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Types of employment:

Casual o Employed on hourly basis o Do not receive a range of entitlements (long service leave or sick leave) o Lack of job security o Flexible hours (ability to agree of disagree to work to work at particular time) o Dismissed at one hours notice o Paid a loading (extra sum of cash) Full time o Works more than part-time (usually 42 hours) o High income- easier to save o Entitled to non-wage benefits (holiday leave, long service leave) o Job security o Takes up too much time Part-time o Earns money on regular basis o Works less than full-time o Job security o Receive entitlements on a proportional basis o No loading, payed less and receive less entitlements than Full-time Self-employed o Freedom and flexibility of work choices (where/when to work) o Able to make business decisions o Tax advantages o No guaranteed income o Lack of security o Self-paid entitlements o Potential to earn more money than other options o Greatest risk Voluntary Work o Unpaid volunteer work o Usually done for community and charity organisations o Example, Firemen and SES o Usually receive some sort of recognition Unpaid work o Done to receive experience of any sort o Unpaid o Could count as volunteer work

Changing work patterns

Change of belief that a job is a job for life Caused by businesses' desire to reduce labour costs and improve productivity. Changes include: o The rapid growth of contracting out or outsourcing (the contracting of some organisational operations to outside suppliers ) o Preference to have smaller permanent workers backed by casual workers depending on supply and demand of the industry o Flexible working hours and telecommuting Demographic changes o Women are now 45% of the workforce o Participation Rate (the proportion of people aged 15 and over employed or actively seeking employment) of 70% Casualisation of workforce o Significant increase in casual employment Technological Change o Work can be contracted to people working from home o Decrease in employment within manufacturing areas and increase in IT industries o The need for ongoing training o New technologies create new jobs Flexible working conditions and hours o Introduction of home-based work o Introduction of more permanent part-time jobs o Flexitime- allows employees to nominate their start and finishing hours o Maxiflex- Allows employees to build up sufficient hours or overtime to take time off o Job-sharing- two employees share the same hours required for one job o Changing work shifts to 10 Hours

Benefits of education and training:

Employers prefer to look for skilled or semi-skilled, therefore they will be in greater demand Those with education and training will receive: o More income o More job opportunities and increased promotion chance o Improved job satisfaction o Ability to cope with change o General ability to perform better

Employment Contracts

Features of an employment contract: Legally binding, formal agreement between an employee and an employer Three parts : o Offer (An advertisement or interview about the job) o Acceptance (agreeing to the terms and conditions of the offer) o Consideration (The receiving of both parties[employer receives labour and employee receives the supplied wage and additional entitlements]) Can be either oral or written contract Types of employment contract: Four different types of contracts Advantages

Type of Contract Awards

Disadvantages Inflexible Prevents the recognition of the individual initiative

Set a minimum for pay and conditions Cover all employees performing similar job Protects employees from exploitation

Enterprise Agreement

Consultation with and involvement of employees Possibility of improved pay and conditions Access to greater training Greater flexibility Increased pay Flexible work arrangements Individual initiative rewarded

Possibility of job losses Greater inequity in wage rates between employers

Individual Workplace Agreement

Possible reduction in entitlements No protection of an award Possible exploitation No union representation Exploitation Expenses of potential court cases

Common Law

Right to sue for compensation if the employment conditions are not met Flexibility Allows informal arrangements Individual initiative awarded


Concept of unemployment: Unemployment- when people are trying hard to find work but have so far been unsuccessful To be counted as unemployed there are certain conditions to be met: o Must be without work (no shit) o Available to begin work o Actively seeking employment Unemployment can be result of: o People leaving current jobs and looking for new ones o Seasonal jobs (fruit picking) o Fall in consumer spending- leads to less demand for workers o Introduction of replacement technology Personal Costs of unemployment: Poverty (no shit)- leads to few savings to fund for the costs involved in job-seeking. Leads to the inability to support family relationships Boredom- People have too much time and not enough money- leads to vandalism, crime and anti-social behaviour Loss of self-esteem- A person who is not employed can lose self-confidence and possibly suicide Loss of skills- The longer the person is unemployed, the more difficult it becomes to find a job, due to the fact that the person is not acquiring new skills or applying their current ones Ridicule and prejudice Discrimination Poor health- emotional and financial pressure will affect the persons physical and mental health Isolation- people feel alienated from society

Social Costs of unemployment: The collective community costs of unemployment o As a result of families being separated by work o The reduction of societies living standards o Increase in social welfare payments o Relocation of families

Employment Relations

Legal issues relating to the workplace: OH&S- Occupational Health and Safety Act provides legal requirements for employers and employees. Employers make sure the workplace is safe for employees and employees have a duty to perform their jobs safely. Discrimination- Anti-discrimination act of 1977 denounces employers to discriminate people based on their age, race, sex, marital status, religious beliefs, intellectual or physical disabilities or sexual orientation Unfair-dismissal- Any termination of employment that is considered harsh, unfair or unreasonable is considered illegal Redundancy- When a particular job a person is doing is no longer required to be performed. Two types voluntary and involuntary, both are paid a redundancy package, however voluntary redundancy packages are more generous Training- Required when newer technology is being implemented in the workforce and is always provided by the employer. The alternative to training is redundancy (see above^) Privacy- The right to be left alone. The company must balance its security of its resources and its privacy with its employers Outsourcing- Contracting of organisational operations to outside suppliers. o Efficient use of the labour force o Less job security Piecework- work that is paid according to the number of items made. Piecework is subject to exploitation Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunities for Women) Act 1968 requires businesses to promote equal opportunities for women in their employment by establishing affirmatibe action programs. Participation Rate: The proportion of the people aged +15 and are actively seeking employment or employed Factors that affect the participation rate include:

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