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Annals of Mathematics

Plateau's Problem and Dirichlet's Principle Author(s): Richard Courant Source: The Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul., 1937), pp. 679-724 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 27/06/2011 22:57
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Vol. 38, No. 3, July,1937





(Received December 15, 1936; revised May 11, 1937)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Introduction. Preliminary Lemmas on the Dirichlet Integral. Plateau's Problem for one contour (k = 1). Plateau's Problem for k contours. Preparations. Solution of Plateau's Problem for k = 2. Plateau's Problem for arbitrary k. Solution of Plateau's Problem and the problem of least area based on conformal mapping. 8. Plateau's Problem for one-sided minimal surfaces and for minimal surfaces of higher genus. 1. INTRODUCTION

of The construction a surfaceof least area bounded by a given contour r in Euclidean xl, x2, x3-spaceis one of the classical problemsin the 3-dimensional the the calculus of variations.1 To formulate problemanalyticallywe suppose by represented functions the surfaceunderconsideration x,(u, v) of two paramin etersu, v (or by a vectorg(u,v) withthe x, as components) a given domain B in shall be continuous the withthe boundaryC,;thesefunctions oftheu, v-plane closed domain B + C, have piece-wisecontinuoussecond derivativesin B and map C on r. Then the problemrequiresus to minimizeby one of these adthe missiblefunctions integral


A(S) =

(EG ff\

- F2)


wherewe have withthe usual notations









au av

of transformations the paramThis integralA(g) is invariantunder arbitrary etersu, v and their domain B, which,if r is a simple Jordancurve,may be chosenas theunitcircleu2+ v2< 1.
1 Cf. throughout this paper as a referencethe excellent report by Rad6 "The problem of Plateau," Ergebnisse der Mathematik, II, 2, Berlin, 1933.





The Euler conditions thisvariationalproblemforma systemof non-linear of partialdifferential equationsin B withadditionalnon-linear conditions, expressing not only that the requiredsurfaceis bounded by r, but also that it has mean curvature zero or is a "minimalsurface." Replacingthe problemof least area by thatofa minimal surface boundedby r-this problem called Plateau's is problem2-onehas to meet first the difficulty in consisting the non-linearity of the differential equationsand secondthe difficulty in consisting the non-linearity of the additional conditions. Riemann and after him Weierstrass,H. A. Schwarz,Darboux and others have alreadyentirely disposedofthefirst difficulty. By taking advantage of the freedom the choice of the parametersone can in linearize the differential equations of the least area problem. Suppose it is possible to introduceisometric parametersu, v on the surfacesS consideredin our variationalproblem, parameters which i.e. for (2) E-G = O; F = O. or, in otherwords,parameters whichcorrespond a conformal to mappingof the surfaceS on the u, v-plane. Then we have

with (4)

A(S) = D(S) D(S) =

= DB(S)

(E + G)du d = _

+ x') du A

whereD(r) is the classical Dirichletintegral. In general,if u and v are not necessarily isometric we parameters, have that

(5) where

VEG du andtherefore dv,

A(S) <D(S)

holds if and onlyif (2)


= D(&)

F= O.

Underthe conditions(2) the Euler equations forA (X) = D(t) simplybecome linear: (6) or (7) At= 0
Cf. Radj, oc. cit.
2 On account of the famous experiments by Plateau.

Ax,,= O;








This leads to the definition a minimalsurfaceas one forwhich,in a suitable of parametric representation, have the lineardifferential we equation (7) (8)

withthe additionalnon-linear conditions E-G=F=O. In other words, Plateau's problem requires us to find a "potential vector" mapping of B on a surfacebounded X(u,v) in B + C whichgives a conformal by r.3 If we consider potentialfunctions as the real parts9tf,(u+ iv) = Tf,(w) of x,, analyticfunctions f,(w) of the complexvariable w = u + iv, it followsat once that




E [f,,(w)]2=


is an analytic functionof w = u + iv for any potential vector X. The condition (2) that our potentialsurfaceS with AX= 0 be a minimalsurfacecan be expressedby
(9) (w) = 0.

It may be remarkedthat the boundaryconditionsrepresent two non-linear relationsbetweenx1, X2, X3 on C while the two additional relations(2) or (9), which have the appearance of two additional non-linearpartial differential of equations, amount to only one more requirement the type of a boundary with any potentialvector I, condition. For, since sp(w)is an analyticfunction this function must vanish identicallyif its real part E - G has the boundary values zeroand ifin additionthe imaginary partvanishesat one point. of On this definition a minimalsurfaceRiemann,Schwarz,and othershave based the solutionof Plateau's Problemformanyinteresting particularcasestherebydeviatingfromthe calculus of variationsas the startingpoint. More recently Garnierobtained a rathergeneralresultby pursuingthe line of Riemann's method. But it was onlyby combining Riemann's idea again with the viewpointand with the method of the calculus of variationsthat eventually, in 1932,T. Rado and J. Douglas independently succeededin givinga satisfactorilygeneralexistenceproof.4
3This linearization of the non-linear Euler equations corresponds exactly to that of the Euler equations of geodesic lines by choosing the arc length as parameter. Incidentally the linearization of the differentialequations of a minimal surface is only a special case of a much more general fact concerning quasi-linear partial differentialequations of the second order in two independent variables (cf. Courant-Hilbert, Methoden der mathematgschenPhysik, vol. II, Chapter III, in press). 4Quite a differentapproach to the problem of least area from that of the calculus of variations was attempted by Lebesgue. More recently McShane has also pursued this line, and has established the solution for k = 1 under remarkably general conditions for the surfaces in competition. Cf. Rado's report.




The merit of Douglas's works extends beyond thesolution of the original generality withrespectto problemof Plateau. Apart from somewhatgreater a admissibleboundaries r and apart from remarkthat the methodapplies to his any numberm of dimensions the xi, - *, ,xspace he has attacked the probof itselfon a broaderfront. He envisagedthe more generaland much more lemn of difficult task of the construction a minimalsurfacewhich is bounded by k topogiven contours(Jordancurves) P1, ... , ,rk and which has a prescribed logical structure, e.g. is required to be one-sidedor two-sidedand to have a prescribed genus. Douglas has so far publisheda solutionof the problemfor two-sided minimalsurfacesof the genus zero fork = 1 and k = 2 and also for one-sidedsurfaces the type of a Moebius stripwithk = 1. Moreoverhe has of announcedthepublicationofa solutionin the generalcase.5 Rado achieved his goal by firstapproximating the lower bound of the to integralA (S) by means of polyhedralsurfaces and then by mapping these lays much surfacesconformally the unit circle. Douglas, on the contrary, on emphasis on avoiding the use of conformal mapping and ratheron including Riemann's mapping theoremas a consequence of the solution of Plateau's problem m = 2; i.e. fora two-dimensional for g-space.6 The representation the minimalsurfaceby a potential vector s and the of considerationof the relationships(5) (5a) between A (s) and D(S) makes it plausible that X is the solution of the variationalproblem:To minimizethe Dirichletintegral D(S) underthe condition that s maps the circleB on a surface S boundedby P.7 This problemwill be called ProblemI. However,Douglas does not make such a variationalproblemof the classical the Riemann-Dirichlet typethebasis ofhis reasoning. Instead,from beginning, he substitutes the Dirichletintegralfor s potentialvectorssolely and then in
5 Journal of Math. and Phys., vol. XV (1936) p. 55-64 and p. 106-123. The second of these papers gives more detailed information about the proof, which is based upon the theory of Riemann's multiply-periodic 9-functions on a Riemann-surface. A complete referenceto Douglas' previous papers is included in his article "The problem of Plateau," Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (1933) p. 227-251. 6 However, Douglas also applies the theory of conformal mapping of polyhedral surfaces to show that his solution gives the least area. 7 If we assume the possibility of a conformal mapping on the unit circle for all surfaces admitted to competition in the original variational problem A (S) = min., then from our inequalities (5) and (5a) it follows immediately that the lower limits of A(r) and D(T) must be identical. Therefore, the solution of the problem for the Dirichlet integral also solves the original problem for the area and satisfies E - G = F = 0 in addition to ax = 0, because for the solution T we have A(T) = D(T). This reasoning for k = 1 which plays an important role in Rado's proof was later emphasized also by Douglas "The mapping theorem of Koebe and the problem of Plateau," Journ. of Math. and Phys. vol. X (1931) pp. 106-130. It is true that the initial assumption requires some discussion. But it can generality, even in the higher be verified in a rather elementary manner and with sufficient cases for k > 1.






transforms integral the into his well-known D(S) by means of Poisson's formula whichcontainsonlyboundaryvalues of Xon C: functional, (10)
H( )



_ X(o)]2

da do,

whereX(z) are the boundaryvalues of g on C as functions the angle ?Y. Now of he startswiththe problemof minimizing if all thosevectorsXon C which H(X) map C in a continuous monotonic way on r are admittedto competition. This ingeniousdeparturefromclassical lines to a variational problem not implying derivativesmakes it easy to establishthe existenceof a minimizing X. in Therebythe complications the methodare shiftedto the task of excluding harmful fromthe solutionand of identifying solutionwith the singularities the boundaryvalues ofa potentialvectorsatisfying (2). In the case of two contourswherethe generalization the boundaryfuncof tional H(X) becomes less elementary,these complicationsare more marked; and this certainly true all the morein the case of morecontoursor of higher is genus, where Douglas, according to his announcement,will make essential use of the theoryof Abelian functions Riemann surfacesof arbitrary on genus, also considering theirdependenceon the moduli of the surface. To link Plateau's problemwith these deep and beautifultheorieswill be, when presentedin detail, an achievementof highestinterest. But it seems worthwhile avoid the complications to the explicitexpression a arisingfrom by boundary-functional, ratherto start directlywith a Dirichlet Problem I and as above, wherethevectorsXin competition need not be potentialvectors.8 The methodwhichI thus have developed on the line of Dirichlet'sPrinciple not onlysolves Plateau's problemand the most generalproblemformulated by Douglas forany numberof contoursand any prescribed topologicaltype,in a very simpleway, but it also allows us to solve Plateau's problemin cases apnot parently accessibleto Douglas' original method,in whichpartsof theboundaries are freeon prescribed manifolds any dimension of less than m. Moreover, otherproblemsin geometry and hydrodynamics, as yet solved, seem accesnot sible to thismethod. The methodconsistsessentially two parts. In the first of part the variational Problem I is solved. Accordingto the fundamentalDirichlet Principle the solutionmust be a potentialvector. In the second part the solutionis shown, by variational methods,to satisfythe condition(9) characterizing minimal a
8 Rado (1.c.p. 86 ff)has already observed that in the case of one contour, by a reasoning based on such a variational problem, an alternative of Douglas' proof of the relations E - G = F = 0 can be given. Moreover, as also was noticed by Rado (l.c.p. 77), in excluding the possibility of a degeneration from his solution, Douglas uses an argument equivalent to a reasoning which has been applied in some of my formerpapers on the Dirichlet principle and conformal mapping. In the present paper this reasoning is of basic importance for the construction of the solution itself. Cf. Lemmas 5 and 6.




surface. The domain B of the parametersu, v for ~(u, v) in all cases can be genusbeingtakencare of or one-sidedness higher supposedas boundedby circles, of by propercoordination certainboundaries. (Also othertypes of domainsB are suitable, and even, in case of highergenus, sometimespreferable.) The lemmas. In the variationalproblemis dealt with,on the basis of elementary case k > 1 or forhighergenus etc. some additional conditionsare requiredto of preventdegeneration the domain B. methodsare offered. For the task of the secondpart two essentiallydifferent On the one hand one can avoid any use of theoremson conformalmapE ping in whichcase the condition - G = F = 0 appears as a "naturalboundary arisingby suitable variationswith respectto the degreeof freedom condition," and leftin the boundaryrepresentation, in highercases by additionalvariation with respectto the domain B. For m = 2 then,indeed,generaltheoremson conformal mappingresultas special cases. method On the otherhand forthe second part one can use a quite different mappingofdomainsin theu, on but generaltheorems conformal based on simple, to v plane, bounded by Jordancurves. By consenting the use of thoseslightly the tools one can simplify task of the second part considerably. less elementary whichat thesame time surface Rado's and Douglas's methodsyielda minimal conditions. The same is true has the least possible area under the prescribed for the method presentedin this paper. However there exist in many cases the minimalsurfaceswithgiven boundarieswhichdo not furnish least possible area (e.g. the catenoid, if the endpoints of the generatingcurve are nearly such noticedby Max Shiffman9 cases ofrelativeminima conjugate). As was first are also accessibleto the methodof thispaper. An outlineof the methodhas alreadybeen published."0 In the presentpaper the problemfork contoursand genus zero is treatedin fulldetail withthe first mappingin ??3, 4, 5, 6. The second variantbased methodavoidingconformal on theorems conformal on mappingis givenin ?7; how the methodapplies to the is genusand to the case of onesidedminimalsurfaces discussedin case of higher used in ?7, the detailed discussionof the ?8. The proofof a mappingtheorem for of topologicaldegenerations the domainsB used in ?8, the amplification the of case of freeboundariesand otherapplicationsand extensions the methodare to deferred subsequentpublication. 2.

1. Boundary value problem and minimumof the Dirichlet integral. We supposethat we can solve the boundaryvalue problemof the potentialequation
(1936) pp. 367-372, 373-375. Douglas's notes indicating his method for the general case of a prescribed topological structure (see footnote 5) were either published or submitted to the editors while my communications were in proofs. Therefore it seems fittingto state expressly that my publications do not contest Douglas's claim to priority.
9 Cf. a subsequent publication and footnote 24. 10 Proceedings of the Natl. Acad. of Sciences, vol. XXII







, Ck Ap(u, v) 0 fora domain B in the u, v-planebounded by k circlesCO, forsuch a domain. For or,what is equivalent,that we knowGreen'sfunction Poisson integral. We further k = 1 the solution is given by the elementary the consideras known'11 following continuous q(u, v) rangeoverthesetofall functions function LEMMA 1. Let the derivahavingpiecewise12continuous and on its boundary, in thedomain B first , C>. C1, valueson theboundary boundary and assumingprescribed in tives B, Integral Dirichlet Let the


(q + q) dudv

for values. Thentheminimalvalue d = d(B) of D(q) is attained and admitfinite value probboundary q function = p, whichsolvesthecorresponding onlyfor the lemof Ap = 0. la. Let thedomainB havean additionalcircular boundaryC*. Let as the q(u, v) satisfy same conditions in Lemma 1 forB and Ci, ** the function on C*. Then the minimal values values prescribed Ck, but withno boundary doofD(q) is attained and only thepotential q function = po, whichhas the for for normalderivavalues on Cl , ** *, Ck and has a vanishing boundary prescribed

tiveon C*.

ary values on C, , C2

boundwithrespectto the prescribed to Here do= do(B) refers the minimum


have D(p0) = do = do(B). TWe

boundaryvalue The function can be obtainedas thesolutionof an ordinary po of problemfora circulardomain consisting B and the image of B by reflection carry the same by on C*, wherebyboundary points corresponding reflection boundaryvalues. We add the remark:The statement subsists if instead of functionsq, p in vectorsj, Xare substituted the DirichletIntegral. lemma (not used forsolvingPlateau's Problemin the simplest The following case k = 1 in ?3) states that in the variational problemD(q) = min = d or if D(q) = min = dothe lowerlimitd or dois not noticeablyaffected, we restrict for the rangeof competition q by imposingthe conditionthat q shall vanish (or of small neighborhood a be constant) in a point set containedin a sufficiently
fixed point P of B.

Ck and, in addition, arbitrary values on C*.

of limit d(B) ord0(B) as in Lemma1 or la and d, the LEMMA 2. If d is thelower on point that condition q vanishes a prescribed limitundertheadditional samelower
3rd ed. 11 A simple proof can be found e.g. in Hurwitz-Courant, Funkltionentheorie, der mathematischenPhysik, Bd. II, Berlin, 1930, part 3 and in Courant-Hilbert, Mlethoden Chapter 7, ?1 (in press). 12 A function is called piecewise-continuous in B, if it is continuous except for isolated points and a finitenumber of arcs of curves with continuous tangents in B where it may have discontinuities of the firstkind.



setA inside a circleCE of radius r = e aroundP, thenwe havelim, o d, = d, and onlyon e and d depending o(e) is a quantity moreprecisely ? d, < d + o(e), where valuesfor for tending zerowithe. This relationholdsuniformly all boundary to fixedM. whichI q I < llI with a the The same is trueif B contains pointat infinity, denotes circleof radius C, 1/e aroundtheoriginand thepointsetA lies outsideC. dE problemdefining have dE ? d because the minimum PROOF. We certainly d thusnarrowfrom that defining by the addition of new restrictions, originates small e, ing the range of competition. We have to show that forsufficiently and for functions can be foundforwhichthe additionalconditionis satisfied qf small. Indeed, whichD(qE) < d + a-,wherea-= a(e) can be chosenarbitrarily p ifp is the function the originalproblemforwhichD(p) = d we obtain from in by anotherfunction satisfying additionalconditions puttingqE(u, v) = pr the q where in polar coordinates,r being the distance fromthe point P, we have"

T(r) = O

for r

r(r)= 1

for r >\/e

2 log-r for e e loge

We have further D(r) and

r ?


log e

O. -



< D(p) +


wherethe symbolD' denotesthat the DirichletIntegralis to be extendedover r < V/e. Considering the inequalitiesI T i < 1; I p < M and using the inequality = dudv]2 [D((p,4t)]2 [ff((pt-U+ (Vp4IV) < [ff (I 'pu.|1. + I (V'v 1) dudv]2
_ D (f) D~f

we findfrom
D'(pT) = JJ


2(p2 + p2)dudv +



p(T2Q+ TV)dud

+ 2f
13 If P

TU +

dudv pvTV)

is the point at infinitywe choose with polar coordinates around the origin r(r) = 0 for r _ 1/e; r(r)

1 for r < 1/V/e


r(r) = - 2 log (re)/log

for l/E > r 2







D'(pr) ? D'(p)

+ M2D'(r)

+ 2M [D'(p) D'(r)]

we but forr < V/E have I pu I < M/h; I pv I < M/h whereh is an upperbound forthe distancebetweenthe circleC, and theboundarycirclesC,.14 Hence it followsthat
D(pT)? < m2


M2 4ir

M2 4w7 h [E,/log (1/E)]*



D(p) + 0(e) = d + a(e)

as was stated. The same consideration also provesthe lemma for the case of the boundary value problemforvectors. in to A statement corresponding Lemma 2, onlypointing theoppositedirection (and also not used forthe case k = 1 ofPlateau's Problemin ?3), is thefollowing for domainB - K, = BE, the of LEMMA 3: With notation Lemma2 weconsider the limitdO(B,) of domainr < e bounded C, = C*, thelower by where is thecircular K, as D(q) if q has thesame properties in Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, but if nothing aboutq is prescribed theboundary on C,. Then thereexists a quantity oa(e) depending only on e with a(e) -> 0, as e -> 0 such that d0(B,) ? d(B) - a(e) valuesofq equallybounded I q ? M. by forall boundary In otherwords: Leaving outfromthedomain B the circulardomain K, and valuesat thenewboundary ofBe = B - KE to functions arbitrary q permitting the C. doesnotimprove lower the limitnoticeably, e is small enough. if PROOF: In the notationof Lemma 1 and Lemma la we have to show


min DBg(q)


= do(Be) > d(B)-

= DB(p)


(e) -+ 0 for



where po is the potential functionregularin B, having on the circles C, the normalderivatives. prescribed boundaryvalues and on C. = C* vanishing We put p + v = p is the potential functionregular in B, having the prescribed boundaryvalues and D(p) = d. On C, we have v = 0. Further

DB,(po) = DB,(P)

+ DB (v)


tion is less than Al on a circle of radius h in which the function is regular, then the derivatives in the center have an absolute value less than Al/h.

14 Here and laterwe are making use ofthefact:

If theabsolutevalue ofa potentialfunc-




where a/ar means the normal derivativeand s the arc length on CE. The potentialfunction beingregularthroughout we have everywhere p < M p B, I and therefore CE: on

ap < M
ar h

whereh again is an upperbound forthe distanceof C. to C,"15 FurtherI v < 2M and

DB,(p) = d
DK, (p)

> d

2rE2 M2 /h2

because in K. we have
p2 + p2

< 2M2/h2.

DB,(pO) > d

witho(e) =

M2/h2+ 47re M2/h whichprovesour lemma. 27rE2

Obviouslythe same lemma holds forpotentialvectorsinstead of functions. We further shall need the following remark: veryelementary
LEMMA 4. Let p(X) be a non-negative piecewisecontinuous functionin the interval < a < X < b with 0


p(X)dX< M.

Thenthere existsin every a subinterval < X ? ta a valueXo which for p(Xo) < e/Xo withe = M/log t,so thate can be chosen arbitrarily small,not depending p(X) on butonlyon theboundM, if t becomes large. sufficiently In particularwe may choose,in applyingthis lemma,a = 5; ta = x/B,t = 1/A/6 and make a sufficiently small to obtain a prescribedsmall C, provided that a is small enough. If in a < X < ta we had p(X) > e/X wouldfollow PROOF. it that


dX p(X) > e logt = M.

A consequenceof basic importanceforour treatment Plateau's Problem is of the following

LEMMA 5. Suppose thatin a domainB of theu, v-planeboundedby k circles vector v) is continuous the in domain onitsboundaries and C1, * - *, Ck the t(u, C, has piecewise continuous in first derivatives B, has theboundM for theDirichlet Integral:D(t) < M and maps thecirclesC1, , Ck in a continuous way respecon in them-dimensional tively k prescribed Jordancurves rF, c-space.


"See footnote14.






withradiusr around0 Let 0 bea pointin B oroutside C, thepartofthecircle B, ? sufficiently 6 a valuerowith < ro0< 6 small 6 existsfor every lying B. Thenthere in of T connected of CGOtheoscillation thevectors doesnotexceed arc so thaton every thequantity e(b) = [47rM/Ilog 6 IIV of (In thistheoscillation S is countedas zeroifthereexistsno arc of Cr in B.) for In particular, 0 on C and 8 so small thatC, consistsof a singlearc, there 0 A2 samedistance exist pointsAl, onC at the two rjfrom with (A 1)- (A2) ?< C(). I our We notethate onlydependson theboundM and 8 and thattherefore lemma to t applies uniformly all vectors withD(X) < M and all domainsB. and thesame proof if the It may also be noted,that exactly samelemma hold, B circles. bounded Jordan not by is anydomainin theu, v-plane curves, necessarily of it Because ofthesupposedcontinuity Xin B and on theboundaries PROOF. to is sufficient prove our lemma not forB but fora subdomainB' bounded by near to them. Then for B' to circlesconcentric the circlesCGand arbitrarily as the domain integralD(S) can be written a double integral. By again using withpolar coordinates around thenotationB, C insteadofB', C' we consider r1i o and withs rib p(r) =


and define p 0, if the circleof the radius r has no arc in our domain. Now we certainly have

p(r)dr ? D(X) ? M
limits. Taking a = 8 and b = -Vbwe findfortwo wherea and b are arbitrary P and Q on Cr by means of Schwarz's inequality arbitrary points j (P)

X(Q)I2< |

ds < 2rr|

ads = 2-rrp(r).
e2 fora

Hence on account of Lemma 4, ( X(P) t(Q))2 < withe = [4irM/j log 8 ].

suitable value r = ro

Lemma 5 does not requirethe continouscurves r, to be curveswithoutmultiple points (Jordancurves). From Lemma 5 we infer easily anotherlemma 6 whichwill be very essential forour further requiresthe curves r, to be reasoning. This Lemma, however, of Jordancurvesbecause in its proofthe following property a Jordancurvewill be used: For a Jordancurve r there exists a function7(E) with 7f(E) -* 0 for e -O 0, so that any two pointson r withthe distance less than e are endpoints of an arc of r withthe diameternot exceeding-q(e). the It refers a sequence of vectorsX, 92 S, * * , gn,, * * * satisfying assumpto tions of lemma 5 and mapping C, on a Jordancurve rFin a monotonecontin-




on uous way. Such a sequence is called equicontinuous the boundarycircle C, of B if forany pair of points P, Q on C. with distanceless than a we have of I n(Q) < e(6) wheree(6) -4 0 for6 -O 0 and E(6) independent n. I g (P) on If the sequence is not equicontinuous C, thereexistsat least one point R of non-equicontinuity C,; that is, thereexistson C, a sequence of pointsPn and on to of pointsQn both converging a point R and a positiveconstanta, such that I g.(P.) - an(Q.) I > a for infinitely many n. By choosinga suitable subsequence and denotingit again with gnwe may assume that this inequality holds forall n. Now we state A


and 1B

for LEMMA6. Let R on C be a point of non-equicontinuity the sequenceof vectors whichsatisfy assumptions the above. Let D(gn) < M be equally stated gn A, bounded theboundM. Let b be a fixedarc on C, withtheendpoints B conby arbitrarily small and let b' be thecomplementary tainingthepointR butotherwise by arc of C, . Then at leastfor a subsequence theimageitof b defined gn will gn to cover F,, except an arcf3' all whose diameter tends zeroas n increases. for in In otherwords: The mappingofC, on r, bygntends a degeneration sucha to





closed of way thatany smallneighborhood a pointR is mappedon nearlythewhole

rF. curve

PROOF. By Lemma 5 thereare foreveryn on C,, e. g. on C1-for 6 as small as we please-two points P, Q (dependingon n) at the same distance rofrom such that R with6 < ro < VA/

-n(P) - X(Q)



= [2i7rAI/| 6 ] log 8

divide F1 into two arcs The images P' and Q' of P and Q on F1 therefore less than any B and j' one of which has a diameterless than 71(E) and therefore quantityas soon as 6 is small enough. Now after choosing 8 we prescribed choose n so large that the distanceof the.points Pn and Q, described above, R from is less than 8. Since ,, as the imageof the arc P R Q, must forfixed8 large and sufficiently n be containedin the image 3 of b and since the diameter of 8 exceedsa we have that the diameterof the image d' and all the more the and tends to zero with 8; q.e.d. diameterof the image /' of b' is less than X7

an holdif thevector does proof The same lemmaand theidentical COROLLARY. to curveF(n) whichtends the notmap C, on a fixedcurve F,, buton a continuous must be such that if two n." This convergence Jordancurver, with increasing points An, Bn of r(') tend to two points A, B of F, then the points in the arc arc AnBnon rF') mustalso tend to the pointsof the corresponding AB on but F, ("strong"convergence); the curves F`) need not necessarilybe simple loops which,of course,disapcurveswithoutmultiplepoints. They may form pear in the limit. Furtherit may be remarkedthat the same lemma holds if the vectors gn do not belong to a fixeddomain B, but to a circulardomain B(') which convergesto a circulardomain B.



1. The variationalproblem. We start with the following x1, in Jordancurve them-dimensional PROBLEM I. Let F be a prescribed vectorby xmspace(or c-space);leta surfaceS bounded r be givenin parametric v) in theunit circleB of theu, v-planewiththe by representation a vector g(u, and in boundary such thatg is continuous B + C, maps C in a continuous C, in firstderivatives B. We monotonic way on F, and has piecewise"continuous Integral the underthiscondition Dirichlet supposethat further

D(t) =


(g +



16 That is, each point of r(n) has an arbitrarily small distance from r if n is sufficiently large. 17 See definitionin footnote 12.




is capableoffinite values."8 Thenwe askfora vector forwhich D(T) = d attains x thelower boundd. We observe: TheDirichlet underconformal Integral mapping. D(X) is invariant Hence all the corresponding problems otherdomainsB' conformally for equivalent to B are equivalent. E.g. we may, by a linear transformation, transform the unitcircleintoitself that threegivenpbintson C are coordinated three so to fixedpointson r. Accordingly shall assume in the following we that this three pointcondition satisfied the vectorsXunderconsideration. is for 2. Solution of Problem I. Withoutknowinga priori whethera solutionof Problem I exists we are sure of the existenceof a minimizing sequence r1, oo while always *** of admissible vectors for which D(Xn) -* d for n -* X2, certainlythese Dirichletintegralsare bounded. Now D(Xn)> d. Therefore we state: The boundaryvalues of the vectorsXn equicontinuous. Indeed, are otherwise, afterthe choiceof a suitable subsequence,we would have a point R of non-equicontinuity C. But this,by Lemma 6 contradicts three-pointon the because thiscondition of condition, excludesthe possibility an arbitrarily small arc b of C being mapped on the wholecurve r exceptforan arbitrarily small segment. On account of the equicontinuitywe can choose a subsequence of the gn on -again called Xj-which converges uniformly the boundaryC. With these boundaryvalues we solve the boundary value problemof the potentialequation AX= 0 forB and thusobtain a sequenceof potentialvectors havingthe same boundaryvalues as the Xn having,on account of Lemma 1 and in ?1, DirichletIntegralsnot exceedingD(gn). Since the new potentialvectorsalso are admissiblevectorsin our ProblemI they formall the more a minimizing sequence which we again may call to, - The uniform of the boundary values of these vectors convergence X2 impliesthe uniform convergence B + C of thesevectorsto a potentialvector. in the Thus, a limitvectorX= limn,. gnis defined, satisfying conditionsof Probof converge lem I, and AX= 0 in B. In each concentric circlethe derivatives Xn towardsthe derivatives I. Denotingby Dr the DirichletIntegral of uniformly for concentric a circleofradiusr < 1 we have therefore theadmissiblevectorr for

Dr(,) = lim D,(Xn) _ lim D(gn) =

nabcc nA-dc


we have D(t) = d.

Now lettingr tend to 1, we obtain at once D(S) < d, and, since the inequality to sign < would be in contradiction the assumptionthat d is the lowerbound,
That is: Xsolves Problem I.

18 This is certainly true if r consists of a finitenumber of arcs with continuous tangents. -Since later d will be recognized as the least possible area spanned by r the condition amounts to the existence of a surface of a finitearea bounded by r.-By a simple passage to a limit, Douglas has shown that Plateau's Problem can be solved even if this condition is not satisfied.






of to by Incidentally, the same reasoningand referring the corollary Lemma 6 we conclude: The lowerlimitd dependson the boundaryr in a lowersemicontinuous way. That is: if the curves rp() tend to r with e -* 0 in the strong lowerlimitfor rFe)then sense and if d(E) is the corresponding (13) d < lim. inf.d(e).

3. The solutiong definesa minimalsurface. The potentialequation AX= 0 is Euler's equation belongingto Problem I. The prescribedmapping of the boundary amounts to two boundary conditions. We shall show that the in degreeoffreedom the boundaryvalues leads to a "naturalboundary remaining of the whichexpresses character the surfaceS as a minimalsurface. condition"'s of character the vectorXwe need not observethe the In exploiting minimizing condition,nor the potential characterof g.20 Thereforewe may three-point substitutein the Dirichlet Integral instead of g another vector 3 definedby
means of concentric polar coordinates r, o as follows: 3(r, A) = X(r, ap) with p = a + eX(r, t). Here X(r, o) is an arbitrary function with continuous first

and second derivativesin B + C, e a small parameter. Certainlyj satisfies we of the condition ProblemI and therefore have D(3) > d. Now D(^) can be variables, way by r, ; instead of r, a as independent expressedin the following if = ~(r,p) is substituted: r



r +


+ 2(1 +


+ +



xY)2t2} rdrdg2 f>2Xr

9 ~~1 6XL +

ffT (gr

2 [2) rdrdlp+



s Xi

rdrdso + e2R.

R termis equal to 2d. The coefficient of e2 remainsbounded as is Here,thefirst we inferfromthe condition easily seen by Schwarz's inequality. Therefore of D(^) > d, by passingto the limite -O 0, that the coefficient e:


{ r2X7r r



tends to zero withe. Again using Schwarz's inequality,for a boundary strip tendsto a fore 0 we obtain the relation p < r ? 1 and realizingthat <p 1~

i 'p

f2Tr j,?2Xrr,

g6 + X6r 2~j -r


(1931),chapterIV, ?5.

For this concept cf. Courant-Hilbert, Methoden der mathematischenPhysik, vol. I Cf. forthe following Rad6, l.c.p. 96ff. (See also footnote 8.)




wherethelimitis uniform to withrespect all functions forwhich| X j, | X7 I I X, | of are equally bounded. This equation, by the usual product integration the calculus of variation and on account of the potential equation At = 0 is immediatelytransformed into (14)



r-1 JO

X(r,i3)r = rZg,,di5 0.

from definition the analyticfunction w = u + iv the of of

(p(w) = (guig)2 = (E


2iF =


variablewe find by introducing w as new independent log

2 _W

(=d log w



r ar

2_ ax

Hence, ifthe symbol3 denotes: "imaginary part,"

-2rXrg6 = 3(w2 (w)) = p(u, v) =


is a potentialfunction B, and the equation (14) or in (15)


X(r,O)p(r, 6)d6


0, as r -) 1,

states that any linearcombination the values of thispotentialfunction on a of p circlewiththe radiusr tendsto zero as r tendsto 1; from this,since the value of the potentialfunction in any fixedinterior p point Q: (ro, 6o) is such a linear we combination concludethat p vanishesidentically B. Precisely, choose we in forX(r,?3)a function in of whichvanishesidentically the neighborhood Q and is, forr sufficiently to 1, identicalwith the normalderivativesof Green's near functionfor the concentriccircle having Q as singularity (Poisson's kernel):
2 2


r2- 2rrocos (6-


o) + r2'

then the equation (15) immediately becomes lim p(Q) = 0, that is p(Q) = in p(u, v) = 0 everywhere B. Since the imaginarypart p of the analytic functionw2qo(w) vanishes, this function real and constantin B: w2sc(w) = const= c or 9(w) = c/w2. But is $o(W) regularat w = 0 and therefore have c = 0 or $o(w) = 0, whichexis we pressesthe characterof S as a minimalsurface. Therewith Plateau's Problem fork = 1 is solved. Once moreit may be emphasizedthat the vectorg(u, v) defines conformal a mappingofthe unitcircleon the minimal surfaceS. Further: The minimum value d of theDirichlet Integralis equal to thearea of theminimal surface S.






4. Theorems on continuous dependence. The followingAPPROXIMATION THEOREM proved by Douglas and Rado2' is an immediateconsequenceof the preceding theory:

by senseand if rFe spans a minimalsurface whosearea d. is bounded a strong S. M minimalsurfaceS existsa limiting on quantity not dependent E, thenthere limitofde. an the bounded r with area notexceeding lower by vectorwhichmaps the unit circleB conformally For, let be the minimizing on S, and satisfiesa suitable three point conditionthen by No. 2 the equiof is continuity the vectorsXe established. Hence a subsequenceof the Xe can to be chosen which convergesuniformly a potentialvector X mappingB on a surfaceS bounded by r. In this passage to the limitthe relationsE - G = exactlyas in No. 2. D(t) < liminfd, follows F = 0 are preserved. The relation In generalwe can, with respectto the lowerlimitsd, state only lower semiin and not continuity, their dependenceon the boundary. But continuity, the convergence rib) to r the lower of concerning under suitable restrictions by limitd can be shownto be continuous a simpledirectreasoning. THEOREM. Let CONTINUITY

contours If theJordan

converge e with


contour in the 0 toa Jordan r

Xi, = Xi + {i (XI, **X.)



with into of be a transformationtheX-space theX'-space


to r vector belonging F into another transforming into F' and theminimizing X derivatives B and in continuous first in piecewise vector continuous B + C, with X' bounded F'. Let thelowerlimitsbelonging P and to by mappingB on a surface 6 be r' respectively d and d'. Then wehaved' < d(1 + 6), with = (1 + me)2 -_1 to tending zero with E. PROOF. On account of Schwarz's inequalitywe have

,rfr~~~~a ~ D(W - I) =ZE iJ~k

Hence because of D(t) and therefore

aXk au

2 at aXA I Z J+ adudv

axk av/

2 a~i axA

. < me2D(Q).


/D(X))2 < m2eD(S)

d, D(X') _ d' we have d' < (1 + m E)2d.

the theorem. As Douglas has observed, resultofNo. 3 5. Riemann's mapping = y) when r is a Jordan Thereexistsa conformal curve in the x, y-plane,Riemann's mappingtheorem: of mapping theunitcircleofthew-planeon theinterior a JordancurveF in the of x, y-plane.

contains, the special case m = 2, (xi = x, x2 for

21 For reference where see Rad6's report. Douglas also proveda moregeneraltheorem, theboundedness d, is notrequired. of




may be added: In the case m = 2 theintegral The following remark

A =

(Xuyt - xyYu)dudv

area A included for represents all admissiblevectorsXin the ProblemI the fixed in the Jordan curve r. Thereforeinstead of attemptingto minimize the Dirichlet Integral we could just as well start with the variational problem D(T) - A = min. or


yv)2 + (xv + yu)2}dudv=


in whichRiemannconsidered his This is exactlythefamousvariationalproblem the doctor'sthesis. Of course,the minimum value hereis zero,and accordingly the Cauchy-Riemann solutionsatisfies equations. curvesis obtainedby this theorem theinterior Jordan for of Riemann'smapping of methodmerely the basis of the knowledge Poisson's integral. Moreover, on B mappingof theinterior of the our methodestablishesdirectly:The conformal one-to-one unit circleon theinterior of a Jordancurver impliesa continuous G C mappingoftheboundaries and r (See also No. 6). Indeed, that C is mapped on continuously r was shownabove as a consequenceoflemma5. Conversely, to each point on r corresponds only one point on C. This also followsfrom conformal mappingofG on B is given by the funclemma5. For, iftheinverse tionsu(x, y), v(x,y) we have

JJ + (uX

u2 + v + z)dxdy = Y


Now we considera point Q on r and small circulararcs C, with the radius r withan arc of r bound simplyconnectedsubdomains aroundQ whichtogether G, of G havingQ as boundarypoint. On account of lemma 5 we can make the smallvalues ofr. smallforsufficiently diameter theimageofCr in B arbitrarily of with r. Hence the diameterof the image B, of GCmust tend to zero together Consequentlythe nested domains B, definea single limitingpoint P on C

which corresponds Q.22 to

a 6. The solutionof Plateau's problemfurnishes one-to-onemappingof the withm > 2 theone-to-one boundaries. For thegeneralcase ofPlateaus problem of correspondence the boundariescan be provedas follows: and to the Since according our construction mappingof C on r is continuous
22 For the readerwho is interested conformal in mappingas such,it may be stated that the same reasoningsubsistsforthe mappingof the unit circle on a generaldomain not nesteddomains boundedby a Jordancurve. Then our circulararcs C define necessarily a G. in G whoselimiting pointsform "primeend," and it is such a primeend to whicha establishestheone-to-one correspondence singlepointP on C corresponds. Ourreasoning between prime-ends G and thepointsofC. the of








eo ipso monotonicwe only have to prove that a whole arc b on C never correspondsto thesame point,e.g. s = 0, on r. transformation, If b corresponds thepointX = Owe could,by an elementary to to on map B conformally a halfunit circleB' so that b corresponds the diameter into a vector X' in B' forwhich, vector is transformed PQ. The minimizing of because oftheinvariance theDirichletIntegral, DB'(X') = d. the Now we completeB' to the whole unit circleby affixing complementary A' halfcircleB" and define = 0 in B". Then fortheunitcircleB = B' + B" we I. Since vectorin ourvariationalproblem have D(X') = d, and Xis an admissible not A'is certainly a regularpotential vector in the whole circleB we have another admissiblepotential vector j with the same boundary values and with the minimum-character d. Thereof D(a) < d (Lemma 1), which contradicts is foreno such arc b can occur,and ourstatement proved.23 4.

1. Heuristic considerations. If the boundary r of the required minimal of Jordan curves rP, * *, rkand S is to be mapped surface consists k oriented S on a domain B in the u, v-planewith the boundaryC consistingof k correorientedcurvesC1, *-., Ck, then we have no longercompletefreespondingly two circular dom in the choiceof this domain. For, two domains,in particular invariants, equivalent,if and onlyif certainconformal domains,are conformally the moduli, coincide. Without basing our theoryon the knowledgeof this will leeway forthe fact we therefore in our variationalproblemleave sufficient choiceof our circulardomainB. In the case k > 1, we must expect that the problem itself requirescertain for conditions its solvability. For, if the curvesare too far apart or otherwise least area problemmay have a solutionconsisting misplaced,the corresponding of several separated surfaceseach bounded by only a part of the system of we curves r. In thiscase forthe lowerlimita of the area in consideration have lowerlimitsforthe system rP a = 6' + 6" where6' and 6" are the corresponding of system rP". consisting one part of the r, and forthe complementary the It is easilyseen that underall circumstances inequalitya ? 6' + 6" holds. Indeed, a systemof two surfacesS' and S" bounded by F', rP"resp. always can be modified into a surfaceS with r as boundaryby joiningS' and S" by a the small area; therefore lower limit tiny pipelike connectionwith arbitrarily to corresponding r cannotexceedthe sum 6' + 5". bounded In the case a = 6' + 6" a minimizing * sequencesi, 82, ... ofsurfaces
23 This proof does not make use of the character of our solution as a minimal surface. Taking advantage of the result E - G = F = 0 Douglas gives another proof in the following way: Since the potential vector Xis constant on b it can be analytically extended, by the principle of reflection,beyond b, and thereforeis regular on b. If s denotes the arc lengthon b we have Xr- X' = 0. But since , = 0 on b, the consequenceis Xr = 0 on b. This implies that on b all the firstderivatives of the potential vector Xvanish which leads to the absurd consequence that Xis constant throughout its domain of existence.




by r and with areas tendingto a must be expected to have the tendencyto way: On Sn there into at least two separate parts in the following degenerate existsa closed curve Tnwith its diametertendingto zero,so that T. separates Sn intotwoparts,one boundedby F', the otherby r". to for considerations the area do not apply immediately our These heuristic sectiona will DirichletIntegral. We therefore givein No. 3 and in thefollowing statementsfor the Dirichlet and a proofof corresponding preciseformulation Integral. in 2. The variationalproblem. We consider the u, v-planea circulardomain thisdomainis of B withboundaryC consisting k circlesC1, ***, Ck. Whether pointofthe plane ofthe C1 enclosedin one ofthesecircles or containstheinfinite complexvariable w = u + iv does not matter. In the domainB again ~(u, v) derivafirst in denotesa vector,continuous B + C, havingpiecewisecontinuous in tives in B and mapping the boundarycirclesmonotonically the prescribed space. Jordancurves rF, * , rk in the m-dimensional sense on the prescribed The lowerlimitof the DirichletIntegralforall these admissiblevectorsg and lowerlimit,if not only A,but also fixedB is called d(B). The corresponding may be called d, the "absolute the circulardomainBAcan be chosenarbitrarily, the minimum." (d is therefore lowerlimitof the values d(B)). Now we again consider vector for I. To finda circulardomainB and in it an admissible g absoluteminimumd. We expresslysuppose as in the whichD(s) attains its values of the DirichletIntegral. case k = 1, that our boundary r allowsfinite If in our variational problemthe domain B is fixedwe shall occasionally denoteit by ProblemI' orby ProblemI (B). It may again be emphasizedthat because of the invarianceof the Dirichlet mappingwe can replace B by any domain obtained Integralunder conformal of by a lineartransformation the w-plane. In particularwe can choose one of the circlesC, as the unit circle and establishon this unit circle a three-point conditionjust as fork = 1. Or we can requirethat two circlesCi and C2be pointon C1be transformed and thatone fixed C1 concentric, beingthe unitcircle, into a fixedpointon r1. Or we may replacea domainB containedin a circle point. domainwhichcontainsthe infinite C1 by anothercircular We shall assume B inside the unit circle C1. Then we considera subset C' of the set of boundary circles,and among them C1. The corresponding curves r1, - - - forma subset rF of the boundary r. The circlesC' definea set circulardomain B' included in C1. The complementary C" of boundary and the a circlesC, defines circulardomainB" containing pointat infinity, the curves rF forma subset F" of the boundary r so that we have corresponding

of B domain is theproduct B' and C' + C"I= C, rF+ rF"= F. The original
B", thatis the pointset commonto thesetwo domains. If in our variationalproblemI or I(B) we replace the domainB by B' or B"







and r by F' or IF"we have to consider lowerlimits d(B'), d(B") forfixed domains and the absolute minimad' or d" whichdependonlyon r,or r" respectively. 3. Lemmas concerning the lower limitsof D(T). LEMMA a. If r' and rI" are two complementary of boundary sets curves F, i.e. r, + I' = r and if d, d' and d" are thecorresponding absolute minimathen wehaved < d' + d". PROOF. We considera circular domain B' included in the unit circle C1 so that thereexistsan admissiblepotentialvectorX'whichmaps B' on a surface bounded by r' and whichfor a prescribed small a satisfies (X') < d' + 6. DBE If 0 is an arbitrary pointin B', e.g. the origin, cut out from a concentric we B' circulardisc Kc bounded by the small circle C* with the radius E around 0. For the remainingdomain B' = B' - K, we considerthe new variational problemobtained by imposingthe new boundary-condition = 0 on C*. By X Lemma 2 we have for the corresponding lower limit d'(B') the inequality d'(B') < D(') + a(E) < d' + 6 + aC(E)


wherea(E) for which

0 for E

0. Accordingly have in B' an admissiblevector 3' we


d' +


In the same way we considera domain B" containing the point at infinity; fromB" we cut out the exteriorof a sufficiently large circle with the radius domainB" we have a vector j" whichvanishes 1/Earound0; in the remaining at the circumference the largecircle, of whichsatisfies the otherboundaryciron cles and in B" the conditionsforadmissionin our variationalproblemand the condition D4'(a")

d" + 6 +


Now by a similarity transformation with the factorE2 we contractB" into a domainincludedin the circleC* with the radius E around 0 and again call the new domain B"' and the corresponding vector3". The value of the Dirichlet




integral DBE'(3") is not changed by this transformation.For the domain if B = B' + B" we have certainly, 3 denotes3', 3" respectively,

< d' + d" + 23 + 2ar(E).

d(B) the If we impose on the vectors in the variational problem defining narrowthe rangeof competition, = 0 on C* and therefore additionalcondition g is we obtaina lowerlimitd(B, E) whichcertainly notsmallerthand(B). But our = 0 on C* obviouslyestablishestwo independent variationalprobconditiong we lemsforB' and B" and g- is admissible. Therefore have d < d(B) < d(B, e) _ DB(8) < d' + d" + 26 + 2o(e) small whiled does not depend and since6 as well as E could be chosenarbitrarily on 3 and E we have d ? d' + d" as statedin theLemma. of The considerations the precedingLemma are supplementedby another and usefullaterfork > 2 in excluding in Lemma pointing the oppositedirection circular of the degeneration our parameter-domain. We consideragain a finite property:the set of boundary circles C domain B = BE with the following sets C' and C". One of these sets C" is divided into two complementary consistsof circlesinsidea circleC. of the radius r = e arounda fixedpoint 0 of B. For all the othercirclesC' the distancer from0 shall remainabove a fixed to quantityh. If E tendsto zerowe say that the domainB, tends separation. then thelowerlimitof the for LEMMA b. If thedomainBE tendsto separation valuesd(B,) theinequality
to lim infd(B,) _ d' + d"

holds. Precisely
d(B,) > d' + d"

for where a(E) tendsto zerouniformly a fixedboundh and fora fixedboundM for equation case k = 2 themorepreciselimiting on r. In theparticular
lim d(BE) = d' + d"
C -0

is true. domainboundedby C'. Removingthe interior PROOF. Let B' be the finite B' = Ve around0 from we obtain ofthe circleC,,= C* withthe radiusr = K, the domain B' - K, = B.. Now we considerthe lower limit do(B,) of the DirichletIntegralDB,(g) if the vectorg in B. maps C' onrP, but does not have boundaryvalues on C*. Lemma 3 of ?2 states that prescribed
do(Bf) > d(B')

o'(rq) _ d'


for whereo'(-) tends to zero with i uniformly a fixedbound h and fora fixed bound M fori Ion r.







In the same way we obtain withcorresponding notations

do(B$f') ? d(B") - o"(-) ?> d" -a"(7)

wherethe index -qrefers a domain bounded by C" and the circle C, = C* to and wherethe boundaryvalues on C* of the vectorsin competition free. are Now we returnto our variationalproblemI (Be) defining d(B,). While in the proofof Lemma a we increasedthe lowerlimitby narrowing range of the we competition, now widen the range of competition easing the conditions by foradmission, and we therefore obtain a not largerlowerbound in the following way: We permit admissiblevectorsg to be discontinuous the circleC, = C*. the at In thisnewvariationalproblem two domainsB, and B;' are entirely the separate and therefore new lowerlimitis equal to the sum of the corresponding the lower


FiG.3 limits do(B,) and do(B$,'). We therefore obtain, consideringthe inequalities above, d(B.) ? do(Bf) + d(B"') _ d' + d"X- '(i) -a(), whichfore ->0 and a(e) =

of '(i) + a"(I,) containsthe statement our lemma.23a


that thelower is limits d(B,) are notbounded. PROOF. Without restricting generality may suppose that C, is the the we unit circle and C2 approaches,not shrinking zero, a fixedpoint R on C,. to
23a For k = 2 we know fromthe considerations Lemma a) that d(B.) : d(B') + of d(B") + a(e) witha(e) tendingto zero. Hence in this case we really have the equality sign limbo d(B) = d(B') + d(B") = d' + d".

C2 withradii abovea fixedboundcomecloserthanE, thenlim, o d(B,) -> m

If in a sequenceof domainsB. with e

0 two boundary circles




small a all circleswith radii r betweena fixed,small, a Then forsufficiently around R intersectC1 and C2 in two points P and Q. Since C1 is and Va6 vectorXin mapped on r1and C2 on r2 we certainlyhave foreveryadmissible that I (P) - ~(Q) I > a wherea is the positivedistance between rP and r2. B, But on account of Lemma 5, ?2 thereexists a pair of pointsP, Q forwhich, = M, withDB

(P) X

X(Q)I <

[i 109 a I]


Ilog '

This shows that also d(B,) > '(a2/r)* log a I, and since a can be chosen small,our lemmais proved. arbitrarily

1. Solutionof Problem I. In the case of two contours(k = 2) the solution proceedsverysimplybecause B can be chosenas an annularring,C1 being the circleof the radiusq. Let d be the lowerlimitof the unit circle, a concentric C2 lower DirichletIntegralin ProblemI of ?4, d' = d1, d" = d2the corresponding C2, r2 as boundaries. case with C1, r1 respectively limitsforthe one-contour By Lemma a we have d1 + d2 > d. If the equality signholds,thenthe lower limit is certainlyapproximatedby a minimizingsequence of surfacestendmakingin Problem by ingto degeneration. We excludethispossibility expressly I theassumption24forthe boundaryr (16) d < di + d2. sequence of vectors; B1, B2 ... a correNow let i, , *** be a minimizing spondingsequence of annularrings. Lemma b of ?4 showsthat the radii q. of C2 cannothave zero as lowerlimit,because forsuch sequencesof ringsthe lower limitd(B,) must be not less than d1 + d2, while accordingto our assumption (16), lim DB,,(SP) < d1+ d2.
rP and r2 all closed curves topologically equivalent on S to these boundary curves. Let the lower limit of their diameters be a. Then, if we impose in Problem I the condition a = 0,
24 This

condition can be interpreted as follows. We consider on a surface S bounded by

the lower limit will be di + d2 . Our inequality now requires that the additional condition Shiffman a = 0 increases the value of the lower limit d. This has been generalized by AM. (See also footnote 9) in the following way: Instead of Problem I we consider a Problem Ia by requiring that for our admissible surfaces we have a 2 a where a is any given number. If then by imposing the new condition a = a the lower limit is actually increased, it can be shown that Problem Ia has a solution which gives a minimal surface with a > a. This fromthat obtained by Problem I. solution may be different The same principle can be applied to obtain other solutions of Plateau's problem if we replace a by another suitable continuous functional of the surface g(u, v).







On account of Lemma c in ?4 no subsequenceof the q, can tend to 1 because the Dirichletintegrals D(^,) are bounded. Hence at least fora subsequenceof the v the domainsB, tendto a domainB whereB is an annularringbetweenthe unitcircleCi and a circleC2havinga radiusq with0 < q < 1. The boundary valuesofA, on theboundaries and C2 ofB, are equicontinuous. Ci If thiswerenot truee.g. on C, we could, on account of Lemma 6 of PROOF. small fixedarc b ?2, findat least a subsequenceof the t, forwhichan arbitrarily on C1 containinga fixedpoint R would be mapped by S, on an arc rP - ev nearly coveringrPentirely; is a small part of rPtendingto a single point, -y, to whichwe may assume,without loss ofgenerality, be thepointX= 0. We also may assume that the minimizing sequence X, consists of potential vectors: + a wherep and j are also potentialvectors A4Y = 0. Now we put X. = X = and where p= We have XonCi; a=0onC1


D(x,) = D(s) = D(b) + D(3) + 2 f

(jup + 3viv)dudv.

thatj = 0 on C1, and Green'sformula observing Applying

0 on C2,we obtain


D(x,) = D(b) + D(3)


the over the where lastintegral extended thecontour , s denotes arclength is C1 on C1, a/ardifferentiation respect theradius with to r. On thiscircleI as/ar is equallybounded a certain boundM. For the by i of3 vanish C1and hence vector be analytically on can extended this components as a potential of vector, theprinciple reflection, by beyond intoa concentric C1 in between radii and 1/q. Sincethecomponents 3arebounded this the ring q of < the ring 131 A, where is the greatest by A distanceof r from the origin, of on components thederivatives C1havetheboundA/(1 - q) = M. For the on valuesI J b we havejust as welltheboundA, while thecomplementary on arc C1 - b we have witharbitrarily small E and forsufficiently v the large if of inequalityI 1X? e. Therefore, 1is thelength b, 2f
13 ds < 1 a1-r12A2l +2e A 2r=a(v).

Since1 canbe chosen small arbitrarily as wellas E,ifvis large enough, tends o-(v) to zero vincreases. Hencewehavefrom as (17) D(,) > D(t) + D(3) -a(v) or sinceD(t) > di, D(&) > d2,
D(&,) > di + d2 -a(V);




to and for v - cc d > d, + d2, in contradiction our assumption(16). This of proves the equicontinuity the boundaryvalues of If on C1, and similarly
on C2 -

On account of this fact we can choose a subsequenceof the If forwhichthe potential boundaryvalues convergeuniformly. Thereforethe corresponding in uniformly B to a potentialvectorS whichmaps C on r vectorsalso converge as withthesame reasoning in ?3, we have D(S) < d and therefore, and forwhich, and sinceS is admissible, D(S) = d. vectors sinced is thelowerlimitforadmissible Thus, Problem I is solved by a potential vector I, or by the surface S
definedby I.

a 2. The solutionfurnishes minimalsurface S. Since C1, C2 are concentric a circleswe can proceedas in ?3 fork = 1. We perform variationof the minimizing vector &(r, A) (in concentricpolar coordinates)again replacing S by
3(r, t)

sn),with sp =

+ EX(r,A).

Thus we find exactly as before,


lirn ( f
r2 - q

(ri; 6)ri , odA -

X(r2; ty)r2



As beforein ?3, No. 3 we concludefromthis equation: The analytic function in p(w) = E - G - 2iF is expressed B by p(w) = c/w2wherec is a real constant. of For: we may choose X in the neighborhood the two boundary circles as for identicalwith the normal derivativeof Green's function a fixedsingular point Q in B and the ring r2 < r < ri. Then (18) expressesthe fact that in part theimaginary ofW2y(w) vanishes Q.25 We have to show that in the equation W2 (W) = c the constantc vanishes. argumentof ?3 collapses because the point w = 0 does not Here our former belong to B. But we obtain the desired relation c = 0 as the variational condition,not yet exploited,which states that we cannot reach a smaller lowerlimitd by variationof the domainB, i.e. of the radiusq. This variation method. by withrespectto the size ofthecircleC can be performed thefollowing about the our lack of knowledge whicharisesfrom To get rid of the difficulty derivativesof X at the boundaries,we replace the domain B by anothercon= p > q; centric annular ring B' between the circles Cl: r = ri < 1 and C: r = coordinates. We show firstthat the minimum polar r, a again are concentric of property our solutionwithrespectto the domainB impliesa similarproperty with respect to B'. The potential vector X(r,t) which solves Problem I is
analytic on Cl and C' so that the values X(r1;A) = fi(ta) and X(p, A) = f2(6) are

of analytic functions the angle A~. The domain B consistsof the domain B' a R1: plus thetwoannularrings r, < r < 1 and R2: q < r < p. Now we perform
25 If we do not want to make use of Green's function for a ring, but only of Poisson's kernel we may choose X in the neighborhood of one of the circles as this Poisson kernel and as zero otherwise; then our equation yields (cf. the general case discussed later in ?6, No. 2) that the imaginary part of w2p(w) vanishes firston Cl and second on C2, therefore identically in B.







variation with the annular ring B' replacingthe inner circle C2 by another circleC*: r = a-= tp. In thenewringB* we define potentialvectorj(r, 9, a) = a 3(u,v,a) as thevectorwhichhas theboundary valuesfi(z9) on C' and f2&?) on C*. Obviouslywe have j(u, v, p) = (u, v). Now we state: The DirichletIntegral

D*(^) =


(,2 +

= 2) dudv D(a-)

(wherethe superscript* indicatesthat B* is the domain of integration) as a is, function a, a minimum a-= p; B* = B'. (In otherwords: The minimum of for property obvious theoriginal for ringB itself holdsalsoforconcentric rings.) To prove our statementwe first affix our domain B* the originalringR, to again; further affix annularringR*: tq < r < tp = a-to the innercircle we the C* ofB*. R2 is transformed R* just by a dilation. Now we considerin the into ringdomain G = B* + R1 + R the vectorj whichis identicalwithXin R1, to

FIG. 4

S(u, v,a) in B* and whosevalue at everypointofR* is identicalwiththe value of point of R2. The new domain G and in it the vectorj X at the corresponding are admissible competition ProblemI. Therefore have for in we Da(3) = DR1(j) + DR;(j) + D*(^) > d = DR1(X)+ DR2(X) +

but accordingto our definition, DR8(a) = DR1(X) and DR;(a) = DR2(X). Thereforeit follows thatD*(^) > DB'(X), whichis our statement. immediately Now since our potential vector 3 depends analyticallyon the parametera the same is trueforthe DirichletIntegralD*(^) = D(o-). Hence we can differentiatewithrespectto the parametera-accordingto the rulesof the elementary calculus. Thus we obtain the equation integral

=- D(a)




F2) da

+ 2ff

(3uio + &vivy)dudV

By using Green'sformula, puttingds = pdAand observingthat ja = 0 on Cl, we transform into this

0 =

-f rp (X2 +

X) ds -2


Xrds with

3ol c-p.

706 Now
2 +



2+ r

to of X.and according the definition g(u,v,a)

=an -

= ,o(p,A, cr) lamp



= r2(&2


_ &)ds


of By virtue W29(W)


- 2ir27r ourformula becomes Es (19)



w2p(w)ds IWI-P

where J denotesthe real part. Therefore variationof the domainB resultsin the following our fundamental condition: r For every concentric circle = p we have (20) 9

w25p(w)ds = 0.

in c c Substituting (20) c = w2p(w), where is real,we find immediately= 0 or = F a and for 5p(w) 0. Therefore defines minimal surface, Plateau's Problem k = 2 is solved. 3. Additional d remarks. Firstwe observe:Theminimum is thearea ofthe minimal surface S. d in boundaFurther: minimumdepends a lower The semicontinuous onthe way the we as E tends zeroneednotconsist simple to of curves. To prove statement to r(e) mayassumethattheminima belonging theboundaries are bounded d, in E. We consider subsequence E suchthatd. -* d where bar indicates a for the thelower limit with to d respect E. We haveto prove _ d. Nowwe havetwoalternative possibilities X 1) d, > d' + d' - X(e)with -Ofor E-0 to a of 2) Thereexists positive fixed and a subsequence e tending zerosuch a thatfor thissubsequence < d' + d'e'- a. d, d In thefirst wehaveimmediately thelower the case for limits relation > d' + d" d' from No. 2 and since sincefork = 1 already > d' d" > d" is known ?3, d' + d" > d onaccount Lemma therelation > d is established. of d a, In thesecondcase we consider oursequenceE theminimizing for potential
vectors belongingto the variationalproblemI for p(e) and the domain B. withD(Xf) = de. Lemma (b) of ?4 excludesdegeneration B, because of the of a. assumption withfixed 2) positive Henceusingalso Lemma6 of ?2 we can
Of Of

ries r.

Here again the boundaries r(e) whichapproach r in the strongsense

B. at to domain choose leasta subsequencefor which tends a limiting circular e B, in of as Equicontinuity the on the boundary circles follows exactly before No. 1 and therefore have at least a subsequence vectors uniformly of we Se







converging a potential vector r for which d < d and which satisfiesthe to conditionsof the problemI forthe boundary P and for the domain B. Our is theorem thus proved. and that we At the same time we recognizethat t definesa minimalsurface have provedthe following d Under theassumption < d' + d ' - a a subTHEOREM. APPROXIMATION that for Plateau's problem thecontour provided theareas minimalsurface solving I, ofthesurfaces remainbounded.26 S, of semicontinuity d concerning Exactly as in ?3, No. 4 fork = 1 ourstatement and the Theorem formulation the proofofwhich can be replacedby a Continuity are identicalto that in ?3. 4. Conformalmapping for doubly connected domains. As an application of of our theory the special case of m = 2 dimensions the p-spacewe obtain for the result: domainG in an x, y-planebounded twoJordancurves by connected Everytwofold mapon rF, r2 can be mapped conformally an annular ringB. The conformal corresponone-to-one a ping of theopen domainsG and B establishes continuous the dencebetween boundaries. of The mappingtheoremand the continuity the mappingof C on r follows fromour general theoryfor m = 2 if we can verifya priorithe inequality minimum d < d1 + d2 wheredi and d2 are the minimaforthe corresponding problemsfor the single contours rF, r2 resp. Since for single contoursthe was proved of was solved and thus the possibility the mappingtheorem problem we knowthat di and d2are the areas includedin I, and P2 respectively. If we d the knewthatd also represents area ofG we wouldhave immediately = d1 -d2 if, as we shall assume, P2 is includedin IF; and all the more d < d1 + d2. But the relationd = d1 - d2 followsonly afterwe have solved problemI for mappingof B on G. of k = 2 and thushave provedthe possibility the conformal the it is now our task to verify inequalityd < di + d2directly. Therefore of of based on the theorems To thisend we use a typicalargument continuity No. 3. Suppose problemI is solved for a domain G, then the equality d = dd2 and hence the inequalityd < d1 + d2 holds. Now let G' be a neighfromG by a small bouringdomain bounded by rP and IF and originating theoremof No 3. deformation the x, y-planeas describedin the continuity of the inequalityd' < d' + d' will be obtained also forthe Then by this theorem domainG, forwhich domainG'; thisremark enablesus, ifwe startwitha circular mappingis trivial,to pass witha of the solvability problemI and the conformal finitenumber of steps to an arbitrarypolygonal domain G. Precisely,we the area di included in the suppose that for all domains G in consideration
26 For k = 2 Douglas has shown that this theorem can be extended to cases of unbounded areas. Cf. Rado's report.

to P(a) surfaces forthecontours converges a SE at sequence leastof theminimal




outer contour rF is equally bounded by d1 < M, while all the innercontours r2 shall include an area d2 > p wherep is a fixedpositivenumber. If forG problem is solvedwe have certainly = di - d2. I d Now we considera transformation the x, y-planeinto the x', y' plane: of xi = x + t(x, y), y' = y + 71(x, wherethe functions -qare continuousin y), I, G + r and the first derivatives I, -q allowed to be discontinous of are onlyalong straight linesin G. G', rI, d', dj, d2refer the transformed to domain. With a smallpositivee and 6 = (1 + 2E)2 _ 1 we require
I Tz
1E, I ty



1 77z



I nyI < E,)




and we choose E so small that di < M, d > p, AM < 2p and I < 'p. di-d'I To the straight lines of discontinuity G correspond in analyticlines in B by the supposed conformal mapping and therefore our continuitytheorem can be applied. It statesforthe lowerlimitsin problem forG' I d' < d(l +

= d + d6 < d + MA < d + 2P,

hence, since accordingto our assumption,d = di - d2 < di - p, we have d' < d - p + 2p < di < di + d'. Therefore G' the inequalityd' < di + d2 for is proved; consequently problemI can be solved and d' is the area of G'. Thus the inequalityd' < di + d2impliesagain themuchstronger relations di = d

d2 < d + d


We apply this resultby joiningan arbitrary polygonaldomainG = GN witha circulardomain Go by a sequence of domains G1, G2, *-- with the following properties:a) G1, *** GN are bounded by polygons,b) for all these domains we have the fixedboundsM, p describedabove, c) Gr is transformed G,+1 into of by a transformation thetypedescribed above.26a Since forGoproblem is solvedby a domainB congruent GO, the solvability I to follows for successively G,, G2, * - *, GN= G. By a passageto a limit with polygonal domains G we finallycan solve the problem,on the basis of the theorem No. 3, forany domainG boundedby arbitraryJordan of approximation curves. Therefore possibility the conformal the of of mappingof the interior B on thatofG is established at thesame timethecontinuous and mappingofC on r. That also the mappingof r on C is a continuous correspondence seen exactly is as in the case ofone contour ?3. in m Incidentally,we now can show forarbitrary in exactly the same manneras in the case k = 1 that: Our solution Plateau's problem establishes one-to-one a of between boundaries and r. the correspondence C
26a The possibility of constructing such a chain is obvious on the basis of elementary topology. E.g. we nay assumethattwo consecutive polygonaldomainsdiffer onlyin one corner. The transformations one polygon of intothenextone can be effected piecewise by lineartransformations.






In the case k > 2 we may ease our task by assumingthat Plateau's Problemis alreadysolved forsmallervalues of k and further that the lowersemicontinuity of the lowerlimitd in its dependenceon the boundary r is already established forsmallervalues of k. Also the possibility conformal of mappingof any domainB of the u, v-plane on a circular domaincan be assumedprovidedthat B is boundedby less than k Jordancurves. This mappingimpliesa one-to-one correspondence also on the boundaries. Therefore followsfromthe initial remarksin ?2 that in variait tionalproblems forless thank contours does notmatterwhether chooseB I it we as a circulardomain or as any domainwith a corresponding numberof Jordan contours. In the ProblemI we may take C, as the unit circle,C2 as a concentric circle inside of C, and the other circlesC, in the annular ring between C1 and C2. Again let Bn, g be a minimizing sequence of such circulardomains and corresponding potentialvectors. Again we make the assumption (21) d < d' + d" for every partitionof C in C' + C" and correspondingly r in r' + F" of (cf. notationsof ?4). I Under this conditionwe shall show: The problem has a solution whichrepresents minimalsurface a bounded r and conformally to by equivalent a circular domain B. Further: The theorems ?5 concerninglower semicontinuity of and continuity the lowerboundd withrespectto the boundary, approxiof the mationtheorem, theorem thepossibility conformal the on of mappingof any plane domainbounded k Jordancurves a circular on corby domain,and theone-to-one respondence theboundaries, of also subsist fork > 2. 1. Solution of the variationalproblem. We state: a) The sequence of domains B,-or a suitable subsequence-converges to a circular domainB. b) On each boundarycircleof B the Xn equicontinuous are of functions the arc lengthor the angle. in c) The potentialvectorsgn-or a subsequence-convergeuniformly B to a vectorXwhichsolvesProblemI. potential To provea) we have to excludethe following possibilities: First: B tendsto separationin thesenseexplainedin ?4, in whichcase Lemma with(21). b) of ?4 wouldyieldd = limd(Bn) > d' + d" whichis incompatible Second: Two boundary circles of B, X none of them shrinking a point, to become arbitrarilynear each other for certain increasingindices n. This Lemma c) of ?4. contradicts Third: Certain boundary circles of B,, shrinkto a point on one boundary




circlee.g. C1whoseradiusremainsabove a positivebound and whichthereforecircle. ifwe choosea suitablesubsequence-convergesto a limiting is To exclude this last type of irregularity a somewhatmore delicate task. 5 by our 'Weillustrate reasoning thefigure forthe typicalcase wherethe circleC3 convergesto a point R on the unit circle C1. Around R we again introduce r, polar coordinates tA. On accountofLemma 5 of ?2 we see: For an arbitrarily large n-there exists a circulararc c of radiusr small fixed6-and sufficiently with 6 < r < \/Varound R joining two points P, Q on C1 and includingC3, log of on whichtheoscillation thevectort = Sn iS less than[27rM/I 6 I]' = e(b), M we beinga bound of the values D(gn). Withoutloss of generality may assume thaton thearc c we have I gn < e(b) forall n. I a withthe arc b': PRQ of C1forms closed curvec + b' and The arc c together arc with the complementary b" of C1 formsthe closed curve c + b". together of on If R is a pointof equicontinuity C1thenthe oscillation our vectorg on the curve T' = c + b' remainsless than a quantitywhich tends to zero with6. the If R is a pointof nonequicontinuity same is trueforthe curve T" = c + b"

R (t(5)\g

FIG. 5

on account of Lemma 6 ?2 at least afterwe choose a propersubsequence t. that of b" is The image of the arc b' by the representation gn(U, v) is called p3', called f3"so that we have f3'+ 13" = r,. One of these arcs f3'or f3"has a to diameter tending zerowith6, whichalso is trueforthe diameterof the image 'yofc. c dividesB = Bn into the domainsB' and B", withB' + B" = B and with k' connectivities < k and k" < k so that our theoryis establishedfor them accordingto our assumption. The boundariesof B' are mapped by gnon a systemof continuouscurves rI' and the boundariesof B" on anothersystem of such curves r"5. If 6 = 8ntends to zero, rP' and rP" tend to a partition of r into rI and rI" plus an isolated point g = 0 which howeveraccording to Lemma 2 of ?2 will not affectthe lower limit of the DirichletIntegral. d(B) = d(Bn) we case the conditions problemdefining Now in the minimum on foradmission allowingg to be discontinuous c but onlyin such a way that by the boundariesof B' and B" remainmapped on P'a and rP". Then the lower will become smalleror at most equal to the value d(B). The limit certainly






domainsB' and B" obviouslyto two independent problemrefers new minimum lowerlimitis equal to the sum of the two lowerlimitsfor and the corresponding B' and B" under the conditionthat theirboundariesare mapped on P'a and we IF"'. Thus in an obviousdenotation have d(B) ? d(B', rF') + d(B", F"6), hence all the more d(B) > d(r') + d(Fr"b) to the ifon the right side we introduce absolutelowerbounds corresponding the and boundaries P'a and r"6. Now we let n tend to infinity at the same time a to zero; then the leftside of our inequalitytends to d while on account of the semicontinuity d fork' < k and V" < k the lowerlimitof the rightside can of d we not be less thand' + d". Therefore obtainimmediately ? d' + d" which of d our contradicts condition < d' + d". Hence the thirdpossibility degenerationof ourminimizing sequenceBnis excluded. Therefore sequence of domainsBn, or at least a subsequence,converges the of domainB boundedby k circles. The equicontinuity the boundto a circular now follows exactlyas in ?6 and also exactlyin the ary values of the vectorsin potentialvector T in B forwhich same way we obtain an admissiblelimiting a solvesProblemI defining surfaceS D(t) = d. This potentialvectortherefore in the n-space. 2. The solution S is a minimalsurface. the To identify potentialsurfaceS as a minimalsurfacerequiressomewhat establishthe naturalboundaryconditions for deeperreasoning k > 2. We first for in on C, originating from degreeof freedom the boundaryrepresentation the one oftheboundarycirclese.g. C, (C1may the curves rI . For thatwe consider include the others). Let r, a again be concentricpolar coordinatesand let in identically derivatives B + C, vanishing withcontinuous X(r,A) be a function ring adjacent to Ci. Then the natural boundary except in a neighboring in in for condition C1is exactlyas before ??4, 5 uniformly X: lim


=0. X(r, s)rgrgodtd

Or ifwe put as before

r~44 = X(w2P(w)) = p(u, v)

p(r, A),

p(u, v) beinga potentialfunction, (22) lim

-1 JO

J X(r,s2)p(r,s5)d3

f 2r


If Q is, as in ?3, a pointin B we may again choose X in the stripadjacent to C1 as the Poisson kernelbelongingto the interiorof the circle with the radius r and the point Q. Then





t) p (p,

) dd =

H~p(Q)= p(r, a)

of is a potentialfunction u, v or r, a regularforr < p and equal to the fixed p potentialfunction on r = p. Now formula(22) states that H,(Q) tendsto for zero uniformly every closed subdomain as p tends to I. From thisthere reasoning: follows an elementary by is a potential has the boundaryvalues zero for r = p and exists in a ring function which l ? r < p with fixedl which lies entirely B. On r = l the function is in W, boundedbecause p is regularin B, and forp -+ 1 we have ll,(Q) -> 0. Now the beyondr p extendedby reflection potentialfunction w,(Q) can be analytically ring concentric R thederivinterior in intothering1 < r = p2/l. Therefore every atives of cp are equally bounded with the same bound N. Now if Q in B have for has a distanceless than h to Cl and all the moreto Cp thenwe certainly for p -* 1 because of Wp-* p small h, I wp(Q)I < Nh. Therefore sufficiently we obtain,for Q fixed,Ip(Q) I ! Nh, whichprovesthat p(Q) indeedapproaches zero uniformly whenthe distanceh to Cl tends to zero. p Therefore is regular also on C1 and assumestherethe values zero. In the same way we show: If a, is the centerof the circleC, of radius p, then (w theimaginary partofthefunction - a')2 so(W) vanisheson C, . (23)

The potentialfunctionp has theboundaryvalues zero on C1. p(Q) - IHp(Q) = The difference PROOF. wp(r, a) =p(Q)

a,)2(c(w)]= 0 on C,.

whichfork = 2 and k = 1, a, = 0 amount to the These boundaryconditions B fact that '(w2A(w)) = 0 throughout (not onlyat the boundaries)have here a morecomplexappearance. Our task is now to obtain the desiredrelationS'(w) = 0 in B fromthese conwhich expressthe conditions them with the further ditions(23) by combining of the boundary circlesC, fact that variations of the size and the position cannotimprovethe lowerlimitd. The variationof the radii of the circlesC, yieldsin exactlythe same way as in ?6 the conditions

near to it.

9 f (w -_a)2 o(w)dW= 0

to wherethis integralis extendedover a circleC' concentric C, and sufficiently that the variationof the centera, of C, We shall show by a similarreasoning yieldsforC, the two additional conditions (25) (26)

(w- a)

so(w)d = 0 = 0,







where again the integralsare extended over concentric circles C' sufficiently nearto C,. To establishthesevariationalconditions perform in ?6 a simplesimulwe as taneousvariationofthe minimalvectorS and the minimaldomainB. Firstwe and replaceB by anotherdomain B' whichis bounded by circlesC' concentric close sufficiently to C, . Let R, denotethe ringbetweenC and C'. The values of the minimizing potentialvector X on C' are analytic functions j,(6) of the to polaranglecorresponding thiscircle. on We now replaceB' by another circular domainB* depending a parametere with boundariesC* which originatefromthe boundariesC' by parallel transC' the formations. We further transfer boundaryvaluesf, from to C* by the (t) corresponding parallel transformation.With these fixedboundaryvalues we in value problem B* and thusdefine B* a potentialvector for solve theboundary


FIG. 6

v) is the original minimizing vector. Affixing a(u, v, e) whereby a(u, v, o) =(u, the ringR, to C* by a parallel transformation obtain a domain Be = B* + we E R*, R* denotingthe ringR, afterthe parallel transformation.In B, we define vectorj whichis equal to 3(u, v, E) in B* and which in the ring R* has a the same values as S in the corresponding pointsof the ringR,. Obviouslythe vectora and the domain B. are admissiblein our ProblemI and hencebecause of the minimum of property B and S we have
DB4(3) = DB*(J) +


Z DR:(a) > DR,( )


DB(Q) = DB'(X) +

DR,( ).




property we Therefore obtainDB*(3) > DE (c). In otherwords: The minimum of X with respect to the position of the centerssubsists also for subdomains to boundedby circlesconcentric the boundarycirclesC, . Afterthispreparation again can take advantage of the analyticcharacter we B' from of the boundaryvalues of S on C'. We supposenow that B* originates only one circleC' parallel to the u-axis by the distance(, the other by shifting fixed. Then a (u, v, e) has continuousderivativesof every circlesremaining order withrespectto u, v,e27in B* and on its boundary and fromour resultit that follows



fore = O.

of Again applying elementaryrules for the differentiation an integral with we respectto a parameter get


+ (auaue + jV3V.)dudv

(a + ^)dv = 0 fore

aroundthe closed curveC*. Green's wherethe secondintegral a line integral is on theorem account of Ai = 0 now gives,if again r and t are polar coordinates to concentric C, and s = r4, -2f3eards +f*(+ ) cos Mds=O

fore = O.

Now on C* fore = 0 we have that 3r(u,v,o) But from = cos 6 + U. a Sr 3f (U, v, o)


r and on accountofthe definition sin za we infer


cs) 6 + 2u cos


G) cos a + 2F sina

(1/r) J[(w- a,)X(w)I.

Hence our equation becomes


Jf. (w-a,)

d6 p(w) = 0.

of a In the same way we findby performing variation(parallel transformation) C' parallel to the v-axisthat (26) (w - a)(w) d6 = 0.

The totalityof our variational conditionscan be writtenin a concise form. in First (25) and (26) can be combined the form (27) J (w - a,) (w)dt6= 0.

27To verify we onlyneedthePoissonkernel a singlecircleC, for this







on Further, C' we have w - a, = rei0and i(w in can ditiontherefore be written theform (28)

a,) d6 = dw. This last con-

f <P(w) = 0. dw

we the condition(23) forC, with respectto t} and combine Similarly integrate thisequationwith(24). We thusobtain
| (w

a,)(w) dw = 0

and on account of (28)28 (30) fwp(w) dw = 0.

If in a circulardomainB theconditions It remainsto prove the THEOREM. in then vanishes identically B.29 yp (23), (28), (30) hold, Plateau's Problemfork contoursis solved. With the proofof this theorem that 3. Proofof theprecedingtheorem.30We shall showthat the assumption so(w) is not identicallyzero leads, by countingthe zeros of <0(w)in B, to an let absurd consequence. Accordingly us suppose that y does not vanish identiof number zeros,and cally. Then in the closeddomainB + C y has onlya finite has of provethat at C, thisfunction at least finite number zeroson C, . We first thosewhereit is fourzeroswhichseparatearcs wherethe function positivefrom we the is negative. Withoutrestricting generality may assume that the circle that forw = ci' and dw = iwd6, is underconsideration the unit circle,so

(w the consequently function -



which real on C, also has onlya is

w 2O(w) = f(6)
Cauchy's integral theorem now shows that the integrals of the functions s0(w) and wp(w) not only vanish for these closed curves C , but for every closed curve lying in the domain B + C. That means firstthat the function seis the derivative x' of a single valued analytic function x(w) in B + C and that again x is the derivative of another single valued regular analytic function V(w) in B + C. In other words, we have

V (W)

= 4," (W)

where Qt(w)is a single valued regular analytic function in B + C. This statement concentrates the essence of our variational conditions with respect to the domain B. Thus our variational conditions present themselves in the following form (29)
1[(W a,)2_,"(w)]

= 0 on


with 4' single valued and regular in B + C. 29 We can express our condition in the following form: Let a/ar denote the normal is derivative on the circle C: then (w - a,)2%Y(w) = a2&/ar2 the second normal derivative of From this we want Q on C, and (29) expresses that it has a vanishing imaginary part on C,. to infer: 4tis a linear function of the form Vb= a + bw. 30 The method of the following proof was kindly suggested to me by Hans Lewy in Berkeley.




is a real periodicfunction the angle ta forwhich,by (30) and (28), of (31)


f(6)fdY= 0


f(f ) cos (a


= 0

holds forevery0o. But such a periodicfunction f(G)has indeed at least 4 zeros as describedabove.3' Now let N ? 0 be the numberof zeros of p(w) in the interiorof B. This numberis expressed, the circleC, containsthe othercirclesC., by the formula if 2wriN


dlog o +


.d log so(w)

wherenow, C' denotesa path of integration coincident withC, except forlittle halfcircles circumventing zeros ofyp C, as in figure But the on 7. 27riN= d log [(w - al)2s0(w)]d log (w_ a)2 d log [(w 47ri


+ E{f,
or 2riN

d log (w



d log [(w Clk



Id log [(w -



, and-,8.

31 The equation (31) shows thatthere at least twosuchintervalst)) > 0 andf(ty)< 0 are f separated by 2 zeros. If therewere not at least foursuch intervalswithalternatingly number mustbe even) withat least 4 zerosas endpoints, different thatis, ifwe signs(their = the onlyhad two zeroswe could by changing origin - 0 supposethese zerosin the form

Then the function (cos iY-cos

and the integral

g) f(t) would have the same sign for all values o

(cos t7 - cos ,3) f(,Y)dtY could not vanish, in contradiction to (32).







circumventing zero winds around this zero a But each of the small halfeircles 7 in the negativesense as indicatedin figure and leads fromreal values of the to a contributes the integral integrand - a,)2'p(w)to real values and therefore (w ac)2 (w) is real does multipleof - ri while the otherpart of C' on which (w therefore part. Each of the integrals not contribute anything the imaginary to side of (33) is, contributes least - 4ri to the imaginarypart; hence the right at that exceptforthe factori, less than or equal to - 8Sr and it wouldfollow

0 < 2grN< - 8Sr,

and our theorem we whichis absurd. Consequently have (p(w) = 0 identically is proved. 4. Additionalremarks. a) Exactly in the same way as in the previous paragraphsby applyingour resultto the case m = 2 we obtain the following on theorem conformal mapping: Everydomain of the x, y-planeboundedby k Jordan curvescan be mapped on conformally a circulardomain of the u, v-plane.32The mapping implies a of one-to-one correspondence theboundaries. also form > 2 a one-to-one b) Our solutionof Plateau's Problemfurnishes of C correspondence theboundaries and r. The proofproceeds exactly on the same lines as in ?3. semicontinuous way. c) The lowerlimitdependson the boundary r in a lower exactlyalong the same lines as in the case k = 2. Also thisfactfollows theoremand the continuity theorem ??3, 5 remain of d) The approximation valid fork > 2. of Thus the statementsin the introduction ?6, assumed as true for k - 1 and hencethe proofis completed. are contours, establishedfork contours S. limitd is equal tothearea oftheminimalsurface Finallywe notice: thelower 7.

1. Preliminary remarks. If instead of basingthe proofof Riemann's mapof on pingtheorem and its generalizations the generaltheory Plateau's Problem conformal we do not declinetakingadvantage of fundamentalfactsconcerning mapping of domains in a plane we can considerablysimplifythe solution of Plateau's Problem.33 of Thus we also can easily establishthe fact: Our solution Plateau's Problem the by at of furnishes thesametime surface leastarea bounded r.
32 This theorem for arbitrary k has previously been proved in different ways by Koebe and by the author (cf. Hurwitz-Courant, Funktionentheorie, Berlin 1931). The proof contained in the present paper seems to be essentially more elementary. Part III, Berlin, 1931,Courant, 33 For these facts cf. Hurwitz-Courant, Funktionentheorie, Crelle's Journ. Vol. 165 (1931) p. 247 ff.and a paper to be published.




We again start by solvingProblemI as before. Then the use of conformal the mappingservesto identify solutionas a minimalsurface.34 The domain B can eitherbe chosen as a circulardomain as beforeor-in a from the point of view of conformalmapping-as a way more elementary "Schlitz" domain. A "Schlitz" domain is the whole u, v-planeincludingthe all but point at infinity, cut along k straightsegments, parallel to the u-axis. a The twoedgesofeach ofthe cuts form component oftheboundaryC. C, (C1


FIG. 8

The new methodforthe solutionof Plateau's Problemis based upon the two theorems: following domain of the plane with k simple (a). Every k-foldconnected THEOREM on can Jordancontours be mappedconformally a domainB e.g. of the"Schlitz"way.35 continuous are the typeB whereby boundaries mappedin a one-to-one consist two of domainG in theu, v-plane connected (f). Let a k-fold THEOREM or moreparts G1, G2, ***whichmay be separatedor adjacent and whichare of arc way: Someanalytic oftheboundary a partG, shall in following connected the of by correspond an analytictransformationw = u + iv to an analyticarc of the pointsmay be considered or boundary (another thesame) G, and corresponding of points of G.) points of thesearcs becomeinterior as identical. (Thus interior on ThenthedomainG can be mappedconformally a simpledomainB of theabove of partsoftheboundaries the pointson thecorresponding corresponding so type that in way and thattheboundary G corresponds a one-to-one to identical of G, become possible.36 thatof B. In thisit is assumedthatsuch a mappingis topologically can In otherwords: Theorem$ says that a domain G connectedin abstracto mapping of the composing by be realized in concreto geometrically conformal domains. in is An examplefora domain G as considered our theorem the unit circlein u, v-plane,cut along the v-axisbetweenv = 0 and v = 2, the two edges the
34 Another method using conformal mapping was as mentioned before, pointed out by way by McShane. Douglas and Rad6 and in a somewhat different 35 The one-to-one correspondence of the boundaries has' to be interpreted in such a way that the opposite points at a cut have to be counted as different. 36 This theorem is also of a quite elementary character although apparently never stated explicitly. I shall give a simple proof for (a) and (I) and for some generalizations on piecewise Riemannian manifolds in a separate paper.






v' by beingcoordinated the transformation = 2v2. TheoremA states: The unit with this cut can be mapped on the unit circle G' with anothercut so circle pointsbecomecoincident. thatafterthemappingcorresponding

FIG. 9

that (a) mentioning From the pointof view of methodit may be worthwhile by nearlythe same reasoningas in ??2-6 and also (3) can be obtained directly only on the basis of the boundaryvalue problemof potentialtheoryand the the of property the DirichletIntegral. By thisremark minimum corresponding proof of the least area propertycould be made independentof subsequent mapping. knowledgein conformal preliminary 2. Solutionof Plateau's problem. Suppose ProblemI is solved by the vector in the domainB. Our task is to proves(w) = 0. We cut B by an arbitrary X v a L segment through pointP; e.g. a segment = const. straight of Thus we obtain a new domainB' withthe boundaryC' consisting C and the two edges of the cut L. Between the two edges of L we establishan analytic leaving the endpointsof L intact. (In otherwords correspondence one-to-one points on the two edges of L are we definea domain G where corresponding identified.) Now we replaceProblemI by the following: C', in in II. Let 8 be a vector B' continuous B' and its boundary PROBLEM values identicalat corresponding boundary mappingC on r, havingcontinuous in continuous derivatives first piecewise of cut of two points the edges the L and having all by value do of DB' (8) obtained admitting B'. Then we ask for theminimum the between edgesofL. correspondences possible of in In otherwords: we renounce ProblemI continuity S alongL, but we still requirethat Xmap the two edges of L on the same curve in the n-space,the mappings of the two edges being equivalent by an analytic transformation. Now we state thefollowing Theminimum in ProblemII is thesame as in ProblemI and is THEOREM: do easily by means attainedby theoriginalsolutionS of ProblemI. This follows (a) ofour theorems and (fi). with the to We considerany vector 8 corresponding a domain B' complying along the cut L a II for our domain B', and defining conditionsof Problem analytic correspondence. On account of the theorems(a) and (a) one-to-one




points on we can map B' conformally a new domain B* so that corresponding of the edges of L become identical. Let the vector g pass by this conformal have, by the invariance vector3*. We certainly mappinginto the transformed mapping,DB*(3*) = DB'(3). By adding the of the integral under conformal imagepointsof L to B* we obtain a new domain B and we are now sure that of 3* is continuousin B and that 3* satisfiesthe conditions ProblemI forB. Hence
DB'(3) = DB*(3*) = DB(3*)

> d

case ofProblemI forthe original sincein theparticular whichprovesourtheorem B we have DB(9) = d. domain for ProblemII givesus the advantage of morefreedom the variationthan we had in Problem I. We exploit the minimumpropertyof the solution g of way: Assumingour cut L ProblemI withrespectto ProblemII in the following P through as a segmentv = constantwe replace g(u, v) by 3(u, v) = &(u + everyEX(u, v), v) wheree is a small parameterand X(u, v) vanishesidentically whereexcept in a small rectangleR adjacent to one edge of L; X is analytic, in whereX(u) = 0 at the endpointsof arbitrary R, e.g. X = X(u)ju(v) otherwise L and ji(v) = 0 at theupperedge ofR.


FIG. 10

and thevariationalequation Now we have 3e(u, v,o) = Xgu -aD(^) =0 af fore= 0

may on becomes,since3 and D dependanalytically E,and differentiation be persign formed underthe integral

or on account of Green's formula


ue +

= 3ovav)dudv0 fore = 0, f X9xuvdu = 0.

of Because of the arbitrariness X we obtain on L, hence in P, gug, = F = 0. If insteadwe take L as a segmentu - v = const.we get exactlyin the same way

g) (u

+ g,) = E

G = 0

is surface completed. our our whereby task ofidentifying solutionas a minimal for The preceding reasoningshows in general: If theconditions admissionin







above, of discontinuities t of thetypedescribed by I Problem are lessened admitting II in arcs,theminimum thisnewProblem remains of number analytic alonga finite I. t by equal tod and is attained thesolution ofProblem 3. Our solutionfurnishesthe least possible area. To prove the least area of definition the area of a surface of property our solutionwe recallthe following whichapproachS, then the lowest surfaces S: If Hn is a sequenceof polyhedral is possiblelimitof the areas of all the polyhedra thearea ofS. Now let us suppose firstthat the boundary curves rF are polygons. We H sides S,polyhedron bounded by r with triangular consideran arbitrary of which is no restriction generality-and the edges Al . We subdivide the linesor arcs domainB intoa set oftriangles the edgesLI ofwhichare straight B, to topologically of circlesso that the edges LI and the triangles correspond B, Al and S, . ProblemI withthelowerlimitd to ProblemII whichdiffers Now we pass from ProblemI in so faras theadmittedvectors8are allowedto be discontinuous from along the edge LI mappingboth sides of the edge LI on the same analyticcurve betweenthe two edges. Then we an and establishing analyticcorrespondence No. 1 that thelowerlimitin ProblemII again is d. knowfrom Finally we replace Problem II by Problem III imposingon the vectorsthe additional conditionthat they shall map LI on Al. For the lower limit d* in have d* > d because the range of competition of ProblemIII we certainly Problem III is narrowedwith respect to that in Problem II. But the lower lowerlimits limitin ProblemIII simplyis equal to the sum of the corresponding surfacesbounded by to referring the mappingof the triangles on triangular B, is the same lines A, as the plane triangleS, and the minimum the area of the values in this mapping are analytic on account trianglesS,. (The boundary d* of the principleof reflection.) Therefore is exactly the area of the polyhedronH while d is the area of the solutionof ProblemI. This proves our statementimmediately. If P does not consistof polygonsit can be approximatedby polygons,and of on account of the definition the area S as the lower limit of the areas of immediately polyhedrawe obtain the desired general theorem approximating the from preceding resultconcerning special case of polygonalboundaries. the our Withthisresultwe are able to interpret previousinequalitiesd < d' + d" is to etc. as inequalitiesreferring lower limitsof areas, whichintuitively more than the originaldefinition. satisfactory 8.

It may happen-as was emphasizedby Douglas-that a smallerlowerbound d topologicalstructure forthe DirichletIntegralis obtainedifsurfacesof a higher e.g. one-sidedsurfaces boundedby r are admittedin our variationalproblems, of the type of a Moebius strip or surfacesof highergenus topologicallynot




equivalentto a simpledomainB oftheu, v-plane. In this ?8 we willshowbriefly that our methodcan dispose also of these cases in fullgenerality. + surfacesS withthe boundaryr = r1 To thisend we have to represent + rkby vectors g(u, v) in a domain B of the u, v-planewith the prescribed a topologicalstructure. Such a domainB can be obtainedfrom simpledomain between certainparts one-to-oneanalytic correspondences B* by establishing points as identical, corresponding of the boundariesof B* and by considering to that is, attaching themthe same values ofthe vectorsI. E.g. if S and hence


FIG. 11




a of B shallbe an orientable (two sided) surface genusp we may consider circular bounded by k circlesC1, *** Ck the point at infinity, domain B* containing whichcorrespond r-and by p pairs K,, K' of circles. K, shall correspond to B* of to K' by a lineartransformation w whichtransforms into anothercircular and domainoutsideB*. Corresponding pointsare identified thusB* becomesa domain of genus p. Another suitablenormalformof a plane domain of genus p withk boundary consistsof curves is the "Schlitz domain." (Cf. ?7). Such a Schlitz-domain the whole u, v-planecut by k straightsegmentsC1, - , Ck parallel to the






cuts as in figure12. Each by u-axis, further p quadruples of such infinite of the infinite type of cuts consistsof two pairs of cuts parallelto the quadruple to u-axis extending u -> + X and lyingverticallyabove the other,one pair to separatingthe otherpair. The edges of the cuts correspond each otheras u. pointshave thesame coordinate 12 indicatedin figure so thatthecorresponding points are identified. Also limitingcases, when cuts Here also corresponding pairs partlycoincidemust be considered. of different by can be topologically represented plane (one-sided)surfaces Non-orientable domainsin a similarway. E.g. we consideragain a circulardomain B* with a into itselfby an analytical (linear) boundary circle M which is transformed T transformation of the variablew-= u - iv forwhichthe iteratedtransformation T T is the identityand which leaves no point on M invariant. CorrethenB* becomes one sided. A spondingpointson M shall again be identified; and in additionby q domainB boundedby k circles by p pairsK,, K' ofcircles C1, circlesM1 ... Mq as describedabove is, forq > 0, a one sided surfaceof the numberN and the character N characteristic" = 2p + q. This characteristic define topologicaltype of the surface. the of orientability non-orienIn a similarway one can considerSchlitz domainsB representing table surfacesof given characteristic. contoursr can-as a limitofa A surface in the r-spaceboundedby the fixed S sequence of such surfaces-degenerateinto a surfaceof smaller characteristic sets rI, or into two or more separate surfacesbounded by complementary not and havinga sum of characteristics exceedingN. rat,... of r respectively may yield is topologicalstructure one sided, the degeneration If the prescribed we have to consider degeneration one or moreone sided parts. Correspondingly of the domain B in the u, v-plane. E.g. a sequence of circulardomains Bn as above may tend to separationexactlyas in ?6, or one or moreof the circlesM, to may shrink pointsor thesame may happento a pair of circlesK,, K'., etc. may occur with Schlitz domains. We shall call such Similardegenerations with surfaceswith lowercharacteristic surfacesS or non-degenerate degenerate of the total boundary r surfaces a lowertopologicalstructure. To investigatethe possibilityof a minimal surface with the boundary r we structure consideragain the variationalproband the prescribed topological lem I fordomainsB of one of the types definedabove, where the vectors admittedmust have the same values in equivalentboundarypoints. result. For a givenboundaryr we Exactly as in ?4 we findthe following I type. topological the limitd in Problem bypassingtoa lower cannot improve lower Now the following general theoremholds:38 limitd in ProblemI-or the structure lower topological If to givenr and given types, topological thanforlower smaller area corresponding ofa surface-is really the
37 The characteristic and the character of orientability are the only topological invariants of our surfaces except forthe number k of contours. For one sided surfaces it is always possible to choose q either as 1 or as 2, or else to choose p as 0. 38 See Douglas loc. cit. footnote 5.




a then ProblemI has a solutiont which constitutes minimalsurface bounded r havingtheprescribed and moreover the by topological structure giving leastposof topological type. siblearea spannedby r in comparison all surfaces nothigher to To prove this theorem first we have to solve problemI along the lines of ?6 of sequence B. of domainsand securing excludingdegeneration the minimizing equicontinuity the minimizing of vectorsby means of the supposedinequalities. Then we have to verify that the solutionis a minimalsurface,eitherby the methodof ?6 or by the methodof ?7, the latterof whichrequiresa slightgeneralization the mappingtheorems ?7. The details,not essentially of of different fromthose in the precedingsections of this paper, will be given in another publication. In the same way as forN = 0 the solutioncan be recognized the solution as of the problemof least area. Concludingremarks. The methodsdevelopedin this paper permitapplicationsto variousothervariationalproblems. At thisplace it may onlybe stated that a slight allows us also to solve Plateau's Problemifthe boundmodification aries of the minimalsurfaceare not entirely fixed, but if parts of the boundary arcs are freeto move on prescribed of surfaces less than m dimensions. In this sequence of domains and case, under suitable assumptions,for a minimizing vectorsthe existenceof a limiting domainB again can be established. On the subsistson those parts which correboundaryC of the domain equicontinuity spond to fixed partsofthe boundaryr, whileforthe otherpartsof theboundary in of C of B a certainuniformity the approximation the points X(u,v) to points on the prescribed the surfacescan be establishedwhereafter solution proceeds simpleif in the same way as in this paper. The methodbecomesparticularly of thenonfixed are the boundary surfaces linearand therefore principle reflection can be applied to the construction the solution.39 of
39See a

paper by E. Rittersoon to appear.

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