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Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Jenis teks Aspek/Skill Alokasi Waktu : SMP Negeri 2 Baleendah : Bahasa Inggris : VII/ II : Procedure : Listening : 1 x 40 Menit

STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mendengarkan Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana yang berbentuk procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk procedure. I. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Diakhir pembelajaran siswa dapat: Merespon informasi dalam teks procedure Menentukan ciri kebahasan teks procedure yang di dengar Menentukan fungsi komunikatif teks procedure yang di dengar II. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Procedural text is a text that gives some clues of how to do something through a series of action. Goal/purpose: to give information what we need. Material: things that you need to make an object. Method/steps: the information about making an object. Vocabularies Bake Saut Peel Melt Chop Boil Stir Pour Cut Combine Broil Grill Fry Cook Mix Heat Smear Garnish Grate

III. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Question and answer Three Phase techniques Learning Community IV. KARAKTER YANG DIHARAPKAN Seksama Tanggung jawab Kreatif Inovatif V. KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN a). Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit) - Salam dan tegur sapa (mengecek presensi siswa) - Melakukan apersepsi : Menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa yang berkaitan dengan materi ajar. 1. Do you like eating delicious food or drinking fresh juice? 2. What about making delicious food or fresh drinks? 3. Do you often do this by yourself? 4. Can you mention your favorite food and drink? - Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau KD yang ingin dicapai - Menjelaskan cakupan materi dan penilaiannya b). Kegiatan Inti (30 menit) Eksplorasi - Menampilkan beberapa gambar/benda yang telah disediakan - Menanyakan beberapa informasi sesuai dengan gambar yang ditampilkan Q : What is it? A : It is bread Q : Do you like eating bread ? A : Yes, I do or No I dont -Melafalkan kata/kalimat dengan tepat sesuai dengan gambar yang ditampilkan - Siswa mengulang kembali apa yang telah diperdengarkan - Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi ajar - Menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan terkait dengan materi Elaborasi : - Siswa mendengarkan guru mempraktekan bagaimana cara membuat roti isi(sandwich) How to make sandwich 1. First, prepare two slice of bread. 2. Second, smear the strawberry jam or peanut jam into the bread. 3. Third add cheddar cheese and a little of misses chocolate. 4. Fourth put one bread on it. 5. Finally put it into the plate and its ready to be served.

- Siswa menuliskan kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan oleh guru. - Siswa mendengarkan guru menjelaskan ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks. - Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal berdasarkan teks yang diberikan oleh guru. Konfirmasi -Guru melakukan koreksi dan memberi masukan terhadap semua pekerjaan Siswa. c). Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit) - Guru beserta peserta didik menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran - Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran - Guru menyampaikan rencana materi pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya VI. SUMBER BELAJAR - Expressive English book for Junior High School VII, Pengarang : Mikdam Mustapa Elis Rosdiawati, ANGKASA Bandung Tahun: 2006, Hal : 120&127 -English in focus for grade VII Junior High School, Hal: 134-136,Artono Wardiman, Masduki B jahur, M. Sukirman Djusma. VII.PENILAIAN Indikator pencapaian Kompetensi Dengan diperdengarkan monolog pendek siswa dapat merespon infornasi dalam teks Procedure


Teks Tulis

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen How to make sandwich! 1. First, prepare two slice Isian of bread. singkat 2. Second smear the strawberry jam or peanut jam into the bread. 3. Third, add cheddar cheese and a little of misses of chocolate. 4. Fourth, put one bread on it. 5. Finally put it into the plate and its ready to be served I. Answer these questions based on what you heard! 1. What is the text about? 2. How many steps are there? 3. What is the first step? 4. What should we do

after that? 5. What is the finally step? Dengan diperdengarkan teks pendek siswa dapat menentukan ciri kebahasaan teks procedure. Isian Singkat II. Write the sentence based on what you Heard! 1. .. 2. ... 3. 4. ... 5.

Teks tulis

Rubrik Penilaian : bagian I, II benar score 1 a. Kunci Jawaban : I. 1. How to make sandwich 2. Five . 3. First, prepare two slice of bread. 4. Second smear the strawberry jam or peanut Jam into the bread. 5. Finally put it into the plate and its ready to be served. II. 1. Prepare the bread. 2. Smear bread with peanut jam. 3. Add cheese into the bread. 4. Bake the bread and taste it. 5. its ready to be served.

c. Pedoman Penilaian : Ket : N=Jumlah skor yang benar

N 10 X 100

10=skor maksimal d.Nilai akhir

N 10 X 100 = 100

Guru Pamong

Baleendah, 16 April 2012 Guru Praktikan

Dewi Ratna Wulan S.Pd NIP: 197710232008012006

Rina Yulian Azhari NIM: B1B080559

Menyetujui, Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Baleendah

Dra.Hj. TUTI KURNIASIH, M.Pd. NIP. 19550505 197403 2003

VIII.BAHAN AJAR How to make Sandwich Well, student, now I want to tell you how to make Sandwich. I think some of you have made Sandwich by your self, havent you? How did you find it? Of course, its very easy. What are materials that we need to make it? We need two slice of bread, many kinds of jam: strawberry jam, peanut jam, or pineapple jam, one cheddar cheese and you can add a little chocolate misses. Right. Lets make it together. First prepare two slice of bread, and smear the strawberry jam or peanut jam into the bread, second add cheddar cheese and a little of misses chocolate. Third, put one bread on it. Finally put it into the plate and its ready to be served. Listening Test Name Class I. Answer these question based on what you heard! 1. What is the text about? 2. How many steps are there? 3. What is the first step? 4. What should we do after that? 5. What is the finally step? II. Write the sentence based on what you heard! 1. .. 2. ... 3. 4. ... 5. : . : .........

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