lny gi~n bme.

§ C.., " I J · I1\,t"/II"~p h .• 10 Can l, ~~ irt T" "i IllIlY )

M ~. D "~ ';·I: I.~ 1 the rOc'o r(\ r"Il~Cl I mn .howi ng ).1.. Tun'"
I'b inti ft', "~h i bi l 2 for iden!ilk;l\iutl.
Q. Sir. ii t l1i~ a fai r ~n d " .. curate phl)w~r" nh o t' Ih"
A. (:-l" res p()n sc.)
Q. h th i' the ln llnd romat?
A. yc~. That"$ Ihc I ~undrom"t.
MK. DltK I': Your Honor. r mon' Ihm 1'1,,;lII i\1"5 E,hi!>it 2 he
a<l mi!le" in ",·idcru:~.
COMMENT : ne nl~i nH1f re li~'(\ "" II,e ~ remi ", 1.... \ b« ,1", e \hr;te
was wOllling .Il~wn "" t!,~ floor or th ~ IJUn~rcnl", in p\cI< Jl e~ ta kc n
""'~n daY$ . her lire .l(( irJ!!nl. 100 Jury would inter 1113\ n,e rc had
1>ecn s la ndinG w~le r on \I,e 1I000 r al va riou s tinl OS ,n tf><l PO,! . The
jury would then b(' a.l<ed (0 in ler tfl~1 ' ince til' ~IMdint: wat er Via.
p~' mille<l nn the lloor i l 01~ ur limn. il w~s I"'"" ,n"" 10 ~\~nd on
tile mcm i"G 01 ti1 0 occurrc nce,
or c~u,~" lIle de rer>d~nt could I>3ve ~'cued Iha l sure. I hc~ (,Ies
wor e ilam ~&ed , t>ut the Iii •• I,~a gottr;ll that WJ )' Clue to " 10 o\'e r the
,'" 3- 1~

pe riod 01 ycar5. and no a ""th ing 10 do wilh a ny wate r bei ng M the

1100. al tile time of this accident. N~rtnclc ~~. " lutkV. t~e dcl t n·
<1.10 1', wrl ll e~' would iM teoo .1Uad the e"Sif"'" of II\e ..".ping in
ttl<! h,,! p!;>\:e , 1 1\~ '.lhev w<!U la t>e at1emp!i ng to eontradict the (k!~r
p/'I ~I tvi.... nec in [nt <:a-C.

(lland ~d \0 Mr. lI eall.)

;"IK. o.!MS1: L4:r I I~ Kreul rdJ~1 I an, ih_ i lljl ;\ 10 Coo"",,!.

Q. Mr. Fcm and"~. do< s thi, piClUre rcfl ccl_ do )'0\1 ~n (}w
wh ich mach i!l(~ uc d~pi<;. "-d in thai pi<;lU rc wi thout !cd llg
an)' nu m!).,,, of them?
A. ThoS(: a rc the 1"'0 gi an t . iIe.
Q. Do )'OU ~ n\lw whk h IWO m , ehin<:l; Ihm would h<: a, far "
the nu n,!>trs ur~ cotICt rn .d?
,\. O n ~ ~1\d two.

Q. 00 yo u $/.' e machi ne nun,ber 13 in that piclllf.?

.\. t-;o.
Q. Do you know u'hcthct' thi , pinun: ! ho,,",! l hc marhi nt'S Ihc
w ~r lim! il look c<l on Jut)" rOlh, 19. . 1
A. No.
Q. It d id not look that way;
A. II lootrd Ihllt ":~)' INI IherD W;L'i no w~t er o n it .
Q. Looking ~ t th~ Iliclur~ . thaI picture thaI ,Oil 'C~ nOW. dcx: ,
Illal sIK'''' Ih( "';t). 1h..1I 11K: m~ch i llO . Ihe k""S~. Ih~ f"loor
10<)~cd 01\ Jlll y 10th . !?.;
A. No.
Q. It d",,~ 11 0\;
A. No.'\lII)" n,· MH. O\! KSI: (CoI11i l"l1t~d.l

Q. What i ~ dinclcn l aOOu I il?

,\ . II docs not ba" c th i$ owr hero. [I'oint ing to Ihe walT!cd
p(If'1ion or ,he noor, sllo,, ""alt< d;""l&d ThiJ. p~" in
th e Ooor , It did not h ~,'c th lt on Ihal d a~ . I di d nnt )\.'<!
"'" "."
J- l j

COMMENT: The w, I "~ IS hglpinS Ihf pI"inlll l by poinlinc OUI lhe

warping and wr inkl es on IMe floor. He is be ing ~erl!l1si"e ab<l ul I/l e
app~,enl impl""tion of ltoe phOle!!" ph.

Q. Si ,. kl me hand ~'Oll Pbinli fr, Exhibil I. Can'l YOII ,~ ..' th~

, :tI11C lhin g in Ihl , n-h o!Ollr~ph on Ihe tile?
,\ . It docs nol 1<,)01.: lil.., Ihe ",,"Il'" thing.
Q. 11 \loe~n't loo k the S.1", ~·!
A. ~ o.

Q. So would you §;'Y Ihal Ihis-

A. 'rh ~ floor I lulki oB :111 011(. I ~I\I 110t sc~ th e nOO! lhat "")"
th31 II~)·. nl).
Q. VOl) newr !oil'" I " ~ Iloor with all tl\l~ w~ lcr ,na tls.
wrinkl lo~. w~rpil1 a?
.\ . Not Ib~t 113}". I ""'W d ill SC\' Ih~1.

Q. Th e "","ion of the n oo r that )"OU ar~ refe rrin g to i, "

"""I ionbClw~c o lh~ roncn: tc I.II~c ~nrl Ihe tHe ar,",,; h lh31
"orr e~('
,\ . Betwee n th e con crete and tile! \lid nOI :\0:( any,hin8 Ih3 t

Q, [f I \',3$ 10 ldl YOIl Ih :'l thi s phm ol;raph W3\ taken Oil Ju ly
I1lh. 19. . . would lh~ 1 "" ,(.h yom ren,lIc..1 ion :IS 10
"' heth er Ihat photograllh rcn~~t. the condition or tile nom
~~ it W~~ 00 July !Ill". 19 ... 1>(""(0 <l~>'S e:.. [icr"1

COMMENT: This qlJe'Shon is Clearly direcled to th~ III!)'. I~ put the

c,i!jc nce in pe rspecti"c JII!IL$ lime .• uble~1 10 lale, POIK>[.
,\ . On Jll ly Will il IIi\l nOI look like Illal. I am '"l:r)' SII' ''. That
""~! nol like lha! (In Jul y lOth.

Q. Dill you e,'et "h !~r" c th~ r.Iis<:ololmio n to I ~C li lc or 1" 31

,\ . ~ o. 1\ot that day.

Q, Oi(l you ( n', obwn·c w~rpi n ~ on Ih" n.. ,,,, Ilk s I h~m,d~..,.;?
,\. l'lc" ..., uy Iha t aIlo1;1I!
Q. I){II )' ou C,' cr , ec "'arpin~ un the n",,, tile "!
~IH . IhIM,: Ol>jl'<'lic n. YOof Ifm'()f. I \I<ln'l lhi n~ 110: bad ~n up-
Il(]ft unity 10 ~n m'Cf the qU"~li o " .
"'" ,.
l - H,

Tw, COtlU, He didn'l u ml~r..ta"d the ....'o rd ..... arpins. do n't

I"i n~ . D o )'(111 ~no"'" wll)! warpinc m~:m!{.'

Q. !.ink: wt inkkl.?
,\. Wrinkl es. wh al dO ~5 lhat nl~an?

Q. Or ".. mp:>'?
A. Wutcr wrinkl~. ),ou ",0,,,,? 1 do nol ~lI1dcr.l a nd.

Q. W,ner wr i n ~ lI:s?

,\ . l'Oo. [ "~ ''t:r I\ SNn that.

Q. NC"cr ~e cn wha\'~ ill lhis ]lh010~ riHltl?
A. No.
Q. 111 fael. it i, ~ nur lcslinmn)'. i ~n't il. lhat thurc WaS nc'w
~1l)'wa ler, n~'-c' :m y ",;:lIef 011 I!1\: noor in lhal 3~a~ Is Ih~l
('o noe!'1
,\. I neve . h ;lY<: 5c..,11 lha l.
Q. It IIe"U M lll"I"".<I : riSh!"!
,\. O cca\l~e in th e winler when lh~ rx:c llle Come in "ilh Ihe
weI [ttl I to..::t a (Ull, :"ul a liuk wcl . a lII! 1 dr~' it ri ~hl ll W:ly
wh~n 1 ~ '" the re.

Q, ilul y"u'r~ onl)' there 10 <ljlCn ~ n<l c!me the pl ace. righ l'l
A. Someli mes 1 com e durin g the day.
Q, Oul eml)" sontclimc-s: you·r., n o~ n:q uin:d to coon" in dll.·
d:.,. aT e you , y~9 or no?
1\. Ko.
Q. J ~ lh~IC ~1I)' discolurali on or "':ll'lling of th ~ nom like this
in the lmmdr(ll nat no .....?
A. No.
Q. SO we co uld go lh~re nOW and we coul dn't fi nd any of t l'~l :
is lh:ll rol1c~l? Is Ih,u )"(lur ll'slimoll~'?
A. INo rc~ponM·.)
COMM£NT: The wilncu ""'Y become concerae-d trot Ihe court
miglll decid e t~ <'Illow th e iur~ to go tonli,,,, the nh)o.iclIl I"<ide<K:e.
Coon~ m~ ~ .. ish 10 tJ k~ a d'Mta&C oj tM lae t th M wit l'l(!$$c, l-a,"
" f!<'! lim. untrel staf14!ing of whal to .'11«1 in court. and ,lre very «In-
cemoo 11",\ lh(:ir deception. will be dI SCO""TC\l ,
Q. w~ '''',u ldn't find -ir w~ we ill t h~re right nuw alld we
l oo k~d at Ill is mea Ih c~ would be no disml n' :llion . n"
"''at<.'T wri!)kl~(!
,\ , :-lot 0" tho: 110nl ,
Q, t\'o t on Ih~ 110M, whe'e Ih c,u [lic1\l '~. sho\\' il: rilth!'!
,\, Nu,
Q. So ;$ il )"OUI l(>lin1O")' ll1al the<.t: p i<'1u r<."lO do lill" w lb,'
lau ndromat ?
A, y~ j,

Q. T his is Ih" w:;IlI of lhe l~u nd Nm~t?

,\. "'"I,
Q, Th~ pic tures .how Ille ";\~hcl! in t h~ lau nd ru mal'!
A. \ \ 10. 11>ill<," 11\0: w;"h,,~
Q. Ou t this ;. nOI th. noo l (>r th . !;, un d rnmat?
A, Th~ nnor d{).,~ nnt look like that,
ClI,\I'TER 4

Bus Drh'cr-Infalll Darl~out Casc

c."" [<:\"Min"lj"n
"1 J "".... J'. 1'"..""".11.'

'4.01 l.n'.... . 1 (J~f'O' "'l ,Ino....! . "" ' .....,""' ..

,-4JI! 1I<l~~ ' 01_,....
I 4 .~.\ H_, n",- oll),h., To _ ( 11Il0l
t 4.0.1 1nl\W..., 0( 0.,. ... ..: ,Ill""",'
~ ·U S SOb ....... "'o.:
0 • • r"'...., ...
I HI/; IHm" ...... f t'", \l' llh ,llI ", ",,', ""4 W ~ "''''''

J 4.t7 So"' ... " "',... ~_" ''''''~l 0/ 0. .... ,. s." Child
1\ 4,O~ l>I:", • • " .. \lo. ,,' '-', •• 1 " ; <I ~
f .t09 WhW .... IftA Qw<!ktft'" .\ , ol ~ Io:,p........

i t:" . bll , h",l S""'~ or I,.,

i 01. II l "<" of Uo",hlo"
§ ~.l l \I'~ o<'" .\lI<"~"" n ' ;'pla" " . n; C•• "", V .... 1I1 "",h , (inl " St...'
it • •-.. ...
• In P}{", ", h,. ,hi , ' ,' "min"i,," W,;; <O "~ ",,"' d, J " ~)O P''''h'\'C ' J "" ,. 0 P""-
n.,;n Fu<h""",.~ 1'...... '\0<'1'- lit" n"" ~,, ~.I>< J •.:o1> J). 1'..<1"\0<,, I~", r" ....
1"0"' 1 ~7S ,h"",,10 l '1:1l. J"~ ,. F"h'\ 'C'~ '"' ~n ,!>; 1'... y."l S,.,. Cu,,, of
Appr3h. s.-..' ,'"",', hi,., .. , <~" " . He il • fo m'" 1,,,,,,,1 '01 " r th ' -I<_i" i,, " "r
1 ".1 t.... ) .... of ,,,...,,.., fo",.... l', orl~< tkw ,-",~ SUI< T".I 1.>",<1,
,\.>c< i.. i,m. "' .... d , i ~l\I "I"" "' ('"" id,., "f ,I", 1(00"'< ('"u"<1 "n"nd"i(l~, U'
~ r""",k, ,I1\d ;. r<d.,...- [ .....,,, . 0( ,\ ll ,~ '. Tri.l -'I"P,iM, • r,,""d i"~ di,,,,,,,,
of Ih' :o.I"i"".1 Inni'~1f ~ .. Tn.. iIoIv<x"" .•
nd i. II>< f.oJ"Of of. ' hl« '0 .......
~.". ,nliU, d ;0;, .. , ~'n'~ I, .~, of [).'""~", n. i, , ~,.>J ""I< ~f ~<w ,-" ,. U~!I "'~
I,' ~ ..' S<h<l<ll. ."" " ..- ~ TIU"'" vi ,I« No ..' " m~ Un""";'" I ....' Sclu><~ I .. ",
Crnlf. r .."nd,,,,,,,, lb, J""""
1>. l'"h""" 1 I",,,, So.brol "" n,"" '" J~ .ft"
1'",'1101" eo:
Ih. "'"'t> of I II "'" In.... "'j",,,,,,,, " •., "PP""'111 ('O"n.d b»' ...... ,h>n"",.
Ii ~.I ,I .\l h .I". \1'11 ....,,·,
i ' .1 ' ''''I'',' ~~' APrIl ,.... Il"~« Foll)'
Ii ,u S 1:1 •..,""' . .... , h r', Ift ..... l n ~ !>;qcl.",.._
f '.1 6 M<~)""'I: "" "" ,,,,
Ii •.., R........ . ;'"'"".. ,),..

Slwllllary' "f lim it· Flle/" (/lid I lIIr",III<'/"'Y 1I,'''w r/.:.' ··

In \h;~ C:l~ . Ih.; plaint iff tbi m~d 11l:1! ~ bl" dr ;,'cr siruck tI,e ; n·
t:, UI pl ~ i mirr :on d lh~J\ b:>i:kcd I),'c r hi"" The t1ri ,'~' cl~im~'" h~ was
dr h'ing ~ bu~ on ~ sun ny d:l ~', s.,,," th e l){)f in Ihe ,tr cet i'l th ~ 1'~lh
"r I)", pu:.. ~ II<I Ih~n loot ' i!;hl of hin., An ~-.:''';nw..~ ro~ Ih' dc,
fcnlc tes tifi ed Ih l l Ihe 1>0>' wa.1 fighlin g wilh olh er "h iltlnm and
t1~tl~'d ')I"
;nlO .he street, wherc he r~ n inl o lh ~ ~i dc of the hU5.
Jmls-: Fu,:h!obc.r,. through Ihe cross C>'.1. min:ltion of lhis d ri " ~""
demon l trat es th ai Ill .; dri,'C' w~s ,pc~ding and n~ "e r ""en ~lIC mpl.
~d \II fully ~""ly .. ;~ b'OIk. , llw e" iocnro ~howcd Ih:r.1 th e dril'cr"1
bliS "';' \ 01'1 1>' 2U(l fec I hch ind 311O Ih.: r b u~ al the li me or th~ :t,:ci.
d t nt. e,'en Ihousll it ~h ou l d h~ ,'c bet ll m uch rurther be)lind. ,\d(il·
t;",,:,II )", th or" ",er~ nu ~ id m:tr!;s. ~uppurti ng tll.: p!:ointi rTs con'
I~n tio n Ih ~ l the driver nc ,'cr rully ~pplic(l th e bmkel ,

ntr" uchout this erG ... "~~ tni n~t io n, Judge Fuch~bcT!l dwcll~ on
llle wca kn e~. o r Ih ls ... j lnc~ '!l'e , n~~~' n'any ront :lCt~ with
Ihe ddcn~ ~tto rncy. in addition 10 I,is ro nl~ C I ~ willt in " c~ti S:!I0""
and Olher ...; tlll.'Ui!!I in the ~ ron,bi rK: \0 n'~h his " cilibilily
,u~ IX'I' I .

Q. Of course, you discussed }'o ur te slimo ny be fore yo u lOok

the sl.:md , t1idn't yu u?
COMMENT: Judge Fuchsbe,1!. opens his t'O!.S el amination by point'
lng t)U1 th~t the wit n ~$s tu tifi eu a fter bei ng p[ep~,e~ to do s~ by the
~Pl>QSinl!. auc ,nc ~ .

,\. Yes. sit. I read tit c' e.

§ 4.'1

Q, I b,:& fllU' p:Jrdoll~

,\ , I r~ad 1 ' <.1IOf1,
Q, I di dn', 3$1;. )'0\1 wl, elher you .e~d ~ rePQn, ! ~~h-d )"11 1.1
whelll e. )'01.1 "ho:u~S<.!d your 1<."li mllny with §(I nlCO" C ~fmc
)'OU look Ihe ~wtld ,
COMMENT: Not e 111.11 J u~cc F~cl'sbe,g lets Ine wilncn know imme'
diolely thaI II C wi ll not be pa rmitted to e.ade que,t ion~ ,

,\, yc~, ~i r ,

Q, You d id?
A, ThJl" rieh l,
Q, \'01.1 know 111m mcan, 1 ~I ~i ns 10 somchnd)', ritlll?
A, Tha I's righI,
Q, Who d id you \.:Ilk 10 bero re you took Ih", sl~ nd7
,\ , I sJl()l; c 10 " I)" l~"'y"",
Q, Yuu mc~ n \ho: lawy"" ror Ihe bu s COmPlII' Y, lhc nmn lhaf5
lryirl S Ih~ c~ \(l'1
A, Thai', riUlll,
Q, When d id 1"lI' S l'c~k IU him'!
A, Th i, mn.nill&,
Q, Is Ihi~ Ihe rlr!;1 lime YOII ~J><lkc j[l him, Ihi $ m ornltl~'1
,\, Nil, ( S]lQkc lU him Thu!~,by,
Q, Tlu""b)', "'here ~ Ih ll?
,\ , S:. mc .,l~" ill :. room,
Q, In ~ room ,,'h~rc?
,\ , On Ih" nUll' h,·,e.
Q, You l llokf 10 him Imlay?
,\, "'Id Tln\r!d 3)",
Q. Alld 'nlut~d~}'?

A. Th~(' ! ,i Sln .
Q. Wllc', did )'01.1 spea k \[l him bel'o!e (hal.
,\. Muyl>\: t""C) y~~r' a~".
Q. [)id ~'IIU ~I"'l~ In him :u U"I lirne?
.-, § HII

COMMENT: Ju~ futl" bf.& knows thi~ witness has met with the
altorney belore. E"Mloos on tile issue of ~king w,Ih a lawyer usu·
ally inllitate • IIVIIty conK ieme "boot hawing spoloen with the lawyer.
IIthil ," had ~ n ~o 'm~ 'ClPI" wgge~1i ons a llolul w!la\ \0 ~~. there
woutd bit no guilty (OfIjc lcl'ICe . Therefole . whoo a ....11'1("0$ ~p pcJ '$ ,e·
ruct;)"! to ~dmll 11'111 he i~ko w,th hi, I~wye<> his de<:eIt is quite rolo·
,ani to his "cQI~"ity .

Tile deposition t'anscript would indicate whether tho witness W~.

represented 3t Ill e Oepo$ ili<)l1 by th e lawyer. If til e "'iln en den iEs
113ying spoken with Ihls attorney at tile time 01 th e d~posltlon, !lIC
deposition I.anse,iot will i "' PE~ch him.
This ~u~ti on tUl ne-d up the u ~fu l ~idoo cc tnl! the driver had
~ j"''<II ~ In anot her I~w suit. and .... , '''I'''!5(!n tC(J b~ Ihi$ ~ "Ie
lawy",", Altnough SIKh ,niom'l.'l!ion is u,uallt inad mjo;~lble, II was
praper het C ,ir>(C!' llIe w;tn H~ originally led the jUly 10 belielfe Chat lie
did not recall l.Ceing the lawyeo' before .
A. y~

Q. ! ".."C.
A. YeMS "8(1. I Il a"~n'l IIftn i n coun for a 1;00<1 mnn)' leJrs
Q. Did you diiCU~S I h i~ CJ!~ witn him two yenrs ~g07 Sin('c
)"ou remembe r him rrom m~ny yc:tr~ :lgo. il cenni nl )' wo ul d
Slick In I'our mind Ihat )'011 saw him IWO yen rs nso. "Thi~
is mI' old rriend."
,\. Two y~ar.. UIffl ! \ook~d at my rcport and th~n w~ WC'll
down to a laW)"('rs' n m e.., and hnd !iOnle n:pons down thtft.
Q. I d id n'l s;I)' ~nl·th jlll: to )'011 a boul IWO )·\'a rs :l$O. \ '00 arc
the o nc Ihal s;,;d )"UU sa,'" him befo.e T hurMl"y, 1"'0 )'C;'\fS
nb"O. No,,' I wanl to ~now whcthcr \ha l i. Ihe " \1111 v I i,
ir.n'llhc Irulh. Did ~'U\J :Itt him IWO yr.rrs ~to? " " d ir ~O\I
~"",,. h im from bdorc. Ih." y~ u <.... ':li nl)' wO\lld ha ,·~
n:mcmhen:d if he "'-::I.Ihe nmn you :l.1W ,wo years asn.
A. Yes.
Q. Y OIl did I'CC him two yea rs :lgn?
A. Yes.
Q. Well , Ihat' ! Ih e bwyCf who went with }'OU 10 "'hnt is known
~; a ', c~~min~t i lln hdore trial thJI )'nu'lie t~tkin, UhoUI.
righ l;
_" ...r,
i ~.Ol

A. It it,ht.
Q. Did ~"(I U di;~ Ih t <"":I IC with Ih ~ law)"Cr .11 Ih ~1 lilll c'!
,\ . Yes.
Q. \\']J(! el sc h",·c yuu spoken In aboul (his t 3SC in 11"1" 1~1
,\ . J',;u one.
Q. Dill )"<>\1 ,pt~k (0 ~Il )'onc cl'e \'mH>c"wd with Iht bUI
. oomp;l ll)~
,\ . '1'011 Illun u..-{n IC Thlln<by~ No.
Q. Befo re lod~y.
A. Oh, 1 mJY h~ \"c 'fl"Okcl\ tt> the i l\'·cst i~a lor.

COMME"'T: A&'in. the wltne., 1s ~ttemllti,,!! to e~ulv<>cate by s..>yirl\l

he "may h~"c' 'r>OkGn wilh ~~ in"C5tigal ()r. TIIO wjln. , ~ m~y b~ lie"e
h£ C,:In avoW committing Itlm!iClt un(le< IIi1tll. An aUa,ney a n "rOSS"..,
amlMlion cannot ne rmit ~ witn ess 10 cQ uivl)Ca le . Th e Tact lhat he
1.. ls comjlllllfl<j 10 C(lui' I)C" lt an a ma U~, he woulll be c~o eeled to
.ememb er itnlf creM .... !u. picitm as to I", crc dibilay.
JudCl' f ud1Ibe<& ..., 11 " mply not ~c~pt s ut h ~ n ~ n!we' . By P'''''''
ifig lll~ inu ~. an d ulti malt'/y gettin g ~n 3n~wc r which il l>noqlliVOCllt.
ht mak<: . Ihl' v..itnC!' appf!a. \lCCl'plM:'.
Q. J <!tm 'l ~now " 'h l )'011 II\o::In , thai yo u mal' h:n-c . 1 jost .aid
l>efu rc tuday, ;11 th. I ~!t coup le ,)r dOl)"' . either ~·"u di d or
YOII didu· l.
,\ . J $[lUkc 10 t ),~ law~'cr Illc,"" ):m ~(l upl ~ of day •.

Q, :-t(l. ' 5~ i d SO I1lC Oll t

1J\! ! i<lc'S ti,e la,,},cr. ~lId yOIl '~ill y U11
m~)' ita "" ! pc kcn 10 lilc invl.'St'r.a tur. Du,,'1 ~ O\l kno .....
\\1,tlhe. )·ou di d or you didn ·t. sir'!
A. 1 di d.
Q. All righl. So )'00 tal ked ,he ease: O"~f ....-jIh Ihe i''''''' ''
Ho ..... mal')' dlrrefelll il",c>ti~~t"r.: ", lIl en from Ihe bill
C<lm p.:t n~ lal);( d it U"cr "" Ih ~'OII ." .he 135' ~"tIul'le uf I.b~lo.
A. O m' ot her.
Q. Oll~ oth~r1

A. T II;,,,~ riVlt.
Q. YOII m,>:In Itlc law}'Ct "lid ~ "ul he, i n,·~t i!l'l'o' al,<I o ne
ot ),,'r; is lhat ""hal y()U mean?
A. ,\1I01Ju.... i,,' ·(5I;1Io11O,. !lnolher OM 1"!l1 I :1(10).:" 10 . on. olh~,
ab out ti,e CUfiC. Ihat '~ ~\\.
COMMENT: II il only .. fie, ImliO elsing Ihll jury wilh Ino: WO\~s· I;Kk
of <:.:Indo, Ihal Judge Fmh. \x>fg lu," ~ to H'e sub~ l~ n Le of the tC~li ·
§ 4.0! lI~il:hl ,,' UMm....'
Q. L ~ I·~ IJlk nh<oU! the bll~. The bu~ h~ s ;n from of il a
..,SI· 'r"" b umper. righl. sir?
A. Righ t.
Q. Anu thai "u mper rims aeross the (rOnl bol lOIll of Ihc bus..
A. Ri ~ht.

Q. II thai 1i\;l,I?
A. Th at'l r;glll .
Q. In (~'"1. w~ (:In :11.."': from Ih-:.<e flhOloc. a phs o f a bus Ii~c il
or Ihi. ,"cI")' hus Ih~\ Ih" bum fl~r fUns acrelS the f((l nt blu
il do"",'1 ru n ~Iot'll the ~iuc •. you ~nmv. Like ~utomoL'il~
bU "l pers Ihat Wr:.JII around: it's acro ... Ih ~ frotll an d Ih "n
whcn )'ou &~I the ~id" II;ctt" e. )'eu Call ~ec Ih ere ;s no
bu mpe r af oliC Ih" 5ide. l on).: ~I il. L~J\'I [113\ so?
An d Ihe JU I)" e~n 1!>I,k af il lalcr.
Tit" C('ukl : Wha!' . !'ou, a'l~wcr'!
,\ . ThaI' •• ighl . il do<.~n·1 n.1Il ,,11 Ihe W3)' Moun d.
Q. Now. ;~,i"1 i. a f~~ t Illat t h ~ hcil:lol "r the bUJ, of t~
bumper. "'him i. only in ffonl a" d not an I~ side (lf bu~.
il jll)( al the l~,iu t "'hcr~ aboul (l llC'lhir(1 (If th e a" crati~
'h inb unc of (it. hU lll 3n \x>i nr; ,"<JIll,OS up fru m Ihe :' n~ 1c7
~ It. S",'<o: I "'ill obj...~1 ta Ih~ fnrm of Ih" qU~li an.
"I'm' CI)I' RT; y~ , . i(" h~d as to fo rm. Thc objection "'ill rn, ~II S'
).11<.. FI'o"m:RG: I, i1 IIC ..:lU.e it's (c~djns?
Til t; C"~:~ l: :-;", You nro not In ~ I'Mil i"n 10 Ic~d lhQ witJH."!;~
:II Ih is poinl.
COMMENT: TI, e reoord lias not disclosed that th e 005 dr j~ li aS'
\LIe \0 U>O '1ue$!<onc, 3t ttl,s I"'inl. ~cn th0ut.h he I~ all em ployt'e ell
,,, ,,,,
" '.

the dele nllanl. J utlge have lIisu eHon in permltt'''g Ihe Ul.e of lead·
ing que,tion •.
Rathe. IlIa" ~1 {lUlne WIth the iu ~g~ ~1)O ut 1M ."lillC , Judge F" el,.·
berg fo rmuJa!Qs a ~ ..c.l io n calling lor Ihe sa me in!~ . mal ion . in ~
n",,·leading lorm. by preliltlr'c the qll6lion Yhlli lhe Wflfll 'H ow,"
Using · wOO. ",Irat. V1I\O n, ",I,ere, Md liow' tlefo,e a queslion .,ill vi,·
1~ ~11)i "lw3~ ' ma ~ e i\ non·INdinc. "' qui,k ,CV(lr~ion \0 a non-Ic.>ding
IOtm ";111111pr<>u Ill<! jUf'j w it ~ the ClOSS e ..'mlner"s cou rtroo m skills ,
Q . Ilow hir,h "bow Ihe &ro und i\ that bu mI"'-'T'!
1'1111 n" I~T: Th,, '" Ih e qucsti on.
A. ..... bout a foot. I lIu~~,
Q. N{lw, .ir. in r;u:\, Ihf whcd . "'e :a lill lo: r~~d I n.i<l~ the
bUI , In othe. word s. ,he bu _ il lcl r {lwrl'al\~' (ll\ th~ ~idc.
doc.n·, iL"!
A. A li tt le.

§ 4J1) O~""nunit)· of Orh cr To Sl'c Child

COMM ENT: 111C job or th" c' O'!.~ el<)millc, i,to focus on the p~ lnls
th~I IMd 10 l i~~ilily , wl tl'o~1 Injecting ally oll1C, PQ lnl~, N~tic~ Il ow
Judge fu(I'5Do.g l ocu~ts c n Ihe . 1'lbiloly oIlhe child. 10 eropha,ire
thllO e"lt<;~! point ,
ColunstllNGS Ihe .. ~ ne~ 10 agrel!' 11>3,. a s ' lie bUI II' i. er . he ,5 in
th e -cmw's ne>!" a rnlllJ. ve ry gOOd v;'i O(\ of II'D ' Qad, Tll e,elol e. Iw
sh ollid not only h. "~ anl icjpl< tPd mat 11>01 child was C(ling to ... n inlo
tlHl SltCCl, bul TJIould h ~'IO seen u, ~ c h,1d lun InlO Ill e s\l ee t,
T'le (i, i.e, 's ildnliuion that he d,~ SWIne ( lilh!. bUI Ihen lD~t s 'ghl
01 h,.... , !>tiles a,e o! Ga , clt'S ~ .n.
Q. WI' en YO II sil in the 0",,- t h~':\.e a'~ ,nubOloso."t! bu~s: I "t~:1Il
t hey arc Itl't li\;~ a ,flick or nn a ULOm"bile ,hal ml ~llI ),U\'C
ils ~n~nc ~ h.:.w or )'0"; the d, iw< "; I~ <;!',hl L1f> '1 Ihe ~c'Y
rrllnl "an "r Ih ~ Ilu s ",.i ,h 'he windoW "all~ \)eilli: .ight al
Ihe \'ery li l'l f.unl of the bus: ;.111 '1 11I3t .ighl"?
A. Tha, ', riilh!.
Q. " Old aim )'IIU , ;, a lill ie hir,h er ,h:tn lh ~ awr~r,c dri-' cr ,Ioes
in the ".ditli',}' ,·chicle. ri ~h ,?
T ill. C'.ot:ltf: Do,,', Sh3\;C l o ur head , We h~\'c In a n,we r an ~!I'

,\ . RighI,
'1~~qM ~'H LJmllOO PIP
a'l_sJOm! a41 )0 SUO!I~pad," UOWWO" aLIl 01 ,(JeJIUO" aq II!" uo"
·S!WP~ ,<saUIIM "'11 le41 SMOU~ aN 'laa4M alll SUIU,nl-f'lllp ~LIl SU!I
'1'4 r»0'" 01 op 01 lIU!LIl 1"""lIot "'II saWI' 1"') aH 'op JOU pip ,a'!Jp
~411"'1" SMOU~ all pu~ snq a41)0 'Iled ~lll 01U! llu!uunJ P1'4" a41 "~5
U4 U.ljlh r»P 'UhUP alii lHWh SMOU~ ~Jaq'4"n~ "lIpnr 'lNlll1lll1l0:>
'Hlll!J ~.InIU. '¥

Jno.{ JO \{l\ld ~lIl OIU) l\jilp ~U)Ullru 'P..\\ ~ll ,\\P.I no" pU\, 'i)
'qA 'V
;.11u)uuru ,~,\\ all .,,~<
no,( 'UI)1j .\\us no,{ \I~Ij.\\ ',\oq ~ttl ,\\r.~ no,( ,t 'JlU 1I~1 pll\' 'i)

'~~,{ 'SI\,\\ ~'I "e,\\ ~ql '.lUlU 'V

i,Hlll!J lU1j1 &1 'i)

'<!I(1 J~!I SII,,, nIl '~~A 'V
'HllI!S U! IU!11 pUI{ no,{
U~ll"\ Inlj Jnn,{ JO pUJl{l: S~.\\ ~ll lnq 'JJ~!I J~,'O IIJ;:>q ~,'Ull
,{mu ~H '~J"4 .{I!Jnss.'J,'U ,n,,, "oq ~1{1 "I'S l,UOP] 'UO!lJ~"!P
')41 \l! fiU!PI:.111 eJI: no,,, pllU "J,\!,P snq J'Il ",u no,{
·','"!l·"] ~~P.lU !,IJ[ '<lJ~1I1 llu!ll)~ ~"~ no,,, J! '5PJO," J;1!(10 uJ 'i)

'lll:!!) ~.1'!IU. 'V

;,01 jU!W()~ ''',\I "lq
JoM ~J~II'''.I0 pE.)\lE 'EM 1! "P.," I) J~."l1~\l," lng ',,,(),,~ J 'i)

'JP!,lIuOln U'!'I ."us ] 'lUO'J U! lU)1j ~"~ I,UP!P J '\'

"~U!.\!lP ~J~," no,{
~J,)I{,,, JU 1!WJJ U! ~lJl{,,,~UIO, "[1Jo." JJlll0 U! ~no,{ JO P~~\lP.
<lJJ4.\\~UlO> ,'oq ~l[' ."1" no,{ 'aJ~ll PIP no., p!n~ no,,, ~u
',\oq J'!l ,"1" no.' UOI!,\\ ,mil 'U)l:)Ja, S! llU)'ll ~UO ',\IOU IP,\\ 'i)
'111'"!J ~JU11.L 'y
;,P)P.' no,( l"'!,\\ lP.'!) S! ~.'oq J4' JO l'lfi!s ]~Ol ))0,' U~1{1
pun ,'0,] ~q) .",:, no" IP.\l! .{n, '" lqll!J no.' J\1~\j ] PIP oS 'i)
'H{il!J ~JCll.L 'V
IC1!l l,U') :U,\\OP ~1I!1001 'I~!q dn 11u)1l!s <lJl' no.{ pu" 'I!";
S)1I1 J" ~5p., a'll 0] 11m I SU ,\\OPU),,, ~!!l 0] ~so[J ~U ~JU ))OA
/,1l13!J ',,,~,,\ ~,{~ ~,PJlq [lUll~ j\JJ,\ ',\;J,\ C no,{ ~~"!~ lr.4.1 'i)

fO"t § ,,,r.J )."·lJr.a lU"J"[-J''']J([ ,oj[ (,-1'

·1-I U

Q. I '"PlIIJ~ ~OU hlrnc<J 10 Ihe righl 01 Id l immcoJiu ldy".'

,\ . No. I SI ~~'C<l rislu on Ih~ Map.
Q. YOll didn"t'!
,\ . No.

~ J .I'" hn"<."flC1.' III O")lUSi~ " U" laC)'

CO MMENT: J~vJ!e Fuch .b!IS ag~i n impli e~ 11'31 Ihi. I"/itll es~ is cagey
a"d ~hif ty.

Q. Wele yo u h= wh"n Ihe police onkc ,~ 1<.'"!.l ifoe<l7

A. "'-0 . !>if.
Q. I th ough l yO\1 were llere ;n cou rt Inol a}''?
A. ~o. \;r.
Q. Whal lime did you &!I h,'le'?
,\ . A cou r>l ~ of lI1 inu lc~ ~~ .
Q. Whal ti tn e dj,! you :.nive in the cn\1rtho",.·!
1\, 011 , I c~ ,n ~ 10 II", c(lUll llOU5", ~ I n in~ o·d",,~ .
Q. Where were }'Oll i" Ihe mom iRtl when Ihe Ili~J ...~~ guon;
A, I W~~ I n the ",om , ?Cl(, on til e n Oli( he re.

Q, WOllld ,,' , l"n u !klY )'UU wOIIld l i ~c \0 li~I,'" In "h~1 W;'~

GOi ng .1n in Ihi~ trial 111:11 ~·ou Wt.'Te SOil\S 10 1>0.' calkd upon
'0 t.... til)·: didn·. you ~I~~
,\. I di,ln ', ; 1 5 ~.
Q. S mn~ooolr fmm III< bus co mp;ln~' ,:" id )'''" M~r in Ihe loom
he, .. ;md ,,-e. will C3l1 )OU " 'hen WI: /1 ..."d fOil?
,\. Th~ t"~ right.
Q. Dllf;ng Ihe cour,e or
the (lay di,1 )'U " r,(1 Out 10 h'm'l! with
"'I\lcood~'in connecti ,,,, with Ihe (; •....::
,\ . y~s .

Q. \I,'hom !lid you 1;:0 out wi lh'!

A. W~ w~nl out with 1"'0 ,,'i\(,c;s~ , ;'l\d lite l aw~ ~ (~.

Q. 1 !oC~. " " d whe 'l )'011 wele Iher.: r toU di'l(UM.d Iii .. ..a..:'!
A. No.
"'~ ",.,

COMMENT: A witnes~ illtnost alwJYs goes out to tunch with the at-
t()mey, and tile attorney will take tho oPfXlrtunily to di~cu" the case
and prepare tile witness to! his tcstimon~ .igO!ousl~ tlll()Ugllout tile
luncll hour. When a witness denies ha"ing discussed tile CJsn O"er
lundl with Ille attarrle~, lit' is ~Imosl invilriably lying.
Tile jury will only know w()babiliUcs. They will rleYCI firld out the
re~1 trulil. TileY mll,t meJSurC th~ tcstimony based on what probably
II~pp<lned, uSing logic and common sense, Eacll time Hw l'Iitnc.~ CJn
be sllown to II~.c ~cled illogically Or contrary to C()mmon sense,
counsel sllOllld locus on the improb"bility of the testimon~. Tile jury
l'Iill usually sido wittl prob"bilities over testimony.
The more imr>'obabilities tliat can be demonstrated. tile mOre in·
credible the witness will be.
Tile subja"t of probiltlilitios. and how the jur~ must decide a CiYil
case based on In"rn, rotlier tl1"n certainties, must be urilled into llie
jury durinE jury selection. Thcy must re~lizc tll~! they do not Im.e to
bc cerlain of Ilia dcfand"ot's liability; the~ musl d.ciue tilt' G~~C (I,·
ing their innate ,"nse ()f whnt probabl~ hapf}ened, bosed Or! UW cir·
Tile mOSI etrective mcthou u5ed to inject the notion that
"prq)l)<11Ienmcc of tlw c"iucnce" mo~n" 'probat>ly" i. t() discuss duro
in~ jury 5clec!ion 110\'/ Ihe jury must use 11I"ir Comttl<)l1 sense to de·
termine wli"! probobly Imppened, whose testimony is probably ilCCu·
rote and reli"ble, "nd l'lliot l'Iitne~~es are prob~t>ly, b"~ed on tllC cir·
curnslances, biJSed or prejudiced, By u,inE tile term ' probably" in·
termixed wjtll "more likel~ tlla'i nolo Orl the subj<:lct of credibilily,
!atlier tlion on the sullject of wll~t tlio law is, til<! 1I0ti<)l1 of deciding
a case based an probatliliti"" i. imp"rted to Ihe jury in an unobjcc·
ti()nat>le way.

Q, You mcan you didn't say a word during lunch about the
..\. :\0. I ate by m),sclr same place.
Q, You said YOII went 0111 to lun~h "'ith t\\'o ",itl1""~' 10 th"
same r~_'taurat\l'!

,\, Sam~ re"aurant. y~'.

Q. Did you walk 10 tile re~wural1t together'!

A. We walked 10 the restaurant wge[her.
Q, \tllyhc somebody rrom (he h(,s company g:l\'", you ,,,me
umlley or ,lip' fro", the hI" comp:"'y to wkc ;·ollr lunch'!
A, :"0. 1 got that mone), wilh th~ ~llbp<)cn".
§ ~.05

§ ~.OS Subpnen~jlll\ Own f:mplo)"C(:

COMMENT: Wllere tile witness is subpOanJed to "PPM' and testify

for his employe,. it can tie inferred Ihat fo' some reaSOIi IIIIoe·
knownst to tile jury. tile witness was reluctant to testify. Thi. infe,·
ence in itself can be damaging 10 the defense. II the witness is telling
the truth and seeking vindic~tion. he would not need to be subpoe·
naed to testily. Soch " common sense approach i. olten effective
with juries.
The opportunity to create tile inference is not missed by Judge
Q. You work for Iho bus company bul they gave you 11
subpoena 10 make )"Oll come here?
A. Tbey don'l ha"c 10 ma~e me. The)" jUM nOli!")' lIIe.
Q. Wlmt do you mean they give you a subpoena? Did Ihey
give you a subpoena?
A. Yes.
Q. LeI lIIe ice it.
A. yc" SU'C.

Q. When did they give you Ihe mbpoena, ,i,?

A. ! got one this morning.
Q. You gOI one Ihis morning?
,\. 'l"lIat's right.
COMMENT: The oppOrtunity to create another inference 01 deceit
now arises, Tile witness received tllC subpOena wilen lie was al,eJuy
in court. It is peculiar, so counsel creates a suggestion 01 deceit.
Note ttle witness ;ltlempts to expl~in. and Judea FuchsbarC. recog'
nizing Ulem may be any numbe, of re.sOns fo, the subpOena wliich
Jra nOI deceitful, reluse, to permil tlie witness to offer an expl;lna·
ticn. It is best to establi,1i tile circum,tance, and let tile jury try and
explain it.
Q. Well. yo" W~rc b~rc a\,""dy. You mean Ihey ga,'c you"
'I,bpoena so Ihnl you can ,how Ihe JUI)' you were
subp(lcn~cd "fter )'0" were here with il aiready'l
A. No. bcCall,"~
Q. No, dOIl'l tell liS bC~;Hlse,
MH. S. \NI>' I lullmit he tlI;lY ~!lswer.
,,.. ,,,,,,
4_13 § 4.05

Tile COIJ~T: You asked him tim!. You ~~kcd for ~n c.,plana-
tion, so h~ WaS gh'ing you onc.
Rcfmm~ your que;tion.

Q. You were here ulread)" thi . morning and then tile)" gave you
~ subpoena?
A. Th~t"' right.

Q. Wl10 is ~thcy"?
A. The investigator. I don't know his name.
Q. Is he here'!
A. Ye'.
M~. Ft:(1"IlE:~(i: Will you SWIl(l up, plCUle.
Q. Do you know his name,
A. Ko.
Q. YOII don't?
THE Co\;RT: Do YOII wunt to put hi~ name on Ihe record?
MR. FI)C,",IIERG: I don't rcnlly care.
TilE C01.lRl: All right. go ahead.

Q. WhnL time did he give you the ~ubpoena'!

A. Abolll nine-thiny.
Q. YOII havo twu subpoenus here'!
,\. Tllat", right.
Q, Which one of lhese did he gi," ~ }'OU this morning?
A. The olle Ihat', gOt the datc 011 it for today.
Q. You mc~n une of them say.' you arc tu come to collrt 011
the 17th'! Tuday i, the 17tb.
A. That" right.
Q. SO "fler you arc here in coun todny you arc gwin~ a
subpoena that you should come here today? This w;,sn't "
,ubJ'O"na to come tomorrow, w~, if!
A. Do you want me to answer that que'lion rur you'!
Q. No. nO. It was today'/
,\. On you w:tnt me tn llcip you nut on Ihat?
,"~." , ,,
Q. No. '''', III~ nk you . I wit! tl1' to du witnOUI )'our h ~ lfI. J j\l~t
wnlll 1(1 know \\"helh ~r it was I"d~y he E''''C )'0\\ Ihe
~\1bllQCn~ 10 tell you tu CO Ill ~ here loony. '111<1 he &~~C yo u
111:\1 nft er you were a\r.all~' hCI\:.
,\ , We nrc lold" day bero r~ 10 go to COUr!. Th~l i~ what we urc
lo ld when we .·om e ill nO •., ~ \lr day's " 'ork: ".~ U~ w id 10
go 10 rolln .
Q. Well look, :l nfhO\\'. he ,"1~" ~O" :I Sllb(l<len~ today after >'011
were h~,e'!
,\ , Thn "~ ,ighl.
Q, II ~ sa.'" you a ~1I1"lOcn :.. §(I >'0\1 loo k il'!
,\ , T hJl'S righ t.

§ 4,116 OliIC~s~ion "f Caw With ,\UorfICj' ~nd Willln",,'

Q. No ..·• I. t'~ S<'C: yo u " 'enl lulu neh. Vo" were . illing ill this
room wi lh these people ,,'hOl\1 )'0" ~-::ill.-d lite wi lm·J.So:<.'
A. 'I1m ', ris/tt .
Q, Huw II1nny were tim e, IW(l (I f them'!
/l.IM , S~NIl: I objec t to the form of th ~ que'lion, not pro"cn.
1'111; CCII.'u: Objcclion su! ta illcd.
Q, VOII were 'itting here wilh t\\'o o thw rolh ill IIlal IXM!O "!
~l M. FI;(n~D[~"; He so 1~ l ifi~d.
A. Y,~

Q. D id )'0" di~uS>. Ih" c3SC ",i lh lhe n. ",lIi1.; yu u We"" ~i l\ ill'

Ih~.,e II, i. mo noil1g.?
A, 1\0.
COMMENT: The ;ncred; b l ~ pieltl'C of thi~ wi tness >i11inC with ether
wilnCS~~1 fe' tlOurs arid nol merlt igrliMg tile case in itself so d~"1,)8C$
ttlC witness' crcdibi lil~ lila! tll ~ e,on G' . miner 1~IllJirl<!d On tile ~vb·
Icet yrl\lI il wu ct>mpletel~ ~. tl~"$t~d ,
Q. You S31 Ih~re fm m niflc o'doc'k utltil ~boUI " " C?
,\ , Y~1.

Q. ,\ nd during thu", f"Uf lII'lu~ )"OU d i;l ,, ', '~tk 10 II •• " , ~ho'llI
th e U~ II all?
A, :-Oll.
Q. Dj\! you n~k lhem "'h~' l1Ie)' "'er~ her~'! y,~ or liD.
,\. 1 kilo", wh~< they wer" here. yes . ! kn ew II'h)' they 11'"1\1 here.
Q. Well I10W, ir s four )'caf~ b Ier, you lIa"cn', ~el: 11 them !iTlce
the !Illy Qf tll il ~c,ident. h ~ve Y<JII')
". N().
Q. >101 11:1' -;111: ~n lhem sinn' the (by of lhi5 ~<'Cidcnl, di'"
)'ou ~y to the "" J don', meal! LI!e nat l word ... d id you ""}',
~Whl1 d o yo" rctnc mb(-r about this lccid "~l t~: l)l an fOI"
and a lialfycnn, 111d ask IIl.,;,,1 whal lhey TC",cmho.'Ted? ,\ ny
qU\.'~tion like th at ?
~I ~. S~."t>: I obj<...·1 ... the (lu~., ion .
Till; e mlllr: Objec tion I Ujt~incd .
M ~. F\ '("lI>ftl:"": ~ f<l )' I a,k thi .• on ~ r<}>' c~a m i n'l!iOIl'?
'fur. COI'Rl ! I un.... . llantl r r.'ci,scly It..., PU'I'u.w "r )"'mr fllies-
ti nn.
T h,' objl"Clion ,,;U be fillil ained.
Q. D id ~'O\I 3sk Ihe11) in 3n!' w:l.y. r.h l )le Of rna" "", ",11111
"cr~iol1 or 1h i~ ;1C'dd ~11 1 1h~}' w~r~ p",par~iJ 10 le! li f)' 10'?

---- " M~. S.OI"O: I wilt Objcrl 10 the qU~'!;l i"n,

Till: COlJ ~ l; [ will allow il ror IhI: )3~1 li,"~.

VU II "' ~r answer thaI que slion. D id ~'()Il I'~ar t), e lluc~lion '!
TH~ Wm'FJ6. V ~~. sir.
Q. Y OIi didn'L ask I b;:",'!
,\. I dido' l psT.; them nn)" <IIIC , 111l11s.
Q. Did 3ny of l h~nl a.• k )'0111
,\. No.
Q. Wh~n you walled Ln lundl In Ih~ rCi13UI;I Il. 100001her d id
)"{"It1 "'i r.c u;~
..·ith Ihenl Whal mlgh L be £oi l1[1 ,HI j" II,e
l"Olltl rO(lnl ill this c:lsc1
.\ • .'.io.! d id n't di<c".\ ~ nn }' lllin r. with IIIClll.
Q. Di d )"(lU ask Ih. iIWC"lli&~tor "'Ii;,1 t),e bny ! aid (1 ' "h al Ih e
boy's "".iLn,""",c$ ! '!
Mx. S,ON"; I will e llje"1 10 Ihat. lie il nssunoin u ·" .m' ~ lhi nl\ 11111
in c,·ide""".
Tw' COI; Kr: Su'I,\incd.

~ I R. FL'OISB(~C;: 1 will :uk h im.

Q. \\11<;n )'O U W(,'TIt to lu nch tod~y, "<I" inB !i.:lt h\'ru ror ro~r
hou l'S tlll~ morni ns, nnd )Invi ns hce n here the oth er day,
didn't yo u !.:Iy an)'Jhing to th ese peopl e ur th~y Sol)'
a n)'1hi nll ta you about wonderin£ ",h :ll w:,~ coins 1m in the
COUr1!oom in con nection with the ( 3;;:7
~tR, S~"": I wi ll object 10 that , improper,
T m: COURT: Objecti on sustained to the form of lh~ <I!leg ti nn,
Q, An~""'3)'. n OI a wo rd p;U'Cd octw« n )'OU abou t the ~":lSC?
,\ , Th:lf~ . ight,
Q, You WJlkcd back from lu ndl to~clhcr?
A, Yl'S, ~ir,

Q. Did the in~c!dig:nar wa ll; to II..., ....'S1:Iur:mt wilh you?

A. Nn. jU~1 the IW(I bW)'fn. <lnd m)'Sc lf.
Q. Just 1he two I,,")w~?
.\, And twu ,,;itn c=s,

Q. Did you d i scu~5 the eMe ..i tl! the lawyers on the way 10
lun ch'?
,\ . No, sir,
Q, Or o n Ihe \V~y from Lunch?
A. :>10. sir.

§ ~ ,07 S.h_<IlII...,e of 'fe' lolIlon); A~ilil }' of I}rher II) SN C hild

CO MMENT: H~.i n g S<llhmed up the tredil!ility ~r t he wilf\C!.S by CI ~ '
<lling The 11Ite. enc;e cJ Improper stq;geSlion and guilty (onsdente,
counsel lu,,>!; to the subst ~lIce of th~ lutil1'l(lny.
TII~ crucial I~~u" in tl~ en~e h; wl~t hcr tnt- (I river should IIJ Ve
seen the bQi in time te ste p, To sllow thi l, tl~ questioner first foc ",·
u en tflc ~bJl lly ~I the wITness Ie M e !oftll Ul e chilO,
Q. Well, yo u sa'" tilt IJO)' uhe3d o r y01I ~nd "" yo" :>'"1". the ho)'
ahead u r )'(l u. I SUr>1H1SC. YOllr C)"\.'lo, like the ~)·es of 1111»1
peo ple, l'QY can sec '(l nl. di,t anc~ :tcr~" th e ",dth in fro m
o f you , rir,II!'!
,\ . 'nut"s ri~JI1 .

Q. ' n fa ct. )'~U S<lid \hi~ "'as a Il iw h. ighl dll)'!

.\. 'rh~rs riglit .
Q. And ~s )'(IU rod~ alo~~. yQ ~ could \.C~ the "'ho le widt ll of
the meet. tlle whol e Third A"cnu~ fro m sid~ to iid~?
,\. Ri;Il\.
Q. Th~ humon eye is so consln'ctcd, fe r inltan ~c, if he "':I.
Sl~ndin£ iM rront of the ju ry ~nd ltM:y loo ked ~t me, they
oo"ld SI.'C the ",hole b3d of the court room; i~ .hat rilllu7
MR, S ~,..,,: ObJec.ion,
TII ~ COI;RT: Objection lu.tniMd,

§ 4.011 lkmOll'tn:uln~ of V;I'J~I ~ldd

COMMENT: Coun sel gives ~ smJlI IJ(! m(Klsl'31i(Kl gf II>e .isu~ llie-kl
Dllhe .... itn~ Using the courtroom .~ l hl' $t,"l'1. he demoos:l~tcs
thaI the dmer eoukl '.e th Ochild u!-ing his natural Pill lph erJI v;slo n,
Q. rf >'o u look nt me, tJn )'OU ]unk ~t the whole widtu of the
toun room e,'tn lhu ugh you ~Ie "i r~...'\i n~ ~our :ut~"'lion 'u
n1 ~7
A. Yes,
Q. Yo u :I:I."·lbc boy "nd h run nins. he l oo~~'" l i ~e II<: """S
comin s in the p:llh of )'ou r bu~ . rigil t?
A, Tha!'. righ t.
Q. Now th e/e ,'J 'lle a time. >'O u sa)'. "'hen YOIl km . iShl "r
A. Y.s.
Q. ,\ ndyo ~ 1011 .igh t or him. ~ nd do you remem ber wh on >'01'
I~M S.1W hi'11. wh ~n )'OU lOSt 5;g:I!t or him'!
A. Y~,. A ~o .. "l~ o r r(~'\ Ix ror~ I rn.'lIl1lt l.t ,hud ,

Q. You wer~ ~urpri! ~d "'l1 en you hC:lrd the tllll ml"!

!>IK. S.."" x I " 'ill obj~>Cl 10 l ~ . form of Ilk: qu~~ lon.
T",: COl!kT : Nt n n ~n ~"'er thl l.
Q. We re YO II ~urpri! .d when ~ml h~ard the lil "n'l'?
A. No, I d o..•• 'bi .. ~ I wa\ " " 1'ri5r...,.. I e~po;''''ro hinr. I
expected him t" hit the hu •• til e "'ay he WJ ! ru,mips.
Q. r sec. You d id,,'\ Sl": him ~I :,11 when til . CO ,lIac' '''ok "l~c.,
di'" you~
[ ~\)' Wi,,,,,,,",
A. 1 didn"t loCe him at n1l \\"hcn~

Q. Wh~"Tl Ille C"U1l13CI lOO~ pia.....,?

A. ~ .....

Q. nut )OU ll c ~rcl :L lo ud Ih um))?

A. It "':1, ~ ,hu mp. )·cs. 1 don'l know ho'" 1011 \1 il w:, ~. hili il
w~s :l 1hump there.

§ 4.09 Wilh cl rnl< ;ng Quest;',n 10 A"oi d f;Xplnna1inn

COMM EN T: H."e Jutlge Fuchshe,c 1I5ked • QUC'l.lion which lnadv(".
ICfltll aceo"led Ihe wilneu ~n oPP DrtUn1ty 10 give an e.planaticn .
Judge ~LJ c ll .tle,c 5'oPrICd the wilnen. ar>d \'Ih.n lil a ju dea 'uled [he
wilnes~ could e'pI;IlfI his "ln~wcr" Jutl£c Fudlsbelll w,lhO,ew the
qUCl.hon 10 :l...,ill t11e e l pl.l\,ltion.

Q. ,\\ lh~ ' ti m~ ~ou d idn' , 'l:C him conw.. r;sJll inlo ,hc f,om
o r Ihe hUI: you didn', "'e him come right ill1<' the side \)1'
tIl e bus. di d yO Il ?
,\. At Ih ~1 limo: he pan(d-
Q. t\a. no .
,\. Wait :l while.
Q, Ca n'l ynu an swc r my 'l "e.lio n·!
COI:u : l ie sl3 I,'tl hi, ~n~w<:r by ""yinr; -AI th~1 I; " ,e.- and
you u!.Cd tlte word ; - At that limc ' in )'uu r quc5t io ll. le i h im
A. Y.... u m,' n~i ns for all an. we r. 1 ~ m tryinl: to l:i .. ~ )''''' a n
an' wcI.
M ~. f"uCI1S~lIlG: r " 'ill " i llKlrnw it.
Ti ll! C(JlI H: 1\" 1 :1 m o m~!It. Q u~.\tion wi lhd r;]wlI .

, ),IK. Fucu,. rwfi; /\ 11 rill-ln.

~.Itl Esruh lls hlng SII<'Cd or illl'

Q. l)i d )~l4.l l'<'" him C"UmQ ;n ~o ntal1 will! tile r,mlt "f tllc bil l"!
..\ . I d id uot.
Q. Did )"OU "-.., hint ~"ng in cOnt:!l1 Wilh til e ~ide of Ihe 11m'!
,\ . I\a. I did nut.
Q. W" re )'0 11 r<><,~l nr, Mr~i(;in "It ~~ d of )',\\\'!
~ _1 9
i 4. 111

.\. I was looking , " a igbt :tm,:tlI. that"s righl. I &11 .... _

Q, W"" )X1ur bu s 111 a standstill :u the lime ~o" h~~ld the

A. No, it .... em anolhrr {OOt or MI, th~(' s al\.
Q, Ju.t ~ roor!
.\. A foot or 11' 0, thJt's ~]1.

Q, As a mnlt~r of (Je t. dit! you tell t]]C lawyer yon "we ju,t
I\o in ~ :t lOoS ten miles an Itou r; i~ that righ,'1
A, Yes.
Q. :>./n'" Ihis WJI ~ fairly ]ong hlock nn T h ird Awn"c'!
A. Tba t'~ , i£I'u ,
Q, A mi you h.,d-j~n't it 3 fact that !he :u:cidenl IMflflCncd
(ln l tho: m idd le of th.; len!;lh o f Ihe blocl;~
A, Abo.. t lit<.: midd lt of 1m, blocl ,
Q. And )"Ou "-eIC j u; t &o iM&at le n mile'S Un ho ur?
A. Tcn to IW~]W n]iI"i, that' s al l.
Q. That' , th ~ wa~' ~ou u\"'ays opcratc?
A, ;-./0 , ir, it"~ nOI J lwny. the way! operate.
Q. Thi s time )'OU were Ilo i]] ~ .Iower'!
A. T)] ~rs lil;ht,
COMMENT: n is imposs ible 10 r~c reate Ihe speed 01 a vthiele '<;11h
much cerb inly. lMoe . ule 01 ~,~ b.:tbility will gtli(\e t~ JU", as mue"
as the t..sUmO<\)' o' the witnfSSf!.. One "'''''im 01 prob3~lily 0$ Ihat
"""'I is usuJtlr d_ was p,ob.lbl, done t" is Ii ..... toa. The (fOSS ""
a mincr UloCS Ihis gene,,)t , YIO to ""llIbli~ the p,obabilily th~t the dfi".
er wa~ !>'llnS ' .$\Cr Ih~~ Ire u~~tif,ed he wa. goillb_
Q. ISI!"I il ~ r.l et lhJ.t )·ou bUI <.Iri~cr~ start yuu, bor ~~ II'l1 h ~
cenllin am ount of headwa)'1 In l>lhcr "'UHh. lll~rc i ~ a
sdlcdule I<l eac h or ~'ou ~Iart livc. ten minutc' hchi nd the
IIc~t o n ~'!

A, That'1 ri~hl,

Q. And at thrw o'clor.: ~ in th e arwrnoon. whm', th e h~~d"'a~'


... .,..,
, \, I'l>\I f _
I ~.I '

Q. In o ther "'o rdlo. ",hnr~ I"~ g:lp.

,\. .-n
f ou r minut<:s he' ...... Ih" hus.
Q. I'oor minut~'1. ,\ 00 if >'QII ~t l)' four m i nu I~s behind. )'(\\1 lr~
quite a few b\o..1.:5 behind in fou r minuK'lO?
A. Tht 's riEhl, IInk ;~ Ih ~ uther hu! i. latc,
Q. The bll~ 3h~mJ of )'UII "'n~"'1 lale Ihat day?
A, He may ha"" b~~n ,
Q. Didn'l YO'I t~1I Ih ~ police officer lhal !,'uu had &:tined
e nough on Ih~ bUI ~ h tnd nf )'011 !O Ilml nl Ih e li me of litis
acridenl }'Oll "'c r~ on ly !oo rO(1 heh ind 31\0lher bu~? Didn' ,
you leU 1103110 Ihe fIOlic~ o ffice,? I don' l men n Ih. One " 'ho
"':IS Ihere immedialely ~rlcr al II,e 'll.""Cne of Ihe nee id''IlI,
001 a man from Ihe ,' «idenl a ud In\'csliplion Squad o f
d.e City o r New Yo rk I'oli~ ~Jnmrnl who Cam.. Ibe' <.'
al four o'doc:i( and I~lkcd 'a
)'ou. Did n', ~"o1I tell him ~I
11111 time Ih"' )'oU had sot 10 n point "l1e,"", )"tlU wc,,, on\)'
200 fect behind Inc hu s ah,'ad of ytl u?
COMMENT: Jurors tru~llllC lr Dwn assess.nt!!nt 01 prob"bjJili ~5 Irem
the circumst~nte. more Ihan 1I1 ~ wOo/ds 01 witnesses, Thu~, 10 el la b,
li sh lile spe ed 01 the bua , Ule ~uesliooer locu,u on U'D
cirwmslancos-tho driver wn In lite middle 01 the block, il W~I a
lo ng block, and ho wa s going At a ralo on Ili~ run that mati(' him
ca lch up wilh IhO bus in front of 111m. Froo. tll<!se$ IIIIl
jurors can infer tho dr iver WJS goi ng I"slo, Ihan h. cI~ i m$.
,\. TIt ~fI) cou ld have b(~I1 :1 D\lS ahe"d of me. I e""ld lI a\"e w id
him Ih al Ihe ~UI t l"O$$cd Ibe olher roml:l" " '''ile I " "lIS
comilll; d",,-n rrom Ci.:llemo nl " " rh ·;)},. TOOf •• boul ~OO,
300 fe<.1 . lie ",al a block or $0 aru:oo of mc_
Q. You s:a~' tInt tli: rc "':1$ ~ bus l\ov.' many feCI al",:ul o r rou?
A, ,\bou t 2(1(1, )()O rt~l .

Q, Going in Ih e .~nlC di,,:~ion yo" ..... e'e going?

A. When [ \\,:11 in lh . middk of t h~1 block be wa, pa ;..\i ng
1Hud Sireet.
Q. SO Ihal il i, a faCI Ihal whi le both of you c~d. ' t:tmll oUI
foor minu te l allart. at lh~ time of Ibe :I c~id""l YOII w~r~
close ennufJ, lD hi, I ~i l $0 Ih al Ihere wa. rc~lIy 1\(1 l11 i llll l~ S
ap;lM. on ly ,,'hate"er limc il ta kes to go 200 r~" L'!
4_21 !Ju, [lrj'or_Inlant n,m-out Co.,. § 4.1 I

A, Ycs, bccau5c he wa, two minutc~ behind,

Q, ] didn't 'lsk you why, Im't that the fact:
i~n't that the fact'!
A, You h~d
bemr a,k me that, Say thut ovcr again, so that I
undem~nd wh~t you said,

Q, Well, you remember at Ihi, c~amination before lrial Ihal

you said you wcnt 10 two )'ears ago_wilhdrawn.
Before you came here today, did anybody acquainl you
wilh the fact lhatlhc Accidenl ]n"cstigation Squad record,
showed that you told them Ihal there was a bu~ 200 feel
'lhead of you; anybody tell you thm'/
"'fR. S.')<I>: I will objecl to that. He i5 referring 10 something
that i, not in ",·idencu.
Till: COURT: All you h,lVc to do is SI~le the objeclion.
The objection is sU5taincd.
MR, S.'NO: I think it'~ improper.
Q. Before )'OU came here to testif), today. did somebody wlk
10 YOll 'lbollt another bu, being 2(}[) feet ahead of you'!
A. I can'l remember Iltal,
Q. Wull nuw. look, you lalkctl tIl somebody today and yuu
tulked 10 somebody Thu, TI,a!'s just in the 1;,,1 rew
day~. Did anybody ~ithcr on Thur;day or today. in
di5cu"ing Ihi, case with ),Oll, mcmion a mallcr of it !)\'5
being 200 feet ahe"d of you'! Yes or no.
A, Nu.
Q. fiut you rememocr that the,e was it bus nOI only 200 fect
~ltcad of you hul you placed him now al l72nd Street,
Remember }'OU jusl did Ihat?
p,,-,t I 72nd Stree\.

~,II Usc of [lCIM)siliflll
Q. You I'a"e a vcry dislinct rcco[[Cl:lion of tltat h""
A. When yuu told me Ilmt the police olTker had it down there.
I remembered.
COMMENT: F<;>r emphasi~, as part of Ilis next question, counsel re·
peats an answer which places the witness in a bad liglt\. He sueeesis
§ ~.12 1.")' Willi";;"'

tllat the witnC$$ hOld$ back tile trutll ulltil forced to admit il. Hc
,haws that the witnC$$ tC$tificd at tllC depositioll incorrcctl~, and
lea"e~ it to the jury to dctermine tile moti"cs.

Q. [sec. Whcn I told you (hc puli,'c onicer had il. you said il.
Remember in April, 1956. when you (c~tilied, two year.
ago, at tbal lime your memOI)' wa~ b~l1er :l~ to what hap·
pened al the time or the accident than ;1 i, now, 1'1'0 :Uld
a hair years bier.
A. The same Ihing.
Q. The ,arne thing?
A. The same thing.
Q. Well, do }'OU remem!.>cr being ask~d Ihi~ qlle~lion-Page lO
-and gi"ing Ihi, amwe"
"'Q. Wa, Ihe,o a bu< ahead or your bus'!
A. :-'<0."
Were "00 asked Ihis question and dul \OU gi\'c that an-
swer? That's berore one or my questions this afternoon
menlioned somelhing ~bollt police oftieers,
All I wanl to know is were }'Oll "sled thi, que'lion and did
you givc this an,wcr tinder 0,1Ih'!
,\. TIm!", risht. Ir it's lhere. it's riSht.
Q. Well. you r~ad Ihis o'·cr-no. please. You read lhi, O\'er
before YOli took thc >land. didn't yOIl?
A. I r~nd it ,,'·cr. ycs.

§ 4.12 Witnc~s Al1cmj>ls nn .;xpllllmlion: Counsel Uses

1I}·pnthclicn! tQ ShOll" ilS Fla"s

Q. ,\nd did you at that limc sny to 1he investigator or one of

Ihe in\'c,tigalOn or tile lawyer ror tho Tr~",it Compall)':
"YOll lnow whnt I ,aid about no bm being "head of me?
That was in errOr hcrc~: did yOll say thm to him'! Did )'Oll'!
A. What, if an)'one ~sls me if a bus is ahc,,(l of me. that
me~", the bll' is twcnty·live rcet :11l~ad of me and I am
following directly behind him. Whet! lhc 11m is lOll feCI or
J(l{) reel in fronl of me, he is in his pla,c. If be i, tll'O
, -'--

§ J.12

min utes l al~. II~ is in hi s pla~u ~nd I ~m fo ll n"'i ,, !!. a block

.1p:1n , 1 113,'5 what il is. If IhC')' ask me if tlK.: bu. "'as rj~ht
in fron t of Inc or if Ihcr~ .... as 3 bill in frOIl! o r mc. it ",oul:l
Ix ' .... en ' y.five f~c' o r len feet. :md I am foll o",;nll' him . [or
S<l IM r~awn 13n, dO'<: 10 h im. QIII ir ~'IIU 3S~ Ine if tilt hu~
is rit hl in fram <If m ~ I"'~. Ih ree hundred fccl. J !>.1)· 1 dnn ',
~now. I dun'l haw 10 know an)1hing about a ""~ Ihal '~
1....-0, thr~c hun tlrcd [eel ~h ead o r me, b':,'a Il Sl: I am jU>I on
Illy own lime. I Ie may be Iwo minuIl"S late. Ih3, '1 all. If >'(lU
~sk me if I am folklwill& a bu< Icn o r fifteen [(ct. I a m
[ollowing ;1. OUI if ~ bll~ j~ ~bo ll' a hll.lCk :t.....,}" fro m me, J
3111 nOI whal ~'ou would ( all follo....;nl: h im. I a nI nOI Ihal
tlrn;c to hin,. I ~m folh;,,,,i ng him: I all' a br"~k Or more
aW;lr rrom h im.

Q. I bw yo u !ini s.!lc-d Ih e sp'--ak ing7

COMMENT: JlJ(lt~ FY~)'~ bCfg does ~o\ p~ n i" ely ~cc epj HI/! .. ilncss·
e. I!I. Il3\iun. There i~ an apportu",ry 10 "fe"l/! an " i. 01 SU'lf1ic:ioo ])Vel
I~e e~p' arJalion. II th o I. WY~f acoepts tI, e e,p~'nal ion. tllo jury wi"
100. n .."er~e. IIII!! wilt conlinue 10 deny the feasonabk!n/!S$
01 tho "~p!an ~\;on,
A. ·rr.a,', "". )'t'~, I ~m jU ~1 !livinG you 10 n ndcn.tanll .....)Int .....e
mean by 200 reel.
Tllli COt:!n: ,\1) right. yo u have answe red the question.
COMM ENT: JIJ(lJ:l! F\Id1'1It<!:: c . lerKIS Ifle wi\n~s~' logic. 10 dem,,,, .
strate ils ~e l"'IS, By ~in2 a h1POlheli~a l. COlJ I~1! 1 gel. lI'e w; 1~
10 admit Ihal he I $ gi~;ng I n D<kI inlefpr e!;l lll'Ml 10 the p~ f~ se "in I",ot
Q. You m"an ifwUlcllolfy ,ay. \0 you . - W~~ Ihere a bus ahead
of you r boliT' anll )"on arc in thc " ,itldlc of the b lock alld
Ilt e ncx t h ilS i ~ o nl)' at the corn er, you havc :I dirrer~ nl
m~':Ini nll f,om ",hat m <>lil p<-'OIlIe h ~\"e for 1110>1: "'01(13: "
I)m t right? JU S\ yc! or no .
•\ . I h ln: il. )'('\;.
Q. lI.~ mcll\bc( a lle r the la....'yer-I ,,"a m', th c lawY"r_ lh cf"
u~kcd you. "W~S th erc a bu. ~ Iw~d of rom bU~'!M Qnd ~our
~n~",er , - ;-,10-; h c j u;\ d illn'l r"~"e it Ihat wa)'. He
ashd ),ou a :!-«"ond qu •.~lio n:
-Q. Di d yo u ~cc Ilie h a bu,"!"
,.... ,,",
,\nd th<:n again yOllr an,we r " "'5, -No-: ..."m' t if!
A, No,
Q, By th ~ way , you wue IIndcf oath at that tllne, we ren't )"0>11,
the .arne :IS ~'o ~ arC now1
,\, Thm'~ righi,

Q, II nd ,:\5 3 mali n of f~c t , ~ftn

ye ur t~li meny wUI type ,! UIl,
d id Ih.::re rome a li me when you wcm 10 the bu~ C'Ump;tn~'
nnd looked il o\'e r 10 see if there werc un)' torrcnio n I<l bt.:
made, :lnd ~'<)tI SW<»\l to it ata'n before :I notary p\lblic al
Ih~ 1 Hnle'!
A. No,
Q, You don' ! remember 111m?
,\, 1'0,
Q, ,\. n n1~l!cr of fncl, they a~~cd you ~ thi,d Question:
- Haw ~Oll sinc.; d iSC'lweroJ Iha! Iher. w~ ~ .u d t ~ bus?-
IIn(] Ihen your a nswer wa~, -No~, ;sn'j Ih:\I fi~hl, , ir'!
,\ . Th:II'~ " &hl. I( it"5 there,. its . it:/n ,
Q, What do you mean " If it's Ihere, il'~ right-1 \VeNn't ynu
:I~k«llh~t q uollion ~ nd d idn' t )'OU ,;\'C th:n a" swer there
M l11at ti me?
A. We a...: a\w~y. followi ng a bus,
Q, I SeC.
.\. II m ay be IWO blocks ahead o f me: It m ay be th ree hlnck s
:lht :ld o f yuu, We an; not Ihe on ly bu~ On Ihe road ,
Q, If you "'ere Mked ir Ih er~ is a hil S ahead of }'QU, do ,, '1
inclu<ic Dnc Ih:ll" a half :l blod: ahc:ul or ~'ou'!
A, Thm'~ what ! c ~ll following a bu~,

Q. Do you rcm<'1TIbcr "'ho " "'" ol'c'~ l ing 111.:11 b us?

A, :-On. si r,
Q. li s a mallcr o f faci. do ~'OU rcRlcmber-)"Ou RC'W blew
)'D ur horn, di d you?
,\ . I'D, ~i"
A. No. si r.

§ 4.13 Mi,sin~ Witn~ssts

C<lMM[NT: OUt'n. tilt deJetldant wi,t obl" in tho n.ame~ Of ",it~~

at tile ~cc ne, Th e OJ !OOS r.!1 cu'd t>e compJ r~d w ~h lilt ,mme~ ex·
etl ~ngeod with the plaintiff. Art infeu nce mOt ari~e that the (Jefenlla nt
e;lIIer 'buried- '" wilnt~. or '"",nulaclufed' a witllCSS.
,." Q. Yo u :;.ai'" Ihc' ~ were IWO peopie in Ihc room wilh you lhi~
morning. I n<>l it~ Ih~ b wyer o n')' sllowed ~ou the .... ip wi lh
lh~ n~m ~ of M e.

MM . 5.""0: I objC'C110 Iht' fonn o rlhal qU<'lolion...·110 ,,·a~ in lite

room is of no con$C'qucnCt .
T , lI! COUJIT: Objection slisiained.
Q. D o you know Ihe nailles of ~ilhcr of Ih~ IwO peopl e who
WC. e I hc~ Ihii mom in!:?
MH. S"~I>: I will obj ect to Ihc question .
-rn( COUJIT: Ue c:l n a n!\IIC' y~ or no if he 1;1'10"'5.
A. ! know the nnln e of o "e of then!.
Q. W hal's I h~t n~ me?

A. moorn. Mr. Bloom.

Q. W !l ore i~ he now?
),IH.. 5\:<,>: • will oh~ct to that . It·~ immaterial.
T 11~ Cno;Mr: Sll'lt~incd.
Q. I~
he in Ih" roo m n(),,1
MR. 5 ",<1); J USI a mo moul.
obj ectio n has b.:en 511~1ni ntd. Nex t qtlc. ti on.
Q. Wh o i ~ Mr. Bloom?
),IR.5..." O: I ,,·ill obj\:.:t 10 the 'luC ili oli .
Tm: CoeR': Sami: ru ling. Ohj ei:tio n ~yslai n cd.
Q. I)id )·0 " t" ·U .mel him befote this'!
MR. S",<I): I wi]] object 10 thc llul.'St ion .
T ill'; COURT." JIl ~1 rcs or no . Did ~Oll e'·cr meet him~
A. \' ~. ,
MM . SM"": wi ll object 10 I ~e '1l1 "!;!,on :t! ""inl; i ", mal~rial.
T)", CUl'U: WeI!. !l.~t th e d;uc wll<: n.
MM. FI;nls~I:M": " ou r !loot)!", ~ hi~ man i~ one whon, he re-
rcrrect 10 as ~hc \Wo wilnc ssc'.
Till C'ut:M r: I will diKeI you 10 pje-as<: m:tkt '10 ."On'nlctu. I
,aid tho Wi ln c1o.' m:\y a nswer Ih e q llo niOIl Mwhcnr Giw liS 11
<l ~t~.
,\. ,\1 Ihe ~ imc of II", accident
": r-;:. ~t IIU "'li on.
Q. Now, in ~ Ihe r word s, yoo \.OlW h im; he g;I~"I: you hi, n~ nIC.
too. at Iha! li me'/
,\ . TIIa"~ ri.:....

Q. You ha"e prinled ,Ii~ i IIlal th e hu~ comp:ltlY £;"C5 you ~o

llull yo u ('3n ~ litem af(lu nd askins fOl nam~1 al Ill<:
I!.·tne Qr any ac.'idcn!. righ l'! And Il ~ one ffil m whom Ihe
sl\p wa s tmndc<l in h ere. tIm!', nOI tile un1;' !lip rrotll which
you P' QCu,al Ihe ,,~m~ o r 3.11)' J>OOpIc 'h~ l d ay. ri.:lll ?
MR. S,""': O bjecli on.
TH~ (""'H I: Obj<..:lloo sUSI"j"al.
DoI!"1 an~Wer Ih<: (llI .... ti on .
Q. On 00 ...· mau)' ~1ips d id ~·ou Get Ihc n,,,nc ,,( PCOI'I ~ there'!
MR. $,,;<1): ! win ohj",t to lhal.
T Uf- CU(;H I: Obj",li<:m sns tnincd .
Don'l all~"'cr lhe !!uc!tion .
Q. w;\~ Ihi~ Mr. Ol(l{l'" ",\e of lh o~ fnllll wh om you r~cc;'·cd
a stir> Ihal (by'!
M ~. s,,~[); Objecl In thc lIucs!io l\.
TII~ C"UH]: SuMailll.....

Q. t.)ict you gel the nam~ of '''' )' l'"'~cn£e'" .n lite hu\ Iha (
MR. S.,~ [);
I ",i ll olljO~' 10 I!\C qu ~!lin n .
T,..: C"nHT! SIl~t 3in"<l.
MM. I'l'I'"'IIL KG: W" n'l your HOllor Jl<'""il me 10 cl ici1 r'OOI
Ihc ", itnc ' s Ihc n~01CS of "II 11CU tllc who he !~W thcre'/
TIl~ C"'CH r. ! h~" c ;\lre"d )' I1l:Idc 01)' rul in~ 1'l>:lIsc ad<lfes~
}'our ".,t (Io"nioll 10 the wim<'Ss.
" ..

Q. Dill YO\! loo~ at any PlJIe' ro r Ille J)U'l'()~C or r~frC~!li lll:

)oor f''i:oHcclion hl:ro.c )'0 " (nok Ih" stan d h e. ~ 1\lda)"1
,\, Yes.
Q. All d d id 111;'1 l'~pc. coowin die 11 3mcs 0 1' ~ ny PI-"Opl,-?
A, No. 1 dOIl'\ 11I in ~ 10. 110 nam es of an y ,,"i Ul c,~~.

Q, II ('{I!I' nin~ namcs of 11 0 wilne~! e.'?

A. Nu wi'nl"Ml~

§ ·U .4 Il<i'e, Oi. !\"04 Appl)" Ihe IIrMhs Full)'

COMMEN T, The ract Ih~t the wiln<l~ ' te,mles th3! lie iOJ,"med 011
his bf" kC, doe! net e<>d the pote llti~L inllo"r. \'Iho!\ he ,-,ys 15 not II>
impoflant J . the (i,eum'la "e ••. The C'05. e,amin er displays h.. cgn-
,ici ion tllal IIIe (i,w ln51 .. oC". fl-lOI<C tl>3l the brakes "'ele not lulfy
JPIllle<l- the IInke. did tJ(l1 loc~ alltl tlle 'B w~re nQ ,kid ll1~rks,
Q, (';0'" I wo,,' ~ like to mk ) OU IIii .: there ,'am" :, time "hell
you jmll meu o n )·.,U. br.. ko:... riCh"!
."" . ,\. RiSht.
Q. You ia OlllWd 11H: 111 down. ~lIthe way down?
" .. ,\ , ·n ,:o.t·$ .il'-hl.
Q, ,\nd ir )'011 j af1tm cd Ihe n. dow lI. all the \\";1)" dn"· n, tile hilS
brakes t"d ~d. fi~I\"!
,\, :-<ot lte,·css(I.ily, Ito: Ihey don'l loc k.
Q, Di d the), lock? I alll onl)' ~'k i ltll ~·"u .
A. 1\'0.
Q. W"~,, ~ au j:o.mnK"U Ihe Ilfak ~ 1 nll th~ W,,)' dOl\"n Oil n dry
SlUrac~, in Slead 0 1 jllu ,'On, i"gIO 3 ~Iop. ",ithou t h,·j,,!'.
looked. bil l ir you j a m them ,111 t)l e \\"3)' dow" imemio"nlly •
~ slid matl i$ p. (>I.I,......'<I. YOII know Ihal from )'(llIr
c.'~ri c "'"C ~s a d,h'ct ; is tha i rir,h t?
"1~. S.,~ ,,; Wait a minnt e.) wil l nhj~c I tnl he form " rl he 'I~CS­
r ll[ Cnllx'l : S\l~t ai llcd.
Q, Is it a ('C I 111:" ~'''\I produced 110 ~~id m:"h at Ihc lilOl' or
Ih~ acddenl, imlical in£ ~'ou didlt' l j.l!l1 ),011' ht;l~cs d"w" .
31) Ihe war do"'''?
,~ ...""
M~ . S~~1): I "'ill objC'C1 10 Ihal.
Tue COURt : AnY lhi ng after "indicating" i~ wi ckcn.
Q. I ~n'l it fact Ilml )'011 flfO\hlCcd no ~ki<.l marks by I b~
JPpl ic~l i on of )'our br~ kc~?
,\. I did n', Iouk fo, ally. I don'l knew.' if Ihm: "we rJ;id mJ. h
or nOI. I didn't look f(l r any.
Q, Vou 5;1'" lite pOIlec looking for them?
A. I didn't see Whal the police w~r~ doill ~. Th~t's th eir
""~ ...."SS, I had my o"'n.
Q. Yo u didn'l p:l}" a ny aUcnlioll 10 wh at Ihe)' ",CTC doing; il
"'u n', yo ur busi nes;~
A. Th;H'~ right.

Q. Didn't you remain al the $Cel\C of the ~ct: i Mm for ~n hou r

o. I\\"o Mlc' Ihe accide nt h aJ)fN:n~d?
,\, I .....J. th~N a h~lf·hour. 1 think.
Q. Did n't Ihe ,\c'tident I n"~li"" lion !Xlllad only 5110'" lip at
four o'~l o<:k lind Ihe accidenl h'lIll )(: ncd at abool time
o 'clock?
M~ . S ~)'Il: He i, ",akin~ u 'Iatcm"nl thai i, 1101 in CI·id on cQ.
He hun', I'I0 n"ll lital.
MM. F.-,OI>ll(IIG: t ~m ~'ki ng a lellat 'tu~~ I;on.
T lII: CO''':IIT: ,\11 you have to do I~ object. The objection to th e
'IuCSlion i5 $u. 13inc....
Q. Isn't il n fact lil a! th e 111~n from the Accid ~l1t InvCMi!\ut;on
Sqll:td ~l"""ed Ul' 31 four o'clod:?
A. It·, f)O'5 ible. t tlo n', r~mcmbcr the ~.acl time Ihc)' ~ho"" cd
III'. It s«mn\IO n•• I "" as Ih~.e a h31r h(lIIT: it conl~ h:lI'e
~ I hT~C-IIU3"CT. or an 1l00T.
Tilli COI.;IlT: When y<;>u can 3n.Wt r yes o. no .•3)' .0.

Q. In racl. <.lid )'OU ""~ some police o fficcTlI chal~in~ o lf Ihe

~ rC3 where Ihe h~' W~ 5 . cl131ki ng oil' Ihe ale" 10 .huw Ihe
IOr.llion wl!c'f<: .h. bu~ "'":I'?
A. Yes.
Q, AI 3 m~II'" Ihal .....:lS <10m: ..... hen t\te bus .....a5 moc'c d
O~I of the way?
.' ,. '
~- 29 § 4.1S

A.'~ r;&llI.
Q. Wll i'~ lIk.')" " ..,,~ eh~tki nl: ;1 olT. d id n) yOll ~ l!lem
c h~cklng Ihe groU1H1 10 $~~ "'helher you ~ [l[llicd )'our
MM . S,'''IY. I wi lt ohjl~.
Tll1~ C()U~I; I ",ill all ow il up 10 Ihe wurd "ground ."
,\ . 1"0. ~; r.
And I did n ', e.·en $('<: (hem l·h:l1kinr..
Tll p. Cm!RI: All rigill . )' 011 an s"'ercd the Q(ICI\i o,1.
Q. You didn' l >« thli'm cll;llkins,. but )'U\! ~ ..'
the ~h~lk 1l1~rh
suddenly :l llilcar in Ihli' 103d"'3)'; is ' "~I nEIlI? I~ Ih.~' whlll
you ",1)'7
Tn~ WI1><O:SS: Your ~l ooo r-
Tile COO;IlT: t-;(). I~ c al l..-d yOU :l qucslion. Rnpond 10 il . If )"cu
cann OI. sa, )'ou don 't understand II.
Tn ~, Wnt..:ss; I d on'( u n d erst;ln ~ lhe 1.»1 OnC ,

Q. You $:!W the ch~ lk mark,: Ilia", ",hm yo" j\l~1 te M U~ a

minu le ~~o.
,\ . I saw Ihe cball marh . I did n't see 'hem doillll il.

§ 4.15 Clrcumsl"nl;"l F~cl" [nr~"ln)l; N~~ll~cnc"

COMMENT: Coun,el hn no d;'ed eoril!ence lnat the bus d,;'-., w~s

!lOt ~o~ing aUe" tiCll1 01 using dy e c~re. I-Ie must est~ bTish c"cu"'·
$tar.c: c ~ from witicillh jury m.y infu Ih~t tl'e d,i"e' was neelille nt.

To do so. he fl!'!it e$Ubli!Jles tholl ttle 8re~ Wlt'i COll£e5ted w,tll

kids . Then. he oblains an ~&reem C~1 tha t l ite b<ro; d,;"~ . ",as tiled.
Q, " au h~"~ hecl' .ioJing ur ~nd down there ~ \(1 n& l i n' ~?
,\ . Yes, .ir.
Q. AmI tell m~, ~rc )'un rJmiliM with [hi$ noi cbborhllod7
,\ , Y~s . .ir.
Q. Th is Wa$ :'I. week Ila}?
A. Yei. sir.
Q. On ~ ,unllr afte rnoon?
,\. T hat"~ riS:\\I ,
Q. Do you lAu..· Ihis ;~ a ron;oslcd ndthhorllood1
§ 4.16

A. Y~~ . ,ir.
Q. .... lot of chihhcll ill Ih~\ area?
A. Yes. ~i r.
Q, And >'011 ....,ou ld C~P«I a 1<)\ of .:Il ndr,," Iher~ at t1m'c
o'clod Ihm wo utdo't b. Ih..,.e Iher..-:llter'.'
,\. That'l ,iSht.
Q. You ~ "':w Ill al nO I onl)' rrom Ihis d:I)' but 'rom p riu r da~s
~'Ol' ha"t &on c Ihrou Sh there?
,\. 'fll.l1"s ri&lll.
Q. Br th~ W~)', "'h~l lim e did rou Slart ""orki nS that lby'!
,\. Ilhink ;I ....'M ~round 6: 15 in Ihe mornine,
Q. So you hJd been o n the job. 6: 15 is "'hell ynu had to '"flor!
10 Ibc job, rn>1
,\, t>:o. []llllled th~ hus nut at 6:1',
Q. In olne, wOld s. ~VP h~d 10 r,:poll c3rlier 1M" 6:lS, bUI a t
6: 15 you were on the bu!. on lhe W:I)'l
A, Tcn mi"lIlcs ahead of Ihc lim~,
Q. T ~n mi nutes ah ~nd of time?
A, T~n ", inll lCS ahead of 6:1 5,
Q. Su Ihat YO ll weN Iherc lit 6:0 ~'!
,\ . Tha i's rlg/tl,
Q. ,'ml by 3 u'cloc k that afl crnoon were )'U II kind of tire d?
A. I lIues. $0,
MK. FI;("ll sn F,~G: 'Th allk you.

§ -I . U:' 1I~"i,<"(' t:~... mina,j ....

Q, Su l11clhi n& ..... a~ slid 10 )'OU abuut a subpocn". Sin c~ the !~I
uf ~Imdl, I %~ , )'tIu 113 ....• be.:n CIIIIlloyc:d h~' the l'ra",it
" "lhori! )' for New YUtk Cit)'; i~ th at <'orrcct'!
A. That's riGht.
Q. In Olher won.l l . you ..... ore '1 0 10ncef el11ployed by lh~
1":t.l.I ..... a)· Tran~it?
,\, ·nl~t'. righl.
'"'. . ..,,,
Q. Tllaf ~ why Ihe~' r.a"c you 1!\~ ~ub l"""na,
MH, F"t"\I>IIIE ~(;: I obj~ct lO counsel Ic,tif\'lng, Th"t"~ not why
lll1.'l· I:""C him a sull1ltlC na \0 b.: here lO ~~)' ~flc r he ;5 here !a'
Till: C()\I M't: It 's (!ulte ob"iou ~ Ih at Ihe 'I1I.,'SI,on is impmpcr!y
framc~. Qlljec!ion ~u'lainc<.l,PI (·~sc procc ~d wilh the nex I ques·
Q, Well. il is a r~c' 'ba! you a' t no Ion"" wOIkint for Ihe
defenda nt which i~ hcin~ , u~d. f~SI"'\\)' T rJn sit?
A. Th~L'j ti~ht.

Q. Do rOil h~" C lO loa "" a Mlh flOC1l'l LO silo,," ' u lhe Transi,
Authority to get )'uur monq?
,\. M on~r. Ihm', ri ght.

Q. ";0'" so.",,,,,;,,!> ",·a. saitl HI yu u ubi.ul bIO\\';"ll )'(OlIr horn.

Old )'0\1 btll\" )'011 ' h",n ~I ,h.l! lime'l
A. No . sir.
Q. Whal d id you do'!
,\ . I JUS1 sl~JllXd o n ' he hr.>~t 35 won as my ~!'~. my ey..'
cau&lu the sigh t of the 00)' nlntlinl! b"tween thO i~ pilb"
there di.ectl!' tnward , th e hili: I "P!lli~tl the bra~c "nil )
~'mnc 10 a SLOp.

MM , FL!L'IIS~I'~(): I Objl'Cl 1o 1 1!i~. yo ", Uono.. j",,,roP"'

Ic·IIireC I,
THE CU\' ~l: The objectio n j. ove rruled.
Tile ..... i1n~'!i~ m;I)' fl nish I>i~ ""~"'-T. Go righl aru,:u!.
Q, Fini sh Y(lur an, ....w.
,\. ) ,U\\' ll!e tIo~' wi ll! lhe lerl C)'C l'0l11ing I()w;ud, nw. A~ '''011
"" I 'IO~ ;!X h inl • • ".~ afra id h. wa~ golt~ to) t"nlC In fmnl
o r nH:. alltl I p mmcd d""'n-
Q. WlI;\I'!! coul d n'L te t tllm ,
,\. I "' D ~ afr~i~ h~ ... ~ s goi,\!) Hl run in rro n! of tlte bu •. )
jamm<'d ~ I!c b~"n o n. lit.. he h il " " . hus I<,,'~ t<ls ,he
,,·lu.-ct ri~h( hcro.~ Ihe " h'(l ~ e hil m y hu'i. t"J11 in!(l il ~ "tl
I'dl Lh" rc. My bu~ di<.ln·t &<1 :my ", <I' e l han tW<l f~~1.
Q. ..\ ("tt, CUn\<lel~
...... n' ..
§ 4.11

,\ . An.". h il ronl atl. il d id n'l go ~ nl' more Ih3 n 1"'0 rcel.

Q. 1111: boy .~n in r'Onl () ( Ihe b us?
M~. FLJCIIsn.,RG: [ ObjL'CI 10 Ihi! as Ie"dinr .
T II[ C OURT: Jml a n\lnu l ~.
MR. J'1:CIISlI EKG: h lhe question ", illu.l ' 3",n7
Tilt COlJRT: The (l bjccllo n 10 lhe Iml qllcslinn is suslai ned.
Ask }'our nexi 'lu cl ii on .
Q. Did )'OU h l"C linto 10 biD", }'OIH horn?
T!lI: CoeR . : Wa il. TJ~ objm iu n IU Ih e last qll e-l li nn is s ~s­
l~ inW .
~hl. SANlr. Th~I ', " U.

§ " . 17 R«f....~ K' ~lJ\i"ali(la

COMMENT: The wll nltU lin Inhlitd to a filel which 1M: Plt"iously
s~ill lie lIid ",,\ see_ ht Iialeil e n .el!;.cct l ha' .he boy hil. h. hu~
.cvnl .ds the whee!. Such ~ tQf\Lf~ I'iCLJ<l n le~d. a jury . e belie ve tllal
Ihe wi,o.(,1; is makinc ossu""~l iens Illal me in his favo,. if nO I O\Jt·
right m~king up fatt s to SIiPPOrt nil sto ry.

Q. Pid )'00 ju sl S~)' Ih a\ \he 00)' bil the bus tnw~rd s the
wl)CeI? Is Ih~ l wh~ 1 )'OU s~jd7 r ",.Ole Ih,,;., word s down.
~Ik h il l h~ I", . 1nw~rth Ih~ wh\,<: I. "

A. 8)" t he wheel. n\';1' lhe ..-h«~ .

Q. '. hough! )'ou ~...u rc .~" or nfiC(1\ mi nul~~ ago th3t you rOSl
' il;l'l of 1 1o~ boy 3nd yuu he.:.. d :J lhutl ~nd yUII d idn't h<':!.
wile r, he Ioil llot hu,?
,\ . I h<::l.d Ihe Ihud ,tt:.J in~1 the bu!. W/)C n I wc nl Olll IhM'S
where h e "'~l. righ1 3 I on~i~~ Ih" ".. heel afte r 1-
Q. W"II-
,\. Go ahead.
Q. Go ahead. W'I I PJ . t o f h is hOld)' under Ih~ whed at th ai
A. Nn. hi ~ body ..... ~ , '\(II under Ihe ..... hee\. !li ~ b<ld y ..... ~ i
~ lo n~ilJe th~ \\'11.:.:1.
§ ~, 17

Q, You m~~n non c o f hi~ bod)' or legs ,,"ere under the whed
at aU?
A. ~"parl or the \10<1)' c r k,s " 'hen I t 3m<: down Iher.: :md
Ill"'. fie wa s o n the <lu tside or Ihe wh~ d. No pari
u,l<lw~:l1h the hUI.
THE C<"!~ 1 ; You had !-!lid "Om<:1h inlllOOU\ b30;k ill& up. l-lud
)'O U alrc~d)' backcd up'!
Tll f, Wn"rss; [ bJ~k\~ up a COl1p\" M illC hcs . th ~t'~ all.
Mil. FU( III~ E"'; : Wha l ",a~ Iha l?

TII~ CO ll in: ['Ie said he had ,

TII~ Wn"LS>: I b.,cl.:~ up J ~OlOpl~ IOf inc hc. bcfor~ I ga l down.
But 1h~
boy ",3<; laying Ihis "':1)',
Tnt Co "ltt: You :t n ~wncd nl\' qu."iun , Nnw go llhcad.
COM MENT: The wjt~H~. 01 C1)U1st, would I\Ot M'IC b:te~~ up ",jUl-
OUI f Uson.

Q. YOII didn'l SeC the bvy'~ I>od~' lill ~ft c r ~'Oll hml bac ked up:
i . Ih:ll right?
,\ . I did n't we Ihe bo)"s bOOr " " Iil l ,01 OUI of Ihe blls.
Q. And thDI wa~ " ft~ r )'o u had bac ked up'!
.... Ba~kcrJ up a c<lupk of inchcs, righl .

Q. The li m Ihin~ )0\1 did "'1t,'11 ) 'tJII 801 011\-

,\. Yes. i i •.
Q. - .. )~)u ",~nl ri"h t o,·c. HI tltt"' phont"' hi ,'all the hu~
CO mp3n)-?
COM MENT; Ceun,. l c'ca tc! tr.e picture a l the drive, ignori rlg the in·
lUff<! child ,lnll lliinking only 01 11,,,,,,,11, Su e~ ~n j"lJtlc S\'fioull~ im·
p.l" ~ Ihe wilnes.s' c'edibrlity.

A. I rJidn '! ~() n,'cr 10 the nh o n~. I wenl 0''"'

to where th e l)l)},
W3J; i;I)ir.&. I "",,"11m... or fo ur p<:ople ~wndinil i herc. 1 "'tilt
in ~ lIoJ ~"lIllt:d lip. 'I1lty we re taki "lt c~re of h im,
Q. Did ~O ",cone r!'(l rn Ihe bu. co rnpnn)' come <:I"c r wh ile ~'mJ
we," IljIJ at the Kenc of the a,ddtnt?
,\ . Yt •.
§ 4.1 7

,\ . 1\"0, I don't think the h.. ~ ('U",,,,, n)' made ~ n}'

mC~'U!'C l11cn \ l,

Q. Did Ihe)' in~1 the bu~1

A. No. SiT.
M M. l'"cIIS~[M<'f: Th.:u'~ ~I I.

... ,,,,,

. ,,'
CII,\!'TEIt 5

Impeachment of Brother-Motive for

SI:mting Testimony-Police Negligence Case
( " <>'IS ~:\:aIIll" .liM
bl ",,'d ~.II".·

~ ~OJ C"",I" ... or Ill",,, E....i.,'lIQ"

f $.B"l Op..oo: Ct_ [.........., .... ~ ""_".,t.,, • St«mc I:" ., hi
I S.OJ \\"b...,.. l.>tl<d
",,,. 1M.." ,h,-
Ih~ .... ' I)• .,. W~h Ill. 1'.. ,·... rO! ~l,.

t ~.~ 1.0" '''0 of u,...cN"" ,I"""",

i ~,.5 1',1.. T.... i_l· '" C.i ...... ' ( ._: hio>, i.. , .. SWI,q,. 1"'_1
~ ~(I{, U.-".I'."'~ E'N! "' J.dl:l"'" '''~ ];""~~,,~,
t ~§l J)...,,,,,,,...d,,,, r ..........
~ ~.Q8 I',io. r"tf_',' n (",h.f..-1 ("~ ...

f Jig! t~~.f " .. ~I«I~.

S"'I11"'''.I' I,r I/mic ""tdS ,mtllmmtlIK·u.,.I' /I,'l1Irlrk.,·'·

rred Qud lcr l-.mdU<:ICd the foltu"'i nt; CI"Ol.~ rx:m.i nal;on on be-
hal f of~ ('·}'c~ .·uhJ ci rl W)IO Ill"l bc~!\ Il,,~hl'J rCI),'~'c<lI)' by her fa'
lh"". ·Ct.( p:!rcm~ II.ld ~ MorAl), 15 yC'JT marri ~tc. The falhe. h~J
a hlslo~' of ~kolloli!m ~ll d w~s Ul1l!bk 10 hold " ~leadf job: a~ a
reiu ll lllo: mOlh~r ,,= llle ",.-:tdw;" "", In \h~ fami ly. f;"cnumll y,

• Fred Qudl" k Ilr. C'O'ilulI\o' ~ f "" .r "d,.,..,<!'_(' "", I:u m"''';'''' <If 1.:0)
II' It"""",.
r".. ... n.. , of oU ....""..... ,' nt>."" ~nd op"",iPf' roun",II~'" 1>.... " d..... EOd .
.. ,~." "lira ,I",p'" . 1 10< 'h, <to .. ,.,.",in"I,,., ~r' 0 pol i« om"" r,.,.~ ,h.
" .... , ....

l.a) \\·1... .,. .....

the moiller c',w ld na longer M~nd her hulhan<.l·s helm"ior a n~ ~lIc

~n\l h~r d:llIllh ler nlC/vcd OU1 Clf tile r~tnily home.

IlcC~ u i~Clf her lIusband·.' h i ~IOI)' of I\bu~i\"c belm \"ior. the 1I10tli.
er w~s $rnn!~d a n Order of Prattctinn from I'a mil)' COII1l: III" fa.
Iher ObjfCl~d to il bc:'~UIC it a ll c "<.""11 him 11 0 " i s i t~tion wjth Ihe
ch i t~. AI 3 ' t luh th t rourl ~ n' t n d fd Ih e order 10 ~lIo'" Ih f~lhtr
10 h3\"C CIl!IQ<\y o f Ihe l"hiW o n w<.'ektod~ until 6:00 r.' 1.. SIIlIday.
1·IO'>~'w. bttaus.: Ihe o rtler ,,1$0 , eqo lred Ih., futhe' 10 5tar a ...·3~·
from Ihe lnolher. Ih" ~":<dmnta o f custodIo "'I!rc 10 L~"c fll )Ce in
froM Dr ~ police ~talion.
On Ih e !irst weeken<.l o n wllich the bthtr wa s 10 h","e CIi SlOO)·.
Ihe nllhur Ihrcat ened to kill Ih ., child. The 1I10011er. con,·incc<.l he
wou ld carry 0111 th e Ihre,,\ . weil l 10 tile police wlli on :tml in!i~lcd
Ihal her child w~. ill <.I aliser, an~ that Iky mm l go 10 lh~ r~ lhcr' 1
ho~~ 10 Ilell"> Ihe """il<.l. The J!OIi '~ fd,,~d 10 do w. c"~n ~rt" r ItIc
6;00 P.lo!. ~c;ldl ine fo r returni" , Ihe chilo 1l:L-"lS.e<.l. a"d d~'Sl">i l~ I ~
n."Pl""lle<.l !lle~~ of Iht m01 bcr. T ho: chi ld " ..:...Iabbed rql<'al,"tI ly 1»'
Ihe f~lh cr. 3f1er 6;00 P..... "'" Ihe ,"ol"~r feaR-d. Th c polite "'ere
. OO"Ti 10 h~,·t h<.l full oflflOI1Unil)' 10 I>3ve !on"cd Ihc clll1~ be fore
Ihe siabbi"c.
Tlte plain li ff! CnSe "'''~ ~&ain ~1 the ci ly b~,ed on Ih e lIe8li gCtlC~
o f Ihe 1IOIIet em ployees ;n carl)'inr, 0 111 lhe Order of Protection.
Tlle jury fcndC!"I:<.I a " erdi ci "pin51 Ihe defen<.lant in Ihe :Lnt(llml
of 3 mi ll irm doll.~ ...
Tile fnllowint c:TOM u.~m inaiion is of Ihe IOn o f the (alh,"1", lh"
plai nlirr. bro,h" r. who I~ti!ie<.l (or Ihe ddcndalU.
Th . 500n h :1d l<"itifi,""II o n h<:h ;tlf of his (a lh cr 3\ the crimi ll.11 l'h)'
coe<.linSlo. ~"d "'as calle<.1 10 rci' ~r.'Il c Iha l ICSlimon)' for Ih e defe n·
<.I~nt in the ti";1 .,,;1.

Th~ quc~liollcr"s dl<llIcngc i ~ 10 de lnon ~l r"lc that the h rot her o f

lhe plai nli ff is nO \'erthde~s motiv:IIt"<.I lo t"s lif)' aga in . t Ihe nWl he'
nn<.l si~t .r, Th c natural infuellee is 111:11 Ihe Wn wou ld le~ti r)' 10
horlrr II..: I\IO lher ~ n d .ille r r,'Co" ~ r ~g.~ i nM Ihc ~""i ly. ily d rawln!: 001
Ihe w; ln<"1$' emotio ns. Mr. Q llcltcr is ~bk 10 dcmons lr~lc Ihe 5oOn's
striou~ ~l.C nlmen' of lhe mOlh~r. which txplain~ th~ 3d,·tr$C $l.~n'
to h it lc<l imon~·.
III ~ddition. Ille ron 11.0.<.1 allOlh~r ", Olive to I<.ost ify thai II><: fa,
Iher' . trimlll3\ 3~S;1U1t wa. un fore~t~3bk he h im'elf fltilcd 10 ~o 10
, " ~ " ,, > ,
his ,i'ler', aid. whcn nsked to do ~o by the mother hdore the a,·
s:mll. If thc cily wm negligent. ,0
was he; thcrefore. hI' defcndinl~
tllc city. he defends himsclf from blamc.
§ 5.01 Condu,ion of Dir",,! EXlll1linlltiun
,\. What Can I say? It's a father nnd daughter normal
rc\nlion~hip. I mClin, he loved the child. 1'l1,t w,~ the ani).'
thing he hnd left was her, and he was morc Ibnn, he did a
lot for her. as far as stayinS with her and taking ellrc of her,
He had J IN of custody. I mean. he w~s with her ninety
perc.nt of the time. He used to take her to school in Ihe
morning. IOmclimc, pic~ her UP. because my mother h"d
ninc to five hOUr>. My father', hours were vcry ftc.,iblc.
Q. Well. when your mOlher was working. who was il that
Iookcd aftcr Diane?
A. ),1), fnther.

Q. When she wasn't in school?

,\. She went 10 school in the neighborhood. II was vel).' do,e.
and he would bring her "1(1 most of the times he would
pick her up,
Q. Do you remember where the apartment w~, thm ),ou stayed
that weel in Augu'l or S~plel11ber of 1975 with your
A. Cramer Avenue.
l\JR_ REICH: All right. I ha\'c no rurt)ler Que~tionl your Honor.
§ 5.02 Op"ning Cro" Exomin:ltion b}' Dcmonstmling " Sprdlio
Error by Wimess
COMMENT: A quick op.cning blow to the cmdibility of Ih~ witness
'hould be ",,,dc. wllcnever po~'ible. to mnke th ~ jury skept;c~1 of tile
w;tne,~' testimony, SIIOwin& Clno specific error I.~ds a jury 10 believe
Oilier errors may al,o !lave occurred.
Here. tile e"or by the witne" may be innocent. but tim witness
II~ndle~hi' " "or so poorlY;lS to rellect on Ilis intellig" rICe and hones·

CROSS EX,\""~'ATM)" Ih MR. Q\;LtU:R:

Q. Hello. Mr. Cicdli. Do )'0\1 know in Augmt and Septcmber

of 1975 there was no longer an apartment on Cramer
I. ~"""
1.:>Jo' \\ LI"<" " .,,,

A_ c:~cu.., IlIC.

Q. Dc you know. ~ ir. Ih al ill AugU.1 a nd s.:PI~mbcr or 1,)75

Ihcn: "'':I.
no apartment (l" Cramer ,\\','nu<: and neit her
your 111111h"r o r falhe r were living ,here. Do ~'nu know lh;u?
M ~. RrIOI: Obj<.,(l;nn. u. /:u R\cnt al;"C in Ihe fo rm ;1 i ~ I>ci"g
TII~ COl!~ l : Obj,'(lion susl;lin.-d:lS IQ fQf ....

Q. Isn'l il ~ r~cI . ).l r. C;<:d li. Ihal )'o ur fath er mO"cd nUL o f
Ihal "p;l rL mCnl 10 move ill "";111 ~ ou r mUlhe. 31 a "" .....
a pa rlmenl in Jul,' o f 19 75~ isn 'l llml lruc?
,\ ., I ~mw.. liter nm"w rrow III~. ~C':Ih .
Q_ Kigh t. And he '''':is li "in~ "' i(h he r ill J III ~' ~nd " "gu, l of
1975 0 11 Ca nl~ rbury Rw t!. nOI o n Cmme, Avenlle: ;~n',
Ihal lnl .,?
,\ , lie ,,",,~ _h " had-he wasn't I" '; ng Ihere. Ik hapl",."l-d 10
Ip;! nd ~boIt t a we ek Ih~ rc. !iI)"' ~ lhi ng like Ih at. II ~ w ~sn'l
Ii" in~ itoc fC.

Q_ Ale you Id li" " u5 Ih al he ....'a ' n· 1 Ii",ng wi, h yon, mOI!", r
:t n er ~h c len Cra mer A" CIllle and ,ha l he " ':\!n'i living wilh
her o n Canlerb ury Road in J u\~ a nd A ugu~t'r
A. Thcr~ "'a s U ",c m~n1ari ly thing. li\'in~. ~ ."t"r~ "'~k;n~ ;1
sou nd he Wll~ Ih ~rc for n'o~( o f ~ li me. II "a ~ just a mallc r
(If 3 w.~k or so ,hal he hat! 51""'" ,lie.'" II wa~ a 101 nf
th ing.' lIo in B on at thaI lime.
CO MMENT: 1M ~ U f.tiO!1e, ,efu$eS to accept an~ il5idC$ 0' un.....
~pcn.;.,.e . n.w ...... ilQl'le, e, innace nt,

Q. I' m not askin8 you w Jt~t waS &l);ng nn, Arc yoo Ic11inr. u~
now 11~1\ ~'o u r nlolher ali<I ),oll r fal h~r mO"cd b;o~ k inlo
Cmmer Av. nIl C':
A. ! d idn ', »y thl.
Q. "Oil <aid in ,'lIguM nl") Se rICI"!,,, r (I f 1 ')7~?
,\ , I ,,";lsn 'l fan liliar willt Ih. date.
Q. I'k a,e.
A. l"hc dJ I<:5 &O;n8 b;lcl; ' llal far. ;1-, jllSl a li n le bil 100 much
for me 10 ICII, embcr.
.r """"
Q. 1.':1 me gCt it ~\rni~)It. Vou' ,e t""lif)'j ng here undur o~t)l . Do
you ondcmand th;,I?
A. Y('5.,
Q. You're lellin, lit;; j ury ~bou t (cruin o.lalC'!i. c~rl a in limc>,
No ....·• if you'r e nOl sure of" dalc and a lime. will yon toll
uS that.
A. I' m letlin& )-oU now.
Q. I'm telli ng YIIU now.
A. The wn)" it wa~ $~id to me. [ ",nsn'l f~m ilinr:ll the lime o r
Ihe 0.1:,1.,.
COMMENT: WhC11 the witn. sl ~~m jtl; thaI M did not MOW SOm D'
thit11l th~t he lestif,ea 10, a f>/au5ihle infcronce mises thaI the fa"
was sU2llC$ted by Ule oppos.inli aHorney _
Q. Arc }"O'J telling ,,~ thaI CQ.",.d PUI words in f()lIr mouth
nMl yo u ju. 1 .~id. yo." I. Lhal )'O U' \~51 imony ?
A. I "'~s :!Sked the qUe'lion \h ~1 I kne w they were 1; \'; n8 tbc~.
Q. On Cramer A,-c'lIIe in AO£O.I and Scl'llcmbcr.
A. Thr dOle di<lo', r~~.c me 31 lh~ li me.
Q. Lc(,~ ~ct it Mr~i;lll. YOIl' \'~
told 11 5 that yo u li"od ""ith your
mcth~, ~ml r~t her in" ""~~k durin\: flugu.<1 ond Scplcmb...,..
19n on C.~ m~r ,' venue. I Mk ~"ou 00"', under o~ lh. is lh~t
th t tnt th'!
.\. You Go t to ~ I ~ me what time,
M ... R( l(.llo Objc( Iiun.
A, Wlt:lt time I 5p~ nl ther~.
MH. Rill'''' Ohj~ct iun .
,\, ! $.:lId abcut _
M... Rt l( lI: r:lIClIse me. objC(tion .
A. I don't gi,' ~ an e~'K't d:lte,
Tllli C<)I,:lITo JuM U millute. Whnt'~ }'our ohjec tion ?
M ... Rue... Obje(Iion, l"OUnkll"" ~(d 1\ cOIllJ!QU nd ',"''"lotion,
I ~d.,>d sc'·cr.r l qUCliliOlls. He 103. compound/:d then' . "nC Ii,·,
ine to~ctltcr ""ith tlw thcr nnd rather :It Cr~mcr A"cn\lC is :I
com lXl\tnd question.
A. Clln I c!l":l' -
' -6
Tur CUllin: Pl~. "" clc~r il \lP for us.
A. Cnn I clear the qucslign? I'm sure )'00 how lh~l I IlhJ
spenll a week there.
Q. I d'm', know anything. Mr. Citdli ,
,\, Well, I'm telling yoo -
Q. Whe,,; ",id you "flCnd _
A. I spc:m :a ",wkend wi'" my ,"mh~r and m)' fath<;r. :\00111
''''1)10 Ibr~-.: w~eh• • t k'SI, berore Ihit c.<ptMiun t';I rlI(;
aooul. In OIlier ",o,ds. the !.I: p:lr.lliun. h~cll~' w11.1' d:lle it
wa 5. I don't remem't>cr.
Tllf. CO tIRT: It had to be in OCloll\:r.
Tllr. WIT.~t:~5 : Something li~~ Ih~t. hU I r -
Q. On Cramer Anolle?
,\. I spen t . .."t'C ~ with '"em white Ihl'Y W~"fe l i\~n~ l hc,~·.

Q. On Cr" mer A,-..:nIlC?

A. y~. on Cram.r A"en ...\.,

Q. Then I asked you, do )'01,1 know lh:1I yo ur mother di dn't

li,·c on e mmer A\'cnu e _inee June of 1975.
A. Til e week thaI I spent Ihcr~ wa , very ~}lOrlly Ilftcr th aI . I"
f. ct, 2t thl lime i , when Ih i1\~ I l~ncd hapr~nil\£. o k~y. It
"·as ~ "cry shott time af1~ r that.
Tut C,II;lIT: W:1.~ il Ocloocr o r w~s ;\ s.,plemb!:r or w~ il J ul)'
o r ,'""'SI~ W,",n ,,-~. il . Than " 'ha, h,,'s n)"illS 10 fi nd <)1.11.
Tn~ Wm'~ It w:lS duri"ll lhc: summer months.
T nti C(II;'U . It wOllld,,'t be O~I O!M.'T 'lien..
Tun W'TNI:S~: I di dn't S~)' it "~ i Octobe r.
Q, You didn't say Ilmt.
,\. No. it was during th e S\lI1\1!'~r manti". I said ,\u~ u'l ,
Sc plc n.l>c:r.
Q, 11t ~ n I !3),. isn't il a r.ICI t h ~1 in AUlim ~nd SI.'P'~mbc'
yuu r mother was ne'"." Iiv;n& on Cr.lm~ ,\ ....'f1U( . She
lr atln"liv..'d there ~ occ Junc. b.:-ror.:: the su mmer, isn't llol l
a ran?
A. J t an'l r~mcnlbcr ba~k lha! rar. ! l nClw [s)X"n! a wcd, lh~ rc
hdol( all lhi~ hapJ"II",,,tl .
Mnlhc for SI""li"~ T"";,.... )· § 5,1)

Q. Mr. Cicelli, if you can'l rememher, lell us.

/1. I C,In't rememher that particular_

Q. 1"11 accept that.

,\. [Iut I did spend a week with them hefmc Ihis had
TII[ COIiRT: When before, tlmt's what counsel -
)l.1R. REICH: He said, }'our Ilonor,,\U&llst and September. How
many limes docs he have to sa)' AUF,ust and S~plcmbcr.
A. Jml before they llappcned to separate. aka)'.
TII[ COl:Rl': All right, the nC.~t quc~lion is, lhe)' gavc up thc
~p~r1mcnt when. counsel?

Till: WITN~SS: The}' didn't give up Ihe ap:trtmcnt. They were

scpar~ted. The}' werc split. Wlien tllal ~parlmcm was,,'l gi\'cn
up, they didn't just walk alit of there.
T1II: COURT: Your lie,! recollection. )'OU spent a week sometime
in August or Septcmber.
T1II: WlT'<C~I: Ye." before Illey ~ep~mted.

§ S.U) Wlln." Lacked Klln"kl<iJ(C; lind /'int U\'cd Wilh llis

I'",ent. for Fh'c Yems Dcrnrc the
Q, )l.h. Cicclli. what is }'our f~tltcr"s first nmnc'!
A, Frank,
Q, What is your first n"mc~
A. Franl.
Q, What is }'our f~t!tcr"s occup~tion?
A. Plumber.
Q, What is }'our occup~lion7
A, Plumber.
Q. You' .. "~ry close witll your father. weren't )'ou?
A. No.
Q. You weren't?
A. t>:o.
Q. May I ask you Ihi~; You were married at this time?
A. Yes.
Q. When \lid ~(IIl I!JII m<Hrkd , whnl year'l
A, 197().

Q. And di\l }'OU "", , 'c ~" I ur Ih. ))('\1..., ;1\ l 'n O'!
,\. Ycr.,
COMMENT: Tho: w;ln6$ wit$leol ifylnt: concern,n!: his f., the r. but he
'I~ d r>et livcd wilt' "is latller for fj~e ~ears before III<! inCident.

Q, ,\ nd ;11-),')\1 lI~d nu lonser Ix",n !ivinS with yu"r mothcr

and r~thcr rrem l enO. I hi~ lI<I;n l, l heR'~rler. i ~ l h~1 l ighl"
,\. Yc •.
Q. Ob ~'. I~ Ih~ l rorr~ct. Mr. Ciccl l,?
,\ , Yes.
Q, ,\I\ d y,)11 did nOI b3 V~ ;1 r~ n1 i l; a lily wilh .... hnt wa.< ~i n& ""
in ~ d~)'-t". d ~~- IlJ~is " i lh lhem , did )-uu?
,\ , Nn.
Q. "'".... with rC8~rd 10 1975. y,h ell app.:l(cntt)' I h i",~ slarted
10 flU a lillk hil ow r "i. h !hc nl, YO Il WCren'1 H" in S w;lh
t)lcm el!\ a dli t)' h'I' ;S, wcre yo,,~
" , No.
Q. IIUI ytlu we re ;I."-~ rc. we re )1'U nOl, lh~ l in 1',I7 ~ )'nur flu be!
>lIlrl"d (u d rink "e,y h"~" ily om'" ~\;lli" , We." ,'<1"
;tWa ",
o( thm , "'"Cren', )"U~
,.. I was ~ .... ar~ Illal he W3S ,\l inkin&- nm ~crr he~'·ily .

Q. O ~'lY. As ;l m~ l1cr "rf;ICl. ) 'll" l l\<:w IJ.c h~d ~ hi.lO)Ij tlf

n\!lAy )'e~ ", 3g0 !l<:ins ~l "cr}' hel1:y drink~r?
,\ , yl.... ~'c:.. ftum li nle ,<> li me_
Q. In I%Y!
,\ , '111m , "'ID. 3 ' ime he did n't .!rink for le ' ·Cll year, .
Tu ~ (Ol'Ml; CO)uns.:l. pk;\M' k l Ihe ..-ilnes. a ns,wr Ih<' ques-
,\. 'The re "'a. ~ time he <l i<ln·. < rur j.C\·cl;tl Y<";ln; ,
TJU: C< ~;H' Wa i( a m inu le. Tlli. YO lm s lady h" re h:lli h) l:1k c
it all d"..-" . If )'o<l "" i\ for eaell nth~r U, MO l) , pc ;lk ing. llw" We
can SC I Ihc ,ln lWCro lin d IIU<'!;];(>I\:"
A, I-I~ did drink, you know, &amelimc, heav)', htll he had vcry
good comrol ovcr hi, drinking problem. He wa, able 10
SlOp for scveral ycars al onc lime,

Q. BUI alone lime up 10 1962, and you 'aid when your

mOlher scparated and wenl with )'ou 10 Calitornia, he wn,
drinking so budly thc)' had to ,ep~rate?
M~. RUDI: Ohjection, counsel. gone far beyond the ~copt.: ai'
my -
THE COURT, O,'crruled.

:"1 ~ . [{EtCH, _direct examination, and I would ,,,k iron 'Iny b:l'
~ i ! of the examination he', on nOI\" the line of qllCstioning, thaI
he be decbrcd thi~ man'~ witness.
Til!: Cfl\:RT: O'·crru1cd.
Q. Im't il a fa"1 that he had drunk so heavily that your motile,
had to take )'ou and the child and rUn to California ~nd
Ihere wa, a separation in 1962'1
M~. RIKlk Objc'Clion, you, !-iotlor,
TH E O~;RT: Just a minute. Just a minute.
Yes, I Ihink you're ~oin~ heyond. ! think counsel is correct.
t]]ink you're goinS beyond proper "ro"-~xamination as to th,';o
new matters. Yall'rC making him yom own,
11--1H. Ql.Il'u_r~: Okay, I'll make him Illy own.
Q, Isn't Ihat n fact -
,,1". R[[ct': Then I object to the form of tllc qllcqi()tl if i(,. hi'
own witl1c",
Till: CO[JRT: Objection ~u~taincd.

Q, Did your mother :1m! !lither ~ep;lmle in 1962'!

A, Scp~r"le, yeah,
Q, I!~d ~Olncthing
to do wilh drinking'l
,\, A lot ()f thing', Drinking. I)rinkin~ was nm' of the
problems. He did drink then, }'cah.
Q. And then they sot IOg~thcr "[lain after 11l,,1'!
,\. Yes.
Q. And tllen hc "artcd drinking ]wavily asain'!
,\, Ycah, otT and on.
'alIl pUll no.' jjulcu~ooq", ~l •.\a~1 'IP,\\ '''J~lll op 01 ~"U'l ~.\\
op lell." ·~U,,;,! '~u\';,j" '~\U 1'101 pu~ dn O\U pnll~J pUl{"\IS 'V
- no.\ P!!' .\loH i,paunddl"l 1\1\1·\1 U~\!1 puv 'lq3!J 'lll~m '()
'~Ul{ JoqlOIli .\IU a!r.J ,HII ·.\IOU~ no.\ ')noq~ ~,\! Icq.\1 Jnll Piol
I puu '\nO<lll SI1.\\ I! lUII.\I JlU II~I puc Jill IIE~ 01 pauaddC\1
;~\!1oulpuCJ3 .{1lI puc PJuu;>Odqn~ ~U.\\ Oil' ~Sn\iJ~U 'V
'JJIj llll,\I ~IIIC~ noA 'b
i.lJnO~ 01 \l"U!1II0~ sn.\I O\IS "'OU, I P!P .\loH 'V
l·{llplll 111l0J 01 ~JOlt 3UilIlOJ 'U.\I ;at! A\OUl no, op .\101·1 'b
1Iuol C U1 llI!lj u~"~ l.uJ.\ml I 'llUc'!'''q Ja\1 ",I! "M!I"'t I 'Y
i,J~\1 lll!.\1 JJ~'1\ 1"0 U~1lI ;:11110 ~ql ~! oljA\ ~;)<>l~ o,l,',\ 'i,')
·OJ~ ' I'.)uuuv 'V
i.oq.\\ r.uuy 'b
'CUU\, 'V
LottA\ 'b
'Iune .(1'1 'V
i.·(l'pOI ltl!,\1 U1l0J 01 ~JJl{ 'IIIO.' no" P!P O\IA\ 'b
'.(1110 " S~N.l'A\ iIll.l
·os hll, ,(j<JlU!' lsnf '~ln~ IOU ~J.1I0~ JO uo)\,,,nb ~ql
J~.\I~U" I.Ul'J 110.\ Jl ' SS~UI!\\ U ::>J,no" U~\I.\I ~u0!l'Jnb '1~u I,UOP
nOA '~UO!ISJnb >,.\;)IJJOllr. ~ql J~."suu OJ J.'~lll'nf no.\ 'JUJlUOUI
~lll l~ puu '~S,lUI!." ~ sr. ::>J~q ~J,no.( '!llOJ!J 'J~'l ' l~ "OJ ~1!1.

- u uo p~~~~PJ 'C.\\ aH 'V


~lll IClnJI5U! Ptnoq~ lJnO:l ~l!) SdClj1ad 'JOUOH JnOA '1l.Jlilll '~~'l

~Sjlll lin Jill oJU!~~U aJ,noA ·uon.Job Imll no.\ flu!lili IU.I 'b
~\Iso." 'uuw Jql)O ~!'.\Inuu ~ql S~.\\ 11:1IA\ 'JJ\UOJ ~OI~P J'l\
OIU! lltSnolq su.\I oJ.{ UJq.\I '\JOOJl IUl!d~Olt JIll ~.\nJ.{ no.( oa 'V
i.Hul U! I! seA\ 'I! 01 no.\ Ploll 01 IUC." I 'b
'I! 01 ~lU PIOII P.lloA 'J;"!{IIllJmOJ I,UOP I 'V
i.U!1:1!C ·\I!·'UJq j!U!~U!JP lJU)' Oll PiP UOllA\ '()

U(-<; """"I!.\\ "q fa'~ §

§ 5.04

I gm:u Ihey wanl 10 know lomelhi ng 1113)"00 )"nI' mcnlion.'tl

hero ,!!," and she ashd m e jf I could )lick her up and bring
her onr.
§ SJN Innue"cc "r Opp"';n~ AlIorlkT
COMMENT: CtlUn~el shou ld ne_e' mi~s the opport unity to Infer thai
In.. opposing attOl"r.ey hn inliu enc.ed Ille witnDIS' testimony.
Q. By Ihe W~)·. d i<l you <:\'/!' 1~lk 10 Ihh ~n1k'man , iu; ,'lI 10
my Id\ hero,c }'OU look 1110: Itand")
A. Ou t5id~.

Q. YOII <lilCII . ....'tl )"0 11 ' l.,.,timol1y ",-il h h im'

,\. Yes.
Q. Di d somebody fro m hi s office a mUlllc 01" da)"$ 3g0 come
to ~our home and talk 10 )'ou?
,\. "'0.
Q. WI' 0 s~n'cd you with th e ~ub pocna?
A. A fc ll ll'" uti!\,: abou l 8:30 at n ight ~nd he drOl'lle\1 Ih e
5" hpocn<1 o ff 10 me. lell in& me Illal I'm SUI'Po\lCd 10 ~flPI!J.r
in COUri on Illal d3 1<'. ~nd ;1 w;)S nlrcoll)" Ihe d alc Ilml lhe
case already_ it was the d:l)' or the em.,. nn() it waS
ni ghll lmc. So 1 \lId,,', Imow ",hal 1<) do. I fi ~l!rcd I c~n'l
rome 10 lho! CaM: Ilia!". ~ ITc..ldy wenl. So I colk'tl Ihe
numh.:r llIal w~~ on Ih ere, 3nd I h:ld If'Ok~"11 w; lh Robt.:rt.
mid Rohert h ~d laId me Ihat Ihe}' wanl m~ in cou rl 10
lestiry on ccrt~ i n Ihing<; ~nd l1ml I wou ld ~p)ICar.
Q. Wloo is Robcn'!
,\. Robert Reich .
Q. Ynu know hi'1I b)' hi ~ fi UI Mnw?
,\ . I kno ..· him by lhe nallLe 111." ;s " n Ihe ilJI'C" .
Q. Wlt~n is Iht fi.~t lime )'ou ~pokc 10 him ?
..\. friday.
Q. Wh,.,." was 110311
,\. I wal al my heuS\: ~nd lhn l " 'a s lhe d3~' I caUed .
Q. WIt "le did you 51>"ak 10 him on tlt e pho ne. by PIlrJon?
A. On lit.' I'hon~.
,,..,, ,
§ 5.05 5_12

Q. And how long did you talk to him on the phonc'/

A. AOOUl ten minutes.
Q. And )'ou go over your tc,timon), with him'!
,\. No, he jml w'lIlted me. and he s.lid that there wa, a
statemcnt made -
Q. I"m not asking YOlI what it Wa5. You spoke 10 him for len
A. Yeah.

§ 5.1l5 I'rior Tc~til1lony in CriRlin,,] C"se~ !\Ioli.c f'lr Slnnl;u!!


COMMENT: TI,e witne" had te5tiljed in the criminal proceeding. in

a manner heavily sl<lnted in Ioyo[ of hi' father. In tt,al p,oceeding.
he had a elear reason to testify a, lie did-to help his fath., rIlcei.e
~ 'edll<;ed sentence.

Q. All right. let me ask you (hi~: YOli testified in a criminal

cas". didn't you?
A, Yeah.
Q. Ok:l)·. YOIi lestific,l a' a witnc," ror the defense. didu't
A. ] belie"c &0. ~cah. ! wnsn'(tc,tifying for nu}·body. I wa~jll\l
put on the sland. ] wasn't lookill~ 10 help anybody.
Q. You woreu'l looking (0 hclp an)'body'l
A. II may Imvc turned 011\ thaI it worked to my rather's
ad"unUigc, but-
Q, Vou knew. did )'011 I,ot. thaI in !ha! particnbr Cilse yo"r
father wa, being tricd for allemplcd murder of ),ollr little
,i'ICr Diane'!
A. Yes,
Q. How many }'ea" dilTcrcncc between 1',lll and Diane?
A. ,\\>0111 ninetecn,
Q. YOII were l1ever 'cally dOle wi!h Diane. werc you'!
A. No. TI,al ,Ion't mean anylhil1B.
Q. Wcrc you do'c with }'our falher. weren't ,.",,'1
A. No. Same <IS my m"tl,cr.

Q, Were you clo'e with your motllcr? Let's he:lr Ihal,

A, JU5I ~s much with my rather,
Q. '\11(1 when you wcnt to testify in lliat C:lse, you knew that
your father wm being cliargcd with th~ crime of-
MR, QtJUI.t:K: Do you huve tho,e photographs',
Til!' COlin: Counsel, let', have a disell~sion,

(Whereupon, the coun and llOth coumel returned to the court-

room :Iftcr which the following occurr~d in open court)
Till: COI}Rl: ,\11 right, wc'll-you may pup,uc thi~ , but on a
rather limited <calc,
)'1~, QUI:IJ.I'R: Yes.
Q. Now, you appc~rcd in court. Criminal Court, :I, :I witnc"
(III Ihc ddcmc. didn't you'l
A, Wdl, more or less. yeah,
Q. And ),ou knew at tlmt timc that your rather was acellscd
and was heine tried for the as':luli of yom baby ,i,ter. You
knew that, didn't you?
A, Y.,.
Q, And you lestifle(1 on behalf (If defensc, knowing that y,,,,r
le.ltimony migbt ""i<l him in hi, e:t~c in hi~ ddcmc. didn't
A. Well, there waS nothin~ else-there w:lsn't nny e"idence al
the time to hdp him in any way. Tllc act 111m ho
commillcd wa,. you know. a terrible thinlt, but IIobo<ly
cOllld forc!ce ,omething li~e Ihm happcning, They nl<lde it
-thcy wcrc pu,hin~ tile f~cl that this is something tltat he
w~, capable of <loing. and '" far ~, 1 belic,'c. ~, ["r as
knowing Itim. as a father. I could nOI belic,"c that , and '0
I loo~cd at it. you know, frnm my poim of "i~w, ;utd I wetlt
tllcrc with Ihe intenlion of lellinil tlte trulh. the q'le,liOlI'
tltat were a'led of me. mid I lold Ihem how I fcll and thm',
COMMENT: If a witness ,Iants hi, testimony. Or lics, there i. usu<llly
" moli,c tor doing '0. The jur~ mu,t be presented with the e'plan",
tian for the witness' te'timon~. In !I,is case. Ihe witncs~ was nol OI,ly
trying to protect hi' fall",r, I,e was trying to prolect l,im5.11. TI,e
molher testilied that site Itad asked I,im 10 protect lI,em from the fa·
!lIer. and he refused. He /Iad 10 e.~use IIIa l ',egloecl ~ nd toad judg·
m,,"! b',I ar&LriOl! tbat the Gllminal usault b',I his f) I"", WlI , Un f<)fe'
>«~ ble .

§ S.O(i Ikmon~ Irnti~~ Error In .JudJ:nl~nl 'm~ Kno"'I~d~c

COMMENT: Tile r:tclen le IOU olf(:fing Ihi' witness in M eftr>rt 10
show th' l t he (. ;m i.,al an;] ul! b',IlM fa lllr:!r wn IIflfo'nGf'able. The
wiI~s tcslilit</ to that !.)ct , SO he ' ,ad 10 be ch ~ I I ~ ng(.'() Mead 011 by
nOling lil a! li D c lc art~ a nd ! im~~ w~s ... ~. a nd lhal Ihe rooll>er.
,",'0 wa$ c~t to the situalll)A , ;]tIIl di d fOIC'Sce UI~ c.i mi'tai act.
was correct
T~ c "" tne u' mOlive to J'Eu e Ulallhe assaull wa s unforeseea ble Ii
in p;l'l self·d efense. 'n his "",n nl'U!ec;1.
Q. Am I ,e rrc~1 Ih~ 1 "'h~1I )' 011 wc" l In l,,,' i/'y in lhal ('OlIf'l,
>'011 did no! hcl; ~ ,'(; th~1 yo" . [,tiller ~nu ld do what h~ did:
is til l t nOI tnrc'!
A. RiBiI!.
Q, h,,'I;I :t f3(1 Ih "l Ih~ day btrore Ihi~ child "'~~ M!aultcd or
lh ~ morn ing Ilcfc r.:. ye u didn', bdieve Ih~1 da)' or Ih" day
b<:for". Ihe week bernte. Ih~t your f~thc. "'~.I l'ap;,ble ,)1'
a,,.auh irll: Ih:\1 child; ;$n', 11o:'It ~ f:K{1
1\. That's right.
Q. lIn ', it ~ fnct lhnl ~IIY pku frl'm yo u. moth er by you to get
'h~ chiW ~w"y bcr~usc )'our f;,llIo;r mal' harn. ht . WM
w mclhing )' I1U w(luld not h~li~,'~ in ~ mill iu n )'c",s: il 111;1 '
A. Yel.
Q. If ~l,e ~skcd yo u 10 gct Ihc c llild becau sc he mi gln ha. m tllc
c hild. yOIl "'<)\I ld nt\'(;, .II' Ihat l>(cau$C )" 0 nc,·u 1>1.'''''''0:>1
he ....'ould h~'m h~ r?
~' M, Rllel1 Obj ''l:lion .
Tn~ CO>UIIT, O"crrultd.
Q. I", '! Ihal th e Imlll?
A. No, th al'~ 0Il1 th~ trul l,.
Q, You wo"I d belle\'(; 1"'11 ),011' rath"f wc uld harm Di' n~. tim,
)' 00 woul d til -
M~_ Rt:,CII , Obj ection. cnmnlcnt ing-
S- H I M6
A, I t oold n'! (M)l.sibly-I rould n' l pmMl:l~' !.:no", l h~! he roultl
h~\'C tlid somi:lh in& like Ihi~ and kno", Ih31 my mo!lIer
woul tl h~Ye C"~l!ed me ;mtl ! tlon) th ink it"s fai, Iha l 1
:\!lould b.: IIU\ in ~ posilion whe re I "' oold hold III( I.I:lC (0 '
~omclhln; li ke IIli, Ix:causc Ihi~ is a le,ri ble thing r(l, 1\.;, 10
havc 10 lell )'OU to ask to me. [ mean, Ihi~ i~ nl )' ~\stcr.
We're nOI lalk in!: aoo ul a nobody. Ir my nm lhc, e~\lcl! lIl e
antI a~ked nl e my :l i ~le , W:IS in Imubk, I would h:lv~ W~ l1 t,
Q, Tha I)'OU ' r'llh~r would hmm Ihe child, yon "'ollld h..:ticvu
Ih~lor )'ou, rnlh..:r?
A, I woull! we nl 10 5.'( lil Y s isler, not an)·t hi n~ wOllld hap]lI!n.
Q, tsn 't it \fll<; Ih~ 1 )'0<1
d idn 'l C''CfI Ix:liC'\'~ Ihal yO\l ' falh..:,
w:a~ ~p:tht.; or h31m in!; Ihal ch ild when )'OU 1'~lified in
coon in June o r 1976, sc\'cral monlh~ "rlCr he d id il. Yoo
didn't ncn b.:l',",'c il then. did yoo?
MM_ RF,II)~ Objecllon, )'oor Hunor, Obj.."C1ion. yoor Iionor.
FiU I or :111, eo un~d Ila. bo:c n o\'cr il. Second. lhe cou n f\lkd on
- Ihi~ subjecl. 1I ~'1 his o"'n witoel~. 1'1c'~ cr"'~ exam ining,
TII~ CtICRT: Not on tbi s sllbjCl:I. Thai's Ihe "cr)' i"IIC, The i~.
suc here is whelher or not a phone can WJ ' mnd~ or so nIC com·
mllnic;ui oll wa~ h ~d, 1-[e'1 testified to Ihal on direCt.
M ~. Ru n t: RighI.
Tllr C ",!n : The wh n c.~, h~, lest ilied-yoll lind no comnlUniC:I'
lion ",ilh ~'o u r mnlher : is Ih ~( )'Oll r tc>timoll)'7
Tll f, Wm<IM.. Tha I's righI, your Honor.
T HE CO(lIm El I ki:1 Ihe pr.,«ding ,,'t'Ct Of O\'~r Ihe " ·cct cnd. I~
I1iJ I ",1031 you'lIl tQ}'illg~
TII~ Th31'S lighl .
T llr_Cm JMT: Counscl h3' :a ';&i,1 10 inquire.
MR RUl"lt: I'm 11 01 SOI)-ing no, Wh:!1 I'm loOIying, h. 's nOI C,l a m,
ini llS him 011 (ha l c,·idcncc. lie', enminin c on ol h ~ r e~ll[ n ! ic
m~ lIC" which ror the pu rpoM: of being hi , o",n w;lncu, he'S
trying 10 con tr,ldict h [~ own witnc".
TlI E C" UK·!: No, it', 3 'tu.l1 ion of credibility.
Q, I,n't il a r-~CI Ihal ~"CII in Jllne of 1976, "n,[ [ ~ho'" )'OU
Ih e"", r"ur (~ h ibill of )'ou r liu lc si~tcr. ".hihil' ,,' hidl ~N in
e\'idcnre, E. hihit II A, n, C nnd D. I "'~nt you 1\' hll)k ill
I 5.11J

IliUM: . J ~n't il true th~! c".o Ic,'cn Inonth.l. nn er Ih. ~ $~~IIIL

un )'(>ur linie ~i~!er _
A. I Ita"elfl s ~cn lho~c before.
Q. I w~nl you to lool ~I them, ;'<llW. i~n't il ~ f~Cl Ili 31 ~\"c o
in JUIlC of 1976. when )'(nl wcnl 10 court to teslify 10 help
\'our f~lhcr. ye u didfl' l cY~n .h co hdic.·c Ilm l he " ',,s
c~pahk of d oinS Ibal 10 )"our lillie b.~by sisler?
MR. 1t ~1Ct1, Objection .
T nVo OJO.:It I: Objcrli oD S" II ~; n~'(j.
A. C(lpablc -
T illi CmlR~ Don't nn~wc r. W~ II , _
TIi ~ WI'NI:S\: I don', understand .

"fur COI) MT, 111e quest ion'j tlll ~ n ns~el\ and 'In,we""".
~o"·. you dun't h ~vc 10 look ~I the pi ct ures if yo u do,,',
10. I d un', ",e nO)' p"'l'O~ in lh i,. Wh.~1 ;s the purpos.:1
Mil. Qur.LtEk: Tllc purpo!.<:. ~ou. 1101101-<10 )·ou "" 11)1 me In
sa)' Ihe Pl,lrpm<: in fronl o r Ihe ju ry'!
MM. R((t'lI : The ""ill1eSi has ":\ll.... Ilu;te clClrll' a n u"'h~ r or
limes, se"crnl que.llioll!. th at he did not belie,·c prillr to Ihi.
w~ekcMd th:ll his fJthcr would clo Ih i ~ tll his ~istcr.
,\. Ilow Can :In}'hOI!Y I>I:li<:,' (' ~omc thing like tha!. If, II
horrible lh;n~.
Q. Du)"ou belie,"e ;! mm'!
,\. No. I still dun', beli" ,'c it.
Q. Th~!'s r i~lu.
,\. 1 "m don't belic"c il roul~ h~ "c happened. \' UI il

§ 5.117 IknlDl1m'lling Prejudice

COMMENT; Tile wiln~s5 is .nown Iitie to ' t scnt the molh er, !~ ,\ nor
~am"sing nls objcchwity. Once ~'Clutlico ~!!ai ....1 a pa rty c~" bo n ·
tabll.hetl. e-tlyThing Ihe witno.'U $;"lId bee"m .... suspect.
N<ltiec how Mr. Ouelll'r gradUlilty ralsn Ihe enlClional PIlch of !lIe
wll n~n, to t hell his de"" scaled p'l'Judle. against hi~ mOllier.
Q. l~n'I ;1 ~ ract tllat N U bhnl~ 11t < f'\~ISOn lb t ~"ur bther ;~
in ja il due 10 nt1cmptc<i mU lder (If yo ur si~tcr. 11(111'1 1',,"
," --

A. I (OUWn'l "ossibly-I oo\ll<ln'\ p!l5sibl)' kn Q\\' that he could

h~,'~ did S(Jnlclki n& lik.! this ~nd know 1103\ nIl' motile,
wou ld ha "(" e:tlled me an d I d on't Ihink it'i fai r Ih:1I I
s houW be I'UI in 3. pa,ition whe"" 1 1h OtJld hold the bag for
something like thi s 0«311 ic Ihis is (t lerrible thi ne fo. 10.:, to
ha ..e 10 tell )'00 10 iI,k 10 me. I mean, Ih;, Is nJ~' ,iSler,
Wc·rc na l talking aooul a IIObod)'. If my mOlht:T c~lk:<l me
nnd ~~kcd me my ,iSler w~. In Irouble. I would h.l \"C wcnt .
Q, Th~1 )'ou r father would ha rm Ihe ch il d, yOO would bdic"c
Ih:1I of )'o ur fath er?
A. I ",-o uW ,",'cn l 10 :<C'C my siMer, IIOt 3ny. hins WQuld hnppcn,
Q. h n't i\ true th3. 1 )'OU didn·1 e \"eD IIdic'." Ih:lt your fa. hcr
\\'a 5 c3(')a ble of !t:t rming 111:11 child when )'U ll IC.'lific<i in
rout1 in JUlle of 1916, sc" cr,:,l mon th s nft er hc did It. You
didn't c"cn bcli ~"e i1 thc n. llid you?
II,.I~, Rt:!l~" Objection, )'ou r Bonar, Objectiun. your Honor.
Firsl of " .. , «lU n~l ll:u 11(-= 0''''', il. Second, the cou rt nl!c-d On
Ihi ~ , ubj ocI , lIe'~ hi s own ""ilneu , Be's C IG~S c;-:.a n'i ning.
TH1~ COt:HI , Not on Illi s l ulljeet. TImt'l Ihe vcry i~~uc. TII~ i,.
~u~ hL'Te i~ ... hclher o. not a phone call "''liS m" de OT .ome com,
m unication WJS h~II , !'I ~'s I~Slili~u 10 that o n uiR'"CI .
MM, RI1(1': Risht.
T il': O IO:tU: Th~ wi ' II<.'S~ h as ' c""Stified_~"\)u h~d 110 co mnllin ica,
li on with )'our 'nutltcr: is Ih~t yo ur le'limon)",!
Till: W!l.~ I:!;." Than riglll, your Honor.
Tile Co)I!Il1 , Eilher the p.c-ccding week or O,'"f Ihe '\'Cc~~nd , !~
lhu! wll:" )'ou ' tc 0;I)' in&1
Till: W"'<I:~" Thal\ rigitt.
Tll r Cot:kf , Counsel tin! ~ righl tn intluiTe.
M~. R')( II. I'm uot sayin!: no. \\'11:11 I'm S,l)ins. he' l not c> a m·
ill in~ )Ii m un th;ll C"iUCIIC'C , He'~ e.\~lllin i ng o n olher c Xlri n~il:
mallCf~ wh iel, for Ihe l'U'1'OSO of being hl~ own Wi lnc' !, lt~' s
lr}'ing 10 ( onl radict h i. 0\" " ..itnc'S~,
Ttl~ C(~;~ r, :-iu, it'. a qucstion or er(.!(bility.

Q. hu'l il J fncI tha t c,'CII in June (O f I ~76, ' md I show )"UU

Ihese ("u. c~hihj," of Y1)\l1 liuie ~i;tc r, c~h ibi" whi ch ar c in
c,'i dcn~c, r: ~h i bi l I IA. II. C lind D. I "'3m you 10 look 31
§ 5.U7 Lo!, 1\·11 ...·'''·' 5-16

thme. Isn't il Iruc Ihat cvon 'even month, after Ihe as,aull
On your lillie si,lcr -
A. I haven'l seen those before.
Q. I wanl YOli 10 look m Ihem. Now. isu'l it a fael tllm c,'en
in June of 1976. when you went 10 court 10 le'lify 10 help
your fmher. you didn't e\'cn lhen believe tlml he I,a,
c~p'lble of doing Ihal \0 your lillie baby siSler'!
MH. ReiCHe Objeclion,
T1I1' COl.lRl: Objection ,mlaincd.
A. Capable-
T"E C01.'RTe Don'l answer. Well. -
T".: WIT"I:S~e I don't IIndcrstnnd.
TH[ COj1Rl'e The que,tion's been (Isked :md amwercd,

:-low. you don't lIu,·c to look at the pictures if yo II don't wnnt

10, I don't sec ,my purpose in this. What is the purpo,c'!
~1~. QtrH.l.I'~; The ]turpose, your Iionor-do you w~nt me 10
,ay the purpose in fronl of Ihe jur,:'!
"·IR. Rm,". The wilnes~ has ~t:\1ed quile de'lrty a number of
li11\e~. se\'eral ([uestions. Ihat he did not believe prillr 10 this
weekend that his f:tther would dll this to his siSler.
,I. How cnl1 ullybody belie"c something like that. It·,
Ilordllie tiling.
Q, Do }'OU hclie"c it now?
.\. t-.:o. I still don't belie"c it.
Q. Tilat's right.
A, I ,till (Ion't Itdi."c it could h""c happenod. hut il

§ 5.07 l)cl1lonstr:l1i~~ ('rcjudlcc

COMMENT: Tile witr\ess is 5hown I,ere to ,esent tI,e n,otl",r, lurU,er
dam.ging I,is objecti.ity, Once prejudice against J party can be "s·
t~bli'hed. eve,ything tI,e ",ittless Itas said becomes suspect.

Notice lrow Mr. Quellur ~r~duatly raises tllC elnotior,,~1 I)itcl, of tlte
witne.s, to elicit I,is deep scated pWjudkc Jgainst I,is maUler,
Q. 1",'t il a fact Ihat you bl"mc the r",",ol1 til"l your t"lhcr is
in jail duc 10 attempled murder of your sister. d"n't you
5- 17

blam;;: , I"" ..III )"OUr IUo,ber Dnd ) '(1<), $iSl':' Diane'! Don',
you still'l
,\, My ,. ill er Di ~oc? My JiSiet Piaru,,?
Q, I~n', Diane YO\1r siM(f'f
A, !k" in ther e because he cunnuittcd -
Q. So, ),0 11 do ~uw ,...-e~pI Iha,?
,\ , He _
MIL Rr~u. Ohj~~l ion, II's a 100 :dly dift'o.:",o ' it;w. H ~ J..,id he
dido't know he <li<l it. 110 said h~ didn't think h~ Wa$ c~ Il.lblc,
,\. Tim', wh ~t I said.
T,,~ Cnl;kf, It's Ih~ JUD' n:co ll l'l.1io n,
:\lk_ Ru n , I objcct 10 counsc! twisti ng Ihe wi tt\csf words,
M .. , Qm:uu; I wi!JI I w uld h:o,'"
~n r)f)porlllnit)· 10 crO~$ e~­
ami ne, I b~" cn'l been abl e \0 gel a scnt entC in befo re h~ jU nlp!i
t.1M . Rr l{,'" He', h,;stin; lilt w;tnc5S' " 'onls ~ noJ COllnsd :I:I~~
som ethi ng dirrcr. nt :111 0.1 dal"' s Ihe wilnc>s ~a)" iI, COUI1!c\ is
~ ~ pcrien ccd ;;:l\(Iugh to know belter.

T!II: C OI' Ml , JUSI 3 mi nu te,

Wa il \ ill Ikrc'ii ~ quesllon.
Q. ISn'l it a r~r;t 111 31 )'OU \lbmc "0'" ,"Ol lt~r ror )-our rallte.
silting in jaill 00:' Y'! l'n'l 110 3\ truc'/
A. No,
Q, t" o"!
,\ , T"~ c~cnlS. !be c'<en!\., Ihe reawn \\'11)< h~'$ ill Ih" r~ ; ~
tJcrau ~~ or l!t~ evenl S l\lal occu rr.<l. "dini '~ly,
Q . The ~"C 1l1 5 Ilia, ocrurn'd, Wh;,l do )'UU Il\~ J Il h)' Ih ~!'!
T nr, COI;k" You mean b.:I Wl'en you, mo,""'r ~ nd falller. ' he
di spul e?
·r n~ Wn l'1= Yc~h. a 10 1 of il "'Mil '! n,~nlim .....J in ,h., 1if'S '
C;1 5~ , and I don ' l want 10 bring it " I' \"'tiLUSC I d o n 'l Want 10.
)'O U know, mak e-Io hring that cn~e hack n~in lx:<:au sc i t'. a
horrible th ill&. I " ':IS bun by ;1 bad ly. I d idn', cnjoy ~ ny or ;1.
M)' n a ln ~ has been n' ~ucd up h)' it, My c\li ld rcn ["~ .ry the
~ nlC I\ Jmc and it wn. (),·clc~r>O 'cd is whal I' m 11)'inl: ~ay,
",~,,, ,
li 5.07 S- IS

COMMENT: The- J~ (Ommen" by t"~ wilnes~ nwsl ~ indeed

la",ished his In, . in the ,"I nd~ 01 Ihe jurors. His litTle- $ i~le r wu
SilVilgely ~lIac~ed and his (onctm i~ Ihal hi. ""me ",n b«tI bI:-
~mirched by the! ~U~li( ily. The ",itne$~' conce", wilh him~ell w~l lI<lt
I!<l unno ticed by the- jurOIi.
Q. l'n'l il a facl. Mr. Cic~lIi .
i. Ihal )'OU blam c your mOl hcr
for whal lmllllc ncd 10 that child?
A. No, no, not pc r ~c n al\y.

Q. What do ~'O ll m eJ n nol perso nall y.

COMMENT: Note UI~ t alte. a liltle Woo ding by co~ n:;el. Ih e wilnns
j\l1;l seem. 10 e<pIode Into lilidos :ltai". t his mottle •. In I>ct, Iho
c105. e tamine. no IOIlGe< "'I Ie a~ the- qlJel;!ions-lh/! WlIII/!$$ is
... pplying all ' he InlOfmalion in a llood 0/ (estimany.
A. I bb me h.".. I bla me her 1101 I"'" s he m~:Im il 10 happ.;n
ooauSl: :I&:lin. IIObod~· could fon."loCC Ih:ll wmC"lhi " l: likl:
Ih i. ~ goi n!: 10 ba(lf)o:n. jusl ,1>0 way she wen l a bo ut
Sl!p;tmling wilh mI' f~l h cr Wa! a n oth~ r Ihing, 10<.0. YOll
know, I mca n, yo~ brc~~ liP wi lh your huwJnd ~lld you're
seeing an ot h.r m~n. and befo re a d ivorce. I m c~n. the d:ty
of the accid ent. ~hr, w h ~ n c"c f)'hod)" w~s in the h ~$p it nl.
sh~ \I',llked in " 'ith him. 1 nC\'cr even knew. 1 didn't hcl i e"~'
she I\"a~ .cei!!s ano lher m~n, bUll had ,L1SI,ieion ;. Agai n. 1
h.'ld §u , pici on~ thnt ~he w~s $Ccing a nolhor man becaLi sc or
Ihe ti nle, th e w~~k lh~ l I ~pcnt in th e hou,;e. a nd th :tt" ~ Ih~
w c~k a1 tlic houle CJm~ up.

Q. Isn't il 3 {:tC\ tMI ~.O\I

bb nll' )'oLl r ITL(Ilhcr (o r :«<inG
~"OIhCl"" m~n when ' he .,.":11 ha" ing d iffiCtllti.::!. " ; Ih your
fal her a nd th~t yo!> (~d is lhe ~h~ in of n elll. " 'i,ich kd b)
thi!> thing? hn' \ thnl ...11<11 you belic .....?
A. Not only lh~t.
Q. !lut)"oo d o ~Ii~ " e Ih;lI. don' t you?
A. 1 jLlSI hd ic\'c th" l h ~ "U~. he was p ushed inlo il. H~ wns I"IUI
under u 101 or !Uail!.
Q, 11)' who?
,\. Ily ~ 101 of I"-"(Ipic. nOI only her, my .i,tor. It er.
Q. Y"u r old or sil-Lcr !.l~a. rig" !'!

.' .
5- 19

A, Her hll !b~ nd, Panulo, wh~lcyCr il i ~, Illc gill' ~he' s li \' ins
with, Th~)" re 3. whol e hun ch o f th~ m in cahootJ,
Q, 'Tb\,'y're a ll resllQnsible fo r ,,-hat your ,",'iher <li0:l1
A, No, th ey're not r ~.pon~ible,

Q, Tell liS ...-ha t \'011 f~'('l1

A, Th~ Ch:i!O of ""~niS ihat h~ ~pcn ed, Ihis ,,·olllo.l nn er 1I:.d
happened if ~ h ~ thought it would ha"c happened, sh.
woul~ never gi ~~" h im the ( U5Ioo)', lie "'M sh'en wilh ihe
(hi'd, • m(~ n, hc It~d n int l)" l'I:,ce"1 of lhe ruslOdy of Ih~
~h ild all Ihe lime Ihat chil d was with him.

Q. Ikcau.;c he "'am'l won.:l ~ beca use he ,'.. a. drunk ~II Ihe

,\ . If anyon e lhoug.h l he wa ~ capable of doing thn!. why \\'oil id
!.he gi,'c lh~t Ill an that ki nd dy. l-lc w~ s a drunk:lrd.
Q. H. was a-
li. No, he "·:u.n·\. ]I ~ ,,-ould drink at tlI1ll.... but he wa~M·t ~
drunkard ,
Q. ISn'I ;1 a fael sh e wa~ worki ng full ti me. )'ou r mo ther'!
II, Yes.
Q, ' r.n'1 il a faCi Ihe)' w.: re lH n$ IOfClhcr. ,\ noJ III~ rClIron he
wal taki ~& car~ ;md do;ns these Ih ing~ "''' I he wa~ n' i
work in,?
A. lie did ",j,"all' jo~ My {,11hcr ..·orkcd fnr l\inlSl:l f.
Q. I-Iow (lfI~ n?
,\ , At th ~1 lime , \1\'1 wu the 1lI.," thc)' WtN c,'cr dtli ng in !hdr
" 'hole li"n wh~n ,hey ~'C livi " g i h~ n:.
Q. Whcn7
A, When Ih~ )< we,e "" il1& ~t Cramer A" cnue.
Q. The)' 1I0Jlf'\-~l li,>j ns ,he' e in June Qr ! 97~ ,
,\ . I"nl tdl\Ilg )'OU , wh ile th el' "W~, just before they broke off.
M~ . R EICII: Counsel-
·r ,,~ COIJl\T: " 'hal 's the cbjl~lio n ."~ gel hi~ tes limuny here .
§ ~.07 L"y \\'il"<""" 5_2(1

Obje~tion's o"~rrukd,
Go on,
A, Wilat I'm trying to ,aI', they were doin~ the be't in tile time
tllut I'\'C known tiICIn, am! livcd with the family, thcy were
doing the lx't they we.e doin~ while h"ing tlle.e. He wa,
doing £,000, She was doing good, They happened 10 finally
get a nicc apartment ,m(( things were looking up ror them,
Like r say, it's the best that I'vc evcr ~CCIl them IUl\'c, and
it just happcn~d to lx that way the week that I spent there,
I noticed my fathe. di((n't want me to notice it, but I
noticed my mother waS comiog home late, lalC hou,-,; in the
nights, and lie didn't want me to 'ec tllis. It', in my
'tatement', I'm ,uro that you have all Ihe informalion.
Q, Go allead. I'm li,tening. Go ahead,
zo,b, REICH, Objection, Let cou1\~c1 'l~k a question , tlk:!,c,
COMMENT: Tile deren~e attorney i~ inoeed concerned at this pilint,
His witness is pouri'Ig out his "e"om in ~ fre,,~y of testimony.
Qt:UHR: H~'s answ~ring a question. I told him 10 contin-
ue answering th~ question,
Q, Y[lur father told Y[lU Ihat ),our n][)lher wa, ~oillg Oll!'!
A. He ((idn'l tell me,
Q. Wlto told )'ou'!
,\. I <oel' it.
Q, What did you 'ee?
.\. I was in the house :n Ih~ limc,
Q, You saw her going with another mall'!
A, Ko, no, 1 Seen her w'Ilk i1\ four o'dock in the morning :11Id
knew she \I'ns coming in latc hottTs, He was up,et by it. lie
a~kcd whcre she had heen, 'lild ~he said, shc\ been out. At
tllat particular time. the child was with my father ftlr Ihe
fourtce,t. fifteen hou,-,; thai she wa, Bono,
Q. Okay,
A, She wasn'l at a friend', house,
Q. You don't kn[l'" whe.e she was'!
A. She Wi'S in the IIOU,e.
§ ~,07

Q, ,(ou don't ln a'" wh~rc ~hc "':l~ hefor~'!

A. Who'!
Q, You,,
,t, Oh, no.
Q, nlen ~'ou wcnt ho me to you r own wifc, You wcre Icp~ratcd
for ~bo llt ~ wl!~k . Thm's ,,-h)' yo u ' WI'!: Ih"r",1
,\ , Y~'lo ,

Q, Al 10l1le poim the)' ,llopped livitl8 togct he(!

A, Y~~ h , [ ,,-.,n l back home and j us t 1\01 " 'MSC. that's ~ Il,

Q. And )'01,1 nt"'" n>O,...'tl bxk ill ~!'.'I'n with thl!m ~ft"r that
wce~ in Ju ne or w hlt e\'~T it wa~1
A, No,

Q, And " 'ha l the)' we.e doint lind how they we." living ~nd
h.,..... Ih.)' ~Cf't !)Oint. )"''' ":e,cn't " "'nh'ed wilh !lIII!, ',,,n:
I' OU?
,\, Yery !ollOnly- nn, 1 wasn't ;11\'011-0:<1, no,
Q. Okay, :lnd )...... bh m..: )'Ou ' mothcr for the fact Iha\ .he,
~Ilpl,c nll y, 3cr(l u ling to )'O\1f fe dinss, WJ. sccintl ~o mcon "
dIe a nd thai' ! " 'hm l'll\! think Iln.:cip italed Ihi ~ whole
Ih ing?
,\ , ~ o. I don't blam", -
MK_ Rmn l: Objl'CIi on . object io n, TIle win,.'!\! h,,< a nswc r ~d tl1m
sal11e queM ion " nll m!>cr of li m~~,
THE COCM T: I Ihint it'~ bc~'Tl ~5kcd ~"d al\S"'~'w.
A. I don' , bla me h ~r for it :"l.-i ll\~ r do ! gi \'.:: her CI<-«il for it
Sh e' , m y mOlll er, I I""ed lie" I lo'-~ m)' r.uhef, I h.wc my
si ' l~r, S h~ co uld have gone 300UI it 3 diffe mT1 "'ny, Shc
rould Ill". had the d i\'CfI>C'. nm !;(:cn ;",ybody. no l I"'. h....
him to tile puin, ,,'hcr.:: he would 1t ~"c III drink and So into
the ~I :UC he ",:I I pu~lied inlO, I belie"c he W'I' pushed illlo
ii, nOI that he WJ< cnp;lbl o o f doing it. Anyth illg lhJ l ha d
h:ll'f'Cncd ~ bl;QU!;<: or Ihe b;lIb ilur.. I,~ Iha\ he wa5 on a\
th.;- Ih ne plu, lhe dri.n~ins ;,nd hI! aha S" I in a C'Jr ~c" idc nl
, :lusillg him 10 So inlO ,he b uildin g, I'!e was ul"lcr th .
innuence of alco hol 'II Ihe \i nlc, an d when J lI'eUl In Ihe
h"'(lil;,1 10 ~ h im ,ha l I\~'" he lo ld me he ('(IuW,,',
"~" " "
§ S.D1

bi:1icw ...h:U he !l(cn. and he '~-':II hi~ lif" \,'0 in fronl 0(

him. He ""US un d~r :ll cobol. and ~lncc IhJI day he IIMICtl
laki ng mcdidne 10 ~~Im him do,.,u. He hOI wry bad
SlOfl,ach pro/ b«3USC I I\:Id 10 &0 5{1end a nislll " ; Ih
bim 0"""" Mo.e the :ltcilicn l. Ib31 he ,.·"s ,"ff~rin£ p:l in~ in
his stomach, and he needed r.omc lhing 10 fh il. TII~
hosp ital "'~I gi" ing him some ki nd of Iranqu i!ilC", antl he
"'''1' on Ihose lranqu ili1;:" li1l Ih. tl:t!·. I &" tll. tI'JI il
I\:IPflI!nw b,..(m'~ he "-:IS in :I.. d 0111 of Ihe bo»pil~1.
picking him up for hoinS dronl nl Ihal ti me. bUI befole Ihal
h~ ... am·1 Urinki ng.l t'sjun Ihal dUring Ihe separation lhat
he SlanW dri nki .. g.llcfo, e 1I\:IIIbe ""(:~k Ih~1 I Sil<.'''llher~.
ile w;WI'I d, inking fot ihl: Ionl;t"Sl o ( lime . •t's ;IISI Ihal tI,e
cha nge of evenls Ihat ..... as go inS 011 'hat he sInned drin~inB
and 10 come hO l11e and fi ndin ~ 110 furniture in Ihe house
and eve<ylh inl else.
Q. Whal did he d<J ...he" 111:11 happcno:d"!
A. What tlid ht tlo?
Q. Ik cut ;1 all up: uid ,,', h~?
,\ . I h.,lTd somcth ine 10 the r."lCl "'31 J " ea.d he "3Ppo.1lI.'d 10
So 10 Ihe Jpilrt menl, bu t be w.s suppo~cd 1(1 h. SIlI)'i ,,;
Ih e. e.
Q. You ~1lOYo" Ih~t he sl ie...d "p your molhC1" ... itlo n l; .. i(", ),0"
~"" ... 111.11?
A. No.
Q. You didn'l"/
A. I II ~ard Ihere W:l5 3n ~lIem pt. bUl-
Q. You don't kno\\,-
A. An)' slici"t up-
M~ . RoCJI: Objection.
T'im uf ~11. your Honor, there's-n o proof Ih nt he ever did It.
"...,ein~ how Mrs. Ciccll i ,,·.,nl 10 coutt. had th e C~!C dismissed.
'10 Jl1 thc« ,..'1.' was ~h~ C'iedli'li allcplion. If co<on>cl "" nil
10 ~~k her lIbout her allev:t tio n Ihal t.ho did il . fin •.
TlU: Co)\.l~l: Ob~e\i ol1 o,·etflilcd.
Q. Tell us.
A. I h~ard Ih~1 50"'~\hll1g haJlJl~n~<.I. b~l I meJ" -
T nr. COUIIT: We don'\ "';tnt 10 bO\" whal Ilappclltd.
Tllal'~ hem~a)'.
,\. l'h)'si c.1Uy. 1 didn't w: any1hinl:.- She didn' t &0 through ~I\y
del,,;!s s:J),ing .IIe ,,~ h ..n. I n lC3n. il W3S jll" l b~1 he
happened 10 mnkc nn allcll1[lt .
TII ~ CO. "H: :>Je1\ qumion.
§ 5.08 I'rior Tesllmoo), In Cri",lnnl C~'"

COMM ENT: P,lot lestimll<l)' In " cfimimli 1,;"1 comt ilules prior SUit!·
menlS whicb tan be u~ ~t ~ ~Ilbkquenl elvil llial.
Q. Do you reme mber &;,';1\& thi! nnswer w this ((!leninn w)",n
.wore uoocr 00111. paSt' 41l:

~n,c Coun : So, 3flp:ucn1!y lOU ..... ~«: aw.uc prior 10 No-
vembe r 81h and 9th Ih31 your rather was not be ing srJ l1t.d
P<'TmiS:l.ion 10 S'IX Ibe oo.b)"'! Is lhal w?
,\nswcr: Yes.
- rhe Cou n : Can you tell tile jury ho,,",' lhal C~nlc "boHI?
~Thc Wiln e's: I think il " ',n :lCmclhing about :m "!lIU-
mc nlthm Ihey had in my mother's Jp!lrtmen ) that ,h~ had
illst ruo" ed to a nd s.omctll inll abou1 my ra. lll'( lw.d St..:lbbed
thcm. m)' mOiller ~nd my siSler ",ith ~ knj r~. nnd !>he had
go uen. I gu •• s. an Order or Prot cctio n. Jnd then an~ r a
"'h ;l~ ih.}' ma<.Ic ;ll ha' h .....·ouldn·II<.'e the bah)' an~·tIlO,e."

[)i<.l }'O U Giv~ that answer 10 that qU~!Iion a1 lhm li n' e?

A. I 1tUI}' ha'·c.
Q. So, you kn~'" m Ibat lime Ihat yo .... falber !I:.hbcd you.
mother. didn'l you?
A, You know. ,his Whole ('He h:110 oc.:n 111,,"'0 up. "SI~bbitl&~
is ht"~nal', I d ido'l no .. ab ",,,undf>. and she <.I idn) show
me no stab woun ds. She dldn'l go thro ugh 11 0 demil •• Iell
nlr she ....·~l hun. 1\ w~ 5 jll" Ill}' siller and mI' mill her's
t laU,mr nts Ihal .his had haplX'nI.'ti, I n..,,,n_I II<.')· ",<:"",,',
ci"i ng him ~ break.
l'uf, Cou"T. What you're Sil)'ing i~ you nc ,'er ~cr.w nany knew
of 3n)' slabbinllS. You he"rd a n """"".ion made.
§ M9

T IlF. Wm,r~'" 1 ",eMI 10 n'~' lIlo1 I!cr'~ bouse. Ih:il ~p.1nmcnt .

NOlhing Ihat ~hc ""~s ~1~blx:<1 wilh ~ knir~, jusl Ih~1 t\J ere ",a~
an ,lItemol m"<1,, . thnl th ~y lm<.llo talc a knife 0111 t>fhi$ l!an<.l.
Tllf. C....;n . Did Ite cut her hand up ill the >cum,,'!
TlI~ W,I N.",I: ~o ll1clbi n ~ li ke Ibal , in a I~\lme.
T,,,; C".!U, Did !l>U so.'C:I ~IT?
n Ul Wit.....'" 1"G.

Q. And I~n't il a fnct Ihat )'ou rcn\l }' kepI awn)' or tri~(! IU ~cep
aW:ly from )'l>Il r mOille . and f~\hCf hI....·i1I1~ yOIl d id n't ",an I
10 gel in ~ Iw~m Ihe111, )'OU didn'l want 10 gel invol ved,
hn'l l ~at Ifll,,1
A. Yc.,
Q, Isn't Ihill In,e'!
,\. Wh:t1 do )l>U mean, -~CI invol-'edT"
Q. Wclt. "'~.", !'.,., "'Olher C.l"''' \0 ) "01,1 !!trOr" alt ()r t h i~
happlln ed fro'" li mo 10 lime "'hen ~hc h:!<.1 pr()blenlS "ill!
)OU , (atller -
,\, She never ,'"me 10 nle wil h problem s,
Q. No.
,\. :-.Ie,"e r l"":1 mc 10 me ,,·,tb p.obkm~.

Q. Isn" ;1 trll(: Ih~1 )·ou ktpl n"" ~y from yOU f r~rnily '>0 mnch
even in June of 11)7(" you di,ln'l c,'cn kilO'" ~ , Ihat li me
,b" y h~d I~" divorttd for si~ monlhs.: isn ', Ih~1 I!"\J~?
A. S~y Ili al "j;;lin, plea'e'!

Q. Isn'\ il ~ f:'( 1 Ih~1 )";'u ~'f'll a"-::t)· ('001 yuur "'Ul ile. ~nd
family b..'("~u:;c ~'O\l didn 'l wanl 10 S~I in\"oh'cd ~ ,w('c n ,h~
\WO of them , !.O Ihal in JUlie or 1976, when ~ 'm "We in
mUr!. yo u d id,,'1 c" ~n know ~I Ih ~ 1 ti m~ th ey !lad t.,.,en
d iw,r~"J f(l' ~h mO~lh\?

COMMEHT, 11\e ""~ hnowlHl(:f! a \\"il"e~ t!.Y.;. IAI! less r>eliuas;ve

hi~ tC5 tim""y.

A. ! wa~n'l ~wmc nfWr'~1 wa. goin~ on . I did n', ma);e ;1 'n>'

busi.>t'5S 10 GCI ;,,,·ol'eJ. lh"I ' ~ righi,
"", '. ..
'I) 0) ~n P~I Imp' JO I)
I'll' ~jl ,(I!," ~lh"l'>EJJ ~lj l p,WI'U)j"U\ 01 In l UlL" no,\ 'I.M,)O,) ]I/.!,
'u;,dUCII 0 1 :lU!o.'
'C.I' <) '11 ~~)I fill! 'IPlU ~ 1lI1l1 ."~Il~ JO 11 'P~ S J )r.111 lOll 'I ! 01 I!'"
'1''' I '\1 PH' ~'I '\llu"I'!,'3 "",,11 u"' !Jll II ! ~.UtIU ~\l.L ' lu\!.,alJJ J)
\ ' ! 'ur"lIU I "sm,,,"'l ,I luII PIP " 'I ICIII f"'II! IUpt I :~"I .. t1,.... -'I1J.
'~ jO ,,, ' 11l~ ·'~ ,I" U) "IP Jill 11:01," ,\\UUl!
...1 Im o " J" I p~Lt'''''' 1\(>\ 1"'1 ' 1'11' "'I Itlll 1)IUPV ."UU 1\ 1/.\ '1"! II,"
"'J P.'UI~."-l I'~ll ' 1M.'" -'UJ 'UrJ!J ' r~ pl J Il l II: ,911~~1 "I \U~,"
1I(),'; '\).1U!1""1110,'; ,"UI( S.l1lI11 pun 'Ir.JP poull C S U)l1J31,US"'" ~'1
11(.>" " 41 '10.' " 1 I""' !CI\I>:'> ')" ." d ( " .. S!-, IIV LU!tlu q :, ~"o.) .111J,
'n(l.{ ~ur.'11 ' l'lfi!J ltv :um:J.t) '~ l"
'UO!I';,)!!\> "'-II 1'''-'0,'''"11 J."n (l" _PJJ~,"~ U " ',~II
' p;>I! !" U(l)~qO ' 1. ,\0.) J lI,l
- ',unt.!. ';\{)I II I PU JII IIlOJJ 1"','11$ :II J J:l lJ ' MI~

_ " II :I~'\O.) ]l1.l

'''''! I')["o :n,l1:f~1 'lIl~
' ON 'V
i,~ n.1\

11:1l1 I,IIS! :1': ~ (1 1'1"1 " P~ 01 1")11 I U~." I,UP) P 110,( :>sn~~:>q
'''!'' dl,'I! OJ 1m.. " mIl no.\ ''''-IltJ In,,'; ~" ~O l 0 1 (\<','4
UKlJJ I'~J! IS \C... J," "!S .'q"'] J nu~ Itt'I ' PI!J ~'II JO ~I !\ls "!
I~ 'II I ~I'.I " I) I."" 'lIlf1\l1 '~"' \I " IU ~UU 1\ ~l\"1 I,o r ~11\ 1~'1 .()
'UO<I:.) 1 C i,ru ..", In" 'Il P!':S .:1,\1:'-1 ,(em [ '\'
i,pr,1 C Hall I,U~! '1"'1\ ~L'" no,\ P!(J '0
' U!l:lli~'" III),) I ' V
·U O!I,..., rQO :II,m }! '. I~
-II" ~'; '1 10 'V
- I,IIS! :SU !~ 0."'1 PJ:'-I ~"!'-II ,i c." " '-11 ) 0 :'>Snl!.hIq
I':"P jll:q c I~~ J~ljIUJ Jno,'; ~~! 0 1 \1m,,, 1,"11111 nO" ~,;nt!~"'l
:>">U"j:>p ~P'l l"j .11 0,; JO JIt!IF"'1 un PJU!I~" I PUt, U II '"
0) IU~" Oo.{ )! 1~9 t: I! ',U~I ·,r'I' 11:.1d;u 01 ~ IL l ."'(.1 '0
'U !l:lIo: \1: 111 I"~~J 01 IO~- I 'V
i,.lO" 11:'11 l,u~! :liu!1I1l :>J.l."
'~ U!III ,k" "Ill J" ~S llr:,"'i 1t:~P pl1q ~ I:f.! IU!II ,,;tS 01 I\\t"
I,Up!P 00.. ' s nl';l.lq <! J ~IIU~ Jno" JO J ltt lj"'i UU I';lU!I'," put:
).I" n,' 01 III ..." no.\ 1t!' I' IImC'J .... I Ir.lj l pcJ e I! I,US) p U\, '0

«r. § ,I'.'",!I '"J, 1ull\l'~ I<lj .'!101 ~ H-'

§ ~ .f19

T,,,, WnllL'W l::XOK1 ly. ·flla!", ...·IIr I r,,11 be ",,,, t~uin&" b:ld
deal. 11 ,,":)5 100 mm:h c" id~'1we .howing " C "'-;:\.~ ~!\ l .coholic all
h is life, which he wa sn·c :I lor of chlll~ chaC wcr~ ,nid whi ch
were IIltal'l1 co \1I,ild ch is cao;.c to wh:11 it i. lOci,, )·.
Q. M r. Cicd 'i. thank you w mud •. • loa.·" no ('," !wI' qur..lion
of you.
COMMENT: The witness clea rly has J .Ircna m<:lti,e to te~tily aga in.t
tile mother , despite his rl"lati<lnship 10 her. TI, is anlip"tl,y towords
It>c "10th", Mel her Colle (o/(I,~ all his t!lllmooy.

a huiklint;. The (lbinlirTe!:limoo th ll he MtPpc... Oil :I P;~ of I~r­
r~'coila, which ca\ll<:rl hiDI .0 1<>5<: his OOl~ncc 3ml faU.

n, e w~rk :\1 .he si le of .he ncri<.l~llI WllS ~in& pcrfo'm~<.\ by lhe

n , bronlr.lCiof. plaintirr, ~mp!O)w. lb~ p!a;nlirr daim.-d Ihal Ihe
dercn d~nt. the S"nerJl .'O I\lr;lcto r, rC"ll\lircd the thir<'\·l"!rty defe n·
d~ .. f s emplO)"ttJ to ""Ort among debris on lilt floor len frem de·
molilion of a ....111.
n.., Wonen· Compcn~tion L:I". b3rnd a claim 3Gi,inst Ihe em·
p!o~·c •. Under Ihe New York 1:0". ~ il ""iSled a l the lime of lhi~ ..
:x-cid..-nl, ror Ihe yn~l;U conl ractor 10 be I;"blo: rOT a <.Ideel e",aled
by Ihe SuocolllrnclOr, il .... U nl.~M:lr)" 10 p. o.·c .h:u. Ihe CCnclal
COIllr.lClor h:od can u ol 0 , din:ct;OJ\ o '·er Ihe " -011, b.,:in, p:rform~
by Ihe subcontr~cl"r.
Th,; witlleS) in the Fol1ov.~nG e.,am;n..11 i"n, the !upo.: ....·i.sor fo r Ihe
&e ner:1i ( 0 11113[10 1. bad ap\lI:3f\'tIlwicc for depo.; I;OO15. 0"'" <arly
in Iht 1;li!:31i(ln. and " =n" li mc a Fe"· 11"'"",", b<;forc trial Mr.
Que LLer', &1):11 " "U 10 $ltl»o.•• • brougl\ tho:: ...,aminal;o n of Ih;5 Xoy
witnC!Os, lhal Ihe ~n"r3! ronlrn~'or ".11 n.'!ponr.iblc 10 SI..'e (ht Ih~
wUlk 1I"a$ d one (OlIe<.:Ih', This woul" $how wfficicnl (Olllro! a nd
dir.:ct;on 10 permi, !i3bi!;ly.
f\olC ,h.1\ lll;s ..i,n-eu 100ifl~" du ring ,h" (I):tillli ffs l.Iill.'<.:l l"Osc.
By ~ubpocn ajng lhi! hy wi lncn, l/i.e plaintiff £:I"" Ihe ju~ a n.p .
ti'·e lim impn",,;on of Ihe Ilcr~n<bn"s tt1sc.
Th" jury fuund the , ...ncral eOllllOClOl 2S'!io lIanl e. and the "m-
1110)'" 1S'!i. liable, \0 tin t u nde~ Nt,,· Vo rt 1:0"•• lhe p)aintiff "Oli
nil!" 10 I\"t:o'·er the rull a mount of UII: j ndgmcnl from tho gcllClat
<"Onlr.lelo' .

U~ ., Q{ [)':PoJil il!llS

1\ "itnC!Os 3n~"'eN qualions .11 a depo.ilion "ilk much I,~

PI~'Plr.ltion Ihan 31 Ill<: tllal, Du~ 10 Ihe rclali ~c be!; of prcpilra-
liOll. be frequenlly "'I:n:15 or rOIj;<:I~ Ih:ol prior t."limoll)·, DcJ><»i-
I;OII~. Ihclerofl:. arc Ihe pr; Ill ~I)· 5OUICl: of im:o n!i !.l~nt s.alemenlS
at th~ lrial. Tht prior II.:tI"m~nlll :tn: '."1). per\u,~ive, Jin~" they
"'en: made under o,th. ~ I ~ linle when Ihe ,,;t"~..,. rc:-co)J,'C\io"
mllSl 1>:lI"e b«:n b.:llc r lh:Jn ;1 is al Ihe lime of lriJI.
TIle 1ll0rc inc'O n si s'cncic~ 111.11 c;ln be sho,,·n, tho: Ie» cr<.... ihle the
"it",,,,}. lncon>.islenci", (In .,,'en M'f};inalty r"'".·~nl poin.s ''''). ~~
1j _ l

I~bl i!h a in 11Ie wi ln~~' Jbilily 10 te. t. fr 3ccurntd )' ~ntl co'"
~i 5 tCn11y.

A q~tion o n cross \:.Um in ~tiOIl i~ nO! fc~ll)'" ' 1UC$ lio n in t l~

no. nI:Il S~ I1~ of Ih" t~'m1. b ut mo re ~Il an.:"'on which ,'O\In.....,1 :l$b
Ihe wi lneS! 10 a8re~ ....,ilh.
N ~lu r~ II ).. counwl !hnuld rcpo.'al fJ c,ua I 3~~ertion . in the de!""j·
,;on :" q\l~lioM:l1 II b l only ifl hc f3clu~1 asscniOIl in the d Cpoloi.
lio n "'J~ hdpful. AnOtncys shou ld ~yo id :lsking <]u clllcM 111.1t will
d icil un ['l\'o 'ablc tC~l i mony. II" tlw que ' li en in Ille deposition dill
not elid l r;,"c rabk fact., Ihe quC~ti()1l .lIculd nat be 1M again al
lflh~ ..... Itne" "" ric i the ;on s ..... cr in any Suh~ llInli" e ..... a)·. NlIn~cI
should r.:ad the .ek" (lnt porti on of Ihe deposi tion , a~k the wi'n "s~
if he g:t"" ans,,'cr J! th e dc~itiOIl . and llIen ~k hill' wh el her
h'" 10 111 Ihe [rulh JI It. C dcpoll-itiOll .
Cou n,,, 1 ~lloulll nnl pertuit cq"jyocalio!l , Eaeh titu l' the witncs~
'·anc. an ,In'''''::1, il mt"t Dc pninlCll ll uL 1: 3~h i " mn .i5{~ "cy lI ~n\'
a&e" l h~ \\"it~· m:t1ibi lity.

l 'u prepa l'\: 10 U5C Ih", oc(lO!oitio n. il must he "aim' Mt(d." 50 thm
.... (10 r."clu~l ~l al" m~ nl from Ihe IIc!X>S;t ion is iwlattd. Th~ n tile
faclual !IJlcment s m UM he PUI In nrlle'. 10 be med at [ ,i ~1.
n itre ale "afiou~ Icdm;~u ~ for :Lrfansins Ih" fa Cl\l411 ""-,n~·
"",illS for n"<loll' ,eft-Nn, ,'. For i" s"'nc.:. if lh" tlCJl"»ilio" "~Ii.)n
" nd a,, ''''~r were:
Q, Wha l were )'o ur duli~s ~s ,upc rinlctlllo nl"!
.\ . Til mat e '-111"1: ti1:o1 all o f lite .... .,rk rom:cminll ' he job is
tffinc in an (lfdf . ty manner ami lIone righl .
In ;lb>lf 3<:l ing Ihe 11c~ l"ition, Ihe I}'pi ~1 .tmy l'.epaT,' the factu ~ 1
ilatcmen t in tho follo .... inS formal:
P. 1. L 6-8 Hi , dUI;'" as sIIllCr im cnllcnl WC'e 10 ma\:c su .e Iha l
Ihe job "" l~ (1) d on~' in 3n or" . fly""., nnd (2) Tighl tI",,,·
n ,,· l~'Sli nlO"y at trial .nay be as r"lIo,,"s:
,. . . .."
I S-~

Q. And si r. ~m I a1:l0 ,'Om:CI th~1 )'OUf duty ~s ~up<:rinle~d~n1

... a$ 10 m~h Slife Ih~1 all Or
Ih~ wo rk con ccrnine the joll
....·ail done in ~!l orde rly m~nn~r?
A. In ~ n ord. rly manner. yes.
Q. Am r ~I~ mrrccl .•if. thaI anolhef <.Im~ you n"d OL Ih~1
li me a. a .upo;rinlend~LH was 10 mate .ure lhal all lh e ""<li1:
W n("!:rni n" lhe job ,,·~s <.I o n" right?
,\ . Well. don .... l i~l . YOLI woold ha'·.... 10 dc-scrib.: ' b~l. done
rir,hl .
Q. t WrCf 10 Ihe Ic~timony or MUlch 4. 19... pase ~, Ii " e 6.
Were )'o u ask.d Ihis (1llcSli on a l 'ha l lime lin de ' oa,h an<.l
did )'ou give Ihis an .we.:
"Q. What were )"OUf dUli ll"S M Iupc ri ntcndcn'~
1\ . To nI:lkc sut\! Ilml all of ' he ''lIn.: conccrn inr, Ihe job
is done in an oHk. I)· man ner ~n d <.lone ~1I.-
Did }'OU P" " Iha, :uuwcr"1
,\ . 1 did.
Q. I\m I correct. si r. l1,al one ur )·uu. du,i~s was 10 see Iha l Ih e
work was dun e righl:
A. Ri&ht.
An O lh~r lec hnique ror arf"J.n~in, Ihe St31emenlS fronl Ihe deposi·
lioo i, by nlSt i~I'lins Ih~ st~lcmc n!S.. Ihen on;ani1j ng Lhem ;010
a on k rl)" sto ry.
Thus. u~; ..& ,he "", mt d epm;l;on !C~'; mony:

Q. ""'ha l "we yo ur dUI;'" as SUl"'rin1~nd""t?

A. To m:,kc SIIn: Ihm atl of Ihe worll ~o n ccrning the joh il
do ne in ~ n orderly man ner and do ne right.
The qUCllion would Ix writton in the appropria,e place In I h ~
"ory: "One or )'011' dUlk . 3$ ~u~crhH~'Hknl w,,~ 10 make l ur e Ihal
the job ...·n done in an orderl)' mJnncr.- (7. 6-8) [pJgcllin el. ",\m!
OM: uf YOIL r du!i\'!> a, !oUpcri nl''TLUenl ..·;,10 10 m~k,' " lfe lhll IIIe job
...-:u dOnt ri£lL\.~ (7. 6-8).
Thu!o, U.e wil nc~' :\lo ry. 3. Lold by II'e {TO" u ami nc, . i,St.1
rurth in the mann.r de.ired lIy Ihe CfI)S! c,amiTII.'T. mll] er than by
Ihe wi ln ess. Onl)' lhe favorabl e fxt$ me 'let forth in the ~LOr)".
1S -~

Thu s, the qu~s ti on cr has ~ sc ript 10 usc in I!ucstioni llg lit\: " ';1-
n~, The wil n~s bu no d,ok., bUI 10 ,'oie... h is l i n~'l., b,,<,~u\.C i f
he do.:sn'( , Ihe c rO~5 cx~minc r i mm ~di~lcly lu rns 10 th~ dcposiliun
t",nscri pl ~ n" ,~ .. ~ !he prior ,worn :l,~rt ion or Ihe fact by the
"'iIO (;S,
Nalurall y, counsel C:ln not Slick cmird)' to asse rt iu ns m~dc in the
;k~i !ion , Wh~'n IhC' emu u~m inu W.lII IS 10 inron :l factual :l ~'
§C:rl ion into tltt ~tory which was not made in the depositiu n, he
mU51 denOle in The" scripT IIIDI l he: U;ol c!!'Icnl Wa'< OOT ma d e in fh e
ul,.ositiu n, I'or example. as~u noc co unsel warn s tlte witne,s 10 ~:t)'
thnt part of m:lki ng .1In: Ihal fhe ~job W:lS d one ri&llt" is 10 !!'I:lkc
$\lfe Ihe work ;arca is ke/ll cl c ~ n, ,\fl ef the wilne 5~ ll~r ccs (h at On~
o f hi! dul ics Wl~ 10 llm~~ sure tha l th~ job W:\5 d",n... ril1ot, counld
MlOuld insert the as.scrtion:
Q. ,\lI d to ma~ ~ ~UfC the job \\'~~ done ri ~ht . )'OU had 10 make
sure Ih,t the ...·or~eT$ ke pt , lie "'''''~ ~ n-~ d el n, Ie) 'cm~\1
Ttl.: "'(Cr ~flt. llIe , t:uement ;nUK-.tlc!; II~" Ihe asscrtion cantc
flO m Ihe ~rO'5 c~anlincr, ral he r Ihan froll1 Ih e dcpnsi tiOIl Imn-
n'e ..i 'nc~ olie" ('!Inn"'t K~..ll "'hll lI~ tcment~ he made in the
depoSition , Afler b<ing c ll1ba,,~,,~ d a nu mho}r of times b)' ,'(Int r:l-
d iC1 i"t h i. OW" ttslinlOllr ::11 Ihe dcposilioll , he will \,m dcmal'ld
tllal lite cross ~'~~mi ner is taking his 5tntenoe nts di rect!r OUi o f Ihe
oJepol il ion I"'t illlon}" TIle "~IM'5S " 'ill IhtfCfQfC 5t.:lrt 10 '~§unle
tll<:1l st atclllent ~ nrc flOm Ihe dcpolit ion , The n, o<;casin naU)' cOUll·
sd nl isht slip in <l lIalcmc nt 111:.1 " lIS nOi laken from Ihe tk;po!.i-
lioo. The ..';tru:ll· Ml ural indl n:lli ol1 will be 10 mr SI lh:1I the Slat c-
m ent "'a~ mken OUI of hi, own d~'V<>'il;o n, and ~ alOTl8 wi lli iI ,
Nanmltly. COIlI1\.1;! ",nnol adhere 10 Ihe 5<:rip l e"Ii n:I)': It... mU~1
listen \0 the answ cr~ ~nd a.~ question> proml)(cd b)' Ihe m, But the
sc rip i is a g<IO\! sun ing " ninl,
Th~ key \Q t hi~ 13Clic, o r roum:. is 3 ""'" d ...posi\;lIn, It nlust \Ie
thorQughl )' :Ib m actcd , Md Siudicd, wilh th e kcy answers afm n ~c'll
w that th~ prescn ':>1;On ~t Irial is nllid, drna mic ZUld d im:>C1ic At
tho end of the ",it nn' lestinlon)" tho JUt'" SIlouhl kn ow Wily the
kc y raet. t[IC emu exam iner wanted 10 eliciT. Th<.>loC ker f~<'I.
Should IC.1d Ihe ju~' to the i nl!md ; ~I" tlll prc<;,io n Ih~ 1 tltu qu es-
lio ner' s C"J~C is "atilt,
§ 15.111

'rh ~ ful lO"';n& i5 ~ n ~~ampl~ of ~ wiln<"M who d id nOI (a.nun,·

,e";ew hi~ prior 1~51;mony, CM scqucntl)', he conlradi~l! himself
rCf)C3I rol)' duri n ~ Iri~ 1.

§ 15,0 1 WilfK'!iS I~ ,\ d. n S\! l; •• n TIIl>"~h C~II~d I).ri,, ~ n i, ......


Q. Mr. ~13t1i n. by whon. wwe )'00 cmplo yed?

A. h mn. HrJdlc>, ~nd Son,
Q, ~lr, M3rtin , YOII a.C hel\! loday 11111 5"anllO a ~ubpoena Ih ,u
IU y ofli.x !.e"....t Upoon )UII~ i~ th ut ri~hl?
,\ , Thm is ri&hl.
Q. And ~5 I r~call , ~lr , Mart in, ynu unu I had met nn IWO
plio. occ3~ io n l. one when ynu, 1~ l timon )' W:' I laken on
Malch oj of 19 ..• and when )'011 ....ere I\!P'~'CIlI..'d 3t Ihm
li lTl<: by an ~l1orncy on ~ Ch3lf of H,~dl.ry~ d o )'OU ."mcmllo:r
COMM ENT: COIIn$.el wjJI begin I~ ,ing \h ! I",md" tion 10' "'" "I th e
Ilepos~ lon by injK1inc: lhl' l.:Iet I~al Ih" W'\I1t» Ies.tified at a prior de·
positio n. and Ih31 he was lcsllfytrlS on ~hall 01 l~ dc h:-ndant .
A, ! dn.
Q. ,\ nll then. Ihe ~<.'COIId lime ,,"<' me! was on Ot~ot....., SI ll <.If
19.. wllcn ,'(11' ag:oin l(!lified on hd,~1ror J;, mn Br~dley.
~nd you "g:,in had :tn ;lIlo rncy !'<; I'.e,entins ~'''~, Do )'O~
I\! ll1cmbcr lha!?
,\. T lult i5 ri&,OI .
COMMENT: Co~n$el 5n o\'l~ tll,lt thc \~ 't rle~~ is not t~lil1inc at I he
tri al 10' U,e nl~in tilf, despite ~ npc~,ano"~, Tili s cl" ~r$ up some ~u eli'
ti<ln ~ \t,e i ~f)' mj~~t !\a,"
J OOuI \'1/1 " this w;\r>ess is rc,'I1~ te'til~inll
fo r.
It al,o loys lhe (Olindal ,o" fer the use ol le;KtinC ~ u c$t i on' on oj,.
rect, E~cn tMullh tile witne ,s wa' c.:Ill ed b~ the pl"intlff. Ihe wil ness
is adOI!l' IoI!. sir\Ce he i. a n e mpklyee 01 tha delend M\.
Q. Am I ctlrr,'{t • • if. lh3t o ther l b~n on tho.., iWO OIT3Si(lII~.
),0 11 and I t",,·c nc\'c. ,po~c" <.'Ol\cc rn ins Ih i. <.~,sc
"'h" t~oevc.; iii lh~l ,i &lI l?
.\. !'\~'-cr, ne .......
§ 15.02 b ) 'ag h.nollllion for All Q""",,;ons
CO MMENT: To cla rily the qu~ stiO IIS wililout ""ed ,c~.a li"g
anll ~ I aces. (ou.-I points (11,11 lhilt a ll bi~ " uC~l ions will .elate
Il3 lc~
10 a pat1i(l,Ila. limo anti !\I.lC~.
Q. ~ow. Mr. M~rlin . :111 of Ill Y queSli O~ $ 10 )'OU Ihis mnrni l1l1
"'ill rw: n:Jin to Dc'C<:mb.:, ~. 19•.. Tht)' " -ill aIW3}'~ rw:r1<1in
10 prcmi~c ! 9, I M 3~ lmll "\'~nu~. :-.lew York Cil}'. They
, will a II<'0)'5 ""naio 10 Ihe firlh floor o f Ih,,' bu il ding.. And
eveI'")' li me I ...-anl 10 lefer 10 )'OUI employer, hm,-s n,."d lq'
an d So n, In~ .. [ will jus t <:311 It Bradley. Do )'O U Un dCfl;1am!
A. Yes. I do.
COMMENT: Nc,t, cO\Jn s.1 will establish Ih al the "'111= ~n ce rlain
know'ruge, OUl! 10 his posilloo w~ h the employe. and his pr~ ~I
.he sit.. of the it(ciiknt.
Q. Am r corl~C I .• i •. Iha l m Ih ol tim e you \VC ' e employed :u

3 SU pc,ill\Cnd t n\ 31 the plcmi'Ci ytlO ha\'e j\l~t been t~lk; nll
~ b<I\ll?
,\ . 111M i~ righl .
Q. And, ~i r, ani ! al ,o ~() rre~l Ihal. al lhnl lim e. )'our dUly li S
su p<rilltendcn l ... a~ 10 m ~ kc ,u r~ tl131 Ji ll or 1M " 'ol l;
eO!l('(1llillj; Ihe job w's don~ in all o rde,I)' " ':Iy?
,\ . In lin orde,l ), 'WI)'. )'C5 ,
Q. ' \ PI I also ('Orrtt1, sir. Ihal nnOlhcr duly }'Oll had nl Ih' l
li m.: as Ih~ SllJlCrin lclldcnl 'v:lS 10 lIIake ~\I'C llial all Ill e
w~ rk conccrninlllli c joh "" JI! do"" rir,ll1?
/>11•. R<).w.Jtl s: I obj«1 10 Ihe form of Ih" <,ucSlion.
TH E COURT' J " 'iIlllllo'" i1.
Q. Is , hal con,-Cl"!
,\. Well, don ~ rig ht. Ynu wo" ld )la"~ 1(1 de scr ibe Ih al, dOl1 e
.i ghl.
COMMENT: ThO! witn~s, h~s a n ~~ red Ille ~\I~lIla " diffl!l eMlly at
Ih ~ n he did J! th e deposition. He h,s att ompted to wilhhc>ld
\t' C trial
~ $lal~Mltnt irgm 1M! de pOSition.

Q. Sit. we jU \! Ialh..1 ~I)<lut Ihe rael Ih~t ynu ha d t(s tifi~d

ul1(kr 031)] .
' .......
, I ~.o ~ •.a)' w ~_ .....
A. Ye!, I !.li d.
Q. On Ma rch oJ o r 19.. ?
A. Yo.. "hal di<l I sar?
Q. We will gel 1() lh at.
A. 0 10.
COMM ENT: The witness knows Ilia! ,ounsell ~ go;ng l() re let to the
d.,...x'lion. CounwJ mu~I ...... ~ il . e ry t ll!il . IG the jUlY wha l he i5 r~'
lerri ng to as tho ·de p o~,ti on . " ~ ee p in " li nd that ""' 51 juror, IIu _c
~ r hu rd t~ \elm bclore, much t.e$$ IIn(ler!.\ood what it
me. nII ,
Q. And Uo }'OU I( mc mhcr that you ..... e~ ~""orn \n Idl rhe lnllll
,1' that li m e tIle ,~"'c ~ s )'nl! were swo rn here lodJ y7
A. Rithl.
Q. And )'011 lc.\ lIic!.l _ j'oU ....'cre J .• kcd 'luc.lion~ b)' me ~nd
r "" I!-~ ''''' n: na; n lmS" "l:f:j.. is 1ha. right?
A. rti~h L

Q. ,\ 11' I , orm;l. ~ir. 11l~t afte r )'0\1 ga,"c tli olC aMWe ll they
We re l)'pcd up in 3 hookle t ryp..: of (o . m. ami you fe;" J il.
311<1 you sign..-d il . lnd you .wo re III it alla in?
A. Tha l ;1 righ l.
MI! . Q l""_L.!:M: ,\11 righl .
COMM ENT: It i~ only ~Uer tile iurv und ..r~t:lnd. a d"pO$llion I h~1
(IItln1 ~ UW$ I he d~flO';I;O n.

Q. I ,der 10 Ihe I(Slimn ny of March 4. 19 .• . P"!:t" 4. lin.. 16.

Wc rc }'o u a~~c<J Ih is qu~~tioll al 11m! time un<J er oalh ,\ nd
di<J yo u &i ve Ihis an, wc"!
"Q. Wi ll )"ou lell \I S " hat ~'o ur <JUl ies arc "~ a k,llo l
r"'Tc m~n?'
"A . Wel l. now. m}' dUl i.·s as , upcrin lc nd cnl. my d\ll i~5 "
a labor rorco' :\o is 10 ......, 11\:" all work is p<.>rr\.rrru,d in
311 ord erly ", anncr ."
Q. Dirl yon &i" ~ Ih31 3ns...." 10 Ihal qo<~lion?
,\. I 11"0\\101 "'Y. )·C'.
Q. :-low. pag<: S, l in~ (r. did yOlJ &iw Ihe ans"",,r 10 Lh i~
qll c!li un.
,.... "" ,
-.. -
' ._- - -- -- -- _.. ·""'<;(t011 PI'\." ,J,l:l~':_'H
:: . w·, I 11\,\!.Il" n ~ I' I. II " (I' !) "II s., ,;,, >\i~'.' I;"""'" !,I"'1"'.>:>(I ~~II I'!'I

'.I'.\<~."'~I' " Ill "', '''''I",~d~I' "100..0 ~,~,.\ \U"l"" :L'l~\ OJ.

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. - ..• _ . i. FI,) L) ~~, ~1 L) J '· iI \\! " ""I \ ~J~"" " ;, i ";,, "",,, I,," ';;'1'; I" .,'" j I

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I;' ~·~U ddw, hem' m""y ",i k~ ~£.ll "-,,y't ,.,'__ Wh~1 .Jr.,..,,, )My I;" I~"kin.,. '" ,,,,,1..1 •___ __ _ ..... __
II ~C" )I:')' ,<ilI,. I",w ,,,,,ct, ~"_1!'4 "'~y~' _ _ __
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\'!",: arc ~"ur ~!!!!!!-:lI':'<I'~'~W! f,1I : 1",,1$ _ .; .-lue"!: _ .' w'~~-:ch:c'd 1"II,I;,:I(i"", _
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11 PJII i'" rcll.",,; ,my 1\1<·;,))<''''ad:.~ wh; 1f "I "u, ~. wlL~t <i(l )"'Ill11urn",:ly !'I,,~,J ;,_(!",I~;}

\ . . 1':': ~!" ~'~Ir :1IJ1.1 ~1j " "F~"",' j 1,]0: "' <lIt. ___._.j (I,,:;s ._
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,'",; ;1 •..- ~i~-ll (n"t a Nl•.j--",,,It .:or Wl'rI:-~r's CU!ul'(""~lwp ,.\;1), ,,,,II ~lr Jllr"u<J1I Qf t!", rn;.1t1"~'· l !'·It ~"'''''I'h'

.i-i<-!',:,\!f) f["'l".'.:! ~:;-. (>'~IJ'\C _Vi:';I. !,ll!.':11_;,"1,

I'llI".ir"I IIK'''I'Y 1 tiul~' I'''' ...".'1: ~'J~ 'J l'''-''''

.'-''' --~ -''

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.'. "

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, -- --- --- .. "~
! 15.02 1-,,)' Will"",,,", 15_S

.,. Yes, I tiid .

Q. On March 4 or 19 .. ?
A. Ye5, wh~l did I S:Iy'!
Q. We will gCI to lh,,(.
A. Oll.
COMMENT: Tile l'Iitne~s knows that coun,.1 i. going to reler \0 the
deposition, Coonscl must make it very [lear to the ju'~ wllilt Iw i~ re·
terring 10 as the -dep"'ition." Keep in mind that most jurors have
ne,er neard the term before, much Ie •• understood cle"l~ W)',,1 it
Q. And do }'OU rememher lh;ll you werc sworn 10 lell the truth
at Ihal lime th~ same as you were .worn he'e lmln).'!
,\. RighI.
Q. And y()U testified-you wcr~ a,ked questions by me nnd
you gave ccrt~il1 UI15Wcrs. i~ that right'!
A. RighI.
Q. Am I correct. sir. thal nfter }'OU gave lh(l~c answ~r~ they
were typed up in a booklet 1)'1'" or form. and you rcad it.
amI you signed it. and you ~wOro 10 it again'!
A. That is right.
"'I~. QI,I[lI.tR: All righ!.

COMMENT: It i~ only after the jury underst<lnds ~ oopositioo that

courlsel u~e~ thc deposition.

Q. I refcr to the testimony or March 4, 19... p'lgc 4. line 16.

Were )'OU 'lsked this quo,tiou at that time under oath and
did you givc Ihis amlV~r"!
"Q. Will yO\! tell us whut your dutics nrc a~ a !all"r
"A. Woli. now, my dutic~ a~ ~uperintcnd~lll. !l\)' dUli~s a~
a labor [orem"n i~ to sec tlmt all work is performod in
nn orderly manncr.~
Q. Did }'OU give that ,mswcr to th"t quc~tion'!
A. 1 wool(\ ,ay. yc>.
Q. t"ow, page 5, line 6. did yO\! give Ihe ,!n,wer to this
IS-9 § 1 ~.Dl

MQ. Wh~1 .... e" )"o ur ,jUIWs ;l5 SUJ"...,.i mrn<icnl ~~

-A. Til mah ~U l\: 11m ~n of the Wtlf\:: conccrnin~ Ihc job
i, done ,n ~n on lcrl)" man ...,r ;lnd done , il;bC
Q. Did you , i"c 1h:1I a n~II.w1
A. r di d.
Q. Am I t orret\. ~ 'r. Ihat one of your dUl i~ WllS 10 sec Ihal Ih~
work .... ~s dollC riGh I?
A. Righi.
COMMENT: Coun sei li u eSlablished one ol ll1e maim pcinl$ 01 11>C
lrial lhrougli use 01 tile !lcPOslll on-th ~llhe emplo~ce of Ille &e nN~ 1
,on tr~C lor wa s su r>po~ 10 rTI3~ e sur" Ihat e'lt ryt" lng WJ$ don(> rir.hl
on the (o".,hlJ(;tilH'O ... to. In Ih... IlIQ<;CS$. Ihe qlJ{lstio n ~r m ~ ke~ tl, e
w,I '\e'S appea r cv~~(> .
Ilele thai the 20me question origi''''Uy ,,_adc d wns [~peat e ~ . a n ~
th a corret t answer oblaine<!.
Q. Am I ,,1,,-> cOffecl .•ir. IIIDI " " D~"""'mbe, 2.19 .. , IIr.1d ky
W3S pe,furm;ng wor~ III 911 ).b ~han A\"~nue 011 the Ii fll1
nou r Ih e,,"Ofas ~ f,... ult uf ~n n~r"\~nle ll! d illed ~by 6. 19.. •
OO11.«n B"dl(.~· 3ml Ill<: O b I Teleph one CllmTl:my1
A. Th ~t is righl .

§ 15.03 O blaining nnd lnITooJ"d" ~ \)"Ctl~'U"

COMM ENT: Callina th" c!elc~dJnfs wit" . !.S fjrst .....11116 Ihe QIIes-
t ion~1 1Q ob t" ln d Q<; u o~ n \s that were IIe t ohle;oed ~urin& discooery.
Cc ~rrs or Ih. !locI/men!, may h ~\'C bo.'etI c bl~ined du" "g d lj.((IV~'y.
a ntI t~ ~ Ofio:in~ l. $ ~~~nae(.\ 10f use at tri ~ l . The wit ne .. m . ~ b('
3b1oe to " ... I>!!nl jr:ale the dr>ctJmomts . anll iay t"" IC!lJru:lalion 10f th eir
ad mi$,iO I' in ~ _id enC ft.
MM. QI,nu M: At Ih is lime . YOIIT ~l onor. pl1 fS\I~1II 1<> 111" sub-
poen:! Ihal " "ll.S wO'ell 1111011 IIIC Di.,,) Td~ ph onc CO ll1p~ ny­
MM. Rn m:MH: Do not do 1\\", nOw. Now "·c Il i. cun ed Ih~ 1 "".
[M e.
M M. QH ru.c~ : r ..... in ~ Il ror Ih eir produ Clion . I ju sl w3nt )'o u
10 ~n ow 1I,al I IUhp<!COIlcd-1 will 3!" [or lht p roo UC1io n m
Ihis lime. Your 1"1 <>,, <>[. o r III ~ J gr ~ . mcm bet ween \h~ DiJ I
Telephone Com p~oy :t no! Ja mes II r~dle)' & S"" Pl: n3 inin& ! ....
•hio ""IIf k 3\ . his loc~tioll .
MM. R' "'[Mn : Yom li onllr. cuut\wl rl ~' been Tl"" 'idod .. i lh ;J.
COpy :llld r h.we no IIbjcc!ioo I.... ro(lnwl u, ing .h ~ \"Ufl)'. Ctlun-
t I.'<.II} 1 ~_1O

ocl informed nil: he p.eft, r.'d 10 ha~~ .he orit:in~l. I Mid ,

wll ul<l II}' to cOl11ply wi th h l~ pr~f~ rcnc". I <Jo Itol h~"e Illc
or illin:tl no"', I ,,-ill alle11lpt 10 1:"1 II. I ho pe I will b~' tOI11U'ro " '.
I wa nl lO m~~c il .'cry dear Ih~t I h~"c no objection 1\1 hi, u~'
i n~ a ropy. I a m nol uhj~'CIIlIg o n !1Ia! Iccl",k~lil y.
TlIIi C(JL' ~'!, l)n you ,,~,·c ~II \' niJjc,' liml 10 1I,e ''(II1)''!
"-III. Q " f(l.!J\: You s ec, Ymt, lIonor, I h~v c nevc r had the 011·
pOfl unil )'to ~omp."c the c"P~ 10 Ihe cr i~ inal . ~ I d o n" l knOlw
fo r wre thaI )'Ou h a\"e Illc en tire o rigi nal . hU I unli l su ~h li me
as lhe orip.i ll ~1 i, p ,oo~ed in Ihi. cOlin . I " 'ould om.'1" mI' cop~
Ihat W:li furnilhed to me b)' the Te lep hon e CO!!lpan)' as a
rl~i ntiff s ",hihil in ",:idenec.
T>!!! C,n;RI, Vcry well.
Mft . ROlll.Rl ~ I ha'.... 110 objection to th~ ~. l:Oinr, illl!! c"i ·
<lente. and I ha,'c no object i!)n I() Ihe c!)nlr.l ~ t ""I ng d~~m~d
in ~\'id"'l<"e "'-f"". Ihi~ ~u\m rtlr ~n}' ~ n d all l,urptlS<-" .
!·l o"'c" ~r. I Ihi nk Your IIl1n or .'an und" 'SI~ nd th:11 then' 'nay
"" VO<1 iom. o( thi1 cuntr.ICt th ~t an: not mmc rinl. 'If n:k '·;lnl.
nml J \\,oli id ask the C!lu rt'~ pc 'lII i~~ion 10 " :1C" 'C my right to
ot.,iet:1 10 any port ;"'1 of Ih~ l com r~ct IlCing rc~d '" lil" jur~',
'I u~ CU,'. l : ,\1 Ihi~ timc. Ih~L is (:'ir.
M~. Q \:H U:~: I havc no Ohj~,l i(lIl ,
'Till: COL!. " rkJ~c ~hu'" il lO counoct
MM. Q I.I ~'-U:M: )'our I/w\O r. In:\)' Ilic reco rd ;n di .~ tc 11" ,t this
COnlr;lCl 3I1P;II""II)' ron' ;Ms o ( Ih~c p(lrl ioM: one i ~ c:lll e<l 1h ~
st:Ulcl~rd (orm "r ll~rccmenL : the '!C,' en d i, Ihe r,.:ncral cond i·
lio,,~ o r the ('on1fatl~ a nd th e thin! is Ihe ~djj\~lIi" n ! . ~'1<1 I
ani indu<l ing all or Illosc 11m'\: l)Ort;0115 35 Ihe o lle ~~. " .. Ihe
COn lr.lCl .
Tl ili C,'!;Ml , 1)0 Yo")\,I h3 ~" a n~ obj ectio ns. M r, R"hc:rt~'1
MM, R(~<l:u ~: Ol he r Ihwl wil :'! I \ 1"lcd'l
Tm: COI'. ' _,\ 5 p.e"iou~ly ~' :lIcd?
M R. R UUEHI': t\'o. ~ir.
M M. 8 \'1<""; 1"0 ohj\'C!I(,",
Tut Ctl"~T' Mr. Picard'!
M~. PICU U: r-.'o objc"'Cli ()!I ,
T,,~ COlIR1 , II " i ll be ,cceiw d as l'1al nlirr~ Exhibit 1 in ~,'i ·
<l " ncc.
,,~. , ," ..

(Copy or COnlraC\ b'''"«'n Ihe Di31 r clephOll<l O''''p;! n~'

a nd b m~ nr.l ~ ley ~" d Son. Inc .. d~ tcd M~)' 6, 19. . . r~·
eei"cd in c" ide!lc~ and ",ar~~..J l'la;n li/l"s bltib't I. )

§ 15 .11~ 1·:,1>I1>II,lIin): Fa"()T~~I ~ bd~

COMMENT: Much Iim'l! ii splnt <Iurine o;.oss 'Jan,ln.lTion CH t.OjJinr,

thD e.C(jibility of ~ "'il!\e'~" Ui uall~. lI>ou ~h. IhG wilne§!I can J1\a~e
a5~el l i""i which toun~ el dn ~5 no' w~nt to 1Iist'. tdit, b«,,1IU: thoy
,. " 1Iellli ioe erOS' e"'! '§ C~~Q.
Ih MI(. QLJI:i,ILI(:
Q. Si r. am I correct that )'0 \1 1X'f">O\UII)' "ere :.1 ' h31 Io(-Jl ion
on Iltll job mo:<ol or the ti me Ihal the wo rk WJ 5 bcil\ll
p;.'r fornl cd Ih ere'l
A. Th~ 1 i, ri~n .

Q. ,\In I ;;111'0 rorrecl. si r. tha i the ...o r k Oil the fi fdl 11 00 r of

Iha\ ll>(';ltion .Ianed aTaLmd May of 1<), . :ln d W3 .
continui ng p rogrrn iwlr Ih, e",&I' [),:cembo:r 2. 19 .. '1
A. I ...·ollid $:I)' yo .
Q. AnI I 31110 co rrect .•ir. thai Ill" o f Ihc "'ark 10 b~ pcr formcl!
t\). B,,,d!c)'" I"" n i n Ih~ 1 IIlI ild ;ns "",~ ' be: d~nl0l ilion o r 11"
.... alls o r Ihe old machine room on tl,~ fifth floor?
,\. Th ~fs right.

~ 15.1)5 ,\ppflisimnlio ns
Q. Ani I "I so <·OTf<~I. ~ir. thai yo'" ""'I tSlim~ I" j~ 111:11 the
..... lb o f t"~ t o ld l11ad,(n c roo", ~I~f\,..! 10 bo: d ~,nuli~hcd
a1\J canl" d ow n IU l11cl imc i n Nowmh<: r of I g . . ?
A. TII~t I IIo n'l ""'1.: m~'. ",ben ~'OII m enl;,ln Ihe d~ I~.
COMMENT: ' "(' w.ln("i\ ha s C<lUNocale ~ on !oQmelliing. Ih ~t , d urine
Ilis depo,il~ n, he h~ d apn '~l ln l;lted <)no \'/i1rlcsses lend 10 belit'Vo
tll~ 1 if they say 11Il')' do n.ol kno,," Ih.. !.'!<.ad time pe rioo. g[ di $I.,I(:~.
ete" I!l ey can -nllPrgXl m"IC - wil houl 1IeinC q uoled Ot> Ih.. ligure.
Thll$. the ....i t"""'" ol.en ... pprD.<inlilte. in ~ ca ~ua l w~y 10 e' p<:dite Ute
dOI>o';I,011. Bul an ~''''' ,n" to .. " 01 ~~ ,~ i$ " l,}C:l u ~t slalO·
nlOl1lt: nol a eu ~ " Ihal ( ~ n 131", b<l changed . Tili s can prove devas·
lo, lnC at !lIe I' m~ oj Ir ial, sinc e !lie "l'prO>.imOlI.OI' or ~li m:l! lon will
Ix: li ken a s a sworn l;>cl by Ill" Gto•• examin er. whicl. can be u. ed
a' !I.e ~asi, 01 very cmel ul t,l lculaho ns,

Q. Do }'OU rcmemher again in the testimony thm you gavc

under oath on M~rch 4th, t9 ... being askcd these
questions and giving these an~wers: page 10. line 11:
"Q. Can you tell u. approximately when the walls of that
machin" room slnrtett 10 he demoli~hed and come
-A. 1 just don't remcmt>er. 1 would say I couldn't
Q. Then Mr. Brown srokc up. Hc wnl Ihe :tItOnlc)'
represcntins you at Ihis hearing. AI the time Mr. [lrown
said to you: -Without Hucsling, whnt i~ your bc§(
"A, I woutd say around the J1rst weel: of No,·cmber. It
would t>e ,ometime in :-.Iovcmt>er."·
Q, Did you give those anslVers to tlto~e quc,tions'!
,\. Ye.'.
Q. Am 1 correct, sir. thm the wan. to that machine rnom were
demotisll.d ~ometime in :-.Io"embcr of t9 .. ?
A. I would say yes.
COMMENT: TtlC witness has lirst answer!>d tim question "t d(}ll't re'
meillber. when you mention \tIe d~te: Then, whon confronted willi
his deposition testim(}llY. he change. Ilis answer to "Yes." He thus
appears to tie cvasi.e at tI,e trial.
Note tll~! counsel repeats the same question ~fter quoting tile de·
position, 50 lila! \lie jury can eo"tr~'t the two diflerent anSwerS to
the s<'me question.

§ 15.116 l\lnnncr in Which Demolition Performed

Q. And. sir. it wu, Bradley', men, Bradlcy'~ employees that
did the domolition of the walls of that old machine room,
,\. Right.
Q. As I unde~land
it. sir. you were porsonally prcsc!\1 when
~ome of the demolition of Ihose \\"all~ was heing
A. yc~.
15_13 I IS.lI6

Q. M " maU~ 1 Qf fat •. ~ir, il "'3' ~ ou, ~lIy, "'hu tn~C

Br:tdlcy', n. ~n tile instru ct;"n . \0 demol;. h the walls of th~t
mom. isn' t Ihat right?
,\, True.
COMMENT: The 3bcM> leading IIUC!>lion5 h~W ~n Pfep,n ed dir«t,
IV h om . he witn~$' Ic~!imany ~t the depo.~ iQlI. Counsel l<oows the
pliOr answer \0 e~ eh Q".,tian. ~n~ if tho .am. ~M ... er is 1\01 Biven
aillie trial, the answer in th e uaposition i, quoted,
M~ , Rm,ul :'< Atthi. poim, I did rerr~in from objecti ng bUlth.
fo rll' o f cOllnsd's '1"($11011.-
TUf, CUURT: YOI' ar" leadi ns Ihe witn ..., Mr. Quel!" ,. T r,' nOI
". Ql:Hl.tK: l'h c only IhinS I ,,-auld indi cMc. You, Ho nor, i,
th~ 1 he i, a ~JIfl'inl~"'d c nt or 3 d.fend~n ..
T nr. CO" Rl , I u nd ctsu nd.
MM . RO~ I'~n; : I obj"ct {[l <:(:I\lll,d', "Dr~I" e n, a, bei nll s ratu'
imu ., 11m"" neWT .cen Ihi ~ wi tnC.\5 hefoN thi, 11lornil11l cilller,
Th ~ wiln~'s ));1 , no t ""'''n nn )' I" "tilil)", I Ie h:" le' li lkd Iwi<c
befQre, and I don'll hi nl lh~ 1 , i,'cr. ( ounscl the ",In'<l
~ n ~"·c ." .

MH, O';Et.t,1'K: I ..... ill be plca~~d to fcfn!ln~ it, Your Iluno r.

COMMENT: Mr. QIlClter r... ,Qgnires I hat tne court ha, c"",ldelable
disc ... I"" as to lhu!i~Jo! 'l~lio~, can be ulA'd. He 4''-<;~u.ty
3t'lulesces to th( ( ou'" Al RUine "" Ih lhe jud~ ";11 only d~m.'lg<I his
Imllge bel<l< ~ the IUIY, and 3nI3&Qflil~ lhe ,U ~~'il. H~ ~n o"s 1""\ he
wilT ultlma lely be ab lu to u, ... lea UIr\C qoostion s .
1\ cuc~l i"" in J sc ript wlli oll w~s II~med U ~bding oan oe r e~djly
convc.ted into a rIO) n,"adi~g lIu~\lon by bPginn,,'t the qUf u ion wilh
"10110,· ",",,"I: • ... hen· 01 •.... he.e.· \I Ihe vrit'I(!U devi ~ lei from his
tkflO'ijlon. it co .. $\ill be ,,,f,,"~ to readily.
Q, Who "';I S il Ih~t ga" ( Lh~ cmpI O)'~C i or Ilr~d l ~)' tile
instructi ons 10 demoli,h til<.! wall, or Lh~t mom'!
,\ . I did,
0, And in ,,·h,' t ",:m neT .... e re the ,,"!III. of t he old ma<:h inc
loo m demoli shed; bow "11, it dOlle?
,\ , With ,lcdg.'!tJ l11mcr ..
Q. n,al is huw you toW 11"'(1' '0 do i i , rit;lll?
A. T"~t is hOW it ;s "" , ,,,ail)· ""nc.
fi t~.116 I S- 14

Q. lJut is Ih :n wrlal )"ou IOld-is III ~t ..-Ilil' )'ml- IIIN'l'Ou told

litem 10 00 ;.1 Is lh~1 110 ...· ~'O\I lold lhent to do il?
.\ . Well. I tlid n' l ju~t 5:ly II, they kn~w. 1 said "Get Ib~ w'lll
Q. II n~ the>' dill it ..-ith Ihc skdgchnnlnters?
A. Yes.
Q. An~. w\\) you tell U ~ what happencd to til e pk...-.:~ o f Ihe
wall~ when th e)' we re lllOl.:l;cd duwn wi lh Ibe
slnl,ch~ m ",=1 What Itnpi!<'uell In Ihe llie~'CS?
A. The pi = wer.; swept up nnd /lut into containers.
Q. >10, no. Till! is ,1ftC' the)' were on Ihe ground, Wh en yu ur
men slammed Ihese ",nU, with the 'lcdSch~"'mer. wh~t
h~pll¢ncd to the pi~'C~'!I o f Ihis lIiS " ,,,II?
"\, 'fhe)' fell. rOcs""in,,)
Q. In 311 dif<,'C1 ion., ril;ht?
.\. NOI;n ~Il di ....'C.iom: o n ,1Q"'n. down, n~ n rulc.
Q, ' am Eoi lllt \0 :uk yOlt ag.,in :llmul 50 1ll ~ of Ihe ,worn
)'0 0 pvc in March of 19" , PaSe 14. Ii nc 20:
Were you :t, kcd Ihi~ qucM ion an" did )'on ch'e th is ~n,wer'1
"Q, Whul happened 11'1 the waHs nll.1 tl,e ICffil-COila briel:
~flcr lho)' I t~rled 10 denlOl'. " il ....i,1l 1110
Then Mr. Ihown. your ;utomey. >,a11l:
-! :om not \U ' " 1 und<'nlnlld tlul,"
Then !'C)I' !::lid:
-A , I CO\Ildn't-1 m~"' " . • ~'QUld give yv u n , illy ~M"'N, II
woul~I\'1 be-h wenl In all directions. Ihen "1'I",n ,~

Q. D itl )<lU Si, 'c 111:11 nn,,'n to \hnl Q\l~slion:

A. That 1 d on'l remember,
)'1~, Ql)I:U.!X COlln sel. win ~Oll OlI1(1'de he p" e the nllwtT1
MH . R',\~r,RU; ! {OMen1 10 )'0'" "'~di ll~ il rorr('l1'~·. "'hal~"er
~pp.';lrs III,'1'\'. he tCSl ifk4 10,
M~ . Q I: IiU.l'1t; I'm s.:tti, ltcd .
,..... ,....,
IS_IS § 15.(17

Q, li n'l It " r"c !. wbenlbcy ~na~ked dow" Ibe ... ~ JJ . " 'ith lhu..c
s kd",..:ham rn.:rs. Ih~ picr~"S ..... ~nt in ~11 di rc~li'ln~ and thcn
down ?
,\, ! ">IIlldn' t S.~)' so, nl>. fin nOI ,o ntr~dkl ; 1111 mY lclr. I'm
only lO:illn& you whll I kIlO'" 10 be Ih" \rulh.
COMMENT: TIIC wilness ~ now attompl irlll Ie . ll e, his deposition
testimony al lhe 1, ..1. Coul""..el h~ndles it II, mIV.
Q. You prefe' We chanr,c l!oJ I an~We t SO rh~l il UO\"$II', SO in
d irectio ns?
M R. ROlIt~T": 'r h:lt i. obj~'I; I~d 10 . Yo ur Honor.
T)I ~ COIIKT, Do n ~ l ;I!"lIUC wilh Ihe wilnc ~ Wh ~1 H YOllr ~I\'

TIl~ Wll~ I": My ;m~w~ r is.. when you hil 'h~ wl l! Ih!;)" gen.:t"dl.
Iy h il il ;11 the joint nml Ihey fall in pi tces. 'There !lUI )' he l;l1I e
picc:e' lhJI wl)Uld lIy. ~,,~ bill nol ~ "''"'" pi~e.. The 1:1fl'"
pice..", fall direclly uown.
COMMENT: The jury pOelu 'e"o lhe pl! ce~ SIIfily1ng in ran do m dlrec'
AnCllhe{ picture i, a rs.o bei ng clea ted by tl,e .~;lIful ~ 1J(l'liQr'ing: tlt e
jU 'QIS SlOe ~ wjl<lC ' ~ l'~l"llln dot;llII his tc" imony a t lhe IIlar to help
h" _pt~ r.

Ii 1!>.07 E\.(.b'; s";"~ Su"d",d "r C~ ..

COMMEHT: The p/J,nlift r>OW esl abl;~ne~. Ih,uugh 11K: wiln~s. What
sl, ,,,,,111 have bee n done to preve nt thl i oc cident .
Q. ,\n<l " ncr it fel! down, w~'e Ihc nr~dk:y's m~n r~'!uir~u to
~Io\"f l tll~ ucb, i, into :lome kinu of cunlai MI":\'!
,\. Th;,t; 5 r ;~ltt.
Q. ThaI is " h ,,! Ihey w,'" WPfK\,.,d 1U d o?
,\. Tbal i~ ""11m tit,,)" UW do.
Q. Well. wh~lhcr the y di<l not. Ih~1 h what the'Y " 'ere
~u~'" to u n; ;s Ilt;n ritht? ! didn 't a~k you if the)' di<l
Il,a!. I nsk )'ou : Wcr( the)' ~U)lflOS<.'II 10 silO ...·) lhe dt:bri~ in
c"ma; ncl":\ afttr lh\.·y denl01i,h~d rhos" \\"~lIs?
,\. Th~ 1 i ~ Ill" nlt .hol'uf IIoinl\ il .
COMMENT: II i~ ~ b.clutcr~"tial tllal the ",111\(.>5.5 be re-qui,ed I"
ans",el Ihe qUC':rtiM . ... nd be p,C>'enttil hom all$W . rins "nylh i"l1 cth·
~ , tn~ n tllO Que5ticn.
. ...

§ IS,07

Q. And. sir. a~ a m;UI<:I of faet. il WaS ,he Td~pl!(\n~ Contpa ny

Ih:\! w:mtcd l(l ha\"~ il donc Im l "'a~~ i,n"tll at a bet?
,\. ThaI i ~ ~IwUI riGhl. yu.
Q. And. ru a 1ll~t1er (lr ract. Ihal is ~licatly the heart ilr the
" mdl cy ct>nlmC\ in cvillencc; Isn 't Lila! a facl~
MR, ROHl Rl1: I objee l. lir. it 5PC.1~S t(l r fisclf. The Contract is
in c.we'U:c.
'r fl~ C OIIRT: The object ion i~ IUII ~;ned .
Mil.. Qll[ I.I.U: I will r\·l\I.I it late, .
Q. Sir, am I «>rto:ct Ihal Brad ley', m~n w~ ,c req uircll 10 d ea n
eVer},!hiull UP " 'hen Iht.'!· were throuSh demoli shing Ihe
wall? I~ Iha! n fai r Ilmc menl ?
M~ . It()nr,~Ts: I ohj ocl In Ih e form of the qll c~lio n.
Til¥. Co\"II' : I wj11 allo w il.
:'t N. Rnft[ N1N: Requirod by whont. th ~ con tr~ elO r"! '\('.:Iin. I tlo
nOI u ndcrMand .
MM. <}I' ~lU,M: To his 0""11 IIo.'"uonaJ l<nowledj;t of Ih e job m t;U-
p.;rimcndcn l. w~ro Ihey rcQu ircd 10 cka .. ~""Iylhillf. u p after
1M; ' d cmo1i ! h~d Ih~ wall. U r~ll lcy'~ men ?
T I" : COUIlT: Iflte kno,,"s.
T ur. Wm'f_~" \'fS, I do knu"... J ml t)I~~ were 'cquired 10 do il.
Jnd the~ d one il.
Q. I d id"" ~.., )'011 ,f 1111:)' h~d d on~ il . ) ~5kcll yo u If they
.... e'e required 10 d o iI. I " ',11 go to whether Ihe)' di d do i1
in a littl e whi le .
b n'l i1 a fm:l , IiI. 10 ~'OU , OW" k" o..1c"'g~ . l he \ lI l1Cr;ntc n.
dent ,In Ihat job. nll all " ,·hc OIhe, II",,, U radk~'~ mc.. w~. ~
""Iu;r.:d to pick liP Ihe deb.i l ~nd put il in Ihe cm, tail1 c,;
i.,,'••b~1 3. (act'!

A. :.lot unk~~ somcth ing ,..~s in ltOmenn,, ', way.

COMMENT: Again. Ihe W,IM IS is ~ t! emp!i na to qualify his an.W",.
COUIIS<'I ha~ depo$ilion Icslimony I!sla blishinr. the fad in ISsue.
!hcugh , and dcos n~t h~sil a t~ to u, e it.
Q. let'. Co I, u,'k to Ih J( iworn IcslinlUn)' yo u It',,"f: in 1'.1 . ..
PJj',c 17. li ne )4. W~ 'C ) Ull n.,ke d this {11I."i,," al LbJI I,me
Jnt! d id Y"" Ciw this ~n"""r:

-Q, Wllo c1~~. oth er th~n Jam .'S ll rndlcy's ~ n)l'lo}'cc!. w\:rc
r"lui red 10 I"ot ddxil in ron1~inor<r
"'" .'<0 o ne , to my kno",kt!t;<,-
Q, D lt! } 'o U P"c that ~n'''~r 10 Ih~I <[IIC5Iion?
A, Thai is righe.
Q, or no. di d yun?
,\ , Y;;s. I did. jult tll~ "'3>' you ~aid it.
Q, Sir. u a ma\l~r orr,<:\. i," '! it ~ rhe l th:,1 dorins Ih~ entire
li me thai lhal job "''as oci ng pe.formw al those ,m: mii'l'S
from Mal' t9. , up to on(l including Decemb/:. 2, 19" , it
wal onl), the c ln p!or~~ of Br" dlc), who "w..: req uired l(I du
Lh~ cleln in !!. up uf Ihe debris.. l nd no one e l!c'! Isn' t that a
MI<. ROI'uu: ' obj~ct 10 Ihe form of the (IUCl lion .
T,,~ COlan: I " 'ill allo"' the '11>1."1;00,
MH, ROII~lln: I "'ani 10 nOle, Your 110 '10", Ih:lt oounscl is .:on-
~Ia ntl )' leading th e witllc,~, hi ~ own witncu he pm on .
T, U' Cookl , Vcry well.
COMMENT: The wilnen now appea r. hn.l1le, or at least u/lwillirlll to
vC)\ unl eer inlc,,,,,, )i.on. Tllus.. Ihe CC)U'I n_ I)eIm lt~ t h~ us'" ot leading
Q, " n't ;, a f3l1'~
,\ , Ye•. TIo~t i~ "u~, 'n .." i. no. many ",'1:1 1 "'1; do ,
§ 15.011 """'rip(io~ 0( Room

Q, Could }'Ull lell us. ~pprox i nma'I)', ~bnU! whal llle ~iz~ "'" '
of lhal old machine . oom a n tile fi rth floo~ '",-fo.c the w~ll .
were d cmoJi.h~d'!
,\, ' don't \;n ow,
Q, b CIII>C mc'!
A, l oon', know,
Q, Api " , I am lC':Id ;"t; \h ~ ''''Ii lll!my Ih~l ) ' ()U g,wc a
~C)up lc of )'cm~ ~go. I'~&I' II, Ii ...., 17:
-Q. Wlml W:1.' tlt ~ .il.c of the roOl'll, ~PP,,)_~im~lIel)"r'
-,\, ApplOxi nH'lcl)' I ~ by 15 f. cl. or ~mncthitlr;. "
n'", I"')

Q. Did you p "c Ih~I ~n.~ .....:r10 tb~t (I"ellion?

,\ . If I d id tben. Ib . 1 'J wha1 il wn~.
Q. \Viii )'Ou 1\'1[ US whal th. "'.\\5 or Ihe 01(1 mllch ino room
were co nstrucled or t>llfore the ,,"l!!~ wcr~ d~mel;r.hcd7
WII.1t we re IhOll' w;tll~ made n r!
,\ . I I:II/Iie ..., i1 ..·M l~n."'~'Ha blrn:l:.
Q. And "'hal "'J< Ihe color of Ih~ lerra·eoli a hl od: 00 the
i n~idc'!

A. ReI! . so meth'nll. II, " color of hrid, b rown, .~dd i$h ('tIlor.
Q. Pi n\:.. o r red . '5 Ihnl ,ith l1
,\. Well. pinl:: Dr r~d. $Ontelhin& or 111:11 G'llier.
Q. Will ynll loll liS wl131 Iho: ~p"ro~jm~ tc <l imen-ions of thOl e
lC' t~<n\!a bricks w~ re7
,\ . Th at! d on '! , ememb e' .
Q. As.;n , I am ~o i nH 10 'e"d froG' tlial h .... liluoo)' o f 1<).•.
Jllg\! 12. line I I: Did you &I "e Illis !lns,",c' 10 Ihi, qUI'stio,,'!
~Q. Ca n )'011 lell liS 111e aPflro.~i lllatc di mcp~io n o f the
iCmH'O\!3 blocks'!~
'"A. 8 by 16. I belie ,'e."
"' Q. Wbat is the thi ,d dimcP~;(1n'r
~A. Oh, by 4. I Ihin k."
Q. Did you g" 'c Ihm<: 3ns"-~·rf.'
M ... RD8£J<1~~ I ron":PI !h~1 h e c:t'" thol-C " n<WCI'.
COMMENT: The Qppo~ine atlcrnny il at1cmp ti~g Ie pre"e nt ~ I S WIt·
n e~ s lrom ma~inll an incrtdihle duni"l. H~ os ahllid Ihl! mlllC$~ rnay
imJ)a'i, h .. cr e(j;blliI~ . try;ng 10 ~Ip out 01 his prio r te<IlIoony, TtlI'
qucsti<l" er. IhouSh . requires Itle witne ss 10 SINe 1"~1 ne C~"'I"ose
Q. Due-. i. ",f,..,..h yo ur ....-c:oU"'.1io p·!
,\ . Y(S.;I d<><:5. til'll <:ould be il . T hat i. ' i!lht.
Q. W'I~ il ~ wlid bloc~ or a hoilow bl oc\:. . 0' ~,)1n l; ,,!hc'
,\. 1hel'""'" il ..,,~ IIoliow.
Q. \\'1131 were Ihose block~ m~ll~ of!
'c., """

,\. B3kct! clay. I wc ult! 501)'.
O. Ant! apl'rox i mm~h' 110W milch t!id Ih l)! C h e llo\\' bnckot! day
Icrra-«)ua. blocks.. "Ilpro.< i nl ~'cly 4 b~ 8 by Hi. "'~igh?
,\. I m ~)' h~,'c !.1 it! 30 pIlL1nd~ d id I'.'
Q. Th at 1$ whal you sn id, I. thlll ~lil1 th ~ n~~wcr. 30 p(>\mt! !

,\. I, weil. I d id n', w~i!;h an)" or ,hem , inCl:.

Q. SO. "'c will say il ;~ llOOut ~O pound ., fair enough"
.\. iNo ftl poMC.)
COMMENT: a,. allemll1in& 10 CU~ vthiIl his p"or 1~limonv was.
I~ e wilnc~~ ap~ars Ie ~ave rest fa;l!! in his OW l) ability 10 give aCtu·
r~le Iri. l lu tilll CK1Y. Til ls impai r,; \lI D credibil ity 01 both Mis tri al lesti ·
mon1 ~nd hi'; 1IcpositiCK1 les limo-ny.

§ 1~.09 Wil ........~· 1..0<':1.11,1) ,\ 1 'nn l~ .. , ,\ ttidUI

Q. Now. Be ing do ....·n 10 Deccmh<;;r 2n d, 19." 'lI<'eili~any

300ul I I :40 ,U I.. whcn som Clhhlg h~P !ICnl'd IC) Mr. K1I1'\:I,, ;
3m I can CCI. 'i r. Ih:ll 3t tha i li me. 3\ Ih~ 1 1C)(';Ilinn abou l
11:40 in Ihe morning or Dcc\:mbcr 2. I? .. you "ere nOl
on the r.rlh Iloor?
,\. Till!" right. ~'~,.
Q. Whit ll floor wc ,~ )'00 e n'.'
.\ . I Ihink I d the n;nlh, or somelh ing like Ihm .
CO MM ENT: Coun~ l le~po~ d. in D I,lentl etrulnly fashio ~ 10 the wil·
ness' despefale search 10' answe'~. 1\ is apP3,ent th.'lt the witness;'
tlying Ie tes tily 00\\0 Ih~ t, u11'1 of , .... m:otler. but to ",hoIl .... f£<!ls
tie s ll ool~ be sayi ng.
Q. No,,". Mr. Mlr1i n. when ! u~k ~'"u qu e" ion., ir ~'OU do~'1
m ind . fa ille r t h~ n U )' ~ I Ihin k I ~id •.• " - whit .. i, the
oth~r tes timony_ ju. t gh'~ uS your bo."lIl anS""" 1 "~1 yllu
rcmcn lhc r now ~ nd tot!ay.
•\ . Well. I thin~ ..... hlte '·cT ~n ~ ..·t" can I ,I " ~ )"ou-
Q. I am sayi n~, r~l h~ r t b~ n :.:1)' thai I saill ~~nd·su. jusl 1,,11
uS wllm your an sw er ;, will\(lut prcr:l<:ing i( ..... ilh. I Ihin~ I
",it! suc h ·~n d-s uch,
/I.. WeU. I s;rid ! d On'\ l:00"·. T"ell )'OU bave \0 rdel 10 that.
I IS.09

TII~ C(lI!Rt, You CJn ~ly, in~lc~d of SlI)'ing I th ink L !>:lid. I

Ih ink it i~ llIe n inth.
COMMENT: Celunsel nO'" ~ the wilntss lei boIslef his 0VIfl pl.l;n.
mrs tc sllmooy.
Q. Yoo.o would s.."e Mr. K~p!an on thll jl;lb nn D",cnl\xr 2n d,
und befor~ tna! dale. you did nOl"/
,\. Oh, 1 h~"c, )\".
Q. Ami by who nl wu Itc ~ ",p!oycd. to )'our knowl"dg~?
A. I b(:lie"c il .....1.\ fbn"': IY.
Q. And Ihe)' w~'e know n ;1$ th~ lin kn ockers; is Ih3t nthl?
A. Thnt i~ righl .
M ~. QIJHLl~: AI lh i' liIM, YOUI Uono r, I wtluld c:l1I for the
produc tion or the ~Grecmcn", the COnllnc!! 1X:lwcen J~mc!
Dr:>dky and AI"ord and Swift.
M~. I«)lH:HT!: I ha,'C no obje~tion 10 ~'oll r lI~i ng til .. ropy and
I wi lli ry to prodUCt; th. o rigin31. And I hOp\: I C311 b)' l om c-
lime to morrow.
M~. OVHU: ~: AI! righ t.
1,,~ COVill': VCI')' ...-cll.
M~. QUtl_I.U: 1\1 Ihis lim e. with tht IIn(k rlland in. lh:u the re
w ill be ,umlilutioni or
Ih" original. w~ subm it ou r CO DY n5
Plain ti ff, (!~hib!t in c\"it!c n<-e.
Tur, C(lURT, Show it 10 coun~cI .
M ... ROtIE\l.T~: As I ""y. "~thou\ going through ~11111~e glCl un d.
!"<'c Siowd lC1 save the court's ti l11c_
Tilt Coolin Righi.
COMMENT: Cross eQ ... I.... lion is ;)g~;n used 10 ob!~ i n d~eument~
fm the direct case, Cou nsel went 011 to mark two more docuntents
ill evidenu using thl! ..amI! plOCe(Iu,e.
Q. Mr. Mnrtin. ant I correo.1. si r. Ihat die Flnnnc!,}" nW" hmJ
bc~n"olkina on Ihe fifth floor o r Ihat lmildjllit ror ubuUI
three 01 rou l ,,·~cu bdmc I>«eml><:r 2. 19.. ?
.\. Yes.
Q. No ..... were Y(l u on Ihe fifth flopr of that buildin£ on th e
mo ln i"!: or t:kc~ ",ber 2, 11).. bdOft 11;.\0 0\).1. wh.'11
sonlcthing h3ppcned In Mr. Kapl~ n?

§ 15.10

,\ . I " "liS th ere bdorc I 1:~O . )·cs.

Q. And. is 'I pos~ib!e lh l you m~)" ha ve p3~s~d in 1)IC "ici ni l~'
of th e mac hine rooOl c-:trly Iha! momin!;?
A. I did .
MR . ROrll:u1-: 1 Objct1 lo ~i. !I po5sibl e."
T" a Cot:u- Yes.. Au him . did YO\l7
Obje<: li on '\I~l ained .
Q. I will refer 10 Ille ~c'lim on)" of Marcil 4 . 1'1.•. Did yotl l:i~c
th;~ an,Wl:r 10 t hi ~ q ue'tin n on pasc 18, lin~ I~ :
wQ. Il a (f )"011 been an)'whef, in ~hc ,iein ity of ~hc nmchill c
"". I pa~scd il pos~i hly."
CDMMENT: Thu s. by form ula1ina his auest ion II sing the e..."c! word !
of tile df1)QSilie n an~",~. cou""el has otwialed ... ny objecllons to t~e
h;" fIr Of th~ que5Ii~n. FlirUlor"lC>ro, it makes boll, til e wil n~l$ i lld the
opposins. I llomey appear tiiie~ lot prot~ting a s ta lemOilI !h.:It u.ed
the wiln. 5" . 'Jet Wo rd ,.
Q. Did you Ui," lhat an~""Cr 10 that qu esli tm.
A. I co uld $., y pO!>,i\lly again.
Q. 1nM is 11'1: aOs",.:r )'011 ga"" fight?
1\. (1'; " rC_'J >O llw.)

§ ' S. IO COlll~IS .. llh " lllnllIT

Q. No,,", wben )'ou p3ss..od Ih • •e Ihal mornin,. IKfon: ' 1;40
H I.. a m I coneel Ihal you "'''' a plan k hold ing up a duct
a nd )"o u » .... Mr. J("plan an d ~n other man wo rking?
,\. (did .
Q. /1m I '(lrre.t sir tha i ~ou d idn' t l:1lk 10 tb~m 31 thai time?
A. I don 't n:m.nlller. I do n'l rcc~ll th ~t.
Q. Did )"ou 5~y
anythin£ to Ihem ;11 lha l ti me?
A. I <lO'I't .emll if I <lid.
Q. ~h. ~brl i n . " 'C'
were Ililki ng about Ih~ li me of O"'n:n1b<:r 2.
19 . . wh o" you wcre Ih • •" early in Ih. m(llninG a M yn u .., ,,.
(I pl~ nk hol<ling up a duct and you !.oW. Mr. Kap lan and
anolbcr mall ,,·or\;.ing. Did you "'Y anYlhi ns 10 them?
§ 15.10

MM. Bn'u : If Ihe rollrl fllc:l~. I obj~'(( H) ( hi ~ form of QU ~~­

(i an lng. Thi s i~ d ;rc~t testim ony b~' Mr. Queller. It !~ lIis ..... il_
ness. !-Ie is Nading ~ ~\aletllcnl an-d Ih~ wi ln= ~ 103yinS. yols
or no. And Ihal is 110( ptOper d i r~"Ct.
Tilt! COlin, Ir )'ou 110n'( mind-
"l~ . n n'I'~: 1 ! U~e SI he put ~ ..... ay Ihe <Iocumtm. If II,e U'; lrI<"$S
h3! 110 ;nooltocnoknl -
r llf. O ":n , You ha.·c )'our rc med)· . but qucsli on 1hc ..... illleS!.
MK. Q [j J~.u:w; ! ~ m !~a<l ing f. o m my notes, Your I lon<lf.
MM. B,":-<~K: This is an ERT. Arc Lhey nOl e! of:tn e nT~
Tl!~ Cm.u M \; him dir.."(1 queslion.s..

Q. My 111l~!ion is. d id you lay anyd!;n£: 10 hinl "'lwn you

pal"'''' him?
A. I don 'l rccat\.
Q. O n !he day ~fo fe, December I, 19... h3d yo u hull in 1m:
vicinily or 11l~ 1 mx hine (10m !lll,o?
A. 1 don'l feme'n bc •.
Q. Do ycu rc mcmb<!r sedng Mr, K~pb n an d son,conc c1r.c
lakin~ down w mc dU~1 ,,"GI l; on lhe <IJY befGre. o n Ih" <I~y
IIdo le. 11...1 is ne~'Cffil!cr 1. 19 .• ?
,\, 1 don'( recall .
Q. Goins ~ga in 10 }'our 10SI;mCn)' cf March 4, 19, .• dn )'1.111
ft mtmb(. t"'i,,!; Ihere an.'.....c fS 10 Illere qUll$li(lns Gn P.1l~
19. liN: 7:
"Q. Ibd )'0\,1 bc~n Ihere \he Il ly hc rore. (>n :o.l ondar .
Dc ~cmbe r I, 19. . T'
H" . ' ,,"o ukl So3 r. ~..,.,:
- Q. ,\I 1n), lin'" 111.'1 dar h.d you becn in the "itin ily of
Wh~l h'ld been :\ m ~chi nc . oom Ihat )'0\1 had bI.'(n
.crerrin, IO'!-
"A. )'<1.."

"Q. W ill ~ou I.U II J whal )'01\ ~ ....' 01\ l). cL· mber !. 19 .. in
thai m~lIr
" A. Well. 1 So3W Mr. Kapl3!! ~ nll '«Ioucon. d5C lak ing
dewn duel wark ,"
...... ,~ . ,
\ S-l J * U.IO

Q. Di~ }'OU sive Iho'" a!llo"'~ ' ~?

A. Ye!..
Q. Did ~'OU r.:I)' an)'Ih i n~
\0 Mr. Kap!~n a nd Ihe ma n when rOIl
rkI'" thent m~jng down (lie duCI ",ork on Decembe. 1 or
Decc.n \lcr 2. \9 , .?
A. No.
Q. Were the re a ny p~n of lhe "",11'1 of Ihe o ld mach in" room
SliI! up on Dcceml><: r t o:>r Decembe r 2. 19 .. ?
A. I don't remember.
Q. No w. whel\! was thi s I';~CC of plan~ ....,hich wa~ hDltl in\: up
the d uet o n OcI.'l:mbcr 2. 19.. lhal you rkI'" Ih~1 mom i.,,:.:
whele " 1:1$ ;1 localn!; where ,,~ il .... ~ccd?
,'. Ulldern c:uh onc side of Ihe duct .
Q. all Deccml>l:r 2. when )'OU saw tl\<ll I'bllk undcrnc:llh the
dUCL d ill ),O U :;cc any one p lace il in thai po,ilion?
A, No.
Q. Wm; Ihe s~mc
method Ihal was u!.I:d on Ocrnnbt.., I a nd
Dccem~er 2.
was that the !o.1 mc meth oll Ihm was u,ell 111
romo" illS tile duct all th e w~y through tha t job'!
/li N. R(l~!)I1~~ Objl"ction.

Tu[ COllllT: If he kno"'"

MM. RoIJ ~lfr5: "Ie haslI '! Ht~bl ;5h cd a foundalion, YOl/r ,"" mor •
•hat II!! 1:1....... he manner in ...'h id. it was rem<l v~d on the ~nd Ilr
the 1st. All h~ t~stil'i"d lhat h~ sa ........ a! a duct with a plank un·
<k:r it.
TII[ Coun : All righ l. No. h~ i ~ m;J.:i ng. "'hen he !.1'" that h•.',
fo re.
Q. Tlw:: . ame me.hod.
),11<. ROlij: ~T S: lie 5aid. the same method of n:mo,',]I, Your
J lonor. Th3t i~ why I obj\.'t:\ed .
Mil. Qo:uUI\: I " 'ill n:l'hr01.W it.
Tilt C OO1Hl, j'!.'lI."'.
Q. I-lad you s~cn duct rcnl O"'ll on Dcc~rn be r I and !'!
,\. I don 't Te member dat~ s. but I Ilad ,e"11 d,lcts rerno'·cd .

§ IS.l I

Q. And. h~d )'ou seen plank< under th. duels on other

occasions similJr to whm ),ou had ,~en on Doc~mbcr I?
A. All the way through.
Q. And Dec~mher 2. We arc t:llking onl)' ~OOLll a plank tltat
you saw nn December I and De,'ember 2. 19 .. placed in
the Same mann~r nn those day. as you hml ~ecn tltem
under ducts On prior occa~ions.
A. I can't remember.
Q. Page 25 of the testimony of March 4. 19 ..• line 19. Did
you give tlti. ~nswer to tltis question:
~Q. When, for th. first time. had you f\(lticed thaI rbnk
undcrncmh tlte duct?""
"A. The same method had been used a1\ the way thro\,gh
the jo;>h."
Q. Did }'OU gi,'c Ihat an","r"!
A. If I said that. that is right.
COMMENT: The witness is [10W testifying to hi, own credibility at the
prior deposition.

§ IS.11 Monner of RcntO\'ing Debris

Q. :-low. ,ir. was th. preliminary work required to be
completed by Bradloy's men before Bradley called in J.J.
Flannery's people to take down the old wnrk'!
A. In snme cases. )'CS; in other cn~es, no.
Q. And. will ynu tell us, in those ca~el whcre Bradley's mon
were rCl!uired to do;> work bcfo;>rc lhey called in tbe Fbnncry
mcn. what were thc)" required to do?
A. Take down panitions.
Q. Anything otle?
A. And dean up debris.
Q. Wcre the)" al~o required to sometimes take down Ihe
ceiling' where the dtlets wcre?
A. True, yes.
Q. And the debris from the ceilings and with walls. is lhal
§ \5.11

.\ . Yes, lh~1 i~ righI , You r~",indeoJ me.

Q. And. ~ir. ho".. frequently "'lIl il T"! lIim l 'h~1 Ilr.ldky·~ 111m
f~m o,·c lhe din ?
Mil. ROOflilT. I obj~~1 10 Ihe form of the ql1c~l\on.
Q. To your ~oo"iwgt.
!\.'It. Ro.llII7S: No, no, 1 ,"bjcc! 10 Ih~ form of Ihe (11l"llion on
· fcClu ircd.~ Would You r n onor lk.'lIf me on Lhil'? ,\n: "'e talk-
ins about requirnl by ronlr.ICl: are "'·c talking ~bO Ul required
b>' h,m l\~ ~ u""r or Ihe Job?
Mit. Ql!l:a~M: 1 wilt la\~ :1110111 him firs\.
Q. lI.e<luircd by you: how oflcn wen: they required 10 " mo ...:
tht deh. is?
A. Well, tliey h3d clIOllib lo-wllen lhe)' Il:l d "noug!> dCbri5 \0
li U lhe C1>, rubbi~l contai ners,
Q. An d how o!'ten ",~ ! IIIU) done?
/- -., . A. 1 bel; your JlJ,don'!
Q. Ilo w onen was the debri s c1~l\noo w lhe p13ce WO\Ild be
nlud<: a'"tIi bblc for other COnl r:lC1Of1?
A. " pproA i nl~ lcly " rouplc (If lim~'S II d~,', d~(1C"di"g upon the
~m o unt o r men I ha<l workins.

Q. ,'m I eOf.eel .•if. it W~$ re(lui rcd to be clcno ~ <I c"cry Ii,),?
,\. /'1m ncccs$aril)' so.
MR. ROIl f.RT'r. Are )'ou <II k;nl: lhal be requ ired"
M il. Qo(u a: Yt$. \\'3$ il requ ired 10 he cI~ln~<I ~"ery <la," !
TUL WITl'E"lo' Not nCCC'S,"" rily.
Q. Wdl, ...,.~ ~ ;1 clcJned ~"'Cfy <la)'?
,\ . Th:ll l <100'1 rcnlembcr.
MM . R()I!I"~TS: 1 Uon 'l kl10w wh r -
MM. Qt:ULU : He "'1ill, ~I don'l rctTl\:nlbcr,~ You. Hotior. i'lc
~ nswe.ed. 11: ~ ill. he doc", '! femember .
M... ROIIlIl·rs.: 1 dOI1'\ understand lhe <Iu"stion, ami I have 10
obj,cl 10 \h~ qU C'S lio n.
Q, Wn5 il clcnned ~"er}' d~),?
Th e dcb.i$ c,":>IIcd evc'y dar'1ls )'Dur ans"",r, Ihal you don't

i ' ~, ' l
A, I don', rcm~ ",b<.'r,

Q, Do yo~ reme mber now, the t~,timon)' give n thr<'C w<'Ch

~&O onCkIOOC( 5, 19.• "'hcn yo~ """'" under oot lt o nly
three week s "go on p~&C II. linc 14. Dill l'n~ give Ih i~
~ n~w" l!tr\,<;: w(ek.. ;W:. !<> I hj~ QlIC$lion:

RQ. Wm thaI lIeh ris removed w th~t Ihe place "'JS made
3\"a iL,ble for ot her co nllactlm?"'
"A "" cr)' day il ",:IS , 1.<!Iled."
Q. Did )'ou g;'·c that an~"'C l1
,\ . Well. ir! r,., id l!\;ol. !h~\ is ril\JH,
Q. Then the neM q~c~lion:
~Q. Who d id Ih~l?"
"A. The l oh<m:r~ employed by Jnn les B,,,dlc)' & Son ,"
Q. Did >'ou ~i,'c th l l 'I n ~\\"e r?
A. Thl l is risln. Ih~\"1 rish t. )'oo',e r;;hl.
COMMENT: Tlli $ $e ri~ us ly im pai rs th wil ness ' cr&dibility, since t~
prior depoSition W.1' givtn only three weel<s boelorc tri~l. ~n d Inc wil·
ness' o nsw~ ch~ng..o GO this very i", p~rlan' lact avor ' " at s hOtI pe! ~
ad 01 time.

§ 15,11 1)~llri" WII' sun IIcinc I{cmored ,\\ 'I1nle "r ,\<."id~nl

Q. Si r. \\'~rc anr " -:'Ilk bcin~ dcmoli111\'tI on Lle«mm:r. ally

"'all$ bcinS <km oli.hed ~nY"'h"TL' On th e fifth l10nr on
D.:ccmber 2. 19. , ?
.\, I don't r<"~ II .
Q, Do yo~ reme mber giving these ani we" thrcc w,'<:h a~o
undel OiIl h o n (k1uhcf 5. 19, . '! Page 18. line 22:
MQ. Can YOU lell us willt walls wcr~ ileitiS d c nHlli,h~!\ nn
t!>at d:t~·. Dc(\'1TIbo:, 2. 19 , .. 0 11 Ih~ fim. floor. if )·ou
~n o ... ~"
~,' . On I "~t p.;In"ubr da.y. Ih er" ""ere no "·all. hcing
dc nmli ~h ed.·

Q. Did you p"c th~ t ~ru.wc.7

,\. Tllal's the rj~.llt !Hl<\wr.
IS- 27

Q. Am I ~orrCCI. ~Ir. on D~C~ l11her 2. 19." 11(1 ..... ,,11, ""r,'

bi.: '~ & oc",oI,sh~d tlO Ihe fi r,h IlOOT?
,\ . 1 n n'! Il"ttlcm*f a.ny1hins mor e Ih;) o Ihe le,!,n",,,}' Iha ! 1
r.a,'c ),(111 before,
Q, ,\no , isn' l il :I b", Ihm Ih,' "'3U" in I II~ im mcdiale " irinily
or th e m Ill " 001 "Wt' <1<:01 01,&1100711 \'<Iuld "" ''''(I (I'
dny, be(ore Docember 2, 19 .. ?
~'I M, R"U(K1S: L'nl<'!;~ I a m n1i Sl n ~Cn, Ynur IlonoT. I lhink I a m
pl" ly dnr about Ihll-. lhe " -;UICS' " -a, ~sl:."o aho UI Ih it and he
s~id NO" clnbol, Ihe b.gin!\ill~ "f NO" cm hcI, Cou mcl (,,(,J
fro nl h; ~ IcSli mon)' ami he .aid Ihe Ilcgilln inr, of r-:o'·cmll~t.
M ~ . Qo.; ELlU: I-I ~ '>'l id duri ng :..J,,'·embcr or 1'1,. , J a m If}'; n~
I" I)in il UoW" wilh a liltle nJ Oi'C ' Decificily,
TH E C"':KI , lie 111" )' :!n""er.
M~, Qc[uu: I d O"" h~" e 1h. a n,,,'.'. C""III " '" ha~e !I."
illl<:.<lion ,~... d hack 1<> III" wilm"5S, You r ""lIo r, pkasc?
T)l O: Cm.IK1' I'l~~~c r~;,d it ha,'k,
(The I:l.'iI ' I!l CS li lln "'~~ re"d b3~~ hy Ih( f~1N"lc,.1
A. I dull"~ rClllc'mbcr Ih at.
Q. I",,, s,olrlg 10 "'ad again fmlll yo~r ICSl ;mon )' three W""~~
;'£0. Mr. II larl;n. I'~sc 1 ~,linc 5.
-Q. l1ad they b ""11 d<'mulilhi,,!: in Ih ~t 11IIII1OO'l tC " iei n; !),
011 tile fifth floor oil Ihe da)' b... t"tlfC'r
"A. II could )I~"e lx-":Il 1"11, l hre~ ,I ay~ ""rorl.'. I ;1111 1101
Q, Did )'011 g;\'C tim ""~,,cr'!
,\, Yes, lli al so unds righ l. poS,ibly y,"5.
COMMENT; Tt,e ,"lilncn hai bc<ln I. ~ by M iJpproM"l.1tiQn 10 .1.)11.'
on o of th<! ~ !y r" CltJ ~ 1 p,en.i,cs 01 the ca le. that th ~re wa, <!enl oli ·
tian 0" Ihe MIll floor very s t'e>rlly bo folc 11'0 ,"" ide ,,!. Tilus. !I,e ,1p'
1JI001"1..,lion 0' es1imallon by the wlln cl~ ,n .. hich he Ioo" d -it ( oul\l
h~ve been' ~ntI ' I "01 not 00'1.'- has. ReoII.'!lhelrss, led h,m into 1.'lO'
taDllshin g that tt'e r:klmC)lltio" IQO~ p',cc two 0' I"'ee dJ\'S "clo,e Ille
ac cillent,
Q. Sir, is,,', il " I':OC I , ha l (In n.."lXmh,)r 1. 19 .. bl.-ron:
I1oolll ;"l C. lI' adk~." lIlen "'e le sll1I dc~nill/l up ;\ Il d
'e1l10"in& dcbri~ r"'l11 Ihe lifth nom? I ~"'I lb ~1 \I 1:,Ct'!
", . "'.,. . ,,
I 15.13

,\ . I do,,', r~nloembt"

Q. 00 )'0 11 I~ m"nlber lxins ~,ked Ihi s qU<:"lion 'hle~ "'"rh

"Q, Mr, ;>O tani" , on o.."CCIIl\)er 2. 19. , be(OIC noonli m ~,
was "r.tdt~y l nd Son by II,,:;. emplo~~s eteani ng u p
~nd lerno" iug tkbris frol11 the li flh fl oo r?-
"A. Y~'."

Q. [)Q )'ou remember r.i'·ing thai ltlS ....W 10 thai questi on?
,\ , If t Jl3~" 1h:11 a" s"'CT, iI's righi ,
Q, And i,n'l il a fact lha l il wa, whi le Ihe I.J . r:!a nn~I)' mell
wcr. working Ih ere o n Decemher 2. 19.. before noomimc
IM l lhe nr"dloy' ~ nl en ,,'e'c 5l.i!ll\:mo~ing debris.: iSII'I Ih:!1
:J r~ ,,?
TII~ Ct>tt. 1: Did ),ou 1,(3r Ih" qu el li on1
TII [ W"",:." ! heard th e que,lion, hUI I can', r~mc mber, 1
don', rememhe, if !_if Ih" l is a fact. or nOl, bCC:III SC I "'al up·
Main. like I had wd bo.:fOJ'c,
Q, I' m going 10 ,,,,,d Ihe a nSWtr yOu j::Ive 10 the fo llo" 'inr:
queSli on three "'eek, ago, and Id! lIle if Ihat is lou r ans"'er
tod a)', rJgc 18 of Ih e ICll imony ofOclOhcr 5, 19. , , line t 9:
"Q. Sir. " hile the defen dant U . A:umcry. lne . ... ·".e[hen:;,
r(>U !-:I'" your mtn .......c rernOl'ing debr is."
"A. y.'S."
Q. Ditl you gi ve Ih~1 a~s ..... ~ , 10 tbal ' HE CSlion? Did )'OU ~1Y Ill at
thr<:c ..... te),:5 a!:O'!
,\, P",~ihil il )'. I d id ,

§ 15.13 \\'iln~s ~ Directed P I ~i ntirr, Emn lo)·. , In Work in Arcn

Q. And, ~i ., yo u WC1"C the o ne, I"'.wnall )·, ..... hn ('~lled the J,I.
A 3nner), men in 10 do Ihe dun " "Orl: in Ih~ 1 bu ildi ng; i' '' '1
Ih~t " r~cr!
,\. Yes, 1 c" llc d Ihem In. I ,all.d Ih ~ i r "lIiee.
Q. You did, ri&ht?
A. " e_~,

..... """",, ',,


.\ . Tloat"s riplll.
Q. .'\nd .... ~ 11 )'011. IlCrson:llly. who direct .... ~ 'r. K"pl~n ~ nd
tile mher Ol JU Flom IJ . Fla nnery to r~mo\'~ tilt dllCl ,,"o.k
in Ih. "ct")' ,1I'\:" or
Ihe n\d mnchine roo", Oil th,\ ti l1 h noor
on O"ccmbcr 2. 19 .. hcforc noon li me?
A. The on ly one' Ihnt I save ~!\y direct ion< to w,m ld be- l1i~
rorcm~ n ,

Q. The forCn1.llI?
.\. I ~a,'~ tlt~ forem an dir~ctio"" 1 gaw the foreman
dircclioM. hU I ;1 waSIl'1 nctt!>!O~ry on ~ n)" I'.m icl, lur da)'.
bUI he kne .... ,,'1131 he "...". Iloing.
Q. Tile mller man w,' Io"w been lalking "boul. Ih:1I w::as Ih.:
rorcm:",. "-~sn'l it?
,\ . T ile foreman, rc'.
Q. M)' 'Iue lli oo j, ; on I) occm(,." 2. 19 . . . ",lorn lilt)· "'e'~
rcm"" ins du'l ,,"ork Ihalltlum ing heFo rc noonlimc, "w~ n' l
you the o n~ wno din:C1~d him 10 rCIllO"c Inal ,lu CI wluk r(l
lhal loc ~t jo n'!
A. Possibly':' "ouple of Ila)'s befme Ihnt. 1 di,ln'l go 10 him
c"cl'}' p.mku lar d~)'. lie knows a plan whi ch h~ s 1(\ 1"",~d.

Q. [lUI whal e" cr d;I\' il \\'ai. you di'cClcd him l<J f~"' O \" il al
l h ~1III(U lion, i~ Ib:1I rigln?
:'111. Roa~II U; I obj"~1 10 lite QII\,'1>I;OIl.
TII~ WU;SL'S- NOI ncc..~rily.
Tllr. C,·" '.l: Obj.'Cliun ..... ainm.
Q. T llrcc ,,-.:ch "j!Q. d id you gi'"e this a ils""", u n I'Ji'~ ~.;. l i<1~
"Q. Tl>i~ ,hl~l work Ihal Ihe men "'.re ,'nS:L~cd i"
f~mo" i nl!- on the lifth nOOf, is thai "hcI\' you dir"clcd
Ihem to fcmo"c Ihe d"cI work'?"
"A I (i~hl."

Q, Di,1 )"LlU ~ i" c Ihos.c "m"·"" 10 Iho~c ql.e"j"nl"!

A. 11 !!\;IY b.:ri~ht. 11 cou ld hu,'c been 1\\'0 or I)m:c ,I")~ prior
10 thol\. bill 1I,e)' ln e,v.
"~,, ...,
f ' ~. ' 3 1'_JI)

Q. You told Illem 10 ~o imo thll nr~3 wl\cne "c, il ... ~ rOil
A. :.101 A<.,«s~,ti h· . T hey kilO"', from n !linn whe re III go.
M ~. QI;ru(lc I h3,'e 110 fll llher qw~ions.

COMMENT: Th~s, Ihls w iln~$ r~pMledly t;(Inlradi(led h" !)<ior de·

posit"'n to ,jimnllY. Each tim e he v.J"ied Irro! jh ~ aOp05ilinn tesllmo-
n~ . whe lher by conlrndic\I"II. equivocating or quali !y;nlt ~ pri01 an·
swer, lIl e dc"asiticil w~s read ,
T h~ cyu iveMss and dece it of th e wit lless cOfl ies ev", til (au~ tn.,.
jUlY 10 doubt ~rythl"R I"" ..... Inon s~ ys. ami for 11,"1 mallcr, Ih o
crellibilily 01 tnc dc l~d"nt's t ..\i(f (a!.C.'.
Coumol lo r Ihe ~I.intilf broug,hl Q.III the I.J,Y0<3hJo facts ,,&~inst tlte
defe ndant, especl3tly tlla! Ihc defen dant eencr"t co nt ractor did h.l\'~
control and dllcctlc n Ilvcr the ",(Uk III the w b(ont,,,ctar.
n, rcullh IIIis _oy ",i' neu fo r t~ delcns(l, l:Oullse! hu esl~blis hed
the ~e y eleme ms of the c ~se, Su ch J dcmonwalkln 01 I~ dol.n ,
d<ln!'s wa~~ l\e!oS~ ' "t the ou t~1 01 1h~ "1:11 c.", .... t I~ tOM for Ih~
onli' o tri~l , 01 m~y ~ompt all aarl~ ~eltlem. "L
By $u!)poen~inlllli ~ ~ere ndant' $ key witr1OS~, Ihe pJ.aintif! h~~ cNcn
the jury D negatIVe lim impocw..;on Dr thQ <klf ~dl nn CMQ, II lil a
witnc5s had been calred by HID delel\~e inslead. his Clklnt Q51l1 nl3~'
illt: a lilVllt,}ble first im ~e~~;on y,'ould h •• e bee n srealer, a nd th o
cr"ss ex.arninCf wl)tlld ha.e 10 few;o, ,,,, tlklt lO\\lora blo int~r es~;Q" ,


§ 16,11 1

.\'I"" lIIilq <>f Hmit' 1:1I~1.' 1II11/11I/",i/'lfiO'T Remark.!

Thi. ~3S~
conce rns n colli sion b~twccn n c;lr ~lId it bus at a major
intcrs~c l ion, Tite ~lI1omobile in quellion hatl o"cnnkcll a t:I~i pri-
or 10 Cn!~rinllthe inlcrscClion, ... here it co llided wilh the bll S,
Mr, Mill e. ,cpr<.-stntcd Ihe pl~ i nlilr, who wa. 3 jll)!s,"'~cr in !I'e
vebicle Ib~l coll ided .... ilb Ibe bus, ·n.e dri.w of Ihe plaimiff s nr,
as " '.:11 as lhe pb imi rr. had !xcn 10 (In ,,1I. nighl "",ty.
3nd lI>1:r
. . ."e on Iheir w:iI)' home ,,"hm Ihe ~ccidcnl occurred "I 7;00 iO\ Ihe
mo,ni ns. Du e 10 in1dequ31c inl u'3n ce on Ihe pml of Ihe rlriwr (If
the car, the plnimirfbroughl in the bus conll,a ny a~ a dcrcnd~ nl.
The cr05& enm ion lion Ihat follow s 15 tl,a l of Ihe taxi driH' WilD
hud bte o (I"cn~ken by the automobile, J Ie provided ,m e~c,,'ilne!5
a~collnl of the c"cnts of Ihc coll ;~ i c lI , including thc spo:-.:d of Ihe
"chic~~ ;11 Ihc~' cnlcr~d Ih. intc.S\.'(\ic n.

The eyC'o'·itn .... ; n;liall~' £iI" ~ :0 ~l ~lem~'1l 1 Ihm Ihe bUI IIrke'
";. 011 Ih' OII&1. lI.e intc.!lCClion >~!j fasi. h ... :lflet' ~pc;tk; n& .... ith lh,
dor",,~ :lllorOltj-·S. cMnged hi. I ~Mimonf at tr<.:ll and :.aid 1""'1 Ihe
b\l~ IO'A$ to in s 3t a nnrM'~1 !pt:cd. H~ ~ I~n cha nged his aa:o unt of
Ihe ![lCcd or the "~r Ilmt WJ j eM!),i os Ih. plaintiff ane. 113"in~
ori8inail)' Mate d to IlOlice tha [ il W3~ trJvclins aI 80 milc~ pcr hour.
AI Irial the wil nc~s ~tmed [h,,[ the ca r w~~ lTaveling al 50 IC fjO
mil es [lCr hou •.
Mr. Miller in Ih is cruss cxam ;n3liClI dCmQnSlr:u~ the rJ.ill ful
uso: of 1,,10, " 'rincn Iialemonll for the I"'1"fI05C of imllcao;h inS Ihe
eICd ibilltr of the "; h~... The wltnc~ i.s ....'ry"Weni..-c in Iryinl>
10 C" a~c coun JCr~ cru •• "-""mioatiOn , Mr. ~lillCT dem on "' ~ R'l. . .." .•
em! lethn iqu cs for kccI,ing a wil neu "'ith;n Ihe narTC'" bo unds of
the crCIS c~omin3!ion. J Ie Jiso rC"c nls the u~ of em" cnmil\~llon
[0 co ml1nm icatt i ndirccII~' lC th e jury Ih~t a W;IOO%;S ",'a5i>'. :l nd
di.honest. In fact. it ultimatel)' il[l!lCarcd n~ if Ihe witn ess W(t~ U}'-
ing In SCI n job wilh l),e bus tomIl-1")' by assi~tins their mIOrn~)'.

§ L6.l11 COlIllnLL1iu\: \\1In tss to l ·l·>!I.'GnY '" to SI"K'II

Q. ~1r. So~·. rCO .;lid in ;lnS....( ( 10 Mr. 8akc.'~ q"""lion. II'3t

Ihe ear " ':I>; &<ling "buUI $0 10 60 m iles "n hour'!
A. VI:'lo.
Q. Wa~n'l it faller titan Ilun'!
§ 16.01

SII""""'." of /J,,,,j,' ,.-"tlell fUId {/UTi/dum"J' R"IIur,k>

Thi s ~a~e ~'mcern! "
colli $;OI1 b~lwc~n a Car and a bu s m :I major
inlcrs~cr ; on .
The automobile in que~lin!1 had o,wlnkcn a ra~i prl.
or In ~mcrinll lhc inlCrscclion , "h~re il collided wilh the bu s.
Mr. ~1illn re rm:~l1Ied Ihe pla imi tr. who "-J' a Jl'I5SCn~~r in rh e
"chich: Ihal collided wilh Ihe bus, The \ltiw r of the plaim iff s ~~r,
as well n lhe plaintiff, ba\l bo-<:n to an :all· nishl p:lrl)', and tlll.')·
were o n thvir " '3.)' hom ~ when Ihe u cidcOl occurr~-d at 1;00 in Ille
nmrnin!:. Due 10 in ~dcqualC in lUrJ nCe on the pnrt of \h~ drh 'cr (If
the c~r, Ihe Il l:li in rhe bus compa n)" as a ddcnd ant .
Th e cro~~ cxam inarion that foilowl is thaI o r li]e l:\~i dri,'cr wl]o
ha d b.I~n overt aken by the aut omobil e. ! Ie pro"ided an c)" c \\"i tn c~l
account of Ihc e"enIS of the co tl i5;0 I1 , inclulli ng th e s[X:cd of the
vci]icln :IS Ihe)" ~nlcr~d the intcn.:~l ion.
'r he ~yc..-i lnn~ in itially g,,~e ~ S1!"~ mCnl Ihal Ihe bp~ drl"'ct
..-enl through Ihe in lc-rscc1 ion '""I)' (~~l. hul :trier spc"ki nlol " ';Ib Ih~
defen", 311 0'n...~~ cha"l:W h;~ I<~i n' on)' 31 Inal 3nd sai'" thaI the
bus was eol ne nt n nornml $p<:t'<I. H e ~ I >o dlangc<l. his aCOOlll"lt of
th e spo.'Cd of th . C~r Illm wns c:t t l)'ing Ihe pla inli ff af\er having
origin al\)' s l ~ tcd 10 potice Ihal ;t ..-ns Ira"ding at 80 mik!s pcr hou r.
At Irial th e "' imess staled Ih a\ th~ C!1t ,,"as Ira,'clin g a1 SO to (,ij
mil es pcr hour.
~h. MilLer in this cX3111in:u ion d cmnMlral es IhI: skillrut
U~ of priOT w, ille n stal c m~"'ls fOf thl: purpose nf iml'l'"ching tbe
m:d ibi l;ty o r the ,,·itness. The " 'il nen is '-':1'}" aro....... i ,~ in tryi ,,\:.
tn c"ade COIUl ",I', cross c.o;a min:II'lIn. "'t.
Mi tler d<:monst ...IH s,:,'.
eml te.:h n i~u N for keep ing:l w; t"e ~ wilhi n the narro", bo" nd~ o r
the crO\l ~~~min"li" ". He alw ","c~l s Ihe usc of cron c.,~mi!l,1tinn
to ,olll mtl nic:nc indirectly \0 th e jUl)' thl " witness is cnt s i \' ~ li nd
dishon~M. In fac t. it ul!im~lcl )' a ppcnr.:t1 a~ ir th. witn e~' was t'1"
ins 10 SCI ~ job with II]e hus comp~n y b)" :misling Ih . ir a llorn~>·.

§ 16.0 . CO'Ul!littinl: \l1Inrs. co T(.\CIDlOIlf us IU SJn-d

Q, ~1'. So~', )"o" :laW iu ~ U1""er 10 Mr. R;,kcr's quotio n, Ih~1
l ile (!It """" CUin!: about 50 10 60 mik\. an hour'?
A. Yc-s..
Q. Wasn't il fn~ter than th~I'1

,"-, t l UI

,\ , Oh. I'd say I 3ppfO~imJ' cd ~I 50. 60 miles:m hour. "bat's

fa!.! .
Q. Di<.l )'0 " ~ " ~r 3P ~fl).~imal c ;\ m SO milL'S an hou(!
COMMENT: Mr_ Miller plungn directly into the hea l1 DI his crOlS C~·
,)mination, t-Ie 'eltc'ates tile wilness' coorhoom testimony in orda. te
commit tile wltne'$5 Ie it; I~ then ~(}Ceeds to usc 3 p, le. statement
in an effective af\d drama tic way.
,\, Oh, a t the lime 1 ~a,'c my account of the acci~cnt 10-
Q. Just anS,,'cr my qu es lion. sir.
COMMENT: Ill).le Ulalthll witnns h,). slaJi ed Ie Ci'< c nn ( 'planatl on ,
father ltI<1n answ..,11Il: tile Question yes O f nO. COl,ln ~ dCJoH no t POI-
mit tile explanation \0 be m~ tIe . The direct "Just a n",'e' my Qutil,o<>.
sir" implie-s M)me " ntallne'll on the part of the wilnen. The j~.Or'
~ nOl undtfsj.1nd .. ~t Ih" w~ne!.l; did lhal oon unl" I,. b~t tl>ey
win gel In! nleu;J"e hom the l. wyt'I'. In addition, since the ju~ d id
nol ' elluloe the !;Iwye" "'~'. i~ a n inlmence Ihall he comment W~~
jU~l ili.d, The UWl ot "sl" !.Il llen$ any polential al'l"',,'MCe 0' ,ud",
ntss ,
A, VO! .
Q, Did you c" cr ~ppro,\i111~IC Ihe 'l"'oJ of Ihal ca' 31 mor~
than SO to 60 ",iI~, an IlOur?
,\, Y.~,

Q, ,\1 nn)' tim~ before )'OU look Ihe §land? It i$ now Jun~,
19 .. , Th e al'1.. i d~nl ha plJCncd in Augu!! t>f 19.. , 5.l. "'~ ~rc
I~Jki nG about \""0 )'~a rs you have had 10 Ihink .11IO U\ \h i~
ca~ (it hl? Thi , xcidcnl.
COMMENT: Note ho.... smoothlv coun..... poine.. oul lhe lime inle' ....1
bciW<l<ln lilt !>Cclden, ~ml the le5timonV,
A, The re .... n nolhint: 10 Ih ink abelll.
Q, All riShl. I~ Ihil Ih~ fi m limo ),ou c,'c r ,old anyllOd )' IIi al
il w~~ SO 10 (, 0 m il~, an hou r :IS oppn ,ed 10 ~ () rn ik! ~"
,\. r-;o.
COMMENT; Oneo tI,e attorney implie, tlIa\ the will1O' S 'ccenUy
chan ged hi~ 5\O'v, tile jury will turn to the que~tiCK1 of why I,e
cI1~"ge-d his test imo ~~ . lll i~ ~eh tile scene for counsel's late,·
lion Ih"1 Iho sle, y only ( hanged .tte, the witness t.lked with the op·
pon ent's otternty.
, ~., . " ,
§ 16.02

T JI£ CO(! MT, Did you ~\"Cr sny bcror~ , did yw ever lcll
:II aU Ihal ;\ " 'iIS 110 mi!\:"lo nn ho ur?
Tu~ Wn N15-1; Ye~.

COMME"T: E>'en lhu ~Ollrt e .ple-s~s its ,nterest In 1I1is pO int 1/Ius
hi£hlighting itS ionp<l'la'K~ 10 Ihe iury.

§ If>.Ul F.,rli,... t:Stilll3t C of Cu Spc,'tI Was Acorme

Q. Were you i)'inS when YOII told whoc \'~ r ;1 was Ihal the c:lr
wa~ toin!: ~I 80 mile'S an lIour. and IIOW }'nu an~ lcllil!& lhis
ju~' u nde. <Jatlt tWt) )'cal~ '''I~r, th~ 1 il i, 0111)' goinJ) 50 to
60 milc$ an hOti.?
COMMENT: h~s !lOW placed the witness In ~ ditricuil iXlsj·
HO M. W~. he I~ing ~rox~? The ClUesllon Ihlmand. a yes Or no am.W(!f
-he IIJ"S 10 ~nswer n~.

A. Nn. 1 wasn't iyi l1J).

Q, Ynll werc n'l iyill8?
A, R ight
COMMENT: Co un~el new t.,kes the I"II!xl lagicool s\CfI. If the witn en
W<IS not [yinl:. he W<IS maki nG JIl accurate SIJt"lIIe " l. CGU"!;t>1 mO'le!.
f'o m · )'Ou vlIl/en' [ JyIl>Ir 10 "you e'llm ~led ''cI,t,· whiell nrc tw~ en·
[i,ely di ffolent 'lUe$lioltS. One I n..... er !.houk! natll/~ lly follow the ath.
IN, 101 the ""11tC'S 10 b<l woltlly of be lief.
Q. You esl ima ted il a,-cu rat cly :U Of Ilc:,r Ihe tim~ Ih:1l ;1
h~ l'Ip.:n~·{l.7

A, I ~l'Il'1fo~ im ~\ cd il . )"\.'S .

Q, You ~pl'lloxi m:.!"<J it Ih~n ~I SO mil,.. lin hmlt"!

A, YC1,
Q. Now, two )'C:lI& la ler. yo u nrc $l lIi'l& hCft - it is 1"'0 (ull
~c~rs- rl o'" yuu arc ~pprn~imatin 0 it ~ t SO \0 (.0; is \"~I
A, "lOS.

§ 16.113 Ikfcndnnl Is Ilnprk~led ,\s C,,"W ru' C.·b~ul:~ of


COMMENT: Notk;e !ilat eounsol rc emph3~ize s an imperbnl point:

what wouI(I coou~e IhI:! WI\n~~S 10 clta"Ge his .Iory two yeJ r5 ~ ft(!f the
occid en t? He IIOlS ' Keived nO new inlormation. The jury ;1 Int e< alled
1"•• "."
16_5 \\',;11.11 SlotCIH<'nl-,\ul,,"mi>il,' A«i<k'nl * 16,03

now in wl"t caused the witness to change Ilis approximation at Ulis

I~tc d~tc. Counlel ,uggell, th.llhe only new thing tilJt Ims occurred
sioee the accioont is tilat tile witness Iws II,d a ·convcrsali<.ln' with
til" d" l"ndant'. lawy"r.
Q. One of the things that's happened between tben and now is
tlmt you hnve ~ccn ~lr. Blusband.
A. No,
COMMENT: The n.tur.1 re~pon~e by a witness whose integrity is
sllddcnly cilallcnscd is to try to ·cover up, ' Tile I,wyer is talking to
the jury here. not the wilnnss, He doesn't ",peet IiIC wilness to go
~Iong willi liim, He can look straight at the jurors and address hi'
Question to til em. wittloul regard to tile answer,
Q. !'!a"c you ,ccn ~h. llla,band after or before }'ou
upproximated the car going ~I 80 mile, :In hour'! Did you
sec him before or :Iftcr?
,\. Wdl, it w:\So't 80 mile!; an bour, Whcn I was_when ! ,ccn
Police Officer Stein,
Q. :-lo, r dit]n't ~~I; you who the police officer is, Don'I
"olunteer information.
COMMENT: Tim witne~s h~s l>repared a""ali<.ln "no leolly
wants to explain llim~elf. Coun~el doo~ not and ~hould tlot give Ilim
the owortu nity to do so, Tllis shJtcGY is in keeping witll tile te.,lil."
lion Ulat if c<lUn,ol does tiel stop the wilrl<)ss. the iud~c will riot ~tep
in 10 ccnhol the witooss lor IIim, Couns~lllas the rigllt ~nd til<) power
10 lequire an .n,wer inste.d of • ,pcech,

A, I'm just telling you the Iruth,

Q. Did you ever tell all}'\><J(!Y the C:Ir wus gO\llg SO mile, an
,\, I (lit!n't s:>y "HO,"
COMMENT: Now tile witne" is bo,od in. He cannot use ilis 'e"
plalt;\tion: He decides to take " different "Dproadl,
Q, You didn't S:IY"SO"'!
A. Yes,
Q. Arc you SlIfe you Jidn't ~ay ~RO'''!

A. Yes,
COMMENT: There are two ways for tile witne~~ to get <lUI of hi, pri-
or ~talement. One, deny that he mnd~ it, S~cond. eiv" a rehearsed
5PCl'(;h. e>:pl,ilmll& wh1 he milk! the stAteme nt. The ""tne$S ha5 been
p1weniCII 11 0m gillinc his Platbt t1'd an~we, . He l he relore rO!Vf!iU 10
a b~ ~ ic pl~n _~en~ the ~ 1~l crrnmt. C"" nset h~~ a ntitlp~ t ea Ihi5 lat~.
Q. Just t~k~ ~ look :II this piece o r p~pcr.
I)tllI'j rcu(1 it to
3n)·0IlC. J ... ~t look at Ihi~ p iece Orll~pCf a nd r.1I me ",hoth . (
or not ann look ing ~t the pirco: t>f p.1po:r Ih" r I shu... yolU.
whether or nOI Ihat rcrrcshn ynu( (.-co lieClion tll31 yml lold
~omcbod)" befon.: )"ou c:lmc 10 coun today, lliat that car.
Ih~ Mu st~ng was 8010& 80 miln an ltou r?
,\ . 'don', S<."C M80Mmi l~! a n ho ur h~rc.

(,\ !>han pause " 'n had.)

A. (Conti nuing) Oh , H S.
COMMENT, COunsel wa s rc~v for the IlIsl CK<Ipe, IIrc "elqllana·
I,on." and CUI Ihal off. Then he was '~dy for lhe second f.c.. oe. lhe
den ia l. by prool>tin& thoe statement. n.ue are Ihc twc III(I!,I common
melllO<Js or el tJpe. a"d GOWlS.1 JnliGipaled ~nd c""'\l eratlod bQth
mooes or eo.sic n.
Q. Ju,t 1001;il1& a t d,~
pk« t>f P"-lI'Cr. do...s tbat refresh ~'oUl
remlketion now 1 h~1
you 10101 Io(llTW"body :I t !.oITW" ti lll': in
your li f~ tlml Ihe Muslang ""~ ~ going ~b<.,,"c HO mik:l ~n
,\. Yo •.
Q. ","ow. you "~ "" Icllinll lhc jury ''''0 )"Can. L~lc., ~O 10 60: i.
1ho t torr~~t?
,\. YC$.

Q. You SI~n~ h)' Ih• • ~t)" Of "'(ir or 'at)(w~ SO""?

,\. :-.10. I'd la)' it "':lS ~. GO mi b ~n hour.

~ IG.04 O~",)nont Coycrrrl U~ Fm,!

Q. Il!' III<: "'~ y. I didn', h... ~r M r. m:' 5b~ nd ~!\; ~'ou ) question
abo ..1 how f.lSl Ih... hll. ""a5 goina:. In a1l1he lime that )'0 ..
t al~~'<1 to him - " i thdr.. ..-B.

COMMun: C"" n,cl sWBSesls 10 Ihe jury that on direet in.ti O)ll
the d~fen ~~ Mle mplcd 10 hld~ an imporl nnt lact. He 1$ r\(lW going to
Implicate Ille del,", ,,, in ~ ( over up, sllo",11I8 Uoal they 5~ke wilh the anll Ihill legelhel. lhey de~ ,dcd 10 bury f" ~ls nbout the
spl.'«! ~f Iho ~ u s.
- ."

1 (, _ 7
i J "' ~
Q. I,tow m~n>' time'S <li ll )'OU talk JO / Bla~ban<l'!

,'. Oncc.
Q. Do )'Ott SI."" l h~ gc ntlc n'an in the back ro w?
,'. Yes.
Q. Do you kno .... who he i~ wilh? 1)0 }'Ott know who he ;1
~nociMcd willI in Ih ;, l~~'C? Wilh Ihe bu)1
••• y~

Q. Did )'OU C"c . talk 10 \rt:,l ~ntl~m~n~

A. ".:s. l 1l5.elh~r.

Q. W3~ IIlat the ()f\ly li n'c YOII ! l'Ilke to Ilk Al:Ish:md, whcn
l ite J;\:nl tem~nin the tll ck row ,... ~ ~lso plesent?
A. Ye' ,
Q. On'>' on«?

Q. I'or n haIr ~n hour?

A. Yes.
Q. Th~' "'cr~ both pre- cnt?
A. Yc~.

Q. ,\nd )'011 n~"er tJllc<lto Ih.;nl bero~. or . inro7

A. ! spoke I() hint loo a), .
Q. 'l ()w 10n!l lnd ~~' did yo u mlk 10 the ~. nt1cm~ 1\ in the ba ck
wh o is :lSl.oci aled .... ith the bU$ C()l11I)Qn),,!
A. JuS! bero.c I got into-
Q. Ok:I),. Did citll cr of Ihem e,'cr talk to y()U ~bolll the hU5
anti ",hat it " -as doing at Ih. time o( the a«"idcnt'!
A. Yes ,
Q. Whether il ...,11, j;O'n@, ~low or rU I o r medill m?
A. Y~.I ,

Q. ThC1>' d id ask you?

A. Ye.,
Q. Did ynu Icll lhcm? Just )."" o. no.
A. TcH tllem wh at?
§ 1 6.0~ 16 - ~

Q. D id you leil Mr. Iil:l!tba rul :tnd .b~ 1l<'I1"~'m~n io 11" bacl;
wh" i ~ wilh .h. bll s !,·omp:m~'. whclh~r or nOI whal you !.1'"
aboul "'1\,711 I h~ bus "'U~ (!"in~?
,\ . y,~

COM MENT: To e51ablish a eo>e , ~~ . counse l nlusl demo nsl,Mc 1..... 0

tllings: ( l ) thaI Iht la wye, 'or tlte op~~ncnl kfle .. Ihe imjlOrlJl1t liKI•
.. nd (2) Ih311 1>e t..",ye, fu, Ifle OJIPoncni did no\ ;nfo,m Ihe- Ju,y of
II'M I.el during IIi5 di ,e"t e.a min~t,on . Coun1ell i~t es'~b\illtcs ' hal
tile wi'ne!os told lI'e- Cijlp orlen t's ~tto'ne~ "abcut ",llal the b~s wu de·
',,£.' Cour>$Cl now cmph a",-!¢~ for lhe lu,y 111...1 the 'PC«! of Ihe 'It'IIi·
t ie wJ, nol ~ouChl elll by ,i>e O~nffil 'S J\teln")' on d;'~1 e~am;.
Mlion of the wit ness.
Q•. Ohy. No\\". just lis"m 10 m~· qU<'~lion n:rr cardull)·: do
you ar,rce wilh m~ Ihat itl all th~ quest i01lS th at Mr.
BI~n d ",,~C'd you. ho did,,', ask you \\'h~1 d id Ih o bu, do .
II",,· r.'lS1 wa.~ i. ~oi n£. h m' Jlow w~s i. l:oinS. lie " C\W
a,k~d }'OU t!1 ~ 1 in front of thi. jl1l~'1
A. Oil no. 1101 in rron t or tho jllJ")·.
Q. In frOlll of Ih~ j\I~" whc"T\ ~."" look the wi Ul~ ss Sla lld. Mr .
[llar.hand "~"~r ,;"id to ~'()u : 'ell me how f~~\ ( h~ h\ls \\',, ~
"'Gi,,,... .
hal it ,,~ <loi nr.
,\. Ye s. h~ Ilill.
Q. N"ot in froou o f the jllr)i~
,\ . t\01 in front of tIle ju ry. He did hl:fore.
Q. ric said il o..midc~
,\ . Yes.
Q. !lut. 1\ (\1 in r,onl of Ih~ JUTY. VI' .. wi ll r;nd om why.
COMMENT: This Is on o:>celll!!tl e.amp\e ot the da~'5 of aU ... nlpt·
in !! Lo a_"IU ~n is~ye on dir ~ c' "'lO ml""'i,,n. It now looks like (he op-
posing a1to-rnc~ in le nticnJlly co,e,~ up ;) Inct. Plnlntifl'. ~c~ n\ c l
con-.cys hii conlidelll:~ in unco.tring lhe moti~ 01 Ih" <I ... fenw ,
w'th ~i~ smcm ertt : -Wc will lind out why.- l tli' co nvlcti"" >$ co","·
It is O<IIV """' . illt~r sLriPO,ng Ihe wilnPS$ of his o,eo;;un' ptoon of
llooc.t,. that co u~ s e l l<\ u~ Che. inlo a dis(IJ" ioo 1>1 the . ulrlla~tiv~
IO$limany .
Q. I'i~\, sir. iM!'1 it II fan lhJ\ .... he" Ihe bus ('"m .. ' '' rourh
361 h Slreel on to r.:i~hl h A"~nuc, Ll\1.: t>u. "a. j,'Oi'l~ wr)'
16 -~ § HiJI5

.t. No. thal'~ not tmc,

Q. h w;uII'lllo;ng thro ugh-
A. {Continui ng) No, it is not true,
COMMENT: In \ni ~ sQrt of ' yes it l~" "00 it i!rl 't" type QI debale , Ihe
r>resu mpl lGn of hon",. ty " I 1M 6islll'l!te~lcd willie" will usua!/), ouy
the d~y. Ttu,l'i, it i$ necc>S.lty to dc~tfQY tha t I',esuml'tl~n immedi~t c ,
Iy, a. toun'l"l did, Once coun $cl has accGmpli,lIed Ihvt ,... k ,he jury
may yery .-reI1 ,"Ink, " PI~; nlil l's counsel Wa'i righ t in till! lim two
pOinls, h,,', I"ob:lbly t;ghl now ,'
Q. h 'nal from your n:~OllcCli o n of your IC~linHInY , }'onr
thinldn a ~bo ut \,,"0 yea,s?
A. yc~.

Q, Did you c\'~r tdl arlyhody I~a\ the 1m, ,,-:IS goi n~ '·c'y raM?
,\. No, r ne,·cr did.
Q, You n.:vcr di d'l
A. ~o,
... .
§ 16,115 1',lor Incon,li len! Wrlmn SM"~I~nl

COMMENT: The s tage is ~el fo' Ihe im ptlbth m...,t try " 1"'101" w,illon
~Ia tc m .n\ ,
Nelle tim dMmatl<: 'm.rnd~lioo b id " U tile ' mpe.u:nmanl,
which build . Iha SU 'IHIn$P. e"han"e~ iury intc ,e~t. and m"kas I~
",Inner of the coo'fC)n\~trl)l1 th e mOl"J I vittI)!". not ooly on 11"1 paint,
11111 0!111W ~.ue ,n its ~nt"ely,

Q. Wo uld )"00 plo:3!oO do:\ fa'·or ror m~. si r, :\nd "rite Ihi, for
me 0 01 Ih i~ }'~n O'" lliecc of P~I>CI : -I h ~.'e tc~d Ihi,
~lalCm""t." An!1 ,i gll )·OUT ;n;tin t" W uuld you d o . h~1 fo r
A. There is no ~t:.. c mc,1I tllc ....
Q. I knn", .ha l. r am gh~ "&
you :, b la nk p iC<'<! (If p lpcr :md
~m askinS }·0 11 10 wr;le on il ~l h a.'c rea d thi s ~1~1C1\1C'''.~
In your OWII ha ndw,ilin!\ ",ilh ymrr own i ni ti~h,
A. TI.c'c i, no ,IMemollt,
Q. CO\l\d \'0\1 do Ihal for m e: JII,I ",.i t~ ie any",h" r". On a
bl arrk l'i.:.."e of naP<'!" ~ I have ,..,~d lhil stal ement " ,,·i ll! y011<
ini ,i~l ... :-Jow, I '"'ani 10 a,k yoo ~ !1\leSlio n Ihm Mr.
Illasbaml d id ll'" thd nm :I lk )'o u, !)id )"ou C''Cr sign n
SWlemer.1 for nrrylJild)' obo\l t Il1 i, accident?
! J' .!I~ 1(._ 11)

,', 0 ;<1 It" ~ I" n'~ ~boUI il?

Q, Di d 3n)' b",d ~ C~cr ~ ~k yo u \",fm ~ 1003)' 1(> ~ign lln~ kiml o f
~la\tm<.'n\ about " h:u )"0\' 1;"""" ~b~u\ Ihi\ a.;ci,lc nt7
,', YC_I,

Q, D id ~ n )'bod)' ~ho"" it It> ~'t)1I IOOJ)'?

,', Nu.
Q , Did Mr. m:,sba nd sho", ;, In you I(l da)'?
,', Nu.
Q, I '~I! linl )' did n'l. bccau..-, woul r1 )'OU ~s rcc witll mc Ihal
yO\! ,,,,<1 I Ilu,'c IIo ,-c r sc~n cadi olhcr1
Ri&l!t .
Q, Unt il the momcnl )'OU loo k the 51:1nd , ~nd YOII "i ll don' t
l ll<' I'I' who 13m.
,,- ~o. r don'l .

COMMENT: No\~ 1hal t oun",,1 inl(l<<rno t"c fUry I h~1 he h~~ not IJm -
perC<! w il~ thi. wl lnes, ' lei lin,ony in ~IIY "'""rlcr; he did not oocn
~~CJ k will' hi ", tIIIfo re til e Iria l. Thll will c onlr~ sl nice ly with 100 wr:·
&M1ioIl 01 t Dll u~n be\~,ee n Ihe de fe n... . Ad tile w llneJ,~.
Q. (luI. )'Oll di d lilln ~ ; tatcmcnl'!
,\ , I Me,'cr signed a ~l Jlcmcn !.

Q. You nevcr ~ ignc<l n stale ni Ctn?

II. No.
Q. Di<l ~n)"b{)<l)" evcr enn." 10 ~sk )'ou 7
A. I Ilc~cr . iltnc<l a M:l1cmcm likl' lh:lI , nm a sl~ lcmcnl on
lh'll .
Q. Tbi~ i~ a bl~ ,,1; ~1 ~lem''1l11
,\. RighI. r nc >w .igtw<l nne li ke th at. like 1 jll'! <li<l. TIl:'t is
wh ~t ! a m S.1yi nll.
COMMENT: The "";me,s II \ryi ~1l to , id u ~ tep til(! questilm. l Mi, i.
beco ming cleM to Ine court an d iY'Y. Side . tc ppinE is a $ ~ mptO n\ 01
Cowco 'llj; up.
Tm: Cm! ~ r,
Di d yo" evc r gi"~ u MJtcnlem;ul<l .iCn one in COlt-
n~cl ion " 'ith Ih is acdMnl7
Ttl t; WI1" r" , Did r "" or sign ~ S1ntcm cn("!
", .....
II>-- JJ § IU~

Tmi CO\.'IlI, Did you ~vcr gi "~ a st~tCI11"nl'.'

T IIIi W" .~IM Ves, , pve a stnlen'Cnl.
Ti le C<H.lItT, 111 \I'ril ing and , igl1cd it?
T ill! WI T:<fSS, Oh well, th~rc w~s a problem witll tha I. He w:tn t,
cd me to sign something tll a t I didn' t a&,I.'I: w;lh :\O he, !he pet.
!iQI\ !hal I s:t,·e the statement 10, ~id to me ~J ust in itinl it. S:ly_
inll thai )·ou " . ..
Tn( C OUIlT: f':c"I.'1" mi nd tl\.;tt , You r nn s\\"cr ;$; ~on didn't sig n
an)' ~tnt c m cnt ,

T ill: WtT lIlM: RiGht . I d id,,', sil:n nn)' stntcn..;nt. ml,

COMMENT: Anylime lite cout1 is 1J\000ed 10 lIt a nd pIn a .. ltnHS
dO",, " , Ih~ eva, ion h ~ $ be<:amo inlole<~b lc til cveryOl'l o. HOW! V1!f,
cou nsel should eo .Mull~ li'l~n til tI, e cnurfs q u~.l io ning. Counsel
shol!uld nOI "'!low 1M cout1 10 tcllll Ul1 wilneu out 01 dilhcully . II lhe
coof\ begin s III rOi cue tlTe .,.,.,Iness, co" nu l shO<Jld hold a si~e bar
dise u.sicn Jrnj indicat e to th e court TI~1t he wllulll likl,o \0 pursue his
0..., lIne <II inquiry, or. In othef wa.ds , 1,,11 Ihe court pOlitely tMt h~
.. ould rather lcose the ~~se Inl ilimlell, witll oul 1110 cO<J rt' s il Clp,
Q, YOII 111".« S;l:tl~-d )!J!C11I('nt7
A, I nc"cr sigr1cd 11 0_0111 )' for _ wcl!_
Q, You nlean, if 1 we re 10 ))jIlW rh i, jil l")· (If , how you
W t11 ~ lh;n8 ,,"'here }'o ur ;n;l;al' apponf 011 ir in 1-I:"cJ:l1 pL~(,')

A, Ini lin ll,

Q. JU'I Ii~ tcn to m ~, r will ~i"c )"o u u c!mnce.
,\ . All rir,h!,
Q. If I we re 10 show Ihc jury sometll;n, which hm )'nllf iniiials
!lnd SOJru:1h in& I h:wc n:;\d, Th iJ .t ~l~mel11 "'; rh ~Qt,,. initials
on it. nre )'0 11 tclli ng th e JUI), t!tal Ihnt would not be )'lIur
in i!i;jJ~,/
A. Oh, I didn't ,a)' tlml,
Q. And thaT fOU d idn't );gn it?
)'1 !1., B1A5 ~ "'P: You r hon or, I gbJccr. Allow /<.Ir, Pocl~ to 3n_
~".(T The: que'llion~ th 3t 3re beln!; PMC'1I to him.
Till: C"IIU Linen 10 the qucstions, Mr. Poolc. liMen ,·cry
card ull)·. You ..·m hl'·e a n opporto nil )· to c~ pl::tin ~\"erylhing.
I nss urc yo u.

,-- . ,...c."
§ 16.05 16_11

TlIE Wl1st,,~,Okny.
TEll: COl.lR·I, Just answcr Ihe question.
COMMENT: Most courts will instruct til. witn~ss to answer ju~t lhe
qu"~tion, and notlling mOrC.

Q. Di<1 you or (\i(ln'l yO\! at Some time hefore you came 10

court tOO:l)". sign a statement for somcbo<1y', We will find
om who il is.
A. 1 never ,i&I1<-<1 a Slalement.
Q. Did you init;:,1 it'!
,\. Yes. I il1iliaktl it.
Q. YO\! wrole at the bOllo",. ~I have rcad Ihi, ~lalel11el11.
U.P"· UIIyw, Poole_lhat i, your inilials'!
A. I can'l recall if 1 rc~d this Slalement.
Q. Firsl of all. do you remombcr who il W:lS Ihal c:,me 10 you
and ~ai<1. ··Mr. Poole. I want to !alk (0 yO\1 aboU! Ihis
,\. Y~s.

Q. Who WilS thai?

A. It W,I< a private inw'lisator. I ~:UI't rc-cnll hi~ namc.
Q. Do y(]Uknow where h~ wa, from'! Did h~ tell }'ou whm law
oni~c ho ,',,,,le from'!
A. No. it w~,u'l " law om,·c. He wa, dcfcndinl~ a family.
rci"errinlllO the ea>c.
Q. Ik w~s ddcndi!1r. n family'!
,\. Ye,.
Q. Do you ~now whil"h family'!
A. :--lo. I d"n·1.
Q. That is what I want t(} ~now.
A. No. I don't knllll". I ,'<lI1"1 rcc~lt.
Q. Doe, Ihe nanle lloone sound familinr to you'!
,\, I can'l re'·:IIt.
Q. Possible?
A. I can'l recall.
.. , ..,...

16· 1} § f 6.1)jj

Q. VOII don', kilO"" .... he it wM!

A. I ("an' \ fttalt.
COMMENT, When a witncS~ gi. " .:In nn.wer w~jch is probably a n
evasion or cover up. co unsl'! ~hDUld h ~ to make I~ evasion obo/,,,,,,
10 the lu'1. If cou~f wails IInli! su mmnllon, tl,e ju ry ... 111 Il i vC proba·
bly l()r~o l !on the imon, . TIle, ~uc coumel u~n \Ion,,,,,·
sl rate~ ho'" ~ n attorMy C~n e"."m unicale 10 tim jlJry wittlou t ~~eeW·

..' ... ,ng the bounds ot u os~ C>.3minalKln,

By repeaHnj! his ~ u~IiDnS, touII!>el ls intem"!: thaI he is gnoing the
witn e~s a n <l-ppc rlun ily to Itlink a bo lll wl,JI lie is $.;lying. btc<Iu:>e II
K!.II Incre<lible he may wa nl \0 char>gtl it. The mere rl!fl<!H!i"" of tho
question 51' 01'15 til e jury til e Jttomay'& DlIlnion 01 file witnMS· Cledi·
bilily. The repetItion of an im probable a r, swer evc r,IU311y ea USU$ ev·
eryone 10 rcaille how Im p<ob.lble it Is .
The jurors rnJ y very w!>ll a!illlhc m$CNcs tho(! 101i0wiPg queslion-
How ol\cn is S<lmcnrw approach ed by ~n inveslica lol in a la wsuit!
There i.s only one fa milv ;'wDl<ed in Ihis bv-suit. h is probable that
the '",m~. can de'ermi ne .,I" ell parl~·s inv~.llga tl)r ~p~r",1(hcd
him. Tile lact 11131 he , cluses to do so Ii eV3siv<!, ~nd Ihis W£:SC"SI$

§ 16.06 S IX'~d Es t lnlal~S

Q. '\J\)' '''~Y , Mr. I'ook you ;11\' 24 Y'-':II~ 1I1•..-!

,\ . 1"0. I·", no lo
Q. Wcr~ YOII ~4 )'~a" old_
,\ . At tl,e time of tlte m·cid cnt ?
Q. Did you live at II Ea,'t 14th S tree t·!
,\. \'~

Q. We"')0\1 a c~h dri"~r"?

r\ . Ye,.

Q, W~S;I 3 d..-u r "' ~rm da)·?

,\ . Vel .
Q. Were you dd" io!: north lin t: iChlh " "C 'IUC?
,\. Yl"S.
Q. Vo u d ido· t h~ " ~ a jla\scn~c r in yo ur .·~b, d id you·!
,\ . Nil. I di ~n't.
J \6.Q6

Q . No ..·. you lIM'C tolll th is jury th~\ 'll Jb(JU \ 25th 10 27th
while you Wtn: Ir:m :l iog_\ly Ih~ way. d o )'00 know wli nt
the "PCed liolit ,,"':IS in New York on Eighlh "'''CIlue whik
),o u wu c £lIi ng through £n:en li£l\1 ~ on 25th Street. 27lh
$I....-.:t. do you k NOW wha t the i[}Ccd limil. the n1,~i n1um
A. Yes. J!i miles:;ln hour.
COMMENT: Ccur>$(!1 U~ th~ wilnes.s 10 es.1~blish Ih~ I ~cls. In SO
doin!: he also IC'SIS the wit ll e~s ' ~nQwled gc . ob:.c.-ation skills anel
men1Qf'P . .. , '

Q. Will )'011 " ttclll Ihe fat l lhal Ihe poli ecl1l~1'I has "ircad)'
I\I:cn ben: and S1Ii<.l 30 m ila an hoot!
A. I ~1 id MUbOUI.M
COMMENT: 11 is nI(l,C effect i,!! Ic ,.oJ "1 cUI Inoonsis\McJes in I h~
lestimon~ 01 a wilntl'$$
immediately raUlcr Ilnm in summMion . Tho
jury is forming ~ ec nlEmpcllant0ll5 im.., euion 01 the wit n~s. l hf!
...m1lC'SS miTosed an i m~f!Jnt QUf!,Fon Cn 1tI ~ gD,crvalic tl ~ n<l memo·
ry test: M comllOol>ded his C"Of by 1'1 01 admitting it.
Q. Would r ou 3ccepl the (:><:I Ihal 30 nl i..... ~ n hou r w,~ the
1I10 l t you wo ul d t.. ,Ili o"'cd to tm"d 011 311~' , " CCI in l'\~w
Yo rk City?
,\ . I( that's the b".. , ~llr«. yes.
Q. ,\s you "'ere dri\'i nlli lli! cab. thi ~ Mtl\l~ng 1"3\ ccr1u i lll~'
~ni nll al Ie""
I"'ice yon r 'pee"'?
,\. Yes.
Q. ,\1 the ti m~ yuu fi.~\ ,,"W th~ Mnsl:!ns IY.M YUIl ~I 2Sl n
$trWI. 261h. 27\ h?
A. T"i ~c a~ r'I~ t.

Q. Any o n~ or tho.!c ' \fcel l . il al w.1)' ! we nr rwic~ ~ f~\I?

A. WIn'll it pnw<.l n1<:. I ~aid .
Q . YOII nc'·...,. ~Iow~d ~IIW Il. Di dn'\ YOli tcllll,c juro" IIl"t'!
A. 1'\0.
Q. If;1 ne,'Cr ~Io"'ed d"wn . " 'hcn yo u SO! to 2 7th Sl lcel il
wc rrld ~ "I n:ad~· :II ~S\h . ,\ nll when you t;Q1 HI ~~Ih . il
wou ld be al JOrh . bcc~u'-C il w".
I"~" cli ,,& ,.t
kast ~,·C'1'
hind; th~1 )'ou ,,"'em. il wo uld be soinS :lt lea" two WO<'~s.
""ins. a l h,'icc Ihe 'IlCcd or }' <Wf c~h?
1 6-1 ~

A, I'd SJ}' you ~ .... "'~di Ol; me now.

Q. Well, that i~ okay with )'ou , b n'l il'!
,\. No. it l' nOI ukny.
Q. YOII do ... ·1 lil;;c that.
,\ . No. llCc au~~ ~'ou ar~ nOl 1cninS me tell what happened.
Tll r Coun. li e is J>C1l!Iin ed lbal 100.
COMMENT: Tile '~tncs!i hi.".,eif is Ihocke-d alllle rc~cu $$ions of
hi, teSlimony. H~ \\/(lull! 10 backtrack lo om the ;newilabl, rami1i.
ca lion at l'i s fad ual te stim ony. a nd dGeS 50 b~ rals;ng hi. 0'" " C>bjee·
Q. Isn' t it tfll<'~ If [ s~id anylhins lh at i. nut true . no.; )'ou wore
Boing at you r speed. il "'-:IS co; ng:\I 10a51 1,,"1CC yon r ' '''L"Cd?
A. Wh.:n 11 ...."U~ tn~. When it jl.u;OO tn t.
T,w C<.lL' ~ f, Let me nsk n que, tion hc~3USC lher~ (.I:cm ~ to be
somc do" ol about il. Did il roruIJml)' maint al" thi s h i ~h
Tlir Wm<1.~ II was d ri";n; erra licall)·. I ""31 If}'in; 10.\.:l.Y be.
rorc , according to Ihc condilioll 5 )'0" .ec. We were nOl an in
rront ""' lhe lisht~ were ch:in,u llt. Wc " 'cn: /'w:himl . It's ~ ,taj;_
s crcd li~ll1 and Ihcr~'5 "la)'bc two bt ~c~ ~ or 111o";ng tr~flk
Tnp. CouU: Did i! h..w c to ~low tIown ~I 3n ~' !inlC (or lrank'/
Tu •. WIlN\"~~: W~II. whell it p~~'.\J oth tr car. in front " r mc, ~f·
ICT lit p:I"ed me, I "'-"u ld s:.y ~~, be had In uow do"'o Of"
S'H'!"C mor •. or what ever.
Q. I Ie was ~lowit!g <il,wn?
A. /ll.1y~ 10 p~s.. llIJ l"s 3Jl I am u ), ing. I'm n ~ l­

Q. Mn)'t>\: to J1~~S
he woutd stow dow n?
,\. r know he 1l:'s'iI.'d me ".r)' fJ~I .
1'1,,: CUVIII , l ie "~s,,', goin!; ~t r;li;bt Jl 50 or s n milc~'1
Tl lro W n ~ I:5', t-; o. he .,3S ~""cf\-"it!S ;t! nnd nul of 1r~ IfIC.
TII~ Coon , u. ""~ ~""cH i llJ;l?
Tin, WI1"N!'~~: y~~.
Tn£ C",,,, t> Did Ihere W 'IIC a limc " 'hen II.: ", nl" ~h i lld the
em and he slowed dl}\\' n'! Ito\\" wa~ lr:lfroo 00 that d ay~
-rU( \\''' ''1),<;; It ...'"' Hp.I. il was S"nd~}' morning.
", ~, "'"
§ 16.07

Q. P.etly wid e ~tr<'ct?

,\. II was abou l 1"-0 b' (ltk~ or moving lIame, I wouW '''w.
Q. You 3r~ n[}1 IlIki ng ~bout ho~ ,<y n"" 'ing Lr~ffie. Thi ~ j~ un
~ SUl1d~)' m ()rnin~. IOigluh A'-cnu~.
A. YCi.
Q. Pretty clem "'(L), for call,
A. When il is he:1')'. il is bU lllller 10 bumper.
Q. !-Icr~ :lnd there, !ILeN were cars,
,\. [w"uld n'! SoW h~rc ~nll thcrc, I ",auld S,1)' two blocks of
nL"" ilL!; lram~ .
Q. 1'",,, blocks. An)'" ..>·. Ihii car 'V3S p' oc\"Cd in&. ami yo u
"'c re 31 26t h o r 21lh. :md ;1 roIltinll,d all the W:1)' "h~ad o r
you: j~ Iltat ri!;ht?
A, O h )'~". a rlCT he IUJ"~ n.e, )~

§ 16.D7 Ibu~"riljn;t S",.p lt In ['w"c Sigruu ...... on Shllcn1l..,-,1;

SIIO"in;: S IIlI CnK!ft l 1(' Whn""
/l.lR. Mil_In: Fim. m ~)' I h~"~ Ihi~ marked (or i~cmi fjcntio n ,

(PlaintifT's t::xhihi t 11 nmrked (or idcolificalioll. n piece u(

paller. )
Q. Just 1:I~e a look at Ih" la$1 ~3rt where 1 3m juS! jl'Oi11lin,-
,\. Y''lo.
Q. Is thm >uur wril' ''!;? "I ha,'~ Tead Ihis , Iale melll"'!
A. Yes.
Q. And. is Ihat )o\lr "U.I' ."?
'\. YC'i. it it.
Q. And Ihc~ i nit (~11 Illl I h~ r;ide here. Ih"..., nrc "II )-,"IN,
~rcn't tlic),'/
A. Yc~.

Q, As you loo~ al tlli , [)Icc~ "I' ~apcr. Ihi~ is tile ~tatemcn l that
! was ,e(errin g tD- "'n~ it the n ne that you were ro(crrirr~
,\. YC'i.
16_1; § 1I0.Il7

Q. O ka)'. :-10..... over your sign atUfe o. wC wi ll (':111 !'OU f in ;.i~ b.

-a"cr )'Our in il l ~ I' . :t nd Ihat', - U.P.", Ullyses Poo\~, d o
)·ou :Igrcc tll:l.1 !'ou ,In\OO_
,\. 1'\0. I did nol stJw an)'thiul;.
Q. Did M>tll~bOOy c\~ ~t alc it?
A. So mcbo dy "'rot~ thJI ,md ",mil l'" lIIe In ~i~n il. ond I
. rcfllsn\ IO ");11 it bct·~u~c it w:t.n·t t rJ~ .
Q. ,\"d. wh en ~'ou .. ru scd t(l . ign it b~causc it wn~ n't true.
thaI'. why !'OU 'H Olt - I 113''': re:ad Il1i, ~Iatenh:nl" a nd pul
yC'u' initial> on il?
,\ . lIe-
Q. J\I~I liSlen 10 me .
•\. I'm t ~'; ng
to an iW", what ) ' 0 11 ,,,ked me.
Q. 1), d )' 0 11. when ) 'OU .~fll~cd w ~il\n il . ,ign il in Ihe "'ay I
ha,·o j ut. lold the ju ry: "I ha,·c Icad Ihi. 5lll CnlCnl. U.I' .-
Did YOI1 do that o r did you not'/
,\ . Yeo.. I did l lu l. I ~i&fll.'" il . yeo.
Q, You d id tha i'!
,\. I . igned il. yes.
COMMENT: Nelice how. in Ih.. conlusion, Ihe wilnes.s. <lIOp$ his dc ·
fe n.e Hboul -i igninC" tile .t~t e menl. Hc au mits IIC signed il. His btl·
1~led conc"$~n 10 what he previousl, dl!1li('d fu<1h.... imp.1i~ hi,
COllos,,1 Itmph~" le~ the t..:Ird f~tls . Hc enlphasi:r.; whal Ihe wit·
nQ ~~ die ; acts .p aa k loude . Ihan words. Why ..... ould the witne~ s wlile
thai he Il.>s reacl the stalement. and 111M in;II. 1 iI. if it W(oofl! IIII \(U!!!
These uels . em pha.ized by cou nsel , prCSMt Ihl! jU lY Milo a wrln",s
Ihl"Y c.anr>et I. ust·
Coun5.l!1 ' e luses t~ all ow Ih o wit lie" to ~i" lI;nll el1. 0' gi'lc a ny
s""",h in an ane'"pl 10 COlIer up. He inl ('«II~ls tho witnns a s ~
as an ullI"st)O nsiv" ~n $""'C' .1311s to e~ oul,
IIkItote lh.t Ihis elou " ""r",nation has not 10U(itl'd on Ihe w b·
sl. ncc of tile te$timorlY. Each "oa, ;"" and ( over up ;~ being at ·
1.1<ked. Coun,,,1 dwe ll~ on tho ""OIS of the .. ilneu .
Q. Now. (I.' cr ..... hat ~[l(1 "'[me wh o" you ..... rotc "I lln"c read
thi, Slll\em Cl\t~ wi th )'ou , i n it i:t l ~ nn ;1. d id }·" u say Ih:ot the
IlIIs CJm. OUt or )6th 51.eet WI",' r~it'l
. .....,,,
§ 16.08

A, No, 1 di,ln'\ ,ay that ~ t ~1J,

Q, You didn 't loa)' Ihal?

A, /(itht.
Q, Does il say Iha\ on Ih~ piece of paper'.'
,\, i cun', re<:all.
Q. JU~I I:lk~ a look 31 Ihe rrolll. about the l\Ii~d k-ju~1 leU me
whcth~r it did or it did n't
(The wimc~a look ed ,II Ihe p~I't'f,)

,\, Rilhl :!way 1-

Q. J Im leU mt.
TUE Com", Di d il say ~n on tlml paper?
Q, Did il l ay Ih;H. or alII I rc" di ng iO l11 c! ~ i n ~ !I'~I is nOt there'!
,t , \'~S, I ""~ ... hal )'011 :lI~ "lIl;i nl; ahout.

Q, Th.:,e,
A, y~ s,

Q, Ob)" You do n'! a8/'Ce wi th il?

.\ , R I~I .
Q. DUI il docs lOay that Ihc bus (~m c oul of 361h Slreet vel)'
A, "cs, il <10<"10,

Q, And ~·ou ale t~lIln& Ihi" jury, e,'o n thouGh it wa~n'l ask~d
of )'OU hy Ihe allorn er, 111.1' Ihc buS did come oul of no.
36lh SIIl.'C\ very fasl~
.<t, I'n , !O'I)',
Q. Did il co m~ oul """)' ~lo"1
,\ . It callic OUI no,"",1 ~po:e<l .
Q. \\'hal I~ ",)final Sp<:cd?
A, Say 30 mil ~~-JS ",i l~ an hour, 30 mi les an hour.
Q. 30 10 J~ mil .... an 1I0'.r'!
A. ThaI's wll>! I Ih (}ught normal ~pc eJ w,~ until yo u \()IJ me
it w~< 30 n\il~~ nn hou r.
16_1 'I § l(i,I9

Q. undersland, B}' the wa}', }'Oll were a licensed driver'!

A, Ye~, I wa~,
Q, You could e~tima1e speed" What-you don't know whm
the 'peed limit wa~ wh.n the bus ,arne out of 36th Street?
A, I ~new the spc: ed limit,
Q, Whut did you know the speed limit'!
A, I said it was approxinmtdy 35 mile, an hour,
Q, SO, )'OU think the bus came Ollt at 30 to 35 miles :in hOllr?
A, Yes.
Q, YOIl thought tlmt was tile legal speed limit'l
A, Yes.
Q. There wasn't any question you observed tbe bus, it was
"oming out at 30 or 35 miles an hour, whether or not that
i, the limi!'!
A. I can't ,"ad his speedometer. I can only say what I thought
was normal ,pc:cd-
COMMENT: Counsel concentrates Ilis attack on the i'lConsi.tencic.
~nd douhts expressed by the witnc~s a~ to the speed of the 00 •. No·
tice U,e ~trJIC81 of rep~titive quc5tiCH1in& on tho.c point~ which .""m
10 be weak link. in th~ witnes~' n."ative. Thi5 confuse. the witness
and ;mpresse. Ihe jury with the witness' probable lack of credibility.

§ 16.1)9 Error ilt ESlimation of SPI'cd

Ttll' COllRT, By the way, when you fir,t obseno,"" the bU$. where
were you in relation 10 the bus?
TIt!, Wm<f."" In relation to lhe hu~?
Ttll C"':~T' y~,.
THE W""'I,", Where W:lS I al the time of the accident'!
Tilli CO\-"l(L At the time of the accident.
THE \V'T"L", Oby. r w,,,
wailing for a light on West 351h
Street northbound. going northbound.
COMMENT: Tltis testimony witllater become tile focus of e,tcnsi,c
(Iucslioning a~ to wlwtilCr ttle dri~cr wa5 stopped at the light or not
It i, important tl1at counsel take t~e time 10 fle,h out the testimorlY
of the witness at tI'e time it i~ given. so tilat mi$statcment$ m~y be
pointed out to the jury.


L",,' W\\""",..,,,

':.,euse m~. "'h~1 ,t rcC I li lt! you jUM 1011\ lhi, jllf),?
A. I 5~id 1 W~ I "'niting at II light ,,( lSl h Slrc~t :1\ the tim e of
Q. YCIU lold Ihe jury l h~ l JII Ihi~ lime you J '~ 1~$li f)'ins'l
A. Nobody Js~~d me Ih~ 1 qn,,:nion.
Q. Dill n'! )'011 tell Ihe jury 12 tim e, that )' ou were at 34 th
.,. No .
Q. ~l n}' b" we ..... ilt have lh~ reporte r read it back.
Tile COL!kT: The jul')"~ f~..:olk~ion ...ill ~o'·crn. My . ccoll«t ion
i~ "t~1 he d ioJ $101> for :l 11&111 al 3~ 1 " SlrO:C I :lIld oobody e'-tr
~~kcd him whcr~ he WJ' :Lt Ihe lime or
impact. ~l1d I :lsk~1l
TEll: W""I'M: 11lafs it.
Q. Oh, Ihe ligla ch;,n Gctl :11 34111 S,rc.:1
A. Y.~ .

Q. '\ ;0 .... ,.-1",,, )'0 11 s.:I,," l he_

A. You 101d mOl.
Q. Whe n you saw l1le accident, wb e!'(l wcre you?
A. Whon! s:lW th e aclu JI co\\i .ion~
Q. Y,s .
•\. I was on W~,t 35th SINe\ (lr ju~1 :Ippro ",'hill~ i1.
Q. WelL if (he ~ar was ~ i flji; (wic~ )"'lIr II''''..!' when y(lU gill
\0 301 h $ 1'(1:(. )'011 " "~lIt :\I "';)~I Ihn'C o r r<lIL' blue"'!; i~ I\m l
A. I laid tw ie,' my ~I'\!cd whe n he p:1SS~d me.
Q. D id he . Iow do ...... 10 )'0 11' . (l<......!~
A. Oil ,m. bUl I ";I~ S\oppo:d Nelt 1"0 blocks 31 I h~ li me ",h,..,
h~ I'~~,"d ';sln,.
Q. When }"<)U ""ore pa~5 i llll 26th S1re~1. 11~ "'~~ go inll (wiN
~o"r !o!lttd?
,\. Y~I .

COMMENT: M,. Mille•• no'N~ that \lIe witnn~ coul d ~Qt ~c ~CC U '~ l e
in hi!; lestinWlnl' If th" .~hj el~ PJ<S<l'd Ilim going 50 01 60 no.p.h . 00
"~" ''''
16-21 \\',;II<H SIOI."'.nl_.\ul" .... ~k! § ,',10
27111 SlIcet. by th e time \lIe ",ilne" slgp!X'd 11)0'" ''G~t al 34lh, "00
again lOt Mothe< light at 35\h, the Ot/IeT caT would have been lemg
gO'le, But t~e pllysteat '3(:1 i. that lite ~IIltT t ... r ",as on 361h Slr",,1
when the witnes" C.:IT 1'13$ on 35th Sheet, $t(}pped 'CK a liCll \. Whelk
. vcr tM p h)'$ 'cal l~ ~15 (.:InnOI tcincide with the wil n c~' tt'St; nlan~,
Ina willi e., must 00 W'CIr1C- The ~ro., examiner know~ thi., and
(twells on tile if,sue , The wll~~ ;$ $(I w,ong Ul3\ h;$ ~' OI mu,t be
tile '" 'ull of btlth in8 ~~ur~t" OIl.e,val;':'n in tM Ii.,! pl~~e ~nd ~ on,
,"" lact Wilh lite ICK the !IIl/Clldanl,

It J' ,JII Inna(1K'\' uf OW!Jsillj; Allum~)"

Q, Did h~ "" 'Cl' £0 below 5D nliles all huu(!

A, Oh, 1 dnn't know, I didll'tlonk at his ~ I"",do ",olcr nO;lh"""
Q. 11"1, you ~w h"'" r.T!i lie W'.l! m ing?
A. Y~'$, ho wll gu;ng f:L5!.
Q. Vcry ra. l?
A, Yes, he w~,."
., "
Q. Ami }'QU evc n CSli m:llcd It is ~pttd ~I 1111 tlm ll.l' 3t on. 80
m iles ~n hour until l(>(j ay?
,'. I!{l or OH r, TI!~t "":IS 3n ~ppro.~ inl.ltion .

Q. Yo u IlC\'U u id SO or 60 Ulllil t o d~y~

,'. RighI,
Q. T o 3nyOOdy'?
.,. RigJ,\.
Q. But, )' 011 did say I)"C' ~O unlil \nday:
,\, RiSht ,
Q. Wh~1 mol '!: )"011 5lIy 50 10 (j() loday a nd a li lh. tll1l~ 1111 10
today O\W SO'! Whal lI1ad~ ) '0 " chang~ yon r min,!?
,'. It ''-:is an ~PfJroxim~t j"n -3 rough. vel)' rout;h.
Q. Wh:u m.l kcl. >'00 el\.(lIItc )'ou, lIpp.<).\i!ll:uin'l from U"cr 80,
10 50 ur GCl? 1,1,'1131 m3d~ yoo d n \~ al?
,\, lII yloClf. It waS mor\; s~nsibJ<l:1I 6tll11il ~~ I n hour.
Q. When d id )'OU think it w~ s more ~c nsible'! Tnday or
,\ . No -when I IlIouglll it 0"("' .
"'" "
J '.10

Q. When ditJ )'Il U think it "" d!

,I. In !hi:p;l~1 rouplc or w~'\:~s.

A. ,.
l~ Ihm ~il1~C )'<>u "'~rc conw , ted b)" the bus C{lm p~ny?

Q. When d id you get c"mact . 1! by the bu~ company'l

,I. Whon I ~I k.~cd Iht 5I1hpo . .. ~.
Q. A coupl o of wcch allo;
,I. y~

COMMENT: Ofte n, In tM e l1 e ~1 of a trial, the alt ameys do not h ~ ve

an QPportu nlt J' to c(lnd ud an ede ns;"'c prepuJiilln of a witness. The
witne$s is nol told whal qutllillR$ to a ntle1p.:ltc, and 1ho!' eIOfe dOC\.
nol I\.lve ,ud~ ,e5~n.ei on the S l ~ ml. I'il1 cn ll, e Jttgrrl e~ senses
thaI the wit ness i, i l~p'e parcd to deal with a queslKln . Ill! .hOlJ ld
Ihvtll On it. The '~lling s ub!.tanc;c ol lhe (lns" "",.1OO 1111.' demN-
n"" ot t11~ w,l neu, will di$( ' c dit the wi tness .
Q. Is th3\ ,loom Ih" lim~ whell yuu smfl<od 10 Ibi ,,\( nllIyb" ;1
" m nOt 0 ,'" .. 80. it w~s nl a>'bc S[) \0 607
A. We '.,cre ()j scu5sil1l,1lhc cast.
Q. Who i ~ ~ ""'-1
A. )o.1)· !~l r ;lnd lo r ll"')"~" ror Ihe dcf~ n d an u .

Q. f or Ih ~ bus co mp;l. Oy1

A. Yc:>.
Q. n. ;I.fs ... h ~" ~'u ~
:>IMlcd \f) I binl.: 11m In :l~' bc i l ",~,"'I 801
,\. I 101d Illem 60 mile.1 ~II bour.
Q. Yoo laId them 601
A. Yes.
Q, U",... did yo'u gel 10 SO IlIto'!
,\. I"m "rpro.~inl ;l.l ins . T!Ial"s "'hal 1"", d ui nU_
Q. ThCf~'~ ;I biS di flc",oC1: b\:"....c n 50 10 60 " nd O,'cr SO.
A. W~l], r ~~n ' , lell ,h e M lu,,1 lpo:cd. I didn ', , c..., , he
Q, When you Mc '~)' ing SO 10 60. d,,"', ~l i ll )',l" r
;lppf(l~i ma, ion?

A. 'Thal'S my ;I.P I,roxim :nion.

Q. You r nppro~l M1al io n wh ich w~s m~d e !11I wi!h i!1 th e 1:\1;1
1"0 weci."S. c h~nced rrom 0 '·..... 80: i~n·1 th3\ Inle?
,\. >00.
Q. I~n't it tnl~ ) 'OU to ld thi ~ jury your approxi ma ti on or il_l
know )\)11 cOUldn', "l"C lhe s~<.Jom~ttr. bul )' 0\1 "1"-~ ~5
approx im ated il 10 ovcr 80, until appro~ im a td}' two weel;,,;
~SO when ~ou M3rl~-.J lalkin, 10 thO: bu~ comp:tny, YOu lold
Ih enl (,0,
Mil. RrK u: I am £Ol ng 10 ohj«1 3t th is point b«;tu ~ whnl we
lin "" gO llen into at th is point is si mply an ilrEu me nl.
T ilE COUMf> You m;ty 3nSWtr it far :l fin nl time.
TIl~ Wlt~'J'.5S0 WIl:l t i~ th e qucslio n apin?
T ilt: CO\!M~ W~ ~ it yo ur app ro~i mati on up un liliwo weeks n~o
111 31 it w;u; SO and o vd?
'rU E W lm [s~, Yes , Wh en I "'Us ~lIea king 10 the 11()Iicc officer,
he :\;lid he looked Ii"" he w;I. b'Oi nC. ItO mil.." ~n IIour, I ,.. i ~ 3~
rar 3$ I can recall , Ih,u ', wlm 1 $aid to th~ pol ice offi cer,

§ 16. 11 I'J'Y-,[c~ 1 FI.:1s In eonsiSlcnl It'ilh l'~stlM1o,,)'

COMMENT: Counw l knows the area; where the wilr>ess' tes ti mony
is Imf)fob. bl e, The witnes~ ' credibil ity is ~I' e" dy oxlrcmely lIIin.1 ~h is
point. bUI tho <;rOl.S IUlIminer hn ~n "llpOnunily Ie dr.-troy .his wit·
"65 , whp is ob.ioY$ly t estifying fal~cly. ~ nd sYC h OJ}f1OrlUMit ics Ca n,
nOl be 1'Josse4 up, Sud! de.nt&lill£ (1""$ elOlmlrution CiI~tl neg~tlve
in fel enus on Ih e opponl!fl t' . eaS<! in il. I!fI lirely ,
Q, When rOil MOfIII<.il 31 ~41h Str«t. Ih~t MU51ans, ;t n ~'w
Jl oPJx:d ?
A. It nc,'cr SlOppro ill j-l th or 15lh,
Q, Or 3!ilh. s.o. "hr n you SloPJXd al 34th. if it w,,~ goinG 31
k~;t 50 a nd mu)'bc 60 or m'er 80. woul(] yo u lel l the jury
when you stOPJXd ' 1 341h StrL'i!I. whelo "(Ii. il?
,\, 11 "';I., bClwccn 3 ~lh ~lId 36th St n:ct.
Q. You mcan it o nly wc nl n '~ od: a nd a half mOTe Ihall ),0 11,
from 27 lh Stree! , Ir~ vdi lill al Ih31 Sf><":~ limit "'hen ~·t>u
calli\: to " '10'"
A, R~[>C~ I the qu<:t>lion pk;).'C,

Q. Do yo u mC3n , sir, th~t ),0 11 arc wil ing the j ury Ilia! as )'011
"'erl' travdin& non " a. ound )0 or 3S. ,,1mtrvtr il i., ;\ nd
f iLII 16 _ ~~

Ihis ~':I ' w::I~ Ira" ~li nll-lh~ Mustall~_ ~b"tlt Nice \'0\"
~pttd. 11"'1 1»' the,i lll" )'OIJ b rouShl )'OoIIr car 10 a 1-101' lit
JJlh SI I'Il~I . Ihat c;lr "':1\ Ollly :I bloc!.: ;nd a h~'f ahC"J d of

COMMEttT: CoufISI!l conlrOOI$ till! willlM! with l!>e ph)'Sical ,mprol)-

abilitr 01hi~ Icslim<ll11. The jlUY".,.., h~s fU'lhK ''''.:Kon Ig oculll llw
a(C U'3Cy cllll<! 1~~limO<ly.

A. Yoo are not ~l"CIltlnt;n, ("r 11",,' m~n )' Iipl1s wuc &=n ill
fronl 0[ us at lhe li'm: I p:w,cd him.
Q. I n'n ~slo;ins you. w~ s lhat M \lSI~ nJ: l>rll)' ;I .,'ock ;and a h"lf
in fronl " f you?
,\. ,\1 Ih e lilli e "f in'II:lC!?
Q. AI ih( liflle yo u Sl"p~d :11 H Ili S" "'''I:I.
A. R i~bl . yes..
Q. />"0"', when )'011 ~I""prd ~ l 34lh Str....,1 and II ...~
ronlinu,n, up. ;1 IIc,'cr 1J""...'t! d,,-..·n. di<l i l~
A. 011 n D.I>cc.lu_,~ he h ~ d 110 Ir.>.mc ill front orllim. l ie paSSed

Q. lie I"d no tra me?

A. (Co'" inu illf1.) iii:" p;I\~ :Ill the trame.
Q. WlI.:n)"OII $:I.!, who!n ~ Oll Wff\: SlOP"'"'!! ' he wal .@ goi ng
~O. 60. or owr SO?
caMMENT: N<lli<:e hltH tlw c.oss examine, .~f\l~ 1(1 ,~Iinqueh lh~
w' tn~s f,om hi$ PfI()f ·a~p,o"'m.I' ''''- of the .~ d . The .ffoC! is IQ
(Of\liIllJilll, ,~in'OI'(1O the umeU~biltty Of thi:' wi1n.$s.
,\. Yct.
Q. You w( .c ~1"11I1Cd fOI Ihe lielll?
,\. y~~

Q. I!I)Y,' lont: ""\'f"I: )-0<' ,10ppo.'il for the liE,l1t1

,\ . A coupl., tof >C«Ind~.
Q. 11a,,· lung ~ (oLl pl c of second. ?
,\ . T,,·o o r Ihr~"I: .....""(onris ~ I J~ I" S I.ttl.
Q. T \\"o 01 Ihr~'C . ....cond~ I~ 111:11 ~ll yo u sWPP'-"'!! for the -..1' 01.
1; I'lI: ~1 ]..t lh SIrce1?
§ )(•• 11

A. I'm ap()fO~; m:lI;n& as.'Iin.

Q. You didn 't slow dowl"!
,\ , The li&l'1 is nol ;I minU le.
Q. Didn't )'OU slo"" dow~1
,\ , I !.Sc pped,
Q, Didn'l ),O ll kn ow it w~s goi ng to be a red light wh~11 you
were approaching it. so lh~ t )'011 c,'cn W\:.f ,c ing ~O\l'cr
III3n )O?
,\, O h }'c •• I ,Io.wd down, ye~,

Q. You didn'. h~"c 10

:\\Illdenl)' j.'lm Oil )'Ou.,,;7
A. Oh no, r .Jow(d down, )'l"!,
Q, Weren' l you ca~ily ahl~ 10 r.« Ihal lh" ligh l ~L 3~ lh 5" « 1
"';l~ rcd?
.\, y "."
Q. Ami, ;' ,,';u, ~~Iil )' ol""f\'abl ... bl' roo, you llCl\\'c:d \lown
befor e yo u Eot there"
,\, Ri&ll1. I'm ~ p r\lf~of\.11 dri\'~ ',
Q. lie', ~til1 l;uins ~t lhi ~ high roue (}f Sl""cd?
,\ , yc •.
Q. Ilccaus.: he'. ",inS 311cJd of )'o u, Ih~I'S the llook car'!
,\. Th ~n riVl!,
Q. ~O\\'. wh ~n Ih~t CJ. is ~.iII soine at i l ~ h i~h 131e of sJ'Ccd ,
YOII sa)' it is unly u bl oc k and n half "hc"d oj' )'OU wh ~n }'OU
lIfc nop pcd al 34th Succi?
.... Righi,
Q. If il Is ~ block 3nd J haIL an~ you wcre MOpno:d. i t'~ MiU
goins JI SO. 60 01 owr SO?
,\. Fifly, ~ixt~, )·~S,
Q. 'Then I !lu~S Ih" 1;!;IlI turned at 341h SI.....,1 rOT you'!
,\. Yes,
Q. ,\~ you "'ere ~I a ~landi ng PtlSil ion?
A. A '(:Ind i,,!, p()!oitiol1, w1ten~
Q, When you wer e slo.>p/ICd for Ii' t red li!;lll?
§ 16.U 1~- 2 6

,I. Oh ~.~~. J \\Ol~.

Q. WhCll ,I \umcd &.ec n'!

A. Y("S.

Q. You 11.1d 10 fP '~lh<"T ~O"" 10 \,...:\ up 5pc-t"d1

A. 30 milel ~n hour. yes.
Q. Y{lU d idn' l go fmm 34111 SI.cel \0 .l~lh SIN"'"! ~I 30 mil<'$
3n hour, d id yo u?
A. SUf( . wh)- 1I 01?
COMMENT: Ccun!.1ll lead~ I~~ wilnes, \0 mi ke ~la Leme nl$ IM31 ~!e
im~ob~ bl~ anv cont",y 10 com mon $CMS e. Tile mo 'e error, Ille .,il·
I"I!1SS nlako!!.. Ille ~, UoIpet>Clnble he is.
Q. Didn'l Y(lU lell thi~ jury thai )'Oll SLop ped ~I 35th Streel'!
,\ . Vn. I d id.
Q. So, you mean )'(W picked up speed fro m 341h to 351h up to
JO mik~ ~n )1011 ' and ,n o nl)" 180 f« l; j~ I h~1 what rllll ~te
lellins l hl~ ju!)"'!
,\. No. If yo u nrr.: gains 1I0rll1.1l 'I"~d, lhc ligh lS rh.1ll &C
gt1ld n~lI}" a~ you :I.C cruI, ;rq;. If yo u a,e t;O;ng JO ,n ile'S 1\n
hour, non hbound. yell catc-h .1 JJ Ih e li~hl'.
Q. Did r o u catch Ihe ti&llls 31 lSd. SlreCI?
A. :>010, I 510w "d down for i l.
Q. Vou \ \Oppoo.'tl for i l~
A. Vc,.
COMMENT: The wilnKS is 50 beluddled Ih31 he woukl like to S!.llt
0,.".. In d v;;~ld 'JW same of ~l l Ilfit>< t eslimcn~. but cO YII ~e l wi ll not
I~t hi m do it.
Q. So lhat ...·h ~tI )'011 ",arl ed at ~4 t h St reet . i t '~ on ly ISO f~~l
10 351h St reet ?
A. I doll' l lm()\O' ir il i~ ISO fccl .
Q. Would )'ou a,c~pt Ih at it', a ~hor1 hloc l?
,\. :>010. ii', 3 l"C&ular block.
Q. A .c£ul;lr cit )" btocl from lhc nUI111,.,n_thcy ar~ n.cll >·
,\. Yes. ir.~ 1120t h or II mile or .... hmc'·cr.
....... "..,
t lUI
Q. Prcu)" sbOl"l~
A. Pretty i ho rt. 11'. 1120th of ~ mile . ! don' l kn ow wh~1 you
caU "shorl .-
Q. When >'011 SI;lrltd ... p 10 &0 fr om l~l h Sme\ \0 35111 Str~~I.
arc y0 11 \dHng tb l~ jUl)' you "'nil ... p to ) 0 milc"i an llou1'.'
A. t l"o ,,,,botl rc~I"'IIsc.)
Q. Il)' Ih ~ way. ,lid ~'<;>IJ ha,'" allY trouble ~cci ns Ihe li&ltl al
351h Sued!
A. 1'\<>.
Q. Wa, il red when you Id't 34th Si reel?
,\. y~.

Q. Wa &il m l wh en )'0 11 lefl 341h Sircet. dill il '(3)' rcd hcc3u~c

~011 .ndtd up SlOPped 31 35th SI .....1?
A. Y<'5. it "':is rcd.
§ 1(•. 12 1'0$1 1;011 /'If WII ~c,,' ,\ulomohilc At Ti me or Accident

Q. When Ihe uccidcnt Imppcncd . were you 110ppcd Bl 351h

A. yc~.

Q. So th ai )"ou !.lo~ pcd ;'1 3'lI h SIT\.~I, tllj~ ~ 3flcr Ihi, car ;5
,oing W 10 60 ,,,ilc. ahead of YC<I . rrom 271 h Str ecl you
hit.! timc to ! IO~ ~t 3~ l h Streel. w::t il for tile li&l.I. ;0 up III
35th Slr<'et and 110P ag~in und Ihe accident ~Iill didn't
happen M ly al 361h Strn11
A. ;..10, it h:>pJ!o\:ncd IIlrc~~~"
Q. I Ihought )'011 just 5aid it h;lpt>e l1ed afte r )'OU ,lopped ~I
)61h Sirefi?
A. I{ig.hl . No.
COMMENT: This witr>cn c~ llnot lJct mc whether 10 ""1 hI! wao;
st<)llpOd at 35th Street ~t tl1 0 time \l,c ~tt ide nt l1a pPl'Md, Qr W~ $
ll'IO"inc. He appears 10 be conlfl\ling an&WCrS and Ite i~ un".IIC: COUll·
$cl "ill not allow ~;m to c.ade J defi nite ~n 5W er.
Q. SO that when rou '>"(1'C Irn...,l ing from J.l lh Su ccI 10 35tll-
Till: Cocu: I o.lo .l't think the witll"" i-:lid Ih al. lie ,air.! he ".~,
apprllad. ing !I.e red 1I!;Ilion 351h SUefl.
§ 16.1! b J' \\' ;1""''''''

Tuf. Wrr"a'l: Ri,hl m Ihe time uf th~ (oUi,ion,

COMMENT: (oom t h~ courl ls mi~~;ng tho te~timony. TI,;s rei nforce,
tile ~ to pin Ihe witness do\\,,, ead. I,nl\! he attempts to bQ un·
elf-a. In h.s 'esj:On~.

Q. 'r'O li we,en'\ :II 3Stl! SIn:CI when lire acridCl1i happencd?

,\ . I wa. apN o:lching Ihe il\lcrscclinn :I rcw fc.'I.
Q. There's:I di fference.
..\ . No. IlIclc'~ no dirrc,tne~. rm :t1 Hlh SI "~I,

Q. We,e you n oppcd :1\ 3S11l St l'l:Ct when Il,e m:cidclll

h :I J)IJ<..,.~-d. or wo:rc )'''U UI<"·inll l(l ....."nl! Hlh Slroet:
A. I wa. mO" ing IOw-Hds ;;51 h S1f( Cl,
Q. Did !·ou c'·c. lell ~n)' bod)' Ih'lt ), Oll we,e )10))""d when th"
attident hupp<.: n.d'!
A, Y~'!i. If I'm mo>; ,,!',. ir I' m moving to",.ud~ 35th Street. 3
couple or (''1:1. r m oul al 34111 a n)' J"n!l~r-I 'm a l .l~lh.
Thai"s wh al L nm Ifj'ing 10 "I)'.
Q. Oid you e" er leU 1I\YOOd)' IMI "" hen the aL-ciucnt h;1 1""II\~d
10 I h~ bu~ Jrt<I IIIe MU~I ~ng. ~'OU were: con. plc~c1)' S~"PI1<.'d
J~ )5111 S ~'cc ~1
.\ . I can't rC C:11I th~l. 110,
Q. Yuu can'! '~'311 tlt:il~
,\. No.
Q. 15 it IWC , ""erc }'Oll ~t"ppcd at JS lh Strcet? "O~ know ",h;\\
SlOJ)Ii'Cd ".calli:
.\ . Yts.
Q. ~OI n}(}\' inu'/
A. Y~s.

Q. !tell ligh t.
A. "I lhc lilli e of Ihe ,,,U is;,,n. yco,
Q. AI the I; m~ o f Ih e coll ision, "'cn: )'''U ~H)Pl><: (1 ~t l~lh
Sm:... t?
,\. V......
Q. Y"u wercn'\ mu \'in ~ Ihen \(Iwmd~ 35 th S1r~C\. you arc nil\\'
!.;IyinS you "'ere 510Ppc'd?
§ 16,12

A, ,\1 Ihe li me o f th ~ colli~ioll?

Q, RiCht.
,\ . \\os.
COMMENT: The Iklggedn~~s 01 <g un, . 1 in '"sis1in/: u""" a cole", ~nd
unequivocal 3 n~W<l" ~m pli'io l Ulc Ilet.I 01 ( fOU,ir' JMn. Vill e...
a wi !neu i, obVio u!ly cV~ !ii,e in hi s ~ mwe" , I\i~ er rOrS in teslimo.ny
a lc nol " I" ibula ble 10 innocent enOl. Tne ~I~r ,nlplieation IS ""U,"'i.

.... ".
Q. So Ih e" at the tim ~ of the ro l1 i ~io ll \'011 lmd time to SIUI' al
341h S l r~c, nod wail f(1r the ligh,':
A. No.
Q. , 'h.:" 11) Prol'<:C,j up to 35th Street ~n d st r>p for ti le ligl!l.
and it w~sn' t IIlltil artc r }'OU Wt'" lIop ped 11131 It.,· 3(d d( 1I1
lI.1fl1'C" ~d Oil ill'll)' .\(,t h 5 111."1'1 , " riC h l,)el.: afi c'(! ()f you'!
,\, Y IllI me WrIl nl!,. You 0;:,;11--

Q, 1'111 wro ng':

,\ . y~. You ~,i,j wh<'11 , wa. Ilan dint ro r Ih~ liglll "" ~ 'Hh
Street Ihe coll ision ~lrcady IInp/X' nrd.
Q. No. I didn'l say Ilia!.
A. ,\~ fill' d ill .
Q. YO'I " ere a l 341h 5lro:<"l . ~U>Pl"'d for lht Iq:,h r!
,\. y~~.

Q, Th~ n«' den l didn 't II"Pll'Cn yet?

,\ . Kilthl.
Q. The li gln tu rned fnr yo u at ~4 th ?
A, Rij;ht
Q. II "':I. "... .11 35th'I
,\. y~,.

Q. Y(1 U llrtl<.'l:c(jcd IIJI \(I .l~th'?

,\, Yfi.
Q, Rcd lij).ht ~I )51h Sm..,!'!
,\ . Y''Io.
• ,',
' (>, 1J

y ~ •. or !\owc" down .
Q, WeU. did yo u ~!O P o r slow down?
A, J sJow~d <.1 o .... n 10 ~ I Op .

Q. D id )'011 Slop?
A, Y ~s. J d id SI01'.

Q, And. "'Cl~yoo ~ I a rumple\c &IO P a\ 3S Ih Street ""fore ille

acci <l~ "t ha ppen ed !(l thi , car at ) 61h Slr~~l . Illl' MIISI:lnt ?
A, No. nul berore. "'11 ~n it ha pllCMd, I w~s 1"Irk~d-1 In,:!!n
I "'lIS s lop~d ~I .1 5th Street.
Q. That' ~
what I ju st $OIi1\_),OU "-.:,~ 3J r~:ldy ! IOPPO<d.
-TuL: Cnu~1 : WeI'\! you al a rompk:le n or 0 1 -
TI I~ Wlr)<I" ~ I WaS at !I com¢ell: u op :u die ,i me o f Iho co11' .
,i on on 361h Slr~-':I . >·t~.

Q. Ynu were a\ :I rom()lcic ' Iop. ,,-a ili ns (Of Il\e lj~h l o n 3~lh
Sir". ' 10 111m VI."C1I, ,,-lien Ihi, n r 11m! h:lll ' !led pa~1 you
:11 111h St rC1,:! a l the speed you S<ly w~ ~ only apl' roach inn
:!l1d cntcfl; 3&lh Street when Ih. ncc idc nl hap f'!<: netl?
,\ . Ril;ht.
Q. And. ~'o u werc al 35th Site.:! alre:!d)' ..... ~jli o g ror ~n O'1""r
,\ . 1'1.;&1\1,

§ 16.11 n .... cripl iun or Ill\' C"Uisl n"

COMM ENT: 11 is onl, now that tile witnl'r... ~ttu,)lIy &elS to 1M pClin l
of l.lliling "OO ~I thl a«itlen l. By Ihi $ li me , the .... j ln e ~' hi>'; no t 'ed,·
Di lily , No matle, W~ "I h<l $iri$, ,\ will nCI bo: t111$ted. l his ~ the a ll-
()1opriale .equcnce IIf lI u~tioni ,,&
Q. Okay. And wh"n I h~1 car ente red 36th ~l re<:l. )'00 <:lW Ih"
~ IIS «J 1Il~ ou l'l
A. 0 11 ~·c"', I d id .
Q. " nd . )'OU ~rc ItllI " , Ihl. j ul)' no ""' 111:11 Ihe bu. W<lS gni ng 1\1
" norm.~1 r:1l~ o f _!»!d. ) 0 1[') 3S'I
,\ . ~'I'S.

Q. Did )'ml !>Ce " -hal pa rt uf tlte bu~ hit wha l pon [') f th~ ca r?
,\ . y ,-:;.
16 - .11 § 16. 14

Q. Wba\ r>-~rl"!
A. Th~ fmnl of \h~ hu~.
Q. lIit "'hat plrt of ,he carl
A. The left ~id e of the c: ...
Q. Ilr uad~ ide. Ih~ dri"er"~
side. I1U qu estion aboul \h:\I:
.-1. . Y,'S-. b",~d.ldt. M qu,-s\ ion " OOU\ IhaL
COMMENT: Vlh~" (oun~1 INChes Ille al;c,denl ~,.,It . Ire bri"lr> 0\11
O"'y Ine fads I~", ",II intf~"SO tile am"""1 01 [fle d~m~ge' in tI,~
Q. W:u it liSh l. med ium or (crnfi.: imp.lct. u" lrs.s )'011 ca n'l
:ln~w"r in those le 'm~. rj ,·c your lI"·n.
T'I!: Cman, Wh at ~hout hc~vy?
Q. \VIIS i! a 1"'11")' imrac\?
,\. Oh ~...... il won.
Q. RC ill hea\"y'!
,\, Yuu uitl ~h~:l'·)· ." I <'"l id )·C~.

Q. W ..... t happened IU \I,,, ,'ar?

A, wen. th~ bu s 1'II,hed it flu m one ~idc of the in tersection 10
l11e other.
Q. Tb~ I",~ :11 lhe '"IlC"d II ...~~ w ,, <"I il1g. p usl,ed it from o,, ~
sille uf the intc rs.cnio,,'!
A. yc~.

Q. \Vllal llal'p o"ed tu (h .. ~r'!

,\ . Well. rillhl before Ih" eaSI side o f 1Ju: cu rb, Iht hos
n( ounled. you k,IOW, Ih~ i nljJ~Cl diu')IlIK"<:tcd. !.i kc Ih~ b,,~
,,"enl Oil to the ~n~ t1xmn d ~illc or 1111' Slreet and tll c car wem
rwrt hho urod .'1l 101' o r lli,' curt,.

§ IG.14 C"ndili,,~ <)/" Vehi<:k-s Ml~r [m p:ltl

COMMENT: The VI,tn"s. is now u"ed I~r M ad (liti on~1 p"'p<>,e. to
idl'f1lity phalog<3plis 01 tile ~el\C 01 the a~ent.
Q. I Ihuw you Ihese 1';(1111"\"10. ~ "d I a \ 1.: l OU, ~ir. 3re l h~",· Ih,·
Wily \h. "clllde' loo\;cd :trIer (he accidcnL. and in Ihe ,:l1l1e
1'(J~i (ion- l~n -'llIlll c~c ,·lhibilS. 1(1,\ through J: i~ that Ill"
""~)' it :llllon k"d?
, "'"
•16.1 5 16-n

,'. II I the lim e of Ihe iru .... n?

Q. ,\ fle' lhe i m"~tland when II«: C1I'S e~n'c 10 reS1. d~ those
l'iC1UrC~ r~ir!y
3l'1rl a.:cumlcly ~how ~11 Illc_
,'. Tlti, fi!;1 one, no. T"~I " '!IS Jfler Ihe I', n: lkp.Jnment -
Q. P" ed the to p offl
,. Yes.
Q. The nnly dj lTCfe~ce b\:IWl'e!11h3] "ictu rt :lIld wh~1 you 5:lW
afler Ihe imp.,~?
,\. You atc not showi ng tile silc Orille impact.
T n( CmJ~l: I~ 11.3\ where Ihe c~r fjn~lLy C"~ mt 10 « ~I?
T",~ Wm<liSSc Yc., Ill.., car W~ i then:. yes.
Q. Take a look at the others , ma)'be you wi ll ~cc i1. D<J Ihe)'
~n show tht sile of Ihe acci<l elll? Tho~ :m) ~U 1)(1\;~"
Il llOlo~mph ~, by Ihe way.
(The witness Ioo~ed n( Iht Il'II00 uS.,
A, Ok~y.

§ 16.15 ,\ SUR\: WI'n""'~ If lie is I'wrlbl

COMMENT: Havin8 co~e(C(j th~ pri o.- intoMs;"\enl s!.tcrn en! m.t!e
by \h Q wilntSS . II>\! m.ny defects In tlis obsefVlIlion and .e<oIlecbon .
~nd ha l'ine inlcflO!(j .ome re~~on ~![)or thO l e defect$. m.inly the influ.
ence 1.11 11>11 op/lO'l lng atlerney. Ihe /JlI3mlnarion now lurns Ie the fina-
le, cou n!i(!1 will draw cuI circumstances from ",Ilid, Ihe jury can infer
3~ Inleresl th~t II\(' ~til~ coold h.we In Ihe c..... What becomes
a ppMe<J I 10 th o jury is th~t Ihe witnes, i. aUcmpl ing 10 in&f~Ll"IC
hl.....ell to thl! bus cOfl'p.1n·f$ a ltofney. in 11>11 hDflC "11I~ttinil ~ job
dr..ina a bus in~lcad of a la~ ;. Thi~ fxplain 5 the "..rt ila1>S ITip demon-
$Ifilled by IIII' Wllnc .. 110.00811001 the e~amin"t;en.
NetCe .. \lr al a ~ ttle attorney mO'O$ dO$er to Il, .. m()\ive !~ bl,l'. the
,';IM •• b«omM mOfI! CVilrJ_C. l his , ,,acticn 1$ bound \0 impren \II.
jury witt, tll a wi\n e55 ' t»a5 .
Q. Now. )'0 11 told us Ihal you wcr~ :I bus d,i.·c' fu r o nlr I""
,\. Ye •.
Q. YOII s:lilli llal Mr. HIMba nd kne\,' ~'Oll .. crc a blls .:Iri-·cr?
A. Yes.
§ 16.1:\

Q. Al th~ ti me Ihe ~C'CidC,'m hap]>CJlcd. rOil "-.:rc a ,':11. d tiwr?

,~ . \'~'S.

Q. Do you know h ow hc found mil ~'ou werc ~ b\1~ drivc.?

,\. rc~,

Q, 110'" "':i!. Ih~t ?

A, II), my phone nu mber,
Q, fly )' our pho n~ !lumher?
,~. y~ s,

Q. Wit;':!! pl«lnc nil"'''''' i~ th~t'!

,~. ~1)' home ]!hon ~ nunlbcr.

Q. Your home ph'lIIe n u",hl'(t

A. ,,~ •. nl~'Y "we HyinS 10 rc,~dl "," to $.eC ir I ,'o ulJ hcc()ll\c
1\ witne",

Q. Okay, In Ihis p'mitlll~ r C3St'. you ~ n()w Ili31 1I""re's a hu~

COlll pan)'- )'OIl ~now the t>,,~ co mp" "), is rCI" c! ~llIcd by
Mr, U!~s""nd, You knew lhm?
A. \~'1 1erc~ When 1 met hi n' at the o m c~?
Q, "O il haw :t IW"I' ~ kn ow n th at Mr, 1l\~~ha"<1 n: ttre,~nl' the
bus ''Ollll'3n)' ~ nd it~ d ri,'c' ?
A. 1 Im"~ " Iwa)'. h()wn '/ No, I nn cr kne w that.
Q. Since yo u hn.c met him, since he ,c,ved the ,ub"""n~ Oil
you, len.., )'<)u kll(ll\n tlt.;1 he . eprC'Cnt . the bu , IX>mp~II)'
and ils driver?
A, VI.'!>,

Q . 1)0 ~'00 ~n()'" ,,'ho the C~'1\IJ..'m~n i. a t the etld or tl,e \;Ill le'!
flo you know ir he f,'p.e s,'nl' 111e owner uf Ihe M"~I ~ng'!
,\. 1 "111>" TI:c~11.
Q. Woul d )'OU nCC"I'l (h:tt f.t>!I\ m~, I,e r~l'rl"SCn" the OWllC ' nr
(llc M ~'l ang'!
A. No, I "un', ~<xcp' IhJ I. n~~1 i$ ,,'h~1 you ",,' ,j.;ly ing, I'm
\lc!ic" i n~ you ,

Q, I JUSt ha"~ one bSI .t"c~ti"'I, ,'"n

,,·001,1 li k~ lite bu)
.'Onlll~"Y to ""in this ~~S" . wou l ~n'l yon'!
,...... ,.,,'
§ 16 . 1~

COMM[fH: IA •. M;~ . h ~s saow 1hor on'.ri(Jlng theme of h;~ e""$

eo:a,nlna tiijn fe r l,)~t, ~nd sum. it u ~ in one <o mmen ,cn ~e ~"" Iti<:ln.
"1M !;n~1 imp .e-;~ icm \0 the jl.lty . .rnale\'il, the J nsv.-e •. is lhal Ihls is
a ve'i pa. l<&an wilneS!; 1'1110 <annat Dc trusted . T~ls is the &O~t 01 c .. ·
er~ erOl 5 c.~minM i"".

A. " t!.
Q. YOII "'011111,," lik" lite bl.l' com jl.l ny to ...·jn th is C3 SC'!
A. Oll. il<:call$C of_
Q. Th~ h.. ~ co mpany. 1hi~ hi" C(l m)rJn ~'-n')1 your llll~
c om p ~n)· .

,\. In whJ I ,"'I'll, 1houtl.?

Q. In thi~ (dSC .
.\. In WhlU ~n"" IhOlI!;h'!
Q. YfloU C~ I\'I Jll""-,:r my questio n?
. \ . In Wh al senw ...·uul11 1 ,,"Jnl lh~m 10 win Ihe c.n e? I'm j ~1
tellillC tile Ifblh hue. [ dou'l I.Ind~fM~nd whJ I }"ou'r~
MR. MII.ln : Thn!"s all I hal"!:. Th~nk you, si,.

'''' ""'>
t n .l~ .",,...1, ... \:"" I~ ' m,...... b ""11 ........... 1,_ 01 Tr~ l . i ... n ,b,,,,, '"
'e I'"n, M..
I 17.1'
S.M y O ......
\\"~'K"" \\"~" .. ,. 0.._ ~I.", ,-

n......lri ... "<-1;- . .- ~I '''.""

t l1.n F""OIIoJ'" 'of u..'l'rIN '",on,I" eol !SUle ... "" •• ~ C,,"~"'"
t 1 7.1~ t:>< o! InK'''"", ,,,,,,,, ~: ... W"1t 1),, ___
f 11.' . 1)...... , ·.• 1·...; _ )' "'., ' 0 \\'i' ..·,,· I'hl ""'\ {".~.101 ~, .. ,
I 17.10 ,\~ .. I,,"'" ot ""1>0,11 ... 101. t:,,,,,,,,,o
S,mm""f '!f Ill/;/e Fll(I.• tln,( flllrod'U"I'''f Rc·m.Hb

The ,,1~ inl i lT- ... il nc5'>. a r~ rm ,,-ot~cr. "'m. i njur~d "'hen his h ~"d
WI\S cauShl in Ihe 010\,;"& P3r11 of ~ hay haler. Thi s cas~ ;,, __ oh'cd
:I l'rodu(1s ii:lb ililY :u:tio n ar,:,i MI Ih~ nl:1IW fOlClur.:r of tile llay Ixli -
cl b",,,d on n f~i !urc 10 U(!eqU;lIc!y gU3rd th e 1110\"iI1$ pari ! of the
nti~ i~
a Iyp ical r"ilur~ \() gu :m l c~~c. und thi ~ croSi cxn m i·
n ~t ion i1!mu·atc. lite areas of \"\IlnCfahil ily or 1I pL1in.ifT ill .ltCh ~
U!iI:. The p l~ i nti ff_wit" cl~ hOl d pr cviou! ty worled wilh Ihe "la-
chi ne for Ol hu ~"" 'rlIoycr... mId h:ld r«elV,-d " a ini,,& in Ihe opo:r.1-
1\(>1\ of Ihe machine. He ~l", ! r~i n~d Olhcr~ in Ihe lise or Ihe buy
b.1 k •. The defenda", ma ,,"f~" "r.! r ~lIelnl't~-Q 10 em"Io~~i:ru that
the plainli fflhrou Qh re aao nahle c~rc ,'ould h:l\"c ,",'oi d ... d hi5 inju ry.
If Ihe [llaimilT h~d 3C.tQ rc:tSOnabiy. lite d efense 3'l:llCS . hlt dl~r.:
... ould h~\"e bee n no ne\'d for Ihe munu fac turer 10 pr\l" ide :I gu ard .
Th'. 3~ m~111 3 ri~S "lm'N in"~riably in ("-.....os ilwoh'lut: a fa ilu re
to guard movi ng p:m~.
Thi~ cro.~
tnminati':Jn is an c~ 3 mple of Ihe Il;iI! flllll~ " f pri"r
dCpOS" ;GJ\ I ~ im on)'
10 impeach J ... itoes~ ", ilh conu udiclory
Matcm enlS. :\Ir. S!'cltll a n aUC l11Pt~ 10 ~t Ihe pl:lin1 iff·"'i lnc:'>.~ 10
a~ mi t that h" "''' ~n c.• pcrl hay buter ope rat or. F~i\ ins to ~"'C t,r.:
thai adnti-sio ll, he a.1is .Joe \\"i t ~ 10 "C' I;"<" .h:.. he " 'a s " " c~J)l:ri ­
CIIre.! hay h31cr e>pcralor . Wh e nlh ~ wilness denie> Ihal. Mr. Sher-
man l urn. 10 the dcpol ilion leilimo ny, "," ere: .Ilt: ... llnC"S1 was nul
as "'ell pN:p ~ rcd for su ch (Ju c~t ionl .
Mr. Sherma n n o\"~ Iw e " ni(J u", p.. rpo~~~ of lhe cm>lS ~x3min,,·
lio n: (I ) 10 13}<" (O" ,l(h lion 10 brins on u lher ... \111= ; In IC&li fy
to .lalemenlS m~ de 10 ~nd in the nrc,;.cn cc of Ihe 1,binlirr wilh re-
&a ni 10 I"~ opcr:n io" (If the producl (Ihe h~~' b~ lcr): and 12) Ie> t~)·
Ihe foundal ien fer Ihe in trodu~"!ion in c\',dcncv o f " I';deot~pc (If
, !7.15 1J'p"'klon 1I",~ '" I"OfI<'''''~ \lito",,, on 1,,"0 .r T,,;n;"~ Ol~"" '"
S,rdj' Ope""" r.,., .~I><~;"",)·

I 17.1~ \\'h",,, w,"" to Ch.n~< 1l..,,,,,,It[,.. T«II""'")'" Tri,,1

,,• 17.17
Fo"nd."''''' rot {>r.Il [',;", In,,,.,I>,,", St>O"""",,.,,1l Co"""",
t;" of '.<orr.IO"o';<\ t. )<:,,,1011,0 U"".",,
17.1~ [><><'0'\ T<'II",,",!' A, 10 II'iI" ... ,· I'hl,k,j Cop,hlll,!.."

• 17.!U .ldml"loH ,of 1I"",,,HI,,,, ,"10 t:,j~'n"

The lliainliIT·\\'ilncss. n farm worker. was iJljur~<l when hi, h,,,,d

w~s caught in (he moving pam of a hay llalec This ca~c invoked
a produ"l~ liJhilily action againsl [he nmnuf'lClUrcr of tile hay bal·
~r b,",cd on a fJilure 10 adC(!\IUlcly Su~rd [he mm'il\£ parts of lhe
Thl, ease i,,, lypical failur~ t()
guard ca,e, ,,,,<I
Ihi. em« c~nmi_
n~tioll illullrat"~ the ar"J~ of vulncmbilil), of a pl'lintiff in such a
ca5e. The pl:limiff-witncss had prcviOU51y worked with th~ m:,-
chine for otller employers. nnd had ,eceived training in tllc Oller;l-
tion or the machinc. He ;llso trained oth"'5 in the me of the h~y
baler. Hlc dcf.ndant manur~ctllrcr attcmpted to empha5ize that
Ihe plaintiff throush rcuwllable care could h~\"c :l'"oid~d his injury.
If the pbimiff had aCled reasonably, the defense Jrguc, thm tllcrc
would Ita,·" \Ie"n no need for thc m:mllfaclurcr to provide a guard.
This arGument arise5 nlmo~t invnriably in casc~ inm\vins a failure
to guard mO\'ing part~.
crm~ examination
This is ,m example of the ~killrul us~ of prior
depo~ition testimony to impeach a witness with contradictory
~tatemcnt~. Mr. Sherm:ln attempts to B"t the plainlifl:witl1es~ to
admit thai he W~5 an e.~llert hay baler operator. Fnilillg to 5CCurC
thin adm;,,;on. he a!h Ihe wiln~s~ to agree th~t he W'IS ,m experi_
enced hay baler operator. WIlen thc witness denies that, Mr. Sher_
man turns 10 th~ d~po!ition t.'limon)" ,,11erc Ihe witness '1';11 not
a. wdl prepared for such questions.
Mr. Shcrnmn notes two unique purpose, of the em" e.~amina­
tion: (I) to hl)';1 round~tion w hring on other wiln~.\~cs to testify
to ~LJtcl11etlts made to <lnd in the pre'ence of the plaintilT with re-
gard to the operation or the product (tile lIay haler): and (2) 10 1'1),
the foundation for Ihc introduction in evidcnce of a videotape of
li- .l § !1.ur

thc pbinrln· \ak~n np~ro.\im "rd)· une w~..,k before tria1. whkh
<.kn,onStr:Olcd thaI hi$ phy.ieal ~bi!i r k5 "'er~ gr,'~I,r IIo~n th ose Ie'·
lilled 10 h)" him UI lrial.

§ 11.01 lisc ur ll-\'fI\,sili"n-C:a'~~1 5 I}·'c

Q. :\/f . C,a llCfXIOI. rOil a nd [ haw 1:llked lId'lre this accid ~ nt.
ha'·c wc nol?
,\. Y,-s.
Q. ,\nd 31 thc I'me 111:11 ~~m
""Cre "'orki ns wilh 1hi~ 5S00 hay
b3h:r. ~·o" COMidu~-d yourn:lf 10 be :m C'pilrt in Ihe
opcrnrion of hay Ixtl,,!S. 3tld :1.1 ~uch ," on knew 11ml if ~·uu
"..,,~ t:.oin& In SC t down d ose \0 mo,·in!: pam you WOllld
ui ~ nrOlg~ th e po,"er mkcoff :lnd lum off rile lI~c ror. d illn ·1
~ ou1
).1 )1.. Rncu: J u~t a mi mll ~. ~rr. CrJn~1J'DOI. I object 10 lha\ quc"
I;un bec:>u sc 's compou nd in form. Thc'~ 3rC 1,,"0 \lu~.'ioli ons
.-" .. in Ih3t 1lUtS lion. ;",Il he is askin!; IWO 'luc$tio" •. I object to it
ref 11131 ' t':Ison.
"!"rtf, Coo;lIr, LeI h inl break il [1<>,"". if you can b!"l:ak it [I<>," n.

COMMENT: Covn~e l tried:l - trick" by ,1ssuming a t! imJl<>f' anl admis·

sion In I"", qU"·Moon. Su,h a tric k may ..... or k In m~ n y in$la ne • • : a. 1m:
'c.-.clilll' of the jud ge indicate • • ,\ dee. I~tle hilrm 10 "y .
Q. (lly :"Ir. Shc rman) Lei me a<k yuu Ihi. qu estion. We II~.-.:
taJk~d abo ul Ihi $ d"rinj; your d Clllllitinn thaI .,.;1\ !;i ' ·en in
"'\I offic~ : do you !"I: "'~mbc f I I1~t ?
COMMENT: MI. 51,e rma n ha ~ " ~ke, caSIIM .tyle III ,nI M(l~Ir.c IIIe
d ~ poiition. He ""', beiled o:IQw" the Itg,1lese fOf the jUly. ~ they will IIIe deposition a time wl'M M,. She,m3 o 'talked to' tlIC wit·

Q. Yes. :\ fr . Rckl> " .. ~ II",", ",id. ~ Qu·J

A. Y~~

Q. :\lr. lI1 [lck WM there wi lh )·Oll?

A. Yes.
Q. All right. And . or C'lUfW. ""\:. 1,11k~d "b(lul how I lli~ 3«idenl
h:tppell ~(! . ,lid ,,·! w~'!
• -,.
17.0~ 11-1

Q. We 131kcd "bou\ )'our el~denccs with a big round 1m)'

diun', we?
h~ l cr,

A. "C.I ,

Q. Anli d idn't "'0 ~I Ih.:l l lim~ lllll\

lsre.:- )"('IU mn~id~rrd
~'''u rsdf to be an c~p.:ricn«d ofll.'r.Ilur "illl a his .ound hOI)'
b,.,lc r:\I Ihe lime of your 3C<'idem1
,\ . Wb~1 do YOII mean IIr -~.x)l... ricIlC~"'~?

Q. Didn"' )'D " ron~idc r )'eurlot l f to bc an c~p~ric",:cd 0ll<lr:ttllf

..... i'b II bir. round bay balcr'!
,\. I ..... ;1 9 a hay baler operato r. nlll ~xp~ ri ~ nccd.
Q. Didn't )'OU a~ an c~pcri~n"'l1 upcw\m \: !l\l,," as .ueh th., \
)'ou 1110,,1,1 di:;enga£,e Ihe pO"'cr t~h'Q n' and lurn Ihe I T~W,r
off ,,,,fUK gtlli nl: e ta..., HI mo,-inS pilm?
A. I ,,~ nm iln CJ<p.:rieoccd hay b31er opcrolo r.

COMM ENT: llgain counsel all.mpt~ 10 M'um~ Ihe key IJt l. but the
I!I~inlitl'5 ;nomcy h~~ alerted ,,,- w"nes.s 10 Ihe Irick . ilnIl the pl&' ",
hI! (()Ireets him. UnlGrt unJlely lor Itl e J)lalntill. 'GIJn~c l ha'l a st~te·
m~nt in tha dcpGs.ition which contrMJ'CI~ Ih c wilness' cagey Jnplo~ch
JI \li~l .

§ 17,02 Op(lOrl.nil)' I"" I)~().,~ilio~ Tr~ ..cripl

Q. W~II.
Mr, CranC?OOl. let nil; ,u k )ll U, ancl Ihi. ii \h~
(lcpmilion I ment ioned d'~1 ..."~~ laken in m~' o m....: on
5qltcmrn.r 17. 19 .. , isn' t Ih~1 , i(tlll?
,\ , 1 clon', rcmc mbo:r I h ~ <lale.
Q. W~II, )'OU werc ~ntlcr OJ lh a l the lim~?

,\. Yes,
CO MM ENT: Keep in mind tl1at lurGlr> tl ~ye no info rmatiGn abGul a
d['j)Osilicn , TI,ey mu~t be IGld Ina! Ih a dCpIllil iGn w", taken will1ll~
deponent's attOfncy present. to ken uooer O ~U,. tf1.t Quo.tio". were
put b1 the Jt! "" ,wen; gillen by !I~ deponent. and taken do ... n
l'i<3r(J lor word by the '<'potter, Atw Ito...., s.hould know Ihal the II,:on·
:w."Pl was then sent 10 Ihe deponent. ~nd he and his a ttorney h~d
I~ oPl)O! lunity t o revioew t ht h anSCl lpt a nd mall<' lIny t o"Klicni
Ihat Ih'1 len .....l)1"e nKe,, ~ ry ,
Q. r\n~ ~ou h,,'c S;IKC fe~d )'uur tlc[')Ositiun. h~\"e you nut'!

"" "'"
) 1_5 t iM }

A, Y ~s ,

Q, All ripn . ,\" d you read ~our d~'PO'Iilioll ow. IIm,-,; lloan on<:
lim e, h ~'·. )'o~ nOI?
.\ . One li m~ is all,
Q, A..... )"") knew Ih1l1 }'OU " ,d a n "PfIOrtull ity if you do]roll
to n1~h ~nmc clwngd in }'our dcpolilion of ;;m~'Ih ing thai
w:t~ mi l~t3tc"ll Or incorrtt11
A, YCi,

Q: Isn' Clllal rillhl1

A. r nc" cr ""<15 mid Ilmt r could m ~h ~n)',

Q. YOLI di dn' t ma ke ~ny ch~n~cs, did ~'O\l?

A. No, I ne"cr w;u; !old Ihat I co ul i,l nmke any ch an Ge., Ife<'J llSe
I ne"" r "',.. w id lhi...
Q. Your In,,')'c,' didn'l ldl )'IlU Ilia!'.'
,\, >1'0, <ln d )-nu didn't either.
Q, ,\nd !he 13"1'cn; didn'l lo ll ~Il U t h ~l )'IlU cou ld make ~o me
.. h.ans.o_~?
.\, No,
COMMENT: 11 fs '3'er~ do ne, but the ~bo"c exch3ngu Illustrates why
it mieill ~e 31l1l'0l1" iale 10 l"'l lhe w,l n~s al t he beginnlf1& of a (kIlO'
s ition Ih ~ ll'e will be serll th g t'"" 5c ript ""d ~Nen t~ oppoOrtunity to
n13h 3nv cnal\&Cs 01 co"ec-t;on~ nll<'esloa' r .
Q. Ar~ the,~ dl angc~ lllal )'OU "' ~IU 10 nliLl<C " ..oJ:Iy':
A, ~o. non e wlI l"",~\·cr.

Q. AI! ricllt. Very good . L~l mt mk you if)'ou were no t Rlk~d

Ihis qU~Slinll, Mr, C . :\lICpIIOl. while yo u we", unlk, oalh "I
Ihe time of )',wr dCpO!oit ion:
"Q. I don't W,tn t h> ~,...uc y,- il!! yo ~. Mr. CroncpO\l l, I JUM
""nt to I:now "" hat )'OU considcn:d )'ou r!clf lI S an
opelato, or II IxII~r. WeI\'- you I!>.(ll'fic nu--d o r
i n c~ )"'rien~d.
!( yc" ,,~~. f<.41 •• I",w flRI~h "~~lj ""'~., ~.

If )'''11 PII,,;j, ;L$~ ""Y "''':l I:;I" ":<cl,, "l,ilc at "<'I~, wh.,l ,1(, yo" U(»,,,,,,I1)' " l ~" ,,1 ,"'_'__ OW)':"/
Viha: aw yill" '\!!!\....~I ~"I"'~L""S {oJ': r.:lul~ ~.; du"~ _
l...r,-;: (ph':' ';'' 'Il,dl)-" --._., "-_ ..... "----_. -

h" <~,d, <·.ll~S'''), oJ' u..«,,~ n.....Ji""J ~-'I"""'~. pi,""" 1i>1 II", C.\I('i:"",", tI~, jh'q",· " '.'~' ,,1' d,,; Ife;.l",c" l. ,h~ ." ", ,',,,
""~: f>~! ,,,it (n,'l ~ "'L..r)~11 OJ W", ~ ....,-·" t,;""11ICn'<.1I1un t<M!), ~IKllk du'ntiun on!", no''''''I<:''; F'n U.\:I'''l'k!l'" f!),w~'w:;-_ Cll_'_I..h!.Y.i,;I_ L~.I';ll!11U

1'lw<ir.,1(b,'ral 'Y 2 u"'~< po:r "'10k ~7S 3 ~,~:,, _.

- --"-'--'''--- ---- - ------ - - -

-- .. ..
--- _.. _ -. ...

1M .1.... t!";,::,,,..-d ,h i,,:," _.• ______ .. ______ _

- ----- ---- ------ - -------

(j i 11:; :11111 ~"," rii>u I",n-,'

!U:·;,tW"" J"J lid,,,;,,,,

I 17.14

Q. Wh'l\ ..... a ~ ),ou, an ~"'cr on Ih al d 3~' . ~i(/

,\. "hn c..-icncc ll. 10 ~ ceT1~"n eXltn1.
Q. "C LI ~ nswcr~'d lilt lIu,~\ion "t.wc,.c n«ll ." <l idn 't )·o ... '!
A. ",.... CAp!:ricn .....'d to ~ ~c nain eXlcnl,
Q. And Ihen were }'aLl nOI ~"kc ,! Ihi s qU~Mi01\, wh~1 1 ;,skcd
r ou wa" " Dilln'! you know th.u >'011 slw"W ~hul "n' Ih\)
engin e a nd th ~ [lOwer takcoIT bcfore ~"ltinr, elme 10 mO>'ing
pnm, di d n' t }'Il U kno w thnt ~s an C,\ norie nn,d " p,:r:l iO' o f
':) ba}' b~kr'r Wh,:11 ..... as }ullr an''''e r ~t \h~l lim ,,?
A. "Yc~, "

Q, And the ie :.ns",••! th:\\ yOIl m ~('" at Ih e lime of ~'O Ll'

lltpo!'lio n. Mr. C'3Ilcl'OOl. they ,,'crt: true, ....:rt: IIlC), nOI'!
A. y".,
Q, ,\lId if the)' were tn ,o Ihen Ihey arc ~I\1Iln' c loll,,),. ;[1\."l1 ' !
lilt)' !
A. \' ,:. ,
COMMENT: Having e5t! blislled the pri<l r ,n cn n5ts lenl .t ~tem~nt,
counsel mlM'~ on, He does no1 ioSIJII tile intel!igcnCi! 01 tlie j~ry b~
discussinG tt,~ GbviouS-lhat Ihc Wllr\C'~ I"" fl(lW ~g,e oo W'lh Ihe
l.xIlh,,\ he ...a~ ... p e ri~nc:~, w hl'fe~~ ear l.... ' in hi<. !C slim l>l1V ile de·
nied II",! lie wa~ e' pc ri cnccd.

§ 17.04 EXpcri<' n,c Wilh l]a)' ]1,,1.,

Q, ~ow. insofar ~s )'o ur e~ pcr;~ n C'<: wilh the bij; '"u nd hllY
ooln. ~'ou :U311cd w."kint: ror Amo:ri~-an. 1 think y,m
tc.t ificd , o r ill B[lnncr Snrin~ . and llim " a~ "'nlclimc ill
aboul 19" , ", ~",'I il?

Q, TI1~! ~ ~\ ;\ll1 crican you " (lrkcd 011 an \~pc s of farnl

elIUIl' m""!, d idn'l you?
,\ . :-;01 'In I ~'I''''''

Q. Wlnl 1)'IICS ,lid )' OU w Ol k on'l

A, 1 wm ked Oil ~w:lth ~ .., halers-, "'Iua rc \l:I lcrs, We wmh .J on
.1 r~'....
rou nd bal.Js. G ~hl cl1~il.:l~..., m ~,hl llcry . and :\O m,'
""Illb ine s,
Q. Wbm WJS >our :m s"..,. ()11 l "~l d J Y. sir?
A. ~E.wo;:r;cn lXd ,~ te a C~"ili n ~.,.tcm,
Q, You ~n sw~r~d the quc~t lon "cxperienced :' did,, 't )'o u7
A, y~.. , ,,~p<'ti~nc"" 10 a Ct.,",,;n e,\t~ " t,
Q, lind ' hen ""CT" you not :I! Lcd I Il;~ qU,."t;o ll, wh:.- I :ls k...!
)'(111 w~s: " "1<1 ,,'1 )'O U ~n ow Ihat you ~hould ~hut otT the
enj\ine atHII!!C power t"keoff bcfm c sw ing do .. to 111o \'in&
pam. d idn' t )'OU kno" ' Ih~1 ",,:m CX Il<;l icl1ccd ,,!'Crator or
'a hay b.I~ rr Wh~ 1 "'~s y" ur :1Il~wer al Ihal ti mt?
,\, " Y"S ,~

Q, And thc ;~ a n,,"cr! 111 31 you 1l1adc :n the li me of )'OU'

d~~ositi<!1'1, Mr, CrancpOOl. the)' "'cre true, "we they not?
A. y ~ •.

Q, ,\ nd ir th e)' .... o;:re tme then th ey an: ~til1 I"'c today. ;"e,,'t
,\ , Yes,
CO MMENT: H;mne ~t"b1iiihe<l thoe prior i~conM!.telll statement.
~ow>Se! nl!)'~ tlI1. He OOM nQI in;ult 1M iNfllig."'c of t~ ! IU ry by
di~eU$l in& til e obviQus-UIM the witness hDS now ~&'e ~u with tile
IJct tna! h ~ vt~ 1 e~ ~.riencC'd, whe,ea ~ e~ rlic, in ll~ t.-timon)' he de'
nled that he was elperienulJ.

Q, No,,", i"loOf:" a~
your c~ ~cric rl<:c with the hi S ruund hay
bakr, yau .tancd ,,"u.kin~ ror An)~riCJn. I think ,'''U
t e'ti fj~d, or in Bonne, Spr i n&~. :lnd 111:1' w~s ~on.~'i mc in
:II XlU) I ')", "'''5 n't ;11
A, Yes ,
Q. l1tcn: at ,\nler;c~n )'Ou ....orh-d o n an tyroc ~ of fnml
\'qu ipmcn' , d idn'! ~-ou'!
A, No t .. ll t)'il<'~,
Q, What t}'~C 5 di d ),(1U wor k 01,'1
A, I ...-urked till ~ ...'athcls. h~kr~. squar, 1..,Ie,s, We "~rkt'<l " "
it ft", round b:t.lcrs, ~hl ,,"~ibto;: m~cl'i "~r)'. and ""n",
Ii _7

Q, '''t right Thcle piece, or ettuip lllcnt thJI yo u did '~OIk on,
they )~'ldbl.:lt <!rivc~?
,\, Som~ of Ihc m had belt driv~

Q, An ri\lht. And 0 " these ~11 d rl"es. }'01I knew (fOm >'Oll(
lr~ining ~nd your exptrkn ,,~ lh ~1 }'OU should 1\0\ Gel clo$C
\0 mO:I\"Ing paT1S. i~ n 't lh~l , i&ftt?
,'. '''os.
Q. Lkcau ~ you kn~ ..... thaI in gCl\In U clo<~ to moyins P~T1' th~t
IlIa! w()Utd rc pr.'!>enl :l h:umd 10 )'0 111
,'. y~ .

Q. And )'ou ~oul(1 gel hurt i( you r~mc in ",,"laCI wilh Ihole
I!\o'-i n ~ p;t ' !s., i~n'l Ill;at ri£lll?

,'. Yes.,
Q. o r cuurM'. whal lm p[lI:ncd 10 )"011 on July 2 1. 19 ..• i$ that
)'0 11 ;01 in to thaw mO" inl; paru, dldn'l you ?
.,. 1 ..... a~1"! wm \:'il1 ~ un 110 m O\'ing p~ ra. 1 wa~ wOl~ i ng on !he
twi ne lube.
Q. t unde"tan<l Ih:lI , !\I ~' qllcil iOfl is, yo u go! inlo Inc mll"ins
h~It<. d1o:In'( )'ou1

,'. Y~~.

Q. .....h~n ~01I
gol off Ihe Ir.tC\Or <I'm to £0 J>:l ,'\:' In the IWIm'
Luhe. >'ou knew 11m! l11\)s" bch~ ..... e'e mO" ing?

.. ,'. y"
Q. t t~d )'011 d iscng:l;,"([ Ihe jlllWU lakeoff and turned off th e
Lracl or. \hi~ ~ccidcnl would nol h~"e happened . " 'oul.! it?
,'. '"
COMMENT: Hero. <letC<lle t~n$.Ct gels the witne~~ to admit that
the accident coold l\ilvo _ n ~Ieyenled if Ihl> power ha(l
lleen tvrne d 011. It j< n locie~1 I~!l ~cy. but nc"ertho'c~> appe,1fs like
,," imPOrlant ildmission 10 Iho jUlY, the ,,"ay ~ is empha,ized ~ the

Q. ,\nd there "'~S ""Ihi,, & about )'OH ofh....~l ion Or ~'o"r "'Of:':
...·ith Ih~ , ...i Re lUbe Lha! '~'qlli rcd )'UII III hep tile power
t~ k~off ~nl~~~d and " 'qu iroo YOIJ to M't l> tile tt:l<:tor t"tlsinc
tun nintl, w~, 1 11~tC?
A. 1'0.
COMM £NT: In m~ n~ tn:r.!3nces. the plalntifl 1\35 work(>d on an n·
sen1bl1 lin e, under a 1lllota. Ot Vln.r~ It,e re wa~ an unwritten ~ol iq
th~1 the r<l3(hine had 10 be ~ ~Pt ope'Dli/1r~ becoiure to $top it wou ld
c~ usc d~ruption. In lac t. in wme printing indu,"), ta$<)J il has been
~ll0wn 11",\ 1\ is co mmen cu slom and prac,ice ,0 ,' can Ihc rolle,s
whil e Ih e mJch in~ i • .,,,,.il,£, . 0 a s oct 10 inlerrul'. U,e prcs,es .
Pbinlifl', coumel sllould th oroughly inYMtig.;>IC lhe pla,"liff"~ ",-or\(.
pla(C Ie dele""ine II the pl~I"hH re~lIy had <>"Y d;,.e., olion "'lC n it
carM to Ih e operation of II,. mad,;n e.
Q. In O1 b~, wOflh. ~·ou wu ld do whme __., il " 'a\ inrend.'tl 10
~o wi lli I". tWine lube wi tho lLt h:"'i ng Ihe bakr in
,\ . Yes.
Q. Ikfo rc tltis b" l ~ t c.\jl~ r icn<".;:
il\ :»lu)·. I 'J .. • al Ihe Blash~1\d
j\l3~<". OUI :11 Amcric~n you "ll UId wnlk un ,,,,d §CI up Ih,'
mac'hi llel")' :Ifu:, it wa~ ~old. wmlld you not?
A. VC!o,
Q. ,\nd \)t:1\ ,,"uul d i n d u ~ ~. I th iok }'"" l aid. 11t~ ,\flU art d
G d tl. lind I\~ \\" Ideal and :»1~ .wy F~f!lu~on .'JlIi I'IllCnl'.'
,\ . Vel.
Q. And yuu we re Ihcre u!ltil :11"'111 \ 9 . . ./
,\ . y~,

Q. All ri ~hl. While you were al Am •• iC:I II . yO\1 worled 1m

,\p<'A roun<l b., I~. di<l ,,' t )'u u~
.\. r wo.ked on n ne I\p<'~ tu "nd ool~"',

Q. You lei Ihen! up. d',1 nminlc nana ""<.Irk and had S(lne
Ihrm'&I1 Ihe nt.;t iniena lK~ ~ IId \)j}erati"n~ m~ IIOI~ls '" 1 Ihe
round baler. h'''1 }'Oll nOl:
A. ll.mllgh the ol;\intcnancc pan of tn.;:nl.
Q. AI th e li me Ihat you ~ ~ t th~m up . )'o u ~ne,," 1!t'l1 thc ~c Itdl
d ri ...." w~.c da n&c.()u.·/
,\ .
Q. You di~n'l nc,'~ un)"OIl C to t~t\ yO\\ Ih al. did ~'n u?
17-9 ~ 17,OS

,\, NO,
Q, l'bcn you wenl 011 to I'> ol'lh Wind Trll cx & Notl on~l?
A, Yf'l"
Q, ,\nd while " 'illl Amcric:m, you "ent 0111 10 ,\p.:,\ for :\
~hool for 1"" 0 dny. , didn 'l ) ou'!
A, Yr',
Q, VOII :.1.... 1001.: ~ mu' s" ~I "'m id I b,.'~~r?
.\, " CI,
Q, And )'OU knllw 111;11 if )'011 ~lc~ n oul ,'1)( ()f Ih"S~ m;lchincs,
if yo Ll h:.,..., 10 .:lt:\1\ il n ul Ih:11 you .<I'ul it 0[( fm )'O Ur own
S3(t l )', is Iha l ,il;hl?
A, I,!o"" UfO you ~oing to clean a mnchillC wilh il nm,-ing?
Q. TI1~1 is my qu~ s li on,
A, YOLI (':111'1 cI~~ n il 001,
Q, lr ;1 i~ nlO,-in&'
A. :><0,
Q, YOII ~llUI il otT!
..\, )' tt,

Q, You know Ilmt i~ fo r your own Safel)'?

,\, ,,"",
CO MMENT: Coun!.el conl in ue~ 10 build Ihe menl Ihill Ihl' w~ ,
neSS ~1\Quld hove be<:n awara 01 II .... d"nce'~ invCII,cd In cleaning a
ha y bJI ~. wil ile it i, 'unning, Here he make$ il elM r tllalln aduilior,
t o expe. lence ttl(> wjln6S received IQm'al t'~lnin;:: in the gpe ralion
.. nd malntcnar>Cl' 01 b.1lc rs .
Q. Kow, h;r\'C you ."cT had the e~pcricn,.., of Ila~- dO~\I\in~ "
. A. \'~~,

Q. 11 0'" would Y" " cl"",n OUI Ille clog1

.,. Wh at do Y" u Ol eall hy r:l<.lll$i ng?
Q. LeI', sa)' you S" \ 10 1111: ha~' \\,r.ip!I<:'t! am unoJ 011\: nf lll~ bdt
rollC' ....
A. Y<l1l ",<luld ~hul your h;11~r 00: ,~i l~ llle \~it~u l~ on I!I~
bal er, take a 1'0d ~lk,,; fe or 'CT~I'C " um l go in a "d sc.ape
lhe rollor. >cr~p,,: il olT.
.... ..

§ 17.116 17-10

Q. I. Ihal <.m e of Ihe u,,~ Ihal ~·ou woold noll" " f I h~

podclkn ifc II,,!! you c~!rricd wilh yo u w jli k do in!: l'ou r
b",. "Ol~ 001 :11 Ilbshand?
,\. \ 'c s.
Q. Had )'011 cwr h;,d (lCra Ji,," ...·h",.., Ihe ' '''ille w""ld b"'1
I ~nr.tro
up ur around ClIlC of Ihe belt drive mUcl1'!
A. No.
Q. Yo" lIe, ,'r had IIl!1l h ~pfll:"?
,\. :-'!o.
Q. The \\'or~ lI'ilt. I h~ 'W'l1C It b led 10 cuui ng; 1 in Ih" ma nnel
in ..... hich you de""crib ed '!
,\ . y ",.
Q_ A" d you a l" ·ay. ,....\1: Ih " Imife in ' efl h~nd. Ihe I\\'illl'
in your right hand. 10 Cui il 'J
,\. YC j.

§ 17.116 F"uud:lfi"'l for t..;,c OJr S. n ~II ~"l(. \'idl'UI~1>I'

COMMENT: Cou nsel lay. til e ~as ic fcxm~~ lio n !~r tile lal.r ~ ~. a
vio..Ol3pe lake" JP~ro, ilnalely line "Heck before Iria l v,hl ch ",II 110m ·
omlr~ te thai Ihe wiln e~. ' l"'y,ie :11 ~bi l ilies ~ re &rUler 11>01" Iho»e
l"lollt'ed 10 by him al tHa!. To " III"" Iho in1<oo\l ction ~f tlle y~tC "t ,1~"
0105\ ~ tfcct i.o , tile ntt o,ncy IMku a n e'l fa e!larl 10 commit the ..... ,\-
ne.;s 10 h;~ tl!!.\<n'G'IY , He nOI only wall iS thc . 1~ C<lt~pc 10 sho>J tll . 1
the wilne~~ ,~n dg c~lt <tin tv~.s 01 ",ork . h" wanl~ th" . ,dNllape 10
!lisr::. edit """'t pain! the ,,",Inen h~ te~tifla" to , Whe n there il
-11","- ."i<l ente $I,/th ;» a ~itJl'ObpC. IIhV$ic:31 evidenee which Ihe
witn ~i' c~nnOl ,elute 1l1"t contrJ dicts Ihe wit,I,,'" teslitllony. eVelY
dIG" shoUld be us!!d belou.' iro\foduction 01 Ihe "'i~nce 10 com",,,
I\le wlln!l$ te ,,;, testimo ny , Wll el' such evidence is intrOll ucf<l, \iI.
incansi'lency wilh the prior '"",.moll)' .s I:'arine Ie tlte lu,y.
Q. Which hanu would rUlI ,,~ n""m,lt~ til Illcclum k:ll ""flo
that you do. Mr. Crancl)(IOl?
,\. Wdt. it i~ a« ordinr, \0 wh~r~ )·ou arc wOfki'Ig "II Ib ~t pi ,'cc
" I' nl:l~h illcrr.
Q. Yuu a,,' righl h:",u.,u·!
A. Ye,.
Q. ,\1\,1 yo,l do nicdl:l1Iical work lorJ;I ~'. u"u'! )'nu '!
~ t7.1}(;

,\ . l igh t l,, "'''fl.

Q. You r:m \Jo cnnin~ l\lnc·up~ , ~a n'( you?
A. Ye~.

Q. Yon do mechan l( 31 wo r ~ 0111 ~ 1 Jone! Counl}" I mpl~l1lI!nl.

\J on'l YOII;
0\. Lighl rm:\: hani~~ 1 work.
Q. I 3m nm ~lIre
I kno... wh31 yO\! m...:111 b y li&hr.
A. Wo'kin~ on co mbine! lik e I1Iltting hcml~ un. 11rcp3rin s
them for deli,'cry when we j ~lIlhcm.
Q. Dnc11hm ll.'<I uirc Yo" 10 work ,,·ill, 3 SCI"'" dri,w?
A. Solll ~.

Q. Do >'UII usc :1 s~ r cw
drivc. in you r ri);lrl ha nd'/
0\. 1\'0. I am lefl h'UldOO.
Q. Doc, Ihat rcqulle ye u 10 "'urk 3 file?
A. N~.

Q. It l '': Y'IU ~\"Cr in ~'our "'ulk OUI 11...,1, 31 Jon~s Co unty

Ilnpkm~n l w~( n :1 mwll tuhe 01 3 n~·t "i nll I;~~ tha i a nd
t~kell the fil e III yo ur ri ~1 1t hand an\J liled it \J OWI\ in
Jlrepar~ tiol\ for doinB an Ylhin~ \\'ilh if!
,\ . WI!' h3 '-~ wire bnoshC'5 whe re we ca n clean IhI: slIJf'tS o ff.
Q. Do you uw Ih e wire brush in )'our rillht hand'!
A. :-lo. Ihi~ is c\eclric win: hru !h"~,
Q. Do r vu h3"~ :1.11)' kind o f ''<Iu iprnerll OUI Ih.m: thaI you
wo"lo.! lake in !'I)U r righl hand 10 wor k elM a IUt..: " ; Ih or a
IUd. o r anylhi ll!1 or Ihal 1I~\IIrc'l
A. II' lOU CI"3"~.u lh ~ ro ~ ofr. ) 0 " ~I"h)~\ s"n crali)' U ~ }'lHir
...k ':II;C b nosh. You ~I }uur noSi. ,),l int a nd Muff orr of lhl'
rod ,
Q. Do )'0'\ usc n hammer oul lhere at Jon ~' County
Im(llc", e" t "'h~t.: )-..u an: no", 'Hlrki nG?
,\ . \'~'$.

Q. Do yo" hJmm ~r ",il h your ri~hl han d'/

A. Ld' h ~lld<'<l.
§ 17.06 17· 1!

Q. Ib.\·c~"OIl e" ~r tI$~-d tb~

ha m mer in you r ri!;lll lL~"d fo r
h~mmcri ng whjl~ ~n'fll~'ctl ~t Jom~
County I m pk:m~ nt?
A. Yes. Well, I am holding ont h ~nd and hilling it wi th th~
lefl hnd .
Q. hly queslion i! Ihi ~. In order 10 IISC:1 hammcr you h,wc 10
!.trip il. dOn'l you?
A. Yes.
Q. You grip the IHll\dM
A. Yl~.

Q. Then you ta\;.c the hJ m"' et" in your h~nd ~1.d you $\I'io B il
and )'ou hil ",",l't hin!;?
A. Yts.
Q. Now. my 'l.U\"")t;on i~ ~i mflly thi... thJi :II JOM":!> Coun ty
Implement . do r ou tI~t a 113mmc. in rou , .irJ •• ha nd?
.\ . Yt'i>.
Q. Do you hammer with il in yo ur riSh! h~nd?
A. No.
COMMENT: Counsel now s~ l cific3 1lV direcls l1is ottenti on 10 ~J rl icu ·
I.. balla.ior captu'ad 00 the vi~cO I ~pc. He is the witn ess ple-n .
ly of ',C>fl(l" so Ihal tha laler con lr;\diclory videotapn testimol' Y will
driv~ !.omc l\l e eva siven ess atl~ dlshone.ty 01 the witness.

Q. I W~!1I\O be pcrfwly fnl r with you. L:I,I w~ck. ,1;,1 )'ou nl)!
00 ""me ,,"ark on ~ big Jo hn [)eere ImClO' oUl at Jon,")
Count)· In,pi<'n,ent?
A. ,\ big lfactO' ?
Q. On a Joh., o..'t1"C 1I;>o;\or.
A. WI!:,t ~i u t.~."tor?

Q. I .~~ny d on', h ll'" ,11 < ~i"c, bN"~II!>(' I am nO! I h~1 r,jm iliur
with [melon. Did )'00 work on ~ Ira,!or la~t week. :1 John
Ixere Ir""lor UUI III Jon,'S C"unty ImpicmclII ?
A. Not thai I rcc~11.
Q. I> there allyOnC cl ~~ oul Ihere lhat do,,, mechanical "."<J.k.
whelhe. li~ht or h",,,")". lit JU li e! County Implemellt who i ~
named I'~ul'!

, A. No.
,...... ~ .
I7 - Ll

Q, Is Ihcf~ anyo ne out there "]XlUt )'our :lppro~i mate , itc wi th

hair abolll lite :I:I me color as yo urs. "'; 111 Ihe n.,mc o f Paul
th~1 dO<:s meChan ical work al Jo ne l Coun t)' lmp!cmc1\L'!
A, ;';0.

Q, Mr. C. a llCllooL u idn'! you wOlk last "'cck 11 11 a John D~cr<:

tmeto ,',
A, ' wor ked L'~t week,
Q, Well. do you recall lasl week you had, 3' ~O ll <"Ilm~ out of
thc froOlI door nf tile JOII..... Count)' Imllkmen \. a. )'OU
comc 011\ }'Utl wa\~ hy a £a5 \IUmp, don't )'ou'!
,\ . Y.'S-
Q. ,\n d th~n }'OU COIll~ 10 a work bay?
A, Yes.
Q. ,\ nd then th e,e is ~ 'lOlhcr "'Ofl; b"y with :l door Ihat olil\hl
swing. up or s"'in~ ofl<:n. howe"cr?
A, ' don 't no tloor: 3 ",'ork bench,
Q, A wo'~ bay Mea " 'here }'O l' can pull a 1"l(;lOr in?
,\, We haw 'wu ,,'O,k bay~ in ,IK,c, b UI 11Ie•• (s " n big <Joors
that swing ulI,
Q. n Ul Ihe!' 31C 1Ifl<:" to Ihe "1II~i<Jc, is whal , ~m ~)'i nt­
,\. yc~,

Q. 1.3,t w c~k , didn't IOU ha"c in I ~~rc " Jo hn Dc,>; r~ Ir: ....'.,,-
liIa l )'(lu weN: ....,orki ng (III'!
,\. "h",o """ q\li t~ a r~w tr,'o.1ors in the sho" ~ I all li rnc$,

Q, M !, Q .. t~ti"n is. I~M "-~ek didn't ),.,0 do \(Im c "" ork " n a
tra ct<lr Ihll! was in thlt fi rst ha)'?
,\ , ]'110, nnl in the fi r" ""y.
Q, In whi ch you u,ed a h ~mmdl
,\. 1\0, nol in the fi,sI roy,
Q, How ;1I10tU Inc ," h or i"lY?
A, I put 11 sc t of bau~ ri<:" in on" tracl or la' i w~e~,

Q, ;\1 ~' qU~Mi.,n is Ihi~. YOII ~u:

Id ling th i~jll lY Ihm rij1H III'
IIntil I~ , t w ~ek you di d not ""Cr lake n h:I1I11IlCr in l(lllf
§ 17.07 17_14

righl hand at the Jones County Implement :md hammer

with it: i, Illal wl1m you ar~ ~ayinS7
A. I ean l~kc :1 hammer and drop il to a ccrt~in c~tcnt. yc~.
but nOI to hit hard, I cannot.
Q. ~Ol to hil ImrJ amI swins it up and do wllal I alll doill~
right here. muhipl~ limes, ;'ou cun't do that, Can you"!
,\. No. [ can·t.
Q. And you arc saying thai you have ncver done that ~ince lhi.
A. No.
COMMENT: C<)\H1sel wallted to be very fair to tI", lVitne~ •. yes. but
he did want to ultim.tely I.~d him to agree th~t lie could not lIse a
hammer. and had not (lied J Ilammor .inc~ tI", occident.

§ 17.07 Fouud"ll"n r"r Ornl Incon<j'lcnt Statements

Q. Ob)". Now, at the lime this SS(}() WJ< delivercd 10 you. Y()"
ami the lllmhand~, Howard 1II~~b:md was there. is that
,\. Yes.
Q. His SOil Larry wa, there"?
,\. Yes.
Q. And it was brought out by the dealer rrom Harrisonville?
i\. Ye~.

Q. Hi5 name was Tom?

A. Ye,. I don't ~mlw what his nante w"'.
Q. 1\1\ right. And at the time tllul was <.Jdivcrcd. you and Tont.
the <.Je"ler rrom I Inrrisoll\"jllc. had some convc"ation aboul
thai 58(}(). did,,'t you"!
A. Not that I recall.
Q. Didn'\ Ile a.,k you if yrnl could OjlCr:lte it"!
A. YC', he might have asked me ir I could have run allY ilJIc".
He "'kcd me ir I had mn any balers.
Q. You 'aid yes?
,\. Yc~.
t 7_ t 5 § t7.C7

Q. And then (lid yOl! go "head nm! run Ihnt 5S()() while that
dealer wa, there and while )'lr. IIla'band and his ~on l.arry
wen:: there'!
A. I run it nllOut 2S foot through Ihe field.
Q. Weren't YOl! h""ing some Houble wilh the twine cuttinl\ llff
or wmething of that nature'!
A. No! the first time.
Q. And didn't you get olT of th~ tractor without di~cnl.\"gi"g
Ihe pow~r takeoff <1IH! w{lhoU! turning off the tractor ntH!
walk haek to the Iwine arca'!
A. No.
Q. Didn't tllc dealer come ntllliing ovcr to you and ~hut off
Ih~ lracto, lmd jU~1 g!\'C you Ihe \'cry dC"il nhout doinl\
A. No.
Q. In Ihe pre,cn,e of Ho"'ard Bhlsbmld and Lnrry,!
A. t"OI that I rell1emiJer.
Q, You arc not ,aying that did not hllPIICIi. arc YOII. Mr.
A. :>lot Ihal I r~c,,11.
Q. Well, when you ,,1)' Ihat il i, not thaI you rcellI!, m)'
que'liol1 is Ihi~, You arc 1101 ,ayi)l£ thalllml <li<ln'! happen.
arc you, ,ir'!
A, NOl tllat I recaI! that he c"cr said nnythil1~ 10 me,
Q. Well. as a maltcr of fllel. if somebody lta<l run up 10 )'ou
Illat day a' I <u~csled and said Ihat to yOIl. Ihe), rcall)'
woul",,'\ ncc<l to tell you to turn on' tllal power takeoff and
turn off Ihe tr:IClOr before you go b~ck ncar Illme "",\'inr,
Pllr1', would you. because }'OU alrc'lldy know IIt~t, do,,'t
,\, 1 kuew Ihere w~, a certain hazan! 10 nm\'ing parts,
COMMENT: Counsel in lI'e f}/ior ql)l)stions suggests that the witne,s
may havo reeei,'ed a direct warning from Hw dealer 10 tlun the power
off beIrne Olpproactlin& tile rno,ing part" E,en though th~ witness de·
nics it, thi, now become, " quus!ion of f<let 10 be delermined by the
",., "',"
'Ielll "1'
IJlno,,, ~pO\plU"~ I~~I .<l d'lI! "1 ~;1I;)<; "~C'1l I)IOP It'll 'oJ>,; 'V
';" 1:>.1<:'111,"0 JII O,\ 10J 1"'11 .,,(lUlI liD;" .()
'~ J,\ 'V
i~"!UUI1j au !'ilu" 1(1!." S' U!'l~elu J ! Ctl~l)O 1§II[pt J~,' ''u
" ""I~d uo '''! SUU!lu r~""' 1i M O'II JU au a 1"'11 II\01ll! 00,\ PU\' '()
"1.),\ 'y
i " I'JI'S
II." '" ,no.;' ' OJ ;u e suo!)nl~.),)'1i MJIII le,! 1 ,'I\Oltll no,\ I'IIV .()

's;l.\ .,'
ill'" I,U.'''' 'I '0 ,"" 1! '1! 'rQ ~, IUP.pllJP'J 'I"" uc ,u ~ !111 II! "'"
11:111 SUU!In\:.)~Jo.I .'''''J~ ) 11I111!.n JI'!I!UII'J .... ," :IJ~," no.' I' "Y '()
.• ~;,. 'V
l 'lJ Oh\ ~~ UC ll "IU!Ul U
,1\11 0. P i'" ;\UI!1 01 ~ III!I l\l(»J ~n"'wl; n!(I~ ) WOj :o,r.w 0)
""r.q 01 \IU!U~ JJa,,, nu,\ ",,,u'I no,; ~<nc~Jq le,!1 P]I' no" plIV .()

'~.,,' 'J~,P.q
Jill 110 '110." ;\JUC""IU!CUI pile ~ Iu"w"nflll: <1\1 1 ~lll>JIJJ. 'V
Lnu~ I, UI' !I' ',c nUII'!! <!111 IP. pJ~OOI nn" I' IIY .()

'0< ~U!'{l J 'V

i l ] I,US] 'JJIIltJ 0011~
WI/I III!,'" p.'!J~·'!lJI) <u,,, ICIIi ICnUC lU JO ;)(l,11 "~ I ~! "!Ill p uv .()

''' A "\'
.. IOU 110.\ o p 'Jtnull l~ S,lUII:.II'I.I()
J~plln flH {lOg~ It ~P. S!'ll ~l!u:lo~~l no.\ 'I '0,"" 1! IJ! IIXa
~.IUCr \l~J~(I 0 1 UO!IU~IlE Jno.~ 'Ume) '\.XJ III 'J~~ 'gA ' j)
'..... uW... ~111 10 UO!l ""!W "" ~
S'lO'~ liD p;l leolU;U,e '''\' Slll3WOJltlS ~10'1I ',uOj!!'X' 3tJI 1l'I1U"t.J;d
~A~4 PlnoM 'p~ p~3'1 I' '4~!qM suQlpoIISU! la ~lIU!U'~'" SU!"IUC) I~ n
·UiI'W 0lI1 1I 'I~nuew s.'Olu""O " 41 pe~, "~"V"" II! 'U!crd ~II' J<\~ I~"'"
SilSl' " iJO! ISilnb i1ql ' Sil~C) A1!I!q~!1 fl~npojd Au~w UI :J./n~IIlO:>

IUUIt I\! ~,JOI~"'l<IO U! :lU!U' ~.\\ !In'!.1 §

-USS3UI"A H'lIla hl AUOW!ISill ~10P1P"'IUO) )0
1I0!pnPQllu' JillC I 341 10) ~ !I!) UO>;Xl OSI" 11100 SI4 UC! 'II ',(,n!

9h~1 " ....""M! ·' ''1 IICW i

. ,. '

-Q. !low r~r ",,,,r~ )"0 1,1 f'(lm ,,",, ",h al \\~ wi1ll":lU. a1 th is
poinl. Ihe froni or
the baler?
A. I'd say m~y1n fou r 10 ~i\ inches.
Q. Your body " '3$1
A Yl'S.

Q. When )'01,1 rCJ,l\cd down to grub u hold of the twin e

with Ih~ 'I>.'i ",-
lube down, Jppro.immcl y. three
inches. I th in\; )'011 l aid?
A. y~'S.

Q. !-In... ra, w~i you r h a,,~ ~W~ )' from :my of the nlo"i n ~
Q. What ...a~ )'.Iur an~"'¢r ill th" lime you r dt-position ...~~
gil-e n?
-A. A (lI)ro\i mal~ly s;~ ;n( h,'5.-
,\ . \ 'C'S, !.ir.
Q. I went on ~nd asked )'OU how you werc dre ssed?
A. y ~ ..

Q. ,\m! you s~id. - I lwd o n ~ pa ir of bib overall. '''Itl a

T·,hin.- I " j\ you: - Wu. Ihis a short 'lccved T·~hi rl'l­
YOli said. "Yc,.- Is \ h ~ ! riShl?
A. Yes.
Q. So you dill !;'Cl )'ou r 1111(1)" "'ithi n , i~ incll<.'S of th e mudllS
bch s ba..,d on yoor m~ "' Clr)" '(\ Ihe li me (If your dCl'd~il ion'l
A. I would 5:1\' JPp'O~; m~I~i)' ~; ~ ; ,,~hcs. I don't h u,,' lOr

§ 17, 10 S:I'~ly W"rninM lm~ III~m.~ i.,OIS

Q, Of rour.;c, you kno w lllal Ib.~c ';:lU li<m~ ry warn; ".:.., IIOlh
on Ih. m ~d,i n" (Ind in Ihis m;l m' ~l. Dd"nd~ nt \ b hihil
No. I, are for \'o ur" ty, d Oll', )'ou '!
A. Yes,
Q. And ,h. ,afCI~' of ' h~ OI,C talO ,'!
A, yc~,

Q, And ,h. manual ~~)' j, ~"Iw")'~ keep I,and., fc~\ a11d

c101 hi n~ a\\'~y fmm mO"i oS part~ ,~ d,,,-""'" i\'!
§ 17.1 1 17- IS

"Q. HO I\" f~. "we }'ou from lh<:, ,,"h~ 1 w~ will c~ ll. al Ihis
point. III(: from of Ihe l\.1!Cr?
A. 1"<1 ,O~· maybe four \0 si~ indl~!.
Q. \' ou. bolly ',ms?
,\. Yes.
Q. Who" you rcaC"h~d Ilown 10 grab ~ hold of Ih ~ \I\"inc
...·ilh lhi: I"'i nc tube tlo.... n. a"pr(\~imJlcl~', Ih,..,.,
inch ~.I . I th ink you ~ai<.l'1
"- \'c s.
Q. How far W<lS ),Ollr han<J awuy from a ny of Ihe moving
Q. Whnl Wa ! ~'our :In'w~ r :It tire li me )'o ur dCp<')$iliorr was
, i"",,1
"A ,\ppro~inmtcl)' !i~ inches, "
,\ . y .,... Jir.
Q. J wenl on ;,ntl a~cll ~'ou how you .... ere <l,cloIocd'!
.\ . y.,.,.
Q. "nil ~'ou SJid. -I h:,d on ~ IKlir of bib o~cr.,lIs :".d ~
T·$h;rt ." 1 lsked !'O\l: -Was Ihis :, i\h on slec wd T·shirt?"
You r.a iu . "Y,'s." Is llml ri,h!"?
,\. y~.

Q. 50 r ou did £1.'1 rou , body withi n sh i"( h~' of the mo,"inS

bel li b~,"tI on ~'o"r memo ry .11 the ti ,nc of you. Ilcp,, ~ lti(),,?
,\. I would §,;.y 3pp,m im:.ldy sn ind .es. I don't ~"'I'" for
§ 17.111 sur...,. Wu"i"~ ."d In~tr.. ctio,,,.

Q. Of U'U1'SI:. !'Q U ~now Ih3 1 thnK c:ul1;on:uy w:l.nin~. both

On III~ ma chinc ~ nd in tb is ,"an ,,~I . Dcfcnll,ull ', E~ hibi \
No . I. "r~Inr yo u. !o:\fcly. d UIl't yo u'!
,\. y.,.,.
Q. And lhe saf",y or Ihe <))I..··ralo.1
A. Yes.
Q. ,\ ml the " .3.nIl.11 sa)',. MAI "'a) s ~~~ handi . f.'<:1 nn d
dOlhing awn)' f,ol11 n]("'i n~ pam."' docsn't if!
..... ~"
,,,'" -

1)" ,,",h1.n " In' . .. o,;:!!" , ;'·, ~ 17.11

A. Yes.
Q. And lhal is b..-ram(: ~'OU Ca n gel ~'n ur h;lI1 d~ into 11m_Ie
"1()"i n~ paris and t< , hu n , b,,'\ iI?
A. nml p~n irulnr da)' I w~ l n 'l m OU IH.! :111)' mn"i"~ ]l:"1 ~ 0'
lI ny <llm'ins pa n all Ihe ,,,i ne IUbo:.
Q. I undcm alll.l. Mr. Cr~n~J)OOl. My qU''!>li,1I1 i$, yo.. kno ....
lhal , hi~ w3rnill~ fnr ~-O\, ~nd alhn aJ><.'ralor~ i~ for YOll r
",fel)' "" Ih~1 )'OU will "Q] &~l )'(lu r h~ nd~. r,,,,, afld ( Ia lh in&
~Io.,.; to th e,," mO"i nll p3n ~. d un', you?
A. \'e...
Q. U~cau$c ~'au kllow if )'OU gel c]"'c. ~ n d )'OU i!CI ;1\10 Ihe
moving !'3n., you arc going 10 G~ j'lU liro i" ~n d I,'~I hu n.
do ,,' ] you?
A. Vel,

§ 11.11 l'lnl"lirr~ C".'plmllire Nrglil(.~

COMMENT, Coon~ r~pI1..,.; ilC$ h i~ major paint: the jl l ~ml itr could
h~~e prevanted the a<;c idcn t.

Q. Of <:\I .."",. wh ~n )'0 11 h, d )'our hand down b)' Ih c Iwine


,\. I didn' t ha\'e my hand h)' the l"'inc bo~ .

Q. U)' Ihe lwi ne lUbe:. I am Wfry.

A. The IUb<:,
Q. Your right w oo.
,\ . We "'ill \olW lube i n~K-m or bo~.
Q, Down by the ,..-i nc lube. ,he 1"~ls Wefe mm·j nc'!
A. Yes,
Q. ,\nd h~ d )''''-' d l~'~'G.<l Ihe ]>Ower IJh'Off!
,\, :-lo, Ihe ]>Ower I~ kcof( "'~i funning.
Q. Ila d }'ou lu rn .d it nrr. Ihose hd l~ would nOI ha\'c Ix..:n
mo,·;n&. ...ould they?
A. No,
Q, ,\n ol had )'OU Lurned olT tile tr~ctor, Ihe hell~ would 1101
h~,'" Ila:n n'O\'ing, " 'uuk! .~'?
" ",,,~,,
§ 17.11

A. N().
Q. Oul Illo:f" Ih31 day. you d idn'l trip. did f ou1
A. N().
Q. Yo " tlidn'l . ... mbIc7
A. N().
Q. Y'l" tI,d n'l f~lJ?
A. :-J().
COMMENT: Ne1ice hew ",unser II$eS shart brush slfekes Ie d, aw
Ihe pietu"., Fifsl, nalhing stapped IIIe plJln liH from tm lling off the
macllinu . Se,ond, nalilin!: c8 us~d tile plaintiff 10 slicll his hand
whefO il couru 00 uughl by the moving p,lr1 s. These a rC! cammOn e\.
emeflt s In Ploou ct~ liaoiflty cases bilsed on failur e 10 gUJ rd.
The answer . of COO 'SI.". from 3 plalnlifl"s pt'.~cll"(>. is 111"1 1!fII&"
IIC<!" \ III~I users win n\ilke mlSbkes, beciluW' lhCl)''ve been
m~k l n 8 lI'em and Ie" ng l i mb~ ~'C1" 51n<e \lie d.w n of tile in du.lrlal
"ge. The engiMer=: Illust lake wh " leV~r ste~ a .e feasible te . educe
Ihe , i$le " l lnju.... when these foreseeable rnlsblle!. are made. Th;, is
where the human f3W)lS studies 31e cenlr"l \o lil. e' f)fan allon of de·
t 17. 12 l'I"'.I[fr~ (onilld Wilh F.~ l"'rt~
COMMENT: Counsel rocrw Iu' ns 10 inlI)C,xlllng the teslimony 01 the
l'"<jIffls by shr:>WinC that the b~si s for lhol! opiniOI1!; were II ~ wed by
1110 wrtne$~' Inp ut.
Q. A.. d )OU ba" ~ . alk~d 10 :l"tI been ~round se" cr;1I pear' .
"'here )'ou ha" c d~m otlslratcd \\"h ~t has happened or what
happened 10 you out tllcr~ Ihal d~r!
A. To m)' la",.yCTS.
Q. You h3 '-" talked 10 Mr. Reich?
,'. '\ l1d Sle'·c.

Q. Ami yo u h.w~ l:llked IU Mr. llIa, k?

A. yc~

Q. And . in f~cl.
Mr. B1~K:k 10ll ~ ye u oot 10 Ihe machine ~nd
)"00 ~lIo""d Mr. Black ~"d an e~r<:n Ih:tt ~h. mac!.:
h rought ~Iong with him WhUI haDn~n.d . d idn't yo u'!
,\ . y~ 'rh~' " '3nl"" 10 1.:" 1>'" ~nt1 f shO\\-ed I h~ m .

Q. You Showed .hem?

§ 17.12

,\. Ye<;.
Q, Wh:\I ~ou .how~<l Ihom IMI tlme "':it h~~d 00 )'our be 'l
m ~ mo1)' al Ih~1 linlc. w:)~n'l il1
A. Vel.
Q. Did )'OU go 01,11 Ih tre wilh Ill ore Ih an on c expert?
A. I didn 't ~o OUt Ill,'re wilh mo'~ Ih31l one c.(poc"n.
Q. "OIl "\!m u UI o nc I; me "';Ih ,In afl~rt aod Mr. mack. 1$
Ih ~t righ t?
A, \'~.

Q, Who w:,).s t1o.1 c~pcrt?

,\, I b./ lic'·. II wu. G~ry [b~cr.

Q, Gal)' O~ kcr?
A, y~

Q. N ow , }'Oll heard Gal)' Bnker', name mentioned here

rc:,u~rd3 )'.
d idn't you. "'!w.. Mr. ;"1~ i'S was 0" Ihe <lam!'1
,\. Yes,
Q. And it w:t~ Gary Uaker', report lhal Mr, Mays lI~d. ~Oll
,.,mc,,,lx,, in I'rc),m , inll him 10 & ;" c h; . deposi tion
ttl1imon)' :)Iong w;lh your u.,.li mony, Ihe ' ~I imonr of
II~.~ <'tnp[u)·ce. , lnd Ihe inslruct;o " m:I"ual OIl Ihe 5800 :
do )'01,1 rc~aU thaI'!
,\ . 1"'0"'\ knt>w wl",'hcr Gary lIal:<:1" tO ld lhi. gu~ what )"01,1
(kI)' or :)nyt hing.

Q, 1 umk f~13nd th.1"

A. T hat W3$ belween Iho~e IWO guy,.
Q, Each lint e, Mr, Cr~n~1lf>O!.lh~( ~O\, h;,,·c tol,1 ~nyonc ~OOU (
how Ihi~ a«irtent IWPP<'lIo<l, ~ou mId Ihom ,,"h~( your
tll~m01)' wn' al lh~t tim~ to 11t~ 1><11 or )'0 '" ,!;Iilily. didn'l
you. si r'l
,\ , Yes.
Q, Alit! dit! r ou ~,'cr h.1W """C:I,iQn 10 ()Ik wil h Mr. Ik:l.n. M r.
Vernon !kat!, or do you know him,
A, No t Ilmt r r~~al1.

'.... "'"

• 17.13

I."Y Wi,",-,,,"

Did you hav" occa~ion during the time that :'lr. MaYI was

here to talk wilil him?

,I. No.
Q. You di<ln', lalk with him ycslCrday'!
A. No.

Q. You never wll:ed to him before?

A. No.
Q. Any informmion 11m! he would have rccci'·cd would havo
come from either your I~wycr.; or tile c.\pcrt thai went [0
the Iccne with )'ou ",110m you ~howcd how tho accident
happened. 11,lr. Baker, is Ihnl righl?
A. I don't know whether Gary Baker told him this or not.
That i, just henrsn),.
That i. what ),ou ,ay. I don't ~t\ow wbat il is,
Q. 1 understand. My question i, Ihis. A~ I undcrwlIld your
testimony. the information thai 11.1 •. May, had as \n how
Ihis llccidcnl happened came from one of Ihm" three
lources, i'our lawyer, Mr. Baker who yOli showc<.l with the
b"lcr how thi, thing happened, or from )'our (kpusition
A, I da,,'t loow which o"e he got it from, I have no idell,

§ 11,]3 Witness Anmc (If \\"tming, IH1 :'.b<hi,,"

COMMENT: A warning doe. not make a dHfHctive ma"iline safe, but
\0 a jury, unscllooled in produ,ts liability a'l(i tile I)Olicies underlying
tll~ dOGtrin~, proof thaI the plaintiff disregarded a wMning is very
p"'rsuasive in "ssessing faul!.
Q, Of course, Ihe warning Ihm was all Ihe right side of th"
baler. you rcadlhat. did,,'t you'!
A, Yc'.
Q, And Ih~t i, thi, w~rni1\g on Plaintirr,' Exhibit No, 7-K'!
,\, Yes.
Q, You read ~nd understood tlmt warning, didn't you'!
A, Y.s,
§ ll.U

Q. Docs it S<I)' an ythi ng ~bout tli i! cJu~ter of hdt ~. cl~Mcr or

.ollen. in 1I1l1\ pal1icular e:adlll th ing'/ Docs it say be
A. V~,

Q, Dan;1 >:1)1 ! IOP _'1IVnc herOIc leaving o~D.lnr·'i pMitiOlI?

,\, Yes, it ~a~s Ih"t ,
Q. To ~~jU'I, lubri ca te. cle~ n or Ilndoj1. m a ~hi nc?
.\, y~ t "'a.~1l'1 1I1lcior.gins lite n':lchiIlC.
Q, Drn:s il ~1f wai l for all mO\'Cl11cnl IU 5101' Ix:fore ....,'\·k i n\:
th i'! machi ne?
A, I "'~~,n 'l .cn'icins, all)' mal;hillC.
Q, Docs il ~1)' ~cep han<l s, fccl an <l clothing away from power
<lr;",," p;lrt(1
A, \\')10 h"<I ~ny inlemil", Ie haw II", i, clOl he'S "NinM Ihi..
moving 1'31'1:1
Q. Doc .. ;1 ~!' kccp h~'H.h, f.oct 311<1 dOl ltin~ fro lll I")v;t .
<lriven par"?
,\ , VCIi,

Q. u.
An<l h 1:1)5 m~kt e<:fl ain c'-e~'onc ckar of tile m;tdline
bcrOlc sl:minG ~ngi llC or operati on. isn"1 Ihal righl'!
A. Ddore ~I~ni ng ell&l nc1
Q. V_'S-.
A, Wel l. ' ou can stan the clIgin c on til e t'actor ;tnd )'OU'
/10":'" l,,~rorr "ill Ix: nn , The b~ltr will nnt 1ll00OC,
Q. ! undcl'll1an<l,
A, YOIl sai (1 wIn cugine.
Q. Drn:sn'\ i, 5:1)" lOOt:.: c"n~l n e,·..ryolle i . clear of machine
b<: fol~ starling engin e Or operaticn'!
,\, You ~id ~nsino, I'otl didn 't <:ly opcralio n, You snid cngin ~,
Q. I am jusl a.<ki ll\: you- if I ~id thai.' 3fl<llogilC 10 )-o u. ~il,
A, Well . we w~nll0 get it 5tmigh L.
Q, Will )'au ~CCCPI my npol(l8Y?
.\. I " i ll acc~ pl il.
,,~, ....
t 17,U 17_N

COMMENT: l hl attorney ma llc ;t mir.lake, ~n d I h ~ w ,l n~.~ ~ Ul'ICed

on him for ii, Coun~ took tile gentlem.lnly app, in moaR<;(',
"hich the jut)' und Qol,btcdly app,cclaled.
Q. I am j\l~t ~ 'kin& ),ou lhiJ (lu e' li,m. ~ IT. Cl3n~p<l..I, Dot::i il
,,01 ... y m lk~ Cen a;n "" Cf'}'lln ~ is dear of Ih ~ nl)thinc
be rore ~tMting ~ns i n e or ope ratiO.I ?
i\. y~'!..

Q. ,'nd )'m' undcrlIood III o r that I><:fo rc?

A, Yt •.
Q. You op:ratcd Ih ~ baler'!
A. YOI .
Q. ,\nd you du n' l know. l~ I ondcrSl:lnd YOllr dt~ lion
\;llimon\', ir ytW f dhow, \'our "" nd or whal 11" 11 o r your
Ilrm W~I\l in Ih~ baler lir~!"!
A. I don'\ h~" " l ny illo.

§ 1 7,1~ Oth.r U"~r" "f i\]"dlin.: Tr~ incd by WitAe",

COMM ENT: l he fact lhal It",' pI;Iintilllr,1iflCd otllff USt.s 01 thlt """
chine ,~ pt! ... u~~fV' in $hO"i'.ing 11\,11 hI! w a~ c ' l""<enecd an~ I«lowl·
.dgeJbl~ atK)Ul th e ule of the m~c llin~. MId cOllco,nitMtly, tll a dan ·
gers and rjli<~ of th~ IM chine. ~nd how to a'ai~ tilom.
Q. or rour~ , yo u If ~ i ncdoth t r (leI'fllt on th t ma int t n:lncc
~n ~ Ofl~ ration of ramI cqu ipmenl :l"d mcdl~ni c~ 1
c<lu ipl11cnl. ha"c ~'O" nOI?
A. I h:l..., IIOt .
Q. Did,,'1 you mlj" §(l ine p"op l~ at th e...., IIla~c l . th~~ qr; OII S
pbcCJ wht rt you "'Ofk~'" 10 do sume lim;" .,J: m3i nMI~nce
A. An ybod )' th,,! wor ked aro und a 5hop <',]11 dn ~ litn ;tcd
~ mculll of mai "l~nanC'C work.

Q, Wou ld Ihi, be fa.mhnn d~ Or ntll t. empl t,ycc~ of so me "r

lhc&e contpan;es Ihal you had w"r~cd r", lih "'on h Wi nd
National, Amcrl<:;ln nnd 'hi, lex?
A. The)' kn ew Im ll" IU work 011 c()mbi1lc,. )'ej ,
Q. ,\ ll ri ght .
1\. Th<.~· uilln'l ha''C 10 come and a!-S; fll,·.
, __ _ --_.,
.... ..,._... _, ,._ , -,-_.,- ".,'

.-- .-~ Ii ., ..'"''' ' --

!t ~',," ,~il"l: , I.t'''' nmny "':k~ ~"i),~!1 .....,y.! _....___ ._ \VII", ,~~ )""" 1~ly rOf '''lIking ;,' \\<~ l'~ •___ _ .. __ ••..• _
H >CII p:<~' utll,. J",,," 1I,"~h >:',,:it "':"IY" _ _ _ _

~.:",,: ~'" ~<"'r ~!!".l!!'lI':'<I~':IC""! r.,,: I'mls _ . ; (iu"S _ .• ""~ ~~ cb:<lil pUI,liC!'\;"'"' ......•.: ::l"' ''~, ~'" \,,~k ••..
O\JL~~ (p "'''''' :.p,~ iI)"):

h" ""dl ~ :t\ ..'!l''' )' M I; ""'~, ",O<!;~,, : C·'I"'''"". ;" ,;;",. li'111", "" q~~'1". ,,,,, r,",)",,,,·,· < .r t"~ !n:;'I1""~! . 1,~ ('or,",,,
,',,',; P" d~i\ (,wt ~ 1'''. /":"1'.:1( 01' W("k~r' , t: , ,,\lJ' CI1:utlu,\ '<"".J.
a" ,IIIi~' ULil ;[lio" or 11 ", II~"' I"C'~! !" " " ~:I"'p'"

(.:@)'.!lI.1. !','-\W'_I!'!<:::' I:t"xl:.~! .Y.'~ 1\ !.l.:IIio.I).I !I.I

l'itl"ij,",l lh", "l')" 2 (i:l<c.' I'''' ",,,ck 'l.'/~ :1 ,'",\1 "

------ -

_._....... _.__.,
'" ,- -- - " . , -

{),Il~ ~"u .:unlri;"'''~~I;:

I<","~"ti,~\ ~rHI 1I'>1,';;c'"

I,,J, ,,'.-U i.,,,.
11_B § 1 7. 1~

Q. Diu II'1 YOII Ifai n .rome of Ih,'1.C pcop t;; III Ih~ l'OIllp3nid.
when: y01J h~d WOI~~U?
A. 1'1 0 ..... 10 o['l\:rule ~ com bin~. 10 ru n ~ com bin e. not to 0.10 nny
nl.:lir'll~n';InC~ work.

§ ]7.15 l)cJlO~i!iu~ U~~d 10 Impc~clr Witnc~s 011 Js~uc Dr

Tnlinill~ O,Ir.,s U) SaM), Opr"u~ l'I1Im MQdri.~,)"

Q. I.el me as~ ~'IlU lhi~. We d i~u!'cd Ihi ~ " t th e lime of )'OUI

d epositi on , do you recall'!
A. I uon'l ~ now wheiller i l<.'Cali it 01 nOI.
Q. L~I
rnc ask ~·ou 10 rend al on~ wilh me and if ] didn'l ask
~·ou lh= ,"u!!"'-lions.
MR. R'lCl1: Wlllt p;lgo;. wun~d?
MR. SIlI: K\t~ N: rage 157.
MM. Rune Wh~ 1
~ht. SIlU.'!~I'>~, i, I.i nc 12.
MH. IhK:l!: Th ank Y01J.
Q, (Dr Mr. Shl'rmall) " Ibd you, l ilhew '"lIriou~ pr~ when:
)'OLl hd w~rkcd. 11"0.1 OC:<:3sion ...·here ~"O U wlluld II;ti n .Olli e
otilcr people til do 10 1l1C limit ed m~intcnatlcc wo , k'!"' And
~ou r 3I1Ne' ''";IS.. "¥ .;s.- "Th l$ "'01,]0.1 be: the r;IImhanu s ot"
oilier emilio)'':''''!. 31 wmc of LheSl' COlllpnni,'!. lhat you had
worked forT' YOLI' Dtl S"'.r was. -Yes."'
TIlen the rollowi", queSlion: - In troin in g thow tJC"Opl ••
"'hen you would gh'e inll ruClio n on maintenance ~n d !hi~
sort o r Ih ing. waul \! yoo giv~ Ihem the caulion about not
selling you. r,-et or ha rnls or d Olh;nG c~ 10 "·Dl'~i n!:
pan'; Wh~t wo.~ yo ur anlw~ r . ~ir?
A. Y~s.

Q. The ne.~1 qu,'Mion: - \)id y~1 ~Iso g;,'c ,hem Ih e jn~lruCtiotl

ttlal. in tra ining these peopl e. lhat whe n OIil er [)Capl e ~rc
around the math ine :a nd Jxrorc YO Il $tJTI il uf!, you .hould
td l 110,,111 III hd.: off so Ih31 other ""ollie ,,'ouldn'l )!.et
~allght? '

Your ans,,'cr "':IS: "Yrs. make l ure IIIC lt i~ nohody around

Lh c rll~chj nc, -
§ t7.t6 1..:1)' WIl1l<"""

A. Yes.
Q. ~So. as I llIHJerstand it, e,'en in YOllr tmilling of oth~r
people 'IS well as your own personal method of duillg
thins" you bad a strong feeling for safety?" And your
~nswcr was: "Ycs.~

,\. Yes.
Q. "And 'Iwarcnc~~ of the dan£c~'I" And your ~n,wd?
A. yc~.

Q. "WelL YOII were aware of the dangers of ~clling too clo~c to

mO"ing partsT And your allSWcr WUS whaL'?
A. Yes,
Q. And t)IOSC answer, 'll the time thai you pvc YO\1r
deposition in September, 1<), •• wcre trlle, were they 1I0t'!
A. JU~1 like I told )'0\1 before. nobody told Ille 1 ~ould cbange
,my of this in my deposition, You didn'l lell me amI my
hlw)'ers didn't tell me: nobody did,

. .
§ 1716 \Vilo"," W,mts 10 Cban,c I)c,'IJsilion TcslinlUn\.' ~l Tria]
COMMENT: The witness has been reduced to ~rguin~ tlla! Ilc would
II~ve ebanged tile answers g;,'cn in tile dCjl<'l5itian if 1m was told be
c(lUld do SO, Ttli, implies tl!~t Ib~ witness regrets tile ~ior inCOrlsis·
tent slJtemcnt, [on'eying a sen~e til~t lie I'as been damagcd by tho
prior ~talements. Wllctllcr the juror. und.r!,ilood the import of tllO
prior inconsi'tenl statements or not. tlwy now know that Ih~ witne ..
must Ilavc b~~n seriously damag. d by lilem,
Q. r ;un askiog you. ! cao'l commcnt on what your lawyer<
may Qr llJn)' nO! h,]\'e told ),011-
,\. There was four or them Ihere that day. Somebody muld
ha\'c ,aid mmcthin1'..
Q. '-lay I a~k )'011 this qllestion'!
,\, Yes.
Q, Thos~ "n","~" thai tread lhill }'Oll g~"e IInder oath 011
Septembcr 17. 19,., thcy were true at the time )'01' 1'.,,,'e
them. weren't Ihcy, sir'!
,\. YO\! lold me a minute ago had a ch,uu;c to change ~ome
of them if I wanted to.
",~, "",
17_27 , 11 .16

Q. lI" dcnol:md . ·n.O'iC 3n~W"n '''al you g:l"~ u ndcr u~t " 0 ..
Ih~1 d~)' "~r~ lroc ~I Ih e lime Ih'l l'O li m:uJc Ihem. were n'!
,\. Tn Ihe b,;,,1 nt' Ill)' knowkdJ:C.
Q. If 1111.')' w~r ... trill; Ihen. Ih,~· ~r.: ~I ill lrue I,,(la)·. a,en'l 'h<~·.
A. W),a l (in you mean by ,h al'/
Q. Well . if )'VII 101<.1 Ih ... !rulh "1 Ihal tim .... ~l\d I "r(cpt ~'om
wo,d Illal fOU did beeau..: you Were u",ler ool h. ,m<.1 if the
an$""ers that )'011 nlad ... tllen "'cr~ tf\l~ lit<l1. arc tlley nnl
Ili l1 lrue loda)"i
A. I clon 't un d ... rlla nd wh~1 }'('Il "'",,,1.
Q. J :Im jUM a , killf\ )'011.
,\ . I asked )'0 .. :, qU~lion. 100.
Q. I wi ll II')' 10 Iln~"'c' il Ih i~ way, ! will Idt )'(H' wlml n.),
,u,dc"land illi\ is n f you, M;\\'e r. I un~l cnla n d lha l )'(,U ~"id
Iha t tI.c"" ',IIcSlions and Ih,'I<I: aMwclS. the ,m~..... rs 11031
)-(1" mad ... of Illes.: (,u "~lion ~ were Iruc :l l ,I" linle tha t YOII
made l!t em On s.."l e'n\>cr 17. 19". 11m' m)' ql''''~liun to
)'0\1 i, Ihi , . 5;' : if Ihe,e w~rc InlC 0" S~I)!~mher 11. I') .. ,
:Ire I" ey nol ~l i ll In''''1<)d~)"1
.\ . To IhO' be!;t or nl)' lllO"kd!;l:.
Q. Tha nk YOII. ~I r. In ,,, far ~ ! "'h" l I m~y 11",·" '-'l id 10 )'''''
hefo rc Ihe dcpo~i lion ~l arlcd. M,. Cral1~J)'I<\L didn' , I tell
~" '\! :01 li'e l~J\in ning ,.f
your <k~i ,j on h,..,a"l-I: ) '0"
,,[(.b;,bly h~d b~'Cn 101d bJ.' yonr la",)'cr$ w~:ore ):Oi n~ .0 bo:
askinfl )'OU a ""mb~r o f Q' ....Mjo" •. a nd .he !lUI1l" ...• b.:1tin d
I h,~e q\,o'li'ln~ i~ h) " btuin ~omc facis ~nd li nd mil w"al
}'O U' knnwl cd&c i, abollt lhc accident ,,,,,J
lili1\g~ lh,,, hUI'"
trJn""i re,1 ~;m'c ' md WI11C thi ng, lh ~1 )'Oll cx""ril'un'"
l.rioT 10 thc 3cddcnt?
.\ . \'~5,

Q. YO ll ,aid }' cs'?

A. \'~~

Q. I lU id . -If, '11 an ~ Ii",,,, )-011 don't u nd elSland my qucSlioni.

$(1 Ihal I'uur b w)'cr Won't ha l'c lu inl"rfllp l. "'0111 ,1 )'(>\1
" ,'"''''
',II "! 1" ,"'I' ;!
..--- ---- ---- ~-- ... - "'''(,( INIIJtI ~ l~n~.;I"'''l!

- -- , " -' - '

"'~"ln<\!, lU" ~ 1"'" "U'!') j(~1 ""a,:,d"" 1'''''''''' ;.1U~\"',' ''r '''II I' !' I
-" "I" -~-",l~;'I' ~'Il ,or, l"~I'"."bl' ~I(~~'" "'-''' IU.:»',," "'1,>1 u,l

--_. - --_ .. _---- ,------.----- ----

, , .. ,

' L\I "'\.1 1> ,',11 "1' 1"'" ·, d"l,al'l!I~I~) '",: ",,,, 0,\ 1D l.p!r"I ~:"'ltl "'llll! 1',\ 'I <>1[,\\

- -- - ;,pl'l'I:>'''''''1 ~~l U\ ru~lll .v".... %j.c.,m"'I"" .'"~''' ~"'H

,';~~1~" 1"'1," 01 ."'" Jl ,,'~' ! 'I' I'''''''''P ·"!IIl'{i

,', 1"·\1~ ·' I"' ;',' .,\ ',-", ,~ .11 i,O'I""" l" "~"":'l' "'1\ 1"(1

"(' ''() ,~"': ) 'l)lI,'U) ;;S''-;'11ii'i'i'Mh 'iliiiliiffimim;;; Icnd.'J;>;,


--"._- --

~Jl',\\ ,: ~L~ ~;t.,\" -,,,'I S~''''ll ,(, i~J.lqJ I'-" !'-"I,I

1"i,YI',n(l II':! ,'i'"i,';) T<;:;) -,,,',oiukijJ ii;-''''¥.-;;~i

' '' I,I'',''''~ "',I -n~"lw"" "',1.1" ""!lump '''11 rllr. 'IJI\>' 1I()r:''''''~1111''):l ~,J:<"'-'\1\ I" '1~,c:l""N c 1"") l'~.' ;.~ ~W.,
IlW III" ,,~) 'I' :" '" i'~:UI ~ '1).l" '\ " '"""b" I,I "'il ',;",n:' I";l "'1\ I" !I """ 1,1 ·o:"J;'M,I.n !t~! I),'''' '.' "''' 1l .1'' ,i ",;hllO.' 'iW,) J" :I

,:m,"!;'il' :;J 1;;J!i"'I'; ....;;;.::1

I '\J I~"(I,; ;",~" ,'IJ :::,~

~j<>'.\ M: ':'":"1' , - "H)il" c!I'lIl :I I" 'i"I'" :; ",,\\.' ,,,•. !""[' ~ ..-.".. r. 1 ()~1' "'J ~"~,, ,d ,~ [\",';,-,-;(; JIOO{ "'~ :"' 1,.', \
;.'~r'-'f:tr. f"'''''' "lir:~JO" ",,{ 0)1' l"'l'" ·vo-« '" ~II'I'" ~~U_';'!C,'''' .\uc ~'~'I.\-",,1 ~{. i ~I
",. ~,(c," ~:~\; '1~L1"1 """I "II'" ,';"d " ~,, ,I)

.. ~-- .. i:l"'\\ I)' l\\"~:''(1 '''J ,';'~I "d "I' !l'j,\\ - - - ~"" ." ~ ~.ll"" .(u,~'" "''''1 '''-'[-'I' ~"".1 1
S1:n .\'"..."1":.; -"I"V ::'1,101.' f.e ~!:\.\~UU .'~lIu.u ,II l""'n 1'.1'"'' " I P''''') ""l,' "I' ""II
;;:;;;;, .,' /" ~Pi'-i .;<;\:
§ 17.17 ."", I I·j'......, ....

plca~ "'~. !.IImelhing 10 mc, ~ nd will I"" It) ' cphu ." lbe
qllclli on-" ~ nd }'Oll ~i~. "Ohr.- Then I s.1id. "-u. II)'
10 e~plllin "'lp i il i< Ihal I 01111 gNl ing al. " Th,," }'OU r.a id.
"y" •. " Then we ~ ske<l )'c u. -You will h3"e 10 ;!n5"-"" ta~h
(Iuest ie ll ,·erh~U)·. n~ you ~ro doi ng now. ~o that ll1 e e.m.t
ROIll," . r can gel it oown,
Tllt n you s:lid. "V~" UUl then I .uked y.jU if ),ou h ad an-
~wcrcd ' 01l1 C inlcrrogaloric"i under omh and if thty were
Sl ill !rue, an d if )'011 w'n1.-d 10 make any chan!>C~. didn't I?
A. Not Ihat I recalL
Q. Wen. then. I w~ nl on 10 S.1y. - You "i ll rec:tn, I mn sure.
Ihat y,)11 .i~l1cd ~omc pl C:ldinGI ll1at con<.i llcd of amWer! \0
inlertO\:olloties, Ihat ",ere qU''lilio M Ihal wc'~ ""ko:d of )'OU
h)' Ihe ddcndant' in thi s ca,c. there \\'3< a ~ct h )' Ap"~ Ill al
~ou ani",er~d in front ofa nola ",' pllblic lin May ~ I . Ill ..•
a nd 3 SCI h~' Moon Glow ).bnufachl rins Co rpOr~ tion Ih~1
~'ou :ln5"-el~'" on May Ii, 19... lIl "c ~ou )",1 ,Ill
opportunity til look al those ,1Il5"'C r! hdorc c"min~ heTe
loda)' 3nd di$Cu~inb tllOSC ",j Ill )"'"r la.")'cr?"
Your ~n 'wcr was. RYes. " l!n' , Ih,U wh at ~ ou snld'!
A. "l'5.
Q. • sa id , ",\ rc I h~
;u"Wt n. to Ihe inierrotl,wri ci th ai )'011
madc at IhJ I ti me u ill !tnc lin d rofl~'C1 loo.oyr
You said , " Yes." Isn 'l rhal righ l; ;S/I' l llI:It ..... hal YO<l s:!;d al
Ihal li me'!
,\. y~. 10 I", btsI o f my knowlcdJ,"::.
Q. Wasn'l thai o ur undcr<;l:lnding befo re Ihis depos ition was
Ita rl ed?
A. Tn the li<:sl of no)' knowkd~c. }'~S,

§ 17.17 r""n.I:1I ion for Oml Pr;,,' IO~l)n,i ~l~nt S lutcuMIIS :rod

Q. AU riSh!. O lh~r (han Ihe (it" ~ th~ 1 Tum ,\ d\cr. the I'~~lcr.
in 11", pn:SC'nce o f Ih e lllasb:t rKis \':1 mc up 10 yo u a rid
cauti o" od ~bout ~c lli n~ off Iho !tactor wi lh lhe PQwcr
17-!9 it 17.t7

I~h.. CIIPJ'l1i ~ ml b~~k 10 Ih~1 "" l~ f,), Wh" le"~r r,·aw n.
di,l ne t "l5O;) o;)~~ of Ihe m~sban "s "" tX(~, itm wh~n 11~'
wo uld sec you on' the tmctor ~ nd b:lck 31 th e ba)' hJI~r wilh
Ihe [}Owe. t ~k~o rr cng"~cd come U[I :llld "'am you ~T\d tel!
~'(lU no t h ) do Ih ~1 lK.'e:l.Uf>( )'0 11 ~";1n I:ct hurt?
M ~ . REICII: O bjeeliOll . Your lIo " or. lie' i~ Iilali n!; a (:1(1 ill c. i-
dc nc(. I It is "s5umin~ a fa" in eviden ce Ihal i~ 110\ in c.. ilk,,,"
in Ih~1 qucsti (m. ~ nd Me. Criltlcpool hl$ ~aid Ihnl M r. ,\dlcr
d id TKl I l)lake an)' SUd l ""mi ns 10 him. I objec i 10 the for m o f
Ih~ q ua-t io n lIS aqlll m:nta li,'C in (onn,
M~. Sllf.~""''<: 1 w jJI r"Jl hm~ Ille qlle~lion, )'" ur H,m o,.
T ll ii C"l.'Kl, I Ih in].: you weI\: inlending 10 li tO". on 10 Ihe Illa s·
ba nds.
M~. Sll'~"A,": y(~.

Q. lOy M r. Shc rm:m) LeI's Icram le Ihis QUI. I w:1II1 10 kind of

rem ind you uf the §ubj~~ 1 matlcr "bu ul wrh." " 'arni n!!,!
that c~rne III )'011. ),Ir. Crancpool. I ",a nt y"u to forgel
about Ih e time or tlm de l h'~I')' o f the nJ ~c h i n " .
,\, Yes..
Q. Would Ihcre be limc l ", h ~rc yon wou ld be OUI o~r"lint
thaI 5800 ro ~",d hay hakr where o ne (Jf tbe BI (\~ba1\ds
wo ~ld be ill or "ba ul 11\\= I~me \i ,-Id wilh )'[m?
.\ , Tlwy "'01,101 h.' lJ~uli nS Ihe hi!; r<llInd b;lles in f,,',n Ihc
haler ;mo where Ih')' wc re ~lIl!in~ Iltc m.
Q. Would Ihere \le lime; "'hell you WOll1,1 d;\.Cus5 ", illl the
I1l a~hands Ih(' op<:r~t io "
(If the big (o und hay bnler'!
,\ . 'I'h<.:r.: was :.omc li ll'e'! IMI I wOllld d iw.llS it,
Q. All riJ;1l1. YUI1 "'~rc b.,. it~ lI ~ tlte orittn,,1 Sill' Ih al <)p<:r:lI.-d
\11 31 hay baler. weren't you"
.\ . I Wa~ Ihe "nl)' on c.
Q. .\ 11 righl. '111al i~ l>ecauM' )'Il11 h~d 10111 Ihe m:o.h:lnd~ you
',ad ~~pcricncc nn Ihm b., lct?
,\. I said I h,l(\ so me e~(Jcri (' n ce ,

COMMENT: COUJt l~l n~.Cr d rDpped too i ~~ J ! of wheUl er Ihe polaintitf

W~~ ·e.peri~l1U<I· o. not, He h~ $ casually J nd in a diffe<>!<It ~onlell
lIb\.lltned Ihp wllne-ss' admisslOI'I lnal h ~ waS the only one 10 Op('fatp
Iho m.1tliin • . Fro!>' 1I, i~ c i , cu"''ll~net. IIIe jury tn" Inl"lh ~1 11& WilS
t 7_ lQ

tile only one ~'P<l r;nf\(~d e nough 10 <>Pe rale lite mac hine. 1 M t ir o
cum~t~nti~t lact in itself speJ~S louder than any words. One~ 1M ei,.
cunl~ta nc e ~ ~re established. the jury is intelligent MGUgl1 \0 draw tile
nalll'31 Inly,en'~s.
Q, Would there N oc~a~ion l th ey would be oln in tllc
field working with you whCl\: olle or the Biasband, woul d
r Ol11e up to )'OU wilen tht1' "·01l!!.1 ~\'I: )'ou off the tmcto.
l>.":Il ....ith 1m: po.....,. ul.:eorr ""g:ICed a nd II1e If;\ao r engi ne
run ning. :lnd tell you not 10 do lha t bcc~lIle }'OIl could s ct
A. NOI th ~t [ e "~r recall .
Q. You arc nOl uyi ng Ihar ! lIeh rhi ns~ d idn"!. lake pL1cr, ~rc
~'!)u .
Mr. Cmn~pool?
,\. Not that 1 ro:("(lli .
COMMUn: In ...., ~t juriodietiO)lls,. a wit<>e'S1 U n"'" be iml'f"lche(J
wilh a prio r 51atMlll ni il the wilnts' ~~ OQI make a n a ssertio n at
trial whiell i ~ incon sistent wilh tile ~iCH' statement. Thu s, 3 s tatement
that Ih~ witn e~~ doe~ not ·'ec.JIt" ~n e>'ent i'l3P~ing: is IIot inconsls·
tent .... Ih the event hiving h~ppened" Sinte lilt' witne» does not tt i '
Iii, 11\;11 ~ d ill 001 h~ PfI'l'n . ... tfinsle rMdef'Ke thilt il (!itl llilppI!n is nol
~dmi ~$iblt ~$ a prior in<:on~i$tent ,Ia tc me-n t, II m"'l ne<.rtlrele 5s !xl
a,lrnissible for sonia olher ,e"son.
Q. No. my q..."I;O" j~ Ihis. When you ~,~. not Ih~l fOU rlX3l1.
thai m~k~"!; nl e think . well. Ih~1 ron' ·e, ... ti(m may h3\'C
t uk~1Iplace.
MH, Ih:K~I: 1 ohjeci. Your HOllor. Thai is ~ rsummt aliyc on the
p;lrt or co unscl and he I.:noW1. it. II ~n't ma"e 3n), d i ffcren~~
whill Mr. Sh;:.m nn th ink!.. If he ha~ co t .l 'lu,"!;lioll o f thi~ .... il.
n"~$. he .hmlld [lu i the question 10 him and nOI lIr£uc wit h
TII~ <.'ot:n I Ihi nk you should 'qlhfll~ it.

COMM ENT: Counsel is attempting to le~d the witnen Illto d~n~ inll
tilat tha 5ta tem""t Q~e, occurr ed. SO that the /oondation i. laid 10'
inlIodudng the plior ;n co n ~tl'flt ,Iatement D n ~ conduct, He cannot
lose on Ih,s inqulry - e ithe. lit(: witfll'!,S atl mit~ the . talemenl
w'" ~e to him. ;n whieh e'lfl\l Ihe e~I , in!>ic: evidence Is mc re-ly cu·
mulative . Or th e wltllCSS de nies iI, and m~e empllatic and ooubly
conlradl ctOlY e~trin '~ evidence i~ ~ dmitle6 th,t Ih~ statement was
,,\adO! 10 him.
'M.... '
17_31 § 1' .18

Q. (n)· ) 1,. Sbtl lll~lI) Mr. Cr::lllcpool, my q,,~~ti(lll is Ihis:

..." hell you s:!}' thm }"Il" do nn ! = 11 th.11 "illu o f a
con"~Is:!ti'ln 1:\I<;n& pb o,", . nd Ih ~t kind of a Ol<ll mclll h'
~"o1I from onc "r the nb ,b . nds. \'00 mc no! s.1~· j n [;. Me )'<111.
, iI, Illn ! tlta1 to n " ~rs al i ",\ d id nOl lnkc pl a~~ . are )'Oll'!
A. Nu! lh~ ! I C'W !c!!Ic,n!>.: r a nybudy "'}'ing ~ n~ l lt i nS ' 0 lite
like I h~l.

Q. You l;1\oW 1 h~ Ub slta nds 10 be hon e'l peopk. dOll '] you':
A. Yes,
CO MMEN T: Co... n~cl h, s b<l1,lc ,cej lila c rcd i bil il~ " I ~ is ewn ",;Inen·
C$ through Hlj' aG. ~ $~ ", "ine!.!.. \l{OOn..... r Ihf !" is;JU g ~ ])O/l unlly 10
ohla in $"'C ~ bClSlering. it mus, nol bl' everlooked . s ,roc e II Is d,I/'tult
' 13 impe3Ch') st.ltemen, by " wilne!.!. wIlose honesly has been I Uest·
ed tCl by tho a uorney's d it-nt.

§ 17.111 l tse " f lnt'.... O!:. tM I('S I" ~:Mab1ish 1)" ..:Ij..-."j
COM MENT: tn an " Ut>lt to shClw lt1al the witneu suI1(otC<l linio Ii·
""nd~ 1 tlam ~ge as a reWI! or the .CCid N1I, r;ouns\'! d Or!l on S l r ~ I"5
wilh t h ~ U ~ 01 prio r In tcrrogat Cfie, Ih"t his )'cJ rly ;n ec m~ 5ullel ! d
'10 apprt!'Ciab le d! c l i n ~ fa llowi ng tke J ocident.
Q. Now, )'our h\cP!\l~ , h i, P"'t )'ear wa~ in ~.~"CSi of
S12.000.00. WitS il nOl . l ir'!
A. I don't rernc ",bc' what was.
Q. ! th in k lOU t~51ificd in ~ o u r IX"!;I y~~r ~t Ih o m~,h3 nds )'0 "
m3d~ abo ut S 1O.{)()().O(l pcr year: is tho,t abuu t ri~n?
A. I dull'l rc mCUI b.: r wha l I m~tl~.
Q. " ' r. C r:tncpOOl. I want ~uu \13 IClo~ at t "i~ < ir )"ou
"'...... Id. T his is '><f( u(l:I ul Moo" G 1C1'" ManufaCIUlinl:,
Com p.,o)··w " irsl I nt~frO!"llori,"!; 10 !'b inlifl" EI~ is
Cmnc )IOOL anu fo r Ihe Pll'~ o r hdpin& ~"OU rc(r~Jh )·pu,
m~ln O I)" sir. )'0 1,1 ~ isn cd it ~ nd Ihi, is you r ';;&n:n" ro. IMI 'I
A. Yes,
Q. YOII si ~1\cd th~\ M uy 6, 19, .. didn't )' o,, '!
.\. Y"".
Q. ,\ nd the '(U"";U" w~s Ihe )'enr of lit e a,-dden! was 19 ... IS
Illal ,·u,r.'CI'!
i 1 7.1~

A. Yes.
Q. ,\nd th~ Q,ues tion w~~ ~tatc your I'~;or\y sro~ intll mc for the
three ~'car~ prior to th~ ycar of th l~ OC\:u rren~c. the year of
the <l«lIrrcllcc and ;111 subsequent )'cJr ~?
A. y~

Q. And in 19 .. , your sross inco mo m the Howard ma,b~nd

pl ~cc Wil l how mu ch, si!'!
,\ . SII, )4{).OO.
Q, And in 19. .• OI'C ),<,ar l~t c ,7
,\ . 11 ....~I I S 11 ,340,00. My wife W~IU to work nlld lhat wa$
filing joint income.
Q. This is YOII' ;lICOme th~'Y are :!SkiRt about?
,\ , No.
Q. 111is is II mislake'/
A. Thi s is ./oint income.
Q. Whal I ~m Iryilll:. 10 J;1: t aI is Ihis: p rior 10 lloe )...·a. o f you r
accid ent, did )'011 nOI make a[l[l ro~i matcl)' $1 0,000 wh ill:
work ing f<.ll Howard fIIa'hand. you pclson;r l\ )'?
A. My wi f~ '""as w",ki ne. too,
Q. I lI" deDI3 "d thaI t.he was ....,rI;ing. 100. I "':I nt 10 k" ow
whal your illCOl11e "':n .
A. ! don'. know wh at my incom e ""~ I . I do" ', han no idea.
Th aI Wl S flied
Q. All righ t. So. in a ny c~cm . ~"'lIr ;oim inoome fo . the ~'e3 r
~fOfC cllC an:idcnl " ':I' S I4,001.00?
A. Yes,
Q. And this i. not jill! }'oul'\.Clf. and for the year of the
:u:'cidelll ""IS S II.J JQ.OO?
,\ . y~",.

Q. AmI Ih~ year afler th~ accident wa~ $ 14.93(,.81·!

A. Yes.
Q. For Ih l' Poll>1 rear fO .. d id . c-rt:;" t WIlli: W- 2 rorms. d id
you no\1
11-)) t 17. IM

,\. Yes.
Q. TII~I is what ..... antto g~tl\l i~ your !9. , W- 2' s, You ar~
E. r aul CrantflOllr!
,\. Yel.
Q. And )·011 wmk al !he J (}n e~ Co unty Implemcnt Co mpany'!
A. Yes.
Q. ,\n d in l ~. " I~u )·e~r. )'ou r earni ngs II",rc were \9.109.f>.I?
A, Yc~,

Q. Anll Ih~1 ~m~ yu r befo. e eol ns 10 "·OOt at Jon ~s

Cll unly Im[llcmenl, you wo,h d for S:I"'ycr Grain amJ Fe.....
Company, did )·011 nol'!
,\. Yes,
Q. An'" \·o u, V OSS inco me Ihere W3~ $3.762.361
,\, Ye l,
Q. ,\ 10lal of allPru.~imat~l )' S 12,800.00 ror you ~\one. is th ~l
OO, ' <'CI'?
.\. Yu.
Q. SO lOUT ;ncOIue a l the pr~sc nlt;me Is STealer Ihan what it
" '3S ,,·he n I'DU ...·(rc wnr ~ ins oo t "'I th e I'<lward llI'ib~l1 d
ranTI. i~ Ihal to,,""'.
A, Yes , I was wOTkins at li ow~rd lII~ s ~and·~. bUI I sot Ill)'
I l(JU ~" a n(l a ll nl)' IItili lie$ (ufIl i,hed, ,",'here I dnn't now.

Q. YOII 103(1 wru k~(I 3 1 lIo" ':trd Blairond·~ thc )-':':U arlcr llo~
:>criuc nl. h:I<.I )·011 ne t?
,\. For light wo,~ ,
Q. While "'D. killt ~I 1I0 ..·ar(l DI:u.oo.nd 'l in the },C3( aft cr your
acci denl. }'O U r.'('Cj'...... ;n,:orne of$9.(,OO.OO. i~ I ha~ rorrml
A. Howmd IIlasban(l paid Ill l' an !hc tinl ~ 1 w". in th e ho,pi!:ll
and whcn 1 w~ ~n't \VOlrkin s.
Q. .....h~n ,,"\' :1.1\;~d ~'ou in Ih,'$\: inlerrllg.:llOM what your loss
Ol r ;n('Omc " ·as up to dale of 11K"<.< ~ M"'= ~ 13y (,. 19 . . .
two )'enrs un er the llcci(le,U . you , In!c!t thai your In,( wagc$
up 10 lila), 26. 19. . • tile dale )·nu an , wcr cd thc,c
imen o&,!lo ,i('l.. " 1IlO ~2.4 66.42. i1 Ih;ll ron1X1. sir~
,,, ,,,.,
§ 11.1'1

A. Yc'. Th at wa~ for Ihe ,ix tIIonth~ ! was orT nnl 'l'Olkins.

§ 17.,11 lloclUl's "!"..-..ti.,oo)' ,\s Ie \\'ill~U' l'Io,siDl {·!I..,.bililjt~

Q. All right As Dr. Stckd ~nill. ! take il. you did ~gree thaI
)'011 ~~n ti!;lllcn thain~ down on th~ tru~b wh~n you ~1\:
"a"linl: r~rm i mpkm.,m ~1
A. ! don', lm"c In li~llcn ehai", all Iruc~s when 1 h~ul
Q. Whmevcr Ik Sl ekd ~Iat"d . Ioe !-Jill you told him Ih:'1 you
hmJ ti &litcnc{] chains dow n an{] bl ocked i l1\plcn1c nt~ nn th~
hed or
~ Iru ck wh~n you werc (]cli \'cring Ihenl .
A, Yoo C':ln lie chain, Of! 11K: t~,dt or" 1!'!1elor or Ihe rront er
a traClor Jnd kal'c il Icc ~ and 1n~o llnlr hydr aulic will ch
on a mlc~ ~nd pull il [ol'\\,:lId 10 tiglUen YOllr tr;IClOr 10 the
b;Id.: or fro nt. Yell don'\ h ,'c to d~1i ll anyilliol!!. down,

Q. Did )'UII arl ee "ilh Dr, SIc kel'S 1~'$li mony Ihi. momitlS
Ih~t yon arc capable of doing engill e IlInc-II]l ~~
,\. Yes.. To !I C'Cwlin c~ len(. I t:ln,

§ 17.!lI AdUlI .siml of l>Cposilinn Inlo ~;.id ~,K'C

M~, SIIlIlMM': Your linllor. do 1 ha"c Ihe cr igi M I licp",i( io n

of Ilti~ "i l"~~?
Tllf. CO\JM1, I imasin ~ we do ha\'e. I dnn '( bdie\'C I have il up
hcr~ ,

Q, IBj' l>/r. Shefnl3n) JUSI for lilc record, Mr. CrJ" tponl. Ihe
orisinnl deposition ha. bI:~n filed wilh Ihe Co un and w,,~
!lied !).-co mber 23 , 19." :lIld i. (h ~ d~po~itinn uf Wi\ll c~s
l!I"i, I'aul Cr:lIl<."\lOO1. 13\;.:n 0" Ihe 17th da}' of Se(llcmll.:r.
,\ . 1 don't know for l ure \VIm! dme it "':I~ .

Q. T\l;II is whal II\,! dt (JO'lil;on ""ys,

, \ , I gu ,..,s. If you $3), Ml, y.'5,

Q. ! want )'011 to (\W<."', doc m'( Ihi, omci 31 r.:cord sny

of Witnl.2 [h'is I'aul Crancpool , I'.oduc<:d ,
~wnTII and c~ 3m i ncd nn \\'roTll,t.tIi,y. ,IIe 17lh day of
Scplcmhcr, 19, .?
,,,. , ~,,

17_35 D."o,ilio" & Iml'HO!:"toric, * 17.21'

A, Y."
Q, ,\1)(.1 ror Ihe Plainlirr. Mr, Paul Reich, i~ thaI corrert?
A, Y •• ,

Q, Docs nOI the COllrl', copy ~tatc Ilia! El\'i, Paul Cranero,,!.
of lawful "ltc. having been tluly sworn, dc))()scs as follows?
.,.. Yes,
Q. And tlten lite qUC'lion, and a",w~", rollow, i. thaI correct'!
A. Yes,
Q. And lile lasl page 01' lite dcrmSilion Iltcre is the official scal
of lite courl rcporter, and tlo you see Ih~ sisn"lure anti the
A. Yes,
Q, And IIt;.\ court rcpllrter was " gentleman wi", 11ad "
",acltine like Mr. Flei" i, operaling, isn'l thai ,'orrect'!
A, I don't remember,
Q, Alld you were swurn to tell tlte tr\ltlt at Iltat timc, wcrc you
nm. sir'!
A. Ye"
MH, Slt[K~"\H: Th;lI1k you, I bclic"c that i~ .111,

CI],WU: R 18

PI:lintitrs Witness- Inconsistent Deposition

Statements-Producls Liability Case
CtVif t:nont,..Iw.
by John R. t.,."hn . .lr.'

~ Ig." 11'1,• • " t:""M' " TI,.' 51<<<1'1 IH,d II'a, H<ph«~
§ 1• .0: " i l"", CbI ... 51 .... 1.. In,ed w., 011
i IR,O! 1',1., Sr.,."","" '11", Sl wl.; Wh..l w.... .1,.......", .'
§ U.l~ C.... ,_OI: \\' ~""", \\·/th I);....., ....,
i I~ .~ Inn""." '" '>-1"" f:_,.t
i IBM (' ... " . ~ktl ... Wit. s..'('01\>! 1><1'0.1,,,,"
~ 11.01 Ii i ' ..... . CbI_ C.r.. ....
i 18 .D~ fail ... '" T.~ ,· S,'''I' ~J<..,u""
~ 11.." \\j'I><." Can) II .............. 11'lN,.,,, II. 0 ,...- T~dI
f Ig.IO \\'~" ... , \Joe'n', K.._ U 11 < I' " r"'m'~ M<p.l"
§ .... I "I".,.,,, 11<1'1'"<1 :-;., IioIdln4 S..m.: 11'_ 1»0
i I • •ll L'''hl , ~ Pr<l . I. 'r"l'''~'''
~ I'.U T""'dI r ... ooJ orr , .... RoM
t IU 4 II."""", .:, ............. .,. 1'101",,11'. C...... l, 1Wo>I:1I~ .... ,b.
§ ILl S _ , .;.:.,..j ........ 10)' I ~ C"'B"~ I\· ~ ""' , W.. 1\)101 I. ,\,1;
I.. C~,tr""'lon

~ 18.1~ Sld,b ... ('0"'''''''' C"""" "'"'l WI,,,,,,.' \'.",<i'"

• 1""" II. l-,, " ~~, ", I" """';"<d 1,;. lra.l <d ~ ~,, ~..... S•. ~ I .JY" lJ.i. ".. ilf
S<l""" of I-"~'IJ , I)" ") 7\), lIe i. 0 "",,,bor of ,ho l'e"n'II>" ni" , .. , .'merk,"
u." .... tho I '< M, ! I .·~. ;. 1M...... 1.,Litu,c. and .... 11<[..., ,., !I.<""!\'~
. no! Tri,I l..>_)", 01,_",;.,.,.
30.1 ~ .. "'On , ... ,i,k" " . (,),-;1 Tr<o' ,\<I, ,,n..,
b~ t"' NQ,""OO' IIQ" d . f T,ial oId,,,,,.><)·, Mr. Lon"h, " )><... 'i"'.
in th o of Ii""
l.rn,tnn " D< .,,,,,-~, in 5<.a"' oll. 1""" "'ll.'~ai,-
Th, " ."' .. of ~U p"11",, ~ iln""", ",,' ~P I"'''''1 (CO,,,,! h, .. b«n , 1>''''II,d.

II _ I
, "",
§ IH ,U 1 ~_1

In II,is caw, ;, Ir"CIO, manuf:lc lure, "'ll l ~ued u!\(k, Ilr!)d url' lia-
bi li l)' tltcoric~
for nn acci denl ~ 11c£edly .Juscd by I h~ Ira,tor'~
sle~ fi nJ',
wlk:d l'o ming efT, Ddon: I~~t i (yinl: 31 IriJI. the ",ilnl~
"'Ilo~ l"lt:lmin3 lion follO\<-,. h., d ~lalcd in pfc_tri31 "'cflOsilion~ 1b.11
Ihe ste~ ri ng ", heel was Mill ~ tt nchc'<l W Ih~ tnCIO' ..... hel\ he ~nd a
,o_wo rker to \\'~d il OUi of;t di lch arter Ih~ accident. A~ the erO SI
cum inat iun ~hO""'I, Ihe ",itnesl conlradi cled his prior tC$limu l1!,
daiminll a\ lri:ll 1\1.11 the sl~~ritlg " 'lied was 1'01 a\lached 10 Ihe
Irneu" wm:n he :lIri''l:d at Ill<: ;lC(Cidcn! SC\'O<',

DC'pile Ihe witnes,' attempli to C"CU $~ It l. dejlo,ili ort te,timony

b)' ~t3t;nE he did not uotkrslltnd the quc $ l lon~ al Ih ~1 lime, tho
efMS e.\ aminalion by i\lr. l cnah3n, cO llnl d for Ihe tk(~'11d;lm 11':1.·
10' 1lI30uraclu r~'. i ~ '" t « «1i..-e Ihal . b)' the c'11d, cq'n pla inli!f.
C<lu n ~1 •• prcs~~ 1 cO llcc rn ahom Ille ~on lr~dictioll', ", de~d, Ihe
j tl dse indic~tc~ Ihat Ite 1";11 itHltlirc iow wlteth er Ib e wil ll~'~ ,'om-
milled pcrjllrY,

Q, Mr. Freid. my n1nIC is John l~o~han 3nt! I n:pl'l.'SCnl

Horntall l' MOlor Com"~II)'. You ~nd J h:w. m~1 h~ro r. at
YOllr dCpi)~ilio n, d o }'O U recall lb~ l?
1\. Ye, .
Q, " If, Ff~i\J. you r~albe lhal Ihe IIOrm3nn 'el'I'\.~'11'3ti.-..'"
Mr, I'lu nkel! nnd Mr, Will ian" lollL Ihe 'Il..,ri n~ whc~1 off
so t h~1 lhe}' could eA"m;nc it'!
,\ , 1'>000.1)' told 1110 l1"lhi n~ .
Q, You <lill n'. knO" ' lloc), lOok it o fl'!olI 11"-1 collld \I~~ llIi nc il
3nd t lt ell p UI a n.., ..... (one b~d Oil?
A, Didn', I~ II nt~ an ything aoou l ;1,
Q, Bm y~ u cnded tiP ",i lh a new ~tce ri ll[l. "'h c~l, ;, Ihal
,\ , Yl"'-
'" ''

,'-) § JH.()~

§ 111.02 Wil.C$~ Chlin,_, Stetrlng Wll(.>cl Was Olr

Q. No"" Mr. Freid. I "lInl .0 make su re yuu undcr.lal1d this.

s ir. A, [ u 'ld~rsland YO-III ICMilllIlIlY, lifter )"OU (ollm] 0['\
IhJt Mr. lbycr had been injun!d . you wcot bacL hI 'the (aIm
a nd tht n )'00 ftlufnOO \0 the fidd 10 [>0 11 tIle tractor OUI.
I ~ 1il:J1 ccrrccI7
,\, Yes.
Q. ,\nd )'011 recall as )'011 si t here looay IlInt l!le ~Iccring wh;:d
"'J~ loc:lIed al)ou\ 1':0 reel ~"'''' Y frUin the tr~ct()r?
A. ,\~ J 1'CID(:l11hcr.
Q. You remembe r tlml sir, Is lhal corl'l:cl?
,\, Yc~h. It W~ SIl '! on the tfactor.

Q. ,\ nd )'00 I'Cmember rcallndling the Sleering ",'hed'!

A. One or IIi <1;<1,
Q. And )'0 11 r" membolr &<:lIill1l Iht trn"or UUI or Ih ~ f<l'M ".
that po int?
,\. Ye-:;.
Q. So you knew:II Ih:.t ll'Oint. "I J und er_,rand )'0 111 IC~linH)l1 r
here loday. Ihal 1110: Mcc , ing whed h ad (l)m c off 311<1 it w~ s
nccc.~~,y ro, yo u 10 r~3 11ncb il . Is [lllIl ~orrCC I. sir?
,\ . YC\. )ir.
COMhlEttT: Counsol nas the witooss commit " ,nlscl' repeatedly 10
Qnc VG'i ioo of tMe f~cls ~ fc,e impc3Chl~1l him wilh a diUet enl ¥e'-
" an he (lave in a dCflOsiti(ln , Wilen $(laking 10 impeach J wihl<!sS will,
~ prier irICon.i ~ lc nl ~1"I~ml'flt. the a UOIr>ey s hould \)I! p.11;"nt a~"
' ifsl \'~rnioo 1M '""lnC IS ca/crully rellard i~g 11;5 r><e' enl pooSi\ic;tl ,
nli. nel r:>nl~ RklKcs Ih.c Inl/lC;Kllmt'~1 mOle e Uecrfve ymcn the prior
sta lement Is raised , but makes it muctl ni OrO difficult lor the witne~s
te e.~in rhe (Oflllad itllon~

Q, And \II a,'s llie "''' )' you rcmcmbcr il:U; )'on sit hefe tl.,h )·?
,\. "es, ~ ir,

§ IIIJIJ !'rior Sfnl"nlCm.~ TI"n Slecrin~ Wheel W. s Mhu:hod

Q_ :>Jaw. Mr. Frdd, <In you rcmc lI1 hcr lhat I too); yn"r
<ltflOsition for Ihe nn.1 Ii ,n c o n 1\o\'cl1111cr ~. 19,. at Mr.
nJ)'d~ hou!.l!'!
,..... '...,
§ 111.0) ,~,

,\. ",10.
MM, lKN ,\!lM<: Far Ihe bendit (If counld. I rcf~r y,llI to P;'1i~
0 \' M ~. I.r-".\II~tI:
Q. Noll'. Mr. Frci<.l. do )'0\1 r. mcmll~r that you !:~"C th is
t~ s (inlony in thc flr~loencc of m)'self. in lIlt: pr~nce of ~1 ,. 3nd in the p~ ....~ of a <VII" 'L1,orle " II n<lcr oalh .
~i r'!
,\. yc~.

Q. I\ n<.l l hi~ Wil!; in 19 .• ?

A. ,"co.
Q. rot ~oi ng
to .c,,<.1 )'OU wII3t you wid me at 11,:1\ time. sir.
~nu L w:mt )'011 \0 Iel l the ju ry :md holge O' OVI'll if YOII
,em~mher this. IReadi nj:\

Q. Arc you :\W:l,e or tbe fact tim ~Ir. Jl~ )'Cr s~Y' tile
~Wc r in& wheel CJ1nC off in his h~n,l<?
,\ , lto.'3lly'!
Q. On the Iby "f the a~d'kllt. arc ynll a\\'~rc ur IImt?
A. No,
Q. You werc nol :\w:ore of Ih:n?
i\, 1\0.
Q. Artcr ~1r . (byer W:, 5 hurt. do )'nll know wh~1 rcpui'5.
if any. " 'erc done 10 th" l\ofm3n fl 7000 U:\ctOl?
,\ . The rim.
Q. A rim'!
1\. ~·cs,

Q. \\-" " (') a ri m. ir )'011 know?

,\. A rim far J tire.
Q. Were II, er" un)' otl,c. rep;,i .. made 10 il?
A. I d oo't th ink ro. oQ.
0 , Do )'011 kn ow if t), u steering wiled ..... as r,';'\t:ochcd I!I
nn)' wa~"!
II . No. nm ill my pc,snn31 knl>"-IOOJ,..:.
". ...""

Q. Who wuuld h.:o,'~ ~n in ..h:l.rgI: of ,,·hal.. n'T TCp;lir-;

"we ncces~ary~
A. Cenlr:" Tractor,
Q. [ mean. W()\ltd )"OU h a"~ tak ~ n it o" cr there nnd ~et ll
10 Ih.:u'!
A. TIlci. own mell,
Q. Who wo uld ha"c gotten il flo m your pl~cc o "e. 10
C~nl f:l.l
T r.lclor 10 Ih it?
A. Their 'li en.
Q. Would C~nlr.1I lIave come on',?
A. The)' ha,'c ~ truck :ln d Ihey' d come oye r and gel it.
Q. ,'ad IhI:,-"" pick il up :l nd lake il hack and do Wll31
had 10 be dOM O~ nd h.inr, it back 10 )'on:
A. y~

Q. OK , And you d",,'t l~n\ClIllxr an )'lhing abo"t Ih"

il""rillJj whe'!!l ca nting ~ at frec'!
A. No. (End of rc~dingl

§ 18.04 Conl<OIllln~ Wii .l'l>S Wil li 1)1sc:~panc)'

Q. Do you n.:m cml",r Siv ill& Iho~c .cs pon~e \. sir?

A. I do,, '1 remember.
Q. W~nl III read il:
A. S«, )"ou kno'" yo u 'IsL..;:d me qo";lion ~ then and I had 1"
&i"e it SO niC lul id Ihoughl "(Icr lhJI.
Q. Yuu d io,,', , i,..;: i' w l;d thoughl bdol<: ~'O" ~\'e 1<'1Oli n' ''I"I)'
under o.llh?
A. Well . I didn'l rcali1.c_
Q. Lei me finlloh m>' ques.tion. sir. You d idn'l gi,-c mlid
Ihoughl 10 wh ~ 1 you we re saying before you 1:'.I"c I~$tinlt)n)'
" pder 0.:. ,11 in 19.. Ih:lt"~ p;ln or til' record in Ilt jj. casel
A. I'\o,! dio n't realize what was acing on. J M\'C f wc nltu OIl C
o r lh~S<.l Ihina~ befort.
Q. Mr. Freid, ~an we nsr~c Ih nl in IlI nt depo sition )"1'11 told m e
Ib l l }'()\l did n'l evell kna'" Ihe ~I ecrinll whcel had camc off
and you didn', even r~",", jr lite s.tccri nll "'httl ~ n~r 'he
I)i<ln', yo .. lell m~ Ihat ill thaI <I~poI.ilion Ih~t
ju~1 '~3d 10 you~
,.. I d idn't Mll i~c ... h)1 I ".. a~ ,hinking about .
Q. Yo u didn', ,.,..~li ~~ "'h ~1 ~·ou W",e thin~ ins ~bmn. I~ ~")11
~n()"\\' whal il Ml~al\S 10 lell thc trut h in ;1 ~oul\ or I:!\\". )i ,~

A. Yes.
Q. WI>:H w," t"'" ......
h:1\ )'0" $aid Ih " n or wllm you said now,
or do you kno ..... '
A. What I 'aid no ..... .
Q. didn'l leU thu Iru lh in )"our dcposition. i, thaI ..... h.1
Su }'Oll
tclline J ud ~" Bmw n and thi. ju ry. Ihal Y'<HJ li. d in
)"Our de(lOsilin n:
A. :-10. I had II) " ..., il 1II0' e Ihou&ll l after thai. I d idn'! 1"1::\'
COMM ENT: The- w'l ne~~ ,s aouehl In an me<Uitallte trap. H.. only
C.C UW i. 10 claim he w~. ( oo fused .. nd did nnI ,eali, e whal he ,,~,
!.lying. II is ha ,d hO\'il:Ve, Ie Ima s ;ne hel'1 lhe wilne" .00111 be m'I·
lakcn ~t)out wheth~ , tile ~11!H; ng wheel 1'1";\$ C<1 Cl<" of! Iha I,~elo, :
Ihus, tile ill'~ is left wilh r.'MC (lQu~ts aboul hi~ willi"lin e.s to I~II tl\(l

, t'UUI.

111.115 InnuclH.'I: "r Oppo ~!n t.\ C" un <d

Q. Did you I"I~ 10 Mr. Mace aoou l this C'I<C after Ih~
d"r~,iti"n lind !.... f""· ',,11,1
A. lia '.., I talked 1" him1
Q . Yes. sir.
;\ . y~

COMMENT: Ccnl,~di et oon$ in a wilnlr.s.· te~l,mony may ,mp ,e~~ the

JU'y eV<."fl mo,.. il t h~ c,os~ ( . amine' tan p,oyille some ,ea'lII> Cl<" mo·
tiYe 10' the m. f.I~ 'e coonset inlplie~ Illal Ihft oppo'"";nc MtCl<"ney I>.ltl
wmething to do with I ~e diK'Cpl~Cot5. ,,"~"ugh l"Iil nc ~~ p'cp";lIoon
~ 01 course on ~cccnled p'OlGtlcc. the eoo ,mily ollhe dO!ip~,iti c. in
\llis w;I"".. · lo~timony 'nay rn~kc Ih e i~ ry rn<>fe willing to believe
tt,"l th e opp o'inr. ~ltt)"'ey hlO something to do wilh Ihem .
Q. You did,,'1 lalk If) m~. <lid }·llU. si r?
A. No.

I)i<ln', yo .. lell m~ Ihat ill thaI <I~poI.ilion Ih~t
ju~1 '~3d 10 you~
,.. I d idn't Mll i~c ... h)1 I ".. a~ ,hinking about .
Q. Yo u didn', ,.,..~li ~~ "'h ~1 ~·ou W",e thin~ ins ~bmn. I~ ~")11
~n()"\\' whal il Ml~al\S 10 lell thc trut h in ;1 ~oul\ or I:!\\". )i ,~

A. Yes.
Q. WI>:H w," t"'" ......
h:1\ )'0" $aid Ih " n or wllm you said now,
or do you kno ..... '
A. What I 'aid no ..... .
Q. didn'l leU thu Iru lh in )"our dcposition. i, thaI ..... h.1
Su }'Oll
tclline J ud ~" Bmw n and thi. ju ry. Ihal Y'<HJ li. d in
)"Our de(lOsilin n:
A. :-10. I had II) " ..., il 1II0' e Ihou&ll l after thai. I d idn'! 1"1::\'
COMM ENT: The- w'l ne~~ ,s aouehl In an me<Uitallte trap. H.. only
C.C UW i. 10 claim he w~. ( oo fused .. nd did nnI ,eali, e whal he ,,~,
!.lying. II is ha ,d hO\'il:Ve, Ie Ima s ;ne hel'1 lhe wilne" .00111 be m'I·
lakcn ~t)out wheth~ , tile ~11!H; ng wheel 1'1";\$ C<1 Cl<" of! Iha I,~elo, :
Ihus, tile ill'~ is left wilh r.'MC (lQu~ts aboul hi~ willi"lin e.s to I~II tl\(l

, t'UUI.

111.115 InnuclH.'I: "r Oppo ~!n t.\ C" un <d

Q. Did you I"I~ 10 Mr. Mace aoou l this C'I<C after Ih~
d"r~,iti"n lind !.... f""· ',,11,1
A. lia '.., I talked 1" him1
Q . Yes. sir.
;\ . y~

COMMENT: Ccnl,~di et oon$ in a wilnlr.s.· te~l,mony may ,mp ,e~~ the

JU'y eV<."fl mo,.. il t h~ c,os~ ( . amine' tan p,oyille some ,ea'lII> Cl<" mo·
tiYe 10' the m. f.I~ 'e coonset inlplie~ Illal Ihft oppo'"";nc MtCl<"ney I>.ltl
wmething to do with I ~e diK'Cpl~Cot5. ,,"~"ugh l"Iil nc ~~ p'cp";lIoon
~ 01 course on ~cccnled p'OlGtlcc. the eoo ,mily ollhe dO!ip~,iti c. in
\llis w;I"".. · lo~timony 'nay rn~kc Ih e i~ ry rn<>fe willing to believe
tt,"l th e opp o'inr. ~ltt)"'ey hlO something to do wilh Ihem .
Q. You did,,'1 lalk If) m~. <lid }·llU. si r?
A. No.

13-7 § IRII7

§ ltUI6 Cun!rn<iictiol1 With Second Deposi!ion

Q. Do you remcmber 1 came back up to Primrose COllnt)' :lI1d
1 took your depo,ition again. a second time'! You
submitted to two dClX'~ilions. remember?
A. :>10.
Q. You g:I\'C another dcpo~ilioll to my brother on Janunry 1st
19,. , You remember that, don't you, sir'!
A. Yes,
Q. I'm j;oing to a~k you wit ether you ,emember these
quc~lion~ hcing asked, This W:lS later now. in 19 ...
Q. Was !he ~tecring wheel ultaeltcd whc" you went back'!
A. No. Whal 1 c:m remcmber ! imagine m:l)'be Burt had
put il on. There were two or u, there.
Q. Arc yOI1 MIre Ih;11 Burt put it on or arc you guc~sing
about than
A You know. it's been quite n while. I'm not ,.al ,,"c.
Q, Whel1 you we"t h~ck for the .econd trip. do you recall
where the ~teering wltee! w"' loc:ncd?
A. No, (End of readinr,)

§ tH.U7 Witncss CI"ims C"llfusion

Q. So that's twice now you've gi"en te,timony under oalh Iitat
you didn't know where the 'Ieering whool was 10,·,1Icd. 'lnd
now YOll come in here and tell these eight [l~o[llc that it was
ten r~ct away. thai you know where it wa~, :n](1 Ihal y()U
and Burt put i! llOCk on and thcn gOI the tmct()r (lut of the
!icld. Is that wh~t yo,,'ro saying. you were confu5ed Iw;,e
in two depositions under oath. Mr. Freid'!
COMMEt><T: Counsel's question 5u"ltn~ri~e, tile ,ariou, contr~dic·
tion, in testimony. II thi s is not dooc oceasiol1~tly, tile jUlY m.y lose
track 01 wlHtt tlte attorney is trying 10 dctn~nsha!e.
A. Yo.,
Q. were confu,cd in 19 ... YOI1 were co"ruscd a }'ear bter.
hut you're mll confu",d today, I~ that concc!'?
,r,'. ,,' "
,\. /"I'C ho.l a 10\ ('If lime 1(1 thi nk ~b<lul it
18- H

Q. You'I'e had a lot of lim ~ III 1~lk to other pcopl~ ~boUI ;1

\00. haven"1 you, Mr. Freid? Old you talk 10 Mr. Bnycr
about Ih;$ since the lime of the JCci<Jc nl?
,\, I don"\ 5tt Dave.
COMMENT; be ll lime the witne$ "I'e$
.If'\lIl(cu!;(', counlol'l poO'lide~
" n a llermtwe ott""" whicn iIllPIic:alt'$ Ihe pla;r>liil in Ihe conlrNan( e
01 'also lest;mol\Y.

§ 18.08 FAlin.., 10 TAke Safol)' MC.-';'lm..;

Q. BJck in 19.. you had four Hofnlann tract",.., i~ Illat

correct. sir?
,\. I SUC$~.

Q. 11m! nnn~ of l ho!c rour 11ofm.:mn IraC\On lh~l }'OU h;HJ

"'. f( tqu ip)X"d ,,-illo " roll b., . ot SUI Mh. j • •"',. <"OHC'<.1?
,\. No.
Q. And >'ou wouldn't wcar n Si.':Il betl cI'cn if 0"'" "11$
Ilrol-idcd, "-oold you, sir~
MH. M..n: I object.
Tltli Cc)\.'~.: O'·crrulcd.
By M ~, I.['''~)l.\~':

Q. You wOtlldn'\ "'...aT " ~c;t! bo:it e,'en if <inc 'H.TC p ro,-illL-d,
.. ould rou. ~i .?
A, l'loh)bly nOI.

§ lUI? WIIIK'S~ Cun'l nomC.l1l/Cr \\',c[h~r II. Operalc'll TI~o '

Q, opcral~ Ihi! Hofmulln 7000 IraClor on lhe day ~ 'r.

Did )'CHI
Ra)'~rwas hun, berore he opcrl\1cd it?
A. [oon'l know,
Q. I' m ~;~ \0 ,ercr you 10 your dcpmi,ion ag,1in juSl H>
I( rre, h your memory, Mr. F,cit.!.
I':~ 28. IR c"d illj;)

COMMEtU, The wcce!03.ful ~ of • P';O' ' ncons;'I",,1 Sla \Nllenl

dunng CIO'SS I.'l<amina tion de ""nd l 1~,,,,ly on l"'ep,"~IiOl1 ~MI OIW'n;.
~tiQn. COun!!1 muot know Ihe ,clO'OInl p,~ ... ge conl ~ininu lI,e prior
$'OIlerTH!nt. an(! mcrst h ... c it ,eady to uiC,
" ."., ,.,.,
§ IB. I '

Q. Willi~'l1, woul<.l yeti ha.·e OI11..,.,lIc<.l or r;ICc(1 th ~

Horm,mn 7000 m,elor on Ih~ <.IJIC Mr. lIa~"Cr wa.
lIu rr!
A. Probabl)". ).rs.
Q. D~ you re member l\"vin~ any prohlems wilh il llml
A. No. IErnl or
Q. ~I 11m! rcfr~sh you r m~mo ry. si.?
A. J c~ ,, · , ."mcmb~, thell.
Q. W~II I'n. jU~1 as~inc you wh~lher_
A. It·s been fo ur )·cal'! Or lbr~c ycnr~.
Q. Isn'l ,tI." wl\ a, you tcsli r;~J to in you. dCjlOSili on Ihoog.h,
1\. I Can'l .cmcmh~ . ,hen.
Q. Wdl. sir, ~r~ )·ou lellinll us you don'! remembe r whal
h:tr!P(!nro b~d: in 19•. wtlcn IlIi, tlal'll¢nnl?
A. Ye. h. J "''''ember.
Q. You re member so me thin a! 311d you forgel other Ih in!:!. i,
Ih a\ ...·ha l )·ou'rc 'clli n~ UI?
A. W~II , > ..... knO\O·. you Gil)·' refresh In )· mind and I h~'·e 10
think ~hou l il.

Q. Do YOII rem~mbc. ha '·inS ~ II)· probl em) " ·;Ih III.: ne'erinS
On II" Hofmann 700m
,\. I don·, .cm~m bcr al\)· lhin~ .

Q. You don't .('(""lIlh~l , do )·u u. ~ r'1

A. No.

Q. '\11<.1 .... hen il c"mc li me IQ do rCjl>I iu )·o u and your bro lher
wo uld do 1:1:113;n t1:jl>I irs vn 1he ,· ....hid..... i~n't 11031 tn,,,?
A. I dnn'l "n ow.
Q. Wdl . if }·ou don·1 kn ow. who lnow!. ~i r"1
.\ . (No ,...'toj)Un..:.)
...... ",
• Illl!

Q. Yo ur "h d j.,1' cam,' in It<:f~ and mId U\ thnl }'OU and D~IQ
I~-I O

would b~ in dl~rllc of th e rcpairs !x,:cnu..., h~ was gone si~

"'ay~ a we<:k.
,\ , All r do i.' -

Q. r~ n'l ;1 a fUel 111 m you ",'ou1<.1 do Il;J,ai rs On Ih is "chicle

)'OU ftcll'l

,'. Wlml ki nd of r ~paiB'1

Q. Wdl, 3ny ki nd o r "'pairs'l

,'. CI~lnr..c
,he oil.
Q. Change the oil. I'm nOI tn lking nbout m Ji nl ""~ncc now,
Mr. I'rdd. I~'!'I il l ru~ }'Ol' <lUi ' ep.lin. on .his ~chicrc?
.,. No.1 don',.
Q , Didn', you Ihe no' thnl )'OU $<, id "',1:1 broKo n aner
,h is a ccid~ l1l?

,'. If )"QU {".I11 lhll repai r. 1 woul d can it mninlC n:lnce.

Q. You did do some!!!;nl?; on 111;$ Ir.lCior ~nc.,. Hw aox;u.:nl,
you did a rim repa ir. Is tlml co rrect ?
,'. Righi.

§ IIU I Wil ~~ ~c"l""'" ,'1~1 1101<11111: SC~inl: Wh~t-I On

Q. You lcsli fic<l in yo ur dcprn;i li on. yo u don'1 rCIlWllhcr

doing an)1hing wi1h the steer;", "'h,-el. il n', Ihnt ", neel.
,'. Ri~'I.

O. Mr. r.r~id, isn 'l il " f;u:t .hat .he n ul Ih". " a~ in IIb c.: On
the Slcerlns whec! nnd th e conll itiol1 of Ihe st c~ri nl\ wIled
w~~ the $:1 m\: \lcfllr~ Mr. B.lyc r " 'as hun ~ 11 ...·3~ in .""
piCtur~"llb, H"flll~ nn too k in 19.. 1
,\. J dnn', IIIldcrM:md ""h:" ~'ou' .c lalkins ahoul.
Q. lsn'\ it ;1 f~,'\ Ihm )'011 Imd rut th at nLlt in p l ~ "~ " 11 the
S1<;"C. ' n&('(Ilumn bcfOf~ july 9th, 19.. , ""lIl:n Mr. Iby~ r ,,~t~
hurt. an d not Mte r the ~cci denl ?
,\ . ~,\.

Q. Sir. I'm gein!: In rdc. r Oil ~,in 10 yeur deposition.

,p..'t.ifica!!), 10 pn~'C 30, I'm r,oinS to 3~k l'ut! jf )"'"
,,.., ...,,
§ lU I

rcm~l11bor me J! li nl; )'<J" Ihi~ IIIICS,ioll and ~'o,)Ur , i\'in!; Ihis

r."pOn-e. (ReJ din&l
Q. :-low I W;101 )'01.1 10 lake 3 look at Illal . In the,~
ph01 Cllr3pll! IIlere is a "III.
A. Y~.

Q. Wou ld Ihal ha •.., \tc<!n ~n~ch cd ~I llie tOP of t!l ~

Itee ring ~<J IU n\n and jll~1 ah,,\'~ the Mc~r i llC wheel
Im<:k JI the time riShl hefor~ Mr. Ila)'~ r W;II h~rr!
,\. t th ink Ihal's tht w~y il 'llw;')~ 1000k.... 10 nI~·. (Em! or
ren di ng)
Q. Rcmc mb(r gh'\ng Ihnt ~S!'O'ISC, sir?
A. I dmft reme mber.
COMMENT: D~r ing Ih • • au" . a l lhis ero» e>.)mi""tl!m. ( our>$<)I .... '
lorc('\! this .. ;tnc<>~ to st ~te mnny times IM I M d~sn ' t l~lnIlm lJe l ,
By Ills consl." l i '''O(~ ti <1ll 01 thi ' PI!l.'~ . th ~ w it n~ continue, 10
km! ('edib'~tl.
Q. Of Nil'$\:. si r. Ih31 '~ the nUl )'ou',,; ~yi nl\ you Pll! " " nOer
the ae~i dell t. is th nt <"nrl\!ct'!
,\. I sues •.
Q. 'n"" you roulld tyi ns a roll"d an'" )"011 I"" il n" . )"011 wcn.
kno w whal nu l wc're lalki ng nboll!' Ii's Sli ll On I hc,~ IlnY<,
isn', if!
A. No.
Q. You look II and pin l di rrer~ nt ,1I1<! on.
A. I dnn't kno"" wh~' }'ou'rc !~!"inS :11100"1. YOI!",e lalk ins in
c ircl c~ here now.

Q, (Rc;!din SJ Woul<.l tlla! hay" bc"n I\I1~chcd !Ii Ih e lOl'

of ,he M~ef i,,& O)\umn an d j"" ~bD"C I l'~ 'leering
wb ee l back at tb e lime riSh! bdorc Mr. R~ycr "':U-
hurf !
..... J Ihi nk !l\m '~ Ihe " 'lIy it :o.J"'~ys looked 10 nw. (I ,rod or
Q. Rcmomb,;r Si\', n~ ,h ~t r ~"'S[l<I n !c'!
•.\. ,",0.

Q. Walll l<l Inke II I"o~ ;'1 il'!

<1 ', 1.'"''
• .,.
I~.L 2

IS_1 2

Q. h n'l il n fatl Ibnl you lold me thaI Ill.: nut on I h~ ~tc~rin&

colu nln W:I ~ in pkl~c :1I1d Ih. sl~~ri lll: colu mn loukod jllst
like Ih i~ ~rorc Mr. &)W was ."cr hurt?
A. I <lM' ( remember.

Q. Isn', it ;\ f:K\ Ihal ehh~r you (l r )'o u, bro lli<: . Inc}; Ih i~

steering whe el nrr using haml1lc.~ ~ l1 d beat il 1<1 ~Cl it oft"
bcrore Mr. [layer " 'as hu rt'!
A. I OC\'C' louched Ih. Mc~rin& wh<'l:1.
CO MMENT; He re .. prior Inconl iwmt ~1~ lcment is be1rte u!>l'<l lo, a
subst~ l1ti,~ purpose as wel l as 10 im pe~eH the wllnen' ere;Ji bil ily,
Stlowing thai 110 b<'at th u 5t~ering whee l with " ham m~r before til C
~e<; Mj"nt a n ~ ! ffiKlvod it wou ld prouJhJ;' stri~c J fatal tlIcw \0 tn.e
plaintiff's contention that IIle dcfcc~ mu ufOJGillle 01 tile jr')cW
e;a'-"'l!d The sleering ..tIeel to come eff.

§ IH.12 Lal c h l n~ I'cdRls To~clhcr

Q. Sir, how do ~'o u :tpl'l~' the hr~k' i of l luclo r lr yo u w~nl

to enloUto: bm h hr:lkcs cam, d o"'n 31 lilt $31nC time
10fl~l h c '1
A, You r fou l.
Q. Sup~~ you "':11\1 to be ~\lrc Ihlt yo u d01\'1 d~prcS5 one
br:tke or ,h. o tocr brake and ~'(IU " 'l nl 10 be su re th~l lbc'y
both rome down 1000Ct ht r, isn'l lho.'1"C !>Om"lhin, th31 ~uu
<'an do?
,\. Yes.
Q. 1,I,'11~t'~
Illll t?
,\ . Put 3 Ihin, in Ih""c,
Q. YOII lalch Ihe fl"'d a\$ 10£tlhcr. is n'l lh~1\'t1
,\. Yes ,
Q. And 1h:1.1 enSUr.:s tl1.:ll both or Ihem .....;11 rom.' dO" 'n
toy lher'!
A, I gUC$5, if lhc~'·." ~Iljuslc d right

§ u!.lJ T'''I'I(>' l'uund OfT th~ [tno d

Q. ,\m I (1)1".« 1. ~i l . !hal lhj~ I>r ~s ~'(Iu fou nd it .....". o fT
the ro,oJ?
,"' '''''
",."_ ...•.•",,,,- ... . - .. _
.. , ,, ' ''., '

!t\~" pay ,d l •. I..-.w ",u~h ~" clj " ... ~.? ~

II' )''' 111'1I " dl;I~"'; ,,.,)' ""' :l h" ' I ,;,~I;c. w], ik al " 'H~, wh"l 11(, y~l1 ""r",oll:,- ' 1 ~·n,llIv".. 'I~~·1
Wh:;: 3'~ y"ur 'I!'!~p)1 "-<r~"'L""" f<l'; l.:Iul~ _ .; du~~ _,
I~!""' ()1 I,·:I.'" '11 '~lfy): ___.. _. ,. ' __ "' '... _.. _

h" <~,dl "al~s'"'' ",. fu(",~, utnli""l ~~I""''"~. pi';:',." I", tbe L"'t~~,·~::-, ,:", .iL<I'''''~:} ,,[, (II..: lOW,;",",,!. d", ',";;j' II
",~; pC' \1,~l ('\Ill a ""l.. r~ul. fir W<'l k~ r·" Ct'llIl'~n,,,'IW'l '<l.~), " fJl lk d!1I;lI;un ufl!"" II""U"O:": F,,, OJ.,~,,,pl~

~~~;:u~" m~I\Lq~~ C;~bL ~~!_\ '_

i, i_'. !l'!lil~,!Jl
1'lr,',k.,1(b"a" .\' 2 m'i~< ~o::r ,wolr ~75 :t ~,·;u~

..__. ----,---.
---- . -

- -, ,- -,.

IJtd d.... d,"","'o;<,! d,i,rl;.'! _ ,_~_ ~~, _••___ _ (r _....,~. '" wl1-11 ""I';"'·"

_ ._._-_...... _---.. " ,,--

(; i II. .1 ,,,1~u " t rib"I ,,,"'·"

I{e~,,-.;,t" on .,rld b."lII;'i"" ------_ . __._ .......
I',h, .;at;"1 1'-,
1ft_ I) i 111..14

,\ , Yes.
Q. The township road?
,\ . Y<"5.
Q. ,'"d Ihe If:1CHl. h~d n'l rolk" 0"(1' al JII . h~d il . si r?
,\. I don'llhink ~o.
MR. If:-<~Il,'N: 1 h~,·t 110 funllc . q .. e~liOIls.

§ 111.1" Rfdi,t(1 f,JIorailUllioo 10)' I'lmlplirr'$ Co.nsc l:

Rchnbl1i!mln~ tht Wlln c.s
Q. Mr. f.dd . M •. l C1l3h;1fI h~' ;\Sled you whether we 1~lkcoJ
a'oout Ihe C3W l i n~c the li rT\u of l~kinS you r dCfIO! ition .
"'hen did you wI" 10 me 'aIL. do !'ou fI:membc: r?
A. W SI niahl )'011 .... e.r o''Cr and ""e I~lh-d n!>out Ihe nlanure

Q. I "''On ht lt "" i,h Or. Crook ~I >'oo r 1113,,,, 1....1 niSill, I, 11m
co rrect'!
,\. Yc...
Q. We looked ~I the I"anure 'I1r~3d<.:r.
,\. Itisht,
Q. MId did I lalk to )"ou pl io. to Ihm al the f~ rm?
A. You hro ughl the $Ub pO ~ n3 around.
Q. Al any ti me. did 1 re"i~,,' oX go iwcr :m y P.1" of YOll,
d epo,'lion les li m<!ny wil h you1
,\. JU SI a liltle bit. \'OU ju~\ 3,~~d a ~Il upre of quc'l il)l\~ 3,",
1l'.11 w:» all .
Q. ,'Ild did I e" N a~k ~ou 10 ohan &e lillY P;lrI of )'UUr
testimo ny as [lle,·'ou>ly @:i" cn?
A. No.
CO MM ENT: By I h~po,nl, 11M! .."neW ~Ia l~""'nl loot ~oumel n..-.e,
nwu Ilin, to ~lI ' "l:ehi$ to,tim g.ny M~ ~ liltle ell ~ e\, and ~e~ I11S in ·
ten<1ed mo.e \0;> l!'>JIf>e.atl) plaintiff's ,)t!o,ne, than to lehabit't1>!1) the
l'iilne s:; ,
Q. a~ )-00 eJ n lecall (10m the question;n!: of Jo lt.
Nil'" \i •.
L~I~,h~ tI.
)'DUr tc~ti mony siven in ~O llrt here tooa), di lTorl
,om e".hm from tl>c Inl'mollY-
,..... ,''''
J 18. 1~ 18_14

MIL ['''''''IIAr!: O'~«linn 10 th~ rorm. Your Honm. ThaI's nOI

a qu~ ion.
T ilE COl'Rl: SUMain"....
Ih' MM. MAC.E:
Q. Cnn )'no e~pb i n the dirr~r~nc~, ~ i r. in Ihe il"'slim cny 111 31
)'OU arc &iving loon)' n~ o p[X>!~d lo~
,\, I didn't under~l and II 101 of q\l~M ion~, [ , [lOuld ha,' ~ asked
al Ihal lime. I .... as n c"~r 10 nne o r Ihc~c Ihings bernre nnd
I was nen'nu~, and I r e~Il>' didn'l gh'c il a 101 nr Ih oughl
be fore llrat. which I WlOllld Im,·c.
Q, Wdl. no ...· you're lelli ng us lod:ly lh~1 Ihi. Ilul 'hown 10 you
in Ihe phol"C' aph ~' Mr. Lcll~han i! Ihe one 11m )"Ou pm
on aft~r Ihe ~«idcnt. [~ lhat ('0" « 11
,\ . Yes.
Q. Is Ih:1t II •• w:>y il ...·allr h:."""ncd1
,\. Cmlld y~" repeal Ih",'!
MR. LL"" n,'N: Objcclio u, Your Honor. This i~n'l pmp'" ,[u eJ-
)'11l. )'hn: Cml"l I ICC )'OUI pho\u~r:l ph~'!
~'1~, L[~.\IlM": Cer1ain\y.
IlY MR. "hCE:
Q. C:llli,,~ )'o ur "licmion hl I hl~ phOiograph ,1\;,1 w~ ! shuw" 10
you b~' Mr. Len al .., ,, a' Ih. I(m~ or Ihe dC)lo('l.~ilin". you'lI
I\<Ile n'~1 {he call il off and lh~ nul i • .JlOwing. I. Ih ~(
corr~'C(. sir?

,\ . Ri;tl" IHIW. Yo .. mt~n now?

Q. Ri&b' nO'" in Ihal phOlov:r Ph.
,\ . No,'; h i~ in , b~ phu'O!ltlll.h. }~5.
Q, Rit1u. :-low j~ '11;\1 th~ nll l lhal Y" " pul nn :lncr Ille
A. yc~.

Q. Now, do yuu Tc~all ho'" \he traC lor wheel lookc(\ l"j", ,n
Ihe time or (h e acddcn l?
,\. Ye' .
Q. /",,1 how dj.! il loo k prior 1<1 Ih., lime o r tile ",ei denl'!
"~. " ,,
I X_ I ~

A. h didn', look lik", Ihal. II w:wfl like Ihm .

Q. I...·.. sn·' HI:" , hat?
A. No.
Q. Wl~1 Ihen, what "11~ thc diff~rcn<x?
A. It Imd a cap on il.
Q. Can lell U~ wh)' yo u lold :>'lr. len"han "Ilhe dCI'O~!tln n
Ih~ 1i. lookcll j us, like it do"" on tile photograph now'?
.. A. I didn't thiu~ a\lo\\ . it .he w~y I should I"",,,, I sh ~ lI ld h;\\'o
g;"cn it mor<: .h oug,ht and asked lIim 10 ~,~ the ' lu ,'$lion
one ", or~ li !l\~. T II,al i~ where [ wenl wron)\. I shou ld ha" ~
~k"" hint 10 as~ Ill\: Ille qu e."ion at'lin,

Q. No" ', prior to I h~ li m~ or the dcpmilion. had!,ou d iK U$s..'tl

Ih" lel.imon)' Ihat )"011 "",re &<ling 10 be asked to &, W w;lh
A, Can you r~pr." Ihal ~
Q. Yes. Pri or '0 'he ,imo of the dcpo,ili on where )'rnI r,,~t
respo nde<! to (IU Cllion s fro m Mr. lenall an, did nl1)'I>Od)' ~o
o"cr your l ~~timon)' willi you'?
MR, lIM" ~N: ObJCC li (ln, Your Honor, this is 1101-
Till, COliN!: S\l SI3illcd.
MK. "'LK1:: We have 110 furth er qu eslions.

§ [8.[S [{~HI)S.~ .:~,ull;n"tk>n byi>rfl'11SC COlllwl; Wlt11('5\ Wt\.'i

Tol~ h. ,hk r(l' O~rHk~tili.

COMMENT: The onlV P/~ usibl. "" planation c lic;ted on , edirect eJ<aon·
ination lor the willlC$$' (onl,,)did iDf!'i was I.... t he W.lS (oo'used by
the d !!pl5~ion pUKe$$ Md did nol ,eJlly understand whal wn gain,
on. Th iS "u:u~ Is often .~i$ed Jnd may be per:ou')SM! to Ule JU' 1,
wna c;rn ~)'fll~lhlu ",,\10 a lav pc.>fSOll'S d;flitultie~ in COmpte/lendl<1g
the legal sy~ l em, Tho be,;t defense \0 this ~rsu men t ill 10 iocJuflc a
Ii.01 inst{uctlon at the beginning ~I the tkl~i!ton Ih a\ Ihe wi Ln~ss
slloold ask tll')l th~ qUe&lion lie reptl ras~d if tI,ere i~ ')nyl tling lie
doesn't uoocrslDnd , Such orl instructioo was gi,en in Lll is c. sc, nnd
coun sel now use,; II 10 demoiis illile rcdirect c<Dmination and awn i.I ,
isLcr the eoup do glDee 10 Ihe witn es s' te>tirnon~,
Q. Mr. Freid. herOIc yo!!r de pos ition wu, I"kcn do ~'O"
r~ l11 emlx:r I!o.:inll told \hJt ir a ([uc~liun "';I,
:. ! k~d ~r ~'Oll
and you dill" ', unders'.lnd ,he qUl"Slion. )'uu ~hould '1("
§ 1~,1 6 1S-16

no ~wer il bUI shOUld Slop ~ noJ!o;\y ro u did n'l under.Han<! il

and it wo uld M cI ~rificd for ~'ou,
,\, I d idn'l rc~ llf 1c;Jli;re I ('Ould do--~"OU h o,,"' you s;aid ;, bUI
I don'l-rm nOI u~ed to Ibi s kind o f ~tu rr. )'OU kltow .
Q. 00 rclU Ic mC1Tlbc, bo:i ng told , Mr. F«:id, Ih:11 i f fOIl had a
problenl u nd orSlanding a queslion, DII you had to do wus
SlOp and we ....o uld I~' 10 ~I:ui f)' it (o r )'o u? Do )'011
«:mcmbcr th 31, ,it?
,\. y~ )'OU did &;0)' thlt .
M~. lI:~.\JI~~; I hn'·. no (II rtllcr qllCSlionr..

§ 18. 1& Silkbu Con r.r('f1U Co ....... 'nl.1l \\"Itrl~" Vermeil)"

M ~ , M,\c~.: We h3vc no further questions of th is "'itn~~~, Ym',

Tu¥. CO LJ ~r. aefore he ', Q~C\l ,.d, I'd like 10 ""><: roun.\ct 'Iere Ut
si d~lm. Yn.u lila)" ~tc" down,
(Side""r CQ nfcrtn('l::)
TII ~ COI.'K I : Wh en ~ou qUc!li oll Cd hi m nboll! the phOIOSr.111h
;>S 10 it s ('(II1<Iilion prior to lhe :I((idelll, he s:aid it Iiad:l r ap on
it. My recOUecti on of hi s I~\t tC S [lOn s~ b..,ror~ he was tu,n Ctl
O,'C( W;>S I h~1 it 1IIl"er had ~ cap on ii, C~ n ~' O U look ~ I tho lei,
ti mon)" j Ui\1 befol"( erOSli c~aminmion. (Tcr.limQny on P3f,C 25.
Lin e 7 through L.! II~ 12, WaS rend)
Mil. M~n;: Th~1 " '35 befo r.., Ilk: 3<:<;ident.
Tllr. Cml!!T: I~c JUM ~~id Ihat Ihe re wa~, Ihough .
M ~. M.\O.: n Ull "'lI~ h" f..,re ,he ~~idcnt.
TI I~ COt: H : That', wha l I was just loII)'ing , You :llk.d hinl
about Ihe phOlograph, about l\Ie nut whet ber Ihat'~ the wal' il
u !ilcd before lit.., :K'cidcnt a nd he s,'1id rm. li e ..a id thcre ""s
a hub cap on il. li e said il had :I cap on ;t,
M • . MAO:: Could 1 TCC'~I him 10 c1ari r~.,
1'\1. CO\lR': The only rea son I" n ~sk;n& Ih~1 is bcC3U~C I'm a
lin le ('One(;mc<i. We :Ill lry ca sC'S in ",h idl wimc'lO~S Chall!;C
their \ nlony fro m prior area,io ns. II 's puf<'C llr naluro! be-
ClUS\) it's P~f\ of Ihe fraill y of hcinS Imlnan tlill our me mori cs
changt', nut ii's (:I' e for liS 10 c:.'p"ril.'tlC'C such a d.-:lr.lic ,.,·clsal
in n witne ss' testimony, I don't know wtlnt we Cln do 31><)])\ it

\8-17 § IS. I,

(""ACCpl I wanl 10 T(""pon 10 bOlh of you. I'm &Dine 10 i n<lll j r~. bo::.
,~U!~ in my judl:nlent nn)' ,,·il l1l"$S Ihal li e! under o~th I>i:lun!J,§
in j~jl.
Mil MAn: I just wanl Ihc r~tu rd Iu rcll <:"C1 Ih31 I did nO! in un)"
,,-ar ~ n roul"aj;!: _

T u( C"'IIIr. I'm not sUgscsIinS Iha(.

~l K. MAn.: I cannot d ~I1 )' I h ~ ratl Ihal lh~ I~~tim o!\y doc~ a p'
pear 10 00 'II odd. willi Ih~ IC5 Iimon)' Si"cn:lt the lim~ or Ihe
COMM EIfT: The 'rlnscript of In'$ $idfl\ alnrerence silo ....' JUSI how
~uCCH$f\l1 lite CfOSS c.~m' naljQn h~s been. \I ,I hn causcd o~in g
ccunse l to distance htmself from h,$ own wi tness, a rid Ihe juclgc to
P'</PO!C in_C$Iig<i lin& pc5~i b le perjury char&cs. ~n a can im~lline Ihn
eHect ~ musl have h~ t1 00 Ih\' jury.

<I'" .'"''

Pl~intirrs Witness-Prior Action Agllinst

Sllmc Defcndant- Assault Case

SrI' OI"!;IS

~ 1?OI FI"I !S«IK>o <~t:....I...lon

t UAl 1~ .. 1'1••"~fi.. ,."...... c.""

,19.OJ h,"......h_ lIrpn!i . ~ " " I>. I ~ ' II..

i [~ .• ~ Wi" .... · ntl " ~ .. ~ ll " ~h,
§ 1' .0) 1'1 , .........1). of C_ootlnl Il ... ~ 1·... _

SlInU>ltlrJ' of lIlu;,' 1'..,.-1.' mul /lilrollm'/",.\' U<'lI ll1rkl·

Til ts t::ll.(; in"oh'cs ~ fight:.! a 001 dllrinll whid , the rllaimi ff ..=
held down by ["'0 bar cmph:\y~., :m" b. :I(oll 1\)' a lXI un,tL I !~ laler
broushl ~Uil :lj;Ui n ~1 Ih" o ... ner of Ihe hilr, 111~ "';In eu in lh l~ ~,'­
~Cll'l wa, the plainti ff in a prio r talC ag3ins\ the !>:I n,,, dcfclld"nt
who 31\.0 cl ninl~d he had bc~ n benten up by bar CIl1ploycc" and
wflo "':IS $lUI on the S1300 b~' III" pl:lillliff in Older In Ihu\\' Ih e 0<:-
,urrcnce of previou, ""3Ii n&I,
Dt::fcn:s.e co~n~1 in\fooucts depo, it ion ,;l aWmen" made hy Ihe
..i !"cS! in 1m: ~riot COIl.(; 10 ronu~dicl !iC\'ernl of h is ~-":flions.
Through u~. of thi~ novel technique d~fc n ~c eO lln~el i ~ able 10 ~lIb,
~l.:!.mj)II~' ic5wn Ihe ",l i n"",' ~rI:(libil it~'.

§ 19.01 Flnnt Sectloll 01 J)lr c~t Exwll1inali Qw

COMMENT: The pl, lnliU called the wilne~, to testily concetnlf1g J
priQr suil t1,~ witnCiS brough\ 'Ea' ~~1 Ihe ba r misi", oul 01 ~ imil~r
circumstancos, The oDject i$ 10 $how 1!,at tho be. tint ol lh~ plailllill
in thb; loUi! W.:II nol all isolJlod incid ent. Counsel allempts to ,tress
the ... ilneu· ( re<!inllily and reliability.

1')- \
, ,,,,,,
., ..

f 19.0l

Q. And hnw long <.l id Ihi ~ incident go on. Ihis ~CI"111

,\. Proh~bl}' jh'c II r len min ut ~s. long enough fo r Ihem 10 11)"
10 &CI n~ 10 Ihe d\lOt an\l OUI Ihe \100' I hrou~ th ~ duh.
Q. Was Ihere an)' "hfrta lioll wi lh anyoAC dse i" "ol-'ct! ,..i, h
Ihe Dghl? Did ~'o ur girl frle nd~ come III' a n<.l ~C I involved?
,\ . 1"0.
Q. How did )''''' ¥~1 10 the ho!p il.l17
A. I wa~ dn"en h)' my si rl rrjcnd ~.
Q. Whal WJ' Ihe eSleu, of )'our phr.iC":li ;"j uri ~?
A. I h ~d a bl~ck .)·c. a hll~lcd lip, ~nd a SDl~1l chi p on o lle ur
m)' ' ~h.

Q. .\nd this occum:d on "'h~ ' dale?

A. DecCnlhcr Sib.
Q. Of " '!MI )·C":tr1
,\. 19..•
Q. Do )"o u have any a.'c 10 ,rind one way o r the OI lier in thi~
.\. No. s ir.

, M~. W,\ ' I.I<; l'a" the

wj[ncs~. Your Ho llor.

ikp<:lw4 u 1'1~lnliff in "r"l"lous CII_'C

Q. WMI Wl:fC )"Oll <.Ioi ng h"fo'" you we nl 10 T'j'll c Olll~
A. I W!lS watching n mlll" ie al m)" a ""rhn~",.
Q. Wh~n di d )'011 rcnt~mb;.:r IIial ?
.c Wht n d id I rtmemh<;r thJf?
Q. \'~ sir .
•1. I Im<.l kn o"'n Ihal.
<:OMMEHl: l he j\lry's CYfO ClSit, I~ pique d b, tI,e bl ~I Ml impllcalion
11';11 tI,e wllne~~ h~~ f~ hI~n lelll ~~ti mcn, . NOW 1110 aLiornpY musl de·
liver what I, lJfomis<:d.
Q. 0 0 >'00 T\"mC II\u<:r a;l~illr; r m,r dCJ'N,ISition ,,"deT (I,nh \0 \<'11
Ihe trulh?
,\ . yc~. I do.

'. --
§ 19.02

Q. 00 you rcnlcmber \~klng the rolh ~nd ~ \ \h.,\ time Illy

p~rtncr, Scou MOM inclii , lelling you tim! woulll be Ihe
sa me omh )"ou would I~kc if you e:lm~ to the court 10
Ic~tify li\"~ in fronl nf ~ jur,.?

CO MMENT: T~ e.~ J.e 0>.)0, ... ~ ys to Cmp h.Mz~ llul I~ ", itotloS Will;
utw:le, ....Ih at I~e ill'fICS,licm jvSI ~s he i~ ~t ,,;, 1. Howeve' ,}thie.ed,
the jury mll!.t be inlormed 01 Ihis c.ucial lad .
,\ . Yes, I 00.
Q. Wele you telling the lrolh wh en your tlepo»i!io n " 'as mhn?
A. Yes, sir. ! wa~.

MR. Wei'''': May! npPfoxh the witness. Your Hoo or'?

'rlll: COUkT: (Indicatins).
:l.IK. WA lUS: I don't ha"e" cop~· . Do you min d if [ look (lve,
his .tIoultlc r? Th i~ is not ~ dtpo!.ition OUI of Ihls ease.
Q. Incidl:nlall~" w lh~t Ihe jury undt.~ ~nds. you did f,1e "
1',""!oUil ;!p ion Il nrd Rock, Inc., dido't you?
,\ . \' cs,! dill.
Q. For purposes uf Ihe reco ,d, I am rc~dinB from Ihe om l
dCllOsilion of Slc"('n Lee Gould. laken under o~l h on
Fehruary 29th. 19 ... M,. Gou kl. do ~'OU reme nlhcr giving
your dqlOsilion in IhJ I cnc'!
,\. yc" I do.
Q, Re3din& fronl Pn;c n. line 14 . and displ3yfn& il SO
pb.ioti rr~ altom~"Y In Ihi, l':lSe can ICOld alon~

Quer.t ion by M r. I>h,.,i ndli: "Oh~·. It In ight ~ oJi fticul\ 10

rememhcr c~ch (\O d c'·c.,.· lilll~ aSJX"<:1 of wh;'t )'o)u did that
Il~y, bUI is lhcr~ any1hini- thaI you recall olher Ih"n Ihe facl
thaI you wcnl 10 Tinle Q UI'!"
And what did you :1n!..·~r'1
,\. ":-10. sir."
Q. Qumion: "What ~"O\I m~3n, you. lot~1 memory rif.hl nnw
of lhat cnli n; oJlY~la<l~ ~nd Imp. with toi ng \(I Time OUI1"
And whal did you l a)1
! It.(U

§ I'.OJ Imlk"!'CllIlK'lIl R~~rd ing ,\<,1>...1 ~I lb.

COMM[NT: Coua$C1 now "':;eli prim ioc""sl~tcn\ stat ements in tile
depos ition ta Impeach tllil witness' credibility. The technique ;~ no
,j ifjerel'l1 Ili a" II tile dcpcsltion h~d bea n given in the present CJ5e,
Q. All right. You told U~ ~ 1l10n] ~n1 ~So you ~ Jfi,'~ d 31 Tim(
O Ut ~( ;I",,(Oxj ln.'~h' \ 1:30'!
,\. Y(s. ,if,
Q. Is n', il nlO rc l i~dy Ih:\ t ~' .. u ~ rti\'N ;It 1:30 Ihal " 10m ill!:?
A. It ..' :I,'; I~ t c, Ih~t e,"cn ing. II :30.
Q. It w~, 1~lc' on in Ihe ""eninS.
A. " ....". n·l l":! "Y, 110.
Q. I.t \ lH~ rcrc. \0 p" C~ )) o r your d"f\o~ili on,

Que~lion: ~What ti me of the d:l)' 0, nirh t Ilid )'OU Mri"c7~

\\'It~t W3S , "(II" M~""Cf1

,\. ~AI]'IJ(Mi \U~ lC'}' 1:30."

Q. n O"~ Iha\ rcrrcsh )' our me mo!,}'!
,\. :\1)' me mo,)' ";'I'"li n k: ('"""rcr II",,, bUi il "':U sl ill laiC jn ' -- .
Ihe c\'~n i l1g.
COMMENT: Otle '~ II·c""trdic1rOfl hy Ihe W~rleZs-<> n~ error-has
now bec~ e ~ta bli"" c~ , Tilt' witne ~. h ~ "dI 81i Ihi s prior incon li;s!ent
.tal ~me"1 in a" inte • ma "n ~: ,Ime me iru:~i $l.m!;Y is nol on
on import.m no int I]e ccnced e~ willig"! being . , ked Ihat hI'! pricr
s talement i. Ptobably tru~. and .,~ tI)It$ the prior s tate me nt wHit Grall.
Mle Ie cCllnlic l 1<)1' IOl11 irldiog him.
Q. Do YUII "",.~ any f(':lWn 10 d;~pUle your 1~"St hIHJny under
O~lh on F"hru~ ry 19. , 111;,\ you ani" cd :It Tim~ 0 111 Ot 1:30
in IIII.' morning?
,\. :-': 0. sir .
Q. All right . At t: JO in the nt orninglOll W~ f" ~I Ti m~ O UI
with t!t .!'C or ><)11' l;irl rri ~nd s'!
,\. Yes.•i f ,
COMM ENf: CovMltt """ c" used tit.. w,tOl'SS 10 chaf\ge hiS tl'Slr""ony
10 conlorm to tile prio r Inccr"Il;Ir:-n1 . IJlemoni. Olle n <I wilnes!O ", III
iitlek !.!.ubbotnly 10 hrs cou,\room te>timon ~. Th~ . tto'ne{s ~Qa l i~
nol O<l ly 10 uuse hrrn to cll;,"!:O. althcugh that n13y be Ile .. r.ble. bul
1')-5 § 1<J.fI.t

allg to Ihow U!M he i. c<.pallle gl n>~ki"r. an erro., whelht/ br!<:a~

,,' m"" 1(I1)' !apoe. " tende rlGY 10 'lni ~,pea~ : a r pa rt i' il"s llip . Once
Ille )" ty belie>cs he ~ cha"gine tl'$hmony 10 w i' hi~ goals 'h~ wit'
d~trmt e' "rvtl'in ~ h. s.'~ •. TI," i. 11", best re. I,I\ h orn u.~ 01 a prior

, in,gMiste nl S\,lt~ nl.

1'.11-1 '\"i'nts~' Urinkjll): Ib"jf~

Q. What time di d ~·n .. l\~t o tT wolf( 111:11 d a)'~
1 1\0"'\ 'e,·"II .
Q. 11 wa~ ,::;0. w~~n'l it?
A. ,·" fllaps.

Q. fl ,,<:ausc i'o U wo,k ~ c! (. om 8,00 \U 4:Jll, did "'l )" ''''?
1 d,m't ,«'n ll w flal "~y it ""~S. if ;1 wa~ S:n uft\:ry .
COMMENT: The followint: que~t inM a~n the ~bi ljjy 01 tlte wiTr>esS
10 corr ectly ob$."" \l, e filCh 10 whie!' he \<m,lies. Note 111.'1 Ih"Y
.>1sO ca.ry Ike secondary (llt~d 01 bein!: speci lic a cl~ of ml~o rlllucl.
An J f1 i' mali,o ,elpor1.e = y duet u le his trustwort hiness in Ihe ~e.
01 IIIe (U'OI$. t he imp!"tss;on m.ile by ~ wi ln~~~ who &c\ $ drUllk or
s mu~es ma' ii ..... "~ is not cne cl ltustwDI\hineu. Ah hough SUCh cen-
Clal QueUiOlls wo~1d "or m.lI~ be cbi . cticn~ bl e. in 1hi, in~t. nce the
'~t<:ilie X l 1)/ rni«cnduCI is rel.lted 10 the witness' ability to observe
tn<o faciS to Whidl lie \eS lifi~ ~.
Q. [)id yO!! h,,,"c .n )"' hi ,, ~ 10 drink hI.-fmf yo u It,)l to Tim"

.,. O UI?
1'> (1. ,ir .

Q. A\I!o<I1111C!Y "O)l hi ,, ~?
N,). si r•
Q. ..\tl)"o n ~ in )"o ur "kin;l}, or r on SlllOk c any tn "r Ul1an ~ Ih al
A. No. sir.
Q. Whcn )'ou ..... ere al Tim c Ou t did i'Otl !)\~c,,·~ nn ybody w h o
,..., d'u n~ ~
A. 1'101 th.1 I C~I\ , ec;!11. no.
Q. H an yun .'W ' ecn 'U IlIC "Il C wh o 1\"35 dnln~?
A. \'~." .•i r.

1')-5 § 1<J.fI.t

allg to Ihow U!M he i. c<.pallle gl n>~ki"r. an erro., whelht/ br!<:a~

,,' m"" 1(I1)' !apoe. " tende rlGY 10 'lni ~,pea~ : a r pa rt i' il"s llip . Once
Ille )" ty belie>cs he ~ cha"gine tl'$hmony 10 w i' hi~ goals 'h~ wit'
d~trmt e' "rvtl'in ~ h. s.'~ •. TI," i. 11", best re. I,I\ h orn u.~ 01 a prior

, in,gMiste nl S\,lt~ nl.

1'.11-1 '\"i'nts~' Urinkjll): Ib"jf~

Q. What time di d ~·n .. l\~t o tT wolf( 111:11 d a)'~
1 1\0"'\ 'e,·"II .
Q. 11 wa~ ,::;0. w~~n'l it?
A. ,·" fllaps.

Q. fl ,,<:ausc i'o U wo,k ~ c! (. om 8,00 \U 4:Jll, did "'l )" ''''?
1 d,m't ,«'n ll w flal "~y it ""~S. if ;1 wa~ S:n uft\:ry .
COMMENT: The followint: que~t inM a~n the ~bi ljjy 01 tlte wiTr>esS
10 corr ectly ob$."" \l, e filCh 10 whie!' he \<m,lies. Note 111.'1 Ih"Y
.>1sO ca.ry Ike secondary (llt~d 01 bein!: speci lic a cl~ of ml~o rlllucl.
An J f1 i' mali,o ,elpor1.e = y duet u le his trustwort hiness in Ihe ~e.
01 IIIe (U'OI$. t he imp!"tss;on m.ile by ~ wi ln~~~ who &c\ $ drUllk or
s mu~es ma' ii ..... "~ is not cne cl ltustwDI\hineu. Ah hough SUCh cen-
Clal QueUiOlls wo~1d "or m.lI~ be cbi . cticn~ bl e. in 1hi, in~t. nce the
'~t<:ilie X l 1)/ rni«cnduCI is rel.lted 10 the witness' ability to observe
tn<o faciS to Whidl lie \eS lifi~ ~.
Q. [)id yO!! h,,,"c .n )"' hi ,, ~ 10 drink hI.-fmf yo u It,)l to Tim"

.,. O UI?
1'> (1. ,ir .

Q. A\I!o<I1111C!Y "O)l hi ,, ~?
N,). si r•
Q. ..\tl)"o n ~ in )"o ur "kin;l}, or r on SlllOk c any tn "r Ul1an ~ Ih al
A. No. sir.
Q. Whcn )'ou ..... ere al Tim c Ou t did i'Otl !)\~c,,·~ nn ybody w h o
,..., d'u n~ ~
A. 1'101 th.1 I C~I\ , ec;!11. no.
Q. H an yun .'W ' ecn 'U IlIC "Il C wh o 1\"35 dnln~?
A. \'~." .•i r.

§ 19.05 t9_6

COMMENT: l ~ i. <>bj<tctiooJtlIe questIOn p!.Kcs Hl<) DPl""ins ~U~rn~

in a difficult PQsililln, II ~ objC-Cl, and t~e witness do.e, n'lt an swar
Ihe questilln. fie will "r>P"ar 10 be Itiding w nlething from tlte jury
~boot the witne. s' drinking ~x~rionccs , Here no objecti on il nl3!le,
AslQ ng 31 th! attorney knows what 1110 wilrlcss' answer wi ll 00, ana
the 3 nS~1 ill\O warSC than tile natu!~ 1 impli<:ation flom In ob!tdlcn
3n(l no answer. he might as well a ll~w the witness 10 an~We! !tl(:
qll~l r O<l ,

,\ . OOX:l5io na11r.
Q. Do )'ou h,,"e OI:rasicn 10 0"~ f;l 'i nk7
,\ . Nil.
Q. Oil ) 'OU ha ve occasion to 10.le comro l?
A. ;-<0.
Q. Ih,'( )'OU ~"CI \osl conlro l "'hen yoo "'crc drunk1
A. Ko.
Q. 111:11'S n~" er h:i~Pt:m:d 10 you7
A. ;-<0,

§ 19.05 N~t~"hy 01 Con trulliKI: Otunk 1'~lnll1s

Q. I lave ~'ou c"cr becn in " bar wilen: a pUlron or &U ~S I lo~t
,ont rol bcClII~C he dr~nk 100 milch?
,\ . 1»01 thai I ran fe,'ull.
Q. 0.0..,.,. it ~C'" li kc!\' to )'011 lhal H. lt could MlIl'Cn?
,\ . YC'$. sir.
COM MENT: Coun~1I'I naN ~lart~ 10 (Orw<!.t !hi! .ld'''r!,e witness to hj~
nwn ~Utpo'"..tS. He uses the vri1""~' u a expert en b3rroom etiquellG .
obt ~ln ln& a nunlbe r ot o~nioos tll~ t tend to paint certain b~ . c~tom·
er~ In 6 ba~ li gitL Counsel wants to establi1;h that e,en tllis Witness.
whe it aq uonts b;lIs and .ides wiln Ule plaintill in tllis case , recoil'
niles tnat ce rtain custom ers " re un.oasen~b~ and can only tle con·
trQoll ee by s tem measures,
Q. 1I~"c ~ou ''''cr =n a $ilU:Olion ...·here a tkltlon h«atll C SO
intoxicated th"1 the cI .. b w~s (oro....J 10 ;uk the "'' 'ron 10
lu",· ~n" not <."<Imc hac~?
A, ;-<0. I ha'·~n·l.
Q. If a palrun did j!:Ct df\m~ 10 Ih~ po;m ",llcrc he could nr>
longe r conlrol hilmd( and miry b"'"{) I1lC a danger. do )'0 "
If},,,, pa~' Ic" •. I..,w",,,~h <:~.:h ",,}.1 _ _ _

If W" pu r.-j ,;" ..., i"':' ""'"I:;I" "i<"I;" wh ik al "",I:, whoi" ,1(, YOl1 " (,,., ,, "11:.- :;1)1'",1:)'~u1.o~·1
Wh."I: .u~ Y'" '' ~''!!!.~I ''''lat~;C! for; lilul~ ____ .; duoo _ .; " a: l:·,dil:~<l I:,,~li,:u.iQ'" _. __ .; ~I(d,~s !;;'r " ...~ k .•.•
_...•..- , .

;:',r e;'r~ ~al<;£.tI'f ,,1 -riH"(~. IU"dioa; .•

C_'I."""~ ,1",,,,, 1;,\ II", '~"""6C:Y, Ii" , .k<I"~"'·~· ('1' 'I'~ to ~~'!W,';J' . :I,~ ~(" ""oJ
,.",: j'~' V;";l I,M ., "-( .. F~~1r (lJ W("IJk~.,-·s'C""-'Ulln (,W), 'P~lllK- ..btl '" ;<'11 oF l!..., I,~-;r!t'><:'~ F", ~ '~'''Jlle'

!:~~~'(~' f1l-'L\\lJ!<::C i;!hlJ~,,-v ,,; r Ulll,lI.iJ!U

~75 -- --
1~,y'ir,'1 (b"~! I.\· 2 {l:ttc~ I'~' "wlr J ~... ~t<

- -_..._------- - ------
----- - - -

- - '- - " " ' - ' ... __ . -~ -.'" ------_.......

To \~h.,~ ~,l'~'1 ,':,.-.: p"";,l..' lIcl'~ml~"r ,m rh~ M",,~,..,f' .._. __.___ _ __ ____ __ . "'_'_' .. ____ _

(J i lic :,,,<1 ~~,"rJ b,,\ju"'"

lic~r.;;ori"".:u>ol bc");e.~ .- ----- --- ---- _..... . _-
l"hJ ~"\;'·I I",
th i n~ it i~a £!>O<l idea ror (he duh tu (~ke th e d rink "ut or
hi , !I~nd "nd J~k him to "'ave'!
,\, ,,~ , ~ i r,

Q. If ~ 1>a1f<ln r~ l iSlS wh:ll should ' h<: d ... b <I\)1

i\, Rcmo,'~ him l\t~ bC$t w~~·, thwugh ,\t~ flOlicc d ~ I"mm,'nt,
h.t'· ~ Wl1lc\lool)' remu'·" him.

Q, Whal dt> ~"l)Il d o if 3 IXl'"," hegins 10 swing? Whal IohOllld

the duh du t h ~n 'l
A, I ha,'c no id e;" ! don·t thin k the )' ,\to utd be dr unk. The
d ub is suPP.,"'tl 10 ~tol' ,Iwm befOf~ they &,,1 (hal ,,""3)••
Q, On ) 'OU think a lImon h a~ an obli~~ li o" 10 ! I(I~ him...:lf
hdare he bec(1l1lc~ drunk'/
.\. y~'S. ~ir.

Q, If ~ p;l1ron d . inh '" much Ihal j.e 1lVl"" 10 Ihe h:nhronm

~lld Ihrnw~ up, w h ~t d'IC5 .h.n .ell ) '0 0 "bmlt h"w milch he
had 10 dril1k'!
i\ . :"Imhing.
Q. Th af ~ happ.mell to )'0<1. hu\n· , i,?
,\. I'm do n mc?
Q. Uas 1"'" haPPt" e" 10 rOU~
,\. 1\0, sir.
Q. \\'Il al if a 1'~\lOn i~ forcibly c"iCled I"ro lll the club alkr a
SlrUWo. {;OClo 10:'1 car. mt(l ~ wilh " (ri<:n d and r.l).' 'T n,
soint: bac k in 'hc,.... ~ Do you .hi n~ d,~,.~ a ~mau Ihi ,,!; To)
A. 1\'0, ~i r.

Q. Why nm?
,\. W1l:l'·' it b'Q;'I~ '" :\I.)I\'c:
Q, On )'0" (hi"k io mcbod y "' hn wa~ il1 l~n" d com,.",1 "'o ul,1 dn
s<.n,~.h ing tik ... thaI?
.\ . 1\'0. si r.
COMM EN1: By ,)(Imilt l~l: tile n€Qd for ' tri<:t '0<11101 , 0" rowdy bar
cu' tome'~ th .. \'.'Inen h"~ ,'E, ud wittt on a 01 tl'e key I C,\et~ of til(:
!lefe"'11 eM~.
""" ...,
i 19.D~

Q. Do yo u Illi "k !oOmconc ", ho "';'~ drunJ.: 1ll ~"I"'o l>OIIlO;lh.inS

Ih at?

A. r ouihly.
Q. Who is Jw D;'nl l~y?
,\ , ! h."v~ Mo idea.
M•. Wo:r..'S: Tha n\; ~OU , Pa~s Ihc ",i IM !)!;!.

C IIA I'n:R 10

Subway Car Dril'l~ r-Esti m:ltcs Made During

Dcposition-Obstructi\'c Judge and Opposing
Counsel-Negligence Case
e m" f: ~n",i.,,( i<HI
b) ,I.m. ,I, II'od ... •


t ~.D( 'I loo lliffl'1 .'1'1" ....., Q</<, d... on QIo'If "",,,4 n" ..
f l lUl t:.1q 1"""lI"'~ ' . C<""~1n \\'~_.
f lOm ,\Io!III~' 10 110\< 1'" . . .. ,'01 ,\<<1.1 •• ,

l l~"" I:... '" .~~ ....

~ la M \"1 1"'" 1:"I."",.r S",-,... 11101 110" 11«. 1""..... <'
§ ~ \;.., '" I ~~"", ' I:""",k " Il;',- .
j 11.07 ~ .... k"". of Il'W""" Wloo T•• III"..... ·r... ' """.. III JY"'l'<'l 1ft r,., of
'l..... 1.-......, s,..'" n .. 1'101..... Jo~ ... f<OOtl of T"".
~ lO.U9 lI« ,01' Iro.",jp'
It... "1'," •• 1, A",h .. l l ), 11 .. ,1 ..: \\ ' ~ .... , T.. 'ilkd
"1"1•• , "W"II[ s. ... ~ lt.r I. F",OI of 1",01 .
II :( N.. _ 10, 0 .. _ In '...,j"""'l
I 10.11 1:.. of SI"",'4 H'"h'.""1
, !Ct.• ~ l ''''... ·. .... k '" fl~ "' (;",,_1-011,,-": S .... ........ I. I:.w..c..
§ lO.U [ 'li"",,< .1 :-.-.",10<, 011'_1, (:_ IIIl: n. ... Sial"
I !CI .I~ 1:.,100>1. .. S ,"~I'10 ~ ili".......
~ W.15 f ... I...... ,.'.,.im,
I lQ,IG M... .rk"i.. '" 1'1 .1 .. ,Ur, 1'."11..

• •\.,un J. lh""'~ ~ "<1i ...." in 1'/",,- \ .... ~.

Tho """"" 01 "II ~"' i" . .. il."", "lid "" f"l\i" ~ r o"mel h'" I",, " \'I""~,,I .

§ 20.01

Summary of !lasi<· I'ac/.I mill IIl1mdllc/",.I' R,·lIwrk.\"

The plaimiIT hild fallen in front of ~ ~ubwilY Ir~in. I'laimilY

claimed tho dri,·or of the ,ubway tr~in was negligent in f:tilin~ to
sCo the plaimiIT on (he lrucks in time to stop beforc hitting him.
The dcf~nsc pre,cnlcd witnesscs who cI~imcd thut thc plaimilY
jumped in front of the train, ;tnd tlmt tbe driver could not ~c~ tho
plaimiIT in time to ~top.
In this cro~s c~nminatioll, the defense cOllt~ntion that the view
of the tmck was obstruclcd i~ refuted by using die witness· own C5-
timnlcS of tim~ "Ild speed, 10 calculate di~tal1cc. Thus. this cross
cxamination illuslrates the [}Oint made throughout thi, book, lhat
cstimat~' m~de in dcpo,ition~ arc frequently crucial to determin_
ing liability.
}\lso noti,·c thai the "ttorney for the dcrcnd~nt is pcrmilled ;)y
the court to const"ntl)" interrupl and make 'pe"king objection..
Mr. Ilrodcr demonstrates a winning lechnique for denling wilh an
indccish·c judge and obstructivc opposing counsel. He appears to
the jury to be tho ,·ictim of unfair, obstreporou~ all~cks by tlte op-
po~ing coun,d, which generates ~Yll1path>· for Mr. Broder. and an-
tipathy for the opposing counsel. Mr. Broder docs not turn lh"t
tide of !ympathy by hccoming just as obmcporom; he is pmiont,
and remains gentlemanly bu! lirm throughout tlte eross c~al11;na·
Tlte l11a.~im that it is not who wins the balllc. bitt the war. ap·
plios vo'y monsl)' in trialluctics. An allornc), may have an objec·
tion sustained hI' the coun. but lose credibility with lh. jury. In
thi' case, the op[}Osing allornc), intcrj_cted many objeClion< that
were sllSulincd. but th~ jury found against his client, e'·en under
sympathctic facts. Thu~. the cro" cHminer should keep an cye 011
tlte hig picturc. and not SJceilic" his overall credibility with the
jury ror the s:tke of dcfcndin!\ his ego on n few ~ill)" objections ~ttd

§ 20.01 The Ilirec! Approao',; Qur,!ion on Ob'lrucled Vic,,·

Q. You h",·c been ,ill;ng here in (he courtroom nn mornil1B.
ha"c you? Have you, sir?
". ,,""
20-3 £ 211»1
A. I ,,'ould n'! ' 3Y all morn ill~ .

Q. During the crC Si ~,am i n~tion of lh e o! h~r "'ilnfS~7

,\ , Yc,- th.:if s righl .
Q. A 'l d you h c~ rd ~ lot of !alk there nl){'lUi cu"'~ s: isn't tlla!
,\. I d id. } 'c:!o. ~i r.

Q. llt r r~c t
of th~ m alt~r is 1h31 there il no cur\'e thc re which
Ilbstruct, your "iew; i ~n't th at so?
COMMENT: Thc ( 3$41 ttllnS on .. h"lhoer tl1Ol(! WOO;" ell'''' ot)sUU(!'
ing the <lriw!,'s We ... of the " ;t<;ks. The questioner stlrtl IIfl by immt-
dia tely Dsking l ila dri.. er the ultl m~te Questicn, This conoeys a sen le
01 con fidence by Ill e qu esti oo a, tha t an Iiones! an """ would be
'Yes.' Such toofidHICc is jnl~ctic us with the julY . a nd " "\.eWing 10
111£ wjln~$$.

MM. M I:k",,,: I object 10 lI,~ form o ftlt al'IUcstim,. Yo" , HOIl'

T n t C t)\.'Rl : Objo."C'Iion w",a i n~d.

Q. You h~,'c lold us you ...w~ On ~ 70_foot nll"c .

),·I K. /II r. KHm: OhJ ec i 10 llial . Thai wn l n' t hi, tC5Ii n!uny. YUll r
Q. 'i that ri&\lI. ~;r.
M ~. "!I: R ID.~: Ju ll a mom~"t. [Ie pm icn!. pIca..,.
Tu r Clll.'~l·, ~i " cd .

Q, You ha,'c lold us Ih ~t Iht .c "1I~ ~ cu" 'e Ihe/"<:-

MR . Mr, UON: I object to !he form of II", que.lio". Cu,,'~
wb ~re. Yaur Honor?

Q. A$ yo u 3r£ coming into Ih~ Ilalion. you ha,·c lold uS therc

"' ) ~ a ru,,'C 'h ~''': isn'l 'll l1 . ighl . ~I r?
A, nl~rc is a ~\H"~. yc •.
Q. Tlll t ( ur\"1.' donn't olmrll" your ,.jew?
A, I bq: 10 diff~ •.
M~. M .. n os: Vicw o rwll al. Your Honor? I O\ljCCI H) the fOfm
of Iha l quc$tion. J Ie tC$lificd he rould !oC~ Ihe '<'conJ . I~if\';l)".
TJI( C OURT: Su~t ai nw, su.taincd.
..... "..,

Q. ThaI CUT\'C dO<.'Sn·1 ol»1ru c\ )'ou r "iew o f the l f~fks ah~ml

of )'0\\; i~n'\ tllul right • • ir'/
A. No.;\ is nol "Sht.
§ 1(1.(12 lJ~h~ [>['')(OJ.'l'~phs to COl't r~dicl Wimo.·,,,
COMM[NT: Whe n an ilem of p/1y~ica l en ~c Cim be used to con·
tradicl lh~ .. itn ~ss. co ~ n ~l'I . hO<,lld eonf'QIlll h(l wiln ~ .. wIll, il di ,~ct.
ly. ralher Ihan w.),lifl£ unlil 5umm~tion. In lhi$ tilS('. rite questioner
uses a phGlogt'aph w~i<;h 1h.11 them ~ ,) full vi..w 01 Ihe tra in
co ming in tl,e sl3t iOl'1. from \I,e SPOI whert Ille ~inti" w~s ~il. CQIl'
fronted wilh Ihis mO~1 convincing evidenc e. Ille jury will SU~ tI,e wil'
ness' c,C{li~Wt)'. pumped up tin ~i rcct. imlllOOiatcly deflDtc. Usjr'G
~ome obltcti,'e ~em 01 evidenc;o to immediately puncture the wi(·
nt 55' all of crroibility is tile mO!iI e llcclive Io,m 01 CrOSS "'aminal ion.
Q. Hera is a ph otollraph here. Plaintiff s Ex hibit 3 i'l ~ \·icl enc~.
W1ll you look 11110 that a nd tell n" if )'O u don'r ~'l' a Irl;n
UI~ n:?
M~. M (kfO.~: Ju st ~ mO lll ell ! tl",rc.
,\. Tfl;n Ihcrc_
MM. MOHO": Il~ p.11 ' =1. 11lc pictu re ~p.:;th fut i 1~ f. )'011
Honut, " no;! runhc mlOl'c-
'I'm C()I'~T: Ye s. , u$tlinccl. iu\ta inw, 'fhe pitlUre sp.:ah fOT
Q. I c,II' y(lt>r ~u ~"llon to the tmin in the IUII" : 1. Will you
loc ~
at il. rlIc3~1
M~. M I'KlO N; [ obj~et \('I th a •• YOlrr HOll or.
Tuf. Cnt:u, No. kl him po~ 11;1 next qllC!otiu n.
Q. W ill you look :01 i 1~
,\. Yes.
Q. You ~~n SC~ the l k~ P\'~ r thcr~. a nd ,.em enn sec the
Ifl ill: i~rft 1b~1 riV,l. sir?
"k 1>1 [M7'lN: 1 object 10 the fom! of th31 q\lc~tion. Your l Inn _
or, wh'll he could sc~ Ihere .
nu: erN"" If ~'(1 U "'"Jnl to ask him a qu~~!;on. a.~ hhn a qu ~,_
lio" J!>;n~; ni "ll lD lh", <,:lSI: bete.
Q. for the cli'l anC~ Iha! )'OU i CC the 1T:t~ks in thm panicul:!r
~uhw~)" tunnel o\'e r th~rc. )'Ilu r "lew is not ob~t ruct" d: isn'l
Iha \ , iCht?
".., ....,

Mil. MIiKT,X<; Ob;"'Clinn, o\JI,tru~1ell.

Til !' Cn",n: 1 will allow it.
MM, M ~Il." ~'~ or wllal, Ih., ~lali ol1 il!><:lr,
Q. YQur vitI>' al nll is not Clll l' UC1Cd o r lhc " ach. WI' a rc nut
con ~~rl\cd with \he wui oll here, We urc co nccrnc\! wi lh tIl e
u ~ch, Your ,- iew of Ill<; Ita,k, is nOl ob,tnlcl"d; i ~Il't that
A, In ' mcd ial d y in fm nl of mc. no, :lbnU I 70 fl'C1, T ilar s iI,
Q. 1)0 )'OU knol>' ,,'hat the distance hetween the bulbs is o" cr
Ihel'l: in,ille Ih e (ull nd '!
,\, NQ. 1I0w would I k now?
Q. Y(llI pass Ihere ",'c ry da )', <IOII't you'!
,\, I don' t hl,·c a tape Il'C3SUI'\: in n'y 1)()C ~Cl,
T ilE ( "UIIT: Don'l a/l:lIC wilh the wilness,

Q, Wh en )'OU p, sl lhcrc c"cry day, ~ir. don'l ymll nok at Ih~

M~ . M ~M1W; I objCCl 10 It :I. imm:ucrial. inck\', nt, \'<H.I r
Till: CCllI MT: \'~., ,'bjcl1ion ~usl;oi ll"d,

Q, Do )'OU look JI lhe d iM~ncr be""cel\ Ihe bulbs D~ you nrl'

MM. M':""'N: I obj~ct 10 th~1. \'Q ur Il onor,
Tu n C()I;KI, I "'ill kt him ~tI~"'N,
,\, I do nOI look at Ille "' iSI~IUo"<' hCI'Il;<:n lhe bulh., It h.:I~
" .Ilhin!> 10 do " i lh nly job,
Q, \'011 Ilaw lIe"cr looked :11 Ihe di~tanl'~ I1ctwccn Ih~ bulbs a~
~'IIU ~rc pJssins Ihro u&ll II!" lun ncl'~
MM , MUm"': I obj cCl 10 Ih~l. Your Ilo" or.
TilE ('lltl M'!, Oh;"'~l i(1n ~u~t~illo<l,
Q. II'I wcre 10 tell )'Ou, ~ir, lh at Ihe dimmcc bciwcc n-
Mil. _\I ~klO:<: ObjCClio n.
T II( O )I IMT, I will allow it.
Q. - bol lwl'Cn Iho~c bulb. i~ SO fect Ions, woul d ~ou dj~pUlc
110:.( ""j i ll me!

"~" ""
§ 20.61

M~. ",IUll>N: 1 objen 10 Ihal. YQ\lr tlQnof. whal he !.:l~ !>.

T ill: C(l\!K I: 1 .... ill ~ll(l"" ;1.
,\. I ,,·ouliJ nOI know.
Q. 1) ~U your pa riJon·!
A. I " ·o uliJ nOI know wh~1 Ih~ iJi~!l.nCl: ;1.
Q. w""ld you d il pul" il if I s.lid 111.:11 il was SO fe":l lonl?
TII( C(nln . I ,,·iIl allow il.
M~ . M(MIO~: Be !.:ly~ he do~n ·l h ow wh:.l the d i. l:tnc~ i,.
Wh)· ~houtd Ile iJijptllc il? lie doo.'SO'1 know.
TII ~ CllUH: All risht. 11m! i~ hi l an.wel. coun.d. ne 'a)"~ lie
docSlfl ~now.
Q. Will }"Ou put an arlow-an X m~lk dl) .... n ne~! 10 Ih ~1 linin
in Ihe IImnd wllcrc you I>eC il Ih~,c?
~IK. Mfll·t(l/<: JIlloI a mom~nI. I ohj«l lo eO<II15>:1 sialins: lhi~ i~
~ Ir~i n in Ihe IlInnel. PllllinS. a n X mark. The piet",,, 'peaks for
",1 M. !l~Ol!tM : Y"u r Hon m.l resfl<,.-.:1full>· . ubmit I e':ln·1 pmceciJ
if ! h:I '·~ Ihis kind of imcrrul11iOIl h"r~.
THI: C<ltI MT: Let me 'co it.
M~. MI:~ f();<: Tho picture 5pc~h fur ; I~clf :1111.1. You r Hon or,
Ihe ,·Iew is n't inlo the lUnne!; the vic,," is from tlte lu nnd Qui
into the station.
~ht. n"Q"~~ ; I ubj.,." 10 st'll-·.:cl,c, h«c. YOllr Honor. du rin; mr
clO~~ eumin~t i"'I.
M~. MulOs: ,\nd ,h.,e
i. flu proofu I" "·h~l t1i~mrll.'C_
MR. UMUDtK: I ..,bj""l I.., "1r~1 th ~ rt i$ 00 proof.
I ~Ik 1hat Mr. Mcrton be ICJtcd and p"lmit me 10 crn'~ e'a nl'
in ~ the wi ln "~~.
Till: CI)VII!: Ask him doc. h. reCQsn!~c 1hi, pjctur~.
MK. IlK()t)n: Thank j·ou.
Q. 00 )"Ou "cogni."., thaI Ila in Q.·cr , hcl c in (h . lu nn . r!
Tu p. C...,iMT: :>10. no. Sui ke il 0111.
Do yoo I••osn il c the pic ....,,·/
TH( WU SL"t. Ye,. , ir, ! do. y<.'l..
T tlt CC)lJIIT: ,\11 righl. h. 501}·$ >·c,. Wlml place i5 il?
". ,
T ilt Wm.,:s<>, Tha!"s E ~~I CJIToi! Ilmion.
TilE COCK•. Th31 i. the E3!.1 C3ml11 sl.:uioll~
'Till: Wn",,:,s, Yes. sir,
Till' Cm;M I, Looking fm lll Ihe ' \Inn d?
TH ~ WIT~ I_q looking soulh inlo Ihe Hl n...:] on :I nOr1hbou nd
TII~ Coo n : All , i!;lli. 110\\' we 1I".·c t:OI Ihe qll~ion.

Q. Do ),ou rCCOPlil~ a lr~in .here in Ih al [un nd?

Mil, MF.RIWoC I OOjl1;1 10 Ilmt , Your Hon or. Th~ Ilictur~ speaks
for indr.
TII ~ COGMr: yc~. III<: pictu re 'l)Cnh for itself.
IlRotN:1C y o .. ~ lIonnr. I <"tn' , (IOn examine unless I am
~ IM.
perm itted to ask 1il,&man if he rccc£ nizu a IrQ ;n .
TII( COUMI, Wh31 du ~'OU W;UII 10 a d' hi m~
,\IH. ll~ol>l'l\: Your 1i0 11 or. I wilnl 10 !Uk him whal Ihe di.un• .:
i, Ih31 In in i~ in Ihe tunnel. wheth er lie can [d l II I that. 111i ~
"';LnCs.. is Ih" e~J)Crl . He Itas \),len lhe. e.
Tm: Coo.:I\ ' , Object;.," ~11 51";ncd. Tl, nl j~ ~ f,; m lOlI! qllc! lion.
),111. 8,,0l)~": I f~pC( l rully U(~PI. YOllr lI onOl".
, 'll!' COI'"r: Al l righl .
COMME"'T: When Inl! courl lust ain~ a f1 um!ler of objection s 10 '~ti~
quest ions. the bO!l ap proach Is to cMt i n~c J lene or '~spect fOlf IhB
COllrl , and not tOM' (Offlposure. tt must be ~ept In min d thai the cou<1
Iln~. good (!CJI of discretion ;rl pa~si nB Oil the P'CIJlliet~ ot qlll',Hons.
~o Itt.>t !hr~,\!>. ot a ~lI ale ,C>'iew usu~ tly a'(l ~a n in&l~s~.

Tile cro~s e'Jm in ~ r sh<lul(j nlin im!>e a n~ ap~al .. n(e 01 di' I'>'te ~
h.cen him"lt and tnc ",\1. 1. sintl! the lury pte$Vm •• the ~oun is
cor rect.
§ l tJ.03 ,\billt}" hI lI'lI e l'f~'Cntcd Ac(hlcnt

Q. No"', ~I f, when yo u opera te thi~ \fain. tll cre i~ a dc~d man's

hU llo n: is 1113\ ri~Ju . 5;' "/
A. llmn righl . ~'""!.

Q . "fhal 1$ ",11:11 you call it, thc mnlnrmcn ~an il lh~ dcall
m.l1'! button,
,\. Thal'~ righ l .
.\111 . .'A UT'''''; T~lk up. p k :l'<C.

~ 20.0) t..,)' Wit,,,·,,,·, 20-S

Q, And all th~t ynu lia"c \0 do in order 10 throw that Imin

inlo emergoncy i, merely lake your hand off that ,k,d
m,m's hUllon: isn"t llial right'!
COMMENT: The CrO~S examiner mm\ ~mphasile tile ease wittl
wllietl Hie witne.s could h"v~ pr~v.n\ed tI'e accident.
A. Tha!"! right. j'C" sir.
Q, You keep it there :til the time. and in order to stop the train
)'ou don't have to Ihrow :my ,witch, all you llavc to do is
In remove your hand: is Ihat righ!'!
A. "That's right, ye" sir.
Q. How fa'l wcre ~!ou g(ling when you took }'our hand off 1ho
dead man'~ bUllon'!
A. I'd ~ay 2~ miles :m hour.
Q. Wlmt is the comrollor on ),our train'!
A. That regulalC' the speed. tIle startinLt or the Ir"in.
Q. Did there comc a lime when you PUI thai l"onlroller inlo
the on' po~il;on'!
A. I don't IUldcrst:tnd your que'lion. Wilen. wh~t lime'!
MR. M[RTD": Talk UP. plea<e, Talk up.
Q. I am asking you. ,ir. iflhere came a lime when you pul lhe
controller into tllc orr pt>sition.
A. Coming into the ~1~li(ln'?
Q. Yc',
A. I'd say ye,. just before! came into the sl,ltion.
Q. And how fa'i were you ~oing at tha! point?
A. Like I <aid. 'lppro~imalCly 25 mil., an Iiour.
Q. There is a a 28-milc speed sign righl oubicic Ihat ,lalion;
i~lI't !lUll right?

A. That! dOll'l recall.

Q. If I told you Ihere wa, a 28-milc srced sign ri~ht outside
thaI ~t~tion. would yo" deny it'!
~IH, IIlrRTO~: I ohject to it. Your Honor. what ",unset len,
Till: COll~T, Yes. ohjeclion ~uslaincd.
w~ """
§ 20.0<1

§ :roM li~' of u..1IOSil"'n

Q. Do you rcm~mbcr bdnS asked tlil, question and gi ving th \~
MR. M ~HON: Pa~e , plcl\$e?
Q. Pase 12 or .h~ ~~O lllina' io n hdl)fC trial. By the w~)'. }'Cli l
we' e ....orn 31 'I "~t li me 10 lell Ihe ",I!(lle ,"'." . Ihe " 'hole
trulh, 51) help ),I)U God: 15 lhat d gh!"!
A. Tl\31's ritl.l.
Q. An~ you T~i~ed YOllr h~n~ IheTe j,, ~t th e "'''Y )'OU rJis.:d
~'ourhand in thi s ("Ourtroom; i.II·'lhal rishl'!
TJlE COI:ltT': Objct:1 ioll SIII1;;1i n..d. I.el's gO Oil. le l's ~CI 10 the
questio n.
Q . Ailer Icsti r)~1Ij; 31 Ihal hC:lfinc. sir. yo u we." Ih~n show"
Ih e .xamin ation befo re tri al , and )'011 " 'tTC ~.kl!d II).i~n. it.
and Ill'" it ~'Oll' ~isn:ttu .c; is n't Ihn t ri &iJt ( indi c"t;lI~r!
,\ . Y~ Irull 'S risll1.
Q. A'Hl lhen )'011 SWOf~ tl) Ihut as well umkr ~ notnry pllbli ~;
is thai righ.?
,\. ihat"s r;~ht .

Q. 1)0 )'011 r.: ",.mbcr beinS ~~k~<l thi s qUe:l.t ion a nd , h' inll .his
M~ . M':KTm;: Page'!
r.'N. O~'IDU: l'a&C" 12.
~Q. All r;ghl. jU M a minul~. Did there eon,e :I tl m~ when
yoo did somethins 'Il thl tll ntroi tleplh th.n ngcd it
fro'" Ill;: n,uhi pk: IlT '''e rll ll power to wmcl hinr. ~b.e1
'"A. Yes. sir.
MO. Where w~~ Ihm?
~A. Well . I"d '~)'''-
MN. IlNOUU: C~n I Ill"OCccd ",ilh DUI \"t) nSl~ ru jumping up b)'
Mr. t.knon? It ·s ...:ry <linic ult for nrc 10 l"OC~..,d when ht is
bounding liP :md down.
M N. M EllTo:'>~ Wlu.-re :m: you f~adin~ on. pkn~?
:>.IR. IhoDER; 1 am c" ntinui ns On wilh lhe s.:tmc f111 ~liom mill
answe rs in lillll. and he has il right ill front of him.
" . ',

I I"", ,ll, )V.L tJ.,,·d (, WL'I~'! CiI~C~ ..., Llr"",! ~r.5\"'N ~~ ~I'I'Ly: ,\ IIt<> _... .' S"I~.',".1· ._, _ I\'L<

!fy" " .I,'ivo, I",w 11,:lfl Y IIlil •., ~-,,,,J) I\':Ly'~ _.. __ W h~l ,b )''''' I':.y t,'" Iw l:in!:. :l1 IW IP .

!f) ~"I':Ly 1~41" . .... "y ",u~h ,:~.~q """}'? ~.

II )'''11 p",' d l:!.'-<' :Uly "", ,, I ~ I~' I':,~b, wh ik "t " '" L wh:L1 ,Ie, y"" "0/11,,,11:, :;I ~' "'' :).".uj:)~'1

\,:ha:;u~ 1'-"" ;I!~'!!!"! ~"p\>l""'S r",: I,]ol~ __ .; due" _.

,~;,", il'h-:l'" "" ~If~') ,," '. " ..

h" <":,~h ~al~:;""f ut" l:tl"'~ nl<'<li'='ll ~~I"'n";;. i,I,;:,,,, h::t ,be c~"Il.I'i:(";l')·. I:'"~ 'i«,,,~,,,,, ~,[' " ,~ 'f\:.);'"
"'I. :1,~ ~"; "'."
"(l~; jl~( ";:<il (n,'1" ,..-,.. 1';'\\11, (lJ" WVI ~"r" (',."nl'cn'~11","1 CLlO!), .'11 "1 lk ,J"'.ltiL'fl 01 l~K' 1,c;,("oc,\t 1',,, u.'~'''I'I~·

j':'~fl! ~": m'L\\'"!',O~ <;W'L l'li!_Vi~;I. tJ;!I,,(j,!,\

l~r:,;jr,,j Ih" ~: '.\' 2 ume. VCI "Wk 575 :: r..:,r~

........ -- . . --- .
.._-- - - - ,----,

lJiol li.,. <l:",,;.. ~v ,Ir,nt " _ .... ___ .~ ___ _

... __.......... ._ . ..__._._-_ ....

(; i Ih ."11 \ ~~ "IrL1,,,( ,,)"'. '

1\"~'~~I'cn ;\tHt

F,h, ~"l h'w',

h,'I>Jir::.. . ____ __ . . .--_ .....
§ 20.0:; 20-10

~IN. ~h:~l(m: Wilat page and wbm line. pl~a,"'!

TUI: COL'RI: Sit down. Mr. 1I-1cnon. plca~c.
MR. il-1t;no,;: yc~. I don't know wlim pase or line.
!l-IH. IIRODE:x: Th,lt is \ 3, the lOp t>f th~ page fnllowin~ pat:c 12.
It', right in order. You !la"e it right tllere in frnnt "f you.
~'IR. MEHO~: ,\1I ri~llt, a\1 rigllt.

"0. Whcr~ wa, that'!

"A. Well. 1"d ~'ty about 70 feet outside the ~tation there',
ti,e 28_milc ,peed ~ign. and there i~ ~ break in tlte rail
which .Htt"l1laticnlly shuts the POv.w off."'
Q, Doc~ tltat refresh your recollection that th~rc ",.tS a 2~-milc
'p"cd sign ju.t 71) fcct before the beginning of thllt staliml,
~tr .
A, I still don't re,',,11 it.
Q. All right.
MR, URnnEM: I will "'k Mr. Merton to concede lilal wa< the ~n_
swcr, tlmt w~s tit,' qllcstion and that "'", th~ an,wer given un-
der oath.
MR, Mt:NIO~: If eounsel is talking \() me. J do!!'t want him to
~h"U1 or pm On an a"l. Your HOllar.
Tn, COL,IH: Let', dm,'t argue,
:VIK, /"![Rll);; Th~l i, the ~ns"'~r, sir.
Till: COII~'L All right. let', go on.

Q, Did you hoar your law),"r mnccdc-

M~, M[R10~" I am not his lawyer,
TIll COlin: Don't mgllc with lhc "'itn~ss. You continue on.
Doc~ nU]t refre,h }'om recollection'!

Tm WIINE~': I am sorry, it doc~n'l, Your Hmtor.

TtlE C(]lIH: All right. hi< a1\SW~r b ]W. Let's go on.
Q. You I","e heard your lawyer concede. did you nm-
Tm: C",;n: t\·o. let" go on from there. H" '"Y' he d()cs,,'t reo

§ 20,05 Wih]c%' E~tim~tc of S]>i'cd l\111~' 1l~\C IIccn [ncorrc,'t

Q. I,n't it a fact, ,ir, that you were going 30 mile. 'tn hour. ""t
25 miles an Itom a! tlta! point'!
20-\ \ § lO.QS

COMMENT: TI'~ wilness has eslim~led his SpMd ~s 25 m.p.h. II ~

frequently pc,su~s.iY9 1<1 3Sk the witn~u whethe, he (Guld be w'a<Ii
in his ostimalic~-cc-uld he rn,~e been Rcing lo ste r?
TUI' CotJ M1', I will allow thut question.
I\-IM. :\1~Rlo"': .'\1 ,,"h~t poi 'll, Y<>ur Uono,'!
T"31 is ,, I objt'! to.
Q. You s.~id )'1111 IUrlI('d your co ntr oller ofT. )'ou "'ere \Ioio& 2~ .
lsn't it a raet ~ou wcr~ going 307
\\-IM. MU1.m: Your 11(>11or, III~I is no_he i, 13\;i nl: ;1 'IUI or
contUI . W~n he ~ 1'I!,licd Ihe ~ mell>enc~ hr;,ke. Your 1I0 nor.
"'1~. n~"tl f.R: ! object 10 this meech, You r Hun or.
Tilt: CO\'~'I ' J\l~1 'I minUle.
I\IR. :\1 .,'1100: Wllkh j~ no t .1Ie conlroll\·r.
~1I•. I)~[)I)I:IC
You, Il onor. I objeCl \0 Lhi, sp<:cch.
TLLLe CO'IMT: 1)(\1\'1 a'Bue.
I\h•. :\IUlO"': I-I~ is '1>Ilru~i ,,& Ill .. ~"On l ruUc. ",ltd tll<' <,mergen ·
THI: COlIR1" Just a mi nutc, When r ou c~mc in lo I "~ "~Ljon,
h" ... f~~1 we'e ~'O\I ~ing?
T,, ~ Wnlln;;: I'd ~Y a"",('~imat el ~' 25 ll,ik~ an hour.
Till: COI;Rr, C oul,j it ha\' c heen Iltm Y"" "'Cl"C goi ng 30 mill'S
an Itffilr?
Tu( Wrr~~' I'd say iI's po~~ible. We d~ nUl I, a\,e "ny spce,j·
umeler nn Ihe ca'. YQur Ilonnr.
T,,~ COI.'M" All ris,hl. Ih." . i~ y<>u. ~ns"'tr.

Q. :-/<>\\". s ir. p3tc 21 Oflhc e>. ... minali"" bo;-forc Uill :

MQ. !-low fasl """'e >"0" goi ng at Lh al li mer
1-1".1\-1[1110": Wh at line'!
MR. n~(l\) [R: Line 20.
-" . I'd say ~bouL 30 miltS lUI hour: '
Q. Do..-s Lhal fer",. " your f<"COUe<.1jo". 5ir .• hat you wcr~ ~oins
30 miles ~n hOllr. nOI 25:
:'IH . MEH"": \'ou, Ho ml' . he hJ. :<.:lid ;Iooul 30 mill""!'."" hour,
~pd 1 o bj .....-t t<>'1.
TUf. COlJH, JUSI a mi nule. He .~id doc! th at rdrcsh hi~ ,,""Cu l-
kc!ion . Tim! i~ lh e qUestion.
§ lD.n(,

Dno."S Ihal l\.'l'ff",b your r~'("olkclion lhal ~ou "'nc I!o,ng 30

tn ,b an hour :u 1\o~1 li",,'~
'1'111: Wa",:s.' No. not oml~ nd. Your lionor.
T ill: O n;KT: ,\11 rigill. lCl' 5 go Oil. Ui . on~wcr is no.
Q. Th~ n li "~ 19. p.~cc IS;
~Q. Ho,," fa~1 waS )ou, Imin iI,inS when ~(lU pU I Ih~
,'\ll11r<l\\er into Ih~ off J>o~iti ml'l
",\. I'd ~:!)' il w;" ~\lhl!i abou1 )0 'll ile~ an ho"r.~
1oI ~. ~lr.n. oI<: Your UOnM. liM: (O"lfnllo;'T is om in Iht lu nne l.
h '~ nlll l\o"-il """" no t in Ihe "allo n. Th •..-~ i~ a d i rrt'~'11ce be-
lIn.., ,, CIH'rr.~ n c y-

Tilt: C"'WT': JU II a mil\u l ~.

1\1 R. M [H frn<: 'J here i, a din" rc n,,, l><:1l\'~'Cn CI11Cf1';CIlC'y afl1>li{a-
11011 and VUl Ibe romwlk-r in a .. " rr pMoilion. Off ('I05ilio"
.!<>los,,· \ m~~ n ~nl~..-gency. You r H onC>r.
MR. BRor >l.R: Yo ur Hon or. j Ull ~ minll\e.
'I'll!" COCK1, JU ~1 a l11il1ll1e. 1)0.." liI al r\:fr~~h )'"ur r~coll"l"l io,,'!
Tur Wll"'r.<s- In wbalway. Your Honor'!
T",: O )1!Ml: As 10 the ~I'<'td ~'Oll WCf~ sojn~ " 'hen }"ou ('~m" " " I
or Inc I"n nel 10 llie' "a li on.
T!II, WnNt'$S, Well. Ih~ l'~M way I c~" nTT~wcr il. )'''\IT Honor.
is I'd ~~y ~ ~ t"'ec" 25 :unl 30.
Tu[ COIlMT! Yeo. all rillhl. Le"~ gu [In.
Q. Now .•ir. OIT <.1'fOcl 1~~t{l11 ony \teTe )"'11 w"lili<~llh;1l ",he"
)'OU "cru 70 feet from the ,wli on . )',",u (ould 11<11 '"C1i1e
~lairVo'a)': '$
lhl! righ!'!
A. Th.' I ·~ , illh •• ) ..... ~i l.
Mil. MtK '''~': Y"ur Uonur. I... Ihe ....'«11<.1. may Ih~ rN"Urd . h" ,,"
I" il talk;I\S ~b(l ut Ihe firsl Mairll'J)' (h nt ho <"<1,,1(1 1\'\ .ec'!
Till COI'MT: Well. \\'c-
.\IM. BK"mM: We 31"1: anl~lki ni! 3hOl>1 Ihe t, m ~1"iNn)'.
Tm: COL"Rl': 11,~ jill"}' !ou ll,t n:collcaioll "r ..... hl l "'C a' c talki,,!!
§ 20.06 l; ,~ "r 1).f10Sifi".: t.:~ lifl1"t~ of Ili s lnncc
COMMENT: h ti n1i>les 01 dislance con\;l,nOO In a de~, bon a re usu·
ally poort;- thou,;hl Oil!. B~ the tim" of \flal. the witness may have ",s-
0"'. e<"
.... --

20_ \.1 § 2.1.1"

it ed tll a ",ilh lite t,ial a lll)lroey. ~nd re(OIl_UtlC\fI(/ Iht 1!>."(101
~ enc
mucl1 mll1'e eor...lully, n,u ~. tMe C' OS:! e. am ine, ~tlJ l l t~ke allYB nloge
of ~ sl i m3t~ s co o\.ll ir>e(! in t~ lIC~jliOli Ira ns.eript. 10 ~t that
lat er l e-stimony is !lIe ,es ult or t tl~ irl Jl u"'tee of the OPPol iti,,",
Q, Do yon ",memb<!r hc;n~ ask ..." th e,e qU''lit ions nn(! ci\'i nG
ttle!c 3r1"W~ 'S. P'l;."" I .. ,

"Q, WeN yo" 3ble h> the fm nt Poll! of thc . talion or


lit e >(llltlt end nr the ' Ialion ?

",\. AI you "WI.' ,vIninG i n tn th ... s\3\ion. yes ~i r.
- ~k L'lu':-J\nd tll"1 ""3, YOllr la ...'}<CT then::;s Ih~ \ ri'Sht?
Mr. L3,nh al tlie Tran,i t Au tllOri t)''!"
A. 11,af l rigllt.
t.1R . ~lr:R1 0N; I nbj,."CI 10 il .
0.. " M R. L"ul:" -
~b . M [~1()~'; For th e ' ccor(I , leI 's gel ;t II miillrl. It his w"".-t
la"'~-efttwre. I 00';"'(1. \0 it. TIr;. wiln~s. h:ld nl.' law)'",",
Tm C"':X\: L~l"s dO I1' t te t into an a f/;lIrn~nt . 1.:Id;ej 311d gl: 1I'
I lcm~n nr th e jll 'y. tlt e IiIW)W ,cprcsctrte d the T ,all si, ,' uilln r; ·
\y whell Ibi. Elfr ..."" I~ ~cn, lhh "",an" lIirl;oo t>crore If i~' w~;
ta k.' II. Nuw [et"~ go 011 .
Q. Do )'0 11 rcnr e, ,,\)cr lle in G " s~~J Ih c5C f!~cst;no~ ;md I\i'· ;n~
Ihese ~ns....r:' o;
-0, Were ynp ~bk 10 II.., Ihe fro" t fl.J:rI of Ih~ ~I al i!lrr or
th e ~nll th end or the sla tion '/
~,\. AS you "we con,in£. ;010 lit ,· .t~t i() II. >'C~. ~ i r.
~ MIl. !. \MM: t>:1l.:u. yo u wcre 10 fetl aw:t)· cduld )"OU ~ c c tI,e
sout h end nf tilC st~ li on?'"
~ tl<. ~ tfM10 N: Just ;, !I10nlC1lt. He j, rc:tdi nl\ Mr. L~ nll>·. tQI~ ...
'III}'. and h;~ ~n!lOl!lI)' doe<; "'01 ('{nont , T il;,1 i. nOi l'an or the
""ll11 i u~ tiDn br.;fnrc Iri"L
~tK. Il ko,ll: M: Th eN i. :, q,,"siion hy Mr. l.a mb. YOllr IIOImr.
"'t...:,e Ihl' "'i lll~'" tI.ell ;",s.. er~"" the IltrC'!it;on h)' Mr, I.lI mh.
;\ I H. •\' [~ fIl'" 1';lr,o: l~ J ~e n '''~'I\1~nt 111I~~liQn.
'1'",: C""~T; IIring it up.
t.l11. Mal ' lU: AU ';tllt ,

120.16 20-14

M~ . 111(0111:1(: You r ]'Ionor. may I be t>Crm i lied-h~ is doillg

'hi!>-,h;~ ;s un f:>ir. You r Hon or. Ilmve been in1~rrU rIl Cd ~I ~,,­
tl)' po;nt_
THl'. COIJ Rl, leI's conlinue. We Ioa,·t; been ~re for ~ w~k.
MH. MUTO."': 00 ahead.
"Q. Were you abl~ 10 11:>: tht; (runt ran of the M~lion or
the sou lh end of Ihe lImion~
~A. ,\~ yOl) Were comins illin th e 'l ~tion . ~'C~ s ir.

~MK. L' MH : No . li S yon were 70 fec I ~"'3y could ~'I>U s~:e the
WIIlh end of lhe s1J1ion?
-rill: WnNu"!;: 70 feel. I'd say you c~n jU'1 scc Ihe end of
"Q. You said )'OU c~n jll!.! loCC IJle SOUIIl en d of it'!
"A. 'r h~I 's ri, ht.
"Q. AN>ro~i malcl}' 110,,· br in 1"'-' soulh end rould )'00 ~cc
al Ihal poinl?
"A. l'd "1)' alxm\ 40 feCI .
"Q. Wtr~ j'O\! ablt 10 11:~ 1111: fim M3irway from Ihe SOUlh
en d7
",\. Y,~ sir.
-Q. AI Ih~1 linlt?
",\ . I "~ ~es, ,;r."
0 " you rc"wmbc; r beinG ""ked Iho~ QUC$.iOll~ anti ~i dng
Iho~" answe rs. ~ir?
A. I rcmcml~r pa rtly. J wouldn'l say all of II.
MM , ORO!ll:~: I win ~$\; C{),,".d 10 eonced~ Ih al Ihose Ij~ ~!li on.
were as>:cd 311\1 tho'iC "W~ the al'lSWff'!. given.
M~ . )'1 1~Mm"': \'~.... s ir.

Q. ThI'lI d o ~ ou rememhc:. heint ~~I.:cd Ih ~", (l ions ~!I d

t i,';n£ th es.: 3n"Wer<. p~go:o LS. Line 7:
"Q. D id YOII notice ~ nYll1i ll& particuLar ;\I>oul an~' of Ih~'"
p~oplc I h~ 1 WCN willinG down Ih,· $lairC3se 31 111:0.1
~ M I<. L,,~,~: Th 3\ i~ when he j. 70 r~ct ~"'ny. r;~It?
' ,,,,,,,,, "' ,,

20_1 ' § ~"'1

M;\!II, GUrn: \'~"!.

~,\ . I nO{;~d Ihi~ one ITI3n com ioS d""'n (Iff th( stairway.
H" S<.'\: ~mJ to be ;n mtln: tlf a hun,' th;] n Ih~ r~$t of
them b.,(,~\1~ h. spun ~mund ru; he !lOt Ie> th e bolt(lm
of th e ~t~\ r",~~·.M
Do }'CU r~m e l11b~r bei ng as ~ed those qucs t; on~ and giving
lh o,~ 3n,,,,,,r5. ~i r?

A. yc~, 1 remc ml!cr giving them. bm the rlOint [think h ~ tri ed

to bri ng OUI. I was '0 feel [mm Ihe ba~c of the ~Iai""'al'.
[rom II,e end of the p lalrorm. inlO Ih~ lunnol.
Q. Sir. I rc~d Ihis 10 you ~tai n. ~i r-
MR. Muw,.: I obj~~ 10 11'31. The ";Ir>'~ has lesti ficu.
l<. w. IINonta; Yoor lIonor, IIle ,,; tnt:i!o .. ~ nOl ~ n~we lcd Ihe
qll~lioll . • am, him whe ther he rcmcmben llei!!!! ~sl;cu
the qu""tion and s.ivin~ the anw'"r.•iL
TilE COl'N' , ,\U rish •.
Q. Do ynu mncmhc r bt:ing asked thO'S" qu e'lio ns ~!ld Sil' i "~
lho<e 3 n sw.r~, sit!
A. \'c •.

§ 20.07 Kml .. l,·d ~~ Qr Whncn Who T~'tmcd Thnt PI:<intUr

,/unl)l"d III " noRt u( Tnlin
Q. Ye ll kn ow Ih :u I h~rc is " wom~n hcr~ who li cd I h~ t sh ~
"'". th is m:m j ump in front of )'our Ir:o;n: im' , th'[I . i&ln?
A. I d o nol knO\" Ih:\I,
Q . I d idn"l Jst >\lu "'hc",~~ )'ou t ntn\' Ihe .... on ..~n. You tno w
Ih~t "l<!r~ i$:t ,,'onI1l\ 1It:Ol lhe Tmn~it Autloe l it}' p ICxlu«oJ
",Ito I~~i£ied to lh ~l cITect, tlo . , this mall jumjJO: d ;n front
uf Y'"''Imi n~
A. I do nul know thJI. no si r.
Q. h Ihat )'<lIIr s i 6~ ~tu rc (indkming)?
A. YOll. ~i r. Ih:ot 's rir,ht.
Q. ,\nu i ~ 110:01 )'ou r ~tatcmcnl. sir. your w.ilten s t a t ~m" nl with
vario lls dmn&~5 ", ~dc nn it nnd inilial' on il in co nn.'C li nn
wilh Ini, aecirltnt"
20 _16

MH. :>fUl()N: I'ka s~ lei him rcad i1-

(Tile witness eumi ncd a doe, ll11en l.)
A, Th~ l"~ rigl1l. [ rc'Call lh~1 now,
Q. You «:c~1l [h~1 now. l ir"!
,\ . Yrs.
Q. An:! $0 Iha\ fOU "we lold shun!)" nne r this 3cci d~1t!
occ urrcd that tb ere .... as lids .... o man who ~JW_
T lu: COlJlo: Objcction sUMai ncd. O bjc~ l[on ~ L!'laincd.

§ !f).011 WHat">.,; SI~I<"li Thnl j'[ainliIT ,Jumped in Fru "! of Tr,,[11

Q. '; you . , ir. did you S<:~ lhi~ .nan j umr in fro nl ()f )'o" r
,\ . YC'S. [ ICC him Irave Ihe pla lform. lie ,..a~ in mid·air Ih"
b ! 1 li one I ~en bini .
M~ . (lo ",,..:. : I m()w lhal il be: 'Iri~kc n .
TUE Coo.;Rf' " <;I., slrik e i l oul .
Q. ] .. ~kcd you a qlle"Otion, ! i r. Did you lee Ih;~ 111 31\. Mr.
Pulle)". ju mp in [ro m of )"OllT Imin?
,\ . ) \'1' .

§ 211.119 t.:sc ufTrln'<l'fil)[ fmm Tr:II1~ il ,\[lihoril)" I [cmint,::

W[ln (S~ T~~ I,1lc11 ','hl l' IAi"I," SUIO"bl,'OI ill Fronl "f

Q. n, e fal;1 o[ Ihe maHer i" sir. )'011 IC.' li ficd under nnlh ~ I
this e, "miuali,," Ibm Ihe mom Slmnbkd in fmnl of }"I~r
I r,\i~: i ~ Ihnl right?

COM MEtn, The " ;!nen conl,~dl cled himse!l on om: or til. 'Msi
,, (!C ial po ints or the c~IC .
Mw. J o bj ~~ l (n the ro.m of IIt ~ qU~~l io" .
~! E~T(,,,:
T ile COUIlT: \'M. M.ike ;1 OUt. - Ih . faCl of lit e m ~t1 .r.-
Q. \'"u I~Mi licd. 5ir. undcr Nib ;11 Iltc heari nc ~I lilt ·l mn5;I
,\(tlli o,ily Ilta l )'o u .I:I\\" Ihi, l11 a~ WlIlIbl c ill [rollt o i" Ill e
A. .\la)"be m llml lim~ I ""id 11"'1.
Q. Was yOllr rCC()I ]~'C lia n fee, her then Ih~n i\ j, IO da)'?
20-t 7 § 20. tl

A. I'd!hlY it "'310. yes. 31 Iha l li me. It "-:IS .... lo!.ct 10 Ih"

~c( 'I!(n1.

Q. In Ihe enti re hearing that you h~d bo:forc Ihe Tr:\ n ~ il

Authority, ~I no lime did )'on!hlY th ai li d, "'3n j unl l'C"tl in
fronl o f )"Oli r ITain; i~n 'l lh.:i l tis'I!, s ir?
IM t . Merton 3TOI<:.)
TUI! CtlllRT: Obj..:ctio n ~uS!:I in(d.
/ " M k. MI: ~TON: ,\ nl! will Vour Honor in SlrUCI counsel not 10
Tut: COI.'MJ : All ri&l'I. Sit d C"'n, tolln!.>!1. p ll'llM:.
"TIll: Wll"", SS: You, Iionor, could I ~~y "'M1~!llinr" plcaw1
TII \; CO I.IIlT: N(l. 1' 0.
MH. /Ih:k1ol"' : :.10. j \l $1 la~c il ( " $)'.

Q. lXo rOil remelllber lx:ing llJ;~"" thc!;<: q~lions a nd Ct.·ing

Ih( !i<l an'wc '!. P~£c 21. lO P of the p~g~ :
Aft~r I hi ~ man w~s on the pl:lIr(lTl11 . what di d )'011 ~cc
. "'Q.
him do. or whe re d id )·ou sec him !I<l~
~,'. Well. he ,,'-en nJ.~lly )lU mbied or rdl i" ffOnl o r on,'
Imi n t ili ng alo ng.-
Do you r~n'ctl1hcr being n~~cd th(lse fl" cslio m; ~n d s il' ing
lho", ~n.<;II"C"?

A. ,'I Ih~ 1 l i",~, )'~"$.

§ 20.10 ll~"son 1m <.1mnl.'" in TCS llillo~,'

COMMENT: TlIIlre Me lew i"l:itimale r~a~on~ (1)1 changing tesllmony
af! .... the pa~....... ot tim ... , assuming Ih... wit nc!~ was t. lti"ll the truth
in tht tn ! .....I_ nl. a nd the t' . IISCJ,pl is ;>ceura l... The s.I .OO£est
inl.rel1(1 i. th~t I>e is clmnl)inc th. testimcny 10 p!"ole<:t him! cll Or
his emp loyer, II tile Jury a r,rcc~ with thiS infereneo, tllc wilne ~~ ' erl'"ll·
ibilily wilh regmd 10 a lll,i~ testimony is ~"vercly irnpa ired .
Q. h Illcre ",m~l hi lig Ihal 1I:1(>flI: 1I~d bell\wn thai time ~ "d
Ifli. lim~ 10 nl~h yo u . 103"I\C your tcsl i",ony~
,\. I\'o lhill£. no. YOIl ore Un' on~ Iha\ ~aid he jurnncd. ! didn·!.
V(l1I ju ~t :'sk" d me if he jumped.
Q . [)idn'l r JUSl ~\k you ~ n\() ",~n t ag<!. did he jump. alld
d idn't yOll llIy yes. when I as~ed )"Oll lh" l qUL")Iion. sir.
fiSI!\ hefore tl,cs..: Iweh'( juro,,'/
II ',." r."
§ 10. 10

,\, WeI!, jU!l1pcd, 5\\lmbl ed or r~lI, do n'! know, am no

authorit)' o n il.
Q, Didn'l you jUM a1\~W ~r Ihe que'lio n: didn 'l )'ou jn,t sa),
bo::fl)lc Ih ~ ''''th'c jurofJ-
MR, B~()1Jr,M: 1 ;nstrUtl You. HMor- l a.,k YOII' Honor h) In-
~ruCI th. jU I'}' -IO in,;.true! Ihe wil ne S! to an swer Ihe 'lUCSlio n,
TII[ C !>1IMT> y~~, ~nswcr th e '1u~$lion,
Q. Di dn't )'OU ju", in :lMwer 10 m}' QUt lli oll, did )'011"'. lhi~
man jun\f) in r'0]11 of the t r~ in, did n'l YOII s:I}' ~c(!

,\, ''''s., si r,
TII [ CU(F~T' ,\11 , iglIL, lei', V> on ,
Q. 1)(1 )"011 remcmher llcinl; ~ Iko:d Iheu: quc~lioru; ~ nd st.'ing
th eie a!]$"'t'f'I:
"Q, Just "'het~ "' ~, ~'ou r-"
l'>l~. Mr.KH''': Wh1\ page?
MM, B>\um" I'age ! L
"Q , JuSI whore '''.'' you r Imin wilh rcfer~nce If) IlK: " "irs
when he §iunlbkd in frOllt or )'O\lr Ira i!]?
"'" YOII mean rhe rronl )):1'1 uf lhe 11:1101" -- "

0<> )'011 fenlember bein g alkod Ihal {lu tsli<>M and gh'ing Lhat
MM, M I:~T(}N: 'Thai i~ nO! ;111 an~w~ r, Yaur 110nOl, l k ought tn
SO further on ,
T ill' COLIMT; W"lI, I wi ll allow ii , Did )'on sal' (hal1
Mit. l>h:IITO:<: l ie "'~ 5 :!!oki"g a question.
T llr, C\)Lr ~T; Do you reme mber ~a)' ins Ih11?
rilE \Vl f)"'L~" Yes. I !I:''''mhcr ""~'iu& that,
T ilE Cn<;n; ,\ 11 righi, let' , GO on ,
Q, And lhen lhe.' nut '1"~SliM ;1>:
"A , You mea n Ihe frOll1 pa" of the lrai l17
"Q, YG.
",\, I'd ~:ly he wa~ abom c,'c n wilh Ih e bottom of tbe
~l3 i ..w~y. "

Do )'OU rc mem~c r be ing asked Iha," 'llle~tions :Ind gi'-inE

those an~""rs?
20 - 19 § lU I

A. Ve~. si r, I do.

§ 20.11 Use lOr ~ Sl~l ...wn .

Q. And in the ~IJ1Cmen l o,'~ . hCTC-

M R. Mrn 'IN: Vnuf Hono •• (he ~latcmcnl ;~ not in e"idcn~.
and I obj«t 10 il.
Tuf. CO\;Kl: Yes. Well. no ...... juS! 11. minulc-
MR. MEMTnN: ,\nd I Ilave nc,'cr seen Ihat ~tnt"mont. Your
HOrKlr. and I ..... ould li ke to see il.
TnT, COl'~T' Wail ~ minute. I-Ie c~n [lromulg~t~ , quc~t \on
l~=d o n Ih~ ~t~t~m~nl if Ihe ~Jlcn1en\ \\'n~ ~icncd hy Ihis wil.

Q. Did )'ou Ci,'c ~ ~13t~mcn1 . sir. in conne<:!ion ",ilh lhis
Jl. idenl. sir'!
T,,,, COC M!,! Sit d own. Mr. Merton.
Q. SiT. did you &i,'c ~ SIJlcmo:1ll?
~IM. Mr.M TO.'<: I wir.h he "'ould I\OP .h outin~.
A. I \\'uuld like 10 rcad Ihe evidence. ir you don'\ nlillll.
Q. Gu ahead. that i5 the statcmcnt I !howcd you ju.t a few
minulc$ ago.
(The witne ss cxnmincll n doeumcnt.)
Till; CmJlH, Do )'00 h:I\' c n question'!
MR. IIRfI()!;K: II~ s.Jid he w~ntro to TO:ld it. Your Honor.
TilE WtTs.~..< Yes. sir.
Q. .. lila! dl~ n:" em~n t lhal )'tIU pfCpJrOO in con necllon " ';Ih
Ihi5 JlXidc nt. sir'!
Mil. MF;Jtto;<: I ~ m going 10 oh;N'I 10 Illal. Your I-I ollor. I w~n\
10 kotO"" under whal cin; ulTI!i lmm.~ ;1 wn prep;m:d , rill WhoUl
;1 " 'as pr~ P3fW. ~ nd r"nh c. nlorc he i~ r~ f~rri~& 10 a SU ttmt:ttl
th31 ir. nOI in ~,·idc I1 Cc. I h~ve ne"", • ..."n it.
Tltl: CO\J ~l : A~~ him is th~ L his ~i£nJture.
~IR. Mt:~,."s: lie liD S alr"ad)' :I~kcd him. He la id )'e~.
'I'll" COt:H: An risht. I Ie may lake that ~tntcmcnt ~ttd lI'Omul·
gate ~ question ha~cd on Ihc stmcmcnt.
Q. I ~ Ihm the ~\~tcmcnl ... ith your ~igll~tur~ thUI h~ JUII
rcferrro to ~ f~", minuI.", ~b'<l?
(,,,,.~ .,,
§ :!fl.11

A. ! ~ai\1 )'e"", )'es.

Q. And Ihere ;,re "(lrioIIS correcti nns in COl1!ICCli on wilh il as
,..ell ",hcn: )'<111 initi:tkd il in addition to h " ins )"(Mjr
sisn:llUlc on il: i~ 11m! ri~h l. sir'!
,\. 'rh:tr~ righl . y~.
Q. ,\Ild thai is lOll I M~"'mcnt aruJ ~ ou ";!;l1.:U il: i~n"'t Ih~1
riSll l. ,i,?
,\. 'Than ri",hl .
TJI~ ('''U ~l; All rigill.

Q. And Ilill you 11(11 slmc. si r. IIInl ~'ou Ihu!\hlcd ?

/I. I ~tu ",bI.d?
Q. "Th~1 Ih.:--I ani r.urrY_ Ihat Ih ~­
T, ll C(IIIMT, Ohjcelio n sus!:ti nl"l.
M~. UROU\.R: I ~m !o01T)'. You r HOllor.
TlI~ CnllM l' You may p]'(lmlllplC 3 qne~lion h~~d on Ih:1I
Q. Did ygU not stalt 10 Ihe Tmn~i l AlIIhoril )'_
" II[ Coun~ Ob';""(.1 ;IIn sustained.
MR . MrKI (I ~: Thai I~ not lh~ Trmlsi\ ,\ ulho ' ;ly.
Q. Djd you n1l1 siaic 10 Ih. individu"l_
'fU[ COURT: Obj« lion slJ":tincd a~ 10 ll1al. YUIl m"Y \,!mnHl I.
~atc n qu ~~ lion . Do )'011 "'unl 10 ~" o "' ... hel Ller Iht m:"l ~l um..
bled? Did the man )Iu mhk and fnll?
TJI~ WI 1.~ f:'S: AI Ih~ 1 lim~ I nlaOe d,e ~l:lleonCnt, IlIar s ",ha l
r.a id. YOIlr Honor.
Tn[ COLII T: ,\U righl .. kt"~ gu on .
M~. 1l~0IX: ~: May I h~,'c Ihill 3n5,,'e. r.;3d b;1(~'!
T,u: Cm!M'/ ; Read lll~ an",'Cr bm'k.
fl J", :""'WT "'~ r~ad b!ICk "" rou<".., ,\I 110:'11 I;m~ ! m adc th"

Slat ement. lllat '~ wl1;11 I ,a id. Your l·jo!lor."l

~t R . M tll\n)o~ YOlOt H(>nor, ma)'" w~ ha"c lh;ll 'la\,'mCIII
marked for id ~nlifi ca!jon?
TUE ('"01'111: y c~ , m;IIk il for idcnlificalion.
(Sl;u~mc"l ';Sll~..t I~' Josc: \'!h J. !..<lrd. Cf)n';Min~ or " '11 sh<'e\S .
mar~ccl [)cfcnd:lrll "~ E, 11il>il K fo r idcn liri<·a lion .)

" ... "'"

§ 20.13

Q. Now. \ir_

§ 20.12 L'nfnir Tnelic of Opposing Clllillsci-Orrcring SI:lIcmcnl

in E.-idcllCo

"-JR. :>'Imno,,: Wnit a mimllc. Just n momenl. plcase. Your

Honor. in ,-iew of Ihe fael Ihat counsd hus referred to Ihis
Slnlement repeatedly to lhis p:trticuiar wimcS5, I Ihink il ought
10 be marked into e"idencc and I 50 offer it into c\'i(lcncc.

COMMENT: Thi~ opp.osing ~tlomflY attempts an obviously untoir taco

tic. Mr. Broder dem()ll,tr~te5 ()ne way of ha'ldling this sort of improp'
er offer of evidence,
"IH. IlROt}U: Same motion, Your Honor, for withdrawnl of a
juror based upon the faci of an offer in evidence of p:rpcr~
which arc highly improper at Ihis particular lime inlerrupling
my era" e,amin:rlion. which )oIL Merton knows i, impraper.
M~. M[~IO": He has becn playing mOllml with thi~ paper,
Your I-Ionor, givillg the impressioll to tile jury-
MR. ilROnl'R: I object to Ihe words ~Dla)"ing ,[[ouml." and :lsk
that the jury be in~truclcd 10 disregard Ihe words "playing
around,~ .'
MR. ~h:RT()N: I ask thai Ih~ jury-
T!lf. OJl.'n, JU'I :r minute. The jury is so directed.
MH. ME~TO~': I ~sk Ihat Ihe jUl)' he permitted 10 See Ihe p<lpcr,
THE CO,;Rr; No. I won'l mark il in eyidcnce.

§ 20.13 Estimute of Number of Peuple Comin~ DOli'n Sla;"

Q. Thcre werc other people coming down lhe wlin <II th~ lime
Ihal you sa", lhe plaintiff coming down: i, Ihat righl. sir'!
A. I'd lay tI,.re w~re a few in th~ ,·icinil)".
COMMENT: Tile mOrC times tile witness cl'Jnges I,is "c\thn~tes· at
trial, the more ~u~jJ<lcl hi~ motivc~ for (Joing ~O.
MR. MEIlI'()~: Talk up. Please talk up.
A. I'd say Ihere were a few in lhe "icinily.
Q. There were at len't t~n. weren'l there, on thai stairu-ny
coming down'!
:'111. MIXll)~': I object In coun,ellelting him.
"'" .",,
"U)'I 9u!\tnl PWII(l.l 01 lJ~rqO ! ;~O.lH~I'I:
i,lI.\\OP SU)WOJ
,''','U)''I! Imp UO '::UJl\1 1.1I~P.I' '\1;>1 l~l:J\ 111 ~J;l." ~;JllJ. 'b
·.\I!U!J!.\ ~l!1 U! .I'JJ U OP." ~;nql .\l:~ P.I 'V
'dn ~\\ll "Sl:Jld 'dn ~Ir..!. ;"Ol~]l'I 'H~'1
'o~ :JU!OP JOJ Soh'lOW S!~ poosns OJOW O~l 'W"I
I~ .~~ICW'lSJ. SIll s~lIuell~ ~~~Ul!'" ~'n S~UI!1 alOw ~'Il :lN3WWOO
·.\I!"p!", :"11 U) .I'~J C OJa." ~;nql .\\" P.I 'V
i.l!~ '1I1~!J lU1l1 ~! ~lI""Op ~U!lUOJ JJ!I"!CI<[ ~'11 .\\'" no" I~ljl
~lU!1 ~\Il W 'J!C)s "'II u."op 3U)UlO~ aldo.;d JO'lIO ~;n." ~JJ'IJ. 'b
Sl!"IS U.'II)([ 1I11!1I11);) Jld()~tI JO JMllIIo",,: JO ~lmuHs,1 ~TOt §

II) 1\ J!JI1lU 1.\\0,\\ [ 'ot\' 'nIno;) 1111.
'Jooml ~I{I a.'S 01 P~ll!llu;>d ;)(j
,\mf nlll 1111[1 ~Sll I ;NOJX1[" 'HY'/
'PJP~J1P os ~1 .'Jnf J1lJ. '~\llll)lU c 151lC 'l.H.'lO;) '!lIJ.
-,(mr ~'II It'll ~~U 1 ;NOlH11'l 'H1N
" .:puno.m
~11)..'llld .. spm." ~ql plc9JJ~!p 01 pJIJnJl'U! ~<l .(mf aliI 111'11
~~11 pUll ..'pun01U 9ul'\Cld~ "pm,,, ~q\ 0\ lJ~rqo J ;H"~'HH 'HI"
-.tmf ~l[l 01 1l0!s'~JdlU! :l'1l ~u!,,!9 'JOUOH ;no,\
'lJdtd ~!'II 'II!," punOJc jlll!""ld IlJ<lq sr.'1 JH ;_~O.llnll; 'HI"
"I;){jOJ[[W! '! S,\\oU~ 1l0lPi"j ·JI·" 'IJ!ll" 'UO!)ll"!'"UXa ~SO;.l ,\UJ
~ll)ldnjJ~1U! ",U)I l1:lnJ!).lud ~!'Il )11 ;ndOldlU! .\\Ilf>ill JJl1 lIJ!1{,"
"",Iud .10 ~.l"ap),'J U! ;~.uo \1\1 JO I~UJ ;t'll l10dn pasuq JOJ11[
"Jo )1:'''''JI''I1\,'' JOJ 'muoH JIlO,\ 'U011011l :JlUeS :~:I(IO)IH 'HI"
'~O)uan!'a JO J~JJo 'a
.doJdUJ!)o \10$ .,'11\ ~U!IPIJ~4 JO ~CM OliO >~I~'l~UOlU:)(l ",poJe 'JVII '~!l
':>~1 JI~I'Jrl ~I'ln~"qo lie ~ldllJ~ne ~~UJOne llu!soddo "!'Il :lN31111111100

·.,"ll:lP!"~ OlU! I! lJ.UO os I pu~ ~~uJP!"a Olll! p;t~Jl:ll1 "'l 01

Illllno I! ~U!ljl [ 'S~'''Ul!.\\ Jlllf1J!).lud '!1{1 0\ .\tP~lt;){jJ.l lU~'UJJeIS
S!1{l 01 P'''JJ~PJ 5tq l~sunOJ lElll pCJ ~'Il .10 .,,"!,' U! 'JOUOI_[
Jno.\ 'a,u~!d 'IU~WOll' p. I~nf 'alnu),u ~ 1!",\\ ;~on:ll-': 'HI"

~:)Il"I'!'H 11!
Ill'lU01~lS :I"!1'1I0-!~sun".) :lll!soddO JO J!ll".]. J!''.Iu:l ,TO~ §

witness. Bu! II happens, and !~ ing one's pa!icnC<! m lll ihe court allo
ol'P"'ing coonwl \IO(lS not help Ihe s~ u ation .
M K DKOIIU : Obj~aion 10 the ",ucstion~. Your Ho nor, lin d I
Tlu: Co\!Kr' I ... ill ull o... tile qllc5lioll. This is cro~ cx~minJ.
Q. Sir?
'" . ,\. Muy I hear Ih e questio n asain. sir'!

§ 20.!4 btimnl c or ScOitpiMW oi , 1UrI)

COMMENT: Allhe (f~~kln. 1ke wilne!.S mOO! a " OIlih ' t,1inl~le
Ihal il would take a oiSMII(O ollwo cal lengt hs 10 Sial) 3 hain coins
30 lII.p.lI. TIta q~!lontt will hOld him 10 lhal "la ugh" estima le,
since it ~ sworn tcs.tlmony.
Q. Isn't il a fatt Iha, 10 SlOp yo\1f Imin when )·011 3m romi..!;
into , hi~ ~IJlioll al .'10 mile", an hour. it m~es )'<lU ~buu, 120
,\. [wlI [d n·1 j,.1Y offh~nd.
Q. Pase 41. d o )"o u rcmc ln bc r being asked these qucstimu un~
llh·inl: thcs~ O l1 lwc r~:
"Q. [,[ow [on8 wc u[ d il normally lake you 10 Iloj) lilc l ral n
al 30 milcs an hour at a sliFJll upgrad e'!
"MM . Lu , n: W~1t. 11l~1 is a ,·cry h~rd quc! Li Oll 10 an ''''cT."
Yeur lawycT SOlid IhOlI.
MR. ~1t"'TQ«: I objcel to whal rouMd is ,adin!;. who U id ;••
MR. &too ID(: I ~m read,,,!: whnl h il I:lwy...,. .... id . I 3m r.:OI~ i "l:
the ~Ii cn 3nd I ~m n-:t(i' n, Ih. ne~1 an!i\~r.
T HE C,,( :u: Let's jllQC\'td.
MR. BnOl)[R: n,a,,~ )·CU,

Q. Your nn"" CI; ·· Which .....:\!". a n ordina l)· h ... I:e or lin
emergency hrlk~7

M!\.I X. L~,.,,,: Wh er~ ;11\l yuu saing ta SlOp? Tltat is Ih"-

MQ. i.:m cl'¥<'nc)'. il 'h at .... lta l )'00 uiiCd in Ih il C3'oC.
c111~rg.n c)· ~lop'l
,,,... .,

MA. r:igure roughly from what happen~d that <1ay. l"d say
about two car length,:'
Were you a,h<1 tho,e que,tion. an<1 <1i<1 you give those :tn·
.wcr.. sir?
,\. Yes, I <1id,
Till; COlin, Do )'OU h~vc a
question for him';
MR, IIROI}[R: Y'5, Your Honor,
THE COl:IH: 1\11 right.
Q. At the time t!lat this acci<1ent occurred-
MH, M[RTD.~: I object to the !Ise of the word ":lcci<1el1t," Your
Q. At tbe time Ihat thi, occurrence took place. ~ir. there w~rc
a group of rcoplc moving with the rI~jl1lifT right up that
platform; isn't that rigbt?
MH, M[KTO)l; I objeClto the form of th:lt question, Your Hon·

THE CDl!RY, No. I will ~]]ow it,

Q, Isn't thm right. ,ir!
A, I wonl<1 say there WJ, a few.
Q, And a, a matter of fact, there were people right alongsi<1e
of the plaintiff: isn't that righl?
,\, I remember one pcr.on stJndins there.
Q. WelL the near~SI pcrwn to the pl:li1lliff. according \0 )'our
te'timon), at Ihi, cx:,minmion b"forc trial. was within ,1
TIll' COURT: Don't ~rgue with him. You may :"l him what is
on the e~amin:lliol\ before trial.
Q. WllS within a foot7
THE COCRI, No, strike lhat oul. an<1 don't argile with him.
Q, Do remember being a'ked the,e que,tion. :Ind giving
the5~ aO>wCr. -

:'·1». ME'RTO": Page'!

Q. Pase 33:
§ ro.IS

- Q. Did you le~ :Inyonc n~ar thi ! m:m wllO had the
~cc ident ..... he ll he wa s alo ngsid e Ih~ ~t~irw ~)' Oil Ihe
J) 1~lrorn'?
-A, The}' Wele moo'inc "" Ihe pblfo rlll, but lie waS
mDvi nc m,.ch fa'ler th~n the rc!t o( them.
"0. 1low f~r aw~)' \V~~ he from the nC;ltcst pcrsOIl to him
in di~talln'?
~A. I'd "')' " i lh'n " fOOl or lhe n<-a rCSI pcrwn,-
Do )'ou r~nlcmhcr b<.eing a.k cd those 'lu ~~lion~ a!ld gh' ing
th u>c In ...... crs . ~i.?
,\ , Yes, I dl,l.

§ 20. 15 Estlnmtcs ul Time

COM MEN f: f he dfiw"~ I;me esI;mJtc~ ma<lc !lot pla;nl;ft's c~ .... In
hls deposillon, Ihe wilnH' e.lim;>led 11>.11 ~ was 15 .e(:011(1$
when Ile first '3W tile ~1~in t iU. lJn!ll thu pla int;11 5t~mb l~d in Iront 01
Il,o train, ,"e 3tsO estim ated that It wM three'~UArte" 01 3 mi nut e
110m "I\en h~ lirst s~w tho st~ti on, until Ihe ~(cidcnt.
To cakulale tho! Cli,tanu Ila..c led Clu, inJJ Iha l period of \lIIl(', tho!
simp le IOflIl Ul,l I, : I. S X m. p.h. - lesl PC ' sleend. l hus. lIy
II,e wilnc~$' own ",linlaI U , the (tl slanoc, c ~uld tle calcul,led to re'
fute \I,., Cl)nlentiQn lI, al th~ cUTvll GbSlructed 1I'~ driver 's .I aw 01 \I,e
t . a o~s ,

Q, Wert )'OU h~re. l ir. when Mr, Mmon lold the ju ry Ihat :I
tmin 'lIo\'in£ )0 miles an hOlrr 11l0\'~S 45 feel pcr $e~o nd '!
:'I K. Mr,MT<l,,: Your lionor-
Q, Were you ben::l1 the open' nll who: n h" w~~ j U' 1 Iclling 111<:111
Ihat 3 Irain mo.'l ng 30 nr i1~'S :In hour mo\·~'!. 4S rc.:l PC '
,ecolld, and th at i~ ju,t , imple mathematic,'!
MI<, M[;IITON: \'our 1I00IOr, he kilO"'''; thll Ihi. selllle111an WaJi
not here whem I oPt llcd 10 the ju~·.
Mil. B~(wl1_": Sec "'hal he s:I)' l . I don't knuw ",ho he II:I~ here .
~l1d I object to ",hnt I ~now. ! Ilon'( kn u", ", ho i, hCI~ in the
COUrlr<lont 1m", r"L1tj.·C \0 11'11:11 hc's sot. I o bject 10 t!lm re-
T rlf C,)l:~L ,\1) right, I wi ll a,k him. Were YOu here b<.'ro,~ and
bcard \h:,\ rema rk'!
Tut \V1f)l1!SS.: Not II/:(o. e (ada)', Your "'onor,
,. . ....,
§ ~O , I~ l.II~' \\'11 •• ' ......

Till C'()I; M l~ He h:w"l heen hen:.

Q. At an )' rate. sir. isu'! il so . sir. Ib at 15 ~ccond i e l aps~d fw m
til e tim~ til~1 yOIl rim ~aw th e plaintirr c... mi1\~ orr th e
staiNo"ll )· 10 the tim e Ill'l l )-00 sa ..· him , il l )·o u 5.a)'. In
mida ir?
M~. ~1~MT(ll<: 1 ... bjC'Cl 10 i1. I don'l ~e any-

Till: C"';MT: I will all ow him to an lw~r it ir he ell n.

A. Yoo mean ,,1'l"" I rim "'..... th t pbintirr! Th~t "Xluld 1>1:
hard 10 rigu' c. I'd U)' ;1tlPro~i ma ltl)"-
Q. And si r_
MR, BM"I' IiM: Can I h:l\'c lilat :ln ~\\'Cl w id back. Your Hono r?
II wa~ IG..•• I ~m 1101 qu il~ wre-
Mil. />1 (11,'\0:< : YOllr I'lono r. ,,'~y We ha'..., Ihe ~lIlesl ions berore
,h:tl? l1hi nk counwl Il erc is C":Iusing a link o;Il nf~ s!on here.
MR. BM<'lIlI!H: Your Ho nor. ull I wanl is Ihe la st ques tion :Ind
Tnr COUKl : Ltt h i.., (':td wei.: Ihe que!.!ion ~ nd we ,,·ill ~"C.
You h:tw a right 10 (.-.J il'\'Cl, l"OIIrw:1.
(The Ian qu~s tio1\ and nnswc[!; were rc~d.)
Q. Wnen )I'lU "'-\' ap)lm, ;matcly. )'II U !HIY ~l'pl"I)~im~tcly I ~
0«011\1$,not exx tl}', i~ Ibis ri&bl. r..i(!
MR. Mf."TOl<: I o bj''C1 10 11'1..11.
Tllr CO\'~T: NG. I will allow it.
Q. You U\' appro.1im~t~1)' I S ~co nd~. nOI c,:.ct l)': ;. ihal
rorrC'C l, :!.i r?
,\. Wen. I'd !.1Y ro 10 t S. I wcu ldn' , know ofll,3nd .
Q. W~r cn'l I'GII a' led Ihi. quest ion ,mel didn't )·UII gh'c \hi~
an~ ..... cr ~t the cnmi n~li"n bdo r~ 1Ti~l:
MQ. About ho,,' l onll~­

MM. l>h:IITOS: P~Sc'!

MR. n Rrmn: 3S,
~Q. Aboul how long il from tlte tinle )'ou :;.aw him
gui ng ow, I"~ td&e o f Ihe 11~lIfonn?"
Th~t i, an uther qllcs ti on-
§ 20. IS

Mil. I-h:IUo,,: No. 00 . 1 a~1.;: 111:11 he conl;nue lh.l t \lu~~t i on.

Your n onar.
)'h<. B ~(mu: I ~ In Eoing 10 read Ihal. YOllr Honor. T hat is nn_
o tller qu~uion .
M ~. Meum;: Th~l is th e ('Onfu$i n" p!ln of this. ThJI i~ W"~t
coun~e l intended.
Mit. 6MUUU: Jim Ont n'Olllenl. YOI,I' I-Ionor. may J be ~nn it ­
ted 10 go a he:ld?
Till' Coon: yc~. you ",3)".
~h•. .\I ~IITQN: Make h im fi nish thai qlll."Sl ion. pl.::lSI:.
'T,,[ CO(I!\T: 1\:0. he doel ,, ' t h.w~ \0.
MM. M ~lllON: But. You. Honor. h e had in mind thi ~ vcr;' quc.,-
lion. Your 1I0 nor. ;mol he is ('01I rll3oin&_
MM. IlKmxK: Now )'00 ~cc . You. lIo nor. I objett lo whal I had
in lUin" ;Igllin.
TlI~ C OUKT: 1'1.':11>(: . il dQ'.!.'II.
MR. M "'~ToN: Will Your Uooor 1 ~01: at 11, pleme?
(M r. /I.Il:[1on hande" 3 d G(:u m~nl 10 the court.)
MK. "'u"'~: TI,e lOll quntion.
Till: COI:n, He i. with dr"win ~ Ih o qucMioo.
Jo h.. !ToklllON! No . no. bII t timl i ...... h:ll he b I~'io, 10 Eel, thai
15 sc'('Onds in.
T>H: COI.'Il'o Let's !ICC ....'h~ l he h 3~ here.
:'111.. D" UDIlI; So wt: u nlklU:lnd nch ot he r, lOir-
TIl~ COIIRT: G i,'~ 3 qUl!1tion 10 him. You don', h u.·~ 10 ~\\'e:l
kc tur e. Let's con ti nne.
Q, .:rom the lime tlmr you 'hIW !I.e ma n rOT Ihc fi .~. lime. 10
the ti me th ~ t he We nt over tire plarfo rlll cnr o the tra cks.
aboln, you '-1),. il ..... ~"" t IS ..,cond~. il "'~$ 10 10 15
sceond., i, Ih ~1 righI, ~i r1
A. In my ju dgmen t. l"d say nbo ut Ihnl .
Q . AbDUl 00'" mil ch linl . ,"'Ould )'011103.)' ;\ ....-as rrom lbe lime
Ihnt )'ou firS! 1'1'"the slaliDn. lite sou th end o f'he ot3tion_
)'011 !:lW th e soulh end of lhe ~\ati O I1 before )'OU ,~w the
m~ n: is 1l' ~1 righi'
,\. Tho.: edge of rhe pJ~ t ronn is ....-h at you Ke.
". " ,"
§ Zo.l~

Q. Th~ rdgc nf Ihe plalform. llnw long W'I ~ it fro m 1110 tim"
Ih~ 1 you finot ~~w II", slat ion II nlil tile ~~,<idcnt b~pp<."f1td?
A. I'd sa>' aooul III ~",:{\nd~.
Q. Do you r~mcmhc r hci ng ~~ked Ib ese Quc;liQ n~. ~i r. nllll
&ivilll; lhe>..: a t.."..,r;;
MQ. Ilow lon~ " I'("riod o f lime W~S it fro m Ih. lime YOll
fim \~"" Ihi ~ .I alion until the :K'ci<.h:nt hn llfl\'II c.t/?
- M~. I.~ ,,": You me:", wh."l( "'1lS 11t~ emire lime .... ltcn he
w~ 10 fOCI ou~idc Ihe sialio n until the a'"'-"idem hapllCllcd?
MM K. CUl.r7~ When h e fi l11 '-'I"" (h e 51:1lio" 11mil the "c~i .
<I enl.
MMR. l "lP; Wh"n Ibe. ."K"cit.k:nt hnppem-..J.-
MR. ) 1 ~l\1' ''''; l'ag:"?
MR. llKOllt:R: Page ·Ill.
",\. 1\ 1 \3)' lh rl"'"-Qu~ n e.~ of ~ minu te."
Do ~·otl
' <!lIIemw being asked Iho~ QU" sti un and I',;"i ll£ Ih (l~c
Jn ~w" r!, si r?
,\ . I .~rall p;ln'y. but I 1;"0,, that a n~wcr_1 <1011'1 ...-e hew
cou ld have gav e Ihm bc c~u!c Ihat ~oll n d s imp oI,ibk .
Q. I am just-
) ' H. Mf:It ·ff):\.~ I.ct him 3nswer.
M~ . llROIlU: I ~m ju~t ~ Ikin" wh ~ lher h~ rC ~:l11 ~ tllat que'tio n
lind ;h' inS th:ll an,we •• ~ nd , !i,k Ihe COil" 10 i"loI <Un the ... il_
11= 1II~'Ch" ta ~ ''''''~r th~ qUCSli ~ n .
T HE; O )l;~L Y~$. ;" ou may nn SWCf t ~e quesli on.

Q. Do ~·uu , i.? Do )'011 R'"C~n bl." il!$ ~,k etl l h<l!c ' ,lIeSlie", ~nd
&i"in!ltlo<>i~ ~n>,,"Cf5'!
A. 1 don'( recall nn am""" r like llI:o \. I " '111 ' ( :l.1Y 1 ~"" 'C 1I\;1\'
thl\....,·Quan~r.; Qf a nl in" t~. \ 'Qu'd \I<." in anll o ut 0 1" th~
:\1M. U~Ul)u : Your It onor. I ~"" l h~t Ih~ wi 'n~~-\'n"r lLon-
ur. I am mcrd)' a~king him wh clher Ile '~~ :lII " bcin~ a s~~d
tho~~ qu cstiou! ~nd Bivill~ 11>I»C an,wcrs. II calls Ii" a yes or
no an~"·er. anti I 3sk th~t Ihe ",ilnn! 1)11 in Si ruct n llo an,"·c,.
T ill: COI.I ~'·; yc~. an!,,"·r tllc qlle'li a n.
A. I'd say ~'C'.

Q. Dn )'O ll .ccnll bcillg ~!kcd 1~ '~C qU':1011\)n ,,~ d ~i,'i n ~ lit."",

lU' ! IWn/!
T ur. COll"T, lI i~ ~n~\\'c';~ yes. ~I r. Hroder.
A. I 5a;[\ y~ •. )'~'. ,ir.
TIIO: Cill',n , L~t"l Btl tin.
Q. We .e tho~ anM"C ' $ true. sir. a\ 1I1 ~ t im~ Ih:1I ),011 ga"c
M~ . ~lrR l oN: ,'\o\\' I ot>j.:c'l 1<1 thl\!. '1"011 . Hono r.

'1\", O"" ~T' N<.l. I will Ict h im an-we. lh~t,

,\. 1'0 my judj1.m~nl . lih I ~1id be rore.
TH ~ Cocu_ MI . HlOck •• ",e \\'am ,<I rll,i~h "'ith II';~ willleH.
",IEl, n~m"x 1 'lin goi tl~ to Iry 10 do I h ~l . Your Ilmw •.
Till, C'Xl H , ,\ 11 right.
~ IM. ll KOll EH: I ",ill I~ It, fi ni,~" "e ro", , he !un,-" 1"",,1.:.

COMMENT: btlmates of lime and ~i~tam;c must be c ~'.fully co n-

sidl!fW I" p<<!P<I,inS anv Cfass c",n,in.1Iion. Wilne5lu f'eqU(!IlI1V
ma~ e " ouen" H""""~ In ~ tasu~1 m.>nn~,.l h.n~ing Iht'y call ~ ,e·
, ." " t,acted lale , becau.c t h~~ .,me gi~e n with i disc laln1Ql , SUI Illey
CaMot b~ lo-gically Icl" ctall or ~Itcred al \lI e lime of Iri . 1, wiUIOY!
( . e-ati''8,l SlronS $uspit ion .~ 10 the m oti ~e 10. Ih.. ~I!C'Jli a".
III this (",e, by ",ing III(' wiln<) ~S' ", l im3lc~ , the '!1I(>Slione, .,as
able to rOlu le the ca llt .nlicn of tho dcle nd ~IlI II,a! the (I ,i,e, ot II,e
I. ain did nol have ~n ~tqu.1le . ;"'" of the pl~tC wl"'IC Ihe plaint,l f
fell a n tile ',ac~~.
~ :W.16 Hct<)lI mIoIU of l'l njnlifr ~ l'''~iti""

Q. :-';..,"'. Tl~"'\l .;~. sir. do ~·('U ", mfn,I),"f hr.: inC a~h'tl 11l~!>I.'
{1"Cllion. ;t nd L,i\';I" : tllese nn~\\'cr~:
~Q. Did you nOl i~" Ille PO,ilion of tI, i~ man's Ilands
i "' m~dj~lcll' bdmc th e acciden l?
"A He ~~\'C Ihe imllfc" ion In HI ,' like he w,,,
I f)'i tl~ 10
" " Tl hi",,,,,' f f:Lll inj!."
OIl y"" 'ememb er heing as~cd thut (IU",l in n lind ~\.i n~
,II:!! ~l"\\'Cr. ~ir?

i\ . yc ~. I do.
f 20. 16 2 0·1~

Q. ....nd WaS that tru~ ~r, when ~'ou £l"'~ il?

,\ . '1'.',,11. lile I SlIid, 10 my judgm~nl . • reuld rJ~e 'he
:IIl(ll:" rJnc~
of so mcbQd~' divi ng the ~amc way . ynur ha nds
o'oc r >'our heJd li ke Ibis (indiulipg).
Q. unybody di,·lng. you sai d-
Y(lO didn 't SlIY ~nythin ~ about
TIl~ COURT' Don't argue wilb him. Don ', a rgue ,..jlh bim.
Q. Did you nnt ~Iale in answer to Ihe qucSli nn-
MR, /I.I1,RI0": We already had, YOllr Uonor_
M~. IlROU'X I didn't gct an an$wc r 1(1 this, Yo ur Ilo nor. It',
ml' lasl lju'~lion ~nd I ";11 be finio!Jed ..-ilh him. I "-,l nt to be
certain and I will be fi ni~b ~d witb him , I wan t to be ~"rtlli" of
Ih is.
'Till: COlI MT: Docs th aI answer-
M... IlMOO£lt: You r Honor. mlY l:lSk Ihi' (]u~slion'l If I get li n
unsw" r 10 Ihi s qU~liun , I win he lh rOll, '"
Til •. C"~ ' ''T' Ii llial "'h~1 he leslified III here'!
~hl. MEn '''': Well. Y(lU I .i(>llor _
TUli CilURT: L"1"~ scc wl1al il is.
Q, WeN you mhd Ihis que sttOn ;md did you &I o'c Ih is an~"·cr:

~Q. Did nOlicc 11K: position o f lhi, m'n's h,nili

imm ~ di"Ic1)'
before Ihe :tcci<knt?~
TUE 0 11.'1<1: O bj o:ction ~usta;ncd, He h~ s already answered (hat
'luc'!Ilio n. He hJs al r¢ady 3 nln)/f~'il Ih~l qUc:ll ;On, ,.11, Bro"k r.
M~. Il~OU[K: Ju,,-
Till: CrwMT: Mr. Brooc r. he ,,~~ aLready an~wercd IhJl q~liun.

Q. JU ~1
)'Cs or nn. anotlmr quc:\l io n-
Ti ll' COllRT' No, h;: ha5 :t'r..'ad~· ~n.wcred Ih~1 <IUC<lion.
/li lt. aMUIlE/!: ,\no-1hcr quest ion, Your Il 0nor.
Ton; ComlT: ,\11 righi, an-nl lK: r qucll iol'.
Q. Did this m~ n gi \ ' ( )~m Ihe imlll\.",.ill n-
T,," C<) I) IlT: JUSI nne minule. Doe. Ih ll co nlr:,dici $omelhinE
Iha l he $.lI id?
Mil. BM<)on: No, 1 a m a!~ins !tim d ireal)'. Vour 1I0nor.
M~. MrRHls: NIl, 1 11bjec\ 10 iI , Your Ilunor.
T HE C("-'R ' , y~, ohj«J inn " " Ia ined.
} 10.16

1I1~. 1l ~L>1'[~ : He (~s(, !i~d Ih,1 ' Ih. IIIml ",..~ h,m Ih~ II npr~.. '
~ 'on.

Till' COUMlo Ot-jccl;!)n ~uM;)' "cd.

UOlcli It. sa"O ~ II i"'O n." I-
In ll ~n~wcr here. )"Ou !la" " no r,gh t 10 qUGlion him.
Q. Di~ )'(l u .ay s~tn"ll,ing jU ~1 a mllMlC1\1 ,go Ih:u lh;. m:lI1
l!){"Ike!1 like he ..... ~, di";ng'~
TUf CnUkT: Sil d""'"II, Mr. Mon un.
Q. D,~ )'o u ..ay .n:u?
A. li e could ha\"~ &',·c the ill11>[c,~;oll.
Tue COI'Ill: Objcrlion ~u;ui nfil. li e didn', !o:I)' il. I remomocr
whm h~ SOI .d. l eI's &CJ "n. I.e"~ CO 011. Mr . Orod.:r.
Q. W~S your mem ol)· .• ir. d e: •• wllcn )'ou I"MifLOd in all,W"'
10 Inc (ju e$\i l)n when yo u 1~~l i !ic~ th ai Ihi~ mJII £"vc )"ou
Ih<' i m pr.:~ion thJI he wu \ I"}i n;: 10 ~lOp hin.sclr rrom
r~m'lg? W,. yQ U "",n"" y d<,,,", Ih~ n \lt~n i, i~ lod~r, , ir'?
M~. ~h;MTO" : I Obj"C I to IhJI. You r IIQ" or.
T,, " C()\, ... r: No. J will Jllow Ih ~1 qU.>I'on.
•\ . I wo uld S;I~ . , W"3>o. yes. si r.
MR. RRntllx TI,,\ i~ all.
§ !U.lJ 20-12

TlII: COI.lkT; Thi! i! a eros! e.~aminatioo.

MI<. M[RTO:-';: He i. telling him ten.
TH" COlIIU: He can answer the quc~tion if he ~nOlH.
A. Say approximate. I wouldn't ~ny dclinile.
Q. That's nOl a few, is it, sir, Ten isn't a few. is it. ,ir?
Till: CotlRTo Don't argue wilh him. Let's go On.
Q. Do you remember being asked this question:
MQ. About how many peoplc"-
MH. BROIllX Page 16.

"Q. About ho ..... many [}COllic did you Sec on the ~tair.'·ay
<ll Ihal time,!
"A. On the stairw;!)" I'd say about ten people."'
Do you remember being asked Ihat question and giving that
answer, sir?
,\, Yes, I do.
Q, ,\od then all Ihose people were in motion: isn't thm right'!
They were mO"ing down the stairw"y fast, weren't lhc)'?
M1<. l>]tHTON: I object to it.
A, I wouldn'( S.1Y lhey were allmo\'ing down the Ilairway f~s!,

Q. They were all moving down lite sl:lirway: isn'l Ihal rir,ht'!
A. Yes.
Q. l'n'l il '0, sir, that goine al 30 miles an hour, it lake, you
two car lenglhs to SlOp your train?
MR. ME~"lN: Now I object to lh:,l, Your Honor. lIe's teslified
lhe disluncc lha( Ihe train ~lOpp~tl.
Till: COllRT, Objection sustained as 10 the form of Ihc queslion.
Q, AI lhis panicular location, coming imo lhis subway slmion.
i~n'l il so thal iltukes you only about 120 [cellO SlOp your
lrain <It 30 mil., an hour?
MR, MfklON: He liaS :Ilready les(iftcdtltal lWO car lengths plu"
COMMENT: Tltis judg~ is ~"tremel~ wcok. allowing th e opp<.lsing
cG!msel to mak~ wholly improper comment. and .ugg~5tion5 to tile
Ii 11.0 1 I..)' Wit .,,,...

~illed l h~1 her dallsiner w,,~ in mll""L(b nger from Ih..: f~thtr, Th"
r>C lic~ rd uso:tJ 10 hdp, ,,"C n an.r lit<.: d u dli nc in a n Order of r'r().
t~'l ion for returnin g the child pa~s" d . lin d dc'pite t h ~ r" p~alcd
pltls of lllc mOlh er, Th e pOlice we re shown 10 h~\' . had full opper-
1I1n;1)I \0 I\:Ive U\'~-d the ehitd before the slabbinll-
T he plainli rrs l-ar.c wa s ag~i n ll the tily b3scd on the n~&ligC1lce
of the police emp lo)' c"\ in carf)' ing OU! lit<.: Order or
The ju ry render ed a I'crdie! against the ddc ndnll! in Ih e nnwu nl
o r J miniM dol lars.
In Ihis ( ' OM ~..... min3Iio n :-'h . Qllelle, u"'~ lhe d epoiilion I~li .
mc ny o f anmher witnus to co ntrmlict Ihi s wi lne s!>. Howel'er, )'Ir.
Que llcr do<: ' nol call it contra diction. H~ Wlte, th at th e depositi an
is bdng u." d 10 rc fre,h th e witnes" rr<'olk'etion. Th i~ imIQ I'ali l'c
technique \C" "\1S an im",,"" nt function. II pOlice o fficer is o rt .... ,ol·
sarded high\}' by .h~ jUf<l '~ and a o;Omb:t ti.·c ~I:tnce b)' lh~ cr~
c~D mi ner mal' ~n &e nder \ }"l1pD thy far th~ witn "ss. BUI, , .. isti n£
thg wi IPc " r~m cmb<: r test imony he l11 a~' have forgu ll~1\ , is no t
com b~t i",,; it !s h ~ lJ>ful. NOlc thai the JU I")' will otill kaTlt thaI th ~
pol ice olf~r ba~ tCl.li1icd inat'l." r;m l}..
CIIOS~ EX~M I N~l](j N By Mk. Q UH t.n : "'"

~ 2 1,1)1 D<-f.,< " in RNO ll,'tlioll

Q. I lcllo, :-' Ir. L~ne.

1>l r. La n~, it's now :Ippr,,~i mnluly Ie\'e ll and :t hal f yearl
since that inoident; I~ Ihat right?
A. Yes..
Q. :-low. 3m I corrttt, sir• •hal ye u 1131'C ne t m3tlc ~ ny nOle~
or recON! ef , ny ki nd reg3rdina that con"e rs;,tion ~CVC II
and 3 half years 3g0. nm I corre ct?
,\ . ~o.

Q. And,;,os 3 malll,' " o f r3o.'t. ~ m I <-.,rr."C\ .1>al ~·ou newr m;,d~

any nOle! or record s rCl\ol rd ing un)'thing to Oc wilh th 31
ineidenl: I ~ that corr"" t?
A. 'Tlla t'! n&ln .
Q. Okay. An<! a111 I COl fl"CI .hat Ihe ri ' st lime thut ~ou wn c
calle d upo n 10 tc !t ify in co nnc;: ti on wilh th is irw:ident w,s
, r ~ "" "

' "J '(!(F" IIH(~ '1!1 !l'1~-"'~)1

.'''~~OI'Hlul"n ~ rU~ "U'O .>ttl ,.,"u .>d~··' It:,"rur: ~.1U~~., -,,,,, .>:(1 I~ " I

i.l~" ~",,,,:,1' '''I' "" '''''1'1,,<1''1' '1 ('''',1 "-'.',..\ )"~i ~~ "",,)\\ "1
,."'" ",, .... , ..
--- _..
--.~ -~- - .---.- .. __. . _._..
._ _---

, . ~. ~ - - -- - .. - ---.-... - --,'- ,- - -'

'lIn~ .II' ~"l'T' F "~ '"h'!>II,,!)epJ '~.'''''''' "·'!D i.rll»p';'k)~ ~" "! ~-:>''' I \)11 ,\\

- - - - i.Plo)'I~~IIO'1 :'1' U: """11 ;"1,1 )." "-'i''l'l'u"" u, ';'\'.'" .•Vtl !

.. "
i.W~I\(;' l"' )'V. ')1 .,~., Jl (,'i"!'1' r-"",' :"'P ,~n P!fi

,;P")I'O ""i'·\ ('j .,.,,' .I I IP 't"OI~~ I"-'~" ''"'l' O

"tll" (!

(>~r "0 ... "": , '1IP,>!!l .;uni!!;":;;" « "i,O) """"-,-,,,,; 51"'-;&. :~I

._--,-. --- ... _._-.--... -----

" '";''' f. :; l.~ :~, :-," ,~,t ""m) ~ ",)r.I"'I) "·" f'.I'I. 1
iiiriij~oWu 'I!".f i~l ',"i: ) ',:;;;,,-,;11:'1'3 '\.iW,jj1),"i

"'I"It ' I~" " "',1 '11"''''1'"''1 "'1' .1" l\i)!l'~! L1r _)(11 P'"" '(1'' ''' M~"':L. ~ ,ll\l"'.) ~ .' ~'I ")!i\ .In Iln~. I-'hJ .; I"l' ) 1!::1., ,," ~ : \1\_'
" .. ""~ ~~, ."""" "'.'Oi ~'l';u ,i.",~"b<o ~I "'lI " ;J.);'~''''' "'I \ 1:" I ~"""l<; """,..1,- ~ !"~!I"' '' '' ''' "\ I.I" ("" 'I"; '( ,,) J I' I,!
,,;;'l1:r{! '-:;ii «Jj I" ['Ii "r>:i ;iTf'Ji

..-" ... ---- 'iA), .,,<I< ~ m 'lll ) ;~, ';,.)

'f~ " 1 "'l ""1~'[" : ,. '~'''!)~.';I;I''il ~~';lp;-~m_"" . - ~'n!, :'~ ~In"l :"'J s.",,,,,,J>~ I"Wo,;'; J';(I~ ~11' ;l~II\\
;:-:.-,[,'),1(. r " ...t: .iIlCW,!tU! 1\0,( "1 '.1"'/'" '"''''''' )1: -) )"IM s ~~ 'al "IH '; '~" AI", o-:'" 'l~ "" ! "" " \I
.-- - (.,iu-" 11:;i;.>'I.""" h"'1r -'11"1 ",:<1 ,,~< 11
- ------, . t. I Oi>'.' 1" :-;"'.1;"" J<'j A'~; 1""( <ij> 1~'J,\\ --,'" ~.o::~." i1:51':; <;" 111" .((('~" ~""I .~ ~!~, M,' :li
\-"11 ' ,io:w'\"i> .- "1l1\, :,\\01(1" ~" "'~""'" '\oum, co) ~~ "'n ;.'Ii'"'' ',I [." "") "',),( "»'' '''I J
~.i(J'·'!-1 "J-'-'~{
§ l'.I'

sined !ha! h ~ f dau&hlcr ,,-~s in ntof\~ 1 d~llger rrom Ih" f:llhcr, nl~
police refuscd 10 hdp , ~,'en ~ner the d~adl inc in an Order or Pro·
!ec!ion for r~tumins the chilt! Ilas~~d, and despite th e rCI)<.'Jlcd
picn s of Ih~ mulher, The police we .e shown 10 ha\'e Imd rull opperr·
tun ity 10 h~ "e S:1vctl the chil d be fo . ~ Ihe Ilabh ing ,
The pl.linlifT's C'.IS1: "'a~ ag.1in~1 tile cit), b;ued o n the 1ICsligcnce
of the (lOlke emplo)'ces in can'yin& QU I Ihe Orde~ of I'r01(ttion,
The ju ry lender..... a , :lea'''!1 lite Ikf\'J1d,nt in Ih~ ~ mO\lnl
of) ",illio .. dollars.
In thi s e.en oumiMlion Mr, Queller uSC!; Ihe dcprn ili un tClli·
mony of anolhcr wimess to cent rad;CI this witnL"s, Uowc"cr, ~Ir,
Queller dws nul call il contradiction, He Itale. Ihat the dcpo~itjo n
is being 05.<110 rerrelh Ihc witncss' recollec lion, This jnllov;uive
tcchniqu~ 5.l:r"cs an impo"anl funcl ion, A police officer is onen re-
c.utlcd highly b)' the juro~, an d ~ oo mb.,t("c ~taoc:e br I h~ cru.s
el~ m i ncr m., )' en&end". 5)'mIUlh \' for the " "In . .., OUl, :1ui ~tins
the wiln~U .emember Icsli mony he ilia), han: fOf&O" cD. is 1101
rom!>:l1i,'';; ;1 is helpful. NOle 110:11 Ihe ju ry "ill sliII lea,n 11131 Ihe
police omc~r h:n .e l1ifi ~d ;n"r<"Ufll~ l y,
C KOS~ t!M'l1';~"I"' N By MR. QUnUK:

Q, li tHo, Mr, L:mc,

Mr, 1.:111 •• iI's now 3J1PfO_~i m."cJ)' !ie"en and , h~ l r )'n fl
Ih31 inciden!; ;,. 11,:>. rij;hl?
l.i lltt

A. \,.'So

Q, :-low, Hill I co rrL><:l, , ir, Ih~1 )'uu h:I\'c nOI made 31\)' n O I~S
0' rt~o rd, of :lny kin d rcga'<lins Ihnl ,-"n,'"=tion !~ " Cn
and 3 half YClirs ago, am J (!lIrec!'!
A, No,
Q. And, as ~ matter uf fJCI. " m I OOrrttl (h,,1 ~ou ne,'cr m.,~e
an)' nola. or !~rd~ ,e~rdi nj an)'IIo,"& 10 do wi lh IJIll
;ncidcnl: is lI,al COl''''Cl?
,\ , 111"l's fishl,
Q, Okn)', And "m I rorrccl Iho l lhe fir,t li me Ih:01 ruu "en;
~a ll ct! upo n In I"lify in ~o nn cclio ll wi th Ihi, in cident W:1S
§ !1.J2

jU'.i1 ubo lll a year ago ..... hCII ye u sa" ~ t"l timoll )' lInder 0;1\11
un Ma' ~Io 2nd or 1982; is Ihat righl'!
,\, If tl'l:II '$ Ihe dalC, I d on'l fec:.II,
Q. And Ih at would be aooul Ii., and II half ycau uflcr the
' ",,;id . ,u: i. IMI eo " ",:,!?
,.\. y~~,

Q, And from the ioeid. n! until )'on Icltified a yCM a~o in Iha l
SiK an d ~ half }'e~I!o, )'00 d lll n'\ ha.'c an~ r~cNd ~ IIoat ~'o u
made Of nolations 10 r.:ffC$b you r T«t>llcclion: iSll'1 Iha\
,\. No,
Q, ,\nd if I "'tIC 10 a~lo )'011 today if }'OII I'(CrllcIObcred II""
Imme5 o f rmrlicubr ofii ..... rs Ihat canl ~ and w~nl (hirinc
day of ~o"cmbcr 9, yon wouldn't ho: ;,ble to d o tllm, woul<.l
you. fro m your m ,'1lIOf)1
,\, No, I cuul<.ln'\. I .'Ould rcmeml>eT jus, Jam<'$. I lonow he
respond c<.l 10 th e call,
Q. Ri,u.1. and ~I ~ I.itutcn anl G ro.snll n,
But wh cther or not Po lice O ffi cer ,\ or Poli ce Om ..... r R wa s
there ..... alking in or out , yo u would ha "e no recollection,
,,-oold )-uu~
,\ . No,
Q. And if Oflieer SJllnh wa s in or out , Ihcr~'~ li n renso n for
~' ou-

A, I !..1id t jyst wa~n 'l aware of him,

Q, 1 jU§! wn1\lcd 10 make mr c Ihal your I~Slimony, ~tly <.li dn· 1
te llifl' UI~I he ",un', ' hc'~, You jll, ' do n', r~lII ~mbcr.
A, ! w~sn't aw~rc of ii,

~ 21.02 E.tRbUdlinl: I)d~ ndunr~ 0.,)' or CDTO

CO MMENT : The petite oIticc l .. tk nowled&n tcrt ~in g9ncra l du\lc$.
wtll ch th e questloo er turns into the spe<:if't st.mdord or t~ re in this
sit y~tion, He then sllOws that til e dut ies were not perform ed b~ tllC
pcl/(e oflieel$,
Q, I just "":lIllcd to cl3rify til ;", Rul in :m)' cvcn l, :IS I ftt:.U
~'our lesl;mony. )'OU were on the {ro nt dc.k Ihal day \\ nd
2 14

,11.,1 "'as )"011' job th~1 d.~y 10 m!ln IhJI fronl d ",k.: i ~ Ih M
A. y~.....
Q. Oka}'. A"<I . 5 p:!r t or Y(}Ut dllli~5 ~~ orf, ~~r hl:h ind IIIQt
dcs~. }'OU h~ll ce rtain b'I'ic.- r.... pon5ihiH'it1 ~s pIIn or Ih~t
job••1 Ihal righl?
,\. Yes.
Q, ,' nll """Id yOIl ~f:f«- I h~1 ODe of thO$C dUluco h.sofM itS
when someone com~s in askin~ for some a'SI$l~lWC, ~
cjlil~'" t"Jmc in asking rOf polic" ~5Sis", nc.: would hI: 1
l1umbe r [,Inc, \ (j get a car di spatched. if 111:11 we,C 11<'CeSl.1 r)·
by c"lIinll Ccnu " l Dr lh i§ 9 11 ?
A. Ri oh!.
Q. ThaI woutd be one of )mor dut ies if" ci ,i~.l:n t"~mc in :ond
it .... ~s r"""iroo. ",nuld YOIl ~&rcc wilh Ihal?
A. Eilher the swilchboord ol'<lf'mor wou1l1 do it
Q. ,\ nother du ly ",·oll.d bo; if" ci li~",n \'''nIC in nsking fur help
to refer Ih e111 10 OI lier Ilgeneie , . if somc mhcr asene~ ",:IS
j n"oh'~d '0 handle Ih;II Jl;llticulM problel11,: is lli~1 righl?
A. Yes.
Q. All rinht.
And !lgJin, if sunlCOne c~nlC in ".skin!: fo r help, " "llIlie, ono
of the <.ln lk. or Ih" d~.k e rf"", "-he~ ro meo nc cnmc in (Of
3s'ii~l~nc.: ,,·oul<.l he 10 r cf~ r Ilw m to the complai n! (\c~k
wh cre people mi~ht m~ke OUI :t formal coml'b illl; is l h~1
,\. Ycs.
Q. Di d I b"~iC'any eile 1m: dUI;es"?
,\, Ricin,
Q. In Ihi~ en", when J,,,cphill<: ele elli !:ame in on Sundny
'';&In :II ~;30 o f No'·cmtl<:l 9. ~uu didll"\ do Jny of Ihn,e
Ibree Ihin!;.~ . di<.l )·001
,\ . Wdt I WaS inform ed tloal he had visil:Uin" ri&!n~ ·Iit sh
o'd lX:k.
Q, Th~1 w~ s n 'l my IIIIeSlion .
My <luc~tion ..... ~s., ~l!c rJ me in. ~s I und crsm "~ your I~~!i·
mony. lnd ~il;cd for help in tloa t she ~~ked Ihm (\ police ~1~r
be rocll' 001 10 p ick up IIcr b~by; is III~ t rorr~'CI?
..\ . Ye •.
Q. :-lulll b,.. r one. )'0 11 didn 't call Ccmra\ fo r the <)11 nmn\.ll:r
and s.:I\', ~s"nd out a C~ r arnl pic k up her b~h~. - Yo u ~i d '\'1
do tha•• did yoo?
,\ . n~ Sli ll had ,-i.ila li on rigllil lill ~i ~ o'd ock
M~ . QI1[:<.I.~~ : Mo"c llial ml~"'W be siride ll a. nOI rc~pon, i\'~.

Q. Did you do Ih~11

,\. 1'0.
Q. 111...1 "-4S my qll ..... ;" n.
,\. Oby.
CO MMENT: T\1 e erg" exam iner must in.i . 1 QoI1 a dired "n,wer 10
tile q"",ho n.
Q. T hc s..w ... d
thins Ii Ihl l yo " d id ... ·1 refcr her 10 anal hcr
l~ncy lhat ",ir h l he b( \I( ' 31J 1~ 10 bandle the Sil03lion. ~m
1 tOrr<"<:I'!
J\b. Ru n l: O hj ec t to thi s li ne of qucst;oninG. Coumd is rdh·
rin~ b~d.: to [;31' qllestion~ '.... hich w~~ ~! ~cd what hi . ~~"~' a\
ru n~'\ion ,...." n a dc,k offie<:' , Uc WM n't ask~ d about ~ . """,i(,c
iltMano: and wh~1 Ite \\"oult! do in a . peti lit in~lanC'C . ......;·re
dc~linl\ w;lh a s»I.'ci rK: . CI uf (ac t~ ~nd a WOrt1 ~ n roming in ~ nd
m~k; ng a ~pc~ilic alk~~I;l)n lk: re...'nd Ih~n _t\OI what h l ~
ge neral function is U~ a polic~ officcr mannins the dc.].;.
TUI: C OUIlT: O''''!Tlllw.
' ·ou mOlY Olnw"", lI.e q LII....lion.
,\ . I di dn't .ef" •. 10 ~n'wcr the <t ll,,,,,;,, n, 1 did n't .der 10
~nOIIl"r :ij\c'K:)" no.

Q. ,\lId "-;tll r<:~u rd to 111~ ot her dUly which )'011 told Ul dc~~
office rs bad . w;r..o; 10 re r.;r Iocr \<> ~ ("'ll\lll ~ in t dcs~. You
did n'l I'l;f.'r hcr?
,\. bl.'(':IIIM' lhef' "'J' 110 com pl:l;nl ~ I th" lime.
Q. You di d,!'t refe. her t<) Ihe compluitll des k. did you'!
,\. No. I dldn' l.
! II.U
Q. Ok.w. ,\ll rillht .

§ ll.03 O~lalninll '\Crcem~nt 1111 Cert!! l!! !Inc ts

CO MMENT: Tile la". llIat the y,ilness will . dmit $hDuld bI! lislitd ,
10 elimi na te 1I1Cn! fro m tonltOver' 1.
Q. And 1 1" (IlI' ~'ou " b in lilT,' [~h ibil 10,\ ;n t\·jdcn«. Ihis
)·ello....· piece o r paper. 1hi. O r<lo r or Prol~ct ion. Did !ho
~ho... YOII Ih~ 1 Illat 0..e n;I'I£1
,\. r-;o. I didn'l ~" il that evening.
Q. Jun loa~c that lh o'~.
COUllf C~I'IlK: Th3\ wou ld be 10.
!.b. Qllrll J:M: nl~I" lOA
M ~. Rf K'U: Th. bIOl ...·up i~ 10. Th ~ orisin~1 is 10'\.
Q. There is nO queM ion. i~ Ihere . Iha1 ~hC' had mClH ioncd Ie
}'OU lhat her hu, b.I ..11 on pa.<l <)(casio ll ~ llad ~~."ultcd her?
.\. Yu.
Q. ,\1Id I"e" i~110 que .. ioll Ihal "': bad lold yOlU Ih al
3 rmn & C mCnl ~ had hee ll m~de previou sly thul her hu,ha nd
...~ 10 d rop o ff Ihe t hiW al Ihe police "Ulion al
~i.\ o'cl ock Ih a1 nl Shl: i, Ih"l Ti~hl?
,\ . Ricin. Olr 11I.:' ('3OOUI"
Q. And Ihere is 1\ot a (I!le'li on '0 Ihm I aet th is clear thai ~he
w ill yo u liril before.1I<: , poke to Li ctJt~n am GrOlosm3n Ihal
she wall led }' OU 10 '~ nd n radio ~a r uJ) lho,e !II p;e~ up Ihe
t llild and brinG Ihe child IOlhe JI~li on~ SlIC nsked ~'O !l Ih~ l.
didn'l she?
A. YeJ.
Q. And Ihal wa s about 5:3m
A. Yts.
Q. Now, am 1 co rrect Ihal Ihere il no questi on Ihal the nn!y
~,hice )·ou t::I"e bcr ,,-as Ihal "'e ...-o uld h~" c to ...·:Iil for the
Itushand to drop lite chil d off: is th ai cnrr~ct'!
A. I loW he. if the-he did n't d.op Iter off in a rClI.SOnah!C
lime . ...-~ woul d .e nd a r~dio Cat OUI .
Q. YOII d id n"! 1<:11 h.., al Ih~1 point Ihal j 'QU could 1101 -end
out" police c~ r?
I~"" ""
21-7 § l UI~

A, :.10. 1 didn't,
Mil, Run!: Your I-Ionor, juu :I poi" l or cbrifiC'~lio" , " ~II 0\'....'(1
to tbe way tll3t qU('Mion i~ :I~kcd, C,'CU thouth il " 'U ;J.II~"'':fed .
Wh,," (o un ld loa)" rou did nat tell her al Ihal poin t )"OU rould
not o;o:nd OU I ~ r.:Idio n.r, wc're tnlking hcfore six o'cloc k or :tf,
ter si.' o'clOCk?
TilE CllUKT: Clc3! it up.
/'.b. Ql' f.Ul; ~ : I'll cl e~r it up,
Q. AI S:3 0 whcn you bd this convcrs.a lion wit h her. yo u
d idn'l lc lillcr that yo u could 1101 wn<.l Oul .l [lO licc C:lr, did
,\. No. I jusl_to me, it woul<.I k n ",oI3l;o n of " is nshl!>. li e
":I! ~i5il0lioll ,igh l~
M.., Q OU.I.£k: Mo"c 1h.~1 311S\\-ccr Ix l l riden, IIo .... rc5poMiw .
TII~ COt1U : J Ul")' will di$rcg:ml.
.\, I d;<1 I1 '1 1.1)' , coul d send one OUI, nt).

§ 21.04 l':s l;mftl r or Tlo"" 0( Cnn," ..uliOIl 1leI,,·t't'I1 MOlher 11l1li

COMMENT: As in m~1 cross e)"1min"lion!;, ~ witness' cltim ~ te 01
tim " relurn l to h ~ unt hin,.
Q. And would )·o u ~ srcc Ihu l 111"1 co"vcr~al ion lhal )'(lU h~(1
Wilh her last c~ :,bo ul five 10 Icn minUl es?
.,. Yrl .
Q. And in fi,'~
10 len millul,'!> .J,~ kepi 131k;lI& 10 rnu ~lca~
eM 10 pick up 100 ~ ,,;w, righl?
... $<.'11t1 OUI Ih~
(No rcspollse. )
Q. or ICO minutc roo\'cl'S.1lion. " ':lSn'l i l~
-' ... W<'II. ;1 " '" 3 ,h'C
Q. Let mc PUI il I hi~ ..... ~I·. You lold U5 tlmt th ~ ronVeTloJli on
.. r,,'c or t ~n m inu tc~?
... Yc~h .

Q. You to ld II I Ihc comC5 in. ,"ys, "M)' hu sb;lnd ha~ th e

vi. itat ion or t h ~ ch il d. He' s 8m :, righl In llave her till l i~
,,·dock. I've h.;cn ;l,snu\led. I ..... ~nl )'ou In pid: up ,he
chil~." a nd ~'O\I sa)" "You F,olIO w~il. He tOI Ih e ril:lll io

,.. - II .... "' • •

t ! 1.(1$
Ih ~ cl1 "~ Ii!! ~h "dock. You J>OI 10 wail : o~ ay·! tIlil Ihis
rO (l' ·c,sat;on yOIl· w In ll" .... IDOl; :>boul I;~t or Icn
minU1e!: is'' ·1 tnal rir,ht"!
,\. Th31"~ wilh nl )"~1 f~nd Ueulcnam Gn>S "lHln c«nle in 011 il .
Q . I'm 3.l;i n£ ~boul )·ou. co n'·cn alion 1>I:(oru Liuu\Cn~nl
callW in?
GI M !nl 3 11
,\. II wns k,s than that . Ab<lu\ fh-~ minute ,. I"d ~y.

COMMENT: ln c wiln C"Ss is aUc mpMg 10 ci1 ~ nge Ilis lime csli nm k
HI) 15 I>Il I pe,m i1t~ 10 do to.

§ 21.U5 lOst til I)tpu,;!lion h. S h"w f .... _~l .. " I C.'.lI'Cf>l.i,,"

Q." Dill you s:i.·c Ih is answer. fl." " twcn l)· of your cnmi n~ll"n
_befMe Ir;"I. al line four:
"QueSlion: Wh31 d i<.l )·o u Icll her·!
",,"S"''': 101d her h~ II", cuslQdy o( Illc child until ~i.,
o·dock 3nd Ihe nrm"ro:m c"11IS 111m "'10 mall" w~ , fo r hi m 10
<Imp Ille dlild u(( 'II Ihe 1!~lion hou~. I ~id. · You ha'·" 10
s:;'·c him 3 rca~,'nahJc li nle."
MQIl~SI ;!I": !low l()~ F. d id yo ur ~o n'w'al io n I :!~t wilb ber.
~ppro~ inlal,· I)'?

··A ns"'~ r; I wou ld 5:ly ",.~ 10 I~ n mi nul ~~.M

Dit! you ~'·e Iltu:<;e :m, wcu?

A. y~ s.

§ 2J.lJ6 r.h>cl,or I'lolld.'d Willi 1'01;";.

Q. /l."o w. is'' ·1 i! ~ r:":I. Om,cr. Mr. !.:me. 1":11 in llIo..e li~e or
I~n ",1nm.1 Jh~ cont i nu ~d lu 1,Iead wilh Y(1u. 10 I'I~uw se nd
0111 a C:>, 10 mek up b~. b~~1 I)i d sh.: oonlinuc 10 do Ih 31?
A. ! "'oul cln·! pm il (jui lc Ihat wn)·.
Q. Sl,c was n·! bCl\S inr, )·01l'!
A. /1."0.
Q. Mr. I.:!n~ . .... 3'n·1 sh e '·c r)". " cry Up,cl?
A. Y,"" she "-:11<.

Q. A nLi W(l!.n·1 she ~l~o ~c,)" ucile.J"!

~1 -9

A. Ye~.

Q. Ami wn~n 'l s h~ "!,Iet and c~c il c<.l hC~3\l w Jhe W'l! Jlk~di l"lS
",ith )"<><1 10 $C nd Ih e (lIf to tet her h~by ;m d rou 1,,1<.1 her
you weren 't go ili S to <.10 it: iso't Ibm rif,ln~
COMMENT: The quesl,an is clearl y olljec ti<l n.b le. ellt the picture I.
dr~WIl for the jury. lexar(!1ess 01 whether it Is Jnswered.
M~. R~K!I: ObjCCln.m. Hc's c~lIcd for Ih is witn""s 10_
Tu" COURT: Objection sUSln in cd.

§ 2 1.01 ConTer._allon Bel "". n M UIller \l1,d LieUlenAnt

Q . In an~' e"en!, ~t that !'(lin!, )'011 called out Licl1! cll an l
G,<ruma n; is Ihal fi&hl?
A. Ri ght.
Q. Aml lhal wu uld be will,in li ve ur len minute. " r the ti llle
slle got 10 Ihe slaliou?
A. Yes.
Q. Th aI would \Ie t" ·Ctll r·fj ve to ~ix, twen t)" 10 ~ix?
.. ... A. Sorrn:,.,bcrc ~ro .. nd IbffC.
Q. And he "'as iu chut.": of Ihe ~Iio"honsc at Ihal lint".
w,1sn'l he?
A. y~

Q. '\I\d. in raa. he ,,"-~~ }"()ur 5upcriQr om~(1

A. Ri eht.
Q. O~~y. ,\nd b~5ically, II~ told her lh c s.1 nw lli inF- -wh )' d o,,'t
you jnn w"h.~ rigltl?
A. Y~i.

Q. An d hOI\" fa r :twa)' wer e }'ou rrom him-

,'. '\'1 fa l ~, fronl me to )·ou rigM now.
Q. AIlII were rou able to h~ar h im lall;'!
A. r ~oid, 1110'1 o r i1 .
MK. Roc,,: For Ihe rl'COrd. enn we jU~1 ~' Iimnlc Ih,,! di ' lall"~'!
~I K. QI'LlL ~Jt;
So.- r,-':I.
M ~. Ihlcu: 00 0<.1, all righl.
"'" .)."
§ 21M ~I_IO

Q. And w~rc you able 10 hoar the l'Om'cr,ati[m )x,twccn

LieUlenant Grossman and Mrs. Ocelli'!
A. ~10s1 of it.

Q. Well. was th~re a problem in this slalionhomc where Ihere

w~~n'l much Iraffic Ihal nil\ht to hear the two of 1)lcm
talking when Ihey were about ~i.\ feCI :Iwa)"!
A. There were al,o phol1e~ ringing. I had 10 anslwr phones.
Q. Were )'OU able to See Ihe t\\'o of them?
A. Yes.
Q. Oka)'. okay. And Ilhink you Inld us ynu were there prwy
continuously from about 5:30 until ten after 6; i, llial righl?
,\. Ye'.
Q. And you said you mighl ha\'e gOl1e 10 lhe bathroom at
,orne point in the inlerim'!
,\. Yes.
Q. And Ihe" )'ou ,aid you wcnt outsid~. Did you aC!\la\ly go
into the street or jusl opened the door and look OUl?
A. We went [lUt into lhe street on Ihe ,idewalk.
Q. Thi, wa, l':ovcmhcr. Nm'embcr 9 in the winler. righl?
A. RighI.
Q. Was about 6:10 at nighl?
A. Yeah.
Q. II was dark out in I"ovcmbcr. wmn't it'!
A. Yeah. I gu~~, so.
Q. RighI?
A. Yeah.
Q. See an)' people in the 'IreCI'!
,\. No.
Q. And Ihcn I r':'lhcr us won n, )'011 Came in 1'011 lhen ""'nt on
your lundt hrcak or dinner break'!
A. Yes. ~bout a quaner afler.
Q. Sa. would ),ou-:md you Bot back about a qUJrtcr afler 7.
oka)'. and tllal \\'a~ wlllcwherc awa}' from tile dc,k lh;ll you
11 - 11

Q. If I undcrslnnd yeu com."CI 'y. wh~ len ' If;m~pired ~, 'he

d~$k from 6;1 5 Ie ; :15 ~·ou peflenall)' wOLl ld 1Ii1"e no
pcTS()n.'t' knowlc-.JI:C of ""hat 'ook p'an: bec:II's,e }OU WCfell ',
thef e; i. tl1~1 right'!
,\. 11,31'. ri~ lI.

§ 2UIS Corn..:, Method of J)c~lin~ Wilh Ord1lr of Protection

COMMENT: The police offleer ~ g"ln i5 led 10 .t ~ lc t~ Q general 5tan ·
liard of talC! concernIng Q,de,s of PfolcdIOtl. without discu.§lnc 1he
st a nd~rds as appliad 10 t~i$ particular ~ ;l u . t iGl' . From Ihe genefat
principles. the juty wUI concl ude what shou td h.we bu n dono in this
p.l '1icul,Jr in.'anee .
Note UteW quesl,C)f1 $ are ICofmU~l! d w~11 In o>dv~nce 01 Ih a
cro u e'amlnali(m, and ~ re"I"ed ~ Ina! I h~ wilntn must iln$w ..... lIf·
fjfm a liv ~ 11 '

Q. l.el·5 tal ~ . i f we wil!. abmll Orde '~ or f"OIc..1 ioll.

Now. an. I conttl. O ni rxr. 1 conti nue 10 refcr '0 y(l U ~~ an
(l m~~r. Mr. Lane. Mr. tanc. ~"' t Cnrt~CI. 31 IhJI lim,·
when you were 3 JlOli tc em te r in Ih~ . ,nl ['f ,·dnct. prier
10. )"ou know, tllal dar in No,·ember. of rou r~. you :oS ~
polk~ om tt r h~1l recci"cd Iraining n. 10 what an Or(ler or
I'rOllXli on I,: isn'l l h:'11 ronCe!?
,t o. Yc~ h.

Q. And ),ou !I\se, " ! P~I!

01' lh. trJi ning. were 101d wtmt th ~
re~JlOn.jb; li1;"" of" pOl ice offic"" nrc to . ud, ~ dOCUnlent :
i~n·t Ihnt correCl'!
,\ . y,'$.
Q. Corrtct?
,\. Y~'$.

Q. And liS " m~ller of f~ cl. you reeth'cd lhal Irtlinin~ during
yc>u r ~rnden.)' It~ininl and the courle !,OU 10IIk 10 be: 11
poli ce offi cer; [ ~ IhUI righl:
,\. Ye l.
Q. And. Mr. Lane. lim 1 COfflXl Ih~ 1 you ... cre I~ughl thaI ~n
Order ef Proteclion i$ 10 IIOP ont person from har.oUing or
~1-1 !

a..s:lulli" g an Olher or "'ltalc.'~r Ihc (,J~ ma~' he. >,ou .",rc

I''''ghl lirat. WeTc ,, '1 Y')u?
A. YC.".
Q. l\m!)'tIli w.;: re al~o 1auShl "h~ , tile ~"l'rn"ri:lI~ f<'!;1IOn. e,
",ere w!ten ~'()\l were iho\l'l\ an Ord~r of [' ''' Iection and
" 'here son,,· o ne daims il h "~ l>1...", "; <)bled. ~ nd yml "we
wught . " 'cn: ~"lU nOi. \ h~! ttle anr"ollrimc r~! nonK was
lh~t the \'iol:l1 0r mll SI he "m'Slcd~
A. Y~

Q. And lO ll wer,' ;,1<0 tausln th~t if . omcone wus t'mbidden \0

hilr"". another pcrson in Ih~ Orue. of 1'lOle<;tion anU if a
p<l1ic ~ officer was shown an Order of Pml~",!ion whiell
t'orb~d ~ tlmt h~m~~"' c ill und was tol d that Ih~ f}C''''n who
l'iM o rd,,,,cd 1101 10 ha ."", is. in f.1C1, har~;;s;"S Ih " o lhcr
11<:""'n. then Lh;u nank ill ar [}<: r",n wo ul d ha'-" 1" be
a rr"'t ~d . Wore )'o u Lauglu Ih'1I. wc .. n·t yo u'!
,\. y~, .

M~ . Runl: Objc'·liol1. you r 1-I 01l or. to th~ '111 ~ , li"n, I wil h·
d .:I..·. 11-..: ,,~'''.~ al n.·ady all ~"'C<cd il ;, n)wl\Y.
Q. A",1. h~ \he \\' ~)'. Offi ~~r. would }'OU :'grc.· Ihat a hi~l<!fY or
";01.,, \ an. " "O ul\1 indicate Ih ~t the Ihrc~I' ~h('uld \"I~ tak en
icriou~I)"~ Yo u ~~n...• ",·i ,1I 1h:" . )~)u~
~! ~ . Ih wl!' Objc(·lio]\.
' I'U( C01IU : O,·.",. ukd .

A. Yes. 1 w~ uld usn.' " wilh it.

Q. And . II)" Ihe "':'y. M, • • Cicdli. in yo ur pr~"S<: nc,·. wh t n . he
,,"a~ sll"akiol; w'lh l.ic ulcnam G' ....' nI.1". "Isl1 ".kcd him 111
scnd it pnlicc Cnr III pkk up he r 11ah~: i.,,'\ IIml true?
,\ . Yes.
Q. '\1\d he (lid nIH do "": i~n'l thm Iru C'!
,\ . Ye;o;.
Q. ,\ml. Qniccr. d id }'ou tl oen >cc i\-lrs . Ci~cll i ,hu,," Ihi s )'C lltl""
document. Ih i~ Ol dcr of Prolecti"n. ((0 \.icuI,·I1:1 nl
G ruSl ',,"n~
,\. No. I d id not .
~ I -I )

§ 21.1.19 Rd. .... blll& Ihe Wilness' ' kmlk..: lio .. br Ik ,di"l:"
I)jm.,("CIlt WltJl<.'S" D~J)<)~illo..
COMMENT: A wit~C!>~ m~y hare 101$ . ltCtlllection ,e" t shed Ih. oUCh
Ihe ,eading of a dCl)OSilion t,a n~wJll of an oth~r w itnC!>~.
Note liOW effccli.c il is to '""j'MI the Lcstimo,,), of the oUI or wit·
ne$$ 10 the IMtinlOIIY 01 1101$ Witness. th,ouGh the technique 01 .e·
I'Mhing . ccoliedlOn,
Q. r<l. tlie purpo ....'S of r~ rr ..h;ll~ you • •ecull~(t ;on • • i •. I will
re:.d from Office. Lic ulc n:ml G . oss.n ln\ le;tin"... n)".
~\ ~. RI:l(:II: Oh, 11 0. obj~cli on .
~h,. QuI:HER: I Wan! 10 . d h is . ecollectio n.
MM. R' 1<:1I: Your Honor, th is Willl"'$$ Ii,IS I"~ti ficd thai he did
1' 01 Soc il.
;\\ K. Quttlu: I \\, to rer.~.. to hi, recollection , flat h ~ d id sco.:
;101M. RnfU: He', r-o ing 10 .efrcoh hi~ r~c"lItt1 ion by wh~. won,, ·
hod)' d ~ ",}<f!

~I Jl.
Q UII.I,I: M: I ,,"11 d o il hy anythin£. by a dtl,:umCIl( . hy 'I
St:llcmcnl, by a Ilu"slio" , by a pk 1u.c: :,n)'thins Ih". would '''-''
f'c'Sh n ...;mcs,· t crollccliun , And I am pcrm iucd (0,
~I ~. Rf.l\:I I: Il y lo nlcbocl)' else's EIIT'!

MR. Q,,':U.ER: A n)·lhi n~. c,'ell ir 1 wrole it n n a pi~"C\: or pap<:f ,

I C~ n d o il.
'rUE COI!M 'J' JU51 3 Ill inu l\:..
The obj.'<'I;on 11 ~u~. a i n ~ll .
MR. Q W.I.lH: /!.I' ll" we b~ II c~rd in tile l ide. ynur Ho"m'!
T in: Co," ..r, 1)0 >~IU "':ln l 10 slu '.... il 10 h;rn~
MH . QC!:I. U:R: 1 ,,"o ul,1 r~ lI\cr d o it a di n·c .en! W;I>·. Jll llgc.
(Whe re upon. Ih~ co", t ;.nd , .c. il"l;d 10 lhe rubing room .
~ rtc r ,,11 ich Ih<.:y Idumed 10 tile ro un , omn an,1 Ihe fo liowinS
T UI: COt'MT', ..' Ie Y<lU going 10 now uw a n c~an1il,a.
lin n·befnre·trial lalcn or Lieute nant Oml, man :md 'end po ,·
t;lln~ Ihe,efrolll'!
~IK. Q\l flJ.I:~: Y,"\o, \ ~m. )"nur Ilonnr.

TBI' C\,II: ~I ' In :tn allcmflt 10 ....,fres h the \\,;In ui' le,.i mo ny'!
" ... "",
§ 21.1)9 '''')' Wit ....,.' ... 1 1-14

M~, QunlLll: y,os, tholl'S l'lIitl"I l)" lI,t pU~.

Mw. R~K~!: R.erresh th e ....·;me"· rcC<lIl .~tio n a. 10 ..... hnl poi n!"!
TI!~ Covn, Lcl"~ eel Ih e on as 10 ..... h~1 he 1",~ 10 rdrcsh
h'~ .t «l1l«l 'oo.
What ..... os Ihe qll cs lion?
M~. Q UH UW: The q u\"slio n wat, do )"011 fCC":J Il It<: ing LiClilen .
an t G fQ~sm ln h)\'i ng lh i~ pJf1i culu ~' h ibit whim i. E~h ibi l
lOA ...... hi ch was lI1~rlcd ~ s Exh ibi l 2 for !d~nlili ca tion , Mi d thc
p3n Ilml I'm soJ nt \0 be: reading rifJ'l no.... a nd he S3ys he
doesn'l .et"nll 11m. Now, 1'111 BOinS 10 refresh h i~ r<.",ollcclion
thn l he did sec il.
Mil. R[IC"It: Your Honor, I n.,m objl....-t. i'Jo m,l11cr ... hat U,",
le~ant Grmsma o 11~ICd h. IIW it or didn't sec ii, ,..,rlainl"
(!o(-Ml't have ~ny \learing on th is wilneSJ.
Mil, Qt:~I.lXR: TI")' to reflcl1 his m:oll ottio n.
Tur. CmIMT, Objection overruled.
You lruly rt:ld.
Q. I rcad. your Honor, rl(lm Ih e tcst im(lny or Ihe tler"nlln nl.
the cily. taxen hy L.eon Grossm~n. on Oclober 1 5. 1977.
~n d I M3.f1 at pag~ 6. line II , and I'm rcr~rfl"!1 !o
"·o ~~n,t>cr 9 I'Ieviou~ly tb 31 I hj~ i~ Ihe day thai we arc
lal~inS ~lx,lIu.

~Qu~i lion: l)ill Ih~ru

rome u timQ Innt dar whil e ~'ou 're
on yo ur tou r or dUlY ~, l.i~ulen3n t or ti,e Po lice 0..1'311 '
IIlml al th~ ,.ro Pffx inct Ihal ~"OII 111!d ~i<ln to S.:., onc
Josephine Cicd li'!
"AMW. r: Y''S-
-Que!\ i(ln: Whe n for Ihe fif1>t lim e Ihat you See her that
-,\fUWCr: Appmx imatd)' 5:}o,
-QIl. 5Ii on: Where wa~ II", I"!
"Anl"<tr: In rlOnl of the d es~ of the .. rd l' nl1 ."
-Qu e5l Ion: Who .I~ W3. prcSllnl wh h !'ou at II,a\ lime
and pb001
"A n~wc I: Pnl ice O lTicer Lane,
"Qut» io!\: Wh31 w~, Po l i~ Offi cer lan~ doins at tha t
lQ"ielll~r limel

~,\n,wcr: 11 0 w~ s ~ssi~lin C!ll stationh ousc officer.

~QU~5Iioll: h Ihat lhe ""111: a:; b~i", :I d ...I; officer?
~,\nswcr: Dosk omcer is all a'5i~l a llt . It woul d be nr ~' 3S'
~Qlleslion:We re \011 31 the dos k :II t ll~1 lime. u= mo.
Wen: you tho dosk officer 31 11I:ll lin lc'l
-Answcr: No. I'm sUllioni>ousc 5upcni50r.
" QII~stion : Who W~ $ Ihe desk offi cc ' ' II Ihal lime?
~An",,"cr: lllcn: i~ nO de."
office •. 1'h31 term is not 1IS<"d
an)' longer in the polite deranmenl .
~QUffi i on: Wu Ih ere ~I Ih 3\ li me 3 dcsk in Ihe .. rtl P,e_
",\nswer: y"~ .

MQII<~lion: Wbo " ":1$ DI Ihe .Io.-..k. if " llyo nc1

"'Answer: I'olice Officer L,\n~.

~Qunlion: Let me Ii nis!l. At Ihe lime lh:ll Mrs. Ci~1Ii

prC50:nK'tI hor.e!f lit 5:30 p. m.?
-,'n~Vl cr: I'ol ice Omcer lInt.
- Qll eslion: Was Iher~ anyone d se Ihen: at Ihal lime ol lter
Ih:ln Mrs. Ck cl1i. ~'ou "clf mI d Police Officer la ne?
~.\ n~"= I ,Jorl"l ,~("aIL

"Question: Did ).11 5. Ci ed l; say IM]Ct h i n ~ II] you al the

!i '\1~'!
~i\I]SW"": We ~ ~d ~ <o n\"c ' $;\lic n.
"QuCll ian: Will )'OU tdl us Ih o subsl ~ncc or whal sh e .~ id
:II I~atli llIe?
-,\t1~wer: She sai d Ih at ~he w;tnted me to ,cn~ a r:ldi o car
HI ~" atld l";"S' on Km&cr A,'c nlle tn pick up her (!au~hlcr
,,·~o wa S al 'h~1 li me in cU~lody of ber hus.ban,J.
, r. , ·~ ..
"'Qu..-t.tio.lJ\: Did sh.: ", y an~'lb in, initially al Ihat l ime o lh_
er II1~n .....1I3t yoo j U ~1 lolcl U~?

"An swer: Oh, 5h~ ~howcd me ~h~ had papc~, She showed
me p;i~n lI,at 5 h~ h~d,"
COMMENT: T h i~ t~$li m0f11 directlv toII\radids till' .ntnoss' testimo ,
ny tIlat he was rIOt p~n t ..tIDn til. mother show...d Ih~ Qll'II!r "ffie ~r
her Order of F'r~lection, Tln/5, the "edibility of Ihe wiln en h~ . effec'
tively be en im~gned ",ilMut cou~c l ll~ving 10 resort to ~ fron tal M·
tJck Oil Iha witness .
"QIl~~lio,,: Can you Id l1l5 what ki nd of fI.1p"r ;1 was lru"
51,.; ~.~h ibilcd to y<m:
And th('n Mr. Mallick, who was the nllOrn c)' fo r Ihe <'ily
""d, "! I ~ ~,id, '['ull,m'."
,\ nd Ihe qUClotion: "P311CfS thai 51,.; c:.hibil<-d 10 ~·oo .

",\nswer: y.,...
"'\ I"wer: bclic" c tloe of Ihem \\'~. nn Ordcr or PrOJec-
"Qot:5lion : Ye1.
"AnSwer: ['", nol sure ",l lal Ihe IIlher was.
" QII<.. IIO'" [show )'nu Ihis cl oo::u IIlem and I as~ )'ou if" Ihi$
i. 3 fai r ~ ncl a«ur.u e ...,p":~e n"~l ion nfthe Ord~r of PrOl c<:·
tion to wh",h you just TCrcrrcl!
"An~"' ~r: [would,,·1 r"mcmb~ r if il wn. III~ ~:lm " one.
don' t reme mber."
And then il "'3$ m;" k~d as r: ~hib;t I for id..,nl";":I\;OIl.
"Que.llion: 0 0 )'ou fc-nll \,,~ \ Uh$l"nCC the ",,,,dine or
contained o n Ihe Order of [' rolection whi ch , he ex hibited
10 ),ou ~ I the time 111" h~d Ih e ~"I\Vcrs"liml ",ilh YOll :11
~;JO p.III.?

" I .h o'" )·nu !hi~ d.xumcnl ami ! :1 5k you 10 l oo ~ at Ihi s.

"Mr. M i,loo.·~: O~;l)'.

I :lsk you wllClltcr UIJI documenl i~ 1m: doeo-

"Q uC'!ol inn:
nlenl which rJ'e cAhil)il"'" 10 yOu ~I Ih~1 li mc'~
~I_I J § 21.1)9

"Amwer: Looks like it, but !'m Il{)t a hundred percent

"Mr, Queller: ,\11 right. Mark thi~ ns PI~intill"~ Exhibit 1,
and please put the marking on the rewrse ~idc,"
Your Honor, and this is Plaintiffs' Exhibit 2 for identinea.
tion that W:15 marked at Oflkcr Gro<5man', te'limony,
"Queslion: Wh~n ,he exhibited to you (h~ Order of Pro,
teclion a( Iha( time, did you rcad il'!
-An~wer: Y."
"Ques(ion: Aftcr her sl>caking to )'ou and s~)'ing 10 you
lhe sub~tancc of what you had IOld u~ here (his morning,
and after ),ou rcad (he Order of Prolection which ~he exhib,
ited 10 you, did you ,ay ,om.(hing to her?
"Answer: In :mswcr 10 Itcr requesl to sctld ~ radio <'1tr to
LtC! her child'!

"QUC5tion: Yel, What did you ~ay?

"Answer: [told her I could not do that.

"Que,tion: Did ~hc say ,mythittg dlc')
"Answer: YC5, We!!, she asked me why, I ~aid because ~hc
showed me this, the order, which §!a(cd thai Ihe hu.b"nd
had eu'tndy or (he "hild from ten a,m, Saturday morning
unlil six p,m, Sunday night, I told hcr I wa,-I didn't have
the powcr to &0 and tak~ (hat child :tw:ty from hint,"
M~, l~uclI: Objection, your HOllor, Thi~ wjttte~s only lcstiried
tllat ll~ didn't sce, Follow up wilh a question,
MR, Q1.IEI.tU\: Not Ih,,( i( was prc~cntcd,
MR, RI'ICII: pollow up with a question,
MR, QUW_ER: Ridiculous.
Q, Now, h,wc YOli been able to ilcar lhe qucslio", that 1 lHl\'c
A, Yes,
Q, ,\nd thc answer> lha( werC gi\'cil'! Ob)" t-;ow. alier h,willB
heard (he (Jltcs(ioIl5 lila! w~re a,k~d or LieUlCnant

" S"hw"y __
Ie ~M d.';n:.I.t'w 11~:IIY ",,!c.. ~.!! "'.'.V'; ___
! i' :. olIO ]1:\~' 1,,11, .' Iww ,,," ~ It .:: I':h w~ y? •......
If>',," "Hr~hl'~ ;'n" "...,~l"",.;.::h whik :,f ,,,,,I., ",j~,t do \".. u<lI~:;J :ly "1)0,'",,1 ;!t.!..,j;,;3

What "' '' l" ~ Lr '!l-,, ~j ~,':I'~""" j Ii".' h,,!I:; _____ • __.' .k,s ._
!Mj,-.'c (111.:.. ;«,: >1"-'<:.1')'1

i" " ,,~d! ";ct.;",,,:: ~f t'" IL" (" JLI ~d;,,"\ C" I}<"". I) I .~,,, ,, I; ~ I !h~ v.l l<',:,,, ", !!~l 1'' ' .1''"'''')' " r 111 ~ 11",,1LH<:I II .' II,·; , lI l :," "
<",!. 1:-;:' "ioit (11m " /'. ,'.I'~"II <1r W"r~.:' '> C",nl'~""'tI(J,' ><J,t), ad ill<; <I<I'.\U"" cot' ,I", UC)!",,':I!. ("," ",,,'''~' h'.'

t:!~·~ -,­ b:'''ILKI ~:~ Cr>.·;.u~." _Vi,;) !lWa!j.,j',l,

I'h;'.<iccol lh'~"I '.I" 2 ti"'~< 1M ,,,.-<1: ):'f:; ',' 1'<'.11~

,._. _--_.

----, -.

" .. ".
--_.. --- .' _._.---.. __ .- --,._- .--------.'
( iiTj" ,,,,,I ~~,,'ri;:" ti:N e · ,0 , _ _ -

Ik,;r~.... tnon J;o;l l)QI\~ic'"

1-:,1.'0.)1;,) ,,.,
"" .

. ,,'
§ 11.09 1..) \\'II~""""

GrQssma n ~ L1d his ~n~"'t:.s as the)' relatc 10 Ex hi bit 10, J~d

1h.:11 is i~ cvilkncc !lOW. ..chich is " ha l he r':(~ lloo 10 in his
tesLimon)" lines it nQW .crrc l h )-Qur rCC<JII~C lioL1 that ~lrs.
Cicclli di d, in r~CL. &i"c-
II . I still ne ver i,1,," it.
Q. Pl~3l.1: lei me Cinilh 1M quc~L ion.
Docs it !lOW rcrr~ 5h ym, r rcoo lkcli(1I1 that Mr~. Ckclli did,
in fat L, givc OffiUr Gn».man Ihis donIm~lIl-is rour r~'C·
olleet;o" rcrrcsh~d?
,\ . K OL thaI I rementb......
Q, O~~y.
A. I IIc~cr !.:I'" Lhc d OCUml'T1t.
Q. O~:' )·.
Mil.. QU( uu: I I.. ,·c no fUllher ~uC5tion$.

COMMENT: T~I ~ crlln cxaminalill n ho ~ proouccd \we imporlant rc·

~\llts. Fi,~t.
lite hit!> d(,!' CI! III e,<!dibilitv I h ~t uwal!J attiKhes to t ~·
tinlony 01 a police office, ha s ~en leSsMe~ Ihro ugll the Ole of corl·
Further. \I'e te~timcny of th e ~Ii~o offi~cr i. u~cd to esl~ blis~ II.·
tnli!),. Notice that on~ a Lhe c~'cn lial t lenli! nb ~fe oom ill Cd ~ 111 ~
wilnl'SS, Lhe questioni", , tops. 100 thai the ~;ct" te created ~ net clut·
tered with les. Important facti.

, ",'"
~ J _J S

G rossman J IW h is 3 n~"'1:o. as Ih~' rd:lI~ 10 E~h ibi l 10. 3nt!

thai is in "'iden"" no"', whid! i$ "' hit he 'efw ed to in h i ~
t e~li mnIIY, do~ s il nn'" r~frc,h yO ll r recoll ection Ib l M r~.
Cicelli did. in fact, gi,'c-
.\. I , 1m neyc, 'iOl'" il.
Q. PI~ase lei me fini.\J, Ihe QUc>slion .
Do es it no'" rcfrc~tl ~'our ,"collection Ihnt MI1, Cice lli di d,
in r~CI, ~i\'e Oml"Olr G ros"llan Ihi~ doculllcl1l- i~ your !'Ce_
olk.:tion ,drcshed'!
,\ . :-lot lh~1 1 r.mcnllxr.
Q. Okay.
A, J nI:Y(1 5:1'" Ihe dot'U nlcnt

Q. O b }·.
M~. Qli[LIJ, ~ : J have no furthor qu~~tinn l .

CO MMENT: TIII$ c,oss e)amina t i~n n;;" produced two important rc·
~utt$.First . lite high degrec cl cri!<li bility lh.;Jt lJSu~lI~ J tbth~ Ie tes·
timony 01 a I'oOlice <Illite. hn beelllcssellCd Ihrough Ihe use cI ton·

Furttl cr. Ule leslimon~ 01 the I'Olico officer is u.<>d 10 establi , h lia·
bi lity. Noliee III~ t cn ce th, essen!i. t el,mcnts me a<lnli tt ed by tli O
Wil~S. lhe "unliolling steps. se Ihal the pic tu, e .. e~ te~ 1\ not elu1·
It'led wllh !csj impa,t.lnt 11"$.

n'" ," "


Subway Employees-The Gentlemanly

Approach-Slip and Fall Case
Cr." E~,""I""II"n
b}' 1I"n)' Galr'


§ 3~,OI Cr.", [,"n,ln,no" of Sub",)' In-p<d.,

III Ih'mo,loR 1'....11.1 \\'II ...."" r",,,, COU"""'"'
I~I WHfI<'>" b'pl.).,,'" ~~' Suh.y
131 ,\nh.1 ,I 01 ""ddo.'
141 Amb"l>no< "nd n""tot N .. I'..... t Wh," Wlln", Mri',~
151 ~'. C","~ "'''''ltd l'I,inlilf 1\'11<. I\'ilno", Arr;,od
161 I'~}'.hl 1'",i,l .. ,,11'1,1.,111
iii Wit"". 1I«.."t' 1'loi.lIJr. ~I,t<m'M.' 10 Coo", oJ ,\edden'
IHI ht<'.,lon '" Sh." ,Ib,.rellly.r 'I' ... li",o.)'
191 D.r.,ln, on ,\d.,!"lon by 'h< PI.ln,lff
1101 To"I.~ ()~n'a'I.H of WI,...",
II II 11,,,,,11' L\"~ I<> Ikf"... ~ R«.II«II".
1111 .:'IOMI,hln~ FOCI. Sho~;"~ 1J.",,~o,
1131 A,lI,I,\<. of I'ollre Oi'l1«,.uoI ".bub"", S"~"'"'1 s«..
1i~1 10"",11•• 11.. 1'1«<<1.", Wor. L"
1151 11'11,... I)<nl" C.ndltlon or Stnh,,")' •• U<pk,<tl;., I'ho'o~"ph

lifo! WIi .." ,,"",II; Do:It<t. ,If< S""~n 10 I'hOlol"pI"

1171 Wi,"". Wo, 1'0"01 [..,.,\,inr. f., I)"f,m in SI.i",.y
1181 l'.;"a l',ab.:oItlHtI"
1191 Etr." I. 1"'"'I~.tI,,"_\\'II,,,-..,,, [n'","'"~ Wr."~ S'"lr~")'

• II"r), G,i , II"' l"n~ 1;0",,"" ill ;>;e", I',,,k .. lh" "I).',"
ofTt;.1 L,w},,,,.- Mr.
G.i,. nuw ",co",d. ~3' ,10< [",,"<lins P'''"''. with hi, \lifo Ii.TTi". of G,ir. G,ir
&. CO",""", "f N,,,, York,
Tho ""no<, nr .11 p'"ti", ~ il""'" :l"U orl~"i"'l ,·",,",01 h",," be,n "",nr«l,

Lal' \\'lln,"""

I~IJ 1',.,,", 11'1... ,\0,",,1,.« ,1";,,,,1

I',"pi< \I"t<
§ J~.D~ (:~,,, t:"n,ln"I"" .1 Sui,,,")' 1'.,,«

III (:_1.,1,," "f !>l",<, T""I","")

III \\,11."" R,..,p,,,,,I~I< ~" ",,,,,"I"~ IM,~"
III nulk, "r '.'11<"<'0'" Slatl,,"
J4J WII"." :>;.'w ()"""n,~ IM,"<,I .. C"ndi'I •• "" ,he' 5"1,,.. ),
lSI 11'11.«. D<Rl", 1'''''''I:,"p~lr t;"ide"",
lrot .:,lIl",«o "I l',,,,·MC"ld,'OI 1I'f"i"
PI I'~",.~",p~i< E,ideOK'< "f S.h"'qu,'n, 'lcp"l"

SIl/>IIII1IrY of Hm'i<" Fad.\' alill III/rolillc/or.I' R,'lIwrk.<

In Ihis I 93(, c~sc. Mr, Gnir rcprC'Cnl~d Ihe plainliff. who had
f:lllcn m he dcscendcd ~lair~ kading to tho subway. He hurl his
hack in the full and wa, rCIllo"cd from 1he ,cen~ by ambulance. On
direct examination, he ,aid he tripped on a ben! and rais~d plate
that compo,ed the ,urntC" of a pnnicul"r st~p of Ihc ~tairway.
Two witne~se~ for the dcfense te~lificd that they arri,'ed at the
scene imlllediately "fter Ihe accidenl. and Ihat the pl:tintiff IOld
them Ihal he tripped on a ~t~p on a diflcrcnt "nirw,,}'. An i]]~P<'c­
tor fur Ihe defendanl and :1 lX'licenmn \)otlt tcstiric(i that Ihey ex-
amine{) each of Ihc ~tCP5 of tlmt particular 'taifWay. and found no
dcf~~t~ ou any ~tep, Thu5. ti]e opposing le,timony ma{)e Ihe pbin-
tirrs case appear contrive{).
)\.'lr. Gair had little wilh which 10 impair the credibili1)' llf these
willle","'. :-.Ieverthcless. he won the case hy planting seed, of doubt
in Ihe minds of the jurors as 10 whether II]c witncss", e.",mined Ihe
correct swin""y, He also skillfully used phulugraphic evidcnc~ 10
dCl11on5twie Ihe condilion of the staiN'''), despile Ihe witnc_"cs'
denial of the c,'id~nce, Mr. Gail's genllemanly, honcst >lyle per·
SUJ(lcd the jury that the explanation of Ihc witnesses' error was
pla",ihlc. and tllat the piaintirr, "cnion wa~ more likely to bc cor-
rect in vicw of the pllotographic cvi{)cm'e,
This clHlpter prcscnt~ t\]e crms e.,aminalion of Ihe suhway in-
spector. Tlte cross examinalion of tI]. PI)liccman. who m"{)~ the
,ame Plli"t" and ~ugge"cd Ih. ,ame error. i, nOI inc\"d"d,
The othcr em" "'~nlination otTercd here i, or the porter em-
plo}'cd 10 ckan lhc stain",;" This witness d"imcll tltat th~ stair,
were in IICrfect condilion at Ihe time of the fall. an{) that ~n impec-
lS-' § .1S.OI!!1

lor ,;~ilcd the ~llbw~r ;I'il ion d.,il)'. Mr. G~ ir u5~d hi s gen lic nnd
I I"'U~ lrul slylc 10 dicil dJtn:I~l1, h.~li n,on)'. ",hid. dcmonMr.ou:d
Ihe witn<:5~' pn;judic~ .

Th us, th~"e "C,}' l~p;c~1 em.s c~ antiMtill n 5 denW~~l r~ lc 111M

~"cn wi th Ih tt.. a .. ai] 3\llc 10 di:s.c. wil !L,e wilno:»c5, 3 ~ mflh.. a nd
!OIlic:t.! su~ion of ~rro., C1lmbincd "" illl (I GC1ll]~m:, n]y MYIc en·
&~nd" rillt truSl i ll llle I:i"'!'~ r ar>d pla inliff. ~':In 5Om~li mrs O"~'f­
romc "" en Ihe 01 0,1 ~rediblc willlcsse l . II was thtouGh lhi ~ U'c of
""' loOIIJ I ch~rm d'~1 Mr. G3ir b\."c:Ilrn: known ai 1hc Gcnllem~n
La\'')'c r.~

§ 35,01 Cross E~~mlnaliull (If S ub",,)" IUPI'CIO'

111 ~clI, uI·j"lll ·ol c n'inl \\'il"~~'C_' flOnl Coo.""",n

COMMEJf1: It i~ 21 "31'" ~~5.ble 10 ~cu.e poten tial wit nesic , IrOl!!
Ul e co urtroom durinll testimony, e'Ptcially erMS uilInlnalion. A wHo
n~~s can plan his .Clort~ il he knCIWS \t'e e,pectc-d afCa . of qucstio n.

M~. G,,'K: fn ,·ic·.... <If tlt~ re'lue,t Ul nde hr Mr. Mno rc 10 C.'~ USC
one .... itn~. I J~k IhJllht " ; lnc!1.5 fn, lhe defendant be ~~cu~~...
~t Ihi. ti me. Th"t Includcs the rollcc offic~r ~.
M il, :'1()oRr,: I h:! ,'c no ol>j«".ion l<l th Jt.
Tm: CI.~K I:,/III wi lnc~!c' fot tllc dcfClldanl arc cuu~d J nd
w; lI l ~a "c the courtroom.
By Mil. G."I!:

12) Wit.~_-.s' tilUl''',y~n' 1»' S .b"llY

Q. Mr. Grac~. rur ho.... IOIlll hJ" C yo u IIC'I: II L'mplo~<"d by 1111::
dcfe 'l d~n l rnilway \'[mlp~ IIY?
,\. ,\00111 19 }(";In.

Q. You ~rc s till itl tlld r enl ploy ~ t the Jlr~:>I: "1 lin,c?
A. 1 nnl. I'C I . .Ii,.
COMMENT: CoullSIll llarh right oUl.i1J ",,\~bl;.hlll(: th&t fila ...; 1110.1'
j, cnlplQyed bt tho ~c lcnda nt. The stage is roo>! .~t for 1110 n"l u r~1
~ 01 thr .... I/Ics~ 10 be brouRlI1 oul,
,,,,, . ,.
§ 3S.I)J[3[ 1.<1)' Whne'Sws 35-4

!3[ ,\rrl.~l at Scene or Accident

COMMENT: Counsel in tile foll<lwing short series of questions elicits
inform"tion regJrding the seeM of the accident Ir(}ffi thc witne~s. At
tho time of this triJI. m[)l"e than lilt~ years ago, disco""", de.ices
were limited ~nd Ule attorney needed to lISC cross examination 10
e"tllcr information. TodJY, such questions Can still tie .sked in order
to bring ClUt contradictory statemenls. and to f)fo.e substanti.e ele·
merIts of the causc of action,
Q. When you came to thc scene of the nccil-Icnt. thm wa~ in
respoMc 10 a tdephone call?
II. Yes. ~ir. rrol11 lhc chief dispalcher's oftice.
Q. Thai docs nol come from Slh Strect"1 Your cnll came from
Some central onice?
,\. That i< nJ.(hl. Wherc"cr nn ~ccidenl happened they would
call the chief di5patcher, ~!\d he ~ctlds Ihe :Imbulance. that
i,. he calls the police headquarlers ')nd Ihc)" ~end it thrm,gh

[41 Ambulance ~nd D(J~I()r Not I'r~sent Whell Wlln~s, Arrhd

Q. When you arrivcd al the scene or Ihe aecide11l. had the
ambulance alread), arrived?
A. No, ~ir, nOI yet.
Q. Wa, there ,my doctor th ere'!
A. NOl at the time 1 !l0l tbere, He camc down a fcw minU1C~
nller I had arrived there. 1 would say aboul fi,'c minutes
nfter I arrived there.

151 No Crowd Around l'laillliff When WHile," Arriwcl

Q. When ),011 came Ihere had a large crowd already collecled?
II. Th~re miJ.(hl have been aL>out fuur or fhe people sl,mdin~
around: (hat was nil.
Q. Four or five people"!
,\. Yes, ~ir.
Q. CerUlinl), }'01l wOllldn'l call that" crowd'!
A. 1\0.
Q. Were they ,wnding mound where Mr. Tyson was ~illing?
!f y~~ "'ill:;, hO)w "~my " Il k, Q~}! "'"y? •.'__ WII~1 .10 , '<111 !~'.¥ f'''-IWlo,,!.; ;·l ,wll'! . _ _ _
1t ~C" V:'Y wl!.. /I." w ",uclt \<W.ll "'~)'? _ __ .

I: Y"" ;'"I'CII; " '" ;011:< "",,, : ~I"I\:.d r. ",hill'. at "",Ic. ",/>.,1 (10) )';'" IHlt"'J:I". ~I""" :>11J!~:3
Wit.: ;lIe )-')!.r ~!!!!!!cl c_~I;c''''''' for; '""I~ ~.; <h~s _ .' "-m~,!~h:",IIl"I'li,a~" .. ,,, .. ,_ ,: ~Mt'n h'l \" (~!<
(~;\~-; (]l k:"~ >l'"",ry) , __ _.. _.,'

F", <;,d, " "Ie!;," l' ,,1' Ii" '" ~ "",die,,: ,,_, I~"n~.. 1'1", ,"~ Ii" 1"" ;;::I"":'" y. ,11('1 I; '"'1'"......\. of tI,~ !'"d "'~"'. ,I,J " " ".,,'
,-\1\: :,," \',,,,l (.,,,\ :, r>'n-l" "lll (1f W(" l;~,.·, t\J Ll11' Cll '<HJtlLl '.); (1 . " r,d 11K J"T ;";"" (,I' lite 1"""",·.'_,,1. !,,,, c,"i lLll'!<-
~':@:C")J.\. f!:.>~I,,_·'_r':)O C'",Il'1'! 5;';1 !1.I_";'t11!!!
1'h)'_" '-.,l lh\'-,"I')' 2 t"'.~< PUI " .., d: n~_' '.1 ,_,"" "

- --_.. - - - ---...

' '' ., - --

-- . ,- - -- ..
-----,._-- ._ ..--- --, ------ ._--------- --- -.. - ---- ~-, ..----
..... M •

o,n~ ~nd ~-U""'.~'I ""';·

Il"" r~"'i t'll .1",II": h~i,,..

Ii .I"c",j"" .
Jsn\11 punoJU \!U!PUC1S JJ~." $JJa,,~,.r.d J"'110 JS~'II 's~A 'V
i.PJu;><ldlill P'''I )lilj." lUl'l pJ'1.SC tmu !IOS".L 'JW 01 ~,G<.l,
no.' ,,1:, no.' u:lIl" no.'; JUJU JlJ!ll 8U!PU1;)$ "PO'l'UP. ,r.II\ '()

·P"JU1!." .';uc JmoJS l,UP!P I

0, 'IOU PUll ,'J!1l pUll'nuJ lU!'1 unO, PUlt .{poq,'UBj! PJ~'r. I 'V
\!"!PUU1S JJJ,\\ O!I.\\ "Idmd J'Jljl JO ,OlU!lU :l!1l p$ no.{ P!O 'i')
'JJJ'11 10\1 I UJ!I" UI!4 01 SU!~I),'ds
JUO '{luO Jljl ,t,,, I 'JJ.\"OSluq.\\ IU!4 01 llu!'1.ICj ~c." JUO ON 'V
lUI14 01 \lU!~\\H JO W!lj OJ llupJlS!II!lUPU ,(poqou ,e." ~""IL 'i')
'lU!lll'l flu!'1.ooj punoJc llu1puUlS 1,nr 'y
~lL\\ J'I OJ"\,,, JO ;;1!UP!~ a41 1I! lUlOjlU[d a\ll uo ",alj·"JSIJ
"Ido;><l "A!J JO lnoJ 1110qr. 'U." aJJ\ll pur. '~J"ljl .,;poqOll 'c."
J,J\ll 'pJUJo.)UOJ ,R" lll!4 p"noJc ,{I!ll!O!., JIll 5U lU.I 05 puy .i')
'\UOlloq "ljl 1U0Jj daIS P1l000, JilL 'V
lluolloq ~ 41 1U0J)
dJl, pUOJJS Ottl uo :lup!!, uo,,{,\' 'JW POZ!luns!., no.{ 'PU!lll
mo.' u1 JJqlllJUlJ) 110.\ 'uJlIl OJJljl ~,uUJ l<;JlJ 110'\ UJII," 'i')
'lU!'! pOlluD IU"~C P~J!l J!LL 'y
I.JJuclnqluu :t1\1 JOJ lU~S 01\,\\ 'i')
'~J"I\1 JIllOJ 01
JO)C)OP ~1\1 JOJ ~U!I!U.\, ~J~'l\ flu!!l!' ~~" ;11-1 'JIll!! :tIll 1'1 lU!11
JU:tll 511,,\ ,{poq.';up. ~U!I\1 I.uop I 'lUlII "I:S l,"p[nOJ '(ll~JJ I 'V
<lU!,! JOj SU!ljl.';UU 3u!op "poq,{UC 'IUlll
JCJU .';poq,{UU SU" 'nWUJ I<;J!J no.{ UOII." JIJ<;JIIO~.lO "P!'lnO 'i')

''c." I 'V
i,IIU Ie "'!'I'E"U .';poq.{uu ,UA\ 'i')
',JA .\'
LlU!l\ 1ll0Jj J.lO flU!PUU1< puy .i')
I,n[ 'SJJUld llJJJJ.u!P 8u!punt, ~JJ," "JIll 'PUn01U 1'11I!~ 'V

1.110·.i § 'I,to,ddv ·;I".'U,,\U,l~'U 5-H

Q. Did you gOI tha nam~ of any fla"ctlt et ,\~n<li nl\ there. by
him Ihere, (>\<'int I., Ih" f~~1 of wb~ t Mr. T)'1<l1l h~ lolll
)'011 . ~ 10 where the u~cidcI\l hapPclled?
,\. Nil. 1 <li<l not

16\ I'hl'sk"l Position "r j'l pimirr

Q. Yo u did ntH. When Mr. T~so" WJ, Iher.: he was ~iuiflB
"'lIb h i~ bad; 10 Ihe S\<:p,'I
A. Th~t I ~ righl.
Q. Ik wa ! facing IIul towar<l! Ihe Imin. is 1tt.1\ ,;&hl'l
,\. ''' t. he W:lS l ilti ng wi lh his bar k up \OW;1I11\ Ih ~ I",clo; o f Ihe
Q. TllCn hi, back wO llllJ be low ards the S\~ irwal' Ill) \0 Ihe
inlcrnlcdi.~I': pl~ \form?
,\ . TII.<l I is right.

171 \\' ilnc,~ R~roW1l~ j'I ~ln \iffs S\ Q\c n! cn l U~ to CII"S\) of


Q. When r Oil ronn .: np to him .... tt.11 was the fir~\ Ihillg Ih~ 1
)·o u n~'<c d him'!
A. I a~kcd him wh at had happ·cnt'd.
Q. WIt;'1 (lid 'IC 5o:ly1
,\ . li t said while l'On,ing do ...·,,~t:li l'5 he ~tumhlcd In snll1~
unkn own manner amI fell down to tht " 1~1."' " ;nc l1oor.
Q. Was Ihe word ~~ll1 mhl~d- his wo ,d'l Old he '<'l)'
"s\umbl.-d: or l~ thai yo ur WOl d?
,\. 1 ju,t do n'\ know the c-"\C1 wo,d~ that he said.
Q. !n oth er wurds. whe n YOll say ~Sl umh 'ct.I in WIll~ " nknO"'"
manncr.~ 1\.., dl<ln't leU ~'oa t!t:lI') !I~ didn't u\.c Ihe
c~prc ~$;on "Mu mbled ""?

Q. ! Ie did not kno ....· wh at cm1Scd him 10 r~n.

Q. In olh cr "..",11(.. he 41;1111'\ U'le tbe c~flT~,,»ioll "in wme
unlo;nuwn ",.;l n nn~·!
,\ . I ~onld 11[)1 JUIl say thc ~x nrC:;lion ~ e lllo<.~!.
".... ,.,.,
Q. Di<.l )'on gel 1111: nam" or :m y \13=np:r ~I Jndin& Illen:. I>}'
hinl th.rc. o"'i nl: 10 t)l ~ fact (I( wl1 ~ 1 Mr, Ty'O!l had lo ld
)'0 11 35 10 wl..:re Ihe :led<.lc nl h3I>P1-"Il<.-d?
,\, 1'10,1 d id nOl ,

/61 I'hro;i\'ul l'r"itioD of t'la\lltiff

Q. Yo u <.I I'" nOl, When ~h , 'r~'snn w~s Ih.r" lot "~'5 silli ng
wil h hi. h~ck to Ihe 't ~lls?
,\, 'Thai i, ri&ln,
Q, lie '1'<1 1 f~cin~ out 10w:tnh till: train , i. 111M rigll!'1
,\. Yes, he W31silli ns ,,"~Ih h i ~ bad~ up townrd5 Ih~ hack of Ihe
stai ",
Q. Th" n Iri. back would lie; w,,"',lrds 11r ~ st~irway "I) 10 lhe
;nlcrmcd iale pLllfoflU'!
,\. Th ~1 is righi,

111 W11",,",s k <:«ltu!s I·I~illI irr. SI~l cnMH "" 1" C~u,~ or

Q, ....~1cn yo u c~mc liP to him, "hat Il'n~ the fj"t thi ng l), ,,t
~'ou 3! l;~d
A, ! alh-rl him whallmd h~" )len ~d ,

Q. Whal d id Ioe lay?

A, l ie sa id whi le ,'om in/; dn \\'n~tnin. he ~Ill mhlcd ill i<" nc
u nknown ma nner ~nd feU d " wo 10 ll1e ma>,l ni n<' 1100.,
Q. Wn , Ihe word "'Iumbted" hi. word'/ Did he s:.y
~Slumhkd,M Clr is ' "~' )'Our wCln!'!
A, I jilsi do n'l knuw the cuel wo.d. Ihal h ~ $~id,

Q, In OI lier \\"orJs , when YIIII ,ay "~ Ium bt<.'d in l om e unkno wn

'n 3nncr, M he d idl'" Iell yuu Ihal? Ik d itln', us<: Ihe
~~p r ~ ,sio n M~tu m hlcd(

Q, ]-II;; did ''''I kn.",: ..-hal (':Iu ...-d him 10 f:dL

Q, In otller w<.lUIs, I,c di dn'l ui\: Ihe C"I)(C ~, i(ll1 "in .omc
UOblll " 'O m) nncr '!
,\, I nlul<i ""I ju. t .a), Ib~ ~,wr~$~iun h~ used.
,.,.. ,,"
15- 7

Q, He wa i $iui nl: Ihe,,, a nd yo u " -ere w,iliull it dQwn and }'OU

,,<1<~d hilll for 101$ n" m,,?
,\. I ,lid.
Q, Did you SCI h is "d,h'>l>?
A, I di<.\ .
COMM ENT: II 1$ Im proba blc tllal a l' would 'eca ll th e e.act
words u5cd in ~ ~ 1~l e ment. When ~n i\dv erse witnc.~ PM~p l" ~ees
the pl~inli!f' , ara l ~'3t en\llI1 \$ . he will ,e lect pJrapllrJs i" g word! th "t
carry Ih e mQ<\ dam"glng ce nnolation< po,sibl e,
In Ulis car.e. the witlle •• IKt mitt ed U'"t he did not u.,(~ l l th~ .<0.:1
""rd. uS<)(!. If he h~~ claimed Ie recall tI,c eU(:t wOld •• (0,"," 01
coukl demcnW 3to h, ~ ,,~'~;tity 10 .ecall " .acl ve.biage b1 asklnc"'m
to ' ''pelt the !Uel "",d. u.ed a few minute. "".Ii.... ,n ~ qU/!$lo(ln.
Of in an ,nst.uetlon by lhe court 10 the jury that w,.. m~dt In his Pin·

IMI E,~M" 'O" h) SI",.. ,\ ",~ ."i r}' Dr Tf'l ;n'Df)~

COMMENT: Sy u lendinc an ~s$ .... l ioll. h ~ q u l!-flily ~ w l. nes~ ( an be
m.d~ la ti.e ~II ~~"'"" whi ch dcocs not Im> ~ e ~n ~e . Hc.c . llie wil·
ne" .ay~ 11131 tile ~ I oin tifl was . ~"king ti, e I<, me • • If lie warG Silo
lill g in court, C"Gn 1I1~!!11 lI e II"d fall en dawn .Ia i•• Ilnd ......1. 5ining
()r1 tile meu.n ine gf D s ubway s lalion , (airwa y. lIol,lin!! his U~ ek nnd
,is ibly il\ pa in . TI,e co nfli ct in tile menla' picture~ dcm onSl'Nes til e
witn e. s' Ic-ndency to e •• l)tlc r"tc fot the benefil af hi . omplQye,. til e
Q. You 1-3)' lie wa. 1~l king norn,ally (0 yQU all Ih" ..... hik·/
A. Yes.
Q. JU~I :IS if nOlb inl: load h.~Il~ncd?
A. I wo .. tdn', . ~y Ihal.

Q. W;), he ill p;J in~

,\. ! Ie !:lid he wn!>.
Q. Did h ~ ,'l'1 ~j if h~ Im,1 p;l in;
A. \' el . II C pUl hi . hl",,1 aro und to his b,,~k <1ccaSiO"'l ll )·.
Q. l1u\ >0 fnr:1S 1311<;11&",as ,'o ncerncd Il e ,poke \[l )"111 ~" I mly
,,11<1 ( Iu kll)'~
,\. Yes. I cnliid ),,'al him 1,1,,;n. CC '\;.li nly.
Q, You had 1111 d ifficult!, in gell ing 3uy an ,\\'cr (!'tl nl hil11 ?
,\ . No. sir. I lIid not.
Q. He res ponded about the W~~' you :rrc re~l!Onding 10 the
' I"costio" I :1m now :lsking you~
A. Yes.

1111 Odo.d ng all " d",;ssiull b.•' l~t' I'lalilliff

Q. You Bo t hi s name and hi~ address :lnd you ni~~ d hiln what
happ.:n~d . • ~~5tlmc you ""(ore 1I0wn "stumbled In ..arne
unk now n manne r while d cst'l:nding Ihe 5!3i r~"?
,\ . Yes, ~i r.

Q. Th en )'001 ~~kul hill' .."hfn: d id he raU from. is rhm , ipll?

,\ . Tbnfs ripn.
Q. And .... hal did hf 1:0)1
,\ . lie :IIIi d it wa~ Iho ~Ih or 6th step.
Q. :-Sow, 11;1 m SlOP "I Ih~1 poin!. Did he 'I.1y to ~'I>U ~ he ""-:15
~ittinll there. " i fdl fro m th e 5th or 6t h <l op," is lhnr "" hnt
he 'Jid~
,\ . T ltl'" riSllt .
Q. And )'(IU WfOle il down?
,\. or Ihe ••nirs lhal he ""n ~i"i ng.
Q. I fell rrom the 51h or 6th step on th \, stnirw:I)'?
,\ . Y~ sir.
Q. ,\nd YOll wrO IC it down'!
.\ . y ..... };r.
Q. I :lnl anxiou~ 10 1,'C\ from )'o u now, once you uot the
~n5 .....euoo ..... n )'(IU did,,'1 ao;k the sanle ql'"§l ion~ ar'~rwa"l.
ail'lln fO f 311)' pllf'/l'M<:. dill you?
.\. II wn 5 not ncccssmy.
Q. YOlO 3\ked h im o ne.; :I" d gOI throogh " ; 111 Itim?
,\ . "llral is right . II~ might Ihink 1 was a PC'I if I " sl:~d him
asa in.
Q. lie was ,i lli llS on Ih e th e ni gh1 11r 'lair.. W>lS
'1 ai""'a~' ~ nd
behind him and you arc .t~ndins Ih~r~ lall:in~ to hi m and

he sllid. -I rell from Iho ~ Ih or 6th stel' o f the ~ 13irw~y

bcl!ind mc'"!
,\ . " n ,
Q. That i~ lww he d csignatoJ it'!
,\. lIe said the swi rs 'h~ 1 he "';IS Sill inC on .
Q. II.., d id n't h~\'e to t"'" arou nd to d~sisn:\lc i' to ~'OU . bUI
jU II sa;<.I , "Ihe 5th or (lilt st ep (If th e stai rway L ill1l sini llg
on ~ 7

,\ . Tba t ii righl .
Q. Whik ho "'~ I Icllillll )'011 th~t he W3' still Sittin B tllere
fa~ing the t.acks or b~ in~ Ihm P,1 " of the p L3 \1onn t h~ t is
towards tile tr:lCks?
,\ . Th~t ii not fa"i n~ IO'l ard s the !tach.
Q. Ui! b,wl; was 10 the up pe, [}'In of Ihe "ai,,,,,"y?
,\, Yes.
Q. What do ~il" face JI you si t ,~ he W:JS , illin!.! n n this
>l a irwa)'1
,\. T""'3Id~ the m her side of Ihe ~I rcct ,
Q . Of rou •.., }'O<J :Ire dowli Im e 0" what they ('all the
meu:l ni no1
,\. \\~.

Q. Wha t is o n !he othe r side (If Ih e meaa nin "'? Arc Ih ere
tr3d:s intcrvcn; llg?
,.\ . T'le ITJcb ~fI' OU' 10 Ihal side " r it.
Q. Did yo u ,,~ W to mJke ~noth(1' tum 10 Ihe riltht?
,\ , The li('kcI r,~lII'S homh i, o\'~ r to Ihe lerl or Ih,.!.
Q. In oth ~ r "' (!td~ . sitti ng then: r" cin r. aw~)' r",m II", ~lcPS.
)·" U :lIe raei"l: Ih.: o l' pmile sill( o f Hlh S,,~ct whic h would
he th(' do"ntown or g,h Street . is that "'h'1I y,)U ,n cn n'!
A. Yes. ~i r.
Q. Wh~l d o you ..,c~

Wbat i! Ilk:f~ h) be K'Cn floll\ Ihal poitl t o r ,·ie\\,. just Ihe

pl atform?
§ 35.0111 01

,\. JII~I lite are3 11M is ;IIl1und tbclc.

Q. Now. il wa~ fro m th at positi nn . ~itt i nll ther~, you a5~cd
him. ~Whcr~ d id )"011 (:til from 1~ and h.. s.:Iid. "Th~ ~t h or
6th 'ICP ~ n thi~ 51~i ,w;IY t h~1 t am ,i!ling on .~ i, Ihal whm
he l-, id·/
,\. \ '<"S. ~ir.
COMMENT: Orlen. a wi tness will a$SC '1 that ~ n injured pelson made
.. sta tement ~1 tlte Ke<1e <It the .a(ciClent . In tIlis cue . tM wi ll\\'~
aSle.ts I h~l lIle plaintiff identified tile ~d step 11131 hoe -slumbll'd'
oft. Mr. Gai r respntldS by s ll ow iog e ither th~ t tho defe ndant"5 em ·
pI~ iocoll edl;' undur.;tood 01 recalls ,,",~Ithe plaintirt S<lid. or the
pbintill in(OHenly desicnal()(l \hi! step. Mr. (lai. first clemOf>SIf~Ifl"!i
tI"ll the Wll n!5~ (k:Cli net reCJ ll lhe e~Jct we,ds exc l\;Jngcd with the
I.\r. Gair loIlIIWS thJ t by ~hOwi ne tll311M plaintiff wn in no .,....i·
ti "" 10 identify the e.~ ct , tep wl\ .. o Ite fell t>cl~~\iSe no wa. Io<lkirlg
a"'~y flOm Ino ~tai,s Quti tlg the conO;O' lolticn, ~ nd tte w~ ~ in a n in·
jureo:l ~1iI'''.

I101 ·Ih!in~' Iion (If Wiln,'~s

COMM ENT; The w~nes~ is ilttcmpl 1nc 10 "old Ihl' plainlifj to an

idcnlifKa li on gf a slep num ller. dewite the ei,eumst 3I1(.e'. Mr. Gai.
deMonstrates that tile wjlnl!~~ Mim"," ta rlnot id ll<1tify II~ numt>er of
5tep~ on Ih. stairway• .,..en though ill! ....3S not injuled . bill irweloti/:JI'

Q. HDw r"~ rl~· Mtlli :lIC thc"'. do rOil\••, in th~! ~lair.... a )'1
A. ! didn·, ~o un t Ih<:m, no, , iT.
Q. Oid Yll" ~~~
hin, ,.·h.;thcr Ille Sih [to,n Ih~ hlp ur Ih ~ 51h
from 1 11 ~
A. From 111~ bottu m of the ~Iai " llc sai d .
Q. You d idn't sal· ,·,1. - Flom t h~ Ixmom of the $I a irs..~

,\. I bcll c,"~ I di d.

Q . ""The ~lh or Gth )tc p of tho: ... ~i r"'ay·' Ih.:ll j~ whal yolO wrot~
down .
•\ . I betic'·" I "" id tlte 6th stcp fro m lh~ bottom .
Q. 1r y~u di d nOI j ay '0. >·011 wan l 10 s..1!" il no W in any CV~l!t?
,\. 11,,, Sih o r 6th step fro nl Ih~ bottom .
,...... ."
.•.. . .,' ...

COMM£NT: In politt t o•.,.e'.$lII.on. po!<Ipte mli<c :s.m..:al! -\ligs' ~t u ch

O ll1 e r'~ ~redjbi l ily; it i~ im poli te to rc v~a l on c'~ distrust 01 3n otltCr"s
$W lcmenl~ Juro.s <l' e u(\;ltaJ~tom ed 10 seeing fM!!Iplt ~IIJc~ t~ c~
aUl er VC,bl ily. a ltd ! ""IO m~y be turn ed all by it. WIlli Ihe wil~ss
'$ sl>cl"'f1 10 be dC<:epli .... Sublle l.Ucgcslton$. unde<M3te<l yet t loa •.
IIW ~ witness !s caMHi,ing IllS lestin,ony 10 .uit 11' 11 needs of 1110 mo·
melll. iI.e ollen sulliei..nt 10 cOfWey the que$lione"s O1'i"lon " I tile
testimo ny.
9 y nOl;IIS thai tlH! witness ' written nol es ri O nol say 'f,on, the bil l'
torn: 001 tllal ~e wants 10 SOly III~ I 'now: counset m.:Ikes sure thai
the ju,y get. Ihe ~n!.

IlIl Rcpor1~ Used !O Herrc.,1t Rccoilcclt.m

Q. And Ihal i~ , h~ s"i d~
A. T1l3(. rij;ln.
Q. [)id he I ~n }'OU Dn wliJI ~;d~ he " ':11 :u . Ioc lim«q
,\. " ..'S. on th e dUhl ~i <.Jc cumins d OIl"I1 .
Q. l ie tuld yo u that, tou'!
A. Yes.•ir.
Q. L! 3" C }·ou &Il~ YOlOr Tl:por~ here?
,\. ~o.! h~ \"c IIOt.
Q. ,"Oil mac!c on e om '!
A. Y e~.

Q. Yuu h;»'e ]ook~'" a l iI, h:l~': you?

,\. T)I ~ comr>~lIy h:lj i l: ] h~"om 't £,CI I i l .

Q. Yu u h",'c lo u ~cd nt il ])cfmc }'o u look Ill.: ! I:",d ~

A. "es.
Q. IIl.....~II~ >"010 woold 1I0t re membe r th i ~ "';Ilmul . dr~~hi n!\
>'our rcc~ lkcl io n'!
,\. lli at ;~ right.
t.I M. G.\lk: h. " i~w of ,,,,-, (act Ih~ t h ~ S,1)'S he refrl'S hcd I ,i~ , cc'
oll ec ti on from ;1. umy I ~c it?
Mil.1>".,,,1". I'o"u, I will not ~how :my r~port in ";ew uf c""1
'-I:II "m<.'1l' Ih~ Di ller d3)' "' ''1 h~ "<luW " " 1 >I,,,,,'
.\1~. G ,'I~: H, e l ituatiu n i~ cnljrd)' differclIl. Thi5 .... illl'~ IOU'"
'-Ia.c. Ihal 11\' h a~ fcf'<'1oh ,.. l his . cco!tcct ion fru m tile 1"\:1)1}{1 Iln<.J
,,,.. ,,',,
.., ..

§ .l5.01l1l1 JS - 11

we lI~ve n ri!;ln to ~ the )lJ per trom which he rerrcl hCi hi,
THE CQt'll{: T hai ;\ objmed 10. If he docs not "'~nt \0 sh'e il
to yo u, It e <'! OC&tl'! have 10.
~ I", G~IR: I relPl'"CtfllUy eActpi.

COMMENT: The questione r ilDS ~en ,u re to lay a prope r lou nd~ tion
IQ' ~f)IKI31 01 the [01.1 ,\'$ filling. l hoo .... i~g lhf e lu.>ents I." U$C ()I a
d(l(.um~ nl used to . e lre$h ,e~U~di on. NeedlltS' to I~ y. the court's
ruling is outdated. and nowad,y5. any report u$cd to refre sh J wit·
nt~' recQllection nl<ly be obtilined lor U$e on cross <llIlIrnlnatioo. Nat·
II,,) IIV, "n e mployee's aeeid~nt ,eJKIrt ....'Ould nGfma lly 00 obta;ned
through d"co,ery, und er modQrn .ul~s .
Q. Bow long "i:O did you $0:" th~1 rerron?
,\, nt is morning.
Q. Wbe" <l'<l yrm :ICC it be ro." that?
A. When r lent it in nt the lime Qf the ~('(jdent ,

Q. BUI you 5.1 '" il I~:.l wcd;?

,\, 1 d id n(>1.
Q, You we.e sin in, here in coun Frida)"'!
A. Sure I w~ s b ut tlIC)" didn't ,ho'" me ~ thing ,
Q, Did"'! the)' spcat to )"011 aboll! Ihll case o n Frida~'!
,\ . Th~r did, j·e...

Q, Didn'! )'ou s.ay, ~l~1 me look ~I lite report and .cfr~~ nlY
f~'{ollt,ction ,

,\ , 1 did ne! sec my Te nen until tllil mcrn lng. ~nd thai is the
Q, Did you gi ,'c the law)'e r tor th e railway c<.lmJl~")"
inform3\;On on Frida)' Itdore )'011 !.:IW rour repo. t?
A. No, To be fmn~ "'i th )'ou I di~ not ~110W whm il '\':15 ~1I
~bo ul unli! J ",I Ol'er here.

Q, Arter )'1lU SOl o"c' here , wa, it di",us~~ d with )'o u?

,\, Yes. w~ did di!['u~s di rrcrcnt th ings. bu t I l.'Il ul d N>I
' o:1l1cmbt;:, ...b 31 it WaS ~1I about unlil I wa~ "10" '" III)'
rc!'on; Ih Jt i, wh:lt J wa nted II,) 'Ce.
Q. In thl: a~nce or :tCIII~lIr Iook' n, at the pape. ~"o1I ""Qultl
not be able 10 Ic~li ry :IOOu \ IllCSc occurrcncc~ nt all?
,\ . I would ~ flcr I rcr,,"Sbcd my memo.y.),C"S.
Q. I ~~y, WillulU! , your recoll eC lion rrom your reror!,
you woull.l no! b~ able 10 &i ,'c te$t!ntOIl}'?
,\, So. ir I roul~ nOI ~~ ..... hat il ..... a i ~ ll 300ut. no,

Inl lC'IRblishl l& fD<1s Sho"'a!: I)Rm~ ~~~

COMMENT: Tile witness wa s a n eyewitn ess 10 the p~in 01 Ih e plain,

llU Dild i ne need for care and treatment after the acci den t. Mr, G~lr
Ule lhe wilnen 10 help eSl3bl~h the dam~iU 01 the p~'int;fI, AI a
m;"I'"um. Ih•• (8n U5ualty be obtai,,~tl lrom Ihe """'[ advc'$c opposi·
lion ~ytw~ nen \0 In .

Q. When the ambulance , urseo n canle, whal was done?

,\ . The ~m bulall<:e ill lseon ~skc'll him different q"~\lion.,
Then he relt hi. back. bu, Ihuc \\"3S no pbee around , Ite,~
10 CADluin c him , w he d<cid cd-
Q. When he .,a mined hinl, where WD! ~lr, Ty so n','
,\. Ik (j id n', cxamine hi,n: ,horc was nn fll,,~ ;uou"d ,here to
" ):a mine him,
Q. Did he touch " im al 3U',
A. Yes. he rell aro und hi s back,
Q. WU Mr, Tyro n ~t i ll !<.·~ld ~t tlte !lme1
A. In 3 sining .,milion. I bdic,,". 3,1<1 em up once.
Q, Wlml w~ s
done after th~ l1
,\ , H. look him ouui(jc \0 the ~mbulnncc,

Q. ~Iow "''3' h.. laken 10 lh. Dmbubn(,;~

A. lie "'':Il~('d uJ»lai~,

Q. Did all;' bod~'

help hilll ....,~Ik?
,\. Y.~, [ l~tie "e I went to ,h. ambula nce wilh hhn .
Q. You wenl \\; Ib him. bu, did )..,u hdp him up~l;\i rs~
,\ , I IIilln'l ca rt)' him,
Q, Dill you 3ct uatty plty ~katty help him?
A. Carry binI ? 1'0. [ did M I.
Q. When ~ou WC fC w"l~i nt u p~la iB you "1.T ' hdpinll h im 10
w~ lk?


A, Whal would )'(l U c~ll lh al ? I ju~1 hekl hlnl und~t Ihe arm 10
ho ld p 3r\ of hi~ wd&!n,
Q, like you mi~hl h~lp n lady, juSI a polite g~'luf~'!
,\ , I did, o f cOU' IoI', Iry 10 help him all I conld.
Q. Di d he c,~pc ricncc, ~o rar a~ you co uld o\l.<CT'-c. ;111)'
diffi culty in ...·llikinl: lip ~ll lh es<: 'le pS?
A, Wdl, ~'e1, h e look il C3S~': lh31 is h e d id 001 . u n lip.
Q. [ , hould ~:ly not. I-I e ...·alked olle slep al a lime, 11 . two'! hi
nlher _ .d1. hll J'lU i both f''''1 UO one ~,~p before !:Oing 10
Ih" nC~ 1 on,,'!
,\, JIIIl one Slep at a li me,
Q . Om: root on r:tCh Mep?
,\, Yes,
Q. Wll1 he cxclJ iming wi' li (!IIin 31 Ihe lin~?
A. Yes. he Wa S clai rnin s Ihm he had p~i n ~ in the Ilack.
Q, Wa' anybody hdpillil hinl on Ihe olho . liuc Olher lmm the
side Ilial you were standing on?
A. 1 jU ~1 could 11 0t recall Ih,,' no\\'.
Q, l 11cn you uid pnt h im inlo th.; :l.mhula~?
A. Yc~,

jll! ,\Cli.;li.,. (If I'ol~ orrI<T.. ~nd "' lUbul~n ... S.'ltmn :ol
Stt ....
Q. \Vh cn did the poli .... officcr ~ ,ri\'c?

,\, I bcl ie'~ h<: root th~'t.; !I fc'" m ;nll1~ afl~r [ did ,
Q, Di d lie gcl lherc beforc Ihe ~mhu lan ~c SU!)!COl\ ~, l1nc'l

.\, """"', I co uld nOI""y " 'lu:t1u;r hll did or lInt. lie m i&,,1 I~"'c
bet! n down Ihere :lnd wcm 10 Ihe meet. 11ml ! cQ uldn't 1:1)',
bu t! $l'W hiln ~fter I wa., th eN a few minut e!,
Q, You c:tnnOl tell ut " 'helh<:, it ""'" before 0< anc~ ,lie
amb\lbncc (Il,1C lor came'!
,\ , /'\0, S<lln el in1 c~ th e)' Cll m~ lh~tc ~nd then ItO 1(1 the ~1"'C:1
a nd "'':lit for Ih e amh\Jbncc, \ill I coul dn't tttl )'ou tl\:1l,
Q. When ~'ou li rsl 1!'1l. " ..ilh him. " 'ali before lhe
,,",hub ll« SUrg<.>On ca me o r I ~l~
.\. :":.,, lliat w,u ,,'hm the ambulan ce ~" 'l:~'()n came I!",r~,
Q. Thil it the r, rst li m e }'O U ~llOh to Ih e polk't o nic~r'!
A, TI.. Ihe pOl i ~'C o fficer, }'C~,
Q, Iliwe }'OU an)' Iccolkcti on or see ing him b ~ ror~ yo u ~)'('Ik e
wi lh him'! In other wo rd " i~ not your Ij r~1 Icco ll ectlo n o r
Ihe po lice o m ce r when you h ~d , om e co n "c r~:nio n with
h im?
,\, Whc n ( til'!it SJW him:
Q. I !oa~', i~n'l thU I "'h"" you IiBI n-.:ullC'Ct ~'Ci nll hi m, whcn
yOll st!l. n cd 10 $.p<:Jk .. ilh h im'!
,\ . T haI is righl.
COMMENT, E~\ln 110 a d"'!l5e wilness may be uwlul to estabi;,h tile
clrcuol\lMCts ol lho IiCene, 01 10 cont.ooi<;t other wlMesses. The WI{'
oess e.t~bt1V1 Ute a. i. lenee of olher \'/it"","'e$, ()f ntl:(l le their
le. timony, by t05 11f~1 "C to each person ",",, 0 spo~e with \lIe ~llitotiff,
and wl'at wn said ()f not sa id,
Q. I" ol her "'o rd~, yo u !aW the police oflieer and Ihn t i, abo ut
the !;IUlU tiHl c t h~ t you :11\<.1 he bad ~omc co n" ~ r ~~ti,.n·!
A. Y~~.

Q, Did hc ~ 5k the inj~rc<l mJn in your prC_'lCne~ ~!W qu el l in n.

or lIill rllu vi"e h im Ihe inro,m"li oll yon Ilad'!
,\ , No, hi; ~pokc 10 h im hill1Sl>Jf. l ie ~~kcd h im bimsd t and I
wenl C)\w 10 li~ltn 10 wh"l he ""a' s;,yi ~. so I had my
,cpon ri~II,
Q. Did l h~ amhubn<'C ''''gc:on
also ru.k\ln~, o r <lid Ihe
IKllk.:: u fficc r (;"'·c the in fofln alion Ih:1I he hll<.l 10 the
~ mh u bn ~ Slllb'1.'On?
A, No ,l lhink t h ~' :nnlmb ncc do.:tor (;,01 bi. ",m, Ih ~t I ~ til nsk
the n~ 01 e a nd add,e... , .
Q. You a rc \u lkirl S o r tIle ambula""c ~ "rscon now'! Did lie a j k
tIle i llj,, ~d m~n how be mcl with his ;I<'o i<.l ont or "')Icr~':
,\ , y~!, I bclic"e he d id,

Q, wa~ tim! in )'our ~ I\:!.'.'n (e?

"~, . ,,
Q. And in th e presen ce of the pol i~e officer')
,\ . Y''S. I ~ c1 ie,·c 11 WM.
Q. You ~~' Ille polke om ce r bdorc that , he askc\J the injurc\J
m3n where he fdl rrom?
A. y(~.

Q. Did ~ou he3r the inju red m~ n lell Ihe police Om Ci:' wher.:
he rell frolll?
,\ . The 5th <lr the 1111, Slqo. yes.
Q. li e lold him the ~n mc Ihing. th e Sth or ('lit 'l~p'l
,\. Yo:s.
Q. There is no l1UC $11 011 an that'!
A. I ch".;".... 10 K'C ir h~ was IJdli nt Ihe s.:t mc I'l:fIOfl..

Q. Was Ih" tx)tice officer w.iling it down?

,\ . Yn. he'"'U " 'ri ling il in Ih. boo~.
Q. Di d )'00 heM wh et her \he ambulance surgeon ~ot the ~ame
in fOl mati(>" 300UI Ih. Slh or Illh SIL"!I?
,\. ThaI I could nOI sa~', ( don·1 \;now " 'helh", he I~hs an
inle , ou in lh~l.
Q. W~S il . wll(;l1 yell went " 'ilh II\;; polie.: om e., 10 m~lotc an
in SJX'Ction. a fter the man h3d heel1 rcnl o,""d? D)' the man.
I m(':l " Mr. Tywn.
A. I he lieve it was.
Q. Yonr 001 , ecollt'C1ion e rtl,a t. when ~'ou went 10 JooJ.: al IhI:
stair s with Ih" t>Q lice officer. it was wit"" ~1r . TYle " had
al r.::tdy ......; u ,,,n\C"'cd by Ihe unhut3nC1:?
,\. I could nOI "' Y ddinitcl)' ..-hcl il cr he "'a~ I "~IC or "<l~ nO\
Ihe re. Thnl I wou ldn't "ani 10 ~ay ~ t ~ould nOI he .urc or

114J In'·rM iGal io n I'roctd urc~ Were I... ~

COMMENT: When" witness d~ im ~ to \lave pC rf~rm l)d ,1" ifIVUlig<}-
II ~ o( i OOlC sort. and Ie I'ave ~scerW ne d [ er1~ i" fa cts, h ~ sllOutd
be questioned to de!e'ftlIM the e>.tcnl ofll~ In.t~ligat!on . II m"y be
si'lO.m U' al Ilis "I".cst igat,e,,- wu 13>. ~u pC rl ;tt~t. a nd w it ty fe, II>e

PUI~ of obtillnlne sele<: ted l'ltCulpalory fitCtS. WilhOUt un(GVellng

..... maeipg facts.
In this ca$(:. IhI! de lc n..... nrs e mplll'(ll'e did not bolher Ie ~$k the
FI~;m,lI t.,point out the step hem which he le[1. This ~1IC1:(m ~ cu r·
""'Y. sC'klclioe Irw<n li~1icn, wilh cne gca l;[pa lir\ll Ihe de lHI'

Q. Did ~'OU a~k him to point oul 10 you dIe ~ICP. at a ny lime.
from which he rc ll'!
A. >10. I jll~1 tOOk il as he s~id, Ihe 51h or 6th M~p,
Q. Did )'011 ~~k him 10 poi nl it oul It} yt}II'i
,\, I d id nOl,
Q. U~' tile " ':1)". throUSh wh ictt o;c<:(io n o r th~ s(Jirw,, )' did )-0 11
take Mr. T yson o ur 10 'b e sln:c11
,\ . Ii " -:IS o n . !.ilk f~einJ: O":l:ld "-:lY.
Q. Th~1 is non hll'C'U Cor ncr?
.\ . 'n 131 is right.
Q. Th~ t il Ih<.! $c~ l ion of stairway Ihal when Y(lU w~ I~t"d dUII'1\
yo u m c wol~in& d own in ~ westerly di'<'C lion'!
i\, Yes,
Q. Did )'011 nl on}' li me look at. in~JlCCI (lr enmin~ nny o lh e.
st3irw~)" or
or s..'C li on slai,,"ay c~ce[lt tlli~ J):ln iculJr one
teadlng flom the flbtform. Ihe intermed iate J)I Ulfclflll, 10
the " i n~?
A, Onl)' j~r.t looking 3t th~t go ing up, Ihat is " II .
Q, D id ~o.IU look 'It lhem for
cood ,t;o n1
,h. purpo5C or s..:.;iU1: 11I,' i,

,\, Ye<..
Q, Do you reIHc:mbo:r t!t31 Mr. T yson lold you lhm he: l rippctl?
,\. Th aI he: lripp~?
Q. Thai be lfiJ)nctl :IS lie W3. going do..-n and nOI ~~lu ntbtc:d-1
A. O lt , wcll. I don'! rcally just know til<: c~ac\ words,
Q, Doc~ il m~ ~g a ny d ifference to you whelher he ~aid
"\ripped~ or "~\II", blcd'''!
A. Maybe he l1l iShl have j..1 id "triplll'{\~; he n,iglll huvc ~,id
~trifln.:<t. -

Q. Dill you ~~k him wh~1 he Iri,'P.... ,w~r?

A. lie ,!ill n<J1 ~II"W.
COM MENT: Coon $\'1 rlOW lX'inl~ ou t th 31 t"e inv.stigalion was $0 su ·
Pl!rti ci~1 that Ih~
employ.. fM('(j 10 c.a rnlne Ihe s\e p~ In Question.
OtroiouslV. il wu m Ihe i>I!101 mlerl'lOls of h~ emplove< that no oofect
be loulld. Sino;<) IlSvc hologi$\s 11'11 us Ihal nl(lhvalion will oiled pe'.
ceplion. the unoerly ing mOll'J lion 10 preleC\ hi!; cm pt!)},cr ... il\ ma~e
IIII' wit ness a " ery su perfi cl~1 inspector of uefech unue. the ci.c um·
sI3nce$, Accordingly, he fJile-d Ic as~ Ihe p l ~ inl;ff to poi,,! cu t til e
i lelr.. Jnd 1~;ltd 10 ;",pI!cllh~ 01.".. Ih"t woul d h~ ... ~ bl!M PO inl~d
Q, When you "'<7It up the :5.(<:l io ll of .t ~i n.:~l' ffOll' \h<l
platform 10 the ~trcct, lIill you IIX'~ at Ihe p]:\1~S of Ihe
lIairwJY ror the l'U'\XlI~ or "".inll their mnditi(,,,'!
,\, 1'0, 0101 U:OCl I)" look~d ~t Ih~m. The." was no . croon 0 01
Ihl"e sI3i.$.

11 51 Wi\l,e_s Uonie' Candillo" "r Sllli ...!!)· 'IS ])cl, lctcd in

I'h"tl'l! •• ~I.

Q. Do you say 10 tloc jury 111.'1 Ih~ (Corul;lion ~bo"TI o n

r)a i nlirr~
Exhibit t was or w~, nOI Ih~re. or thJI )"1111 h ~\'c
no r"cotk~lion, 0. what'/ (Ha" dil1~ ph OlOl)r:ln lt 10 th e
wiln.'$. )
A, II " ..~ 110 1 IOCI'l:.

Q, It ... ~s nut? You ha"c nil "'""il~tiw\ ,n oa~i n Et thai at at!,

have ~()\\?
A, Tltal i$ right.
Q. You It:" .. 110 h('Sil~lion1
'" If that w~~ the ,;.I3; ' W;" ,. t ('ou to/n't lell if Ih'l1 "'a~ Ihe
, 'aiN'a)" ur nnl.
Q. [ \.ill', l oo~ i nl: ~t Ilt i. c·u tH.I;tion thaI )011 ' eC hc,e, I :l.'ik ym.
ir )'001 ~1.W any stich ('(tndilion~
,\. No. I d id nul.
Q, Do yon jly il Wn$ "01 there, nr Ihat yon lla"e no
.cco\lc'1:'llnn of it; wl,;eh is it:
,\ . I didrt'\ sce ~nyt hi nl: like that there.
O. You n~"(r ~;IW an)"tt.i"tI li~c th M Itl c,~?
"'", '"''

A. No, nc"cr.
Q. You think it is somcthing-
A. I have been witli the railron<.1 19 )'cars and 1 never saw it
5lep li~e tllUt.
COMMENT; Onc~ ~ witness starts 10 boast about the condition of
something like ~ ,ubw"y, he may be drJwn into making exar,Geratiotl~
which 3re contrnry 10 the c,pcrillncc of the jury,
In this ca~e, the witne~. ~uggesl. tilat no ,t~ir' for the subway,
were ever in the ~<",dilioo shown in the plaintiH"s photograph. He is
suggesting that tile atlorneys ha'e somehow m.nufm:tured the evi-
dence. The jury is therefore required 10 cl,oose 10 believe ll,e witness
thai ll,e atlomey is a crOOk, or disbelie~e lI,e wilne5s, Such J cheice
is helpful 10 cmate, since it makes tI,e jury's task simple and clear,
nnd the probatlililics arC in tile attorney's fa,ol, It is nmre likely 1l,"1
suell 3 coodilion existed: it is less likely lI,al U,e attorney is perpetral·
ing a fraud. TI,e attorney will !,ave developed J sufficient rapporl with
the jury by U,is lime of tI,e hial tI~~1 Ihey will dGlJbt lI,at !w would bo
ttlal disl,onest,
Q. ThJt is I\ot because you have beell therc I 9 ycur~?
A. 1 have be~n going up and down smirs. but I 1\c\'~r saw
anylhing like tllal.
Q. Do you know tlielc molal plales?
A. Ye5,
Q. How Jre the)' fJ'lCllcd il1lo pl:!ce'!
A. They ~re set in wilh cement, sort of wooden dowels, I
beti~,·c lhcy me c"lled. imo hol~s. and then snewcd down.

Q. Did you ~'-er SeC the sn~ws come ou\?

A. Yes,
Q. Did you ever sec the plates break from the ,emon!'!
,\. The plllle break away from the ccmcm7
Q. The m~lal pialC th"t yon say was cCII\(.·ntcd down. did you
evcr sce thc ccment w!,ich hcld it log~thcr break'!
A. No. I can'! lay as 1 did.
Q. In Oilier words. )'OU nevcr "IW a m~tal plale raised on'tl,e
SICP 011 which it was put?
1\. I have s~w steps u!rcady Ih~t wer" loose, where a 'crew
would become loose. and Y011 would feci the least bit of a
li p "'''en r Oll would g<.l down, bill yo u would nc"er In
G()(!'s ,,'orld SeC Ihl~
Q, Did Ihc ~rcwthat wa~ jt!>t IOOIC, or thc ~crcw Illm \\'a~ om ,
th~rc wlXll d be a IO OJ.CnC~5, bil l lhat would 'Iill lea "C tlte
Ct ,n enl nn dcrnc"th ho l,lin!,! lite p lat. II> the Mep'!
A, \'~'S.

Q, "wn ... ilh Ihe ttmem hold in, Ih(' pla le 10 Ihl' ,1<1'. in t"e
3b5l:'1« of lhe "" ' C'" you " 'auld f~"C1 a c('r1";rI 1~ nc"7
,\. J\ SO ft of lip 10 kl ynu ~n o'" II W3S )oo , e,

Q. TheN i, mu re tban one IoC fe'" that hulds tbc,e thing.' d owo'!
.\. yc~. the,," are .
Q. Old )'011 ""cr loCO ,,·here Ihe re wo ul d be twO .crew s out 1
A. 'n wre Ill i~hl be.
Q. WMt ""p""n5 ill""?
,\ . The $:I me Ih ing. il ~1"YS in 1)la,~,. lhe m h....: !>CJ'CWS hnld it,
Q. I" Ulhc r "",,,,)g.
yo u nner la ... une u f Ilte!>C mt\ ~1 platts ~c l
om of place at all?
A. Th,lI il w~, on' thc ,Iai" e nti rely, nn.

1161 WItIWSS Adm;l_ Derects ,\'f Sl",,,' ~ in l'hr)(n~r"ph ~

COM MENT: E,en thouI:h the wjtnH~ de nies Uwt he .....·cr saw ~th
3 condition "" sub....-~ y MIIilS. he is asked 10 conlinn thaI the photo·
&>"aph~ dO show thaI particular eon',lIIlon.

Q, SI'tlflOSl: ,-1111 d,-s.: r i l!~ 10 11$_ 1 ..... ilI wilhdraw il in lhal

forn l. What ,",,,,",,5 Ihi s $I~I', lhi , melal plate _I will
wil hdraw Illal, Thi~ plal e j, s UPPl>S ~d 10 be cemenled 0.1011'11
to Ihe Il:tirwu)'. is tll,U ri~ht"1
A. Y~$,

Q. Vou K~ ;1 IJ r:l iloCd the,e. d on't ~o u (indic~ti ng)'!

A. Th ai I.~ righl.
Q. I b"~ rOll c"~ ' .......:n ~ {"ond ilion " ." " ", thf cement wh il'll
bdd lhc plme d"wn i, hrok~n a"-ay 50 ;1 ("3U~.'" Ihe pi:.t" 1t)
be: f~ i!"d ?
A. No. sir.
Q. You saw il in th is p iClure?
,\. 1 <.lid ,
Q, You a!so UW Ih ~t the b:tck of this pl3te is "'orn OUI: ,'311
~'ou .\oCC it OUl'!
,\, No, t can'l Icn il.
Q, Tab : look adt.
..\. I cannol I~ II it b)' Ih at.
:-'! K, M OORI;: I obj,'Ci 10 Iha l o n the grou nd lh~ 1 Ihe exhibit
~~,lh for il §.l~ f ~n d COU II ! .I is charaCleri1,ing ii,
Tnr; Wm.u ,: I coul d n'l ldl.
M ~. MOOIO E: Do nOI an~"'er,
Tut. COI:IlT, SU Slained ,
COMM ENT: t.Io lke Ih&1 M" ~jr ~ nut argue ""III lilt w~nt»
o,er whether U''s step is th e one that tile plJ lnlilf trip ped over, He
SI>aWS full <onvio;lIO" on IMI fad , .. nd moW'lo on 10 obUln the ,.nt·
ness' "&ree ment tl,.t Ille ph Q\ogrJ phs ~ .how a d el~ <ti .e .1"0 , In
other ...."ds, he COIIcenl,al'1'5 on Iho t)O!.itiYe !XI;nt. Ihe wl1 ness Can
make for him, r~lher Ihan dwellinR en II!(! n~c-'I~ pcinl5 ,
Q, Look al Ihis p lmc here below Ihe one Ihm I lIa "c jus t
indi cated to you. 1 ,ltuw yuu Ih e back or Ihb mctal pl~te
and !15k !'OIl if Iha l hack ;5 nOI a ""rfecII)' SI ",iSh l 'i rw,
litH , M()()tlf~ I Obj~'l 101h"t on Ihe grculld-
TUli COO;Kr, H~ m:l)' ~nM"~r ii,
'-' M. M....... t~ I /'\:~f'C<'lflltty C,\CCIII.
A, Yes, thai louh gh1.

Q, I a!.k )·ml 10 look <11 Ih~ Slep mllrk~d "i lh ~ no%. 111:11 i, Ihc
SI~p wh ich i ~ rai~frO ll1 the c~nlClIl and I nsk yOIl if )'o u
den ', we Ih~ 1 lhe h3ck of Ih i~ pbl e is brokC11~
~h , MO:IK~; , obj«1 10 that on the grou nd the ~~hihj l sp ~;lks
ror itsdr.
,\ . I ('OUld" '1 lel l )'ou wrn.1 tha I i.,
M M, Io\(W'RE: Do nOI answe r II ntil Ih ~ enun n,I I!'f,
r ilE e m l RJ: Do 001 ch3 rac'cri~.e it.
A,' MR. GMM:
Q, Will )'\lU tks.: rihc til~ c<mdili ol1 ~t th e back I!<)rt io" ., r th i.
nl\:l~l p lal~?

M~. Mt)(w I;: I " hject 10 th at . Ik i. ;l$lin g tlte w i t t\~" Ie> char",'.
U:rilC the phologr:J l'h "'hie" i$ i " e,·ide","". Th" j1Imlo!;r:Lph
~ l'c"k ~ ro r it ~ ~lr,
TUE em."RI. l le <'~ n I~y "hlll he ,)b"'r"c~.
MM, M.."",,,: Ii looh the re that th~ plal~ is mi ....'tI up.

Q. Il ow ahmLt the ba~k t)~rt .,r it Wh~1 do ".,lL ob<cn'c about

thc I>.XI( /"IOrtio n of thc fll~\e n ~ a r lh~ 1,,,,r1
,\. It j\l~t ~h("", y,lU "mlC\hi nB ",hi ,~, Wh~thc r \h ~ re i~
s<)",olhi nll layittJ; , hcr~ or n<)l I co"ld,,'1 ,ay. \\'h~l i~ all
I hi~ while. this hca "Y whil~?
T",· C""; RI', Do not mgue: just ml ~wer the que sti on ,
.\ h•• G \1M: I an, poiming 1(> th~ o lL llin.',
Q, Pn ), OlL ~~"
Ihe outline'! Did )'O U uh wr,'c il (lr HOI?
,\ . I «,uWn 'l Idl y,)11 ~ Ihiu!! ~h<.oU\ ii,
Q. D i,l }'OlL ob~cn'~ ;)I'Y '''''h thinll:l' yuu we re ""I ki"l~ on the
Slcp.I. thai lo rcllll(m?
,\, t' o. ~i r,
Q. You wok hin, up th., ~"ti N";.1I' h) th( nurthwr,t clIl nd!
,.., I .lit!.

1171 W;I ....,.~ W~S "'0' 1..... ~j .. J: r. .. 1)ck.:I.~ i" Sl ~ir""~'

Q, Were you o n tll \' right ~i~c of ~l r. T}'!\l n or ()n the lef). si,le'l
,\ . I "";'5 on Ihe rilllll sid.. o r him,
Q. YOtl ",cr,' lookin)!. at c:t eh ~Icp as yo" ",e re SOing \11"!
,\ , I "'alh 'd up.
Q, Were }' nu \ookinl\ at it for tl\(' puql tlW or s~c inG \\ lict llc r
I h ClC"";.1) ~ n)"l hj nS I"~ mane. with them o. "Ur,'

A, ~", j l'" M I wa l Bn;ng up ,

COM MENT: Th~ witn~s~ ;ldm~s thaI he ,vas not !oo~'ne JI e<teh SIC/I
te locale any d ~lecl' ;)oS I,e ~$(or ted the pblnlitl up th~ sI"hl.
,t " .. ,,,
Q. I ~ Ihal lilc onl y ""o,",ion you c" C' h~d f() . . . ,ing Ihis
s m irv.-J)' beforc Ih~ a~ci dctll'?
.\ , I could,,' t say Ib31: I bd ic"" I I'-....-d IlC'fo r"..
Q. When'!
A. Co ming d"wl! f,om *"r~ h) to sltopping 31 \\'~ 113m ak~(s,

Q. l10w Ions "" fo re ,\1:In:h I Jth?

A, /lUI nOI up ,md nro und Ihllt <13 )': it wa~ lon~ before that.
Q. In Ol~' words. yo" "'en: nol f:lmili;!. " 'jlh Ihe C'O nd itlo n_
I will "';th dr,lw 11 in l h ~l (0 ' 01 . 111~ only lilli e wil hin a
pcriod of ;l monlh ll\lyhow \lI:forc Ihi ~ :[ccidct\I or "1'10 Ihi s
:u:dd"111. i!UI you "WCT w3Jh>d on Ih\~ ~teps an d looh -d :11
lhe 51C"p.\ 10:ICC Ill"'; , "omlilioll was jun Ih is OIlC lime wh..'fI
yo u were lakin!: Mr, Tyson Ill' to th ~ a mbul :I I1CC'/
A. 1113\ i~ righl.
Q, :'1" l 'yl'On never 101<,1 yeu thaI he h~d rome <,I own .n the
plntforl1l, 01 w~lkcd down fro m Ihe ~cc l io n wh i ~h 15 SO f\'l:1
"'est or the ...",ncr. di d It,·'!
,\. :"10. s it.
Q, Did he I~ II you hOw hc h;ld go ne down-wi thdraw n. Did
he lell )'on wher e he lived'!
,\ . y~~,

Q. li e told )'O U he \i\' ~ (1 on r:~SI lOtll Slr~et. 21){) 1:'111 10tit

SI,ecl ~

,\ , I dOlfl lemcmll<."I' his a <,ld l ~S~.

ilK) Cs;ng ",,,lmhHld.·s

COMMENT: Probabi' rtln ~re u ~U i1ty Ih... 1110.1 ,elevanl ovidt'flte 10
" jury. P,~bob ll;tres ;l'e "I., blil~ by (omnlOO sern;e, logic, ,,,,,, cir·
c U m ~lan\iai faels. B~ C$I"bli ' hi"~ lile Oi'CU"I'I. nccI. Ille jury m ~ y
r~ ~di,>, read. 0 eoneiu!iC)f1 ~t odd! ...,ilh di rec t cycwilnenQS.• inee ju·
rors le nd 10 UUSI Ih~ r own tog;.:: a nd comnlOn sense more Ihan lhe
words 01 w'lnes~e<.
Coo rt l et estBbti slleS thai under lite cir cumst. rt C~5 the ni~i nlif!
prObably >VtIUld hiVll ust'd the s tairway he cl, i",. to have u~ ed , ,. ll'er
than ""m~ otller sta,rw;l),.
Q. !:>.) you know w\t ~rc i~ 20(1 En~t lO ll! Slrcct1
!f ~-~ " 11; !w. h(>w """'YId~~ ~~.tll w,'~? __.__ .. WII~I '!(' yao, !~'.V f,,,. I ~"ki~!; ;.t "",l'f .. _~ __ _

If)"" P'W .db. I..." .. "",~I' "'td \ .,.~)'1 ___ .

WhJ; ~rr. }i,"r ~!!!!!.';!! ':'~p'.,c"",s (or: ",,,,~ ~.; (j""s _

,,<':,':r (p lo""" ::,,,,ir)).

i',.,(';<' b I'"'~f' ~-)' ,~. jll'",,, " ,o-Ji~,,: ~,'I>C"'''·. pl,;:,~" Ii" II", O:>'~t':, .~. , )o(l Ij«l"~""l' ~ 'h~ \',·.'IU'~II' . ,b~ , ,,"'-,"

,'0,; i"=' ·.. i ~i l (",,1 ~ i'o',,·J::,ull or WNt:~r'~ C" ,\1I' C'"C LU(JL\ " '-«I • .'01:,1 111:- JILT ".;"lI "I' IlL" 1":;:1''''''' ' , F"J c" "'''1'1r

'')!.'xgm.'. ~r.-:\j .r"",,~. f.'fj 'l~\:!..yi~il [!''';'IJAA

1'1"·_,;<,,, dJ~, al')' 2 ti",~< 1'L..1 'w~k ~j~ ~ )" 'a,,


-------- - ------

~j,rl" Jnd ,,,lIIfIDo.' m,.;,

I(.o r,ali ,,,, .\",1 h.',Io~ i"",

I, ,J",~IL ;0;>11. --_ .. _._._--

,\. 200 EMI IOlh. y~

Q. Tha l;~ ,,' 51 of nroadw ~~', ;sn'l ;I'~

•.j,. Yel.
Q. s..:.·eral bloel ' <':I' I?
A. Y~$.

Q. For a PCf$O ll "-'ho Wll S walking from !!.lSI lat h Sireel. ~o.
200. " "II ll:in& 10 gel 10 Ihe Bill SUcei ~'3Iion. Ihnl person
"'"OlIld hi': walki ng wen?
A. Yes.
Q. And lhe fi,st entrance: \0 the OO"'"to""n pbtfo. m o r Ihe /1111
SlT<;'I;l slation l1ial such u pelWll .... ollld gel 10 would be t ilt
ontrance on the north",;,:sl corner?
A. Yes,
Q. TIlen '"' wOllld "'lIll down thai M.1 of Ma i.~ ,n a '.'.... Ie. l)'
direct ion ,md then mJ ~e " left lum and Ih,l I\'ould b"nll
him 10 the mezzanine, i~ Ihat righl1
,\. Ytl, that' $ .!!;lli.
Q. Such " pct$OTl 10 gel 10 Ihe r.«Iion or sillin; wh ich !.'3ds 10
'I poi m SO fecI wcst of th~ corner would hn"c to pas" by lll~
tnlr~ ncc on Ihe nonhw~Sl COrner amI keep on walking for
another 50 fed, ~o d IhJ I wouW o nl ~' brin!; him cX3C'1 I)'
when: .. ~ wOllld h~,·~ b.:cn if he hall galien in th~", 31 the
fi rst point?
,\. "cs. it :lllleads inlo nnC,

1191 ~:rrotS in 11I.·~" .. n_Wit"""" InpNfnl Wro_&


COMMENT: Sinee the witn e$' has testill~d that he Inwected 1M

stair:., lind tha t Ir.el ~ was t[~ dofect o ~ .ny step. Mr. Gili' .im pl~
.hOW$ thai the ill$pedlllll only covered the Sleps the pl~inlilf aUrged.
I, ~Id tic Iell hom. om, Uing tho stai... tic ",' uaU, Iell hom. l hut. II
th e jury d<!cides Ih~t the situMiQ n as to \lI e s teps is un~I CJ'. ItMl em·
ployc c', inspection i. mearli nglo.s. SIKh Cle~ .·cut decision. make i\
e.:Isie' lor the Jury. and a rt more OhM Ihan not. 311 thirlgS b.elng
equal. re~oWcd In the pta;nti/l"s I']oor.
Q. When )'00 sn~' YOll m:td~ an inSI'IO:Cliu n :tft~. \\,win8 Ilc~rtJ
fro m »,1 •. n'$on wher~ Ihe accid ent hnppcn~d , just wh ~t
dtd )'uu oo~
35-25 Th. Ge"IIOII"n])' '\pprua<~

A. I w~lke() up ~l\(J ()own the ~tair~. Do you mean a~ soon liS

Mr. T)'~on told me wllere il WJs?
Q. Yes,
A. I walked up ~nd ()own an() looked them over.
Q. The only steps you walked up ami ()own to look over wa~
thi, night of ,lairs which arc shown in tI,e picture which
th~ railway company lIa, orrcre() in e\"i()crn:e. which i, !lIe
night of wlir~ going from the intermediate platform'!
A. Th~ one thai he lold me he fell on.

Q. Th~l is the only one which you actually inspected for the
purpo,e [)f ,~"ing whether there was ~nYlhing wrong on the
A. Yes. ~ir.
Q. When you made that inspeclion. wa, the police om~cr
wal~i)lg lip wilh you'!

A. No, I don't know wllcthcr Mr. Tyson Wll, thcrc at the time
that I walked Over il with the police omcer or not. Thm r
woul() not be positi\'c of.
Q. I didn't lISk }'Oll whelher Mr. "1"),'011 wa, there. I "'~cd }'OU
whether YOli madc Ihat inspection. looking at the stcp'-
A. When r looked at Ihem first. th~ police officer did nOI go
with me.
Q. Did you m"kc lwo in'p.ctions"!
,\. y." [ looled them over m}'sclf, und then tllC police officer
and I lookc() them o\'cr llrtcrWllrd,.
Q. When )"ou looked al them li"t. dill you walk up the entire
night looking m each step. :m() Ihcn come ()own again?
A. Yc'.
Q. And you did 1he same thing with the police officer'!
A. Ye •.
Q. \lath tho,e inspections. once by yourself Jnd onCe ill
compuny with 1he officcr. were only or thaI all" flight of
stair> and not or tile IIrJnch 1h~t \c~ds to the northwest
,\. There "'liS no complaint of Ihose olher slairs,
f 3~O lll'" 35- 26

Q. OUI you d id uot look lit lhe on '/

,\. No . sir, I d id nQt.
COMM ENT: Nott how /.Ir. GDif aGtepts the ";tflllSS' repe~ l ed Unf6'
s po!tlivenl ss, me rely rC JK'~l int I~ IIU~l lon, lolc!ilting the witnes$'
""or like D p;!r~nt m i ~ht t<>lc'3te tlte mi SI~ke of 3 c!li ki, in I)rd er 10
get to the point.
1 1'~ c ro ~ ~ e""lTIi nati M t""elude. ~Her it Is m ~~ ~ tl e3' that tilt in·
SPKtDf alld potlce oillee , had both c u minrul the WIOng s tai rw a~:
their tc"I ITI CKlY iX'c:~ mc' ;"clcv~ "1. The l.:tel 1hal Ille i1l5~Of hac!
f~ik-<j to a5k the pl., intl" to po in t ""t Ille 51ep l, e (ell 0" , and u,,, d r·
CU,,"MIlCII$ unae r ..... Iel\ lite ~t ory n.:IfI.. t~d to tne insp«to, by
tile plaintiff, ,,"pla in th e mi1und clsta nding as to the Loca li"" of the

PU! I>~"plc Were P'o,enl When ,\mllUl~n.e ,\rrhod

COMMENT: Courtsel (I)ndu<lef by coing 1lYC! ""me old eround along
wilh a lew incide-nlal matlc lS, Thi 5 i, a Cood te~ "niq u u 10 trap t~ e
" 'IMS5 in eotltr" clicTory slal(lln""ls JOO .admj5Ilon~.
Q. Whe n (h e ;"nbuI J nc~ i UrSeC>II ~arM "'ere Ih~r~ m any p.! opl c
,\. yc~ , w nte moN,: ~1aP~\! on Ihe W~)' nU l, th c)' woul \! 't il)'
~routld for n ... hil.'.
Q. Di d )'O ~l a lk any pas><: ngcrs ro r th eir na mes ~. :I wiUte,s 10
Ihe (on '~~l ioll " 'h k h ) "(1\1 h."td "i lh Mr. T}'5(lIl?
A, No , i ir,
Q. M e )'\w 'a milia . " 'itl, (he r~..:ords ),:CI" by !he ~Ilh...a>·?
,\. I am riOt.
Q. 11,i , rai!wny ca mpan y!
A. No . • ir.
Q, With rC'J)o:C I I" repai r!; wh ic h me mad c'!
,\ . I dOIl"1 I;no ..' ... hal lhe)' do .

Q. How Io nS d id it I ~kc )'uu fro m (h e tim e ),(}" gOI \h ~ c~l\

fro m !he chief di~p.;l ll·hcr·s ome.: ulll il y.... U gol ,10" '11 10 Sih
,\ . M~yoo ahm'l \i~ or scw n minul e'),

Q. ilt h~ I WCC " thel! Ih~ C;ln h a ~! go ne [rom 8th Sireet \() the
ch ief di!pJlcher', on ke r. "nd !lIell lhe .:hief di. patcher's
ol'l",c called yuu at ! 4t h St reet, iii Ihat (he w't y il ,,"Qrb '!
" " ~,,,,,
A. The asent calls Ihe chid d ispalcher.
Q. ThJt i~ Ihe llgent a. 81h Street?
,\ . The ~I:~nl UI 8111 SIn:O:I C:I!!s Ihe cllicf d isP.l ld lt'1', ~",J II,ell
iI' lUrn h~ ~a !! 5 Ih~ ncnr~SI ;",,,,,e1Or 1(1 il.
Q. Which w~~ )'o u,..."lfl
,\ . I ..... :IS the ncare~t aile Incn.
Mil. G" III: 111~f~ all.
:>.111. MOOIt r;: You may .\ell tio,,"n. I will nrr~f in c,-itlellCt I h i~
, ~r'·c)'.

MM. GAm: No objl'Ction,

{Su""-cy admimd in c"idcm'~ ~ n d markc-o Dcrcnd~nt'~ hhillit

§ .15.(12 ('tmS ESA~ ,inalinn ar S.t"",)· l'orll'1'

111 (',mel".I"" of Direct TC"'tmnn)'

Q. How ".an)' Ijm~ in Ihe rou.~ or Ihe da)' do you 5Wt~,..

11,m P:! 'I ;o:u)~ r 51'1 or 'l ~ i fS?
A. :\ll<)u\ three times. "b~uI three limes a d~)· .

Q. 1 show )'011 a picture ..... hkh l,~s I",cn o ffered in c\';dcnc~.

['!ainlifr $ IOAhib,. I. a'lti a,k )'011 if )'011 Io a'-c c"c r '''''" Ihal
rond i. ;01\ ~ I th" non h"~1 rome, o f n',);Iti"'IlY :md Hlh
,\, No, ,ir, no co ndition li~c Ihal.
Q. I, it )'0'" dUI)' \11 report defcctiv" cOl1d il;o", to your
cmpl Clycr M 111 )'00. ,ulwri" r?
,\ . Th:11 is ri"'l. yes, sir.
Q, Ir you '''1<1 !.Ce n ~ ,-onllit'on lite t h~l ""uld you 1'3,'e
,\, yc~, sir,

~'M, M"Otl.f~ 'nl ~t'S all.

PI Wil.c\)' H,'SI'"".ib.... ror H,' purl'llI: lkf,'eiS

COMMENT: The !cllew ing Wlt" C~$ Is tim pet sGn c l ~lrccd " ifh fhe fO'
srwnsil)ilily o! m~ intaini"g th o $~b"'JY slai'"Me ",~ e re the ~ceid c nt
fi:>lc thall hl! plainllll must prove 11131 11K' oele ndan! hall "ctuat or
constu.cti.e nl)l ic~ ~I the delKli'le COflditioon ~ I thl! stailtaSE".
Q. M ~}' I haw }'(lur n~ m c, pl ~a",7
,\. W<'!.1.

Q. Mr. Wesi. yOll Wf re th e only roner employed nt the lIlI!

Street ~wtion~
A. In Ihe d"ylime, n s. ~ir,
Q, Whal wcrc )'our houl s of wor~'!
.\. From half N~I si~ unl il hnlf p~11 fivc.
Q. lI> from youu..M Ihere "'.11 nobod)' el se cmplo)'ed by Ihe
subw~)' wh o i n~r>tt t \>d or looked ~I thc ~mi r~ for III.:
(Ml 1flU'" of M'l:ing Ih(i r «II1<1;lio... a. r" r U Ihe <I:I)'lime
...-ork "'as C'OI'C'C. n~>d?
A. 1\0, PO one b ut me ~"'C'CP<; il.
Q. In OIher words.. if )'OU do nOI JIIa~c a ,,,,,,,n . is il "")"0011)'
clsc:'s dUly In loo k nl th e $IC r" In .,'" what !heir o:nn di' ;on
is'! Do )'OU \1ndCr~IJnd ", e?
,\. I umicr.;13ntl you, ~'~$. I don'l know IInles! Ihe in$J}Cc ' Q'
mme. Ihrough an d 5cc~ il.

131 DUlk, of In~ llCt\Q' III SlnlioD

Q. Unlel~ ~n i ll~~IO r tom~s Ihcn:.llnd how ollell do )'nu .co

the il1 S~lor thcr~?
.-\. I Sll.'" him Ih~1\: ~"cr}' mofnins. c,'~-ry d~)" .

COMMENT, Counwl el~,ts Iel.timol'ly 11\;1\ directly daftl.lCH lhe

crl'dibimy or Ihe ";Ines.s. Commoll n nse and e.p.... ience Indica te
Ihal lall:" mellopolitan sulru~y IoySltmS do 001 employ enOll&h In·
5pedorr. 10 "",kc
daily inSl)C<:lion or" pallitula' s lallon I....... ble . The
jury will believe Ih. t Ih8 .nllleS$ is distolting II>e 13tts to 'elYll the
inte rests ~f h~ empIO)'lu .
Q. Where did )'ou ~...: him"!
A. On Ihc station: 110 pankular place.
Q. Docs he co,lIe thrOll s h nil a Irain and lW' orr o n Ih o
A. yc~. on Ihe !),her side.

Q. I-Ie com.:;; through n" 3 tr 3in a nd b'el< ofT on Ihe pb tf"'",,!

H-29 Th" Gentle",".i)" .\ppr"".h § 35.U2[41

A. Yes, on the other side.

Q. I-Ie comes ofT ~ train either downtown or uptown, and whm
docs he do? Talk to the ticket agent?
A. I don't know wh~t he docs all the time. but [ saw him
coming through thcre.

141 Wiln~ss NC"cr Obscned Dcfccli.'c Condl1ion on the


Q. I think you said you never saw a condition like that, and
you arc talking about this picture, Plainlifi's E~hibit I, you
said yon ne"cr ~1W a condition like that'/
A, No, sir.
Q. Did you sec any condition where tile scrCIH were OUi of
olle of thesc iron plates on the ~Iain.'ay"!
A. No. sir, I ne\'cT COme aero" that.
Q. You nevcr rome llcross a condition where the screws were
0111of one of these iron plates on the st'lirway'!
A. No. sir, I ne\'cT come across that.
Q. You never come across a condition wherc the screlVs were
A. [\;0, sir.

Q. I-tll'" many )-'ears have you been on the 8th Street ,tation'!
A. I have been there. I guess. about 8 }'ca,-,; or 7 years.
something likc that,
Q. In all that time on none of the staim'ays. on nOnc or the
section, or ,mirway ha>'o you evon scen a ,crow out rrolll
any or the metal plate~'!
,\. N(I.

Q. You ccnainly have not SCen any condition whero the

comeot w~~ hroken away from the metul plate nnd the step?
A. )./0.

Q. You ne"cr had" condition whore the ,tep ",as in any way
raised at all?
,\. No. sir.

Q."-ere aU perrett?
A. 'I11m i~ rip ••.
COMMENT: OI"KC ~gitln Mr. G~l r elic~5 Inti"",ny 111.11 e.poses lho
~ia s cl I~e wilneu . It ., not very credible that i.. an e ight·year period
a .u bw~~ potter WQuid net '''1\1~ ~VCI cb.ervcd J delcct CI problem
~n a .'"irwJ~ in 1M statiOl1. In conjunction with his rwior tes!iln pny
111.t an inspector visiled the slation ~ve ly day. this testi mony portra~s
a bi,sed witness.
Thi. segmclll of cross o,~ lT\in ation demonstrates IIl al sQm~tinles.
'ilther til an dealing with a plau~;ble assertion. il is belter if CI)\II'&e1
attempts to I"ad thc witne~i mto makit'R ~n implauSible ~ss.ertlo n. If
the witness is wllll,,£ to ""1ke M impl.ou sible assertion. his plau sible
Jss.ertiml"!i becO<t\C UnllUSIWGnhy.
l!etc , the >v<lness Is led ' 0 e.le nd his point into a05Il..:litv. This. "
commonlv avaibble when Ihe wh ness is IcstifV;ng 10 thfo salety 01 his
prem~ or produtt. I.. Ihls case. the wilne.~ is IlMI to sav Ul3t a ll tho
SIt'P" M .lai""31$ in lho t.ubway we", -pen e<;I," which ,~ CO~I"" ~ 10
Ih~ ccmm'l n e.perionce of Iht IlIr~IS. J",,,, ~ may believe th.:!llhe wit·
rocss noy", s:wt il step with" Klew ~e. bullhcy wi ll neve' 1)ellil Ye
tho' al l til e st~ps cf the SYb .....1V Me all "perlect." By le;>di nC the WL\'
n e s~ lmm the ~ausible to the Imp-lauli~l e. c(>Un.el dcslr'lJ'S tl,e credo
ibility of II~ wiln ess.
Q. Did you work ~I lin)' Olh~r 'l~lion?
A. I workcd at 5 ~"cr~1 Oll~t !t"lion~.

151 WitMC.,S [>,,'11!"" l>hotto;:r~Jlhk E,idoncc

COMMENT: Tile witnni l$ now led 10 ~ssert Iha t he h.ld never S«'I1
lhe (;ondioon 'efletted 'n the 1l1~lntiff's pho\o!!'"aphl<; evidence. Ac~ln.
the wilnn~ is d'$IIuling I~e very eKistence of the coodil,on depi(ted
in tIM! IlhOlCglaphs. Amn! f'(lud bV Ihe attomeJ'S. Ihe phOlcgraphs
00 not Iii!. Ii is unli~~ the jUtors wilt conclude that 11M! a ll00ney com·
mil1e-d fra ud to crea le Ihe COndition; thcrel'lre . Ihey wiLl h~V(! to con·
d ude thOlt the wil nKS is s>m()ly WIOng as \0 whelh("f thaI tandiU....
• ver existe d.
Q. In other wO ld~, th~ !.'Ondilion you "'~ hen: in t l, i~ I'ic\ur~ .
you dOll'! rccollnil~ as 1t:I\'i l1g ~c n at 'Ill)' lim e. '111)" I'\'\C~
you cvcT worked?
,\. :-lo. s ir. not In tIle c\ltldiliol1 lhm i~ t)\crc. nO. , iT.

Q. Did ~'ou " 'CI M'o ~ I'\nl~ nli~C\I'r

A. No . • iT.
,,',' "
Q, Or ,) k~ ing ou t rrom the edge <>f the ~teJl'!
,\ . N il, ~ir,

Q. ,\ ~ ~-ou familiar ... ith the r.~ct thallh"r~ i~ j;r:wd or !;<:mcm

which ra~ ten ~ th~ plat e to th ~ ~ tcp? lire )'011 fam ili ~r wi th
tha t f:lc!'!
,\, I-low do yon mel,n ~ ra!tcn"'?
Q, Do )"ou know ...·hat \.:~"-'P' the plare down on the 1.Iep'!
A. yc~.

Q, Whl'!
A. Cern,'nt, usuall}·.
Q. ,\t nu tinle have }'OU C'W see n nny re pailS made to fix that
condi t;"n on this stairway?
,\ , I'll.
Q. Do ~un dean th~ I-I'I'N; in the morn inr,?
,\ , I ,wee)l them down , yes.
Q. Do you "'~"" ,hem dO"'n 1001
,\ . Not ,lIc st ain.. no. , d on'! wa~h the .tairs. but th~ walls!
gener:,I I~ wa~h.

Q. The w~lls?
A, Ye ••
Q, :-.Jow ... hnt tim e do ~ou wm h the Willi !'!
,\ . I\ bout once a mon th: I don'\ wu!h them nil the ti111Q: abou t
once ~ month.
Q, When )"011 ~wecp oo\\'n the ~t e fl' I ,UllJl<)SC the pr,,
go On Ihe other side?
,\ . ] ~lll p II mi ] Ihey p:i~' a oo tbeR ] b,·c to ''''~'t:p them :1S'lin.
Q. IIIl not
\ '011 do~ off the li,airway7
,\ . Oh, nu.
Q. You don '\ d ose off Ihe .'a\'....a y .... ~ tn you ar~ .... 3~bi n&
A, Oh. no, I w~ i l IImi l the p;:oplc pass !lie a nd t)lcn I 5tart
ag:l 'n.
Q. t ca n not bear yo u?

'"- --' - -- .""!W""!I:.•
'"·"~*''1I .. r~ "11!l'~ JO~)I

" .~"I'N!tJl"") puc "U'f) "'!I 1"~u"d'<J Jua,ue ~.Iu~I'J;';:.;" ~:!II~" I

i.l'.\~""'1:'!, '''II ,~, I""I'I'"~"I' ~1'h,,1 ",'.1."" )"~ : ~ ~ 1",1'\ ".L

..- "

- "-

,IlllP, .11 ' ~JI"" 1:1'" ' "IIII.lI;"WI:oJ 'S~I"C" ;,\, ,0 I.1'1011'" '~"I "'I! 11 , ~-;>." I (II1,'i,

- - - - i.I'I(J'I~<uo'r ;'[1 (I: """1: ~j."'" ""';''1,\lU''I'1I: ';'''I~m "'<II!

.. ;.I"~I ~t' ''''1,\\ ')1 -C,,,", jr . .. ,.'I"!'I' 1'-' '' '' ''~ j'''~11 P!tl

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f,'I"I ) """": , '11''''(I) ~:;-i'J!i;ii~I>3,i,,! ,illii),;:"D5' jti,in-;J5J

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" "" '" I~ ,; I..~ 'I) ,' ," 1M " ''''!) l ,i.r· ·"I' I~"!""I, I
il~i ji~'W(j \''''fA'''i.>.y 'I" 'J ',,;iiOiiil"';;;A "i W'ibji!:)

"\Id.-, II),', "',) ' 1'-;)"' 11''"'1 "' 11 ,F' 1"'rIL~ 1111' ,)\)1 I': '" 'Ill" > \1('m''' ' ~L'lll'':) ~ ,"~1 !')1\\ '" 1111'::[-<'1-, ,; "'1') l !~!,' to'.! :,0'
"'.>!"0:> ~,~, • "'''''' I(',\:; "1';<> ,:.'U.,,,b> II '~11 ',; "''I'~,'''' "'I! "'I ,",~l'( ._ '::" f.. 1,." :,,~! p.>'" "''' I".I _"' '("''''''1'''' ~" :, "'..!
,-:r':17:f(fj'Xi\f,lTI"'t'Ii" l.,' ",'~i

'(,\l1.'oJ,: "' ''''III) jO'!'"

,..N" \ '01<," WI' : -- "'''''IC)\1'l''1I P:llq,,-.~,.,., : .- ''''I!' ~.~ ~I""I ''':I s","",'>:l>;~ jHfnlic JI"'~ ~'" :nIA\

;:';'fn.-'i" I''''..-I: .il lc'-";(H! 'W .( ')I 'J\.~!'" "~ "" \ 1'1"IHI" ~ p'1LH'II:W"" ":1'" "''' !LI ~, ,,d 'H','; II

.. _ - .;,i"-,, 11"""' 11.'''''' ""III -' If') ,,"d ''''(.I;

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,""ii~or. rr'l:iii,\{
!fy" " <I;'i.·o. how '''w)' lL,ile, ,,-~Jl ".,y') ... "" __ ,

!f}~" P"~' ,~41", "" wmll~h ":\c_h """~.? _ _ _

11\"'11 1"',"'11;',,-, 'm:, ",,';,1';/:)1'1 ,,1,·: \\,),, 1< at ""II:, \\'h~l ,1 0 )';);1 'lC)~~ ",!l \, ' 1 ~'",1 i!',":,,;!:!)c'1
WI~,. "<:Sr"r: !.luI> ____ ,,; ri"". __
31e r,,,,r ~!!!!!L'.!! ""r""L
L~;L'"~ (p h·:L.<" ,p."f)'; .---." ,.",,'-

;:'" C':lru .·~lct'" r ut" tiu" ,~, ,u..ri~,,1 " _ ' I"''''':• •'I.;:,,~ Ihl ;1", ,-" lrt,<J' y. lik': ji"'l'''''w~ (:p;' 'b ~ (Ie_1i"""". "" ~'" :C'0Il
;l'-" ',.;,il e'M ~ ,.,-..... r;'l~lI ru Wt" ~.;f'~ C(lllll'eu,",u"" ';<lili, 'n:J 11K:- ..t1l1,lti"" lor lh", 1,."I"'~"1
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!f)"" p,,~·,~41". "" wnL1l~h ' ' -,:11. "",~., _ .

Ii' )'''" 1" ur.-ll;I ;.o.: iUly ,,,,, ,, bl:;,,:,~I, ·: \\ hik at "<HI:, wh:LI dc, )';);l "C)~":" :I;, :;1~·",1 i'.'-'-'...;!:I)c·i
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,,,-,); ~, ..-;,;[ ('M " 1\-... r;'l~lI OJ W\,, ~..,-·~ ( \''''l'en,-,\JOl1 ,lJltj, "".!lIb<:- ,J", .,tic~' "r Ih" 10""[..",,,1 {'u, o;.':""l'~'

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i!:,I)\I p:ty ,,,11;. 1,,,,,, Il",~il ':i!.l:I.\ "'~)'? .'"
II )"'" l'",,;h;~ ;my ': "';')""I1);:1;s wh il" at ,,,"... wi~~t d(. 1m, "''''~'J:ly ",~".d ,,~!.Jl;~ 'j

h" ~~ dJ ,"I "r:" ' ~' ol'(",,, r",IL,,",lj~,,:

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"'~: ;:.::' ;·i"~. (nll\" "1I·Faul. or W" rl:,,:'s Ct!",~"",~,ti"u cu,,;!j. ,u:J III<' .Jm~li~'n '.of II", I,,,,,,,,,,,,,!. r ", "" " "'ilk '

C·" !'I.'.'.'!) f",'<) \" ," \,:~_ ( r,,!J~~( Vi: ,r.

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;:.~,;{""t'on .l'oJ 1~'l>'Ji<~ .
t: ,I" ,':lI;,m:
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Wlt~ ;u~ ),&!,r ~'l'!!h'!l c<!,c""c, ("" 1",,1, ~.; Ii,;<:s .,_.
(~;\"~ (lI k".<~ ' I,,'~ i f)') : _.__ ... _ , .

F" .. <;, l')) , ,,1_.':< " ~ <>f li.I"t~, mN!t~,,1 ~·'I"""". 111.)"'1" Ii" II:" ,,11011<)1 ll~, I;<q'"·",,l' ~,!- ,I'e \,<,'II.,(UI. Il'" ~",,,.:,,
:('~: i""" ,'j~il ("c~ " I"-·,,·J';[ul l ,,,. W(·rt~,.'s (:" "'I" '''';:O[W [\ N~ Ii . 'I1\d ilK JilT "ti,.'11 1.'1' TI~', 11':<01 """ ·'(, FlO, c.''''''l'ir

f ,J!i ~-"" "''. f.J)-1.1m'·'l"~. (,I,,,;'UI)"

1·lw.; i,,,I IIM dl('· ! ti,,,c< 1'41 ,wo4, :c y,'un;

" "'



(;, fl:: ~n~ ~"'''''tJb>lli"",·

1l",,~~tit"l ~,wll:" I\~ i,,<;

I;,l"pl;n" ,
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!t' >~" I!:O~' ,,~b. b"w ",,,~h .::!(q "''''0'' __ __

WI~,: OlIU r'''',r~!"I!!"! c_< F''''''' {o, . I",ol~ ~.; <1""$ ._.
(~:,~~ (1' '''''''-': ~ p"' i l)' I. _... _........ "

ii, II' <;;f;' " :oTe!p" ~ "I 1;, "" ~ ,,,.d ;e,,! ~ .• I"' ""', I'l",,"c I;" 11", ""I'·I,<'~.'·. I)~' I; <-<J'".,...., "') ",~ J',,,,
'''C'''. ,!,~ ( u, ;,.",
,'0.': F' ·.. i~il (,'''' ~ i\''''!::ml, (1f Wwk" ,-' , r" 'I1 I' ~ I";'''U(J1\ «lI t] . m:;: 11K' J UT,, (i'_'lI "I" Til" 1";" ' '''~'' 1. r. " ".,,1<,,1'' '
1) 1!\·".m.'. f,," J'. t<" ,~:;\'. ..-:"~'J·!'!yi~,,. ~''' ;''J~,!
phl'_';,·,,, 1Ih1;'I')' 2 (uu,,' 1'~1 w<d; ~I:.' ~ )',.""

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I("" r~a!i,,,, ;"~ll ;" I'~ i ,, . - ,,0""
Wlt~ ;u~ y""r a!!.'!!!ill c<I:~""c. (,,', ,,,,,I, ~.' ,It;:;~ __ • "il'k·~cI:f:~'\lI:"I!li"'lI'''''; .....•. : d'~h,·, 101 ''' HI.;
(~;\",. (lIk',<~ ' I,,'~i f)') : •.___ ... _ , '

F", ..;, .." ""I"f'~ ), "I' I" I"t~, H1 N!t~,,1 ~." >e,,,,,. 1))')-';" Ii" ,I" '''''O,;~ , ~'. ,)~, ,jC'1"'-'~'1' ~~. 'h~ !t<,'lI"r,,'. ,h-: ell'''"''
''''ll. "I\d :IK' JILT il ti"11 "f n~, \";"'11"'' (, r"J ~,"I ' "ph'
~o.<: i>':' I'j,:il (,,, 'i I, I"-·,..J"H!I I ,,,, W"rk~f' s 0.,,\11"''':«:''''''

f :I,'!~_"_" '''- f ,Q,',<1" -' '.' "'~. I,1''';'1,~)},

l 'h" _,i<-"l lh,~ al'Y ! ti,",c< 1'41 \\"~~k '.' y,-aI'S

_..... .. .. _ . -.-. . .. .
.... "

("fl:; ~n~ """",l-" II""'"

It,",~,,!i~., ~,ul h" I,b io,.:
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1:'.",,, drj",. I,Q•• ""Ill) ",:I~~ W ".1,. '! •.____'. WI,~j .t.)"'" !':'.v ",,. I.:d,,,,!; ,., ,,,,,I "
I!") ,;" 1''',' ,,,Ih. lww Iln l~ 1l ':'1",1,1 ",:1),1 '""

IlllJ~ j""eh;,,o¢ ;",:.' " M'"h!:'''~c~ < ",toil'-:l{ "",I... ,~jl:l.l Ii,. I"" u"~P',~;Jy "Il<"'" " ;:':.!!;!)}

ii,_" '',,,-,, .';[h;/l'" Yl'!' 1'""" c" ",~,h '",: c,'!'"""". 1,1"""" I; ~,i ;1,,'. ,,,'"'1:''' :,', I! ~' 1'''''1'''-'''' )' ("11,,, 1,\-;,1"''''''.' Ii" " '" :,·,ll
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1:':"W~I:f.'- fI~~lL\\',! ' ~~. (; ,), r _ l~r. yj, i.1 Il l' I;,(i,III
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." "

Gin" "",1 ~\"""\'''h''''';'

~~.,,~i'1(O~ ..... ~I I~,~ :)i~' . ---.-- -_. -_... ..
,;,I" "" ;O}t.: .' ,----- . -~
,\ , Wh~n tllC)' p;lSS I !Ian w'3illing :lgain,
Q. In o ther word ... Ih~ (}~ .. ~nscr5 &0 o n and YOII then do your
A, Y e! ,
Q. Tbi~ is the I tai rw3)' th3t is OfXn ~JI night?
,\. y~!, Illal'! OiJ<,'n n1l nighl,
Q. [t is not one of Ih~ ~t airw:l)' lht I~ clostll o rr at night'!
,\, Non~ m cur sl ation are dOSl:d,

161 E.'Id~~ nf "osl. An-IIk.1 R.",.l ...

Q. Whon you t losc orr the stairway, the onl~' ti me you :le\U~lI y
close it otT anll mark it "do:>ed." is when )'0 11 ar~ ~ClUall~'
IruI kill~ :lOme rep~i " on Ihe sl;>inoa}'1
A. I (Io n'l do that, T he men nm).:;'IB Ihe rcp"ir~ do Ihal ,
Q, Th3t is ..... he n you dosed il orr, when ItlCY nf~ mnking
Itp.:t.i no \0 the slai ...';lY?
,\. Yt'S.
Q. Oo n'l you re membe r n lime wh en the)' had Ihi ~ l i:liN'3),
dos.:d with in;> ........,k Of two ant,
Ih is :uxidcnl ~
MR. MO()R!C: JIIsl a nt!nlll0. I objoct (0 tllat.
Till: COURT: He :;.a)'" do )'(111 r.: nlem\x:r?
Til>. Wrna:.,:\: No, sfr.
Mit. ~hXlR£: Counsel ha~ 1'111 in hi . IIlIeslion something whi ch
is 1101 in e\'idencr. Il c sa~-r.. ~Wh..., il is dos.:d orr wilile mll;.
ing repairs." Therc was no tt'Slimon;..· Ibal rCfl.1lrs W~TC made.
MK , Ci"IR: lei m<: a~~ )'011 this., Mr . Wn!:
Q. Whatevcr 1m: col\dilion was of lilt: !I(P~ o n Ihl: I)Ih of
March. Ih, l i~ wh~ n lhi~ uccid~nt h,p!\llllcd. ,,"a~ it the
"" me condit ion o n lhat dJ}" .... ;1 ,,",1~ 1I1f( ; dJy~ lalCr o( 5; ~
"a~5 Inler. on Ma((h Igl lt?
/l.lR. Moo:)~~: I Obj\.'("l 10 that.
Tilt COUMT: O~erruk."d.
MM. MrX,ltf: I c bjecl lO thai as incompetent . i rrd~"anl and im,
11l3t((i~1,. 1,,"0 QweSiioll l in OM, 3nd on the funh",. gJolllid il is
a que~t io!l relat i ,'~
to l w ndit;o1t three dars and ii~ <ll~'$ after
the happe ning of th e accid~ nl .
MR. G AUl: I will eonrn:a il up.
T Ilt: CQUIIT. Subjm 10 ronn~"\:. ion il is allowcd.
M~. !\I()()~I:: [ '<"5pcctful1y except.

Q. Now ;,ne r <III thi ~. do you .Ii ll unden tnnd Ihe qUe&lion?
A. )/0.

Q. l~1 me Mk il in Ih;, "'3y: You ,,'Oli;cd Ihere on the :I:Ul\e

station an<! walked up an d down thc ~Iai ... after !\Iarch
J 31h. d id 1'011 nOI?
,\ . Yn.
Q. For ho .... lon g d id you conlinl!<: 10 ,vCltk thero afl ~r Mard!
13th'! Did )'OU work there a month 01 two mo nths or
,\ . I a nt ~lill Ihcre:1I thi: samc ~:u:e.
Q. h kc Ihe period of a moml! after Ibi s acciden t. Was Ihe
comJitio n of t)l~ ~tai,",,'ay. that is Ihe scc1ion of stai"
[cading frem the middl~ pL1cfo rID up III<: no"hwC11 Cotnel.
"'3' il chi: ""mc condition during th.11 wholt mOnl it as it
"'31 on Mar<:h I J th?
".JR. :o.h)()H: Do not answer th at.
lll al is obj L>c\cd 1II:OS npp lyi nll io a !oI:I\c of faCIS a~ to Ihe ton·
dilion o f Ihe sl~i ....'ay a month a rlet th e a«; o.l~m,
M~. G~IK: It iI Ihe ~~mc obj~C!!(ln ~nd Ih~ wilnc~s wi ll ~gai n
fon:el the qucs.tion.
TIlE C()l(;~ I, O'''rr\ll~lI.
1'0111., M IM)~r.: J r<$lX~rull~ e~~p!.

Q. Do }'ou "in I:<:<.'P th . <tlll.'Oo,ion in ~o\lr mind'

A. No.
MK. Ghl~: Will you rcad th~ !lu~~tio n'! (Qtl\.~tio n r~~d by the
:-'IR. MOOR I:: I r~speclfull)' submit thnt whal wns there" monlh
aflcr".. ards 1m, nolhing to do with thi~ accident.
TII~ COl:ltr: Subject to conneclion. The m~in i~~uc in lhis <:asc.
and the jllry might ns well know il now. bccaUle I am &a;ng to
Iell ;1 10 Ihem in my charge-is whelher or nOI there wm COIl-
slructi,'c notice of any defecl. if lhere wa~ ~ defect. and this
~oc~ 10 the que~tion of notice.
MH. ;"looRJ': A month allcr the accidcnt"?
THE C<H,'HTo I assume Mr. Gair i~ going 10 go " month aflcr-
wllrd! and a month before, if Ihere is an)' defect. The whale
question in thi, case is constructivc notice, if there was a de·
feel. I don't Soly Ih~l wa~ a defect. ! don't sny th,tl there
w~s. but if tit ere was, did lhey have ,'onmueliw nOliee"?
;"IR. MooRE: ! respectfully except 10 Your Honor's rulin~.
:>'1~. G"tH: Do you think we {~n get lhi, queslion amw,'rcd?
We h:we four objeClions to the .ame question.
Till: COURT: YO\! ma)' lake a general c.~ceptiolt.
:>.lR. G.'IX: Read the queslion.
(Que'lion read by the Slcnographer.)
,\. II was the ,,,me to m~. I did not ~ee Imy dcre~t in any

Q. You didn't see any difference?

A. :-lo. sir.
Q. In other words. during lhat month you were thcre. I mean
a month after. you were ther~ from half P:lSt six in the
morning unlil 5:30 in the c\'cning?
A. Yes.lir.
Q. And all lhe lime you were Oil thcse Itai" workint:. YOll werc
doing there Ihis sweeping. and sometimes once a monlh
you wOldd w;t~h lh~ walls?
,\, Yc~.

Q. You would not ha\'c 10 close on' tile ,Iai" ror either on~ of
thos~ tWO lhiltg5?

A. No.
" " 'J<"

Q. You have ,~en the 'lairs cia!cd afr from lime to lime whell
Ihere were repairs'!
A. Yes.
COMMENT: Posl·accidenl repairs may be relevanl on CrO" emmin.·
lio~. The wilnes, hJS pre.iolJSly lestified ttlat the stairs wme in fll'r·
feet condition. He now stotes th"' the ()I1ly time the ,tairs werc
closad oft were for repairs to tile ,tai'w~y. Ttlus. if the slair~ wem
closed off, lliere must h~ve been repair, to Hm stJirway. and if r~·
poir, were rlCee"iI'~. tile stoirs mu,t not have been in perfect condi·
Thus, otherwise inadmissible eoidence may be brougllt to the jury',
attention. if ttle proper fourld~tion is laid for its u.e to attack 11i~
credil>ilily of the witncss.

171 l'lrulogr~plric t:"idcncc or Subsc<lucnl Repairs

COMMENT: Coonscl is now prepJrcd with ~ photograpli 'howing cir,
cum,tances whidl Ic~d tile jury to cOlI<lu"" th"t the ,!ai"',"~ w~,
clo,ed off lor ,ep~i". Since tile witncss lins denied that the stairway
w~s ckJsed, he nlay be confr()l1tcd with J photograph 'howing tho
clo,ed stajrw,,~, to impc"ch his credibilit~, The r>ilolograph showing
tile closed slairway is admitted in e.idence, where it 'IOrmalty would
tiMe bean inadmissible.
Q. Take a look at tlli, piclure and sec if Ihat is Ihe same
stairway goia!; to the Ilorthwe~t corner, and if il i, "ot
dOled oft'!
A. Yes, il i, closed off here.
Q. And if I e~lled ymlr allc]\lion 10 the facl IhJI Ihi, pklUrc
w~, taken Oil Mllreh 26th, 1936, th~1 would he 13 day.
"fler Ihe accident: }'Oll didn't close it off for s,,"ceping, did
A, I didn't close it off for thai,
Q, for ~ny purpose?
A. I didn't close them off for :lIly purpose al all.
MH, G,IIR: I aft·~r this in c,·idcllcc.
1>1H, MOORE: May I 'ee it? Objected to :IS ineompclelll, irrele·
v:tnt lind immalerial: all Iht: further ground that it purport, 10
show a .tate {If fnels as of March 26th, 1936, I J days aner Ihe
alleged accidcnt.
'I'm COt:HT: Let it he markcd.
§ 35.02l7J

(PhotO(;lOIph Jdmi n~'C.I in e ... idcnc.l, n' ~rkcd I·~, i n.i ll's EAhibil
12, ~mJ h~ ndcd to Ih ., jury h)' Mr. O. i•.)

Ul" MM. G."M:

Q. :.low wi lt leil th.: ju ry ... hr iL ""liS closed o W!
} "OU

,\ . P~,h 3f1S they Weft m a~ i ng rCp3!~: I ,,":m't knoW" Ih~l: I

did n'\ iCC them .
Q. 11 cerlai n!y w~s 1\01 d"'l'd ofT for ~ny I'U~ of )'c ur
A. ~o;I.

Q. An d )'IlU a.c Ille only m~11 IIUt t works un lhe,c Mairs

bw,~~n half p;\SI ~x in lh ~ morning amI Ih'c o'dOl:~ m
nighl. ~ far ~ ~'our ,..0,* i~ rone<:mctl: Iha t il>, ,here W~11
no Otlt .... port~r?
.'\ . No, ~i r.
)l.1R. G,'IM: That's all.
COMMENT: M,. Gair m;)~ Ihe POint IMI Ute slairw~t W3S d OW<!
13 oayl. al'er ' he a~idMl' a nd Ih.ll lhe onty reaS<Jn the SUits woutd
be clo><!d wn 10 make le pJi rs 10 the ~ta1r&, Therefgle. I h ~ ;nferl.'f1ec
i~ that the lef)J ;r wa s re qulrcd to th ~ ~la lr that <all Ied til<! pl.j"tifl' ~
1.111. Tho evlck:ncc would net h.lve be~n admissit>le , tlut lor th ~ Icstl·
mMy of ' he w.' ness Ih.l\ ' ht ~t .;,. we,c pt,l~c l. aM Ihot the S1.1lrl
did nlll , equlre ,epai".
HaVIng im palfeo ttl<! ",.Iness' c'~d ibMy e " th ~ , ~ cenl' 31
i"u."" ~o~~$el ~top~, ' 3l!l cr than to pfoceed in all crlcrt 10 sllow di,
rectly tll al IMr~ was ccnSlructi"e r1Clj~ o, Sudl nolice m. y ~e I:St~ b ·
lilned by d lcu mlla nlill evlo;ience a le ne .
I~I \'OII'~ <>f Wi' ..·." I.n ..,ft ... ' " 0",,,,,1.. ,\" .... )"
101 In, II ... Io." Tlm .!j/ .\<<I.k.'
PI 1M•• ", ,,,,,.,('1 I'''p",~ \\'11 """ 1..- Ik".,I" ..,
I~I I .'''' of !><~ltI ~n ,,, s..~ (,'"'".,, ~I'h 1).1-,,"" ...
I~I \11, • .",' "'I<nd<l"~ ~,, ~ n'
II.j WI",,",,, 1b4 N. R,.. _ 1'. II< "" "" II.,
, III U.. of 0"1•••,11_ ". SIoe_ U_" ~ M;"" I. l'... tI ~
II~I T<";n~ ~~'''''' .... 1t« . 11 001 u.ta!b
IIlI \'lIDo ,. . . - ", ... SM...... IItp~l .. In.,,,.., l .iothh W.", ' '"'
II~I 1"'I',"""WU' r of (JoIo",o" 1.\ 1~ ", .. 1II Jo, On, hll .\11..,.
I' ~I 'L',,,'.~ WI,.",' f)l"",,",, .. 0' ]). ~,II,
11 61 1J<""'n"",".~ I" >l""rr. ,\1.""",""
1171 I.",n.h".' C. "J"",_ \\'J,.."" ~..,.<' w.....<l I',.I. ,,!!
JlHI 1'.11.« ,. Ik .... t.h<~ 1I,""".... ".f
(191 '_,fl-:= (',,"'lJoi~'I' "" 1~.I.I!!r_. Wi' ..... ,

S'''''''UlT.'' ,y lJolic /-"/UYf (lIul l """,IOClO'J: H<-.,,,,,b

" ~h l~'.fi,·,,-!·~ar...,loJ "'(lm~ " "'i'~
injured w"~n ~hc l.cppo.'tl lY.le~­
WMtI~ ilUlI "" " PC" " air"':'!!, in a ft lnil c,,~blisinn c nl. SI' e brouShl
~ IIi t ~tuinM ti,e ~tore ()W!)C', d ai min s Ihm Ihe ~t~i,w~)' Ihoui d ha,'c
been gll lrdod in !-Orne f<lshi cm, Th~ onl y IwO lle'SOn! who ('l ~ im~d
It> h",·c ilCill:tI!~' will1".,e<llh" (,11\ Icslified Ihal Ihe pklinlilT Wn5 in
the proc~liI of re mo"iag a rai n bonne l <I I Ihe li me, ItXtk IWn Or
Ihr., !lepS bad ,,"ard, an<l Ihrn reI! down the sl~i N, l1'c~' IC~l i fjcd
(uflhcr that til<: Mairv.'ay "'-:U l'I:ad il >' \'i~blc, and th . "l3inli O' did
nOI look ,",hen she "eppcd h~c~"'-J rd:l.
In Ihe rolto"-in~ croM exam'natio ns. pla inti frs a\lmn,'Y i~ (\~ Ic I"
sil O"' l~lI1 h . le, 'im onr of Ihe wil nes, .s is scriOl"ly I~i n lcd br Ille
inlpTll!'ll:r innu~"';" ,,1' <lc fc nse \:I"'~WS and i m uralle~ i n " e'li~:'lm"
aml Ih:" Illdr dew,ipli"n. of Ihe acci (lcnl arc lI1\1nl~l",orlh~', Sine'"
Ihe wil ne,ses me y()ung, and Ih cn.:lorc vulllcr:,hlc III s "!;i;C~liI)Il'
frotll all()rn~)'., Ihe imp roper influent\: by Ihe defc-ndani's :' "0 TlW~'
is n crucial fac.o. in nsscs!it" IIIe im[>:l rtialil )' of the wiml~i, The
' ''I\.I e~an,in:uion Ia)~ .Iie V(lll nd ...·ork fur roun<;er. fi tl3t ;lfgU -
mem ,1\;,1 their 'olimony ~hou ld III: diM"o unl,... ,igni fica" ll)',
The jul')' aPPlIIcm ly ;'1'-''',.... li ndi"t Ihe dtfe" tla nl 8~ (II faull
and the pla intirr 2()'!\, 31 fnul!, all d ~wmding a ~ ub_'tanli ~l ~u m for
11m Illnll\llff! ",rio", brain i"Jury, Thi, lra n:>Cfipt d em" n5lf:lI ~ !

how t h~ interaction b..,twccn lWO c~:nninaliOlls "' :t)' incr~J sc th e

i l1lll~c l of cad i on I ~ jury.

1'1 C.. ~[h,,;ivn of 01r<"<\ ~: ~~nlill.ti,,"

.\IH. l'UE>l,,:
Q. You don'\ kilo,,' whether the lig ht WM on ,)r ofl'!
,\ . • 'kill" ' tally , cmcmbo!r. • nolict o it nn Illc way out for
lin' C.
COMMENT: Tll0 del~ n~ ~I1()1r1<!y "n~ hi~ lliu:tt eu minill iO)Jl 01 the
wrtncliS willi ~ point th"t "'ill ~Wlm ... 50<11e imooltM(&. The lothl be ·
]"Il di.cussed I, ele is th e ligh t I" U,e dO<>l way at the top 01 1MB stair s,
The wiLnc s.s tlDirns tllOll I he SIOlil! w~ e Y~ible-how can she ~nllV'
Ihal il she dotsn', remember whe l1>('1 Ihe lillhl .,~s on at oft.
TI,e lact that tl,e lis l,t w~. on wilen sl>e loft i. 01 110 pro b.' tNe val·
00. The plainliU was lying on the bottom 01 the sla' lS. Bc\ween the
!lme 01 ,he f~1 1 and Ill<! to m<! Ih31 the wit n ess left, Mil nolice d th .1
the light was on, a nun ,"., of peop le ~~d 'u~hed 10 II, e p l~i ll l ifj' , ai d.
The ligltt (wid have been \ul ned On ;Iliff the plainHU fett. b1 one of
the ~~te whO wenllO ~; d !>e',
Mit. l'n ~K~: Th~ l"~ ~!l Cindy. Ih~ nk yoo .
T " ," COI' IIT : M r. R(>lI iur?

121 ClJnI~CI S .. Ith [)cr~uc l .u,,·}'<.'I'S l1l1d [n ~"'a~<.·~ CIl!l1p:,n}'

Ml' "'\$nI'''' i",,,;
Q. :>.1:,), J ~~ tI yo u C ino )" li S "'..... '!
,\. SUIe.
COMMENT: It defc,, ~e G &\J,, ~e l did "at a,k pe rmisSi(1I\ 10 c~fli it e wil '
nes s b)' her lu, t na .... e. ao; ltte plainlllh attomev 1\;15 done hele. th~
impliut,oo IS thaI he tS a lready 'aml'ia" f' U!Mly ~ r>d pclhaps eYe n
fatherly towardS ltef. wll ikl the plaint ilf's coun &e l is not. Tlli s CMI,i b·
ules 10 Ihe a lc~me ni coun,fo/ will blJllO- tba t the ~, 'll1C!.S ha~ been
'nfl~n ood by Ih. dele n~ allom")" • .
Q. • """11 II) 1~1 ~ ' 0 you ~ kw nUUlIcn lS ;,honl the IIl1n,hu, o f
lim,,,, y,lU ha,·t lite" 131ked 10 h.... th e jk:oplc :' W.lci'll \~1 with
d tll er I\lr, Gtlldoll', i'l , ur"n cc compa ny " I' I,;s bwyc r>
.... ."..
bdorc coming here today. \Va, there a time ~llortl)" lifter
Ihe accident when an imurancc reprcwntati"e ellllle lind
~pokc \0 you'!

A. Ye"
Q. And you willingly spoke wilh him'!
A. Ye~.

Q. And did you talk to that msur,lIIce man mor~ til"n once'!
A. yc~.

Q. How many time.?

A. I don'l recalL Two or three.
Q. And in total how much time did you ,pend talking with
,\. Ahout an hour aHogcthcr.
Q. Thi~ would have been wllcn YOIl were ~e\'cntccn or pc:rh:tps
jll~t turned cight~cn'!
,\. Yc •.
Q. Do you remember giving a depo'ition 'ometime :Igo?
A. Yes,
Q. ,\nd there were lawyers for hath side. there. is that right'!
A. Ye~.

Q. Other th,,, tlmt day. how many other times haw you met
with the lawyer! for the insllrance company lll1d )'lr.
A. ! haven't mel with Mr. Gordon since the lledd"n\.
Q. me elmif)" Ihe question. !-I'lve you mel with hi~
A. Yes.
Q. 110w many times"!
,\. About three times.
Q. And when was tile most recenl'!
,\. Toduy.
Q. When was Ihe tim~ before thm?
,\. Wednesday.

, ~,
§ ~O IPI

Q. ,\no.l when ,,·,u Ih ~ ti m~ b~ forc thai?

,\. It was a lo ng linot "-So, 1 do n"! rcm~mbcr.
Q. Did thc)· lell )·ou thd r vC(1i'Jn of .... h~t h~!,!"'n~-d~
.\. N".
COMMENT: B~ e,pkl rlng Inc witneS$· "","eral meet," g~ willi thc de·
fense att<llne~5 , ec-.nscl begins. major tllCmc of the erC IS e.~rninD·
tion, nam ely tll~t til e Jtt<llnc~s irliluenced her testimony b~ \e lling
her what Il.pp elled . 1\ i5 on l~ after planlinG Illi. notion 111M coun~c l
lurn. to tile substance 01 tilt witness· testimony.

131 Witl1<.";s Wus Il!s tr~cll'Ol

Q. :'>low you $.a id yc ~ " We Ih ..e 300Ul fifle~ n IOf twent y

l1li n"I~5. W~. til'l l firl~..: n or " '"nly minutes h<lrorc Ih..·
accident 01 includ ing Ihe lilll\: that yOll "a~'cd :tn cI tht
A. \leforc the ",·~:i\t e"l.
Q . .... tld yo u Imd $\",n\ \I tJ'" nmen lil1lc in the trai n ~h (>jl bcror~
thl: acc id em O("c urr,'1I~
A. ,\bout fift~cn nlinllle~ .
Q. I th ou&11I }'ou ~IlCtll ab{\l!! r,"c minutes in the 1)\)\ !hOIl " Ill!
then )'OU wcnt ill the Ir<lin shop?
/1. Ye •.
Q. ,\nd )·ou h~ d 3 friend wilh you i1\ Ihc train ~h"ll?
,\. Yc,.
Q. ,\00 "'h~ t " ":IS her n~me?
,\ . \Vc nd~ Ilowe U.
Q. And Wendy ....:t~ Sia nd in& righ t ne", to yo u ~t t he li m ... )·... u
s.:ty yoo ,",,"'" MIS. T,>dd'!
A. y~

Q. Were )'<1U coo l! fr; ~ ntl. ,It 111,ll lime'!

,\. YC!.
Q. Ami would it \lC .arc In a~sume you were talkin/: with Itcr"!
A. Of ~"ur!e . )C~.

COMMENT: Wh<m two Df;cp le ~'e tegalMar th e~ allM di5h~ '1 C~dl
e[h e' with cg.nvUrs..1hc n and nOl1·"crb;J 1 ce mmunica lMl n. SUCh ~ "\1I~ c·
,,,... ,,,./

hOftS dimlJ\ish Ihe likelihood thai a ptl"son ..O\IId be Po!Iyin(l: mueh a t·

tention to I,er sll"ou ndings Or other pecple. rather th~n watch ing he ,
,omp~nion .

Q . An d werc )"ou ~ i!li n~ tim. wh ik Juhn w~nl aboUl hj~

hll ! i ncs~?

,\. "es.
Q. John was deal ing wilh Mr. Go rdon ~I Ih e lime?
.\ , \'e$.

Q. He WI" doing wh ~l"vcr he wa~ doing ~l\d )·u" we ren't

P.Winll any Jl\ention \0 hi nl. w~r~ \·O\l?
Q. 1)0 you rcm~mhcr what you wore t~lkinl' :loom ".. ilh )· ou r
rri~'110 W.. ndr ..·h.. n Ihe Todds ..."me in?
,\. No .
Q. \\'hal d id you imend ' 0 do 110", d:t~ 0\ 'be mJ1I1
,\ . Sh Oll.
Q. w,," Iloal )Onle\h in!: )"OU oid on 5:llu..13)·S wi,h yuur
A. Yei .

141 Failute 10 Ob,er>~ o.:: 'ails

CO MMENt: No",. thai tile Inlerence has IH.>+n (mated that the .,ll·
ness ha d no , ,,,,~on to "b~~v" the CVEflI closely. counsel IIlu$lrat~
U,nt th e witness ~id nol o~se"G a number 01 dot,"I~ or circum·
1t .l n~", 01 lite a<:(id~"t.

Q . No...· h"w wn~ (he fi nn pcTwn who enICrL-d df('l;' ~"". do ym.
remc mb<:r that?
,\ . 1'0:0-
Q. ll ow w~s (h~ second per,on who c n(~ r.d d rc~,.J '!

.\ , I don·. rcm~m bcr.

Q. Huw .1110"( the third I"'"on·!
A. Mrs. Todd , • do n't 1;" 0 ..·.
Q. Do )011 rcmcm\><:r wh~t ~i n,1. if ~n)·, jac~c\ Illc h~d Uft:
A. No. I juS! remcmhcr hcr rain h~1 ~nd ~~rr,
, , ,"

lSI Wltn('ss' 1'lI(Ir \'("'tag~ Poiut

Q. Co uid yo u ICC h~r fect fro m where )'OU w~rc ~tmlllinB a~ she
A. :-lo,
Q, You mu ldn" ~c Ihe 011; ffom ..'h~"'. ~·ou w~r. 5land i" c.
Whl"ll sh e ""IIte",,' d, cou lll you ?
,\, 1\0,

161 DcmnuSll u!irJll "r 111)..- Witness ObSll n'~d ,\cddu t

COMMENT: Tile "", illgo ~f ~n ey~w' tn ~$ , ~ a lw~ys v~y ImperUn!
in evnl uatine what 11 0 cou ld ~nd c~u ld n ·t s M. Whllf\ eyc"ilne~ . le$!i·
monv is c r u c i~l lo the U~ , n here . a phYSIcal demon$lralion III the
wilnes.· ob' ervMicn will be "IQre pers uasive to tll O jury tll~n J mere

Q. M~I'hc ynu coul<l ~t.p <l0\\"n here n~~It\ fo r me pl c ~I C, I will

po l up Exhibit 41. e",nc dnw n here. Cind y. 1 just " ~n l 10
dn w I nu. :mcm ion to Ih" point "'here th e doorjamb i ~.
whe re the exterior wall Slar1~ nlld tile dour stop_," thi, [lOin t
loc le.
... --- ,\, y ~, .

Q. If >'(Iu df,,", ~n im:rr:i naty line, i. i, COffeCt that o nce ,...In;.

TOtid cro,;ed into !h~ 1 :irea !hc never wcnt b"c~ "c ro ~ Ih~l
im3&in~ l}· li ne?
,\, C,'rrcct
Q. And she " ':IS ,,1"':1)"' "CI1' d o se to Lh. ~1 3 i lWa y Oncr ~h"
bcg3L1 walki ng tlta t direction?
,\ . y,~.

Q. An d do )'011 ~ now Or til' you Icmcmocr ), ow far i1 i~ frulll

,he lOp or the M~ i l$ 10 Iloi$ li ne t103\ I ~m a ski ni\ >'0" 31>0 uI1
,'. ,\be ut titre" rC~L .
Q. Did Ih,· b "~..," lell ~'Ou Ih3t'~ wh al il mC~~\l rcs"~
COMMENT: TIlt iu d iclClu ~ u~ ~ f tl"lls wggc,tive <\(>I!Slion l runfor(~
t ~e prior tim. of que" iofline Ind Uuies \100 jUly to W<lndO, ju,t ~ow
the wiln c's knew til e exacl mc~ sur e"lCnt.
A. 1\:0. 1 Il" "e ;1 in m~' deposition.
Q, Why d un' ! )'OU ~i! do"'n, "ow , f "'~ look 11",1 Ib rl;<: f~":I.
"'he r. "'a~ :-'lrs, TOO<l "" Ih ;n Ihal sp~ce when yon ~ay she
1i.~1 llI.';3 n 10 ,0 in :t hackw;nd d ireelion1
A, Where WU~ ~Il e away from (h~ swirl or how far aw~y from
the ~I:ti r ~?
Q, Well. "' a}'be )'O U w ould com e dnwn hc . c, I a m )OlT)', I
wlnt III ma~c l ure wo und~UI~n<l Cach olher, Yo u ha"c
lal~cd aboul l IlIftt· fOOl di n.~nloio" fron' Ih is l i n~ 10 III.:
top of the stair~7
.\. Right.
Q, An<l you ,ai<l nt some poinl )'OU saw her begin 10 ~Iefl
backwJr di~
.\. Yf!o.
Q. W!lal ( WJllt .0 kno'" ;\ wht:re she Was w; lhin th:l1 three
foot SP'lCC when ~ho: fi n l ~ n 10 wal~ IKtcl;wa rd!o. Was ll,c
uho ul in Ihe 1I'Ii<l,lIo of It?
.\ . Site 10':11 ,100PI a fool·an<l·~·h~l f aWl)' from the Sla;J'j. righ t
Q. So you P\ll he r abou t J fout·:m<l·a·h31f aWJY from Ihe sl!l in
UI . Ile Poini sbc fi B I 10 SIL"P hack. is Ihat ri~ .. ~
,\. Yes ,
Q. ,\ /ld you '""'" hf t step back?
..... 1 saw her mO";ns b~~ ~ward ~.
Q. Yo u d id n'l ~hou t out 10 ".lfn h«?
A. No,
Q. You did n 't think ~"c " ';IS in :. iJOsi. io n o f dangfr:\1 tlLOl t
ti me?
A, 1 ~id n't thi nk ,. '
Q . Tha t di~n'l JlQ thro ugh ,our mind?
,\. No,
CO MMENT: Since jU'Q .s tru5t actions more Illan wo, d~ I' om a wil'
oos~ . I~" fa~1 th at th e wil "ess di d net sn oot out a W;l rn ing to t~
ptainlilf &\JS8C~ls to t~m WI $11" uid not obl.,n l\\to ineill"nt.

PI Wltne~~ Oid :-;'01 ~c I'bi"liffs Fee!

Q. You t':ln t.. kf tile r.t3nd aga in. Gi"cn your fIO~i t ion , how {'It
away )'OU wcr~. 3nd th e fact ~ou ~Jid ),o u COUldn' ( :ll:C her

feel. ;,n', il 1111", l b~1 !"OU nn on1)' u~ ,h ~ m n,'W 18
inches. )'ou C~tt ' l r~all~' (clime how ,,'~ny 'I~PS it took h~r
to mo"o 18 ; rlCh ....?
A . Well. ~~ ",a l J\)o ul 3 root·~ n tl ·J ·h:M ~,,"a)' from the Ml irl,
ju", liguring leg mo.'ernenl, ,)tould~r m o.'~men L.
Q. I'm j llM tr'ling. (0 und ~."tand ",hat )'011 me"n. YO\1 Ire not
\Jyini\ you aClUll!y , 3"" h~r re ct move two or t)lr~c li llles.
but . 3\h,,. you s.:;w h ~r 1I1 0" c 300U I III i llch~~ a",llb~n roo
al~lI mtd llIat ...·oul d he aooul two c, thrill: ' lePJ?
,\. Right .
COMM ENT~ Exh time C"""~ can $utte!.,lull,,;how th., . w,t""",
is b~~ng tC$ti m<l n ~ en an ~$ .umpI , o n, 1i1 ~ w,tness ' !estimcn~ i~
wNkened, 1'1 01 C>tIIV ca n coun M'1 atl.Kk the aUumplion, bout the ju·

rOil mav ~ondel a bout the rnt of the ..itneu· testimony-what l'f-..e
, he a'$ume~, .a lh~r lhan observe d!

lSI lkt ~U , 0( the ,\ ccick. t

Q. Ml"S. Tod d Wil, ,,'t 1:'I~i,,~ ,]( the (ime ~he rell . \\"IS ~h c"!
,\. I dOll'l ! h;n~ su. no.
Q. llhj ll~ Y"" 5~i d . he "''' ' pln)'I "I: wilh 1\e.oon nn I "'A ni to
~no\\' . l sthat just an ~~Jl ." " i Q II Ur \\'JS ~h~ duing someth ing
,\. She \\'JS !hn~ins olT the SilO\\'.
Q. W..,. it olT h" r h~"" when she \\'31 doing Ihal?
,\ . ~ o.
Q. Bo,,' "'3 '1 sh ~ sha kinr. it if il w:\.,n·1 orf hcr ""~d?
A. Sit e "'as adjusting il ur rJlakins i( whil e i\ "'<I i Ott.
Q. Did .h~ It ~\"c hc. h ~nd. on lh • • trin,,·!
,\ . I beli",·c r.o, ),c];.
Q. Did ~lt0 ha w he. ha nds on the , Iring. wh on ),ou ,a,,' he.
,\. I don '! kno\\'.
Q. Do fOl:l h o...· ,,·he. e her b:mlh " 'crc when she r~ll?
A. I du n' , rem omber.
Q. Do you kn "",' Julie Rcctl'!
. 6_1(1

A, YI'S.

Q. Sh e WaS wi lh you ,hal day'!

,\ . yc~.

Q. ,\~ I II n<kmll.nd it , a fter Ih e acri<k'1ll you neVer wcnl

directl )' In the h~" d of Ihe stairs wh ile /1.1 1'$. TO<Jd was .<Ii ll
in I hl" b."\!m~nt?
,\ . ;""0.

Q. Wh~t I JJid "'a! "orren?

,\. Yes.
/91 S.hsl'qUl;'l11 \' I~il l<'l the SeerI<' oC lh ,\ <~r""'.1

Q. Unw mon y tl ll1C . Olher than the d ~~' of the llccidcnl h~,'o
~ou b\.",n in Ihe 11':111) sloop?
,\ . O" CC.
Q. Wh ~n was 111 M?
,\. I do n'\ rcmembo:r when.
Q. Il.-fo re o r :!flc ' Ihe acci den t?
,\ . ,\(tu.
Q. AI)<Jul 110,," 1011&1
,\. [don"t rcnl"mh~r fo r Jure.
Q. W3~ il " '[Ihi n :l. }'cm aft.'r the 3ccidcn\?
,\. Yel.
Q. Wht> wen: )'00 wil h nn Ih al OCC':l~jon?
,\ . Julln J l<lwd l.
Q. What were you d oill8 tbcrc?
A. We "~r.: I""k inr~ W~ .... ele ju~ there .
Q. Did )'O~ talk "', Ill Mr. Gordon 11I,\I day'!
,\ . No.

111)1 \ "il llc.,S Cn,,', Sa)' Whdh,', I.Illhl W~, 011

Q, ,\ 5 I II ndc rSI;lnd ;1 you c;m' . "'I' o nc "-~y o r lhe olh~r
wliel her Iii" light a t the top or
I h~ do orway wn s On !>crate
til e at~idcnl , hll. >'00 d id nolice ;. 0 11 "'''~ II ~'ou lerl 111"
'Io,e ~flcr Dori. Tod<.l h;ld b~c n [clllo" cd '}
§ .106.1111111

A, Ri£hl.
0, b Ih"l corr~"<:I?
,\, y~ .

COMMfNT; Coul>$el demafl$h~ tf:~ tht witnH'>' ul'Cef\ainty 'ega,d·

ina wll"thel t~e light wa ~ on al til e lim e 01 the JC( idc nt. C()IJn ~cl "p.
pe"rs 1,,1, b'; "'.'it~ liroil the t nl"" to.timonv 01 the wit n~s on the is·
~ue 0\ ""'tetn el the liaht I'la . 00, Otller ~ tlo,"eys mig ht le~ve out the
will"ll'SS' teslimon, concc,"ing this isslIE', The da nger I, the j"'1
wOu ld remem!>er Ihat lhe witn ess leslif<ed Illal 1110 light w~~ en when
the plainhll ... as , emoved, ;ltld the ( ' OSS ""lImine. migftt al'flC~ ' to be
Iryi ng 10 t,ick th~ jury ,

II II \\'iln os . /l ad ~() RClIsnn 10 He I'~)I~I: ,\lIcntlon

Q. Th~ Ihl~'C
ntcm oc'1'S of th e group who Icft tile fronl door
a!\:3 ,md , k~d o~<.'1' away f'o m Ihe C11 tI)"W:lf , were thc)'
doing nnylhi'I8 nul of th e onlin",!,' '" f<lr ~~ yeti ,'auld
,\, No,
Q, Tllerc w~sn't an )'tllin e &pf.· da) Iha\ ~t1ra C lc<l )'\)11 ' ~ lIcnlio n
to thtm?
COMMENT: Cou('I$(!l poill1s oul aeain thaI Ihh ",tneSl had no .ea'
~n to bI! ~yinll " ltffitkln, ~ nd III orefo'e d;g nol elolely obscrv~ lhe
,mj>O,l ~ nl del;>its 01 the inc>d..,t.

,\, No,
Q, ,\nd )'<)u ~I rcad)' lold '" 111~t I)ori~ Tod d, lh e wOllln n )'0 1(
nO'" ):no'" to he Dori s Todd, wasn' l <loing ~ nj1h i ng
unu,ulIl wh en she cnler~d'?
,\ . :-1 0,

Q, Did thc thf~e p<'(lplc wh" "."Ik~<l ~",'ay fm m tile fro lll JI'Ca
w:llk in ~ (onlinu n~~ r",hi"", o r did II...: )' SI(>P ~ nd IlIe"
w:d k further to .cJch the fIOilll where you say they were al
the li me !he :lCcidcnl happencll?
.\ , I <lon '! rcm cmb L",
Q, Wn uhl )'ou ugree 111m :Io1 t'S, Todd fell wi lhin ten \0 fifteen
' l!Conll, from ",h,'1\ . he cnlcr.:11 t h" SlOr~'!
,\, Yc'.
""" ""

:'II'! 1<"'' 1',I
· --- -_.. - -_._----- · ~"'1'IOXI r~I\' p,nIU~J"" }I

." ~" <Il',I! JI<'~. p,,,, ,a)'1) .... ,J ,0"'10(\._' lu~n", ~J" " P ~');\P " 11 )'!'I

i,i'""~""" I' ~'! t '1 " 1''''I'''~'~I\I' _'1,;",:;;1 :'U:>:.\ )I>.':~' I~' 1"\ 1>.1.

.. ._._-- -..-.. ---.-- ,._----------_.

~" "

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.-' - - - ;,PIQ'I;>t.""'1 ~~, P\ :>I~'I: "''''' ""J'q;nrtnl'"' _'''~~" ,"Ol!

;.1"'1"" IL~I.\' " l "',~i jl - ------ •• , -- - - .• -- t, ':"! 'I' I"""";> "'II 1"(1
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1,i")~O "-"".1 'J IU,'!l) ;;:'_'''i!ii1"'';;'h:~ ,i1j!Ii""","iii.;' luiiiWl:iJ

",IL-" .' i .~n lI>·'" k>,1 ~~'"') i: ,\d~t.·III I'·~!Y"'1,1

t'iie);:I~li l"!.\-;;';1" 1"';) ,:;i(:;,il>:ilij 'i.i;r.tfif,)

'''I' 10",,,.,. "'.I ' 1",''''11':>11 "'11J" '~)II" HII' ~'~! r-~R '(I"'" 11f'J!""",. cllll".l s,""'111'1,\ \ J" II"c;I••1" " \<,U J l!~'" ,..,,~ ~>~.'
''' ,' II LLI 0,1 '1 "'''' ')'''' ''' '''Il l'' /;,,,.,'1,1"' \1 "' il ,.,,,,~r" IC,l ~\III; !1 """"Id "",,,... h' ~ I''''!I'''' '' ',)L"I",LW " ,,,\I~l"" 'p"J "~',I

'~'h,,{l '511,;~~i 'ii ,ijii'iiq

-- ._---,-" --" ,"- .... ',_._- (,i) !;o.""~ '''''eJfflJ ;~.I!l"

~ " "" \ ' '.I ,'\LI~)P :' .. '''(>lI';~' I'l'ld l'"i1'.' I" , ,, ~ ,I,,, ' .. _,'""I' ~ ........- !'IIWl CJ r.~ ,~:"<,,I~~ li;;'' -''''!J' ~l ,( ,ll t :\"1,'\
1.>nrr.' ;,11'",,,le " r;e:u,."" "0,( 0)1' ICl!," '1"'<\ I" "r!~," ~~J~"';NC,"" ,(ur. M'f~'I~"k[ '((1,\ fl
, .......... ,,,' ~,ic,,, ([.IT,:; 'l~"'" ' ''''I " 11'>1 ,'l:d "r. (,Ii
;,'1 ,,;\\ )" t." ._V'~1 .K>J ";'~i n~.i CO' '.'1.",' ,-~ i.";"" i,,:m.; ~" l:;" ,("'~I' M<lll ',1.1,'1' ~"':;j
""U . ,,~~ .,~,,~ <l1'1\, A d'l" sr. ~,,~mml ..~m~f " l 'I~"'I:' iY"'" ':'1 !~'\"" l ,,\, "I' hI" l J
G;'ii;; i I" ;;('P" :~\
'''')' Wllnc," .'

Q. AMI .:IllIioS 1110"' I" " 10 fi fk en S«Dt1.:1~ you ,.:<"",,,'1

u!,«linS an ~(cid~M I III ~ ~ppcn. W~TC you?
A. No .
Q. You \\"~r~n'l c~p~"'"'Ijn!> 10 h~"c 10 be in coartt"'o )'e,"" I~t cr
1:lI~in& aboul . 1. ....erc )"ou~
,\. No.
Q. There wn~ n'l ~nylh ;ng
in parliClllar lhat lold )'011 YOII
~hollid CGn(Cntr3tc on Wh31 )'ou ...·cr.! seei ng'!
,\ . No.
Q. Was i, (H"Ofc::l51 IhJ I d<,)-?
A. Yo s.

II !I J)tnml ~I"'I;ng I',,~hiun uf 0111<." Wilau,

Q. Whcn )'Q\I Doris Todd bl] .:10 you h ow "'hl: r~ JOlin
Ho"' cl1 ....'~. 'l"ndill~'1
A. !k was S I ~ Il(ling at Ihe cash r"~isl"r wilh Mr. Gordon.
Q. l.o!t If)· and und" rsland Ih i~. TII~.c is a ('()Unler III .. r"
bcflind ,,'lI ieh Mr. Gordon SI Jntling?
/\. Y."
Q. An,1 w~s Juhn op~silc him acroU Ihe cuunl er?
,\ . I belie.'c '10. yfi.
Q. SICP do" -,, here "~ai" pita",. I WJn' )'OU 10 :l5~U me Ihnc
rcel ansular hoxe, 310 cmlMIC". o~n)"1
A. Y("i,
Q. " r Ihe ha.·" )"OU K<:n Ihis tlr:I"" iPB ""for" lotla)o'!
,\. \'~"I.

Q. Tbe b"'~'crs ~llOw~d it 10 you I ~~I wcc~?

A. Y~$,

COMMENr: t he jury is o;onstalltly ,emlnd~ IMI Inls w'I~~ hiS

~""n preP'l ' !d ~ Ihr lIele n$e ~IlDJno:Y$.

Q. Whcr~ W:l~ Il,e cash rcsi,lcr. on "'hid! of lh"!c~

,\. This one righ, hm: .
Q. \'ou = " 'here Ih is II is. Arc you SU f( il W~S'''1 . iglil in
fronl of il""r~?
l6 _1} t loUl121

COMMENT: While tllis question is unlik~ 10 eI, .... a , eveual

Tile wiln~s, it gloC$ the Imp,essioo that Tile 'lul'Stiool" is <:arnMtly
...... kine: to Cltle,mlnl 1111 b ulh. jU$t a~ tOO jury is.
,\. No. I rcmemb~r it being .m th is one.
Q. You ~r~ poill\iuS 3t th ~ one 31 the lOp or Ihe diagram?
A. Yc~.

Q. And John 1[0"'1.'11 WaS o p!)(l~ilc Mr. Gordon. is th:ll riCh!'1

A. That' ~ "' hat J r~mcntbcr.

Q. And th e)' we rc ~oin& business ",ilh c~ch olher?

A. YC'S.
COMMENT: This pOint will be oonn~cted in Ihl.' t'USS 1!J.lmi·
nation ol lhe SKond "Ye.. ilncs.s. in the case. Thl! 1~1llrrtOny that the
second ~tnMS WJos conversiog wilh Ihl" own ~. ali ne ~to ,t at the
time th~ accIdent exeuu l.'d .. ill ~OMJme imllOllanct du,inl his "os.s.
examinat ion .
.'I~. Ror m :w: 'rhou ~r~ all the 'll1cstions i h~\'". l h ~n\; )'011 .
§ 36.(12 emn t: ~nn!ln"tl,," or S\:CI)U~ Wilno"

111 CUllolu.lon or UINOI l':x~",i":ltion

Q. ,\nd )'ou S3V~ a ,mlcm~nt to tile insuranc~ com pa"!'
iho nl)' afte, tlK: :"'ci<lenl as \0 )'(}Ur obsef\'atlo ns or ",h~1
)·ou 13'" on Ihat <la)'. dill Y(}U not'!
A. Yo:dt.
Q. You mal' c.on ~A~ mi n~.

COMMENT: In dlfCel c .... mlna"an. tlte delense a t\!)' ",III ~1, 1~ to

show that the sMtemcnt l iven Irl the wilne!.S alter the a«:ident is
the ~n>e a s the Icstimonv give n in <.OIIrI . I hu~ (ounte,aetll\i tl>!!
pLainlifj'~ contention tllat the witness' tt'Slimooy h~~ been tainled Ily
t""tact. ....itn til<: d<: I!If\u. Th e t . s~ ot the e'= e... millll ' il 10 snc ..
that thr lul imonV is dille'c nl from too c~ rliCl st~tements ~nd til e
difle'cn<;t~ are di'c~tl v due to influence h om til<: clelense.

121 innU\'ll ce "r Opposing ,\U()fIW}"

COMME.HT: I>if. Rottler ule~ the 13fT1<l opp,cach wiU' th l.... Itnen u
h. did prol'io uslV, Io(e ac~in bc.Ci" ~ the crO$~ ~ .. min 3t' M tI'I shl)Wing
I...... ' ~ .,

§ 36.0lJlJ

now the witn es s. O$tcnsitJ.I)· dl.!inle,esl~~ an(t ,mpllr1ial. wa~ achl~11y

po-epa"Mllo ~estily !)y till' defense a1!Q<ooy$.
Nell' also Illal IhI! fatt of ;!lsUlanl:(' (ol/Cf;age cOllICS out,) number
of l,me$.
Q. Ma~" ,"..011 you John :I~ "",,II?
A. Yeah.
Q. We ne,'cr me l b ~,·c wc'!
.\ . 1\"0.
Q. Dill ) eu talk ~o MI . " elell> Ih i. !Imming "bOIlI what
q U~:;lio lL s
he was ~()i nu 10 ~s k )'uu?
,\. No.
Q. Dill you talk to ~ n)oody with hi~ o(fice ,hi. mo rning?
A. :-Jo.
Q. 11 01'1 abou, yesterday?
.\. Ye,.
Q. Did ~'ou talk ~o ~lr. " ~Iers YC!olc lday?
,\ . y~ .

Q. Di d )'au tnll; 10 Mr. Ca l" "" yc.l lcrda)··!

,\. Yes.
Q. When ..... as th·e I:ll t tillle befCl~ y~~tcrll~y )0\1 ~al~l"d 10
eit h~r u( lhose sc nllol11cn1
,\. I ( :In'\ ' emelllber. Wcuncsda)'.
Q. W~dncsda)" ul" laM nce k?
,\. Y(''S.

Q. Whcre " -:IS 110:1.1 ("OnWf"S.ltion h~'d?

,\ . AI lb. :-Jallo nal fl311); .
Q. AI their omccs?
A. "r5.
Q. ,\ nd " 'ho 1I;1I ~'OU 11111.: 10. ~1f. Pete" or Mr. Cam\{) or
,\. !loth.
Q. Whcn w"" 11,<" lasl li llle bo:(or-: thai 1 1' ~1 rou c"~r lath-I;! 10
ci l b ~ r of 1 !1 ~,e J:~n tl Cnlen?
A. 1 o::I n·. Te n.ember.

III ..s .........<t C" n,,,.ny I '''''",,~ \\'jl ncs~' Sl"'~.""",

Q. YOXI talked 10 Ihe ;n 5u ranre rcp,..,..,ntat; ,·c. i~ th;n mll~'''!

A. YCllh.
Q. Mr. Cn r~ ~() wn~ w; lh hin! at tlmt tim e?
A. Y~a h.

COMMENT: The ~ug(leM ion of coercion ~PMJ r i-the In~II'~rI(e

<:QlTlpany preparKj a 1laierTl<!nt for the wiln ess.
Q. And th ~ )'
.alkcd 10 yon ror a period or ';me ~nd ,hCII .he
;nsuratK:e man wrol e CUI a ~'a.emC Il I . isn', 'h~, ri~hl?
,\ . Yc;.h.
Q. ,\ m) be ~5tcd )"ou '0 $il9' it. Do )"ou n:m~'I11ber .hal?
,\ , 1 don'l .

141 t:lio.... ~ «' "'~f'li Fronl Wilnes, OWn n): Prop,,,'''';''''

COMMENT, ,. fru;tful "'~~ to erO.. ~xa m ine a nonpa rt~ wilness wl'~
W,1S prep.,red by ~n OPPO$lng .ttorney ;s to show t ~JI thO attC)l'ney
sugees lGd what IIol PtICMed . or showed tile wiln ess only celtarn pl ! ccs
of evidence . Til e imp lic ation is U, ~ t tile attorney gave evidence to tI.e
wi tne" selecti vely 50 as to Ccnl'illCC him that I, is sto ry was t' ue.
Q. Did th e}, $how ),o u Il icturc~ 011 thcw ":oriou! limes )'Q U " ",.
,\ . Y~ ~h .

Q. 1);<1 lbcr ,d l )'OU Ihm mm~ of 'bc pict u l\.1. "'Of" tJkcn o n
Ihe <I~r \>( the a C('itlc" ,?
A, No.
Q, Did )"Ou th in k II. ll wn •• o r th~,;t picture'S ).l d ""en I ~kcn
on the dl)' n f Ih e IIC'!: idcnl1
A. ! <.Ion·t knuw.
Q, Th~y ~howcd )'011 :It )C:l~t ,me picture th at did Mt h~,'C 3
car<.l rack in fro lil of Iho stairway, corrce!'!
A, Yeah,
Q. ,\n d <.Ii<.l yu u 3~~"'''C that WaS Ihe dilY of th,'
§ .16.(l!lSj

A. Y~~h.

Q. Did they show yCl\l any pielurc~ Ih:i l 1i:".1 ~ nl rd r~c~ ill
fro nl of the .Ia ir .... ~y·!
,\. N{l.

lSI YUNIII uf \\";1""".; I.n ..'... .« of OI'Jllrii,,!; ,\IIMnI.'~·

CO MMENT: Ca"nsel 'hool ~ e~p lOfc the ~i 'cun>~t"nees of a meeting

bttw/l<ln a non",~rt~ "";1\lC1S a..a 3n Of>po .. nc .mo,ney. Thh. wiTneu.
on eighth r. would c l e~ 'I~ t>e subjcct to tile inlluenee of an at·
IOrn"~. Thi3. facl is Immedla\el1 apjl,l...•... t 10 th" jn' OIs.

Q. \VIm! r.r~d c will ~O\l he _t:lrling Ihis fa In

,\. fiSh lh.
Q. j Ih inl: ~ou lold Mr. f'clc ~ ~'ou "'cr. in $c"cmh gmd~ at Ih"
time of the ~~'I.'cklll . You r~~lIy we ' " in -..;",1, sr~df. ,.."ren·t

,\. Y"~h.

Q. And ~nu weum', I hi rtc~n. yOll "'CT(' t....d,·" ) ~-:trs .. Iu. is Ih~\
,\. \'cOIh.

161 In~tI"lllioo III Time of Mrldcnl

Q. You dhln't go \0 the tmin simp c~pcclin~ 10 ,..i tne ss ~
wriou, ~,-cidc"t . did you?
,\. ",",0.

Q. Ii~d you ncr !.ttll a = iOlls :weiocnt lx-forc thou?

,\. y~s.

Q. Wtl~l ~ind or ~~citl~"t ),ull you $~""'!

A. "motOJtqck ll.a:'d~ nt.

Q. md yllu ~nu\\" the t,."opl ~ i""ol"cd in Ihal,

,\. :"10.
Q. Whll ..... as ill Ihe ~ ' c:t wh"r~ you claim you were ~I~"d illg?
,\. Where thc !rain CnUi IlC' W~ 't.
Q. Wooden or "u,,:Il?
,\. Ol~ss.
Q, BUI in ~ddi l'on 10 bei ng gl~, ,.-cn; Ihey ,.-ond?
A, 1 C'Jn'l nmlc lubcr,
0, Were you il~ndin & ~dc J wooden ("J, e 31 Ihe lime you
"'l'" lh" ~e.:id "n\?
A, J ~n n'l reme mber,
Q , CJn you s:ay " 'hClh,,r il "'~S :l Il1t lal c:w:?
A, 1\'0,
Q, Can)'OU 1.1)' ..-lu;rc you wc,,' o.:'ati..., III III<) cash I'\.1;iSll~
,\. I "'~. by Ihe cash regi.t"r,
Q. w e"" you dmll& bu.i ll~ "·',h ~ lr. 00111011 :1.1 tha! li me?
,\, Y e!',

Q, Had you la l~cd '0 Mr. Gorm... b<:rore Ihe M"rilklll'!

A. Yes.
Q, '\ 1'1 <.1 he W~ i )]dpin& you )":1 some inform :l1in n, "'3...·' h<:~
,\. Yn..

1'1 lk-r~ n~c CUlln.oI Preparod Wimcs.1 for Dq"I' Wo~

Q. ()(I )·00 n:n]omi:>cr back in Janum~· II f Ihis ~·C3r being a~kod

10 ao to Mr, l'cl" t~'~ ,m d ~lr. Caruso', onicc wh ere )·ou
WCI'1l pul lind,,"!" o:l1h and a skC'd !.Onl,' (llieSliun~'!
,\. Y" 5,
O . .... nd )·UII tried HI I.ll II]e truth ~ IK~' }"<lU kn,,"· il Ihen,
did n' l you?
A. Ye s.
Q. T IIa('s "'hal )"<lU :IIe trying 10 do 1 0d ~y. ri,hl?
,\, y~! ,

COMM ENT: l h~ ClanS.... In etOSS ~ >..lm;n ;ng a YOUPlI petson is Ihal

,"" iUlols m ~y begin 10 5~m p3thlle \\'itl1 troe witn n~ i f they feel t h~
e •• n]in el I. too 3ggre~~;"'e, With troe 300>8 q<JCsticns cou nse-l n]~~ n
II clear 1""1 he IS not su~1in& !roe wllneu i~ Irlnt:,
Q. B~ro rc )'OU p'·e 11131 leslimony in Janull)', you 131 kcd 10
/II r. Pet er!. didn't >'ou?
,.\.. Yes.
Q. ,\n d you 1:l lked 10 Mr. C~rulO, didn 'l you'/
§ :I6,D2i81
,\. y~~,

Q, II,, ~ you ~id!I 't talk 10 :In)' 13W)'"t~ rrom ollr ,)I'('(ec IlIa\ ~lY?
,\ . Nu,

1111 Usc or l)cpo";lioun 10 Sh"" CO)t1f."1 "itt< u"r,,,,oJ.1U

CO MMENT: In the followilla seclio n cc~nsel te ~(js from a d epcsil~rl
ir' wilkl1 Lile wit ne~5 dellicd ~""i "g C<l rl\.l(:1 w~II the Oil the
!lay 01 the "cc:ident. l his C<lnb Jdlcts his courtroom testImony ~n!llhe
Le$l;mon~ 01 th~ I".t wilr, e,s, woo 'IM~!I that ~e W~$ coovers ing
wilh tile delc"d~nt ill Ihe lime the accidenl ClCCUtrctl.
Q, ' am &oinl; \n slmw you It ]l~ ~C, Jo hn, frn m ),oor dcpMi lioti
mlll "'k ir Ihi. i! ,,"'hlll yOIl ""ole 10 1\110.1., ,,:ul> in J:,n,,"1')'
o f th i. )'cal'. I wi ll M3n on !late ~ixl r . Joh n, jUM foU,,,,'
"Ion& and tell IllC if I :Ull 'eading liti s correclly, I':I~~ (,0.
1:1 51 line, did )'OU t: i,'c Ille»: ~,u."' ••, to IIIe", qU"'liQJI):
Q, I-low IOIlr, Iw<J yo" b"o " in Iho r lllin Sh)rc whell tllt_'
acc ioJcll! ,,,'C urred'!
A. Ilow lo ng mfolc .11
Q, , ' ~,,
A, r:il"!f~" 10 \,.."nl)' " , imlle>.
Q. Had )'(] O )I~oJ ~" I\ \,~ls"li()II• dLlrinll l11'H lin," willI Ihe
own,' f !
:\. :-lo,
Q. Was Ioe wa ilin!: o n )'ou'!
A ~(). he "''' I lw w~ I I1 ' 1 wuilir,u on me or n(1 lhing, I "'''I
jnsl lna ~i ll(: aloumt
Q, h il yo"r 1 ~.\lin1 (}ny Ih al ~t111 ha dll'l lalked III Ilim II1"t
A, 1\'0,

Q , Or IIInt ria)"!
1\, t\'o,
Q, Do )'Oll lta\'e:1 d eJr mem ory or l h~1 d ~l', Joh n?
A, Y""h, p reu)' toad,
Q. Di d J rca<J Illat ('orreCII )')
:\, Yf~h,
~6 - 1 "

Q, So "" of J:III.,nry Qr
th i, ycar, the lruth 3~ best you kn~ ... il
..... , lh.~t you h~d n't l;lIktd 10 Mr, Gurdon m ~ lI l hJI d~y.
il n'l lhal right1
A. Yeah.
Q, Tl)d~y you 5:t~' )·ou "'~r~ talki ng In him. <'orree!'!
A. Yeah.
COMMENT: Once Ih ~ wilness li as made an error which app~a ,~ to
'lave been cau sed b~ pMti al;Ly. favoril ism, or int lu erlce 01 Jrl allor.
nev, the witneu ' lurtller te~Limony will be subject to suitt SCl utlny
by th e ju 'Y'

I ~l Wit'""' ~' "'rk1l d '~ ip lIilh 1><,cnd~IH

COMMENT: The jury th•• if a nonparty wilnl"SS i, friendly 10'

w",os one 01 11>0 P;lIt,~ ~ 110,11 be prone to tailo, Iris \cstimony lOf
h~ lm.'lId's beneti •. CounUlI s hould brinillhis '~ct 10 Ih. ju,y'$ aw:m·
l iOO. bill roc t SO b13la nllylli 10 Insultlheir inlelligence.
Q. Had yn " t~ I~~d \0 Mr. G ordon (he oll>l:r ciSlltt o (~n (imCll
you had b<:lln in I h~ shop?
A. Ycah .
Q. ,\nd }'OU had trnded tmi n ~ with him'!
A. Y."h.
Q. Y<>" had bc,.,ltlu Hai ns rrom him'!
A. y",.h.
Q. Y o u saM I r.t;" ~ Ie> him?
.\ . y ... ah.

1101 Wjl .,~~ lI ~oI t\.. Ro;;I!oO'. To Ik .'''uuli.~

Q. lIad yot> Mood ~r.. und 1m: ~a~1l Tl'J:isicr in Ille Trai n Sl(lr~
un otller d a}~?
.\. Yeah.
COMMENT: Mu ~n ~ ",II at n i~ry finds is a re. ull of
Of 3"~lyzlrlg (he
ci'cum,t.nce~ and determining wllat tlI~ prollat>ilili c~ 3re, The fac t
tllat tili s wiln CI' "ad no reason 10 be attentive to th~ J(( ldont , ~ ~
facto, mJki n~ il less pr obable thai he actuJlly obser.ed it adcQuJlcly.
Q. There w~~n't ;"I )th inS sp;:ci:11 about the du)' of Ih., a~dd~ n\
before (hi . w om~ n .... a. hu rt. "'~> there'?
,...... ,~ ,'

A. No.
Q. YOLI ,,"~re ~toppin8 10 do hu~irn:ss and Wer~ Ihe n soi na on
In Ih~ mall. i~ Ihal .iSh l?
A. Yenh.
Q. nl~1"\; ..... '" nOlh i"!: about Ihe !">Coplc whe cnlc.(] Ih~t
C;lIISed yo" 10 lum ~·o". a ne m ion 10 Ihem. " ;IS Ihc,,,'1
,\ . No.
Q. Dr Ihe IX'O(Ile who e nlerell . I ~n. n lkina ~boLiI ~11 fOll r o f
Ih..,n •• yo u understun d Ih~ 11
A. Yes.
jll! U~e ur lJepos;';"n 10 S ho'" Uncc.I>llnli.s in Testill1lJ11 Y
COMMENT: Tile 00s\ metho<! el lutrns a ..... itness· observalic 'l el till!
deta[l~ el ,"In ... enl is Ie IILJeSlion I"Ilm eenuming n....Ue ' s which hoe
I'n n" nOOI;"e 10 , (,("II ,,"d ,eg",din£ which his memory h.1S MI been
Q. >10 ..... ~O\I. ;ndit::lte<J Ihal al Mime !,oinl ~'ou we.e 31 I~ C lor
of Ihe slairs looking down ?
/1. YCJh.
Q. Alld I belie"c you laId Mr. re lcr~ l'oll reme mber there
Ixlng :1 di'play of ~omc e31' on Ille "'all?
,\ . ,",·a h.
Q. Wiler<' " "lIS Ihal I00;:I 10:11. Jol",!
A. Th\"')' h!\d ","u (f<-"<I 3nim;'l\s alo ll" d Ih~ top u f il.
Q. WhJ I el se "'a, loca led aro und Ihe 'l~if'o'''3)' lhal you I\O li ~cd
11m dl)"
A. I e~ n ' l remember.
Q. W~ fe lhere any prod\lC1S ror i~k hanging on th~ w~ 11 11131
woul d be On your righ l if )'O U ...'e.~ look ing d own I h~
M ~i 'W3~?
,\ , I can't '~memher.

Q, I will S" II'" reu P'lt.e $ixl)'-dGlu. line I"'ch"tl o f )'00'

Il cpasilie n. Th i. i. aga in "" h~n yo u .... ere ICSl ir)'inl; un."'r
0.11h in Januuy. ?a&c 6S. 51~ r li ng al line 12:
36· !1

Q. Wb~ 1 i f ~n~'l hing wao on the ",~n ll<'I ....'~C Il Ih~ door
lind the sl~i rway1
,'. ;..IOI\J inS wu,
Q. Ther. "'~. nOlhin!: Imns inB 0" Ihe wall'?
,'. No.
Q. Whal rolor i~ Ih~l ....·aU?
A. I don't \;1\ow.
Q. Rill it i~ ~I>ut 1C!>li mony lhal l lictl: "'CfC1I"l anr
J"lrodU.I~ for !~Ic h~ n gil\!: on Ihal "'3m
A. ~u. nex by the stu;r •.
Q. 11o ,,' abou l in the 5Iai',,"a y itself!
,'. No.
Q. We re (I, ere ~n)' Ihin!:S ballsin~ o n the wall Ihl:1'o:1
,'. /'\0.
Q. AS )'on Man~ at Ih ~ tOP (If the $lai r, a1\~ look m"er tl",
stai rway.
A. i.ook duwn . ~o you mfan?
Q. rr YOII 1001:. ~r:. igh t abe"\! th~fO: is ~ ~"df o n t he mht .
sid., il n'l there? 00 you now Wh 31 I m~an?
,'. Yea h. 1 lhin~.
Q. C an yo u Iell RIO: wh:il "'as on tha; ~Idf!
A. No.
Q. Ou )'0" \;now whet her M)'l bing was o n il?
A. ! dem' t kn ow.
Q. Did 1 read tho,e Co rrc~'lly?
A. " "ah.
COMME N1 : TIte .,.i\OO.! h. , gon e from . ,ating In hi, dQpositio ll th aI
t~c.e \"Ill, n O I ~ in g ha nglns on nl... w<llI. \<I t~Iil rin C" Ihal the.e was a
ui §jlIHV en i1. Tho uCh tI'e maile r abcut "h ich coun' el I~ "'~lnC" i&3
min... Iktail. Ihe cumotat;. ... l!ffl'Ct 01 wch uncertain and COflt ra ~i cto·
ry les!l mQn~ wi ll l es~e n tlte wit rlCl'" C .('di~l lity in Il,e eyu col Il, ... ju,y.
Cou<l'>81 conl,nues this line 01 Clu e ~ID ni"g. which i, dO$ignlJ'(l to un·
de rcut Ih~ wjlne. , · eblml!'d 'ee~ 11 01 th... ,ltcident. a"" ",ew.;
the witoe.' ,ememl>cfS ~i rtu a ll~ <>oU,j ng about 11\0 ~ aln tj fl ', appear·
JnCe .


lIll l'C'SllnJ:, OIIS<lO':II;(Jn .nd Rt('A 1J or l)cl~ils

Q. e lln yo u describe the I~a rr 111:11 Ihi~ womall WliS w~arillj;'?

,\ . )\'0.

Q. e~ n >·ou lell Ihe jury 1!1~ ~olor uf il7

A. No.
Q. Can you lell ihe ju~' Ihe color of\he I.';I flX'li llj; in lhe stOt•.-?
,\. )\'0.

Q. Cnn )'<1'1 Icll ille jury Ihc rolor o f tnc Cl>al Ihi ~ "'Ont:lll w~ s
A. No.
Q. 0 111 you lell tile jll ry whal I)'pc uf eo al it was?
,\ . A win ler ,"'Oa1.
Q. li ow lont "-~s ii, how f.u on Ibe body wo uld il go du'"'n'/
A. r do,,', 1m"'....
Q. C311 )'011 lell Ihe j Ul}' " h ~l h e. Ih e "'Uman W:lS w,, ~ ri nG
sJ~'~ <If 1I01"!
A. Nu.
Q. C~tl )'OU len the jill)' nppf(lXi Il1 31e1y how tall Ill i! wOIIl :l1l

,\ , No.
Q. C:m )'011 tell Ihc ju ~' 3pp.o~ imllcl)' how " ",ell !>lIC
" 'c igt>al"!
A. No.
Q. C~n )'011 le1l Inc ju r:.' wh al an)" of Ihe OI lier Ihl,"~ l1~uplc
W~le wcaring Iha1 day?
,\ . r-' u,
Q, Ca n )'O U lcll ihe jury wh al IYf)\) u J" foo lwcnr ~hc had on?
,\. Nu.

1131 I',;, ... I.COMis..... '1 S •• ICfnCOib Rl1l.~nl inx WI",II"" Ullhl ~
Were Oa

Q. 1$ it )'OUI IC. limon)" Ih~ t whell ~'O " ...,,"t to tile lOll or tllc
51~il~ thcre ""US,, ligh l 0)) In Ihe b"",m cnl'!

". I don' t know. I o;::In'\ rt: rll~mb.:r.

Q. It'~ ~'o ur rccoll~c lion >·ou .... ~rc II..: ri m IlCrWII lh~r~. iso·.
A. Y~ah.

Q. Did yO\! ha,·c 10 ~1~P nsidt for lil e Oilier people in lh at

~ro"p 10 p,o down 10 he lp Ih~i r
.... ife ~'Id mOlh~ r'!
.' " A. Ye~h.

Q. l ei lIle 5110,,· YOIi ",bal }O\! s3i... u " d", o:o.lh in Janu.1ry o n
p~sc .c,·cnl)". line 1\\"0:

Q. Wh,'11 thi~ ",milan fell did )"(1\1 go on-r IIJ Iho

A. Ytall .
Q. Were )'0 11 Ihe li'SI on~ \0 ~1 there'!
A. Vc~h. I Ihink <0.

Q. ,\nd ldl me what )"011 di....

,\. J tl .1 loohd do .... n an d J Sa'" her laying II 0wII III the
ballnm ,, ( Ihe . I:lin.
Q. Could yon sec h~r cleMI}'"!
A, Y~ ab.

Q. Wa~ the liglit ",I Ihe bJj;Clllc nl o n'!

A. Ye1, it was.
Q. Did I read Ih o~ \"Orr~clly?
.\ . ,"cah .
COMMENT: Th. pr""~ir>8 IKtimony CJ.emplifiH the pUrptKe in us·
ing ~rior ineon l;5lMI $IJlemC"tlls. Ceun. el da-e. 1101 walll the Jury 10
~dCDI tll& ~iOl versiOtl as be ing more [c rree! . He W~Il'$ Ihe lillY to
inle< tll31 this "'tnes~ Ii 50 t,'~b'c 01 m~~lng CftO'5 tMI noM al l,,~
t ~slim<ll1y C~n be mli e(! uP<l n.

Q . O lh\"r Ih:i Ol the light at the hotlom of th c swirs 111,,1 )"OU

bcl k "cd in J,ln uary W3~ un . wcr. Iller.: "I1Y o th~r li j111S on
in tlie st3;r(1
A. I d lm 'l kno w.
Q. Wdl. Juh l1, lei m~ re~d the nexi Ilri ng you sa id un d~r [lalh
in J~l1ua ry. p~r,e ~c\"enl)". li ne t h i m~n:
Q, Olhcr limn lh~ li Bht in Ihe b:!~cmcnt :md Ihe
nnOrC'SC",,"" lith l! in lhe UflSl~: rs. wa.~ locrc :lOOy otiler
ligh t on thaI i lnirwu~?
II, NO, ;1 "'as jusl one 31 l be bono,",
Q, l! "';IS ~' o ur S/; I"C loo\.:i ng down the ~I~i" when you
SO\IO Itlo lOp of Ihe slai,s 1t'~1 Ihere "';I.S lhe regub r
n uo,c~~nl li ~hlin~ iI. lhc bu ildin!; and lhc bascn\Cl\I
I\. YI'all,
Q, And Ih ere wa~n'l an)' olh er r.oUl'(C o f til;ht Ihere?
A. No,
Q. Did [ read lh o~c cnr,ccll y?
,\, Y(';>I!,

11-11 IN,n,b.bilil)' of O",,",,"'ill$( Plr>lntilT for On ~ Fun 1\Iillut~

Q, !lu"," m ~IIY l11inu\" 1 ","ou\(1 yO\1 $:I}' pa, scd fro m when lhc
woman Ii ,s! " nle ' ..... umil she f,,1l'I
A, I don' t );oow.
Q, (31\ you I;i,'~ \h~ jury an 0'Slim.1!c or ho'" m~n)' m;nul '~
A. One Inioute,
Q, lIod do you c!~ im Ihal you kepI }'our '))'G rocu~d on her
for tll at "ntif~ ",inu! ~?
A. YC5,
Q, But §l.e ","'''0'\ d ~ins ~n~'Lhin& unu~\l"l. WaS ~he'!
, \. I'\ IJ.

COMMENf, A" ;n lo(m~1 Slat~men t Ih~ 1 someonn watcl\Cd anollwr

person "101 a minote" wauld h bEo!ieyal!le, aUl h~ ... counsel h.a~
t(~pP!!~ lI,e " i lne <$ into e l ~ iming that ke LiLerall1 stared al tI~ pl~in '
till 101 a l ull minute, wf1ich, ~3 ~ juror could wonfy by 1001<1"1: at his
watch, is un naluf~ lI y l<II1g,

[lSI T.... linl: Wilnt;;' Ob:wnn lion "r Ikl aik

Q. 110'" {~r off IIw hrad d id ~he b"'\ hel s.:art'/
,\, ! don'\ );now,
36_25 ~ 36.02ll61

Q. Did she hu,'c it in her IHmd partly orr her head before :;lIe
,\. I don't tbink so.
Q. Can you do your best? lIow rar olT her heml was it?
A. About halfway.
Q. Wa, ,h. using one hand or both hnnds'/
A. 1 can't remember.
Q. She wasn't doing anything tlml you thought was unusual in
the sense of 'lamping of feet Or waving her arm, or
anylhing wild, was she?
A. :-.10.

1161 I)cmonstrulins: I'lllinlirr. l\lo'cmcnls

Q. You testified 10 connection with Mr. Pele,.,·,
dCOlonstrmion thaI ,he caOlC in the door ami tllcn turned
her back 10 the stair, 10 her right. Do you remember tllat?
A. Yes.
Q. Corn~ down \0 this exhibit ju,t a moment. This is Exhibit
forty-one. You drew Ihi, green linc showing what YOLI
remember of her aLlgle "r ","Iking. do you remember that?
COMMENT: Too nned lor a demon,tr"lioo On cross examinalion is
heighlened when too wilne,s perl()lOled one on dired ",aminalion.
Juror, remember vi,ual presentalions muclt betler than verbal ,laic·
mcnls. To counleracl the ellect of the wiln~ss' cJcmon,lration on di-
rect, it is advisable 10 conduct J ·counter·cJcmoosllalioo: as il were.
Ort cros~.
A. Ye;th.
Q. Oka},. then you say "'hen ,he got to the poinl where she
turned around she turned her body mOllnd 10 tlte right"!
,\. Yeah.
Q. So it would ha\'e been ~hortcr for her to turn her hod)" 10
the left thnn to the
A. I don't know.
Q. Arc ),OU 'lire ~he turned to her right and not to her lerl?
,\. [dan't know.
,r" "'"
§ .:16.021 161

Q, Jo hn, you j usl <.10 0'1 know cu clly Ih is womml's 1110\'Cmenl,

do )'Ou?
A. YC3)' ,
COMMENT: TIKI witness n.s cs~el\ll il lJy )n d~3Ied !hoot his Gbse ..3·
I~ns c.l lhc! details c.t the 3Cc.idI!fl! wetC SQ $k"tehy 3 ~ 10 be m~~ n'"!l'
Ion. The ,"0.$ e.amina tier, ha~ ca u ~~rl tile wilness 10 ;>grf'e Ie II",
slatcnoenl Ihal he d~s not kno>It how t~ (ll.ainlitf "lOVed allel oil .
Q. Then tdl die ju ry d id ..:lIe Ilirn 10 h~r ri~1 I)' 10 her rcrl?
A, I can' l reme mber.
Q. You know ~llc wenl lowanls lhe sl~irs'!
,\. Yea h.
Q. And )·o u know Ihat jusl b.·[ore site t,,11 h"" ~k .... ~s
scner~lI )" towards IIle lIai,,'!
A. Yeah,
Q. If Ihis w~t\: th~ siair, Iho:. ~~ of this I~hlc. WIIkJ sht h ~,·c
tu rm.'l! Ilcr ba ck ! liIIl OWa rd s Ihe slni r hil i OIl ;1 slir,llt al\ste'/
A. No.
Q. YOII :,re $:lyi ng she "":I~ o:.xacllr pc rpell<.1iclIl~f 10 Ih e Siair'?
,\. Ycah.
Q. Co uld )"()~ see he r feel 1(1 lell U. hi''''' l11 ~ny 5 1~r$ ~he \()(Ik?
,\. :-It>.
Q. W~~ Iohe ~Io'l'r \0 lhi: \lllir bo,!for~ i he ~laTll...1 10 ran Ihan
~heWas 10 lh c l rca di r~clly in fron l of the doorwijY'!
,\ , Yeah,
Q. And w'~~ shl! ,,·ilhi,, :t. fool-and.:!., hal f ofth~ Siair hefo", ,h ~
look ~ny Me ps backwardli?
,\ . Y.:ah,
Q. It m ulti lIaw been Ihe ~c"COlld st<11 tim! t<10k h.:, orr the
101:' ;<5, co"ldn'\ it'!
.\ . Yl~Jh ,

Q. And it m uld h:...-e bo,.."... Ih,- fi rst7

,\. )\"0 ,

Q. s... )"ou think Ihc loo k :11 lea . l two 't ~r!'!
".' '''''
3(,-27 ~ 36.02[IS[

A. Ycnh.
Q. An<.l you say Ihal h"se<.l on Ihe mm'emenl of her upper
A. Ycah.

1171 Inconsislenl Condm:I-Wilno,s t-;ewr WArnod PlainTiff

Q. Did you call oul 10 her 10 tell her she W'IS danl'.enlllsly close
10 Ille lOP of Ihe slnirs <.lurillg Ihis one minute'!
A. No.
Q. You didn'llhink ,he WilS in n dangerolls position. di,l you'!
A. "-10.
COMMENT: As witll tile first witr)C~s. actions speak ItIlJder than
wordS, Jnd this wit"ess must not hav~ ob5erved tile plililltiff $tcpping
off tile stairs. Or lie would [lave ycll~d a warning, If he did see ller
doing this but said notllirlg it woold affect Ilis stJlu," in the eyes of
the jury.

IISI F~ilur. 10 Hcmcmlwr Ilccormion of Stnre

Q. Do }'OU remember there being anything for ,,,Ie that was
suspcllllcd from the ceiling right ncar the top of the stairs.
"11)" mobile'S'!
A. No.
Q. Do you know what a mobile is?
A. Yc"h.
Q. You jllSt don't rememher ane way'" Ihe otller or do you
Ihink there Wa511'! anything?
A. I <.lon·t think there was an}'thing.
Q. I will sho\\' ),OU E~hihil 8, which ShOW5 ~omc mohik~
sus)ICn<.lcti from the ceiling ncar the lOp of the Siair. Do )'011
,ee these?
;\. Yes.
Q, You d()n'llhin~ the)" were there the d;!)" oftlie ;!Cci<.lcill. do
,\, I don't know.
Q, You Se~ this car<.l rll,k Ih~rs 'll the lop of tIle siair, in this
"' ~ , ,,'"
CI-IA1'TEIt ,n
Eyewitness With Inadequate Vicw-'
Inlcrscction Collision Case
e rn'" E~"".\n:l!loo
b)' Fn.'<!"rl< C. 1...,,';.'

snml'S IS
I .'1,/)1 \\"~_,'. W., ,\ ••, 10 .1.... c.m.lon
§ .17.12 t: •• 01 I' ..... ""'''''b. 10 S,",w 1""""10.,, '" 11'110"'" V,bklo
I J7.0) 1'_ v." ,. ~. 1'0101
t J l .D-1 ",,' ......1 Wtl~., .... SJIt<'<I of n ..
'lU 5 1:,,1 _ . of S""4 ~"".l.'i .•
§ J7,!I/i \\'~.,,, ' (·.r :olOI Clo" 10 M.ld..."
f .l7A7 IIn1l",", ,\1_" ,. lI,h.oWU,. ,.. w~ ....,
J .17.!1Il II ........, 1~~. .I. >!1o>n; 1".....-.., ,100 St."" MlOr ",...woOl
."iIllUl>1a'r nllJll.'il' FllelS 1I11(1 1"I'IJI/II("/"')" Remarks

The ro lLQwillg \:TO" Cl3mjll~lioll V~.,., 0111 o( all 311lo mobik: l"Ol·
ti~i~ n in whi~h the llIain liff was a ~!\Cngc' in one or ,h ~ c~ r~ in-
\'01\'. <.1 in t h ~ ~cci<.lcnl .
'1''''''' .... <i. k>'jn rr<ti .." b" levi NIK;>!ioG .., 1M Unn«.. ,~ of l'lorid.1
0 .1>...i ,b """""" 1%7. r<)'l.l<N 1.1.11. ..... Icrr«l. 19(.1). M•• l, ... n " ~ IJl<mb<.
,.1 Iho t:v;,"'I,b·San'~ II,,,.. ,OIl ,''''"'''<On
l\.If """"i>l10"" ~l"ri,1.:I II." S<xl" r
of "oo II., "I ,h~ Finl iud;';,\ ,:i,,"i'; ,IL,I>, ,,,, Tri'l I"," ) m ",,,,,I,,ion, TO',.
Tri>ll..> ..'· ... ,\uocia';on; I' ,""n,)h'.n i~ TtI.1 1..>"').'" A'lOXi" ",,,' ,..._ ... 'i~ " of
1';'1 L1"ren <:of ,'m<ri<~ ; "'<><knI)' of V..... d. T ri,1 1..0")<'" lone, C,,<k of .-\d·
.",",<>: ~"d "'''''' 'un IImrd "r J>raf,,~l 1';'''i)tI) A"",nor'. " "" ",rifonl
n'" (i" il Td,1 '\~" OC"< h~ Ill< :-;.li .",,' Uo.m\ " I Tri.' M. oc",)'. ,,,I;, II", ,u·
lhor III nlJn'cr ~~ . 1,,,· ,o.'j,,,, .ni<{<>,
1 1>< .......... af.1I p.utl<1, ... j,IlC"<'\'not "'-'"~ ""' ......1 "",... 1>«. <h.1nf".l.

H· I
§ 37.01 31- :

The Thu nderbird ;1U1Dmobil~' in ,,11i.:h th e p\.1illli ff ..... as ~ I'as,

~engcr wa~ tr:t\"c1ing WCS I on ~ I toJ) street. prior to cnl~ring a m~jor
ho.,Ic,·:mJ - a fou r lun e di~id"d high"..)". ,,; Ih a gm~s n,,:di~n be-
t,,"t"CII the north a nd :IOIIlbbuuoo b ne!.. ,\ t.lo/llc C,rlo ""lIS &<>in&
ntlftll on Ihe bou lc"~rd.
Tile pl~il1tin' claimed that lh~ Thundcrhi rd $toPl"'d I~forc ell1.:r-
ing Ih~ boulc\':"d. loo>:n1 10 Ihe I~rl . ~ nd saw Ihe nollbbou nd Ir.I(.
fie dO"'n th . ro~d. an<l cros~tI the two northbou nd t~n~'S .nd
SIOp)lCd in the m cdi~n. The "I1ru ndcrbird WJ ~ then hit b~' the MIII1 '
Ie Carl o.
The ~rC"'illlt5S ch i' n,'ti lo ha,'c bl."CII beh ind Ihe Monic Ca rlO.
lie pbco:d the bl:une for the oo llisio n on til e <In''cr of Ille llu.mkr -
b ird.
The witll~"!.5· 1C!;limony wa s Ope ll 10 allad: hy the cro\i.~ uam in·
e~. IIc ~1~1<:d duri n~ d i. rct cnn. ill3linn tim Ihe Th underbird ,,"'U
~'1)ing 40 m.p,h : Mr. I.C"in <kn"l1!~t"'t..." Ih;lt if.", the Ji&lmr ,\ I on·
Ie Carlo IIlU~t ha" e been Silin s Incredibly fnM. hccml 5e !h~ Imp,1(1
of th c '~j.1! lu"""d the I!.-:I\·i~t Thu ndc, lIi td LOI~ny ~found froll'
the di, eClion it had been tr:.J '·cling. Coun:wll'oncentrat (, nn 311 a.:k.
in~ the ~rcdibilit~, uf the "'itn ~5S ' ohscr\"o tio!l~ b).' U5 in~ phot o·
~rJph, t:lkcl1 ~t tbe scene shortl ~' "ncr Lhe a~ci dcnt 10 ~ho,," that Ih~
witne n wu 110\ >lOflJll."d :mywhen:: 1I~"r Ihe Brl'idall So."I'IIC. 111cl'\:'
fo.e. i f he <lid witn,'sS Lite ;l.cridcnl. it wat ('011' ~ colUid"",blu tli ~.
The j.,,). returned a \"erdi ..1 or
S 13.3 million, holdin~ the .bi,·cr
of Ihe Monte C3rlo J~I)O nc&lisen l Jod 110,' "'ow, of Ihe Thun<kr.
bird 65':\ m-gl i~nt.

§ 37.111 Witn".,,·l',lud W ~S ,\lJlc tu ,h old Collision

COMMENT: Counsel Mgin~ lit pOinti,,!! 0111 a potent,ol diw action 10
the wllne~~-the p'f'Sen cc af a ctC"..<:l fri~nd in III" lane in frant 01
him . /M,g im~rl a lllly, Coon$el C$tabli,he$ 111~t this clOse fr iend's 00'
hicle wali n e~t to II,e MOllt e Cor io. yet WJS ab le 10 ~IOP before the
inte r~cliOll. The Mante ~rlo. 10[ ' ea!.On~ teft 10 the inJe'eIlCES ill
Ihl! JUIV, (lid not ~toP. Jnd iftSte~d collided in the in1Crwclion with
th~ Thurnl l!lbl,d.
Q. In order th al r (;111 und o rM~1\d. Mr. Popper. )"111\ "we in th~
l~ ft
ha lld lane. i ll! id~ la ne ""hind lhe ~If}", e C~ .lo. a nd
t 31.0~ ''')' Wi,""'....

Q, And lh~yo,wrc dridng o n and Ihi.1 was Jl rcU;- much the

fIO~ition wht n thh 11"m d c'hinl ~h ol lhrough, is Ilt'll
C(l r r~Cl?

A. Yc~,

Q, "T he , irl l welc in Ihe posilion of wh~!. ~bO\lI ~lJllal " 'illl the
MUOIr C~rl o al the lim. Ihal the llt undcrhi rd she!
Ihra lll:h?
A. ! d en ', rcc~l!.
Q. Well. th~)' were dim 10 bt:illC (qual. i. dl~t corr~(l?
,\, ! guess so.
Q, Di d >'0 11 kno ..... tltis &ood rriend ur )'ours, Ih" dri .. ~, d id ! he
ld l )'011 Ihat rohe stalled slowing tlown-
~b:, G,,~\OI<; I Objl~1 10 lhal.
M~ Ty",x<; I obj.,..;! 10 Ihm , Th3f~ Ioca<Sl\)'.
,\IH , Lt:m,,: You r Honor, lh~ t's !~'l i n llm)' I jll11 a$kt d abulIl.
M ~ . o.\~."!T< : 1·1 ,'an~)·.
Tll~ Cot;M l: h W<Ml)(! hr.: hca""~)' ,
~ IM. l l!"IN: All fiSM,
Q, 11h" MIL lE"I ~) Did you know Ih)1 h er c~r 'lOP~1 hm ["ar
Icngth! hr.:f,,!c II..: inte rsectiun where the f roid. OCI:urrw'!
,\, No, si r, J didn't knuw thaI.
Q, In Ol her "uf<ls, when yml go t out or )'OUI car. ),OU <lidn',
l<-~ h." ~':I.' SIOfllk.'d
off hi Ih~ ~j,I~'!
A, Thel " W:l~ :1 bu nrb o r I."al~ MOf']><'" 0''''' IU Ihe , ide.

§ .)1.02 Us..' of "hfl"ogmph s III Sh u" 1.'JC;Itlun ot \\'llm,-,s'

V ~I,;d e

COMMENT: Counse l in the loIlDwing segment 01 ClD'>~ e U<niAAIi1ln

demo nSl!JI"S l~ e Ill-\' gf pliotogr~plTie e" idell e~ wilh a n Jd •• " e w;I,
fie..;, By hawinc the wil nl!")s """ ily l ~ at hos (;lr w~' not dep;.; te-d In
the photographs, coo nsel is abkl to sI,o.,. UI;1I the wilneo;s was ne'.."
clO!.C to I"" ~ ert(: 01 the aec;dl:nl.
Q, I w:a~ wund~'ri ns- Ihor" ""e~ MIllie plclll re, la~cn ~t th e
K cn c or IIle a~cid.lt1 , 110'" lo ng d id ~ OUI car r~m~i n al the
)J_ ~ § ) 7.1l

.\ . T iII lhc aml)ulan(l; clime and Ihe policeman told me I oould

1e;, '1:.
Q. All rich t. 1 lI"~n l )'OU, if ~ou ""ould, to <:U1lK: 0.1 011"0 !""~.
CXCU1c: me. II) f,o nl of Illc jury. if)"ou wou ld. a nd I WJnl 10
sllow )'ou p!a inlilrs ~ ~hibil number IWenl)' and pl~in1irr~
c.~hibil number lwent)· is a piclu re of, [ helie,"e lh31 i ~ 11IQ
Momc Carl o a~ iI' s $illi n~ in Ille il)te,,~~tion . ! ~ III at
A. Ri ght,
Q. Is tha I "'Iul )"ou $:Iw'! And poinl oul 10 us where )'o ur c~,

A. Th", police officer i, sl3 nding hen:. 11 shou ld 113\"C b.."''D

ri!;h t lIround in h~.. r.: iJt,hind OUI of Ihe pic1ulI: III~rc.
Q. 11 " .. ~ fu"hn Met ?
A. Y~a ll.
." Q. Out of l h ~ plclu....,?
A. Yeah. orr 10 111~ dri "cr'~ side.
Q. All ri~ht. I'm sll owlns yo u Plainliffs bhibit l hlrt)··six In
fr0111 of Ih e jury. And the c~r 111m is coto ,c~ in No.1 i~ wh~1
tile IlOlic" offi ccr PUI in "' III e IIIonlc Ca,lo, No'" ,,"'hc re
wa~ your car?
,\. [ should hav~ bc~n o"cr in he,ll.
Q. ,,'ord~ you ,,"oulo.! be rir,hl up IheN in lh31
In 0111<:,
D1~"'i~ n'!
You w~...., in Ihc ~r:l5S?
,\ . Som_loerc in Ih~n:. Y"'I.
Q. ,\ nd ir }-OU wi/uld, ir !"olU ""Quid look Ihrou~h 311 o f the
pi, w'n thr.t "'t~ 13kt'n 31 til e sc~nu Gf ' he 3c<:ilhn t 3n d
\~II me if )'00 K"t' }'tI ur <:":1T in 3n}' of Ih n'" pictu r~~.
A. /'; n, I ~UT~ IIon' t ~I:'C il there.
Q, All ri ghl. II C,)uld h~,'c ~ n fu nh er b~ck, could il !Io11
A, y~s .

Q. In olh~r ",ord~, ;1 co ulo.! havc been on Ihe p~"cm cnl 01 il

C""to.! Il u,'c \I(:~n _
.\. No. I r~mcmhc r ,ClIr iIS oul of my car and ' Icpp i\\~ in &J:'~'"
.,. . . ..',
§ 31.03

Q. All . i&hl , Then il could 1>:1...: concei" ably bern b..tck in Ihis
area: could it "Ol?
,\. It could ha."(: '''"'' B.
Q. In olho, w<;ml~. w h~n I fII.i .n, !"m tnlking aoout 10 Ihe g'~~~
before Ihe inlc'~Clion and not he,e wl""e ~II lh<"!oC
Jlhoto&ra[lh ~ wer\: lah n. hut it would ha,'c been bae~ here,
i! that cor,ect?
A. It could 11:I\'''' t"'~n, yc~.

§ 37.03 Poor \',mln~~ l'uhu

Q. All right. Di d ~ II the juro'5 te l hl .~? I'm just roi ntin~ m

Ihe medim. prie r to the in'pac1. All .i&hl. You m'ly go l~lC~
and ru...., a 'w.It, Mr. ''''PiX',
No...., if I " ndc rstaod. you were dr;"i ng in tIM: in, itle 'ollIe.
Th" Mont~ e ll,lo ...:\.< a COUI'lc of '"'I f 1""S'hs-,md l h~I'"
Wali anothe r C.l', tit<: Ui.I·.<<'a' titat "~wnlCwhcrc in tho ,.j,
einit)" 10 hi. ri~lu, ~ n d )"O U ..... ere back here. You didn'l lo a,,"
rlllieh of a "it\\" or Ihat Thuude.hi.d. did )'00'/
A. I 5" ..... him when he CO ll1 e throl'~I, Ihe Stop .iGu and hil it.
When they hit. it h~Pll<;l' cd jU~1 like that. like I mid.

Q. YOII'TC famili"r will, ~uul!noh il" ! wrnewh"l; "'~ )'''" rwt"!

,\ . y~~.

Q. Would )'011 ha,'( ~nr ' (':IWII nOI III bd ie" f Ih~ 1 the
Thunderbird "'3~ 1. owcb h.·~,·jcr (.""JT 11ui.. Ihf Mom"
fl. Ii', possible.
Q, Kllowill)l. whal ~ou I.tI\(lW "l!Qu l cal1i tnc 111l1nde,nird
",,,uld hc a h~'l\"i cr ('Jr tlta ll the ~ 1"nlc Carl.,. would ,,'\ if/
,\. Ye"
Q. And you reel 11t:!1 the !'o!t>lltc Carlo wa, ~oillg :Ibmlt Ihi rl)'
mil", an hOIl r?
A. Yes.
·_-- ---------,._---_.._" "" . "" ...• " . ,,"", '""_ ..

. UII,.

Ii' ~M d,;,-u. 100'" n~llI) ",il~s ~J ''''),'/ _ _

i!' )"1" I"':: 1,,11,. Iww "n,d, !::!\:h ""i~'? __.....

I~ >""" "."~h;I~~ ~n:. "",,,I,,,~,,:l(l s wh,l,";d ",c" t , ,,,i~lt ,(" pr~ "U,·~,.,l!y "1)0,'",/ i',;.uk'!

h." ~·;',:; ill'al "Su'~.' "ftl'ILl1'-' "J ~,I;",,\ '- ' I"""", )11",,,; <0 li ,1 rh" ool ol'.u ,y. Ii., t"'''P IC'' ''\' 0;',1", 11\\,1"""", "111 1< ,,,iI,"
,'<)11 1:-:' ,-;";t (11<>1 " /I. 0 ."..,,11 I'r \\,,,,j,.:: " (' "'"I '~n:<a,jl!lI ""'t), ",.,) ilK ..h".,tic'" "I" tl", ,,,:;j!",·,n!. (""I ",,,I" 'I' "' ;
Gl~'ll<,f): r.:~"I LK" ~.', !J.t'I;1Ij,"'
I'h)'li" ~l ll!~,al n' l !iOlG< I'Cf ,,-..:<.'1: :' ~·c·",,;
," ."


[) ,cI 110<- (!~o"~'$nl ,I,;"I,"J ._ ."__ _ ," " ___ • _

-- ...• -,, --~. -., .. ---- - ---- ..._---,._ ..-

---_.. - -------, -. - - - ------
-----. --- -_.._ ._---.... -- ... _--------- "" .._-- ---

(" li e. _HI" ~\'nlUt'''l,.'''''-

1(c.:(~1I\i!ln ,1J~I I~'bl'i"". ---.-- - - -- ~

1:,1".;-.,I;,,,,: _...... - --- . -


Q. So th, s is the first t,m~ )'o~ told ~n)'bod)' il "'~~ n;ally

difficult to ""y7
,\. yc~. ~ir.

§ J7JKi Wil".~~· en "'01 Cln.. ~ 1(1 ".ddem

COMMENT: Counsel i~ ~ne 10 e! labl~h one lac! '.om which tbe
jury is 3ske'<l10 Inler Iltiilll>c "" Inen' tar w.... nol n close \0 the DC,
lua' im~c\ lOne as he led the lury to believe. The witnC':olo MIl 1&1,·
hed lh3t 'Ie W.:lS tttO CiI' l~nH\M behind lho! Mont\' Carlo. yet he W,"
able to iWol ~ colliding m!h II whffi i\ colH!I<!d with Ihe Th\lI>IWb"d
~I 1M ' nten"" lion. T11Us. the jur, CJ II ;"fer lhallhe wi ln ~n wa~ lur .
ther bJck II1 3n two car lengthli.
Q. ~o"·. Ihe brake lights or the MOille em\o nc,'cr c~me on,
d id Ihe)'?
,\ . nl~ t "'a~ h.1<:k in 19.,. 1 ~~n'l ."",,11 IoCcinS ~nr hrakt
lith '!>.
Q. ,\11 n&hl. :-low you we' " U;t,""lint::11 for1\' miles an hOUf?
A. ,\ ppro.~i m.:ll d)'.
Q. Now h~ cou ld h~vt "«n doing, • . He hu d pul\cd
two ca. tcnst)l~ in front ur )'uu?
A, Lik~ I "')'. I wJ sn't looking at my speedometer.

Q. ,\11 right. And ),ou W~N t.a,·clin& two ~nr length. ~ h ind
him. If",,'c you c,'cr ~.n in :I l illl~liQn bef",,, wh~n yo u
,,'crc dn "inFo I><:hind :111 ~lIIo mobik .... lIow br~ ~" "Wll.
di l.l,,' t ,,-orL-'?
A. Yc:-"
Q, ,\1\1.1 )'00 ~rc dri"i nS aloll!; bcltind him and you arc del!n!>
tw~n t )'·fi .'e mile.~" hou. amI h.', doing tweI11y·fi,'c m il es
an hour nml he stnn- Ilo,,';ng down and all of ;\ s u~dQn
}'ou'rc On lOp of him b\:e:t"~c you drive by imlin et: it'~
happ<:ned to you. h;[. il 11 01"/
A. y,'!..
Q. On ,hi. ""rlicular niglll r ou wer~ driving 1\1;0 LOU lcn&th~
beh ind:a car going rorw·fl ~C nlile~ ~n IlOUf. The cm's brak("
lighl ~ "",'cr ("ame o n. II C:lI\I~ 10 a ludden cr.nll righl therc
in f.ont of )'OU an d through ("~p<:" drivj n~ )~IU "..~f. :lhk to
5tOP your Car wit ho\ll 8Cl1ins invoive(! in that~ W\''''' )'OU

A. Y~,.

Q. Now. in other words. you had time 10. ncn though thcr~
W<lS ,I sudden crmh. you !lad no idea whal was BoiTl~ 10
haPfl"n in front or you. You S~IW nn br"kc li~.lm "nd you
were travcliug two ,ar lCI\£ths behind all or !hi~ confusion
Iha! o,'currcd in fronl of YOt" yet. an(1 I"m u<in~ your
words. that by ~wc,,'ing a lillie and ,lidingju't a link way,
I was able to ""oid the m'cidcnt; isn't th,u true'?
A. That's ril1itt.
Q. So your CSlim,te rcally or
hoI\' much. how far Ihis \1\'0 car
I~nglh of Ihing>. it's vague: i~ it no!'!

A. Yes.
Q. I mean to <ay th~l. I me,," from }'<lur knowledge wouldn't
you feel it wnuld he almO'1 imp""ihlc in two "ar lenglhs to
do ,III or Ihi~ Ihal you did and avoid tile a(Tidenl wh,'" )'ou
MR. GW".lN: ObjeClion. Your Honor, I-Ie ha~n't '"lid he <li(1 it
in two <'ar tCJlgth~, I·le did il from Ihat p"int 10 tile point whcre
Ile ~tofll"'d,
Tm COI:Kr: Ohjcctio" will be ,mtained,
~h_ Ll;\'lN: Th~nk Y"" ,"cry much for your le,timony.

COMMENT: The wilness ha. ,iliatcd Iii, own direct e>aminMion tes·
(inlor>y (l1Jl he w~> two car tengll" behind tile scene, by ~dmiiting
that ,uch on e!;iimilta w35 -,aSlw," i,e" speculali\,e on I,i~ pillt.
Counsel. through proof that tlw witncss' cor w,os nol in the photo-
grilph. Jnd that tllO wilness W;lS specul~ting ,os to two essenti"1 fac·
tors in his testimony. sne~d of tile "utomobiles ond ,ar langtll. from
tI,e ~cci<J~nt, has don . all he can to imp"ir the credil~lilY of (I,. wit-
nm,. H"vinf, achieved this so,'I. tle stop"
*J7'(17 l(cdir~CI; Af1ollll11 In Rch"bilil"l<' W;I~<'"
COMMENT: D"fcn~a coun~cl ilttcmpls to rehabilitate th~ witncss by
.howing tI,"! I,e wa, not di,tfacle.! I), his fri"rl<,l in tI,e otl,er car
alle.d of him, and tllat pllolograplls of tile scene may Il,"e i>cen tak·
er> JJter tI,e witness Il"d finally left the area.
Q. j\·lr. l'oflilCr. did IlUldcrswnd Y011!{] .ay tllal you knew Joy
Ikarn, wa, th~ l'ar 10 your right'?
~ J7.1l~ 37-10

A. No. sir. I didn't know she was in tile cnr to my right until
:Iflcr the wreck and cyel)'hody WaS standing mound and I
recognizcd her.
Q. SO it W:15 afler the m'cidcnt wa, all oyer tllat you found out
lhal ,Itc had been in n car in the right hand lanc'!
A. Right.
Q. Now were there oiller c~rs U\ the tramc pallcrn tltere at
nml time'!
A. Yes.
Q. Do }'OU remember whcllter tlte other cars were in the right
h,md lane'!
A. Yes, JUS! like. you know, any busy intc"enioll.
Q. And tltem may ha\'e heen some otllers behind yml?
,\. Yes.
Q. Did you stay around until the higllwa)" p'llroimnn took
tltose pictures'!
,\. I dOll'! rcc:111. All I remember is the Ilighway patrolm:m
asking me my name and address.
Q. And il wa, arter tlte ambulance got there and before thc
highway palrolman got there, wa,n't it
,\. I don't recall that either. ,ir.
Q. But you don't remember being armmd while the highway
patrolman w," laking a lnllK'h of in~urancc pictures'!
A. No. sir. ! don'\.
Q. And it's }'our lX'st recollection wh~n you brought your
\'chide to a stop you were in th~ grassy pari of the median
~trip ncar the "'Iontc Carlo'!
A. y~s,

Q. Ilut o\'er (0 the lefl of ir!

A. Yes,

§ 31.01'1 nee"", E~ami"ali(JIl; Presence at the Scene Arter

Q. You were there wltell the mllbu!nm'c wal there'!
37_ 11 § .\ i.IS

A. Yes .
Q. W()tIld r OIl wme tlO"'n in from ur Ihe jury a"d ~s 10
I'binlirr~ E.d lihil Numher Si .• lcCII lell Illc wh~1 ,"chide i~
in Ille roc\;Cround?
,\. II look! like:tn amhulanc. 10 me.
Q. Would )"oo!>how il II) Ihe mcmhcrs of the j"T)" abou \ Ih..:
~ ll1bul:tnce lhul W~S ,11 th e scone wllerc (j,\TSOn
i n~il1l':tlcd YOllr C:.IT w:u; " 'hell iI, ~iC piel UfCS """ TC " I\;en1
Would ~O ll rome dnwn?
,\ . T"~ t"s Ih ... an.bub ncr.
COMMEN.T: M,. Le~in'" 1i"al ~~$tle n, ~$I :tbli,h 111~( Ihe wltne,s
....n p'(l$enl wilen !II(! p h otogr~phs w er~ 13k...... )'et his car i!; not in
&1&"1 . The i"'Y ~ .... ,1 with one ineK3Pl'bic condusion -I he witness
( ",,10 nQI 11:t~e obse .... ed II,! accili eol closely "nd II'cr elcIe Ilis lesl i.
mOlly unnol be trusled.
/I..JR. I.I'Vl": Thanl; )"OU. I hu\"c 00 f" T1hc r (I" c "illl\ ~.
c rL\I'H:1I. 38

Eycwitncss With Obstructed Vicw-

Intersection Collision Case
('r"" E~" nl l."ti"n
hy ,\~I¢.IN; •.1. s". Fm~!IO'


§ .IU I Co..d • • lo. or lJI'<"<1 '1"... 11.,,00)'

t ;lIl.II! 1I""'.. tk '. Iet ..... !to " . ,,,,111
§ .lS.Ol 1.""*",,.0( 0"....1"1. ,\"....,
~ )9.1)..1 SI ~ N<d s" ,.· ..... , I rk. IIt,I.~ 1,,,,I.lltf ", Ilrh. r
i .'II .~ I ~n. . " of I. ...... ~ .... _,,_"' .. f ar .... S,,,,,_no
§ .l~.06 T""I. ~ o. 1")",11.
,.tII.II1 I~ ","",!t 0( St«<I
J .\II.I~ !'_ , .. .. . ~. 1'.1..
t 19.09 n.". 0( .\cd" ,"", SI"
I .111.10 T.... Ir1~ _ 1Jo<.. ~,..t ,t... 12.111.10.
Il~.11 m,I """ )"n"' rim,oI Md.i< ..1
• .!II.1l 12.. .... " .. iii, SI""_,,,,,,,,, ' )
I 'S.ll C_~JlI"" '1 " . 1; "",")' .1 () ,~" \\'~""' .. ,

t ."<1IH I ... )",~ r""M OI;"" IOf S l ~....r SI.",,,,,.I

I ~!l.I~ 'J..... PI:W .. I(f.I", ...,Ip'" -n.", 1I..!tM». 1:,«toI...l~ I;"~
• ,\"_.. "I.'! . ~"n FiliplI<) ""i,',," I,i, 1<£,,, , 4. "";,,,...1 ~'<~ ' \'01' U~iY""i')­
(H).. I~ SI_ Th ,.lbor o! ",,-..-.I ,,,;(1<> nn ""' t. ~ . b< ",,, Sc<f<I1r)
I I !),I) _I, h). V; '''' [h "ir. ,,'" If 'JiH',_6!), • • <1 ChoiT","" I j 'I(,S _ i ()1 "f tILe :« ~' )"o rl I),"i,'" ... h r.. , nd Sm>"d D<-p;.""""" Comm;,1Ce on CO"" Co,....,
'"'" 'n.ll\".,,~ fro!>I<"" _ ~I ', S," FiIi J>l~' i, ()fC~ '," I< II " ' ho rtf"' F",'I" \,,,~
&. I'",h.b~' ~ N,~' y",,,. :<,,,' '·o,k.
n, no",,' of oJl p.,Il''', ' ''''''''''''. ,".! ''''''''';"~ ' 0""" \ It,;'. ",or. "h'"JIJ,
)~ - 1

[.Ill" \\' 1,,,,,, .. ,

~ :llI. I6 (" •• r.. ..... ~I· r.. ""

§ Jil.17 10<"001'\" '"' Ccn<l .. , _ l'd" ,,· ,. ,1,,1 ... Mri<i<nt I' .... i""
§ .111.1" 01,,,,,,.\"," .11'111,,111", I.tu,k.
I JIU9 n....·' Htnn "" .... II..... W..... .1......... « ,\,,1...)
i .I~.!I> 0"'1r .. ,1"" or 1'1• • ~~. I',,~'~ C."
§ .IIU I H.~ir< " 1:"..J ... t.: 1'0)_ I.. .1...."'."'"
i J8.: 1 11<..... , t:.....,..'1oM
III 1'.) ........... ,11'1"'""'""""
121 1'",,,, • .,,' <If I'.'h~ c,,"
III Te>*I. C W......,' oIIoi~'f 10 0 """'_ "'........ -1·_ \".... >:< I· ....

Summar)' '!( HII.,i" reacts wltillllm{/IICi<>ry 1I~·l!w,,,",· ··

' r his c:tSc i""olv~-d "" aUlotuobilc a«.ill"nl al MI ; nlcnt!."1;o ~.

Tho pI~ iMI;trs .'IIr stoPIlI:d nl a SlOP ~ign, Ihen pro,:ccdcd inl c Ihe
;ntc,,"-"CI;on "';lh oU! l'idll in& 11t~ ,i&hl or
"':II' 10 ,h ~ dd~nda"t'~
~:In . In a ny colli~ion m.t w hi .. c ""')' crC3\C" d :mg,,,-o \lS ~itu;o.!ioll
bl' f,,;lin S 10 "icili. bur Ihe other car m~ y ~<Iu"lly .·~u~c Ih ~ colli-
~ion b)' f~il;)]G 10 reaCI prudcnll), In ~ "oill il . !-Itre il W;)S "ppllrcrn
Ih~1 the plaintiff tnl(;rw Llot ;nl\"SCClion wh~n slit ~hollld hase
yielded 10 lite van. Tbc pl:lin lifl' s co ntenlion "'~s Ih at Ihe dri"cr of
Ihe nt1 w~ s ,p~cdin~ ~nd h~d ljm~ 10 si c,," u p ~nd ~"o id Lhe ~cci­
denl. 11111 r~ ;kd 10 do !iO Iluc '0 in3L\cnti'·cncs5.
Th~ wiln c~! in this cro~~
c.\nmin alion I~Mi !icd 011 direct 1l1l\! the
~n:id~n\ ,,·~s ~nl i rdy tlte ~bi nl;fl'~ rault beenu", lIer ,·d.i<le '~n
1I.t . 10 p sign ~I Iht intc.,,-etio n ~nd Ihe "311 d id not havc \i me In
' lOp. The "'iln es~ was o,tClls;bly a di~inl~r<:~lcd h~smndcr, :md :lS
, oeh his les ti mo ny wo uld Mnrm311y be quilc pcr'''3li '·c. On C't>M
c.\ :lminllion I;I)IIn~1 !ir" SUgg.:Sl ~ lhal Ih~ w;lnt:S5 is prcjll dic..:<;l
ag~in~l the pbinlifl·. I,ccau,"" hdn re Ihe ~.·ddon\ h~ had '1llClllptcd
In d:llO: her bill Wn, rcj."C I,'tl . IIl r. 53 n r-ili ppc ~r&U Cl Iha l Ihe C}'C-
"';I....1.S is:I , pur""" r.u ilor ....-d>i nS ",,·tll&t.
Afl cr crcalinll sospicion nr Ih" " 'itnc,, ' ",nli"c~. cO\lIlscl b<>gi)],
hi , cenu 31 3lhUntcnl-lhal the W;I""U rou!d rKlI h",·" !>Ce n Ihe :t<.'-
rident 11«"",,,
hi, v'c,.. ,..~, bloc:h 'tl. Slnw 'ho .... il n.~' ,..itt nOI 3d,
n,il Ihal his \'i~ion W~ S ob~cul\:d . phOIOSrilph, arc u,ed 10 sho",
\h:11 il W3' ill fac l bl oc k.:\!. To f~ nh" r eorrobo r31C Lhe plninli n'~
" HU en llo"" tnc wj l<l "'~' IC,<lillllmy ;~ con!r~Sleu wilto 11\;11 o f (ltller
cyC"illloCMts IJ}' 11\.1: of a IIYflOlhetinl qlltstioll , lie h 3'~ .,.j 111 :IS-
sum ,' 11t' 1I k~limcnr b) e"naiJl o ther "~ t n~~,e. is wm,-ct , ~ " d lh ~ n
~,"ed ir Ih~1 chall~ h j~ It ,,imon)', AhhouJ!.h Ihe wil n~~~ ~dhC1l."
sl".ld''asll~' 10 hi~ S!Ur)', hi~ cn:dibiljlr is ~hamn..d .

Ttle j ury ~PP.:II"clllly rcjo:.:lcd lite ".;,,,.;-,, ",:r~ion or Ihe ~dcn',

,,1I;cll ""lIuld h:I\'~ pI:u;t.' d Ihe enli . e blame fo r thc accident on ll1e
j!1~intHl'. The ,>lain'; " uitj ,n;l1cly rtcowml 11 ,i~c~blc "".dkl,
whid, "''''5 n:dU«'d by 4O'No II nde. coml'~r:lli'" ncdil;t'ncc prind-
§ 3!IJiI Co!tclusioll olllir«l 'r"'l im(ln~'

Q, WOUld ),011 lell the jury ...hal yo u s:lW oceur?

A, Well, I . 3'" the ~rce" car go through th~ ~Iup . i&n a nd hil
the " "n.
Q, Wh~n , '00 ,' a y ,..., t;n'l:n n l , :lIC you r..r~'lTillg 10 the ~~r
. h:ll >0.-:1, on AII( II SUCCI?
A. y~

Q, That is the c~r driven by Ju,..... the plainli n'!

A, " e li.
M~. Rn~t:: 11" n ~ }'OII, No rur\~ r qtl'ilion~.
TIlt' C"Jl;~r: Cro,~ cxmlli!1~l iou.

COMMENT, II w~s n~~S.'.~'Y !O sugr,e,l some 1Mlil'(! 10! tho witnl!:Sl

10 De l<!stil~jng ;nt~"cctlr. The ~uorn~ rnu~' '.'l~ a sUSp\Cion, at
telSt.ol p,ejUdioo. sUf'J!cstlon. or t !lffup!ion, 10 ~1\i:1'f1<l.'"\\ei'm
In lhe "'ind! Cli the iU' o' s ,
The plaintiff hn ~ pre"joo s!y la~\ifie ~ that the ~lI\~S~ It:MI ~~kPd h~
OU! on ~\~ • nurn!)... Cli t.m.s belClre Ine accident , an~ thaI shl!
had EOnC out wit h "im orn:e, bul refused 10 do 50 ;tg.lin, Ccwootl a.,
good in summation Ih.allhe wilnClo~ was pnjud ic~ ~I:a;n~l l he plain,
till boc.:Iuw !~ r~"I!fl\c~ lie. ,cj ecl'on cf his a<t;. ~< ~$,
Q. Incid(n"'*'. 11\1'" wcll tlo W U kilO'" J ~"e?
,\ . W~ 'lie r,;~ nus. We mo:t Ihrouth ~ mUlull fric"d,

Q. J:ln ~ J ~roc
Do ye u /;00"" her 'll or Sllu liz?
""' ,...
Lay Who,,,,",

A, Yes,
Q, How llIany times haw you been with Jane, ilS ),Oll call her'!
A, We ha"e mel in a ~ocial ~tmospherc, in ,\storia Re.laurant,
througlt n mutual friend of he".
Q. Do you date'!
A, No.
Q. Just through .. mutual friend?
A: Yes.
Q. :-1ow, at the time that lhis accident occurred, did you know
it w~s hne?
A, :-10.
Q. When is the fi"t time }'OU found out'!
A, When I walked in Ilcrc,
COMMENT: The witness' st~tcment lil.t ile only realiled this ca~B
in,olved the pl~intif1 when lie ","Iked into the courtroom will be use<J
late' to itTlPCilCh him,

§ 38,()3 lnnucncc "r 01'1'(>0;;111( AU","c),

COMMENT: Tile fallowing subtle imptioation 01 inlllJC'I<:e onu~cs the
jury to be ~k~ptical or the testimony,
Q. Mr. Cooper. }'OU we," of Cottr~c talking to ~lr. RC""e
olilside in Ihe h"lIwuy before )'OU look Ihe 'land. weren't
A, Yes,
Q. Mr, Rcelc asked you cenuin que'lion, and you g,lVe him
cenain answers wbile you were outside'!
A. No, He ~howed me my le'timony with tile lhing I si~ncd.

§ 38.04 Si~"cd Stlltcmcnl Idcnlif}'in~ I'I"ill(irr as nrl<cr

Q, You did siBn a Ihing fllr him7
A, In 19 ...
Q. Would you produce tllat , Mr. Reese'!
MH_ Rus,,: I will let Ihe jur)' see it ir you wmlt. will offer it
in c"idoncc.
jnfD,mal;C~ Jbout a · ~t~tcma~\" amI cemm;1f the wilneloS \0 Ih ... i,..
co~s;~;c~\ \e Sli",c~y ,

Q. Illddcn\~\\~'. this i, )·OUt ~ignlt " lc nn Ihe OOtlom.•, rh:u

' isilt?
,\. Th~l"$ ~orrcel .

Q. Did ~'(>\J rCld thi~ lwforc you sigl\cd il1

A. " 0:\,

Q. ' Diu you m:ll.:,.. a n)· c()rr,,,,t l() ns aftcr ~ou rc~u it'!
,\. Y.5. I did. f in•• i.. kd (henl.
Q. You inililktl lhe (OT~lion~?
A. Yes,
Q. Would )'OU tell uS what ro!rcclin!!!, if 'In)·, Y()II m:llk
\).:ltin& )'ou! initials? YOt! m'l)' look II I h.~. I() ,d"r.:sh )'I) "r
r~colkt1io n.

,\ , II I'I)'S• •" .3'" lite Oldsmobile lef. {WIll hit the "an right
(fonl." I PU I in the "urd "Ieft.·· h h~\l ill front rcar. it "''''
"Idl fmn.:·
Q. Wh en the statcmcm was fi l'5( ""iucl!. Ill<' \\'otd "ldt" \\':1'
Idl 0111. :llId 1IIell )·ou 11UI it in?
,\. Yes.
Q, 11'Cn you init ialed it"!
A. Yes.
Q. That is th e ouly correction you ", ..Ik on Iha\ 5Ialc"" "Ilt.
corrC el , sir? If Iher. ~ ,~ ~ny Ollters. 'ell u~ nmo·.
A. A~ fnr lIS I C:1Il f~lll~mh<-"', \10. ~i"

Q. So Ih~1 c'·~f}·\hin!l c\~" til Ihcr~ is \h ~ ab wlu lc Intlh ~s ~~>U

r~latcd 10 ~n in,·e~lir.a\or b."\c ~ on tXl obc. :! ISI. I ?. ,
,\, Yes.
COMMENT: Althgu gh the subject III cc "eelian~ is eflen O"-erlooked
in C'O$' e.umIM\ian, it is ",ua"v ..iSl) 10 a.k a witl'le'i$ about \\l em.
Til .. net only makes Ihe al\omc~ ~m lair. but al so lo,eelo.ei the
w"t~5 f,om cl~imjn& Inter th~t h~ w3 ~ ", i5IJ~cn .ba ut a stateme"t
which wa,; not cOTrected.
."..... ,,,
Q, Did you 'tate, and ~gain I'm going to show you thi, '" th'tl
you will refresh yom r~coltcc!ion. that the driver of Ihe
19" Oldsmobile .cd:m ,,'a, a Jnn" Shultz? Did you mllke
that statement buck in 19,. '!
A. No, I dill l10t make that ~tatcmcnl.
Q. It·~ in there. isn't it?
A, Yes,
Q, You r~ad that, didn't you?
A, Yes.
Q, W"s that tile mi'1n~e that j'OIi corrected'!
,\, ~o. it wn, IW\'
Q, Which is the truth'! The rim time thnt you '"W Janc Shu1t?
i, whcn )'ou rilst wnl~cd into thi, counroom. or the fir,t
tim~ )'ou know she wns involvcd i$ \\'hen you g.l"C thill
statem~nt in t 9,. '?
Tw; Cl)llRl: Just a minute.
MN, RIT,E: r helie"e. under the circumstance,. the jury is enti.
tied 10 scc the SlalC",onl. I renew the orrer.
TtIE COt:RI: You have 00 objection?
M~, RU;'E: Yes. I ha,-c an objection,

Till' CC";Rr: What is your objection'!

/l.-k REE'E: I don't lhin~ tllerc is anything contr.;ldictol),.
Till COIINT: Please hnve a scal. You're overruled. Will you do
Ille a ra"or, ifyou'rc going to rai'e your \'olce. stand blll"k and
dOI1't nppro'ich tili, wimess wilh tlmt \'oic~.
)'1~_ s_,~· FIl.!")'o: 1'111 .orr,..

Tilt: Coun: Plca~c proceed.

COMMENT: Mr. S.n Filippo i$ ~ ~eJr of ~ CroSS cx~min"r. H~ is .'ery
demonstrative, ~nd "lIl"! voitc" til"! the judge referred to is a deep
a"e lIlat sll"ke~ tile courtroom like \I,ur,der, He u~cs body language
to enhance and enlpl1<l5iIC, After wJlking ~way from the .. i\rless, in·
n(l(:elltl~ ~cttinG Ilim up witl1 a series af quesli~n~ like tl10se "OOVe,
l1e may rapidly turn. alm~5t springing, ~nd confront the witne5S with
tile question M had been teading up \0,
Sa" FilipflO doe~ not ~lIow even the \Iigl,!est imprababl~ stille-
ment. He wilt make a mounlai" out 01 every meleilill of imfll"obability.
§ 3H.OS

Q. Now lile que~lio[\ to )"OU. ,ir. is lilis: you slilled under o~th
Ihal the Ii"t time you knew Jnne Shull, wa, in,·oh·cd was
when you Iirst came into thi, C"Ounroom. 01\ appro~im"tcly
IWO o·dock Ibi, afternoon. correct. sir·!
,\. Th:lJ's correCI.
Q. And you 'll~o ,I,ued Ihal Im,·k in 19 ... when you gave Iha!
~!atcmcnl. you indicllted that lllnc Shull1. wm i)1\"olvod.
Yon read the statement. ~!ld you made no corrce·lion to
that eft·ee!. is lila! corrc~l"!
A. 1 never a\Socimod thi, Jane Shllit/. as (he Jane Shullz in Ihc
Q. lIow many do )"ou know"!
,\. I never a"ocialcd them. That is the only m", I "now. I
know other );lI1es.
COMMENT: It is unli~"ly that the witnes5 d~1 tlol 'e~tile Wll0 tI,e
pl"intiff WJ •. since I,e once I,~d a rall1antic interest in he<. By not
I,o"estly a(lmiW"g !lis rnisloke the wilness )"1. seriu<Jsly I,,"'ned hi,

COMMENT: Usually. 51"lement is a composite of 00111 II,. i,we,ti.

1}1tOr"S ",,(I III" wilr,e,,· koo ...ledge. It con l!lereiore be SUfJ;cstcd
lhat tI,"
witn." wJS led by lila i,wCSliBntor inlo 'T1;>~ing stalcmenls.
TIle wilr1e~s shoukl be questioned about innocuous facts in tile .lnte·
ment to see if they wNe provided by Ihe i,westigiltor. Once it can lle
shown that tim in .. csligalor inserled fads in tile statement that lhe
witness did not ~now. an implioation 01 improp(lr '''I;eeslion ilS to ali
IIle fncls i. created. TllUs cOLJns~1 is showing 11,;>1 tI,e wil"e .. was
.ublly irilluencc(1 lly tiLe i,westig"tm.
Q. Did you know lh;1I J,)11e Shultz had n )~ .. Oldsmobile
A. No. I did not.
Q. Do YOLI know Robert O· ....kill?
A. No. I do nOl know Roh~rt O·r-:cill.
Q. You pm in the stmemCIIl that you knew Ihat Rohert
O·Neill w~, the dri'·cr of lh~ other c·"r?
A. I wnS 101d lhm.
f .UI.05

MR, RO:>;l': I obj..:t to tM!. nl~!"I: is llOlh ing in lhc >I~lcmcnt

Ihal ~~'s he J,:n~''''' lh~ 1 R~f'l O';\'eill W3S Ih~ dr;\·" .
T In, OX;Kr: OI'CHIIlcd ,
Q. Diu ~·ou PUI in lite M3Icm~nl . ~rltc tlri...:r of Ihe 19..
Ch ~I'Y \'an was Roberl O'>Jeill: Did )'OU p,,1 tll~t in your
st~ 'emcol?
,\ . r did not PUI Ihis io.
T>!" C'-'\!n: You did nOL pUl it in'!
Tur WIl .. c.-J: No.
Q. Di d the in "cS Lil",lo r PU\ il in for YOll?
,\ . \ 'rs.
COMMENT: Tile wilness has rlOW acknow ledged that the in"~stig"lc'
put f~ cts in the slatemenl. Thus. P-lft of til(! ->I~tcn\('n t wJS
me result 01 Lho! i~flUI! nce and wggC';;tion of thoe .nl't';tiI:"Ior .
Q. UC nut in .o rne other Ih; "~ in there. <ii,1 he nor!
,\ . WIul! olher Ih;" I>'?
Q. ,\1'0 ,11 Jane Shultz &o; ng IhrOllgh the stop .ign?
A. Yes.
Q. ~k pu! Ihut in there?
A. ,'cs. he PU I her n",me ;n Iher •.
Q. Then rnu jU\t sigtlcd you. 'mmc. didn'\ )'1)111
,\. )'C!;. 1 , iUn.'d my name,

COMMENT: 100 "~nes IS IlOW '-0 flustered I"~t he I>.1s J~t Jgree1J
tllat the ;'lVcsligJIOr ins~'ted tl1e s lat~n~ n! tha t trle plo ;nt l!! rJn tile
1;100 sign, This j~ e<a cll~ IOIMt cou n ~1 wanted the witness ta admit.
Q. or coune wr]~n YOII l~"'e Ih~ ~1~le",~nl, ' hal ""'*
:OPPrl), inI3Ic1y Ille Lime wh cn Ihe acci dent Impfl"n~d'!
,\ . 11)..• l)en... ber 71h. 19 ...
Q. Thj ~ slatem ent wa~ ; i,'cn October 21 st. 19,. '/
,,\. Yes.
Q. ,\ nd )'''u h ~d " d"~r recoll ecti on 01' all of the c"cnl~ Iha t
"'-'1:urn:<! on [}"'\'rnhor 71h. \9. ,. "'hen you g.l,'e l
'1~IC", ... nl .m Oct a llC ' 2 1u. 19 . . , CDrr~<."I?
,\. Corrcc\.
, .... , Wi," """",, U - IO

Q. Pi<l the i n "~lit.:llor h~lp ~ou ' ttalh.'CI ""m~ " r the ra~ls'l
,\ . No.
Q. The ~nSw"r i~?
,\. ;>In.oi r.
COMMENT; Using :.a 'ca~m . coun sel lI; s empl'asi,ed IIl<lt t he state·
"'''nt was gn.~" ill font "fte, Ihe aculfnt I~~t It is ""~r th~ invc$lj·
calor sUWSlfd la cts ~bout it CGlmsel llilima lely sU !lll~L' Ihat tim
wit~. ~ s~umcd anything 1M mvelli!'..u Of ~;~.

Q, w~n. ho: hclpcd ruu wi lh Ih,' nan",s uf Ih ~ p.. nic!!.. didn '\
.-\, l ie !lui Ihe n~ mM in I!ln c . • ;wumc fur illcnti fic;,liun . I
dDn'l know why he p UI them in Ihere. nUl he PUI Ihem in
IM r,.
Q. Y\lu ;lm ' mcd I "~I Ihcse "'e,~ 1110: p.;J flics in,·oh','<1 who"
~.,>u .i~",·" il. Yo u ~ !,u "'~ 11 11( :01 111l."}· "1:", Ibe !':Irtil'S
l",·oh·cd. "'h~-n )"00 si~n,'<l il?
,\ . I ha" hl :(5.'0111C. 1 lIu('SS 1 ~"U I1l" \t it,
Q. Ynu anumcd ulher Ihin~, l h~ 1 III~ i n\1,~liphl' PUI in Ih ..
SI ~l c m cnl ;1$ well. <li dn't you"

,\ . Ms""',, " 'lll l: r1 ~ ~.hd 11Ie qucs\ion~ . Jnd r can: him thc
" " '",CfS.
Q. 'r he,e W'IS w mt ,hint l h~1 ~ou l)ul in b~,,' ,hal !", di d ""I
ask lOU . ....h~.,.~ he It""c you ' h~ 31"W~r":
,\ . Tilt' n~ nle n( Ille dli\'e'~.
Q. SU :K1 " 311)". Ihi. ~131'"'tnt d<Io:> no\ rcplcwnt )'Ollr
,ccollL"CIion o r ~'·. f}1hi n~ COn1 ~i nl'" l hef~-i ". il f('fln.~111S
,,1I:u IhI; in"nl it:>lo r pU l in III, r". ;lnd )'0" am rnu:d il. is
\hal a r~if $la\ OmcII1?
'\. Wd l. 11<1.

§ 38.1l6 '["'Siing un !klai ••

CO MMENT: When a wilt ..... cia ,,,,,, 10 fe<:;lll .. n incidelll tllal hJP'
~ yea. , bt:lo,e. IIi. fCocoll~"'ion 01 dela~, .h.auld be lested 10
tho.... lhal II<: dar.; not havc a C!caf '''''nl~1 I"' ~i:e 01 Ii'e oc cu rrenc• .
Q. ,\11 ~I . Whnt color " :L~ Ih" ( 1,t>\'y?
,\. C,,"''" ~'Olor...'I>ile.
- -".

] $-1 I § ~8.0S

Q. Whal kiml or .-an W~ ! ii, wa ~ it ~ Ch elf.'

,\. Y~ .
Q. Was;1 ~m;,n. nlc-.!ium . or a large "all?
A. Wb~1 110 )'011 '''t"illl by 1" :111
Q. TIl"'~ :lf~ $maU " 3n~?
A. 11 "'JS a "all ,..i lll doof~ I h~1 "pen ;n the bat~ .

Q. Opell in th~ bac,," not 11'11: ~i..w?

A. Doo rs o n the 5ide. ror Ih~ paS$l:n&~ 1!i.

§ ."18.07 ~: ":;.I~l t IIr S~d

COMMENT: Counsel would like 10]islt ttlal the van was spe ed·
Ing. He carefully leads tile wltnQSS from 011(l fac! UilI ptemlic 10 3n·
oIIlQ'. IIllimal1~lv obtalninc an a dmiSSIOn 0" tn's f'Ol llt.
Q. YOII ; ndie-Jtc'd Ihn\ tile .-a n " 'as going a l bt: I""C I1 .)0 :Inti ~~
mil e5 ~n hOu •• coff",,' . .;.?
A. I I hjn~ '0.
Q. D o )"Ol! ~ now whut Ille 51)"ed lim it i~ III Ihe ci t)· of New

.. .... A• :-10.
Q. y 011 do no..1
A. I lll;n~ i ("~ 25 or SQm~"1h;l1t\.

Q. 2S is Ihe "IX"'' li mit?

A. y "~ .

Q. W,luTd ~'nu Sll)' Ihut IIIule r Ihe ci 'C"111$t~~ lh<: ,.,.n wa,
c~ ,,,,cllins the ~r"'c(] limi!'1
,\. w elt. if he " we gainS JO or .l~ , h. must haw !1I:~ n.

§ .\lI.n/! I',~" VDnt~J;c I'"int

COMMEN1: Cc unsol's ImlX'~cl'me nl ~ppr~3Ch is to Ji.ll cre ..le
<.\wllt in I~ witoeloS' \'Cf~city by snO'n i" ll prejudi ce am! ec rruptioo .
Having do ne tfJ,11. f>e tU "I ~ to his 11\3;0 aMc~ . whieh .s to \.haw II!;>I
lhe w il "C!>~ wal not In ~ pOSI\"1rl \0 sce tile ac d~c nt .
C tO~S e.amin,l'ion " I' ~I! tx»;i<1R. in Iho\ In. ~!to rney ~ oo"ld rely on
~ ~trJnl! of I"'/nclles. u""r. 1110 haymaker ooly all ..... "",.ing ,,~~cnN
the w~ne .. • e,edibility ",rtt, ~ ~c ri.~ of jo b. cOll cm"ing p' ej udi,e .
Wa$. " nd ( o....,plilln.
,,'H" ',
§ 3US

Q. Wh c(~ Wt .~ ~'Oll sland ins wh~n you '"'w Ihi. :lCcidc nl

A. In from of I B Wa''Cfly 1'13ce.
Q. Where is 1h01 local~d . willi fCSj}t.'C:1 10 Ihe rorn.:' (If An~'TI
Slre".:l. ~nd Wa"erly I'I~c~7
A. Wen.' w~s on Ih e wuthe~ SI side of Ihe ~\rcct. :,lIo ut 7S
(;''I!I. paralld 10 tht MoP ~isn.
Q. D,d yo .. , nd',""le th at in the jltmtogtaph'!
,\ . Yl~ sir.
Q. )'a~ I sec I~ phOlogr3ph'!
'Tur Coo,:lll: lie did nOi ind icate it. li e j Ult pOinted. 1\'(1)0<1)'
wanted :tn)'thi n& funbc r.
Q. You wcr.: 7S r~'C: 1 " a~1 or Wa>'t1 ly PI~~
,\. Ea't of ,\Ikn Sl re"t, o n Wa ~crly I'b<..,. lool;ing W«I,
Q. Allen Str~ct II....'S north a nd "",to:h1
,\ . No. it rUI15 from " 'Cst 10 <"':1M.
Q. Alien Street?
,\. ,\Ikn St recl 11.111' sO " lh 10 nofl h .
Q. YOII Were ell \Va"crly "'3ee?
,\. Yes.
Q. Yo" were JS r~c l ~ ..!
.... Yes.
Q. o r W3\" Pla~"1:?
,\. Ensl of Allen Slr~cl.
Q. 1!ru;t of Ali en SI(""\. on Wa"CfI~ Pb ('l:?
.\. Yes. ' ..
Q. So lll:o t the ,'ml1er of ,\Ikro SUL'<!t :",d Wa"criy 1'!a('I: is . ~s
)'Il U . ny, 75 feet ,IWIIY {rom YOu'!
A. YCI. l ir.
Q. The !oUllm,, 1 ~orJIcr'!
A. Th~ f. co rr~el.

COMMENT: Ccun$cl oow take~ tilC uo ld ono~e of ... king It>e wilrress
10 u plain ho"N h", COuld hJ~ S<':cn tM ~ee;~~nl frc'~ IIMt pos.ilion .
3~_tJ * 3H.1J9

Such a question sl1oul~ only be asked when tile questioner i. conli·

de"t tlI~t l1e can show that the witrle55 could not "aVe sccn tile ~cci.
Q, How could you pos,ihl)' sec anything that com~s through
Allen Street from that po~ition whcli you're standing 75
fect away from that cornc"! Would )'OU explain that to the
jury, plca<c'!
A. Sure, This is Allen StrecI-(indicalingl
'1'"" COlin: Rcrcrring 10'/
TilE Wln'E'-': R~[crrillg to Dcrcndnllt" E, Thi, i~ Allen Strect
runlling n<:lrth.
THE COL'K1: You're Oil \Va,'crt)'?
TilE WITm:w I'm 011 Waverly, 011 thi! ~idc over here, paralld
to lile SlOp ~ig",
Till: COI:R1: :-lot on the picture? T~k~ a look, alld ,.c if you ean
.how in Ih~ otlier picture wlicrc you were 't~ndinll'
TlIE: W<INt": Where Ihc pliolOgraph w,," taken, this i~ Defcn·
dams' D, It docs nOI show 011 the OIlier one.
Q. May I ~ec the olher pt][!togrnph'!
Tm CllUR1: D and E do n01 sbow wherc you were ~tanding 011
W~"crly Pbce at thc limc tllc impact took pla,'c?
THE WIT;>"'-': 'fbI's correct.
COMMENT: Coun\et is nat reatly interested in the witnc55' e'I~<lI1~'
lion, sa having flOscd tI'Q (ILlesliort lie now dislracts him from givirtf,
J full response by changing the subject. Tile jury will remember tile
question well, but Ute answer was '0 jumbled thot it is n~t mcnt~r"'

§ 38.09 Vic" "r ,\,'ddcn~ Site

COMMENT: Thn attorney SltOL,ld tearn Ihe di.tam:es in tlte CaU!t·
room before (lIe Ir;~1 begins, either by asking tlte jlJdBe ar ~ court of-
ficer far 0 distartce eI'"r\' Of by doing the me3SUfCnlcnls 1,;,nsel1.
TltiS allows Ute witn~ss' judgment to be tellod, If Ilis estimate is ~C'
cur3te, the attorney c:an move on withnut c:ol11mc"t; if it is not, lie
can "S~ the jud~c to st<ltc Ule ~i\tanc:e in arder to p~int out tile wit,
nelS' in.c:curilcy,
Q, fiKidcntillly, wliat do you c<li111ate 75 [ect 10 he, from
",lierc you're sitting 1<) wllat. 10 tile end of the cOllrtrol11n'l
A. nC}'on <1 Ihere . r~r hcyolll! Ih« " . I "'0.. '<1 s.oI)' Ihi:l i .• I"ub;lbly
40 f~~I . II: Ihe wall.
Q. Woul<1 you 5.W Ihal Ih ~ pQS, lion ",II(", }'o" W~fl' \<.'~s 3boul
double Ille ~ i)'C of th is courJroom. from ... l",r~ you ~r~
slu!ng. 10 Ihm ",~II appm.<im~l/:'ly'!
,\. ,\proxima le!},.
Q. F((Im lhal nmition, Y(lLl "'...1... 3b!c to is<< !he ~10Jl ~;gn OIl
Alkn Slr~'t.", COffe<:l. ~i rl
.\. YC $.

Q. Let me ~!IO'" )'OU ;\ pltol"llmph Iha l 11:1:\ m'('n marked

Plai!l1i1r.,' 5 in e"i'k"t~, and ask ~ou whetber ~'OU I tlOS;\;OI'
C:1Il Ix '«'('n in Ihal phol"Wallh?
,\ . No. sir.
Q. W~I! . dou Ihal silo'" \\'~\'...rjy aud Allen Sired!
.\. Y~ J. hut Ilial sho""s Ihe """ lh "".,,;1 ~rncr, I Wil< <III IhQ
wuI~t ,..,mer.
Q. LeI me ~bow!"'lll I'la;1I1i/'fs' Exhibit I in ." i<1,·n'·~. and ~,1:
)'11" wlll:1 her that "haws Ihe l}Osition WlwTe you "Cfe
.\ . Almost.
Q. I, il hI.,}vIlII wh'll Ihe IlholOgmph .11<l",~'1
,\. Yc~. I'm 1>..''10011 il.

Q. Let me silo,," )VtI I'L,intitTs' 6 Jnd :L.Sk )'OU ",helher liti s

r)/.mogt3ph 101.0"-'5 your pi)~ilioll'!
,\. YL"!o.

Q. II doel?
,\. Yes.
Q. Woullt you l1I ar k llial n n the phOIOll"ll,b wilb a ~jrdo. lind
your ;niliJI~, r)/eJ5'e?
Till: COlllI,r. Th is is ",lIn c ~<O" "'ele st~nd;l1g m the tim e?
Q. N th~ I;nle )'~ U ~'''" 1he " w n t Ib~1 you h~~c juS! d,'..:rihcd,
Welt . " 'eTc )l' U on 1he ~i"'~"'! . o r On Ih ~ slreet?
,\. 0 .. Ihe .idewall:.
Q. You did nO( m :tr ~ ",Io.; rc )'OU wc«' s1J " di "t,
J JM.()?

A. h'$ ti",1 of hard \0 ma. k.

Q. Sa "~ rnn h:l'"<: 1I he'1I.:r id~'n i r. ~lIIi ,," , would it b.: fa;, 10
'a~' Ih;U where )'OU "'~rc SI,lnd i n& is w h~ 'e Iht Inlt'k i~
100atcd , 111 , \ ;~ Iholl'n a n Ihal ph otogra ph ? Wu ul,! you P"I
an arrow 10 "-ho: ,~ IlIat lrun j~, Ih:l\ mi&hl b~ more
dC ICrip li vc,
A, Yes.
Q, h'~ ck a, lI,al ~ou w,;rc .. <II in I lle ~m'CI, but )'<111 were on
the l id~\\'"lk ~I the l imd
A. Yes.
Q. E ~ ru \e me, ~; ,. 'There arc (\\'0 Im\rkings'l
A. One i~ my in i li 31~

Q. 1'0.110 . O, 'Cf hen:.

Mk. S.,,, FU.Ifl"Q: All d nt3y I ~how Ih i, 10 the jU lY?
T in: CUI;r,, : Su re, UcfON Y()U do. yo u Oll foht 10 ~h oll' il \0 ,\ lr.
Reesc. 10 t;i "c him an o ptl<JrllmilY 10 >t.' " it.
M R. S ,~. ru,JI'j~ ': Y <'lo. of COU' 'C,
(PiIOI{l ~how .. 10 IIl r. RC~ 5e. J

Q. I will nOI\' draw Ihe Jury's ~ u en! iCln I,) t)l e ' POI w),er,; Ilu-
'Inow is " 'ilh h i~ ini li al1 :I!l d the ' !lOl.
Till: COlJ Ml: In d ica ling the "1101.
Q. J\'o\\'. Mr. Coop.:r, I = UIIIO ~'ou han: g»IJ\L ~ision?
.\. Ycs.
Q. W h l' de) }'OU WC'JI' gia'l d!
,\. I h~w ;IMiG!n:ui.~m . The mh~r i. ~ plain Sl:!s. len """
Q. Will"' ,,1 yo u, g~"SI.-S ...'h~t is ),om " ;s;on
,\. T"'~ lIly.l \\'c"I\'.

Q. With your lll " s! "~?

,\. 1'Wt nly.!"'t.·m y,
Q . Yo u h ~" ~ 110 "~tr:..mJ in~ ry " ;sioll th:1I cnllbk~ yo" In , cc
around corners. do r oo?
A. ~ O . • i"
COMMENT; Coun~ "T e mpll ~ sile~ ll is mest i mp!) 'I ~ nt (loin! wiUl •
Ic uell of ~u"' c, and •• whith aT(" I~ the iury ,n a tlramntic
,,~. "' .,
L,}' 11· ltn,." •• ,

manne' Ihat ht' has a d~e p comi <:tio lt that \h ~ w,tne~s CQuid nQ\
"aves~c n th e Jcc iden t.

§ JIUO T ""ting 0. I>«.il~ of rhe CIIIII ~ion

COMMENT; Questioning al>oLl\ $lnilil details ,~veal5 the witnt u ' lack
01 a dear m enl ~1 pit:tU!C 0'
hOW Ihe aecidcnt otCUlr e ~ . It can Qlten
be . II CI'III tll~ t a wit ne'$ lu'TI ~d to c e rt~ in conclusions wi th oul know·
'''G I'f1 cllCh details. lhe mo'e eno,s. iJ\•• .::and uncertain·
ties that can be ontainel! aDOOI (jCtail~. tht:! le1s CO<lvineing 1M t~'ti .
m1)rly .,ill be.

Q. ""1~11 d id you n(ll;':e with . C$f)«1 III thc imp3ct. all d br

lhat I m ~an, whn l part or the ,'an?
,I . The Idt {' (lnl f" ndcr h it tile . ip ll f.ont fcnd~r of the ,":trI.
Q. No 'I u~ \ tl on abOut lhat jn YOllr mi,nl?
,I . No. si r.
Q. Yu u 'em em ber lhat vcl")' clea,' )'"/
,\. y~~.

Q. Yo u' ,e not ~ayi nt~ l11nl bcc:lll ~c tile in\"cstign lor p UI il III
". '1l lt i. wh ;u I !Old Ihe ;u,·c,li,:;,I",.
Q. Tb:1l you !:.,,1
,\. Yes.
CO MMENT, (Aun ••1 now II'~ a distlnc lion whlth I hc witnen doe
nol. bel~e n ·,I~e- ",nd -hoot:
Q. You ~lY )·ou d id 1101 M:C Ih e nn hit tn.: l i~~ vI" the
Oldsmobile. did )"Qu?
A. Yes, I dill .
Q. ""h id. W:t~ it. th~ left ffont o . s'd,,?
,\. rh e ,'ur 11111 Ih"!\1~11 th~ intCnlCC lion , the ,.~" WII! IIC~ (led
'·:l.~I. Mrufk lilt " " . 5pun :trou nd . a mi h't it a .....-cond tinl'"

Q. me SlOp ~'u u Ih~rc. T hcIl you"e 5;1 )·jng th,,1 Ih e

0ld~mub ik h il the \"311 twicc. i~ Ihal corro."t·~
,\. Til,;' collided twice. )d .•ir.
Q. ThclI wa~ Ih,",c a Illi. <.I co ll;~i<u' w;11t Ihe li re l'uck1
'\. Yc~.
,,,"' ..
., ,
) 8_17 t !II.n
Q. You ",,,' 311 ()flh~ l~
,\ . y~~. si r. I ... as sialld ills right 1h"l':. f3<:i ng \\'l")I.

§ JII.II Di.I'lK'lloo al Tilli. of ,\ cdok_,

COMMENT: A wilne$~ "'1!'Iy vpeels a n accide nt They haJll>l!f1 rap·
I(lly. and he usually h!~ II's n.lnd e n SOOle\lIlng ~I~ III the limt. l nis
fact I!'Q(Ies tht ~e(UfOlCy ~I his ~l>serv~tIO",
Q. You ...ere conc~rncd nbo ul n 10""' I ru~J,;. 30d }OU, cal bel"!;
to""W a""3)1
,\. No.
Q. You won; not con ccrllCd '!
,\. 1 ,,'a~ w~ i linIl for " tuw truck. I "'015 nOI OOMcrncd nh(>u \
my car beinG towed a way.
CO MMENT, Despito this· Oc n;;'1 tha t he wa ~ 8mciol:S about
the 3',iv,t of th e tow t11J ~~ , il ",ill be obvious Ie tile jury Illal lhe ";1·
ness psobabty Wa1 disu,)CIClI, Thu~. the rk ni31 does nat negate the
$"&IIesli.",; if D wlln~ss lIenn... somethl", y,hlch I, p,oba~T e. it im·
p3irJ the <;rl!dibiliTV 01 hi s testi mony .

§ JH.Jl Car and \':1.11 lUI S I",ull. nl'llus'y

Q. Yo u nctual!y M'W Ihe len front or Ih~ Oldsmohi le hil Ih"
,iShl front fender of the van?
A. I s:.w lite Tith l fm nt f"MoJ"r or tn ~ " ~ n hit Ihe len frOIll .. r
the Oldsmohik
Q. 't'~ !h~ <llher l\'~y around.
,\. , ... ~, On Ihe OIli er , ide of the l·~'.

Q. w"' it t)1e OI<1s mobik thm hit the ~an. Or was ;1 Ihe n m
th ~t
hi! Ihe Old!n1obilc. fir~t in1I1~Cr!
!>h, !hclc I will object. Th.,t iI a "'.'tI~r of ."m~ nliC'!i.
Tut Cm.1~r. Overr uled, Yo n mal' an,,,,,, il. 1)0 yo u undc,,"a mJ
the fi~t "u'ilio n?
T il l' WITt<f""': :"So. !ir.
THE COI.:Mt: Wif! )'011 pkaso;l rcphr!! se 111~ que .• tion. if 1I'Y.>,;ble.
more clearl)' Ih ~n ,hal.
Q. The first i",p~ct occurred be,,,"e.,, Ihe ldl fmllt I<:nlle, of
Ih~ Qld.mnbile. and Ihe 'itlll fmn t fender of Ih~ V~ Il. am
I oo"ttI. sir'?
§ Jll. 1l

,\. Y,'1o. ~ir.

Q. Dj~ I h ~ lefl fmnl fender of Ihe Oldsm obile h il 111~ ri~ht

fm lll 1'ct\(J~r of Ihe van. or .Ji~ Ih e righl front fcncl or of Ihe
"11n hil tl'e ri ~b t fron t fcnu~r of the Old, mohi le. or did Ihe}'
tX:llh h"Pl"'n ~imu h" n c o n ! I)"1
,\. 1\ >1';\$ i imuhantou!.
Q. T it>; Jmt>:lt:l?
,\ . Well . \he "an ""..,,,,cd 10 lh~ lefl . ' f)'inC 10 :l\"oid Ihe <':Ir.
Q. YOII law Ihll h~mx:n ?
A. Ye l. Then il was alm oll a l itl1uhltlCOU' collis ion.

§ 38.13 Cunlpnriul! nSlimony of Ot he r Witnesses

CO MM ENT: It can b<! IIselullO peint OUI d ifj~'MC"" t)elwC<etl 1l WI!'
nen ' _tl$lon nl the 13C~ ;)ml l hO$~ 01 ot her w~ nes!o::.. 0 1 cc une .
I~i$ ttchnlqoo Iohould be reJI'ic'~ 10 the lestimony c l c.ed,blo· o. other wiln~ lor the! dele nse: othel ... i.e Ihe (onl,nt
will only dlloCo" nl Ihe other version. Any COIll<3S1 thaI can lit lound
bet..-tetI ;) l.\tanglv Cfedible .I. tem~nt ~lI(l lhe wil"",~' testimony will
caul e Ihe jUlY 10 infer an elrer In tM tcstimMY almost as ' ''Iely IS
J prior irn::onsi slc,'1 stale ment wo~I~ .

TI,e bOlt testin'o ,, ~ 10 con l r~.t Is 0" ad,~ ;ss ion from a derol'l<lanl,
TIl e jury wi ll civ e Olucl, grcJte. weigl' t tO ~ MaleOle "1 ~ca i nsl intclest
than lhe Idle oosc.-Jtion arld '~cOli eclicn 01 a by51~l'I<lc •. On ce th e
Crre r Ii esla bli:; l,ed in the mi ndS 01 th~ )\I1~ r5 thl<)' will bellin 10 ~ ""ise
", pl~l\3ticl1~ lor 11. s ud. 25 plej udltG, ccrruplic.n. a nd i"""~G\I.'I~ olI·
Q. No .... if I "'.:re 10 leU )'OU . " Ir. COOf!C~. lhal Ihe dri,·t l "r
!1I ~ " ~n I~ifjcd tllis nmrn il1S \Ind~r o ' lh _
MR. RI'Mf.: Obje<.:t i'lII.
T ill: C()lI~T: O'·~rrulcd.
Q. If I told ynu Ihal the Ic~tim"n>' in II,il C;I S ~. hy ~lr. O'N~'I\I
Illis nmrni~g, "" d ~n ;lI1ntll~r o~~~,;o " . under "alh. >1'(\5
lhJ t he :lew"lI)' .,,'" l h~ IJri.w of th e Old~!nohik ,'"m e 16
a full MOP >I'hen it ~nin"d at ,\lI~ n S" ~CI, ;IIId if )"" a~'''''pl
that u hci n~ true. "'ould Iha l (h:mce ~'OU I """i,m~
MR R r.I.'~: Objcctinn.
'1'11\: C'Wlil : On what 11.111" 11<1'1
~,", Itu.~!, : l ie did n01l e.'lif)· 10 11,:n.
",~" " "
.\~ _ 19

MIL S ~)I FIL'~I'Q: He d ill not'!

Mit. ~-qoooly. he cnnn ol Nf"ph rJ sc onc "'i lnL" ~' 1t'S!i·
lIlony In Qut'Slio ning alloth"" "';lnc'S! .
TU HCOCItI: O~crrok>d. YOII ll:l " ~ )'our cx~c)!lio n. Do )'ou 11:1 "~
th c qu esli on in ~'ou r mind?
Til li WIT ~'I,"'-;'; No. I wouLd li k¢ i t ' Cp-...aIW.
IIh, RI:(~' : J uo.lgc, r Ll\i n ~ tbis i. u p 10 Ille j",, ' 10 dC\';II ~ , lob.
ject 10 Your Honor', rulin&-
Tm: COURT: You d on't J;k~ my I'\)J in&, rou Ila "c:m ••...ttp\ion,
M~, RH<i:: You ~xpr~$$cd Wille doubt llooui YO'1f SlawJ.
"l'mi Ct)!.'~l: You 11:1 311 c~ " cp li on 10 Ihe rulinl!- Pkasc lIn5"er
lilt: Ilu~"M;on,
,\ . NO. ;1 \\"\luld not.
Q, I wanl }'O ll to n5,u mc llWI Ihe o.Irh ·cr of Itt.: \.;", who is
I'CfWnn!1y "'~IX)!l5ihlc in !IIi! :I cli oll. Il,e IlcJi: ndnm ,
test ified under o~lh on tWO ocC~SiOn5 Ilwt he nc ,'cr Diu.":
lurned lIi~ s lte. ing " '11...,,1. from Ih . li me he ,~'" the ".'hjete.
!lIe OJdsnl obilc ~r~si n~ the i!llcn«I;a ll . 10 the timQ IIf !!,~
imp;I~I . i\.;s~ ll1i"& Ihm Ilut i~ lrue. would thaI ch:lll~ your
"crs ion7
,\. :-10 ,iT.
Q. 11 would !lOt?
,\. It would nllt.
Q, Dio.l ~'ou hc~r thc ~an soullli iii hom b<:(o! e Illc im[1:l ct
,\ . No. I o.Ii<l lIOI.
Q. Did yo u lied' ;III} ' st . ccch illil of bra\;c1o ~fole Ill e impact
rx'l:ll rrcd'!
,\. 'fhcrc w~ ! some.
Q. Di<l il come fro m lite """. Of fro.n th e 01d~IMhi1e1
,\ . I "'o ul d h3"C no id t :l.
Q. Did you 1101 ......, a nr ~ki dll1 alks on \ h~ ~rll un d?
,\ . \'C~.

Q. WII"rc wcl"<: Ihe !I:idm"rk. COll1in£ f1l)nI , ~n d "'hcre o.Iid

Ih.:)· CO 10'!
A. I don't \.:1I0W. The)" were ~~illm~rb. I ""w tbem IIca, Ibe
fi rClru~"'.

Q. No ...·, Oll( o f dll::>C ~tl«l ~ i ~ C'ObhleS1(mc ~nd Ihe otller is

,\ . \'~ S.

Q. Which is lite cobbt..'$lone?

A. Alkll SLr«'I .
Q. Were Ihen: si:.i dma!h o n ."Ilen Street'!
,\. No.
Q. W~re th ere s\:.ioJm~rks o n Waverl)'?
A. They wc," on ..... a \·~,l)·.
Q. Thiry WefC lie;" , Ih: IircI Nck1
,. , ",'S.
Q. Do yO!! \.:now which ,:If thcse 5~idm arkl l';l.mC from?
,\. 1 would h~I'c no id~J .
Q. Now. if 1 we re 10 Id l yo u. if you ~C«p!ed a 5 lruC tbal Ihe
dc{clld anL. Mr, O'Nein , u'stified o n two occ asions lhal
Ihere w~s bU L (Inc c~ lIisi(l n. ~ ",l Ih at was Wilh Hie {ron, o f
hit "ar. his Van wenl inLo Lhe It'ar 1011 side or tile
Oldsr.'Lobile. would tbJI change )'uur mind?
Ml< ItnSl:: Ob,i<:ct io n.
TIl~ Co"'o.r: SU5la ined. Wilt r Od '~'Ph ...w: iI , 1,Ic;L~

Q. If \ w("rc LO Itil you, and if yo u " 'i ll ac<:cpt a s true that ~lr.
O·N.ill t.~ti!icd at ~ d"posi tion in 19... ~ nd in c~ un this
nlornin,. Lhat Illere "'"liS hul one im pac! IIchl'C'Cn hi.1 ",'hid"
a flll I)"" Okismobik ",hi ch in l'ol vcd llie ~ntire front "r his
\' ~h i<;k. and th~ le n ~id ~ or the Olthmobik coi n\; IOWJ,ds
Ibe re~ ,-
1',,~ CUl'u : From where?

Q. From Ih. left door IOw'arJ . th e reat fellder. lhi~ rn,ing ,\

two-door ~odan. would I~ ~t ch,mllC your l·t ....;Ofl or lite
A, Nu. sir.
COMMENT: Th e ",ilnes, has been c~nlr;ldlclcd bit two pe!~'\5 j . .
51.1,,"""'5, boLh f,om the defendant.
I~' l"'~ ,l:iw. 1I(>w ,,~u,)' ,ml,.,; .:;'!.~)I ""y? ___ \'Ihm '~Y"" />;'.v f", ~3,h"~ N W'" l'~ . __
~t' )<.=" J!:'~' ,,~". II<'w ,,,,,~h "'!!:/) "'~y? _ _.
If' )'"'' i'"" I' ll;""': 1111)' B"',, h!,,":\<:k~ wl,il< m ""t~, ~I;~"\I ,1(, )'",,' "~"r,1;!~ I)' ~'I~·",II~ " _!k'!'·!

Wh:u a,u )""",r ~!~u.!!,I '·"rM~;C~ fur. I"or~ _ .; d""" _,

,.r.;";r (pl"a,'" ; I)<;,ily) , _.....•... ", '

h " <;.,.;' ,,,,r"!;'.. ~· ,.f 1;'lu'~ ",,,,I;~,, ! c ·_ 1"''''''', pk"':~ 1;,1 !I..; ;:")1\'j(C' ~-' .!oo licqt"""·,, ,,:,1," 1"-~I",,,,,t. II," (,,,,,·,,t
,'(Of; :,..""i,,\ ('1<)\ :, ,,·,,·[':ml l (" W", I;,,,·· ~ ("tJ"1J' ~ " "' tWLt N~I) . "I,d til(' ULt!:,I'''lI r)1'ti L<' t' . "''''''',1 1'," 1'.,a"'I'I"
(;.)~l!.\~['. t~!),>.I't_~_"'~. f;'>,; II~\',(Y;"il, [1.1 " ;L,' !I'f.!
1'0)'_,;':.,1 th\.,,!'y 2 l""c< I'~r ,,",ek Sl:: ~, Y":""

--, - -

--- ..... - ---_.

------ --

- ,- ,_ .. _, - ....
{i;ft~ ~nd fU"" ;i;>o,lk"","
1{v.: r,ali"ll ;1",1i>('lll>ioc: __ ,
I ~J",·.1t ;011:
38-21 § 38,1~

Q. Now you ga,·c your husiness card to the police ollieer,

A. Yc~.

Q. Did you nOlice if there were any passengers in the Shllll~

.\. Yes.
Q. Do you know what hcr condition WlIS?
,\. :-.lo.
Q. Did you gi,'c your card to Ms. Shull!.. or l>h. Byrd who WaS
in that car'!
A. :-.lo.

§ 38.14 L>l)"in~ Jioulld>lti,)K ror Si~llcd SlalclllCnt

COMMENT: Counsel did not usc this signed statemcnt ulltil now.
it Jor the be.t effect.

Q. You 'isncd ~ 'latcment for all ill\'e'ligatar trom my oflicc.

didn't you'!
A. Ye,. sir.
Q. I shOll' yon this yellow sheel of paper.
Till: COll~l: Plaintirrs' 14 for idcmilieation. (Paper marked
Plaintirrs' E~hibit 14 ror idcmificatioll)
Q. 1 will ask you if that i, your signature at thc hOllom.
A. Yes, it i,;.
Q. Did you rcad th~t before )'ou ~igned it?
.\. Yes. I did.
Q. Thank }'ou. May I have it'!
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know when this statement was t:lkcn?
A. No,
Q, Wel1. w~s it t~kcn before the ,mtem~nt th'l! the other
investigator look fmm you?
A, I dOIl'1 rcc~ll,
Q. Ir I tell you thai it was t~kcn an January 18th. 19 ... which
WllS wilhin a few weeks after Ihe accident happened. would
thm refresh your recolkction'!
,\. I dQn'\ bIovo' whic:b in"cSlicator "lIS ~'OIl' in\"cSlig;o.lur. or
Mr . RNSc'S in,·C\tig..1Ior. I just £<In' tliem the (3I."1S ~",J
signed Ille p;!pcr,
Q. Do yo... rrt:IU meetint wil li J :0." , Alan J . Saker ;II '''Iori~
,\. Yeti.
Q. 11\3\"m. i n h nU;If)" of 1<), .• w;\sn', it1
,\. Yes.
Q. lie >"011 3bo~1 Ih" acridtnt, and yQU told him,
,t, Yes.
Q. So it ""35 J.:In ll.J.!),. 19. . at Ihe oor " 'bere you p"c the
Sl a lem~nt'!

A. Right.
Q, 1"0..... aS~llme Ihal you ... erc pc.f«tI~· s.ob<:. III Ih:1I tim e?
A. II wu ri;hl 1fter 1 !eO IIII' <Illite.
Q. ' -!e ..-role d o ..-n " 'hal ~'ou \-:l id , cvrrCCI?
,\ . y~'S.

Q. Then yo~ l igMd it?

,\ . Yes.
§ Jll.15 Told l'lninlirrs I",>'!ili~l/l' l"koil 1)C~.d;tQ I [ "rt'fl/e-d
S~ WillI!

COMM£Nf: In ,mpeadunl; ;I .. It,ICS\ .... illl D sigrlCd siMe'lW11\ tho

1><)0\ 1;:\1;' >< is III co~en" Jle l1li tile ~t d~ng latlgUage in ! !\c!
' liIleTl!ent ~nt:I ask the witness if hI!" molde the SllIiemetlt. II ..., agree
I~t lie did, <0 milch the ~eo- . If I1e detlles it. the IiIngll-3ge un ""
1Is.e1J as ;> prior il'lCoosistenl slalC1\lCII!.
Q, Do )"011 remember IcUiu!: Mr. lI~kcr in Jnnu~ry, 1<).. _
T!I ~ COI) Rl: Lei him lilli~h Ihl' III1Hlion. Dun', ans ..-et IIl1 til
)"Our ~''')'cr. Mr, Reese. nr:1t." IIi!; obj.x1ion. Please ronl; nllt
wi,h l"Our qu~sl;ao .
Q, 0 0 Y(lU .~catl t~nin~ Mr. Ilak~f ha~k in J3nu~ry Ih~ \ )"0"
5.:IW .. 1;=/1 Oldsmub;lc proceed nonh on Allen SIl~I?
,\ . " fI.. si r.

U - 2)

Mil, R~I:~a:: I objtX:t 10 tile qll~Slioll. The ",i tlleM- i~ lool;ing at

J doc1Jn"n! not in ~"idem;~,
Till: ClltiH: 1\'0, he i~ j\I~! ~!kins Questi on s. lie is rcf~rrill~ In
1\ot~s. You . objc((ion is ovcrru l~d. You l]~"e :In nceptioll .

Q. 00 yo u r«:l ll lellins Ih is ill ,·e:;;li&ato . Ih al you !>a'" Ihi~

Olds.mobilc ~nltr !hc inlcr5~C!i !ln into W~wrly Place?
A. Yes.
Q. Du you n:rnl1 tc ll ing lite in "csli",lOr Ihm you '"1'" a "'h il~
" ~ n &Dins ~",,~I on W:...." . I), P I:IC<:, ill caens or t ilt ~po...."d
lim i!?
A. YC!. ~ir.
Q. You :la id Ih~l . .... id ..·' yell"
A. \ 'cs, I said !h~ ! hdOl".
Till; Cmin : T h~1 1$ :1 11.
COMM ENT: Coun~1 \'IOWld like to '~at lhi. critlc: 81 e~idenc, eQ Il'
ceml"ll':U:ps$We sPCOd in care a llY ju.", miss ed II, bul Ihe judge h~s
PledU(lC(l him 110m (loine so. Ho>.~evc" if S~lhi", cannot be <lon~
O.. e way. ;t 1I ~l!y " " be done Mother way. HI!"I~ coon",,1 ineorpo .
'~te, the ~ ,.tde 'lCe in hi s next qu~stl()ll.

Q. Tlren do )'011 rc nlcmhcr lcl\jrrg llli! in'..:'SliG'l I'" 11\,,, you

$i)" " Ibis " -bi le \':''' ~a\1 o n W3, PJ~e in c~...-a$ of do~
~pttd limit ja m on lIis brah~. ~Ild
lIlr,l e t \l;: Old~mohilc on
Ihu left side wilh !he fro nl of lh e VJ tI ? [)() yo u rcm~lll~r
.3>'in& Ihm 10 Ihe invc! lii.'otQr?
,\ . Yes. 1 do.
§ 38. 16 c""rRsloo or Tern,s
COMM ENT: It is re lative ly rare tI,,.
~ \"ljt oo.~ us~s ~ term i~D~'~'
'a(e ly. but here tllis w~ness U\.C$ thO words ", ide" ~ nd ' j,glll" inlor·
ehan~,l bty.

Tht witness' tion b~t:Gme-5 $(I jumbl~d tlUlI the onl, way his
tes~nlQ"Y would ma~e sense is il II.! CM wa. lrDveli rlS SiduWJ~5 at
the tima 01 \I]e co ll iSion.
Q. So it " 'as 0.01 tbe kft fron l re nder o f Ih~ Old,nool,j]~ thai
h it I~ .i&iot f.ont ren dcr o f Ihe '":In~
,\ . t'o. ju.l a minu le. 1113\ i. "'h~ l I ,""Y>.
,"'..1" 1'"
§ )&1(,

Q. Is 'h~.~ ~ d iOi;«:lIte iu yOU( mind ~tw~cn ,he lc!"t from

rc .. d~( and the lerl side'l
,\. No.
Q. The}' <II'\: on~ on d Ih. \.J.nlC t il }'ou'!
.\. II', all 'h~ s.nmc to mL'.
Q. Well. ~ r. i" or(l ~( for the left side of an Old smobile 10 hi!
the righ, r,ol\l fender of u "~II. that Oldsmob ile "'u llld 113"e
to h" I.~ vding ~id cw~)~. woukln't it?
,\. I'or the Icrt ~ide of tl, e O ld ! lIlobi k 10 bi t the rislll ftonl of
iI. no. it would nm ha "c 10 ~ lIa>'di m; $ideway5.. II could
he Ir" "dinG llcrpcndi cul~r to it.
Q. In OTd~r for the O!dm51n~bile to hit th e nn on a
~111C"diwbr tiir~,ion. lhal ~(tr wou!ll ha.'c to be d.iving
sideway " woul(\II', i!'~
A. No. I dOli" think $tl .
Q. Or wouldn'l the "an, if it hit the teft ~idc, be gO;II&-
,\. If the ri~,ht fronl of th e "an hit Ihe left si.l~ of .he ca •• that
i~ Ihe ri~ht hittin); tI.e I" r\ , ido;:.
COMMENT: ~ witness I~ to ying In ""...:It giVing an a nsWer. Thj, in·
Ik.-" ble a!tempt 10 argue tnal Ihe cal w,IS at [alli t cr e ~lei a r~rthcr
inference lh~l t ~ wit~" ~$ i. a spumed SUite, .ee~i ng IfO"roce.
Q. I'clh;l~ ~'O\l d on't \llId~rM~nd n.)· queMioll. »tr. Coope r.
l"~ 11\}' f'lUlt, ir 1"1\1 not clcar ,,"Ol1rl', Ilut yun h~ ,'c ~ 3tc<r
UII tnor~ th an OnC (lCc$ioo that il "-J) Ihc OlthnlQbil~ th~t
hil the >OIn. ,'Orrc:cl ~
,\ . No. ~i ,.

Q. If)' tlte ,." n thm hi. th" Old~nlObilc'l

,'. "'0. I'd >.1)' itlup~ned .i 01uhun ~o u~\)'. YI'" ju., ~,;k~d me
tlio t ulxlut \I h~lr hour ugo. 1 coul,l nut dctcI01i n~_
Q. You <l,)n'[ knu ..' which hit which"!
A. I <wid IInl tell which hi, fin\. I clIuld 1I11t tcll.

Q. I~ Ih:il ".:cause your "icw W"~ OIl!CUTCd'l

,\. ;-.lo. sir. II h~l'/lcncd simultan eou Sly.
,.... ,~"
)8_25 § 38.18

§ 38.17 Inconsislcnt Conduct-Failure 10 ,\s,i~1 Acddem

COMMENT: An eyewitness to an accident l'as a natural tendency 10
want 10 render a .. i,jance, F~jlure to do so creat. , the inference ei.
ther that H,e eyewitne" WaS not really clo,e to Ihe ~cene, or tilat IIC
~cled uncaringly, It is unu,ual for ~ wilness to Ila~c a valid excuse
for not ,,,,,dering aSli~ta"ce, and this onc jumps directly to tile ex·
cuse witi,ool answc(ing the question. Coun,el could ha~e limited till!
question to a ·yes" or "no' relponse.
Q, You said you did not nmkc an>' effort to find out if anyone
was burt'!
A, Th~ fire department W~5 there. They were administering
first aid. I would have bc:cn in the way.
Q, You did not evcn go neM the Old,mobile to ~cc ir anybody
was hurt'!
A. No. sir. th~ fire department was there. I ~tood acro" the
~trcct to look.

§ 38.18 Obwnntion of I']uinlifrs Injuric~

Q. Do you rcmcmrn:r telling tll~ im'cs(igator that the driver of

the Old,mobile Wa5 ~crcllming in pain?
M~. RI't,,,: I object to him leading this wilnc~s. He is reading
from a document not in cvidcnc •.
T1!1' COllRT: Ovcrruled.
Q. Do you rememrn:r telling him that'!
,\, Yes.
TII~ COlJHT: You did tell him thm?
Till: WIlI'He,,: Yes.
Q. You were dose enough to hear her scream?
A, Ye,.
Q, You were 7~ f~~taway'!
A. You asked nw if r walked ov~r to look 1 did. Thc fir~
department W<IS ther~. Thc)" were admin;'tering fi"t aid to
the lX'OPle.
Q, But ),ou were clme enough to hear a female \'O;~C
screaming in pain?
i 311.19 .... ) \\'Un"'-"'"

A, Y~s,

Q, You wcr. ~\o~c ~nc",gh tn re<'Ol:n i7.e that tlC'lllll wn l Ihe

(Iril"(:r of d,~ O'dsmobil~?
A, I " 'ould nOi r~cosni,c Ihe (I .iver, I llid n01, I 1.:1,,' tht d.i \'~r
in the cur, ~~w~ min G in p~i n,
COMMENT: The .. ucrn ~1 511O~ 1d ren> embol Ih ' l even nn ~dva,se II ~ ,
bil~y ";I~ rna, have o ~erve!l facl~ whit" could e nhallCe Ih('
jll.y'$ a p ~re<;iil lio.n Qf lite plaintiff's damages, Only a n eyowilner.s un
offer le~tlmoll ~ IhJI tile r>iainlLfr was · scre~ml ng in p~ i n, '

§ 38, 19 1>... ,,,.'1 R~~ II nci o~ Th ere Who.'fI APlbuitlJo;<l M rilcd

Q. Well, we re )'n U chere ...h~n the anlb\ll~n ....' c:Jnl e 10 In1.'e \he
people awa )"/
A, J h~~ walk\'<l UWJy Ihco, I had WJlke J nWJY , TIl\:
a mbolalK'c' ~howcd up, hUI • w,,~ Sll1l Ih.:ru, hO I nlll J I lhe
IC~nc, NOl wll crc I w,,~ 5 ","din~ bdorc,

Q, My que,li oll , ~i r, is Ihi ~: if }'OU d011'1 IIndcr$!(Ind iI, plea se

le U nle, We,,~ )'OU Ihe. e when th. :lmbulan~~ f ,1mc?
A, Whe re?
Q, ,\\ the r.ccn~ of Ihe ~eddem1
,\. Y''S.
Q, Do ~ou rtc:lJ] lite a mbul~ ncc ('Om i n~~
A. No, sir,
Q, W t ll, then ho'" 110 yo~ know all ~ mbu\nllLc .'~mc, if y011
:>:Iy you we re 0101 IheW .... hcn lhe 3 mbol~ 1l('e \'~ m t?
A. I Jon' t rtC~n what lim~ chey :"tiwd,
Q, I ~itl not n~~ )'0 11 wha l lime Ihe )' ilrri~ctl, \ " ,hd YOll, dn
)"OU 1'I,('a ll ~n ~ mbu" ~ \'I)ming lO the !.Cellt'!
,\, ~o), I tlon'l,

Q, Yo u tlon'l rCC:lm
A. No,
Q, YUII wc. " nOI ,11('",
when lhe ambula nce c:J nlc?
,\. I "'e nl back inlo ",( aria 10 call 111 )' lOW (ru ck,
COMM ENT: li llie witne$~ is 100 cQO ru ~~ o 3bQut the s j'npl. Qu e~tl c l\
of wheW... he re members lite ambulance :u"" ing, Ihe jury is unlikely
,M,),I ,
to w t n.yeh cr<!tlff>C1! in his recollection o' thl! d~',)I1$ of Ih8 ace;'
Q. W~ II . i l'~ :1 ~ iml'l~ Clue'liOIl . s ir. Were )'<>11 Ih\'re wh en Che
arnbul:um: r.rmc? 11'5 dthe. ~Clo Of no?
A. I do,,'t r.'f~11.
Q. !ndd~ nl~lI)', ~ rc yay her. bl' vi rtue " f ~ 511111'o(1. n31
,\. Yes.
Q. Do )"U hl"C it willi you'!
A. ' '''So
Q. I\\a~' s.~ it. 1'1"" 5~'? When was thi ~ ~cn'cd'!
A. Y~~lc rd:>r?

Q. Wh~ t time?
A. 11'1 Ihe ar,nnno n.
Q. Whc.~?

A. ,\1 my" mee.

,, .. § 3K,!O O~«" c,; .... 0' "ie..- by l '~rkcd en,,;

COMMENT: Eac h ooject P<l lcntia l l~ ill an e~ew i ln ~s" lin e 01 siehl
mU!>1 btt itJ .o1ill~ 300 ""pl~;n.d, even whM h~ ;n.os.l~ '''''' il did not
obs<;o.r.o his vis,On.
Q, Wcre tl,..I'<.' any ""'i p".kcd along the curt' o n Waverl)'
Pbtc al Ih:l\ lime?
,\, Which curh?
Q. /lorl! Ih e north Jlld Ihe 501Il h curb of W~\'c ll)' rbl'\'.
,\ , Yno ~il.

Q. The)' were al~() r~rkcd on the ,""utlt curb. where }' nll WCre
$1~ odi n~?
,\. :-10, nnl in frnnt or mc,
Q, No t n,...,,,.saril)' in fuml of yo u?
,\ . ;'II.., sir.
Q. I'ra m 75 fee t from wbcre )'IlU we .. 10 the inl~ .i cCli()n Illcre
"we no CJ '~ park,'!! On W~~crly PIJ~"?
A, :-.I"lhi,,~ 11"",.,
,"'" '"''

Q. WeI\' Lh~re any nn p~fked on Mien Street?

,\. You C:llfj teU frOln thet.,.
Q. You c~nnol jell from "'hen:: you wete M~nd;~'!
A. FtOM! wh~re I "':l~ fl~ nd i ng, ~'ou coukl not ~e.

Q. Mr. Cooper. ~ir. ha.s ~U)' promi\c of paymenl been made to

~OU~ Ale )'OU being paid fo r your lc~limonl'. i~ Wh~1 rnt
;uk;~ you'/

,\ . j don't know. I wu~ told tha t I wa~ gi"cn 1"-0 dollan to

com~ down hefe. So ,omething was \.a id about somcth inS
fO f my linlc , I don't know wha l il w,n. Th:r., ,"'as no fec
fhcd, Or noylhinS like 11",-.
:o.h" Ru~~; Thank YOU very much.
TII~ C()tl ~l ; "nylh i n ~ fu rther?
MIl_ S"" FII,m'(J: y~~.

II] j'mymc.1 rM '\PI'<'~'''fI«'

COMMENT, Pelcn.C cO~ll!;el ~ ltc mpled 10 SMw in .~di'ed that the

wilne,s h ~(! no nr\ancT"llnlcr~t In Ihc 1I ~I'ome 01 lhe use. and tlla!
he .etcI,td ~nty 3 I\Clmln~1 fe(t 10 COYil' elpenSM. Hcw~"el t Oun'QI
nlY... dcmow.;If31•• 1....1 the wilnes s is oot r c~ 11y s ur e what hi! will re ·
(ciw: •• lld hi~ unCCI!Jinl1 creates Dn u nl ~vOf.bTe ;ml'!le~tO(>n, Tht ju'
10<5 Jle not .etei";ng mo< e t~~n thl! statutory teQ III. thoei. ,)IIj)eJf •
• fI( e, and IMy ~nDw that any payment 10 tlto w ilne,~ will quite li~el~
be III oodioon 10 his normal saIJt)', ju~t a~ Itlc iut)' pay is in ~d!l~ ion
to their usual sal"f)'. They ma , le3dily inttr that IJIt wit~s ha~
bee~ eivM a !i~3ne l~1 Inter esl in T~Sl jfyinc til' the at!o'ney Pili"ll
him. and Is TherefD Ie bi3sed tow,),d<l or tOllupted by t n~ 31!0< ney.
The c.oss c~aminel slKruld point <WI UIII\ I~ is nat ~~yrng the w,l·
Q. nt. I tlnoJcnl~ lId li13\ you .... ere JlrOOli~cdthaI )' OU wourd ~
paid fot your l;me, in ~~dition to the IWO ~oHar ~ubfloc n~'1
,\. Y('S.
Q. You did nO! 'Irri,·" af :) figure?
," """
,I. I did not Jill fo r ;my1hinr..
Q. Wn~ the IiJ urc contingen t en Ihf ddcnd:Jn l winni ng \If
k»int the Ca.Ul?
A. :-lo. sir.
Q. Tll u! you wo uld CWlltually arrive ~t a fi£urc fo r
n'" I i0 11'
( 0 I11Il1:
,\ . I do not kno.... I IMugh l it was like jury pay, or OOIl'''III ;n&
I;~( IIr~t.

Q. M r. Coolll:r. 1 wender if you will mlr w; lh me dlu in!: jUM

1"'"0 O. Ih l\!"C n,ore'llieSliOll!>.
A. y~.,..

[21 l'fdC'rIrc of l',rrlcd C~r~

Q. Did I un:k'M~ 1I<l yo ... 10 say Ihal the Oldsmobile was c= n.

;1 Ihl ror",,,,?
A. y~s .

Q. No"". &Clliot b3ck 10 Oil\! ol h".,. '1~tion. )"OU MlY ~"OtI (>;l....

no C.1.. I'a rh ll on AUcn Str«:t1

A. nl~!' S corrCCI.

Q. Did you n01;C-C Ihll Ihe re ....~rr nO n.s pllfk,od on ,\lI~o

SIfl:CI at !he li me lI,a l Ihc &0"""" Oldsmobile " ·cnl ;nlO Ihe
in le rs.:ct ion. or subs.:qu cnl 10 Ih l t Iln,e?
A. No. not ~t Ilt a! l;nl C. I W:15 ~I Ihe ;nlt= Clion. You ca ll scc
Wil en: I ....a! ~lanll jn&. a~ 10 whf lht r Ihe.c wen: (';1,"" nurlh
Of SOUlh of thc.c. I couW nol lell if Ihey .wn: !KIUlh of
Ih c r ~.

Q. You " ·c'c 1S feel th e intersect;,," when )'o U ,~W 111.,
Olll~mobi lcto inlo the inle'.~li(l n?
A. Y e~.

Q. Now J w~n l to know, ...·!tile yo ... "'ere 7~ fe~1 fW Ol Ill e

in lc ' !oCcliun. lIi d you !>O licc whellier Ihe." w~r~ "Illy ( a.s
"',.t.... OIl Allen SUcel?
A. Nil. 1 did mI!.
Q. You <li(1 "<If!
,\. r.:().I dill nUl nOlicc.
PI 'Ttj;!i. g WitMlis' IIbi til ,· to Ob$t>ne M~i<I.nt- roor
VMI~I:C !'oint
COMMElH: Thl! abllily Ie r~1I Of cb<ienllt d e tail~ le l ~$ 00 Ille
. bility 10 obseM! a nd ll1e ac("'aty of Ihost: ebsetvalions.
Q. You did see the , lOp 5ign1
II. Yes.
Q. You \lid ~ Tbe O ldsmob ile"?
A. Yes.
Q. On Allet. SI I"<,,\:I. while )'o~ w~IC 75 feel ClI!t of Waverly
,\. I; n51 of Allen Street.
Q. En~1 of Allen Str~CI. on \Va"crly rl~ cc'l
,\. YClo.
COMMENT: Counsel now ~in, the lil\al 5«l ion or the re<::'O».
wili(.l, In_cl.cs ""0In8 Ihe wiln es~ ",plain hl~ ~silion by Ill" use 01
photograph. di~pl ayed 10 the jury. Tile obj ect it to dMlonltrote IIIat
tile witnCn could 11(11 ~ the occident 110m hi. v~nl a&e ""inl .
This un be a >'e<y .lIed in' II!(Mique. ~lIy ;/I automobile accI-
dent caus ..,I-,e ,e I ~ e F~ it ion or c)'C",ih>eS50S 15 ofte n c'u( i. l lo!le.
temlinln g IIIe weiglll 10 gioe th eir testimony .
Q. photagl~ ph Ih at yo~ nt~ rkw ns
,'nt GOing IQ 51, (1 .... ;-'00 the
Plaintiffs' E.lh ibil 6 , yoo marked Ihe ~poI Ih~ 1 )"00 we re
51nnding on. I'm going to ask you wh':lhcr or not thi~ i ~ ;!
f~\ , lnd re~sonnblc reprc~cnl:tt !(l ll of thai lame
inte""-"<:Iion . ni il ~PIIC~ re d at the lime of th e nceidcnt1
TlIr COURT: Wh:1I il this'?
~k S~l< FnJI')'O: It's ma,k~d 7.
TUI, C()I!Rl! Wo~\d )'OU m 3r ~ it before )'ou show it III him .
(DOCIl nl~nt m3rkcd:lS Pl3 inti fT~' E>;hillil 14 in c" jdcl\('Cj
Q. 1 show you 1>la intirr~' 14 nnd 30;1; )'O ll whethe r i t"5 the ,nll1c
3r~~ ~~ }'OU ide ntified in f'laintilr.' 6 in c\"idctt~c. Is th ai
I h~ 5:ln..,?
,\. Yr:I.
/l.l~ , S~l< FIUI'!'(l: loITer it in eviden ce,
MR, R.Ene No objec tion.
JS-JI § 38.l2{31

(Documenl marled 3S Plainlifls' Exhibit 15 in C"idenee)

Q. '\g~in, Mr. Cooper. I Wllnt 10 be "cry fair. I'm going to gi,'c
you Plaintiff,' 6. which you h",·c ltlready nmrked with an
arrow. indicating where you were 'tanding when you Sllw
the accident. when you saw the gr~cn Old,mohile go
through the intersection. I'm going to show you Plaintiff!'
15 in e"idence, alld ask ;'011 to mar~ on that photograph in
the ,ame manner, with an arrow and )'our initials. where
YOli were standing. You see ther. is the Same truck there.
c,·el)·thing is the ,ame; right'!
A. :-lo.
Q. I'm wrry. you're right. the truck is nat there.
TH" Cm.'Rl: II shows the same building.,?
Tw: WIT"'.'-': Yes.
THE COl' Rl: The same 5trec!?

T!II: W1T.~I:'S: Yes.

~1~. S.,~· f'U,II'I'O: May I continue'!
'TIII: OJllRT: Yes.
Q. Mark it again, if you please.
TII~ COURT: Of course you were on the sidcw<llk. The arrow is
just aho"c the sidewalk.
Til. WnNlss: It· s right here.
Q. If you will b< kind eoollgh to do the ~amc thillg for me in
Plaintiffs' 2. which is already in evidence here. the same
truc~ that; , on Plaintifrs' Exhibit 6 appears on (hm. righl'?

A. Yes.
Q. Would )'011 mmk that for me, plea,e'!
A. Yes,llere.
Q. One mo,e que'tion. Going to I'laintirrs' Exhibit t5. where
Y011 marked the arrow. you sec :1 m,Hl, two men in thal
photograph. Olle is ill the middle of the sidewalk, nml the
other one is closer to the curb. Will you tell liS whetller
)'our (XIsition was the one in the middle of the si(icw:llk. or
the one closer to the curh?
A. Closer to the emh.
," ... -- --.

Li)' Wltu . ......

Q. T lut is wll~ 'e rOil (1111 tile JIT_1

,\. Y C) .

Q. You SJ'" Ille posirions of the "cllkk-s after ' he lm(lllCt.

~O ITcct?
A. Yes.
Q. And would yo u mnTI; On PllI ln li lW Dbibi\ IS where rhe
vchlck!; werc 1 I)ta l~d. ~fter tllo i !l'lP~ C l'! Th is lime I ..... o ~ ld
WPJ:l~ 10 you 10 U~ J ClTdc. "Ilhc, lh~n ~n X. Afle r Ill e
~~rs «[me 10 r.:Sl. follol>.i nj'. Ihe imp;lcl.
A. 0 .1<..
Q. TIJ<: lc il a firt Iruck the ' e?
,\ . ' 1,<; •• is a fi re lru ck ave. he,e.
Q. Would ~'ou m:l.k X for ..... he . e Ih~ IiT~ truck ,,-as?
A. y.".
Q. An ,1 ~ circl e, p ul Il ll ml)c . all(. m~ .k ~O ldw for lhe
O ldsmobile.
Tlif. Cot:kT; WI":·",, it wo und up Mlcr lito impael.
TlI~ Wm,f,16: Aflc r the inlpa(l, we are I~lkins ~b"UI1

Q. And mark 'Va ,," fo . the '-:tn.

A, I Ie W3. Pall ly 3trOS~ Ihc illlclK<:lion . n o "-:IS ""cr ~CTO!oS
Ihe int Cr$e<: liOI1 .
Q. Mar r sec Ilt al , p l ~0ISC1
A. Y ..... ,
Q. May I ~h ",,· the p ho lOG'"aph 10 the jury? I lu"c no fu" h~'
Tur. COI'Rl : No probl em.
(PltOl." s"own III Ihll )u'1·)

!>1M S~ .. FU.II·I'(): ! hl'·. nO lhi ull fu rt her.

COMMENT: Coun~1 ' est5, ccn fi~ent that til e p.h01Of'''[lhs spea k !or
themsel.cs a nd ~llle lhe issue in his t3Y(lr. TIIo tUfO," , a ntlDI tl cTp
bo t ha,e seriou s dou bts aoo~! the tcs\imc ny, a nd Illcre llNf this vory
diUi~\In CI~S e ... m;n~lion hIS wc ceede-d,

'.'. , ...
CIIA!'TE R l!1

Eyewitness With Inadequate Vicw-Infnnt

Dart-out Case
C'Q" .:, ... !".i!.~
b)' J.wl> il, !,~ ~ _,!ot'l: '

.}9.II1 C..... Io,1oooo '" 0 ..... 1: ,_I00:.0"~

f 39.n~ Sho-..I"a \\1""'" I.... ~ of K.."l,d.o
t J9.CIl 1:...... 10101"11: (1,,,,,,,,,•..-n
f .19.04 Shu"ln. 11"11.", I, 1I."j",
4 -".a~ t..,,-- .·-'.>1..... lot I'........,••
; J9.Q6 \J.I •• I' .... OI:"~~. 10 S ""~ A, ..
J l~.117 ,_ \ '''10/« , ..... ,
~ .l?O~ [,I.bil.hlnl III" ..... IfOnI .\,dol<ot
§}11.09 ......It<Ic< '" .\ ,..
f .l?lO ["I""" • • 01 nl."."
t J9.l1 I"in! \"i._ot"\"tt.klt
" 1.1 96,. ",h,. lhi' ",.m ina' iQn ~" ,·n ndUl·",I, Jud~ . F"<i,,lo\'f~ w» " I',n·
... ,. F",h' l><rl ,\ 1''''''',Ior'J-
F,o m 1 91~ Ih l\'. oh 19U. lu d~ c Fu,h'I><,~ "n "n Iho N.., y" . ~ ~"I< (""~ " "f
,0,1'1'<>1<. N,,,- \" ..... ~., kith<>H"""'. 11, i, • r","", P••.odo., ,~. tl" '\'''''';'';0" ()I
T,;.l t -)tr> 01 "",, 0':>" fonn" ~'<"I; """ of tho :<"cw \'",~ SU,~ Tri.ll l.l~"'"
A... ,., i,,'''•. , m'<u ,j~"1 "'"" ;, 1 'f<'~I<"! of '0 ' 11""'00: ('""ncl F\>IJ oo,,")I'1 . "-,,
a fo..nd« .oJ i, &I"... r",.,itu. <If AlU '. T,i.1 M.p,;.,. ~ r..""I<Iin& d i,,~w,
,,( Ih' :-'-'1,,,,,, 1 ' nil''"'. r... I n., ,w,oc.>().:>nd " tho .:d"... of . Ih' ''' ,pl~m'
~, .. \; 'n' iU.~ :-;<~- Y" ,t 1",,- "f 1)""'1' " It, i, ., !" '~""" "r :<"e\O, "",~ 1:."-,,,;.
If \.>,., S<hool. ".11 ;, ....... n ~ " .., <>f It>,- :<"<* \ 'u, ~ Un,,,,, .. !)' u,,-
s.:l«.o<~ t .. ,,-
(:,.,<' Fn"",I"i,," , n. J....t> ' ). ".,h>l><fJ: I.," School " .. """",J .11<' l""s.
l h. ~,,,,<>.,r oU "'11..... " " n......... .,.." """.,.. ~, rou . ...' h.,o bern , h.Rg<d.


.. .. '

§ 3'1.01 39-1
I n.ll 1)j..IN<1i_ ,. \'",.
t )'.IJ Solid.. 0«.. " ..,.
§ l'.I~ I .I< ~ 0( S."nd of Ih"l.ln~

§ J9.1~ 1." . ' '"'''" 001>1< ,\",,,10., II) ,10< \\"11...,.,

~ 39.1' ~ •.".'''''''"'' ..
t J~. 17 C..!IHIo" 1)...... ~DI .. I.... k.,{ 1" .... W~<....., ~r Wk ....."
i ».11 "011_ too 11..... 11 \\"~ .... ".~ , ... .\« 11<.,
f .l9."I ftn ......... of U_ot', Il< .......... taoh ..
§ .l'J.l~ Ion ..." of 0""","1: .I ' 1<l<1I<J .... (lI ...... \\i ,.........

SUIIII>1(l'Y o/ IJ,I.';C Hun 1Il1<llmmdllclO,)" [("!/Iark.I ··

in t h i~ c,\~c. Ihe [J1~il\tilr claimed Iha l the defendant b~s driVer
'Iru~k Ih" infa nt pj,intiff, then Imc~cd O,'c r him.
Th is diri.'C1 ~)'cwitncM p,"",nled POICIIIi:t ll y de":IM ali ng lc11'mo-
ny II,~. Ihe ~ lIild "=
liglllin!; with OIhc:T cbild'L'1I. :lnd " "'IS ( hm'cd
001 h\:.ween 1" -0 ta.~ inw 110" SUCCI. ,,·her.: be r:ln inlO Ih" side: o r
Ih t bu~ em» ( U minalion or such :In QSlcn~iht y di.intc' .....lo:<l eye·
,,·;lnt:.l.S h) ; a [Vc:n c ff~t on Iht OUlctllllC Ihe lri~ 1. or
J udc" FlI(hsobers dCnlon~tratc.1 thai .hc wilncS! (lid nOI h ~w on
OjlrXlrhtn ;ty 10 fuill' vicw Ihe ".cid e"l. l ie al~<) show$ lil at the wll_
n~,~ i~ bim~d in f~,""r of the ddcnd:lII1 bu. comp:II1Y: thi s j~ illIIS.
Iratc<.J Ihrm'gh Ihe wilne" hOll ilil), ItJwarJ s Judge Fucll sl",l'll,

§ J'.IJlJ C" ncl ... iom nr Il;,<,< , "''''mln"ll ....

Q. Wh:,1 p.;trl of the bu~ " ':Ilo in conl3C1 wilh Ihe bo)-?
A. Tht ~ide.

Q. Th e ~i dc?
A. y~~.

Q. will )'OU lell U5 WilCre In t~rclcn~c 10 lhe front left wheel'!

A. The I,o! wn , wing. you ~nuw. oh ~ee, I!crc', Ihe bu. here .
h~ h it I h~ lide of bu. and h is I,cad b ying up on th e w,,,
whr:c:1. h;~ Ic~
Mil. FOCUS1":"" ; \'00 arc drowinJ:. )'ou. ,-oice. Ma l' ... c hav"
Ihe JalK'r ,,:trI .

.. ,..... '"'~~ ~h' ~\<f 4 [Of te., oom ~,~tn;"""'" ,,[ the 00, JriH'- I),,", Ih,
I.Itt,. <.,.,
39-3 J 39,0:
TUE CQUIlT. We waDi to hl:ar you . \'ou'\·c got a snlXl ~oicc.
Sp<":Ik 1/["> IOl/dly.
R"[">L':l1 th31 (11I ~" ic n :tml ansWCf.
(LaM qu~'S\ion ~ nd unswc, read Me k.)
Q. Did )"OU It'll :my autonwhill:"' there at the well cur b?
A. y c~. he mn between the." p~ rhd cars righ t into the bu~,
He h it th e ~idc or 1h. bus ami when the hU I hil h im o n \he
side. it ~wuni- h i ~ b<l<Iy th i ~ w~)", which th rew hl ~ leI: up
u tnk , the bUi ,
Q. !-low lo ng lIi~ )"0<.1 I t ~y there?
A. Well. ann th.ll. artcr I &a '·c the bus driwr mr nan' ~. I 11:1\
I conti nued to ,0 sho"pillt;.
Q, Other lltO"le "-.:'" la\(i ll& c:t'" of th" child~
A . VI:"', yes. sir.
Q. Wilen yo u It O the scene of the acciden l. h.:>d Ille (lOI il-c
ol'Ticcn ~rri"cd?
A. No.
Q. They hall not?
.\. ~ o. si r.
"1 M. S"",: Ttun 's ;,11 .

§ 3'1.01 Sho"i"!! \\"ltnr,,' I ~,c ~ (If K""" ..-db'C

Q. Mr1 . . )·011 !OJid }'OU lold Stanky III Itup fiShlin"
.\ . I did. sir.
Q. Do roo b u,,· SI.; mkr-s Ian ""mel
,\ . Fla ,,~ ic.
Q. lI is "-lme is Slanky Frankie; is lhal if! Or i, il Stankr
Frank lin'! Which j, il7 Cm YOIi lell us·!
Til[ COI!II\', [)P )·ou under!la nd tile qu "~tia ll'!
Tu u Win';!:,, '" ~o. \Vlm l ,Ii" yo" " 'Y. sir"!
Q. You I~C .... hen )'01' tCj\ ifi~d c~rlier. you said , 3nd I wrotc
do... n. ~ I 1111(\ Stanl~y \0 Slap fighti nB."
Noll', I "'~!\t III knuw wha t Swn l~y"' 13'1 oall,., i~. ,\n~ )·011
u i<l il "·a~ FI ~ nki ~. I wunt to kllllW wheliler the 1.111 n3m<:

w,u Fran kie o r Fra nklin, o r d on't )"Ou '~mcl11 h~ ' wha c h i~
laIc na me i.?
,\. I ~on'c ,em ~n1 bc , hi ~ I3. C nJme.
Q. Si nC"l: yo u k" o'" hi. fi r~ (I"me Th SWnley, sullflOsc you cdl
me wlmc his bro cher-he hn$ a lic tle brothe r w!in wa, cwo
}'~u " )'o u nG~r cha n hc w:u. You di do't fa ,·o. onc child or
che otbrr?
A. Nil, I dido'!,
Q. Wh Itt was the \'nungcr brother', name. Th . old er one wa s
St~n lcy. Wh at WJ~ the oth e, )'ountCT bro th . , . nJme?
A. I do n't kno,,· his fi m name.
Q. Yo u don't know. [lut )'ou do re memhe, Ihal the Ma me of
the you n£~. e ne, his last lI~ mc wa s fra n ~i e, right? lk,ausc
...·hen I a.Jiw )'011 ,,·h.:J1 St:mlcy', b . 1 n.:Im" "'J'. yo u :.aid il
"'~S f"..:m~ i". I S3id, - Wu il f"' ln~i<: or Frankli n'!"

You wcron', ~urc . You ,,'c re the one wll o ment ioned Fran-
~i ". So I a Sk( d )'ou whethe, IhI: n ~me of Ihe )'ounger I>\,y
"'M I' ,ankk (It maybe he had J di fferent Ia..c ,,:l\lIe or may·
t>.- \"0<1 don', know?

§ 39.o..l "\.I~blishin,: Cimon"l ~ntt~

Q. YOll COnt e fl om you. house to gu shop ping !h3! day?

A. Y~5.

Q . " nd ~'OtI li ,·( 'ntilt !>am~ plllCt' wh.,1C ) '01,1 live no,,'/
,\. Yes . • ir.
Q. \1/)1:1\', th~ 1\l1l11bc. th•• c·1
". S l b ild A w nue.
Q. Wh~t 's the nu mher thcr~'!
,\. 8 T hird Avenue.
Q. II, .... he'" is 1h.:J1?
A. Th~ !'1 ncar Cb re mon! Ih ~ re.

Q. Ncar Clarcmem?
,\ . a~rern onl I'arl \\",,!·.
,~ ... "'..
• • •
Q. So )'OU tive near Cbrcl\lOn\ PlIrJ."-~y, right1
,\. y~. SiT.
Q. And th~ !upefmar~t1 is ~ li nk funber 110"'1\ u ,'OU h .~ct
",..,ar,h I nnd SU t'C\?
,\. Yes, ~ir, it'~ ju ~t one door.
Q. Ju u One <.Iocr7
,\, Ycs.
Q. AClu~1J y. Ille supermarket i, onl~ about .. third do"m Ih"
block (10m Cb rcn, ,>nl Par\;wa~'. risht?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. ! ~ 'h~1
A. Yes, sir.
Q. YOII had go ne shopp inS in the supermukel?
,\, Yel.
Q. From ~'l>IIr lIou~?
,\ . Y:~.

Q. You had YC\lr bund k s7

A. I hadn't went in lo the 5Lor~ at lllat lim e.
Q. I ~.c . BUI YO Ii wcrc goins into l1\e Slore wilen you Slw Ihis
Ih il!~ ha~n1
A. I ... as sains illla Ihe sture, but 1 didn'!g.ct inlo the 510'''.
Q. And I h".;l a pictuN h.,( of Thi rd ,"'CIIUC. Is Ihi~ n picture
of 'nlinl A"enue Il)Ilking northerly, ~5 ;. a p!X;>,ed .11 the
lime "r Ihe occident ?
Mil. S..:o.>.: I objecl lO her looking at ~o1ll e thing IIDt In evident •.
T'IL COURT, Nothing is in evidence. lk i, going tl> ::ISk her, or not thlt ;~ :I fai , rcpr.:~nl:lI;on o f !I IX:l1ai n :I. ~3.

Wh~t is the :lr~.... Mr. rt.lcl1~l"£?

MR. f'ucUsa [~(>: I did s:l)" in m)' question-may I have the
que~lion rc~aled? ! thin\.: r ~id that. I s;Jid. wis tloi~:I pkt"" e
o f Thi,d A,-enue lookin, northerly IOwlrds 172nd Sm-ct ~ ; il
l<Ioknl at Ihe tin'. of Ihe lccidcm1"' Tho"",, urc I \h in ~. the ~.,­
nct words Olf my tl!l~lion.
§ 39.04

THE Po you unJ~r~tanJ tllc qUCSti(lll'!

TII[ Wlll'ES~, Yes. I unJer,\;!nJ what he is talking aboul.
A. This is the way Third Awnue loob. but thi~ wasn't-iL"
not ncar the ~wrc where r w~s.

§ 39.fJ4 Sbowilll: Wiln~S, is lIo,ti'"

COMMENT: A witnes. with rIQ clear moti_e to fuvor one side Of the
otllcr ma~ dcmonstrJtc IlOstilily in Jnswcring qlJ<lstions, which Hvi·
denc;e f~v<)fiti5m, JlIdge FudlSt>elg attempts 10 delllonstwte suc:11
tlOslilily by sllowing !hJ! tile wit"".~ i5 e.~ding qUH,tions.
Q. I didn'l ~ny it l\"as'n~ar the stor~. I saiJ looking towards
I nnd Slrect. "That'. what I said. 1",'t that what I s<lid.
nlUd~m'! Havcn't YOIl be~n listening to my qllcstion?
il. Ycs. ~ir. I heard your question.

§ 39,l1S I,,')'i"~ FOllnd"lion for I>holo~mph'

COMMENT: Cross examination a. to the ,unt~g~ point of " witness

usually .nt~ils the u,e o[ f>hologr~phs. Ttlerefofe, e~rly ill tile e'~mi·
n~tiOIl, tilC pllotograplls must l>e admitted, i[ tllCy arc not in e.i·
Here. tt'e witnes. is used to idenlify lile pilotOllrapils as l>eing ac·
curat~ representations o[ tile scene at tile time of tile acc;iden\.
Thougll sile is reluclon! to even "dlllit IIlis SlIIilll point. persistcnc:c
by eoonsel re~ults in ultim"tely obtaining the necessalY foundation
lor U5e of the pholograplls.
Q. Is Ihat Ihe way Third ,\venue lookcJ as it wa, cOII,tnlcted
and built at th~t time as you lookc:d townrds 1i2nd StrCe!.
including thc placc where thc bu~ cnJeJ up?
A. Now [ can'! su)" whetller that i~ g(ling toward~ l72ml Strect
or not.
Q. You can't "')'.
M~. Fl:clI>""~G: M"y we havo it marked for iJontili"atioll'!
Tllr COlJRT: All righl.
(Photograph marked I'lnintiffs' Exhihit 11 for idcntificatioll.)
Q. Look at il again. Do you r~cognilc the street therc? Look
al thc stor"s. Look at the buildings. Just tell uS whelher you
recognilC the 'trcet.
MR. S,o.l<o: I will objecl 10 an )' specitic qu ~slion on a 1.11010.
Sropb MOt in ~" idcn,~,
TIl~ COUIIT: He may as~ he, if br loo~in!l ~ I Ihe '-l0f(1j Or by
3nylhi nG cls.: she Illay rccoSnizc the SIm:t. Th~"fC is nothing im.
profl'l' about tlt~t.
,\ , T hai's jusl il. I <'1 1n', Il.'Cotni~.c 3nr of 11IC1.C ~'or.:~ '''I
Q, 00 \'00 SC'~ 3nylhin& Ihe,e ,hm isn't the " '3)' Ihal 1Y.l.11 o r
Third "" '!: nue looked ~I Ih~ lime of the ~ccident, o r any
ch;tnJ;C at all in ~nl' bnitd;n~ or SlnlctU1\l'!
,\, I CII n'l r~izo: 11\0$1: "()f~1 hcre.
Q, r heg yo ur pardon?
,\, I (3nno, r~'COIln;lC tlie Sio rts Ih~t's on Ihi~ ~idc of Ihe

Q, You Ineml il looh diffeNIll from ll1e w;,y 'Th ird A,'cnue
k>nk~d 3t lliat li'ne: i~ 1h3\ ",1m )'OU uc teUing ! h~~e folki'!
,\. Yel, it's chJn J;cd,
Q, I don', " -3nl to ~n')\\' "'hethe, i t'~ l'IIl n&ed li oce 19S8. 1
"'~nl to "'no'" ",helher thnl is tile "'31' i, loo ked in 1 9 ~8. If
Ih at piclu re Is Jny diflcrcilt from Ihe ",ay 11 loo ~ed. rO ll teU
us 100"'.
,\, Somc of thc~. 5t Ol"l:5 nre not the re now, I cJ.m·l Ihink ,
Q. 1 didn'l ask YOII " -"" ther they a,e not Ihe, e now. I "'ant 10
know ir t h~' i. lh~ w~y il looked in 19581
~t~. s,.:<lI: I will obj" ct 10 the queSlion, )'our Ilan ur.
T ilE C"'~lI.l: lie is cnli lkd 10 a n 3n~"-.:r.
MR. S~.~I): Jr~ lias 11 01 I~id tile rOl!nd~lioll.
TilE C (>t!Rl' The obj«lioo j , o~er",h:d.
/'.-1 ..... Ry;m, jOlt look ~ I Ih~ picture nnd. if yuu C~ 11 tcll U~. jf
}'OU .nn·! toll ~5. yu u ca nnOi. C:tn }'OU, bl' c~3 ,nlni nllthc phOl o,
t r.tph. tcll UI ",hetocI tbat il ~ f3;, ' ,"present3tion o r lite ap_
penntnlX of Iht ~In:el in 195M, the S lr~ct bci~S Third,' 'nu ~
belwee n ClaNn'oni ~ncJ l72n d Stn:,,! looking non lo ?
TII~ WI "'~~ Yel. Ihis is Ihe way il appc.:If~-d, Thin! A~et\uc.
r ilE C()t: Rr, Th~t"' tll~ way il ;oP P03 n.:cJ in 19S8.
MR. F1)Or<III'.Ml: N",,' I oITer the lliChlr.; in c,·id enc-.:.
"" .
§ 3U'6

1'111' COHn, All righ I, !h~ ~~ hib i l

wi\! now be r ~cc i\'cd ,
([>llOlo&m~h l)rc~icUl ly m~rh-.l 1'13inl ilfs' bhib i! II for iden-
lili ,Jlirm r~c;" "'" in c,<i ~tncc as MaiI11 ; 1f~' Edlih;! II ,)
MM , SA,.,,: What ~o you Sf!)' Ihi s il?
~I N, FUC»SI\f.RG: I "'...Y ;($ looki nG toW3rd ! 172nd Slr~ct: il
shows Ih e hou se wh ere Ille boy lived a nd all of the Mea to· l71no.
§ 39,06 Usin!! l'lwto!!'nph. In Shuw Arell
Q. Do you luIPTKII 10 know Ihe balloi ng III whi ch Ihe bor
li"cd, du you'!
.,. Yeo, !.ir.
Q. Whal?
A. Y.:s. !.iI,
Q. When did )'011 Ice Il iln la'l? I dOll '! m~an ~eci1\£ him in
coun I()\b y, Bllt when did }-OU .ee h inl b SI?
A. A/'t or Ih e acci denl I didn't IC¢ him ~/'ter Ihn t.
Q. Do ~QU S« Ihe hu ilding " 'hele Ihe buy Ii"cd <oI1""'n in 11m
pict ure?
A. I Ihink iI's r'pll ale"," herc ~mc pl~ec.
Tm: Coun, Hold il 111' 10 the ju l')' 111101 point it OUI.
MH. r-lI'·J~IN.M(;: [ " 'ill ha"c her malk ii, Jud&<"
Till. COUIIT, " " riehl. ha" e il ma.t ed.
Ca ll )'0 1.1 mark wh ele Ihe boy lived?
Q, Y,'5 . will ~'Oll put ~n MSR for SI~lI l ey, the bu ildins whe re he
Ii,·cd .
•\ . I '-~n·1 r~'C:ognile il 100 "..,11.
Q. I be£ you r p~Idon'!
,\. I say' I <:3 n' , Iccosni~c Ih~ 3p.:1rtmCnl 100 ,,·~U o n IIere.
Q. I don'l W3nl !h ~ apartnlen\. I wlnl l!iC aparlm~n! hu ildin g.
,\, r II1ld.:rsl3nd wh3t )'011 " , But he li\'\'d d ' Ie(l acros~
(ro nl, ~I mosl /'t om the ~ar~ i ng lot.
Q. l.ool>. m3lbm-
Til!! Coo.;RT, " II ris ht.
0. ........
§ 39.06

Q. All right. m~danl.

,\, I CJn'l rccogni,c 1110-
Q. You e:ln't r«OSJli;u: Ib~ buiWin(!
TI(~ CUURT: Can )'OU m~rl: ;1 on th e ph()logr.lllh , ir you C';It\
identify it? If you cu n mark It. ~o i1 wi ll be iden tified.
T II( WlT.~[SI: 1 c~nnOl, bt.!e~usc Lhey ~ lIlno~ the t.1 mt.
Q. You nnnol~
A. [cannol.
Q. Do you ~cc thu pl~cc on Thi rd !I"~nuc where lh ~ hu~ "'~
afler, Ih~ aCXidt nl in Ih~ 1 pictu re?
A. "n. It ~topp<"d right here between Ihc Jlill nr~.

Q. Did yo u make" llHl rk there ~Irc~d)'?

,\ , No. ~iT, I <I;(1n' \ nl3h a ny ma rk.
Q. w ill you WT; \~ Ih~ "'"Ofd ~b u '" jUM ",h.r~ yml $,1)' it .. opped
~ ftcr tile ucci<lcnt. ~, I h O"'1\ in (I\;U pic ture?
A. There;1 something fun n)' "bou\ tni. picture. 11 would be
ngbl ahom hcr.>. ~us.: lI,al p.ll king 10\ i~ ow, then:.
Q. All right.
MM . S,'NIl: " fa)' I ~cc it?
~I ~. f'UC"'8~1\(;: I JUS! wa ut 10 mak~ su re. Do you "'II nl IQ 5<....
il 1l1$1~
MR. S.'N[): Yel.
Q. You put a ~tr 3t the pl~cc in lh~ I'lJ.ldwny ,,·ho.:re II..., bus
( nnte to a SlOp 3fl( 1 Ih<l3md: nt . r,(,III; i~n·t 11131 ,,·hat Ih,·
* 8* ...~, for'?
A. yc~, sir.
Q. "'0 . .jU~1 I " 'ill:ll l )·ou ~£3i n, if ),ou 1 ;~11m 10 my qUl$lion,
00'" Ih ~1 )'0<1 h'·e ~n loot inS ;)1 Ihi' p ieture a ' ilt'" bi l,
do )'OU recogo ;te th e hOllse in which Sianl e)' lived?
A. I dOll' t recogn;lc th e house.
Q, You don·l?
A. No. I doo'\ r.:eOSni7.c 1M hou,",=,
Q. Now you ,mow, madam. ,fyou came oulof_You , aid you
hadn·t enle red the "'pC1'm~ 'k~ yC:l, ' ;SIl11
)') - 10

A. "n. ~I r,
Q. Wcr~ )'ou in front of Ih~ d oo r of the ! ul"'rm ar~ct )'ct ur
were ~'ou Ilo in ~ IOw~rd s it when \'OU 5~1\' the 110),"/
,\, I had jU!t (.'ame nul of !II)' Imll!" ~oinll into tll\~
! u~ c r ",arket, hut I .aw Ille twO \10)'1 li&)ni ll s,.

Q. N" ,
COMMENT: \"Jnen Ih~ wiln....~ ~$ an I.In.~spon.i"" " ...wer. it muSI
be fI,mly oblE'(IW to and slrick~n. Pfelc'~bIV with an ino;uoct,on ham
the court to Ii$ten t~ and " ns'ffl" tI~ ([\It'$llOn, Th~ witnl::~ tho!1 ~p ,
p~ari 10 be "O$tiI~ 10 "'" que~t;O , Dr!(! bl35ed in I~VOf 01 tfl e op '
pa,;ng p~rl~ ,

MR, ['IX'II M",.';: I mo,'c il be stri.'ken 0 111 as nOI re' fl[] l1 \ i"c,
T\II: Cml "T; Strike il 001.
Lislen 10 the qll<,'St i[]1I and Ihen ~!~\wc' il "'Sroll,j\'c!Y,
Q. Will )'QU ]i,I,"117
II. )'<'S,

Q. If ~ou iI.m't und erstand m)' (1"~~lion , ju,t :;:t)' SUo pk~,

You c;,mc o ut of )'our hr"'lt: )'0\1 wa nted to gu tu the \ 0'

p<:fmarkcI :lnd you turncd le ft,
r,\ ,I",r l fl'CC IS \\':IS hdd, )

Q, Yu u ~id somethi 11g abuuIlh C )llu,.., "hcr~ I h~ hu. Ml't'n~d,

mil nnly I>o.' illl( "'h~re ) '0)() m:>dc lhe "a- bu, b"-; n~
wnw"'''"'~ "~:lf l b~ pmki" t: 10 1, rIll" "!
,\ . Th~ t"~ . i~t . sir.

Q. ,,0 10' you call SOX lh~ cnd o r tlw p:1rk inll lut on lhi~ "icl u r~
wh ~rr I (I nl po in,i ,,[',. fir,)\!: i ~n'l \h~t Ih e end ()f Ihe pa!~ i!l C
1m Ihere?
,\, You e"n't 'CC it \(10 wcl l On Ih i~ pic ture \11:""1I<e if ! n"~ r
h<: , ...
Q, 1 ~on"', Ru l Y" " l.CC ,h~ end "r
Ihe p:trk inJ; 1m, <inn' ! YO II,
,,'h,'1\: ,1131 "hi te st. ip; i! n' , thm ,h~ ~ fld o f lhe pal kinr., 101?
.\ . Y(Ou C~II', be 100 Wtc by lool>i nll at th is p iclure. I lno'" the
"~fki "l: lot is ri&hl m 'e. Ihere h<;C:I"w I u\Cd IQ I"ul> my ,~r
in t hc.~: rhal', why I ~tlOW where il i"
Q, Th'll'~ "P '" you arc ~ll i l\g I\l":lrd~ 1721\<1 Streel. ;~n 'l ifI
39- 11 f » ,116
A, Th~I's C'O rre('I,
Q, Just a C'O ujlle of dooo; ~"';:l )' f'om 171 Slrecl?
A, Thaf~ tor .......'. Ix.....-. U"l: thi ~ is the OOm "~ h~.c.

Q. WO ul~1 )'0\1 flUt . "'dte 111 \.!llh un arrow at Ih ~ pl,1N II'here

)'o~ 1.1)' the torne r i~.
All I wam )'UU to do i~ "'rile down_
T",: CnllX'f: JI1 51 U mo nl en!. I~I her .
•\. J \I$I :t momCM. p icMc. i! pmking 1,,(: Ih~rc i~
:tn ol h ~r hous.: lllcr~: lhen there i~ Ihe bar: ulld Ih~n Ih crc
wa~ :ll so ~ IIlacc whe re Im:y ",Id nld ~1)J)l ianC1."! Ill efC. like
rdri~r31o,s lind SI 0'·C5. di ,ec tl)" on Ihe corn,', o f 17!ntl
M ... I'LUL'\UO(;: I mo"c Ih~1 be ... ickrn 0111 :IS unfc,pon, h·c.
T n.: COUkT, Strike il OUt.
111M. i'l;(l I!>lll:Jtt;; All 1 11 ~("d tltc buy 10 do WM ki mJl y nl.1. k 1111
'he pit:1urc Ih., pl~t\' whC"l"c l12nd Slrl"e' i ~.
MR. S,\~ I>: The p i C lUr~ ~ pc:lh fur ;1",l f.
Ti lt, Cot;Ml: ,\II .i~hl. 001\'1 s~y ~nylhi1\g.

Q. If you [;111 " Ilu il .• ~y you can', do it.

,\. e:II1' , b('c~u~c-

Q. di<ln'l :ll k )'ou ....'hy. J u~t ""Y ynu can'l.

..... I (2n· 1.

Q, All .itl.l. Is ~I " r,m, Ihnugh, Ihal th" ""r~ing lot i~ <10 ....· 1)
I<l"·~.d~ . n nd S.."'. ~ nd nOI rn:ar C1'If~mon. ?
,\ . Thal'~ COTr('("1.

Q. ,' lid )'Uu are ~ ~' C or lh:n h«~usc you USI.'d to 1'.1{~ )'<)UI c~r
Ih~f~. l igltl'!
A. Thl!'! CO " I:CI.
Q. The Shup S~"e Food MUfk~1 i, down I()w ~rd! Claren'o n!
Parkw;IY. ril\h l'?
,\. Thul', ~(trr~". ~ir.
Q. I\""w you luld US Ih~' you c~mc 0111 "r}' our huu!~ a nll )'11"
sl:tn cd Eoi ll~ 10 ' ll~ n. ~rkel , It used 1~ "" 1\,,· A ,I\; 1'.
39-1 2

An>'how, il'i th ~ ~m~ build ing there, th. ~3me building

there, th e ~~mc store, exccpt irs ~ different C"'llcr, righl?
A, Yes, sir.
Q. You came out of your ilOu!.II ~nd }'OU started. intended 10
to 10 Shol' S:!~e?
A. Yel. sir.
§ )9.07 l>uor \ 'lInl"!,'\! l'oInl
COMMENT: COunse l is Hoing lQ Jlt~ mpl 10 ulJb tish Ih~l l he l)G$ition
ol .he wilne» (lid nD{ ~n attulato OOst,..a\ion ol lhe ~eeid""t ,
Tno ./ilncs~ mull e~t3btisn ht"f exact toe"tiQt\ ,
Q. And you were juS! al Ihe beginni ng of "'her.; th.; Shop Sa,',;
Ilo re is when you gOI inlo thi, con"~rsa lio!l wi th th ~ b()y~,
.iChl, "'ith Sianl e)', .igh!'/
,\ , Yes, Mr.
Q. SO Ihat you hadn't }'el ' t 3ehco Ihe door of Shnp Sa,'c, had
A, No. lir,
Q. (\0'" Shop Sa\".; is a wry ,..i de ~I~, I~n'l II~
A, Yes.
Q. ,\ nd '10 you " 'n uld howc 10 " ... Ik (luiu: a fL'''' r.'("1 lil1 lOU llfIl
to Ihm 1'3rl of thc Sh op Sa ve ~torc wh~rc th ~ door is: isn'l
Ih~1 ritlll?
,\. Th ai i~ \lOt com.'f1. l>cC;IU'C r "~IS ~t~nlling (h~"" in rro nl or
Shop Sa" ~" "I (he lime when [ '~IIM in (on"",1 ",i lh the
1"'0 ~lo,

Q. J nn! nOI (l uarrdJng with )'011. r 3m (ryi ng to ~C( ( h~ fnct. !

"'lI nl (0 know, .... hen YQU ~""tc 10 Ihi~ bo)", Io jj; fi'~1 n lm~
is SI~ltIle)', Wa< it at the d[)()rway 10 Shop Saw or Wi!, il
wll crc Ihc 1 1<If~ )M,r,iM a~ you !Ire ,,-:lIki ng in the direc tion
,,( 'he d(MlI'W"~}'? Th~t's :111 , am as~ in; )"ou. ei lher nne.
,\. I "'as in f,nl11 orthe Slorc.
Q, Dn<."'S tha, me":l.n )·010 " l.:'C in flo nt of Ihe dool of th~ ~IO"'?
You <ce. lookin~ 31 Illi l wl10le co urtroom, )'011 ha,'c 11 door
Ope n;ng ;n nnt Spol. 1'10><"" PCl$On could b(, SIII ..... inGin Ih,'
roofl.oom nntl st:tndi tlG whele the Judg.e i,. lInd a 1)lmon
1~ _1 1 § 3U7

,'o ulu 00 sland ing in (ronl o( Ihal doo •. and lh:tt's Qu il~ :t
d i ~I~1I«" 3MI)'.

All I "'ani \0 know i~: When you c~m~ OUI of ),o ur hou!oe,
~O\I s.:.: Iht build ing " 'ht<,c you li ~C'. and yo u rome OUI of
your hou~" ~Ild you lurn len 10 go 10 51",p Save; and I ct'~
s~y "' her~ II\C door is is the entran cc to lhe Shop Save
!IOre. Was it j ust Ihat ~'ou ..-~ .., in ('ont of the ~tOft' " i ndo..-
aft cf )'0 0 had gone a li uk w h i~. o r w~r" )"OU in fro nl (If the
dOON n}'? 1'0\\' Ihal 'S an I want to know. I ant no t lcllillg
you wbat yell' a n !iW~ r should b.:. You 1~1I me. o. you don'l
I;now, either o ne.
,\. As I c~mc o ut of my Items •. [ wali stan d ing uirc~tly in fro nt
of l h~ ~U>r".

Q. \Val it in front of th e UO OfW;lY?

,\. In fro nl of Ih " door. r \I':l S in fro nl uf Ih e door.
Q. Fin e, ... h y. Now we ha" . il in fro nt of tile door.
Is thJ I door abo ul th e middle (If Ihi. big sIorc7
A. You know how the door. ;Ire o n a bis. d cp~rt mC1!t More.
T he)' nrc bi ~.
Q. Some lill\~ Ibey are O"c r 31 0 M' 5ide: 5Omcli m...s IhC)' Ilr~
0"':( th ~ o lh" r e" d: sum.:tim«'S th~y ~~ in the middle , Thi~
bl ~k. in all I h ~$c yc;,rs you lil'cd hcr~ , please 11'11 u~, j ~ il
abou l I h~ middle or the SlorC~
A. Th~)' haw 1,,'0 cntfllna:s 10 IhJI ~t on:.

Q. ;o.Jatu r~lJy. Wh ere ~ rc the IWO cntrn llC"" l'IC~ICd ; Ol1e On Ih lli
.,jd<: .on~ o n lhal !>ilk: 0" the lWO end5: i~ thai l ithl?
,\. Yeo,
Q. -"~Iurally, yo" we re gOing 10 tl,~ 011" Iha l \l'a.\ tio"'S1 10
~ ou1
A. YCJ, ; Ir.
Q. nu"rdu.e. when you ~J mc Oil' of yOllr house :l.fI<I yOll
to"".rds Ihe food i to r., ,,"'h ich YCliI ~n)' W3~ Ihe ncAl
\l;al~ \'(!
bu ildi 'l~ from ~'o" r ho u~- I ~ the food sl ore lIt e n .~1
bu ild inc. Ihe build ing in whi~h you liye?
,\ , y~. sir, thnt', fi~11\.
§ 39.t7 39- 1~

Q, Wa~ t h~n: an)' lh in& about In ~' 'luL'Slion ~ ou ~idn't

IIndc ':\I ~nd?
Tu u COUR T: She Ims an~wcrc~ . Ask ~'ou, ne~1 queslion.
Q . A5 you W3.I~~d, lh ~ fi'M door YOtI ... me 10. Ih,u ....;1. Ih e
dlXl ' y011 wo:tc going 10 ~nlcr. right? Is 1h.~1 . i&ll1 . lTU~am,
0 ' if if~ wrong. ~'on say ~O . or if you don't ~now. you
don'l know.
,\. 1 (a n UU eil her door.
Q. r thi nk we all know lh at. r wnm 10 ~now wh kh d oo r ),011
wen: goi ng III usc and enlc. th ro .. gh in to lh;~Slore 011 11m
A. J u~uurr y uSc th e lirst door.
Q. All nght. And )'Ou w~.c £Oint 10 d o that d.~l' wh:1I yo u
IIwall )' do. righl1
A. Ye •. ,ir,
Q. Now. lauk. so thaI Ilt i. Ihint Ih~ t h~ppcn.:U ""'5 !.Om~..wheJc
ne,I' th at lirsl ~oor whef~ yon were going 10 cnte •• 'isht?
A. Yes. ~i ,.
Q. And Ih :!!', whe~ yo u hnd Ihe lar~ wi lh Ihe bo~:!., """Il~
yon w~1'<l cln '~ enough III Ullk wilh tbem')
,\ . Yes.
Q. And thal' ~the Illao;c where when this hor hit SI Jn lcy or
w~ntcd to hil him. Stanl~)' rail into the I lr~el •• i&1I11
,\ . ,'c§. lir.
Q. It Wa S right in f,om of the door ..... ~)· wh ere you h 3~ been
wilh the 00)' •• ri£hl?
,\ . II w~s nO\. ! ir: ;1 waS 001 in fronl of the S10r.:.
Q. Well . how do'" 10 th o dOON'a),?
A. They load lefl and "'-enl down " rouple of t''''''
Q. Ilow nt311)' c~rs? YOII I11 c~n b~' ~c:t!"i- you 111eal1
automob ile s: is n,at \llhn l )'011 n'~~n'/
,\. U( wa, tl""", 10 " 'be,e he pll hil ",hell he fell dowII 311d
mn into III<' ,I.eel.
Q. I.oo~, m;l~am . I ...."':1111 10 kno".. yo u ar.: at Ihe bc!:;nnin;: rtf
Ill<' ShOJI Saw 1'000 Sl urc. ,ig)lI?
.r,, '"''
---- -.. .

J 9- )S

••• YC$. SiT .

Q. And )"OU .pen\; 10 Illl"5e OOrs. riShl?
••• \' e5.. !I;r •
Q. And Ilten Ih m: COrnCl. a time wh~'11 Sliml ey runs ncro~s lh e
Ilrect. ,itlll? R iglll~ Then, ron.tii 3 time ",h ~n Slan l ~' tU nS
acro5s lile s treet : r,&ln o r wronc.?
••• You arc w, onj).
- -.' Q. "",I arc wron~? Well. ynu Jay you !.:I"" him mn octon the
~1 l\.'eI.

,\. Yes.. s ir. Out yuu ~ Ie tryinG [0 _

COMMfNT: The wil~n ~ s uspieio...s 01 If>(! ~uestjOller. WilD dC~i
nDI hesit ate to .h~'l i\A' the witn~,: tho court jnle ,,;H:I~$ to inlOfm
Ih/! witness t~ .t touMeI ~ entitlod to an answer.
Q. Don' l lell me wllaL r a m Ilying to do.
A. I'm 5\1 ...')'.
M/I. S ~~IY. I objOC! 10 thai.
,l.IM. r-,;,-uSIlu n: /IIay , MW tho lem:ll k slricken?
TIf~ CtlI.'IiT, Th e wh nes.<; may 1101 say " '\1;'1 h" is If}"illS to dn.
Madam , if you d on't un der,Land tl] O 'lli"51lon , you s..1Y yOll
do n't un<k,.l3nd Ihe qu~.,tinn. BUI dnn ', co mment on wll:!(
counsel ;5 I~'ing 10 <10. He i. ~ "titl"d 10 h~,'~ hi' quc"lion "".
T"5 Wn"~!i!I' Yes, ~ ir,

Q. Would you mind, JUSt fll il ow nle p;t1H:nl l)', "'ollid YOII
1\. ,\ll , iroll!.
Q, VO" jll~1 come 0111 of your hou se ~ I]d you come 10 the lirst
door or Sho p $3,'c, ri&l1l1 We ha"" thaI definitd)". }'~." No
que~ti oll ~bout tha l'!
.\ . Yc..", no qU~Mi(ln aboul th ~t, 11 0.
Q. Ynu weren' t Inlcn di ll~ III 100 runl]c' do"," Ihe hlot:k.
bI.-oU!o<! }"Ou w( rc in lcll di ng to COler the i llite. ri&ln?
A. ThaI's CIIf{IX\.
Q. YII" hadn't enlc. etl Ih ~ ~t o re )-.:t?
,\. That'~ con ect.
I 39,07 .1 9- 1~

Q, An d i\ wa~ th ere th~t you w~ r e do~e en ough to the boy~ :I<l

th.:ll ~'O!l talked 10 Ihem, riGht?
A, Yes, sir,
Q, Arl CI )'OU lal~cd to th em , Stanl ey mn acro~~ tllc st reet,
.\. NDt nt that mo mont he d id n't run acrD~1 th e I trc~ l.
Q. All righl . Ya" told UI thn! he staned, if I u ltd ~"'tand it,
lh at he ~tartc(l 10 emu .... hen h~ ....;\1 about 1"'0 t J t ICnl(llo1
p31l .... he re you wore s t ~ ndin&; jm't th a t what YOII ~ai d?
,\ , Will you k t 11~ c~",l~ in it?
COMM ENT: Wilen tile witncS!5 asks II she can c-..plain. Ih. ('elU e~·
antln~ m",\ .answer ' no. "
Q. No. [ ,,'ani )'O U 10 a nll"'ct m y q"cllion. p k-3SC. I "'rut l 10
koo\\' whether you told us _ I (lidl1 ' l men ti on Ill esc wo rds,
you <lid . lhal it W:l~ aoonl ''''(> C1I I IcngllLs p;I$I. ",he.c >'<lU
were 'Inndin s Lh ~1 h~ ,l luncd 10 crm.' Third ,"'crill', ISn'l
Ibal ,,'h,1L you lohl U ~·~
,\, J <lPIl·1 unders tan d wh~t you are 1 ~l kin{L about.
Mk. s.,)lU: K«p )"Our ""k" up, plc3~~"
A, ! <lon'l u ndcrslnn<l.
Q, Yo u &.1 f Sian ley didn't IInrt 10 cr05l; 'rhird Avenuc ' just
rro" l Iht' IIlace on th e sirl ......... U.; whcre )'OU had t~lkcd 10
hi m; he di<lll·t go II r"JiJ',hl across Ih~ re: i, Liu'l ri$ht?
,\ , ThaI's rerrett ,
Q. III.' firsl .... ent d c"''1\ a .:oulllc or c~r ' ens\h~ , nn d tht'n h e
crO~5cd , Is Ih al I\'h~ 1 )'OU &3)'7
.\ " Th3t"S ritlLI.
Q, All rir,hl. I n~id~'lILany, rou saw hin' ctP1sinllo d id,,' t }'Ou·!
,\ . Y C&, ~ir,

COMM(NT: Coull$CI poinls ovl pplClllial obstactes 10 a cleJl vl cw,

E, en Ihc ullh t>e k now~ ttIC witne" VI'i li nOI 0ld"',1 Ihol Ihe view "'3S
o!ISt,ucl~. Ih ! POlenti ~' def«1 in O~v~li (lf1 ;$ ,,",de ~p~J rc"l to
Iho jurors,
Q. W],,, IC'"cr ~3rl nm>' h:wc hcen PJtkcd Iltere, il didn't
l,,~"cn \ you Irom $o:ci n~ him t lm s;"s. did il?
J 9_ 11

,\. No.
Q. Now Ihc pbn whe re b~ d id crQ'~. yo~ laid i\ ..... ~j ~ tOUIIlc
of c:lt )cnglh •. Do you mean two ~~(
\cnl:lhs o( oJo )'0 11
m ~n n one car lengt h or 110 )"ou menn Ih fe~ en, IcIlJ;lhl o r Uo
rou mnll a roupl: . ...·him 1lIC::1n. t ..."O, "SOlan)·.
A. Aftcr he \\"a' I.:nochll, Mler the Ilo~' kn oc~ .d him _
COMMENT : ThO wilne.' 51~l t~ \n an~w er ~omo diffe rent qOO:;licn .
and i~ Immediat&ly CUI off. Oll~ing counsel t.1CS 10 makt: tile jury
fce1tilat tile CrO~i e.<amiller i, unfair, but tile cou rt ~ pp rop ri ~l ely nc-
~n owlcd ges llIe qUC'I;cr\e(S r;ght 10 a fespom ive aM""'::' ,

Q. ! a ni not intercsted . Plusc.

MM. SAl-II>: Wail ;) m inU IC-. She h31 to' 3 rislll 10 nml.:c Qn ~ n·
sl' ,<;r. E~ct}· ti m. she il~ rt s \(I nm wc r. hc inter ferc, with her.
T u" CmI RT, Don't com ment. Sh e has not ge t .. ri~hl to m~h
a n unn:o;pons;,·c 2n~Wer.
f'k n'IC Ii,,,,, 10 rhe (1Il eSli" " and 3.,.,. .
·er it If y(")~ C~ n.
Q. YOII lislell \0 m)' q UC5Iio" , "lid I will be " cr)' j1:1t;~nt if )"l~
will li slen 10 nlC.
MM. SAN!): T h,' san,. wilh bim .
T"f COUII-T, "'0 CQm"l,·n '~.

§ 39.118 ~:"I"b\ i skffl!.: l}i~I"'ln fr"'" ,\I'cid~,,'

COMMENT: The d"'~n[t hE lwe..m 'he w; l ne~s 1100 the acddenl ;$

Important in d ~lelmj ni ng he! ~bi lity \0 cb$""'" tile acc ioen!. Tile I'/;!.
ness" aecur ~~ in .!alin!: HI<! disl~ n[e alsn reflects .. pcn hc, abirity
10 ,fl:.1Il the inci(len! ac.:uralclt .
First. ~"e e,tj",,'t~~ .~ coople Cir Icngills : t!l~n !.he chance. I~ r
", !i'"ale to th ree ca' length!;. She will ultim~lely be $h(lWl\ tn be 0IICf
100 feel oU in her estimation of Ille ~i .la,"",e betv."ccn herse lf an d
tI'e in ci dent.
Onte Ihe will"l(!" 1$ .nown Ie be g'OS51y inc<N ,e<:\ on .ec.:lliing en~
a'IK'Cl of Ihe inc:<dMI. the jUl)' will Quile Ii~ ery agree thallh e wilne,"
wa, int o""CI on atMr '"peels ¢ hc' ot,e rvJticn.
Q. f rom the place .... b~ rc )·ou we ' e s t.mJin~ in from o f .h) t
ShQp S) "c "mr~ 1I«! or A ,Ii r Cll lfJnc'C. at III" Il l a,'~ where
Ih~ 00)' crr.,.o;ct! Ih" stt'<;CI. I",. (hal abllul IW(l c"r k:ngth~
<l o,,-n7 Tha I' s wh~1 I " "(Int (0 know.
A. 1'0 0. it ""3~ mOf<; 1113n Ih.l .
- .. -

Q. How many c~r knglh~ t1"" 'Il?
.19- 18

,\ . II 113U 10 be 11'If.:c: parked can.

Q. ·r h.~ p:uk ~d (:In.
Th.<><; parted C:l rr.. W~ lin a!!y gt)! l h~1.
101". S,. ,.,,: YOII don', 1\;I,'c to nuke lhl)5.C roM1mc n l~.

Q. We finn lly 1101 that it "":I' three p:Uk~.,j car.. T h;lt's m)'
MK. S~.~I): You don't h~"c \0 make .hose ( Omm.:nt5.
Q. We lin:ltt)' &OJ thai .\ "":IS \h= pJr\:ro t"Jf'5. Th3f~ m~'
queil '(lli.
~I M. 5""'11: I ",n\-.: 1M! he stricken.
'THt CO(;JIT: I tbink i, 01(1.)' "" tht 1,!Lent>:> of the Iiou. or th e
fa<:! we woncd ;, linlo hn.d " 3~ \,';Iu~~d :\ SUa,n on the ni:'f\~
Lcl'~ stop h~ .c.
"'I ~. Ft;t:fI)u~ll<i; M~}' I Ii ni, 1I thi~ poinl?
'TIIC CO!:'Rl : IT you " ... nl \0 fi nish a f'O;nL, r " 'iII 31k,,,· yo u to.
:" IM . F';n l'"~Il<i: I ..... 30( In fin ish Ihil line of inquiry "'~lh this
lll~ em'It' , But yO\! ",ill be "-'fl.' hri.. r.
Mil. FOCIIShEItG: I ~m trying to lnake my QU"><;lion simple.
Q. :0<01.1' i\ is now }'(lur best rcrolk'(tion. under omh. 11t." fro,n
l h i~ fir't door ufSlmp S~,.... the boy cr~..-d ' he .lf~~1 :u "
(IOint ~boUI \11= ~ar !c~Glhl. th''''' p.l'kctl (':It ICll&IM from
"'hen: ~'OU were: ;~ 11\31 tisht?
COMMENT: JVIlgc FlI(;hl t>erg MOWS thai lila wilneu' ~I jm ale of
lh~ child c. ossed the Wee! i, "'rot1e, so ~e commlts he r 10 her
1<"101.mol'l)l. belorc demOflWalinc Iter em» ,
ll".e of Ihe WIlt'"
' under o.Ilh- COlf\'eS th. 1ltS11fTICny pn I lOIlO, bo th
.n t~ mino;/!. 01 the lu.ors ~I the lime. and also later, in the event III ..
lellinl""Y is ' call back d ... r;1IC deliberatlQn$. ~in,g • ... "der oath · i$
lilce .... a...;"g a I~ 10 tile iury. caUing Ih~r 3t\ettliGn to llIat particular

COMMENT: NO'N 1""1 tht .. i111C$S i$ (wnmitl<!d to hit testimony,

c:ourosel 'I\lends 10 lead her to ag' l!'e thai ner IltStimony i~ incOl'rccL
If lho " itn en ~ dh()fc$ 10 hl!r priOf 1! II,mOll~ 01 Illite car lengl h$. she

39_1 9 § 39.0')

will appea. 10 be \I,lhe< Iring 0< s \ubbo<n and '.wong. I\ny 01 these
qua lili~s in a witn ess ~ ngen dc,s dist.y.t of L1, Q testinlo n~.

Q. All right. ;-.iow you sa~' ~ou drive ~ ca r, right'/

,\ . Yn.., sir,
Q, SO ~'(lU know , don't \'ou. th ~t th~ ~\'e r.J£c ;lUlonlobilt is
he,,' 1l'1;H, y f~1 long. cightt'Co flo..'I, 00 mon: Ilm \ IhJt?
,\ . I reall )' don'\ know,
Q. SiAleen ft~'I1
.\ . I rcnll~' don'l know,
Q. Well. JSSUmc for me 11I3t Ihrcc (;IT !(:nt.1hs Is :Iooul fi ji)'
r....,t. ~lIr.1l ....":lnt 10 ~~ )'0 \1 Ih i ~: the fi rst door of SII<'I'I
Save, If you IIrc wal).;in£ <I ol\'n tOI\'~r<l l72n d Slr~~I . you
kno,,' 3U lire sloreo lind huilding5 a loor.. id" thc '~ on Ih".
wC!.lii dc of Third A,'(' nue b<:t ....·cell CI.:,"'omn t 1'~Ii:w~)' and
Inod Sircet: tlo you or don't )'o\J1
A. 'l he ..: is :I. furniture Siore Ihcre and Ih"re is-
Q. No. Do you know Jlllh~ slO rC5'? Thai '" ~Il J wa ll1lO know,
cr no.
JUSI )'~.<
,\ . Y(!'S,

Q. First tht re: i. thc monk , Ilam Illtre is Iht hu ild ." , whe"" ~ou
Ii,·c. righl?
A. YC,I .
Q. T hen Ihl'rc ji Sho p Sl "t, 3nd aftcr you come \0 III ~! fiw.
door, 1)lat's flU ite a wi<le ~I CfC, i~n'l il?
,\ . Yu, sir.
Q. Then. ~f\" r ShOoP S~"t . wh~t'5 Ihe n ~\1 buildi ll~?
,\ , There Is an ol hcr ap<l fUncnl h uilding Ihe re,
Q. AnOlh~ ~l'am"'e"l building? An d, incidenl ally. Ihc I'~ rlin&
101 i. l!(It OP11OSiit th:1I ~p"rt'lIcm building. i~ il'l
A. No. sir.
Q, And Ihe" allcr the npanlll~'l1 bllilding, wh at's tile next
Ihi"g ur nUl slc rd
" """""""""., - - -- ""_. "


How .t,) ~(>:I 1~,~d 10 W\\I ~'! Ch:d a.' 0;1" ;')' ;u,.....-.:r<I :IS "lil'l.I': AUh> __ •. . ' $1I1".,-"y .• __ ._ II'L<

It':;"" <iri\\". !Ill" '''''''y",il,-., Q ;.'i! '''')' '! ,,,. "_ "_ W!"'l II" Y" " lIa~ r,)f I,,,,):o m; '" ',',,,,I.'! .
If ~O'.' IMy i<>lJ,. h,lW " m(Ch r~~.lj """~'? _ _.__
If \ ' ''' IIIl'Q;" "'(: ,1 :1Y ""·"I::/,,,IO C'" wb li e a l "IlL I,. wh OI 1\<1)-"" 1l,,,',, ,,,:1y ';I ~'" \II' ~ul~;,.'1
w,"« ~'" ~~~.r ;"".'l'll ~.<p~I"'~S {ol' ; rool:! ___ .; due;: _
UW. "! (l,h':I,,' "fl ~ ci f')·) •..." ..- ... -. _ -"._---- "_ ...

Ft.: ~;,~h ~alq;", r »1' :;:11"" ""'di,,~J ""1'"'''''"

"I",,,~ Li~l 1h~ .:., ( '.;:,,. y" lh~ I t "'1"""'''' (If ' (,~ I r~~I' LI'~OI . III~ ",, :'''II
;;."'1 JI": "'<;, Cr.,,( " N, .. F~'J ll cr lVo)rk",'~ C')I\II,~,,":n l\'" "W. ), :01"llh~ dlll •• ,il," of!!..., l,,;al"""'~ r'" ':''''IIq,k,_

1.~1!l't::a' ~l!"\ll~:~ !l,jl;wJW

11')'.i<-",1 rh,>r..»,' 2 Im:CK T'cJ ",<ok J ~'t'~'~

., ,' - - .. .- -

llid ,Iw drL"";",\lh:,,t.·,

------- _ . _ - -'-- ------ ._--- -----

(j In" :"" I ~'''l' ri \> "1j "u.,.
lu'-",~'~"" alld hch"i,">' ------ -~ --- -- - .. ._"- -
,\. I u n·, ,,'rrn:nlwall tho$<; !lores.
COMMENT: Counsel IntcnllooJII~ r~qui.ed
a ·yes" o. "no' answctto
,"h!!ther I"~ witn !!M ~""" all ll\t ~t0l'6. ~d obtaint(l a ·ye~ . " Now
~ho inst~~ d ~ars ~hf does n· ' ~n oV1 atl the sto res. Counw im~ll~
!11ft MIC I..... ~ .ery Il00 ' and unrcli, bIe mem"'l': sh e e~n""t rem em·
ber S!OIC"S sill! p3SSH llJily. IN, claims 10 remember a mOll\fn'ary in·
el\lent 11"t oc:eu rred lout yoars prcviou sl~.
Q. You m~,'n10 lhIy you don't rcrncmbcr th~ Sto,~ •• bu t you
r~membcr exactly how mon)· cars nWJ)· thi s boy crosscd-
,,"ell. all li, hl. Will il help YOII ifYOIltho ught ro, a momcnt
a~ 10 wh at the next Slorc was aft er that apartmenl buildi ns1

Wen. te t"~ skip the " ""t stor~. lI ow about tJr. S.lor~ 3ft~ r
tl):l l~

,\. Th~y h~\·. a hardware storc Ihere .

Q. A bani,,"!!,. 'IOrc~
,\. ,\nd 11m. uiet! to be a yarn "are the,"".
Q. Anll a ~·Mn " Dr<:.
,\. They ~U ..... 0<)1.
Q. The ng lnt is not opposite Ihe yarn st orf. i~ 1t1
,\ . No.
Q. And il"~ not opposite the plu mbing .IUfe. i~ II?
Well . ir )·ou can'l 3n s",cr the qu~\;on, 1 will just t 3~C you r
sikflcc 1<1 i fld i~~le thnl )·ou c;m·t an,""~r it. I ~ th at right: i.
tlia! rai r?
,\ . " o u dido't :!-<l: me an)' qU","l ioll. W~.~ you •• 11.:1n& 10 nl~
Q. Yo.. ""l tm: only on~
I ~m talking to. mad~m.
THE: C<J U!<T: SUPfIOl ing )·ou read Ih~ que Sl;o n. ,\ nd ~e~ ir )· ou
("3 f1 ~ nsw"r it.

(Q uestio n road b~ck.)

,\. t"o.
TUL Cm.IKT: Anything d iC~

Q. !~ your nn ~,,"cr ~ n Q' Iltai lite p~. ~ing lot is nO! op~ilc IIt~
!·~ r n .I!)I.·!
§ 39, 10

,\, Tlmn ~or ",c l.

Q, 13 it a r~ct 11\.11 wh~ " l'OIi tt1 to the h udwllrt ~Iore and yo u
arc sl illnol a l Sta nley'S h o u~ , Ih~ p;l r~ ing 101 ;, ..', op~i le
Ihe h~rd"'nr e slo re? In ollter words. we ha\'rn'j ycl arrived
:u this block ~I the pOinl opposite 1m: parkin~ 101. riShl?
Yo u oon' l u nd C!];t3nd III )' quest io n'!
A, No,) did~'t,

§ 39,10 ~:' l hlUll"" of llisluC<'

COMMENT: \'>'hen thO witne~5 ca nn ot ~~ti mato ~ dista nce In wOllls,
lie Sh<)ll id be ~ 1 ked to slJow the 1u'Y Ih d~la flCe, using point~ in Ih~
CO~l tro-om, Of OOUIS0 , tile (/j11J.f\CCJ ~ twte n OIljetts in Ih~ court,
room shoukl be J$cel1a ined In advance Of the [rial ,
Q, ' I<'C, Maybe you "'il l understan d th is.: i, il ~ f:lel. rhot the
Sh op Sa"" 110'" il ,ueh ~ bi~ wi<le ! Iore tlml it's abou t
ci&hly fec I wi<l~, almost o ne :!.nd n h~lf, ;11 l~a't, ifnol more
Ihall Ihe Icnglh o f 11l;1 counrOOlll , Iht' fronl of Ihe Sho p
S~"e Ilo re? You kMW it'l one o f InlOW big ~ufK'rmll.rI"."I~'!
Tu" C()\) ~T: Can you ~ nl wrr th ~l?
A, Y(.i, it's a hi£, ~'C" it's n big ILore.
Q, I, n'! iI a f~cl lllil l bel"'~cn Ihe pl~, Ihltt car Ie'lIgl h~ u r
e,'en four ,oa r length s be)'ond Ih c fi UL (100, of 51lop Sa~t,
",Ile. ( you ur \he boy "'01$ cro~!lng, 10 lite pia,'. wllel'" ),OU
m;rr~et1 i .. til<: roitlure 111011 Ih e c~r ended up, i, ~L leasl 200
fcC I; an<l [ meal! Ih rec I; m~ Ihe k:nSlh of 1"'$ ct)I.Jf1foom'?
Or, 10 put ;1 aJ1(] lhcr .... ay. Ih:u it's ;rppro~ i m ~ tcl)' 2 U f\~
only from! Hno.! S!rc~t on Llli s 5 30~roo t bloc~?
lfyoll dOn'1 undcrmnd the QUI.'S!.;on, kl me flu t ;1 10 yflll
a S~ ln ,

T!! ~ Co\! ~T, No , )'OU di<ln'\ V"c her a chanre to ~l"

M~, FlI~mUf.RG: All right.
T lI r. COI! MT, Do you wanl 10 hear 1I101! que.!I;"" ~p;n?
R~ad ;1.
(Qu<!\lion I'\~,<I b ack.)
TI fF COUleT, ~I c a.t cd \·ou whCl h~r IllilL i. a fa~I ,
,\ , Thai'. a fact. bul_

-- -
§ 39.10

MR. Fuc;nslIH(<o: n'o" e nn )'ttl; ng cl s.e be w icken.

Till; COII Rf , [ "m lO ins 10 allow her 10 fi nish her a n!"'" "
i h ~!'s n facl Wt ....b" l?
A. Dill he d id n', run :l.n OloS Ill e ~\[<:\", in front o f III" S hOll
S~" "·5. lie ran 1I0wn n [ittle wnys out in to the ~lrect , j un
where I nmrkc'! in the pictu re )tcre . T hn!"! wh at I lIlII I ~' i n s
to upbin,
T m: COUIIT: AU riChl. N""'· ....e are !:Oins 10 adjoum until 10'
morro.... morn ing,
I'lca"l' return here lomorrow morn ing m le ll o'cl oek. AmI rc-
membe r lh e admonitic n of the Court, l~oJic. and s.cndcmc n:
d o,'-t d;Ktl~ tht case anlGOest l'ourwIY~ or "-ith ~,,)'onc el se.
(Whcl(Ufl<l n, the trinl WaS ccm t; nucd 10 'r uesd:l )'. Septem ber
IS . 1962 , at 10 ;00 ~ . m .)
(The trial rorn inued with Ihe UIIlI: 3Pf...,a l~n''C'.1
lh" M~. F"tllStlUR":

Q. M:l.l[nm, )'ou remcml"", ~·~'St e .day )"O\! pl:lCeU tlte l,· lle. - n "
fOI dl~ bu~ in :l. pial:\: ; n Iho: ro:.:l,,·:oy o n a p iClure lhars
bc<:n nm1:.'4 I'l ain ,iOs' b:hi hit 11. 10 sho,," abnu l wh ere il
11";'5 ,h ~ l th e bus stop ped after the accilicl\l , Do you
r~nt ~mhcr t h~l?
,\ , Y('!;. sir.
Q, Vau told u. Iltnt th~l i$ ~ t ~ pia<;c o n the hloc k alon~.i dc of
~ fl~rki n &
101, riSht?
,\ . YeS. 5;r.
Q, :-low Ih~l flu ldn!: lot. yo u ~l "" told us, i~ n~arcr th ~ J nmJ
Str<:CI end of the bind r;tt h ~r th an nearer to ('J~ .cmo n l
Parkway cnd ,
,\ . iloaf. COlre.1.
Q, :-1 o,,', m~tl ~m. th is parking IClt ha l C"O n si tlcrlbl~ "'i dt ll. PU I
i, thaI way,
,\ . y~s .

Q, AbotIl how "'id~ wo ul d )'ilU sa)' it is'/

,\, l( c~J1y, I coul dn't say. J kl1 Qw i!"~ a lJ ' Sc p,,,' il111- lot.
Q. I"~ a b .ge parki ng 101'/
§ 3?n

A. lI's lur&e.
Q. ! wou .... H~c 10 kIlO...., if you f un p k-;ISC leU us. wt..:n the bus
slop ped was th a! whert tho ~~rkinG lot h<.'Si ns o. wh<:r~ Ihe
p;I. king 101 e nds or som~wh~l~ JI OIlS .lOOUI Ihe middle of
th e parking 1017
,\ . II'sjw;t .lbo ut when:: Ihe pa rk ins lo! begin s.
Q. Whtre it begin" l
A. YfI$.
Q. Would )'0 11 .ll\rc~willl me !hm the poIncc "'h ~ ' c the h us
~t()fllJed "':1.'0 no morc than .loon' ZOO fett from J 72nd
Street on t hi~ SolO-fOOl block?
,\. I can ', ~ n.wcr Ih:!1 b..'e.u s.: 1 didn't t ak~ mC:t!.urcnlenlS
!I~re ,

Q, J uM, do yo u avec ....·;11t nu' or do n't you? It' }'OU ('J ,,'I
an swct, o~ay, )'0\1 "~n 't 3n."'cr.
A. y~'S..

§ 39.11 Jiirst Vlcw of \'chlcl~

(:OM"'[HT, Anv \ri!neJ~ to .. collision should be asked the time

Wh on h e~ , ~ll c !i .. t ob~e,,,,d the vchicle In .~lved in tho- ~ccid e n t. II
tile wjln~ did not see u~ vehklc unlll the coll is ion. it t~ n t>& ~ r·
",HI that Ihe wit ~~ must nOi have been ID!!klrog In 11"'1 dj,eo:tlon.
001 II.d itc' aUcntio" calted to tile ~ecnc by the e~ m~ion ils.etf, In
Oth~r wO'ds. the witnn . did n ot . ('to the ,Collision. oot s., w th e ilnme·
!jial~ aI!~ r·ell«ts mIlle collision.

Frequ8<1t1y. a wit<>eSi ' J tie<>lion;~ ca lled to the ~~e nc ))~ Ik SQ~ nd

ol ille colll.oon. \'VI>cn the w;lness claim ~ not 10 ~ set'II the v~hicLe
unt il tha co llision . ~ stro ng in!ercrn;e a,i~e$ th e ", itne •• did nat
' Q~lly 'In Ule ImJ)<l et. bu t saw u~ Inci<ient a seco nd laiC', Thu •• tim
to.limonr of the wilness 10 Ihe cauw 01 the collision is s~cu l.ltl~ .
Q. SQ Ihat. WC IiIl O" ' , th ere did co me a lime w h~n )'011 sa'"" tile
bus. r ir,ll11
A. Yel.
Q. Wh~'TI! was tlte bus wilen yo u 5:\'" it (01 Ihe fi n.! timo-:
where ""a~ it in Ihe ro.ul7 Was ;t nem where )'011 wo re
sl~ ndi llg7
,\. Whon I nm iced Ihe bu ~, lite \>0)' had ra" i'lt o lhe bu " Now,
IIIaf5 when I nOli""d ThI: bus..

I 39.11

Q. So you ne,'" r notittd the bu~ unti l the lim e or the ~o nt~ c t :
;&Ihnt right?
,\ . Tlml', com:cl.
§ 3'1.12 O~lrlMllions 10 VI~ ..·

COMMENT: Th~ .,ilrlC" now admllS In~1 U'~'e wore CM~ ole ng Ihe
~ idc
"ll tle ' Heel; 111M is. pclletrli<J 1Ol>\irucliCM 10 lhe ..... ilne»· viow .
Q. /\ nd. in ci dcntoli)·. you Iell th, ju ry. there W~~ n sol id row or
p~ r1'ed c~ " ulol1g yo ur lidc o( Th ird A,·omuc 11.31
:t(tcmoon: i. thl oo,r;:ct?
A. Yes. Ih ~.e was cnrl 111er~.

~ 39. 13 Su.Jd.'f1 O cru ..... cc

COMMENT: Vi. lually e . .... r .:>ttitlenl ace u. s . apidly. withOlot mIKh
trpporlunity 10 ob:;Cl" tll~ detail's . This is esrteCi ally I'll'(! of ~ulomo ·
bile :.ce idcnIS. wir •• e ~ wiln e~$ ju.1 IidPpI.'M 10 hi:' Il)Oi<ing In tI, e di·
'e<:liOl'l ollho occlluence . The ac.:idetll is ul\(!ll.~led. Tht eye ilnd
mind 01 the wiln"" ~JO di \I!~t1ed by ctl'~r Ihl"&I. II c~ n often b~ in ·
fe r.ed Illal th e witn ess rl>C on~t",cle(,\ Ihe ~ccid . 111. .0thcl Ih<l n ob·
.....ed it.
Q. N,,,,,,
Ihi . view yo u h:td or Ihe bu •• Illl. was n ,udd ~ n tllinll
10 you: ;1 w ..~ :urdtktl. " "'. il. ~ nd IIn""pccu:d ?
,\. You m~~ n wiltn Lhe I>u • .IIrati: lIl t bo}'?
Q. Yes.
-\. or roO",C i( "'~s. yes,

Q. A nd yuu ,",,"cr hcard :till' br~kc. applyin~. d id you7 YOIl

I;now Ihe M11lnd orb.akn ~uddcnly appl,od and lhc rubhi" ,
or lubl..:r On the srQund'l Yo u "e" Cr h"~ro anylhing Ii~u
Ihal. d id yoo ?
COMMENT: TIl(! f.ilum to IlCa. th e $QuUI Or screec h 01 bra ~~~ is
$ignifiu nt ; a PQ ISQ n's eal~ Me ~ Iw", . r>'c~u mabJ1 'ope n" 10 ",and• •
so IlIat failwe 10 hear the sOllnd inler$ 11",\ Ihl.' ' OUlld w~s!lOt th..... iI
(0 h~a ' ,
,\ . When lhe bus ~Irut" Ihe boy I "'3sn'l listenin!; fOl :tny
hra ~c, o r anyl ]L ing.

"~" "'"
§ 39,16

"ht, l'UCmIlfJlCi: I mo "C the ~IU ... cr be stricke n OUI a~ nOI r~­
~!'O n ~\V c,

T!t ~ C{)IJ ~T: Strike II (lUt.

I~ ~ ~""~'d you ..'l1cthcr )'OU ht'~ rd it. Did you hea r il or dido't
TIH: WtT);f.S-" No , I didn'j hear II,
Q, Befe re Ihe hll~ m u cic lite bor, r ou did o', hc'ar a roun~ of
a car Of a hea.')' bu ~ being braked bcfor~ th e 00)' COl hit;
you d id o't hear any ~uch IhiRE' did )'Ou?
,\, No, I didn't.
§ 39,15 UJlft:tsOlllbrt M.S('rlion. 8 )' 1M> '\·II nes.~

Q, Th is view )'011 .,ad • •h~1 you say }'OII had, Ihal WlIS of a
m o.-in!: ,·chick:. rig.hl'!
.\ , r don't unde rstand (he quc'\tio n.
Tll~CmJu: Will yOIl .~fr.lmc .10" qU" ~IIon.
Th is "iew you had of Ihe bur.. wa. Ihot of ~ bu. IhQI was mo,,-
ins? "h31 is lh ~ qu~~tioll .
,\. A~ roon ~$ Ille bu.\ Slfud.: the bol·. he Slopped.
Q. Stopp<:d . ig,hl Iii"," and then. tie"l 31 thaI ,-cry S{l(l l?
A, T h~t'l co rn."ct.

Q, O n a di m,.. ri Shl, ri~hl?

COMMENT: TM jul'1 win ~~t'U1t any t!Y.lime>ny """jell ;': Cl)ntwy 10
common son~. EVillYO<lC wnowi tlLlI cati CJM ot ·~top on a dlme,-
mlle~ len b U $~e$ , Tho "i\!I~'S ~wt~" \0 !>II ~""IlSe 'illill£ . The Iogj.
c:.ll mOi Ne 101 Ihe ~lioll is IIolttiJijl r IC)I' tile clc fe nd~n t. Tl l U~ ,
wh en counsel can ~ll0W the JII'" I~~t !lIe witnu~ Iii eJOlcge+'i linE, the
wjt~ will low he+' :.ppea' lI>Ct a/being -dl$;n tetestea:

,\, 1'h:lt'~ rom:cI.

Q, StOpp< t1 righ t there ~nd then , ri &ht m Ihat ,'cry slKl t?
A, Th at' s correc\.
Q, 011 a d\m~. , igh t. ri~ht·!
,\, TII31'S w' r~~,

§ 3'.16 ;lI(1I~II'''''f''JS

Q. T ell me. m~dall1 , ;~ il :t f~u, ~nd I 11'1<1 it m<::I~~,~d b~t

ni Bhl, Ibm Shop Snn. the rood markel or tlK: A ,<::, P as it
§ 39.17 ]'1- 26

"'OlS tile." it', ~incc C~ 3"&C'd the 1;10 1\: front . b\ll the widlll
or tile Slorc is the I'IfIUl,
A. Yes,
Q . 11le windo""s and doors. thai's ~n been ch~II(;~<J &jnec III.
Shop Save 1001.: over. \lUI Ihe il<Jre fm nl widll. or lI.e
buihl\ n; is the ..,m,,?
,\ . Yes,
Q. .0\ \ the pl lCC ""here )'<Ju s:I)' you were, Ihe flut doors of Ih.
Sllop 5:\". Sl.lp~rmatk.l hui!dins. "'!)\l!d )'(lU 3Erec 1~~I I" ;l1
i ~ only! lJ r~ t l , s;" ill. h ~-
M it. S. Nn! ! " ,ill ohj"":l 10 him reading someillin!: 1101 ill
.,· jdenee.
1'>ll Com...: He is :1$~ inl: lit. a question . Me:!": k"l him finish
hi~ quc5lion.
Q. Would r OU 3S= 1\13\ thai j, olll~ aboul II J fo:< l. s i~
inches. frOlll Clar('l!lOllI P~rk""~)'; and Illal ""t . .
~= lb(,,,
an d lite \v~in nill& of ,he f';I rkill& 101 is " 'ell o''Cr 200 r",,1,
which. we :IfC lold. ;s mo re 111.111 Ihrce li m..'S thc length of
this rourtfODln. Would yo.lll agree ",i lll thal~
,\. "'0. I :om 1101 ~oi "lt 10 ag«<.
Q. You don '! ~grCi' wi th it?
,\ . No , Ii•.
COMMENT: OIten, eo<>n&<!l wilt ~n~w the e>.act ClstNlce in issue.
n.:w iog me. 5<>,ed it, while the witn e~ oIoe$ nO!. By IlIlm m ing the wil·
ness Ihal tile dislo1llCC w~ ,1(JUJU, nw.asu~, lit" witness M1d jury
wilt tend 10 follow ll>e C(Junsel' s le~d.

An impartial w,tness would fto'mally ill<~ with the ems5 "' amine' .
The failu,. ol lhts wilnen 10 do so implies I\csli!it~ t~wa 'l!s ~o u n\ n l
Jn~ p.uliolity 10·.... J'ds !I>e o;>ppO n~1.

Coo~ .... ill ~It'm.tely in j,O(j<ICe the mea.u,.ment in e.;cel'll:e,

lut\h(:r a;..e. editinB the wi1r>Ms.
Q. ~b ~ nl, you ~y ~O\l didn't &i,'" )-ou. n~mc til ~ oy pOli«
ufl''tco:r, rirJtl1
.,\ , No. sir.

§ J 'J.l 7 Conro..!.,. Ik,,",,,,I,;tIC'S 1.;t(I; .. r IInd l;",..,,,,,, or Willl<,",

COM MfNT : 1 'W jury's ""'Iin&ness to .eIy Oil ~ " ,Ifleslo' tel.timon1 de·
pends Oft the e ,l)'dibil,ty of the witness. Credibilit1 depends to i n ....
le nt On II'>e t3ith ot the jury In lhe inlelligern:e 01 t ile wltnes!.. li the
jUlv i~ ~own that the witneS$ gcnOOllll l,ck~ the abilitv t~ Inl~lli!;Cnl'
Iy ~nd rellablv p~rec i"c. cornprehHl(l and articul ate (tata, tir e witn e$s '
credibil ity 15 impai red .
The st'ncral inabolllv of ~ ""Iness to unde< que.llons re~el$
I)t1the irltclliEencc of tile wrl nes~, 3nd tile r" 'ia bi lil~ of tile lestimo ny,
Q. And nfl.,.. you "" .... Ihis th ine h~r>pen >'Ou wenl Iohopp in$-
did n' t ~'Ou aft,'rward" you wenl inlo Ill.: SImp S~,· . '>r 1\ .t.:.
P pl ace amI },o u ~)lOppi ns, ri~hl?
,\ . Y ~ :. fl~'T.
Q. TIl al wn~ bdorc a n)' Ilo liccn1:lo c~m~. ri~ht?
TIl~ Ct)\;~ I , On~ Ilu e,li on ~t ~I lin le.

Q . Did )VII J:O in shopping beru.~ i1n~' p<l11et:n1.111 came?

1\. I n~\'c r gOI into Sh ep Sal'" "' shop, I /lC 'W ,wnt in the
~Cf ~,

Q. "'C"~r did?
,\ , l\·c" ~r.

Q . Wdl. )·ou b ll)\\'. mada m_did )'<)11 ront i nu ~ 10 GO sh OI)pi n~

af1 crw~ rds'!

,\ . Afler lbe ' ...·dli<:n l. !'~~

Q. WhJl~
,\. ,\f1 rr the ""dlle nl. )'~~.

Q. w..n. lhat'~ wh:u I a m la lti ns ahou\.

,\. Y~! .

Q, Tlwll whe"" }'OU "'m~ ou t of the .. or~ d i<l you Iben ~ ;tny
poli«>!I,all Ilwr r'!
,\. No. sir.
Q. D id yuu cin: !'Our n~ n<e 10 IIw poi iCl.'=" ?
,\. I nC"cr WCIII in lo Ill e ~I orc.

Q. WelL. ~nu s:\ id yllu 'Will "'lopping; you came h~ck from
.h Ollpi n)!: )'011 hd 1<) 110 h~t 10 th e nmc bto.:k ill wlr idl
you Ii ,·. d. Tile bu, dri,'cr ..1ill he wa~ Ill crc for "I \ca~t ~ u
])OU I _

"1',,[ Gw~r: Mr. F'rr,. one qu ~.,tiol1 "I ~ l i rn ~.

§ 19.18

§ 39. 18 f"illl.t \0 R~pOfI W;lOtsslng the A c~ ;d~nt

COMM£NT: F~ilur r to 'I!j)I!rt wilrH!$$ing an ar(ldMi ere~tcs. su~pl·

cion rilfmT Itlr wjl n~ did nUl leJII~ see Ihe iodde nl . or l~ ~t I!I ~
",jlne~ s lin some motiv~ for later cCllnlng 1000Md.
tn this case. tile elilid I.... cd on th~ ~mc weet as liM "'~nes~. arid
tile Io&«:a t procedure would h3ve bee n to ~nlo rm ll1e Polren! lfIa! tlte
witness observed the in<:idell\. Ev.... fflOIclogir;;)I WOIJld be 10 inform
the ~r~n1 01 ! ~r ind!knl .. It~, ~n in>!sligatur from tile tlus company
interviewed tile "';tncn. Fa ilu re to do &0 hl nls at partia lity g, preju·
Q. Did }"Oll, wilen you came b~ck rrom iil(lpping. sh'e you.
M"'~ to Ih ~ police officcl"I!
.~ . No, si r.
Q. !\low did yO\l I~U Miss K\L!.nlun. t he rosie. mOlher of this
lin k: hoy. Ih~l >'ou were ~ wiln~~. \0 Ihi . accirknt1
,\ . N o. li •.
Q. .'1e.·c, lold her?
,\. :-10.
Q. T here came J lime when wme mell from Ib~ bus compan)'
<::Ime ~ 'OIond to ~~ >~1I1
,\ . y~"S , Ilf.

Q. You know Ihi. ri!lt~ 110")" ...~. in t hc hOSpi I:.I. bWly injured"?
A. Yes , sir.
Q. You hClrd aboul that?
A. I knew he was in the te . )·e'.
Q. And .... hen sllIn(: m;ln ~amc aro und f.o m Ihe bu~ company
did you $<." " Mi\.S "u. mln in 1h~ mcel"~ . he "":I. ,hn~plns
from 10 lime?
.\, :-10. I d io n'l.
Q. NC"cr s.1'" her'!
TfI£ COUkT, O on ' l shake l our hno. AMwe . yes OT no.
Tf!£ W rr:<E>.S. I' m sorry.
,t . No.
Tnl' COUII1, Y" u n~"Cr .aw ber. AI! ri~h ( .
...... ...,
",, '

! j? I~

Q. O i,! )·o u ever go up 10 sec Ihi ~ lady .... tll'lW lillie boy's li m
name ~llU kn~"': and said. ~ Dy the .... ~y. l hcr~ w~s a m,m
~amc ~ U)1I11d 10 ~c IIle f,olll Ihe bll~ cum"~IIY: Did yo u
t,'er te!! her th~t . in the ~am e b!otk wilere )·ou Ii,'c'!
A. :>.10. $;r.

§ ) 0),19 Inn .....llfe or Opponent's Rc~ r~n lnt ;'rs

COMM ENT: CGunsel altemills 10 t .... ce eath (""tJt! IK'twft11 the op·
pon eM"s rcp re!c nt~ li.~ . . .. nd Ihe wi lne ss. II may be ~rcu.a th aI
eacll s.u<:h CG"Uct ,ewltctl in .. n additionJI a mOllnt of f<1'l(l. itism to·
w~!dS , lie bu~ eo mp~ny.

No OI>C (an rea~te lI,c;' calW<!~lion~. but the natu ral le nden oy
i~ Ie faS le! .ym p, thy low~ .d$ the bus d. ioN , ~!ter stA~ in& w,ttl him
lew .a pe<iod of , i"", in .. wa,lir>g ' O<Im in tourt ,
Tnroughcul Ih~ Une 01 Questioning. coun!.el leiteralt":; that the wit·
n~~ ""'~ undel the control ona dir~lkln of tho attorney fo r til e ap·
pon ~n t Tn~ mora 'he witf\(!SS Is ~ lM.1wn \0 be allied ...,Ih one p.1'li~ '
'camp.' '~thef Ilia" a d;sJn\erC~led wiIM5'. tM more sef ulj n~ th o
jury ",ifllljo~ te ~, tl'Slim cny.
Q. And then therc cam. a lime when w!ll~b"dy .u\>pocn~ed
yeu to corne to court he...,~
A. Ye5. l ir,
Q. Somelx>d~' come a m un d 10 ICC ),ou from Ih e bu~ eo mp;lIlY?
A, Yeo..
Q. II ..... Irul IlY li me. "'CIC you in court h..,,... ~hk.. )'estc rtlay?
A. Thq' brought the s ub~na Wc\lnesd.1Y n ir.lli. ~nd I ""~
here ThulS d~~' nmming al ninc.
Q. ·rhlllloday mOlning?
A. Thu rs<b y.
Q. And then were )·ou ~ i\'"" an et he r S UbpoCII ~?
,\, No.

Q. Yall "'''' CII"\ &i,'cn anot her s"'lfIOC"a?

A. No. • ir.
Q, I . ee. Yo u w~ rc here ~'csl clday a nd rel U heard Ihe llll j
dr; ~c( sa)' he "'J. r,i''en .. I«o"d ""bl'OCna bill yo u ...-et c
If'.' ,."
.-. -_.

I ~9,1 9 l'I- J!l

Mit, SA:'llJ: ! will obj~cl 10 Ih e quc~d(ln,

TUE COCk" The obje~ tion i~ Jus lain ~'d,
Q. n'CIl 10:11 mc, did )'011 I>CC Ihe bus d,h 'e r on Thu rlid.1Y?
A, Y~i\.

Q. ,\rc you Su"'? You spent .orne li l11~ iu hi ~ conlp:irI)' o r in

h ili p resence wh ile "" aili ng ~ round IhCl'"c o n 11lun d:l )'1
,\. Y"s.
Q. I Jm 'ur~ you and he tnllel! uhoutlhc acciden t. didn 't you?
,\ . No. sir.
Q. :-.101" word'!
A. No. sir.
Q. An d Ihcn you wcre b~ c k here YCllcrd~y'!
A. Ya. sir.
Q. W" ''')'OII he.e in lhe morn ing?
,\. Ye •. 'i r.
Q. I don'l Olean in th i, cou rtrOo m. hut ill '01110 otiler roo m In
the build inG " 'l\crc Ito.; bus rom p:.ny propk told ,"<IU 10 be:
wcr e ) '0 11 the,e?
M il. S.,~o; I obj ....'l 10 Ih t QUClolion.
TUE CI>l:IIT, 11'1 objeclion ab le as to fO lD!.
Rcfr.trnc ii,
Q, You weren' l tn Ih i. C'O urtro mn ye.llerday morning. were
A, ro;o, .ir.
Q. Whal lime d id YOII SCI to Ihe huildi nS?
,\. I \\'~' here 31 n ine.
Q, Ni ne o'clll\: ~?
A. Y,'1o, .ir.
Q. Did Ihc s ubpooclI3 IIIaI )"<IU h ad origin, lIy rm,;,·"d S.1Y for
)'ou 10 be in COIirt al ninc o'clock. Of d id it "'~ for ye u 10
to.; in <:Quit 3\ len?
,\. ,\1 n i!!~.
Q, Do you h~,' ~ the ~ ubp<.l<:""?
- --

39 - 31

A. Yel, ' ha"e it.

Q, lo.."1 nle S<..'C ;1.
,\, Here.
Q. As u I1\JU~r or facl, (t i~ IY,,~o in ;,1 n i n~ ,,·do'~.Did yo"
Ge Ie Ih~ place w!len: Ih ~ ~ll bl'<"'nn teld yllu 10 Ge 10?
.\ . Y\"S..

Q. And W"C f~ d id lhc , ,,bpOt n3 tell )"OU 10 r,fl III~

A. I ,..,1.
in the wail ing mOlll "I lh~ uillel ~nd or Ih .. !\alt .
Tiff; Cnt;Kr: R ~iiC }'uur ,"o ice.
A, • " ":IS in the "1!.'linu .oom al Ille Olher end o r Ihe hall.
Q. I d id n·1 '''~ )..,., " 'here yo u wc"'. ! "'anted 10 ~n"w where
the s ubl'<"'n~ tllid )"ou III r,o.
A. [ d idn' l nllli cc un thu e where ;1 IO ld In c 10 go .
Q. Wtll, d id ~omd.ody 1"'1 YO Ii where to Co.
,\ . Yc s. I " 'Cfll ill Ihe w;,ilinS 10111()-
Q. W"'II wailin; IlIom? 1I0w did )'011 ~now where the ,..·:tiling
roon, wao, Ih .. 100m you cal! ~ -w~illn& 10011\ ": who Inld
) '001
C!)lLMT, On e qu':~lion .
Ti j~

How did )"0\1 know?

Q. Yc~. ho\l' did ) '0 11 know wheN th e wall in s roo!!! WlI.?
,\ . Well. Iht lawy<.:1 lold me 10 go ill Ih en:.
Q. I'J~~!>e :In,w~r Ihe q,,~sti(lli .
,\. Th~y lold 111 ~ I" go il' thcre. They 'chi m~ 10 in u,., r~ " .. ti l
• ""'3. t:,II~d .
Q . Who laid IOU?
.\ . J <I\ln' , know hi~ " " me.
),1 1. llentml .
Q. Whe n "'cr~ }'''U lold".'
,\ , The li rlil d~ )' " ca me h~r~. and thaI ",as lin 1\ l1IUr$d:l)'
mo rni njl a\ ni ne 0' clod:.
Q. to;"w. wIlen )'00 c~ "' c in at Thc..way mm nins :,1 nine
o·r;lllCk. "'''''r~ di d )'0\1 £0 tli cn bcflll c an ybody lo ld )'0\\
..... , ~"
,\. 1 ClImc up ~ tf~ to lI'e ~"unb floor.
Q, Wh3' room dill >"011 &0 10. Ih~ w~ i li rll: .oom?
A. Ye$.
Q. Wh ere w~ s lhls waitins 101lln? Doc. il ha'-': 3 n",mbcr?
Docs il say ~wJ it jng room" on it?
A. 11 has n(l _ 1 didn't notice whet her there "'n\ a numher nn
the o utside of Ihe room o. nOl.
Q, W3S il jU~1 3 ~m311 loom (lr wn_ it J c()unroom like tll\$'1
A. No, it wasn'l " coun roclI", jll"" pl~ in. (I.dina ,)" room ".. ill,
a biG table in there:- and a 101 or cll:lilt sill;nll alonlllhc ~\dc.
Q. You K"(:, :'lr~ I{,'an , Ihi ~ is only \a sl Thursd3~·.
A. Y.\. , ir.
Q. You SOl)' nobody lOki yO\1 "here 10 &0 until you GOI he,.,."
right? hn't IhJI wh Jt ,'ou j"~1 wid II.'!
,\. I W:lS loki 10 rom~ 10. UF) o n Ihe sc"cmh floor.
Q. On III", ~\"enlh f11K)(? SI) )'011 1;(11 here 10 Ih_ .st,·cnth floor
and , in r3CI. Ihe ~ub~na 5ly~ you should £tI 10 T ria!
Term. r3n I. 1'\0"'. Tn.,1 Term . "3n I i~ 3 courl«Kl IU on
Ihis fl(}Or Ihal ', n!a)'be c,'cn hi~.r Ih3n Illi. one, and it".
marked "'"Trial Tenn, 1'3n I" jusl 310 this o~ \.3)"s "Trial
Tcrm. ]>31"\ V." Did you So in Ihere .1nd sec Ih3\ Ih ere is ~
bit counrcom lhcre1
A, 1'\0. ~ir, 1 ~idn·t.
Q. There \, no room o n Ihi s floo r, and you ten me if I am
...rong.. t h~l 'I., ~.~ ~W3j lin& Room " 011 Ih ii flno •.
MR, SMm: I obj~cllo Ihi s. 1 a~k you r Honor 10 leI! Ihe Jury thai
lh"tc ;, ~ public ""a i'intl room on Ihis noor.
Tilt Cocn, ItcfrJ n1e YOllr ,\uc~ti<)n .
MR. I'C ~l!~~ r.k(;: Wil ho.lmwll.
Q. 1 "'anI to l.:no",. m3<1~ n" "'helh~'" Ihe room ~'ou "~m into
h~d nnythi ng wri llen on il out ~;(k il ~o you would knnw
",ilich loom 31 you "'3110 ~mun<l I ~ corridnrs ' " ~ inlo.
You '1.,\<1 )'00 wcre just lold to go 10 tl, e ~c\"cnlh Ooor.
Tu~ COURT: You nwed lire (IUClllon. Go 3hud.
A, I r <'aU)' didn't nolice.
, ",
) 9_l l

Q. You jUM h Jppcnoo I!> 1:0 into a rooln Jnd Ih c.~. ~u.e
crrough "'JI the .~ptc~ental;~C of Ihe I.IIIS rompany.• ;&1111
,\, I WJ5 told 10 ~o in th~1 roo "" Th l !'. ~ II I c:ln S:I~'.
Q. YOLl101d U~ )'001 weI< 1!>ld by su m ~ bod)' wilen you rot b~,~.
A. Itis name is on Ihe ! uhpocna the '~.
Q. 'f he Il JnlC was 011 the ~ubt>OCnJ when y<>u go, ' h"
5uh~ClCIlJ , wasn', il1
A. y~. ,ir.
Q, 1\11 righl. I want 10 know how ~O<I knew Wloll room \0 S<;>
illlo \0 $<'" Ib is mall before you $JW him . 110,," did }'QU
know 10 go 10 thai room. of all Ihe . oom ! un thi s 110m. 10
~"c tile man, ~in .c the only on ~ ",rilten on Ihe sOlhpoell'l h
-Trial Term, r'l" 1,- wllieb is a roll",!>on! m,,, Ihi. ,me?
,\. \\'1 "," Ih~' b roOlcb' IhJ I subpoena 10 m y hO<.l":. Wcdncloday
Q. " elo?
A. .Ihe y lold me II> . ome 10 roOnl- !.I:'·cn . Iho)' told 11I C \0
. ome up 10 the ~e\'cn'h llour, Ihe Ic vcmh flour.
Tnr, Cr,lI.1~· I : Wh~t h~pnc",:d whe n )-!>Il gol 10 \h" ~"cnl h
floo r?'
Till: \\'If:<US, When! &01 10 Ih" ~ " e ,uh !loo . ! .:1'" :-"'._1
...:tn'! p ro nounce his n"m" . "C~nby.~
Q. Yoo IOIW a man-
Tut COU" l; i.el her finish her ~ n s",cr. plc~s~.
,\. T haI' . when 1 wenl in!o Ih!. t OMUIt" lion <0001.

§ .w.W ID{1IJ<"'~ ur Op"",~inll Alto'M)' lind O lher Wi!~~~sc.

COMMENT: No aUornty ~1~c Ct a wilne •• on the &talld w;thQut 1'3"

ing dir.c ~'cd tl,e tc,lim""y, ~t !" ~' I lg some W~" ' ; otlte, ,,,i~. how
...-cu lcl l~ e altom ey !<now 10 e311 Ih ~ w,lnen . WhM a wi ln ~ $ ' d ~ nl e ~
Ihal Ihe OOnv£1".'MI llcn 1<>01( plac e. It i, a SU re In d'. atGl' lh al the w,t·
ness feet. guilly a boul $omtlh' '' g lh~1 wa$ $iii!! be lween Itte OjIposlllg
al\orney ~nd Ille wilness.
Q. I ~e. You s~'" ~ man on ,h. 5~ "tmh 11O{Jr. Who wa. wi\h
lite ffiJn ?
A. :"<0 o no .
, .. -- ,~ ...."

Q. And Illen uitl ho 1~lk 11> you ~bou t \h~ ","se'l

A. 1"0, sir. he didn't
Q. 1"01 a word?
A. No. sir.
Q. Th ~ man c~ m~ 3nd ~ervcd )'011 wl1h a , ubpo~n~ before )'011
~anl . lI ere raM Th ursdJ)'. WIlDe •..:r il ""4.~ 1" "1 K r wd )'011
lhe 5 l1bpoen~, did ho mil; 10 you noou\ Ihe C3.c?
,\. ;.so. sir.
Q. Did ~'OtO ,:.jl; 10 him !l.OOUl h)lin.l; ,O llie lime frnm wOIk?
,\ . Well. r 1010.1 lIi01-
Q. Did you. )'CS or no?
A. Yes. sir.
Q. a UI )'011 didn't lal\; in any way abonl what ,'onr Ic~ti m nny
was galnl: !IJ be?
,\. Ko. sir.
Q. 1'le didn ' t ask )'<)" wr' ~1 ytlI. rcm.; mbc",d~
A, No. sir ,
Q. ,\nd yOll did n'j vo1U nl~'CT lite in{ofTllation'!
,\. 1':0. ,;"
Q . 1 w~ ~' ou1I3d n', lalked to :I. sillglc pm.on :,\1011t this
for moll: \h~n [o ur ~oars; Is that right? \'<)11 ~(C , Ihe
~ecidcl1t h appened in Ma y, 19S!, That's ~bnul ("", 300 3
hal[ ytar~ ago, No,,' )'011 hnun', I;dktd 10 " sintl c perso n
!lboUI ' h is In nm.c 1lllO foor y<l< Is th t right?
,\. Y...s,. weU, I talked 1<) Ihc-
Q. ;';0. Is lMt riJ;ht '" isn't I\'I
T,,~. C(lO.:u: Just ~ momel\t.
10 Ihat right or i,~'1 il?
Til!! Wm.. '~w Yeo, th~t'~ ri~h t
COMMEN.T: CO\m,~1 C3rrie~ tIM! wit"e..s· dC!nlal~ 10 their nalo<al ~~.
, rC1Tle. demOl'l,'<ali"l; II;, diroelid 01 the wi lne~~, A.mazin il~. tile wit·
ne~, & Iale~ Ihll even Ihil e.trc mely unlihly Jnd Incredible asscrt,OI'I
1$ CQrrec;l, lun hef lIu.yinc floe wi' n ~..s deeper i"lo her d&cei!,
H.vmg diosco-lerl:'d Ihis. olMoos lletcit, coon ~ bD<C5 in u nre~ nt·

I'rOlill1: Your Cnsu

Through Cross E);HmillHtion


Police Officer-Failure
To Sccure Accident Scene
c...., t:xa.. r_.,100
~f U.~""I I). 1',11<'


t ~ .m '.",11""",)' ('o nl".lk'ln~ 0.."" .... ,'> f )prnl . ~ s ...... ..

,5fl.o1 u... '" Dt......' _ .. s...... 1_"",111 " "'~'" fa So .... Qoo<-llooo
J ~OJ C...~ , ; . ·' .....1_, ~I 0,.., \\'1"' ..,,,,
i !'Q" ~ Ik_,'.. ,",~ 1"~. "'.l.Io llll r 0/ 1'1 ... 1:"1 .... ,
§ ~.g5 f.",~II,hln~ S .. n~"~ 0/ C."
t 50.0. 1:"'l>II....... I,.." ... ~f I~"'" li« oIlt<' ....
,;0.0' w~ ....,' 11._ I.. "'''';.( Poilu Cor Iklr~ !'I";"'W, ,.", ...... 10
f SIl.Dll 1"0.010" ... 1'0' nYI H ..«
I ~,1)9 S" b"~ .." l!, n,,~I.1 SlOp, l:".bl"~ SI;md". 0/ ~ <
t ~O. I O 11<_,,,,,11... '" 111.."31. II ... b<ll ,' .I _b<t ~<It' , I,>tl", <:...u
u ... 11«11 UV1I

f SO, II SII ....." w<..1t11l orr"" . 10 T.~. S.I"r M..,"",..

• WoIl<f1 D. I" h' md,'.,l hi, \".,' ,~ ""," ;on"' tho 1) " 1',.,,;1) of ~tf.m; 11.1).
,,;,h """=. 1"'7~~ ~If. 1'<111 ;, a "",,"m '" 'IK" ' bd. C..... " 'F ..... .-\m",ic->n II.. ,
""""i.";""~ """(d. II." l)imi,'1 o f (:.\""'I,i. ll, ~ ",«xi.",," Ilr T,1,1 \"''')''''
ur A"'''';~': !Jad~ C"""'r T""I I...... ) .. , ,\\..,..;" .." rSoc,.,acy. 198): Tft' ... "".
1 ~!IIi: I',,,,i"'... ,. l~lIi: <-"",m"n, ,\mi" " f;~,i", ('omm ilt""" I 'J~1_19 I1 l; Cd,,,,.,
I.." , \:p<l .". l'ul,Ii,.I1;"n , l,, ~I·l?~ ;: M' m!"" . /Io>o,d <lr I)"""",...
1%2- 1.
,\rod.."., Qr H<>rid:. 1 ';.1 , ....}"<n. u . .. I"'->cd •• " ir,,·d ,,< , C;<i ' '1'",,1 L."."
I'~ 111, florid. II., 11..",d (lr C,,,i;"'''inn and" ,~,
,.",,. 0",,1.., M,. f'< 1" ~ .,ni ...... In ,h. ';,n, of
!'..~ .. M"n,i. Florid,.
....."r """''''''''' I>w roo
II.oUll'Io<;,U' k I'd".

Th, "on' " nr.1I rm;"" ,,'i' n",,' ' 00 O1>r><» rnl «0..",] h.. " Ito... ch""l«l-

ot .. ",,,

S".""ItIQ ' ,if l/rui<' l'il,.l! (llIIllIlIrOllllclOr." fkm{lrk,r

'rhe 1l'~inriff; 1I this case bfO<lghl an ~ct i oll 'S~iTIII rhe ~\a\e for
pl'Nln.a1 inju ries ~hc rccei,'c() when ~h~ WJ I ~\ ruck hy :1 car wllile
"'~ ndi"g In th e r():ld a~~ i l lin~ a Marc hir,lIw"), ,lallol 10 i nv~li~-:r rc
an earlier co!!i~iun.
An~r rhe pl aintiIT'~ enr WJS in"oh'ctj in a millor roU isioll;u etc ,',
en in Ihe e,·cni n&. site w~, u nloun . Ho ..~'..:r. Ihe d 10 her car
";I~ !.IIeh rlllt it «)<lId nOl be pushc() off \h~ strett. 11 wa~ S\r;;KI.
d Ung Ihe inner and te lMr wcstoound lane. of Ihe fO!l(). The pl:,;II'
tifT Jnd other wil lJeSses f1~~&c() ()own q h iell""")' patrolnl:m who
parkf() Itis c:r r io Ihe c;I~lbo4md lefl lalle. lhe o ppm it c sid e of th e
meet from the plaintiffs c;I •. Th~ pin imifT w:.l~ed over 10 the pa.
lrol CJr and told the trooper wh al had hanl ~ n cd. The trooper as-
ccnaillcd Ihat there we." no iojllri~ a ..... advisc() Ihe sl;UiQII o f Ole
Th e IrOOl"'r " »:n walked 0111 illlo Ihe meel. IlIl;.inlll he "'itnnSClo
,,;,h " ill" He c.~ ~ m inro Ihe d:lIl' <lSc 10 lhe '·chicle. went back 10 hi 5
ur. IWI ~ p~d. and returned . as~i n enm inin s t he C3f. T~c ll<"»-
CI w~lked and ~\oud wilh him . As Ihe trooper and wilncsst'S ,,·<!tc
iJoi ng w. J p ick·"p !ruck t",,·ct iog "'~'Stilotlnd o n the ro~(II>c~"mc
d;~Ir.lClC'd 11>' the 0350h ln, I~\I~ or th e DOlice "ar parked in the ca~t·
oound I:In e. and did not ~ce IhQ plai ntirrs di~ahkd "c hide or Ille
!lC'oplc in ,lie SlTtC\. tIc slnl ~k lh" nlainti lT. a nd b.1ldy mi$~d ilk;
poIiet officer.
The pla;ll\i fr "l~ im~-d lite IrOOJKT ""liS nClllij¥'nl in fail;", 10 nlacc
Ibn.... 10 wall' o noom in, lra ffic o f Ihe dilo'lb\cd vchicle ; f:rii in ~ 10
pb,e hi. vehicle in Ihe westbound lanes to hlock incominu tnrm.:
"nowing h i~ "chide 10 crc~tc 3 d istr:rcrion: a nd in \111cSl ion ill£ d ie
plaimi ff 3nd other willl~ in Ihe m i<Jdlc of the mee\.
Thy jury returned a wldiCl fi lllli ll~ Ihe sr"tc 8S % n etl illc nt. ~nd
Ihe plaintiff I S~ ncj)lig,:nl.
Mr. "dr-I ft..... '"an), oillions in Ihi. ero l~ I!X:lmin atiuli. He coul d
131;e 3 " ;ndkl;"C . ~ sl~ulli"c unpruaelt with th e witn~s. 'l1\c \li l.
n c~. Ihou&h , b h onc !1 :rnd si ncere suunding. an() ~lIdl ~ n aplllooc!'
lIIuter the circrrmlla.........". would C.lIl!oC tile jill)' 10 5}'n,p~ \h il,C with
the o m""r. " '110. afwr a ll. "'~~ nl~rc1y ~lt~l11p\;n~ 10 help. Mr. J' cI! t
lh ercfure \I'~ ~ a &~nl\emllnl >' . direcl JI)' le. whi ~h gi .. e~ an :ti f o f
.... '".
hon.~t cvnce rn 1U th~ qu."l'lion.l. U~ dOC't nO{ i'"IJUgn the ;n!~g'; I~'
or the "ilnen. :md :tCCor<l~ him allprop.i~l~ roaneJY. ·nlus. ~
d ocs nOI cngeml~r jllry sympmhy for Ille ,,'i l"~5(.. All"", ... me lime,
lie ror<xfu Ur mOlkes h ~ poinl'h~1 the o ffil"Cr n .'tl ~I~i1 10 I~).:C s:J fc.
Iy pm:all';Ol1$ ITlllll<btC<l by Ill.: ~il\!al;on and hi$ 1r" ;lIi ng.

Q. Good mc rn ill80 Trooper SCllaelll"'.

•\. Good mor ning. sir.
COMMEffT: A Ken llem~ 'II~ !x'&'n(ljng s~ 1s Ihe Ic)ne. The !I.\Ie$liot1e.
win nn.. a!ol< ~l.IUlion ~ III a manne. which does flCt ,,",1!!y cn,.,Hent;e
the " ' lnen' lMme!l.y, but m~.c!y weks to dur up !.CItIIO '~nrll!iiQn
uuseil b'I ilKOllS;~t('''\ SI~ lOmcnls or Inc ollker IIntl hi~ "uG.rnev.
Q. T'()QIl'I" Sth:>chl ~r. I' m a lill ie bi, CQ ufuscd.
1 bdi<l" c }~.u "we hcr~ in olICni"g ~rgullwnl and I I>I:li",,",,,
Mr. 1 1c,,~in im!iC3led i " his opcllina ~I alcmeni Ih' l yo u
""ere all l it!: loC1:n.: hct .... « n ,h= :!nd rh'e m jnulc~ :I('I;().d-
ins to ymlr version. Is t h~1 COrrt.' rt or 1101 ~rrffi~
A. Th"t"~ ~n aflPl"o~i ,""lion.

COMMENT: The ,ross ~Uml~liotIS in til;" baa~ rcp~~ledt, dM>C.n·

51rate lI..,t lime elOl,m.n;Qfl' ~"! c,iliU I in dctelmini"ll liil ililily, Ai>'
~o''''13lion~ must be ta~ell ve<y se' ;O\IS!y blithe CfOU c ....min/JI .

Q . So !'ou do ~~ft~ Ihal YOll ".-en; Oil HIe sc~ ne btt""«n Ih. <'"C
""d r,,'c mi ,. utc.<?
,\ , I ClIII', say. 1( 5 ro, ' I lime rrllnl ~, 11 " ':15 lm allllroxim"lioll .
MI<, ].1 .... Ob';"'rtio n to Ib~t lJ\:c.w~~ 011 open ing sl~tc (Ue nl
I :;aid tbe c\";denc.: ",iil,.!tlW· Ihal he "'"30 n()l on Ihe !oC1:" ~ mo~
Ih,n II"...,\: 10 Ii",
nlimlll,\S. T it.: bet is ; !"~ clow. to \"'0 hill Ih3 '
... ~ " miu lntcmcru.
COMMENT: fh~ OpPOSIMg a ll eor{lcy m~ ke~ a q",ic~ 3 Ue:JIIII at inserl·
'II/: ~n ~.plal'\,)l""", howC\fc. ""P'C)!II:l s"'th a ~OPImeTlt m.y be.
Tn~ Coco - Well, Ihe j ury ...ill h~ '"I: \0 f\'ClII " 'bat Ih e I>t~tt­
m(nl ...·.. 5.
§ 511 ,[.12 Usc oll>cllO'$llions ID SlIo,,- [n CJ)R "i sl ~nl An . "w',> In
5RITlC Quf,lion
Q. (D,' M M. f'~11 ~ ) Do )'0 11 rcmcmbt:r gi ';1Ig ~'ou r dcpmilion
in my orne..: on December l. 19. . , th e fir.;1 deposilion you
,\ . [r~~all il.
Q. On Pa£f 17. Lioc 23. , :uked II>\: qUO"Slion. 10 !>C'e if ~'lIU
recnll this on.:
~Q. Wou ld;1 be fn! r 10 s.' y you ",,,'e 1110:'1"" ~bolll r.,·c Of
len nlinu\~. he foTc \h. ~ccidcnl in"(ll"in e Mr.
1I,,~b.:Iu m·'-

"A , !"m llo inS 10 :;;I~' ti,'c minul~'."

A. II "'lIsn't I h~1 long.
Q. Do you Ic rrn:n.o.,r th at?
,\. Yes.
Q. Du )'0 1> IClJKmbt:r a lso )'o llr !>CeO",' deposiliOll o n JuI)' L
19 .. , my onice"
A. YC'$. sir.
Q. Do }'ou Icmember on I'~gc 41, !.Inc 17. ",hcll [asked:
"Q. [-[tN ' 10nB h~d )' tlU h een OUI of ),our ~~, 1"'l w~cn Ihe
li mc )'011 firs!. J,'OI o u t of yeur c~' lind Ibc \i nle of Ihe
5~rond ac(id~nfr

Ans"",r ...·as.:
"A. Three mlnu le'."
D<l ~'ou ,<"" n thai '11I",lion :lIId ~n.~,,·cr?

A. Y~'$. ,ir.
Q. [lOl h oflh o~c ~I aleme nl' were gil'en und er o:llh. you rc~ti ("
,\ . Yes, ,ir.
COMMENT: Co.,""", menliOllS only tho.' e~Ii.1I ~; the wi'roet~ ""1dc
'''a prior ~t"tement. , under o~th.

Q. ,\11<./ wil h r~~rd 10 It", b 51 PJI ~' ,,·here you h ~d ;nd iC3ltd
yllu werc nut on th e 5 11~el flIT thr ee ll. inutc<. ! bcl\nc YOU
50-S l'oK.., om« r § f>O.O)

also indie.uC<J }'OU 5{)C ll t ~ornc r j m~

in )'our ClL. al~o ta~ ing
in ro rm~lion ~nd r~d loin8 il in before the lhrcc minul.-s, j~
lh ~t corrC\:l?
A. yc~ . lir.
M R. II F_",I( I": Obj.'t'l>On 10 the form of Ihe qUt, ti on,
The willll.'»' l~,ti mo .. y lhal h~ read , nc r h l~ Illc wilnc~$ It$li-
ru:d l(lday or al 3ny li n.e thll he W~! OUl on Ih~ ~lr'I-"'l th ret
minulr •. Tlll\". just ml 'mfa; . sl~tcmel\\. Ill' doesn', >.:Iy Ih31.
Tml Ol\l ~'l ' The jury wi n ha.·c 10 ,.'(aU ,,-Ital die Icsiimuny
Q. (n v Mil.. f'F n 'l ) J tI ~1 so Illere is no ,"i$undcrsClIl~ing.. thc
quc5lion on 1'3!;C oi l. leI me ask you if )-'OU recall this:
-Q. now lon8 had )'0 \1 bc(o OUI of }'Our ca. b~ lwcen lhe
lime )"0\1 !lUI 1;01 OUI o f yenr car nn d Ihe time of rhc
!.eCond ncci dem?-
The an,wer Wil£:
-A . TbrllC min utes.-
You ....'C3lli lm1
,\. y~

Q. No..... do )-00 recall ",hal li me )'uu Iud indicaled o n your

police rClIIlrl lhe !lrs! accident occu rred, the o ne in which
SU!-:ln's_m i k~ Ih al. lei n. e 3_k ),ou Ihi~ way.

D il >'0\1 r ~c~1I ... hal lim e ,.(In arrived on th o s-c\''nC. Wh~l

li me yeu I nd lcal~d on yo ur polin: .epon?
,\. EI ~,·cn_l~n. 1 bollc"~.

§ 91.11) C"m"".j"l: T<"'lin1~.}' of Olbc . Wil n\O.~,~,

COMMENT: !I ll very I>clplullo COIlt,ail this wilnn,' testi mo ny with

oIlier wltn~=5 who M~,e t ~ 5 tilied, on the ' pCt , 50 Ute JUlY I~ wrll
Dwatu of the ton t'oldictio n5, Ccxmwl $hould nl>l wait unlil summa ·
110". Tnc wl' nf$s 0f'I tht 5la"d m:)y bt ~$~. d qL>(l~tion. eo n(~ r nin g
tl>e le~lmC)l1r 01 II>e ctl' e' wit ne~~e,. II ' I,e w~ n e' 5 0f'I Ihe ,land
l,.ard Ih. ~her lel;tlmony. he "IiOJ' be ,'s~c<I about it (Ji.~elty. tf nOI,
" hypcllll!liai may be uscCI . ao; illultfOtcd e l, ewhQre in Ih., !>ook.
ht thi, ca~. f"", witnesses Gonl ... di cted \lIe GUice •.
Q. I'ul llo3t " I' ho,:,c "" "-': d un', forllel Ih 31.
J\'O"·. you ha,·" hC"Jrd I"~ 1'"$li mDl1~' :Iii >"011 lIa"c be" .. ~il _
line here of ~ numhcr of indcpcnwnl witn,~sc! . Fou , of
th eM). in f:l~"I. who S!ly you were om in th~ miJdle "f the
SI=1 wilh your b.""ICk 10 tr.. ffie lak i,,!: i n form.~liDn and
looking at Ihe ,"chick 0 1 Ih e li!Tll! or the .""("Olld accidenl.
Did >'DO 11<11 helf lh.1 t?
,\ , Yc~. l ir.
Q. And a. c y.... u !.:lyi llJ; lod!!>, Ih~ll~ fou r wilncs~ arc 1)(>1
Icllint the l !"Iuh?
COMMEN.T, The a~, e que~t ion ~ItQ n fequifes Inc wit ness 10 t~k ij
mal!)' thines Into ( onsidc!,,1tion very '1uitkly. Manr witr\e$Soe1O will
e~ui\lOC~lc whon Mkf!<! tho quost lGfl directly. ~s Ihi$ witnas$ dDl!s .

A, I' m not &Ding In !kI)' Ih~1.

Q. Well. weTC ~'ou !tlwdins oul in Ihe middle uf the ~I ""(I as

Iho$(' four wlt!\C.,c~ ha\"e IC itified under O~lh t"kiug_Iel
me Ii n ish-l a~iuG in form.llion as 10 haw' Ihe =ident had
oceUf!cd ~TI<.I Iook in!; at Su san's ,"ch icle?
,\ . Yes.
Q. h il ~ ISfl II"\I~ Ih:n )'011 h'ld yo", b~d: ' 0 Ir.lffie comillC
we Sibou nd down 1110 ' Irect,
,\ . No. ~i f.

Q. You did nOI have )'OU ' ba ck III the Ira me wC~I b<lllllil?
A. NO.4i •.
Q. Whet her you hml your bac~ lech ni c"ll)" \(1 h or ~ Ol. ym'
[ o(1 ~ins in lh~1 direction. Would Ihul he " fair
..... ere n,,1
M3leoncnt. siOlX )"001 did n 't M:c it unlil il ""-1S righl therr?
,\. Ye!. ~ir.

Q. And isn't il ~lw lruo) Ilia. if a b)·nandcr h:ul'!'1 cill,et )'cUcd

or ~lIl1ed )"ou CUI o fll, e W:l}". you "OIIld h :lvC bc<.-n nm OVC f
,\ . I d id leap b:ld; )"~ ~ir.

Q. Reme mber I~yi ng il wa~ ~ nlirad" you ,,"c'el1"1 hi !"1

A. No. !iir.
Q. LeI '11 0 a~~ )'011 ir ynll rL...,~n Ihi~ (tu ..~l ion and UMWO , on
)' OU( tIL-posit Io n . ...:cond 0 11(', 'l ~rting un !'a ~e 44. l.ine 25:


~Q. Do you kn o,", hD'" it is Ih~1 you w,,~ nUl hit ;Inti ,I«:
"A " ",;=1.,"
Do you •• ,a li llI~ L'!

Q. Do you rlX!1!! that J bVlln ndcf d ther )'clled or. ,n fact.

Volbtx:d ~·ou OUI of tbe W:I}'!
.\ . I r.:m~m~r !o()mconc: )'.:Iling. )"e'l, ~ir.

Q. And do you nxall IC5tifyi"lllhal ir lIu: b}~Jndcr h~d not

)'clkd (lr fJ\I lk,,' yo u 011\ of 111e II'll}" you would 1I",·c b«:n
,\ . Y CI. ~r.

Q. TIle: piclHIJl lfuck 3Iw"y~ r~lI!ain"d 0 01 Ih" the ro. "" ",nan:,
did ;1 nat!
,\ . I d on't umJ'"l'Slll1l<llhc qUe'SI;"",
Q. The IIii:k·up 'IUet; tK:"ff dfO'~ on the m,'tli.3n Or anylh;,,!;
li);:e lh~11
,\ , N(l. oir.

Q. If you "-aY ~ln'O'iI hit. ) '00 had \0 be stand inS OUI in Ihe
,\. V,'S, ~ir. Yes , ~ir.

§ SO.IM Ikll'l nn slr~!1"l: Impmb3bllity nf lin", ~;"'cinl.l~

COMMENT, ~"" a witflCU mak~5 an ~,timat~ ~I Ijmo lhal ap-

pears too ~orl. ''''' 'I1M'$1;';'1I1I'I $holtkl i$cllU! ~ach " ,il'ily Ihallook
place ""ring lha time Irama. Tr.c j~ro,s will be ilble to estimate the
time 01 eat" at.tiyity. using their common :oen~.
O • ."110"'. I ,,":IS 1"l.:illl: IoOmc II0tes in ~JIIl n ~ III .\Ir. 11...,~ill·s
qu...... io l!. on djJ ~cl.
VOlt $aid yo~ wc. c only OU I on Ihe "'enc "rn: minute . I be-
tic\"<' ~Olt 1~li!kd . 111:11 durios this o.nt minutc o r 1;1m'. Ibi~
wOlild haw IJc~n the one 'n il1 ule (rom Ih( li nlc )'0\1 t"3ned
in, yOIl PU I YOllr f3dio phonc h3Ck OOt . tot OUI of yo ur nf.
clos<:d the d oor. "'al\;..,tl across Ihe rtl(dian. I~'~c:d 1o SU\.:In
sc\":r:lltimc'S_1 Ih;II" yo u .,;t id 1"'0. \hNC. ruur li mes ,,,,,,-
"... ",.,
pie " ·... re p,; nl\ you infutm3Iion "~ you "W>.' wlliking lIClm~
tbe medi an, ~'ou loo ked ami ~'OU !~Ii ~fied )'oursdf that Ihe
" ~h ide .... s d i!>:lbl('d " 'hk h I as~u mc Ihal )"Ou m~3" 1 rou
h~d to $pcnd "lme lim~ I<>o~i "l\ <II th e <bmag~ , you sa id
Su-an w~! UI>'\:I, )'OU figured yon knew her car had 10 00
.emo,'cd , ~uu "'~re as~sins Ih e dumasc, )'0\1 were talk;ng
to Mari lyn ,
T he a ~idenl ...ith Ihe pick-up true~ cam e. you fJn d O"'n
Ih~ !Ir~et 10 SU $.l I1 . Thert ));1$ h«n It'$limOIl)" '-'11' "":l!o
1\ooul 40 revl flllm Ihe scene or th~ accid~nl , dI ecki'd IIC'
pulse, c beck~d hel \';Ial i itn~. r<1n 40 fr:.:1 ""ek ;tI;f(l~ Ihe
mediln b:.ick 10 you . cat,
All Illat hapJlCllcd in o n~ minule7
A, Preu)· 1'10'1'.
COMMENT: The wiI~s 'KOgni."e!o tha i il is Imp.ob.ablo that ~II the
activily 100II pl<t<;c In OI>C minuto, at'" ",ill . t lr il cllll i!; in1prob~blo res·
Q. I'm sli1IlI liule ronfus..'<1 wllctll" il \Va! Ih lee minul~~ or
o nc n1 i nUI~ on Ih e sce ne 0<11 or yuu l C':1f.
Th .. ~ n,inUI C$ 011 rhe dCpO.lil;on or Ihc onc minule Ihnl
you ha\'c lc i\ificd to loo;ly'1
,\. You nrc goinG 10 Irn"e 10 help me Lh clc.
Q. We tt;,\"(: n:ad Ih.out\1 )'ou r d ~po.'1ion a cou pl e of lim es
... here )'OU hn vc indkmcd Ih al in thc- durin s 1he IlJn
,,'h HC; you were oul of~'uu , car and o n Ihe ~tr.,..,\, bL-fo. c the
~ccond Jt'Cidcnt. )·O U indi caled InUI )'OU WeI" Oll the sce ne
Ihrcc n1inul e~. I can ~;UJ IbM ~&:1in ir you "1ln' .
A, Thm', 1'101 n cc csl~ ry,
Q. \'ou 1>.,.."
1(ltified lodlY 1""\ fOU Were on Ih e '>C'O n c o nc
minule. ['m ~s~in G you ....'h ieh Was il? I, il Ihlee rninulC 5 nr
one minu!c?
A, Th ree minuh.'lI,
COMMENT: Too wi!neu ~ .ec;onlcd ! ilc IfllimOl'lV he SIVC on (If.
Q. You had irnli~d'W Iha\ il "'al your prooo.hnc 10 check in,
I as,umc, a, 500n a, you got in YOUI c,rr ,mc! were rcaJ )' 10
head 10 the lo ne?
If ... " .. "

y c~, sit.
Q. So Ihe li me then thai would be o n llial rou " "Qvld haw
ch« l ed in WQul<l Ioaw ho:c" [he: li me I/u.\ )llU J;OI in ~OUt
lOlt to ht.lll ' 0 \he :ron~'1
A. A/lfIrox im~tcly . ~ es. ~ir.

Q. And ~"pro~ ima\c!y how long-you li ved on I !:!lh A q:n,,~

,. -. ~nd Kendall which ! (fli nL: i$ 3bOlll ro ...: Wods from i he

~nt or Ihe ~«idtnl ?
A. Y(S. sir.
Q. lIow IOIlE ...·uv ld il take you III travel Ih,,1 five btoc~~ :lfl"r
)'OU ch ~ckt d in:
,\. Dql<:ndinB on Ir:>ffic. Ih .~c or four minu tes, I gutS5.
Mit. '·lu<l:.Is: Spc-;lK up 3 lin k bit . Trooper Scl\.u.chtor. ! don't
kno ....· WhClh"f the)' can h~ar ~'OU .
T Uf. COt:ltL Can )'OU hear nn tho wn)' down on Ihe cnd1
Q. (RI' MK. 1'01.17.) And j u,! !O m a~~ SUfe 1 undem;","'. )"U ",
would not M\'C clt,:dcd in ,l o\i1 yo u ",cre atlvall )' few}' to
l'P Jnd hopped in Ihe ~a. and on )'OU' w~y?
,\ . There is .I.Onlclitin& Iha l )'on have 10 IInd e[~l an<1 k>fC.
!f >'ou ar~ t:llkill& ~bollt the time rmmc bl: twcc n the ti me
that I ~Ileck ed in nnd tile lime 1 h~1 Ihe ;,.ceidelll oceurn:d.
I (hilll; Ih~1 ro u m " lIld Imo'" someth ing.
M)' folb h.:Id rome- do"'n rront N.",' \"o rk and 1I1l' d~ d ""'1:1
in the hahit o r ..... ~lklnl: Ollt ..... ith me ..... hen ! ..... enl 0\11 10
",or\::. r "r me tOl el! ~'Olll h~1 I dH:ck~d in and im nlCd i3Iel>'
Id l 1he drhe"':Ir. , b.:il's nOI ll ue.
Q. ,'ppro.~im~ldl· how long aller yoo ch.,d:w in Ih lt ni&llt?
A. I h",·c no i<lCl.
Q. Couple of ", inu lci'
,\ . I hH no id e' .
COMMENT: The wil r\1)~~ Ims ~eee m o a ppl<.> wary 01 givIng a n·
ot he, li me estimate.

§ SO.IIS Eshl~1ishin~ St~n"a,,1 or C~r"

COMMENT: Tile q ue ~!lI)M' ~Ia~'ishes (he prcpcr (lTocedu,,, lor
I'liInClting this .. t.... tion . He .... iU Tllc n CC)tl t'3~t t tlot p", c ed ur~ witi1
II ..... ""1
§ ~O . O~ 5G-IO

wh; t "'~ . aduall:r cklne . Tllu~ . I,e will e~I~ t>lilll I~ ~t~r>d~rd nI c~,c.
aM l h~ !>re ~<h 11><),C(lI, from Ihr IIcfeno»nt 'S OWn .. itneu..
Q. I belie\'~ you ;ndic;!lttl 100 Illal m u h., d-yoo ha"t had
sUPI'lk:mcnl::r.' Ir:I' nin; in .lI:cidtnl il"' ~stiS<1Iion lechniQu"~
here Ioc::r.U)' "'ilh the Centcr City l'olic-c Dtl'arlmClIl. I)id
)'O\! indi cate?
,\. I Ita"c ::r.lIcndc"tl tltd r colln.:S. I nC'' cr :lIIended a tram.
rouJ'S\: wilh then ••
Q. Ila"(: yQII ::r.llCn~~'d Cen ler Ci l)' PolIN /);::ll!Irtmcnl tr~mc
A. ~o, si r.
Q. WIL'1 1)'/1<: of COU rlC~ h::r." c )'0\1 ::r.\lC II,kd?
,\ . The SI:llc Police,
Q. I'm !lO rry. Hu\'c they been run by Ihe CePIt. Cily l'uIIN
,\ . No. ~r.

Q. Il aw you I!lke n COllf$(S ;u ille Su~ltinc Cr imin ol ogy

A. Yes. ~ ir.
Q. Th~t'1 Ihe In,ti lute ..... h ere Mr . B:tlit~r , who you h";,rd
It,lif),. i, ~n inltrll, IOf in 3('Cid~'11 t in"cs~isation
COMMENT; The e'polft 10 ..nom tile question .... rele,~ testified Ihal
lhe ITtOJper wu n ~&li&a nt in lailin~ Ie plac~ !T~,e~ Ie waHl Dntom,,'E
Tralfie QI u,~ disabled Irthiele. falling!Q place his. vehicle Ule west· ,n
bour>d I,)ne of ~ raffic ,n enku to ~ecule til<! .ce na lrom oneem l ~& traf·
lie. I~a ";n g hi~ vcl,icle In tile e~ slbou n cll,}ne cf 1J~ lf;c so as 10 C'<!ill ..
a lIi5TrltClioo. fa ~i "ll to r<:(juest ""d,·up units. a nd in q"<l$\ioning Ihe
pllintift anQ elner witn es5es in \l, e middle al Ihe slreet,
.\ . YCf" sir.
Q. J :l~",mt yau had to g~'1 the I"Iorida Slnlc Poliw's
IlCrn\i,~io n 10 <tHen" th~ Sun~hjnc Crimioology Institute?
,\. Yel, ~;r.

Q. An" 50 the)' ,,[)prolr~..t )'OU ~oin~ IlIc, ...1

,.\. Ye$. si r.

Q. And did uther memb\:~ or Ihe Aorida SIal" Polia: go 10

the Slln",inc Crhl1inolos)" ["~tiHl1c beiid~ YOlloclf!
.-1.. Y<.~. ~ir.

Q. Did o mc~rI rron,

b .... cnfo ,cc IIlcnt acen cjl~ throllu!a,u l
SO Ulh",,>! Flo rida ala' nd therc?
A. Yes. ' ir.
Q. And when Mr, Ba~ Lc r and the o[hcr ins\ru clo ,s Icadl
COUrsel th ere In [l ame Jccidcnt j""~_'tig<tlion, am I ~nrrcct
in und crsland in£ lh at lhcy U!Ie "" Iionnl ~land~"I !, 1101 I cc~ 1
poiic-c ~1~lIdmI!1
,\ . Yes. ~ir.
Q. Whom)"OU lOOk your Irolini ns rouroc: ~I Tallahau .....•• ;. I'o-:t~
in com"l~'nc" with the Unit"" I[ jsh...·a~· In!lilUlC ["I()[;~i~"!>.
~t3Qdards and m3 11\131. Is IhJ I corr.:ct?
A. YC1. >-i r.
Q. And that wou ld he t h i ~ Smldard [lah r"~ ~[ a nu 31 thU I We
have inltOducctl in lo c"idcnee and pam math"!! 111
,\. Yes, ~i •.
Q. I bdie"e yo u JOld me "" hen we took your dcpo~i li un tlw i
thi ~
is Ihe Ili blc o r the indmlry?
A. Y~"!i. , ir.
Q. Sir. if !'OU " ouW. I "'culd li ~e 10 , hc'" you rIJi nti .-r~
Exhibit No.4. if roo would. I "'ill ""I it up on the 110.11'.1
for the jury.
8:(tI~ me on~ S~OJltl .

Sir, lhi~ h f'~t<' 25 r,ol" the m anu~ I, the Sia ndafd R;,~cr'~
Mnmlal "'~ have hc re. 1$ th~ 1 co.rect?
A. Yes. sir.
Q. Or the [lible of I h~ i ndu*~.. , lind. sir, wbt d,-",~ il 1;1)' in
the und~.lin cd "an h. re ~bout the firsl Ihing 10 do u n
arri ,'al ~ I 111~ scenc'!
,\. Fi' M Ihin£ 10 00 on ~rri \"~l at the %"C ne i~ 10 k~~" Ih~
a~{idcnl from swinG worse.
Q, 'fhen i11t1 1~ you the thing, 111.11 )'ou have 10 p'~.-c nt Ihat
woul" lI1ak~ the ~ cr:i(J~ nl fro m gell ing worse an" ....'Im!'. Ihe
"arl that's u n(J~! lined?
,\, Pre\'cntin~ vch icl. frmn plowi ng into pe ople or " chicle s on
tM: rm<l.
Q, Th~t's c~~ct!y whnt happened in Su~an Rabcl '1 c~w? 'fhe
v<:hid c plowed ;nlO lhe fi l1lt 3-Cl:idcnl, I11'I<Ic il "''Or~?
,\, Yes, $;',
Q, ,\ad would rou tell Ih", j u ry ....hal h}' SI:uldaru Il.:Ib:r'~ Icxt
say~ ~bo lll oncoming " chi d~~ al nisht?
Mk. thc'<Kt:<: E~cu.., me o ne minu te.
Coun",1 put Ik$c inlO c~ idencc, lie sholv"" them 10 thc ju ry
when he p ut Ihem in, I do n't think it '~ fair tu huvc th is mUn
sit Ihom: a nd rc:Id for him whal Ihal S3}'5. I doo 'l Ih inl; Ih31'S
b ir,
Tu( Cot;MT. 1 ...i ll susla;n lhe ooj~'Clion 10 ii , I don't ~'\' where
wc me l'-CIinr, wilh thi5,
M k, P£LT/~ Ob~',

Q. (By M~, P[lI Z) So Ih:lI '5 111 0 !am~ prioril Y rcrosn iz~"tl "',
Ihe Florida Sl at e 1'01;';0 in ~c ur training, i~ it nor!
Th e fi rst th ins on the r...~,", is to pr~,'cnt il from getting "U1'$C1
A, Arc )'011 ~s~ins my D~part m..,nt·~ policy or wlmt Ihat boI,x

Q, I'm ~~ki ng whm yo\\r Department 's poli ~)' is?

,\ . Yt5,

Q, And is,,'t it true th ~1 }'Ollr De partm ent' s \loliey, that \\'h ~ n

you look ~'ou r comus up in Ta lL~hlSS«', "':II. th:u )'0111 tim
prio ,it), nne' finding out whether ~nyonc \On , i"ju~d. your
lirsl p 'ior;I~' ~ftur th ~ ll){li nl \)(for c doin g Jill' in\'e!lig:rti on
w3s to ~ccp the 3ceidcnt rrom gell ing wor$C'!
A, Yes, sir,
Q. 'Th., n· :Ihir.J>t. , prier it)' th., o 0013 ...-oIk<t;on or
ir\\'c~t ll!-,tion
o r tho accid ent or a ~cidcn! recon structio n o r
a ny o f (hose !ltin&,?
A, Y es ,
•• • ,'j ...
JG-ll \'.li .. OIfiNr § 50J'16

§ 511.116 f:~hlbl1shinl: D ~l:rCf of IlIII t~ndonl II.ccollc'lion

COMMENT: A witness' testimony i~ often a m l~ture ollol!/!)' recollec·
t",n , lugcClA ioM 110m hl~ lilQfOOY. and reh c$I.eG ' 2c:Gllection from
o;Ioeumen l" TIl e ,ourccs o llll ~ witne.s· recollection must be p,o ~ d,
[0 ~"..,a le the p!fIl,ljne rKOllfction from IccMSlructio n~ of the acei·
Q. Now. oj" )'ou h~ "I ~ recollection of "ha[ lOO~ pL")Cc lhe
nigh t of the :ttcidcnl? Ap:m frolll your ureident repo rt, du
~'ou h~v~ an inocp..:ndcnt l\~l1«l ion?
A. o r Sus:m's :J.«idenl?
Q. Y C'l>. sir.
A. Did I ha"e a tcroll ~cli o n of it?
Q. Yes. , ir.
,\ . YeJ.
Q. Do )'OIJ remember thi s question thai wa~ a,k elt on your
fi rSI deposition, iA'Nmlx-r I. 19... suninS:1I i':lJ:e 17.
Lin e 16, the que Slion "as ~~~cd :
"Q, Do )' oU h~vc :t .ecollection of th e aecld~nl apart from
the reportT'
~A. No."
Do you 1'<:c:lll [h3t1
A, If it', IhCTt , l ~ af~ Wh31 I SQi....
Q. Wcll_
A. You ~rc goin g 10 lla\'c 10 rorgive m~ . I don't underMand.
f,.byllt' )'tl U 1110u'''' r~;I~r;llt 111.. Quc"ioll.
Q. My qu~Slion " ·as. do ~'ou 1'I.'('~!l &:Iyidl; Ihil.. slnrt ing at t'~&e
\1 , Line t6:
"Q. P<l )'OU ha"c 3 r~'('(IrrceliD n (I f Ihe accident 3p;ln rrom
the 'Cj)On~"
"A. N o ,~
.\ . TIt31'S Illerc.
Q. Oka )" O ld ) 'Q\I .'i.:ly ih:Il at that time under oath?
A. Yes. sir.
COMMENT: T ~e '11/O~ti/'"t'f Clot!> not atlow lhe wi!nts~ to equi,,.oc3te
Oft wheUIt'f he mati(! a $ ! ~ tc mt'flt In tt>e de pQ sitian .
-<' '. - . -


§ SO.1I7 W;IIIo.'SS· R""SQ" for " lIlt ilili 1'",11"" C. T II chin~

1" "lmifr~ A"'lgmo/Jilc

Q. Whro you :o. rrtwu al Ill" ..ccnc of the (inl ~ccl(k,m . w<'1l:
111" la.ld sunal-':s weI a l , hal li me?
,I . "....s.
Q. Susan "',) fI()I injured in Ib:lI fj", ,,\."Ciden! ~I :II!• ..-;u she1
,\. No. sir.
Q. l-!eT fan,!li•.,. uc-re not impaired ill In)" tIi,nnn. "'ne I ltt:r~
A. No. ~r.
Q. You did nOi obs<:n'~ al1)-,lhing IIuusual about llIT bc!,u,-;ur.
did ~OI1?
,I. No, ~i r.
Q. Now. "'''''e ~'ou inl""di O);:.. "rior \0 Ihe ...-.:ood ",--ei<k:n l. to
mo"~ your c~r O" ~r 10 rhe "'C51bu ulKi lunes of tl":lme?
A. "'0. ~;,.
Q. lei me ask )'OU if yeu r«;l/! Ihis <t1~Slioll 011 p,,&t JI of
four fint depllsition. Lille 19:
~Q. W". Ihc'~ :0. r~ why )-CU dio nul plill bd';nd her
c::u- ePflOSl....t to alon!;$ide or it1~
MA. n~1 "":Lllhe d irccliOIl uflr.t\"ell " ':IS t(ling tu "'or~.
I pullt d in tJI lTC 10 find OUI if a nyone had h..:~n h,,".
! lI(\"cr &01 lhe chant<: 10 pun 3ro"nd Ie (;1.'1 hcll;nd
Ihe (""Jr."
Do yo u " ("lIn Ihll qllcsliol! aud :,,".w,,:
A. "~no

Q. Wh~n )'ou :I:ly " I nc '·"" SOl the chaD("r 10 pull mUlinO and
g.:t bellind h~r !;";Ir." "'ouki I ill: C"OTft.-et in u,,,r"r'land;,,!:
tliat you inl..:n<lcd ro ~! Ill lll~ l",j11' Illil! 3.uulKi and j:CI
Ix:hind h", C3.?
A. !>".ssibl~.

Q. Alld S;l1fe. if yQ~ d id il1l~ud III <10 thaI. th~" you ,.."uld
h'!"~ . t :ljj""d thai ~1l11 """ IIi)! park ed in Ito.: o pt; m31 plaCt-
IQ J'.1rJ( you . c:>r for Ih..: s«nc " f [10,[ u,"dd~nl. h ll 'l that

.....' '
A, Ko.
Q, You ~'au ...·t r~ JUric<! in ~ SOO<I!oP'»?
,\, For "')I al I "~05 dt>i nn, Yl~
Q. hn'! i! 1Il1~ !h~!
you we re ~dviSl:"d Ih<:re h~oI bttn ~n
~"idtnl and Ihe f~el
111:11 there h.,d been I'll> injuri"i ~nd
th e car "'a~ d i<:,bl~d before you ~ '·on l,Ut OUI o f ~'our car?
T"i~ is wh~! Ihe '''';In,... I,,. had oom~ up mId ,old you'!

A. " (s.
Q. So fram Iht ti m,' you So, of ytlu r car. cwn if lO ll wnt only
on Ihe $("ene l h~e n,inule. o~)"tlI,I ha " ~ 1I.""SI;fi~d In. i'l s\e.ttL
of Ih~ r,"c or It n \h3\ Ihe othe.,. ",·illl<...5<."' h3'" s:lid. from
Iho \ I,me )"011 &<,1 nul <If )"Ou r Clr. you he....· tbe car "':I'
di$ahle-..J and Y" " ~n~w 1"-'," were no inj uri",'
A, 1 "''''' IlIld Ih~1 111<: c3r .. ~ dj$.lbkd.
Q. ,\n,1 wben yo u SOL OUI o f yu ur C;\' , ~"QU ,..,min ued )"0'"
in~e5licalion IJI;, ng infOf malio n. did ~"O" n UL?
,\ . TaJ, inf"'mJl illn'!
Q. Yes. ,ir.
A. Do you ml."3n wriling ;n("fllla,itll1'!
Q. No, or~n~·.
,\. Y' 5.
Q. Ob)·. You "l'. e t:Jlhtrin\: in fon" ~l io" Ihal p<"riOO
of liol~'!
.\. y~",. sir.
Q. y" .. cbt.;oiMIl IhJI i nrOl mali~~n from "" In("'1)0 o n Ih~
,\ . Yell. sir.

Q. And fY,Irt of Ih i~ lim~ )'011 w~r~ OUI ~I~ ndi llg ill I h~ slfe~ "!
.... y~! , sir.

§ sn.O!I F"Uorc 10 I'ul 001 Fl ......

COMMENT: Th<: qUMliatlCr now ~1K:ns Jd~ions ff on~ tl1~ ""inl!U
mal h.e <:(luI<! 1l.1Oe b ile" Cefta,n :r.alety nle.1!.u,<!,. such ~s pull",c
CIIlI Ilares. bul didn' t.
,~i" ""
,-. -- ,

§ ~.08 SO--I6

Q. Al nG li mc dill I"U c\'~r PUI llaf~"S <11'1. Is 11131 ( U"I,"C"l '!

A. 1>.' <>, ~i r.
Q. Yo u had narci in )'o ur . ar7
,\ . Yes. _
. if.
Q. Arc Ihey stJn da rd !'lorida SI ~I( Polil."C is!illl1
,\. hsue.
Q. And nart'li un: us.."Il \0 pFO,'ide a "isual .... 3 rnin~ aI night .
arc \lI e)" nor!
, \. YC! , .ir.

Q. T ha l'$ \I'~ ~ l lhei r purp<;l9C i.?

A. Y\'5, . iT.
Q. And you had lalkcd b.:for. aboUl ~'S u, somethi ng like
Ihal ,
1"111:'( "':15 no (vidence ur 311Y ca. or oil o n th e Strcut, "~I'
th ere?
A, No, ~i r.
Q. 1",,'1 il :dw true thlll )'0\1 a r ~ ;n. truclro \l'he n you pul narcs
001 . you d on'\ PUI Ihem r; &l1I wherc IIIe cur is IN t )'IlII Pili
t!..:m ;0. 40 rl't: t dO\l'n Ih e ~I'CCI. a nd f~n hc' on <.Iown Ih e
''''Ill from I h~l;
A, Wh en ye u ha ve th e OpptlTlU ll ity.
Q, Righ I. You don·! put narcs right tlle,e :u the car'! Th;1I
<lOX'sn', &i\'c ye ll an)' wa rning. You pul il Ill\\" n tile Mreol
from th e c~r. 15 th ai currect'!
A. If ) '(Ml ha \"e the o ppon unity.
Q. And lal~ i n& aboul tile OIlp<1t1u " 'lr. you iJ;1\\' Mr. !I~Mcr
sllUw huw 10 U!C tile ll~ rc" didn't you'!
A. Y01. sir.
Q. Di<.l he show it oo" <'<:lly 110'" you uSC th e n~r~'!
,\, Ye~, ~ ir.

Q. And if you a rc in a hUff}'. jl\!1 ta ke th~ n nr~ , thro'" il <.Iown

lile )1f(C1 ~
A. y~~, ~ir.
:10-17 I'ol"e om,e' § ~O.09

Q. Db)".
A. ! have ne\'~r Seen that done but it's a nice tcdmiqtlc.
Q. You don't have to be Dan Mariml or Bernic Kozar to do
A. ~o, you can just do it.

COMMENT: Using humor and simpl. logic, the quaslioner lias led
Ihe witne5~ 10 ~g'ee Ihal h~ could ha\'c ,eadily an cffecti\'c
s;lfety de_ice Ih~1 would quite likely hove prevented the accident.
Q. You were instructed as part of your tr~ining th~t you aro 10
secure the s<:ene a, 'O{jn a, you dCICrminc there is no
medic,,1 emergenc),. I, Ihat carte,'!'!
A. Yes. sir.
Q. You kncw there w~~ 110 medical emergency bt:for~ you eVen
~Ol out or your car?
,\. Yos. ~ir.
Q. And i5n'\ il a faci tl]at you fell Ihat narc" were in fact
necessary lhat night under Ihe condilions that existed in
order to "'~rn oncoming traffic of \I]c di~abkd ,'chide'!
A. Yc~. sir.
Q. So we ha"e he~rd some thing! almut wdium vanor light~.
:111 that stun: hut rcg~rdless of what lil~lll5 were ther~. you
fell lhat narcs were nece"ary to warn oncoming traffic th~t
A. Yes. sir.
COMMENT: The issue Il~s b<!en "~,,owed beyond esc"pe. Tile wil·
"".. ag,ee:; that fl.,es were necesS<1ry. ~nd that tI]ey could I]~_e
been put oot immediately. Notice tllO quesliorler .woids tile tempta·
tion to ~5k ''o wily didn·t you use tllCm?: krlOwing the wilness is
prepa,ed to attempt to establish son1e jllstificJtion 10' Ilis orni"iOl\,

§ 50.n9 St]bsc~~cnl R('m!)(iial Slcps f:,tabli,h St:tnd",d 0/ Care

COMMENT: The ",it""" is now Icd to JeWC tllat oHle, officers took
sub,~qu~nt steps which iliu,\,"te the p,oper procedures.

Q. And. in fact. YOII had ~ccn Ih~ pictures. When the

in""<lig.1\O" who inve'tigated the ,econd accident c~mc.
they. in fact. put the narcs au!'!
A. Yes. ~ir.
50- 18

Q. '\nll ~, i nllic~,oo
pr~\' iou s.l y llIar~cd.
in ' h.: pl..,'og .... ph ",hie..
Ihey park~d Ihdr car in th e

I~ncs uf trunk. Is tbl co,n,:el?

A. ""s, sir.
Q. And kepI the J)l:dcst ria ll s out of til e .ood"':>'7
A. "~s, sir,
Q, And leI m~
J. k ygU if you "'ou ld loo k at lhi~ pi.:iun:. Had
>'OU , "«Il mo,'ed rrom lhe ~aSI side of lhe 51rt'C1 ,,'hen
C'' ),
lh i~ pic:1ure was I.ken?
A. ! belic"e 'iO.
Q. So lh~lw;).. no longer cr~~ljng u distr.lcliol1 for orK'ominU
vchic1c~. was it?
,\. I' m :\Orry, I 110" " u" d=la nd.
Q. O~~)'. Why did ~'ou Il\o,'e }'OUf Car after the secon d
,\. I didn't mo,'c it.
Q, J'm wrry'!
,\. I lIid,,', mo~" m}' nr.
Q. W~II, 3Ccorllin~ 10 the picture. your car is nul 1)1~r<: .

I'm ~~ki n& you why did )'ou mo"e )'our cu?
,\. I didn't mo\'c ml' CJ r ,

Q. Who m"'...... it?

,\, An other officer.
Q, Do you know ",h)' Itc mo~td I'?
,\ , No. ~i r, J don'\.
COMM ENT: The qut'lotione''''1L oow lnCOfPOl'.\e thl te.limony 01 the
ot"'" wi tneiS~ Into his Que.t;q ~~ , lhllS, \tIe testi mo ny ;~ rcjll'f~tl'll
to Ihe jury.
Q, Now, IOU It:."" bi,':ud lhe I.:~timon~ uf TIlorn31 nuxhaum
an d Amok) NU~I I) au m Illal )'oll r rar .....II! cr~:. ling n
dillraeti on o,'cr on thc ~asl silk: of Ih., I t .C~1.
Do ~'ou kn o'" if th ll wa~ "'hy il was mo".:J ?
,\. No. ~i r,

... '"''

Q. Now. in R'WOnsc 10 ~" . Ih:n~ in's qU""1I;on~. you h~1l

13Lk~-d 3boul Ihe p13o;cmcnl of YOIlf w hkle and the Flotida
SUi te I'olicc poliC)·.
A. V...s.. .it.
Q. ,\, L undcmanll. ~·<.IU ~;d ;\ "'as fLt'>fida Sl~'~ L'o1ic~ roLie)'
nOI 10 pUI )"0111 "chide: o n Ihe gm~ ~id~ of lhe SIrC1:1 ~~ 11>0:
occi<k: nt?
,\ . Yes. "t.
Q. 00 )"(Iu r~m"mb<:r tho..., question, ~ ncl an.w~n Illal
oo:currw on )..,ur ~ncl d~!'O.ilion o.I~rtin& 31 I'I\&C 70.
line: 6:
MQ. AL.o on L'aS~29)"_l hi. " -as t .. re fring 10 Ih~
I~,~ lbook. YO\I h.:l,·c a
'-"'D)' in ffnnl or you_~Dm"';1
Ian. ~bool p' 3Ctnl~nl of Ih e .'.h!cL t W) '''''I your
h~:tdLi &hl~ an: low;lfds Ill<: 3("CideMl 5CC11 ..?M

Yoor anll'o'C r was:

~A. yC"."
:-.Low, Ih .. """I p.• • li ne 7:
. Q. Doc:> 111. puullC which 1 rcad from "'S. 2 ~3 tomp!JJ\
",; Ih \h .. ;m.lrucl;Oll' 3nd 1r.l;n;"G Ihal )'UU "'~rc s iven
in the A Cfida S13\e Police in in\"\"1lipl;n& ;t«;d"nls?P
,\IlS\>"tr nn l ine 22:
·A. LrJ n', gj,'c )'11\1 3n 3"'W~ ' 0" poLicr,M
A, Y.;os., sir.
Q, Do YOII ... mcmb<:. Iho"", qOe1lions 3mllln~wcn.?
A, \'<'5,
Q, Ok:ly. lI:ock Ilten you !.:IIII-when your depflsitio n "'~.
laken. ~ou ~lid )..,,, didn ' kn ow ...·hal 'h~ polk,), ...on.
A. I '3id L (onldn', ti''': ~"(III 3n an, " "(:r 0" Ih~ policy.
Q. I. thai ~clhi nG d iITcn:M lhan nO! l no .. i ,,& .. ha\ the
11OIiC)' it1
,\. Very.

" ". .
Jf y~ " mi"", h(>w III"")' ,,::!"" ~~ w •• y! ___ What ,~. Y"" I';'Y fer I,~:i-i,,',; ". '''.;~ ~ •_ __ ...____ _
I:":.~" p:!~ ,d l,. J.... w ,,,,,~h <:",:lJ "'~y? ___ _
II" \"< '" ])I, rl" ';!,'" "11:' ""·,, I:" :;,,:<d ~ witik it! ''')fl, 11";", .)e> Y"" m:"" ,~lIy "1>. ,,,1 .'r:!_.:I,u:·!
\\Ill:\! ~r~ r""r~!!!!!!ill"''''I' :;IL"",S lor. l<Jul~ ___ .; dec. _ • ,,"{I,k-,~Ia!ed p""li';'t'l"'~ ......: d nll:c, k : ''' " k .. .....
l~!L·,r (1,1,·a." , ;I~,i IY) :

h" <," b '· :1!c.~"'Y '>1' li'h"~ ","di~"i "" ')O)"~,-, ]llr_,,," Ii,: 11..; ;;'~lrIlC ly. I)~) 1l"'1"~'''·.'-' ":1 1'~ lr.·"HII~"r. lh~ .." '~I)I
,(I,; i%" ,-."., ("". " 1\' ~·I::l~l( (" W<'TI:.',·' ~ n"nl' ~"," 'l!Ol\ ~,,~tj. ",:d :h" Jill i,'i,_'" ()f tiL" \, ~"W ""11 _r •." """1]11"

(";'~"".w.)_ h . .·_ll'!.""~:.,. Illll ~t: I!tI

l'I'\'_'<i"al rlw JI'" '2 lillle< I'~! ".,~, ~~ Y""'(·

-- -- -.- ~--

-- --- -- - ..------

- " ,, ' -"

---- --- ------- ------ - - --- ----- - - -- - --- - --

.",,--- -----

(iifl:: ~,,~ '"""[lIb" """,,

H~"r~,,! im, ~".j 1L"b~i"" .

---'-" --_.
~ .~ .. --, •.-..-.- ..•...-..• .. ..-..,--.,--.-
, -~.,- ,- .. .... ._._...•.....••..._......- ....- ..- ...... ..
.. ~ -."

A. Your q u~;on "''''1 (onaming Ih~

N()r1hweI1cm book
wll ictl on :;orne in51 ~n<:'" differs rrom OUt polil"'j·.
Q. The qU~SLion h~d 10 do " 'il h Lhe placeme nt o r Lhe ,'ehic1~~
.\ . p ro m Ih ~ boo k•
COMMENT: Th~ witness' cvalioos mUSL be highlighted. sm~ e.xh
r~duGe-s hls crtdi~ llity .

§ SO. IU 1)~~L ,,"~nllillll

IU lIl osl nl!~ /l Oll" E'5i l)' ,\n Safel)"
!k.'kt- CIHlId lI a.c !ken U",.,j
COMMENT: TI>e atlomoy is ~ llcmpling 10 .ho.. Irow c~lty thl' olfi·
U t eQuid Nve put evl ~let1 dC"icH. f ho wn nHs aIDeH IlIa\ a fla, e
toold llaI'C beoo !1llown dO'frll th~ l"->Il in a ~. Now tt>e witness
i~ t ~ to "€lee thai ,)!l0l 1le< safely deme. , $poIligl'll. couid h~,e
beftl lum~ on ""'" the 11if.~ 01, swil'h. The a\!OI'ney demllf\$i.alel.
by tu rning en Ih e ,\IIitcll. \(I d.amOllize the- point. Such , udirncnlJry
<J, am;ot.ulions '"0 \tie IllIft 01 S' UI ~'()n
Q. You h;I\'c imli<.'3\cd you 11:1,', nC" er used:o !opOt1ij;ht1
,\ . Va. l ir.
Q. Whar. in "olved in turni n, ~ .lJOllithl on?
A. Aid:ing ~ ~"'iICh,

Q. likc tl\;1t~
A. Like 1hi, (;nlli<.":\ lin\l.).
Q. Same lim" fromc?
.\. Sa me tim,·.
Q. You di [\ n'l put you r spo llight 011 "'"'t..,n Ihe "~ln('$.l.eS c"m~
I1P :lIId tDld )'()U the ~~r "''''I di !.:lblcd, d id you?
,\. l'e, sir.
Q. And u f3r;n "'" h.:fc yo u "'~le ("r:Irkcd. ~ou r h,':ldI;&I''', sina:
your (,or w., s ,"aSI of Ihe R"heL \'cloid~. ~'O!lf loeadliGhl~­
UK Ihis fut o n. 5Ctoml_if )'OU f "chi~k .....:>$ poiUli " t; III;s
w.1j' and her ~.h ici. i, (l\"~r h,on:. yo ur loC'"d dJ i~l" " 'CTe nnl
il\u mi nalin& htr " ehidc, "'011: tloey?
,\. 1\"0 , ~i r.
Q. Yo u wo ,e OUI ht'"' in lh~ inl,,'S/."CI;On ~omcI'Ja,"'?

A. y ~'" Jit.
.. . ~

.. .. .
...... .. , ... " ..

. -'. ,
" .. ""',,

" .' l' nll~t om«. I ~O.ll

Q. W... Ih~ff a nYlhi ng phYS>cnlly which pru rnl C'd ) 0\1 from
mO"ing your car 10 the "'t~lbound , idf o r lraffic?
,\ . No. ~if,
Q. Did )'OU )laVC n n~ sh li Sht ",ilh you'!
A, Yes.
Q. Was Ih:ll !.lantbrd Florida SI31C Polke ;» Uatlo:-e?
A, Yn !ir.
Q. Did yo u c"cr gi\'e Ihe to a nyon e and m~ them tn
d i rf~ t tra rlic?
A, :-<0, , ir.
§ SO. II S ituation Ih quin,'d Offittr 10 T "h S.r.I)' M ~awlr~

COMMENT: ~ I .j nll d ~ mg n~I'ated tilC :x. fety n'ea ~urc, a.a il ~ b le . the
quc:;ti",,! ' new e licits f" c t~ , hewing tI", darrgo, Inho,e 'lt in ]110 I IIU ~ '
li on, The d a n£~, wh ic h II(1CC~'lt ol "d lhe Sol 10lY n,. a,ures cou ld hi ve
.- been elic:ded befo re l he di5(ussio n ol l h~ safelY mM'u'n .w"'t~ble .
The quntiof\oC. d.ddl'd 10 leave the jUlY",i:h lhe thouRht Ihul Ihere
"lIS a need '0 ' ~ fetr devicc"
Q. Doo."!. Florida Stat~ Police Ila"c n nu n,ber ,ystem wh ich
Lh ~
it US~S 10 rate the liJl.l lli ng ~I th • • c~ n~ of un a<;~;d.: nl?
,\ . ND• • ir.
Q. You tlDn't hav.: a nun.ixr syMen! to;n, rrom one 10 fi,'"
111<.11 ~'ou put on Ihe :KTi dc nl t epo l1?
.\. Ra ti ns the lightin g ! )'51~m or if the Slreel w~ s li Shtctl .~
op po~cd _

Q. 1),,-~.il1f the light in, 111 ~ ~t 'OXI?

.\, "e',
Q. Thcr~ i5 3 numbCI ~y" c n'7
A. Yes.
Q. One is most Ii I, Ii H is the d3ri;,,!>l. Is th3t co rrrict?
A. I d Oll't r~~alt Tha"~ Ihe o W ;u:citknl . cpon s.
Q. LCI me show you Ih c a cci den t r~ p o n ,~,d e whic11 WJS
mJr ~" d on your depo~i li on,
1>I R, II c)O~ t ~ : :-<oo bjecLiu n,
"..... ,...,

I sa,11 I",), \"\1,..,., ..

Q. IB,· M ... P£U1;) ~tlrJ,;ed on YI)II. d~ilkm a nd 1.111:~d

about l ~!ing r ondilion!>.
",""I i~ nllm~r ooc:
A. [b)·jiYlI.

Q. Number r,\'e?
A. Dult nCM. W«I nOI lir,htl'd.
Q, ·n lcn !h~)· mn \'~riD«5 <lcgrcC.'i in \x:twcen. Rif;h11
A. Yes,
Q. On¢ i~ Ihe b .i~l1C$t. live is 1100: ~rkc,t. Correcl:
,\. lu r~T ~S--.

Q. T he \·o.k:
.\. Y~lh

Q. {SII·t it ;I b el 11\.11 rOil miN Ih;1 inlC!".(clion a four. ri&ll1

3bo~c tile Ii,·c~
,\ . Y.:s,.
Q. W""ld you indit~l~ .... b~1 \lI3t u!'S for rn~?
Q. SUTC. D:ni:.oeu., meet lighted.
Q. Th~nk )"Ou .

Did )"ou rC31iu Ilt:il Sus.;m'5 cur " "", di ,~bkd before you
~,op pcd ~ OUT
Cit ~nd the people e~mc oy"c(.'
A. ~o.

Q. Did }'OU 1<."1' it then' or jll" sec tile people:

,\ . SlI'" llie car .
~b . PtlT'~ OI:.J)". I h3'( 110 other quc$ljon,. ThJn~ )·ou.

COMMENT: Thl, cron parnio.lliOll lUI/Wales J dir ect l.aI1l3111Iac~

an lh~ Wl\· (ondu~ . ;n 3 s;m~' D, gentlemanly style Ih:Ol cmJrl~
t'Sla!»l;nl-S Ihl IleleMlan!'. nq:IICCnc~ . Th" lIuestiorltf ~id nl1l d(>
:onflh1l1( \(> (>/le<Id Ihe j~ry. Th~ wilneu w.u. aflS"'", ill£ I>onestljr . .."d
\he GU'!!"iane. Iher,,''''~ !lili nal a' ..... ult hl~ integrity, The ne&li(ll'~
... as cleiUlJ ~sta~M~e-d . a~d Ihl\'l"e "'~~ RQ ~ I~ iml1";tCn tho wr,·
ncs~ by "lO'IOing boa~ 0< ca' f1Iptio<!.
, a..,<
!r.~'~1 "II"", I",,,, ;,""'y ,,,i k ,; ~"S}I w.'y'! __,___ Wk" ,!I) )ToLp.,y r"",,,u',;in<; ~[ ~, .....l.'t ,____ __
It' ~"J I_"~' wlb. "o.>w much ':'!~_IJ. "'~y? _ _ _ _
11\ ,,,1 1"".:1:;,,,,, ,l:::, : LL~,;I.'I" 'H,d " whik ILl ""rl., wl~'1 .In )'"" ""'mally ~I,..."J p<:'.;l,,~:'i

W;:.I ;Il ~ ~'c"r ~1~1,,1 ;:'''1';''''''''" rur: I,""~ _ _ .' d",:,L ___ .' "-,,,1. 'r ~:,>lc<l ;,ubl,(.,{,(,,,~
,~; ,~: ()l l,,'''~ :;[1~oit).o ) ·

h 'I ,''''' 11 <:I",;'~)' I,r [;I!t"~ ",NW:O: ~,' II\'''"'·. 1'1,.",,, 1"" Ibe ("'~r,"'~-' ~ k' I;".,,,,·,,~;, o:" h~ !<c." '''''''. ,b~ CI'''~~'
'<':<1 I'~r "i::i: (",I( ~ N ,,· F~L\11 ,1[
WNk~f ':, C" n'I' \'I1 :,"l;L!:\ .,,,,1) , "'Lll 11\,; Cill " nc';, M tILL' 1"''''11''-'''1 F. " c" :""I,k

l .'.Il"':ll~?)', t,!).·'l'-'P'!'). (,,~l\'!_ Yi'il !!Wi,IUW

l'hl" ',.-"ll h"C,'I'}' '! UWC< I'UI w.;"k \:I:' ~l )','a, s

-- ----... ~- .. -- -

..." "

--- --

(i, fl~ ,,",I-:..'~ I, jb ~: k>n<:

""';'';('! '(~l "'HII1,,ilL,j, .;'
F,)" c~, i,,".

Dcfcnthmt Drh'cr-
Automobile Accident Case
Cr~", Eurolnoll""
b)' ,\II,t",II. J . !ion "'iII~lIfI-

§ SI.O I No CO~I'<1 J!"I~.'" t'o"o,,1 "od In•• ,,

§ 51.t! . '- .' 1000 .... u.. of M." ... '·~h itl< II<pooc-o
i Sl.ol H, porllo E.... lo) '"
~ ~I.I~ I~ .. """, s,......... , II. ~.. ~ ... " ..1.., (,,,,.
i :\I,ll$ l)hr~'d of Itok' of 111< It • • ~
§ ~J.06 C.nlu,1ooo }'Iowl S,,,,,,,
i :\1.07 C~ II' ~" ()pp.<loos .I" ....! . ... 1.,.,.,lo:>lOt
§ 51.o..~ IM,nd, .. S •• 1'1.1",lIr. 1·.Md. O,IM< 110< CoUi.l""
~ ~U, Spoft."" Di". ..... '"om 11.",.1fr, , '.bit",
i SI .W 1'.1", Su"_,,, M,~ . ,. "('I",
~ ~1.11 IIt-k"'hnl II"" " - l\rlot .... I~ ' "1 ~.' lit,.... ... .1...... ""
~ SU~ c...."'••n.ll .. lU~fdJ .. v.. of D,a).;«
§ ~I,I) ()..:""d,,,,·, 1',10' SI'k:_"1 TIIOIIt. ptd l'ioll>«d'''''t
§ SI.I4 11<_. t:ua:<r><'" 1,."" llr~ S,..~

• •\"'~<lin I. "'" Fil il'flO ",,<1, ..1 hi, l ,~ol '~ "'>l Lo", "' N,,, Yo,k Unl "",1\'
u,n" 1'148), Th, ov ...... 01 ><, .. ,1 . nid" OJI W ' 1.0"', hc ..'" S«"'''''l
1196:1_(00;1 , Vi,. Cboi r""n II '1M_f'~ I .• "u Ch";",,," (I 'If'~. 7111 of Ih< N . ... Yo,~
,I N,<lll .. 0 1"1 ....... f, n ' .nd S«oD<l 1>I"",,,,.n. C",u ruitl<o< "" c.'a .... c."'¥'"
,ion n "~ It.<lj\<d I',~bk"". ~Ir . ~" n F;IoI'fl'O " af n ","",1 ' " ,I", 11"" r ... mb<fJ
1< Fuclub.trJ. N.", \ '",1;. New \·n .....
Th, no"'" of "" poni •• , "'i,...,.1O', .n~ "11('05'", "."",,,l h.,'. "", n <h,,,..-.!.
i 1_ J
S l- ~

f 51.15 ~ l1 ... . M s ......, Ojr (J,btr c".. I ~ lbt , .. ,,-,100

f 51.16 r,l&I>tkW"II: S,....s u ,.;, l,- J ... kl>l NO! ....
~ 5 t.17 N. M.......... l.~"" t. ,\.010/ C.uw..
'~I, 'II M .. ....- 0{ Dd. . . .,'. \'of! ..r'o' o\I'"HOII n,.~ ..
Ii ~ I.I ~ ) 1......... ' ., "oIolrl«,llo-< ,,.., 1.--0
§ 51.!O ,1~ of SU4 ) 1"".
!i 51.!! SIkito, ('.-In-. lI~tII"II: I",""", ,l<O'\d<al
f SL .l~ 1M....' ..' IlJ,I ,l_.... ,' _ " • .un- .... s..... I~

S IIlIInlUI.I' of Hnsic 1'0(15 omlll/lrcJu.."/(~J' Relll/l rks

Thh case ;n"ol\'l1<1 an ~u\omobilc ~ccidenL at ~n inICI"'C"Ction .
The Plalllliff~ n r nop/H!d !II l ~!0fI sign, mc-n PfO<'rctkd in1 0 lhe
inlcrscclion .. itbOllI ~icWins Ih~ riChl of "'a~' 10 Ihe defendant's
~~n, While il wu ;1P"l''''''
th:Il Ih~ "l~inlif{ ~ nt~ .tcl lhe inLcncc,
,ion "'hen .h~ $ho~J~ h~H ),iehlcr.l 10 Ihe ,·an. Lhe pl~;nt lfT t On,
lellded 1h.31 the driver uf Ihe "3'1 ..·~s IoPCcding ~nd I\:Id lime 10
510", up ~nd :t,'Oid Ihe aecidcn t, hut failed to do $0 du e 10 ;nallen_
T~ wil~ in Ihi$ e~cerJll i~ the dd(nd:illl driVer of Ihe ' ·an.
C(lUmcl ~$ei him fi m 10 n;f~ le 3'1 er<"i m ..'U· IC1.Iimonl' I h~1 then::
"'-~.c '1'1 C3r5 p;tlktd alo ne tll~ ~ille of lilt ~!ra;t. and 'h~ & c~!.b!i~h
tll~t the crc ..~tn~· ,.j.."" " f lilt ~("Cilknl 'iC'Cnt ..,~, obscu'ed.··
NC~L. he uses cS\;m:lIC'S of lime a n:! disl~1I("C to . lto,," that the dc,
f( ndam had ~n opportunity 10 Itop ... i:lIl>11\ '" rolLision bUI nt&JI."t\·
ed 10 do:lO. Fill:lll )', lie SI/~I S '" feu,,,, for Ihe defendan t's inat·
tention, by obI :!; ning 3n "dmissirnt tllal lilt d.,t"cnda nlll",d botn In
aMlher accidelll 11'31 morn ill~ while relillnio; home from a drink-
ing The defenda nt did IIot f~lUrn borne froon llie ~pilal
unlil 6:00 .u4. and " ad to report \0 "'011.: a~ '':In dri,·c' 01\ 7:00;1
AM. which ",i!CI Ihe imp li..-:ll ion Iha l ho;: ""'~ hung " H., and sle:epr
~I the tilt\<,: o f the at cidcul . COllnsel b ahLe 10 1Ir.t:: Ihe maiO' "chk!e
~dcnl 1<1'011 rr~""lcd by Ille dri"cI, 1:,'l:n Ihoup. i\ did 001 cnn-
cern tlte 3t""C idcn\ ;n QI/nti,," , S01lIIIIU)' tho:- f:tel tbal a d , h'" was
In''ol-'cd in 3'1 :!("tidem h not admissible: 10 ~h_' nI"t:HJ;t'Mn: in l
diITc!Cnl :K"C idcm. but ill Ihis cast:: the ci. cu msl:loccs o f the othe r
accident a rc fek '-.. nl 10 !.Ito",' Ille drive'-' plIJl'iit-:t1 colldi lioll al lhoe
lime of II>/: accident in Quest ion.

DEi",,- J". tk otl , .... '" § Sl ,Ol

COMM ENT: The lollowi"ll C.J~ be an effective openins to ClO~S f~ ,

~ mi nat iOtl. ospedatly ....nen the ~minin, attorney 11.1$ not had ,My
CO'fll~ ct with the wi tness JOO pl~ns to Cl~tios1 him about 1110 ;nn....
,-,nce of o!hl! ~ en fIii te$!imony,
Q. W~ hu vc n ~~ct met berore. ha"e we?
,\. ~ot to illY knowl~dgJ: .

Q. W.: have neVer talked to ~'1Ich other?

..\. No.

§ 51,02 11ou~d Q !iun nor Us<,' of !\Io!n.&' \,~"iflt N'I]IOf1

COMM(Ni: tn New '(Irk, ..nere this cross e.aminati<ln ...a ~ cond ~t·
ed, alt drivors mU5! comple to 'no to< vehicte aU!dtnl r ep<><t~ after an
auldenl in wflletl Ul dre arc Injuries. Fl jJ~le to prepM. slOCh a ' epor!
ruults in s.u' fII!<1Sion 01 Ilia drove r's lic ense, Co unsel wo uld. ot
CQ urs~ , like Ie l\aoe IhK .eport aom;ttl!d inle evid erl1:e, an d bellins
laying a foundaiion 101 its ldm;";;on,
Q. f ha\'C:I r~,.. Quntio n5 ! wO\l kl! ikc 10 ~ 5l: you, tf Ih"e ore
~n )'
questions th:il lOU ,jOIl'1 undcrSI ~n d, win yw !~tt nrc,
an d J will r"pllra!" [hem for )'OU.
A. y~~,

Q. Numbe. one, <lid YO" t'...,r fin 0'11 ~ I1I Olor ,'~hi clc rcrx>rt
wilh rCf>/lI.'l:t \0 Uti. itC!ion~
A. Y~!o.

Q, Did lOU &i~c 11 ropy 10 you r Ullurn eY$, th~ I]lUlor v"hlcl"
accidenl o: pon th l yo u !'ik<l?
,\ , I ha'l: a COf'!' of iI in fronl of me,
Til E COCkl: It j, ~lipublCd Ihal b~ h~5 n copy,
Q. M ~y I ..eC i[. p l c, ~c?

TII ~ CO>.'II. I: If ) 'OU" C goi ne

to n51.: nny q"c"ion ~ :lboI.ol 0 ,
till l, t "11.1'11 i\ mmked for hJe nli !'icallo n,
"III , S,\N f'ru .'N', : Mny we h~" c Ih i~ marked as !,Jai nlill's LL for
idC "li fi~tion?

lo.xum~m ma rked os I'lai nli ll's t I for idcn\;r.~3Iion,)

SI _3 OriO<',_I... " ,., j,..,.,.,
§ :51.0 1 No Cont~rt Bct"~n CII~Il~1 ~nd WlllII'~s

('xus., E."'~I"" llu.," HI" MR. S"s Fll M 'a,

COMMENT: The IgI~rinl: tan be an e/lee\.iW! c~";nl: Ie uem c>..
a miniltion, l'!pI!C;,lty when the ex~mi nir'lg ~IIGmey ~'S r>Ot ~d ~ny
contact with the wiln e» '11'1(1 p12n1 to lIuu!ion him abeullM iIlflu·
ence 01 OIhlmo on h~ \C$limcny.
. " '" Q. W~ 11:1>'0: ee,'cr nlel befOIC. h~'" ""I:?
.-\ , NO! \e "'Y lmowk<l,e.
Q, We lIa,·( nc,'(1" lalkr<l 10 t3ch o lher?
A. Ko.

§ :51.02 FOIII ....1I1io" lOr (;~ or :\11>10< \'~kidc R.""rl

CO MMENT: In New York. wI1ue Ihios ClOSS e:l<Imio~l ;vn ms c~\ICf'
~, all <lrive ,.,; must cemplttl' motor vellidc aceiljtnt ,eports afIN an
~et idenl m .... jelltllcre " C mjl/firs. failurc to P'C1'o'" StIch • l"ePOlt
, esults in louSpension of ttl e,'s licc n ~e. Cou n~cl would. or
...... COUf!ol!. ~M! \e h, -..c this ' epor! admitted into eyiC!e!le •. ~nd ~ •
laying 3 fC UnIl.tlo-n !o, ilS admis, ion.
Q. I h,,"e:l re...... qucuiolU I " 'ouk! lik. 10 35i: lOu. If there 3",
"-'I)' .,...."tioM th31 )-OU do,,'t un<lc ,st~nd, will you leU mc.
and I ,viii rophr:1~ them (01 you.
,\. y~

Q. Nunlm one, dill you c,'er fill ml\ ~ mo:or "chide rcpon
wilh r01I"'Ct 10 Ihi~ aClio,,?
,\ . y~.

Q. Did you 1Oi'·~ :I. ropy HI )'OUf 3uomcys. the n,OI'" ,"<:bitl"
"",i<len! rl;'J'On thaI ~ou fil~d!
A. I Iu ,-e " CUP)" of i\ in (ronl of me.
TUE COIiU: It U 'l\pUl~lt:<I that h~ has :I. cOP>' .
Q. M~)" I see it. P!~~s~?
T ,,[ Ct)I;K I: Ifyou',c \:Oin, 10 ,,~k an~· q ueSlions aboul o r frllm
thaI, I """Iil m~,kc<J ror idcQ lifio;:l1io ll.
M~. S,,' f1u~ro: May we h3'"I: Ihis marked I!l. 1'13inliirs 11 for

(Documcnt mJ lkcd ;tJ; I'binliff. 11 for ic!tTIlifio;aliDll.)

51_5 l),h",-I""IIO"II'cnl"" § 5UJ

§ 51,03 Repo,1 10 [,;mploycr

COMMENT: Most employees must P'~P"'~ a 'eport fo' their employ,
erS alter tleing involved in an accident, Since sud, il report is not pre·
pored sotely fo, litigation, it is discoverabte and admissible 10 tho ex·
tcnt it contain~ prior inconsistent 51.temenls or admissions, II the re·
port is not produced up"" request, the jury may well illfer tI,al it con·
tains damaging adm;"i()l1'.
Q, Did you givc a rcport 10 your clllploy~r, Allied. as to how
Ihc ilceident occurred?
.\, Yes.
Q, Was ,bat tbe report that you "Iso signed lIfter it wa.
prepared for }'Oll?
A. Yes,
Q. Would you produce Ihat?
A, I don't ha"c i,.
~1R. REI,,,': don'! have il. If I ),~(l ii, I woul(l be ~lad to gi\'e
it to you,
Q, Th~ report th~l YOl1 prepJred aft~r lh~ accidcni, Ih~1 was
done immcdiatdy aftcr, Ihc s~mc dn)", was it tlot'!
A, It was" '-e,hai rcport lliat I gave my employer.
Q, Whalev., you gave him i~ wrimn (lown on a }'cllow pIece
or paper'!
A. Right.
Q, It was ,hown 10 you. and YOII rcad it?
,\. Yes.
Q, Then you gave il to your employer. ,\lIicd?
.\. Yes.
Q, H~"e you seell it since Ihen?
,\, l"o.
Q. Are }'OO tdling Mr. Recse thai )'011 don't lm"c that rcport'!
I'm asking the COllrt to ha,'~ Mr, Rce,c produce Ihe report.
Til" COl'l<T: Do yllil Imve such a report? If )'011 dOIl·t. jllSI tell
II!you don't,
M~. R):I:sl': I dOll't Imvc it.

TII[ COllH: There i, no such report like Ihat in th~ Ii,"?

' ... '
j ~ •.~ SI _6

Jo I". S" ,. f'~ II'ro: Did )'011 ke~Jl ~ ro py o f I!I~I rcporl thm ~ou
g~\'~ imtncdialel)' ~f\ ~ r Ih,' actidnll. Mr. O':-;~i1I~
A. No.
(:O."o1MEHt: In weh CiIC Um5I~"ces the QtlDin ey m~~ De at)l~ to ab'
l ai~ ~mi$s;ng e vid c l\c~ el'"'ee !lie C!lml , 0' at 1e,}'!1 2'CUf 10
100 jury Ihal lhe mls.sinl; repo.t pla\lably ( <II1ta ine ~ d3maging iMlo '·
mali Gn.

§ SI,fl.l P •.-iouo Srlllen't'n! R~!!ardinl: I'~rkod enrs

Q. Now, ~ir. when }'(,I u wcnl down W~"~ rl)' I'bee ..... erc IIl<.:rI:
:ItIY emo pafk~d 10 the fitht a nd lefl o f you?
,\ , TIlC'r<l m.1Y h:,,'c De CIl . I ~~nnOI rc( all.

Q. You ~a ll not recall?

,\. No .
Q. Lei IlIe loCc i f I C;III ,crt",h )'O\I( • ...:olieclion .
,\ . Excllse 'lie. Thc.1l "-:1$ a fi r" en&Joe Ihere.
Q. A fi re ~"'Gin c W", o n Ihe other side. Ihe ""SI ~idc of Ih.,
i nlcr~ccti(ln~

" ..
Q. I' m ~pcJ kj ng wh en )'011 all(lroo.clJcd !hI' inl~r~i!Clion on
W"v~ .l)-' Place. we.e Ihe.e can lu rked?
A. I c~ nnOI .cc~tl.

Q. L~I mc rer,~,.. yoo r r«olll~io,. . I'~IW 22 of Ih.:

~um i nali o n b<rore trbl. do you r~ mcnlhcr hcill n a.~cd
ce rt ai n 'Iucolions? Th;s i~ t"on n,m .10. 19 .•• ~lId on Iha l
<Ia\' )·...11 I'''"rc a~lu:d certain fluc~tio" l, :tlld you g~I'~ ~e't ain
~ n~"·~r.., You weTe a'~ cd Ihi. (l"c"ion, I'm ",ferri ng no",
10 pJJ;C n. l i n~ 3:

Q. Whcn ~'ou firsl wmed Onto Walwly Place, <II or

abolll ShIh A,'cnuc. werc Ihere C" f~ p:>(kc<l on )'f)Ur
';thl and Left?
A. Yes.
Q. 1)0 lOU Tcmrmhcr sivi ng thai answer to Ih~t I1I1 O:-Sljo n~
,\. 1 ca"nol .cral1 if I ewr ~~"" I "~I an~",.. r,
Q. When YOII g:Jvc ,lIal 'lIlsw"r 10 Ilia, qll~~lio"-

,r." ""
- -.' -

Dr;',<,<-I not wotl' on,'" t 51.115

Tilt: C(lUKI: Hc ~;d h~ docs 1'1(11 " .....:111 j;i"ins lh:1I an .wer.
Q. Would yOIl ac.:t.'f'I- my ,,-o,d ror it. thai thai i, th" ~n !"'er
you £;)\"c1
MR. Rn~\ !r. I will stipulate to lh ~t.
Q. Wos il a true an.",w·/
A. Y.;s. il was.
COMMENT: By c'l a bli~l inlr (,em tile doclffid~ nl's ow n dejlOSllian
thai there wetC carS p3,~ed Ie both the lell ~rJd "gill 01 the oofen·
dant . cour>${l l l~ c~t aulishl!d the 1ae\0J.)1 Pll!dit~IC \0 bol. lC/ h;~ al·
IJc~ On Ih ~ eyewitness· ability 10 ~v~ Qt;,~ rved the a~tident.

WlI<'ln queslioni"ll multiple wiIMc~~e, . lh e 3ltQm. ~ s lHl ul1l keep in

mintl the inte/play a!ld locon,is, In Ihei, rt.l ~clive testimo·

§ 51.05 Dis .....'I;n.d <or IMn of ,h. fte.d

COMMENT: Covn~J WJM!S 10 s~ow IMIlh e "itness wa s not ~ mod·
el d,ivcr. 3M" t~1 he lIi!.fc&ardcd the lules of the road. My cfly-.ion
of IIIe prclumplio n I~JI lie is a 13"H~idj,,& d'iv~r will !e.~ n~" erw.
ihility. Here taun ...1sho>''' thai the W11!leSS W1IS on f ,lth Ave nu e cv e~
tl,008 1, it WiS bs "~d to comme rcial tr"",e such as "i~ Y~n.
Q. r-·o w. "')Icr<: did you 1:1-1 inlo Wa>'CTly Place, from wh ~1
A. Firth AWlilie.
Q. You were driving ~ mid" werc you not . or a '·In type or
,\ . ,\ \·an.
Q. It', la'j\C1 lhJn n p~~5Cn~'t"r ,·nn. i. il nOl?
,\ . WeU. aboul the 1-.1 mc .ilt.

Q. h'$:l ~:ln lh~t c~ni~ merehandisc1

,\ . Y( ,.
Q. Rather Ih~n P~!>(l1gfn.1
,\, Ye~.

Q. You kno,,' thai on f ifth Avenue <:l)mnlertia. ,·chicle. a ll:

prohibite,j. Were \.0\1 dr;" ;n, on FUlh A\"cnu~
A. I h.d jusl got on Fifth Avenuc.
§ ~ 1.1I6 S l-~

Q. Were you OIl Fift h A"cn uc !J..,{orf you ~oi ofr f ifth

,\ . I wo ul\l 1t;,\"C 1\1 he o n Ih,'re . in order '0 ~C, uIT ! h"r~.

Q. Do you I(u",,' ,h;l' Fiflh Awnue "whibi" l"O!nm ~r<"i,,1
vd,icl .,!'!
A. No t (1~li vcri " ,. If yu u h ~"~" dd i,·¢,)·. rOil <:1111...: on ,h"'e.

§ 5 1.06 Coofg,;nn AOOuI SC ree!s

COMMENT: Oroc 01 Ihe C '~ u..lminer·s pr im:iPJI\ JS~ i is 10 d!ilrQ1
Ih... jury'$ r~ith in tho 3cc urac ~ of Iho wil n ~ss' testlmcm~ . Seemingly
inc:omcQu~nhale"ors in the witness' obsfrvatiorlS Jn~ reco llection.
whilO unln'port..lnt in determining liat)ility. a'~ impona nt in determin'
Ing his credi\oilily. Tile attorney s~ ..,,~ r>et S~.O ovcr suel, erro ri.
Q. From f ifth ,\","11 \1\' d id )"OU go d in.'C\l y imu Waverly I'J"c~?
,\ . Y<'k
Q. I~n't il a f~c t.
Mr. O·!'kill. that Fifth A"rnll e cnd. ~ \ Ih ~
W~shi nGlo nArch . nnd ll'er~ I~ GU il e a larte pari.;. abo " ,
three hloch lung?
,\ . Y.~

Q. So fOU did nul go Ihruugh Ihe p~Il;. did )'0 11 '/

,\. No.
Q. y ~ " ,"",,,Id " ul l"105sihly han: !lolle" from I'ifth Awn ur inll!
W~"crll' Pill ee?
,\. y(>~ c;,n ",~k ~ a k f! 1urn off Fifl" A,'c nue l!nlO Wawrly.
Q. Inlo whal meet?
A. r nl ","$liming Wa,·erly.
Q, ,\s a 111!\lIer of f~cl 11 i~ .. Uh er Uni ' .. r.,!> !' IM~ "r
MaeDoug:.1l !ill"" ' . U'\~ 0, Ih~ (Olher. YOII d"n'l r c,-~ II
wh ich une il w,,~'!
A. :>fu. h " .... IlUl W~\"c ",)" Inen.
Q. The " oliee "mee r \\"a~ her~. He IC'li r;c<.l I)'~ 1 \\'~vcrl)" I'la,-c
bt:J;' ns " ·b.. r,, Inc 1',lIk ends. So l'm I')'i n~ h' r.C \ yo u b" l\~r
ori ent ed. l.c t"~ <"oil linu~. Wou. i!t¢lc a tr:'llic ,irJot berm,;
1'0 11 sut to the imcr! cct;oll uf Wavc",y PI:I ,'" and Gree ne
,\ , Thcrc was 3 " np sign.
1) , 1, • • _ 1"" 11"",11, """. § $ 1.1)1

Q. l llc 1Ir(~1 before Ih~ t. t h~ !Ir~~t which i~ Wl""li l of Green e

Strect , i ~ tllerc a Iraffic ligh t Irn."ated at the ' treel wh ich
h~p~~L1S 10 oc Un i"cf~ily Pbc;c'/
A. I do n'l kllOw.

Q. Di d )'011 ntJke :my ~tops rur lraffi c lighu. tr:,ffic or

JlCd~$l rinli Stop sisn', froll1 Ihe linte ~'ou &0\ On' Fifth
,',""nuc untillhe lime }'ou 10"(>1 onto Wa,·~.,11' Pbc:e, or did
yoo jusl conlinu e?
,\ . We)) . I slop)ICd un the ~orncr of Fiflh IIvo!1UC Jil d W~'·cr lj".
Q. lIuI I fem ind }'ou thcr( ;s no .~uch pl3C"e.
,\. Wt)). Fi fth ~nd Unlvc ,si ly. ri fth ~nd /lla~DougalL
Q. Yuu Slnppcd lhr~. and you stopped for ....·hm purpo~'!
,\ . T o make ~ curn.

Q. D id )"011 ""cr $\OP r"r n Irafn(' liShl ocfo n:; you £<'t to tile
intcrstctio n ofO,cc1\c Streel :Ind Wawdy. after !'IlU \!.Q t on'
Fifl)) ,\"enue:
,\ . I d u,,', I~ally remember.

§ SI.I)1 Cuw '"crsali"n Wil l, Oppo~ I OJ: ,\UnrllC)' :lnd [11\'c'I I~('lnr

Q. I l1cideru~ II)·. roo had qu;,C 3 long ("n" ~ 'l:It ioll wi lh :\\ ,.
ReeM" and Ihe in"C$I;1:310 r oUL.ide. b. forc ~-('" look the
' land. (Jidn't you '!
A. Y'""li.
MM. R[l 5~: Woold YOUI Bo nt., instruct \Ioe ju r~ Ih:il Ihere i~
'IOLhing ....·mnr. " i lll a , lic"1'l\ ~ p~;,ki n& 10 hi. I~"yer.
T"" O ,.;!<r, l"hcrc ii no thing wron\!. with di~C\l~s i ng til e lnatter
willi hi~ lawyer. or the 1~wycr·5 111 '·cllil!.'llOr. 'The ' e i~ abso lutely
nothing wtone wilh lhal.
CO MMEN T: Any hinl IMI a l'I ilnc~i is tl ot ICiln~i"£ candidly will
ca use UI Ciu re's 10 be .ke~1ical 01 him, ond it i ~ wl . e to do IGmet hiroe
10 ma~c Ihcm o:inubl h,m belo.c &'Iin& Inlo 100 . uMl3nte 01 h'$ le.1i-
lloony. E~M lhough Ihe j u~ I. te . I~ lnty ooll'«l \hal no .."h"l!'l.e con·
IIOI0lioll ,lIculd be giwln 10 a I"l!ty', eon...,,,,;nK WIth hi. alt Olney , 01·
lomey•• a,ely uk for an Ins lruC\i oo to tlla! effect. It is an llenl
i~CJ 10 ' .-quell ""el, ~r1 instruction, since juro.s "IJY well tend to be-
lieve lhill Ihe re os """,ettul'Ig w,\h p<ep.l,iOE " witncs!.
- .' . - -- - ,,- -


§ SI.oS Def.ndant Sa... I"tintlffs Vthit!e Before n", Colli sion

Q. You said yOIl io'\W Ihe ,-.:hidc thaI you cam~ in renlael wilLl
bcror~ Ihe COnlnel O(cu rr~d. (Once l?
A. Y~5 .

Q. And wileN w~s thaI "chide when you li Mit _,~". il?
A. On G.een~.

Q. \\'~~ il Sloppc:d. or W"i it mo"in&?

TH COU M'" Wl\i:n you ti"" S::tw ;1.
TLI~ WlTNt~~' I l>elic"c il was slopped .
Q. Furr SL OP?
A. y,'$. it ""'•.
Q . Then )-OU !Iol"' ILlc vdtidc come OUI orG rcc nc St reet . didn',
,\. y~ s.

§ SI.09 SJ)<CIl nd I)!slUMe ('OAI I'Lah.lUrs \'t hlck

COMMENT; Dista nce. time int<lNaL~ and spoed IIIU51 aiLbo conlk! ·
ere<! losoLhc r in at\emptinij to recQnw~ct an accident , Estimates 0'
thoe:le fxto rs 3<0 I he be.!l <llIidtll(.e 01 e><Id ty h~pptOOd . M<>s1
witnesses are retalNely UniW " p~fed 10 test ily 3ccu,ately to ~ LL til«(!e.
and wht n Pf~ed for e\J.irn"'e5 will m3~e ;noo~if,len' l>IatBfll(mts .
Q. How faT 3"'"Y ,,·t~ yo .. from the '·chick. whtn you ",\W il
co nIc ou t of Gr.:cn c SIr.:et'!
A. Fin~ or t'"cnlr fec l . • omClhinJ: like Ih at.
Q. Yo\t wen: d oing. you u fo.!. 30 10 3S mil ~5 3n hour at the
li !TI~?
,\. Se melL1i n!: like Ihat.
Q. Co\tld it h~\'c been OlON1
,\ . I ""ubi il.
Q. Were )'OU lookins ~t Ih , 5()C(o.!o mcter M th-e I! me?
,\ . No. I " -:tS 110\.
Q. [I was jU~1 r<lur ft~ li nl:1
A. Yes.
SI- I\ § ~ I.IO

§ 5 1.10 t·lIl~ SIQ'~,",,'fI1 ru ...." 10 l'oIitt

COMMENT: My timo il Q O be $hown that a ,,; toen m afle ~ I~t sl!
statemeo t. hOWevef incQMt!quenlial, the m issl ~ temtnt ",u ~t be
. ho"", te Ine j u'~, Suel! ll"Ndence is a valu.,blc piece In ~ puule eom·
pMed of the i Ul ~ '5 impII1""oS of Ihe wjlne ~s.
Q, lnci<l " nta ll ~' Mr, O':"lcill. at the lim e Ih i ~ ncddeM
hapflC!lcd. " 'he re We fe you livins'!
A. 23 Ilun.: n 5INQI .
Q. Di dn' t yeu 1 ~1l Ihe police oflieer ~·" u wen.: Ih ';nll on
lcxinstoo " \'cnll(:. io Broo klyn?
MM . R': E-'>( : I c bj r:1: 1 10 wha t s.c m~body·5 lico:nlC' ~)'s,
M ~ , 5.\ .'< 1' ..!PI'o: I'm SOIf}', I don'l want him 11> lesli r>', JIIII!;t'.
T u( COUIl~ 1.0:1 him ma l e lIi~ obj t<.:l ion.
Mft.. RIOM':: Plainti ff illS the 5,111"1<, p robk:m . Slot ",--;as l ist~.,j­
T u( COUl'''' Woul d )"0\1 make )"o u r objI.'"Ctio n. Wh :\! i ~ )"o u, ob.
jc.:t ion~
M~. R• .:..o;o:: I\ ol>od)' le ll s Ille pol ice whe«: Ih o)' 0"'" n"io ~,
IIf!i COt:!<.l' Wl lu\ is your o bjection 10 the qU"!>1 io o'l
Mk, R n~~I!; ,\0 addrc~5 on ) 'OUr liecn&c i~ nOI the s;,m c a~ where
)·OU'[C livin s.
THr Cmn<T: W hat i ~ l'O IiT objc~1ion'!
~' K, R r~ju: I object to Ihi•.
THe C OU MT: O"crru led .
TlIt CO\lU , '1011 may l'\)nlinuf . Mr. 5.1" I:ilippo.
Q. D id yu .. 1~11 Iho: polio: office l Ih::Il yo u " ..".., Ii ~i ll" al 8
lc~i llCIOn A~o:nu(?
A. I <lo.ft fcmO:lIlbel ,
Q. The [lOlitt offi ce. ttSlilk-d II"" he ""h'<l )'rM.I rOt YOUI
ad<l",,~i, Th", is tllC ~ddrc~ t>c reco rded . ~ . hat r ~frc$oh
YOllr rccoll ..'Ctioo~
A. No .
Q. 1\ <1 0<:1 00\7
A. No, il det./ I no t. l \i "cd Illere prior to 2J Bllt en Stree t.
Q. Lo t mC 5how )'011 wlmt h~ s becn m~ rk.d 35 rlail1l i rr~ I I rnr
idcntili cation . whi ch Is tht moln r "chicle ICllOn Iha l )"011
,... , ~ .,

51 _12

signed o n hnu.~ry 2 151. 19" , Would rOIl '<'\I 115. ",11:11

~ddn.'$S did }'OU el"e o n 111.11 fcpo n 1
MK. RErJ;>.: r~cad it to him.
A. 8 Lcx inSlOn A,·cnu e.
Q, So ron ...·erc Ii";ng ~I 8 l ...~;nglon A~enue, .... eren·1 you1
,\ . Evidentl )' 1 \\'~5,

Q. You don't R'Cam

A. No,
COMM [NT; 8v l'I~ving reedy no, oolv lhe 1)O/iI;... olfictr'$ ' t.1Iemrnt
but al,o tll~ metor vehiel~ ,cport. cou n~el MS forced Ih witness inlC
~n cmbarrasslne revers:>!.

§ SLII Ild <'nblll 11 l1li Bttn Drinki.~ lite Nig/ll !k'1on! the
Q. The nl eht I>cfmc Ihi s ucddcm. }'ClU had been nt u drinking
p~n~' al Iluren St fwt. were yO!! nOI?
A. No.
Q. You w~re TKlt?
A. No.
Q. l et nl e , cfn"lOh )'o ur rr;:;olk'Ction. I'm nCl\11 .derli!!!: 10 pas~
18 of Ihe c.\~m; n3IiOll before tril l:
~Q, 11", prc\'iou~ ~"fning. d id )·ou ha"e ~ n Ylhi "g III
dri nk?~
~A. Likt wh~!?"

~Q, ","' l Uling of an alcoholic nIIw .\:1·

~/'. Ye~"

"Q. Can you lell me abo\1\ wh en )'ou had ~omelh ins or an

~I coholic nature 10 dri nk, ~I\ d ..... hat it "~~T'
~A , Vodk~.·

"Q. 00 )'OU rcm~lnb"r app fo~ imalcly how ~Ulcb vodka

)'(\\1 had \0 ddnk Ihe ni ~ht be rare you uot 10 work III
~il:lll o'dock in Ihe morning' "
~A , No. I do,, · , .~
~Q. Cnn ~'au tell me where you had Ihi s \'mlh II> d ri nk'!~
~1_13 ll' i, 0,_1 n.11 <nl; 'on.'" § 51.12

-A. 23 Bur~n Sircet."

Do you remember thm~ queslion~, nnd did you gi,'c thn,e

A. Yes.
Q. Were the)' true?
,\. Ye~. they w",c.

COMMENT: Counsnl cslablisllcs that the witn ess lmd ooen drinking
the niglll beforc the accident. Tile witne« never used Ute tcr m
"drinking party. " so his der><>5itkm is technically not inconsistcnt wiUI
Ilis courtroom tcstimonv, Counsel uses this term t>ecause of its nega-
live conllotation,
Q. Do you rcmcmll\:r lhi~ quc'lion. page 20:
"Q, Do you have a recolleclion with rc,pect as to wh~t
lime )'ou smrted 10 drink with Ms, O'Neill and :\lr.
"A. ;
"Q. Do )'ou have a ,"collection with rcspecl to whcn you
linish.d drinking with Ms. O'Kcill and I>lr. Andmv'/"
"A. NO! reall)'."
Do you remcmber lhose queslion,. :md Bi"ing Ihose an·

Q. Were the), lrue whcn you gave them?

A. VC!.

§ 51.12 Conlmditllon Rcgurding esc of llmkcs

Q. Now. sir. did you at any time brn~c your qn nt the timc
tlml you lirst saw lhe Oldsmobile emerge from its full ~IOP.
rrom Grccuc Slrcet. 10 th. lime that the imp;Icl occurred?
A. Ycs. I did.
Q. Were therc uny skid marh with respcct to the hrn~ing'!
A. No.
Q. Al an)' time between whcn yO\! willed onto w:"'crly Place.
and the limc thnl the accident occurred. did )'OU ha,'c
occnsion 10 brn~c th~ ,'an \0 a Slap. for any rC:I~on'!
II' ~ "'O;,
§ ~1.12 I..~' WIIIl,,,,'"

A. I Slopped on Filih :lnd Univcrs il)'.

Q. I ,~id 31 the lime yeu gel into Wav~ rly until the lime Ih~1
Itt.: ~('dt!cnl OC'tllrJcd . d id you b. ake )'00 ' V3n, for ~n)"
A. :-10.
Q. Yo u did no l1
,\. t'o.
Q. So th ai nt Ihe limc lhc imp:!cl Q('cu ' rcd, )'OU did not app ly
your br:llu:s?
A. Yes. I did .
Q. Well. ogain ICI ".c rdresh YOIl' r~collcclion. P~ge 23:
.Q. And In lwtw~cn the time that ),ou tunwd onl0
Wavcl ly PJOI<.'<:. 300 Ihe time Ihal IoOmc ureidenl
hal'l>C:l1cd. did yo u I,o,·c occasio n I" bmlc the v~" 10
a !.lop. ror any """'loOn'r"
"1\. On Wnw.I)'?"
"Q. Ye',·
"A . :-10."

A. I applied tile bnlkcs befor<: I rJn inlo Ilcr.

Q. Well, ),0 11 weI'<: :ls ked ba('~ in Novcmhcr-
COMMEttT: the deposition qtJeStion WDS whe th er lho wit·
ne$, had braked tile VJM 10 a step. ~nd II"" ceur1rocm '1UUlion was
whethe<' he had aPfllid Ih. b...1<es at all OOIOfC t~e colUsion, Counsel
i~ usinS !lIe deposition adr<!illy 10 create the jm~ re!.SiQn Illal the wit·
nes~ $ta!ed lie did not ~~ply his brokes be-fole tile eoTli liQn. Such
sleight e l ll~nd do~s lIut go unnctie.d by II\~ oj1ll<l.inS ;,I\o,nl')' this
MM . R[f~I ~: I eluee l lO tile queslic n. The QUl~lion ""lIS. did you
bring )'OUf "nn to a ~Iop. nOI "II ether you ap plied } 'OUf br:,kc1
ami ukd to Slop.
MR. S~~ FIt,It·,~): TI\~ l is not the IIU~SII(ln.
Q. Did you Ita"" (X."Casi on to b r~~o Ihe van to ~ 1101' for uny
' ¢3!.On. f.o m the li me )'011 cnll;fcd \\'ll\"\':fl}' untit the
ace idcnl occur",d"! His ~nswcr was nO.
51_15 U,i \'e' _I "'llIent h eo,,,,,

Tlir COl'-ill, Now }'ou're indicming Ihm yon believe Ihc ques-
lion is nOI inconsislent.
MR. REl'.S£: Ye~.
Tilt COURT, Stopping and hraking i! a qucstion of fact for th~
jU!)', Your objeClion i$ ove'rul~d. Plc~sc proceed, Mr. San

§ SL13 Defendant's I'rinr Slnlcme"l Thill lie Old NOI

Q. [,[ow far could you ~ec ahcad of )'on. when you wenl into
Waverly Place?
Tnr, COURT: From wllnt plncc?

Q. When you wem inlo Waverly. before you got to the

intcr.;C\:I ion?
A. Quile:L ",a}'I.
Q. 200 feel?
A. Sure.
Q. Was il a( lhal poinl Ihal you row (he car coming out ~l
Greene Slrecl, 200 fCCI in fronl of you?
A. No, [ saw the ,ar aboul 20 or 25 fcci before.
Q. Thal i, while you wcre doing 30 lo 35 milc~ an hour'!
A. Yes.
Q. Did you c'"cr reduce yonr speed. from (he time lhat you
lirst saw Ihis car coming oul of Gr~ene Sireet. lo the lime
Ihm the impacI occurred?
A. I mighl have.
Q. LeI me rdre~h your recoHcction. I'm now rcf~rring 10 P:lgc
28. Do you remember being asked Ihis quc~lion. and giving
lhis answer. I'm beginning lI'ilh line 4:
~Q. When you saw the othcr motor vchide on the sid"
,treet, was it slOppcd or moving?"
"/I. SlOpped,~

I'm now referring to furlher down on the par,". page 28.

lin. 10:
,. .

51 - 16

"'Q. from Ille lime Ihal you firsl ub§e,,'C'd Ihis olh~r
mOlor \'chitk unlit Ih~ tim~ Ihal ~'O>.I' ~:tn C".om.: ' nlo
'Ollt;l~1 "'il h Ihis OIM. mOior w!lide, dl<llhe 'PI'cd o f
)"OIIr \'~" i nCTc~I~, d~n~~SI', o r fcma'n Jpproxim~lel)'
Ihe .!.ilme?"
~A, It "OI~ :lb.1I1I tbe same."
W.:u 11131 3 lrut ans""'r wh~n )'Ou P " C it?
A. Yes. II "'''5.
COhlMEtlT, Co~nle! wiH argllO in ni5 SUlllln"lioll tNt sinee Iht YJ~ '$
speed did nIIl dtcn!iHIl 3\ any time btl"''' the wtU!oion. the bI"kes
must r>el ha~e bee n ;)~pIicd , Faijll<t to .~pt1 tile ~.akc~ "'O<Ild, of
cou,se. ,!lonsly indfta!c Ihnl 1M WllrIC'"s .1.1\ ineltenl~ ~t I~c time
,,' toe ,,<;adenl,
§ SU4 ~;;:"l1lpm F..~a~J.:cr:u.-1l l'rll~IIJrs S p«'1I
COMMENT: JUfOIS hnow Ihal wiuIl";'O'S oIten t'>'lIgser.!le. :llId ~Ie
wnsitivu ta iiln, in6itatiOll thai a witness;s ",cldIing the InIttI, Once
Ihe~ ,!!Me HI9lIr<! is e~ating. 1"11'/ wi~ d .. I.~t Ills Itstimonr in
folD. The<efPIC, it til e witrlt'SS craw/ales 01 dtang~ Ilis teilim0ll1
lite ~l!clnC)' should un it 10 Ihe jUlY', 3U",lioll, e~ ;t ~ ~ not ..
l.rge e~I"liO<l.
Q, When thi~ c~r<' OUI or
GfCtllC Slf<'t.1 . "'hielt )'OU ~ id
W1l5 MIl' ~Ioppcd. was ;1 I'focC(dinjl PoI,I, ~lowJJ'. or
hcno:<:"q you dl"Kfib.; it, ... hell )'00 ob..:,,'OO it?
:\111. RnM: I ohject 10 the rOf1ll Ilf Ih~ lIu ..~tlnll.
T!II; Cot'l\l: Wh~1 is thl: tmund for til.: nbjecti on~
M .... Ruw. It<:s a ther f:lCt~ I)!:sida Ihe <lIIL'SIi.:m,
TIt~ Couar: YOII n~')';uk ll"d ~'n ..·tr it. 1)0 )'011 Ita,·c Ihe q uC$-
li on in mind?
TlIf. \\'I1,"j~·i.: Ycs. h j lll i loe»: ofT,
,\. , I"uu!d s3}" )'C\,

O. TwcIlW·fjvc. lhi")' mi~ an hour?

,\ . ! 001.11.1 n.ol linle il.
Q. ,\gtlin leI llIe rclrc,Vt your n.-I:tll1 ecti"II, ,\1.. O'Ne il!. I'm
'~fcrrinG nOli' I" P"{(\: 29;
,.... "',
NQ. Wh:,\ wa~ (h~ spec"d of lh~ Oldsmobilu wh~ n )'ou IirM
obscn'cd it?"
",\, Comin& OUI of Ihe inl~ rs.:aion.H

~. Wh\:n yo u ~J)' 'et)minc 0\\\ of Ihe illl~rsccli,;," ; ~ln

~ou tell U5 w)l(l l )'ou mean ?"
"A. PllUing olT,"

.' ""Q. Did )'Ou ob:.o:rv" Ih . olher , Jr Ixgin 10 mm-.:'

MA . Y~"!l.H

"Q. Can ),o u ~pprc~i lllmc thc wcc<.l ;n wh ich you s.:Iw the
or mo,-j,II1T
MA. 15 mi'''"'' an hour,"
Do you reme mber Gl " inlllh~1 an!"'"r 10 tha I quc~li(ln'!

,\ . I don', re member the 3ru.wcr.

Q. WlS il Ina' at Ih~ lime thaI ),Ol! gave it?
,\ . If r g:\\'c il. il w~. Irue.

§ SI. IS Itcspunw "I"j..... lind :>I,m"",. ul 0 11\011' CMI':'i in n",


COMMENT: In th e soma way lila! th! cle lf'lldant el~uclatcd \0 uy

to ~I>Q", Ihat Ihe plaintiil P\llIed OUI f.ash~r Ihan I,c 1I(Iuaily did. Ihe
~lendant now I ' in \0 make it seem thaI he h.ld IHS time 10 .e·
s~ th.,n lie ' eal ly did ,
Q. How mu ch time cI:lfllCd from ",hell )'011 tinl observed Ihe
Oilier mlllO' veh icle 1I"",illl; ;md Ihe poinl or impact?
A. A fe">' 1«onds,
Q. Five sccond$, woul d [ital be ~ccur.lle?
,\ , Around the.e.
Q. ,\ gain, '~I me refrcsh your r«flliCClion, ?~Sc 29, ~n(1 I'm
"Q, 110'" much timt: dap~d ho:lwcell Ihe lime you " "'I
Db~f\'cd l\oe Olher mulor ,'(hide ~nd Ihe point .. r
"A. ,\'XlUI rive ~ecl)I\d,. "
§ 51.1!> 51 - 18

A. If I !l.we it. it i.s correCI .

Q. lncidrnlall),. )'OU J.3id you cou ld Ke <lppro~ i mntdy 200 f~el
in fron l of you befo!'\: you Eol 10 the imerscetio n of Greene
Slr~1 allli Wa ,·e,\)'. Were Ibere <lny ".us Il.oce..'di ng in
fronl o f you ac ross Ihal in tersectio n. ~forc )'ou gO! 10 il?
A. Y"-
Q. Alxlul how mOl ny?
A. I don', know.
Q. I"n' now quoting from lill\! 18:
-Q. Ap proxim ately how man~ cars "''(:." Ih~rc in fron t of
)'o ur no. jUlo! as you cros~ Ihe interSCClion?"
-A. Sc,·cral.-
"Q. a)' w'·Cr.lI. do )'OU mcall k ... Ill:1n tell (If mor~ Ihan
"A. Yes."'
~Q. less 11",n Icnr
-A . Yes.-
~Q. Mor~ II'I~nfiver
"'A. I don'l know. Aroun\! tbal numbt.:r."
Doe! Il'Ial refresh )'OU , rCl;'O lI eC'lirm thai there wen: about
fI.'c Ufl Ih~1 croiSCd tbe inte~t i on7
A. Som eth ing like lliat.

§ 51. 16 ':";t~bli5blng SIl«'1ll.imi' by .Ju6ici:>1 Nu, k~

Q. Duril\i Ihr lime th~! tlu:~ I"'"
cars "erc in fronl of you.
cr=cd the int"'$<.'fl;on of GfC\:1tI: ~nd W~'·c .ly. did yo"
'"'c any C3" goini; in 0 nonh e,l)' direct io n acro~s th e
inlefM" ,ion (ro", Gn....:nc'
,\. No.
Q. Do)'ClII kno... whal th~ ~JI('C" lim .. in the City of "'eo.' \'OI"k
wn ~1 llml timc~
,\ . No. not .tally.
Q. Would the ~(l un t~kc ju\!icial notice of til e fact that tI, e
lim il "'a~ JO milu a n hOOf1
""" '"'1

51-1 9 §51.l7

TII ~.C()UMr, Will you ~Iln.:~ "'j lll 11131. Mr. Rc~w?
MR . Rl f.SI:: I don'l know. I'm nOI a drh·cr.
MI':. S~!< I'II.U'!'O: I ...ill ~upply Your Honor Wilh d.t t ilali()n,
Ihe Ia....
1"m: O R'lIr , I ",i l1 l~kc 'u<::h j ull iciu l nUL ice u r Iha l.
MM. S ~~ FIlirro: Would You r 1I0nor la~c judi ci~l nOli{c Ihal
S.~IIO re<:l i~ lh" d istance of ~ mile'!
Tnr. COUIrn Ye'.!.
COMMENT: The mallcrs nOliced aoove ~ r o. l de lile lillal pieces 01
Ihe ~e whiett ""II allow tl:llJn$1lI to ~~lc uIJle th e $pe~d 01 the driv-

; S I.17 No !\Ic.san:s T~kcn 10 ,hoid CoIHsklll

O. Ju~\ b~ ro(c Ih~ ;mlI:lCI O(curicd. d id you lurn yo ur steering
wheel in :my dircClioJ\ in Old.". \0 3vQil! Iht imp;!cl1
A. No. J don't hclie\"e J Il ill.
O. !)i('\ yeu sou nd your horn b.:fore th e iml'~rl?
A. J dill nOI ha "e tim.:.
Q. I di d n<>l a.k }'ou IhaL.
MM. s .. ~ Flu !"!",; I mo"c 10 lilrikt the nn~" nOl ' eljw",i>·f.
M... I ebjott 10 lha !.
MM S... ~ Fiu!"!"O! I wou ld ~ ~k Ih e court 10 llin.""CL Ih e wiUl~U 10
a n ~wc r.

TUF. COlau, HO!d il ...... h ~1 is your a bjection ?

Mil. RuS~! I e bjttt 10 mO"ins 10 mit.:c Ihe ~n swcr. J thint.: il
is r~spoTl$i' c.
TnH COUII T, II ""lIS !lOt l~spo"si"e Lo Lhe <]lI c.'lio n he n\kcll . I
will ha"c Ihe a nswer \Iri<:~cn. 3'ld in.\rml the jury 10 di srC{l3rd
il. rk~~c .I<k lhe queSlion 31:-1il1 . COUIIsct.
Q. Did )'011 $Oll nd ~'O\lr h O'll. from Ihe ti ll1 ~ Ihal r Oil SaW Ihe
r~r cnlcr Ihe inlcr5e<.:l ioll . Ie Ihe lime of Ih( in'p",!"!
A. 1\0.
Q. Dill Ihe q l1 M"c n horn lhnt "'u s wo rk ins"!
A. Yes .


§ SUit ~To>~n"'/IIc .. r n..-t....."'..rfs V"" Arler Appll-i"l: Ilno.~C'<

Q. Inci dcnl al1)', w=.s ,h= :ln~'hing wron~ ,,; ll! Ihe br:Iko;'lO on
thai ' -:tn th:n pm;<;1Ilar d.:I )1
,\. No.
Q. We re they "''Orkin; llI'opcrly'?
,\. "''So
Q. How nlUdllime d apS«l bc,...wn IIw l ime Ih:u you ~pp'icd
you r bra kes. 3$ yell )"011 did . and lhe i mp;ltl~
A. Thr« 0 ' fou. stcOllds, somcthin& like Ih al.
Q. Would live K"<:Ond, be ,105.:.
10 lh ~ truth?
A. Som cwh:rc urOl.l!ll1 !hc((. )'''''.
Q. And did you r (';Ir mov~ fo",,,,,d a rl~ you lIpplle'" you,
A. Yes..
Q. ,\nd abe lll how many fec I rOIW~rd dill il mow arler )'ot!
applied your brakes'!
,\ . t d e '\'1 UlldCfl.13nO the qllesliop .
Q. You s." d rou appl kd ~..,u. br.l"c~. 3n1.! )"(111 \oTtl IIi 11\<:11 1"-'
c;:Ir mO" cd forward. hO\O' m ~n)' r(C'I forwa, d did it nm\"c
afle. yo u appliw your br:u;(s?
,\ . I do,,',kn""" , a\lOul le ll or fine<:n f<"l:l . Som( lI,ing like Ih~l .
before i mfY.lCt.
Q, Trn oJ, fi fle.:II , (roll' the ti me th:!\ you ~f'p)kd yuur br:lkcl
u lltil tlk: time th,lI the impa", ~u rn-d the C~f nlo\'.:d len
10 li F\eell r~"CI . is th:!t )'00' ;",~,,"CT?
TlI~ COCR" Theil there ""~s im)l:JC11
TilE Wm'a50 Yes.
Q. Then yuur <::Ir IitC>flJN:U ~ t II)\! illlp.lct, co)fn 'CI?
A, Yf'S.

Q. II ~
3 r~s ulL or Ih e illlp3ct .....~s the Oklsm(>bile luopclred in
~n)'din'Cli on?
,\. Yt5. il .... a~
-- ,, --

~1 -1 1

Q, In wh3t dirlXllolI Wlis il propd!.:"'?

II, The d i rc~ti c n th:u I was !:oing.
Q, E~ s tw~rd , What (IOnia n of Ihe O ldsmobi l" d id Ih" (ronl or
your vchicle hit?
A. Th e ~id".

Q, Wilen )'OU I~Y Ih e side, COuld }'ou lell us Wlle!ll"r ;1 is th~'

(rani side or Ihe rear siM, or the cenler7
A. Aroulld lhe cen";r.
Q. w Ollld il be from Ihe « liter (mm Ihe .c~r or Ihe center 10
Ih~ fronl?
A, I would say il W:I ~ jU!\ aoout de3d <ellle •.
Q, W~5 it a hc~\"y impac17
,\. Yel,;1 w~ s.

Q, WO$ dint O ld smob ile Ilro/l<l/lcd :IIlY d isla n-cc frolll Ihe linte
of lhe imll~C\ unli! the lime it cumc to n fi n:11 st opi
A, loon', kllOVo', I gwcu '0.
Q, w e don', "'''''1 YOII to SIICSS, Mr. O'Neill, If )"OU dOll't
~now, it is pUfffiLy :til rithl. Did the Oldmtobj," tO Ill ~ in
cOlltact with Ihe fi re ellgill< th~ ' was p:llked o n lhe
north ~~11 earner of W~\"crl)" lind Gr~c n" an.r
!lIe ;mPllel?
,\, I don'l know.

§ 51.20 '\b,c"c~ of Skid Mnrk~

Q. After Ihe inlll~ct you got OUI of yeur ~ar. did you "el?
,'. yc~.

...-- . Q • And did )'ou look 10 sce if th ere .... CfC a ny ~id mMh
following y..... r "~n?
A. No, I did nOlo
Q. Oid YOll not tool;, or did you 11 01 5UC nny?
A. I did not took.
Q. So rOil don'l know .... heill er lite", Wtore o r we re nOl1
,'. N o.
Q. lei me 5tC If th i. would rcf.t:<;h ~'our !\'('oIkcli ol1. I'm
'cading no'" from the 1>0110111 of 1l.:I~ ...1:
0. ... . . "
§ ~I .ll

-Q. Aft",r you got 0111 of the "an. did }'OU obs.crvc ~ n)' ~~id
!TUrn in :and about lh~ n.. l or the van?"
-A. I did nOI ob!.tr"~ any s~i d mnrks.~
Wa\. III~t a lruo a MII.'tt when ~'ou g:I\'C il. ir you save il?
,\. yc~.

COMMENT: The fact Il\;It Ihe witness did lIOt OOw,"c Dn ~ ski d
rna,lts i~ lIOt tc!.timal\V th~tlI",re were fIQ s kid rnar~5, ~ut eounsa '
u 5~s the depo~ ition ill a way wh ic h 'a~c5 suell an Im~lic:ation. The
plese!lcc 01 skid marb would , a' cou,se. tend 10 show that II", wil'
ne$S h.:ld bra ked «/Ofe the accident.
MK. Rns.: I object 10 III: m: ... o inll of Ihal Qlleslion. Thai an·
swer Is 1\(11 l!>COns;ilen) ",i lh Ihe Itsliman;-.
~I I<- SA." FJlU~~): li e &:lid he di<l nOI look .
MR. RU:.\l! I <10"'1 ~n ow "'h~l the purpose of il i •.
T!!. COlllm T he objeCtio n i. o verrukd . The jll.,. will femen,,,",,
....'helher he mad<: sta tem en!s or nal.

§ SI.11 Shl"'l~r Collfertnr.: lte~"rdln~ ]',nlon Ac-cidtnl

COMMENT: CounU'l /\OW wants 10 ' how lhal Inc wiIM$$ had ~en
in anolhcf oceid enl on tile morning 01 !llit Jcddfnl. Sinc!! :weh evj·
d~nce ;, rnlrm ~l!y irn>dm;';~iblt it ;, u nde·u"'nd~!H" Ih~ t II>e oppo~ing
attorney a 'sues vellementj~ Jgainsl its adrniu>On . bul ~ ~re il is '~Ie,
.ant to sh ow UI~t II\e witne~s '",d ~cen awah all n'&ill. Vlhet h.... the
ot her accident wo ukl be OIdm;S&ibte 011 Ihe sole l10und thai il est~b ·
lished he w~s II.lvlng a c.'''ele ss da~, 01 had !lee n drinking too much ,
is Il ighl~ unlikcl~.

M ~.SAo" FI UPI'(): I ha>'c jusl OtiC o lh~r <tu~lIion,

Tm, COllin : Pr<)Cccd.
Q, I !15k you, C!\ n ! hl " " 'hi~ rn~lkc(l for idcntific'lIiotl.
j[};](umCnl rn:>r~"<J rl ~i nll ft'$ E,hibi, 12 for itlcmilira lion.)
Q . Would POtl look ~I Plalnli!fs 12 fo r id enlilicali on . ~ ntl tell
nle whelher lhnt i, your ,jsn~1l1re ~I the bol\om or !h~
p :lgc1
,\. y~~.

Q. Is Ih 'lI )'our ha ndwriti ng on II!C 'f~' of ,"" p;!,,~?

,\. That". ri&M.
_.• i.

II " ,,·, - 1_l<nlh n" . ,,, § $1.21

10111.5....-: F'LWI"O: Your ilOIlO' . Illis is t~c qUl.'Sl KlO 1n:.1 woe 11.,1d
d ;'IC"'~ in chamb("...
Tuf. COU~T> 00 !'Ou "'OInllo:w: il?
MR. R rfSf.; Cooid WI"!: h;we a morrrcnl . ~ r<co$$. ~ lId disruss IIl;s
wj lb YOIl' IIollor?
Tl!~ Coon, Sideb:t,.
(DW:lluiOll al Ihc sidebar. oliiside Ihe hc~ring o f Ihe j\l'1~)
M~. S.u< Fltlrro: The (;"1 thing 1 ""nl is a mi~lri~1. 1 don't
~nO\ll how-
Mk.. R((.<'£;; Your Il o!!Or. n'r obj tclio" 10 tllis-
T"t CQIJ~r: "ou'n,: now 1)1);;n, aboul f>bin!irrfi t 2 for idcntilj.
M~. Rrnt:.: Thi1 is 11!!OIhcr ;rcidetlt. and ~no l h(1 d:uc.
Mf!.. S..." Fll1l'1'(); I "·mnot 1;00"".
l\b. R~'-3f~ The u·,-",bk ",ilh this is. Ihis I. not Ihis occident
date. and-
'[ Ul COU~T: Wh~t a\>o"l Ih~ pbco of Ihe :>C"cidcnl?
~b. S~I< FnrFI«); He don 1101 have iI,
MM. !([i'.'W!! This has got 10 b<: 11 di ffc r(nt ~rcidc nl . II r~[cn; 10
a den! ill Ill': b:tck d"" •.
MR, S.•s "1LIt1'I)! 111al is a different c~ r,
M r.. Rresl:.: !f~ 1""0 <l'd~k in n.e morning of IhI: ~m~ <by fol-
lowing a d'inking p;ll1y. If iI's Ihc !kIfOO d~y. I don'l kilo,,·.
T!t~t i~ nl)" pmtllcru.
Till COUlIT. WIlY don', )·0" ~sl; him ",!telher or 1101 lit had In·
other a«iden l on Ihal o.Ja~ . If lie SJ)"J yu, )·011 m;ry pu~"c il.
If he sa~J 110. lhat i~ III" ( !Id of II in this question. W(IOld you
have ~ny ohjwions7
MM. Ikl,,;t: Wdl, a~l;;n& p.:OIl!c if Ih..y 10:1</ another acrioonl on
Ihe snIDe day indic:u<'S Ih~t )·011 h,·.,""'llIe e,·idenc.:.
"rUt C"lJRT, As long as he discout;nues il"5 P<lr(cClly ~ppropri,
a'e. altd '"3lid, jf in<k~d Ih,'TC "'"3$ anO!II~' o«id,~u Ihal da)"-
for ot heT reasons, IrnOl.. Ih~...-.: is onT!oOI.IC way".., nn find O\U .
We loa,·c &01 10 ask Ihis man,
M~. 5.>. .. F'L,~r« I wi!! disronlirt\t(.
TII~ COI: ftT · I wi!! o.·,:... ,,1e your objC""lion 011 1m: sf'«ifi~ un,
Mrstanding hy C'·~I"!·(lllt Itcre Ih~1 .,flcr ilSking th .. wilness 1n.1I
questio n. ir he <knia il. Ihel1 "·c will no< pUlSue ;1.
.-.- u·....... ,

§ St.!l I",) Will,.,;",..

MR. S.,,; 1'"11."'1'0: VCI)' ..dl .

M... RrESL. Very .....-II.
"i" U[ COU ~T' G~UII~m cn . let". \:0 b< rOt~ Ihe jury ami proceed.

§ 51 .22 Defendunl l1~d I\nolh~r A~c idcnl Eatli~T It.., Sanw UlI )'
(FUrlh~T ptu.:ccdins, h;ld ill open rourt, in .he h..:tring of Ihe
TilE CC>I;l<T, You ma~' ~onl hmc., San Fll ipjlO .
Q. ~I r. O ·Ndli. I'm SOi nt: 10 :uk you 10 111o~ ;II I'binliff$ 12
for idcntifj'~lto!l.
A, YC5.
Q. I'm j,'(Iing 10 ~!ok ~·ou one '1 u~~liol1:
d id )'011 /t.we al1oll,~r
acci dent ~l ~n)' lime octw,'cn m id ni gh t of December 6th
all d 1'; 30 A.M, or D.:ccrnber 71 ft, "';110 ~ 1101 h.o:T r:lr"I
.\ . Yc,""

Q. Th ~t :K:cidctll oC('urred at whal li me'! 'Two o'cl oc); in lite

nt Drnins. am I ("tI, m :1"/
,\ . Aru\.tlll.l l1tal li m.,.
Q. Th at i$ wlml ~ou wrale in Ihe !\:1)(I rt, correa?
,\ , Ycs.
Q. In your 0 11.'0 handwritiog?
,\. Y\·~.
Q. Whmt ~OT wefe you ,",,;'; 01; ~I the li llie?
,\ . MiloS Keo ncd)", C:lf.
Q. Do you kn oW whvrc Ih t\! ac~l(kn l haPl",ncd'!
,\. On "1 '~1llic ,\'·C1IUC.
Mil. S"/I I'1LU'1'<J; 1\0 furlh~r qut'Sliolls.
COMMENT: Cgun~ e l ha~ . uc ceeded in gelltng the pr~ vi<lus ~ecM.t1ffi1
iOlo C>'idcnce. which will allow him to ".goo ;n sumhlatOon \I,n t~.
wilness must hav e t1cen quite f~tigued at the lime of the !.eC:ond itt·
ci(lt ol. Alth"'¢l1 his c ... min~Hon is li n, itCtl t~ tlle I~ct 01 the ac ci·
dent's oc:curr~ncc ~ n d liUTc else. the iU' G's ca n" IOlloS the point.
Eycwitncss-Dcrccth'c Condition or l)rcssurc
G:mgc- Products Liability Case
C"", RUl'IO'Ulion
"y JiM M. I'~,""'"

§ ~l .~ 1 lon " ....... 1 O_In~ ,111<>,"'1

§ ~l.O: \\'1' ..... , U.,bl,· ' " 1<1<'.111,· G,"""
i ~l .• ,1 J'.. ",~ 01 1"..,. 110, 11""-«1 \\,u"",,' M,,,,.,,,,
§ ~!.o.o C......... "". IH-k_' , ,.,10< '. l...... ;fl j~
~ Sl .~ I... ;.., wu ......, Sr."" ' ' ' (;.... w". :-<••
~ ~ l.1I6 Wlto ,,' JJI ~ 1'0'", ,\I,"", T,or\,
i S!_01 l '", ol UJ! ond W. ,,,", 1'.."",, .11,,);.

~ ~l'" G."",,:-OM t.:><rI "" ' '''''- J~b

§ ~ ).I)'j 10001",,)· 0..,,,,,, ~, II, .. ~.f"J I)", k ... "" (~~

§ Sl.IO s.r"" ))e,l«. Ill<! NO! w.. ~

• "~'"~ ~1 . I'<-odlK' .«.h .d b" k",1 «i"Wlon . , I~< l!~" ..>ilf of 1I0u".... 1I.1l.
"jib _ . 196))_ II. ,,~ , .dJUJI<1 ~ 'Qr."", ., II>< t;ft,,·...i ,j of 1I"''''M 1'01-
.•.. 1'3' or \..I" 11 ~14 -"l). "~I;,' m""I>..~ of .mk I',,,r,,,,,,,,,,,, ~'''rJ p>'' t"" T." "
ClOd II OLL",," n,,, A."",i" ,",o" ,I", ,1",~ !I"ln ,,0.1 '''''.,. T,i,.1 !.~") '" ,I,~,,' i,·
li""~ II,,· .111"",'" ['oIk~ r)f 1..'1:"1 Mod;,I"" Cl"d ,I.: ",,,,,rk,,, Ikw,1 o( 1''''(,... •
,ion.I I ~.\Ji I;'r ,\!I"""' j" ~I,. I'<,JU<" ....1",;, IIo"J ("""iOro i. 1,<, ..",.1 l oj'''l
llCll L" . b) Ih. Toc>-O' I!",,,J of 1-<r.>1 Sr<>i:rli,"'ion. .. " <Ir.;rm"~ of ,/.. 1~,"'
T'''1 l o"')-,,' M<d><al ,\ "'rn"";", 0 ,",""11<' !I ~1rj-nl'....t 1'<'",01. ", "r ,l><-
II,, ",It" "h" ~I" " f Ih< ",,",Ii,'
on II ""I<I of r, ;.11 .1 d, e" ,,"" II 'J S_), 11,,' '" Ih '" "r
"""L"'O"' 1><1<,•• onJ "";"~" <O"'"tn;"~ ",..
1;.:,1 m,I~'",'k,' ,,",I I"";""" \;'1>i li·
'1' 1,,",. Mf, l"" ~"< ""-JC''''~' in II\<- ",," n( 1' .... ,\"<. lu""" '" ll:ll'q' In H,,,,,,,, • .

".... ,.,"
§ 52.0 t

S",,,,,,,,r." vJ IJm;c Fael,. ami l!IIrodllcm'.l' 1I<'l>wfb

Tile pbimiITlosl an ~y~ when an oil field high prc~surc ga\lge ex-
ploded. I-Ie brought suit llguinst the manufllclUrcr of thc gaug~ ~ml
the supplier who had sold il to his cmploycr. It was comcnded that
the gauge lacked certain safety features and that there wcre inade-
qumc warnings on the danger of u~ing it with water ~s a pressure
medium. When the trial began. the plaintiffs cO!m~1 believcd thai
the saugc was fnirl)' new. while the defcnse contcndcd it had been
used over nn cxtensi\'c period of lime by tile pl~intin'5 cmployer,
The defense thcn produced n ~urprise wilness. a colleaguc of the
plainlirr who had witnessed the accidcnt, who began tcstifying thai
lhe gJuge w~s old and had been subject to e~tcnsive use (state c,·i.
d~nce rul~, had prevented plaintiffs ,oun,.1 from learning the sub-
jcct of the witnes~' testimony h.for. h~ was CJIi.d).
On cross e~aminalion connsel is able to 'hift the emphasis of the
witness' tC~limony from th~ age of tile g.1uge to the deficiency of
its Sllfel}' dcvices. and thus 10 elicit testimony crucial to the plnin_
tiff~ casco As n result thc jury ultimnlcly rc\urn~d J verdict which
was at lh~t time the lar~C,1 award that had be~11 granted in the
't~tc for 10" of an eye.

§ 52.01 InnucnCl:! of Oppusin~ Al10rncy

COMMENT: It is important to point out any partis.n,hip of the wit-
ness. JnQ Jny influ ence by tile opponent's attorney, early in the case.
Thi~ in~tiliS ~ mnaSurC of 5~epticism in tllc jury about any sub~eq...cnt
teltimony. When a witness ~ppears sincere and ft>rthright. as thi~
one do.~, the attorney should not take an adversori.1 tone unle ••

Q. Mr. Link, did you ny ovcr or dri,'c o"cr? llow did you gel
A. One of his people brought me up.
Q, Yon lire smying here with them, or in a hotd or something?
A. I am stJying at a hotel.
Q, I a~Snme thut tile defendant is paying your c~lX'nscs?

A. I hope ~O.

Q. The)' llgrced to pay you for your w~gcs for thc time you
would be o,'cr herc"?
,\ . If I h~d 10 min 3n~' work.
Q. ! ,'IJU me >~lU u r~ missi ng ! ome ,,"ork~
.\. :-10. 11(11 yet I "m no!..

Q. Who was ywr for(II'~" 01.11 31 D~""lCIl1

A. .\fr. S UlherJ~nd .

Q. Alld wh~1 W3~ R onni~ Mallc'l on'! job. a~ OOIlIIl'l.tcd 10

,\. Ronnie Mn' te rlo n "":!~ lh~p for~ m311.

Q. You "w< 1101 und~r him thDUr)11

,\. "'D.
Q. Did you ~our:!dr pili Ib i, pugs: 0 11 the unit?
,\. 'd on't re n)c.,n!>.:r whet her 1 PIlI it on Ih ~ urli l Or 111.11. I do
remember pul1u.; it 01T of my unil. 1 don'l ~"o'" " 'helh( (
, pul il 011 Ihe un il or whelher J h.<lndcd ;1 10 ,,'oOlchoIi)' cJ~
10 p UI on t!J<, uni!.

Q. Is thC« " 11)' n'ar~ 0 11 Llli5 pure or 'n~'h;nB lh"1 YOII <";,11
1001; 3.\ "nd lei! u~ lhal you know il i ~ Ihe ,",uSC )'ou hd on
~'our u nit?
A. No.' ran· 1. 1 WOl,'1 IiI here ~nd I" ·C'J ' upllnd d own Iha l is
lho.: 13= pU&C Ihal ""'IS on m)' unit. As far 3~ I k"D" ·. it 15
Ihe gauge Ihal blew Il il. Wid Ihe c;!u,,", Ibat blew up ca m. uff
of my unit.
Q. Wh3t ~"Ou 3re l3yins i1 )""CU are nal Ifni", Ihis jUf)' under
oa lh th~1 il IS Ih~ lamc &.luge. bc~;lY"'" you h~"c no "OIy. b)'
~:un';(I;Ilion, 10 loll Ih:al?
,\ . Wdl. Ih3t"S righ l.

§ 52.0J l'~~.,~~~ of Tfnlc 11M J);,lInrcd WII~.'S.~' Mtllln.,.

Q. Ily th~
,,"ny, 1 h...,po: y"" u IIndcrl l~r,d J ~m not goi.,(: to
quarr~l ...·illl ynu. bul \9 .. i) 5I...·cn )·t3JS a&o.
A, J am \V~II "warc of 111:11.
Q. And I g,'I!)cr Ih"l m~ny of l!tc.e d~l aiJ1 ~'" nOl r(al ciC":lT in
}"Ou. memo.)". j"'~1 by "inu~ of lim~l
,. . .....,
,\, WdL 1~t'! PUI ;1 (h {~ "':Iy, The!\: i\ lome IhintS 1h.1I ~'OU
oon't rOfget , Thcf~;$ .o"", I hi n~ th:u )'OU don't / cme,nb¢r.
11'cre i~ some thi"l:~ )-OU don'l ~ "cn II)' \0 M"~mh;,:r.
COMMENT: This wi l" ~n Is nry astute, ~n d re&PQnds a:; a wllness
should wIl en qt>!l&lioncd abC)!.lI 'frelc>'"nt ""'a ;l~ of an CVIlnl. B«au~~
h" is a $u. prise wilnel}. and app!!a.s 10 be lerthri&hl Jnd impa rti al,
eounse l tri es te ' win him OVCf ' b~ showin g hill! tle te!cncc alii! ' c·
$peel. With a . elatively impartial witness Ih" pri/l\.ll~ ocean! on cro'iS
e><3mirotion 1$ to obtai n "green,~nt Irom I,im, o. sflow the jury. tllat
e,tiWlf hl$ i nlti~1 observalion impai,ed 10' som" ,,,awn, or lnat
his memary has failed since tile "O8<1\.
Q, All rig/lt, Wha t ....e want III "in dOWll in QUI mind. ~rc Ihe
thinBs th at you ha"c a ~ka' recollection of am! Ille tllin;s
thnt l'rn, might nOI haw a d~r .«<)ll«lion or !x:<-:lU§C of
passage of time, b Ihat r~i r cnough~
A. Th~ 1 i~ fair cooIIgh .

§ 52.(14 CO'''Q~.' .. W. lklrodnnlS Prior II! Te~li ryln!:

Q, Now )'0" h~,'C la lb."'. Il:01U.~r. " ';Ih Ih ~ rCl1r ..'SCnI~(i\"cs of

III<: dcf~ndnnl~ in Ihi s ca~c II m ill e 1""Blh, :,nd Ih e"
rossibl)' , comins up with thetll . ~nd nn nl her O«'lsions.
prior 10 Tcstifying?
Q. \'~nh, I Sl1l1 1'0S(;- sa)' Ibat :>G-~i n'!
,\. lh ,·c )'011 talked ..... ilh ,!.Dm~'Onc Ihal rcprc se1l1~ Ihe
defendant on mon.: tlmn one occJsi on?
,\. No. JU St Ihnl one li llie, anti the n jUlt II" h~r", TbJI is all.
Q. And \lIeu ""hen )"ou ha,'C b~'\.." up he''', or cOllr.;c1
A, Yl'S, sir.
Q. So you h~"chad ucm\ion 10 " i~i l w; lh them alKlut th e
"ariou~ "~11C<:1
(If ~'Our t".timony . and ",II", )'OU could recall
and ",11M yo u could n', I~all?
A. Yes.
COMMENT: Even ~ fort h"xllt wilne» Is subj~ct 10 Ih" inlluffiCe II!
Ih~ who <ely UIIQ<1 him lo[ their Cas.c . A wltne&s IIa' a tC<>d@I\C~ 10
alle mpt to help 'hose '''<It Irus t him a nll ,tspRel his ability 10 hctp
lhem. 1hll5, ~howjng (onl~el between Ihe ll1l~osln<: aLto<r.e~s and the
wilness is importan t.
, ,....,
Q. \'OU 1\.1 1"(: !Cfll fk,d ,;IS I u nd c'§l;il1d i i, Ihat Ihi~ unil h~d 001
hccn N inlcd1
,\ . Th~ ! 's righi ,

Q, l ~ thm o n~ of Ihe IhinS Ihat; $ vel)' cie"r in )'our mind, or

on,. of I h~ !hinss !h.:ll may nm be cl e;,,~
A, It had not bc~n p~ jn lcd 10 lake in Ihe field , It Wil l p~rl of
s,c>'Cr:lI diff~'~"'1 on;,... Th ... waler lank cam<.' oil' of One u llil,
Ihe works t~n1e off ;HlOth i: r uni t. TIle only thi ng. on
we~ !he pu mp. Ihe t hl;ns, and ,he £llIod:ctiio.

Q, Wdl. Ihe unit h~d . in fa el. been painted, ,\")' phOlo~raph

"'a uld show ,h31 Ihe un il w:I~ p3;nl~'tI red .......,lIld n·1 il~
A. Part s of ;1 We!\: re d, The unit had nnt OCtll pai nte d ~I ncc
h had b.."cn PIIt 'OSCI " "r,
Q. Did )'oU bu il d !h i~ unit?
A, No, 1 did n't bllild Ihe un it. I II d[l'Cd l,uild it. I IIc l[l'Cd "ul
;1 10,,"::lh..r. jU II Ilk<· cI'cryOOdy cli e did,

§ 52,05 "rio. Wil ~ss Siale. th G~UI:C Wg~ :-IeI\'

COMMENT: T~~ w itn ~,s "' 5 a surprise witneu, ~nd l ile cross c~"m,
i"", nlln" hll d ~n ~ppo .tyn ity t~ sp.e~ k wi tll him, If I", hMl, cou n~el
could PG"i~y have ~ullplled him w~ h t~fo.maliDfi. W~ h 3~ the ttloti.
m ~ny of ol~ cr wil M~ se., to inll~ c n,e o. reh esh llis rc coll"~lion, n ..
P.1. ty th.l! u lled tne wilnelS undoubtedly di.d pl ace hi. tfstimony in
the COf1\e.t of \~. ir ! hl!'Of'l , so he und"' stood "he.e ~ III in, The ( ' 0""
etamine r, thcugh, must do so " the trial, with the "ope of ~oviding
fhe witRess wjlll InlOfm.1hOn Ihat m~y a lf«! his recollection. The In·
fe. ", atloo counsel now gives th e witn ess, w l\i<; ~ co nce.ns tne Icsli·
mOllY 01 ane of his f riends . ..,ay well SOttC1l My lesiS1J!!C e t~ m~d;f1-
ins o. ~u;lTil~,n& hili tfslilllCny,
Q. ,\ S I u ndc rsr;rnd ir yo u ,",urked ,II an OVCf~\or (luI iR Ihe
fkld ?
,\. -float's . ij;ht,
Q, Ro n M a'lers~ n'. job . on the m ile. hand. a. ~hnp fo rema n,
",ould h 3W k cn 10 IHl iid lhe IIn;l?
A, Iti~,ht ,

Q. "au know, o fl."OU rlf , Ih~1 Ron MaM ~ rson 11.1. 1~~l j fied in
Ihi , c~!.\: ?
...... ' ~. ,
A. I don'\ know wlll.1h~ . he lin or " 'Il\:!hcr he luin'l I h.1\'~n·!
~n him, I don) lhink. $[nce 1 1.n Dawson.

Q. You h:I,'CJ\' , b«:n 31'P,i!>ed or Ih. r~t:I that hI' hns l~ifi ....1
in IlIi~ =. and ha~ Il:'!ili r..."d und~r <nIh Ihlt Ihis ~
II",,' t;:I .. ~ Ih~l "';IS on I h~ unit nt the lime il ~~plO<lI."ll?
,\ . No. M a mallcr orr~cl. IInlil )"OIl 1Il~lionctl ;1 ' hi~ v.. a~ III"
first lime, I belic"c, tnnt Ronnie M~lerson'~ name n~~
bfI."I'l mentioned.

§ 52.06 Wiln~~ OW ~n' AINw Took

COMMENT: Couns.eI now "IliINios to the VIIitMU' sl<lft ~ncl knowI·
c(l~. KnowiT18 lfJ~t I~O witn~ss wjll .c.eo thai hoc a lw3VSo die! hi:; 100
as well oS ~iOle. cc1n'lsG1 impliM 1m! the ";Iness 300 his ((Ii.
leagues were re~ponsjb\.e workers whe would net ha.e abuotli the'
g.J~'gI!. Th.... elQle It would "'" hJ~ been d.arnll&~ e .... n if ~ was
Q. Lcr~ l:oIk 3bolll Ibe pug.: tll:l\ WJ\ on your Im;l. First. 1
lal:.e it that:L'i!ln cmplO)'ce or Oa,,'\On, 311d 3S 0 11\.:111 1/)·jng
10 d o his jah. YO\l do ",1,31 ytl U cnn 10 rMJl-C\:1 Ihe tools 3nd I ~I ~ Bi~tn 10 )'tIU by YOY' cmplO)'cr 10 lise?
A. ! do.
Q. And when tllGr gJ\~ )'ou Iltil Snuie ;n a bo~ and ~3jd. in
nJ,e1ltc. I!~a' il ' ilre )'OU ,..w !d!l watch , and be. carc,flll ,..ilh
ii, you r" P«'Icd their d~s;rc?
A. No. Ih~)' didn' t c iw i, 10 me ill 3 box.
Q . It "'a~ a'r(llt!l· on the un it?
A• .'0<0. it waIn'!.
Q. How did you gel tlti. Il'au£~?
A. ! ~ ",!PI ~'ou :uc !C1I;ng al. "Ilrc pusc: W3~ not in a be).
It was OOt a ne ...· saUgJ: . It J\;; bI....·n (:Il ihr:tlCd ",1...,11 , g01
Q. Ho ...· do you t"al1
A. ! look the mnn's " 'o(d for it. A!!d he d.,...,,·, !;~ .

Q. Did you c.\c!Cise tIle cnut ion and c~re 1"31 rOllf c mplO},<lr
lold you tD use w ..-ard Ihe (!311&c~
,\ . No.
Sl_1 t S1.0'

Q. You did OOI?

A. No,
COMMENT: Rulilinll that th e ""\1IeU mll~t lIO!Vt misUOOlLostood the:
q~~'iOtl. ~cullSel persiils in <:Ta.ilyillll ,\ ulllil II. cblilillli a !MI1is.faclo-
ry MI...!!,.
Q. You ,iolalcd in inilructioM1
A, Well . J "'on', sa)' ~,·iot'I1C'd .w '"'" man p ili, W
Il ke nfe of
Q. Did rOil do IhJ I~
,\. Somelillli::S Iliid. ~"'tlimtii I didn'!. Som~iimC$ 1 k.:ft it on
Ihe unil, s.omClimn I ,",'QUId pu t it in the Ixu.
Q. Let me ;u.k )'o u Ihis. You b;a,'c dc.c,ibcd tile "~y yOlO w..:d
lht g:>uge . •\ . I IlnokrSland il. )'011 us~... ; • ..-illl;1I ' lit
('I1e$UfC r;InGCi \1\ 3\ "'en; i pdi(':ll~d'l
,\ . 1 used it rrom uro \0 20,000 pournls.
Q . T1I3I "'':IS your und~U13ndill£ of how Ihal plllSC rould ~
u~. lnd ~'Oll us.:d il Lhll W3)':
,\ . Th3\'$ riShI.
Q. Did yo P ab\l!>C Iht g;lutt in lOY ",a~<'/
,\ . I never a!Ju$l: equipment I hJ" ~ 10 WOfJ,:: wil l!.

Q. So ..-h31 ~ou are l:Ui", us is )'011 uS<'tl this puge in lhe "'':I)'
11111 ;1 IlIppot<."!Ilo be u ~ d, and d id not ~lIu 5e the gautc~
Ju~t ~5 you did 110\ ab\.lsc othe , CQ1Jil'm(nl I"~I "'" giwlI
10 )'OU to use?
A. Ri)ht.
Q. You u~ (';'1'( 1O"'3fUS this i\311j;C.. j ust ~5 )'0\.1 ",culd
\c..·.ud5 Ihe lool~ 311d OI lier equipmelll 111"'1 Da"'SOll psc
)'Ou 10 use1
,\, Th:tt's ,ip.1.
~ 51.D1 C~ at OiL 111<1 Wal (' U t.,C.\.Slltc :'Ited~

Q, NO\O' ;1S I untlcrII:md il. ),our r,'roIlt«:tion i~

11\.3\ you h.:Id
"",d I"~ p uge ~ ..... had used ;t on 1111$ unit (or som e
mlJll iM befor.: IXC(fllb.:r of 19 , • • i. III~ I corr ..'<CI?
A. V.os ,
<t• • •".,
I 5~07

Q. No..., .. ~w )'0\1 dcscribc:d fOf us pn;ny mueh l h~ U~ h)

whidl )'OU put Ih~ ~allf~1 M [ u nder~131\d i l. roo !'1il1 IOU
ran some nilrnscn 1~~I~ on il ~nd SOIllC hyd rlllilk 10m with
wate r o n it. Yo u r:tn wille on's,hclnl, And Wh~fC )'0\1 u!.I.'I11I
o ffshore )'011 Ui<:(\ ..·.lter and S(llubk oil?
,\ , The jc>b off,hote for G II, her Oil ...;,~ :I ni " Oilen j ob too.
Q. So III~ on l~' Ihin~ \hn l you used ;1 wilh. andlhc only thin ~!
Ihal )'OU have ~n)' kncwkdge alKlul, are l,illOte n nml ...."Hut
nli_.~d wilh w lubk oil . the W:ly tpat ~·ou W<:f~ irm ruel~'d W
USc the s:JuJ,'C7
A. Well. I was nol instructed 10 UIC th~ gause ju~1 with a")'
ccn3in fluid.
Q. I understand th'lI, Rut you uS(d it in the "'a)" 11.31 )'o u
u nller.tood?
A. I " sed il wilh ....-mer. wilh wmef ;uld wln blc uil.
Q. And thll wn~one ur Ihe things: Ihal )'011 underslood you
collid u.c wilh il7
, \. Y~'"$,

Q. You .... ere 10111 wha t proportion or oil 10 USC wilh waler?
A. YL'&.
Q. And you followed thme iru.lfuc'ion~?
A. l"o.
COMMENT: One 01 Inc pt~inlirr~ eonlention~ was th at uscrs 01 the
!!.lUBe h~D not tlcen walneO a bout the d~I'I!er 01 u!.ina it with w~ tcr
~s a proUI"e medium. Showing Ih~t too wiMen dl ~ nOI follow In·
s\lud io", eoncerni"llilte U:le 01 p'~~Ufe media sl.tnglhr!l1s Ihc fm·
poIk~lion l!\at .uch inst .uctions D' w,lInings WCIC ""I v.'crded ,l lonll11
en<:lugh ,
Q. You did mM. Wh~t would you du, mix in Illure oil?
A. RiShl.
Q. You u~c<J mOre oil than i)av.'50 n would imJi~~lc1
A. Daw~o n didn't hl"C :mythlns In do wilh indk:lling iI, Th~
ml n !,;lid il "'a~ IIIJlpOscd to be mixed lI1 a}'he fi,'c to onc.
Q. A.I right. And )"011 did tb:1I1
A. Rir,hl.
"" '"''


Q. Then 1111\ gauge .....JS UKd "; llIill Iht ('!'\"MU re rn"!;<.~ Illal
)'011 h~ "e 'ndi.;lIcd, 1113\ is ""Ihi .. lhe acc.:plabk: U~ of 'he
gallg<:. a nd "il11 the leslins mcdi~ nitrogeu ~nd w:llcr lind
soI\lh!~ oil?
,\, Ri~l.

§ S2.OM C~,,~~ NO! t.'s.'" on ~:.~r)· Joh

Q. I\,,! undcl'1t3nd il )011 used Ihis &o1!lge (e>r wm c month,.
Do )'(IU haw any i<l(,3 of Ihe numhe!' of jaM ~'ou USN il
.\ , Tha l's hard 10 :I:1y. You would h~,'c 10 !lO b"ck thro ugh Ille
Q. When ~'OtI would l:lke tllis unil 0 111. somtl'T\1~ you
IHlu!dn '[ nCl'\:M3r1I)' u,e Ille pu", you had o n Ih,.·u fe r
( ( r\3;11 IX'Opk 11l~1 .,..~'" ,.~. r:!rI, cular? You would PUI Ihe
sp 3.e G'l u£c {)fl 3nd u.e h. ;J 11131 ro!T«'l~
,\ , If l lholl&hl Pboul '1.
Con.solida!o:d ...,. on"}tl1J had I'> hoW
II . hirty,s.c.:ond t~ t ror. Ir )·ou put n l1eW g.:IlI'" up lhere.
the n Ihe engineer j llSI t n"",,, " 'hat ~ ha$ cal o n his pJ(le1'.
:... d ,,·hot,
he 5o.'t:s in f.Ottt o ( hil\l.
Q, So Ott some jobs ) '011 would dnngc the pug..'7
A. Richl,
Q. rill Ihe sp,l.C g:!ugc un ~n<.l t.L'<' il rot " I~I'!
,\ . ) \'$.

Q. '1'1"' 11 l\p.dle,s of tllc period or lime Ib,11 Ihis g:lU£C W,U 011
l'au~ unil. it "'un', c"cn u~1I o n c"cry job YUtI Wt nt OUI
e n?
A, .... l3n. I <.":1n't !ii i !Icrc ~nd SoW -ye..... Lcau·,. Ir J ('IJuLd say
it was u!>I:d Oil c.'t ry job I oould Id! )'all ~" cr)' i<>ll 1 run.
Q. I:lm jU~1 II')'i n& 10 JW1 seme idt3 "r lhe u~c 10 "'hiel1 I~C
g311&; w:t~ PUI. Alld. ;oS ! undtnlJnd ;1, you "mild
;nt",rch:1 Il£.., Ihe gaufcs [rO ln 1;1ll\: 10 time?
A. \'~'S. h UI "try (e"'I;nll.'S. Mosll)' an!y al! Co n ~d idatcd jam.

Q, A.~ I IInw.'fSland il. III.., Imub!c 111:11 )'nll had wilh Ih,s IN:W
II n;1 was thai yOLl could not teL il 10 gi\l.' §\IO"ldcni
ptnsurc, is 111:11 riChl?
,\, YOIl tollki SCI IhI: prnsur", bul i, wooldn', pllnlp ri&lll ,
Q, You hJd ~ hJrd lill1e g(uing il lip 10 CJpacit ),?
A, To plllllJ) i'i fill! C~IIJcily, Ir )'ou "';I~ goi nll lo run 15,000
pOll'''!s.. YOIl (Ou ld !lC'! I HIOO pOunds, SQl il "'ould I(lke
mayb.: len or finc~n seconds l o nll~ ',
Q. ,\11 r'GlI1,
A . You didn 'l hl"C ~n)' trouble ",'hJI$O('\'cr !lC'!1;1\l: ~'Ollr
IIreJSUre "'illl it

§ S2.(19 Indus'!}' CUlom 10 [J,,'e S.rCl)· o..... lcu lin Gul/l:t'<

Q, Wcn: you fumiliar "'ith Ih~ filel Ihat Lllcli/: ~'1I1l"li YOIl ",'(1"e
usin&-Lh~ heliroid pugn--"~ }'Oll ramililr wilh .he
faCI thaI Ih~y d id ru.w. on Ilk b3d of them whal is C"Jl!e d
a Mb!owo ut di"",
A. I kn~w Ihe)' hild 1"'0 holes..
Q. Whal i. a hlO"0II1 d isc?
A. In C:I$C th e ga us e hlo " ~ up it i~ ! upposed ' 011" 10 I h~
Q. Ii is a .:arcl)' ok,ice1
,\ . Yes.
Q. Did yo u kf\OW lhal these P lls<.... " ;"'~ cq uillJXd IO.;lh ~ Iem
'Iml ..JS su pposed to be 3. SJfcty dc\"iC'C. In pr~"cnt injury
if lite)· oJid bin ... upl
A. T il e glas. O"~r Ih~ gllugc "'3~ J I)clicw. plc~ iCIa",.
Q. Ynu ' undCr.ilonding WJ S tllalltlcrc ""a~ WOIC kind of$,l fctr
d C\' ia:: o n .oo pUI;!: \0 pn:~cnt injul'}". som" thing OIlier lhan
J;la ~5?
A. Yes.
Ii SUG SIIrel )' [k>m Illd Not WMI<
COMMENT: COU...w! nOW u~ Ihr ""toess 10 obi_ill Ctuelal le$!ima.
ny a~ 10 Inc m3!\Me r ill willeh the gaug" CJ<~ed.
Q. Wen: you nctua!!y nlU there wlli!n 111m g:lU{:C IlIc,,", liP ~ 1l!J
pUI Mr. Hu~~" s I:)'e oot1
,\ . Y~5. I w,u,
S2_ l! J 51.11

Q. TI", u plOsiOl1 - wl>cll il hie'" up.-did not 1:0 OUI the ba~ ~
or the PU\;C Ibf"Oll&b I t.,: blo....out plugs. d id jl1
.\. No. it didll'I,
Q. II " 'CIII """tlhe fronl or the gau ge. did,,'\ il?
i\ . Yes. sir.
Q. And tlte 5O-C3!!~d ple~jgl3ss. o r pIUI;C, .b.:I1~",d in mu~h
Ihe way Ih al BI~ ~1 ... lteTS. didn't ;11
.-\. Yel.
Mil. PUll U[: I bclic"c Ihat i~ all. I'a~~ the wilnell .
COMMEN T: The jury ullimatdyl!.und th.llille g~ugoo wu ""'~IW'"
ably dangcr~ ,irn:c it ... as r>Q\ eq uipPed ... ;11\ ce rtain safely d",""c~ .
Evtfl thQugh !~ .".it~ lutifil!d tJ>.! he beJ~ ~ did ~-.e sud!
de_ices. nls tnlimOl"l)" here llIoW$ Ihal I ~ey t~<1ainly" did nOl wo~ as
tll ey ~lefe S\l~e-a 10.


...... ~. ,
· ,--- ,


Defendant Bar Owner-Knowledge of Other

Violent Incidcnts-Assnult Case
Ct •." K'a'Mlnullull
1» ' lID"",. U. W~U;..~


§ ~,.. FI ... 5«1;"" or 111..<, "'........d ..

t ~'.Ol E."""",·.r (>1".. I',"~I"~ 1.,",.11.
IllJIl I'.... U... ,'· With .... ,,, ,,,_t io S!,«If"., . """.., ....
§ 5U~ 11""",,·,-, Iloli" . ... ("...,,,,."'ioo
I ~~.()l; It.""•• 1:", ..1..,"," ( :" ",,,t.I.~ II",,,,,,,,, Com!''''''''''
S,,""ml'.l· vf /fllX<r "',,'/S ,m.! III/fix/ur/Of)' /I"II/IITh"
Thi~ CI!oC i n"oh'c~;t fo#11 at a b,,, during which (h~ pillin.iffwas
Ilcld down bl' .wo h.1r emp loyees Jlld bealeo by :\ bmme",. ·Jhc d~'"
fen .... n . b.1r 0"''''''
claimed 1!I,1l Ihe bouncer was nCli nc lx!l'pnd II, e
scope of h i~ cmpi-c)'lIl1:nl by b""I,ng ' hi; pl~ inli rr. The ••lai ol ;(rs at-
IOm ~ )' u§(;!, o .her inSlnocc-s o r \'iolcllcc:(1 .he bJ ' 10 imp,), Ih~1 il
"'as Ihe lIolie)" o r Ih~ defe ndan' 10 condone i>e:l.i n& , C)\O"d)· [05101'' '-
CI'1. or Iho . at lea!, .he dc rcntl~11l ~IICW o r , llOul tlll",'e knowl1 Ih~1

- 11«11<1. 11. Walli, '""d,~,1 ni, 1<p1 ,,',co.ioo.>t In, ' : n,,,,,,i l), 01110",1,,"
I).". 1'J1 I). wh... br .. ." ~"i,'''' . dilOl.4 11 .., lin"""" 1.... ,-1/"''''''
II. I, .
,."nl'. " of Ih , 11...."0 0 ~"" A'~"""~"', tl' " SI, '< II., "r,'<.'""
dl" ,1"'''';'lIiOll
of Triol I""),,, ur .\",,,k•. litO -r",.
(,~~ 11;'1 '_''''1'''''
.\""",01;"". and ,nc
"r""" II., I'o"~"'ti"". ".<1 u <'n ,'"Ii''''<' ",or""" " II..., C"I1 ,~' or t.w. •t"
llni".,.j,y or H""'lon " ~7~ . H~ .'h. II'nllh.. ~ho .. 1lIw<l C.,,'fi«l in (" il T.i-
., l:I..- lr,- t~C T.,., lkIo,d ,,1 1.q;>I S,,,,,,,'i ',1IIon . nd i. (:,."i r,O<I x. "e,,'it Tri,1
,\0".... « b)' .,,,, NOIie", 1 110,,,1 orTti"' ,\d""'><~ ...n<I" " ;n Ih. li"n 0/ ""m,
.I. "-«"ft. i" lIou" .... ·k ",.,
Ttl< "'me' or , 11 ",,,i,,, wi,,,,,,,,... ,",I uP""""" .",, ~ ..I I.." , bcao ....".,.,1.
•• ....,. "1"" ,~, 19 10f '"""'-"- ' ","n,"~)' I",,,, ,hi, ...'"
5) · 1
hio empl<!y.,... wen: ""ali ns C1Ildunicrs, ~ml fn;kd to ln~C adl.'q~~ IC
,teflS to con tru!!I, !.' Cn1 fl!oyceS.
,\I!hou\:h Ih. vlai nl irr rrt(lI'C'c'tl c;olllpl\:lciy from Ihe hcatin~
10SI no lime from Wal k. :lnd in~u rred mc:dkal npcnS6 .... f k:-l.s ,1I.1n
520. Ihis c\'idcn~ of utner aU;J llln by ba r ~m plo)·c.5 allowcd him
IU ont ain n mi1stanlinl \'cr~lct . including urt unl d am~!W', p unilive
dam;lF,C I, and prcjud&m cnl im cI'I.-st,
In Ih~ (ollowinS 1;<01' euminalion rounkl c:\plor~1 thc>c indo
denIO wlllt the tlef,ndant bu o wne r mILl dc mon ~trnlC' Ihnt th~
own"r"~ knowledge of tlte incid cnls shou ld Itave c;lI, S(.·d him to w~~
measu res 10 rofllrol h i~ clllp lo)'ec~' " iolc m ""hil,· iur.

§ 53.01 Final S.~lnn nf Dirct! E~~min"tllJ"

Q. Wou ld il be ~:tf. to sa)' Ih'l il \\'a l Ihe roli~)' II I' Time Ou1
Club and Bard Roc~, Inc. Ihal u nder I'in uaily no
circu m'tan e~"" wen.: you . ~mployefi, lncludin~ JuoC 1)~ n11e)',
10 "ng.'1g~ in ph}'s icJI "ic lonee in rC5 lrninin~ n patron ?
A. This w~ s II".· policy o( Il'e dub. ~'t$. si r.
Q. If in r:h.'1 3 ('I3lron h«otn<.-~ 1>0 unruly ~5 10' II<,-ro Ilh~'~ica!
r~')Ir:lin! wh~ 1
...."'5 rCijui'o d :'1 !l1~1 poinl?
A. To orcler the police \0 u s~ e'lu,l (.)rc" 10 C$(Ort tho l'cr~ n
ool5i,k Ihe club.
Q. And ir il ..... 3. retju in:.l In call Ihe p<I]icc e lTi eers I h~1 "'a~
;"'nilahlc a~ we ll ?
,\. V~5. sir,
MR . WEISS: Thank you. Mr, Ilocl.

§ 53.02 E~ i,tc'''''' uf Other E '~ndiw C 1~1In"i ls

COMMENT: Ce uns" 1 imml!-d~l e-Iv mcrv~s lC ocnlrilaicl lhe witncn'

""l)ue n~'tion tllat he waS ac:8jn~1 Ihe USc cl loree bV $hO'... i,,£ II>C
e-';s!ence of Ott.el s lm;l ~r laWSUIts. PriOI l~wSu;ts or Othfl( incidents
ara admis;;ble Dnl~ upon proa l tha t th ey we, ~ similM, NeverU,cl eS5 .
for cross eMlmin ation pur~scs in this C,1I0 tile q~stions werC pet·
miltl'<l c", n Ihough exn ins;c evicj ~ rw:e WJS nOI aOmiUDd. The Wllnen
himself alabiished Ihal the ,ncidents oceullcd by agreeing with·s reading questions.
Q. Mr. Wci ~~ \\,:1\ a'kin~ you Mlmcthin &~h"'l! ~nm h e r law sfli\
ill wh ich M •. C ro nin ,,·a~ inv" h·cd. In f~CI rhe'" ' lie ""'CII

lawsuits pendillg ,lgJinst Ibrd Rock for people being

beaten up there, aren't tliere, Olher than this one'!
,t, I don't know if it'~ seven. I know there's a few.
Q. You know it's more than five'!
A. I know two or three were settled out of court.
Q. Well, l"m talking about lawsuit, that me currently pending.
Do you know about Mr. Bector Burger's law~uil?
MR Wrll<'H:It< (l:<TEHRUI'TI~(]): I'm going to object to an), te~ti­
mony or reference to othcr law~uits. N~lmber one. they arc ir-
rclc"ant to the incident involved in Ihis case. antl number two.
tlie)-' are improper becamc of an)' lack of similarity.
May we approach the Il~nch on this point, judge'!
(Discu,sion oIT the n..cord b~tween coun~cI ,md the Court)
THE COUIll: Objection will be o,·crruled.

Q. Mr. Hector Burger on December 10th. 19 ..• are you

familiar with tllat one?
A. I"m not fnmiliar with it. but
Q. (Interrupting) Kendra Boult.
A. Yes, I'm fallti\i~r with that.
COMMENT: Counsel wants to overwhelm the jury with the numt>er
of lilwsuit5 t>efnrc goinB into their ""t~il •• and therefore m"ke! tile
witne •• acknowledge the existence of each without ~lIowing I'im to
explain tlwm.
Q. Ilruec Grc~n?

,\. ['m not familiur with Ihm cithcr.

Q. Steve Newton.
,\. [beliC\'c that onc was ~ClIlcd out or COUM.

Q. Rand~ll Legrangc. June 5th, 19 ••

,\. I heard about thnt One.
Q. Mark and Brenda Norton.
,\. Yes. This I know.
Q. Do)'ou remember answering interrogatories in this ca~c
whore you told uS about ,til those lawsuits'!
.\. Yes. sir.
§ 9JU

§ Sl.oJ fuuH:uIt)· Wllh ~~d 1 ~'·6 1.urwnt In Spccirl(' InfidolalS

Q. All , 1&111, Mr, Ilod:, Ihe rock "nd roll forma! of Timt Om
>I~"cd in M~ )~
,\ , May of'" . ~'el., . ir.
0, Time Oul opened in Jlllle of 19" {indicati ng 0"
bbe\;bo;udl, Kendra BOllI! wa. ~ie~.-d d",,'n a m&hl of
'I ~i rs and "'tnt 10 Ihe hOSpi ",., Dld )' 0 11 "'i .....$ .hat ""CII'?
A, No, 1 did 00\ .... ilncj~ Ihal event,
Q, I)id yo u g(I 10 Ihc ho.pi!11 lo~ ..... h31 h~w,mtd 10 Kend.u
,\ , !\o. I d id nOI &0 10 Ihe IIo$pilaL
Q, YOII l!ave ~en Pbou>t:rofl"" ha "e >'0\1 nOl. of wh~1
113~ned 10 K~'lltlr~ 110,,11'
A, No. r .lid nOi ••," any phOlOj;fapll$. I ~.,.,.., Illt re', U la...·wil
bill I . ..
Q. tlnlcrruplins) Try 10 jusl an ...... c. m!' qllt.l1;DfII, ~I,. li otk
To Ihis t1:!lc ~'OU h3von'l se.::n any pholO\!,r:Jphs of Kemlra
A, :-':0. Onl>' photoW31'la I saw h Ihis S"nllc man he.",
COMMUiT: The ...,tl\e',4' I,.k 01 fami!iafit~ with 100 VlCler\! ir>cidents
,n his b" and Ihe condjlion cllhc l'J'fOl \i 'njured In Ihem mokts Mil
seem cold ami une3rmf,
Q. \V~". yOIl .\.3 ...... he phO!ogt~phs of th~ " ('r(o n ~7
A. Ye~.l'm SOfT}'. That's the I:I.dy IMI !;III hor nO\C b(o/..ell in
Ti '"e au' durins 'h~ Itiallhl( ~'ou ll!d ! wen: i T\,'ol\' ~d i1\'!
Yel. I 5<1 ..... b~1 under lhe dtJl(l1ilion.
Q, :-low, on Occ"",\w:r 51h. 19" , Sl""'~ N~"'Io" \\'a~ a\.5.auU~ll
in Time Out and senl 10 lhe hospil~1. ,\rr ~'Otl a....':lf" tlr

,\ , I .... as ~"'~re Ihal be had" S<"\llemenl. Th~1 is aU. Th is is, . .

Q, [lmcl'IUllli n.g) I'm nm rone~rn..-d whal h;tpp~n ..-d
10 his
t~ws~i1. I'm (,)';n8 ,,, :"l lOU ~brn.l 1 wh ~1 h~pl7c n.-.l l0 hinl
ill your club . 0 1) ),OU .cmeml..,r 1h.1. h,' ~Ol '>Cn! 10 Ih~
hospil~l f.un, YOIIT dub?
A, ! do n', how pe!>OII:IlIy Ihat he ,,~~ senl 10 the hospi '~1.
Q. Did you inW!.Ii£l'llc IOC (lcuLl illcidl'1l t person:l!I~. glJ OUI
and lal~ 10 rrorie. lin d OUI ..... ha! Iwp(\Clled?
.\. yc~. I cJicJ.

Q. Who cJ icJ yo" l al~ IO?

II. r lalhd 10 Ibe pol ice office.s. 'n the doorman. 10 OoorllIcn.
~nd to the b~ "cmk ",.

Q. On YOII IImJQrSl.1lld lha l Kcnd .~ lIouh uid ,h~ h:al some

ki nd of ~n U5.~ult "''',h a )X'lin: offiCl:r1
.... I kIlO"" Ih;u Ke ndra Boult and her f.k nds ".-m: i n ~oh'C<i in
thai fi£ht . Ther \'OCIC all h.:mdt'Uf'rcd and IhC1t ""lc;I~ 'at~r
by police offi...,n on tilll)' 11m night.
Q. Did r Oil e,·c. co Stt Ken d... BOllI, and look a nd a~k wl.,.,
happened 10 h~r and s•..: her " hOlOgr:lph(l
A. "'0. I did "', SI.'e ~ny of h~r r/lOl ographs.
Q. Ii .... oulcJn·' bll pI~a!iinl! 10 you or a pn'; ~c ofIker kiehd a
liule t;. 1 dO'A'n ~ n;~hl or ~'3;fS;U you r rian'. " 'o uld il?
COM MEliT: Use 01 lefms ljke 'kK~fd de-.,,·
a nd ·!ittlt Ci,t" milkc
tl\fc 'IU<:'illo" iIS t"o'OCiII;W! 01 i~mpathy fill the gtll. and iIS cao<ltmna·
lary of Ihe bar. a~ pOssibk>. Tllf'" U n be rnl e'CII S ~ I()f' 'kickll1g ' "
",il\le &,11 ~Wf1 a Ilight 01 ~1~;1S. '
.... I don't lik~ to set: 3l1yb<ldr kici;nt d()\lo"Q Ihl: slain,

Q. !'II<)W, :>i0t'l1l 3.!l JIM' Dan lky " "'S bi ...>d in 1>1:1}' of' ... ri&h!?
,\. Yes.
Q. And h~ "";I~ Ille hc~d dOOTlI1ln. riSh!'!
,\ , Yes, sir.
Q. lie hi .~d Ooormc n u ndern ..':!tb him?
,\. Alld doorme n. Y<'li. ~i f .

Q. Frum th.: clllb '~ 5lru,dpoilll he ,,'ilS in dloa"Vl of = uril}1

, \. ~'('j. I'~ wa ••

Q. On Ihe 2(;lh a nd 27 th Grt'!lM)' Singer ~I m'at up a nd scm

10 Ihe h(l5pil ~ l. Art }'Oll {amil;;,r "'ith IhJI?
,\ . It "":1,
aftcr I we nl 10 Ihe dc~itfon.
I ..... ' .. '.

~ SJ.lS j 3_6

Q. Wilen you gilt a del""i\i!)1\ I ~ that th. fi rS! time yo u u .....

... h~ t IlopJlCncd to Grego ry Sl n~r1
A. Y=s, sir.
Q. Nci th~r Kondra Boult. Stc,'e NeWlon. or Gregory Sinser
saill n POlice uffitcr did :In)·lhinS. They all said thc)" were
btalcn up b~ fioo rm cn :tnd UOO frnCII. Now, Dam lC)' ""35 in
. 103rt:(: of Ih~ Iloormen 300 lloo",.ell for Ihis cnlire: ""rioo,)
of Lime. is thai r:orrm?
A. Th ~\ ', correct
COMMENT; C<t u nsc" ~ ~tatem e nt thaI "Ihty 81\ u id Ihey were beal·
en up bY floorm~n· is proba blt imperml~5i~le. since it is not ~ qua!·
lien Ie lhe witness but an asserti on c f f~et b~ the attorne~. AI times
the opponent wilt rCa.on that an objection witl calISe more h ~ "" u, ~ n
~o:xl. cvan If i usluined. arK! tile questioning ~ ttorney shOlJld have a
fee l fOf whe n 11\;11 ~ tile case.
Q. Ilow much diu hi: gel paid?
A. AI lhe lin.e: Joe D:mllty ""'IS ma~int. I belie-1:. S•...•.••.
an hour.
Q. 1-10w much wcre you PJ)"ing Ihe cxtl"3-d uty police offi~crs
wh o " 'ere working ~t the duh?
,\. Tile police oniccrs. the;- c~ m ~ in latc. from !D:OO 10 2: ~O
in th~ marnins. and thc)" nl noc about S..... .... .
[.-rlluldcmbly high.·, IlIml Ih ., j/1I/lT"lIm I ~n huur.
Q. $(I Mr. O:tmlo:y ml~ cll~a~ r 11,an I h~ e~lr..-IIIIIY pc lice
,\ . T llaf s II"\1C.
MR. W" l!J.\: ra~~ III~ ,,·i\llcl~.

COMMENT: Counsel l,a ~ coow hi l eXJ min.1 lien a l a pOint

\"I1, cl e 100 Jury knows the key f:.cIS: tl,e dcfcndanl"s bar !tad ~ very
bad hist()/'/ of be~tings by the !lOCI/men, Md thQ !ioormcn wCrC p~ld
le.~ than the edr~·duty p.olice gfficers . If the b~r owner wa~n 't so
ch eap . it is lm pt~d, tne ~atinel wc uld not "MC occurred .

§ 53.OS Rf<"f11H £~:"ni lllliion Con<"CfJllI$: Il<m>tt,'s C" .. ,..ltllN

COMMENT: On , edi,ed eloiImina6011 lhe dfr.,rn;e implied that tho
bauna!< W;)$ nOI act'ng mod", the authority of !he boIr whert ho be~ l
lho.- plaintiff, ~1l(I inOOed did so ~ntl ~1 1to $~ifit dill~d, ons. Pl.:Jln·
tiffs tOlJ n$()l immedi" lely Ic rulc$ 111"1 conlen~Of1 .

Q, W~S Mr, DanLlc}' ~ mlminc~

,\ , I oon' l th inl; so.
Q, You .... ou\dn·' h:1VC hir~d a mani ac ~nd PUI him in ~har...~
o f your s«uril}', \Voold you?
,\. No. r woullln'l 'ta,·c.
COMMENT: CQ.Un.~1 ~el' right te the hea,t ~I tlte attock Gf1 ,ce ro •• :
lIle w..
hi, e(,l thi:> man Md le'pOI1$ible fOf pull ing him In hi. po.
\.ilion aM w.Hed unl il :ll1e. all Iht be.litl£$ \0 say Ihal he "J~ acting
contrary to o,de ,s.
Q, And Mr. D:ml k)' "';150 cmp\o~,... fur sc,'cn lIIo nth.l. how
many nis"" ~ "\'1:1: prio r lu ~,"bef 261h1
A. Fiw and , ix nigh!! a wc~k.

Q. Hc h~lI to dc':l1 ";Ih ~ilU.~lion~ Ih~1 ~'ou" 'c """n talkine

a\m 'll " 'itll Mr. Weiss pfoh:tbly ~y~ry niEln?
A. Yc •.•if.
Q. l'h.~L ... :os hi. j.Jb for ~·ou , ofl~,m io,,?
A. That ".' hi~ jnb.
Q . If he had bttn the kind of jll:unn III ., "'o uld II)' orf Ih"
handle and 00 thingg thaI ~'uu didn', WJtlt , )'0 11 ",!)uld hav~
gO llen rid of hi m a lo ng ti me heforc Dccombcr 26'!
,\, That', 1m.:.
,\ I K. WAlU~: That' s un I ha"~. Pa,~ th~ wilnC$!.
COMMENT: Jur0<5 adhere .tro f'llll~ to Ihe mo,i m I~~ l actiOf1 i spea~
louder Illan wortls. Til, bouncer h~tI werk<'d in llIe bar for monlh~.
"nd tha owner w"s ptcsumed to know h,! i)eh<\vlo< byll'a l point II
)' e didn 't coneQrKl it , Iho employoe woul d h~ve b ~o n fired, Tli is ix'at·
inll "'u not ~ n isol,t<'d be~l jne: by "n ~lIant employee but Of1C of •
tine of "";o""JlSinftic le-d by t he bouncer with Ihc own~r's implicit pet·
mi n;"' ", n,U!, Ihe jU10lS hctd Ihe ba r liable,

CH,WTlm 54

Adverse Witness-Negligent Fai lure to Assist

Cr<M E"I"in:lliO"
~) JOI/ II. T",,~~m'


t ""JII l'io;l J,~"I"n 0' Ili,," t:"",,,,," I""

f "".I! '· r~ .1 1'0101 ... f'iI" (·<>III.i ..
'5-.l.O..\ IIIi... C..ld ..... '1'. ....... in", ""~ i",, , ....
i '~ . 001 1),/0-.. C~.101 11o, . 1'.. 00< lI.n .. ,..,.
i ,",.Il!' 1",.,m",I• • ofT""~

§ ""... """"''''''' IMk"...

§ ~U1 11,10" I~ 10 S""" WII... I ~, s .~ III , ·I.... ~
~ 5-I.OS 0' lbJio CoeIoI It... Ik<oI U....
§ '"'.~ S""'oq,.., 11,.,,;11," M .~,...."

f 5-4.111 C_I»O"l' II ,,,", ~,"""l,..! [}ri .... 10 SI.p

4 SUI I .. ~ ~o<oj 0.1>.... So ...
§ "" .12 ('0_'" .\1 . ... I",,;.. .\ ... 1..... ~ ...... "_II..
S Ij/>mWI)' "I/Jnlic Pm'l! m,d 1I'lrud'f(·',,,.,· R"ltlr,rI;.•
The pl~ i111iff.:\ low "'~j;C t;'rlli ~g M~~it;3 n labt)re . , ... ~£ d.i,·inG
down nn inlCriia tc highwa)" one morn in& "'ht n ht.' dTO~<: hi. l'"Jr
into ' lrt IC~f (nd of an ei8hl~cll-whccl Irtl~~ ",1n oll'fled 11Y Illt.' <It.'-
fcndlfll CIlrpO'Jlio~ . 'n,;s ...-olli~i!)" "'J~ tkall ~ Ihe (:1lI11 ()f Ihe

.,.... It. 'r Ofl>hill ,« <;,cl ~" 1>7,.11 «l ~<"w'" . , Ih" \\'»h in,\I"n C"II'l " " f
1.->"'. ,\ m,- ,i<:,,, LJn;,,,,ily. \\-"",inl-'on. I).C. ,\ "'.m!>.., of lit. 1 ....... he Ito,.
~I .w.-n i" tlto lif", ~f T,)", ~,II, U'k. 1.""<1,,
j, ,,.,".:II', I" ) "1'< r o,,~ II"",·
",orll . To.,•.
n... """.. "f.1( r""'" ~-;I"""" ;,od ol'fl'>'ins '~'8"'1 11:>" 1><," <fun(>-">!.
5 ~ -1

§ SoU r

"'ho bad ~ blood ..Jrojlol Itvd or . 1"8'!io. lIowe~cr. Ibe
uud dri ,-e did nol 'lOP 10 hc:lp Ihe flbimiffs di~l~cd ,·ehk!c.
bUI i"'I~~u proceeded IIp(1ro~i n'llrel)' ~or.I)"aM dO"' n Ihe his:h"''ll}".
Mlel bring ~n b}' :O Indy M a 11U"; ' 101'. h~ c!l-cl,"'(! 10 Cr<~ o~c r
;1110 rhe tOld ; stop.

An .... Ih~ It.. ck dri\'ct ' J "ch id" ld t the S<:1:n e of lite :lCt"ido:nl I""
piJinri ff a nd ~nnlh er m3 n lricd 10 p II \h Ihc plainr irr5 dis:lbled ,'c-
hide offlllc highVlay.,\t 111:11 lime. lIn Olhu "cb id c ""me dO\lo'n Ihe:
hi!,:h"'ay a nd <T;Ishcd into rhe IWO. caus ing rhe 311Ifl,,(:uion of h01h
o f lhe pbi ntift', I~ The pb i1llirr J~d o n Lb<: boI$i. Ihal rhe Int<:J
dri ver wn~ req uircd (0 hJ"c f!~n."S in hi, 1rucl1 and \0 n:1III~r :w..i,·
1~1In al th e Kc no: o f a n JlXident. III: a 'Clled Ihal hold Ih" Irvck
d . h ·cr ~Ioppcd i!llllIWi3I~ ly OIl Ihe scene and PUI 0 111 nll n:s Ihe lie·
cidnl.l "1III1d nOI h:"'e hllppc:ncd .
Since Ihe pbinliffs Iheo r)' ,",015 On Ihe IIVek dri,..,r"s f3i1.
ure Ie a51 i!>l h im. Ihe foUowil\i CTQ!.' ""a m in:l.Iion " ":Ii crv(i ~' !II
p ro" ins hi, ~\C. hi ii, toIIn~ d~ monnr:l\e~ Ih~t Ih t dri'..: r r~ll ..
i~ II.: h::id a ll obiigotlioll (0 :tS~ ~t Lb<: pI~i nt; rr. "Tlluu.-)! Ih" " i tO<'!Ii
is both ol>!>lin3l<: lin d unmopcr.'l ti \'e. he iJ bo.~cd iOlo 1. ctl ml:T a nd
fOICfil 10 :lCkno" 'kdSt' thl! h .... COIl!d Ill,..: SI O/IpW 10 hdp bUI
d ian) th in\; to do ~O. ~" cn Ih o ll~h lime law and the d~fen<ll nt"S
COInp;,oy policy f'C'IIuin:d it. WbClI alkrd <In CTOY..' ~"",in"Ui<ln i f
h~ """l5n'l b>QillB 10 l llll' .<'ll .... n he . e:lliud thai rlt.; /;(U)' a l the \I'll .... \;
<\ cp !hlW m ill .. he rcpli('l., -Wclt I " .. , \:O;n!; 10 $101', , gll~"'.-
o.."Spile the TCPI1.rbbk di fficullies posed by tLte pla inli rr~ theo-
ry of liabi lity Ihe jury awa.ded him J Iubstnlliia l "f rdie! ";Ih no
reduction fo r ronlributorli negli~"ce.

§ ~ .Ol ~in.1 POI1 ;1I11 of Di,~, i:;sam;nlli .."

Q. Do ~IlU h::i \'c any <.:11;"",1" of bo .... lollS i, W:U bct" WlI the
fiN! impJ<I and wilen yo u think ~'ou hc,"d Ihe l e<'Ond
im I'Jt1~
.\.. :-<0.
Q. A I Ih~ 1 pain! we"" }'OU lo c ~ lns ~t yo ur watch Of conK iou1h'
,.yin!; 10 li llie lhe ~illlalion?
,\ . No. I " ':15 Irying 10 ,et b:td; 10 lhe S«11" or lh e ;Kci d.;ol .
Q. ,\n<l notif), the PIllic~?
"~ ....,,
A. Rith t.
Q. An d !.lOp ~I\d I'I!ntkr aid?
A. yc~.
Q. And did ~oo do aU of tltosc th;np?
,\ . Yes.s;r.
M~ . G~,\.\$O: TIlani: YOli. I p;u$ the witncsJ.

§ S4J12 VitI<' ~ I'o;nt of nrst CoUi, ilNl

Q. Mr. HO.... ell. I am Joe Tomahin ilnd I rt'l'resc:nl Mr. Esu:b:u.
arona ",illl Illes\: centlemcn he fe. YOII «:(":I1I rom;ng ;n lo
the G~:o.\,)· Spooo. th ere "'~~r( the colli~" 0.:(11'.«/
betwee n your truck ami Mr. E~tcb.~"·s ~l~lron "';]l:On?
A. Yc~.

Q. You lI~d l ome obslructiolls , h~", thaI interfered "'illl Iour

..iI;.... thaI kepI )'011 front ~ing him. some trc~'
.\ . Yes.
Q. 111erc were some 1IC>t. 1 1!~ 1 Ilf c"c med ~'Oll from :lCdnr, him
A. Yes.
Q. ,\lId, or
Wllr5C. if )'OU enu!dl1'1 sec him it'~ likely h"
collldn't KC )'(11.' ellb.:r, i~,,'1 that reasonable?
COMMEHT: AItt!ougtI tht ~OI> beI ....een tht pQintill an~ IIIto wil'
1>t'S5 1s ng! tlie tl3sis 101 tilt sult, it t'OoJTd Ix! im"",13nlln dCI~'mininC
...neIllef the pl. inlilf was cQnl'i~ulg.i1y ~nl. In trying te show
t~ "'" plaintifl wn llfIl ~nt counSel fe~1'IU ;an IIne>.;IKt~
bontlS whQn the wit~ II<1fe~n~bly ,ctuses to admol Ihe
w ll.e.idel'lt I~tt Ihat. it he N ~ ~jrtic u n ~ ~ing the j)lainlilr, then the
pl.1inhll my" !gve hac! dilficulty seei,,!: 111m•
•\ . Nc,
Q. So it's jllM a Cnt """Y $il u~tion ~\ fat as )' 0\1 3re c:onreme<l?
,\. No, II~ muld howe Mopped and lnckfd both ...~}....
Q. lie !.:lid he did ,
,\ . lie didn't.
Q. DUI }'Il11 afe ~;1); nt Ihm Ih e!r~ J.1."pt you rrom ~:'C:int: him?
A. Yn.
.. ". . ... . ....

§ s..OJ I),i,u C<II.ld IIII' ~ TI/fl\<'" Inlll 1,~,ki"J.: l.B1

COMMENT: Cwnsei wanl~ 10 o\)1ain an admission lrom the ''';In! SS
Ih~1 he cwld ha~e slopped ~nd immediately ,ernlered ~ s5 is lance 10
lhe p..,if\till. The Yli~ slllbbornly r~'",se> III ma~! 11m key ;)(Imis·
siGn. but <:OU!lSeI !lOCi n()l rl!lcnl , iiyini L ~ willleSoS II!(! , Itoicb 01 ei.
tilt!<' ma~I"I: a ~mal:ilIg admiuiGrl ll' denyinc wh3t IS oe-.lovsly t,ue,
When Ille ~~t t~ cb PSlal>loSh U... l coun$l!l is tI~rIy ea"Kt. tho>
wl1neu lhouf<l 00 rrn>de to I.ll<c a sland ln «In\l~>'Cnl inn ollllQ pI'ysi.
e,1 f...:a. COUllSei sl'tould Il<II let him off the hock ,
Q. Yo u h.:Id heen lllrout:Ja there odor.. 3nt! )"<1" ~IC r~mi!iar
willi Ih:>! area?
A . I have I>«n Ih,ouch th('fC sc'·er.ll t; 'n ei, I wou ltln 'l ~~)' 1
am r3miJiar.
Q. Me ~.. u famili ar with liIe ";1I1:;n8 tal 10 It..: !~fl ""fu,e }'OU
gol 10 the Pit SLOp. Ila' pal~in g Jot in .I"'i ~,"'jpl llt cenh;r
tllcn.~are yo u familiar " 'i,h Ih~l?
.\. Well , I !>ave 51:<:" il.
Q . Sir?
,t. I ha"~ !>Cell ;1 be fore.
Q. Thele is a p;lrkin& 10\ 10 lilt !.:I"t bef(lre ).." to'\ 10 ,ho: Pi ,
A. 1 ha dn'\ 5<:en Ih31 bt:rOfC. bu\ Il>o:rc is (Inc.
Q, Yo u II~\'( moen roM; Iller.:?
A. Va .
Q_ 1>\«.; Ihm Ol1e lime ,i net the «tIfuioo , .... yt'lrs " Go?
.\. Y03. the), d.a h3 "C one .
Q, yO\! h~v~ p:I~~d up 3nu u o.... n d\C .~ ""'~ral lin'ts Ihi~ Olle
niglll or
0cI(lb\: . the 21th d oill~ ! ~i5 .,iIl1ll1.1!~d I~" ror Mr.
Gr.lMO :mll COIIW!i~ ~! C'd Oil. didn' t you?
,\ . Yet,
Q. \ ' 0\1 n: n'~mlx;r the Illlfk in~ 101 th~re o n Ihe left 1111"'. dOll'l
.t, YCl>.
Q, 111<: IC wal !tulhi 'l! 10 p'C\'~ nl ~'oo from m3].:ing a V_I urn
inlO 111'1' I"" kin& 101 th~"1~1
,'~ " ...,
· " ...

,\, There was no li&h l L b~r~.

Q. NOlhinG 10 keep )-'O~ from l ~rniLlg in lO Ih'J' pa.~i"s lui and

comins h:ld 10 Ihe lICCtle of Ih ~ ron ;~ion?
A. In Ihe oJ.a~l;mt 11131 would h:I,'c bern all riSlll, !IUI mil al
Q. Well, Iher.: ,,":l~n't mud, Ir;lmc U,Ul ",o,ninll, was Ib.: •.:?
A. No.
Q. W", thcn; :lnylhing 10 Pfc".: nl yo u rmm m3.~inc a U.lum
inlO Ihe fI.~rkin, lot alld ..... nli" .. 000. 10 Mr. ESICb;III'~
~chick !leror.: you gol 10 Ihe ";1 Stol'?
A. ' didn't ewn sec the p.1rkin~ 1m Ihal lI il',hl .
Q. You kno..· il is Ihcl e.
A. AI Ilu, lime I uidll', ~t It.
Q. As )'0 " sit tl,c,f nOW. is Ihere ~Ll)·thing lhal would pre'"l:nl
)"ou rrom ILlming inl0 lho: lIa. ]cing lo t and 1."Ol11;ng h.xk 10
Ihe SI.:(IIC~
A. If il W:IS dayligh l J could Ir a"c done ii, ir I had known il
" -U Iht re.
Q. Any ph}"Jic:~' OMlllK:l ions 10 p.e.·C,,1 }'O\I fm m tuming
around "I Jlle ",1rkill& 10l ;md romi" e. b;lck?
A. I oJidn' , twn know thai Ih~ llg 101 W35 Lbere.
Q. You knO"-';1 il lh.:.,; '1 0"'.
,\ . I know ;1 is Ih~rt now.
Q. c,," )"ou IUln in Iher" no",. ~ nd rome: 1r.Id:?
A. l1J<:Y did n' l Ira"c " 0 ligl.15 Ibcr~.
Q. Well, did ~"oll !I:l"~ Jig/ll. on )'our Lruck'!
A. ! hold Ii&:hl' un my lrud:.
Q. Wh}' WQuld rou nc:eoJ Ii;h'~ in Ille p;r.I;ing tot?
,\ . a~c~ al tt..: ,; n.c I seen ' he liglrl or Ihe 1';1 SI n",
~I H .
GJ(.US(!: Wlricll park illS- 101 ure we 13I~i "G 3.ooul1
MH. Tm<d Hl.'; The one '''~I he i~ '~lldns ~bout.
Till. W,rtlES". '1,c UII~ Ih~, Ir<: i5 Ialkinr. :>boIII.
M~ . GIlA.<;.v,; Hc i.< 13lking 300UI Ihe p;ir~in; k'l whl:rc lhe
Grc:tS)· S!roon Rt!itn\l mnl is.

Mil. TID<Mut.~: I ~ m t~lkillS about the: p.1 rkin& 1(1{ Iher.: on th_
hish ..... a)· ri~u nCDt where he nnd ESleban's ,'chicle hnd Ihe t'O l·
lision . You could h3'" 1,,",,-'<1 in to i" could )"ou nOl1
.... Yo. bul I dioo'l_1 ""'UIl't ~bl ~ 10 S1tlp there.
Q. YOII «Iul~ h l~'e tu rned in, o th ~ parkin& lot and Mo pped,
coul dn't you?
.\ . No! ~I Ihal sJ)«"o.
Q. 0111 yon covld 1la0l(: SlOilf1Cd 31 Ih~1 parki ~ \01. couldn't
.... I ..... asn·1 inl. nd ina o n 51npping Iller!!.
Q. CoulJ)"OII ha'·. physically pul ),ollr fOOl on Ille b. a kc s of
Ih31 lruck and sl oppe d Ihc.~'!
A, :>l o \I'ay, nOI ut Iha l linlC. n<l t M thaI speed .
Q. Sir'!
,\ . NOI at Ibal sJ)«"d.
COMMENT; Counsel has higl,lIgllteo tI'e wi tn ess' e~s\inat.., .~ !us~ll o
admit the obvIOUS by . e!ef!t!t!Ssly pt'f!SiTtg him on th" peint. 5i...:e lite
"";lnen c.cntinut~ Ie tlcn ~ Ulat Me could Itava stop pe d, counse l
a ~rupl ly switc ~e. Ie a ,e ~ tecllo~. bul one whit-h win ,l1ow him to
elicit II>e e~mi'Uon he i. scekln~ .

§ S4Jl..t Olher CIlUI~ lI ~n, Put O ~t R~n""" ors

Q. Wel l, cD~ld )"ou ha"c &olt cn OUI or the truek when )'0\1
5tOf!I\C"d it?
A. YC"5,
Q. CouW you hl "C Icach ed u nder you. ~eal an d !:OUen lhe
reOectors OUI rrom \1nd ~ r your S('at?
A, The)' ale nOI u nlkr " ')" SCD' .
Q. Wbeft 3ft ther?
,\ . In I h~ gIo" C box.
Q. T be)' ~IC behi nd the 5~al?
.... Y~.

Q. Could)'l)ll It3\'C ~I~ )"ou r e:Jr, t;OlIf:1\ OUI of lhe: tOlek,

op.:ntd Ihe d oo r '"here ~ou keep 1M ren~CIOl'!; an d goit cn
them (lUi?
,,' •• N! >
A. Y'''S.
Q. Cc uld )'0 11 'm"c thcn immcd iately IUn bad;: 1(1 Ihe r~cba"
vchkle " 'rIll 111(",1
A. J I UPPOI~ I co uld havc.
Q. Sir?
,\. I ~uP!IO~c I could 'Iave.
Q. Nothing 10 kee p you from dcing Ih:ll?
A. :-Jot ~I t h ~ 1 !I m~, hUI il didn' l occur 10 me 10 d o it.
Q. ! am not aski ns "'h~l o<:'C urrod 10 you. I a nI ~ 5k;ns ynu a~
:a r ~nc n Jble lruck Ilri " er oot Iho'~ o n llIe high"'ay and
Ih in",n, abou t sar<:ly r,om :III ~I~. ( oold )"OU loa ,..,
~oPfICd you r l ruel;. ,e;Jchw ;m c 1I.e ro,np.1flmenl , JDd
RDuen Ihos~ rd'lc:C1ors 0111-
TIlf. COO~f:
l ie alrcJlly 1 ~"Slified Ite rou !d b JY~.
M~. Tm'~ ltII.L: ·TII:. I i, ~ U ! wan ll(l kn(lw, ccutd ye u 1'11
. "0 done
A. YC$.
COMMENT: Ngle thai tile wilne$' is linall~ rtdueed Ie II D';ng Ig
asree witn ceun,;c l, Joo lc cootradicl testimooy no made en ly min.
ute~ bot!fQre . His Qnly othe, alterna tiye is tQ deny facts wnl cn th o jury
know:; mlJ$t b~ true ,

§ 54.05 hJulmcaliun of T,uk

Q. All ri£lH. I " i ll ~ho"' ~"'" 1·t.1iolilT'~ l!~hib' l~ .... 01. 20 a nd
:.10. 60, lloal i~ YOI,If lruCl1
,\ . I c ~ nn OI $(e lhe numlK-r.

.. Q. On I~e b3ck- 60 •
,\. Th at is not Ih e nu n,b\:, c f the lru rl . I d on't kn ow lr Ib~ 1 ;~
the lru e~ .

Q. Wd l. you can la~~ my wcrd for it Ih,.1 i\ i ~ Ihe nu ml""r of

~'c urtruck h~eausc your l:twycr PI',mined u~ \0 llho lusr~llh
it. Ycu !Ir C goinS 10 IHl"c 10 lUke my word for th OI whclh ~ r
}'OU wanl 10 01 nul b\:,':lusc-lhm is you , I'UC~.
A. If ~'OU ~)" W.
T!!~ C OIiIlT: Don ' \ ~ '1IUC wilh Ille wi tm."Ss.
,.... ....,
Q. Am! thm il your (rU~~ IIlIm b...T SJ:I
,\. 683 is my l ru t ~ lIu mll<:r.
Q. "O\If Pl'oplc ",id tll:\1 is iI, so I clon't kllo" -.
,\. 1 I;IIL'S.!!.
COMMENT: Th~ p,e<:ed,nc seri~~ 01 qu~~ tiQn, ~mpl1.a5ilU the·
$tui)'>omn;,s. [0 the j\OfJ. He is 1<1 IIIIf~UCIIUboif tll~t he hcsi·
t.ltn to 3dmit ~ [aet 10 his own COUn 5t!1 tl:Is ~I'fJo<l~ 3gIeed.
Q. ~(M. is I"~I "here ) '0<1 kCC"fl YOIl ••eikctol1o?
,\ . )'.-s.

Q. And ~rc th~"" yo ur rdl wors 1110"'11 in rl~inli rr~ Exh ibit
;-':0. S~ ?
,\ . y~.

Q. In ~3?
.,. y~

Q. ,\nd ~ I~
.,. y~, .

Q. I~ Ihal )"OU. lru<:k in 487
'r h~1 \Qols lih il .

Q. Is tb.,t ~"O\I ' truck ill 491

A. TII31 looks lih il.

§ $-1.06 l'a.1MI'S<' or ncflmnrs

Q. All ri chl. ;-':OW ,It.;r.e .-cnctlofl, whal uc Ih ..')" for'! \\'h~( d o
they do- if YOll ,,~tI lell lit.; jury how Ih"y http Ihc
lr:lvclillU publ ie on th e higbw:lY JI nitht ..... h.: o 11Ien: h.:\.
bi..... o :I ro!lil ion, ho-.c do Iher help Ihe rt"loI or Ihc puW ic
comi ng up and dOll'n the hi&hll'~y ,,·llcl! YI>lI U'oC tn..m
A. They rcOcCt.
Q. So Ih~ 1 lILt lighl r~f1eL"t. off of th em, boUI1CI;"!; o ff of them.
, " d yo u t"3.t Stt Iltctc i. lome dJngl: r dO"'·1\ there?
,\, Well, yel and no. We U!lI: them when " "C h3" C :t b rcakdo,,·n

Q. Wc' re lal kin£ aboI.Il if 110<:'" it "',1;'Ci: on Ih~ hith"'~y?

§ SolO1

A. I h~" en 't new' !kid an~ wrech ~ nd llt:ld nevc' ",cn th~n\
~roun<l wrech bcfore.
Q. Did the," in~lruCl )"011 10 USC: Ihem in ~ ~Oll ha<l :>. wre~\:.?
A. Yes.
Q. IleeD.w.: III<: liihl ,d kels off of ltu"l lI~
,\ , y~

Q, And then lo nlconc comins <lO"'n I~ hi~""lI}" !.Ce. Ihe li,llI

ren,..elill~ the,. nop bero/"\: the).' !:c\ 10 lhe OI her ("lIr1
,\. You could n' \ be ~u ,c \ ILC~' an: £Gin!: \0 ~tO(l.
Q. Isn 't III~I the jd("~'!
,\. ThaI i~ th~ idea.
Q. To try \0 W3m tllem $CO they won'l plow into !oOm~bodr,
is n'l \1\;11 Ille i<l("37
A, Th~1 is Ihe j d~a .
Q. You coul<l ha,·c MOIl{)C<I your truck" ...-lIere ~'ou stllrtro 10
bxk up.. j1!m/1Cd ;n Ih ere :IIId tol the ' eRectors, gone up
'hcrc ;lnd put them OUI on bOlh sid cs of Ih.1' t:ir, couLd,,'\
,\. ! C"OUW h.:Iv~
Q. Before Ihe olher coll .. oc:curlcd, the =on<l o ne. )-UU
cO\ll<l hll"c done .h~l , co .. l<ln·, you h~'·(. Mr, Ilo"-c1l1
A, CouLd h3W.
Q. Alld IhJI ...·ould ha" c p re" t lltw the .... n:cl:. would n', i,~
,\ . 1 :.." not \\I/"\:,
T\I~Ceu",,: He I1ns alrca<ly answerc<l l"31 QII,,,';lioll,
M., To,.;"mu: ~b1 I p;w. IMIT! 10 tflt jllry?
Tift COl'''': yc~.
COMMENT; Thl! wi tne~; h~ made 1M kty admis~tOtI lhal \1W e ' the
rell«lOrs -eculd h~' P'~~ U>e ~de!1l. Hi~ tcm!t>;r;' ive Jnd
1Ul,_enable manner ~I I~'li!yinll moy c~",e I~a jury 10 n,bs1iMe
"wellid' for - could,-

Q. When)"ou ....oc' e 3P\lro.:lchint the lruck SlOp you sa'" Ihis

!~d)' fill" ill thc,e, d id }"OII oot'/
. "'"
§ ~. tllI

A. She W'lS co ming 00\ of the !.":It.

Q. An<.J ~hc coul<.J '"'.., th l' biS Con ,olidutc<.l true\:. coul<.J ~hc
MR. G!L,"'so; Y'lU, Honor. I ~m g'li,,\: \'l objecl lo Ih;~ as being
'e[}l:liliou~. They mkc-d 11k! S:lI11e qUC~lion'l for IWII or Ih!1..'C
hou", yeslcr<.l ~)· by del'O~ilion.
TlI~ COGRr; Thai is CO" « I. Mr. ro"~hil L
M ~. TONAltfll.: I am k::!t.Iill$ ;n lo an ~,,'i ,dl' Iliffe renl a' ....~ Ilian
""hal we <.lull wi lh ~forc 01' Ihe 5uhj~ 1.
TU HCOURT: Well, Ihe coun i~ pcrmiuins a ccr tai n ~llIou nt of
li[",r;r.lily in I·ic ...· 'lf Ih.., fact Ih l l Ih< Ilc(1(1silio" h~~ aJrc;l<I!'
Ix..." cffcn:ll. Rnlly. I ~hou1<.ln'l kl you in lerroaale him m ~11
since you chose \0 u~c his dC(1(1!ition. rmhcr t!tun wait un<.l in·
terrOS'l lc hi", ~s you are do ing now. BUI Ihe cO lin will llCrmit
)'ou to ask a roason:lhlv nunll>!'r of quc'Sl.iOtl5. bul not 11>0
COMMENT: Tl10 COlJ,t'. pIlSllion is untenable. i11 the usua l dreum·
stance. Usuall~ lhe plaintiff may int'Oduce the do~o~ition t~~til11Qny
01 the d.iver OtIlli,ect. wahoot wai.I'II! an~ 'ithtlo a lull cross a.o mi·
(lalion of thaI wil<lc!oS lale ,.
Q. (By Mr. 1"on3hill) You were m"" inr, in yo ur truck :II Ihe
lime )· ou 1aW the Illdy drive inw the Pit SlOp. were )'uu
A. Yc-:r..
Q. "ml is Ihnl wh3t m~<.Je up your mind \0 ~l ol'1
A. yc~.

Q. Yo u ....".~ ,nO'·;,... Oil d'lwn the h ido"':l~' 3"" when sloc u ...·
r our Iruc k. th31 is Wlll"ll )"0'1 dec idc-d 10 s tOll?
A. Wdl. I ..... 0'1 going to SlOp. I gU~ h-my inl~l1lion was 10 get
b~ck \0 the (K:cidcnl.

COMMENT, TeAJS I~w ' eoui. fS that ~ ~$islance be gi<en in .. ,nolor

-ohicle occ i!lc nt ar.d Ihe \'lIlrot'SS has JUII slaled Ihi l Ihe reawn he
stopped at all ~ftc. the .ceKl~1 WJS b<le~u!e. IMy ,~W him. Tilou£h
IIC attempted 10 co rlcel himself by saylnll he · gu essed" he wai Boi nS
to stop anl'W~~, the infelell(e is tltat he would nOI 11a'" $0.

§ 54.0M CO Modia C<><lld n un lken t.: ......

COMMENT: Tha witnes~ now teslili os 10 anoth~. :lafely prccau ti<>n
a PlUd~n t \.u c~ dli,.".. ".Ighl h •• e "ken to warn alher lIIota.iSIS 01
lhe IIctidcol.
54- II

Q, 15 a en Illdio Wlmclirncs uscd in a InlCk for emcrgency ~all~

10 ,~1I (lUi and &e\ h~l p~
A, Y('S.
Q, Tlml "'liS the purpol<: o f \t~
,\, Risht,
Q, Am! of rourse lite fact Ih~1 fOU don'l htar ~nr poise: on i,
doc:;n't meln wmoonc d O"'l1 the hi&hw3y som cwbere eb e
doc sn', h~\'c tllcirs on wh ere 111,:y C3n " e,1r YOII, don it?
,\ , I SUPflO$<!' so,
Q. The~'~:ut h"", you e,'en thouilh thcy atc 1101 wlkillS on
.\ . Yes.
Q. One is .1 '~ci~cr and one is a Sopenkc r. (Inc is D broa dcnster
and (Inc is a receive.?
,\ . Yel .
Q. And )'0 11 didn 'l lI~e )'OUr C B at all'!
A. No.
~ 54.09 SubS('1ucnl R~medlnt Me,,-,""""
Q. 00 you c::t.ry n nnshlir,llt in your lruel: now?
.\ . Yes.
Q. Di d )'OU ha,·c (lOe in it th en?
A. No.
Q. Sin~c Ihi~ w,o:cl; h.1l1pcned b3Ve ~'ou Ixen Clnyinll (lne in
)'our truel:?
A. y~ ,

Q. Don Coo!.(llid:.[cd Teq uir.,: )'0 11 10 C3f1)' 0"" (" yo ur u tJct,:

since Ihc,,?
,\, Y~"

Q. Yeu all " :I\"e a ~r~"IY mttling abou t not h;wing I1:Isillighl l?
A. t n nllOl rcmember,
Q, Did Ihis wrccl: h3 "c nnylhinl\ to do wilh re'luirinll you all
to put l1:Iih lights in you r [ruch so you (3.n get on the
h W1W~)' an<l n~g people afler ~ wrecl:?

,\ , 1 don 'l ~ no ....,
Q, You d 011 '1 ~11 0"'" Do ~'ou b oo .... "'h)' the!' an: "0'" r~lu i!tJ
but the)' '>"eml't bcforC' Ihe '''«linS'
,\, l'Oo.
Q. Do )'0" h<l \'c uny id~a?
,\ . l"o.
TUl COUIIT: Th i. ;~ art;UIl1t nlati,"t.

§ S.UO CUIllp:lI1Y It,,,,,, Hequi....... UrhCl' In Slop

Q. We ila,·c got a ll ;1",f.. 1 lot of your I<:stinlo n)" o r dC11'Q1iliu n
:lJ r~ady and I am DOl goinn to CO ;nlu ... h~ 1 )'"" h~,~
al!tad)' d&:tiho:d . 8 Ul I "" ill :1$11; yo u if ('onwli d~I"" h ~dn' ,
filiI ou t WlUe ;n~rucI;o ns fo r you a1l in ,he ro1C ef :t
\'Ollis;on e ll the h i&!".-:!)· :tn d ,,'bal )'OU :trt s"ppo!I:d loll,),
CO MM ENT: The ~.,,,nill"l~ n now ,ij.uls Ih~t the wl\n~u lailtd to
f"'jew COI\lIloJllY poIicoes whic;h WCl!' 11\ Imee before tile acCIdent 0<:-

A. Well. )'~'.

Q. "'"d dol;S one of tho.... insl ruClion~ tl'\.~t YIIU hM"e. havc 10
do wilh whal )'0" ;.re 10 do if yo u aTe in \'ol\"td ill 311
accident. !'OU mU5151(1) a l o n(e. ;r },ou :Ire hloc~;1lS Intffk,
nlo"e your 0;:1., 0 ,,1 o f the Wa)' if poS5;hl~. ;~ 11~~1 one o f
.... ~o.

Q. ,\nd r'\umb<:c ~ . ~ r'anSA' al IInce to "'-arn olh~r H~flk to

pre~enl Olher <T.I..hes. did Ihl;' l~n !'(m Il,a,?
A. Yes.
Q, 0;<.1 Il1e)' 1,,11 ~'ou III hdp anyone Ihllt m.' y ~ h~ rt'
A, y~ ..

Q. DoCl il Idl rOIl 10 nOli fr Ihe nc~r.:st Il<Ilicc slatio" . dlCti ffs
om ..-c Or hi~' ''''a~' IIaITO] u'''''''''' r Immt;d;:II"ly if all )l)n~ ;,
A, Y~1I.

Q. D~I it lell YOll to lJ,i \'c )"ou, n~ mc . :vJd~s.. \·.:I,;ck

rqislr:lIio n nu mJxt. nod (I,',·C( ·\ lieenl": 10 an ybt><J)" wlm
W:l~ iI\\'ol" cd in Ihe an:idelll'!
,\ . Yo:"!i.
Q. Tile!' told )"0\1 t\p,'!
,\. y~, .

Q. Di d Illey sny lh~1 ir Ylll1 d'm~&c ~ nolhcr ,"(lIic!.; )·ou onU~1

IoniC th~ ""'"II~ ",III ;l..-:ty :l.1l<I 1.1' In ' CTlt/cr ' c" un:ohk
~,\i'lmlcc 10 him'!
,\ . Yes.
Q. And if :ln~onc is injured. yo u II'}' to lake Ih ~m 10 lhe
A. l'c$.

§ :;.a.1I I",.. IIcqllired 1),i.ct I~ Slu~

COMMENT: T~ w.!<>I!O$ · hnowl~ 01 a mOlo,",1":; 1m! clulie-. is

'o re~""1 te ~Q~e hi:; !l\!gligcnee.

Q. DIx,'"' 1 if,,!C law IC(IU lre 111,1l lao?

,\ . I dOll"I 1;/IU"W.

Q. Sir?
,\. I dOII'1 ~!law.

Q. Doc~ st~tC law requ ire 111m you SlOp inlm~di:l1 d}" ,,1 Ihe

,\. ,,~ ..
KC'nC o f 3 roIlision1

Q. ,\lId ,~ ))dcr reasonable , ~\ bI3'''.'''?

,\ , Y~
Q, \ '011 untlmun<llh:t.11
,. . "C~.
Q. Im m •.,ji~ldy n1 thu .,,'c ne?
,\. Iti,hl.
Q. ,\ nd !"O" ~1"ppCd d O" 'n 31 Ihe flit SlOp?
,\. 1 ""t1n<:d hefotc .
COMMENT, Celllnle! hn 1U,1 C.lI .l blistlccl one ollhe m~ 1 aitic,,' ek!·
nOCllls 01 hi, use. The WMUS iISIe6 IhIIl Ihe law 'eqWlHI hin' \(I
'\(IP lind k!nd lISs;'\'lnt O to Ihe pllinl' ''. and Ili$ cnly delen$(! i1; that
he 11'0>'11 dow n to II>e Pil Stop ",teroding 1<l tame bolc" a<l~ gi~ ~$'~'
lance. BUI he ~3, lier 1,,~blit!<:I that h~ onlf ' !';UCs5.d " t' e \//~ COJnr.
to slc~ it ho \>;ltIo'l bfllll sllOll«l by I"" !~dy.
,,~, ....
§ !-l.U

Q. I"ow wh~n you gill OOtk 10 Ihe SI:I:ll~ of Ih" tollisi,," . Ihe
first t om . ion Ihal you had "ilh Mr. eucban. we,e you ,·t ry
e~cil~d and "cry .llook up and dimllbcd?
A. !"";I,.
Q. Were )'0\1 ~hlt 10 &i" e a M3.\em~nt 10 Iht hi!',h""lI)'
pa trolman?
,\. No. nOl in " ·. iling.
Q. Was 1!le hi.s.l1way f!a lro)n11n pullins oul ",r~l)" !la re.?
,\. tie "'31.

Q. Wal a man ....·ill1 lhe IJi lrOlld a lso pulli ns ,hem 0111 Iht,e'~
A. TIlerc were LWO or Lince narcs dowll whell I got Ihere, ond
die iJithway p.:lt.ohn:1n " ";lliO pulli nc some mOil! OtH.
Q. ~ow when you all did thi ~ simulnt cd run wil)1 you r Irue l
Ihrouth Ibal arca on Oclober Hlh of la1-l Y"ar. do >'ou
remcml",r-w)\en Ihey had you OUl Ihcr~ on Ih~ hi£hway
"'oole Ih is w't"C"k happCn~'<I. you u:mcmber- whro 'h e)"
had you out Ihell: run ning ~'ou r lru ck up and down the
A. Whon Ihcy look lhal .. ilko?
Q. Ye., " 'lI\:n Ih~"Y loot Ihe ,·;d ro. Who "'a. thcll!?
A. It wa s m)"$clr. Mr. 'rOOd Olson -
~,~. GlU)$(l: li e il Ih.; all"r""," or ,cmrtl ror Con.o;o\idal~d in
. ' I,.
t hIS case. .
Q. MId ...·.,a cloe?
,\. And 1"'0 ph ologra~hcts,
Q. IIft cr )'ou ~U\ throu~h wilh IhJt run did ~'au all have :l
Cil n,·c.s.l l;on ~bou\ il?
A. Yes.
Q. Did !h~' b~"'1 ~... u OUt Jbo UI tile l iSh\~?
A. Na.
Q. Di d Ihey ~'Y ~nYlhinc III yau at ~II IlhoUl Ihe li gha?
A. No.
COll\ME«r, A ''"IlItm.)M. if reemed hem an l-mplo;,ee of tile ~ftn·
d~n! in 3 pc';!iIln \0 ma~c 5~olt a .\aleml!1ll . would be an admi$5>QI1
Ih~llhI! wi!nu$ commi~' ,""cbljon oj the (""'(1;1"1"!i o;rwn.uIe$ at
5t.1.nlbrd of eondv ~\.

Q. [)(I ~'~U rcm.m~r them oo mpf~;n; n~ ' ''~I ~'OU Iud on~
Inight Uglil and or.e dim liglll on?
A. Ollt <>f them w:n 3 little bi t bri~lIer t h~ n I he oll~r~.
.' -' . Q. Die! til")' fuu 31 )~ a li nle bit aoout Ihal1
A. Tb:~' didn't fu\.S Ql me.

Q. Wefe they WPJlO\W to ~ Ih<: same?

,'. MIUllly yeu couldn', fe3I1)' Idl b)' jm! ~t~n,Jin~ and
looking,:11 Ih.rn . you Judlo gel d.,..-n a nd Ioo~ 31 ;, 10 be
abk to tdl Ihe lliHclencc.
Q. WlIal did they ~)' a!xllli il?
.1\. ),10.11)- lhal il "':»11"' io(>kins 100 goOO o n lilt canwra but
llul is it.
~h. l·' ThaI i~ all.

, ~.., ...,

CII,WTt:R 55

Ath'crse Witness-Forklift Accident Case

-" - c....., I:u.......';""
~l M ;m c. "~h,,'

f ~~.01 ~: .... I"l·"'''''' l!"~~r-./ ,,11~ I~'

I ~5.0! su--, s.:_ '$Go , ~ W ..l
t s;....-. ,111... "" f. l loio~ ....un .~ • ("Mid
t '$.~ 1• • It"",.,n .. 1-'.... of ..... ~ ~h
.--- '
I ~$ . ;-:0«",," .. iI~ II•••~- 1A.d.
f 55." 1t"'ll'>O"'~~ ~f CoIl<_
i ~ ~ .o, S ~. .. ,•• h,cU.. In FIooot hr I' .... _~
f 5,.... , _ W.. T... IIt~'J
t 55.M It.,..•.,., Sloko
§ ~~.J O urtLJ,~ 1.004 Olf 'h Tr .. ~
i !5.11 ~", U if". It,... \\' ~ "" , COOl" Oil ,,,,, G,_
I 9. 11 r""'~f, W•• M• • Ot!: I\"~ ... rw.UJT 1I~''''

• •\ I"~ C. iWIln l«<i."C'\l ~i. kpl cd...-3<o- '" W:>ollitoJl~ n I;n,,-,"";r; Ill. lI.
1 9>5 ~ ....... "" .... l!di,n,~ ..{ld<f ...- ,~, W..,h,"l1''''' t.'.'''Y'il)' /.a.' Q",,"u/r_
U,· "",....d ". ],.- <lOlL 10 Mr, InI;a, Obtl.. l. ....lIi' .. ~" <>f In, l l",,,-.I SLa,.,
s..~"", COlIn 11 ~! 7_S8). ~Ir , " o!1n ~.\ ""'" • t""'o",' ., W""in~"'" 11,,1«,,;.
•r S<h ...... of Low 11~ ""_ 6S. 'YI ' I, , ",.m!o<r tl90~ · 191 ,lid ,,",,;.1M' (\~H_ :~)
,If ''''' :\I,,,,,,"n s~ 110>«1 or t.t", r.,.mi"e", •..J ~ m,,,,!>.', 11_-111 . nd
,""i."",. 41~70 · J;:1 of."" """,d of ,'""";"',. .... t!~ I))", .... Co ... , ".".rn I)".
",". UoIcrn DIY;"'''' <If ~I;, .. u,;. It, .. <"m'oU)' > m<m/lo<r "r.""
FN<'~\ ~I"'"
11« COl"'''';''''. u.s. l)l;uid Coon . ~ "tnn I),<ln« «f M ;~-.-.:."" 11:&< ,,,,,,,,,. •
•ion ),1<1.""",,1:10 ~ •. t o.,\; 'h~ ~ h",,"ri Ih •• UI< _~n '<"<k.., II>r ~ ",,"Ol.-',",
~"~ 'I .. •\l''' ';''~'' Ilul,d of Til'! <\<I, ...."'.\. )11, """" \>''':' ''''''' in ,,.., (,< • • ,,,.
" ...... Sh.>II~ .. flbtn. Cliano w.. ~ .. <I; Cl,'j" m, in 50. t o u;,. Mi.",", ),
T"" """""' '" >II p.u! ..... "-;'I><'>~ Me! -'11& .-""}10;1'-, N-<-n , h, nl<d.

S5- 1
f ~~. ' 3 I .. ~ . oi .. ,loot I_
f ~"' I' rw ..lIf, UIt<O'lloo>. Ie ' ....f ,~r ... UJ.
i 5.....15 /'I~ s.. ,.... ~ .... 01 rt.t.tIII'. IIIP' u......
§ 55..6 CIaJ n ... '" &. II.,,",,' !J..
f 5S. 11 ,'1<_ .. '1'1... <>I ,\o<~

§ S$. I~ ~ 1.<! II.,. ot"",,.., r..1I1M1 of 1,.Ioo,lIr. lun.!

§ ~ 5 .! 9 I)• ...";",,",,, (11 .1>< l'ilIo,llr , I~}orit<.

i s $.la R - ' t:> ............. A'....,. '" 1I... ~lI k. " ,10< "i'...,..
Sm'Wwrr of f1mk Faris and '''''(II/url ''!}' 1~"I>I("ks
In Ibis ~ IIIe Ilbin'ilT. who W:l~ makin!; :I ddiwry :11 lhi: d e-
rClld ~ nt
company, was injllfett .... heo :I rorlcl ift ojXr~lo r lowered ~
load QO 'O ,II\: pl:ii nl irr~ 113m!. Tile p!3inliff ~ucd llie comp3llY
hUN on lite al!c1:C'd n~ igena: of iii employe:. The defend:!"!
tQmc ndcd ilIa! d ," plaintiff &01 c n the rorklift u llin'·;'ed :md ",ilh·
011\ f~~son . Ih~l 'he 'mer-l1or " :I~ look ."" beh ind hinl and did nOl
know ...-here the plaintiff h:ld j')U \ hj~ 113nd. and Ih~1 ,be pl3in,in'
h:td laid the OJ}C'flItOf 10 LoW~f Ihe lo;uI, ,,,,,ullinll in lIis It:Ind ~"\.
"n& call£bl.
J>laj ,,~iffs oo~lIsd i~ ~hlc 10 rou!\l~r Irn..'l.l' alll'l"tio~ (Iuri nJ; Ihe
f<)llowinll cIon c.<amjn~l ioll of the opcr:ttor. 11\c wiln~SJ ~dmi ts
lh~1 he must have: se.:n Ih ~ p1:linlirr~ hand, or 3t k ill t !.I!oold b.:tve
~n ii, ~fo", he k,wcf,"\l tile lood. CouIIscl d icil5 ~II cMimale
(rom lilt ..';tnl.' U Ihal he had bn:n 1001<,"1: ror... ~rd for 1""("<\1)·-1"'0
I-Cco!\d~ hefo1'l' low,,""t: the load. wh kh "'~ $ ~!\trar)' 10 hh privr
1~limony. Coum.d .oslab!i5oo Iht if the witne!>~ had ' -n lookinG:
rON,utl. the nalio"~f)· bar whefe the pb inl,rr had his M ild ,,"Ouid
h~.·( bo:cn ' iglll in [r!)nt of hinl . fi n:tllr. rolllUCl Qbtain~ a e<)ncc.s-
sicn froll'\ th e wilne$S Illat the pl:ljQ lirr ~ :.lkgcd jn~t(uct jon 10 low_
er the load ..;IS irrclc:'·ani. since he "'<IS !:OillS 10 I_er it aIlY" "3Y,

Oo:oss E" ....""s.~l\():O Ih M~, KouN;

Q_ ~k urnC'!. Illeli .....·c ~·Oll !olid IIIal your prC'SCnt O«\Ip;ltion
"l1S ...; II! Silring·O-!>\alic Cllmp~nl'. is lhat <'O!'r«l?
.\ . Yes, sir.
Q. What d id you $.1.)' you did for them a l the pre~nt lim e?
"., '"''

I 55.11!

A. Insido ,",,!i:s. ) "0\1 kilo,,". on !It. tcic(ll,onc.

Q. You u~ lit. Ide"lIcne to uy \0 m!ke Io:IWs fer

A. wen. I <1(111'\ (':ILl ","-opk up unless' foai.·" a nOle to cal!
them, 1,," I t~ kc pllon(' ~alls a nd b~lp peop~ d\.'Cill • ...-11:11
Ihey need and what Ihey wanl. !!lings like 11i.1I.
Q. In the T~'tu!a r office. d o 1«J\l wear:l sllin :lnd lie: thOI kind
or thin,~
A. Y~s.

Q. And how lOllS h3VC you h~n doing lit:\! If pc or "'ork?

A, Since t ilt end of ,\ ",!al.
Q. Ii"",' old aTc YO'J , sir?
,\. Ei£htccn.
Q. And " 'hll i~ )~lIr 11;11. of birth?
A. April 5111. 19. . .
Q. 5<J you a~ l!Cins 10 ~ " ilK'""" in Aprm
Q. And how old Were "011. sir. al lite lime of Ih is Jccidcnl!
,\ , &"clll«n. I &U~~s.
Q. Ami who hirell ~OU . sir. at Ihis jol!?
A. M)' (:111\(1'.

Q. 1/('5 the Ilrtsidtnl or Ille ront!lQny. is he?

A. Y.:s. sir.
COMMENT: Th., tat! 1M! Ih ~ witl\es~ Is ~n ~mpTIIYI/'8 (aml 11\!.! ~r.
~~o, 01 the 100~lih) of tile Mlenda~t 'nlI;t.lte~ Ihal l'Il!! ~ 1I' ....... bly
prejud ieed ill ill; lav<>f, Howevcr. et>l.lMei h ~. alW ~lallljlhW ~ I.. ,
~1,or08H jnd ie.1\1on 01Httj$.ilnslltp-I~e ..,,""'. Is :t(.lually the: 5.01'1 01
the r:om j>,l ny'~ ",~!Od ~,,!,

f 55,O~ Skippctl &lIooL 10 Gil III WOtl.;

Q, How old ...we )'"'' ....'lie n he hi red )'ou:
,\. Scvenlcen.
Q. Anu rhm ....:tJ ...-hen, iit'!
,\. Cktobcr of 19. . .

Q. Do I und~"'I~nd Ih~1 in Oclober of 19 • . yo u "-~f~ nOI
"'O"'i ng full li me wi th S()fins·D.Matic1
A. n, ~t'~ ri&hl. I "'al not.
Q, Anti were you J junior in high school at Ihallimc1
A, Ye., , ir.
Q, You W~l1l 10 school all da~'. is that corr~ct?
A. Ycs. 5ir.
Q, You were nOI in the C.O.E, progr"m at any li lllc I:>~rorc tlli!
'l<.'Cirn:nl <xc urr.:tl, il Ih ul correct'!
,\, Ri£.hl.
Q. So in o..'100.:r of 19 ., ya u .... cnl 10 wo rk antl 10 " hoot?
A, Ya.. ~ir.
Q. ""'1m li mo: did s.:h(J<)] I~l OU I?
.t. About 2:00.
Q. 110'" for il )'uur Khool from ~'o ur pia"" of omp lll)'1\ICllI?
A. AboUl a mile.
Q. I 11eIic"c you s~itl in djr~~t tcst imony th"l lhcr~ were OIlier
limes when )'O U wlluld SIl In work. because, ~, yuu pol II,
),011 skipp~d prctt ~ much of the time; is Ihnl comcl~
A. I skipped om'C in u while, )'C S.
Q, Would il Do: inC1l rrtct 10 $<\)' ,1'1:11 l OU , ki pped prell), much
of Ihe li me"
A. Y.~ lX"c~uS<' I didn't ~kjp Ihe 'najor'l), o f Ihe lime.
Q. So if )'OU s:lid in ),o u. di . t'C1 ICIoli m on )' Ihal )"QU lI: ippcd
p. etl)' much of thu ti n.c. Ih.:Il l~jmOn)' was incarft CI, is
th::o.t righl?
A. Yl.. ,
Q. II Wn! incorrect'!
A. Ye s.
COMMENT: Thi~ sect ion of ~'Oll e.a mination ha, a do~ble effe ct.
Not only is it. subj ect m~ tlel, the witllC'" practice of Ski]IPin B
sc l,ool, likely to put him irl ~ bMj IIll], t with the jury, but co~nS Q I hn
a lso obt.inl'd an adn,i llic n t ll ~t tile witn ess' priOI testi mony cooccm·
ir>g the ame,",nt of l imo ' h~' h skipped w~s incDr red.
.,.." ""
Q, Now, how oflell did ),ou 5 ~i p1
~I ~. NORj>lo •.! YOUT Honor. I would o bj...'(1 . compktc!y imma-
terin l.
M ~ . KU Il~': Thi ~ go<:~ 10 h i~ e" peri cntc wilh Ihi. fo rklifl trud .
YOUT 1I0 nor, I w:ml lO KC how m ueh lime he s pen t On Ihal Ja b
l>l:lwccn October of 19" ~n d Augu.\ of 19 ..• a nd how m[.l<:h
or llllt li me W;)5 On th i, forklift lru c~,
T ur. Couk T, ,\I1 ri!;hl , YOIt ma)' inqltir( , Yo ur objection is o"cr-
rul ed. Yo u may ans wcr lhat.
T U1: Ww.. r,~" Well, coulti I say ,lo m "l hin~ ds..:?
~ I R. KOII": Would )'Olt jU~1 nn,Wt'1' the qu esti on. sir?
M~ . NUHDlC.\; Rij,lJu .
Q. (III' M~ , K Ollll) How olk n did you sltip?
A, About o nce it w".~. I woul(1 "'Y,
Q, ,\ no.l c" cry time you Ski plX'd did yo u go 10 work ?
A. YC5,
Q. And thai would tIC' o nce ~ " ...~I,;'1
,\ . Appro~ i l11a\cl)' Ollce 3 ,,'cek.
Q. Would yo u GO 10 w<.lfk in lh~ morni", whell )'011 sl; i!,pcd?
,\. Y o:lo,

Q. Wh3\ linlC woul d )'OU a rrive al work when yuu s~i ppo<l?
A. ,\bou! 1:1O or so,
Q, SO 0"'"" 3 "~k Oelobolr of 19, , 10 ,,'hen school " 'ns
out in Jlmc of J 9, , )'OU !;Ill 10 YOII ' pI~o;r.: of c'llployn'~'l!l ~l
1:00 antI worh <l nil ,Ily, i ~ that correct?
A. No . W~ <!art " 'Qrk m 11:00.
Q. WJ'~ I linle ,,"ould you gt l ofr lh is OtICC :t """,,I; wl,,:n )·0 1'

COM MENT: The fact I h ~t the Wllness sllippcd scil ooi is cm pIiJ,il e<l
b~ rt lclfi~g lei il in Jlmosl ew,V ~uesl ion.

A. Oh. wh~n 1 ski pped. I'd work rronl 1;.)0 IV 5:00.

Q. When )'011 did 11 01 ! kip di d ye ll go 10 ,,"o . k t 'W,), <.Iii) ' a"l~ r
,\ . Yu .
§ 55.03 55-6

Q. fi\'¢ <i:I}"1 :l 'I1:..-k?

,\. Yn ...nd "boul , i .. hours on S:l.I prdnr.
Q. Wh<lt lim~ did you "or~ whe n )'I)ll d id nOI ,kip, hil i dUn nll
those othcr four days durin~ th~ w~ck when you W~OI 10
work 3ftcr schl>Ol, when you ~tt~ndcd ,dlOol~
A. From l :OO 10 ;:00 ,

§ SS.Ol ,\ I1""cd 10 Urhe .·(JI'~lifl :I• • a,\hl

Q. During that p<:rio<l of time hetwee n October of 19 .. 10 June
of 19, .• both Ih e dnys thaI you worked nil day tlt al Once a
"1:ck whe n you "WI: ~kippins. :Lnd III<: other four d.:lyl, did
you " '" 1ha1 forkli O "'-C,)' d.:l~'?
,\. Y\"$,.

Q. Wl,en did YOIl fir5t S1:ll1 u,ing the for~lift7

,\. Now. you wanl 11.1 know when] firM ~,artcd or when I was
uslnS il~ 1 was using il when I ....'JS !c"l little. M y falher and
I ....·o uld SO al nillhl . <lntll 'I'oold dri,'c it arou ntll !>.: (aCIOI!'
when he WlI, ked.
Q, Do I londcrsl;lnd fro m )'Ollr tcuimon), Ih., t you ....we
permi tted 10 dri.'C thJI forklift m OU lld Ihe faclor)' m niShl
whclI yo u were fh'c }'ca n. 01<17
A. /.b ~''''' a lillIe older, ...-hen I "';15 Nal )"OUIIll-
COMMENt: Tile wjl n~ Il .;M!millinll D prjor 3d of n~gh gQOCC, Pl'I'
m,ttinr: a cMd to o~'ale B pioce of dang<l rc u, i l\d uW i~1 m~ e hin ery ,
Whilg ostensihly o!le.~d 10 e~l. blis.h tne wilne .. ' expc,icrlc e wit h tM
lorklilt , it \lemo n~lrales a C3v, Ii~ , al1itur;le on Ihe p.rt 01 til e co mpa·
ny towaJd$ operation ~r the I",)<lill. It•• t'Io.M\ce on Ill.1t POint ~ ••.
t.JinlV O"lr stt..dows ito rt lo ..~n~e to pravo tile witness' c.lltlM:ln« .
Q, JUSI::I minute. Old ~'ou tdl u~ o n d iltc l lr..Iiln ony. l ifo 111.1
)'O U had been olltr~lins th~1 {<J,k!m since Ihe lime you
wcr~ five yeOf!; old?
A. y~'S.

Q. I.. Ihat lesti mony Inte or nol lrue"

,\ . Th. CS 'roe.
COMMENT: A~k;ng a wilnes. to realli .m tl>e truth 01 M ~dmi •• ion
i. the mOit clfeclive "'ot hod 01 preventinij t,i", from 13tor recanting
'" CX~IRlnin& aWJy his testimon y to wit his immediate ~l"POSCS"
, ,-""",

Q. All righl . So you b:ld been ope nU;ng. Inal foal;" , inCll }'OU
"~cue th'( yt3rs 01<1:1
A. \'~~.

Q. And yO\l. ralhc~ pcm';IIr:d l'oU 10 do 111311

,\ . Ycl.
Q. Ik "'-;u '",)lkint: in the orrlC<'. alld you w~"" )'lI:rmiucd to
drivc around ill the "'.. r.;ho~ wh...'fI you WCfe nq ~""U5
old wilh tllli ro rkHrt: is 11",1 ,orr~n?
.\. YC'!.. bill li\(e I s~i"'. il mis;,t h3'''' h".:n when I I<';IS kven,
I com', f~m¢mbo:f ,,~ttly. I •..,iIl ~y Ii.'c Iboush If yo u are
jU'1 inle r~lcd in ab<lut when it ..'as.
Q. I w3nt ~'our
bc5L reCollection. li., as 10 when it "':l~. and if
it ..'3_~ fi.-e. fine.
On lhe o lh. ! ham.!, if),oo f(cl , h~l il w~,
when you Wt,e sc •.., .... you nil)' so ~e.
,\. I Nl1er sa}' <I,: ,-cn lh~n. ll«allSOl ,",h~ n I Ihink of a
/ivc,yc3r-old, I don', ~t<: how I routd be d,;'-;ng thai truc k
Q. SO;I ;~ no'" your best ItcotJ.:aion thoU ~0Il 5\:U'Itd driving
,1\:1, for\;!irl when )'OU wcr~ 1eV~n ~'Clrs old'!
,\ . \'(;1; • .ir.
COMMENT: H;JoiIl£ ~nde<slood lira! his testimony hl ~ p~t hi~ f~rh er.
Ihe Pl~ident 0;11 tile comparry. in a bad liHllt. the witne-s~ attempts 1/1
ch~nge it. CouMCI alkr.os him to d~ so. but ~t the ~am~ !illM! pllims
out ...... llbe wiIMIo$;$ (Q!'Itla\1i1;!;,.g "'m~. Suc:h an eff/lr ri,gI"o1. /1ft
Ihe Mt in testimony call create a hC81thy skc~llci$m o;In the part ".
Ihe 11111 Ie the wflnas" fllrthel trslitnonr .

§ 55.04 In.l lnI<1i,," '"1 USC' of Forl<l;'1

Q. ,\nd ,, 111"/1 tlid }'Oll . ,art dri\"lng that rorklin In your
~mpl oyrrn:III'!
,\ . When t lit>1 S!~rtcd in 19. . •
Q. Did ~'Oll ever recei\"e any in~ru<:lir1n?
A. Yl~. 5ir.
Q. from ~O\lr emplol"Cr'1
.\ . y,~ sir.
Q. And who inill\lct~d YOII?
§ ~~~~

,\ . G~I\~ Mc1b~.

Q. Wh~n di d h ~ fi rSI in'lm ~ 1 you?

,\ . When I li r~t starletl wor~i n6 for LI ~alnr)".
Q. ,\ n<l Ih nl wa~ ,,·hen .• if!
A. ()(IO!>o.', o f 19 . ..
Q. What d id Ioe Iell you?
,\ . He slIOW,"(j me n:l(11y c\"c rything ahcul IhI: fOf ~l irl .

Q. Wn therc ~nyl h i nl\. si r. It.~1 ~'ou did nOI ~now aboUl Ihi ~
fo'~ l ift?
A. Wh~n I wa~ lillie and I dro"~ it I was eilhcr with 10nl(bo<l)'
or c\$C JUI I sleering it. dr; \" ing il. II I\oes h )' itself if )'0 11 til~~
)'our rOOI otT Ihe gil'. ~nd I \\~"er did h and l~ Ih e Ill' and
do"' n m<" ·emc nlS.
COM MENT : Cou.,.-...,\ would Ii"" 10 n !,l bl;sh 11",\ the wil n~ kncw
'cvtfYl hin,- 3bOUi tne fOlklill, sin~ tllis would n""m Ihal he also
~ nl'W 01 iI. dange<s . ./111 00 salT\(> time if !he wil ne~ did M I halle suf·
ficient ~ nctvi led£e rega rding the fGrklltt '~ operatio" it cnuld mc~ n ,h~t
h~ WiS not ~~u3tc ly t"ioM, InterrinG !W8lig"flCe on tile part oll he
de le-ndJni. ELtller way c<)\J n,~1 e~nMOI kl'~ by pu rsu ing tiiOs lin e 01
qu estionlnc,
Q. ,\nd he showe d you how 10 h~ndlc the up a nd do\\'n
mo\"em ~ m~'1
A. Yc,.
Q. W ;n Ih:u lhe (,)'[~'1l1 or )"OU' !r;o;nin, on lloal (orklil'l1
,\ . ' '<'S, be ill!: 1100 ..... , ~ou ~no..·• mO" in!; th inSS around whh it.
Q. In )'011' dcromilinn )'UU s,id )'00 jU$[ w rl of learned ~~ ~'OU
weill ~long. i,n't that correcl?
.0\. ",.~.

Q. "bnl WM how you learned In operate the forkli rt , you ju~t

$Ort of I .~ rncd as \'Oll go'!
A. Yet. ;'ISI;in& qumions an d Ih in!;1 liI.:c lhat.

§ SSJIS Expo."Tlcl>C'\' .. Hb II ....")' l.u:tds

Q. Hnd you c,'cr had t h i~ type: of c~pcricncc before "'ll cf~ ~ou
lirt Ihe hca"y weight orr u f a !ruck an d it would till

,\ . :-101 orr of a lrucl.:. 0 111o:r lbings had Io""pcn\-.;I lit o:

Q. /luI)~ load nc"er tt.,d lhi~ e~pcri<:occ1
A. Nt).
Q. II "'~J II new ~~ilI'ricncc fo r )'ou'/
A. Yel. ~i r .

Q. Ho ..' much werc )'O\! mukil1~. ~ir, a[ Ihe li me l h l~ ncciden t

A. S ... ~n hour.
Q. AmI whal wn Ihe co ndilion of lh . 10,,'m010. :U Illc Hmc
Ihis iK'cilk: nl ncc u 'r~d?
,\. It ...~~ f)o; . rccl. T he.e \\""sn', anylhillJ; the m~l1er with it.
Q. .. ...."3$ working nil righl?
,\ , y~'S.
Q. lI~ d )-OU IIml it Ihat dl)" before 11K: a«i dem oc<:um'Ci1
A, Yel . si r,

§ 55.06 nC'Jl'On ~iblli lrcs of Culkn!(lIc

Q. Do yuu ~no"' " Mr. Thol11a~'!
A. Yc$, sir.
Q. :-'0"', tell in C whclhcr Mr. Thomas wm worklnll for you r
11;,11', rom p"n>" 31 lhe lime Ihis acrid "", /Xcurr.'d?
,\ . No, sir. !-Ie Wa~·l.
Q. Whal wns lIis po, ;I;oll "; 110 )'OUI oomp:mr?
A. I JUS! !o:Iid he W!I' " "' working "; Ih the (1'\fl' f>3 I1)'.
Q. Wt",11 he ,,~ wOIk in!: fo r Y<lUr romp.H)·, wlo ~! ,..3i his
A. J k ""~ , bat~ in lh~ ,,"ard'OIl>C.
Q. v.'a~ he II 1h i ~~in!l d" r~?
A. :-/0, l ir.
Q, What ki nd or ,,"ork did ll c do?
.\. !'le 11Uih h}',jrnulic unit. nn<! Ihin£s like 111:ll .
COMMENT: Notic e I n ~1 mnny 01 the qyc~ t icros .lSked Ilere are nol
le~d ini. which ., ~ono lor . eVl'ral tactical rc,Y-ons. Le~di"8 Quntioros
I... ), Wh""".,

"rc ffequcntl~ borin g for tilC jury. anu sOl1\!Jtimas C~Mct be used be·
call)!.' the q~tioner lach Ihe inlo,m~l ion 10 m~ k e Ur~ assertion.
,1,1 10. il Is olten w~c \0 ICltht Jury ~ car ~ llef.C'ptivl! st~tlJ'ftlCnt h om
Ihe .. itllMs hlm sell.
Q, W as one of hi~ r~SIIOMibi\itics to ulllo:o<1 trucks when Irn.,)'
("me 0 1110 Ihe Pf~;se()

A, YC',5 ir,
Q, Di (l you ever obs~ ty. him <10 th3t?
A. Yu. si r.
Q. Di(l he d<l that Q.lIirc a hit?
A, !'Io. ~o one docs it quilt a bi l.
Q. Do yOll ha" . any ~MI ],;nowledg~:u. 10 how oflen ).Ir.
Tho ma~ did Ihat ~ind of wOt ~?
,\ , Once ada),. mayb,,; I can'l ~y. Whc"~'...,r :I Irue],; .,.;ould
COme ill a n<l he'd ~c l on it.

Q, How long before Ihi. accident w:lS il li'a! Mr. T"omas Iell
the Cmrrlo)'J1Wnl of tl~ rolllpan~' 10 go into Ihe service:
A, How long bdorc Ihe accident octurrd'!
Q, Yes. sir.
A. I thi,,~ he I~f! in !'>Iarch ~nd ca me back in October. I think
h~ stJ)'cd ahoul Ii,'.
Of \; .• me nl",.
Q. And ..... ,," you 5.l~' Ma rch, of courn:: you mUll March or
19 .. , and he ca m~ bac~ in S~plcmhcr 3ilcr Ill e acc id~'1\l, of
19... i~ I"~' rort("~
A. Yes. sir .
Q. I! ~d you .VCT unloaded Mr. S~nlk;f~ InKk herOIC. ~i r?
A. Not Ihal , c::r ll re<.OlU.
Q. Thi s was u new c~p"ricncc for you als('I, wa s il 1'101'1
,\. Yel. ~;r.

COMMENT, As cal>nscl proceeds ituo ,J tn:ljot arc,) of c raminlti,,,,

his quostigns t)eccme m(lre lII.xIing; he mJl<os ~n a,urlic n and ' he n
c.all' fClt tlte "";tness ' <ij.~eemen'.

§ 55.()7 Shaulng Indille In "l OOT b~' I'hate~rRp h

Q. N ow . as I rrcollc~1 Y('Iur \cllim('llIY, Mr. S3lnl~y ~ame in

:md s;1iil he bad a \oad o f MCct. or somtlh j ,,~, ~nd ~t'I" tot
- -,,--

B _ll

on Ihis h)wmOlot, ..·,,'11 ... n it si!l('c I h,we I("amro the

n~mc o f tll:lI lerm , I'll . 1311 L>~in~ il-~'OU gol o n .h is
lowmO lor, which is Ill.., fn rkllrl, and proceedocd 00\ 10 hi~
truck, i~ .h~1 right?
,\ . y~'S, ~i r.

Q. And his IrUt k .... ~ r~inll c~st and "'~s] \0 the r~ur
w ;U] of th.: ..'!\f ..... ou~e~
A. y~ ~ sir.
Q. How fu w.u i, from the w3rdlOU.JC 10 tht; side orth e truek.
Ih e b~ck wall of 1he ,,·a rehouloC 10 Ihe ~U~ of hi) n uek?
A, I'd S:ly nboul ten o r tirte~ n fecI.
Q, An d where W3~ Ihe 10 wm Olo r when >'ou I',m on it 10 comc
on (1\1\1 w~~ ;1 inl ide th ~ w~rcho u.'e?
,\ , Y~J. sir.
Q. I~; I
your teslimony. sir, thatlhc dist unce }'OU lraveled fro m
Ihe w3 r~holls.: 10 h;~ IN Ck ,,-~; It'·crl
,\. Yes, 0;'.
Q, u l me ~,ow ~ou Dc(en<.b nfs E,;h ihh D. and ask yo u. l if.
if it ;sn· l lnlc Ihm UIoC'e i~ ~ sli\;ht dediIII' from the cd&c of
th e wall bac k thi~ WII)· 10 wh ere the trud was?
!Off,I/(· ff:t;ort! mll'''II'J" rleh'/(~fl

Q. Isn' t that 'Ofr~"1. si r? Isn·1 thcre a &IiI/hi docline Wmill&

""""11 (ron' th e S~'~ge door OU I, ir for
no Olhe r r~~50n rhiln
10 leI wal~ r run inlo the umin~
A. When nl)' e~r k <lh ,,·~ee., il docsn·1 ru n. 50 r don't knrw.·
ho'" there could he any ~ind of an illcline Ihen: .
Q, You ~n nn ot see any Incli lle7
,\, On elm piceu rc. yes.
Q, It lookl ]i~c
il d eclin es 10 if ),OU "'ere ~ont ins up ~o
th e pr:'lge door, )'O U "'ould hase to J)il Ch up !.lightly; "c ry
lIishtly. but nC\·e"hdel;~, !Ome'
,\, NO! 10 m~ knowled&e. flO.
Q, Ba"c you e~~ r mt;IWTW 10 (,cC wh e lh ~r Ihi! pi cture is a

fair and ~ccurale rep'escnlaljon of Ihe rondit lo n of thai
.. . .... .

~'C.(l bd " nu Ihe door and b,:lIin d 'he ,.'a r~lI o us~ 011 August
~l. 19.. :l
A. YC.I. S' T.
Q. Tlla!"!; :1 b it ~nd ,u;cumIC repn-..enlal ion. j'I1 ' , if!
,\. Y~s. " r.
COMMENT: The wllnen . by his own ~d n,,~,i o o, n'tab 'i5h~' a f!)Un.
dalKlI\ I"" Otd missioo oIl ne pholoc!aph,
Q. il3 ~t ~Oll e~"r n,,-:.wrc.l il to s;."e ..... helller. I ndc~d. lh l~ is
~Ij!lhtlyhi gher than il 's OUI h",,, ",he,.., Iht truck ,...,.. Id
ha,'~ bcen ?
,\. No. ,ir.
COMMENT: Til e tIlI sis fel! Ihe witne,,' opinioo s hould 01 ~. P!0I1!d in
OldeltO sh~w l h~t lie doe,n'! Icalli l1 ave an~ h~ ltl ..... idl'f>Ce 10 sup·
POIt ~ . The a ttorney should dotem';M whD t evide nco Would ho re '
qu i•• ~ I"" t h~ op llliOll 10 be vatic! ,md ~,k the ,,";toes, whe ll~T h ~ l",
it, ~n~'''iTl!': 01 course bel orel,;ond II'M l1e doc sn'!.

Q. So 3ftcr ~1l" C'J mc for'''"rd OUI or the 8~rJj:C ~n <1 ; nlll whcr~
Ihe In ..:k W3~. }'OU sluek the furkli of lh~ fodd in inlo lhe
load. iJ th aI ~or!\.'C I?
A. "C~, si r.
Q, Fudltt I,,"';lrds Ihe lruck~
A, "co, sir.
Q, Your II:lck "'oolu haw I>c<:n towards Ihe r,ar:'l~e wall?
A. "es, sir.
Q. And the ~IJke~ were nOI remon'<! ~llhal lime. is th ai )'our
Ie; I i "lI)11~' '!
, \. YC! . sir,
Q. 1 IIn<krSI<.M.I<I you. di ' ''''1 teslimoll )' 10 I:>c lh al JI tilJl lime
~''' U knew !t was tIl'ns 10 Ix- 100 Ilea")', ;~ Iha\ •..""cel?
,\. Y~s. ,il'.
COMMENT: T~( ~'ilnu~' know'e~ thai he wu do;nll , gmetlling
' ;~k~ 15 pOi nl ed oo t ,
Q, Why did ) 'OU lhin~ it w;n goinglO b.; tOil h<":I")'.'
,..... ~"
H - Il

,\, Wtll, 111 M IoOUnd~ "TO"!:, ~ tn il just "1l~ go; n&10 jx, hL-:IV )',
I ~n~ ..... ;t ..... ;L~ go ing to be 100 tI C~ " )" }'O ll kno ..... , c" cryhody
knew ;\ "-J~ SOing to be too hcnv)', Nohod)' t;;I\<l anylhi ng
Q, Dul )'OU kn c'" m tile lim~ yo u ~tart~d lini ns Ih~t !oa<l th aI
it ...'a~ going 10 be 100 hc~\'y ror that tOWnl Qtor, isn't ttl at
,\ , T oo tM..:IVY 10 lirE !If~ i&l11 u p, Y<'1, sir.

§ 55.119 RC"'Illai of S lakes

Q. Did )'0 11 'c'lu~>t Mr, S~n lky \0 rCIllO"C ~ny of lhe: " 3~Cs'!
A, :>10. sir,
COMM ENT: This le~timooy gta ,.t1icJlly IIl u~t ralcs 1~~1 the witness
did not t~ke an ~ sloQS t~ avol ~ tile ,i >k.
Q, Ao;('Ord; n&l<) )'o u, te!limouy, he d id nPl , ind •....!, n:mO\'c
Otty or th e stah. bdor~ ~'Oll :I\leluptcd to tift ttli s load 110:((
~'L'U knc'" WJ I So; ng to ll\l lOll hea")' out of the truck'!
.\ , l ie did mo"( ooc.
Q. Ik:forc )'ou st:ln~d \0 lI lll"",d?
,\, Yes, we pull ~d up to the truck and il hit one. ~o he """'cd
it and il WC'II in further,
Q. So he did mo:....c onc of Ihe 5t3k~ s hefo...:?
A. Ycs. ,ir.
Q. IIIH 1\01 :Ill of 11.... n11
A, No.
Q, And }'Oll d id nUl, accordi n~ to ynur tcstin"'ny, rcmo" c :1
IUftj";ClII number of ~tu \;c .. l>O that } 'DU could lin the In~d
001 o f the hed o f Ihe u uck witho ul coming. o\,c' son'C o f
I I\(: ot hcr ~I ~~ ..... i~ Ih:u ~1>rrO:C I~
A, y~s , sir,

COMMENT: Tl!Stim llOV hn been elicilC{! torn:eming a nun,~r ~I

'~ CI O' $ which ;nd' (.)t~ thaI IhC ";loos~ kntw. or al lea$1 ~h""IG l\3Ite
knc',"n. I h~1
hi' atlioon wilh Ihe le ,l<Iill '"t ,e dange,ous. The r.'lMIf
01 IhC nCg,. ,ealil~ t i~ til. ! tll(l klad W" $ toc heavy, ~'W f ~i lure 10 ,e,
move ~ ~uf1 ici ent ",m,lle, of sW,es are all ~ t'Qng indi C~tiQ n, 01 ncgl; ,
&'I'nl conduct on h'5 11'1 '1.
§55.IO 55_14

Q. !-low high did you <ay. sir, the bed of the truck was off of
the ground?
A. I really don'l have any idea how high il is.
Q. Do you ha"c any .slimal. al all?
A. About four feel. I would say.
Q. And do you have any e,timate as to how high those slakes
A. Wcll, he said twenty . dght in,hes. J would say thaI's about
Q.. Would you disagr~c with lhat?
.\ .. No.
Q.. That would ~ound about righl 10 you. Twenty.. eight inches?
A, Ves.
Q. Which woul<1 be approximately two fect?
A. Ves, sir.

§ 55.10 Lifting Lond orr the Truck

Q. SO you proceeded then 10 lift the load. which }'Oll knew was
gains to be quite hea"y, up over tllc 'Iake~?
A. Vos. sir.
Q. How high did ),ou lift thai load?
A. Iliftc<l it unlil [barely cleare<lthe stakes. I don't know how
lligh tbat is.
Q .. Well. ,ir, <lidn'l }'OU jusl say in your <lireci te!(imony that
you lifted the 10:ld se"en or eight feet above tile ground?
MR. NORI)ICh: I would object to lilal . I <lon'( r.memher such
(e'limony. 1 Ihink hi, onl), teslimony was that he liftc<l il high
enough to clear (he stakes,
THE COI.'Rr, Well, he cnn testify. He remembers what be snid.
~nd he c~n say that i~ nOI what he le,tified 10. You can an,wer
the question.
THE WtT~[S': I can '~y if [ did say lhat it is wrong. because of
whal you jusl <aid. I did lift it just one . half of nn inch. or ju"
harely enoush to get it oyer Ihos~ ~lakes. I don't know how
high it i•.
§S~, ll

COMMENT: C~ 's 6et ~ iled C, ~ mll'l~ lj on "I ....netfy hDW Ih.. lo.ld
W~ lift"' h~& $0 intimidated the .,jt ~ •• tMt ~ readjt~ a<l mil$ l1i .
p,jO{ le$\imcny .... ~. wrong wit h~ut ",ton
bcine llKrfrn tlT~ 1 '~ nloC r ipt
,,' what lTe ~ id, Opposing t~unul abjecl$ in ~ n attempt to p.revcnt
thel" d~m~ging ~dmil.ion ., but te M ava il, "T he heighl the k>a(! wi>S
lilt~d ;$ impertanl in ~hOWi"8 ho",v t 3ft/ul Ille will>eSo' w~\..

Q, (01' M il, K om.) So if )'0 11 \.,1id 011 d ircr l tesli mo n)' the forb
..~re !C"en \0 dr,h! fec t hi&Lt off lhe Bround Ihm "',1"
,\, Yo, ~ i r,

Q, ,'U ri&ln, Now, how hiS" d id }'OO Lifl Ihe forl..~ 10 {:Ct the
10Jd oot o f thr IT\I~l::
A, 1 don't kn ow, I lined i\ ju,t cn ou gh 10 clear tho!c Ma1:o.
Q, So if thc ~takc. w~ re two fec t {our incites, and th e b<:tl w:>~
four (ce t, you would have Uftfd it. if my 3tirlnn elic i~
CO<T«t. a nd I th ink ;1 wou ld be •• i,~ fect four inches'!
A, Right .
COMMENT: S~n. ing IIIa\ he i. in cC>mplct, control '" t~ wil ne'1 01'1
Ihios i1tue, counsel gets him 10 &Sf'" to a pleci~ 1!.!Im.l\~ 01 the
helg!il the iClOl d wa,lifted, \ll ough il i, unlik ely Ille witr\()$' COuld have
knewn I h~ Ie the inth,
MR. ;>.''' ~mc,,: Atol in. I .. \lu W object. h is contrary to tht lelt;·
'non >'. Tnis is Sell ing ;nto '~nlallt;c " bu t four i llChc~ or the
stake h~. to b" ill thc socket. i l i~n't Iwcn t)--eir,hl 1m-he. 3ho\'<:
the bcd. Since we 3'" Goins to 1'I:3ti)' ni' pick. leI's h'Cp it ""act-
l~< wh~t it is,
T UE COUM" Objection overruled, n li. is emu e1~mi n 3Iion.
)'OU ...i ll havc ~11 oppon nn it y '~'ct.

§ 55,11 Forklift 's Ilear \\'IItd' C3~'C Offtl'f C"u",d

Q, (lh' M~. Ko",,) When )'OU !ined thai Io.w, . i" up to
wh3I e,-cr hcit:!>t il was. thc 'o~d and the fork ca me forward,
I, lIu t COtTcct~
,' , I didn"\ &c\ ~ ch anc~ ,,, !ift it. '" !oo n 3, I ;'Pfllioo tlte
prcj~u re. ;nM ead o f Ihe wdr.ItI. I nle,lI\ the . hc-.;:t metal.
t:OiRJl do"'" . the (car end of the Huck C~nl C Ull.
Q. Was Ihe forl: o f 'he forkli ft nbo;l\' e (h e h~d of (he truc~ at
'111 wh~!1 the rear ... h "~b e" m~ off of the grou nd?
, ~..," ."
§ ss.u
A. Ye$.. I had il un&:r \he m~I ai nnd s\al1cd to lili tile nl elal
up. " ud tht p III<: ., . ,,' "nd o::!."'~ \.II'.
Q. !lo w h igh d id )"011 tift llot mn.:<1 ofT of IIle bed of Ihe !ruck
before lhe r~J r ",1Icc!s came orr of Ihe I\round~
,\ . JUSI:t couple of incht""!;. Nm "J,dl)" ~n)·I hinJ;.
Q. "~ d how far thcn did Ihe "heeh came o rr Ille groun d?
A. Well. I (01110.1 hJVC m3dc ,hem rome olfu far;u I w:mlcd
10. bcr:I" IC 3! I appli ed [he "'CS~ IC it C3 111 e up iMlc:td o r
~oint up. \lui th~ C~ 1I1~ olT 3I:l001 $i~ i ll<:h~ I Ihi n ~.

COMMUfJ: The witness is &lYing l!!e abcl'l"e tr.;~mnny. nOl the aUor·
ney. While $hOft btu,h strcke. or ractual assert ions IIy tile attorney
lend 10 moYil ak'"l1 me tonwuClicn of tile picture. in some i.... ,~f1C6
ttro lesl;mo!»' IIJi mo'o impact i! sl~led by tile !",tnelS-
III the most cluei., ~.ca5 of \~;ntol1y, wh .... e i...... g(lS ale b(olne
iJdo:lcd 10 lhe j)icluu.' In Ihe m(nds of ' '''' ;u' Y rapidly, 1110 lu<lint
Clvetion ~ m\lil oU~lio;o . Compare the non·To. dinS QU QsH"". ~hovc
to the , Ia.ity ol lha leadinB ClUe-stions below.
Q. As I undeutand )'our leJl imoll)" if I"" IfUl;!< hold not been
.be.t Itt.; lo ... mOlO~ ilJ,Clf wo"l d h~ "e IOI'P1<:tl f" ",,,rd'i
,\. ....

Q. h .." s I~ IOIC~ 11\;11 h<:1tl il?

,\. "C'S. si t.
Q. The l rlle].. ~epi In C I"wmolor from 'oJlpiing ro .....":1td " 'ilh
)·ou in il. is th~ l ro' 1"«"I1
A. y~s.
Q. This w,'s IlU il~ a b~~ ';' iUJd1
A. Yn. sir.
Q. A v","" hC~'T load. ;$,.'1 Ih al righ l?
A. Y~$.

Q. 11 is ~'our \~i n'ony. us I ul1oknl3"d it, 111:1.\ Mr. Winiam~

sl''(Ipo:d on die knob dl( r~ ill th~ .~":1t ~"d il ri&h,u,d il ...~f!
,\. y ~.

Q. The ,,-hct1~ (1In.t down firmly On t~e groun(J?


A. y...,. ~I.

Q. And ,h.;o you prexwdC<l t tl !l;;Jck lip si~ (II d rJII f.:et?
A. \'~,. $;' .
Q. Wilh 110 one cise on i, bu t Mr. \Vil1i~ms ~nd }'ollr~cl rl
A. YCJ, sir.
Q. Wi,en "";IJ il. !.ir. II,,,. yolO lifl~-d the ro, k !I"~r the $1~ke5'!
,\. Ildof~ I backed up.

Q. Our arIel Mr. Wjm~nl~ had gOtle" Oil?

,\. ".:s.
Q. YOII then li n ...... Ih is h(';!,'T Io;ld " 'illl Mr. Willi:l.m~ On Ih"
b~ck thins lilere, up O'W Ih.~ st:tkes. and did )"011 'C':I\~ ;1
.lul h itb a nd Sl311 b;)cking lip?
COMMENT, When exam;n;ng ~ witnt$$ .bO ut a co m~rica t Ol<l $(!f;"$
(1\ ~rrls " _'lion l \lCh ~~ the l\<cuding one CIn be very help!,,1
in da,;lykng what h;r.; beocn lea'nftl sciar and Il'oceol'din:g to the nell
mtlion cl \CoSlimonr.
,\ . YC1.
Q. And )'00 b,1ckl:'d uil Sil or "i~h l r~el?
A. Y.:s, sir.
Q. So "m sun: I I\a"c Ihal riehl. t'lainlm'~ Ellh,lIil No. S do..~
' hmo.' the posilio" of lIN: f' il nlc- II ""'Ii flush apins\ Iho
motor pari or
\h~ ",,,,motor, iI Ihnl rom'Cl?
,\. Y.-s. ~ r.
Q. fi llS/! ~G3i Lll l 111=. , of ka";n~ 1OWil.<l5 ) 0'111
Q. And Mr. S~n U.~· h1d 1101 ,~n~" 011 ,,\ )'0" "'e"." l)...ekinS "!l.
or 3\ 1 ulldCf'l>lan<l il. ~CHlaU)' )'0 11 "'ere in mOlion ~nd ..... fnl
1>:1."'" ..:,·...11 r~. Jnd (hen he /illnl"'!! 011. i, Ih" l cor •.,.;t?
,\. Killin befote "C ~lopJlf(1. )'CS.
Q. 11 w~s ~1i11 ,,'o" ;n& ... h~1I he ~'{ll nn?
A. Yes. ~i r.
Q. And whcn he &01 011. ~1\ foor wheels "'~fe o n Ihe t"ou lld?
,\. YC$. .if.
t S5.1l SS-I S

Q. Wh en he \,'01 on. you C(lliid lean~' 5I:e no re~j.I)tl 'nhy hi:

sho"l d h~,'e gouen on!
A. :-10. l ir.
Q. An~ 10 thi ~ day you C;IM'! r~JUy underst and why on eanh
he " 'Quid ha\'e &Cllcn onlo Iba\ m;lI;'h iuo:. ;~ Ihal correct?
A. Ri~ht.

Q. "nd s.honly aOcr he ~o. on. ~'(Iu nOl'lKd?

A. Yes.
Q. You cen3inl!' did not ~!0fI h«au!".l: he galan, did you?
A. No , IiI, I den'l Lhink $0.
Q. Yell had ;Iuonllcd 10 ~wl' M>' ho w1
A, Yu.
Q, 1101" rnr wn~
the frOll1 cn(l of Ihnl IOJd fro m th ~ sid e o f Ih c
truc~ "he" YOII s topp<:'\/?
A, Ab<)ul si~ feel, r gu e",
Q. So YOII 'ne le wnw d iSl3ftce more Ihan six fc."t from th e side
af Ihe lruck'!
,\. yc~ sir.

Q. !-low Mlan), fcc I would )'011 !illY you wen: fmlll the 5 i~c of
the ttu(k1
,\, Abou t lell.
Q . So fllml )'OU 10 the fro nt end of the lo.1 d would 11~"c Ixcn
four fOCI?
A. Y~ sir.

§ 55.13 I..... crinlthe l..o. d

Q. You SlI id it wa S dangerous. :u I undcrst~nd it. to oper:lle
the forklift ....;lh Ihal load up hiSh?
A. Ye,. lii T.
Q . And W )'(111 w~nh:d 10 lowe r il 3\ th e carlicM poss ibl e
Illo men t, Isn ', lh nl corrccl?
,\. Yt;$ , t iro
Q. Bu t. n~1u3!l)'. i" fac, )'011 h.,d hacked lhe fronl ~ nd of \h~1
1o~ d 31 Ic~~t ,i~ f"" l fro m Ih e .i(l~ of 1he Iruc~ hefor c }'flll
~\arlcd 10 lower if!
," ,I, ,••,

,\ . yO'S. ~i r.

Q. W~s Ulcre ~ n)1 lt i pc in between lite fran! ent! or Ih at load

;000 tile side of Ihe !nICk?
,\ . No.
COMMENT, Coonr.el ha~ caught th e witM~5 in a n ~l h er contmlic·
lion , Since t~e i~1"1 i. likely to put mOle In,.1 ifl ...hat he <lid than tile
way I\e de!>C lil\es it on the s\;mti. th~ I~ ot th.:lt lie did not lowe r t~!
load immedialely mea ns I~al he wa, not at concerned 3t1oYt lite
1Qad'5 i "st~bility 3$ M nOw say •.

§ S5.1" 1·1.1.lllf~ OirKllollS til Lu\\o r Ihe ""rklift

Q. ' Ih;nl;. YOIl $;l id Ib~1 Mr. 5.:Inllcy u ld . ~lo"'~r it ,;J cw.~
,\ . Yt 5. ,i J.
Q. Aflc r lie gUi on Ihe rorkli fl. righl ?
,\ . Yes. si r.
Q. ' tx:liCH r Oil ",I'" Ih~ 1 >'011 did !iO al h is d iret lion. o r ml.l I
misl;>b::n ~boUI Ih is'!
,\ . I d id il when he :;:l Id II. yes.
Q. WeI>! ~'Ou doin, il at his dirttlion?
A. Wel l. I " 'U toini 10 lo .. er it any .... oy, bUI be said ii, 10 r did
Q. Y(Ml ilid not slOp \x:eau!;C he ~o l on . ;. Ihal corrcel?
A. Th~t', corrt c!.
Q. D id lOll Io,,'c, It bwau sc he sa id "l()wel il '7
,\. "11S.
Q. And if he h~ d n(ll &~I() ")()wcr," lO U .... ould 11 0\ ha ,·~
lowcred it?
... . No. I would i1a"c lowered il a ll),\\"" ),.
M~. N(}~ l>l (,~: O bjcclioll. Your Ii onor. TIt~ 1 io ' ";Wes Ih" pro,'·
ince of Ihe jury 10 lIe;>r Ihe l('Minlo n>'. He i5 alguin& ~boUI i i ,
T,,~ CUUIIT, Mr. Kohn. I Ibi nk hc'~ ~n~"'Cre() J 5 b.m II~ c()u\d
rOllr Qu~il)lIi. Susmincd .
COMMENT, Note Iha l Ille defenSE- 31lgm e1 objects wh~n he believ<?s
thc witness i~ malli ll8 $\alemenIS w~ic:h could damage hi. U$C .
Plainlifrs counsel e<>leblisnes 'hat the wjlnes~ was goinllio do wll<1l
he did, .~~{dl~n 01 v*'elM r he {ccl!ived ill llruClionl 11 '>1" Ille ~ain·
liff. This m~y leJ~ tile jury to h ~ lievo that s ince til e insl ruet ion~ were
irre luanl. the wil"'» may not have jI.1ld altetllH:IIl to Ihem. a nd
therefolo may ha.e illacc urately lnte rp.-el ed th em.
Q. (HI' )..1M . Ki>l "") In ~rt)· C,·Crtl, imll\cdi31d}' ;,f.~ , be lIu~ rcd
tI~ word s. yo u ~artcd 10 lower il?
,\ . Yc~.

Q, R~o::t rdlC'l1 o f lile 1\.":1.501\ ~Q ~ d id il. Ih at " . i" dl"-'U ""ht

you did (io. i~ Ih~1 righl. sir?
II. Ri!;ln.
Q. Yo u smrtcd 10 Im,'cr il ~lo ..... I)"!
A. Yes. ~i l.
Q, And he had said "lower il slowly"'!
,\ . y~ ~ir.

Q. And tl,crc is ~ knob (hen: wh ich ennhle. YO Ii III .c~ul:i(c IIle

!>pcw "'l lh which f OP 1O\O'~r it. i. Ih:lt right~
A. YoJ, 5i•.
Q. now r;l, d id )'OU 10--'1:' it beforc Mr. S;'tllt..~· cried o ut'!
A. Apl'rO.~im~l e l )· Iwo [eel. I would ~ay.

Q. 'Tlu:rt would you I-:I~' th~ 1 il .... ould be r.'1ir to $.'1)' Ihm th o
nm" 'lb lc h~r WM (wo [eel nrmrox imnlc1y abm'c Ihe
immov;thlc or S( .. !tonmy b:t r?
,\ . YClo,

§ 55.15 :-':l·.~r Sil" l'Ol"l ion "r 1'I~lDlifr,~ Ri~1I lI ~nd

Q. Mr. Snnllcy &01 on th~ ri sllt· h~nd ~i<.l". 10 ~'o ur ri&ht. i ! thm
,\ . Yes.
Q. RighI n~1 11:> you?
,\ . Yes.
Q. Wn.",~did he 11111 hj~ ler, hand'!
A. Behind me .
Q. ,' nd " 'hI:,c did h~ 11'" hi~ figh t hund'!
A. Well he ptll it a ll that bar. that Mat;onM)' b~ •.
,,,.. ,~ , !
-- ..
Q. Did ~~ o bsCf'\"i" h i5 lmmloo Ihal S!:uioo~ry bl!'!
A, No. I JUII !.:no .... il no .... b«a\lMJ o f Wh3f l !;(IIIC on.
COMMEN1: Cnun ~ $l'Quld ne.o r let /I wi tn ess rc l~ on ~ n . .. WMQ ·
tieln wi:hout euminlns him as to its b<I~is . Often. ," hl'fll, it will turn
out te be b.lsed 00 t rotmels which mi ke the wi1rlt'ss' te!timony on
tno pcint ultimately ~a luelcs.s.
Q. Dill hc f)bcl:d his Ioa nu w,",,"'hcrc immtd i<lld~' when he
Eot M ?
1\, Yei .
Q. It is ~ lishl fi c Ihen:. n'ally: be hau 10 hold 0,"10 ;;omclhi n,.
riEht~ Anu aCllt~l!y it ..... ~s nlo\'i ng and Il c had to ros ilinll
hin\s~l f in m tn e way'!
,\ . \'<~

Q. Some "·<lY. ! should S<l)". You did not " C tu~lIy ev~r "'" hi s
han d on Iha' ~\"tionaJl hI belll'"o n th e time he tol otlln
In.: {o rklill 3nll Ihe li me Ihe atcillenl (IoCCtlned. is cruu
,\ . Tlmt's L-orr<..:t.
Q. Dut if )"ll U h;r,J looked . s ir. )'on .....ould h;,,'c to.'(: n II Ilte'~,
i,n't lloUI cofrwl1
,\ . Yel.. sir.
Q. You uiu nnt l oo~ M ~ n )' limt al Ihat 5I:I\io":I'1' bar frOlM
the tim e he &01 0 11\0 tlln! truck , 10wmOlor. u lltil the lime of
Ib~ :!('Cidenl?
A. Well , [ \\"a~ looki ng behi nd m<:. becau se r was Goinj\ in n
b~ctwaru direction, So 1 couldn't ll".'c ~~ cn hil\1 put hi ~
ha nd 0 ," l!>ere.
Q. Lot nt~ ask you OlgOlin. di d you look at llt ~1 sl~ti onaf)' b~!'1
A. Ko.
COMMENT: Ccunnl shoold nol merely ",c(1$1 a w~n~' atll!mpl$
at e.planat; ()n. but 5h~u ld in alst on a directly raspcn,,,'e aMwer.
Q. ,\I aoy t ime helwe<:n Ih", lime 1~ &01 on th e ("",lift an (t Ih~
lime Ih.., accidem occurr.-d?
,\ . No,
COMMENf: To esl~bli Sh n"&li&enl:f!. COUnM!l shows thaI Ihe witness
j,ad every oppor1Unity Le Oobsc roe tho lII.' inlill DlJI [a, led 10 do !.c.
0'"' ",,,
,- -,~-- -

Q. !low long ....ould you sa}, he W3S on Ihal forklin ~I"'~"n

lbe !inlt hI' gOl on ~n" Ihe lime Ill<: :lfCidC1\1 oeeuned1
,\ . Aboul:l h;il( a minute.
Q. Thiny s«omJ5?
A. Ycs.
Q. And you, )'ou. body 01 t..":ISI , sir. \\"31 ral;Cd for....:r.rd, "'as i\
,\ . y~'S.

Q. An" as you si tlhen', if )"1Mlr h<:~d was r~d fOlW:ud. )'ou

...'Ould ha"e had 3 cle:!. am.i unobstruCl.,d ,-iew of Ih~ I
~1:tl ion3 ry bar. II-culd )'OU nOI?
A. Yes. $i,.
Q. Indttd. how r~r
",ould )'011 say you. I:}'(S would be from
1h<l1 u alionary b:lr?
,\ . T ...'o or H.m: rcct. , guess. 1 l'C:r.lJr can' t .say.
Q. Welt ~'Our eyes .llmOSI Icv~1 ...·ilh Illal ~Iat ioll~ r)" b3'?
A. No.
Q. liD,,·high ;Wove 01 below ",'Ould )"00 1 eyes be frolll thaI
$l.3Iion~ry bar if)'ou drew a line acros1 Ih=. :t lin e Jl'Ir~ilcJ
to the gt'OIInd1
.\. An~· ...'h"l\O ('011'1 half n fOOl to a rool. or sorm111ing like tho!.
Q. When II~ fits! gol on ",1I:u directll>11 "en: you ey~ looki,,!:?
.\. t W3S looking in back of me al tht lime.
Q. So lOU d id n,,1 ~c hin, &<:1 o n. ;1 that "&Ill?
,\ . W e!!, yeah. I s.,w hin. &<:1 On. t (';In SC\. OUI of the sides of
n.)' cy!:'5.

Q . Thil ..... rt..,p' "'outd best sit"...· and :>c<:u,alel!·. IlIi,
would be the le~d of you. "!'cS, wo uld it nOl~ 1"!'15 i$ )'OU?
( 1>':moll~1 r:al i AS)
,\ . Yes, \;,_
Q. ,\nli this is. in d,·cd. Ihe S1~tlulUl1' bar. !oO wh~te'w il 15.
lh31 ;1 IWO and 3 h~l r fcct. and wbaIC\'cr il ;\ aho"c your
_Suh", ,,),

If ~('" ,1,;\"\ 100'" n~",y !>I;I,,,, Q~l! "",,y" ~"___ Wh", ,kt Y" " :~'.v r", ~:d.-i"~ :~ ,wTl'! . ___ ._______
!l')"U J~'Y h~I" ,,-,W",,,ell ':'- 11:1) "'~~'? _ _ ~ .
I! )-''''' ,""~IH':'" lUI)' " '" ~tsl'II'ad ~ II hik '" I·",rl . ..,'t~1' ,1<, l"'''' ll,,~~,~ily :I"-"J 1".1...;1,.::'1
WI~,: iU~ )'''''' ~!!!~o;H C);~<.'1~"",s fo' . \<Jul. ~.' ,i,:::s _ ; ,,"'k-!da:cd p"l'Iu:~'''''," ..
(~;,.:l' (Jill''',' " 1.J",~iI:,) , ___ • ___ ,_ , . .

i'", '''<;, "a'"t-''' ~' "f lul'''~ ",,,,li\·,,1 C_'i" "''':, pk,l"~ li,-, ,I..; ,'iI!'W:' ~-. ,11(1 ilcq'"·,,,,;, ,,; 11'" "".l"'~"t. (I,~ "" :~,,'
<!<I!\ {: ." I'i , it (lI,t. II ",-"·r:,,,)ll or W"I k'-' j C (-"'IJ' ~ " "'U'Jl\ N~I ) , ;Llld :1\(' UIlI;,(i"lI r)f II ,,', ''',al ''"-,, I 1'",

(~"ili'BQr~, b.I.~I "_(".".~, C'r,', !:n.y i,i) !)J"~IJJ!J!

1'11)'.<;0:.<1 11,,'1 ~I'''' } Ii,,,c< I'''' ,,-,d; Sl ~; ~l )'<'"' '

",.- .

----- -~ - - -- - - - ,.~ ---_. ----_.. _ .---_.. _-- .- -.-- - - '"~ .. --- , .'

" ,- - ... "

(";i,'j, a"~ ,,""f;\;;o.II,,""·

J("~ I(·:,(iOl' ~"d h"bl, i,,,"-.
elC lc'·~I. and th~1 acc ur:ucl )' 100WS Ille di1 1~n("t" from th"
~1~li o n~ry bar IC )'cur ")~ ~nd Ille diS\3n("<: ~bQ\'C )'cur
cy~", Ihat 1b.11 SI 3Iioll)f}' b:lr ~. ~ Ih~1 righl •• if'!
A. y~. ~ ir.

Q. Okay. ,\nd there ""OIS ~ period of li lll~. n~mdy. thirty

~(e(,"d", lhal he "~IS 011 Ih~re ..... ilh his hand on thol
~tOl,ion.ll'!-· bar. isn·1 Ih:ll righl?
A. y~~ sir.
MR. :-SoMOr(·J.! Obj~lion. Your Honor.lx:eausc Ihi1 boy ~ Id I«:
ne,'c' h3d his h~lld on th e ~lmieMr)" bar m nn), ti me bi:fole I«:
was injllTed.
MI<. K(lI!>~; He dldn ', ~e c il. !rut b~ $;l id ;1 """ Ih~r.:.
TUf_ COCKT, W~l1 . Ir e enly disco"eret\ il W3S Ihne after the m,," n
Solid. "Step. " Obj~c tjl)ll sl's.a;ned.
§ 55.11 Vk ... gl Ti.,t or Atdd~1I1
Q. (Dv MM . Komi) :-J01'.", lell nle sir, YOIl were lookin!; Ie t~e
fi"t gOI on. i~ Ih at righl:
r,:ar "'I«:n he
,\ . Yes.
Q. Wc,~ }"OU tIIrned 10 your 'W!I or 10 your ldl. or do ye ll
,\ . • ~ .. n·t ,~meml.>cr.

Q. Did )"ou c ..... , liop turning ~'ou, e)'c' 10 the rear ane.! look
fOIl",,"fd alief ho got on?
;\. Yes. si,.
Q. How Iollg ~ftcr he &\lIon e.!ie.! )'OU nop lookinG !O Ihe rem
:lnd SIal! lookins str~i&hl rorward?
A. Hight JOer he gOI on. l"d ,ay. As soon ~s I ~ IO(11)l.-d. afl""
h~ got on.

Q. Thai woo ld hi: ~ltl1oS\ Imm~e.!iatcl y: is Ihat right?

A. "co;, sir.
Q. So 31 lit31 lime your eye!! "'ould look mai~ht aho~d. ;1 Ihm
,\ . Yc~.

COMMENT: The ... itness is in effect admiltl~g tI'~1 I~ e III',"I'lI"s

h ~nd w~ ~ dire-ctly In "GIl l 0' his face, This n",kl"> i' uuhtlievllbJe Ih~1

""" ~"J

--.. "
Ilil WOIIld hoi¥tlllllllced t.1I'l! Iull)r III bolll lidon III mol';11II11>II I~!I witt..
out nOlicirog wflat was "&ht ;1' Ironl 01 hit....
Q. And Ilten I belie,·e YO\! lo tifi<d- ,.nd tolT\."CI. me i f I am
"'rong_ lfte. h e m~dt Ihis OOllnll Ib~1 !"U'J say he said
-'O"eT il, ~ yOll sl:tnetl lu"'''rlll! I hi~ Io:>d d own?
,\ . YtS. ~i ,.

Q. And.1l. >·ou did so, I bc:lic'· ~ you SOlid Y()U look~d first \0
one ~i(jc :lnd Ih~n j·ou c:lme 0'"1.'1" he r~ Qna looted on Ihe
Otht, ~id~ \0 " :ueh Ihe f();!a IlI:I t \·ou we,e lowe ring: i~ Ihat
,\. As I w:u; Io...·er ins it, llook~d. nnt before.
Q. /U}"OII "~rtlIoWCfi n!l illl urin!; th i~ Ihirtj··S<.TOnd period. or
$On.: ...·1I:I1 les. Ihan thirty :>«ond5o, !>eC:lust it took yno
somc lilll<.: 10 look for,,"ml, but durin~ Ih31 period Ih~1 roo
Wttc lowering. )"oa wcr~ looking to one 1idc tn s..'C how Ihe
10011 was lowering 0" IlIh sid e, ,,·hid, "..~~ in fronl o f you.
of courSl;7
,\. y~." .

Q. But ovcr here to tile side. a nd thell ,."O U w()Uld look O' W
li m: 10 the other side. ii,,'1 tM I com.'"CI1
A. Yo:1.
Q. ,\ I\d you did lhal Sl; li nlCs b."\("~ lnd fonh 10 sec 1\0"·
;1 ..-:lS 10,."rinS?
,\ . I',oool>ly one.: on "xII !-ide.
Q. Om:c On ~""acl! ~id". 1>0 )·ou ' "mcmbc. wIOCIII<'1" ~Oll lookfil
la Ih~ riShl firsl or 10 lilt: le ft r; ,~f?
A. t'm ~lrnCl5.1 ",I\: I laokl:d 10 lh" len lint.
Q. Alld oaflcr YOll loo"ed In th~ lefl )·<lU "oP11C<l. loohlt 10 Ihe
tofl, ~~~lC fo(wald. ~nd looknl av~ ' h~re 10 the ritl'll~
A. y~ •. .lir.

§ 55. 111 "' ..., I b w 0 """.. <"11 r osilloo or 1'I.inlifJ'~ !Iud

COMMENT: I'lheneW!r a .. iIMS$ J1<ovcle~ .." ostimllc 01 lime III
lerTn10 01 se<:o!!d$. !~'C i5 a toad th~ nte it k inco"en The circum-
itantl'S 01 an even' s UCh as an accklerot i.e usually SO Itlm uUU(lU$
8$ 10 make lime es~malcs e..oncous. NeV(!r~le», ""IIIeS~ au, al·


ItA (om\nc.I!d of SUCh C'lim. t", 0lI\~ in'isl ~ n rel ~ng Gllll>e m. A wit·
ness 5houklnovcr gi ~ ~ n G~imJtm 01 lime wilhoclu! rc>'ie'uing II With
his ;l1t~rnll'Y 10 be! Wfe t"~1 it m.:IkeI; ~me limIe r the orwmst;l n, u.
Here , o u o~eT sericllSly Imp.ilirJ the credillil;l ~ of the wilnen. be·
cause the wilnu~ lNail an Mlim~tiol1 of lime thilt im.,tiol negligenco
on his part.
Q. 110\\' Ion; ~ id it tsh you. si r. 10 lo,.-er "h:u YOII ""n "
!owcri nl: 'I owl~·. rrorn th e t,,·o fC~1 <'l r '\Q Ibl\l il w:a~
Ihe Jo~d
3bo\~ the ""ticn~rr
b::u". th"l two (ef l un til il C;l lIle inlo
rontat1 " i ll! hi. hand?
,\ . About I hf~ K'Col>lh , r weuld S.~)'.

Q. Al1d how long d id i\ I.3I<c ,·ou from the tim., hc fi~ gOl on
a nd yOIl " ·Cft: lookillt; 10 your ",at \0 look (o""ard~ How
tll3n y !.l'(onO. d iu 1113\ I.~~"?
,\ . F"·c.
Q. And ' ''''I i~ eight ~ond~, Wh at "w< IO U doi nll lhc Olher
Iwcnl)'·I MI l<'O;ood.1
A. I d on'! ha\1: any ill.:. ...11.11 r W:! ' dl;ling..
COMMENT: Bongo. TI\c wjjn~5 ha~ ;MImillcd lhirl '"' wa$ looIcil!£
!wllilro . .mer e the pbiMilf's tIIInd fIlM loca led. f~t IWH\ly·\wo set·
onds an~ yel r"iled 10 see whol l was Ihfr~ 10 ~ SC~". CO""$f1 now
li£\lII!rl5 !h1! OOOSl! around lhe "'itn~' ""'k
by t..,loring !he in'~li~a ·
lion, of lhe la ,furl! I<l (,l!t' !hl! hand.
Q. Wcre yo u lool;; ng rOf"'.. rll~
A. I WJS look;n g ~ t Ihe I"" d, "'h ic h Wll~ 0 0"·0 ,
Q. Tb.: l03d was down?
,\ . It IWO or iJ, fce rcet unller whal the ~t3I ion3~' b~r "·a:o-
Q. 11m it \\1l ~ well ;,bc,,"c Ihe sro lln d , " 'a s il not?
,\. Ycs. lir.
Q. AClu:lll,. il was a goOd six r,'tI abo'·e till: &fOun d, "-J ~ it
,\ . I .,.,.,,·ll'IY how higl, h ,,'as, hecau .... I dCltl', I; now.
Q. II~d YO Il c"ulc \\'crcd it fro lll 1M li l11 e you b~d r;lilC'd il lill
\0 Ee l o"er the ~t3kU?
,\. No, nOI until we "arled iO" 'c d n& il .
Q. :.101 11111;1 yo u :.t3"~'"d lower in; il ?

· Uu .•

I~' ~M ,L-iw.l.uw "~"I}" ",ilc~ ;1IFJ! '\".Iy"! __ .

if) " " 1''': 1<111.. 1"'," n",d, !::1\,.1.1 ,q,.1 _ ....•.... .•.
II ,.,,~ i1ur~hJ$!; ~ny " ...:,[:<!"ltuch whilt a' ....,..... d~l~ .1" )""" ",,~n,~!I )' "I"~'U i"_'!.JkJ:::"!
\. . ,,:1: ;\Il' )" \~ , r a"!)'-'JJ ~." fJ~'''''~ (we,,,,,k; _...... .I,,"" ......
(~,\~c ( 111e• •.., ",""'-':'I~'I

j'lI ' ,';'."" CHI"!l""" ,.( 1<,1 utc·· ",,-,be';d C,I"""'''. ill,:"", li ,' rh" ;.' i':I', ':" ,'. ,1~1 rr"l "'; ' ''~'' " ,' \j, ~ 1,,·;,1"';:1" . ,i,.; "~It, 1<""
,'UI~ 1:';'- ,·j.;t (li,1l "
/I. (>·/'uull I,r W"rl:«' I C",nl'~"_""" !(1 ,,>:,(), al;~ Ill,- .II""' ;"" ",I" !I", (("," m,-,,( 1\11 •."I" 'l'lc

(.iJ~u'.~'-!:,_ l' r!-"I'-'.'~" ':~ 1J.\I!;,r5.\n

1~'r'k~l ll!~,al~' '! ,;"'c~ I'" ,w·e:'., :. ~"<. ,~."

----- .. ,..
" -"

----- - -

--- ..... _--- .. -_.._---_.

------- ------ -

G, fI " "",) ~"'" " b'II"""

\k~f~,~i~" "".ll~'M' i"" . ----.-- - -- -- _ .
! ~.19 H-26

,\. RighI.
Q. So if you Wefe lool;;n$ ~I ,h.: Io:Id for 'h a;e CIIller
, ,,"("nl)'·'wo J\.'e<>nd ~ . )'ou w~rc
lookin!: 01 a loa (! which Wl)s,
Indeed, ~ix feet at Ie3~t abo"~ .he sround . i~'1 'hill . i&h ,?
,\. I BUC~S. Y~"S, I gun., Ih~. would be risnl.
Q. l' hal'~ Ir"., h n'. ;,?
A. Wdl, )~. ir your PI~lhc!ll~ti('J ~rc .i&!u. I gucu.
Q. And}<tMI do,,', fCC~U w!I,t you were do inS other thlin
lookinG ~t the lo,d during thnse tw.: nl)"·lwo ~<'Conds?
,\, No, Si f, I don·t tnow wh,lI I would Ion". \)nil d oi nll.
Q. And you never :\:IW hi~ hand rx.for. ' lie 3('e;dent?
,\. No. sir.
COMMENT: Coun$t" hn c.('''.~ o >tabJished Ih,t the wiln u~ ~h~uld
" Dve lec n the ~a;nlifl's Ililno en Ine loMi!t. Jnd ",c.ero,,! Mol low,
e.e(! Ille load . His 'lYE'" wei. IocIIu" g I_~rd fo< Iwenly·twQ 'l'!cond •.
ho wa~ facing 10W.'OS th e slationary b~ r whore the pI;linHW, hn<!~
were ~te(!, bill hoe !owerfl(llnc """d on hY.. 0"" iml)etus, wittIGul
fell~fd 10 wha t Iho plaintiff $;l id .

i SS,19 I>e.:rlplj". or Ike I·bi.!jrr~ I ~Jnjes

COMMENT: Having est~bll~ li.bility. eoun$el now u. es th e wil ·

ne$' 10 draw ~ picture 01 I ~e pla int,II'. ~i"' i e~ 3nll IbmJSt s.

Q. And wh~1 did he ~y when " is " and lx'C:l''''' t aut h,?
,\. I thi n~ Ite said, - 011. mr God. m}' lIand L\ in the f"r~\ift:·
Q. \\'h"n Ihe pl:lintirr~ hl nd bec;uu" eau&!l1 w~s the motor
lIill ....oill&·!
A. Yes. sir.
Q. When <lid Ihe mOlor die?
A. Wh en I !ric<l Ie> lift il up ~t"i n.
Q. Af.c, he had his h3nd clWp,t"1
,\. y .... ~i r.
Q. 1)0 )..,u kIlO\\" " ,hal C3US/."d the mO lor 1(1 die'!
A. Thc r~ W;15 JUSt IOU much lor'llle 011 il. I di dn'l have enOllgh
" ngi lle rpm 's.
Q. Theil ~I'. Witlinnrs tol ofT of ' he Ir:lilcr hiICh'!
,\ . Yu. sir.
Q. But the load did nOt go forwM.d?
A. 1-'0. sir.
Q. So Mr. San tky's "'eight " .. ~ suffic....m together with yo urs
to keep Iha\ lond from tipp;IIS forward?
,\. Yc,. sir.
Q. How IonS W:l S Mr. WiliiaOls gone?
A. ,\boul n half a minute or a minUle.
Q. Th en he cafllC oul " i lh Mr. I>hlon ~)1
.0\. yc~. sir.
Q. A ll" " 'hm tht").· came 0111 the .car whc-.:Is ....:.e st ill o n lhe
,\. Yes. sir.
Q. Wn tho: lo, d SO" o f till<:d back 'ow~rd you?
A. YC$. sir.
Q. An'" ri,11I ,,'hile )'011 " 'ere Ill' Ihen: a l lloe truck )"011 Pili Ihis
ffll mc ror.o·~ rd. duS in, SOl 111M '\0:..'1. and Ihcn pu lll!"d it
ba ck?
,\ , y~ sir.

Q, ['1011' Ion s ;!fIef Ih;lI thirty S\.'CO llds o r ~ minu te nfter Mr.
Malonc)" and Mr. WllliamJ came out d id il tn~c 10 SCI h is
hand Dill?
A. As loo n ns Ihey SOl there. " 'c gO! il Ollt.
Q. Wilen Ih e)' &01 Ih ere hld you been able 10 .Iart the mOl D'
:lg:I;n o . "":IJ it "ill utllitanN'!
A. I hnd il 'Iallcd. t WJ~ II)'in S while Ihey were ~()ne 10-
Q, Did il lake )·ou many I';"" 10 COlI il Sla"rd?
,\. 1'0.
Q. Yo u ~Ol il s la rted rirJu n",.a~-?
A. y~~ sir.

Q. ,\nd soon a fter Ihey Mnrled liflill~ on Ihi~. you were ah le 10

SC I his han'" OUI?
A. Yc,. sir.
§ ~ ~.19

Q. Werc ~ou "blc 10 ob_c, ,' e his h"n d al nil 3ftC' he gO I il om7
,\. Wd l. I !01'" :a linle.
Q. Whal d id ~'ou .s:c·!
,\. The nJi<ldl~ Iin g~, lhal gtll anJ~ m al~<l, his U1o,'c "'~' C UI .
and you co uld juSt S« !h~ lXIII<;',
Q. Yo u ~o uld SeC !h~ lmn~ b~cau~ the gl o,'" wa_ rilJl",d open ,
is 111 31 rich l?
A. Vel.5lr.
Q, Therc isn'l ~n)' <loubt, i. Ihere . Ihnl hi. hand WaS caugh l
betw'"en Ih~ m o\'able ba . :and I b~ ~t3\ian31')' ba(~
A. Th:lt'~righl.
Q. More o r lcM as . hown in Ihi~ P I:ti n lin·~ E,\ hihil No. I?
II . Y'"S. t iro
Q. llit h~ nd " ·u c:tuj;l,1 in there ro n of .illlLl where Ihe woo.!
i., i,n'l Ihll( ri ~I\I?
,\. Y<'So \ ir.
Q. ,\ctl1',lIy, 11I i, 10)) bar. the l'no"able b ar, ir Ihen: i. nllthin ~
in It..: way jl c" " slil' .ighl d o..·... in ('onl o r behi nd. 3\ lite
Ci\SI: ma~' Ill:. Ib ~1 imnlo ,'a\Jk ba,'!
,\. Yo•.
Q. A rt"" he ltCl his hand . ~"OU P.I liis h3 .." <llLl. <l id II<! t)CI 0 0"
of Ih ~ 10\\,nlOlo()
,\. Y~ ' . • ir.
Q. AmI d i<l :a n)1hint; h.:I PI'C" 1(1 (h~ 1<l'iU?
A. No. Ii...
Q. Dill il tip ro rwa rd "I nil?
,\. No, sl •.
Q. I)id (he ",h •.., I. ill II! ~ rell' COI1l ~ off!
A. No. , i ...
Q. Was;1 :al llial li ",~ IlQl It~ gol ;nlo 1<1<. M~lonC)-'~
~u\Om obil e'l
,\. y~ . Ii,.
Q. ,\nll w"~l ,Jill ~vu du ",illt \h. load?
A. W~II. it w~~ 10\\-':1'1:.1 a~ WOII 3S hc gul hi$ h:mu ou t
Q. \'o u low~ rcd
,t . One of os JO\"crtd il = 1 ' Iuick. )'~~,
Q. And Ihrn ~0lI pll: iI " ·I1 ....c. inside or o uujdc'!
,\ . We du nlpcd it outside.
M it. K nI.N: n~1 i.< ~lJ I h~'·c.

§ 55.2U J.I~dif<CI .;'~~.linmlloll; ,\IltAlPI 10 J.lell:lbililal e Ihe

\\"illl .... ~

he w,u
"" "IIi
CO MMENT: OPfl'O$Ong coons..1 a ll empis to '.'Jab ili '~I . 11M:! "il nO!'!;~
b~ htm qualify hlS !.Iilt. menU CC!\Cefrung Ih~ amount 01 lillie
kro~rnR fQ fW~'!I , l1o~e l Ihe """IUS' brief .n ...... ,. ,,,. nOl
>,ery c:o n~lnci"B. and do litlkllt! e CU/I'Iffi'ct Inc eflC:Cls of hIS ea.ilef

Q. Di d yO ll h~ "c a .\I(lP watch at the ti me all lh•• "''J~ (!Din~ o n.

." 'cb:l~l~
,\ . No. si r.
Q. Did you ",-;ll(h and !oCt' lhose rhc s ..."<>rI<.I~ pi ~'. ur !hree
s«onds. and 1h,n yo u h~ d III'cnIY'l\<'O kfl. 3nd } 'QU firA''''d
"-h~1 "'en: )'ot! £<>in!; 10 01" ,,',,11 lite m?
,\ . :0<0. si r.
Q. Whe re ~ .c ~ou ('Om in& UI'
1I·;tll , ~ li llie ~"~"'''3) ' I~ lh~1
accu.~tc 0 1 YOII . bc.1 \~Iimm c?
,\. 11 i. '''f b.:SI u l'm3.C-.
Q. Yoo didll' l sil Ihcre 3nd SOIy. -\\'.:-11. ,,'C a'" t;lli n~ 10 I:lke
Ihilly =ml. 10 do Ihal." and fOilu", out "'h~1 IOQ "we
&Gi " e 10 d o <"lei! seruml. d id !'OU Micl'ncr!
,\ . No. ~i r.

Q. :-10 fU01her qU~"lions.

. ~~" ""
.,,, .",
,!l'I"~ "'" I " :""I1'_'!J!"~!' '~'!n',"~1 "'!J,I
~"(I't· • . , .• I " ,":>!I"I "!I'I"" " ""II!LI"I'j
ttn". ' , n'\") .... . I" "''' ·"'''!f'...nh ~"!I'''''' I
to f~ "'" III' '1'"' ~h'" ·I L"'~"P I\ .I" ""''',.'],'r.)
"'''l'''.' pur. .,;l..'''IIS
~'(rM .. .. . '~M' t" ""~' ' ~'''l~'''' ,'1"""".,"",1
1"()"(01 ' , , ILI"I'''~J'' I' I' ''Ld" Lk1l \.'" ""J,I
,n' !}1 " .. . '" '" u,,!,~·'!tdU1! ' .'''' \U~I''''' J" u,~",>!'q" ,1
uno! "" ,,, "I!LI"'I ~"11 L1!1(J
,u'(,I . . .. ~ "'I '" jo:..!""
UH ot . ,., . J<' "" ,, " . ,,~ · '''. W.',"lIV
J" ,k'!,"""""", ''''''Hi''
10·g ·· ·· · ~U" "r.~,,, ';~,.,>d ',,,,,,,,>1 fl,''':,'!''' ''''!
, 11',, ' , , .. 'II!'" .(I""! I!""'J '~jU'I'F'U ! JL~J.!
;O' \'~ " '" ~U!4"N'~'~ 'Ill" " '" ~D!I"".I
.I" ,.,,' ·,.'w,!
1'O' i, ' .. , . I" ""1 ' ''( 1
W·H · ·· ·· 1" .,"",,"",," ':)
li)'i, ' ' .1" L"' !l",,,,,,lu "'J
.I" "Ol,,,,,!,,,,,,, ·'''1:l'u·')''I'·';>II.''O
~ I . 1.Tl\'~"S\' '11\'\1

IS1.N:UI D JV ,!TllIIlA I!OJ.[)I~

" "'S) s.l.....mrt..n" WllUf.)IWlJ.11V
IS3U.lV.l. <l NV .\ !):I.l.\' IIlS ""'lSI .~nI>!uq;>.'1 'UlJU lllfkJ;)
. \ ;I~HO, I.I. V

It>,:r .l.'JilVSSV ' ~IVII :USI \II""'~J"" l\U!.,;l~ ""'P~ ~'~"'r

t l. ."OIu r.S:IJ. (El.lSV"rS "" SI ("""I!I','! J" ~lI! II"'IS
iSS:ltIO.U,\\ 11:111.1.0 :10 J..'1:IL~
-:lJ,v.l.-';: J,N;J.LSISNO.)S! ','lS1 '''''''!.... ",,",
.1 " IU"'''''"'''
I'm, !"",.,,,,
J" ;:~!~4"1' ·I'I!'I.)
(....:1 J : lrIVSS,' ' M"II ,"''S l "! 1 1 ~"'~" '1"'11
SiISV:) .l'hWSSV
lu",,,'S "' ... '~"''''''.M l

_ _ -,',-"Y II'it,...",.,.."
IH"'" ,,,,'. , ." ,,, >;','1;","1
III AS M': n l'IIKl u mc:~;
C~'" lJ". nlk . ""ri'~d If,"" " ... ~.O)I ! rrall " l
Chu"' >I "n,,,,. inre'ence rm"' ... . , 2. 1l.~ [!II"lIiill
C,,,~hO<;l .' h"\\' i n~ .. .. . 2,1)51.211;1Ii ii l
C"nu,~ "r "'~ ,.""" ... I .MI ~Il"1
OI";~'I;"n ""t"'"\"en ..... 2.0~' !n" lIi l
E't"l,li,h",onl "f. Ij",il"li,,,o; 'w" ", . 2.0.1 1211"lI il)
1111<",,, "'l'bin.1.l . .... 2. 0.~1211~ lI i l
~Ioti ~ .., (s"" t.l0 TIVl'.51
1""l"":11 "')' .."' ~ \(\ J ,'"! II1;nC ,s..-.: 1'11101',1,11,\ TIO)'.; FOR CROSS-
E.'I:/I .\ !lN,\T!Ot-', ,,,11),,,,1<1: 1'.<1i" ", ,1oil'_ i<k nlinctLlin" or)
RcI~lI011sl>ip ' " r JIIY. " , j,inf rmm (~c KIiL\T IOt>SIIIl' TO l'A Rn ' )
St:r~~~, c''''bI;"hin~ . . __. 1.02

rh" ~'1II It)' cllild IS!...., OMIT·mIT II)' Cltll.J))
St;,hl, ing "f chil,l . "" '" in,','I",ng
j,,,,,,",i,'" nl .U"cmc nl vf ~ h ,·, " ',,,,,.,,, (S;:" J"'COl'SJS1,,I\"T STl'f E·
~1EI\-r 0 1' OlIll;R WITNESS>
SI ~Jl\i,, ~ " I' (e .. i"",,,) (So'" SLAN1'EI) T ES TIMONY)

COLl .,\Tl.;r{,\1, K JTACK

11~nplnt "" ..... Lll~
Sbl\tin ~ <I, I<";II I<'P)' (s.;., SL A/I,'T !:I) T Esn l>I ()N YI
Sl ip 'nol ,,, II ;n 1""00"',,,," (Sec LA l.'."ml!.O ~I,\ T. SUI' "",D FA LL I"'I
l·f)NJ.,"T I{L;Crl n J" ,\CCIIlI'N" r l',\ SK"
Cn""' ............ . ;t<:. '1C~1;"""t d~ .lit;"!! ,n(S-'\: COl'ST II UlT ION sn I,. :>:!:tiLl·
S.'"I"~)· ","I 1",'li",
,\I'f'J",;m;o1;''''', u",.>I'
Cak,,!>''''''' ' ~' 1>.0.' ;, I.... , .... I ~.!l~
J.;ey ;,,,", , "'-I"hli ,I"" "ni ,,1' , ... . I~ ,l ~
Iklc "", );0)' " ';11",,,,, Hallilil)' o 'IJ~li'h"J I h"~'~h .. ... l~. 13
OI~.'Clil1" I" 'rum
"r 'I"""';,.... 3'''''''"'1«' of . .... 13.0'1
L""J;n~ 't'W,lio'''' ' la)tll~ lound.tlolt Ii ... _ ,15.01
O,il:i",,1 ,h·ullt"ni' .• x'wi ITillg .. ... I ~, IH : I ~ ,O')
cOl\'s nu:en nl' S!Tf~ ;IIU;lJj;~: "'T CU:.\~ ! "''' OF
App"''''''''I'''''', ...., ,n
C"kltkllh~". '" hJ,' ;' 1<", , , , , 1~ . 1!.\
",·t ;''''''. ~'-I"hli'htl1 "n l " r _... . I ~ .12
,..... ~,
I ~<k'~ 1- 3
----------- -----'=-'-------'--'-
111<',,,,,,,, "" ,,, ,... ......1
Ci)NSTIl l!C TlO .... sin :. St:(iI.I(;ION1· cn:M<lII\('; UF_ C'''II.
Ilr •• k. ,j".. ipt;"" ,,f, . " . 15.08
I-">t< "nd pb«:. d", jfi<'~l"'" "f ... .. I ,\.O~
u"b,;'. '~nM,.al " I'
M;uu".. "f. " . . 15. 11
[I."I"i'''''I<"11 1><:r1a;" ,n~ to , . • ,1 5 ,111
T; ",,, <>r ;....kknt. d",;"S " ....... I!
Dd",..I""t", " i'n~~<. l""J'<"'>: ur ~~II;nt: .... . I ~ .O}
1),; ",,,Ii, ;,,~
" ..1""01.• ... .. 1... .06
DI:"",,~i,"', u", uf
C"k"I",i<~' , . ," I" ,;, Ie ... " . " l~. O.~
"")' ;."'". ~,t""lhhm'"1I' ..r ..... !5.1!
lhll"' , . ~, '~~ li,I" n c nl .. r .. , . . 15.0J
''''rm otf '''''',,'iu~ ""icc';''''' "~~i;u ;",, of . , ... 15,111
I'....datiu" (,,' , .. IHll
!n\r( ~ I",, ;' \n Ilr, , .. 15,m
Otj~",.l~. ol""in;n~" , ' ~.O')
[hm . '''n~,,".'1 "f
O" ....,;,·~ •• ~p ,,' , "!! ._ 1~. 1 ~
~lctt.nJ.' f"r , .. , . l ~ . 10
IV( .... ,"~ ~ ".• . Jlb,i. in .. , . . 15 , 12
l.c"~ i"~ 11""";0"<. f",""I"~'1I f", "'" " f. . ':'.0 1
Ill~~". 'i"" nf, '. , ' 5,1)"
Stan~, ,,l "f (arc . •."uhli,bno<m "f .. _.. 15.07
S"I",. "'1r~cllJ' . ""nil "I " " ~l • . . . . 1).!:1
.sup< ";m~I~lcltl
/lUI;'''' "f , .. , I.I.Ol
, '.~,09
1'1"'nlitf. ".)I~ 1. w;'h, .... ' .~.10
Rc,,,,,,""lof ",oct. •11,,-..1;""< '-'"prdl n~ •.. .. L~. l l

C()liMTHO(l~l T EUI :'>' lQI.'Io'S IS..., Sl"I{,\l"!i{iY M-lIl 'rACTleSI

CWElIlll1LHY {W wrrt\'~: ss
B, a; ","1 rrcjt"li<~ (S," IH;\S }\t\'I) I'I(f.!U IllCEI
C"",,j, ,,,•• ~, ....~H.·..,o(>' .1\11.....,"'1;., ... J./l.I
f:''1 tr;""..~n",-,. df,,,,, .~' .. _,. 4.01
F""""" "r(o:1 j,,~ ... . l.m
"",lIlu,ihk jw"i'im,. in(~ "''' ~" f"Mlt . , ".',0.
.... ...
' ,
CIU::llWII.rn· 0 .' WlTf'~~"'''-CO"I.
JOk'''''';''",", .,1:110<,,..,",
Olbl:' ",~.,,' tC.' lin~1IIY \I'OI"J 'tt . . .1O\ra.!itt Is....: INCO~SISTF..'I!T
~"'"n,ME"T Of' OTHER WIT." ESS)
" " "' ille"M,J.IOn< .1~lc n'<h' I s.,.., " RI DR Jr>: COKS ISTI)N T
ST,\T f. .\IENTS)
ll~clli""",..,. t~~ uI . •. .. .19. n
~ Ic,,'in~' " 'llh .It"'nc~. dotUJ 01 .•.. . l.O~
MOIr..." (!i..·c MOTI irES)
inj\ "f (,,,,,, III:II;"n. ;,;."". r..i.....J In. . . ~ .!l~
tJrp.bin" ~II')n"' )". mtluc"n<"e .,f
C......:,""!'. "",ol~i<J, 'n ""[ <If . . . • . 16.fl.l
O.n·""1 br d.iW ISo:-< OART.()t,T lIY CUII J )}
r"",j\·, ..~'l an'"w, ;IIdi. " ';"" . . . .. .f.0 1
bpu-.ititm. ' imirq' "r. ... . 1.(1.11111,11
Inl~,,..""C,iotl ",~Ib.iun """"'" Is...., INTE!l.W .cI IO N COU.ISION C"ASF..5t
M""hi ...·~· ""J '"<l'ljl~' ", n' . l·a,." i n"~I'iJ 't: I."'~ ,\LAcm r-:EHY A!\I t)
EQ I.j Il' ~ I ENTI

~" .o, "cM"le a.d')'lI'; ,s.,e .\LIHDH VI!JIlCl..E ACCmFJ'I"S)

I"~"c hl"l;h!;C"", ..... ~, ISo:-< POue" Kr:1i!.lGl'NCE C,\ S\,S)
Slip a'"", rail c~'" Ixc S"r OH!;. SLlI' ,>.NIl FAL!. I~I
S.'f~'""<li' ~' ,'f « .' Ii" ",,,}" . w o1t;<I,iTi,}" ,,! .. . . . 4.1),<
"")'",-"" (""t. """",,,,,,,,,,,, ..... ".';tdj ... ,n~ ..... 16.(19
I~~k, ,,(['co, ". "iln,." . ... . 2.1 .m
I'n.... i"""",,;.!....., ;l:Ile"",'" (S,..., PR IOR ' r-:CO~Sl ~"1 ENT ST,\THUi!l:"fSI'"l-lt ,p (n 1"1.1;':., ~l f""\;~~ Ix.: Rf.L\TIOSSI!II' Tn PART!I~)
Kc.....1 ili\·~ 'ltl,,""' " i"~. eff""' ul . . _. )6 .()j!: 11>. 10
So.",!","",." ,,1 'fUNi,..,;,.g •... . It>.! )
(.; 110...... EX ,\ !tI1K,\l"lnN I<;K"':F.IL\I.I.Y)
lh...... IIr 'Ni,,'""~"'''' ' 2.1.1
1':11:1. \·.I:IMi_,hno:," of .. . . • ~.02
1;........·r:,I II.~Io:, of F.,·i,kn,"" _". ~ .~
l"" , !1f"<Ii«. f"" ,, ",rtly w;lh " . ~ .IJt
Ohler ,,( • _•. • Ll»! 11111)
I'«""'~' ~m r"t ISo..., I'KI,I',\RtH IOS FOR CROSS Ii..X,'~lI K,\TIO~ '
5.,'1'" "I. . ... 2 .n~pr
Slr~"'~)' ","i~ rs..." STRATr:G\' Mill T,\cncSl
Wilfl<M . tlrqlJl'liOll "r r.'i<~ l'I-: EI',\ RATlOK 01' WM"KIiSSI

1).\ II'I'·Ot.:T IlY UIII.1l
(',>I1We' "i, ~ hu,. e, "madic, ,,,,, ro~anJin~ ..... 4. 17
lleu;re<, U"'n;n;II~)". """"" h<u , >0] ••••• 4. 1(,
S~it1 mark>. ~b...:fl'''' .,( ..... -I . l ~
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I!"CONSIsn:I'T S'rt.n:"t:Yf Of OTm:M WrDI~:SS

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S,,"'"~y ~nd ."".k.-C",,,.
K,""'''!1uction nf "" I,icn' . 1",'1" " " m, iJ~t"d In ... . . 51 .m
K(I"" ~i~" ' I"l":"lli"nillg. df,,,, "r .... . 16.0li: ](,. 10
S«i"'''''''' " r ~"",,"<! "lJI inl\ . .• .. If,. I ~
S!,-" d limn . iu,ti(,io l ","i,.., c""bli"" in~ . .... 51. 16
""ou: inl<:.~al 11.." 11""'" a.;Ci<k1l1 ><1<1 ' .'lin "my .... . 16.01
W, ill "., , 'al,II"" II. c,"",i,."i"" ,"¥",din;
C;""di, i"" ,,f <0' afl"'. . . I ~. ,.,
1>.:...-, i",il1n .>I" ..• . . L6. 1.l
Iml'""'l, J,,,, .ip'~'" " r . . .. 1(,.1 :1
1.1"" ';'''' ;K lim< ,,( . . 16.m
''''ili, w,"r.·or ..... I(, .I ~
,\,,''''''''}' ()I ;'"'""''' 01 . piI)',k,,' f:t"" ,·,,'",""i<linr, . . . . . 16. 11
U""~~,,,p"" "I wit"""' ..... 16.0(,
Ilia'. IIll\,i,'< I()' . . . . . 16, f ~
C"'lUlmn """"". ,Idr.."",,,,-< cI',","di<';~~ 1(,. 11
Ilo ,u, ' of prio' ~la1<"l< n'.
,onlid"",i,,,, (lr . • .. . 1(, ,0)
II.""" min~. id,"flli''',";o1i"" "r .. ... )(,.07
t"'f"..""hn' <III. ~", ",oJ< In ' •...• I(, .()~
()PI~"" ng '~'''IIl"y . i" n"oll ~< nf
Ch "'j:~<lr "'Of}' • •.. • l(dll
C,,,o,·up . "" "hTi,hnl on, " f" , .. ICI, I).I
I ,~.""I facl. ,,4""''''~!~'n c(lnlr.><l«'inj! . . •• . I("m
SI""d " , li""'I" . C)"LIl~Q in . . ", )CL1(l
l",y,;"·~l ,:"•. nt<'I."1\":II j,,,, """...IoJi<I;I'~ " .. 11i.11')
",,,alti"" '1 "">lI,,,,ill~, d ie,! "f . . . . . 16, III
App,,,.,;,,~I,,,, "f. d f'"I:! ,,( . ... . I b , l~l
CLI,'c'-I'p. e;!"b]"h">.: rtI or . . " . 1(,.01
C" ;d"'''' ,,( . ... . 16. n~
1,,,,,,,,,i, '<"1 """" n, (If " .. . 1/l,,)2
I',i ... $"'Iw",m. ~n.aly);'; . "' . .. . _ L6.UI
Tt~,-tk. J<"" ijll;"" ,,,', , , 16.()(,

,\!l iMk I<)""" d ..... l.o.~141
Alh"'~O)' ..:l1 o, " <oll,uh",i,w,. i"' lru(."li,,,, f~j,, ",l i " ~ , , , . , ~ j ,()7
1.<:"din~ qUO'I ~""'. );n,~al'"'''' " I' .... . I .U~
\- 1.1

JlII'" ;~:_C.'nl,
01»10"",;,-",•• tIo:~li/lj! ..·ilh ..... 10.02
01'1"" ing ~uonocY. JC'I'<'Il'~ " , "nr"~"" ""''''00:<''' h)' ••••• !fl. IS
Q""'." i""i~!; hl. ""n~<'l' .>1..• • • • I ("'l~
s..~ .,( ~~a 'nil):ll .... n. P '"'c' m er . .. . . : .0111]
S!"H<~~' ",g" r"i"~ , .. . . I.WI51
UR' ",!,,"";"'" HOI""'",,,
R"I'''''' { (If in-l n 'Cli,'" ,,., . , . ' .'9.1)6
Ikq.lI.-,;I In .!fil..: ..•. 1 .(l6'~llhl
Jt"H ' .. \",'1) Jt.:IIOIlS
C~n:otM}. JIl,ob"hjli,)" '1IlI"',,;~hinl" •• • 4.11.1
C",w ·"p. e'f'<"i, in" "r. ... 1(•.(15
t;~a<i ..: . n,,,,,.,.. d T«1 ,0( • • • •• 16 .n~

F;", JIc;' ! ;""'~" ". "'i,",""" '" .1X . ~ JI II

l 'n ~'3 biJj,)·
11«;,I"n rn. ....~1 '''', . ... .\.rn
""..N;';I,,,,",,, .>1" ••.•• 3~ .Ul I I ~ '
I"'''""", Ii'lhilily """'"
,I,,,,,;,",,", ,~. !jull. ,1" " 1',ull ,). "",.. in F~ a((~...~ in~ ... . • n.!.'
Soy]"; ,oj" qJI< .. ~"'inj!. rli"l .... . . . . . UJ!i1 1l

J,Ali ... llJH,).\!.\·I'. S UI' .\"" 1) . ',\1.1 , J.'"
CIIar..:", •. iMe" ,. :,: of "'']:Iir"JI'' ~,i'ift" (mn' _. . _. 3 .~
Ck, " inf n( 11", ...
M''!'I'in~. i"""C<I"~) "f , . . ".1)(,
Pti" , I" .,..,d"", .. . , . ~ .O~
J>,,-.c""u,~ j ,II' • •. . . ~ JI[,
W.,'" "" Q,..,... <lenial "" ' '' . . . .. .\ .ll~; :1.1)7
,",~\1J"',,""~'n. I/"",a) o( . .. . ).rn: ~.OS
(,",,,,!;nl' .. 'itt! "'''..-nLOY . •lrni'll " r • • ••• 3.11J
n~"")."",,,I'·~ ~ \·jJ cn."
\'"" d". """'dinl' .... . Jem"ll'"
W:II f"." r , ik". plH~"~r"p!,,
~;"I' . , .. , .1.(111
"'nl'l")'''""' h,...,.. ~ • .... l .O~
M"in"'''''''''~ "f ~,~n.I'''n'''' ... ...HI5
.\l ""ln~. \o' llh I~"mliti"" "''''''''''Y _.. 3JIt
Ik,;.p"',i/>ilil.... ' '" 1"""d''''''~1
Ck-"I\i"I' . , .•• 3.0.1
\"'1"'<1"'" or 11._ .•..• J .Q~
W, ill.11 ,MtH1onl . "1>-.:..::" "r _. _. , J .\l.\
....,. ....,

U;"'\ I!I~G Ql ; ~:~- no ",s
Com",! ,, ( wil,or" , _. . I . O(~!I
Fa'",~bl~ inf"mw i",.. dic~;"j; •. _•. UH
I"~"'~.I<;I.. ",,,~
"r ....·lln'.,.' . U,", in
Gon,'.]])' .. . .. 2·(l(>mr'l
I.~nal c"~'Mk' "I;''''' ' ' .. ~ .4XtPII ~1
I~,~';n~ IUund.t'~~. " ,. . • _.. 15.Ol
:-l ''''' ·k.l<li '\~ lor".. fc,~,,"1 ,,,. . . ·Ull
r~"",i"g " r . . . . 1.000111Iel
Vi""'''1 j''''jw.~~,. ,.,13bli.,b",,-,'M" f ..... 53.m
\\,il<l<.'-,· ,>i'i""'''''' \" .. ...

~Ii\Clllr;t:H\" M';O ~:QlllI'AlI;;t\l'

'\!1'"j"u~"[~l m• ,'hil1o;<Y
1I.,y I., ie,. ullgu,,,J,,1 "''''inl: [''''' ,>f ISc<: ,,,hl,,,.od; II")' ""In.''',,:....nJal
n~,.,.inr, PJ'" "I)
1', ",,~ ., .«.". ;,,~ . . .1.."1. "'"" u!c,u "." ",J h~ (!>o." ,u I.h" .1<1: T r,,, m,. >I ," , .
ing "'h.:o l. a,', ide,,, ~;u"..:J ~)I
Ik ",,,jl i\ll1 " " "IU"')·. lISe " f
1)o<.",IC"" . ",.,.,"i""~,,, " I". _.,. IH.m
h",,,,,. i>I""1 ,t;n<"""m
C'lnf,,;~," "r ,'dll'." "> «:""" r", .,_ IH . 15
C,,,,u adi<:lio,., .• unn.",!)· .. , . . , .. 18.M
n""'C,\;J/l<)'. \·''''1'''111;'.... ",i IL';;~' ....·i'Io , . . . . l~,(),1
E,. "Ni,]H1,;;rLl "i , . . _, 11.lIJ
Ju. y\ h""'\':"r c f,·"j: _.... 17. 16
01'l"",i"J! """fn~)' . i"I1,,"" ~c ,,( _, I~_();
O'al ",'e111"'" . !''lLnJa\;,,., f"" '" . 17.01; 17.1;
l'l ~infilr , wiuw." 1l."",j, jU" ,.f
(S..., ", 1~aJ; T.~ .,tL" _",<~,j,,):
" 1..,,,1. :..:,:;UCIl' ~au", ,j h)'l
Sub,t;l1ni.c P'i'P'''C , "'00.1 (," , f~ .ll
I ntr,~ 1t"'1 i'", . >lyle "1 , , .. , 17.1.11
r"":N,,,,~. ju, )"s \;,",;Iia,j,y "';Ih .•... 17.1I:!
lld,:rhili,.lIiL>l' ,,( •... ill",.' .. . , . I ~, 14
Vid", •.,I"" ta)'jnF ("""d",~,,, ro, "'" nf ... , . " .1lIi
I:>!I~'~ '" ¥"'"'' ~"','"
C."""",,, ~1~!L~nl; 0( .• .. . 1i, 1 I
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I"'''~ n f)
l<"~""~~''''i'''. u,,' of •.. ' 17 . 1~
.... ~,.,
~1o\t.:11I""~: Rr ,\N II ~;QUI',\IF.l\O l·- (;......
I',u kl ifl xd Jt lll """" I~c fOR IO.WI" ,\CCH>r, NT c.'\S!;,
It~· b..okf. ~a~"",./cJ ....,,"itt:: ....", .1(
Conlf"lt.ol i'·~ ''''J!i i:;c,,,,c . in(crc",'c "f . . . 17. I I
Docl,," , .".titlu",)· I\.p,u~'g . . .. ' 17.19
I..", .:omiH~' . jnt~" '~'~ ~' ~,,:dIINt;n;: .... ' IS. 18
Ikl""jrio", "~_ripf . ,....,.,.,... (~".iH .... ic>' "" ill• ... .. 11.02
".;'I,~,,~. ,I<,..."i'~'" ",1'ni",,1 i~I'" ' , .. 17_211

" ..pc..I ~,,,,,_

"""", ;"",,1>-«1 In . , , ,17 .17
" ""WII• .l'1hs """,a..... ..... 11.D-I
!'rio><""",,,,,,Ii!, rc g.. u jug . . . . . I i ,Il.l
T,.,i""r. wi,....",. "" ..... 17.10/, 17.1~
F.,'po",. "",,1:1<1.. " -;Ih ••• • . 17. 11
In , ,,,,,j,!C!II ,!'~mlCTll. fmm,J,, ,;,,,, fu' .... . 1i.01
I ............. im rn:onta>l
F;'"ili",ily with, .. . . 11, m
~" "';1IS ",Wo. ,j;'~"'I" "" l~pI r"Un ... . • 11.09
W~,"i"p I" .... , 1i ,OIl
K_ I"I!l<" .>(II.'''''d ... .. l i .W
I)i,., . ..;"" 'n ..... IV.I:'i
b ./IC'fl '''' In ..... Ii .UJ
1~,,,,,.,I1<nm;l>!; jn , • ... l iJ)~
~, . "
T ,:rin..-,. " ';'111.' -" . 17. I~: t7 .I S
R.a"""hk c,,". r"ilu," I" ""' , ' " ' 7.n~
.s~r<1r I!M:""'''.... ~i"'ilr "ioh . . , . , 11_10
S,,,''Cill;'II~·< . (""" d'li,, " (n' " " "r , _ , O,!)(.
Wa rn'~' .... nla<;"h.".,. ~ 1'''~'CII<">'<'''' .•.. . H. D
l l1tc"" I'~w,"". u,", "r
I) 'n"'~'\" , c>I;oI>Ij"h,,,,,,,, .,( • • . • 17. 111
Ort,,,.j,,~ ' ''fIf<I<y . ;1111"",,,.., "I'
emil"""" n,,",1><. r.f .,.,. S2.M
DI.-p.»ilit... "''';0II0h). """'l,;'l(l'I<:it, in . _•. . 18.05
H'I'J"l~ m. wning ,rl" .. , , ~ ~ .O l
J '«,,~,c ~. "" f""j~~ .....tiliutl nf
Abu", u( ""1"'1'1110"1 . • , ,~Z .(J6
Id.nt,r........... u( ~u..., .... )1 .0 ~
I'r<'->tiro: "IO<li.!. in'd'""!",,,, fC,ordin~ .. , , ,52 .01
" '~)' ....~II\.".,: 1<;>I;nKln) ~~otdjn" _.... j~.05
1C« , ~k""i<rIl o>f d<.~~j t, . . ... 51.03

,':_!"'-__________I ~I~ \\·II'~"""
MACIII:-.: t:II:\' A M) t:Ul"ll'MI-:Kl"- C"m.
I'I<""'~ l'~pgc. <k I","<1;"" ..,mJi{~ ," "I- C"'ll.
SJf.1}" ,k,-;,.."
EU""Ij'-on, ..., "f. ,;' ili.,o I" in,~ ", .... . ~1 10
lOll"".), <U..lIM tI "1:J"I"'~ .. , , , ~ 1 .(l'J
Smpri,c I>·il""", "..-JUt"'"
"1' ,, , . . ~ 2,1).1
ll,,, or l'OLlll"
D"eril ..; <1 " , •• ~ ",f)~
D;,,:"'I;'''' ;n ... , , ~ 2.r1(,
Sl"'"g)' ",Id I"e,i",
lid",;";.,,,,. ,~",,'i,~\ .>'4JII'in~ ..... 17,01
n'-'1'<";t"~, 1~,"'i" K"')'. u....· of IS", • .,hl",;o;I: Ikp."il~ '" l<.,ill""'Y. II,., ,,0
Di,,,,l'"',j "r "',«I;op. ~h~,~ ,., JP'~' ..... 17.1.l
h illin' '" guard c~"'>- ('(1"",u"" ck~,,,,u' ,,( ..... 17. 11
''''1''',,;;,[ ,,;iuk...., ~1'I"":1..1' '" .. . .. ~:.o.l
(Jr","il~ 3110l1111.")'· >in ,11.." ....., . ,,,'l:IIi.... o1<nl nf(Sr.. "ph";,,,,1; Oppo>.<i"l!
OI1b"JI<'}". jnnu"",~ ••0
0 ,,1 ;....~Hl..;"'~" , ,",!ctoWN . (."'''',.,,' ''' r" , ... _. 17.07: 11.17
l" ~" "C, "r ""tli~c' .."'. ,·,'.I ~i .hn",m <If ..... 55 .1))
1'1";,... i""''''';''',ni ".w,n,,, ~. "M"'T.LI"'" r", "'" "f. .. 11.n,
S"'l"i'~ II;"",,,. ' ''·'''' ',,",K Ill· .. ... Sl .\l.1 . ~1 .n5
SLtr,·dll",II.· •. rL~II,~."i"J\ fl" " s,· "r T7.0(,
"1",,,.1,,, 'I,"rill~,,-hod . "", i,I, ," '''LI,~tl hy
Br"~"',', "I'~li"a\;t'" til", I~ , I~
c,,,, r"'n.lin~ Wil""" "'\\IL ..... I ~ ,I)~
1k,II,« , ~ ,a ",in."~ '~ '·\Pl.",,,, ~ ..... I S. 1~
St...." ..l de".",iti"" . ''' ••... Ul.(}(,
SwmU3'Y "r ... .. IlI.07
1)"I"" ili<m. f"",. , ;...,11 III .... 1 ~.1)J
blt.-.o1i"" " f Ir~<l'" . . . 1~. I .\
L",·a1i,m "r ,......." .... J ~.O!
NOlI . t< pI;> .."mCHf "r ..... I~ .I I
t>i"" Jli"" or 1J;o;:,Ilt ....• IR.flt)
('>i'lh";"~ 01'''''''')'. i" ,ILI(,,,,c tlr, 1 .~.<l.I
R'r"i". 1""rmTlt"w:c "1', ,, .. IS, III
R"p,.,,·01)1<I1 ' "I' "It"d"" . IS,()I
Sa fOl)' ""'"""""' , fa;IL", It, I,,~~ , .... I~,II~
Se,·"..! d'·I, ,,il;,,". "tI""",l k'i"" wi,h . .
ni., ",~I !I{cj LJdico {S'" I) I,\ ~ ""Il !'REJlJlJICEI

MUTI YES --COl"' .

E~'~~~ ••"""'. """k"\"l'"" "f . . . . ..W.15
""'''_pliAA... 10..., .VI •.• . ).~.O! I !.lJ
1'.;.,,< "·, h!,· ,, ,"ai" ""'nI U""" I" c,""I~i'" _.. .. 1{o. !5
Rd;~i'''l'hip ~'I"'n)' (S-•• Rt;L,\'nO~ Sl!1 r' TO 1',\RT1ES)
Slatoti<t~ <If """'ifI"'IO)' Is...., SI.A;o.'"I:I) n SSn:o.lONYl
Su r.~.",I~l" " f .. . . . )$.0;
~ 1()Tml. n :llIc u : ACc..: ILl ~~""S
,\.:. ;\1011\ ,,'<11"'. r"i l"r~ ,,, ""~u'" (s.." j>(JU CE ~ EG!.lG!'~CE C,\ SF.S)
,\",i"",,,..,,. f. "",~
,,, "",,,,",
C,~"r;."l ",I., •.:pard;"Jl •• . • • .'-' .W
1l,,~;h ,,( . . . . . .4.n;
R"''''''' ' U<IMUl "r • . .• . .4. 1 ~
["'",eLi!.! ""'~'IJf,'" .",~ .... '''. _.. ..4.1111
C''''''''1lJ ,uk,. f~;tun.' '" fulh .... . . .. . ~ ~. IO
c. .. ri/',1l<1l) ...."li$='· "r "" 'mM ..... 5~ .m
L)"C;';,'H ~l ""p. focI"", ,~n~fikltin; 1" ... . . 5-I .(17
Menl;"".1;,,,, I,r 1!l"'~ . .. . . S-.i .IlS
~h)ll,",,·. Iq~ 1 dir[",). ~"""·kJ, .. ,,( .... . .~I . • l
11,y.;'..;,1 I"'· •• ",~ Ld tlr . . . . • 5-1 .11.1
K ,,,l~ 1. f" ,ltrr,' ~,u", ..• . •.~ U»l
'kfl..."., ••
hilun, ,,, ""' . . . . . .H .114
f'tLfl~"'" ,n· .. ... 5-1.01>
flu, "",,'r. •.~", ;",,,hi"l' Is.." ! )"\RT. o!~T IIY CH!!.!) l
!""'''''CI~''' c ..IIi,,,,,,, (Sc~ I",TERSECTION COl.! .IS' ()N CAS!'.!>l
()PP< .. i"~ ~"'''''' ")". ,,,I11,,,,,1',,r
I""H~" i»" ~h;W fS;:~ t),\II:r.Ot:T tly CH!LI))
01>.1"",.-.1 ,..,.... ",nct wuh (~~ OllSnWCfli1) VII:W. !)R[VL: II
\\'l"rU I
s ).....'<I . , ..~ ~ , <:".o1i,'" ,,( . . . . ~ .[O
511""'3) ;1nil .......,"'.
C."""",,, .·'I..·.i"~'"'·. :tJ",i...,~", ",...,...Ill""io;;: .. . .. ~ .t1.1
Ik ~"i1 " ," . II", IIf . • . .. ~ . I I
£,~,iw ~"'''C<.'. ",,;rbn~ with . . ... ~.IU
E'rol:a~",~ ", '" ci....... '"~ ......'''
''I . \·o",i,., "'. . . . " .II~
1I~"","""'r......."" ,0(. dul!en~i~ ~. . . J. I!
kl'f'l'>k..ol>ilifi.:>. <k"."N,", ~ ,n ,,( . ... 4.{I.;
1..,.,Ji"~ '1'''>1;'''''. ""'''''''' III "'~'·"·""i.~ (, ~"' ..... 4.111



Slralcg}' ","I "'''ti<,,_C(~lt.
!.i"bilil}', f<>c""i"S (~l, ,4,(1.'1
1~,y,'k;lI f'''I, 1",qitHOHY "(l'W'''<licli''~", , ,54,n,l
Vi,w 0' ''''''id"n! ",c,,~
EY"l'liln",,,, ISec VIEW OF ,\CClDE",T SCEKE)
OI''''",lcd vicw, d,i,,", willi lS<c OIlSTRt.:cnm VIEW. DRIVER

,\,,;"an"e, I"ilu,,, '" rcndcr (S"" ,\IOTOR VEIIiCLE ACCIDE",TS)
CI""acler. i"fe""c,, "f 1l,~li~",,,-'c "ri,illg from ... " .1.1J~
Ci"''''N,mli.1 r",'I, '"gligc!l''' inferred f"~ll , , 4. I ~
Cnn,'mCli(~l ,ilO, Ilegligent doa"i,,!: "r (Soc COKSTRlICTlON SITE. "'EGLI·
GE",'!' CL]!A:-lIKG OF)
Emplnyee', t><gligellce (S"" FORKLIFT ,\CC1IJE"T CA~EI
Eslim:rl"', "SO of IS<" ,"l~lcad: StLb""y ,'''' J,h'cr, c.",,,,ill"I;'''' 01)
OI~XhitL~ al!<>r"c),
Inn,,",,<c oc. ",~gc'li,'" ," 10 , .. ,' 2IU)(,
Unl";, ""Ik nf, tk"ling wilh , , , , , 20, 12
I',,]ice "cg];~"",C IS<c POLICE KEGLlGEKCE CASES)
Prinr acl "f "cgli~c"ec, O'I"bli,]",oonl nf"", ~~,().l
SI"lIC~}' ",,,ll'''li,,
,\pp"";""'li"",, "se "I, 1~,()5; 15,12
,\"'''''p4i"", """min"li"" or"", 55,1~
li,y,ie,1 ",'iJc""c, cn""1 of, "" 21l,(I~
1',;", "cl n, "c~ligcl"'c, "'I"hli,h",C'~ "r"", 55,0,1
Suh",,,}' ClL' dri"or, c""Hil:U;"" nf
,\cli"".< "r 1'1,,;mili
Cha"ge "r ',"in"",}' «""crni"s, .. 21l,IIl
D""',ih,,<1 , , , .. "Il,()~
W;I,"" "" 'n , , , , , 21J.{)7
Dq",ili<H', U,", "f
lli'I""'o. "I i",,,," 0,. ,,2Il,I)(,
"I' )","pl" , ".";,,";1,, of ..... ~O, IJ
PI"i,~iif. 1~"iljL'" "I ,.," 2(), II,
Src«1. c,li",,,lc "f, 21Ul,I
S'''I'I,;ng <li",,,",,c. ""i111"1<: "j, , , , ,20. 1·\
'k'li"~"')', d"'n~c in . , , , , :!O, III
'ria,e. e,lim"le lIf, , , , , 211.15
, ' ~ , ~,
"'t:I:I ,I(;~:."'n; I.:.lSI-:s-C,,"',
5_ 31 ~~, <lri"". ~ _"""i"",i,,,, nf- Cl>Fl1.
0 ..1;0>,,-':, ''''loQO:U~ 0,- • • . .. !O.Oti
Oh .. "'<!~m< W ,ii", .. ...
l~\l~"~"~)I", u,",,,,- • •• • ~O.ll!
I',(wnti •• ml.".<;ll f~' . I"" , ibili';o, fll' , , , , ,!il.m
Si~!>N _" "'~"'""
OflJ>O';n~ ~IM"',,'. !XIii: .~pnl;"" .... ~.1 2
I!", "r. _, ..
20. 11
Sf"·,~1. N o,,,,,,.. (Of • • • •• ! U.O~
SI"I'I'i"11 db Ll",,-,. Nit .... '" ,,/' . . . . , !II.I~
T;m.,. ,,,,'i,,,,,,. "e ..... 2tl.15
'f'~'N' AU"'""il), h'~'ifII; ''''''1',';1'1. ,,>( 'd· . . .. . 20.09
OIlJt(."T I()~S
C''''''n ... ",. t",.;., ..1~"'-' . 'k"Ii"~ "'~" ., . . ~,1I 1t3 1
l>..t!Uj;in~ ,t~ .",•• ~. p'~'<lJIi~ ' . . _. ~~ , I~
""III' H( '1"0;>1'"'' <>I>j;:c,inn, ~~i,'" k'" i" . ooy u,,'01 II. ~'~'-':III .....
''''p;..h''h:IJI. """ 'n ..... 2.0(,111
Mamwr vf . • _ , 1.Il'iH I
S....~j(", ",1~ ,,( mb,.-,onJtt<i . ltl • • • • ''''.If,l
OIlSEK\' ,HII)i'>S ,\;>01) MI'.COI.U:t., ',O;..-S
Ak( ~I<,1 U'<' . (nrot.III:. !l ~ II . .. . . 1 .ll.ij I lJ alli l
,'"~~h., "ion.", <kpu'<ilw" ",",-oJ 10, «'":.oJ, .. ,,, ~ !.09
CI",jibiin). {X I...-_. "fI,'Cli"t, , , I.m
Ik"".., ill .. . . ~ 1.0'
[),1:OiI,. '"" ;,,~ '-m .. _..
Drug U", "(f.-.:ll"!' .. .. . 2 Q5j IUajj" i
" ,"', . ,l<n~" "'rJI~'" 'Ie ... ,. 5.02
""""''''.'8"I'. Ii",,, f," ...,. ,f•.1)(0
'nJ.:vc ......~ ..-.: "I'. '--" """""in:: ... ,. 50_Of>
hl1""",.1i"" ...>lIi,io,m,
'n,nitq''-!c ~;~"'.l"'l"'; UI" " .. itll (S , ~ V' ICW Of ACnm::N"r SCEi'lEI
OI>.;nl(leJ ' ·il..... . C!,"...,t""~, ,,-;'10 tSt, VII,W 01' Accm~:""T sen,,:)
M"" .. ,..... i<l ~ "'-.:~!.._,
I>~n~nn ~ ,'I!;)d ,s.-" IMIH·Ol"f II" CII II.!). ,"'~,..,..... , '""",'1";,10>
'';ow .•')""-~ n.:_~. "idl)
hIl C'''''''~~ '' ,,,lti_
' i,,,,, (s.:~ \'II:W Of ,ICCII)I, /'lT SC!:X!;)

L:.~ '\'iI,,,,,...:s

OUS"w \ ' ,\l)O:>lS ,\1,1) W~;CUI.I."c..."11 )f\S_ C"", .

~k.'" ,. .... id ......,;'k'II>_ C<"" .
Obsllu<re.1 ,,",w. dr i" ~r ...·ith (S<~ Oll o,;l"RCCT I,1l VIE\\'. DRIV ER
(lbjtl.';v i~. d f..., Ug ••••• H I'l
1\·<.,,",:Jl ~""wk-.l{!~. I",,~ H[ . . •.. ~ .051 1 1M
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R''''I1",m''l~," "r =idc,~ , ~",......Jillj; . ... ..'9. 12
~ip ~.,.,j f:tIl ~J""
Sl"r~. , 1;1' "ltd ill ,Sec Sl"oRI>. SUI' .- \1'1) I',H.I. IN ,
r~ 1I
SUI>....~r .• Ii~ in Is.,., sunw,,," ..~I.U' ..\S [) 1'..\1.1. 1!l:1
~"d (~ II
Sro-".,'iI: ;0;, "f m''''umI'O(1. Ick'~"", .or ..... I ~.l14
Solll";"" ....;0...'> •• !.:r.,i<:, ~ppli.:4i>k ,,, ... .. ~1.!U: ~ 2 .1l.~
r.--";II!; "f. '1lI.'thud, ,.... . . ... :\<'.Oll l!!
UIl'"TlIl:(;TI-:Il "'I'.W.1I1I1\ ' t:l1 \\" 11'
Mj...."·'n I1kM, ";",. ~"":un;",,ion of
II"",,,,·., . ~1""r<'t K'JI "f
Il.:f• .n.IOI·, ,""',·k. "",it;,>n ,,( ... .. ~&.II2' III
I)"t~""~ t ~~vd.-J ",i, ... ,,, . •. . . :'ito.rot IU1
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Ti""". ~v~iI"hi"l) "f ........... 011'11
j)" ... • ..... a'~ ·' '"L-il id .'. 1'<"";11..., .,• • _•• _5(•. U21-'1
1"''''......1;.'''. di.un.." ("" " .. . .. ~h. O !1 11
~IoM'" \ \ ...,\.," hc-.rill~. ' ''''ti .." ",y ...
,\ '"\"Il':O;:)' nr. ~i."""'-.i,,.\
,..ill> c.>tlr] "'p"l\ll~ _ . ~.O~' ~J
\)" .....' "mal >IF'''l. I"L""""~ or , . . . Sf'.O~IKJ
s"'....., """ I",.irio", ,,( "011,.1,'. "-, ''' ., ..• S(> .U~ [i 1
v,'" .llf" fL1'~rd; "" .. . . . ~fr,.o:!l(,1
' '''kn<I.JIlI -d,;"". ~ ' :u1 """,i"" "r
"dj"~L"" "drick
!l:umt..·c ,If """l'-'~'"' ,n ..... 56.0 112 1I
Si<c ,>I ..•.. ~ MJ!12.l1
Ilri. 'Tt!' " 'I"'iI:"'~ . """"'lP"~)' ,,f ....• sr.,OIIS!
Fidd "r "j" "" .. , .. ~.OIl')J
c,"""'•. foolu ,~ to> " 'i':U- •• _ • _ 56-'111111
lto",II;.:!,r,. 1"""""''' "r ..... 5/'.0 1[121
1I"",.«,j,,,,. ~ t'P"""h 1<,
Ah;t~)' I""'~ " ... ~ 1\.n I I 1 2 !
l .... R. 1:. 1,.,0 \" " ,", . ~",0I1 2 71
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L>n~ •. ,-,,,.,.. ,.1 . . . , y., u I12 ~ 1

{)jl"rltl!C rt, 1l VIEW, IIIl1n:H WITI I- C.",l,
1).,:'c,l<l.l11hl r;,,", . c"""inJ!i .." .. f-C""l.
~1.1 l!
M>ilily ,,, """ _... .' 6.11 IIJJJ
Ol""r.,.. i"o I~I;nI. <Ii""''''" 'f('", . _. . . ~ r" 0 Ij~ II I
Pe' iP"'rJI " i,ilH'. lN ing
I\d;,,:,. ;\.\c",,,m ''' . .
0' .....
' , ~LflIPJ
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I'", i\i l~\ ,,( ' "~i,I,-", . . , . :q,.O I!1J. 1 1 ~ J. I~OJ

Sr"o" " , • • 1oido:;
ll.;f,·,oJ;,!M·' ,-dildo .. . . _5I1A lIl ~J
Imcr:.o...,i,u,. "I'I"''''''-i,j,,~ .. . , _ ~,_O\ II 'JI
Will"'''' ' "chicl, . . . .. ~(>.Il!] ISI
()I'po.,j,,~ .\\<'nlcy. ;nn",·!\\." "r
~k"li"!l ... ilh au'>!n"y . ,1,,,,,1;"" Ilr .. . . . ,Y,,(II I~1
St'fS~'li,," ,L< I" •..• . ~6.t1 11! 1
SI"'l~~r ~"d""
l"wlli,~"",> "hj'·<~i"'". , ng ,,';th , " . 5~,!)11.1 t
I);'\;I,~". (\<lcrtn""LliLw\ "I, " _~ ~ , 01 1 1~ 1
\:\,.";L>n "I" l/I',";w"". ""'",,.; "r p,c'''m ;''~ . .. __5 1.001" 1
Lc...Jing 'lU"'li"n._ "",.of .. . _• .V•.02191
~kll~ ")" .of "~ .....,, I"" io~ .. . .. •'i6.0~ 1 :l1
f>r'l .... jn~ OU",,,,,}", ;" il"",,,·c. N"llli,I\"...,,,l "f {S\" '\I~I,"'HI: OJ'r''~11I!;
"11"""'y. i"lllWn"~ ,,0
1''\ IHI S'\~SHI1' ISoc III,\S Mm l'11f.J l' I)ICm
I'OU CE ~f.f;U(;E1\"C~ C,\SI, S
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1'\.' ''0'' u,"" <I .. .. , • • 5O. 1~~
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O!," "; "g >I aIC"\O'Il , ' c<l i''''lfI)' ''Im'fJ~i",..J ;11 .. _, . .~J.("
Re.: ,>lICClkHI . Ich"I>lllly ,,( . . . , . .'-I.Oti
.'1'('"1) n"'~''',,,,
A.\"~;lahill'}' (Of ••••• ~ll.lIi
1';.;lul~ I" ~,~o . _ ,5U.O ~
FI~,,". "'" " f . • . , :\Il.l~
N."""il), r." , , ,$0.11
S"t.....~l..:m ,cm.:.lial 1I....~ "m'S .. . .. ...O.(~

I'()UO: :>;..:m.I{;F.NO : C ,\SES- t~nt .
,\ ("I,; i<I< ,>, ..:cnc. (~ i lu~ ~ , >I.-.:u,~_ C<)IlI .
.~I" ,~l:Jrd I,l" ,'~'" ..."SIahli..! ... ", ... " r . .. .. 5O.0~
Ti",,, ""i, ,,,,.·." ," 'ur;,"}" o j . • •.. 5() ,(~1
Tr.ini"g. ",1"1 ''''':)' or , " " , , 50.0S
O.'f"I'i,.g :ou....,,,..~' . i nll,,~"c.: <'I
I';lot',",. "'t~<"Jil'" m .. .. . .5.02
i',~kc "Hi.,"
F,jl u.c '" .1C'Urc ''''dd;", "'ell ,, (SC" '''l,~:>d: ,\ ,,,id.m S<"~n~. faiblf~
' " ""~\"~ I
,,,,,,,,,,,,""111 "" ",,,.e,n..'
~s....., ' ~CO:-lSJs"lxr .sT.~ 1" .\1 t:~T OF OTI I-
S I., lIbill~ oi l chilLI. <a"l iIII'oJ'inl:
'1\"",,,,,,~m ,,"Ielll,,nt' il' (SO" INCO",SISTE:-I'r Sl "A"j' Ll~IE"1' ()~
01"lmlt WIT ",ESS ,
Sl. "~in~ "I' lC",i""",-y Is.." S!....\:-ITI:n TI!sTI~10,,"Y )
Sl"""'~' ,,,,,I "",i",,,·, ~' bl\' c r. ,""c,,,itlll .. .. , 2 I '( I~
'\I'r ••";n,"~j,,,,, , ';f~;r;"~ ",,~ or . . _. . ~ll.OI
l'<~tI''''''i''l' ,,('non)" .... . 50.0 )
c,,,,,.tllw.-.ial ,'''','. ~11[If";J,h ." . .. . 21.03
l }r;mw ti "JI~"' . " ,< "r _.... ~1). iU
f. ..", ,~ jlld£",o, ~. ,1e",,,".I1."';'''' " f. _. . . .I, (),-,
Ol>j:<.ion>blc q\IC.!i"~ . d fl'<! "r , . 11,fIb
( ",,"'~ iHl!. ,p",ifi,· ~"Oi ~11~~';I> i",01 .lu';I1 ~ ... . . ~.O~
l{dc~ .h ;"I~ c~.:"I Ic"<·,j 'Wll.'h" "'''' . u,"" "r .. ' .. ZI.lI'l
SI''''N '~""';""~'J". dc.'fi"~ \I"h IS"e SI.,\," TEIl T ES1' 1 ~IOi\ "1
-Ii"", C_" "n:t1C . a,,,I,,i., "f , . . $0'(1-)
l'ItL\lISI ~" U Alm .ITY C,\SES
n "'''W",;,KI ~,d,k'I!'
Si, •. ""II"SO'" ck.u~n~ ,,f (Sc<- CO~STIHICTIOK sin .. :-I!:(a.l(1E~T
CI.EM,'Ir<."G OF)
Slip aM r~\I 'J.""
,SI'e 5/.1 ]' ,\NIl 1',\1,1. C,\ SES)
"KEl',\rtATU,m rOil e JWSS r·: x,\~u.'\,'TJO"
)).;",,,,,o.'n. ,,"'" "r
I'~itu,~ '" dcl~'''' ' ,.,(<:<:, _II •... " U J.l!.l !lbl
j',iL, c , .... "'~'" ""' ''' . ,.",,,hli.,!,,",",,, "r .... , 1 _() 1' ~1
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l'IU:I',\R ,\TiO:-i ~'(JII. CROSS I.:XI\M I N,\· IU}~ _ C",".

Font",bl;'," ,I/' 'IUC,IIK'"
Aff",,"" i~" ~"""'l. ""."r;"~ . ... . 2 1.m;
N'~I 'r"rt~' 0.' """.,
1)",1"""~m. U"" "r _.. .. 1.1J.I[4 IlIPI
1I~"rI'I " .. ,
Wilh . .. ,. 1.0-11411,,1
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,I<I,'c',.., P'''\'. hi", '''~'""I , , , ,. 1.0-11311"1
Ou«' ~'1< ,of •.a..... intcf ...l in .. .. . •.OJ! l tlhl
~':r'pt . P',"!,",,,,i,'" " I'
,\l~.n:ll;'·(,. ,unidl"'l"U> nl .' .. 1.Q.l1 1nfl
Ik>Jy l"ngLw¥~. f\Oll"',,~,~ r~~""lin~ ..... \.[1$1111
use (Or . ... . I .(1.111 IIhl
(;cllwlly ... . , 1.I)4IIJi"1
"r'''' ' 1:11""..·.",. 'e...;'.... of, . ' I J~ll lllhl
V",j"hl", ",~"i ,I~,",1 'II . .. .. 1.1>ll llln
Win..,." . I»"""r.,;',nor I~ l'Rm'AR,\ n ON OF wn· ..... ESSI
l'II.~: I"\II.,HIOI" (J~' I\'ITI"F-"S
AlUk'f'"K '" "r '~I"" i""' , ,. 16. 10
IIJlII .." ;...... ',"'•. dkcr or . .. .. , ~.os
CO"I'! )''''''0,1",". Iiornl li a' ilY "'illi , ' , , ,3 .08
)j ....1mr _ .... i." :0\""....).... ~_-h""&"m." .
T,,,,,, ""i",,"'< >' eff«1 of . .. . , .\~, IM
or. . .. 3.02

l' I(l OR M ."TI()I"

I).,I~""". I. a~i(\,\1 (~" 11.\11.. ASSMJI.T , "' ,
J'llllm I:"CONSI"'"I't:~T STAn:.\1E~",~
C, ;",i ",,1 "ial pn:«di"~ ~~\-il "",;,oil. ,!>te" ... n'" ,,,,,de ,I", j n~ , , ' ,. S.IlS
I>eJ,,, ili'M', ""MI~ ,I"ri"~ i!\..:c Dm~)SITIO"" TES-rl.\IO:>o:n
b" ln". ,·vid"..." . "'" .If ... . _~ .IlS! ' II"I!;'!
(;"".",11)' , ,,~. n.ll llIhJliJ
I.q:.d ''''ox' ,,,...-,I,·cd 'n.. . 1.(I~' IlI hUHI
P,.,r ""i.w, "0.1"'1 ,1"1<11\1;'"1. "",.",,,"1., "",iI" ill .. .. . 19.0..
"" '~"" 'n u'in~ .. .. .J('-'I~IIl,
Sll\Jf\'''' lit' . .. : .051 I llhlliiil
W" n"" " .. ~"..,,~ uf " ',1""'<1 ( S<~ MOTO R "EWeLE C ,\SES)
I'J.ulm;el'S 1.1,\1111.1'1''0' I.:ASt:S
i)"Jl< " ili'MI '"""""")'. "M:
"I' I.'i<~ ~!,\CI!lI"Il1tY ,\",n l:QUII'M EN TJ
M.chin'''f mJ \~.Ili .... "'n' IS,-" M,\CIII ",ERY A:'<II) EQUI!'\ II :NTJ


.'1U1IlE(.'·» U ,\UII. I1T C,\SI~"_C.u~ .

~l "nuf~,'uf""< If.>bih!}
1')~i~l i"'> ,,-il ...·,.. i~" "" i'han <kpo"il~'" .!.>lC"",m;, "f rs..." MI\CI!lI'·
t:lIV ANI> f.QlI U·~II'NT, ",b~~:od ; T"..chlr 'T"'''-,"~ ".. ).,d. ~,."iJ"~1
,....."''\1 h)')
S. ,.1)· dc ,-i,~. b ll",c ", j"wo1! (Sec ,\I,\ CHI." ERY A."I11) EQL\II'~II:1\." .
,uN><:3d: ."",..".,'"1:
~:III!=C • .Ie(",;", " ",Uillnn of)
s..rely ~.~'nl, . ,h,.,,,,,c )It i" " d"~" ,,,·}- "r
"1'-1;""1, ...-.11 "'1";"'''<111 I ~ ~IACIIINIOR'( A.... O I:OU II'~1E"'T_ ,,,~ .
h""d: Bay unl1"'''oJ,..J ,n"" in~ "I) ""r"

Ilia>, ~.",hI;>l"'''·nI
1'0 J'A RTlt~"
"r .... . I ,m
11.-.>11>;'" >lanli,,~ " I' " "'Iil~''''l' ~. (S« SI..AI"Er> Tf.sTIMOSYl
I""rr'»-~r ~nd c",~I<~."
"'''11", •. ~n.p.» ", ,"" . _. ' ~HII : ~HB
I'ri<." .t. c~'fl'k')W '" _. _. .1. fI.~
Imrlao><iI>Io !'<"'iI,•...,. h'k '~""" ,,( n;1~l~""I'ip ("~ n .•.•. 3.(1. 1
)',"'"i....." I;"hilil)' \-~..,>
_,,",,,,,,-j,,,,,,. ""' ~'" i1t\-<~" j,,~ lSI." (:O:-l)'"1'ln:c,
I_':llmd"'m:n. <41»"fld ("II in IS"" l.A U"' IWO.\ J.\ l ·, .~LLP A.'11)
S.,I",ay. _,lip ", ~I 1:,11 in (s..-c SI>II \\',\ Y. SUI' ANI) 1',\ 1.1. I~ )
SIohp"'A'. inro,,-.,..~ ,Jf "' L,I'",,,hip f, .... " ... ..1 .01
F~ n,ily ,,,,,,,,I,,,,,
n"~hc.. , ,I:liII i" ~ ,of , ~_,!i " .NI} 1')- IS« SI.A:-ITEI) Tr~n' MO "'Y )
1',,>Ioknl of ~"'''"..ny. l"'ll~r~', . .• ~5.!lI : ~5.tu
1k)l."'lhl("lIl """"1 .... , ~ ,m
P~"..,,,,~'n. ''''>li'":oI~''' ~rrc~!i',!> . . , .. ~!UHI I ~ !

SI.A r-T U. "J"f$n ~ II)~V
'''"e,. ",i,,!~tc, ""m ,~~. ",Til1~ " .. $.0."
t ""k <I( k""",!.,-.ll""
!'-'I"I,!i'I"''''I~ "r .... _~. O.~
b".. "" i.,,'m>"'I~"l("nl • .I"" ~' .. __. ~.l1II
()hj,"" " " ')'. elk':l "" .. ", 5 IN
" a.~m> . "'t~li""""il ' ",-, ,,,,,,,, . . . _, ~ . ().\


SL,\;'I(fEIl TESTL\[O"'\'-(',"H .
.~I'~;\'c Ii"
1"lIh". bi", hmalll, ... , ~,( ~)
M,~hor. ,"",millen! h'w,Ltd ..... 5,07
Sclf·dofcn," ", .. , , ,5.()6
Wit)"", c'piail1illg , , , .. 5.m
OI'J~loi"g "'t<m",y. ;I1fh,e,...-,', "r
('u"t"'h, P'Hp""" "!,, , , ,.5.(,\
1""-'1<. '''gyc'ii!lll "f" ... 5 ,O~
1'" ,,"01" d"il)' Iii;', famil;"';t)' w;th ..... ~,Il,1
I',in, 1";lillH~')' ill e'rilLl;,",1 ]1"",,,,,dil1I"
,\<llLli,,'iil;lil), "1'",,, S.IlS
In,'oll,i,tcm ,'IHlcll1cm, in .... , S.OS
Skllllillg "f .. " , 5.1l5
SI'''icgy "rKI ("'-'ti,"
Erru, in jOLdg"lCm, J,'tlk""U;Hi"" ,,(,. , S.I)(,
L,d, 0' h"wlc'lf~
E'I"hli,ilm""t of ..... ~,H:\
OhjcC[j"ily. effect "" , , ... 5,(rl
Ol"'''in~. 'I"'eilic crr", dO'"01l'!rat,'J in , .... 5,1l~
i"ojlJdi,'c. «(,,1011>10111"'" "', , , .. .'U17
UW"cicr. jllf",otl<'C "r ''''gligctK'' u,i,ing r"~ll"", 3.1l:!
L;,II,oJr.'IIl'''. 'lip and fall ;" (See LlIllt-;[)I{O.~lAT. SLlI' ,\NlJ FALL INI
0PP'"inu ,morT"'),. inllu"t"'~ n!' (Se", ~-rOI{E. SLIP ,\NIl 1',\LL IN)
Sh"". ,lip alLll I"l[ i" (Se" STOI{E. SLIP ,\NIl FIILL IN)
Slral"~)' and I""t;'"
(""111IllMl '"U,,,, ,,"eni,)t1 ,'n'lIr;lui",ing , .... ,1~ ,() 1[Sf
('n"!ri"cJ "".""c". hi~hljghti"~" , , , .I.()I
Dom,,,,,"ati,'" e"ideJKC. "'" "r ., .H)S
Di'H""ti",,;, ",ggo"~lI' ,,, 10 ... " .1(,,01[.11
FiN '''''''0. "dd'",';I1~ "'i",,,,,, by "" )(;,(ll[ZI
Illll~;J"'ihk, a,'"ni,~" ic';r,li"g wit)"", hl make, .....1;;,()214j
~1L~i\""ion. pc"ol'ti"" aircct",I!>;- 35,lItjl4j
['JOh.,hil;,"". c<i"hlish1ll"n! of"", J".nljISj
S"lmay. ,lip ,,,,d t,\II;n (S"" SUBWAY. SLIP AKD F,\LL IK)
STAr>.'[MIW OF C\l!E
Agri,ulu",,1 IIl",'hin",). '~"'H'li'~l "y , 17,0.'
("~"'n"li,,,, ,i,c. ""I,lig"ni ,'le""irLg "r. 1;;,n7
I'oli,o "iti,",. i',,,
S'f '\:>I IIA IW 01' C,\lU;_C" nI .
)\,Iio< " ft"kor. for_ C'~lI .
D.;.k orr""•. dut"'~ ,,[ .... . 21.m
Of\.kr or
I'ttJ)~"t i"n. ~ ,,,,d,,,J C" or '" reg"rd illg .... . 2 1 .o.~
STO It~:. SU I' A.....1l ~·,\u . IS
F;N W;)'",,,, ">:,uU in"I;''', "r
IM aih . f.illl'" .<1 uh."'''·Q . .. .. ,('.111 H I. Ji ll
Il ") 'a<'~"'" P'""""'"
of • ... . •16.01 131
<Jrr.'''n~ "11"''''')'. (ntlu<:, ...... "r......
16.0IP I
»(~ il i,,,, ,,[ ""
"C,,,,J " -it"",, . . . . . )6.01 1121
Sc~"" of "",idem
l.ij:l ~,. Iw_"'n~" nf .•... .1(' .0 11101
S"",",,~,"IU " i';llt!", , .\(,.O II'JI
V:IIKa!'." I",im ..... .l6.(II ISI
()h".o ·".mn., "nd n.·,-nll..-Ih""
,'de,I""") ~ f. " ,.,ll.!I!< lo-ling ..• __J{•.021111
Cilru'n" JI\C1:". "".1)'''' 11(, ".\(j.O~IIOI
1);:(,,,,,";'11' nf ' hm:. wil" ,,· II> 'emomt><. _.. .. 36.02 1181
IM Jih . ,",,.11 of. , . .1(,,0 21121. I I ~J
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C,~n""". "LI"~"" "f ... .. J6_ 0 1l~1; .I6.lIl ll l
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Go"",.!!) . . . .. !.Ol
I'""",.., ,"" or ... .. .l~ .m
IFn['.'xlm "!II ,If,." (See 1.... 1'1, "CIlME~T OF WI r"F_~S I
1 " ~"ob.djjl;I;.,.. '"' ''''''''tr~liool nr . .... ·u~
! nIlUffi'" of "I'p,,';n~ :mmn,·), . ,I,,,wnw,,,,,,, "r 1S,~ CII.EDllllll1Y OF
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