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Towards True Islamie Unity Based upon the Book of Allah and

the Sunnah of His Hessenger

tompassionate Among Themselves
Hutual tompassion between Hembers of the Prophet`s Household
and the Rest of the tompanions,
]Hay Allah be pleased with all of them|
Sheikh Salih Ibn Abdullah As-Darweesh
Judge at the Crand tourt, gateef
Translated I,:
Abdur-Raafi Adewale Imaam
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 2
In the Name of Allah, the Host Benefieent, the Host Hereiful
All praise is dne to Allah. We praise Him and seeL for His
assistance. We seeL His refnge from the eil of onr own sonls and
from onr misdeeds. No one can mislead whoeer Allah gnides
and no one can gnide whoeer Allah canses to go astra,.
To proceed. the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) is indeed. the leader of manLind. This is an Jslamic
realit, npon which all Hnslims agree. And this agreement is a
great Ilessing for this Jmmah. Jn this. all praise and faonr
Ielong to Allah.
There is no consideration for the opinion of some who deiated
and Ielieed that some Jmams are greater than the Hessenger of
Allah. sollollooho oloyh| nosollom in terms of Lnowledge and
other qnalities.
There are scholars who are capaIle of
reinterpreting of proing the falsit, of all the narrations recorded
in these IooLs.
larit, of the statns of the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho
oloyh| nosollom), and that he is the owner of the Creat
Al-Majlisee has a chapter in his book, Bihaar al-Anwaar, titled: 'The imams are
more knowledgeable than the Pophets, 2/82. See also: Usool al-KaaIee, 1/227
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 3
Jntercession. the isited Jonntain and the ealted position in
this world and in the Hereafter. are facts that no one can den,.
The Ilessings of the Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) etended to the memIers of his honsehold and his
companions. Ha, Allah Ie pleased with all of them.
Therefore. memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold enjo, great
statns. There are man, Qnr`anic erses and nnmerons Ahadith
that snpported this. These eidences inclnde the mention of
those among them who Lept the compan, of the Hessenger of
Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) as the, inclnde the mention
of their offspring. The, also eplain their irtnes and ecellence.
Jqnall,. all aailaIle eidences concerning the merits of the
companions of the Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) appl, in the first degree. to memIers of his Honsehold
who had the hononr of Ieing among his ompanions.
Jn the first issne of these series. ompanionship of the Hessenger
of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) was discnssed. Jn the
following pages. J am going to discnss the mntnal compassion
that eisted among these ompanions. Jor. we shonld neer feel
tired of talLing aIont the merits and irtnes of Ieing a
ompanion of Allah`s Hessenger {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom).
and the fact that throngh Ielieing in and Leeping the compan,
of this Llessed Prophet Hnhammad. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) the title ompanion is earned.
Differences in their statns and positions in Ilissfnl Paradise
depend on their actions and their participation in )ihad with the
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 4
leader of the Hessengers. So are the differences in the ranLs of
the Jmigrants [al-Hnhajiroon] and the Helpers [al-Ansaar]
among them. and those who came after them. Allah promised all
of them great rewards. Allah. the Jalted sa,s.
nd nhot |s thc mottcr n|th yoo thot yoo scnd not |n thc Coosc o[
lloh? nd to lloh lclongs thc hcr|togc o[ thc hcoccns ond thc
corth. ot cqool omong yoo orc thosc nho scnt ond [ooght lc[orc thc
conqocr|ng {o[ Molloh, n|th thosc omong yoo nho d|d so lotcr).
Soch orc h|ghcr |n dcgrcc thon thosc nho scnt ond [ooght
o[tcrnords. Bot to oll lloh hos rom|scd thc lcst {rcnord). nd
lloh |s ll-norc o[ nhot yoo do.
All of the Prophet`s companions hae their merits and positions.
We need to nnderstand the importance of their companionship.
which is a statns in itself. We need to realize that their degrees
are in accordance with their deeds. The Prophet`s ompanions
are of categories: The earliest ones are the highest in degree.
these are followed I, those ompanions who hae the hononr of
Ieing the Prophet`s relaties - these are the pnre memIers of his
honsehold. Ha, Allah`s peace Ie npon them. and ma, He Ie
pleased with them. The, hae the comIined hononr of Ieing his
ompanions and haing Linship with him. Lnt their ranLs shall
Ie in accordance with their righteons deeds.
Dear reader. seeLing to Lnow canses of dissention among the
Jmmah and finding solntions to them are a recommended
Jslamic goal. The matter J am going to discnss here is a great
Al-Hadeed 57:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 5
issne whose impacts reall, tronIle the Jmmah. J am therefore
going to discnss onl, mntnal compassion that eisted among the
ompanions of the Prophet Hnhammad. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) - those of them who are memIers of his honsehold
and those who are not. Jn spite of conflicts that tooL place
among the ompanions. the, remained compassionate with one
another. This is the realit,. thongh the stor,-tellers might ignore
it and some historian might fail to notice it.
This realit, shall remain clear. destro,ing the m,ths and
imaginations of stor,-tellers which the people of desires and
political moties and the enemies seized npon to achiee their
goals and create disnnit, and ranconr among the Hnslims.
A Sineere tall
We are calling npon researchers. histor, writers of the Jmmah.
the adocates of nnit,. and those who talL aIont the danger and
impacts of gloIalization and the necessit, of nnit, in confronting
these: we are calling npon all those who are Leen on the well-
Ieing of this Jmmah: Wh, are we carelessl, stirring np
historical issnes that create onl, negatie impacts and generate
enmit,? Are we doing this to win the snpport of the masses or
Iecanse of a Ilind imitation or to earn a material gain?
Yon will Ie snrprised to find man, writers and researchers who
spend a lot of time and efforts worLing on historical or
ideological issnes that are Iased npon spnrions narrations. and
mere desires. There are een some among them who falsel,
Ieliee that the, hae performed an ecellent feat and arried at
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 6
scientific facts. withont Lnowing that all the, achieed throngh
their researches was nothing more than fragmentation of the
Jmmah. And when ,on asL them of the resnlts of their worLs
and efforts ,on will not get a nsefnl answer. The Iest in sitnation
among them will tell ,on that the research was for academic
pnrpose and nothing more'' Where then is the scientific
fonndation that he Iased his research npon?'
Jn the first part of this series in which we discnssed the essence of
companionship. we talLed aIont the perfect harmon, that
eisted Ietween the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) and his noIle companions and that it was an
oIligation of the Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) to edncate and pnrif, those who Ielieed in him.
These are the nnlettered people whom Allah hononred with
Ielief in Him Hessenger. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) and with
Ieing his ompanions. Allah sa,s.
Hc |t |s Who scnt omong thc onlcttcrcd oncs o Mcsscngcr
{Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m)) [rom omong thcmsclccs,
rcc|t|ng to thcm H|s Vcrscs, or|[y|ng thcm {[rom thc [|lth o[
d|slcl|c[ ond olythc|sm), ond tcoch|ng thcm thc Bool {th|s
or`oon, 1slom|c lons ond 1slom|c jor|srodcncc) ond l-H|lmoh
{s-Sonnoh: lcgol noys, ordcrs, octs o[ norsh| o[ Prohct
Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m)) nd ccr|ly, thcy hod lccn lc[orc
|n mon|[cst crror.
Al-Jumuah 62:2
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 7
These companions are those whom the Hessenger of merc, and
gnidance nnrtnred. pnrified and edncated.
We also discnssed aIont the harmon, that eisted Ietween the
Hessenger. the ommand and his arm,: and the Hessenger. the
Hodel and those who learned from him: and the Hessenger. the
NeighIonr and those who lied near him and with him: and the
Hessenger. the Leader and those who were nnder his anthorit,.
We discnssed aIont this harmon, in the first essa,. Yon can call
it first chapter if ,on liLe.
Dear reader. J Lnow that ,on hae no donIt that the Hessenger
of Allah: {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) ecellentl, and
meticnlonsl, performed the oIligation of cone,ing the Hessage.
and pnrif,ing and teaching his companions. The resnlts of this
pnrification are those commendaIle qnalities that Iecame part
of the character of his ompanions.
Jt is enongh an hononr that these companions are the Iest
commnnit, eer eoled for manLind. Allah sa,s.
Yoo {troc lcl|cccrs |n 1slom|c Monothc|sm, ond rcol [olloncrs o[
Prohct Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m) ond h|s Sonnoh) orc thc
lcst o[ colcs cccr ro|scd o [or monl|nd.
Ponder oer Allah's word. ro|scd o. Who raised them np and
gae them this statns? ompare this with the sa,ing of Allah.
The Iirst essay in these series is titled: 'Suhbatu rasoolillaah, sallallaahu alavhi
Aal-Imraan 3:110
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 8
Thos Wc hocc modc yoo {troc Mosl|ms - rcol lcl|cccrs o[ 1slom|c
Monothc|sm, troc [olloncrs o[ Prohct Mohommod {cocc lc oon
h|m) ond h|s Sonnoh {lcgol noys)) o jost {ond thc lcst) not|on,
thot yoo lc n|tncsscs occr monl|nd ond thc Mcsscngcr {Mohommod
{cocc lc oon h|m)) lc o n|tncss occr yoo.
The erses in which Allah descriIed them and praised them are
man,. Some of their distingnished deeds and erses relating to
that hae Ieen discnssed in the earlier essa,. so there is no need
to repeat them here.
Some of the qualities of the Prophet`s eompanions
Dear reader. rememIer that theirs is a nniqne generation that
ontshined other generations with distinct qnalities. The,
attained the hononr of Ieing the ompanions of Allah`s
Hessenger. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom). He nnrtnred. tanght
and refined them. He fonght the disIelieers with their snpport.
and the, were the ones who helped him.
Let ns hae a Leen looL at one of their characteristics that needs
to Ie stndied. elncidated and gien prominence. and that
Hnslims need to Lnow regardless of their factions and gronps.
Do ,on Lnow what that characteristic is? Jt is ompassion`.
Al-Baqarah 2:143
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 9
Why do we talk about this quality:
Dear reader. hae ,on eer reflected on the secret of this noIle
qnalit,? Yon will definitel, find man, reasons wh, this qnalit,
shonld Ie discnssed. Lnt. J`m going to tell ,on some of the
reasons in Irief.
une: Lecanse of the characteristic itself and the great meanings
it carries. and Iecanse of the fact that man, Qnr`anic erses and
Ahadith mention it. And. aIoe all. onr Lord. Clorified and
Jalted is He. is the Host-Leneficent. Host-Hercifnl.
Allah sa,s. while descriIing the Ieloed Prophet Hnhammad
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom):
Vcr|ly, thcrc hos comc onto yoo o Mcsscngcr {Mohommod {cocc
lc oon h|m)) [rom omongst yoorsclccs {|.c. nhom yoo lnon ncll).
1t gr|cccs h|m thot yoo shoold rccc|cc ony |njory or d|[[|colty. Hc
{Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m)) |s onx|oos occr yoo {to lc
r|ghtly go|dcd, to rccnt to lloh, ond lcg H|m to ordon ond [org|cc
yoor s|ns, |n ordcr thot yoo moy cntcr Porod|sc ond lc soccd [rom
thc on|shmcnt o[ thc Hcll-[|rc): [or thc lcl|cccrs {hc cocc lc oon
h|m |s) [oll o[ |ty, l|nd, ond mcrc|[ol.
The Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom). also said.
He who does not show merc, [to others] will not Ie shown
At-Tawbah 9:128
Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 10
Keeping on talLing aIont this qnalit, in itself will Ie length,.
and ,on are not oIliions of man, erses and Ahadith that
mention it.
Two: Allah selected this er, qnalit, while praising the
ompanions of the Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh|
The eclnsie selection of this character has eceptionall,
important Ienefits. Jt is. in fact. a scientific miracle to descriIe
them with that character. Jf one reflects deepl,. one will realize
that miracle.
Wh, did Allah mention this characteristic to the eclnsion of
The answer is: Jt is to pre-empt false accnsations that were not
Iorn then and that later to Iecome faonrite tales of the stor,-
tellers and those who came after them. And Allah Lnows Iest.
Allah sa,s.
Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m) |s thc Mcsscngcr o[ lloh. nd
thosc nho orc n|th h|m orc scccrc ogo|nst d|slcl|cccrs, ond mcrc|[ol
omong thcmsclccs. Yoo scc thcm lon|ng ond [oll|ng donn rostrotc
{|n roycr), sccl|ng Boonty [rom lloh ond {H|s) Cood Plcosorc.
Thc morl o[ thcm {|.c. o[ thc|r Fo|th) |s on thc|r [occs {[orchcods)
[rom thc troccs o[ rostrot|on {dor|ng roycrs).
Al-Fat`h 48:29
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 11
Three: The estaIlishment of the fact that the ompanions of the
Hessenger. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) are compassionate
among themseles and that this qnalit, of compassion is firm-
rooted in their hearts. refntes and rnIIishes narrations. whims
and tales that portra, them as Ieing hostile to one another. and
that enmit, was the order of the da, among them''
Jf it is now firml, estaIlished in ,onr heart that the ompanions
are compassionate to one another. ,on will hae peace of mind
and whateer misgiing hearts might hae harIonred against
those whom Allah commanded that we shonld snpplicate for.
will Ie remoed. Allah sa,s.
nd thosc nho comc o[tcr thcm soy: "0or Lord! Forg|cc os ond oor
lrcthrcn nho hocc rcccdcd os |n Fo|th, ond ot not |n oor hcorts
ony hotrcd ogo|nst thosc nho hocc lcl|cccd. 0or Lord! Yoo orc
|ndccd [oll o[ l|ndncss, Most Mcrc|[ol.
Four: One of the rnles approed I, the Hnslim researchers is
that importance is attached to Ioth the tet and the chains of
narrators. that stndies are carried ont on the tets of narrations
after the anthenticit, of the chain has Ieen estaIlished and that
the narrations shonld Ie snIjected to the tets of the Qnr`an and
the general principles of Jslam. Also. narrations are not stndies in
isolation. Int with other narrations. That is the research
methodolog, followed I, the erndite scholars.
Therefore. while stnd,ing historical narrations. the aIoe
methodolog, mnst Ie followed. Lnt it is er, nnfortnnate that
Al-Hashr 59:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 12
[man,] researchers hae aIandoned the stnd, of chains of
narrators and stnd, onl, the narrations that are in the IooLs of
histor, and literatnre. And those who showed concern for chains
of narrators neglect the tets of the narrations and fail to snIject
them to the tets of the Qnr`an.
Dear reader. Iefore ,on start jndging others and hastil,
apportioning Ilames as a resnlt of ,onr so-called Lnowledge of
histor,. the information ,on inherit from ,onr famil, or ont
emotional feelings. panse a little Iit and read the eidences that
J mentioned here. Thongh these eidences ma, looL nnfamiliar
in spite of their clarit,. simplicit, and the strength of its
meanings. ,et. the, hae practical realit,. Ponder oer the
following erse which is the last erse of Snrah al-Jath:
Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m) |s thc Mcsscngcr o[ lloh. nd
thosc nho orc n|th h|m orc scccrc ogo|nst d|slcl|cccrs, ond mcrc|[ol
omong thcmsclccs. Yoo scc thcm lon|ng ond [oll|ng donn rostrotc
{|n roycr), sccl|ng Boonty [rom lloh ond {H|s) Cood Plcosorc.
Thc morl o[ thcm {|.c. o[ thc|r Fo|th) |s on thc|r [occs {[orchcods)
[rom thc troccs o[ rostrot|on {dor|ng roycrs). Th|s |s thc|r
dcscr|t|on |n thc Toort {Toroh). Bot thc|r dcscr|t|on |n thc
1njccl {Coscl) |s l|lc o {sonn) sccd nh|ch scnds [orth |ts shoot,
thcn molcs |t strong, ond thcn lccomcs th|cl ond |t stonds stro|ght
on |ts stcm, dcl|ght|ng thc soncrs, thot Hc moy cnrogc thc d|slcl|cccrs
n|th thcm. lloh hos rom|scd thosc omong thcm nho lcl|ccc {|.c.
oll thosc nho [ollon 1slom|c Monothc|sm, thc rcl|g|on o[ Prohct
Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m) t|ll thc Doy o[ Bcsorrcct|on) ond
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 13
do r|ghtcoos good dccds, [org|ccncss ond o m|ghty rcnord {|.c.
Allah also sa,s.
nd thosc nho comc o[tcr thcm soy: "0or Lord! Forg|cc os ond oor
lrcthrcn nho hocc rcccdcd os |n Fo|th, ond ot not |n oor hcorts
ony hotrcd ogo|nst thosc nho hocc lcl|cccd. 0or Lord! Yoo orc
|ndccd [oll o[ l|ndncss, Most Mcrc|[ol.
So. read the aIoe erses and ponder oer their meanings. ma,
Allah protect ,on'
Al-Fat`h 48:29
Al-Hashr 59:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 14
Seetion une:
Essenee of a Name
Name carries a meaning aIont its Iearer. Jt is his title I, which
he is distingnished from others. That has Ieen the people`s wa,.
No sane person will donIt the importance of the name. for it is
I, it that the new Iorn is Lnown and distingnished from his
siIlings. The name Iecomes his s,mIol and that of his children
after him. When a man dies his name lies on after him.
Jn AraIic Langnage. the word |sm` [which means name]. is
deried from the word somonn` that means: highness. or from
nosm` that means: s,mIol.
And all this indicates the importance of a name for the newIorn.
The importance of a name to the father is er, clear. Jt indicates
his religion and wisdom. Or hae ,on eer heard a hristian or a
)ew naming his son Hnhammad? Or hae ,on eer heard
Hnslims naming their children olloot or ol-o::o ecept those
who hae deiated?
The son is linLed to his father throngh the name. and the father
and memIers of the famil, call their children with the names
the, chose for them. The name is them freqnentl, nsed among
memIers of the famil,. There an old adage that sa,s: Jrom
,onr name. J Lnow who ,onr father is.
See: 'Tasmiyah al-mawlood Iil-Islaam, by Shaykh Bakr Aboo Zayd
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 15
The importanee of a name in Islam:
The importance that the Shari'ah attached to names is enongh
an indication of the weight that this issne carries in the religion
of Jslam. The Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)
changed the names of some of his male and female ompanions.
He een changed the name of his cit, that nsed to Ie Lnown as
Yothr|l` to ol-Mod|noh`.
He commanded that none shonld Ie called Ling of Lings` and
the liLe. He said. The lowliest person in Allah's estimation is a
man who calls himself Ling of Lings`.
The Ieloed Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)
then adised that names liLe AIdnllah` and AIdnr-Jahman`
shonld Ie adopted. for these names show their Iearers`
affirmation of their seritnde to Allah and that He alone the, do
worship. The Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)
said. The dearest names to Allah are: ldolloh and ldor-
The Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) loed nice
names and regarded them as good omens. This is Lnown in his
gnidance. ma, Allah Iestow peace and Ilessings npon him and
his honsehold'
And it is an estaIlished rnle in the iew of scholars of Jslamic
principles of jnrisprndence and the lingnists that names hae
their indications and meanings. This topic is etensiel,
discnssed in IooLs of lingnistics and Jslamic principles of
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 16
Is it reasonable:!
Dear reader. do not Ie in hnrr, and do not Ie snrprised. Jead on
with me and follow the answers with me' What will ,on name
,onr son? Will ,on choose for him a name that ,on. his mother
and ,onr famil, loe. or will ,on name him after ,onr enemies?
So. we choose for onrseles names that hae meanings to ns and
,et we den, the right to do the same to those who are the Iest of
manLind and we pnt forth for them an illogical rationalization
that the, chose names of their children for political and social
reasons. as opposed to the people`s cnstom?'' hoosing of name.
we claim. was meaningless to these ecellent people??''
The wise men and the leaders of this Jmmah. and those who
possessed sense of hononr concerning themseles and their
progen, are denied the least of the hnman meanings: the, are
not allowed to name their children after their loed ones and
their Irethren in faith as a sign of recognition for the latter`s
ecellence and their loe for them. and the, rather named some
of their children after their enemies??'' Js this IelieaIle?''
Jt needs to Ie made Lnown that it was not a mere naming of a
single indiidnal. Int rather of a gronp of children: and it was
not after forgetting a centnries-old hostilit,. No' The naming
rather tooL place dnring the peaL of hostilit, - according to their
claim. Lnt we sa,: The naming tooL place at the peaL of loe.
This is a er, important issne that needs to Ie stndied. Iecanse it
has er, great implications. Jt inclndes refntation of tales. whims
and illnsor, stories: and it inclndes addressing the sonl and the
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 17
sentiments and conincing the people of reason. The issne is.
therefore. impossiIle to Ie refnted or twisted.
The Real Issue:
Ali JIn AIee TaliI: Jt is ont of his ferent loe for the three
caliphs preceding him that he named some of his sons after them.
The, are:
-AIn LaLr JIn Ali JIn AIee TaliI. who was mart,red at
KarIalaa along with his Irother Hnssain. ma, Allah Iestow
peace and Ilessings npon him and npon their grandfather'
-Jmar JIn Ali JIn AIee TaliI. who was also mart,red at
KarIalaa along with his Irother Hnssain. ma, Allah Iestow
peace and Ilessings npon them and npon their grandfather'
-Jthman JIn Alee who was also mart,red at KarIalaa along
with his Irother Hnssain. Ha, Allah Iestow peace and Ilessings
npon them and npon their grandfather'
-As for al-Hasan JIn Alee JIn AIee TaliI. he named his sons
with following names: AIn LaLr JIn al-Hasan. Jmar JIn al-
Hasan and Talha JIn al-Hasan. all of whom fonght the Iattle of
KarIalaa on the side of their nncle al-Hnssain.
Al-Hnssain also named one of his sons after Jmar.
As for the leader of the Snccessors. Ali JIn al-Hnssain popnlarl,
Lnown as Za,nnl-AaIideen` and the fonrth Jmam. he named
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 18
his danghter A,sha and named his son Jmar. and he has
There are other memIers of the Prophet`s honsehold from among
the descendants of AIIas JIn AIdnl-mnttaliI. )a`far JIn AIee
TaliI. Hnslim JIn Aqeel and others. Here is not the place to
mention all the names. Jew eamples are enongh.
There are some among the Shiites who den, the fact that Ali
and his sons gae their children these names. This is definitel, a
sa,ing of those who hae no Lnowledge of lineages and names.
and hae little Lnowledge of IooLs. Lnt memIers of this gronp
are few in nnmIer: all praise is dne to Allah.
The leading Shiite scholars and leaders hae disproed this
Iecanse: the proofs for the eistence of these names are eplicit
throngh the children of those who are so-named and in the light
of the approed Shiite sonrces. Jen in narrations aIont the
traged, of KarIalaa where Jmam al-Hnssain JIn Ali was
mart,red. a mention is made of AIn LaLr JIn Ali JIn AIee
TaliI. AIn LaLr JIn al-Hasan JIn Ali and others who hae
Ieen earlier mentioned.
All the aIoe were mart,red along with al-Hnssain. And the
Shiites mentioned this in their IooLs. Lnt do not sa, that ,on do
See: KashI al-ghumma 2/334; al-Fusool al-muhimmah 283. You will also Iind
these names among all the twelve imams. The Shiite scholars have discussed that
and made mention oI the names. See, Ior instance: I`laam al-waraa, by at-Tabarsee
p.203; al-Irshaad al-muIeed p186 and al-Ya`qoobee in his Taareekh, 2/213
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 19
not hear these names at Hosoyn|yyoot or in the celeIrations of
oshooro. The fact that the, are not mentioned on these
occasions does not mean that their Iearers did not eist. Jmar
JIn Ali JIn AIee TaliI and Jmar JIn al-Hasan were among
the renowned and tested caaliers of that da,.
Jn short. the Shiites hae failed to prodnce a conincing answer
as to wh, those the, claim to Ie their leaders named their
children after AIn LaLr. Jmar. Jthman. A,sha and others
among other leading ompanions of the Prophet Hnhammad.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom). Therefore. we conld not strip
names from meanings as we conld not regard this fact as
something that some Ahl-ns-Snnnah smnggled into Shiite IooLs.
This will mean that all narrations of all the Shiite IooLs are
Jt is a haIit of the Shiites to condemn eer, narration the, do
not liLe as smnggled and faLe. Jt is rather a cnstom of a Shiite
scholar to carelessl, dismiss eer, narration that does not match
his desire as something that is smnggled into their IooLs: this is
more so since eer, one of their scholars has the priilege to
haphazardl, accept or reject narrations''
Don`t ,on thinL it wonld Ie ironicall, amnsing and distressing to
hear that these leaders named their children after the earlier-
mentioned eminent ompanions in order to insnlt them. or in
order to win the hearts of the masses. that Jmam Ali gae his
children these names to maLe people Ieliee that he loed the
caliphs and that he was pleased with them [i.e. practicing
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 20
Solhonolloh' Js it snitaIle to sa, that the Jmam engaged in
practices in order to deceie his followers and the masses?' And
how conld the Jmam harm his children I, doing this??
Then. who are those the Jmam is tr,ing to win their faonr with
these names? Snrel,. his celeIrated Iraeness and sense of
hononr shonld definitel, preent him from disgracing himself
and his children Iecanse of Lann Ta,m.
or Lann Adi,,
Lann Jma,,ah
The Leen stndent of histor, of Jmam Ali will certainl, realize
that he was one of the Iraest men. as opposed to faIricated
narrations that seeL to portra, him as a coward who conld not
rise np to defend his religion. hononr or dignit,. Lnt
nnfortnnatel,. man, are these faLe narrations.
Jt can therefore. Ie conclnded that what the Jmams. Ali and his
sons did. is one of the strongest logical. ps,chological and
practical proofs of sincere loe that memIers of the Prophet`s
honsehold had for the righteons gnided caliphs and other
ompanions of the Prophet Hnhammad. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom). Yon are also a witness to this indispntaIle realit,.
This realit, is confirmed I, Allah`s word:
Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m) |s thc Mcsscngcr o[ lloh. nd
thosc nho orc n|th h|m orc scccrc ogo|nst d|slcl|cccrs, ond mcrc|[ol
omong thcmsclccs. Yoo scc thcm lon|ng ond [oll|ng donn rostrotc
The clan oI Aboo Bakr
Umar`s clan
Mu`aawiyah`s clan
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 21
{|n roycr), sccl|ng Boonty [rom lloh ond {H|s) Cood Plcosorc.
Thc morl o[ thcm {|.c. o[ thc|r Fo|th) |s on thc|r [occs {[orchcods)
[rom thc troccs o[ rostrot|on {dor|ng roycrs).
Dear reader. ,on are adised to read the aIoe erse again and
reflect npon its meaning. Then reflect npon the qnalit, of merc,
with which Allah descriIed the ompanions in the erse.
Al-Fat`h 48:29
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 22
Seetion Two:
Relationship by Harriage
Dear reader. ,onr danghter is a part of ,on and the frnit of ,onr
heart. Whom will ,on marr, her to? Will ,on Ie pleased to
marr, her to a sinfnl criminal who mnrdered her mother and her
Irother? What does the epression. H, in-law is m, Linsman`
mean to ,on?
Jn-laws are relaties of the wife or hnsIand liLe fathers. Irothers
etc. Allah connted relationship I, marriage as one of His signs.
He sa,s.
nd |t |s Hc Who hos crcotcd mon [rom notcr, ond hos oo|ntcd
[or h|m l|ndrcd ly llood, ond l|ndrcd ly morr|ogc. nd yoor Lord
|s 1ccr ll-Poncr[ol to do nhot Hc n|lls.
Hae a deep reflection on this erse and see how Allah maLes
man related to others throngh Ilood and marriage' Jelationship
I, marriage is a connection that Allah mentions along with
Ilood relationship. Llood relations are the father`s relaties. Int
some scholars Ieliee that it inclndes Ioth father`s and mother`s
Al-Furqan 25:54
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 23
So. the fact that Allah mentions relationship I, Ilood and
relationship I, marriage together has great meanings that
shonld not neglected.
Relationship by marriage in history:
Jelationship I, marriage occnpied a special place in the AraI
cnltnre. The, loed Ieing prond of their lineage. and the, loe
Ieing prond of hnsIands of their danghters and their positions.
The AraIs did not marr, their danghters to those the, felt were
inferior to them. That was the popnlar practice among them.
This practice is also fonnd among other races. Jacial segregation
is. in fact. seen toda, as one of the most serions social proIlems
in the West.
The AraIs were er, protectie of their womenfolL. and this led
some of them to Inrr, their female IaIies alie in apprehension
of shame. Llood are shed and wars are started Iecanse of this.
Jffects of this still eist np to onr contemporar, age. as it is clear
to the dear reader.
Relationship by marriage in Islam:
Jslam and estaIlished the snIlime qnalities. Jt enjoined
commendaIle traits and forIade the repnlsie ones. Allah
eplains that what connts in His estimation is nothing Int piet,.
He sa,s.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 24
Vcr|ly, thc most honoorollc o[ yoo n|th lloh |s thot {lcl|cccr) nho
hos t-|cty.
Then ,on find the Jslamic )nrists etensiel, researching the
issne of compatiIilit, as far as religion. lineage. profession and
other related matters are concerned. Among issnes raised in this
research are: Js compatiIilit, a condition for the alidit, or
effectieness of a marriage? Js compatiIilit, the eclnsie right
of the wife or it is a right shared I, her gnardians as well? There
are other topics that came np in their research concerning
oncerning the issne of protecting the dignit, and haing sense
of hononr concerning the women. the Hessenger of Allah.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) regarded a man who is Lilled in
defence of his hononr as a mart,r. He. himself. has in fact. led a
war against the )ews when the, stripped a Hnslim woman of her
coer. The stor, of the )ewish clan of Lann Qa,nnqa who
iolated their coenant with the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho
oloyh| nosollom) is well-Lnown.
The stor,. in Irief. goes thns: A )ew reqnested from a Hnslim
girl. from whom he wanted to In, gold. to reeal her face which
she refnsed to do. He then tied the edge of her dress while she
was sitting down. When she rose np to go. her naLedness was
reealed. She screamed for help and a Hnslim ,onth nearI,
came to her help. Lilling the icions )ew. The )ews then
assemIled and Lilled the ,onng man. Jt is this incidence and
Al-Hujuraat 49:13
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 25
other misdeeds of theirs that indicated their iolation of their
coenant with the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) that led to that war.
Dear reader. ponder oer Jslamic rnles liLe the necessit, of the
gnardian`s approal and aailaIilit, of witnesses in alidit, of
marriage. the prescriIed pnnishment for falsel, accnsing
someone of adnlter, and the prescriIed pnnishment for
committing adnlter, and fornication and other rnles whose goals
is to protect the hononr. Jn the conrse of reflecting npon these
rnles. their wisdom and Ienefits and the wonderfnl legislations
the, entail. ,on will realize the importance of this topic.
Jelationship I, marriage leads to man, rnles. Ponder oer the
legislation of marriage contract which is descriIed in the Qnr`an
as a solcmn coccnont`. The man comes forward to maLe marriage
proposal. which has its rnles. and his proposal ma, Ie accepted
or rejected: the snitor seeLs the help of his famil, and friends in
order to hae his proposal accepted: and the famil, and
gnardians of the woman asL aIont the snitor whom the, hae
the right to accept or reject. Jen if the snitor has presented
gifts to the woman and hastil, paid the Iridal mone, [mohr].
the, still hae the right to reject him as long as the marriage
contract has not ,et Ieen made.
Jn contracting marriage. there shonld Ie witnesses. Annonncing
the marriage is also a matter reqnested I, Jslam. wh,? Lecanse
of rnles that resnlt from the marriage liLe Iringing alien persons
closer and tnrning them into relaties throngh marriage. and
maLing some women permanentl, forIidden for the hnsIand to
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 26
marr, Iecanse of the marriage. or temporaril, forIidden for him
as long as he is married to his present wife. The topic of this
treatise will not allow ns to elncidate fnrther. we onl, want to
remind onrseles of the importance of the issne. Then reflect
npon the following:
Example une: The sister of al-Hasan and al-Hnssain: her father
Ali JIn AIee TaliI married her to Jmar JIn al-KhattaI. Are
we then going to sa, that Alee married his danghter to Jmar
ont of his fear for him?' Jf it is so. where then is his Iraeness?
Where is his loe for his danghter? Js it reasonaIle to sa, that he
married his danghter to a t,rant?? Jf that is so. where then is his
sense of hononr for the religion of Allah?? Han, endless
Or shall we sa, that Ali married his danghter to Jmar ont of
his loe for him and his Ielief in him? Jactl,' Jmar married
Ali`s danghter in a legal. alid Jslamic marriage that was free of
an, Ilemish.
This marriage was also an epression of contact and loe that
eisted Ietween the two families. Wh, not? The Hessenger of
Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) was married to Jmar`s
danghter' The marriage relationship. therefore. eisted Ietween
the two families een Iefore Jmar married Jmm Knlthoom.
Ali`s danghter.
I`ll later mention quotations Irom Shiite scholars in conIirmation oI this and in
reIutation oI Ialse accusations that claim otherwise.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 27
Example Two: Jt is enongh to qnote the sa,ing of Jmam )a`far
as-Sadiq that goes thns: J am Iorn I, AIn LaLr twice. Do ,on
Lnow who )a`far`s mother is? She is Jarwah Iint al-Qasim JIn
Hnhammad JIn AIn LaLr'
Dear wise reader. wh, did )a`far sa, AIn LaLr` and did not sa,.
Hnhammad JIn AIn LaLr`? He deliIeratel, and clearl,
mentioned the name of AIn LaLr Iecanse the Shiites did not
acLnowledge his ecellence and snperiorit,. Int the,
nnanimonsl, acLnowledged the ecellence of his son
Hnhammad' Now tell me. of whom does a person feel prond??
Dear reader. intermingling of the lineages of the ompanions.
the Jmigrants and the Helpers. is something Lnown to those
who are conersant with their lineages. Jen the freed slaes
among them married into prominent and noIle families of
Qnra,sh. Zaid JIn Haritha. who was the onl, ompanion who
had his name mentioned in the Qnr`an in Snrah al-AhzaaI. was
married to whom? He was married to Za,naI Iint )ahsh who
was later to Iecome a mother of the Ielieers'
The Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) married
Jatimah Iint Qa,s. who is from Qnra,sh. to Jsamah JIn Za,d.
the son of his freed-slae. There was another ompanion Lnown
as Salim. who was also a freed-slae. AIn Hndha,fah. married
to him his niece. Hind Iint al-Walid JIn JtIah JIn JaIee`ah.
and her father was one of the leaders of Qnra,sh.
And her mother is Asma bint Abdur-Rahman ibn Abu Bakr. See: Umdah at-
taalibeen, p195, Tehran; and al-KaaIi, 1/472
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 28
There are man, other eamples of estaIlished marriage
relationships among the ompanions. J am going to mention
here onl, few eamples of marriages that tooL place Ietween
memIers of the Prophet`s honsehold and the righteons
Do ,on Lnow that Jmar married the danghter of Jatimah. who
was the Prophet`s danghter?
And )a`far`s mother has Ieen mentioned earlier. Then who is
)a`far`s grandmother? His grandmother was AIn LaLr`s
danghter while his mother was AIn LaLr`s granddanghter.
Dear reader. shnn the whispers of Satan and thinL serionsl, and
deepl,. Yon are a Hnslim and the statns of intelligence with
which Allah endowed ,on is not nnclear to ,on. Also. the erses
in which Allah enjoins reflection and thinLing are man,.
Therefore. we hae to thinL and nse onr common sense. We hae
to shnn Ilind imitation. We shonld not allow the people of
falsehood to pla, npon onr intelligence. We seeL Allah`s
protection against the deils among men and jinn.
Dear reader. will ,on Ie pleased if ,onr father and grandfathers
are insnlted and if ,on are told that the leader among ,onr
womenfolL married in spite of the opposition of ,onr entire clan?
Do ,on liLe some people to sa, aIont a female memIer of ,onr
famil,: That is a woman that we raished`?
Js there an, mind that conld accept this nonsense or is there an,
heart that conld Ie pleased with this tale?
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 29
We Ieseech Allah to pnt not in onr hearts an, resentment
towards those who hae Ielieed' O Allah. grant ns the loe of
the righteons among ,onr serants' Accept onr snpplications. O
Lord of all the worlds'
Lefore we proceed to the section three. the following are some
qnotations from approed Shiite IooLs and from their
recognized scholars that affirmed Jmm Knlthoom`s marriage to
The renowned historian and genealogist. Jmam Safi,,nd-deen
Hnhammad JIn Tajnd-deen Lnown as JIn Taqtaqee al-Hasanee
d.09 A.H. in page 8 of his IooL which he dedicated to Aseelnd-
deen Hasan iIn Naseernd-deen at-Toosee. the companion of
[Hongolian emperor] Hnlagn. mentioned the names of danghters
of the commander of the faithfnl. Ali iIn AIn TaliI and said:
And Jmm Knlthoom: her mother was Jatimah. the Prophet`s
danghter. Jmar JIn al-KhattaaI married her and he had I, her
a son named Za,d. And after the death of Jmar. AIdnllah JIn
)a`far married her.
The editor of the IooL. S,ed Hahdi ar-Jajaa`ee mentioned
qnotations among which is the sa,ing of the erndite Shiite
scholar. AIn al-Hasan al-Jmari - descendant of Jmar iIn Ali
iIn al-Hnssain - in his IooL al-Hajdee`: The reliaIle narration
is what we hae seen earlier that it was AIIas who married her
[i.e. Jmm Knlthoom] to her hnsIand Jmar with the consent of
her father. Ali: and she Iore Jmar a son named Za,d.
He also mentioned other iews concerning Jmm Knlthoom`s
marriage to Jmar. Among these iews are: The one whom
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 30
Jmar married was a female deil: or that he did not
consnmmate the marriage with her or that he married her
forciIl,. among other incorrect iews.
Another erndite Shiite scholar. al-Hajlisee said. So was al-
Hnfeed`s denial of the incidence [Jmm Knlthoom`s marriage to
Jmar] in its entiret,. This is an indication that the narrations
affirming that are not regarded as anthentic in their own
estimation. Jor. after the qnotation of those narrations and
others that will soon come with their chains of narrators that
when Jmar died. Ali JIn AIn TaliI isited Jmm Knlthoom
and tooL her to his honse. among other things that are
mentioned in the IooL. Lihaar al-anwaar`. the afore-mentioned
denial is indeed strange. The correct jnstification that can Ie
made for this marriage is that it tooL place ont of Toqyoh
[dissimilation] and necessit,.
H, response to the aIoe is: The anthor of al-Kaafee had
mentioned a nnmIer of Ahadith in his IooL on the rnle
concerning a woman whose hnsIand has died. as to where she is
to oIsere the period of waiting and other things that are
incnmIent on her. He qnoted a Hadith with his chain of
narrators that AIn AIdnllah was asLed concerning the woman
whose hnsIand has jnst died. as to whether she shonld oIsere
her period of waiting in her honse or whereer she liLes? He
answered that she conld oIsere it whereer she liLes. for when
See: Mir`aah al-uqool, 2/45
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 31
Jmar. Jmm Knlthoom`s hnsIand died. her father Ali isited
her and tooL her to his honse.
Dear reader. J hae discnssed the marriage with some
contemporar, Shiite scholars. and among the most Ieantifnl
responses is the one penned down I, the jndge of the onrt of
Awqaaf and Jnheritance Affairs. SheiLh AIdnl-Hamid al-
Khattee. He wrote: As for Jmam Ali`s giing the hand of his
danghter. Jmm Knlthoom in marriage to Jmar. there is no
disagreement in that. Jn fact. he had a good model in the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) in this. and the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) is the
eemplar per ecellence for eer, Hnslim. He married Jmm
HaIiIah. danghter of AIn Snf,an. and AIn Snf,an was far
Ielow Jmar in statns. Therefore. all the donIts Ieing raised
concerning the marriage of Jmm Knlthoom to Jmar are
aIsolntel, nnjnstifiaIle.
As for ,onr argnment that it was a deil who showed itself to
Jmar in the form of Jmm Knlthoom. this is paradoicall,
amnsing and saddening. Jt is an argnment that deseres no
consideration whatsoeer. Jf we hae to continne mentioning
similar lies and faIrications. we will snrel, see lots of them that
are ironicall, amnsing and distressing.
Lnt the Sha,Lh did not maLe mention of the essence of that
marriage relationship. the role it pla,ed in strengthening famil,
ties. that it tooL place with the satisfaction of all the parties
See: Al-Furoo min al-KaaIee, 6/115
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 32
concerned and that it fostered loe. Irotherhood and harmon,
among the in-laws.
Dear reader. ,on are not nnaware of the clear difference that is
in the marriage of a Hnslim man to a )ewish or hristian
woman. This is permissiIle. Lnt the opposite is not.
Jn nntshell. marriage relationship among the ompanions of the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) is clear.
especiall,. Ietween the children of the Jmam Ali JIn AIn TaliI
and the children of the other righteons predecessors. Jqnall,
clear are the well-Lnown marriage relationships that tooL place
Ietween memIers of Lani Jma,,ah and Lani Hashim clans
Iefore and after the adent of Jslam. The most celeIrated of this
is the marriage of the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) to the danghter of AIn Snf,an.
The Iottom line here is to point to some ps,chological and social
Ienefits of relationship I, marriage. the greatest of which is the
mntnal loe that eists Ietween the two families. There are
man, other Ienefits. and the mentioned ones shonld Ie enongh
an eample. All snccess Ielongs to Allah.
See the appendix at the end oI this booklet.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 33
Seetion Three
Evidenee of Praise
Dear reader. hae ,on eer lied in a strange land in a compan,
and far awa, from ,onr famil,. triIe and ,onr illage? How
were those ,ears of eile? Did ,on lie in a militar, IarracL
among strange people or among ,onr friends?
Dear reader. did ,on lie in poert, and persecntion along with
,onr companions with whom ,on share the same religion that
comIines Ietween reason and passion? What is ,onr iew aIont
those who had all the aIoe eperiences and were all friends and
companions in times of ease and hardship. and in the compan, of
whom was the Iest of manLind. Hnhammad. {sollollooho oloyh|
The Prophet`s ompanions. especiall, the earliest ones. had all
the aIoe eperiences. Their social life was different. with its
special characteristics. An,one who stndies the Seerah or has
een a simple Lnowledge aIont the life of the Ieloed Prophet
Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) Lnows this.
Dear reader. J Ieliee that in the conrse of ,onr reading of these
pages. ,on are traelling with me into the annals of histor,.
when the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) was
in the Honse of Arqam calling nnto the religion of Allah secretl,.
Then after Jslam Iecame manifest there. his noIle ompanions
migrated to the strange land of AI,ssinia. and then to al-
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 34
Hadinah. leaing Iehind their families. properties and
Jmagine how their sitnations wonld Ie in long and tortnrons
jonrne,s maLe on the IacLs of camels and. in man, cases. on
foot. The, all lied a life of fear and siege while in al-Hadinah
dnring the Lattle of Trench. The, passed throngh deserts and
desolate lands in the Lattle of TaIooL. eperienced ictories in
the Lattle of Ladr. Trench. Kha,Iar. Hnna,n. and Iefore all
that. the, entered HaLLah ictorionsl, and gallantl,.
)nst reflect oer ps,chological impacts of all this. Jmagine how
mnch the, wonld loe one another. Do not forget that the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) was with
them. Jor. he was their leader. nnrtnrer and teacher. Also
rememIer that the Qnr`an was Ieing reealed from the Lord of
the heaens and the earth to the leader of this gronp.
Hnhammad. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom).
Ponder again oer the sitnation of these people: Their hearts
were in nnit, and harmon, in their in Ielief in and loe for the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom). He tanght
them and lied with them while the Qnr`an was Ieing reealed.
Jeflect oer those da,s and stances. Hnch has Ieen said aIont
this in the first part of these series [ompanion with the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)].
There is no donIt that mntnal loe and affection were prealent
among the ompanions of the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho
oloyh| nosollom). Allah testifies to this when He sa,s.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 35
nd rcmcmlcr llohs Focoor on yoo, [or yoo ncrc cncm|cs onc to
onothcr lot Hc jo|ncd yoor hcorts togcthcr, so thot, ly H|s Crocc, yoo
lccomc lrcthrcn {|n 1slom|c Fo|th).
Please. taLe a second looL at the meaning of the aIoe erse: A
testimon, from Allah for the ompanions of His Hessenger.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) that it was He Who jo|ncd yoor
hcorts togcthcr`. This is Allah`s faonr npon the ompanions of
His Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom). and no
one can preent His faonr'
Yes. there was a fier, enmit, Ietween the triIes of Aws and al-
Khazraj. Int Allah remoed that enmit, and replaced it with
loe and harmon,.
Dear reader. it Irings ,on no harm to Ieliee in this and to hae
a good opinion of the ompanions of the Hessenger of Allah.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom). Their Lord has attested to their
ecellence and reminded them of His faonr npon them I,
maLing them Irethren with pnre hearts in which mntnal loe
and harmon, were deepl, entrenched. What connts is the
general application of the tet and not a particnlar case. A proof
in snpport of this rnle is the sa,ing of Allah.
nd |[ thcy |ntcnd to dccc|cc yoo, thcn ccr|ly, lloh |s ll-
So[[|c|cnt [or yoo. Hc |t |s Who hos soortcd yoo n|th H|s Hcl
ond n|th thc lcl|cccrs. nd Hc hos on|tcd thc|r {|.c. lcl|cccrs)
hcorts. 1[ yoo hod scnt oll thot |s |n thc corth, yoo coold not hocc
Aal-Imraan 3:103
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 36
on|tcd thc|r hcorts, lot lloh hos on|tcd thcm. Ccrto|nly Hc |s ll-
M|ghty, ll-W|sc.
Dear reader. ponder oer the aIoe erses and read them again
and again. Allah reminds His Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho
oloyh| nosollom). that it was He Who Ilessed him with Victor,
and with the Ielieers. What concerns ns more here is the fact
that if the Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)
had spent all the wealth of this world. he wonld not hae Ieen
aIle to join his ompanions` hearts together. So. the faonr here
Ielongs to Allah.
Jn spite of this. some people still den, this fact and can`t help
Int disagree with the clear erses of the Qnr`an and claim that
enmit, what was prealent among the Prophet`s ompanions''
The Almight, Allah informs ns that He joined their hearts
together. nnited them. made them Irethren and made them
compassionate among themseles. Yet. tales and false narrations
are still Ieing repeated that hostilities were rife among them''
There are man, erses - some qnoted aIoe - in which the
ompanions are praised and in which their qnalities and actions
were mentioned and commended. One of these qnalities is their
altrnism that was a prodnct of the mntnal loe that eisted
among them. Allah. the Jalted sa,s.
{nd thcrc |s olso o shorc |n th|s looty) [or thc oor cm|gronts, nho
ncrc cxcllcd [rom thc|r homcs ond thc|r rocrty, sccl|ng Boont|cs
Al-AnIal 8:62-63
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 37
[rom lloh ond to lcosc H|m, ond hcl|ng lloh {|.c. hcl|ng H|s
rcl|g|on) ond H|s Mcsscngcr {Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m))
Soch orc |ndccd thc troth[ol {to nhot thcy soy). nd {|t |s olso [or)
thosc nho, lc[orc thcm, hod homcs {|n l-Mod|noh) ond hod
odotcd thc Fo|th, locc thosc nho cm|grotc to thcm, ond hocc no
jcoloosy |n thc|r lrcosts [or thot nh|ch thcy hocc lccn g|ccn {[rom thc
looty o[ Boni n-odir), ond g|cc thcm {cm|gronts) rc[crcncc
occr thcmsclccs cccn thoogh thcy ncrc |n nccd o[ thot. nd nhosocccr
|s soccd [rom h|s onn cocctoosncss, soch orc thcy nho n|ll lc thc
There are man, other erses with this meaning. The one we
qnoted aIoe is jnst an eample of erses that indicate the
ompanions` loe for one another and that this loe is deep-
rooted in their hearts.
As ,on can clearl, see. there are man, erses from the Qnr`aan
on the qnalities of altrnism. Irotherhood. friendship and
harmon, that affirm the qnalit, of loe. There are a nnmIer of
eplicit Qnr`anic tets on this. LooL at the aIoe erses. ,on will
realize the affirmation of the loe that the Helpers had for their
Jmigrant Irethren. also ponder oer the last erse of Snrah al-
Here is a stor, that Ali al-ArIilee narrated in his IooL. Kashf
from Jmam Ali iIn al-Hnssain. ma, Allah Ie
pleased with them. He wrote:
Al-Hashr 59:8-9
2/78; Iran
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 38
A gronp of people came to the Jmam from Jraq and spoLe ill of
AIn LaLr. Jmar and Jthman in his presence. When the,
finished he asLed them. Tell me. are ,on the earliest Jmigrants
aIont whom Allah sa,s.
nho ncrc cxcllcd [rom thc|r homcs ond thc|r rocrty, sccl|ng
Boont|cs [rom lloh ond to lcosc H|m, ond hcl|ng lloh {|.c.
hcl|ng H|s rcl|g|on) ond H|s Mcsscngcr {Mohommod {cocc lc
oon h|m)) Soch orc |ndccd thc troth[ol {to nhot thcy soy)
The, said: No.` He then asLed them: Are ,on the Helpers.
aIont whom Allah sa,s.
thosc nho, lc[orc thcm, hod homcs {|n l-Mod|noh) ond hod
odotcd thc Fo|th, locc thosc nho cm|grotc to thcm, ond hocc no
jcoloosy |n thc|r lrcosts [or thot nh|ch thcy hocc lccn g|ccn {[rom thc
looty o[ Boni n-odir), ond g|cc thcm {cm|gronts) rc[crcncc
occr thcmsclccs cccn thoogh thcy ncrc |n nccd o[ thot`
The, answered in the negatie. He then said: Since ,on hae
denied Ieing among either of the two gronps. J Iear testimon,
that ,on are certainl, not among those aIont whom Allah sa,s.
nd thosc nho comc o[tcr thcm soy: "0or Lord! Forg|cc os ond oor
lrcthrcn nho hocc rcccdcd os |n Fo|th, ond ot not |n oor hcorts
ony hotrcd ogo|nst thosc nho hocc lcl|cccd. 0or Lord! Yoo orc
|ndccd [oll o[ l|ndncss, Most Mcrc|[ol.`
Al-Hashr 59:8
Al-Hashr 59:9
Al-Hashr 59:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 39
He then told them: Co ont of here' Ha, Allah pnnish ,on.
The aIoe is the iew of Zain al-AaIideen. Ali iIn al-Hnssain.
who was one of the TaaIieen [the snccessors of the Prophet`s
ompanions]. The IooLs anthored I, the Snnnis and the Shiites
are fnll of the TaaIi een praising one another. The reader of the
IooL. Nahj al-Lalaaghah will find there man, speeches and
eplicit indications. all praising the ompanions of the
Hessenger of Allah. J jnst chose the aIoe eample Iecanse it
contains some ecerpts from the NoIle Qnr`an.
Jmam Ali said. J saw the ompanions of Hnhammad.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) and none of ,on is liLe them. The,
wonld waLe np in the morning with disheelled hairs. and
coered with dnst after the, hae passed the night in prostration
and standing in olnntar, pra,er. The, wonld alternate
positions Ietween pra,er and sleep and wonld stand as if the,
were on a life coal ont of fear for the Da, of Jetnrn. The, looLed
as if the, were in a condolence procession ont of long prostration.
Wheneer the Allah is mentioned in their presence. their e,es
shed so man, tears that their garments Iecame wet and the,
wonld the, shaLe liLe a tree iolentl, shaLen I, a storming wind
ont fear of Allah's chastisement and in desire for His reward.
There are man, more eamples of his praise for the Prophet`s
ompanions. His grandson. Zain al-AaIideen. has a treatise in
which he snpplicated for the ompanions and praised them. And
,on will find that each of the Jmams has man, sa,ings in which
the, praised the ompanions. There are een man, narrations in
which the, are reported to hae eplicitl, praised the Jightl,
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 40
Cnided aliphs. Hothers of the Jaithfnl and others. Jf these
narrations are compiled together the, will maLe olnmes.
Dear reader. J hae said mnch thongh m, intention was to Ie
Irief. Please. pardon me. J Ieseech Allah to Ienefit ,on and me
with all the aIoe. Lnt the whole trnth mnst Ie said. The
treatise is coming to an end. so J hope ,on will Iear it with me a
little more.
There is a need to hae a short stnd, of the stand of Ahl-ns-
Snnnah concerning the memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold in
order to show ,on that. as the, were er, enthnsiastic aIont
npholding the Snnnah and practicing the Qnr'anic teachings. as
the, were also er, passionate in their loe for the memIers of
the Prophet`s Honsehold. This issne. howeer. needs an
independent stnd,.
With all the aIoe. it is er, clear that all the ompanions were
compassionate among themseles. and among them are the
Prophet`s relaties and wies. The following is an elncidation on
some of their rights. as confirmed I, the scholars of Ahl-ns-
Snnnah. ma, Allah hae merc, on them.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 41
Ahl-us-Sunnah`s Stand Regarding Hembers of the
Prophet`s Household
Who are Hembers of the Prophet`s Household:
There are diergent opinions among the scholars regarding who
are memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold. The most prominent
iews are the following:
1. The, are those for whom taLing of Saqadah [alms or
charit,] is forIidden. This is the opinion of the majorit,
of the scholars.
2. The, are the Prophet`s offspring and his wies. This is
the choice of JIn al-AraIi that he snpported in his
IooL. AhLam al-Qnr`an. There are others who
snpported this opinion Int eclnde the Prophet`s wies.
8. The, are all those who follow the Prophet Hnhammad.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) till the Da, of
Jesnrrection. This opinion is snpported I, Jmam an-
Nawawi in his comments npon Sahih Hnslim. Jt is also
the iew of the anthor of al-Jnsaf. Howeer. there are
those who restrict and limit it to onl, the pions and the
righteons ones among the Prophet`s followers.
Who are those for whom taking of is forbidden:
The, are the descendants of Hashim and the children of al-
HnttaliI. This is the most preponderant opinion. Jt is the
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 42
opinion of the majorit, of the scholars. There are some among
them who Ieliee that the, are onl, the descendants of Hashim.
Lnt in the iew of the Twele Shiites [the Jmaami,,ah].
memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold are onl, the twele Jmams.
to the eclnsion of others. The, hae some eplanations that
conld not Ie mentioned here Iecanse there is a great dissention
among their sects on this issne: and it is in fact. the canse of the
Belief of Ahl-us-Sunnah toneerning the Prophet`s Household
Yon will hardl, find a comprehensie IooL on Jslamic creed in
which there is no eplicit mention of this issne Iecanse of its
importance. Jen. scholars hae written IooLs eclnsiel, on
this topic.
The snmmar, of the Ielief of Ahl-ns-Snnnah concerning the
Prophet`s Honsehold is what JIn Ta,mi,,ah affirmed in his
IooLlet. al-Aqeedah al-Waasiti,,ah. Thongh the IooLlet is er,
concise. he wrote:
And the, [the Ahl-ns-Snnnah] loe memIers of the Honsehold
of the Hessenger of Allah. (sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) and all,
themseles with them. The, presere. regarding them. the
Prophet`s admonition that he made on the da, of Chadeer
Khnm when he said. J remind ,on of Allah concerning memIers
of m, honsehold. J remind ,on of Allah concerning memIers of
See: Firaq ash-Shee`ah, by an-Nubakhtee
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 43
m, honsehold'`
The Hessenger of Allah. (sollollooho oloyh|
nosollom) told AIIas. his nncle who complained to him that
some memIers of Qnra,sh disrespected Lann Hashim: L, Him
in Whose Hand is m, sonl. the, are not [trne] Ielieers nntil
the, loe ,on for the saLe of Allah and for ,onr Linship with
He also said: Allah selected the children of Jsmail. and
selected Lann Kinanah from the children of Jsmail. and selected
the Qnra,sh from Lann Kinanah. and selected Lann Hashim
from Qnra,sh and selected me from Lann Hashim.`
J will stop I, the aIoe qnotation from an erndite Jmam whom
man, Shiites see as one of their most aowed enemies. Iecanse of
his IooL. M|nhooj os-Sonnoh. which he wrote to refnte the
falsehood of JIn al-Hntahhir al-Hali,,.
Rights of Hembers of the Prophet`s Household are as follows in
une: Jight to Ie loed and Iefriended:
Dear reader. it is not nnLnown to ,on that it is incnmIent npon
the Hnslim to loe eer, Ielieing man and woman. As for what
is mentioned aIoe of the loe for memIers of the Prophet`s
Honsehold and Ieing their allies. that is a special loe that no
This hadeeth is reported by Muslim and others. See: Muslim, Book oI Virtues oI
the Companions: Virtues oI Alee, 4/1873, hadeeth 2407
Reported by Ahmad; the editor oI Musnad made a lengthy discussion oI its
authenticity or otherwise. But the point is the meaning is correct, because it is
supported by the Qur`aan.
Reported by Muslim
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 44
one shares with them. Iecanse of the Prophet`s sa,ing: and for
Ieing m, relaties`.
As for the first that is for the saLe of Allah. it is Jslamic
Irotherhood and haing friendship in faith. This is a right of the
generalit, of the Hnslims. Jor. the Hnslim is a Irother of his
fellow Hnslim. Therefore. this friendship applies to all Hnslims
inclnding memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold. Jn addition to
this. the Hessenger of Allah. (sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) has
granted his relaties a special loe Iecanse of their Linship with
him. Allah sa,s.
Soy {0 Mohommod {cocc lc oon h|m)) "o rcnord do 1 osl o[
yoo [or th|s cxcct to lc l|nd to mc [or my l|nsh| n|th yoo."
This is the meaning of the Hadith qnoted aIoe. according to
the correct interpretation of this erse. Jor. there are some
among the eegetes of the Qnr`an who interpret the erse as
meaning: ,on shonld loe me Iecanse of m, Linship with ,on`.
Iecanse the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)
shared Linship with all Qnra,sh clans.
The point is that loing the Prophet`s relaties. showing
friendship towards them and respecting them for their Linship
with him is an estaIlished fact. and it is different from the show
of friendship that applies to the generalit, of the Hnslims.
Two: Jights to hae Ilessing inoLed npon them:
Allah sa,s.
Ash-Shooraa 42:23
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 45
1ndccd, lloh con[crs llcss|ng oon thc Prohct, ond H|s ngcls
osl H|m to do so]. 0 yoo nho lcl|ccc, osl lloh to con[cr]
llcss|ng oon h|m ond osl lloh to gront h|m] cocc.
Hnslim reported on the anthorit, of AIn Has`ood al-Ansari who
said: We were sitting in the compan, of Sa`d iIn JIaadah
when the Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) came
to ns. Lishr iIn S'ad said: Allah has commanded ns to inoLe
Ilessing npon ,on. Hessenger of Allah' Lnt how shonld we do
so?` AIn Has`ood said: The Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho
oloyh| nosollom) Lept qniet that we wished he had not asLed
him. He [The Prophet] then said: (Jor inoLing Ilessing npon
me) sa,: "O Allah. Iless Hnhammad and the memIers of his
honsehold as Thon didst Iless the memIers of JIrahim`s
honsehold. Crant faonrs to Hnhammad and the memIers of his
honsehold as Thon didst grant faonrs to the memIers of the
honsehold of JIrahim in the world. Thon art indeed
Praiseworth, and Clorions: and salntation is as ,on Lnow.
There is a similar Hadith reported I, al-LnLhari and Hnslim on
the anthorit, of AIn Hnmaid as-Saa`idee.
There are man, Ahadith in this regard. JIn al-Qa,,im said: Jt
is their [the Prophet`s Honsehold] right. And there is no
disagreement among the scholars on this.
This is in regard to
the format Lnown as os-Solooh ol-1lroohccm|yyoh.
Al-Ahzaab 33:56
Reported by Muslim
Jalaa al-aIhaam; Ibn al-Qayyim extensively discussed topic in this book.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 46
Three: Jight to the fifth of the war Ioot,: This is in accordance
with Allah`s injnnction.
nd lnon thot nhotcccr o[ nor-looty thot yoo moy go|n, ccr|ly
onc-[|[th {/7 th) o[ |t |s oss|gncd to lloh, ond to thc Mcsscngcr, ond
to thc ncor rclot|ccs {o[ thc Mcsscngcr {Mohommod {cocc lc oon
h|m))) {ond olso) thc orhons, l-Mosl|n {thc oor) ond thc
There are also man, Ahadith in this regard. This share is
eclnsie for memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold. This is an
estaIlished right for them. een after the Prophet`s death. This
is the opinion of the majorit, of the scholars. and it is the correct
An Important Point
HemIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold hae man, rights. The
aIoe-mentioned are jnst the most important of these rights.
These are rights of all those. whose Jslam and Linship to the
Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) are
anthenticall, estaIlished. The, mnst also Ie of righteons deeds.
The Hessenger of Allah {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) nsed to
warn against reliance on lineage. He said. in his famons address
while he was in HaLLah. O people of Qnra,sh' Ln, (i.e. sae)
,onrseles (from the Hellfire) as J cannot sae ,on from Allah's
Al-AnIaal 8:41
See: al-Mughnee 9:288, and a short treatise by Ibn Taymiyyah regarding rights oI
members oI the Prophet`s Household.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 47
Pnnishment: O Lani AId Hanaaf' J cannot sae ,on from
Allah's Pnnishment. O Safi,,ah Iint AIdnl-mnttaliI' J cannot
sae ,on from Allah's Pnnishment: O Jatimah Iint Hnhammad'
AsL me an,thing from m, wealth. Int J cannot sae ,on from
Allah's Pnnishment.
And what happened to AIn LahaI is Lnown to all. We asL Allah
to protect ns against the Jire.
Reported by al-Bukhaaree
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 48
Stand of Ahl-us-Sunnah against the Nawasib ]the
haters of Ali and members of the Prophet`s
To complete the discnssion on the position memIers of the
Prophet`s Honsehold occnp, in the sight of Ahl-ns-Snnnah. we
deem it fit to add their stand against the onos|l.
An-NawasiI. an-NasiIah and Ahl an-NasI are designations
gien to those who Ielieed that it is an act of religiosit, to hate
Ali and show hostilit, to him. This is the origin of this erroneons
Ielief. And I, etension. he who hates memIers of the Prophet`s
Honsehold is one of the NawasiI.
Dear reader. sa,ings of the scholars of Jslam are eplicit and
clear in their praise for Jmam Ali and his children. Onr Ielief is
that Ali. al-Hasan and al-Hnssain are among the dwellers of
Ilissfnl Paradise. This is clear. and all praise is dne to Allah.
Here. J am going to point to the stand of Ahl-ns-Snnnah against
the NawasiI and their rennnciation of theiricions ideolog,.
This is er, important gien that it is one the canses of
dissention among the Jmmah. There is a gronp of opportnnists
who Ienefits from this dissention. This gronp talLs of what conld
canse Iad Ilood and increase dissentions among the Hnslims
wheneer the, hae the chance to do so. and een if the, do not
get the chance. With their speeches. the, stir fire of ranconr.
thongh what the, sa, is false and aIsolnte lie.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 49
When one of them talLs. he accnses the Ahl-ns-Snnnah of hating
Ali and his sons. and freel, faIricates lies. The Iest that can Ie
said of his sitnations is that he repeats and parrots false and
imaginar, tales and stories aIont how mnch the Ahl-ns-Snnnah
hate Jmam Ali.
On the contrar,. the Ahl-ns-Snnnah narrates man, ahadith on
Ali`s irtnes. Yon will hardl, find a IooL of ahadithin which
irtnes of Jmam Ali and his noIle qnalities are not mentioned.
Dear reader. the opinion of Ahl-ns-Snnnah aIont the NawasiI is
er, clear. Jt is enongh to qnote the sa,ing of SheiLh Al-Jslam
JIn Ta,mi,,ah whom the Shiites see as one of their most
aowed enemies Iecanse he was the one who wrote the Iiggest
Snnni IooL in refntation of the Shiites.
He said:
Jnsnlting Ali and cnrsing him is a transgression that won a
faction the nneniaIle title of: the Transgressing Cronp`. Al-
LnLhari reported on the anthorit, of Khalid al-Hadhdha from
JLrimah who narrated: JIn 'AIIas said to me and to his son
'Ali. "Co to AIn Sa'eed and listen to what he narrates." So we
went and fonnd him in a garden looLing after it. He picLed np
his garment. wore it and sat down and started narrating till the
topic of the constrnction of the mosqne came np. He said. "We
were carr,ing one adoIe at a time while 'Ammar was carr,ing
two. The Prophet Hnhammad {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) saw
him and started remoing the dnst from his Iod, and said. "Ha,
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 50
Allah Ie Hercifnl to 'Ammar. The transgressing gronp
will Lill
him. He will Ie initing them (i.e. his mnrderers. the reIellions
gronp) to Paradise and the, will inite him to Hell-fire." 'Ammar
said. "J seeL refnge with Allah from affliction.
Hnslim reported on the anthorit, of AIn Sa`eed who said: The
one who is Ietter than me. AIn Qatadah. informed me that the
Hessenger of Allah. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) told Ammar
while the latter was digging the trench and he [the Prophet.
{sollollooho oloyh| nosollom)] was wiping his hand on Ammar`s
head sa,ing: Poor Snma,,ah`s son. he will Ie Lilled I, the
transgressing gronp.
He also reported on the anthorit, of Jmm Salamah that the
Prophet. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) said: `Ammar will Ie
Lilled I, the transgressing gronp.
This is also a proof of alidit, of Jmam Ali`s leadership and the
oIligation of oIe,ing him. and that those who call nnto oIe,ing
him are callers nnto Paradise and that those who inite people to
fight him are callers to Hell. een if the, hae rationalisations. Jt
is also a proof that it was not permissiIle to fight Ali.
Therefore. those who fonght him were npon error. een if the,
had their rationalization or transgressors if the, did not hae
an, rationalization. This is the more correct of the two opinions
of onr scholars on this issne: to regard those who fonght Ali as
Ieing npon error. Jt is also the opinion of the leading jnrists who
This group consisted oI rebellious people who revolted against Alee and waged
war against him. Ammaar was on the side oI Alee in this war.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 51
created. from this issne. a snI-topic aIont waging war against
the rationalising transgressors.
Then ponder oer the following sa,ing of JIn Ta,mi,,ah. He
said. after discnssing etensiel, Ahl-ns-Snnnah`s sa,ings
concerning Yazid iIn Hn`aawi,ah and eplaining people`s
differences regarding him:
As for those who Lilled al-Hnssain. helped in his mnrder or is
pleased with the same. ma, the cnrse of Allah and the cnrse of
the Angels and all manLind Ie npon them.
This is the word of one of the most prominent scholars of the
Js it then possiIle for a speaLer or a pretender to accnse Ahl-ns-
Snnnah and claim that the, are NawasiI?''
Dear Irother. man, qnestions might hae arisen in ,onr mind
concerning what ,on hae read in this treatise and what is
historicall, anthentic of the Iattles of S|[[ccnand ;omol that
tooL place among the companions. Jn this conflict. most of the
companions were on the side of Ali and memIers of the
Prophet`s Honsehold who were with him. This is a topic that
needs to Ie discnssed in a separate treatise. J asL Allah to help
me prodnce it. so the trnth of the issne will Ie made manifest.
Neertheless. J remind ,on and m,self of the following Words of
Majmoo` al-Fataawaa, 4/437
Majmoo` al-Fataawaa, 4/487
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 52
nd |[ tno ort|cs or groos omong thc lcl|cccrs [oll to [|ght|ng,
thcn molc cocc lctnccn thcm loth. Bot |[ onc o[ thcm ootrogcs
ogo|nst thc othcr, thcn [|ght yoo {oll) ogo|nst thc onc thot nh|ch
ootrogcs t|ll |t coml|cs n|th thc Commond o[ lloh. Thcn |[ |t
coml|cs, thcn molc rcconc|l|ot|on lctnccn thcm jostly, ond lc
cqo|tollc. Vcr|ly! lloh loccs thosc nho orc cqo|tollc. Thc lcl|cccrs
orc noth|ng clsc thon lrothcrs {|n 1slom|c rcl|g|on). So molc
rcconc|l|ot|on lctnccn yoor lrothcrs, ond [cor lloh, thot yoo moy
rccc|cc mcrcy.
Jn these erses. Allah affirms faith for all them. thongh there
was an in-fighting among them. The erses do not need an,
elncidation for the, are clear and self-eplanator,. All of the
ompanions were Ielieers. een thongh there was a conflict
among them.
Allah also sa,s.
Bot nhocccr occrlools [rom h|s lrothcr |.c. thc l|llcr] onyth|ng,
thcn thcrc shoold lc o so|tollc [ollon-o.
This erse is aIont premeditated mnrder. ,et Allah affirms the
Jslamic Irotherhood Ietween the Liller and the relaties of the
Lilled. Therefore. the heinons crime of Lilling. for which Allah
prescriIed a seere pnnishment. does not remoe the Liller from
the fold of faith. for he and the relaties of the one he Lilled are
still regarded as Irethren in faith. Allah sa,s.
Al-Hujuraat 49:9-10
Al-Baqarah 2:178
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 53
Thc lcl|cccrs orc noth|ng clsc thon lrothcrs.
Al-Hujuraat 49:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 54
Dear Irother. all praise is dne to Allah. Who Iestowed His
faonr npon ns with the loe of the Prophet Hnhammad. peace
and Ilessings Ie npon him and npon his pnre famil, and
righteons ompanions.
Dear Irother. after we hae spent some time with the pnre
memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold and his righteons
ompanions: and after we hae realized their mntnal
compassion. and the famil, and marriage relationships that
eisted among them. and their mntnal loe and Irotherhood.
and the nnit, of their hearts which Allah mentioned in the
Qnr`an. we then need to ferentl, Ieseech Allah. Lord of all the
worlds. to maLe ns sncceed in deeds that He loes and is Pleased
with. and to inclnde ns among those aIont whom He sa,s in His
Clorions LooL:
nd thosc nho comc o[tcr thcm soy: "0or Lord! Forg|cc os ond oor
lrcthrcn nho hocc rcccdcd os |n Fo|th, ond ot not |n oor hcorts
ony hotrcd ogo|nst thosc nho hocc lcl|cccd. 0or Lord! Yoo orc
|ndccd [oll o[ l|ndncss, Most Mcrc|[ol.
According to Jmam Zain al-AaIideen. A gronp of people came
to the Jmam from Jraq and spoLe ill of AIn LaLr. Jmar and
Jthman in his presence. When the, finished he asLed them.
Tell me. are ,on the earliest Jmigrants aIont whom Allah sa,s.
Al-Hashr 59:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 55
nho ncrc cxcllcd [rom thc|r homcs ond thc|r rocrty, sccl|ng
Boont|cs [rom lloh ond to lcosc H|m, ond hcl|ng lloh {|.c.
hcl|ng H|s rcl|g|on) ond H|s Mcsscngcr {Mohommod {cocc lc
oon h|m)) Soch orc |ndccd thc troth[ol {to nhot thcy soy)
The, said: No.` He then asLed them: Are ,on the Helpers.
aIont whom Allah sa,s.
thosc nho, lc[orc thcm, hod homcs {|n l-Mod|noh) ond hod
odotcd thc Fo|th, locc thosc nho cm|grotc to thcm, ond hocc no
jcoloosy |n thc|r lrcosts [or thot nh|ch thcy hocc lccn g|ccn {[rom thc
looty o[ Boni n-odir), ond g|cc thcm {cm|gronts) rc[crcncc
occr thcmsclccs cccn thoogh thcy ncrc |n nccd o[ thot`
The, answered in the negatie. He then said: Since ,on hae
denied Ieing among either of the two gronps. J Iear testimon,
that ,on are certainl, not among those aIont whom Allah sa,s.
nd thosc nho comc o[tcr thcm soy: "0or Lord! Forg|cc os ond oor
lrcthrcn nho hocc rcccdcd os |n Fo|th, ond ot not |n oor hcorts
ony hotrcd ogo|nst thosc nho hocc lcl|cccd. 0or Lord! Yoo orc
|ndccd [oll o[ l|ndncss, Most Mcrc|[ol.`
He then told them: Co ont of here' Ha, Allah pnnish ,on.
Howeer manifest the eidences ma, Ie. man still needs the help
of his Lord. Jt is a Lnown fact that Allah snpported His
Hessenger. {sollollooho oloyh| nosollom) with astonnding
Al-Hashr 59:8
Al-Hashr 59:9
Al-Hashr 59:10
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 56
miracles. and with the NoIle Qnr` an He descriIed as a lear
Light. Jn spite of the Prophet`s ecellent manners and eloqnence.
and in spite of his trnthfnlness and handsome ph,sical
appearance and the fact that he was Lnown to the people of
HaLLah since his childhood. in spite of all this. man, of the
HaLLans remained npon their disIelief nntil the ictor, finall,
We shonld therefore maLe efforts in onr snpplications and in
asLing Allah for snccess and steadfastness npon the trnth and
following it whereer it ma, Ie. Jor. gnidance comes onl, from
Dear Irother. rememIer that ,on will Ie asLed and held
acconntaIle for all that Allah commands ,on to do. Do not gie
preference to the word of an, hnman oer the Word of Allah.
High and Jalted is He. He reealed the Qnr`an to ,on with the
clear AraIic tongne. He made it gnidance and healing for the
Ielieers. and made others fail to realize this gnidance. He sa,s.
Soy: 1t thc or`on] |s [or thosc nho lcl|ccc, o go|dc ond o
hcol|ng. nd os [or thosc nho d|slcl|ccc, thcrc |s hcoc|ncss
{dco[ncss) |n thc|r cors, ond |t {thc or`on) |s ll|ndncss [or thcm.
Thcy orc thosc nho orc collcd [rom o locc [or onoy {so thcy nc|thcr
l|stcn nor ondcrstond).
Jollow then the gnidance of the Qnr`an. Ha, Allah maLe ,on
Fussilat 41:44
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 57
Dear Ilessed Irother. recLoning of the manLind is with Allah
alone. No hnman Ieing has right to that. The righteons can onl,
maLe intercession - with its conditions - on Iehalf of the people.
We shonld therefore. refrain from acting presnmptnonsl,
towards Allah and jndging His serants.
Jt does not do ns an, harm to loe memIers of the Prophet`s
Honsehold and the rest of his ompanions. That is what
corresponds with the tets of the Qnr`an and the anthentic
narrations of the Snnnah.
Jinall,. we shonld strie in Ieseeching Allah to remoe from onr
hearts whateer hatred we hae for them. to show ns the trnth
and to help ns to oercome onr sonls and the Satan. Allah is the
Haster of that and He is One apaIle of doing so.
Allah Lnows Iest.
Ha, Allah Iestow peace and Ilessing npon onr Prophet
Hnhammad and npon his Honsehold and ompanions.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 58
Relationship by marriage that took plaee between the Household
of Hashim and the families of the rest of the Ten tompanions who
were given the glad tiding of Paradise
S Hashimite
Others Jeference
1 Allah's
A,sha Iint AIn
Hafsah Iint
Jamlah Iint AIn
All the sonrces
2 Jmm
Knlthoom Iint
Jmar JIn al-
Han, sonrces. and
some are qnoted
8 Jatimah Iint
AIdnllah JIn
Amr JIn Jthman
JIn Affaan
Al-Asl fee ansaaI
at-taaliIeen. I, at-
Taqtaqee p.6:
Jmdah at-taliI fee
ansaaI aIee taliI.
I, JIn JtIah and
others p.118
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 59
1 Safi,,ah Iint
mnttaliI. the
Prophet`s annt
Al-Awwaam iIn
Khnwa,lid. and
she Iore him
ZnIair in al-
Awwaam Iefore
All Shiite and Snnni
Jmm al-Hasan
Iint al-Hasan
JIn Ali JIn
AIn TaliI
AIdnllah JIn
ZnIair married her
and she remained
with him nntil he
was Lilled: her
Irother. Za,d then
tooL her
Hnntahaa al-
aamaal. I, SheiLh
AIIas al-Qnmmi.
Taraajim an-nisaa.
I, SheiLh
Hnssain al-Hairi
and others. p.816
6 Jnqa,,ah Iint
al-Hasan JIn
Alee JIn AIn
She was married to
Amr JIn ZnIair
JIn al`Awwaam
Hnntahaa al-
aamaal. I, SheiLh
AIIas al-Qnmmee.
Taraajim an-nisaa.
I, Hnhammad al-
A`laa and others.
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 60
Al-Hnssain al-
Asghar JIn
Zain al-
He married
Khalidah Iint
Hamzah JIn
Hns`aI JIn ZnIair
Taraajim an-nisaa.
I, Hnhammad al-
A`laa. p.861
Ccnpassicnaic Ancng Tncnsc|tcs 61
Table of tontents
Jntrodnction ..................... 2
A Sincere call .....................
Some of qnalities of the Prophet`s ompanions ....... 8
Seetion une: Jssence of Naming .............. 11
Js it reasonaIle? ..................... 16
The real issne...................... 1
Seetion Two: Jelationship I, Harriage ........... 22
Jelationship I, marriage in Jslam ............. 28
Seetion Three: Jndication of the Praise .......... 88
Ahl-ns-Snnnah`s Stand Jegarding memIers of the Prophet`s
Honsehold ...................... 11
Who are memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold? ...... 11
Ahl-ns-Snnnah`s Stand oncerning memIers of the Prophet`s
Honsehold ...................... 12
Jights of memIers of the Prophet`s Honsehold ....... 18
An important point ................... 16
Stand of Ahl-ns-Snnnah against the onos|l ....... 18
tonelusion ...................... 1

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