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**Impact Studies**

Campaign Slogan: A prick in the arm is a small pain to endure for a beating heart

Intervention Hypothesis- Campaign message will focus on the fear factor many people possess about giving blood and attempt to change their mindset by gradually implementing messages that promotes safety and an active mindset to donate blood.

Driving Message for Campaign: Giving blood should not be a scary act but rather an opportunity to help save lives. One donation can save up to three lives. It is an easy, worthwhile civil service that should be considered by everyone. Source(s):

Three 18-22 yr. old students that benefited from receiving blood after a life threatening accident. They create a guilty feeling towards the target audience make them question if not donating because of fear is really a justifiable reason without trying it first.

Reasoning: --We chose our source AFTER choosing our message. Our message is designed to eliminate fear so that benefits can be seen more clearly without a closed off attitude. Using this source compliments the message because it shows that there are scarier things than getting pricked by a needle.--

Modes: Because of the perceptions we have gathered and examined about our target audience, we must create effective modes and numerous modes so that it is convenient for our audience because they do not want have to work to develop a mindset. The following modes are designed to spread our message in a way that will not be too repetitive and annoying and will encourage participation in our campaign:

Collaborate with Student Services to send out emails to all people a part of Lewis University. This email will bring to attention the blood drive we will host at Lewis University on February 14th. Surveys The pre survey for our campaign launch our slogan and logo to our target audience. We distributed our surveys to each educational department and asked them to take a few minutes at the beginning of their class on January 16th to hand out the surveys to students in their classes.

Culture and Civilization event that will bring in students to generate awareness. This event will be comprised of three students with different backgrounds and life experiences. All testimonials will draw an emotional appeal from audience that is designed to break down the fear of donating blood/needles and replace it with a desire and motivation to provide benefits to others.

Put article in the Lewis Flyer for people to read. This article covers another medium for our target audience to have a chance of seeing.

Use Lewis radio station. Place an ad about donating blood. This mode is designed to create awareness about blood drive. Repetition is important in radio so that students will remember date and begin to develop an attitude.


Use Lewis' TV channel to promote donating blood. Still frame ad that can be seen on channel. This image will be seen when flipping through channels. This creates awareness for blood drive as well. Also gets our logo and slogan into the minds of our audience.

Social media
Develop message that will be seen often by people visiting the site. We will

develop a Facebook event invitation for our Cult and Civ. Event as well as our blood drive. We will send invite to people at Lewis University so that they are directly invited and can RSVP to determine the effectiveness of our message before the events even take place. Develop Facebook events (2) Invite Lewis community Promote on Lewis Facebook page Develop Twitter Send out statistics Blood drive locations Upcoming events Links to stories --WHY?--Our target audience uses social media more than any age group. Using this type of media is the most efficient way to get a message to them directly and effectively.

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