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Miracle Stories

Collected Stories of Real Life Miracles from A prophetic dream that prevented death An event that happened on this day inspired me to start the Miracle Stories series. I was about to cross a street on green lights when I had a strange feeling and stopped and went back, not crossing the street. In that very moment a speeding car hit the brakes on his red light. Would I have continued my walk, I would be dead now. The miracle is about what caused my strange feeling and deciding not to cross the street. A few nights ago I had a nightmare in which I died. In that nightmare I lost family members and friends after going to a BMW-Dealer and test-driving a BMW. When I woke up I was drenched in sweat wondering just what on earth had happened. I normally do not have nightmares much less ones this vivid. 10 seconds before crossing that fateful street, I was listening to a message on my i-phone. It was a casting agency that wanted to book me for a TV Commercial for BMW. As I listened to the message, I remembered the nightmare and all my inner warning lights went on. BMW! My dream predicted this! Thats the signal that Im in danger! I thought to myself. It was here that I decided to step back from the street and not go to the other side. A few seconds later the crash would have happened. That nightmare saved my life. Wake Up Calls Every few years I hear a female voice, loud and clear, wake me up or call me to attention. The voice is pleasant but it sounds like it is coming through filtered through a backward- and slow-motion voice-effect. There is a distinct air-swooshing sound often heard with filtered sound effects. The voice most commonly occurs between waking and sleeping when Im in an altered state but has also happened in broad waking daylight. Unlike the psychotic hearing voices phenomena, this voice only comes up in very important instances that could be life changing. Once I was scheduled to take a flight from an Island back home and it was fairly important that I do so. For some reason my alarm clock had not activated, so one hour later the female voice said: Wake up! at least twice. Had the voice not woken me up I would have certainly missed that plane (which would have had several accumulating consequences, many of which I`m probably quite unaware of). The instance before that was when I was on a night drive. It was 4 o`clock in the morning and I had been driving since the afternoon. I was falling asleep behind the steering wheel but still falsely believing I was in control of the car. The voice came on and said Hello!, but with the humorous intonation of the last part of the word as if to lovingly coax me into more Awareness. Interestingly the voice never says more than one exclamation, as if she is hesitant about intervening or does not want me being too aware of the guidance. After her wake up call I immediately woke back up and steered the car to the next gas station for a nap. Ive consciously heard her about 7 times in my life now. She will come up for a brief second and then disappear for another few years. I think she is a Higher-Self aspect (what others might call Soul

Guides or Guardian Angels) that is making sure I dont steer too far off the course my soul set for this life. SMS from Beyond This story was sent by email by Spencer Morris ( Thanks for the great story Spencer! Every time I recall this story or hear stories of others I get goosebumps and feel that cool tingly feeling sweep through my body. When I was 18 or so, I spent a lot of my free-time time making hip hop beats and I sold those beats to rappers and singers all over the world. One evening I was in a park with a couple of friends and we were about to smoke a joint. I then received a text message from one of the rappers I was working with. This rapper was from the military and had suffered quite a bit of emotional trauma, perhaps from childhood or perhaps from being in the army, I`m not sure. The message was very alarming. I dont recall the exact wording but he said he had had enough and was going to go out into public and take as many lives as he could. I immediately knew I had to reply to discourage this but I had NO IDEA what to say. My mind blanked. How do you reply to that? Without thinking I texted him back: Be a Man. Time went by. A short while later I received another text from him. He said he had spent the last 20 Minutes crying. Turns out his Grandpa, who he was very close to, had just passed away. When he was stressed out he would talk to his Grandpa to ask for his advice. His Grandpa always had the same few words to tell him, and each time he heard these words, he was able to accept his problem, and work towards finding a solution. Those words were quite simple: Be a Man. When he texted me this I felt that sweeping feeling of energy throughout my body. Its so cool how thing like this can happen and we can be conduits to these acts simply by giving up on trying to figure it out and letting it come to us or come through us Invisible Rescue At the age of 15 me and friends used to swim in a whitewater river with strong currents that was normally the domain of kayaks. This was highly dangerous but we managed to keep our little sports activity a secret. At one point we got arrogant and started sliding through the shafts of some hydraulic power plant into the whirling waters on the other side of the facility. I knew I overdid it when one day I got pulled into a suction or whirl from which it seemed I could not escape. No matter how hard I tried I could not reach the ledge or any other place in the current. I gasped, swallowed water, tried surfacing but was losing power. I had been in these waters many times before but had always known to avoid this particular area because of its suction. This time I had slid to through the shaft in a manner that I could not avoid the area. And now I was drowning and I knew it. My life flashed before my eyes, different pictures and scenes from my life which made me realize how much I cherished life, even though I may not have realized it while out of danger. None of my friends were around, the one I had swam with was already quarter of a mile ahead. In my last moments I directed my attention toward some higher power and gasped: Alright, I really, really need some help here. I promise never to swim here again. I cant make it out of here alone, please help me. Please help me!

In that instant of agony a luminous and warm presence and peacefulness engulfed me. I was still drowning but I was no longer in panic. I felt completely at ease. I stopped struggling against the current and my attention softened and noticed the surroundings again. Some invisible force began moving my entire body out of the whirl and toward the ledge, where I calmly grabbed it and pulled myself up, back to the ground. True Intuition This story was sent in by Thank you for the fantastic report! I have had periods in my life when my intuition kicks into high gear for short periods of time. Usually for a number of weeks and often times in superfluous, seemingly pointless ways, i.e. knowing whats about to cross my path of vision a couple of seconds before it occurs. In general, when in that state, however in manifests itself, things begin to feel like they are sort popping into my mind in a slightly sped up way. One time when experiencing a high intuition period, I was working in Italy and the way it was manifesting was, that as things popped into my mind I would blurt them out to whomever I was focused on i.e., a man sitting at table next to me at a caf; I found myself staring at his perfectly normal looking left arm and suddenly asking him What was in it?. To both of our surprise he answered, Metal screws There were other times where it was less comfortable for the questioned as I found myself suddenly asking someone I was speaking with to tell me about his grandmother and the kittens. A sad story, he had never told anyone and was ashamed of, emerged During this time my future husband was due to travel and visit with me. As I was working for an extended period my employer had arranged for extra airline tickets as part of my compensation, so travel arrangements were being made through the employers office. As the date for his travel got closer, over the course of about a week, I kept trying to get him to fly one day later. This would happen at night after I had finished work, had dinner and was in bed, because of the time difference, we live on the West Coast. I had no legitimate reason to insist he travel one day later, and it was a great inconvenience for him to try to accommodate that. I would just ramble and aggressively insist, which was out of character for me. Every night I would rant at him with various reasons he could easily ignore as they made no sense and would hang up on him and then go right to sleep. In the mornings I would wake-up and be appalled at my behavior. I told one of my co-workers what I was doing, and how I couldnt believe I was carrying on like that. Nevertheless, every night as the travel day approached I did the same thing in the same irrational manner. It got so extreme that two days before he was due to leave, I also called my employers office in Los Angeles and was threatening to quit work if they did not change his ticket to one day later. This was after screaming at my future husbands assistant for 10 minutes. wildly out of character and inappropriate. I was truly appalled at my behavior when I woke the next day and once again reported to my co-worker what I had done the night before. I was so remorseful that I was trying to arrange for flowers to be delivered to the two women I had harangued and threatened, only to find myself, once again, that next night, raging at my spouse to be when he said Look, I changed the ticket! I am flying the next day! I calmed down, told him I loved him and went right to sleep.

So he accommodated me and flew one day later, and that was one day after TWA flight 800 exploded off the coast off New York. He would have been sitting almost exactly in the seat where the explosion was estimated to have occurred. He still has the boarding pass for that tragic date as he had already been issued tickets before he made the change, and I have learned to be patient and grateful for periods of high intuition, no matter how inane or trivial it may seem when it manifests. The Big Relief This story was sent in by Mike ( Thank you Mike!. My short story that happened last week didnt save a life but it still really touched me. I had three very hard days behind me in the army and also some problems in private. I was just down and out and had no more power. The next day we would have a big inspection by our school commander. If I would make a bad impression the whole company may not be able to go home for the weekend. At one point things got really fucked up and I told myself: OK, I cant handle all of this right now, I honestly admit and accept that I cant do anything, so I demand a higher power to help me. All day long I murmured I demand a higher power to help me, I demand a higher power to help me. At the end of the day we got the message that the list of those who were on guard shift the day of the inspection (which means they cant be at the inspection) contained an error. I would have been on guard shift at that day but it turns out I wasnt. On that day I really could recover and start the next day with an incredible amount of serenity. Flashing Lights This story was sent in anonymously. Thank you. Right after the doctor told me I had a malignant tumor I started affirming up a storm. I was scheduled to drive 900 miles to the east cost and I used the whole ride to talk out loud to myself and the powers that be. After talking about healing for more than three hours I began to see strange semi-physical flashes of light outside and inside the car. I at first thought that the setting sun is reflecting in the mirror and own metal surfaces. Then when the sun was gone, I thought it might be the headlights of other cars. The flash appeared every hour or so. I realized it wasnt any sort of physical light when I was in bed with eyes closed and the flash again appeared. This time, above the left corner of my eye there also seemed to be another light-source . I opened my eyes to see if I had left the lights on but the room was completely dark. I closed my eyes again and there was some lightsource that was not put there by my imagination. And it was flashing light. I had never seen anything like it because it was neither physical nor in my mind. In that moment I realized I was being healed. It was just a sudden realization on what all of this flashing had been about. In that moment I also recalled all the flashes that had happened that day and I knew I was being healed. And it was so. My next checkup showed that the malignant tumor had turned into a benign tumor. That was the most rapid change this doctor had ever seen. That was four years ago. I will never forget that day and night. It means a lot to me. Sudden Relocation Another Story sent by Mike ( Thank you for the interesting account!

It happened during a summer when I was about four or five and I was at the lake with my family. There was also a play area with a big house from which you could slide down a play ground slide. I decided to not climb on the house by the normal ladder but go right up by the handrails of each floor. When I reached the last floor, which was about five to six meters (19 feet) high someone stepped on my fingers so that I lost grip and fell. I just remember that I had started to fall and the next thing I remember was that I was sitting in the grass in front of the building. Until today I dont have any memories of the falling process. I often asked myself if it really happened but I am 100% sure I climbed up that building and I knew for sure I was sitting on the grass. Intuitively Locating People Sometimes, when on travels with people, I like to experiment with meeting them without the use of a location, time and pre-arrangement. I was walking through Milan, Italy with a girlfriend and we had arranged to part ways for 2 hours so that she could do some private shopping. When she asked where we will meet again I explained the concept of finding each other telepathically to her and she reluctantly agreed. No place was agreed on, only a rough time-frame of two to three hours. I said: Just trust fully that we will meet, and we will. As I did not have a phone with me at the time, it made the exercise even more interesting. Sure enough, we did meet almost three hours later, after she had given up looking for me at the place we had originally parted. We met in a store about half a mile further away. The likelihood of that, in a city of Millions, is slim. How does it occur? Through inner/energy attraction only. I held her in mind throughout, and thats how we found each other. I have attempted this experiment several times. It has not always worked, but the times it has worked goes beyond any statistical probabilityinto the miraculous Till the end of Time This story was sent by an email-coaching student who wishes to remain anonymous. Thanks for the great story! The last weeks have been tough because a lot of things have been going wrong in my Business. When I went to bed I was feeling restless and burdened. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down but couldnt. There was a weight on my chest. So I tried one of your exercises; I concentrated on friends and foes, wishing them well and sending them love and peace. Tears welled up in my eyes and some of the weight was released off my chest. I then did something uncharacteristic of me I prayed. You write that I dont have to be religious to get prayers answered, so I thanked God for the people in my life and requested to be sent a nice dream for the night. Then I fell asleep and had one of the best dreams I can remember in a long time. The dream took me to my early teenage days and happy times I was having with a good friend. After that I somehow dreamed that I was meeting him in present time (our ways parted 15 years ago) and I ask him: Remember our favorite song? And we did remember it. We were around 13 or 14 when he bought an album called Faith by George Michael. Our favorite song from it was called Father Figure and together we sangt it in the dream. It went something like I would be your Father Figure, put your tiny hand in mine, I would be your preacher, teacher, anything you had in mind, I would be your Father Figure, I have seen enough of crime, I would be the one who loves you, till the end of time. We kept singing it and I woke up with the song in my head. Suddenly it became clear to me that the song was an answer to my prayer. I had not prayed in years and had not dreamed that nicely in a long time and the dream was telling me that I not only have a good friend that I had forgotten about but that he was also a Father Figure, a

Preacher and Teacher and that he would love me until the end of time. Today I feel more awake. I havent felt like this in a long time. Stuff in my job seems to be sorting itself out. And if this wasnt miracle enough get this the song played in the Radio while I was getting groceries. How likely is that? I think its a song from the 80s and today, in 2011 it just happens to be playing after I turn on the radio. The instant it started playing I knew I had to write it down and send it in for your miraclestory collection. Her Picture in my Wallet This Miracle Story was sent to me by Marky, Thank you for the interesting story! When I was 18 years old I used to collect photos of beautiful celebrity women in my wallet. Once I read a newspaper article about a contest called Miss Italia in the World. I took the photo of the winner, her name was Bianca G. and put it into my wallet. A week later I went to an Eros Ramazzotti concert (20 000 spectators). There I got to know a person who was born exactly the same year and day I was born. That was just the first amazing synchronicity. Several minutes before the concert started I met a girl. She said, her name was Bianca. I responded do you know that a girl called Bianca won the miss Italia competition? She smiled and said Yes, I heard about it At that time I did not realize that it was her. After several Eros songs she admitted that she was Bianca G. Miss Italia in the World. I showed her her photo I had in my wallet. How to dissolve a traffic Jam This story was sent in by E.Kuehnl from Vienna, Austria. Thank you! A day like in Southern European Summer at 25 C and brilliant sunshine. We took a day trip to Danube Island and started off at 11 a.m. which my partner thought was too late. We also got stuck in an ongoing traffic jam and started moving at snails pace of about 5 km/h (3 mp/h). I thought If the day goes on like this, he is going to get very angry. As I had been through two profound sessions of emotional clearing that week I felt I had a little more of a capacity to influence reality more than I may have had at other times. So I thought I`ll try a different time line (as in parallel universes). My partner had told me that had we started 2 hours earlier there would have been no traffic jam, so I intended We now go to a timeline where there is no traffic jam and never was. I got into a sort of meditative mood sitting in the car visualizing that a bit further away, having passed about 5 intersections, the traffic jam is gone. I preferred a movie-like scenario, not favoring the idea that it all vanishes before my eyes. I visualized that there would then not be much traffic ahead of us and that we would arrive at our destination in 25 minutes. And thats exactly what happened. There was no obvious reason why on this main road and at this time the traffic should just vanish, but it did and we went with less traffic ahead than ever while driving this route. And we arrived exactly 25 minutes later, as held in mind. We also found an instant parking space, another rarity at this place.

That was a nice little experience and opens me up to more exploration. As always I am sure it has a lot to do with what is in my belief-system. With some major topics in my life, if I can see them as malleable as this subject, it might work likewise The whole room lit up A former neighbor of mine told me that he knew when his father died before he got a call from the hospital because at the time of his fathers death he lie awake in his bedroom when suddenly the whole room lit up in a blazing light for about 5 seconds. He told me the light had no specific source nor were there any cars outside nor any noises around. It was a soft and peaceful light and he was convinced it was his father saying goodbye to him. 15 minutes after the event the hospital called him reporting his fathers death. He had to bite his tongue not to say I know. There was no grief or shock, just a peaceful realization that his father was alive and well on the other side. Even in the weeks and months thereafter there were no feelings of sadness as there had been leading up to the death. A few months later he remembered that he and his father had once, half-jokingly, arranged to signal to the other in case one of them died. Both believed in an afterlife and had said whichever one of us dies first, gives the other a sign that he is still there. Deal? This arrangement had been made more than 20 years before he died and it was apparently remembered by his father upon leaving the body. Intuition averts accident This story was sent anonymously. We were on our way to Florida for vacation when I had the urge to drive back to our house and move my laptop to another room. It sounded silly at the time and my wife and me got into a fight over it because we were already 80 miles down the road. My entire Business is stored on my laptop and I had this feeling that there was something wrong with it being in the office room . I wasnt taking any chances. We arrived back home and I brought the laptop to the bedroom. When we returned two weeks later, a storm had caused a tree to collapse into the glass roof above my office right around the area where the laptop was. Since I hadnt backed up any of the files (big mistake!) all my work would have been gone. My wife was making fun of me about the laptop on our way back home, but when we arrived she fell silent. I wasnt too shocked about it because Ive often had these premonitions about things. The roof and the desk were broken but insurance covered the damage. Im grateful for having this gift of intuition that is just there when really needed. Many more Stories at

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