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English Language for Diplomacy Applications. Intermediate Level

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei TEFAN, RODICA English language for diplomacy: applications/Rodica tefan Bucureti: Editura Fundaiei Romnia de Mine, 2006 144p.; 23,5 cm ISBN (10) 973-725-609-3 (13) 978-973-725-609-6 811.111:341.7(075.8)

Editura Fundaiei Romnia de Mine, 2006

Redactor: Lucia PLENICEANU Tehnoredactor: Magdalena ILIE Coperta: Marilena BLAN Bun de tipar: 6.09.2006; Coli tipar: 9 Format: 16/6186 Editura i Tipografia Fundaiei Romnia de Mine Splaiul Independenei nr.313, Bucureti, Sector 6, O.P. 16 Tel./Fax: 316.97.90; e-mail:




English Language for Diplomacy

Applications. Intermediate Level



Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7

Introduction International Organizations .. The European Union Institutions.. NATO Structure . NATO Functions . In Service for Peace. United Nations Organization .. World Trade Organization .. GRAMMAR FOCUS

7 10 18 28 39 49 61 74

Unit 1

Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5


87 90 92 96 99 102 105 109 112 115 120

Unit 6


125 128 130 132 133 135 138


For the beginning try this QUIZ to test your knowledge on some aspects, facts and figures related to International Organizations. 1. How many countries originally formed the United Nations? a) 21 b) 31 c) 51 2. a) b) c) The 9th of May represents: United Nations Day Europe Day International Labour Day

3. Who is the current United Nations Secretary-General? a) Boutros Boutros-Ghali b) Kofi Annan c) Jaap de Hoop Scheffer 4. Which country was not eligible for the 2004 NATO enlargement? a) Croatia b) Latvia c) Bulgaria 5. When did Switzerland join NATO? a) 1957 b) 1973 c) never

6. Sustainability is: a) the continuity of economic, social, institutional and environmental aspects of human society b) the financial support given to the Third World countries c) the support of given principles in the United Nations Charter 7. Canada is: a) a parliamentary republic b) a constitutional monarchy c) a federation 8. Which country does the following flag belong to? a) Sweden b) Denmark c) Greece

9. Which country has the second largest area in the world? a) Canada b) Australia c) United States 10. Which country has the second largest population in the world? a) Russia b) India c) The United States 11. The international trade is valued approximately at: a) $8,000 billion b) $34,000 billion c) $1,000 billion

12. The World Trade Organization is located in: a) New York b) Washington c) Geneva 13. What does FAO stand for? a) Federal Arbitration Organization b) Food and Agriculture Organization c) Financial Administration Organization 14. Which was the former name of Myanmar? a) Mauritania b) Malaysia c) Burma 15. Which country uses the Internet code SI (e.g. a) Slovakia b) Slovenia c) Spain See the key answers below . Check your answers and see how you rank: 11-15: well done 6-10: quite good 0-5: not so good. Anyway, in the following units you are going to find the answers to some of these questions and much more information and useful elements about international relations and diplomacy. NOTE: The tasks under the WRITING CORNER and PROJECT sections of each unit are only to be done by the full-time students.

KEY ANSWERS: 1c 2b 3b 4a 5c 6a 7b 8c 9a 10b 11a 12c 13b 14c 15b


INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS What is the difference between union, alliance, association and international organization? Can you give examples for each of them? Task 1 Complete the families of the words given: Verb e.g. to organize Noun(s) organization organizer Adjective(s) organizational organized allied

to associate union


Task 2 Match the words in column A with their translations in column B: A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

to enable to handle sustainable to attain to meet to better to strengthen

durabil a satisface, a ndeplini (condiii) a permite, a crea condiii a ntri a mbunti a atinge a se ocupa de, a trata, a rezolva

Task 3 Match the following international bodies with their goals: 1. United Nations 2. World Trade Organization (WTO) 3. World Health Organization (WHO) a) to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business b) to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity and to better the condition of rural people c) to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms d) to alleviate poverty, malnutrition and human misery in developing nations while encouraging and supporting a transition to environmentally sustainable activities

4. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


5. The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) 6. World Bank 7. European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 8. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

e) create the conditions for genuine dialogue based upon respect for shared values and the dignity of each civilization and culture f) to help the young meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach to their full potential g) to enable all people to attain the highest possible level of health h) to promote free trade and strengthen economic relations between European states that could not or did not wish to join the European Union and with a number of countries worldwide
genuine = adevrat,

to alleviate = a alina, a uura; misery = suferin; real, veritabil

Task 4a Use the negative prefixes in the box to get the opposites of the words below: disinmalun-

friendly unfriendly human organized

security nutrition healthy

agreement encourage productive

Task 4b Supply the opposites of the following: highest lowest to expand poverty

to dispute misery to raise

to strengthen to better rural

WORD BY WORD Task 1 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box: in relation to

related relation relationship relative relatively

1. The between the leaders of the two countries has never been so close. 2. Unemployment and issues where debated in a Government meeting. 3. Fitness is a concept. You must always ask the question: fit to do what? 4. Diplomatic between the two countries were broken off over this incident and their ambassadors were sent home. 5. The lecturer talked about the visual arts history and cultures. 6. They discussed the merits of Manchester and Birmingham as places to live. 7. In the social sciences, anthropology and ethnography are closely disciplines. 8. I invited my friends and close to my twenty-first birthday party. 9. I would like to work in the Public Department of a multinational. 10. Arent you two ? ~ No, were not. ~ Oh, I thought Mike was your cousin. 11. Research has always been the poor of the budget. 12. The WTO negotiators were close to an agreement at the end of the day. 13. They are studying international with the aim of working in diplomacy.


Task 2 Read the following Fact File. Then draw similar Fact Files for the other organizations. FILE Functions: Administering WTO trade World Trade Organization agreements Location: Geneva, Switzerland Forum for trade negotiations Established: 1 January 1995 Handling trade disputes Created by: Uruguay Round Monitoring national trade negotiations (1986-94) policies Membership: 149 countries Technical assistance and (on 11 December 2005) training for developing countries Cooperation with other international organizations Task 3 Make sentences of your own using the following phrases: FACT

a. to handle dispute b. developing countries . c. to monitor policies d. to strengthen relations e. countries worldwide f. standard of living g. to conduct business Task 4a Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the words given below: to build climate collapse to complete dramatic to examine shift


The young people of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States have grown up during a period of dramatic (0) change following the _____________(1) of communism. In just over ten years, old structures, and even old ways of thinking, have been swept aside in the ____________ (2) towards democracy and market economies. Young People in Changing Societies, a Report from the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, ___________ (3) the transition generation of 65 million young people across the region - a generation that is putting the reforms of the last years to the test. This is the first generation that ___________ (4) its education, looks for jobs and makes decisions about raising families in a totally new ____________ (5). What happens to them is of ___________ (6) importance, not only because they will be running their countries in the future, but because they have a major role to play in __________ (7) these nations today - in advancing the progress towards market economy and democracy. Task 4b Now decide which title best expresses the idea of this excerpt: a) Young people lost in transition b) Young voices in changing societies c) The young generation to bring about dramatic changes Task 5 Read the following excerpt. Then find the words in it that are used with the verbs and adjectives below. Translate the excerpt into Romanian: UNESCO is the only UN body with a mandate to support national capacity-building in higher education. The organization plays a leading role in the worldwide reflection on higher education reform. It also provides a platform for dialogue on how best to adapt education systems to the emergence of knowledge societies and the new social, cultural and economic challenges of an increasingly globalized world.

UNESCO builds international and regional networks to assist with a range of issues in higher education: academic mobility, international exchanges of excellence, research on education systems and knowledge production, curriculum innovation, leadership roles for women educators, teacher development, and the defense of quality in higher education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. to play a leading role to provide ______________ to assist ________________ to build ________________ leading ______________ regional ______________ academic ______________ international _______________ LINKING DEVICES Giving examples e.g. / for instance / for example / such as / thus / one example is / a good example to illustrate is

Giving the most important example especially / in particular / particularly / above all / notably Explaining ideas i.e. / namely / that means / that is / in other words Match the two halves of sentences to form one. 1. Pollution is a serious problem, e 2. We need more teachers where theyre most needed, 3. Schools have now modern facilities; a) one example is access to the Internet. b) i.e. French, art history and computer studies. c) such as Erasmus, Tempus or Socrates.


4. A lot of people will find this book very useful, 5. We have three courses running at the moment, 6. We both shared the same ambition, 7. There are many EU programmes for students, WRITING CORNER Task 1 Translate into English:

d) namely in high poverty areas. e) especially near industrial zones. f) in particular students who prepare their final diploma. g) that is to get a good post and be promoted.

UNICEF a fost nfiinat de Naiunile Unite pentru a ajuta copiii din Europa care au avut de suferit n urma celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial. n 1953, UNICEF a devenit parte permanent a sistemului Naiunilor Unite, scopul su fiind de a ajuta copiii care triesc n srcie n rile n curs de dezvoltare. mpreun cu guvernele rilor n care activeaz, cu ONG-urile i alte agenii ale Naiunilor Unite i parteneri din sectorul privat, UNICEF protejeaz copiii i drepturile lor prin oferirea de servicii i ajutoare materiale, prin susinerea elaborrii unor politici n beneficiul copiilor. Misiunea UNICEF n Romnia este de a se asigura c toi copiii vor crete, n timpul acestei perioade de tranziie, ntr-o familie sau ntr-un mediu familial care s le asigure toate nevoile de dezvoltare i c drepturile lor la educaie, sntate i protecie sunt pe deplin respectate. UNICEF este prezent n Romnia din anul 1991, la solicitarea guvernului romn pentru asisten n domeniul proteciei copilului. n timp, UNICEF s-a implicat din ce n ce mai mult i i-a lrgit aria de activitate, acordnd sprijin autoritilor romne i societii civile pentru crearea unui mediu favorabil pentru copiii dezavantajai prin dezvoltarea unor programe complexe de sntate, nutriie, educaie i protecie. Adaptate realitilor locale, prioritile UNICEF sunt bine reflectate n programul de ar al Reprezentanei UNICEF n Romnia. Programul de ar care se va derula ntre anii 2005-2009 este implementat mpreun cu guvernul, societatea civil i organizaiile internaionale i pune accentul pe Monitorizarea Drepturilor Copilului, Protecia Copilului, Sntate i Educaie.


THE EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS Task 1 Before reading paragraph A, fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Decide first which part of speech is missing: a noun, a verb, or an adjective? common to gain co-operation sovereign delegate unique federation

A. The European Union is not a ....federation.... like the United States. Nor is it simply an organisation for ........................ between governments, like the United Nations. It is, in fact, ..................... . The countries that make up the EU, its Member States, remain independent ..................... nations but they pool their sovereignty in order .................... a strength and world influence none of them could have on their own. Pooling sovereignty means, in practice, that the Member States ............... some of their decision-making powers to shared institutions they have created, so that decisions on specific matters of ................. interest can be made democratically at European level.


Task 2 Find in the text below (paragraph B) the nouns used with the following verbs: 1. to involve .. 2. to uphold ... 3. to act ......... 4. to produce .. 5. to propose .. 6. to play ........ 7. to check ..... 8. to lay down ... B. The EUs decision-making process in general and the co-decision procedure in particular involve three main institutions:

the European Parliament (EP), which represents the EUs citizens and is democratically elected by them; the Council of the European Union, which represents the individual Member States; the European Commission, which seeks to uphold the interests of the Union as a whole and acts as guardian of the Treaties.

This institutional triangle produces the policies and laws that apply throughout the EU. In principle, it is the Commission that proposes new laws, but it is the Parliament and Council that adopt them. Two other institutions have a vital part to play: the Court of Justice ensures that the Community law is observed, and the Court of Auditors checks the financing of the Unions activities (the budget). The powers and responsibilities of these institutions are laid down in the Treaties, which are the foundation of everything the EU does. In addition, they lay down the rules and procedures that the EU institutions must follow. The Treaties are agreed by the presidents and/or prime ministers of all the EU countries, and ratified by their parliaments.
to seek, sought, sought = a cuta, a urmri throughout = n ntregul/ntreaga; pe tot parcursul 19

Task 3 In paragraph C, match the EU specialised bodies with their main function: C. 1. European Economic and Social Committee 2. Committee of the Regions 3. European Investment Bank 4. European Central Bank 5. European Ombudsman a) is responsible for European monetary policy. b) investigates complaints about maladministration by EU institutions and bodies c) represents civil society, employers and employees. d) finances EU investment projects, and helps small businesses via the European Investment Fund. e) represents regional and local authorities.

via = prin (intermediul)

Task 4 Find in paragraphs (A-C) various phrases formed with the preposition in: in fact; ____________ ;____________; ____________; ____________; ___________; WORD BY WORD Task 1 Match the words in column A with their translation in column B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

to pool to observe to share to uphold to lay down to safeguard to make up to complain to carry out

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

a apra, a proteja a susine a reuni, a pune la un loc a face o reclamaie, o plngere a realiza, a ndeplini, a efectua a mpri, a mprti a forma, a constitui a specifica, a stipula, a prevedea a respecta ( condiii, legi, tradiii)

Task 2

Form new words using the following suffixes: -cy, -ty, -sion, -tion

Adjective/Noun democrat sovereign president real candidate responsible diplomat private

Noun democracy

Verb decide solve specify conclude ratify expand accede resolve

Noun decision

Task 3 Use one of the words policy, politics, political, politician in the sentences below. 1. Young people used to be more.political... in the 80s. 2. One of the partys . is to get more women into ... . 3. He is planning to retire from . next year. 4. Its against government . to sell weapons to that country. 5. Benjamin Franklin was not only a journalist and an inventor, but also a .. . 6. They believe that the EU needs a common foreign and security .. . 7. They are studying at Manchester University. 8. Education is back at the top of the . agenda. 9. What is your companys .. on employing young specialists?

Task 4 at

Complete the text with one of the following prepositions: by in (4x) from of (6x) on (2x) to (2x) up

The European Union is a family ___ democratic European countries, committed ___ working together ___ peace and prosperity. It is not a State intended to replace existing states, but it is more than any other international organisation. The EU is, ___ fact, unique. Its Member States have set ___ common institutions ___ which they delegate some ___ their sovereignty so that decisions ___ specific matters ___ joint interest can be made democratically ___ European level. The historical roots ___ the European Union lie ___ the Second World War. The idea ___ European integration was conceived to prevent such killing and destruction ___ ever happening again. It was first proposed ___ the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman ___ a speech ___ 9 May 1950. This date, the birthday ___ what is now the EU, is celebrated annually as Europe Day. Task 5 Read the following text. Then select one response for each question: Victor Hugo was one of the best known visionaries of the humanist ideal of a closer union of the European states. In his proposal at the 1851 International Peace Congress in Paris, he spoke openly of a United States of Europe, probably the first to use the phrase: A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas. A day will come when the bullets and bombs are replaced by votes, by universal suffrage, by the venerable arbitration of a great supreme senate which will be to Europe what Parliament is to England, the Diet to Germany, and the Legislative Assembly to France. A day will come when cannons will be museum-pieces, as instruments of torture are today. And we will be amazed to think that these once existed! A day will come when we shall see those two immense groups,

the United States of America and the United States of Europe, stretching out their hands across the sea, exchanging their products, their arts, their works of genius. 1. What is the main idea of the text? (a) Democratic institutions of Europe. (b) The vision of the united Europe. (c) The evolution of arms. (d) How the united Europe was developing. 2. According to the text, which of the following is not true: (a) Wars will no longer exist. (b) Democracy will replace armed force. (c) Legislative Assembly will govern Europe. (d) The United States of America and the United States of Europe will create transatlantic links. 3. The underlined word these (in paragraph 3) refers to: (a) markets; (b) United States of Europe; (c) arms; (d) minds.

LINKING DEVICES Adding to ideas Giving your own ideas Changing the subject In addition, Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, What is more, Next, From my point of view, Personally, In my opinion/view, As regards , In relation to, As far as is concerned

Underline the correct answer: 1. From my point of view / In my point of view, that would be the only solution to our problem. 2. As far as the general public is concerned / Concerning the general public, security is a major issue of preoccupation. 3. The whole document is badly written. Anyway / Moreover, its inaccurate. 4. As regards / Furthermore European social policy, our country has made the necessary efforts.

5. I suggest we use the new software its reliable and personally / besides, its cheap. 6. In addition to / In relation to the committees proposal, Id like to raise a question. WRITING CORNER Task 1 Read the text. Then answer the questions below: For a man such as Jean Monnet (1888-1979), who understood from his earliest political experiences that reflection cannot be separated from action, the most important facts of his life also represented an important guide to his philosophy and his way of conducting politics. He spent his youth helping his father in the Cognac business. At the outbreak of the World War I, they sent Monnet to London where he set up an Anglo-French team that co-ordinated the acquisition and transport of the Allies supplies. When hostilities ended, Monnet became deputy to the secretarygeneral of the League of Nations due to his brilliant achievements. Monnet began his new mission with great enthusiasm. He felt that this new international organization would be able to impose itself by its moral force, by appealing to public opinion. But soon he had to recognize that the League of Nations was simply unable to achieve the goals of peace and harmony. In 1923, therefore, after he had resigned his post, he took care of the family business again. At the beginning of World War II, Monnet left for London to organize the common administration of the Allies resources. Here, in June 1940, Monnet thought of a most daring initiative: he put forward a project for immediate federal union between France and Great Britain which Churchill and De Gaulle accepted. Monnet went then to the United States to work on the Victory Program. In 1943, in Algiers, he joined the National Liberation Committee to organize the French resistance in exile.

Immediately after liberation, Monnet proposed a global plan for modernisation and economic development to the French government. Appointed Planning Commissioner, he carried out essential work for the reconstruction of the French economy. From this position, in 1949 Monnet realised that the friction between Germany and France for control of the Ruhr, the important coal and steel region, had reached dangerous levels. For this reason Monnet, together with a few collaborators, planned a revolutionary proposal: to bring FrancoGerman coal and steel resources under the control of a European government. Robert Schuman agreed to the proposal and, together with Adenauer, made it public on 9th May 1950. In 1955, Monnet established the Action Committee for the United States of Europe through which, until his death, he tirelessly called on the European political class not to abandon the path of European unity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What did the Anglo-French team in London deal with? What was Monnets position within the League of Nations? Why did he resign his post? What initiative did he think of in 1940? What was the purpose of the National Liberation Committee? What kind of activity did he carry out as Planning Commissioner? What happened on 9th May 1950? What is the importance of this day? When did he establish the Action Committee for the United States of Europe?

Task 2 Find an example of each of the following grammar structures in the reading text above: 1. Passive voice: .. 2. The past perfect tense: .. 3. Gerund: ... 4. Modal verb: .. 5. Comparative: .. 6. Phrasal verb: .

Task 3 Match the words in column A with their translation in column B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. outbreak to achieve to appeal to to put forward daring tirelessly a) b) c) d) e) f) ndrzne neobosit a propune a realiza, a reui a apela la, a atrage izbucnire

Task 4 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box:

chairman chancellor deputy head leader president secretary-general

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Helmut Kohl became the first chancellor of a united Germany in 1990. Im acting as . while the boss is away. My moral duty as . of the United Nations is to do everything possible to avoid war. The .. of the G8 countries have met to discuss further changes in the world economy. The Vice-.. of the United States also leads the Senate. He was elected as of the new organization. The European Council is a meeting of the .. of state or government of the European Union. Task 5 Translate the text above into Romanian. Task 6 Translate the following text into English:

Instituiile Uniunii Europene au fost create pentru a da expresie unei apropieri din ce n ce mai reale a naiunilor europene n cadrul unei cooperri mai strnse ca niciodat. Pe msur ce responsabilitile Uniunii

s-au lrgit, instituiile Uniunii Europene s-au dezvoltat, devenind mai numeroase. n primii douzeci de ani de via ai Uniunii Europene, procesul decizional a fost mai simplu: Comisia European propunea, Parlamentul ddea avizul, Consiliul de Minitri decidea, iar Curtea European de Justiie ddea interpretarea legal necesar. n ultimele decenii ale Uniunii, Parlamentul European a devenit o instituie ai crei membri sunt alei prin vot direct i care are puteri lrgite, a fost creat Curtea de Audit, Banca European de Investiii a devenit o surs major de finanare pentru dezvoltarea economic, Comitetul Economic i Social a dovedit n practic valoarea dezbaterilor i cooperrii dintre partenerii economici i sociali, iar mai de curnd, Comitetul Regiunilor a fost creat pentru a promova interesele diverselor regiuni i a pstra specificitatea i diversitatea acestora. Nu poate exista, aadar, o Europ unit fr respectarea prilor componente ale ntregului. PROJECT Choose one of the other Founding Fathers of the European Union: Altiero Spinelli, Winston Churchill, Walter Hallstein, Alcide de Gasperi, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer, Paul-Henri Spaak. Then write a similar short presentation including the following: Date of birth and date of death Country he represented Life before he became famous (education, career, ecc.) Major contributions Problems and challenges he faced in his position of leadership.



NATO STRUCTURE A small quiz for you. Match the figures on the right with the questions in the left. There are more answers than questions. 1. When was the North Atlantic Treaty signed? 2. How many original signatories were then? 3. How many countries was NATO joined by later? 12 36 1995

4. How many years did NATO and the Warsaw 1949 Treaty Organisation divide Europe into two mutually hostile blocs? 14 5. When did the USA and the USSR sign a treaty which eliminated all their intermediate-range 1987 nuclear missiles? 10 Can you give your own definition of the word treaty? If not, arrange the following words in the right order to get a definition. A, a, two, is, and , by, more, treaty, their, signed, leaders, written, or, between, approved, countries, formally, agreement A treaty is .

Task 1 Read the text on NATO structure and transfer the information onto the diagram below. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is an organization composed of 26 sovereign and equal nations. It encompasses the following full member states: Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Baltic States Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania , Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia became full members in spring 2004. France does not participate in the integrated military command structure, while Iceland has no national defence force. Otherwise, all member countries have the same status. All decisions in NATO express the collective will of the governments of the member states. Where matters of substance are being considered, therefore, the aim is always to seek a general consensus. Each member state has a permanent representative at NATO headquarters in Brussels. NATOs highest and decision-taking body is the North Atlantic Council, in which all member states are represented. The permanent Council members, the ambassadors, usually meet at least once a week. At the Councils ministerial meetings, normally held twice a year, each member state is represented by its Minister for Foreign Affairs. Since 1996, the Council has also met with its Defence Ministers on a twice yearly basis. The Defence Ministers meet annually for more informal political discussions. On a more irregular basis, the Council also meets at the level of Heads of State or Governments. Decisions are taken by unanimity. NATO Defence Planning Committee is composed of representatives from member countries participating in the Alliances military structure. The Committee handles fundamental issues in the field of defence policy and matters relating to NATOs defence planning. Nuclear defence issues are discussed by the Nuclear Planning Group. The Committee and the Group each meet twice a year, member states being represented by their Defence Ministers at all meetings.

The NATO Secretary-General chairs meetings of the North Atlantic Council, the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group. The Partnership for Peace (PfP) and The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). The Partnership for Peace (PfP) came into being as a result of a decision taken at the January 1994 NATO Summit. This initiative was mainly aimed at creating a closer and broader co-operation between the Alliance, the former Warsaw Pact countries and other appropriate neutral or unallied states. Representatives of NATO members meet at ministerial level. The EAPC replaces the former North Atlantic Co-operation Council (NACC).

Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are True or False according to the text: 1. France is not a full member of NATO. 2. Iceland does not take part in the integrated military command structure. 3. The Council meetings with the Ministers for Foreign Affairs take place twice a year. 4. The Heads of State or Governments meet twice yearly. 5. NATO defence policy and planning are discussed by the North Atlantic Council. 6. Neutral or unallied states cannot be NATO members.


Task 3 How many combinations with the word defence can you find in the text above? ____ Task 4 column B. Match the words in column A with their definitions in a) a centre of operation or administration b) a situation or object that is to be discussed c) to include, to constitute d) in the past, in an earlier time e) to be in charge of a meeting or organisation f) to think carefully about g) not ceremonious; casual h) to search for, to try, to endeavour

1. to encompass 2. to consider 3. to seek 4. headquarters 5. informal 6. matter 7. to chair 8. former

Task 5a Match the two halves of the table to make word combinations based on the text above. 1. full 2. military 3. collective 4. permanent 5. decision-taking 6. ministerial 7. planning a. b. c. d. e. f. g. representative member meeting body will committee command structure

Task 5b Add further examples of your own. You may also choose the nouns for the second member of the combination from the box below.


action doctrine process

address service

committee spending

conference member structure

country minister talks training



Example: decision-taking committee Task 6 Now look at this version of the second paragraph of the text. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs given in the box below. meet have take represent

Each member state a permanent representative at NATO headquarters in Brussels. NATOs principle consultative and decisiontaking body is the North Atlantic Council, at which foreign ministers .. at least twice a year. At occasional summit meetings, member states . by heads of State or Government. Permanent representatives meet on a weekly basis at other meetings of the Council. Decisions ... on the basis of unanimity. Task 7 Fill in the gaps of the third paragraph of the text. This time no box is given to help you. NATO Defence Planning Committee .. of representatives from member countries participating in the Alliances military structure. Nuclear defence issues . by the Nuclear Planning Group. The Committee and the Group each .. twice a year, member states by their defence ministers at all meetings. The NATO Secretary-General . meetings of the North Atlantic Council, the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group.

Task 8 Match the expressions in column A with their translation in column B. Then make sentences of your own with the expressions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A matter of substance on a regular basis on the basis of in the field of to come into being as a result of B a) b) c) d) e) f) a lua fiin pe baza n domeniul chestiune important ca urmare a n mod regulat

Task 9 Refer back the diagram about the NATO structure. Present it yourself. Use such phrases as: to consist of, to be made up of, to include, to fall into (types /groups/ categories). WORD BY WORD Task 1 Read the text. Choose the appropriate word from below to best complete the text above: Accession Ceremony for Seven New NATO Members Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia became members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in a ceremony at the US Treasury on 29 March 2004, cementing the largest ______________ (1) in the now 26-member groups 55-year history. US Secretary of State Colin Powell presided ___________ (2) the ceremony marking the first time NATO has embraced former Soviet states - the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - and firmly shifted its focus eastward. To the seven heads of states here assembled, I say to you and to your people: Welcome to the greatest and most successful alliance in history. Welcome he said. Powell also said the expansion was a ______________ (3) step in achieving a vision to extend Europes zone of freedom and security from the

Baltics to the Black Sea. NATO is determined above all to prevent aggression, he said. Now it is determined above all to promote freedom, to extend the reach of liberty and to _____________ (4) the peace. I am confident that with the new energy that these seven nations bring to our alliance, it will be as successful in the future as it has been in the past. The seven prime ministers - in addition to the premiers from three NATO aspirants: Albania, Croatia and Macedonia - later joined US President George W. Bush at a White House event to mark the occasion. The United States is the depository nation for the Washington Treaty that created the North Atlantic Alliance in 1949 at the ____________ (5) of the Cold War and the instruments of accession are to be __________ (6) by the State Department. As NATO acts to face the new challenges of the 21st century, the membership of these seven nations in NATO will advance the cause of freedom, and strengthen the Atlantic Alliance, the central pillar of transatlantic relations the White House said in a statement. These Central and East European democracies have already acted as allies through their strong solidarity and actions in the war on terrorism, it said. 1. a) extension 2. a) on 3. a) historic 4. a) deepen 5. a) high 6. a) held b) expansion b) b) historical b) deep b) hight b) hold c) expression c) over c) history c) increase c) height c) helded


Task 2 Select one response for each question: 1. What is the main idea of the text? (a) NATO members participate in a regular meeting (b) Seven prime ministers deposit instruments of accession to NATOs founding treaty (c) The United States invites Heads of state to a NATO reunion 2. The equivalent for the US State Department is: (a) Ministry of Interior Affairs; (b) Minister of Foreign Affairs; (c) Ministry for Foreign Affairs 3. The underlined word it (in the last paragraph) refers to: (a) Atlantic Alliance; (b) Colin Powell; (c) statement Task 3 Match the following words in the text with their synonym: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. treasury to cement to shift determined reach prime minister aspirant depository accession to face pillar statement a) range of influence or effect b) premier c) tenacious, resolute d) finance e) to bind, to strengthen f) to change g) declaration h) to confront i) column j) candidate k) keeper l) admittance

Task 4 Read the following examples. Then complete the sentences below with one of the words related to the cardinal points given in brackets:

1. The article discusses the impact of the EU enlargement and, in particular, of extending the Schengen regime eastwards / east. 2. He made a trip to Pompei, then travelled northern / north to Rome. 3. Central and East / Eastern European countries have developed over the past years. 4. Turkey is considered a gateway to the Middle East / Eastern. 5. The West / Western and the former communist bloc used to have alternative views of history. 6. The campus is just 50 minutes in the south / to the south of Philadelphia International Airport. 7. Japan, South Korea and other countries in the Far Eastwards / East went through serious economic and financial problems a few years ago. Task 5 Get the adjectives describing nationalities from the following nouns and then group them according to the suffix they take. Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Great Britain, Vietnam -(i)an Belgian -ch, -sh, -tch Danish -k, -ss Greek -ese Chinese -i Iraqi


WRITING CORNER Task 1 Pay attention to some prepositions and adverbs used with places. Study them and complete the text about Maastricht: about across in near of among between by on to (3 x) under from (3 x) within

Maastricht lies . the Meuse river (Maas in Dutch) in the south-eastern part of the Netherlands, sandwiched in .... Belgium and Germany. It is situated . the Belgian border, close . Lige and Aachen. Maastricht can be reached . car . an hour . Brussels and in 2 3 hours . Amsterdam. The city is rich . history. The name of city itself is derived .. its Latin name Trajectum Ad Mosam (Meuse-crossing), referring .. the bridge built by the Romans .. the reign of Augustus Caesar. The Cathedral of St. Servatius, founded in the 6th century (the oldest church ... the Netherlands), the Romanesque Church of Our Lady (11th century) and a 13th-century bridge .. the Maas are ... the many old structures that attract lots of international tourists who also enjoy its beauty. ... the south of the city is the hill of St. Pietersberg which has a network of caves .. . It has a population of . 122,000 inhabitants. Institutions located in Maastricht include the Universiteit Maastricht (Maastricht University) and the Administration of the Dutch province . Limburg. Other large employers are Vodafone and Mercedes-Benz.


PROJECT Now it is your turn to write a brief presentation (about 500 words) of a major city of your choice. Make sure to include the following: Location (neighbours) A brief history Cultural or geographical landmarks Population Main institutions, economic life Importance



NATO FUNCTIONS Task 1 Complete the derivation table. In some cases, there are more than one noun or adjective. The first one has been done for you.
Verb e.g. secure ally ... grow join support Noun(s) security rule, ..... ; ..... ; . ... .... ; .... ; ... ; Adjective(s) secure . founding capable practical effective. Opposites insecurity insecure to this effect Notes secure from; in security for as a rule; by rule the Allied


Verb maintain prevent provide perform resolve threaten

Noun(s) ..... ; . defence disarmament commitment dispute concern

Adjective(s) sufficient ... ; . stable


Notes suffice (it) to say provide for; provide smb. with US: defense

Task 2 Read the text and answer the questions below. What is NATO? The Fundamental Tasks of the Alliance NATOs essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. Based on common values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, the Alliance has worked since its inception for the establishment of a just and lasting peaceful order in Europe. This central Alliance objective remains unchanged. NATO also embodies the transatlantic link by which the security of North America is permanently tied to the security of Europe. It is the practical expression of effective collective effort among its members in support of their common interests.

The means by which the Alliance carries out its security policies include the maintenance of a sufficient military capability to prevent war and to provide for effective defence; an overall capability to manage crises affecting the security of its members; and active promotion of dialogue with other nations and of a cooperative approach to European security, including measures to bring about further progress in the field of arms control and disarmament. To achieve this essential purpose, the Alliance performs the following fundamental security tasks: It provides an indispensable foundation for a stable security environment in Europe based on the growth of democratic institutions and commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes. It seeks to create an environment in which no country would be able to intimidate or coerce any European nation or to impose hegemony through the threat or use of force. In accordance with Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty, it serves as a transatlantic forum for Allied consultations on any issues affecting the vital interests of its members, including developments which might pose risk to their security. It facilitates coordination of their efforts in fields of common concern It provides deterrence and defence against any form of aggression against the territory of any NATO member state. It preserves a strategic balance within Europe. 1. How many and what purposes does the Alliance serve? 2. What means are used to carry out these purposes? 3. What security tasks are performed?


Task 3 Match the words and phrases in column A with their translation in column B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A rule of law resolution lasting to carry out overall commitment B a constrnge, a fora descurajare stat de drept general, total, global a reprezenta, a ntruchipa a executa, a duce la ndeplinire, a realiza g. a pstra h. angajament, ndatorire, obligaie i. rezolvare; rezoluie j. durabil a. b. c. d. e. f.

7. to coerce 8. deterrence 9. to embody 10. to preserve

Task 4a Find the following words in the text. What are at the closest neighbours of each word? to safeguard freedom ____________ values _________ objective ___________ effort __________ means __________ Charter __________ rights __________ order __________ link ________ expression __________ interests

Task 4b Complete the following phrases taken from the text above. 1. political and military 2. common .. 3. central Alliance 4. practical .. 5. human . 6. safeguard .. 7. transatlantic .. 8. effective collective 9. just and lasting peaceful 10.United Nations


Task 5 Look at this extract from the text. Fill in the gaps with a word formed from the root of the given word. The first one has been done for you.

The means by which the (ally) Alliance carries out its (secure) policies include the (maintain) .. of a sufficient military (capable) to prevent war and to provide for effective (defend) ..; an overall capability to manage crises affecting the security of its members; and active (promote) . of dialogue with other nations and of a (cooperate) . approach to European security, including measures to bring about further progress in the field of arms control and (disarm) .

Task 6 Fill in the sentences from the second extract with the appropriate form of the words below: to create to provide (2x) to achieve to serve to pose to impose to preserve to perform to facilitate

. (1) this essential purpose, the Alliance . (2) the following fundamental security tasks: It (3) an indispensable foundation for a stable security environment in Europe based on the growth of democratic institutions and commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes. It seeks (4) an environment in which no country would be able to intimidate or coerce any European nation or (5) hegemony through the threat or use of force. In accordance with Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty, it . (6) as a transatlantic forum for Allied consultations on

any issues affecting the vital interests of its members, including developments which might (7) risk to their security. It (8) the coordination of their efforts in fields of common concern It . (9) deterrence and defence against any form of aggression against the territory of any NATO member state. It . (10) a strategic balance within Europe. Task 7 What are the prepositions or adverbs used with the following words: 1. 2. 3. 4. based _____ commitment _____ in accordance ____ provide ______ 5. 6. 7. 8. to serve _____ risk _______ tied _______ aggression ______

WORD BY WORD Task 1 Complete the sentences below with the words in the box. Make the necessary changes: appoint behalf dismiss enable office uphold enforce ensure

1. On behalf of the entire team, I would like to thank you for all your work. 2. The committee ........................ the motion to increase oil prices by 5%. 3. He has been . from his position for incompetence. 4. The role of the supervisor is to . that the deadlines are met. 5. As president of the association, Mark held ....................... for over five years. 6. The airlines have to .. the new flight conventions. 7. Rebecca ....................... (as) director of the trading company. 8. Parliament passed a law which . the newly-created agencies to work efficiently.

Task 2 Study the following suffixes and how they change the word category. A. Noun noun Noun adjective Adjective noun Verb noun -ship, -dom -ful, -ous -ness -tion B. Noun adjective Adjective verb Adjective noun Verb noun -less -ize -(i)ty, -dom -ment

Now form new words from the Now form new words from the following using the suffixes following using the suffixes above: above: busy business danger explain fame great king legislate liberate member open partner peace power ready use agree care democratic develop diverse enlarge federal free govern hope hostile power private stable wise wisdom

Task 3 Use some of the suffixes in columns A and B above to fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. There were (HOPE) hopeful signs for successful peace talks. 2. The government has prepared an (AMBITION) ___________ programme to reduce inflation.

3. The (UNIFY) _________________ of Korea will be welcomed in the Far East. 4. He holds joint (CITIZEN) _________________ in Romania and Great Britain. 5. Responsible (COMPETITIVE) _________________ is essential in todays globalized world. 6. Talks are being held about the (SOVEREIGN) _________________ over the island. 7. The government launched a structural program to (LIBERAL) _________________ prices. 8. This job is open to all, (REGARD) _________________ of previous experience. 9. They are known for their (COMMIT) _________________ to nuclear disarmament. 10. Being able to vote as you want to is an important democratic (FREE) _________________ . LINKING DEVICES CONTRAST: but, yet, still although, though, even though despite / in spite of

Complete the sentences with one of these words or phrase. Use each word or phrase once only. 1. I havent got all the figures but its worth discussing the new plan . . 2. . the traffic was bad, we arrived in time for the conference. 3. . the heavy rain, all of the guests attended the ceremony. 4. . what they said yesterday, I . want to discuss the matter with them. 5. They couldnt sleep . being very tired after the long journey to the headquarters.

6. She got the post at the mission . she didnt have too much experience. 7. He didnt get the appointment . having all the necessary qualifications. 8. The meeting agenda isnt very clear. It is interesting . . WRITING CORNER NATO Summits At the 1999 Washington Summit, NATO launched an Initiative on Weapons of Mass Destruction to address the risks posed by their proliferation. The Initiative was designed to promote understanding of weapons of mass destruction issues, develop ways of responding to them, improve intelligence and information sharing, and enhance existing Allied programmes that increase military readiness to counter threats posed by these weapons. At the 2002 Prague Summit, NATO leaders expressed their determination to deter, defend and protect their populations, territory and forces from any armed attack from abroad, including by terrorists. They decided to create the NATO Response Force - a multinational unit made up of land, air, maritime and special forces components. After the terrorist attacks against the United States on 11 September 2001, NATO invoked for the first time Article 5 of the Washington Treaty - its collective defence clause - declaring the attacks to be an attack against all NATO members. Since then, and following other tragic attacks, NATO has been engaged actively in the campaign against terrorism on both the political and military fronts. At the 2004 Istanbul Summit, NATO leaders approved an enhanced set of measures to strengthen the Alliances contribution to the fight against terrorism. They agreed to improve intelligence sharing through a review of current intelligence structures at NATO to study general terrorist threats, as well as those more specifically aimed at NATO.

Task 1 Find in the text synonyms for the following words. Then translate the text into Romanian: a) arms b) secret information .. c) to improve, to develop .. Task 2 Translate into English: Extinzndu-se cu o mare parte a fostei Europe comuniste, NATO anun pentru prima dat o ideologie nou, o strategie nou i mijloace noi pentru a interveni oriunde n lume n sprijinul valorilor pe care se fundamenteaz, ca i pentru combaterea terorismului i armelor de distrugere n mas. Valorile comune ale lumii occidentale unesc naiunile dincolo de limitele geografice, etnice, rasiale sau religioase. Este o comunitate ce se bazeaz pe valori fundamentale privind natura societii moderne. n prezent, America de Nord este legat de Europa de o punte transatlantic de valori i idealuri. Asistena i sprijinul oferite de Alian trebuie nsoite de contribuia fiecrui membru la misiunile acesteia, pentru aprarea i promovarea valorilor euro-atlantice: Libertate: echilibru ntre libertatea individual si bunstarea societii. Democraie: sistemul de guvernare de ctre popor, al poporului i pentru popor. Statul de drept: respectarea legilor de ctre societate si sistemul politic. Stabilitate intern: procesul continuu de meninere a pcii, democraiei i prosperitii economice, i respectarea drepturilor omului. Aprare colectiv: abordarea problemelor ce pericliteaz n prezent securitatea, prin intermediul unei strategii comune i coordonate a securitii colective. Drepturile omului: respectul pentru drepturile fundamentale i demnitatea omului. Economie de pia: un mediu corect i prosper pentru dezvoltarea economiei de pia i a comerului. Pentru Romnia, ct i pentru ceilali nou venii n Alian, calitatea de membru nseamn garantarea clar a securitii i stabilitii, dar simbolizeaz i acceptarea lor de ctre Vest, fiind vzut ca un pas nainte pe calea aderrii la Uniunea European. Romnia a obinut un nou statut, noi drepturi, dar i noi obligaii.

d) to respond to ... e) out of the country f) analysis ..



Task 1 Fill in the blanks with one of the verbs in the box. Make any necessary changes: to define to issue to establish to invite to offer to underline

DECLARATION ON PEACE AND COOPERATION At the Rome Summit Meeting in November 1991, Allied leaders issued... (1) a Declaration on Peace and Cooperation, which (2) the future tasks and policies of NATO in relation to the overall institutional framework for Europes future security and in relation to the evolving partnership and co-operation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It .. (3) the Alliances support for the steps being taken in these countries towards reform; (4) practical assistance to help them to succeed in this difficult transition; .. (5) them to participate in appropriate Alliance forums; and extended to them the Alliances experience and expertise in political, military, economic and scientific spheres. To this end, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) ...(6) in May 1997 to oversee the future development of this partnership.

Following the publication of the Rome declaration, additional measures were taken at ministerial meetings of Foreign and Defence Ministers and by North Atlantic Council in permanent session to further the process of adaptation and transformation of the alliance. Three areas of activity merit particular mention, namely: the institutional, political framework created to develop the relationship between NATO and its co-operation partners in Central and Eastern Europe; the development of co-operation in the defence and military spheres; and NATOs role in the field of crisis management and peacekeeping. Task 2 Match the words in column A with their translation in column B. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. task framework appropriate to extend to oversee to further B a) b) c) d) e) f) a acorda, a oferi corespunztor a contribui la, a ajuta cadru misiune, sarcin a urmri, a supraveghea

Task 3 Which are the words related to the following? Verb 1. expand 2. fulfil 3. provide 4. recognise 5. require Noun expansion Noun 6. priority 7. expenditure 8. accession 9. extension 10. operation Verb prioritize

Task 4 Rephrase the following sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first sentence. Begin with the words given: 1. It underlined the Alliances support for the steps taken towards reform. The Alliance supports the steps taken towards reform.

2. The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council was established to oversee the future developments. The future developments .. 3. NATO offered practical assistance to the countries to help them succeed in this transition. The countries ............................................................................ Task 5 Write any combinations with the word peace you can think of:


Task 6 Read the following definition of (PSO). Then match the words in column A with the words in column B to get combinations that are used in the text: PEACE SUPPORT OPERATIONS Peace Support Operations (PSO) are multifunctional operations conducted impartially in support of a UN / OSCE mandate involving military forces and diplomatic and humanitarian agencies and are designed to achieve a long-term political settlement or other conditions specified in the mandate. They include peacekeeping and peace enforcement as well as conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace building and humanitarian operations.


A verbs conduct support involve achieve include

B nouns peacekeeping forces settlement operations UN mandate

A adjectives multifunctional military diplomatic humanitarian long-term

B nouns settlements operations forces agencies operations

Task 7 Now use the words in the two columns A to complete the sentences below. Make any necessary changes. 1. In order to support peace in different regions, political decisions have to be made. 2. It is not always easy . peaceful settlements of conflicts. 3. Peacekeeping forces .. in ethnic conflicts. 4. Multinational forces ... most of the PSO. 5. PSO .. peacekeeping and peacemaking operations. 6. After the earthquake in Pakistan, NATO conducted many .. operations. 7. . efforts were made to bring the two parties to peace talks. 8. The government planned the development of the economic structures. Task 8 The following sentences or parts of sentences have been taken out of the text below. Where do you think they should go? i. Peace enforcement ii. Conflict prevention iii. Peacekeeping

iv. Humanitarian operations v. Peacemaking vi.Peace building

A. .. operations are generally undertaken under Chapter VI of the UN Charter and are conducted with the consent of all Parties to a conflict to monitor and facilitate implementation of a peace agreement. B. .. covers the diplomatic activities conducted after the commencement of a conflict aimed at establishing a ceasefire or a rapid peaceful settlement. They can include the provision of good offices, mediation, conciliation and such actions as diplomatic pressure, isolation or sanctions. C. .. operations are undertaken under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. They are coercive in nature and are conducted when the consent of all Parties to a conflict has not been achieved or might be uncertain. They are designed to maintain or re-establish peace or enforce the terms specified in the mandate. D. activities are normally conducted under Chapter VI of the UN Charter. They range from diplomatic initiatives to the preventive deployment of forces intended to prevent disputes from escalating into armed conflicts or from spreading. It can also include fact-finding missions, consultation, warning, inspections and monitoring. E. . covers actions which support political, economic, social and military measures and structures aiming at strengthening and solidifying political settlements in order to address the causes of conflict. This includes mechanisms to identify and support structures which will tend to consolidate peace, advance a sense of confidence and well-being and support economic reconstruction. F. are conducted to alleviate human suffering during or after civil wars, famine and natural disasters (floods, draught, hurricanes or earthquakes). They may precede or accompany other similar activities provided by specialized civilian organizations.

peace enforcement = impunerea pcii peacekeeping = meninerea pcii peacemaking = restabilirea pcii peace building = construirea pcii humanitarian operations = misiuni umanitare

cease-fire = (acord de) ncetare a focului deployment = desfurare (de fore) fact-finding mission = misiune de informare draught = secet famine = foamete

WORD BY WORD Task 1 Do you know other words that have the prefix multi-? What about poly-, and pluri- ? Combine these prefixes with the words below:

multie.g. multifunctional . . . . . . .

polypolyvalent . . . . . .

pluripluringualism . .

chromatic; coloured; clinic; cultural; ethnic; -glot; graphic; media; millionaire; national; partite; sectoral; syllabic; -technic; theist


WEU Task 1 What does WEU stand for? Read this introductory part: Part I Western European Union (WEU) plays a pivotal role between the European Union and NATO in the development of a European Security and Defence Identity. Its function is to conduct European military operations in the humanitarian peacekeeping and crisis management fields. The bases for WEUs current activities and development are the Maastricht Declarations (in political terms) and the Petersberg Declaration (in operational terms). Task 2 Read Part II quickly and decide which of the three titles below best describes the excerpt. Write the title at the top of Part II 1. The common concept of European security 2. The Maastricht Declaration 3. The development of WEUs operational capabilities .. Part II The first WEU (1) ...declaration... on the Role of the Western European Union and its relations with the European Union and the Atlantic Alliance (2) ..................... that WEU (3) ................... be developed as the defence component of the European Union and as the means to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance. To this end, it will formulate (4) ................... European defence policy and carry forward its concrete implementation through the further development of its operational role.

The Declaration then proposed ways of strengthening WEUs (5) ...................... with the European Union and NATO, as well as measures to develop WEUs operational role. A number of practical decisions (6) .......... taken, including the transfer of the seat of the WEU Council and Secretariat General from London to Brussels, which was completed in January 1993. The (7) ................... WEU Declaration drew the consequences of the first Declaration for WEUs membership: States (8) ............ are members of the European Union are invited to accede to WEU on conditions to (9) ............... agreed in accordance with Article XI of the modified Brussels Treaty, or to become observers if they so wish. Simultaneously, other European Member States of NATO are invited to become associate members of WEU in a way which will give (10) ................. the possibility to fully participate in activities of WEU.

Task 3 Read Part II again and fill in the gaps. Use the questions and clues below to help you. 1. It is a type of official document. 2. Synonym to say, declare. 3. This word helps to form a verb in a future tense. 4. Synonym to shared. 5. Synonym to connections 6. Which part of the verb is missing? 7. Think about how many documents are presented. 8. Which or Who? 9. Part of the verb is missing. Look at the word that follows. 10. To whom?


Task 4 Several phrases have been removed in the third part. Put them back in the right order. (a) acting under the authority of WEU; (b) took a major step forward; (c) military tasks were defined; (d) declared their preparedness; (e) their conventional armed forces Petersberg Declaration Part III At Petersberg, near Bonn, on 19 June 1992, WEU Foreign and Defence Ministers, reviewing the implementation of the Maastricht Declaration, ..(b).. (1) in defining WEUs operational role. WEU Member States ... (2) to make available military units from the whole spectrum of .. . (3) for military tasks conducted under the authority of WEU. The following types of WEU .. (4) : Apart from contributing to the common defence in accordance with Article 5 of the Washington Treaty and Article V of the modified Brussels Treaty respectively, military units of WEU Member States, ..... (5), could be employed for: humanitarian and rescue tasks; peacekeeping tasks; tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking Humanitarian operations, peacekeeping and crisis management have thus become known as the Petersberg tasks. Task 5 Find words in completed Part III which mean the same as: 1. close to = near 2. going over, re-examining = .. not nuclear = . in addition to =


3. important, great = 4. readiness = .. 5. range, series = . WRITING CORNER

6. helping to, adding to = . 7. shared by = .. 8. according to = .

Task 1 Match the following questions on ISAF with their answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What will its role be? Who will be in ISAF? When will it go in? What is ISAF? What will its powers be?

_4__ A. The multinational peacekeeping force to be deployed in Afghanistan is called the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). It will be under a UN mandate but the soldiers will not wear blue berets. It will be under British command for three months, after which Britain will hand over to someone else. ___B. Twenty-one nations in all have attended a contributors conference in London, indicating the wide range of countries interested in taking part. It will be between 3500 and 5000 strong. Britain will send up to 1500 troops; Germany has offered the same number; France has offered 800; Spain 700. ___C. The formal role is to assist the new interim government. It will operate in Kabul and surrounding area. Its main function will be to provide confidence that new political institutions can be set up and an end put to the rule of the warlords. It will guard buildings and roads and patrol streets, but in agreement with the new government. A further role will be to help train new Afghan security forces.


___ D. It will not be an intervention force but it will be allowed to defend itself and will be empowered to do that under what is known as Chapter V11 of the UN Charter, which permits force to be used. The rules of engagement will be robust. That means they can fire back. ___ E. The idea is to get some units by the end of the year when the new interim government takes office. Task 2 Translate into English: Forele armate ale Romniei ar putea juca un rol esenial att n cadrul Alianei Nord-Atlantice, ct i n interiorul Uniunii Europene. ara noastr are, n acest moment, peste 2.000 de militari n teatrele de operaiuni din afara granielor. n aceste condiii, se prevede o transformare major a forelor militare romne, care, n urm cu 15 ani, au fcut parte din Pactul de la Varovia. Romnia va continua s participe la operaiunile de meninere a pcii sub comanda NATO i a Uniunii Europene, sub mandatul Organizaiei Naiunilor Unite. Nimic nu poate fi mai valoros pentru antrenarea trupelor noastre dect s ia parte la aceste aciuni militare, a declarat generalul Eugen Bdlan. Romnia are 228 de militari n Balcani, Irak, Afganistan i n alte zone de conflict unde ndeplinesc o gam larg de misiuni, de la cele de meninere a pcii pn la operaiuni de desfurare a forelor sub comanda Uniunii Europene, a NATO, a Organizaiei pentru Securitate i Cooperare n Europa, a Naiunilor Unite sau a altor coaliii multinaionale care lupt mpotriva terorismului. De asemenea, Romnia are 806 soldai n misiuni ale NATO. Pentru prima dat, Romnia ia parte la o misiune NATO n Marea Mediteran. Romnia a trimis i susinut o unitate militar pentru sprijinirea procesului de desfurare a alegerilor libere din Afganistan. Aducem o contribuie important la operaiunile de pace din Balcani. n cadrul luptei mpotriva terorismului, suntem parte a coaliiei din Irak i Afganistan cu 1.309 soldai. n plus, Romnia are observatori, sub mandat ONU, n Africa, Asia, Europa i Kosovo. Securizarea zonei Mrii Negre este o misiune strategic pentru Romnia i NATO. Pentru Romnia i celelalte state din jurul Mrii

Negre, acest lucru presupune unica ieire spre ocean. n al doilea rnd, Marea Neagr este punctul-cheie pentru dou coridoare strategice majore: unul ntre furnizorii de energie (Orientul Mijlociu, Asia Central i Marea Caspic) i consumatorii de energie (spaiul euroatlantic). Cellalt ntre furnizorii de securitate (spaiul euro-atlantic) i consumatorii de securitate (Orientul Mijlociu i Asia Central). Nu toate aceste state sunt membre ale acelorai aliane militare, fapt care a fcut ca regiunea s sufere de un deficit de securitate. Romnia sprijin NATO i UE n implicarea lor activ n zona Mrii Negre, iar drept urmare regiunea ar putea s se deschid spre o dezvoltare democratic, previzibil i stabil. Pentru forele armate romne, unul dintre cele mai importante proiecte schiate pentru anii ce urmeaz este crearea unei uniti de fore operaionale i informaii militare care ar reprezenta un atu important pentru Romnia i o ni n viitoarele operaiuni NATO. Aceste fore speciale vor include elemente din toate serviciile antrenate i echipate pentru misiuni speciale de recunoatere. De asemenea, ele vor lua parte direct la aciuni sau vor oferi asisten att pe teritoriul Romniei, ct i n alte teatre de operaiuni unde iau parte forele coaliiei sau ale NATO. (adapted from Jurnalul naional, 15.11.2005)



UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION Task 1 The following sentences or parts of sentences have been taken out of the text below. Where do you think they should go? 1. The United Nations is not a world government 2. The United Nations Organization 3. All UN Member States are represented in the General Assembly 4. The UN Charter gives the Security Council 5. The United Nations has six main bodies. 6. The International Monetary Fund 7. When States become Members of the United Nations, A. __2__was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN; membership totals 192 countries.

B. _____ they agree to accept the obligations of the UN Charter, an international treaty that sets out basic principles of international relations. According to the Charter, the UN has four purposes: to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. C. ____ and it does not make laws. It does, however, provide the means to help resolve international conflicts and formulate policies on matters affecting all of us. At the UN, all the Member States large and small, rich and poor, with differing political views and social systems have a voice and a vote in this process. D. ____ Five of them the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat are based at UN Headquarters in New York. The sixth, the International Court of Justice, is located at The Hague in the Netherlands. E. ____ a parliament of nations which meets to consider the worlds most pressing problems. Each Member State has one vote. Decisions on such key issues as international peace and security, admitting new members and the UN budget are decided by two-thirds majority. Other matters are decided by simple majority. In recent years, a special effort has been made to reach decisions through consensus, rather than by taking a formal vote. F. ____ primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. The Council may convene at any time, whenever peace is threatened. Under the Charter, all Member States have to carry out the Councils decisions. There are 15 Council members. Five of these (China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) are permanent members. The other 10 are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms. Member States are discussing making changes in Council membership and working to reflect todays political and economic realities.

G. ____ , the World Bank and 12 other independent organizations known as specialized agencies are linked to the UN through cooperative agreements. These agencies, among them the World Health Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization, are autonomous bodies created by intergovernmental agreement. They have wide-ranging international responsibilities in the economic, social, cultural, educational, health and related fields. Some of them, like the International Labour Organization and the Universal Postal Union, are older than the UN itself.

The Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, was constructed as the Leagues headquarters. Today, it serves as the United Nations European headquarters and flies the UN flag.

Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are True or False according to the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All of the nations in the world are UN members. The UN has legislative powers. The UN assists in settling international disputes. The General Assembly makes decisions by consensus. It is obligatory for all UN members to achieve the Councils decisions. 6. The Council members are elected every two years. 7. The World Bank is one of the UN bodies.


Task 3 Supply opposites for the words below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. collective individual accept respect differing located 6. decision indecision 7. majority 8. permanent 9. reality 10. cooperative

Task 4 Complete the UN Timeline chart with information from the text below:

The name United Nations, coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942 in Washington, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers. States first established international organizations to cooperate on specific matters. In 1899, the International Peace Conference was held in The Hague to elaborate instruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars and codifying rules of warfare. It established the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which began work in 1902 in the same city. The forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations, an organization conceived in similar circumstances during the First World War, and established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security. After failing to prevent the Second World War, the League of Nations ceased its activities one year after the United Nations was officially established and its services, mandates, and property were transferred to the UN.

In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States, in August-October 1944. The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland, which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member States. The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories. United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 October each year.
to coin = a inventa un cuvnt warfare = rzboi, conflict to convene = a se ntruni to pledge = a (se) angaja to work out = a redacta, a lucra la to conceive = a crea, a concepe

Task 5 Put the in each space or leave the space blank (zero article): 1. ___ Hague, ___ administrative capital of ___ Netherlands is host to several institutions of ___ United Nations, e.g. ___ International Court of Justice. 2. The motto of ___ European Union is United in ___ diversity. 3. ___ United Kingdom has not adopted ___ euro yet. 4. ___ Danube, ___ second-longest river in ___ Europe, flows through four capitals. 5. Among ___ largest islands in ___ Mediterranean are ___ Cyprus in ___ east and ___ Baleares in ___ west. 6. ___ Queen Mary 2 is ___ largest cruise ship in ___ world. Romania at the United Nations Task 1 Read quickly Part I of the text below and choose a subtitle: 1. What kind of a country is Romania today? 2. Why does Romania seek the European Union membership? 3. Why Romania for the fourth term of office as one of the 10 elected Security Council members?

Task 2 Read again Part I of the text and fill in the blanks with the right tense of the following verbs:







Part I The answer is closely linked to another question: Who is now Romania?, namely the profile of the country, how it has evolved, in strategic and political terms. As a matter of fact, immediately after its Revolution in December 1989, Romania .had... (1) the chance to enter the Security Council as an emerging democracy, a country at the beginning of a manifold transition process, having as major pillars the rule of law, free market economy, respect for human rights. Its own internal reconstruction endeavours..(2) Romania better understand and approach the European and worldwide challenges and radical changes and developments of 20th centurys last decade, many of them taking a priority on the Security Council agenda. Over the last decade, Romania ... (3) as a stable democracy and a pole of stability and regional cooperation. Romania .. (4) to be a credible partner in Europe and the world, in dealing with major issues and coping with the new challenges to international peace and security. Deeply committed to the United Nations goals and principles, Romania actively ..... (5), alongside the other United Nations Member States, in building a global security likely to bring peace, stability and prosperity to all the peoples of the world. Wishing to further enhance its contribution to the promotion of international peace and security, Romania .. (6) its candidature for an elected seat on the United Nations Security Council.


Task 3 Find the answers to the following questions:

What happened after December 1989? What is the transition process based on? Why can Romania better understand the recent evolutions? What are the effects of global security? Why did Romania stand for the United Nations Security Council?

Task 4 Read the second part of the text and find the missing prepositions:



in (x2)


on (x2)

to (x3)

Part II The status of elected member of the Security Council equates for (1) Romania with a deeper involvement . (2) the United Nations efforts to address the new challenges . (3) international peace and security, wherever they occur in the world. Romania will act in favour of using preventive diplomacy and peaceful settlement of disputes as principal tools for peace throughout world, with full respect . (4) international legal norms and practice. Romania is committed . (5) participating in international cooperation initiatives taken in major fields, such as fighting terrorism, combating proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and trafficking . (6) drugs and human beings. Romania will be able to count . (7) previous experience acquired during the numerous UN peacekeeping operations . (8) which it contributed to. It will also benefit . (9) its experience and prestige of a regional and sub-regional promoter of security and stability, including its successful Chairmanship-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, in 2001. Romania will support further enhancement of the United Nations peace operation capabilities, with particular emphasis ... (10) the reconstruction and rehabilitation processes.

Task 5 Find in the text above (Part II) the verbs that are used with the following nouns:

Verb Noun to address challenges initiatives (2 possibilities!) experience (3 possibilities!) enhancement

Task 6 Choose a subtitle for the second part of the text above: 1. Main aspects of the new Romanias mandate 2. Priorities set by Romania as Chairmanship-in-Office 3. Romania s contributions to UN peacekeeping operations WORD BY WORD Task 1 Match the words or phrases in column A with their translation in column B. See Parts I and II: A 1. as a matter of fact 2. manifold 3. endeavour 4. developments 5. to cope with 6. to enhance

B a) evoluii b) a spori, a crete c) de fapt d) multiplu e) efort, strdanie f) a face fa la

A 7. full respect of 8. settlement 9. dispute 10. worldwide 11. emphasis 12. Chairman-in-Office

B g) preedinte n exerciiu h) diferend i) respectarea deplin a j) accent, subliniere k) rezolvare, soluionare l) mondial

Task 2 What is the correct form of the verb to elect in the sentences below? 1. In the United Kingdom, the Government for a fiveyear term of office. 2. We him as our representative before we found out about his previous failures in negotiating. 3. She Chair of the Board of Governors last Thursday. 4. The group one of its members to be their spokesperson at the next meeting. Task 3 Complete the sentences below with one of the words in the box: elect electable election elector electoral electorate

1. The Government is expected to call an very soon. 2. His qualifications made him an extremely candidate. 3. The President- has been preparing to take office in January. 4. At the last general , the Labour Party suffered a crushing defeat.

5. The eighteen-year old young people are going to be for the first time. 6. Parliament passed the bill on the new system. 7. The present voting system does not take into account the wishes of the .


Task 1 Read the text. Choose the word from the list below that best complete the sentences. Then translate the text into Romanian. Annan calls on rich and poor countries to agree on UN reform Kofi Annan called on rich and .. (1) countries to reach agreement on a UN reform plan so as not to paralyse the international body. In an article in The Financial Times, he said: It is time for those who really care about reform to come together and form a new coalition - one that bridges the artificial, destructive divide between North and South and brings together all those who are willing to work together because they share the vision of a UN that really works, for the (2) of all the worlds peoples. Surely governments can agree on how to make these reforms happen without bringing the whole organization to a halt, Annan wrote. The reform blueprint that I put . (3) last year reminded us all that the UN is founded on three legs - development, collective security and human rights. And like any good chair they need a fourth: management reform.


He went on: Last December, member states adopted a budget for the current biennium (2006-2007), but gave us authority to spend only enough to carry us through the first six months. The main contributors insisted that this spending cap should be lifted only when there is (4) progress on UN reform. We are now perilously near the deadline and it is far from clear that enough reform to satisfy them has been achieved. (5) side has found a way of engaging with the other to agree on further reforms. The secretary general concluded: It is in all member states interest to keep the UN running and adapt it to the specific work they want it to do. That means both sides need engage in serious negotiations to work out a .. (6) compromise now as a basis for more fundamental change later. (adapted from AFP, 12.06. 2006) blueprint = schi, proiect, propunere halt = oprire, blocaj biennium = perioad de 2 ani cap = limit superioar, plafon

1. a) developed b) developing c) development 2. a) loss b) advantage c) benefit 3. a) for b) forward c) from 4. a) significant b) special c) sustained 5. a) no b) none c) neither 6. a) sensitive b) sensible c) sensing Task 2 Translate into English: n mai mare libertate: ctre dezvoltare, securitate i drepturi ale omului pentru toi (In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All) Acesta este titlul raportului de 63 de pagini prezentat pe 21 martie 2005 de secretarul general al ONU, Kofi Annan. Pentru cotidianul

New York Times, documentul este n special un proiect de lrgire a Consiliului de Securitate pentru a ine cont n primul rnd de relaiile globale de putere, de restructurare a Comisiei Drepturilor Omului, de a redefini terorismul pentru a mpiedica folosirea lui pe viitor sub justificarea rezistenei naionaliste. Pentru cotidianul britanic The Guardian, acest raport este o tentativ de a gsi un teren comun ntre Nord i Sud. Raportul este rezultatul eforturilor unei comisii independente, finalizat n noiembrie 2004. Textul indic direciile principale ale unei reforme a organizaiei internaionale ce rspunde numeroaselor critici care i sunt aduse. Astfel, Kofi Annan propune nlocuirea Comisiei Drepturilor Omului, care numr 53 de membri, cu un comitet mai restrns ai crui participani s nu mai fie alei pe criterii regionale, ci prin votul a dou treimi din sufragiile Adunrii Generale a ONU. n problema terorismului, secretarul general sugereaz urmtoarea definiie: Terorismul este un act ce are ca obiectiv s provoace moartea sau rnirea grav a unor civili sau non-combatani, cu scopul de a intimida guvernele, populaia sau organizaiile internaionale. Kofi Annan a insistat asupra necesitaii de a-i ,,convinge pe toi cei care ar fi tentai s susin terorismul c nu este nici un mijloc acceptabil, nici unul eficace de a-i susine cauza. The Guardian menioneaz c Annan a insistat asupra unui lucru: Nu vom ajunge la dezvoltare fr securitate, nici la securitate fr dezvoltare, nu vom ajunge nici la una nici la cealalt fr respectarea drepturilor omului. Dac luptele pentru toate aceste cauze nu sunt puse pe acelai plan, nici una nu va avea succes. (adapted from, 31.3.2005)


PROJECT Group work In each group, imagine that you live in a fictitious country and give your country a name. Your country is located on a continent with several other states, each of which has its own national music, food, language, and other cultural traditions. The other countries have just voted to join together as a union that will permit tariff-free trade, have the same currency throughout the continent, and allow citizens to live and work in any of the countries. Your country is the smallest on the continent and many citizens are concerned that their cultural traditions will be lost, overwhelmed by the other countries cultures, not to mention their large businesses. Discuss this scenario and determine what you think would be the pros and cons of their country joining the new union. Draw up a list and present it to the other groups. Each group writes a report that explains these pros and cons and whether it thinks their country should join. Use the following expressions (linking devices) to express your pros and cons: To introduce a point: To express a contrast: To draw a conclusion: First(ly), ; Second(ly), ; One advantage/disadvantage is that; On the plus/minus side is ; Another point is that ; Finally, ; Last of all, However, ; Yet, ; Nevertheless, ; On the other hand ; To sum up, ; In conclusion, ; In short, ; In brief; All in all,




Task 1 Read the following text. The subtitles of the paragraphs have been removed. Decide where they should go. 1. 2. 3. 4. Above all ... governments The ITO: a first attempt Setting the ground rules The need for economic security 5. Liberalising trade 6. The Ministerial Conferences 7. Born in 1995, but not so young 8. Why multilateral?

World Trade Organization The WTO is certainly one of the most important institutions dealing with international economic relations. In broad terms, its role is twofold. First, to establish and enforce the rules for international trade in both goods and services. And second, to progressively liberalize that trade, presently valued at close to eight thousand billion dollars every year. A ...............Born in 1995, but not so young ................ While the WTO began its life on 1 January 1995, its origins are more than half a century old. They lie in the economic and social disaster of the Great Depression of the 1930s. At this time in history, countries turned inwards, and provoked a descending spiral of declining output and trade. The reaction in terms of trade policy was to resort to extreme protectionism. This meant raising tariffs and other trade barriers to such a level that imports were drastically diminished.

B. . The Second World War followed and many important lessons were learned. One of the most important was that a secure political future could not be built without greater economic security. The search for better international cooperation instruments bore fruit at a conference held in Bretton Woods in the United States in 1944. At this conference, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created to deal with matters such as currency instability and the financing of post-war reconstruction. C . Attempts to create a counterpart International Trade Organization to deal with problems of international trade took much longer. An interim agreement took the form of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - the GATT - and came into being in 1948. The fullydeveloped answer to the question of what would be the institution to deal with international trade came half a century later. It came with the birth of the World Trade Organization. D. . Thus it is the WTO which now provides the legal ground-rules for international commerce. It has extended the reach of multilateral trade rules far beyond merchandise trade to trade in services and trade related aspects of intellectual property rights. The rules also deal with numerous other areas such as dumping, customs procedures, technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. The existing rules are contained in multilateral trade agreements which are essentially contracts that bind governments to operate their trade policies in accordance with what was agreed in the multilateral negotiations. E . Why do we describe these agreements as multilateral agreements as opposed to global or international agreements? The answer lies in the fact that while almost 150 countries of the world are members of the

WTO, some are not. For this reason, we refer to the agreements that fall under the umbrella of the WTO as multilateral trade agreements rather than international or global agreements. These of course are very different from regional trade agreements - such as the European Union, NAFTA, or the ASEAN Free Trade Area. The WTO system is commonly referred to as the open and liberal rules-based multilateral trading system. It is open and liberal because of the process of progressive removal of trade restrictions. It is rules-based as international trade is conducted according to agreed rules. F . But most importantly, the WTO comprises almost 150 sovereign states, the vast majority of which are democratically elected. They have collectively agreed to conduct their trade according to multilaterally agreed rules that have been agreed to on a consensus basis. After agreement is struck between trade negotiators, the agreements are then ratified by the domestic parliaments of all WTO member countries. To criticize the WTO is - in practical terms - to criticize the collective action of about 150 sovereign states acting on the basis of consensus and according to rules accepted by their national parliaments. G. . The institutional structure of the WTO is such that it is headed by a Ministerial Conference. This is composed of all members of the WTO and meets at least once every two years. The most recent meeting was in Cancun in Mexico in September 2003. Prior to that, ministers met in Doha, Qatar in 2001, and in Seattle in 1999. Between the sessions of the Ministerial Conference, the General Council, also made up of the full membership of the WTO, exercises the functions of the Ministerial Conference. The General Council also meets as the Dispute Settlement Body and as the Trade Policy Review Body. H. . Perhaps a good place to start with is trade liberalization. WTO negotiations produce general rules that apply to all members, and

specific commitments made by individual member governments. The specific commitments are listed in schedules of concessions. For trade in goods, in general, these consist of maximum tariff levels that a country can apply to a specific product. For agriculture, they also include tariff quotas, limits on export subsidies, and some kinds of domestic support. There are also special provisions for developing countries in the Agreement on Agriculture. They do not have to cut their subsidies or lower their tariffs as much as developed countries. They are also given extra time to fulfill their obligations. Special provisions are designed to protect the interests of those countries that rely on imports for their food supplies. There are also special provisions for least developed countries. Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are True or False according to the text above. 1. The role of WTO is to set and implement the rule for international trade. 2. The origins of WTO go back to 1995. 3. Economic security is not always necessary for a secure political future. 4. The institution fully developed to deal with international commerce is GATT. 5. WTO provides rules for both goods trade and trade areas of services and intellectual property. 6. WTO is an international trading system. 7. The WTO trade rules have been agreed by majority voting. 8. Ministerial conferences are periodic meetings of ministers in charge of WTO matters.


Task 3 Find words in the text above that have the same meaning as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. downward = descending increasing = diminished = had successful results = money = 6. goods = 7. obligating = 8. in contrast to = 9. carried out = 10. reduce =

WORD BY WORD Task 4 Write the combinations with the word trade you have met in the text. Then make sentences of your own with them. e.g. international .. .. trade trade . .. rules .. ... ..

Task 4a Read the following dictionary entries and the examples of words related to economy. economic (adj.) relating to trade, industry and wealth: The country has been in a very poor economic state ever since the decline of its two major industries. economical (adj.) not using a lot of fuel, money, etc.: Whats the most economical way of illuminating this building? economically (adv.) 1. relating to economy: Economically, the country has been improving steadily over years. 2. using little money, time, etc: As a student she lived very economically, rarely going out and buying very few clothes.

economics (noun) {U} the principles by which trade, industry or wealth is organise d, or the study of those: Their ideas sound fine but they havent worked out the economics behind the policies. economise / economize (verb) {I} to try to save money by reducing the amount that you are spending: A lot of companies are trying to economise by not taking on new staff. economist (noun) {C} a person who studies, teaches or has a special knowledge of economics: Our company is looking for a young and well-qualified economist. economy1 (noun) {C} the system of supply, trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used: Tourism contributes millions of euros to the countrys economy. economy2 (noun) {C or U } the intentional saving of money or the saving of time, energy, words: Theyve made economies for the next holiday. Task 4b Group the words above according to whether they relate to the meanings of economy 1 or economy 2 economy 1 .. .. .. .. .. economy 2 economical .. .. .. ..

Task 4c Now use one of the words above to fill in the gaps: 1. The governments .. policies have led to the worst recession for years. 2. Theres increasing demand for heating systems which are more .. on fuel.

3. Shes in her third year of .. at York University. 4. Use our new car when you need speed and .. . 5. The global .. has brought about many changes in peoples lives. 6. You could .. on food by not eating in restaurants all the time. 7. The finance minister has many .. that advise him. 8. The .. developed countries are competing against each other. 9. They have spent all of their .. on redecorating their house. 10. The government discussed the political, .. and social situation of the country. Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the following expressions: attach, carte blanche, charg daffaires, coup dtat, envoy, fait accompli, inter alia, interim, tte--tte 1. An .. government was set up for the period before the countrys first free election. 2. They gave the contractor to use whatever materials he thought necessary. 3. The military .. took part in the celebration of the national day. 4. He was appointed .. in the absence of the ambassador. 5. The UN special . has engaged the Burmese regime in negotiation toward dialogue. 6. The policy change was presented to us as a , without consultation or discussion. 7. The committee recommended, .., that he be promoted as Chief Executive Officer. 8. The two leaders had a . meeting on delicate matters of politics. 9. The army attempted to stage a against the elected government.

Task 6 Decide which prepositions from the list below goes with each verb: about (2x) against for (2x) from in into of (2x) on (3x) to (2x) with (2x)

1. The committees work will focus .... the implementation of the economic reform. 2. The company belongs .... one of the major investors. 3. Hes looking .... job opportunities in his area. 4. We completely agree .... you .... this measures. 5. Marseille reminds me somehow .... Barcelona. 6. I congratulated her .... getting promoted. 7. We know quite a little .... the political situation in Madagascar. 8. Our team specialised .... financial consultancy. 9. The commission deals .... signing a new trade agreement. 10. The new laws will prevent employers .... using cheap labour. 11. Ive divided my presentation .... four parts. 12. The commission consists .... members from each pre-accession state. 13. The results we are expecting depend .... the new tax regulations. 14. The police have to arm themselves .... terrorist attacks. 15. I must apologise .... keeping you wait for so long. 16. Id just like to add a few words .... what my colleague just said. WRITING CORNER Task 1 Read the text and answer the questions below. Underline the comparatives in the text. Then translate it into Romanian. The true cost of cheap clothing We do the same work as they do in other factories. They just pay us less, said Nut Chenda. A complaint familiar to workers around the world, perhaps.

But Chenda may have a point. The Cambodian woman works as a machinist for the Fortune Garment Factory, about 20 miles from the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. The Taiwanese-owned business sells garments to some of Britains biggest retailers. Chenda and all the workers in the Fortune factory earn between $50 and $60 a month. Even in Cambodia - one of the worlds poorest countries - that is low. Although Fortune managers maintain they pay a fair wage above the legal requirement. That may be true but it is only part of what appears to be a story of harsh conditions. Most people work in rooms of 600 people, they maintained. There are not enough fans and only two doors, which are kept closed, said Chenda. There are lots of chemicals and the ceiling is not high, so it gets very hot and stuffy, said another woman, who asked not to be named. We are given masks but they are not good enough, and we often suffer the effects of chemical inhalation. When the buyers come to inspect the factory the managers bring out the best equipment, like good gloves. They also open the doors and increase the ventilation. But no one is allowed to talk to visitors and after the buyers leave they close the doors and take away the [new] safety equipment. Though workers admitted old and dangerous washing machines, which frequently caused accidents, were replaced last year. Since 2004, trade union leaders say 200 people out of a workforce of 2,500 have been dismissed for union activity. Next month the workers plan to strike, seeking reinstatement for a colleague dismissed recently and demanding better pay. The International Labour Organisation, a UN body aimed at improving working conditions, particularly in developing countries, has inspected it three times. In 2004 it had one of the worst records for implementing ILO recommendations, and received the greatest number of new recommendations. But Fortune is just one case, as there are many sweatshops in faraway places that produce footballs for Nike or T-shirts for Gap. (adapted from The Observer, April 23, 2006)

garments = confecii retailer = detailist wage = salariu

harsh = aspru trade union = sindicat to strike = a intra n grev

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Whose company is the Fortune factory? What do they produce? Are the workers wages high? What are the working conditions in the factory? What do the managers provide the workers with? How does the trade union react? What is ILO? What is a sweatshop? Task 2 Read the text carefully. Study the way trends are expressed. 8.1 per cent GDP growth projected

The Central Statistical 14 Organization (CSO) has 12 projected a growth rate 10 8 of 8.1 per cent for the 2004-5 2006 6 current fiscal year 4 (2006), much beyond 2 the expectations of the 0 Finance Ministry and the Reserve Bank of India. The gross domestic product (GDP) grew from 6.9 to 7.5 per cent in 2004-05.

P ag ric ul tu re


el ec tri ct y co ns tru ct io ns

According to the estimates, the manufacturing sector with a robust increase of 9.4 per cent and the booming services sector that jumped by eight per cent would accelerate the GDP growth. Also pushing the GDP growth would be the good monsoon, which is expected to enhance agricultural production by 2.3 per cent as compared to 0.7 per cent in the previous fiscal year.

se rv ic

ba nk in g


in in g


In keeping with the higher development, the per capita income or the average income of an Indian is estimated to go up by 5.9 per cent compared to a year ago. The CSO data revealed that the overall economic growth could have been higher but for the mining sector, which is likely to see a flat growth of 0.6 per cent compared to the 5.1 per cent recorded a year ago. Likewise, electricity is estimated to achieve a lower growth of 4.9 per cent as against 6.6 per cent last year. Thanks to the real estate boom, construction activity is expected to sustain a growth of 12.1 per cent, marginally lower than the 12.5 per cent in 2004-05. The services sector will make up for the deficit. Trade, hotel, transport and communication are thought to expand from 10.6 per cent last year to 11.1 per cent. In the banking sector, financing and insurance are expected to witness a growth of 9.5 per cent compared to 9.2 per cent a year ago as bank deposits are seen growing by 18.9 per cent.
to project = a estima GDP (Gross Domestic Product) = PIB (Produsul Intern Brut) per capita = pe cap de locuitor real estate = proprieti imobiliare

Task 3 Give the opposites of the words in italics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Productivity grew in the first 6 months. declined Exchange rates did not increase last month. _______ Oil prices have risen significantly this year. _______ They raised the tariffs for the imported goods. ________ The GDP went up by 7.8 per cent last year. _______ The inflation has jumped to 9.6% in summer. ____

Task 4 Change the sentences below according to the model: 1. The number of students grew sharply. There was a sharp growth in the number of students. 2. Unemployment has declined slowly over the last months. 3. Foreign investments have increased steadily. 4. The employment in services will rise dramatically. 5. Exports of goods dropped rapidly in 2005. 6. The price of gold may fall slightly next year. Task 5 Now use the prepositions, verbs and expressions in Tasks 2, 3 and 4 to give a similar presentation of the data in the chart below. Estimated development of Ruritanias economy
30 25 20
23,1 17,9 15,2 12,9 5,9 4,5 5,6 4,5 4,3 6,1 7,1 5,2 3 1,7



15 10 5 0

2005 2006

G D an P uf ac tu ri n g ag ric ul tu re m in in g el ec tri ci co ty ns tru ct io ns se rv ic es ba nk in g


Task 6 Translate the following text into English: Ce se va ntmpla dup 2005? Unii analiti prevd c, dup 2005-2006, cei mai importani cumprtori din zona textile-confecii i vor reduce la jumtate numrul rilor furnizoare. n aceste condiii, pentru rile i companiile implicate este vital s rmn o surs important pentru aceti cumprtori. La 31 decembrie 2004 va nceta Acordul cu privire la Textile si Confecii (ATC) i, odat cu acesta, sistemul cotelor pentru comerul internaional cu textile i confecii. Prin urmare, comerul din aceste sectoare va trece printr-o schimbare major. Pn n anul 2005, sectorul va fi integrat complet n Acordul General de Tarife si Comer (GATT) al Organizaiei Mondiale a Comerului i toate cotele vor disprea. Doar taxele vor rmne ca mecanism de intrare pe pia. n plus, membrii OMC vor discuta reducerea taxelor i modalitile de reducere a cotelor maxime ale taxelor, a taxelor mari i a creterii acestora conform Agendei Doha de Dezvoltare. Schimbarea elementelor fundamentale ale pieei va influena considerabil exporturile din multe ri n curs de dezvoltare i economii n tranziie, unde veniturile naionale depind n mare msur de exportul de mbrcminte. State precum Cambodgia, Bangladesh i Nepal, cu o participare a exportului de mbrcminte de 85%, 75% i respectiv 40% din exportul total de mrfuri, trebuie s ncerce s i pstreze cel puin o parte din pieele actuale pentru a nu se confrunta cu rate mai mari ale omajului i creterea srciei. De fapt, rile n curs de dezvoltare risc s piard foarte mult din liberalizarea final a comerului cu textile i confecii dac nu sunt bine pregtite pentru schimbrile preconizate n afaceri i pia. n loc s ctige noi piee pentru export, dup cum se ateptaser n urma negocierilor Rundei Uruguay, multe ri risc s piard pieele cucerite deja.



QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Task 1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions: 1. exactly what do you by that mean? What exactly do you mean by that? 2. the next what time train is to Strasbourg? 3. do what do you? . 4. you where do from come? .. 5. to who this suitcase belong does? . 6. I could from here a phone call make? .. 7. here anyone is sitting excuse me? . 8. work for who do you? Task 2 Give short answers for each question, beginning as shown. Use contractions (for example, cant instead of cannot): 1. Are you twenty? 2. Do you think hes right? 3. Is she studying literature? 4. Can you use a computer? 5. Did you meet Richard in France? 6. Have you ever painted? Yes, I am Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Im not No, No, No, No, No,

7. Will you be there on Monday? 8. Does he call you often?

Yes, Yes,

No, No,

Task 3 Complete each sentence with the appropriate question tag from the box below: arent you cant you shall we dont you didnt you do you will you (2x)

1. A: You live in Bucharest, .dont you.? (do you B: Yes, I do. 2. A: You dont happen to know the time, .? B: Sorry, I dont. 3. A: You wont be late for the meeting, .? B: No, of course not. 4. A: Youre coming to the seminar, .? B: Yes, of course. 5. A: You had a good time at the weekend, .? B: Yes, indeed. 6. A: Lets wait for Mike, .? B: OK. 7. A: You can speak English, .? B: Yes, of course. 8. A: Shell arrive at 6 pm, .? B: Yes, I think so. 9: A; Be nice to them, ..? B: Yes, sure.


Task 4 Write a question for each answer: a) What was your holiday like? b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) 1. My holiday? It was absolutely fantastic. 2. Shes fine, thank you. 3. It takes me half an hour to get to work. 4. Id have some coffee, please. 5. John is very bright and enthusiastic. 6. Its half past ten sharp. 7. How do you do? 8. Im a consultant. 9. 5 euros and 50 cents. 10. Two, English and French. 11. The 21st of October. 12. J-o-n-a-t-h-a-n

Task 5 Match the beginning of the phrases with their endings: 1. Do you mind if I 2. Would you mind if I 3. Would you mind a) b) c) opening the window? opened the window? open the window?

Task 6 If somebody asks you Would you mind if I opened the window? and you want the window opened, what would you say? Tick ( ) the answers you could give: a) b) c) d) Yes, I would. ___ No, of course not. ___ Please do. ___ Go ahead. ___

Task 7

Rewrite each question, beginning as shown:

1. Where is the European Parliament? Do you know where the European Parliament is? .. 2. Is this the way to Tower Bridge? Could you tell me if .. ? 3. What does this sign mean? Do you happen to know . ? 4. What time does the opening meeting start? Could you tell me . ? 5. Who is the speaker at the next session? Do you know . ? 6. When will the train leave? Who knows . ? NEGATION Task 1 Choose the correct negative form of the verb in italics: 1. The price of gold fell by 10% last month. a) didnt fell b) didnt fall c) didnt felled 2. The company sold millions of copies of the new CD. a) didnt sell b) didnt sold c) sold not 3. The guest speaker left immediately after the lecture. a) didnt leaft b) didnt leave c) didnt leaved 4. The visitors felt very well during their whole staying. a) didnt feel b) didnt felt c) didnt fell

5. The tourists found a good spot to camp. a) didnt found b) didnt founded c) didnt find 6. The accountant drew up the firms budget. a) didnt drew b) didnt drawn c) didnt draw 7. The presidents staff began the election campaign by a meeting. a) didnt begin b) didnt began c) didnt begun 8. The students understood all the questions in the test. a) didnt understood b) didnt understand c) didnt understooded 9. The designer chose a different colour for the background. a) didnt choose b) didnt chose c) didnt chosed 10. The instructor taught them how to use the computer. a) didnt teached b) didnt teach c) didnt taught Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct negations below: neither (2x) nor (2x) never nothing no one nowhere none

1. _______ of the experts found the cause of that serious malfunction. 2. The problem was so difficult that _________ could think of a solution. 3. The commission proposed two projects but ___________ (of them) was good. 4. ___________ in his life had he met such difficult conditions. 5. They are not attending the congress; _______ are they going to the reception afterwards. 6. Youll arrive ___________ with this way of behaving. 7. He did ____________ to prevent this unfortunate situation.

8. We __________ accept _________ refuse your proposal we need more data before we decide. PRESENT Task 1a Decide if uses a-h are usually associated with the present simple (PS) or present continuous (PC). a) habits, repeated actions b) arrangements for the future c) temporary situations d) current trends and changes PS ---e) facts, permanent situations f) actions and events in progress now g) verbs of thinking and feeling h) fixed timetables

Task 1b Now match sentences 1-8 below with uses a-h. 1. Were studying geography this term. 2. Many scientists believe global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. 3. The climate is getting warmer throughout the world. 4. The explorer is travelling to the Amazon at the moment. 5. The rainforests have an important influence on the earths climate. 6. The explorer is arriving in Sao Paolo at 9.45. 7. The plane arrives in Sao Paolo at 9.45. 8. In tropical rain forests, the number of species is reduced by 1% every year. c


Task 2 Put the time expressions from the list below under the two headings, present simple and present continuous, according to their use: always, as soon as, at present, at the moment, currently, every day, for the time being, generally, in our day, most of the time, never, normally, now, nowadays, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, these days, today, twice a year, usually, when Present simple always Present continuous at the moment

Task 3 Rearrange the words into the correct order: 1. He usually present is at conferences. 2. He a presentation gives sometimes. He is usually present at conferences.


3. He attentively listens always. 4. He writes articles occasionally 5. He is late for meetings never. 6. He ever hardly a speech gives.

Task 4 Choose words from the box and make sentences as shown. Use a verb in the present simple or present continuous and any other words you need. Several of my colleagues I Our university We My family Our teachers My schedule Young people 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. We ...are attending the English seminar... right now. . (often) (this year) (every year) . (at present) (this term) . (usually) . (these days)

Task 5 Complete the sentences by putting each verb into the present simple or present continuous: 1. When is she arriving... in London? (she / arrive) 2. When does she usually arrive at home in the evening? (she / usually / arrive ) 3. Alison ... with her grandparent in Dover. (stay)

4. Alison .. with her sister in London for a couple of days. (stay) 5. I .... better results at golf as times goes by. (get) 6. Ill give you an answer as soon as I .. the results. (get) 7. He ... what I am explaining. (not understand) 8. He ...... attentively while I am explaining the grammar rules. (listen) 9. What ..? Im a researcher. (do) 10. What ..? Im doing some tests. (do) Task 6 Complete the sentences by the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets: 1. I . (go back) to Montreal tomorrow. 2. Yvonne (go) to Montreal every summer. 3. Dan .. (work) in a consulting agency. 4. He (work) for a big company at the moment. 5. He (look) glad to see me when we .. (meet) now and then. 6. Gabriel (meet) his broker in the afternoon. 7. Excuse me, (you/speak) English? I ... (look for) a hotel. 8. . (they/speak) Spanish or Portuguese? I cant tell the difference. 9. Excuse me, ... (this bus/stop) outside Victoria Station? 10. Carol doesnt have much experience in this area. I only (hope) she . (know) what she . (do).



PAST Task 1 Write the past simple form of the following irregular verbs: begin began bring .. choose .. draw .. drive . fall .. feel .. fight .. grow .. hold .. keep .. mean .. lead .. pay .. send .. shut .. sit .. speak .. stand .. teach .. think ..

Task 2 Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions given: 1. They made plans for reconstruction. (negative) They didnt make plans for reconstruction. 2. She went to the conference in May. (question) .... 3. Did Sue spend a year abroad? (affirmative) ... 4. Mike wrote an essay on globalisation. (question) .... 5. They lost their way in the old town. (negative) .. 6. Kate didnt speak at the meeting. (affirmative) .. 7. They caught the last bus. (negative) ... 8. Ben chose a new specialisation. (question) ..

9. Did he read all the books for his exam? (affirmative) Task 3 Underline the correct spelling from each pair of words: studyed / studied takeing / taking sayed / said stayed / staid admited/ admitted plaied / played writing / writting paid / payed planed/ planned lying / lieing taught / tought stoping / stopping

Task 4 Complete the sentences with a suitable time expressions from the box: ago at in on when while

1. The power failed ..while .. I was downloading a new programme. 2. Christmas, they decided to stay with their family. 3. The Central and Eastern European countries went through dramatic changes ... the nineties. 4. he was driving he was listening to the news. 5. He received the confirmation of his order .. the end of the month. 6. .. the end, everything turned out to be a success. 7. Jack left his hometown a long time . 8. . the beginning, everything went smoothly in their company and they were quite pleased. 9. They sent us the reference materials .. the third. Havent you received them yet? 10. .. did you first find out about that problem? 11. The consular office was closed to the public . Wednesday. 12. The art exhibition opened the weekend.


Task 5 Underline the correct word: 1. While the seminar participants had/were having a coffee break the technicians tried/were trying to fix the microphone. 2. We wanted/were wanting a safe journey so we chose/were choosing to avoid risky areas of conflict. 3. When she arrived/was arriving at the station a lot of people waited/were waiting for the trains delayed by floods. 4. They all watched/were watching the news when the editor called/was calling them to his office. 5. When I got/was getting to my office I found/was finding an invitation on my desk. 6. When I worked for BNN I used to go/was going on business trips quite often thats what I miss most at present. Task 6 Complete the sentences by putting one verb in the past simple and one in the past perfect. 1. After he had made some notes, he started speaking. 2. When the symposium was about to begin I ... (realise) I ... (forget) to take my invitation with me. 3. How (you/find out) that you .. (get) the post? 4. Before I . (join) the diplomatic corps I .. (work) as a political analyst. 5. I .. (always/believe) that that .. (be) not the right way of doing things. 6. By the time I .. (arrive) at the town-hall the press conference .. (finish). 7. When I talked to the visiting professor I . (have) no idea that my secretary . (already/make) the arrangements with the hotel. 8. He (study) a little Nepali before he .. (go) to Kathmandu.

PAST AND PRESENT Task 1 Put the time expressions in the box under the appropriate heading. Add three more time expressions of your own under each heading. over the years recently a few years ago just last week today never yesterday in 2001 this week when I was a student PAST Finished time .. .. .. .. .. .. PRESENT PERFECT Time up to now over the years .. .. .. .

Task 2 Underline the best time expressions: 1. I bought a very good travel guide in my life / over the years / yesterday. 2. I didnt go to the beach last summer / over the years / recently. 3. Have you gone skiing a few weeks ago / last week / lately? 4. So far, weve been to the mountains twice last Saturday / never / this year. 5. We spent a lot of time in museums recently / when we travelled to Italy / today. 6. Christine has never / just / recently left but shell be back in half an hour.

Task 3 Complete the sentences below with a time expression from the exercise above, or one of your own. Underline the appropriate tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I saw / Ive seen a lot of interesting places when I was in Greece. The tourist has visited / visited Berlin .. The customer has bought / bought . The stadium was built / has been built The exhibition opened / has opened . Weather changed / has changed .. Task 4 Underline the correct or most appropriate answers: 1. The financial markets have had / had a dramatic fall last week. 2. The financial markets have had / had a dramatic fall this week. 3. Just a moment, Ive left / left the report in the other office. 4. Ive left / left the report on the desk when I went to lunch. 5. She cannot post the message because they have not sent / did not send all the details. 6. She could not post the message because they have not sent / did not send all the details. 7. Im waiting for Professor Smith. When have you last seen / did you last see him? 8. Im waiting for Professor Smith. Have you seen / Did you see him? Task 5 Correct the mistake in each sentence; write the correction at the end: 1. We have started our studies three weeks ago. 2. Miriam has been organised a press conference. 3. I live in this city since I was born. 4. When have you arrived at destination? 5. Dan is sending emails all week but hasnt received a reply yet. 6. Prices have been rising since two months.


Task 6 Rewrite each of the following sentences so that their meaning is the same. Begin as shown: 1. We havent been to an art gallery for over a year. The last time we went to the art gallery was over a year ago. 2. When did you last listen to a concert? How long is it .. 3. Its nearly two months since I saw a comedy. I .. 4. The last time Ann spoke to me was three weeks ago. Ann .. 5. Gerry went to Switzerland last Monday and is still there. Gerry has .. Task 4 Choose the figure that corresponds to the error in each sentence. It is possible that there is no error. Then correct the mistake. A. Before anyone makes a decision, he weighs all of the alternatives and chose the best.
3 1 2 4 1 2

(correct: chooses)

B. Although I cannot see you, I can hear you good.

3 4

C. People who work long hours probably like their job a lot.
1 2 3 4

D. As food prices are rising, more and more people turn to farming and most of them enjoy it.
3 4 1 2

E. Dont rise your hand unless you speak in favour of the proposal.
1 2 3 4

F. The news on TV is not always interesting, on the contrary, I sometimes get boring.
4 101 1 2 3

UNIT 3 FUTURE Task 1 Underline the correct answers: 1. You look very busy. Will I / Shall I help you? 2. You dont have to sit up late until I come / will come home. 3. A: Do you want me to buy something for you? B: No, thanks, Ill go / Im going shopping later. 4. Linda wont be here next Monday. Shell attend / Shell be attending a seminar. 5. Liz is going to / will study law at university. 6. I think our national team is going to / will qualify eventually. 7. A: Have you heard the weather forecast? 8. B: Yes, its going to be / its rainy tomorrow. 9. The lecture starts / will be starting at nine. 10. If you dont / wont find this book any more, I can borrow you mine. Task 2 Find the correct sentence in each pair: 1. a) How old are you in 2010? b) How old will you be in 2010? 2. a) I cant leave at the weekend. Im working. b) I cant leave at the weekend. Ill work. 3. a) You look pale. Ill bring you a glass of water. b) You look pale. Im bringing you a glass of water. 4. a) I can hardly wait. Summer holiday starts on July 1. b) I can hardly wait. Summer holiday is going to start on July 1. 5. a) Im sure shell recover very soon. b) Im sure shes recovering very soon.

Task 3a Decide if uses a-i are usually associated with will, going to, the present simple (I do), the present continuous (Im doing), the future continuous (Ill be doing) or the future perfect (Ill have done): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) instant decisions .. will.. general opinions about the future future plans and intentions .. timetables and schedules .. activities in progress in the future .. fixed future arrangements looking back from the future . future facts ...... predictions with present evidence .

Task 3b Now match the following sentences 1-9 with uses a-i above: 1. I think shell probably move to Calgary to find a new job. _b_ 2. Judging by the latest events, the conference agenda is going to be very full. 3. Next year will be the fifteenth anniversary of our university. 4. The experts are working hard. Theyll have finished by the end of the week. 5. We are meeting the trade delegation on Monday; then were having lunch together. 6. Theyre going to develop a new project for the Education Exhibition next year. 7. This time next year Ill be studying economics at the London University. 8. Oh, Im sorry. Ive told you a wrong number. Ill check it in a few moments. 9. The academic year starts on October 1st. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Task 4 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use will, wont, shall, present simple, present continuous and future continuous: 1. Are you free tomorrow morning? . Are you doing anything tomorrow morning? 2. Ill wait for Maria until she comes back. When Maria comes back .... leave. 3. The hotel is full. How about going to a camping site instead? .. we go to a camping site instead? 4. Would you like me to take your letter to the post office? . I take your letter to the post office? 5. Jim refuses to leave his position on the committee. Jim leave his position on the committee. 6. After the seminar we can go to the library together. When the . we can go to the library together. 7. What will you do in ten years time? What .. doing in ten years time? Task 5 Read the situations below and write what you would say in each case. Use will, shall, going to, the present simple or the present continuous: 1. A friend asks about your holiday plans. Tell him that youve decided not to go abroad this year. ..................... Im not going abroad this year ...................................... 2. Your colleague has a technical problem with the printer. She asks you for help. You offer her a solution.


3. You are with a group of visitors. You suggest them to go together to the new media centre. 4. You want to unpack a box. You ask a friend to hold it for you for a moment. 5. Your friend is telling you about her scholarship plans. Ask her when she plans to apply for it. 6. You ask your colleague to accompany you to the library but he refuses. Ask why he refuses. 7. You do not know when the exam session starts. Ask your teacher. 8. Your colleague asks you to look up some data for him. You refuse him. Tell him you have an appointment with the manager in half an hour. PASSIVES Task 1 Cross out the mistake in each sentence and write the correction at the end. 1. The introductory speech was giving was given by the Secretary General. 2. The agreement will being signed during the Convention next month.

3. All the food at the reception was ate. 4. A lot of time is wasting by trying to do things quickly. 5. A new environmental project is being developing at the moment. 6. Carla has been promote and will leave our company soon.

Task 2 Rewrite each sentence with a passive verb, without mentioning who did the action. 1. The authorities inaugurated a new Cultural Centre in the neighbouring country. A new Cultural Centre was inaugurated in the neighbouring country. 2. The city council will ban all traffic from the Historical Centre. 3. They speak 18 languages in India. 4. The organisers are postponing the festival due to bad weather. 5. People look for information on the Internet. .. 6. Bucharest is my place of birth. 7. When exactly is your date of birth?


8. Theyve put up the oil price again. 9. Theyll bring a lot of material and data from the polar expedition. . 10. The commission should draw up the annual report by the end of the year. . Task 3 Put the following jumbled words in the right order: 1. a me He night call last gave. He gave me a call last night. 2. me a moment Allow for here.. 3. The is the guide citys tourists sights showing... 4. to a from us They postcard Belize wrote. 5. Ill July on greetings to send birthday her.. 6. What a nice scarf ! Ill you it offer to.. Task 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: 1. The guide showed the visitors the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The visitors were shown the European Parliament in Strasbourg. 2. The president of the company has offered Rob a good job as Personal Assistant. Rob 3. The organizers will send us the programme of the meeting as soon as possible. We ..


4. The jury awarded Rebecca the first prize of the essay competition. Rebecca ... 5. They think Gerald is the best secretary in the embassy. Gerald .. 6. The police believes he has disclosed inside information. He 7. They expect the price of cereals to grow. The price . 8. It is reported that several incidents have occurred at the border. Several incidents Task 5 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence and contains the word in brackets. 1. They have just refused his request for visa. (had) He has just had his request for visa refused. .. 2. They printed the invitations for the gala event. (had) We . 3. Tomorrow they are sending my correspondence by diplomatic bag. (having) Tomorrow I 4. By contract, they will service all our printers. (have) By contract, we


UNIT 4 PHRASAL VERBS (1) Task 1 Work in pairs. Read the following extracts from the dictionary and study the meaning of the phrasal verbs in bold. How does the dictionary indicate that a phrasal verb is transitive? bring sth about to make something happen: Computers have brought about many changes in the workplace. bring sth back to start to use something such as a law, method, or process that was used in the past: They should bring back the death penalty, thats what I think! bring down the government/president etc to force the government etc to stop ruling bring forward legislation/plans/policies etc to officially introduce plans etc for people to discuss: The government has brought forward a plan to tackle urban crime. bring smth out to produce a book, record etc to be sold to the public: The Food Association has brought out a handy guide. bring smb up [usually passive] to educate and care for a child until it is grown up: In my day, children were brought up to respect the law. bring smth up to mention a subject or start to talk about it: I shall bring up this issue at the next meeting. Task 1a Complete the sentences below with the appropriate phrasal verbs above. Make all the necessary changes. 1. He . by his aunt after his parents had left for Alaska. 2. I can hardly wait until the next volume of Harry Potter .. ..

3. The President .. after the Watergate scandal. 4. The Government .. a new tax system recently. 5. The fall in oil prices . an increase in business activity last decade. 6. The MPs of the opposition intend the question of inflation during the plenary session of Parliament. 7. Even if the Republicans abolished the tax, the Democrats would be sure .... it . Task 2 Match the phrasal verbs in A with a suitable object in B. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to fill in to bring about to sort out to turn down to put off to look up . . . . . . a. b. c. d. e. f. B a problem the application form a meeting a word in a dictionary changes a proposal

Task 3 Note that these phrasal verbs are of type 1 (with an object with two possible positions). Did you fill in the application form? / Did you fill the application form in? But did you fill it in? Working in pairs, ask questions using the phrasal verbs and objects above. Task 4 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below. Check the meaning in a dictionary. a) look at / for / forward to / into / out

1. Can I __________ ______ your paper for a moment to see your answer to this exercise? 2. ________ ______! Theres a car coming! 3. I couldnt find the book I needed for the English class. I _________ _______ it everywhere. 4. The commission are _____________ _______ this case of corruption. 5. Im really _____________ ______ ______ my Christmas holiday. b) get across / into / over / round to / through to 1. Ive been meaning to reply to that letter for ages but I haven ________ ______ ______ it yet. 2. Theyll have to _________ _____ the problem of poor computer security. 3. I couldnt __________ ______ _____ them because their phone was engaged all day. 4. The party failed to __________ its election message ______ to the voters. 5. How did you first ___________ ______ the construction business? Task 5 You can often work out the meaning of an idiomatic phrasal verb from its context. Match the phrasal verbs in italics in sentences 1.-7 with the meanings in a-g below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Since becoming a pensioner, he has taken to gardening. Have you noticed that Joan takes after her grandmother? All right, I take it all back. It wasnt your fault. She took down my phone number and said hed call me back. Id like to take you up on the results of the project. She took over as manager two weeks ago.


a. to discuss something or deal with something b. to write down something that another person has just said c. to start doing something habitually d. to admit that something you said was wrong e. to start doing something that another person did before f. to be similar to an older member of the family in appearance or character

PHRASAL VERBS (2) Task 1 Read the sentences below. Match the phrasal verbs with the meaning in the box. a. b. c. d. e. f. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to be officially accepted to take care of to reduce to meet by chance to control a piece of work to have a good relationship with

Shes always got on well with the people in her office. Yesterday I came across my former colleague. My doctor told me to cut down on cigarettes. He is looking after his old parents. This month Im dealing with security issues. The Bill went through Parliament without a vote.

Note that in these phrasal verbs of Type 2 the object has one position only. e.g. I came across a friend. I came across him. I came a friend across.


Task 2 Fill in the blanks with one of the following verbs in the box. 1. They ... up in the suburbs of London. 2. The prices . off last month due to inflation. 3. A lot of people ...... up at he cocktail who hadnt been invited. 4. We . out on our trip as planned. 5. Andrew likes his new college and is . on fine. take get set grow turn

NOTE: The phrasal verbs above, of Type 3, are intransitive. Note that some verbs can belong to different types with a different meaning for each type. e.g. The plane took off. He took his coat off. Task 3 Fill in the blanks with one of the following particles: down for forward to in off on out over to up

1. If you dont know the area code, look it in the phone book. 2. Next winter I think Ill take skiing. 3. I have to let people know that their meeting tomorrow has been put .. .. 4. You have to fill . the visa form with your personal details. 5. Hows your granddaughter getting at university? 6. You should cut on coffee. You drink too many cups a day. 7. I have to find who sent this e-mail. 8. Wheres the file? Ive been looking it for an hour! 9. You may leave now, the meeting is . 10. We are looking our first trip abroad.


Task 4 Reword the following sentences replacing the underlined verb or phrase with a suitable phrasal verb. 1. The meeting has been postponed until further notice. The meeting has been put off until further notice. 2. Why did you refuse that job in New Zealand? 3. Does he have a good relationship with his boss? 4. Could you connect me to the PR department, please? 5. The negotiations aimed at ending the conflict have failed unexpectedly. 6. The committee is investigating the matter. 7. Daisy and her brother are very similar. 8. Clara is very good at handling peoples problems. 9. Mike arrived half-way through the lesson. 10. Bridgets nephew spent his childhood in Glasgow.



GERUND OR INFINITIVE Task 1 Complete each sentence with one of the words in the box: has agreed afford asked decided demanded expect failed managed offered promised refused seems wants 1. We cannot afford to lose this contract. 2. Everybody .. to be present, so we may get started. 3. Adam .. to reach the final again and was forced to withdraw. 4. The manager .. his assistant to find the latest report. 5. Nobody .. to get a no for an answer. 6. I .. to return the book in a week. 7. Jill .. to help the volunteers collect for charity. 8. Who .. to have this photocopier moved in this office? 9. The bank . to lend us the money to start up a business. 10. They didnt .. to see me at their reunion. 11. The protesters .. to leave Trafalgar Square. 12. The scientists .. to finish their experiment on time. 13. The team definitely .. to win the competition they were the best. 14. The customer was not pleased about the service he to get his money back.

Task 2 Complete each sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first on. Use one of the following verbs: admit deny enjoy finish keep mind practise risk cant stand suggest 1. Why dont you change the title? Its too long. I suggest changing the title. 2. He repeats the same phrases again and again. He .. saying the same phrases. 3. Is it all right if you call back later? Do .. calling back later? 4. Tom doesnt admit he has made a mistake. Tom .. making a mistake. 5. Everyone likes a nice holiday. Everyone .. having a nice holiday. 6. Every day, Kim makes exercises to speak English well. Kim .. speaking English daily. 7. In the end, Marion accepted that she was wrong. Finally, Marion .. being wrong. 8. She doesnt like at all when she has to waste her time. She .. wasting her time. 9. If they do not pay all the money, they could lose their house. They .. losing their house unless they pay it all. 10. Lucy still has a lot to write on her book. Lucy .. writing the book yet. Task 3 Choose the correct preposition in italics in each sentence: 1. I must apologize for / on being late. 2. The negotiators succeeded in / to reaching some bilateral agreements.

3. I congratulated Marion for / on her winning the first prize for excellence. 4. Mike was accused about / of lying about his sources of information. 5. Our future results will depend at / on our being able to build a strong team. 6. Researchers are looking forward at / to starting their experiment. 7. I know I can rely at / on Johns being present when I need him. 8. The students were interested about / in finding out about future careers. 9. You shouldnt insist so much about / on asking him a favour. 10. He was used to / with travelling a lot when he worked for the agency. 11. Susan is proud about / of her daughter attending a good college. 12. He started his speech by / with thanking the organisers for their good work. Task 4 Complete the sentences using gerunds: 1. There are many difficulties involved in . 2. The public were warned of the dangers of . 3. You should take more interest in . 4. We ought to think about , instead of . 5. The negotiator objected to . 6. This new plan goes a long way towards . 7. I have to insist more on . 8. The Prime Minister declared he was looking forward to . 9. The members of the panel decided against . 10. The guard prevented people from . Task 5 Choose the correct word or phrase in italics in each sentence: 1. Lucy didnt really remember to shut /shutting down the computer. 2. Please remember to send / sending the emails by the end of the day. 3. They stopped to talk / talking to listen to the news.

4. Could you please stop on your way back home to buy / buying a few CDs? 5. Ben will never forget to win / winning his first medal in the Olympics. 6. Paul realized he had forgotten to bring / bringing his essay to the English class. 7. Dan tried hard to get / getting a scholarship but his academic achievements were not too good. 8. Why dont you try to change / changing the colours of the site to make it more attractive? 9. He didnt mean to upset / upsetting his colleagues but he just had to speak his mind. 10. Being a distance learner means to work / working harder than a full-time one. Task 6 Use the gerund or the infinitive form of the verb in brackets to fill in the blanks. 1. The spokesperson admitted using (use) wrong figures regarding the amount of money allocated for defence in the previous year. 2. The representative of the commission refused .. (indicate) how the details of those business dealings leaked to the press. 3. The committee avoided .. (take) a decision on that sensitive issue. 4. They were reminded .. (attend) the press conference following the summit. 5. The negotiations failed .. (reach) an agreement on the ban on weapons of mass destruction. 6. It might be better to try .. (discuss) this matter with other people at the next meeting, as this one has not reached any settlement. 7. The president decided .. (take) advantage of that favourable trend and invest more in developing countries.

8. The secretary asked if I would mind .. (call) back in half an hour. 9. When you have finished .. (get) into this report, you can tell me if its worth ..(read). 10. They risked (start) up a new business in IT but finally they managed . (become) a major company. 11. The lecturer did not mean .. (offend) the public by making those remarks. 12. I do not remember .. (read) that material in the magazine you mentioned. 13. We have to keep .. (try) .. (bring) all the interested people to negotiations in order to reach a compromise. 14. I forgot .... (advise) you of the changes in the schedule. 15. Id like .. (thank) everybody present for their contribution to this successful event Task 7 Choose the correct verb in italics in each sentence: 1. The government decided / admitted to cut taxes by 7%. 2. The manager admitted / agreed giving wrong figures on companys finance. 3. The vice-president meant / suggested expanding their activity abroad. 4. The HR manager denied / refused to hire some candidates for lying about their CV. 5. The employees did not mind / want working overtime to finish the order. 6. The secretary cant stand / afford to travel by plane. 7. The engineer managed / practised to develop a new electrical system. 8. The customer kept / liked calling to complain about poor services.


Task 8 Fill in the gaps. Use a preposition + ing or the infinitive. The verbs are given in the box. become get join modernize prepare transform

Bucharest considers NATO membership and its quest for accession to the European Union as two parts of the same top priority project towards full reintegration into the Euro-Atlantic democratic family, the most important guarantors of which are NATO and the EU. This also defines Romanias top priorities on the domestic front since .. for NATO and EU membership means . and . our society. The invitation NATO will help and stimulate our efforts .. into the EU, all the more so as the basic requirements for . a member of NATO or the EU are to a significant extent similar, as it is the case with democracy and market economy. The two objectives are clearly complementary and mutually reinforcing. MODALS Task 1 Decide if sentences in each pair are similar in meaning or not. Write Y for yes and N for no. 1. We have to work more. 2. Youd better leave. 3. You must be tired. 4. You mustnt write that. 5. You shouldnt stay so long. 6. Id better go now. 7. I ought to visit her.

We must work more. You should leave. You should be tired. You dont have to write that. You ought not to stay so long. I must go now. I have to visit her.

Task 2 Complete each sentence with a word or phrase in the box below: had to could dont have to didnt have to have to must mustnt must have might have should 1. Before we agree, well have to. study the draft in more detail. 2. You .. to type the letter yourself the secretary will do it for you. 3. Sorry I cant join you now. I .. finish my report by the end of the day. 4. Luckily, the meeting was postponed, so I to stay long at work. 5. You . smoke here. The university has a nonsmoking policy. 6. Im not sure, but I think we . made a mistake. 7. Tom . leave early, so he missed the conference. 8. In my opinion, they accept out proposal. Its the best theyll get. 9. If they send us all the information, we ... give them the answer in due time. 10. Liam looked so tired he . had a very busy day. Task 3 Match the uses of would a-g with the sentences 1-7 below. a) invitations b) polite request c) d) offering help e) past refusal f) reporting what someone said g) imaginary future with if 1. Would you like me to print these documents? d 2. What would you do if they offered you a post in Iceland? 3. Would you mind calling back later? 4. He said he would call back in an hour.

5. Would you like come to the reception at our embassy? 6. The manager wouldnt accept a pay rise for employees.

Task 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning as the first sentence. Use a word or phrase from the list below: cant cant be have to dont have to might must be ought to should might be

1. Its not necessary for us to wear formal clothes tonight its a casual meeting. We dont have... to wear formal clothes tonight its a casual meeting. 2. Its possible that hell be back soon. He . back soon. 3. Visitors are not allowed to take pictures in the museum. Visitors . take pictures in the museum. 4. Perhaps Ill see you again at the next conference. I see you again at the next conference. 5. Youd better make sure this is the right map we could get lost. You .. make sure this is the right map we could get lost. 6. Im sure that isnt right I saw the results with my own yes. That . right I saw the results with my own yes. 7. It would be a good thing to invite all our staff to the companys anniversary. We . invite all our staff to the companys anniversary. 8. Its the rule here that we wear badges all the time. We . wear badges all the time. 9. Alice is not in her office she certainly is at the canteen. Its lunch brake. Alice is not in her office she at the canteen. Its lunch brake.

Task 5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning as the first sentence. Use a phrase from the list below: shouldnt have should have (x2) must have might not have might have could have cant have 1. Perhaps the programme we used was virused. The programme we used might have been virused. 2. It was a bad idea for you not to go to that interview. You .... gone to that interview. 3. It was possible for us to do a better project. We .... done a better project. 4. It was wrong that they declared all those things. They .... declared all those things. 5. I know Sheila worked very hard on her paper. Sheila .... worked very hard on her paper. 6. Im sure the team hasnt reached too far in the desert. The team .... reached too far in the desert. 7. I was expecting my partner to arrive by now. My partner .... arrived by now. 8. Maybe I didnt express myself very clearly on that issue. I .... expressed myself very clearly on that issue. Task 6 Match the sentences in column A with their more diplomatic rephrasing in B. A B 1. Can we meet again a. There might be a small delay. tomorrow? 2. Thatll be very b. Perhaps we could meet again expensive. tomorrow? 3. We have a problem. c. Could I just interrupt for a moment? 4. Can I interrupt for a d. Could I just go back to the point moment? about terms?

5. Can I go back to the point about terms? 6. Therell be a delay.

e. It seems we have a slight problem. f. Wont that be quite expensive?

Task 7 Rewrite these phrases to make them more diplomatic: 1. That will be difficult. 2. I want to make a change in the plan. 3. Can I finish what I was saying? 4. We wont meet the deadline. 5. Your proposal is not good. 6. I need more time for that. .... .... .... . . . .

Task 8 Correct the mistakes in the following dialogue: A: Where may Peter be? B: I dont know. He must to be in the lecture hall. A: Lets call him. Do I have your mobile? B: Im afraid my battery is flat. But he should leaves in a few minutes. A: OK, then. We shall wait for him. He can be on his way.


UNIT 6 CONDITIONAL Task 1 Underline the correct words: 1. If we had been / were more careful, we wouldnt have made such a big mistake. 2. If I were you, Id / Ill insist more to get the required information. 3. If you see / will see Roger, tell him I have a message for him. 4. I wish it is / were holiday - I feel like I need a break now. 5. If people in cities used more bikes instead of cars, there werent / wouldnt be so much pollution. 6. She would be healthier if she took / had taken more exercise. 7. If you had saved your files on a CD, you wouldnt lose / wouldnt have lost your data. 8. If you are / were ready in ten minutes, well still have time to arrive before the film starts. 9. You can use my mobile if yours doesnt work / didnt work. 10. If only I have / had more time! I could finish my book and have it published. Task 2 Complete each sentence using the following: if, unless, in case, providing / provided that, as long as, suppose / supposing, on condition that 1. We will agree to your terms of contract provided that you accept our prices. 2. Dont forget to store the information on a CD you need it later. 3. he gets here soon, we will have to start the meeting without him. 4. .. you have all the data required, when will the report be ready?

5. ... you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. 6. There will be no consequences . you take the necessary steps. 7. Our action will be successful . we all stay together. Task 3 Complete each sentence, using the verb in brackets: 1. If my plane isnt late, I will be (be) in Berlin at six. 2. If my plane hadnt been late, I . (be) in Berlin at six. 3. If you . (practice) more, your English would improve. 4. If you were in my position, what . (you/do)? 5. If I . (work) abroad, Ill invite you to join me. 6. If the streets had been marked clearly, we (find) their house sooner. 7. You .... (look) so tired if you hadnt sat up late. 8. If I knew his address, I .. (can) send him the invitation to our class reunion. Task 4 Choose the correct continuation for each sentence: 1. He is in a difficult situation. a) He wishes he had known what to do. b) He wishes he knew what to do. 2. Im disappointed in this camera. a) I wish I didnt buy it. b) I wish I hadnt bought it. 3. Its a pity you live so far away. a) If only you lived here! b) If only you had lived here! 4. Amy didnt get a job because she could not speak German. a) Amy wishes she learnt German. b) Amy wishes she had learnt German.

5. They complain its really cold here in winter. a) They wish they lived in a warmer place. b) They wish they had lived in a warmer place. 6. Mark is sorry he gave up his hobby hes busy all day long. a) Mark wishes he had more time. b) Mark wishes he had had more time. 7. I regret telling her all those secrets! a) I wish I didnt tell her anything. b) I wish I hadnt told her anything. 8. Im worried about the competition. a) I wish we succeed. b) I wish we had succeeded. Task 5 Complete the sentence for each situation.

1. I didnt know you were having guests when I dropped by. If I had known you were having guests, I wouldnt have dropped by. 2. I havent much time to cook so I eat a lot of fast food. If I .. more time, I fast food. 3. I live near my college, so it doesnt take me long to get there. If I , it . there. 4. People avoid Jane because she asks too many questions. People .. if she less questions. 5. He doesnt have a driving licence so we cannot rent a car. If he . , we . a car.


6. The weather seems fine this weekend, so its a good idea to go to the seaside. If the weather , we to the seaside. 7. Why dont people help one another more often to make this world a better place? If people , this world ..... a better place. 8. I forgot about your birthday, so I didnt bring you any flowers. If I , I ...... some flowers. 9. George wants to work in the garden when he has some spare time. George .. provided that he. spare time. 10. Its late and the bus isnt coming. Theres a taxi over there but I dont have enough money. We . if I .. money. SUBJUNCTIVE Task 1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in capital letters. 1. Its a pity the car is so expensive. WISH I wish the car were not so expensive. 2. She was very tired over the last month. SHOULD The doctor recommended take a holiday.


3. He behaves like the president of the company. IF He acts the president of the company. 4. He must call back home immediately after arriving. IMPERATIVE that he phone home as soon as he arrives. 5. What a pity I couldnt go to the party last night! HAD I to the party last night. 6. It is essential for her to be present here. THAT It is essential ... here. 7. I think taxes should be decreased. TIME Its . decreased. 8. I regret I didnt learn Spanish at school. WISH I Spanish at school. 9. You are wasting your time on trifles when you have so much work to do on your project. HAD BETTER You . and not waste your time on trifles. 10. I dont enjoy watching TV. I prefer reading SF books. WOULD RATHER I .. than watch TV.


RELATIVE CLAUSES Task 1 Underline the correct words in each pair. 1. The newspaper who/which you read is quite interesting. 2. The journalist who/which works for this newspaper writes about foreign affairs. 3. The owner of which/whose newspaper has just appeared has a magazine too. 4. The editor who/whom is responsible for this issue is very experienced. 5. He thanked everyone which/that was present at the inauguration. 6. The government announced six new tax laws, that/which is quite unusual. 7. The party leader, whos/whose interviewed right after the congress, announces his candidacy for the presidency of the state. 8. The party leader, whos/whose candidacy had been announced last week, was interviewed in the yesterdays newspaper.

Task 2 Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, and include the word given in bold. Begin as shown and make any necessary changes. 1. The applicants for traineeships in the EU Institutions must complete the application form and mail it by 31 October. Applicants must hold a degree in law or in political sciences. who

The applicants for traineeships in the EU Institutions, who hold a degree in law or in political sciences, must complete the application form and mail it by 31 October. 2. They fill in a form. The form must be posted together with detailed CV and copies of diplomas and/or certificates. that The form . certificates. 3. The PR assistant has drawn up a newsletter. The newsletter is quite useful for journalists. which The newsletter .... journalists. 4. Some visitors request to see the head office of the European Commission in Brussels. They must apply in advance. that The visitors advance. 5. Sue has borrowed a colleagues printer. The colleague needs the printer right now. whose The colleague right now. 6. Some candidates have very good references. They will be interviewed next week. who The candidates .. next week. Task 3 Decide if the relative pronoun (who, which, that) can be omitted. If so, put it in bracket; if not, underline it. 1. The essay (that) Kate wrote for the journal was well received. 2. The essays, that should not exceed 1000 words, must be sent by September 1.

3. The book that you request is on loan. 4. The book, which is a very rare copy, cannot be lent. 5. The problem that you told me about can be solved immediately. 6. The problem, which is not very serious, can be solved immediately 7. The last thing that they want is to have their names disclosed in this scandal. 8. The artist who he talked about opened an exhibition. ADVERBS Task 1 Complete the second sentences so that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence and contains the word in brackets. 1. I think the meeting was very good (go) I think the meeting went very well. 2. The prime ministers speech was impressive. (spoke) The prime minister .. . 3. The project has been hard work for Irene. (has worked) Irene ..... . 4. The presidential elections were democratic. (elected) The president . 5. The secretary wrote formal invitations.(written) The invitations .. . 6. My grandparents had a happy life (lived) My grandparents ... . 7. The vase I bought had a nice packing. (packed) The shop assistant .


REPORTED SPEECH Task 1 Find the incorrect sentences and rewrite them. 1. The kids said they like the game. The kids said they liked the game. 2. Could you tell me where the station is? 3. Sam said he cant hear me well on the phone. 4. Tom asked where do I live. 5. Peter said me that he must leave early. 6. They asked whether wed be at home in the evening. 7. Whats the matter? Ellen told. 8. Joe said he doesnt feel well yesterday. 9. Tom said he was coming to the concert. 10. I had bought a new bike Pam said us. Task 2 Rewrite the following as reported speech (start with: He told me / He asked me) 1. Ill be at the office next week. He told me he would be at the office the next week 2. Has Jeremy sent the letter? He asked me if/whether Jeremy had sent the letter. . 3. Are you coming with us or not? . 4. Wheres the nearest bus stop? . 5. We went to Johns house yesterday. . 6. When did you get back? . 7. Dont be late for the meeting! . 8. I have never seen a thing like this! .


Task 3 Rewrite the following as direct speech (start with: Teddy /Chris, etc. said:) 1. Teddy advised Kate not to stay too long on the Internet. .... Teddy said: Kate, you shouldnt stay too long on the Internet .... 2. Chris invited Marion to give a speech. . 3. Gerald suggested changing the title of the paper. . 4. Bill offered to bring the books for the seminar. . 5. Carol apologised for being late. . 6. Angela refused to leave as she was waiting for Sue. . Task 4 Fill in the blanks with a reporting verb in the box: admit announce declare deny deplore insist reaffirm 1. The Prime Minister .. that she was about to resign. 2. The leaders .. that they entirely support the new peace proposal. 3. The High Commissioner for Human Rights . all violence against children. 4. The government today .. that it is committed to the current peace process. 5. The Justice Minister . that the new law was difficult to enforce. 6. The trade union . that employees needed better working conditions. 7. The Finance Minister .. that public spending would be increased the next year.


Task 1 Read this application letter. There are 7 grammar mistakes. Find and correct them. October 21, 2005 Dear Mr. Johnson, I would like to apply for the job of tourist guide which I saw advertised in the local paper. I am twenty one years old. I was born in Germany but my family moved to Scotland when I was ten and I am living there ever since. I have left school and since then I am having several jobs in tourist offices. For the past five months I am working in the travel information centre in Edinburgh. The manager has been saying that she is willing to give me a reference. I speak German and English fluently and I have learnt Spanish since I left school, so I speak some Spanish as well. I hope you will consider my application. Yours sincerely, Gertrude Schmidt

Task 2 Write a similar application letter for the job below. Dynamic, energetic person required to help for three months in a travel agency this summer. Must speak some Spanish in addition to at least one another language. Experience not essential, but desirable. Motivating pay and conditions. Write giving details, CV, + one reference, to: Ms K. Turner, Travel Tour Agency, Braid Avenue, Edinburgh.

Task 3 Fill in the gaps with the correct form (active and passive voice) of the verbs in brackets. His Excellency, Mr. Wolf Rdiger Georg Lemp, is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, otherwise known as Rudi. This down-to-earth diplomat ........... (grant) his request to be posted to Nepal in November 2000. He ........................ (visit) Nepal before and immediately............... . (fall) in love with the place. Yet his career journey ....................... (take) many interesting twists and turns before he . (reach) the particular peak of Ambassador to Nepal. Rudi Lemp (come) from a family of doctors, but . (shift) his own studies from medicine to earning a Masters degree in economics, not knowing what path he would take. Later, Rudi (become)

interested in the possibilities of international work. He .. (pass) the diplomatic service tests with little effort and so he . (plunge) into his new life. His first posting was in Dublin, Ireland in 1971, a training position to develop language skills and understand European Embassy systems. After completing his training in Germany, he (post) in Saigon, South Vietnam in 1972, just before the ceasefire established in the Paris Agreement. It was a fascinating time to be in Vietnam, at the end of one of the defining wars of the century. He . (leave) two months before the fall of Saigon. In 1975, Rudi (appoint) I delegate to several

United Nations committees in New York. Interspersed with the UN assignments, Rudi (serve) as Deputy Chief of Mission in Amman, Jordan in the 1980s and in Ottawa, Canada in the 1990s. He (feel) particularly enriched by his time in Jordan. The former Deputy Chief also . (appreciate) the opportunity to travel both in Jordan and throughout the Holy Land, and naturally . (learn) a great deal about the Middle East conflicts. It was sad to leave Jordan, but in his next job Rudi .. (play) a role in resolving long-standing tensions in his own part of the world. He was Deputy Director of the International Environment Policy

group of the Foreign Office in Bonn. He relates, The environmental issues were less political than humanitarian and human rights issues. The Eastern .. (convince) by their own propaganda that they were better, and

so they (see) this one area wasnt so good [and] were interested in Western technology, and co-operation. Among other projects, the group (work) out a multi-national convention on protection of the Danube. It

was a lot of work, but really satisfying, reports Ambassador Lemp. The initial cooperation on environmental issues .. (pave) the way for East and West Germans to work successfully on many other issues.

Task 4 Complete each sentence with a word/phrase from the box. actually in fact 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

after all instead

besides this except for personally such as

People think the manager is cold and distant, but she is easy-going and friendly. , I think this is the right faculty for you. They were going to visit Egypt, but after the terrorist attacks they went to Greece . . Ken has a lot of technical skills, installing and repairing IT equipment. Everyone ..... my brother decided to travel by plane. I studied modern languages; , I attended an interpreting course. Rob likes surfing the Internet. ... , he spends 3 - 4 hours a day searching information. Hes your partner .... , so you cant ignore him.


GLOSSARY accede vb. accession n. achieve vb. additional adj. address vb. advance vb. affairs n. agreement n. aid n. aim (at) vb. ally vb. apparent adj. appoint vb. approach n. appropriate adj. area n. assembly n. assignment n. assist (with) vb. attain vb. attempt n. attend vb. average adj. back vb. balance n. benefit (from) vb. better vb. binding adj. blueprint n. broad adj. business (pl. businesses) n. capability n. carry out vb. carte blanche cease vb. cease-fire n. cement vb. chair vb. chair/chairman/ chairperson n. chancellor n.

a adera, a accede aderare a realiza, a ndeplini suplimentar a rezolva, a avansa, a propune afaceri (externe) acord, nelegere ajutor financiar, asisten a inti, a urmri s a se alia cu, a intra n alian evident a numi (n funcie), a desemna abordare adecvat, corespunztor zon ; domeniu adunare misiune, sarcin a ajuta (cu), a acorda asisten a atinge ncercare a participa, a urma mediu, de mijloc a susine, a ajuta echilibru a beneficia de a mbunti obligatoriu proiect, schi larg, amplu; de ansamblu afacere, ntreprindere capacitate a ndeplini, a efectua, a realiza cec n alb a nceta, a (se) opri ncetare a focului a cimenta, a ntri a prezida (o edin, un comitet) preedinte cancelar

charg daffaires n. charter n. citizenship n. close adj. coerce vb. coercive adj. coin vb. combat vb. commencement n. commit (oneself) vb. commissioner n. competence n. complaint n. complete vb. comprise vb. compulsory adj. conceive vb. concern n. conclude vb. conduct vb. consist of vb. constraint n. convene vb. cope (with) vb. coup dtat n. counterpart n. currency n. current adj. curriculum n. customs adj. customs n. deadline n. deal with vb. deepen vb. defence n. defend vb. deployment n. depository deputy n. determined adj.

nsrcinatul cu afaceri cart cetenie strns a constrnge coercitiv, impus a crea un cuvnt nou a combate, a lupta nceput a (se) angaja s, a-i lua angajamentul, a (se) dedica comisar (al Comisiei Europene) competen, atribuie plngere, reclamaie a completa, a termina a conine, a cuprinde obligatoriu a concepe, a crea, a gndi preocupare, ngrijorare a ncheia (tratate, nelegeri) a efectua, a desfura, a purta, a conduce a consta din /n constrngere, limitare a se ntruni ; a convoca a face fa (la) lovitur de stat contrapondere; omolog moned naional actual, prezent program vamal vam termen-limit a se ocupa de a adnci, a aprofunda aprare a apra desfurare de fore pstrtor adjunct hotrt

deterrence n. diminish vb. dispute n. divide n. domestic adj. draft vb. duty n. earn vb. elect vb. embody vb. embrace vb. emergence n. emerging adj. emphasis n. enable vb. enact vb encompass vb. endeavour n. enforce vb. enhance vb. enlargement n. ensure vb. environment n. envoy n. equate (with) vb. excellency n. exercise vb. expand vb. expenditure n. expenses n. extend vb. extra adj. face vb. fail vb. fait accompli focus n. follow vb. foreign adj. forerunner n. former adj. foundation n.

descurajare a diminua diferend, disput, conflict diviziune, demarcaie intern, naional, din ar a redacta, a elabora tax (vamal) a ctiga, a dobndi a alege a reprezenta, a ntruchipa a cuprinde apariie emergent accent, subliniere a permite, a crea condiii a vota o lege, a legifera a cuprinde, a acoperi efort, strduin, ncercare a aplica (legea), a impune a mri, a crete , a spori extindere a se asigura; a lua msuri mediu nconjurtor trimis a fi echivalent (cu) excelen (titlu folosit pentru ambasador) a exercita a (se) extinde cheltuieli cheltuieli a extinde, a prelungi; a oferi n plus, suplimentar a se confrunta cu a eua, a rata fapt mplinit centru de interes a urma, a respecta extern predecesor, nainta fost fundament

framework n. further vb. genuine adj. goal n. goods n. grant vb. growth n. halt n. handle vb. head n. hold vb. human rights impose (oneself) vb. inception n. income n. inter alia interim adj. involve vb. issue n. issue vb. joint adj. just adj. lasting adj. leading adj. likewise adv. link n. maintain vb. maintenance n. maladministration n. manifold adj. means (pl. means) n. meet vb. membership n. merchandise n. monitoring n. mutual adj. notably adv. observe vb. occur vb. (in) office n. otherwise adv. outbreak n.

cadru a contribui la, a promova real, veritabil scop bunuri a acorda; a ndeplini (o cerere) cretere oprire, ncetare, blocaj a trata, a se ocupa de ef a ine (o conferin) drepturile omului a (se) impune nceput venit printre altele interimar, provizoriu a (se) implica; a presupune chestiune a emite, a edita, a face public comun just durabil principal, de frunte, de vrf n mod similar legtur a menine ntreinere proast administrare, nereguli multiplu mijloc a ndeplini, a satisface (condiii, etc.) calitate de membru; componen mrfuri monitorizare reciproc (n mod) deosebit/ special a respecta (legi, tradiii) a avea loc, a se produce funcie, exerciiu altfel, n alte privine izbucnire

output n. overall adj. oversee vb. peace building n. peace enforcement n. peaceful adj. peacekeeping n. peacemaking n. perform vb. perilously adv. pillar n. pledge vb. policy (pl. policies) n. pose vb. post vb. power n. preserve vb. preside vb. primary adj. project vb. provide vb. provision n. pursue vb. quota n. reach n. reach vb. regulation n. related adj. rely on adj. removal n. request n. requirement n. rescue n. resign vb. resolution n. resolve vb. resort to vb. revenue n. review vb. root n. rule vb. ruling adj.

rezultat, producie general, global a supraveghea, a monitoriza construirea pcii impunerea pcii panic meninerea pcii restabilirea pcii a efectua, a ndeplini periculos pilon a angaja, a promite politic (politici) a pune, a expune a numi ntr-un post competen, putere a pstra, a menine a prezida, a conduce principal a estima a asigura, a se ngriji de prevedere (ntr-o lege) a urmri, a cuta (s realizeze) cot sfer de influen, domeniu a atinge, a ajunge la regulament, reglementare legat (de), asociat, conex a se baza pe ndeprtare, eliminare cerere, solicitare cerin salvare a demisiona rezolvare; rezoluie a rezolva a recurge la venit a trece n revist, a analiza rdcin a conduce; a da o decizie conductor, predominant

ruling n. safeguard vb. schedule n. seat n. secure vb. seek, sought, sought vb. sensible adj. settlement n. share vb. shift vb. single adj. sovereign adj. spectrum (of) n. statement n. strengthen vb. strike vb. submit vb. subsequent adj. subsidy n. summit n. supplies n. sustainable adj. task n. tte--tte n. throughout prep. tie vb. tirelessly adv. trade n. treaty n. trusteeship twofold adj. uphold vb. valid adj. value vb. via prep. visionary n. wage n. warfare n. warn vb. world(wide) adj. worldwide adv.

decizie (judectoreasc) a apra, a salvgarda orar, program, grafic sediu; loc (ntr-o organizaie) a asigura, a garanta, a consolida a cuta, a urmri raional, contient soluionare a mprti, a avea n comun a schimba unic suveran gam (de) declaraie a ntri a intra n grev a nainta/a supune spre aprobare ulterior subvenie ntlnire la vrf provizii durabil operaie (militar), misiune intlnire (ntre patru ochi) pe tot cuprinsul; pe toat durata a lega neobosit comer, schimb de mrfuri tratat tutel dublu a susine valabil, legal, n vigoare a aprecia, a estima prin vizionar salariu conducerea rzboiului a avertiza mondial la nivel mondial, n ntreaga lume

BIBLIOGRAPHY http:/ Bondrea Emilia, tefan Rodica, Dicionar explicativ poliglot de termeni comunitari, Editura Fundaiei Romnia de Mine, Bucureti, 2006. Louise Hashemi, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1995. Paul Emerson, Grammar Builder, Macmillan ELT, 2002. Lilja Vilkanciene, Integration into International Organisations, Alma Littera, 1998. Michael Vince, Intermediate Language Practice, Macmillan ELT, 2003.


Pg. 9 See the key answers at page . Check your answers and see how you rank:
11-15: well done 6-10: quite good 0-5: not so good. Anyway, in the following units you are going to find the answers to some of these questions and much more information and useful elements about international relations. NOTE: The tasks under the WRITING CORNER and PROJECT sections of each unit are only to be done by the full-time students.

KEY ANSWERS: 1c 2b 3b 4a 5c 6a 7b 8c 9a 10b 11a 12c 13b 14c 15b

p. 26 Task 4 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box: chairman chancellor deputy head leader president secretary-general 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Helmut Kohl became the first chancellor of a united Germany in 1990. Im acting as . while the boss is away. My moral duty as . of the United Nations is to do everything possible to avoid war. The .. of the G8 countries have met to discuss further changes in the world economy. The Vice-.. of the United States also leads the Senate. He was elected as of the new organization. The European Council is a meeting of the .. of state or government of the European Union.

P. 33 Task 9 ..Use such phrases as: to consist of, to be made up of, to include, to fall into (types /groups/ categories).

Pg. 65 Task 5 Put the in each space or leave the space blank (zero article):

1. ___ Hague, ___ administrative capital of ___ Netherlands is host to several institutions of ___ United Nations, e.g. ___ International Court of Justice. 2. The motto of ___ European Union is United in ___ diversity. 3. ___ United Kingdom has not adopted ___ euro yet. 4. ___ Danube, ___ second-longest river in ___ Europe, flows through four capitals. 5. Among ___ largest islands in ___ Mediterranean are ___ Cyprus in ___ east and ___ Baleares in ___ west. 6. ___ Queen Mary 2 is ___ largest cruise ship in ___ world. Pg. 80 Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the following Latin and French expressions: attach, carte blanche, charg daffaires, coup dtat, envoy, fait accompli, inter alia, interim, tte--tte 1. An .. government was set up for the period before the countrys first free election. 2. They gave the contractor to use whatever materials he thought necessary. 3. The military .. took part in the celebration of the national day. 4. He was appointed .. in the absence of the ambassador. 5. The UN special . has engaged the Burmese regime in negotiation toward dialogue. 6. The policy change was presented to us as a , without consultation or discussion. 7. The committee recommended, .., that he be promoted as Chief Executive Officer. 8. The two leaders had a . meeting on delicate matters of politics. 9. The army attempted to stage a against the elected government.

Pg. 84 Task 3 Give the opposites of the words in italics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Productivity grew in the first 6 months. fell Exchange rates did not increase last month. _______ Oil prices have risen significantly this year. _______ They raised the tariffs for the imported goods. ________ The GDP went up by 7.8 per cent last year. _______ The inflation has jumped to 9.6% in summer. ____

Task 4 Change the sentences below according to the model: 1. The number of students grew sharply. There was a sharp growth in the number of students. 2. Unemployment has declined slowly over the last months. 3. Foreign investments have increased steadily. 4. The employment in services will rise dramatically. 5. Exports of goods dropped rapidly in 2005. 6. The price of gold may fall slightly next year.

GRAMMAR Unit 1 p. 94-95 Task 5 Underline the correct form of the verb in each pair in italics: 1. Alison is staying / stays with her parents in Dover. 2. Alison is staying / stays with her sister in London for a week. 3. When is she arriving/ does she arrive in Dublin? 4. When is she usually arriving /does she usually arrive at home in the evening? 5. I am getting / get better results at golf as times goes by. 6. Ill give you an answer as soon as I am getting / get the results. 7. He is not understanding / does not understand what I am saying. 8. He is listening / listens attentively while I am explaining. 9. What are doing / do you do? ~ Im a diplomat. 10. What are doing / do you do? ~ Im doing some tests.

Modals Pg. 125-6

Task 5a Match the sentences in column A with their more diplomatic rephrasing in B.

A 1. Can we meet again tomorrow? 2. Thatll be very expensive. 3. We have a problem. 4. Can I interrupt for a moment? 5. Can I go back to the point about terms? 6. Therell be a delay.

B a. There might be a small delay. b. Perhaps we could meet again tomorrow? c. Could I just interrupt for a moment? d. Could I just go back to the point about terms? e. It seems we have a slight problem. f. Wont that be quite expensive?

Task 5b Rewrite these phrases to make them more diplomatic: 1. That will be difficult. 2. I want to make a change in the plan. 3. Can I finish what I was saying? 4. We wont meet the deadline. 5. Your proposal is not good. 6. I need more time for that. .... .... .... . . . .

UNIT 7 p. 135 Task 5 Fill in the blanks with a reporting verb in the box: admit announce declare deny deplore insist reaffirm 1. The Prime Minister .. that she was about to resign. 2. The leaders .. that they entirely support the new peace proposal. 3. The High Commissioner for Human Rights . all violence against children. 4. The government today .. that it is committed to the current peace process. 5. The Justice Minister . that the new law was difficult to enforce. 6. The trade union . that employees needed better working conditions. 7. The Finance Minister .. that public spending would be increased the next year.

Comparison Task 1 Correct the spelling of the following adjectives where necessary: biger ..bigger... tallest . fater . smalest . newer . heavyer . slimer . longest . widder . wetter . happiest . shyier .

Task 2 Fill in each space with one suitable word: 1. 2. 3. 4. The report you sent is as good as the previous one. Ive just visited one of ____ ____ famous museums in Paris. Nobody knows ____ about consulting ____ this expert ____. Its very good, you results are ____ ____ correct ____ your colleagues. 5. What a boring conference! Its one of ____ ____ interesting Ive ever attended. 6. You bought ____ material ____ I need. Now I have to go and buy some ____. Task 3 Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word given in bold. 1. The proposal they made last time was more relevant that this. as This proposal is not as relevant as the last one. .. 1. The bank is nearer to the hotel than the post office. farther . 3. The reply to my letter arrived later than I expected. as 4. The debate over the budget was much longer than over regulations. less .. 5. The committee is not as much concerned with plans as the commission is. more ..


Task 3 Complete each sentence with a word/phrase from the box.

actually in fact after all instead besides this except for personally such as

1. People think the manager is cold and distant, but she is easy-going and friendly. 2. , I think this is the right faculty for you. 3. They were going to visit Egypt, but after the terrorist attacks they went to Greece . . 4. Ken has a lot of technical skills, installing and repairing IT equipment. 5. Everyone ..... my brother decided to travel by plane. 6. I studied modern languages; , I attended an interpreting course. 7. Rob likes surfing the Internet. ... , he spends 3 - 4 hours a day searching information. 8. Hes your partner .... , so you cant ignore him.

Task 4 Choose the figure that corresponds to the error in each sentence. It is possible that there is no error. Then correct the mistake. A. Before anyone makes a decision, he weighs all of the 1 2 (correct: chooses) alternatives and chose the best. 3 4 B. Although I cannot see you, I can hear you good. 1 2 3 4 C. People who work long hours probably like their job a lot. 1 2 3 4 D. As food prices are rising, more and more people turn to 1 2 farming and most of them enjoy it. 3 4 E. Dont rise your hand unless you plan to speak in favour of the 1 2 3 4 proposal.

F. The news on TV is not always interesting, on the contrary, 1 2 3 I sometimes get boring. 4

BIBLIOGRAPHY http:/ Bondrea Emilia, tefan Rodica, Dicionar explicativ poliglot de termeni comunitari, Editura Fundaiei Romnia de Mine, Bucureti, 2006. Louise Hashemi, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1995. Paul Emerson, Grammar Builder, Macmillan ELT, 2002. *** Integration into International Organisations, Alma Littera, 1998. Michael Vince, Intermediate Language Practice, Macmillan ELT, 2003.

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