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POSSIBLE ESSAY QUESTIONS: Question: "American Reform Movement between 1820 and 1860 reflected both the optimistic

and pessimistic views of human nature and society Assess the validity of this statement in reference to reform movememnts in TWO of the following areas: Education Temperance Womens rights Utopian experiments Penal Institutions Question: The election of Thomas Jefferson is sometimes called the "Revolution of 1800". To what extent is this description accurate?

Question: Analyze the impact of the market revolution (1815-1860) on the economies of TWO of the following regions: The Northwest The Midwest The South

2. Reasons for English colonies established by joint stock companies


Joint stock companies pooled the savings of people of moderate means and supported ventures that seemed potential profitable thus, various colonies were able to attract large numbers of English settlers

3. Crop for economy 17th century NA Tobacco Parliament's response to Tea Act opposition: The concept of virtual representation was employed by Prime Minister George Grenville to explain why Parliament could legally tax the colonists even though the colonists could not elect any members of Parliament. The theory 4. Rep. self government in is that members of parliament represented all British subjects British NA regardless of who elected them 5. Significant differences between S Carolina and N in 17th century battle of saratoga 6. Georgia founded as primarily what as a place for english debtors to go, defensive buffer to protect South Carolina plantations from threat of invasion from Spanish Florida

form of Royal centralization, James II comes to throne, Mass., New Hamp, CT, Rhode Island, Plymouth single admin. unit capital at 7. Dominion of NE created boston. Believe in response to colonial self government, (someone for what double check this) 1686 8. Pennsylvania quakers (believed in equality of all men and women, nonviolence,

encompassed all of these and resistance to military service), full religious freedom, a traits respresentative assembly, and peace with native americans

9. Which nations had claims to Western hemisphere 15-16th century 10. John Winthrop

ENGLAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, NETHERLANDS, SWEDEN Winthrop : Puritan and 1st governor of Massachusetts bay colony "city upon a hill" series of religious revivals (1720-1740), emphasized human evil and need for repentence, and in the salvation of Jesus; "sinners in the hands of an angry god"-jonathan edwards, most dynamic preacher was George Whitefield who traveled through the colonies speaking and moving crowds up to 30,000 RESULTS: Old lights(rejected the great awakening) vs New lights, a number of ivy colleges were founded FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, acquitted of seditious libel in new york, 1735 -printer of NY Weekly Journal, which repeatedly accused Gov. William Cosby and his associates of corruption -Zenger's attorney : Andrew Hamilton, who spoke directly to the jury and persuaded them that they alone could make the decision of whether Zenger was publishing any falsehoods in the papers -Zenger acquitted -did not change NY law or enhanced freedom of press, bu encouraged broadening of political discussion and participation beyond a small circle of elites FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR- British soldiers fought against French soldiers and Native Americans. Native, conflit over areas around the Great Lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi rivers



11. Great Awakening important aspects


12. John peter zenger legal case


13. Conflict between france and Britain in NA centered on what area


In response to Tea Act, 1773, new shipment of tea sat in Boston harbor, would was allowed to be shipped out by the governor 14. Causes for boston tea (name?) colonists, dressed as natives,threw tea into water, p.o'd party Prime Minister North 15. Main purpose of continental congress in 1884 16. Revolutionary warbattle transforming to international conflict (helped france come in) Response to the Intolerable Acts Stated that the colonies owed no obedience to any of the Acts



battle of saratoga STRENGTHS: 1 To declare war and make peace. 2 To coin and borrow money 3 To detail with foreign countries and sign treaties 4 To operate post offices WEAKNESSES: 1 The national government could not force the states to obey its laws. 2 It did not have the power to tax 3 It did not have the power to enforce laws 4 Congress lacked strong and steady leadership 5 There was no national army or navy 6 There was no system of national courts 7 Each state could issue its own paper money 8 Each state could put tariffs on trade between states. (A tariff is a tax on goods coming in from another state or country.)


17. Strength of article of confederation


18. Shay's Rebellion 1786 shays rebellion (1786) economic hard times coupled with high taxes

intended to pay off the state's war debt drove Mass. farmers into deperation...led by war veteran Daniel Shay, they shut down courts to prevent judges from seizing property or condemning people to debtors prisons for failing to pay their taxes. The army was called and ended the rebellion quickly Resullt: due to the strong violence people felt that they needed a stronger gov't

In 1787, 55 delegates from every state but Rhode Island began 19. Philadelphia gathering at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, later convention- constitutional known as Independence hall. George Washington, Ben Franklin, terms Alexander Hamilton, James Madison participated. 20. Anti federalists Opposed Hamilton's plan. Strict interpretations of the constitution. Jefferson and Madison. FEAR OF CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT



21. Cities with populations under 10,000 (1790) Salem, Newport, providence Constitution would not be ratified by all states unless it included a Bill of Rights protecting the freedoms of individuals from the central government. 23.john adams -vp; henry knox (MA) secretary of war; edmund randolph (VA) attorney general; Thomas Jefferson (VA) secretary of state; alexander hamilton (NY) secretary of treasury Federalist party broke apart when Monroe won 1816 election; before Federalists made proposals in Hartford Convention, but timing was a disaster since Treaty of Ghent and Battle of New Orleans destroyed their support (Democratic Republicans favored more) 24. federalists: alex hamilton and john adams -north and east -srong central gov't -pro business -loose interpretation -pro-British foreign policy isolation, non-interference, mentioned in Washington's Farewell Address 26.sedition act widened the powers of the adams administration to muzzle its newspaper critics, illegal to defiance or criticize the pres or govt Alien and Sedition acts are unconstitutional, nullification The US will stay out of Euorpean conflict and American continents are not open for colonization, US deem it an unfriendly act by any European nation Sent to explore Louisiana Territory, joined by Sacagawea ALL THE WAY TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN


22. Bill of rights (1791)


23. Washingtons cabinet


24. Federalist party


25. Washingtons foreign policy


26. Sedition act


27. Virgina and Kentucky resolutions


28. Monroe doctrine


29. Lewis and clark expedition


A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans. It also had an effect 30. 2nd great awakening- on moral movements such as prison reform, the temperance significance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery. 31. Declaration of sentiments the answer to this question will be declaration of sentiments, declaration of sentiments was made at the seneca falls convention


for women's rights "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equally."

32. Prohibition
33 34

started around the 1820s, mainly by protestants against the Catholic immigrants, prohibited selling and making of alcohol N/A White males. Women want the right to vote. By 1820 many states adopted universal suffrage, which eliminated the property-owning requirement that had once limited the voting population. The period was called "The Rise if the Common Man" :) Election of 1824 Andrew Jackson drew more popular/electoral votes than candidates (Henry Clay, William Crawford, JQ Adams)but failed to get enough required by Constitution Thrown to House of Representatives; Clay gave support the John Adams for a victory in the west/NE- Adams won, made Clay secretary of state tax on manufactured imported goods benefitted industrialized North South blamed Jackson and feared tariffs would lower English demand for cotton (and lower cotton prices) anti jackson party supported the american system of henry clay Irish and Germans: IRISH-2 million arrived between 1830 and 1860; Came to larger cities as they were too poor to move west & buy land & equipment: Boston & particularly NY (became largest Irish city in the world) GERMANS: Over 1.5 million came to America between 1830-1860; Most were uprooted farmers, displaced by crop failures & by other hardships; Most pushed out to the mid-west, notably Wisconsin where they est. model farms. Formed an influential body of voters (like the Irish) who politicians wooed. Germans less politically potent as their strength was more widely scattered. Due to region's abundant water power for driving new machinery and good seaports for shipping goods. Decline of New England's maritime industry made capital available and decline in farming provided labor supply.

33. Political cartoon

34. Suffrage

35. Corrupt bargain


36. Tariff of abomination

37 38

37. Whig party

38. Immigrants 1830-60largest group


39. NE rises as center of industry- reasons


Send them to Liberia, in order to keep blacks out of US because 40. American colonization whites believed that blacks and whites could not live together in society harmony 41. Revolutions in communication 42. Wilmot Proviso telegraph and phonograph improving over time prohibited slavery in any territory gained thru the Mexican cession; not passed anti slavery in territories gained by Mexican War, not for moral reasons but in order to protect free labor harriet tubman, escape from slavery statehood for Cali (free state); Utah and New Mexico become territories (they could decide whether they would have slavery); bound. betw. TX and New M. resolved; abolition of slavery in D.C.; new fugitive slave law nullified new fugitive slave laws by stating that alledged fugitives




43. Free soil party


44. Abolitionists underground rail road


45. Compromise of 1850


46. Personal liberty laws

cannot be housed in state prisons


seperated territory into kanas and nebraska, also supported Popular 47. Kansas- Nebraska act sov. aka against Missouri Compromise. 48. Stephen douglas Wrote Kansas Nebraska Act, ran vs. Lincoln, Democrat were native-born Protestant Americans who had hostility toward the immigrant Germans and Irish Catholics; they commonly responded "I know nothing" to political questions; their one issue was the opposition to Catholics and immigrants who were entering northern cities in large numbers

48 49

49. Know nothing party


Decision: 1: could not sue in fed court. 2: Congress could not limit slaveowners right o bring property anywhere ( missouri compromise 50. Dred scott vs Sanford declared unconstitutional) 51. States did not secede before attack on fort Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee seceded after sumter Lincoln's response to call up militia to defend fort 52. Border states in civil war 53. Why british did not support south in civil war Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, West Virginia and Missouri: slavery legal, stayed with Union South retreated at Battle of Antietam, north stated that they will declare war on Britain if British openly supported South and British didnt need south's cotton b/c they had india





54. Civil war- british textile manufacture gained cotton from where India 55. Lincolns response to secession Sent nonmilitary supplies to Fort Sumter Northern Democrats against Lincoln's broad use of executive power, also called Peace-Democrats: they wanted to reconcile with the South instead of waging war, supported concessions with the south, The Copperheads were a group of Northern Democrats who opposed the American Civil War, wanting an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. They opposed emancipation of American slaves, forming groups to persuade Union soldiers to desert, and helped Confederate prisoners of war escape. Copperheads opposed turning the Civil war into a total war to destroy the South and restore the Union. They sometimes met with Confederates, aiming at restoring peace.



56. Copper heads


soldiers were typically volunteering; reenlisted to become backbone; loyalty spurred enrollment; basically honor and loyalty helped 57. Soldiers status in civil soldiers go up in rank----both the north and south used drafts to fill war army ranks The anaconda plan- to strip the south of its supply, blockade coasts, leading to the south accepting defeat and returning to the Union. War goals later turned into abolishing slavery after Lincoln's emancipation 58. Civil war- main military proclamation, for north: offensive war to take back states that objective deserted for south defensive war. TO PRESERVE THE UNION Anaconda Plan. Blockade of the South's coast. Northern ships also travel down the Missisippi River to seal off the Confederacy from the 59. North military strategy West. 60. Success of freedmans NOT GOOD bureau (1865)




Created by federal government to assist newly emancipated slaves in the form of food, shelter, and medical attention to African Americans. The bureau would eventually establish schools across the south and help to educate them. The bureau struggled as congress refused to increase it's funding, which expired in 1872.

61. Reconstruction plan


In late 1863, Lincoln announced a formal plan for reconstruction: A general amnesty would be granted to all who would take an oath of loyalty to the United States and pledge to obey all federal laws pertaining to slavery High Confederate officials and military leaders were to be temporarily excluded from the process When one tenth of the number of voters who had participated in the 1860 election had taken the oath within a particular state, then that state could launch a new government and elect representatives to Congress. 1- did not allow blacks to rent land or borrow money to buy land 2forced to sign work contracts 3- prohibited blacks from testifying against whites in court blacks are citizens

62. Black codes

63 64

63. 14th amendment

divided confederate states into military districts -also increased requirements for gaining readmission into the union.. ex confederate states had to ratify the 14th amendment and place guarantees in its constitution for granting the right to vote to all adult males,regardless of race 64. Military reconstruction -and it was 5 military districts, each under the control of the union act 1867 army. 65. Black reconstruction Since no one knows : we can rebuild him we have the technology Sioux nation was cut in half by the expansion west of white settlers. Conflict with government over land ownership Sioux Indians lived near Black Hills, they would bury their ancestors in the hills. White men started to to mine in the hills and they would dig up their ancestors. Caused war. Laundromats and such more than actually mining cause they were smart ...(1860s) began to arrive after the California Gold Rush of 1848-1855, and continued with subsequent large labor projects, such as the building of the First Transcontinental Railroad. good shit

65 66

66. Causes of battle of little bighorn


67. Chinese immigrants


68. Indian wars- late 19th century Nez Perce led by Chief Joseph, Apache led by Geronimo 69. Suppression of ghost dance ended indian wars. it was a religious movement - during the suppresion the famous sioux sitting bull was killed



70. Helen hunt Jackson in Injustices toward Native Americans, A Century of Dishonor- noncentury of dishonor fiction book on injustices of Native Americans in U.S. by whites

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