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Written Test: Mini Composition Instructions for the Students (Todo est escrito en ingles para que la lectura

en espaol no sea una destreza que interfiera en la evaluacin escrita.) You are going to write two separate mini compositions. You will be given five prompts each with a description of a situation in which you must base your mini composition. You will choose only two of the prompts. Read the prompts carefully and pay attention to the details requested in the prompt. After reading the prompts, you may ask your instructor any questions and to clarify any information that may not be clear. You may not use any additional materials such your textbook or a dictionary to assist in your writing. Please read your chosen prompts twice before you begin writing. Formulate your ideas and organize them first. After you have organized your outline, go back and read your prompt again to ensure that you have addressed all of the requirements. Use adjectives to describe people and places. Use frequency adverbs to describe how often things are done. Finally proof read your writing before turning it in. The score you get will be calculated by converting the scores for the criteria to a 100-point scale. The passing grade is 70 points. Each of your two compositions will be evaluated according to the following criteria: --Completion of task (0-2): fulfill the requirements of each of the two prompts. --Format (0-2): the actual look of the composition is realistic to the authentic or real-life task. --Grammar (1-5): correct verb forms, correct forms of agreement (gender, number, subject-verb), correct prepositions, correct spelling.

--Vocabulary (1-5): correct use of appropriate and varied vocabulary. --Organization (1-5): composition flows logically and smoothly. --Style (1-5): the composition engages the reader and is characterized by a distinctive and compelling voice.

Writing Prompts: 1. You are having a fancy dress party in your home. Write an invitation that includes the following information: what the party is for (fancy dress), tell your guests (los invitados) what they should wear (minimum of five things), what time the party is, where the party is located and how to rsvp (telephone number or email reply). You should organize the invitation so that it has the appearance of a real invitation.

2. You are sending your best friend a text message about what your plans are for the weekend. Say hello and ask how your friend is doing. Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend (use the ir+a form) and tell your friend what you want to do and at what time you want to get together with your friend.

3. You would like to find a new roommate. Make a want ad or poster that lists all the necessary information: how much the rent is, what type of furniture is in the bedroom, describe the different types of rooms and extras (a pool, gym, etc). State whether it is a house or an apartment, how many people already live there. How far or close is it from the NAU campus. Describe the type of personality of the ideal roommate and include contact information.

4. You would like your little brother or sister to attend NAU after they graduate from high school. Send him/her an email talking about your university. Remember to say hello and to ask how they are. Talk about what kinds of classes you are taking and what times the classes are. Describe where you live and what your living arrangements are like (how many roommates, apartment or house, kind of furniture in the house). Talk about your friends

(names, ages, personality, and physical descriptions). Dont forget to say goodbye. 5. Your best friend is arriving today by plane and you cannot pick him/her up because you are taking a test. You have asked your roommate to pick him/her up for you. The only problem is your roommate has never met your best friend and does not what he/she looks like. Send your friend an email with a full description of your best friend including: name, age, and physical description. You also need to include what time the plane is arriving.


Score 50 25 25 100

Uso del lenguaje Contenido Formato Total

Contenido Tarea 1 2 1 0 2 1 0


Uso del lenguaje

2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 345

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Tarea 2

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Uso del lenguaje Gramtica Vocabulario Organizacin Estilo Total

Escala 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5

Proporcin para cada criterio 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4

Puntaje y % 13 13 12 12 50

Escala para evaluar la escritura de los estudiantes Estudiante: ___________________________ Clase: __________________________ Examinador: __________________________________________
Punto 1 2 3 4 5 Gramtica Hay errores frecuentes que son graves los cuales hacen que no haya fluidez en la composicin Los errores hace difcil leer la composicin y con frecuencia escribe oraciones confusas Hay errores gramaticales a lo largo de la composicin lo cual puede indicar un dominio limitado del lenguaje, no causan que la composicin sea difcil leer pero s afectan la fluidez El escritor demuestra en general, un buen dominio de la gramtica y aun cuando cometa errores menores, estos no afectan mucho la fluidez de la composicin Demuestra un conocimiento consistente que enriquece la buena comunicacin de las ideas

1 2 3 4 5

Vocabulario Falta detalles suficientes, palabras redundantes, mal usadas y ambiguas o estn en ingls Muchas palabras usadas son incorrectas con detalles ordinarios Hay uso de verbos apropiados pero los sustantivos son ms ambiguos o redundantes Los detalles son claros y apoya al mensaje, hay poco errores Los detalles son vividos y apoya bien el mensaje y ayuda al lector. Todas son correctas y avanzadas

1 2 3 4 5

Organizacin No es evidente ninguna estrategia de organizacin, no tiene una estructura lgica La estructura est limitado por la ausencia o el uso inadecuado de palabras en transicin No es siempre fluido ni completamente lgico, puede haber exceso de palabras o repeticiones, pero estas fallas no detienen completamente el avance progresivo de las ideas Es fluido y generalmente controlado, hay una conexin lgica entre ideas, los errores menores no afectan el avance progresivo de las ideas El avance progresivo es fluido y controlado; la estrategias de organizacin que escoge el escritor, realzan su habilidad para presentar ideas claras y eficazmente

1 2 3 4 5

Estilo La composicin no es original ni autntica. El escritor no es capaz de expresar su individualidad ni su propia perspectiva Algunos prrafos o secciones de la composicin suenan autnticos u originales, el escritor realza la escritura experimentando con detalles Realza la escritura usando expresiones apropiadas adems de usar detalles descriptivos La mayora de la composicin es autntica y original, demuestra sentido de la audiencia adems de usar expresiones apropiadas y detalles descriptivos Usa vocabulario expresivo, colorido y preciso; El escritor es capaz de expresar su individualidad y la originalidad desde su propia perspectiva

0 1 2 0 1 2

Contenido No complet la tarea; no escribi nada Complet la mitad de la tarea y muchas palabras estn en ingls Complet la tarea Formato No hizo la tarea El formato no parece un texto autntico El formato es el de un texto autntico

Hoja de Coreccin para los Examinadores Estudiante: ____________________ Clase: ________________

Examinador: __________________________________ Aspecto Puntaje Peso (Multiplique el puntaje por) Tareas (0-2) Contenido Formato Total para las tareas (50) Uso del lenguaje (1-5) Gramtica Vocabulario Organizacin Estilo Total para el uso del lenguaje (50) Puntaje total (Sumar el total para las tareas y para el uso del lenguaje) 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 12.5 12.5 Puntaje final

Comentarios generales sobre la actuacin del estudiante: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Reporte de Resultados para el Estudiante Nombre: __________________________ Clase: ________________________

A. Tareas (2 puntos mximo por cada tarea realizada) Tarea Contenido Formato B. Uso del lenguaje (1 5) Aspectos Gramtica Puntos (15) Comentarios Complet (0-2)




C. Su puntuacin total convertida a una escala de 100 puntos es: ___________________ D. Comentarios generales sobre su actuacin: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

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