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''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''


Part 42.
Faith Contending With The Natural Senses!
The Truth Of The Two Becoming One.
Or we might say, '''Faith as opposed to the delusive & deceptive cold hard facts of the natural carnal
senses!'' ''The carnal man is at enmity with God'' 'or an enemy of God.'

''For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit - lusts - against the flesh: and these things are
opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire'' a! "#$%. Dar&y. The
'() te!!s us that ''these are contrary one to another.''
The fo!!owing is written &y one who *nows+ '',n fo!!owing the s-iritua! -ath, you wi!! ha.e to !earn
to discriminate &etween the -rom-tings of the wor!d!y mind / the wisdom of the higher, od mind0 to
distinguish the rea! from that which is unrea! / transient. The wor!d!y mind dwe!!s within us a!! / causes
us a!! to dou&t the rea!ity of s-iritua! truth. Again / again as you -rogress in s-iritua! unfo!dment, you
wi!! sure!y find that dou&t wi!! cha!!enge you 1 dou&t, -osing as common sense, as scru-u!ous honesty
which -refers -!ain truth to de!usion. This dou&ting wor!d!y mind wi!! try to argue with you, suggesting
that anything which your s-iritua! .ision re.ea!s to you cannot &e -ro.ed / is on!y a figment of the
imagination. This mind of the &ody - soul - has its -!ace / can &e a sound enough guide within its
!imitations, once it has !earned to defer to the od2mind. Truth which the wor!d!y mind wou!d term pure
nonsense may &e acce-ted / treasured &y the s-iritua! mind. To the higher sense of the sou! 1 your
inte!!igence as distinct from your inte!!ect 1 it may a--ear as a rare gem of truth. 3o we must !earn
discrimination, / rendered unto Caesar the wor!d!y things which tru!y &e!ong to Caesar, then see*
to find the -ear! of truth.''
,n reading the a&o.e we must *ee- in mind that the definition of the SOUL is the 4,5D 6,77 A5D
Faith !s Needed To "#ercome The $ind Will % &motions!

This is an e9cer-t from something &y ary 3ig!er. '':aith is &eing a&!e to acce-t as fact what is not yet
rea! to my senses. 6e may sti!! ha.e ha&its and things in our !ife that we fee! is not -!easing to od.
3ometimes we may sin wi!!2fu!!y and diso&ey what we fee! od wants us to do. 3ometimes it fee!s
im-ossi&!e that od wou!d &e saying not gui!ty when we fee! so gui!ty. That is when we can acce-t as
fact that the &!ood is saying not gui!ty regard!ess of how we fee!. :or those who fee! tra--ed and una&!e
to &etter themse!.es this is how to come out of &ondage. Acce-t as fact the truth of od;s word
regard!ess of what seems rea! to our senses. , &egan to see this in the ear!y %<;s and , &egan to recei.e
forgi.eness e.ery day and &e!ie.e what od says rather than how , fe!t.''

The difference of &eing good &y our own deeds - the law - / *nowing that we are a!ready =ustified
&y faith.
'''nd to the one who does not wor( )ut )elie#es in him who *ustifies the ungodly, his faith is
counted as righteousness, +a#id said the same thing when he was tal(ing a)out the )lessing people
ha#e when God accepts them as good without loo(ing at what they ha#e done:'' Rom 4#"2>. 83).
Not Guilty!
'''nd to ,esus the mediator of the new co#enant, and to the )lood of sprin(ling, that spea(s )etter
things than that of ')el-'' ?e& $2#24. 6e&ster. That s-ea*s &etter things than that of A&e!0 after the
innocent righteous A&e! was s!ain &y his &rother Cain, his &!ood cried out from the ground saying two
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
things, @,7TA / )858A5C8. But then there came one whose shed &!ood s-o*e of a greater more
&!essed / mercifu! message that was entire!y o--osite to that of A&e! which a!so said two things0 5OT
@,7TA / :R88 R,?T8O@35833. 7et us now !oo* at the way the Am-!ified words it in the fo!!owing.
'''nd to ,esus, the $ediator .Go/)etween, 'gent0 of a new co#enant, and to the sprin(led )lood
which spea(s 1of mercy2, a )etter and no)ler and more gracious message than the )lood of ')el 1which
cried out for #engeance2-'' ?e& $2#24. Am-. Ben. 4#$<.C , re-eat not guilty & free righteousness.
The natura! man finds this hard to concei.e &ut faith ins-ired &y the 3-irit in the s-iritua! man wou!d say
'yes & how wonderful.' To go e.en further the fo!!owing .erse us a start!ing re.e!ation !et us try to
understand it in it's fu!! degree for it is to us right now as we!! as the future0 it is for the 5O6 as the 3-irit
wou!d Duic*en it to us. The word =ustification in.o!.es much more than many of us ha.e yet rea!ised.
''For the 3aw of the Spirit of 3ife in Christ ,esus has made me free from the 3aw of sin % death-''
Rom E#2.

'n !n#ol#ed Sacrifice!
''!t is a fact that a grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die )efore it can grow and produce much
more wheat- !f it ne#er dies, it will ne#er )e more than a single seed- Whoe#er lo#es the life they ha#e
now will lose it- 4ut whoe#er is willing to gi#e up their life in this world will (eep it - They will ha#e
eternal life-'' (n. $2#2422". 8R). Or we cou!d say realise their true identity.
,t is interesting to note that genera!!y the seeds of earth do not germinate in the !ight, they first ha.e to
&e &uried in the lower -arts of the earth / in the darness &efore they grow. They first ha.e to find the
soi! / hide themse!.es away from !ight / go through a muddy, uncomforta&!e, uni!!uminated / dar*ened
e9-erience / in this state the outer must -erish so that the true hidden inner new !ife may &e re.ea!ed or
come forth. 4an was first e.o!.ed as an eterna! seed, &ut in his first high!y i!!uminated God e9-erience
the !ight was too great for these seeds to grow. 3o man sought the soi! of carna! !ife, where he cou!d
germinate / grow. FThere is much more to the fa!! - so called - than the mere in* on the -a-er, the first
three cha-ters of enesis are simi!ar to the &oo* of re.e!ation / are rea!!y meta-hors or ana!ogies of the
rea!ity.G And so wonderfu!!y the seed has ta*en root / is growing we!!. This sha!! we say 'tree of human
life' is now rising from the soi! of earth!y things - carnality - ta*en ho!d of s-iritua! !aw - the law of life in
!hrist - / is now reaching toward -erfection or -erfect form. And as faith is increased / the truth of
these three are O"#$ spirit$ soul & %ody &ecomes a rea!ity, then wi!! come to -ass as Pau! encouraged us
''5our Spirit, Soul % )ody )e preser#ed )lameless unto the coming of our 3ord ,esus Christ-'' / then
we read ''Who will transfigure the )ody of our humiliation, - vile %ody - to conform it to the )ody of
6is glory, in accord with the operation which ena)les 6im e#en to su)*ect all to 6imself-7 Ph- H#2$.
, thin* that it wou!d &e a--ro-riate to mention here that (esus Christ was most interested in our
&odies, ?e had com-assion / care for our humanity, / the good news is, ''&e is the same yesterday today
& forever.'' ,f ?e did not, then why was ?e so interested in hea!ing our &odiesI 6hen we come into a
dee-er understanding of our true identity, the first thing that we &ecome aware of is that our true identity
Christ, wants to ma*e us fu!!y who!e, s-irit, sou! / &ody. Christ taught us that ?e was interested in the
6?O78 4A5 not =ust two -arts of it. This may seem on the surface to &e in contradiction to our o-ening
statements, &ut -!ease &ear with us as there is a wonderfu! -rocess ta*ing -!ace in e.ery one of our !
/ at the moment this is hidden to most.
! 'm Sending 5ou Forth!

'',esus then repeated, 78eace )e with you! 's the Father sent me forth, ! am sending you forth- 'nd
with these words he )reathed on them, and added, 79ecei#e the holy Spirit! !f you remit the sins of
any, they are remitted: if you retain them, they are retained-7 (n 2<#2$22H. 4offatt.
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
7et us notice .ery c!ear!y our ro!e here0 '''s the Father sent me forth$ ( am sendin) you forth.'' ,n the
same way as :ather sent (esus, ?e then in the .ery same way is sending us. , cha!!enge us a!! to thin*
.ery so&er!y on these words. Then in .erse 2H ''(f you remit the sins of '"*$ they are remitted+ if you
retain them$ they are retained.''
The word sins in this case is from the word hamartia J 3trongs, 2>> -ronounced ham2ar2tee'2ah
:rom 2>40 sin K-ro-er!y a&stractL# 2 offence, sin K2fu!L. ,t is a!so re!ated to the word harmatano J 2>4
-ronounced ham2ar2tan'2o. :rom $ Kas a negati.e -artic!eL and the &ase of HH$H0 -ro-er!y to miss the
mar Kand so not share in the -riMeL, that is, Kfigurati.e!yL to err, es-ecia!!y Kmora!!yL to sin# 2 for your
fau!ts, offend, sin, tres-ass. The word mar is from the word charagma "4E< -ronounced har'-a)-
mah :rom the same as "4E20 a scratch or etchin), that is, stamp Kas a %ad)e of ser.itudeL, or sculptured
figure KstatueL# 2 gra.en, mar*. N "4E$ chara*ter which means / is -ronounced e9act!y the same as our
word character. Chara*ter / charagma &eing re!ated words mean a!most the same thing / can in many
circumstances &e interchanged.
,n short sin or missin) the mar, rea!!y means missing or mista*ing our character, our character is
who we are or our identity, so today we wou!d sim-!y / truthfu!!y say 4,3TA',5 O@R ,D85T,TA.
5ow in the !ight of this, , now wish to share with you in the truth of the 4ost ?o!y P!ace understanding
the inter-retation of ''(f you remit the sins of '"*$ they are remitted+ if you retain them$ they are
retained.'' The &e!ow sentence , -resent to you to consider serious!y.
!!If you re"erse the mistaen i#entity of any$ their mistaen i#entity %ill &e re"erse#. If you
retain their mistaen i#entity$ it has &een retaine#.!!
6e wi!! now Duote from the Diag!ott in which the words for)ive / for)iven are gi.en the -re2
eminence, , wish to show us that in the origina! that this does not ma*e a scra- of difference as we wi!!
''!f of whom you may forgi#e the sins, they are forgi#en them if of whom you may retain, they
ha#e )een retained-'' (n 2<#2H. Diag!ott. 5otice the words forgi.e / forgi.en in this .erse.
,n the dee-er !ight of '''s the Father sent me forth ! am sending you forth-'' This is the
res-onsi&i!ity that (esus Christ has gi.en to ?is sons / this res-onsi&i!ity is u-on our true identity e.en
Christ. ,n the a&o.e .ersion we notice the the word forgi.e is used / this is from the B3trongs J "%". A-o
N for)ive$ separation$ cessation or re#ersal.C 3o the words re"erse / forgi"e are from e9act!y the same
root word / are interchangea&!e. ,T ,3 A77 ,5 ?,4 / ,T ,3 A77 ,5 '5O6,5 6?O 68 TR@7A AR8+
3o when our sins are forgi.en, or we forgi.e the sins of any it is a com-!ete / a&so!ute R8)8R3A7.
P!ease gi.e thought to this it is not =ust swee-ing what we ha.e done under the car-et, &ut it is , re-eat a
CO4P78T8 / AB3O7@T8 R8)8R3A7.

Christ !s Not 'nother, 6e !s 5ou!
,t wi!! &e a wonderfu! day when a!! of man*ind come to the .ery rea! / true conc!usion that Christ was /
is / a!ways has &een our on!y true rea!ity / identity. Oh yes+ 6e were created in / &y ?im /
-roceeded forth from ?im / we were created out of ?im who is s-irit / we are e9act re-!icas of
?imse!f. 3o my .ery &eing is -art of Christ who is od. '' 68 AR8 OD B8,53+'' 5ow in saying this
we are to ta*e this in conte9t as we can ta*e away from the greatness / the so.ereignty of od /
try to ma*e ?im into a mere human.
The truth is that od's -eo-!e are in fact the a&iding -!aces in which od dwe!!s, / co!!ecti.e!y we
&ecome the house of od. This may come as a sur-rise to many reading these words today &ecause the
genera!!y acce-ted thin*ing on this su&=ect, is that (esus was s-ea*ing a&out -re-aring a -!ace in hea.en
for Christians after they die. But this is not so, as from Creation od's -ur-ose was to ma*e our &ody ?is
dwe!!ing -!ace. $Cor >#$O. A!so we need to rea!ise that our 'ing !eft ?is *ingdom, &ecause
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
?e is within or indwe!!s e.ery man on earth.
''God that made the world, and all things therein, seeing that he is 3ord of hea#en and earth,
dwells not in temples made with hands Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed
any thing, seeing he gi#es to all life, and )reath, and all things 'nd has made of one )lood all
nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times )efore appointed,
and the )ounds of their ha)itation That they should see( the 3ord, if haply - come to a conclusion -
they might feel after him, and find him, though he is not far from e#ery one of us: - or our realisation -
For in him we li#e, and mo#e, and ha#e our )eing as certain also of your own poets ha#e said, for we
are also his offspring-'' Acts $%#2422E.

This truth !ays dormant in the consciousness of most for the moment, &ut there is a growing awareness
in the hearts of many that are &eing awa*ened / a!so many Christians as they see the need to -re-are for
?is coming indi.idua!!y e.en though it may &e Duite a different conce-t from those in the 4ost ?o!y
P!ace understanding.
When 6e Comes Shall 6e Find Faith "n The &arth:
'''nd will not 1our *ust2 God defend and protect and a#enge 6is elect .6is chosen ones0, who cry to
6im day and night: Will 6e defer them and delay help on their )ehalf: ! tell you, 6e will defend and
protect and a#enge them speedily- 6owe#er, when the Son of $an comes, will 6e find 1persistence in2
faith on the earth:'' 7* $E#%2E. Am-. Aes ?e sha!!+ P!ease remem&er this0 for something to ha--en &y
faith, we must &e &e! for it &efore it ha--ens, this ha--en2stance of od is not going to cree- u- on
any of us. 6e must ha.e faith or %e %elievin) into Rom E#2$, &efore it ha--ens.
''&#en so it is that Christ, ha#ing )een offered to ta(e upon 6imself and )ear as a )urden the sins
of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any )urden of sin nor to deal
with sin, )ut to )ring to full sal#ation those who are 1eagerly, constantly, and patiently2 waiting for and
e;pecting 6im-'' ?e& O#2E. Am-.
Than* od that there is no need for (esus to carry any &urden of sin. 6hyI :or ?e tasted death
O5C8 / :OR A77 / there is no need to dea! with it any !onger for e.en the sins of the @5OD7A ha.e
&een inc!uded in the sacrifice. ?is ne9t coming is ha--ening right now. ?ow, you sayI A resurrection 1
anastasis - or ''a recovery of spiritual truth.'' and so ''6e is coming to )e glorified !N his saints-''
Bringing them to :@77 3A7)AT,O5, e.en the same sa!.ation that is mentioned &y our great a-ost!e Peter
in $Pet $#" / $Pet "#$. Aes e.en the sa!.ation that is to &e, / is &eing re.ea!ed - within us - in this !ast
day yes this .ery time now / if we are not &e! for it right now &efore it comes, how on earth are we
going to ha.e faith for it. 6hen we are to!d that it is for those ''who are waiting for % e;pecting 6im-''
6hat are we waiting for / e9-ectingI 6e ha.e =ust read the .erse it is there for us to &e!ie.e - full
sal#ation, - / cou-!ed with the .ery ne9t .erse , ho-e that it &ecomes c!earer to us++
''to finish and put an end to transgression, to seal up and ma(e full the measure of sin, to purge
away and ma(e e;piation and reconciliation for sin, to )ring in e#erlasting righteousness .permanent
moral and spiritual rectitude in e#ery area and relation0 to seal up #ision and prophecy and prophet,
and to anoint a 6oly of 6olies-'' Dan O#24&. Am-.
The .ery interesting words to seal up deser.e some attention. 3trongs J 6<=>? '()*(+,haw-
tham' A -rimiti.e root0 to close u- 0 es-ecia!!y to seal+ - ma*e an end, mar*, sea! Ku-L, sto-. 6hat does
this meanI , a!ong with many others, see it as ma*ing an end - or in 'ussie slan) a change up - of the
acce-ted ?o!y P!ace or -resent Pentecosta! understanding of their "ision of s-iritua! things, their now
understanding of .ro.he/y, / a!so their -resent understanding of a .ro.het. The s-irit is anointing the
?o!y of ?o!ies within our .ery own &eing / re.ea!ing to us a higher %ay direct from the 3ecret P!ace of
the 4ost ?igh. The 3-irit of the 7ord is no dou&t in the midst of changing or mo#ing us on in our
-resent s-iritua! -erce-tion on many wonderfu! things, than* od that ?e stands sti!! &ut is
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death'' onward / u-ward into higher / &etter things. ,t was destined that we wou!d a!ways
&e Pentecosta!, nor wi!! we a!ways &e in the -resent understanding of Ta&ernac!es, it too wi!! run it's
course / then &!ess od there wi!! &e a ?,?8R AA,5 e9-erience. 6hat an e9citing od we ha.e as
we !oo* forward to the wonderfu! things that ''6e has prepared for us-'' :or com-arison , ha.e inserted
the same ne9t .erse from the A3).

''to finish transgression, and to ma(e an end of sins, and to ma(e reconciliation for ini@uity, and
to )ring in e#erlasting righteousness, and to seal up #ision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy-''
Dan O#24&. A3). To finish transgression+ ?e& O#2E te!!s us ''not to deal with sin'' &ut to &ring those
who are &e! for - ''full salvation'' ?e& O#2E, or ''everlastin) ri)hteousness''- / to do this ?e is
anointing The 4ost ?o!y. ,f we are the tem-!e 1 dwellin) place - of od0 6here is the !ocation of this
?o!y of ?o!iesI Answer0 IN ?is Tem-!e, ?is a&iding -!aces, od's -eo-!e, the Tem-!e &ui!t without
The 4ost ?o!y P!ace that you wi!! find anywhere in creation is 6,T?,5 4A5. P!ease do not !oo* at
this through the eyes of f!esh or consider this in a carna! way, what we are sharing here are wonderfu!
-recious gems, / truths from the Pear! of great -rice...... , reiterate 0ES He %ill fin# faith on the earth
when ?e comes,- faith as opposed to our natural senses - as 'when 6e comes' rea!!y means that ?e is
Coming in us or en!arging ?imse!f in our consciousness as to our true identity e.en C?R,3T. This a!so
entai!s the most im-ortant understanding of,
The Truth "f The Two 4ecoming "ne 'ccording To The 4oo( of Thomas!
, am a&out to share something Duite wonderfu! with you. ,f anything has the ring of truth to it , wi!!
a!ways search it out. 4any years ago when , !eft the in part way of thin*ing, , determined that to the &est
of my a&i!ity that , wou!d no !onger &e &ound &y man's tradition. :or some time , ha.e &ecome .ery
im-ressed with the The Gos.el of Thomas. , noticed that (esus -aid s-ecia! attention to Thomas /
=udging from history , &e!ie.e that he came through rather wonderfu!!y. There are some amaMing dee-
Third Day gems in this unadu!terated &oo*. , wi!! not go into the history of it for it wou!d ta*e to much
time, &ut , wi!! !et it s-ea* for itse!f. ,t was first written in ree*, it was then written in Co-tic an
8gy-tian !anguage inf!uenced &y ree*. Thomas inaugurated a Church in ,ndia / we are informed that it
is su--osed!y sti!! in e9istence today. P!ease *ee- in mind that when we read the trans!ation of any other
!anguage the grammar, the idiom / the way of -hrasing is a!ways different to our 8ng!ish way of thin*ing
/ s-ea*ing. P!us this was written a!most two centuries ago. The -oint that , wish to ma*e is that &ecause
of our -ast 8ng!ish 6estern way of thin*ing which was inf!uenced &y the fa!!en Church of the dar* ages, a
!ot of the origina! thin*ing of the day of (esus has &een !ost, &ut -raise the 7ord we ha.e &een -romised a
CO4P78T8 R83TORAT,O5 O: A77 T?,53. And this , &e!ie.e is one of the many he!-s. 5ow you may
disagree / that is your -rerogati.e, &ut -!ease a!!ow me the same -ri.i!ege that , am granting you.
1esus sai#2 !!ON THE DA0 0O3 4ERE ONE 0O3 CREATED THE T4O$ 53T THEN 5EING T4O
4HAT 4I66 0O3 DO7!! Thomas. $$#$<2$H.
The words of Thomas are s-ea*ing of the rea!isation of the sou! / s-irit &ecoming O58 as there has &een a se-aration on!y in our stin*in2thin*in which is -art of the )8,7. Thomas is here
referring to when 8.e ate from the wrong tree / then offered it to Adam. 6e as* the Duestion. 6here is
the di.isionI 6ithin our wrong thin*ing of course. Thomas as*s the Duestion. But then &eing T6O what
wi!! you doI The answer of course is in the rea!isation that od !eft us, ?e c!arifies this when
?e as*s Adam0 6ho to!d you that you were na*edI 4an's thin*ing is the cu!-rit, in &e! a !ie, he had
created a .ei!, a u-. 6ithin us are two trees if we can &egin to eat O57A from the tree of !ife
C?R,3T which is within us / !et ?is -ower, ?is mind, ?is !ife do the wor* we wi!! find that 7,:8 6,77
36A77O6 @P D8AT? / the tree of good / e.i! in which we ha.e a choice of not eating, wi!! &e so!.ed.
The truth is that 3O@7 / 3P,R,T were se-arated on!y in our mis!ed consciences. '' "n the
day you were one 5"A created the TW", )ut then )eing TW", 6?AT AR8 AO@ O,5 TO DO ABO@T
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
,TI :or em-hasis the !ast se.en words are my trans!ation. 5otice that Thomas stresses that 68 in our
thin*ing made a se-aration &etween 3O@7 / 3P,R,T, so he is throwing the onus &ac* onto us, 68 ?A)8
T?8 C?O,C8++
6e need a!so *ee- in mind that the origina! '() contained a foot note to the effect that the first three
cha-ters of enesis were myths or as we wou!d say today meta-hors / were not factua!, the conf!ict !ies
in the fact that the - tree of )ood & evil - or our mista*en lo%er i#entity is at !oggerheads with the 1 tree
of life , our true higher Christ i#entity $ 6,T?,5 @3. Both are within us in our garden0 '5ou are a
garden enclosed-' 3ong of 3o!. 4#$2, >#H. ,sa "E#$$. (er H$#$2. 7et us com-are this with the fo!!owing
''Whoe#er finds his 1lower2 life will lose it 1the higher life2, and whoe#er loses his 1lower2 life on
$y account will find it 1the higher life2-'' 4at $<#HO. A4P. This .erse is se!f e9-!anatory when
com-aring it with the a&o.e .erse.

1esus sai#2 !!4HEN 0O3 8A9E THE T4O ONE$ AND 0O3 8A9E THE INNER AS THE O3TER$
NOR THE ;E8A6E 8ADE ;E8A6E2!! Thomas. 22#O2$>. The !ast seeming!y -uMM!ing comment rea!!y
mean that a!! as-ects of our identity are to &e com-!ete!y harmonised not one -art -riority the
other. This , &e!ie.e is referring to our true Christ se!f / the mista*en se!f, the inner / the outer. The
Christ S.irit - male - / the soul - female - are to &ecome merged unti! they are one / the same. The
answer here is the same, the is e9act!y the same as in 4att $<#HO, they are to &e merged / ma*e a
sing!e unified entity. Consisting of how manyI O580 The first we hear of Adam is that he was &oth ma!e
/ fema!e, O58 85T,TA, in the ,mage of od. 3o this means that od must &e &oth mascu!ine /
feminine as this is &orne out &y the fact of the name / tit!e of 8!23haddi 1 the lar)e or twin %reasted one
, if Adam was &oth ma!e / fema!e / was in od's image0 od dou&t!ess must &e the same / neither is to
&e -re2eminent they are to &e O58, as at the &eginning. Our od has &oth a :AT?8R / 4OT?8R
conce-t. By the way this is not to &e considered from a human se9ua! -oint of .iew, &ut rather from a
s-iritua! gender which is .ery, .ery different in out!oo*.
'''nd 16e designed2 to reconcile to God )oth 1,ew and Gentile, united2 in a single )ody )y means
of 6is cross, there)y (illing the mutual enmity and )ringing the feud to an end- 'nd 6e came and
preached the glad tidings of peace to you who were afar off and 1peace2 to those who were near-'' 8-h
2#$>2$%. ''that 6e from the two might create in 6imself one new man 1one new @uality of humanity
out of the two2, so ma(ing peace-'' 8-h 2#$4&.
Once the .ei! is com-!ete!y !ifted in our understanding, the feu# or the so called war is over.
4eing Filled With The Tree "f 3ife Will &mpty As "f +i#ision!
1esus sai#2 !!4HEN HE IS E8<TIED HE 4I66 5E ;I66ED 4ITH 6IGHT= 53T 4HEN HE IS
DI:IDED HE 4I66 5E ;I66ED 4ITH DAR9NESS.!! Thomas. >$#$42$E. , fee! that this is se!f
e9-!anatory. 8m-tied of se!f of course, or our mistaen identity. ,f we are di.ided, that is if ones
mista*en identity is not yet merged with the Christ 3e!f or identity, dar*ness wi!! ensue.
''For 6e is 16imself2 our peace .our )ond of unity and harmony0- 6e has made us )oth 1,ew and
Gentile2 one 1)ody2, and has )ro(en down .destroyed, a)olished0 the hostile di#iding wall )etween us,
$" 4y a)olishing in 6is 1own crucified2 flesh the enmity B feud - 1caused )y2 the 3aw with its decrees
and ordinances 1which 6e annulled2 that 6e from the two might create in 6imself "N& N&W $'N
1one new @uality of humanity out of the two2, so ma(ing peace-'' 8-h 2#$4 A4P The di!emma is the
T6O, the answer is the O58, or 5O D,),3,O5++
SA0 TO THE 8O3NTAIN !!8O:E A4A0 AND IT SHA66 8O:E.!! Thomas. 4E#$2>.
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
Once again this is referring to our dua!ity, ma*ing -eace in the sing!e house is referring to the ?ouse
or Tem-!e of od which is ourse!.es. ,ncidenta!!y , fee! that this a&o.e .erse is referring to 4anifest
3on2shi-. 6hat two are to ma*e -eaceI Our - mistaen identity , or se!f !ife is to ma*e -eace, K&e
su&ser.ient to, / agree withL our 1 true or !hrist identity , then the midd!e wa!! of -artition, that feud
wi!! &e done away with / -eace, then -ower / authority wi!! ensue. '-ountain %e removed.' 4t 2$#2$.
'''nd 6e came and preached the glad tidings of peace to you who were afar off and 1peace2 to those
who were near-'' 8-h 2#$% A4P.
1esus sai#2 !!4HEN 0O3 8A9E THE T4O ONE$ 0O3 4I66 5ECO8E SONS O; 8AN$ AND I;
0O3 SA02 !!8O3NTAIN 8O:E A4A0$!! IT SHA66 8O:E.!! Thomas.$<>#$2>.
Once again we are em-hasising that the two ,dentities are &ecoming one, / when they do ''!f you
a)ide in $e % my words a)ide in you, you shall as( what you will % it shall )e done unto you-''

''! create the fruit of the lips 8eace, peace to him that is far off, - %y %reain) down the middle wall
of partition$ therefore main) one - and to him that is near, say's the 3"9+ and ! will heal him-'' %oth
spiritually as well as physically. ,sa "%#$O. 6e&ster.

1esus sai#2 !!T4O 4I66 REST THERE ON A CO3CH2 ONE 4I66 DIE$ THE OTHER 4I66 6I:E.!!
Thomas. >$#$2H.
?ere we see again the two, one wi!! die or &e a&sor&ed into the other. The fo!!owing .erse is from the
5ew Testament.
''! am saying to you, in this night there will )e TW" on one couch the one shall )e ta(en along
and the other shall )e left-7 7u*e $%#H4. C7). The fo!!owing is from the same .erse direct from the
''! say to you: !n this the night will )e two on )ed one one will )e ta(en, and the other will )e
left-'' 7u*e $%#H4 '.
5otice that the origina! does not mention a man or woman or -erson. The '() / se.era! other
trans!ations ha.e a!so &een tam-ered with &ut in most of the more recent trans!ations they are now
*ee-ing to the origina! descri-tion.... T6O 6?ATI ,dentities of course0 our ?igher / our 7ower se!f.
T6O sha!! &e in the one -erson on one couch++ The one sha!! &e ta*en com-aring it with the a&o.e .erse.
@sua!!y this has &een inter-reted to fit into the ra-ture theory / thought to mean that there were two
-eo-!e in a &ed, the good one f!ies u- into the air for a -eriod of time, whi!e the other is !eft to face the
music / ha.e a terri&!e time / those who ha.e &een f!oating away u- in the c!ouds somewhere return
when it is a!! to re=oice. , want to say to a!! that this is a terri&!e error, if there was a time when
the sons of Go# wi!! &e needed in this wor!d it wi!! &e in the soon dar* times. This is where we wi!! see
in action, ''Where sin a)ounds grace does a)ound much, much more-'' The true inter-retation of the
a&o.e -assage - & ( am not the only one that %elieves this either - is this. This is actua!!y referring to our
two entities &oth our 1 true !hrist identity & our mistaen or lower self , in one -erson. O58 identity
wi!! &e ta*en, a&sor&ed, changed, / in this soon time when those who ha.e &een 'wal(ing in the light as
6e is in the light' the cu!mination of what od has &een saying to many of us wi!! ta*e effect / there wi!!
&e a catchin) away, / many wi!! &e 'Caught up' into a higher e9-erience / it wi!! &e the time that the
mistaen identity wi!! &e fu!!y merged into the !hrist identity$ / in so doing, in this merging the ol# man
D,83 / in the com-!ete death, wi!! come the com-!ete change, the fu!!ness of the new &irth / we sha!!
-ut on in/orru.ti&ility as we ha.e &een -romised. 5ow what many find hard to understand is that if the
mistaen identity dies how can it !i.eI The answer of course is, that in the dying to itse!f it is a&sor&ed
into the Christ se!f / gains a ?igher rea!m of change, a ?O7A, OD7A, D,),58 e9-erience.
' thou)ht for my precious %rothers & sisters who hold to other understandin)s of scripture$ this is not
meant to %e conclusive as truth is ever revealin). .ith respect & without %ein) too simplistic on comple/
issues$ ( would su%mit this %i%lical point of view as a le)itimate 0i%le %ased understandin) worthy of
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
open & impartial consideration. #ven thou)h we may have to a)ree to disa)ree$ this interpretation
cannot %e discounted as not havin) scriptural credi%ility & inte)rity.
''So let those 1of us2 who are spiritually mature and full/grown ha#e this mind and hold these
con#ictions and if in any respect you ha#e a different attitude of mind, God will ma(e that clear to you
also-'' Phi! H#$". A4P.
The Truth "f The Two 4ecoming "ne!
3o the truth of the carna! man &eing at enmity with the Christ se!f ceases when this carna!ity or #eath -
which is - the last enemy is o.ercome / &rought into com-!ete su&=ection, this ha--ens on!y as we 'see
&im with all of our heart$' Christ, who is our true identity.
''That if possi)le ! may attain to the 1spiritual and moral2 resurrection 1that lifts me2 out from
among the dead 1e#en while in the )ody2- Not that ! ha#e now attained 1this ideal2, or ha#e already
)een made perfect, )ut ! press on to lay hold of .grasp0 and ma(e my own, that for which Christ ,esus
.the $essiah0 has laid hold of me and made me 6is-'' Phi!. H#$$2$2. Am-.

''forgetting what lies )ehind and straining forward to what lies ahead,'' $H#&. Am-. we
mo.e ahead in od there are some things that must &e !eft &ehind. The words of Peter Demitrus e9-!ain
it we!!, ''we are not seein) deeper truth$ we are seein) the truth & deeply applyin) it.'' Christ is Truth.

''Who will transform and fashion anew the )ody of our humiliation to conform to and )e li(e the
)ody of 6is glory and ma*esty, )y e;erting that power which ena)les 6im e#en to su)*ect e#erything to
6imself-'' Phi! H#2$. Am-.
''the eyes of your understanding )eing enlightened, that you may (now what is the hope of 6is
calling, and what is the riches of the glory of 6is inheritance in the saints,'' 8-h $#$E. 4'().
'')eing confident of this #ery thing, that 6e who has )egun a good wor( in you will perform it
until the day of ,esus Christ,'' Phi! $#> 4'().
''that 6e from the two might create in 6imself one new man 1one new @uality of humanity out of
the two2, so ma(ing peace-'' 8-h 2#$4&........(esus said# ''.hen you mae the two one$ you will %ecome
sons of man$ and if you say+ mountain move away$ it shall move.'' Thomas.$<>#$2>. The term sons of
man is referring to the origina! true s-iritua! man who was created in en $#2>22%.
7o.e / &!essings to each / e.ery one of you.
4ritten &y Ral.h 9no%les$ 8ay >?@>.
,f we ha.e &een -rone to human error in this artic!e it is not -ur-ose!y, / , trust that a !itt!e *indness wou!d a!!ow for any fau!t, / that we wi!! consider /
im&i&e the &etter or s-iritua! -art of that which is -resented / intended. R6'..

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