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The Experiment

fall 2012

Spring 2012

conTEnTs new releaSeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 recently publiShed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 upcoming titleS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315 bacKliSt Science & nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 home & garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Food & drinK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1821 Vegetarian, reFerence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Vegan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2021 plant-baSed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 parenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2223 wellneSS, reFerence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 SelF-help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2526 memoir, adVice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 ordering inFormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2728 contact uS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 indeX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

new releaSeS | january

Veganissimo A to Z
A Comprehensive Guide to identifyinG And AvoidinG inGredients of AnimAl oriGin in everydAy produCts
Reuben Proctor and Lars Thomsen

An essential new resource for everyone who wants to reduce their animal footprinthere are 2,500 detailed A-to-Z entries on ingredients derived from animals, in food and countless other everyday products
Veganissimoit is a new word to describe someone who is vegan to the highest possible standard. For the aspiring veganissimo, the requirements go far beyond food: Animal-derived ingredients are also used in dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, beer and wine, cosmetics, household cleaning products, clothing, footwear, sporting goods, art supplies, electronics, and more. But without a definitive reference, its hard to know what exactly is in most of the foods and other items we use and consume on a daily basis. Now, that reference is here: Veganissimo A to Z identifies more than 2,500 animal, mineral, chemical, and plant-based ingredients; describes their production, uses, and alternative names; and helps readers interpret label claims and seek more information. Colorcoded icons and extensive cross-references make this a user-friendly handbook for everyone who wants to know whether a particular ingredient is (or may be) animal derived and what (if any) plant-based substitutes exist.
Vegan since 2000, REUBEN PROCTOR has worked with vegan companies and animal rights organizations since 2004. LARS THOMSEN is a pioneering animal rights activist and vegan advocate. He has been vegan since 1990. They have been researching this book for the past four years. also available: 8-copy counter display ($127.60 U.S. | 978-1-61519-071-3 | No. 779071; $151.60 Can. | 978-1-61519-072-0 | No. 779072)

intensively researched A-to-Z An guide to animal ingredients and their sources, production, and uses Separate U.S. and Canadian editions address different regulatory environments New York Times bestseller Forks Over Knives (page 21) points to ever-growing interest in plantbased eating and living

National print and online advertising in VegNews and Vegetarian Times Excerpts and giveaways in vegan publications and blogs Social media advertising, including Facebook National feature attention and radio campaign

Veganissimo-a-Z .com
JANUARy 2013 Health & Fitness (HEA034000) TRAdE PAPERBACk ORigiNAL Rounded corners | 5B/e x 6H/i | 304 pages 3-color interior with icons throughout $15.95 U.S. | $18.95 Can. | USCO* 978-1-61519-068-3 | No. 779068 (U.S.) 978-1-61519-069-0 | No. 779069 (Can.) Ebook 978-1-61519-166-6 (U.S.) 978-1-61519-167-3 (Can.)

From the New York Timesbestselling author of Happier comes a fresh reminder that every single moment is an opportunity to make a conscious choice for a happy and fulfilled life

From the internationally bestselling author of Happier, Being Happy, and The Pursuit of Perfect novel pairingpositive A psychology meets mindfulness Ties into the authors new online curriculum, available at

National review and feature attention National radio interview campaign Featured speaker at The Atlantics Aspen Ideas Festival Outreach through authors lectures and workshops Online advertising, including Facebook

e have more choices than we realize. In fact, according to positive psychology expert Tal Ben-Shahar, our entire life is made of choices, large and small. It is what we choose moment by moment and day by dayto do, to feel, to experiencethat determines how happy and fulfilled we are. Every moment, then, is an opportunity to make a choice that will bring us greater happiness. In Choose the Life You Want, Ben-Shahar presents 100 such opportunities, some simple, such as whether to frown or smile; others complex, such as whether to hold on to what we know or change our perspectivehelping us identify them, recognize their importance, and make the right choice. Each choice includes a brief explanation plus a story or study that makes it accessible and relatable. Its up to you to choose the life you want!
praise for Happier:

tal ben-Shahar seamlessly weaves personal examples, gladwellian stories, and illuminating research findings to impart a valuable message . Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness this fine book shimmers with a rare brand of good sense that is embedded in scientific knowledge . Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness
TAL BENSHAHAR, PHd, taught the largest course at Harvard on Positive Psychology and the third largest on The Psychology of Leadership, attracting 1,400 students per semester approximately 20 percent of all Harvard graduates. Ben-Shahar obtained his BA and PhD from Harvard, and for the last fifteen years has been teaching leadership, education, ethics, happiness, resilience, and mindfulness.

talbenShahar .com
OCTOBER 2012 Self-Help (SEL016000) HARdCOVER 5 x 7 | 224 pages $18.95 U.S. | $22.50 Can. | WE 978-1-61519-065-2 | No. 779065 Ebook 978-1-61519-163-5

new releaSeS | october

Choose the Life you Want

Tal Ben-Shahar, Phd

101 wAys to CreAte your own roAd to hAppiness

after a year of going more or less nonstop, i was exhausted and burned out . while preparing to lead an intensive three-day program, i tried to give myself a little pep talk but i had no energy and no motivation . it seemed that the only option was to simply force myself through it . and then, just as i was drifting into sleep, i realized that to a great extent how i would experience the next three days was up to me . i could choose the path of simply suffering through it or i could choose an alternative pathone where i would draw energy from enthusiastic participants, from engaging in material i passionately believe in, and from reconnecting to my personal mission . . . we are used to thinking of making decisions as the hard part . but the truth is that often the more difficult thing is realizing that there is a decision to be made, that we have a choice . from CHOOSE THE LIFE YOU WANT

A seasoned long-distance runners gripping account of an iconic ultramarathon, rippling with insights about running and its connection to human endurance, past and future

Between 2007 and 2010, the number of regular runners and joggers doubled to 49 millionand its still rising Ultrarunners, the fastest-growing segment of the burgeoning running population, have increased from a few thousand not long ago to more than 55,000 longer-than-marathon finishers last year one-of-a-kind book from one of A the most experienced runners still competing today

National review and feature attention Feature article and advertising in Running Times Advance readers editions Online outreach to running websites and blogs Promotion and events at marathon expos Tie-in to 50th annual JFK-50 race Author events and interviews out of Los Angeles, CA

rguably no other American runner can claim a broader vantage from which to capture our love for running than Ed Ayres, whose lifelong experience as a runner exactly overlaps with our countrys infatuation with the sport. Ayres has been running competitively for over 55 years; he placed third in the first New York City marathon and has competed in over 600 long-distance races. The Longest Race takes readers alongside Ayres as he runs the 2001 JFK 50-mile race, the nations oldest ultramarathon, at a then recordbreaking time for his age division, 60 and older. But setting records has never preoccupied Ayres (case in point: he won the JFK-50 in 1977, a fact he mentions only fleetingly). Instead, Ayres focuses on the subject of endurancehis own, his fellow runners, and, tracing back to the origins of human endurance, that of our oldest ancestors.

an ultramarathon . . . [is] the perfect metaphor, as ed ayres makes clear, for the race weve got to run now, with focus and grit, if were going to deal with the deepest trouble weve ever stumbled into as a planet . Bill McKibben an extraordinary journey of the human body, mind, and soul running together . . . a breathtaking, feet-on-the-ground story . Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love and The Gift of Change
Ed AyRES has been running competitively for 55 consecutive years. He was the founding editor and publisher of Running Times magazine, now published by Runners World parent Rodale Press. He also worked for 13 years as the editorial director of the Worldwatch Institute. He lives in Green Valley, California.

ed-ayres .com
OCTOBER 2012 Sports & Recreation (SPO035000) HARdCOVER 5B/c x 8B/e | 256 pages $23.95 U.S. | $27.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-063-8 | No. 779063 Ebook 978-1-61519-161-1

new releaSeS | october

The Longest Race

Ed Ayres

A lifelonG runner, An iConiC ultrAmArAthon, And the CAse for humAn endurAnCe

an important part of my training experiencemaybe the quintessential parthad been the very occasional times when i would hit a stretch of running that felt magical . i called these my forever runs, because any sense of gradually tiring was gone; i was in a timeless zone, experiencing a sense that i could run like this forever . i had always assumed that the value of these rare moments was to help prepare me for the day when i could run like that in a race . but now i understoodthis was the revelationthat the real value of these in-the-zone moments was in practicing the kind of feeling id need to bring into play, not when im headed for a fantastic performance, but when im struggling with deep fatigue or discouragement . from THE LONGEST RACE

The James Beard Awardwinning author returns to the cookbook shelf for the first time in 10 years with a collection of nourishing, delicious, dependable vegetarian recipes

Over 35 full-page photographs Pioneering, longtime, and awardwinning vegetarian cookbook author Stress-free prep with delicious results

National print features and review attention Food/lifestyle radio interviews and giveaways Campaign to food blogs Author events and interviews out of Great Barrington, MA

jeannelemlin .com
OCTOBER 2012 Cooking (CKB086000) TRAdE PAPERBACk ORigiNAL French flaps | 7F/i x 9F/i | 320 pages $20.95 U.S. | $24.95 Can. | W 35 full-color photographs 978-1-61519-062-1 | No. 779062 Ebook 978-1-61519-160-4 Previous ed.: 978-0-39474-302-8

n the twenty-six years since Jeanne Lemlins first cookbook was published, vegetarian food has gone mainstreambut there seems to be less time to cook it in. The timing is right for a new cookbook that reminds old fans of and introduces new ones to Lemlins unique style of relaxed vegetarian cooking. Simply Satisfying is a collection of over 200 recipes that feature classic, readily available ingredients, straightforward techniques, and robust flavors. From Curried Rice Salad with Apples and Cashews to Goat Cheese Polenta with Braised Greens to Blueberry Streusel Cake, Lemlin helps readers prepare dishes for everything from tonights dinner, to next weekends get-together with friends, to this years anniversary dinner. Her recipes are suited to particular seasons and draw on global influences. Jeanne carefully guides readers with easy-to-follow instructions, offering tips on just what to do with those extra beet greens and perfecting your Pt Brise. Featuring over 35 stunning photographs and over 50 menus, Simply Satisfying gives those new to vegetarian cooking an essential starting point and brings seasoned cooks new favorites and ideas for entertaining.

new releaSeS | october

Simply Satisfying
Jeanne Lemlin

over 200 veGetAriAn reCipes youll wAnt to mAKe AGAin And AGAin

JEANNE LEMLiN is the award-winning author of five cookbooks, including Quick Vegetarian Pleasures, which won a James Beard Award. A vegetarian since age 15 and a pioneering vegetarian cookbook author, she has written for numerous national magazines, including Yankee Magazine, Cooking Light, and Gourmet. Lemlin has made numerous appearances on the Food Network. Currently a high school English teacher, she lives in Great Barrington, MA.

all the elements are intelligently related to one another to give an overall sense of focus and balance to the meal . . . and convey a sense of cooking which is flexible and relaxed . Deborah Madison

For every parent eager to continue to learn how the French raise their children, here is the cookbook on how they can feed their own petitsthe French way

Over 100 color photographs throughout Many recipes make 5 infant-sized portions, perfect for meal planning ages 4 months to 3 years For

Parenting/family/food media and print features Tie-in to parenting and education news Internet/blog campaign targeting parenting, family, and food coverage Print and online advertising and social network promotions

jennycarenco .com
FEBRUARy 2013 Cooking (CKB107000) TRAdE PAPERBACk ORigiNAL with plastic slip case 7F/i x 9F/i | 192 pages $18.95 U.S. | $22.55 Can. | WE Full-color photographs throughout ISBN 978-1-61519-070-6 | No. 779070 Ebook 978-1-61519-169-7

ove over mashed carrots and peas: Its time to put the food back in baby food. From Pumpkin Pure with Cumin to Carrot Zucchini Galettes, mother and French baby food entrepreneur Jenny Carenco delivers 100 enticing recipes that will introduce baby to new flavors, ingredients, and textures from the first spoonful. The French teach their children to appreciate what many think of as adult flavors right from their first year. Carencos dishes are inspired by culinary traditions from France and abroad and are organized by age and stage, from 4 months up to 3 years. Each recipe takes under 30 minutes to prepare, perfect for todays busy parents who want to awaken their babys taste buds and encourage healthy eating habits. Along with Yummy tips on simple substitutions and how to adapt recipes for the whole family, Bb Gourmet offers satisfying, homemade meals while giving parents peace of mind about nutrition. By gradually introducing natural ingredients and spices, theyll be taking the first step in raising adventurous eaters for life.

new releaSeS | February

Bb gourmet
Jenny Carenco, with contributions by dr. Jean Lalau keraly

100 frenChinspired BABy food reCipes for rAisinG An Adventurous eAter

Cartier Womens Initiative Award winner JENNy CARENCO is founder of Les Menus Bb, the leading French brand of tasteful, high quality, and 100% natural frozen baby food. Her baby food cookbooks have collectively been translated into five languages. She is a mother of two and graduate of the prestigious MBA program at HEC, Frances premier business school. Medical contributor dR. JEAN LALAU kERALy is a pediatric endocrinologist with over twenty years of experience. He consults with the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine.

new releaSeS | october

Baby-Led Breastfeeding
follow your BABys instinCts for relAxed And eAsy nursinG
gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett

Forget stressful routinesyour baby leads the way Full-color photo insert prequel to Baby-Led Weaning A

National print attention and features in parenting publications Online outreach to parenting websites and blogs Parenting radio interviews and giveaways Online advertising, including Facebook

The authors of Baby-Led Weaning are back to help parents discover how easy breastfeeding can be when you follow your babys natural instincts
Forget stressful schedules, painful latching, and worries over milk supply. In the same sensible and sensitive voice that has made babyled weaning a growing sensation, authors Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett explain how to: Get breastfeeding up and running in the first few weeks Hold your baby so that he can feed effectively Express and store milk efficiently Avoid or remedy sore nipples, mastitis, and other problems Wean at a natural pace.

also available: see page 23

Staying in tune with your baby is the key to effortless feeding. BabyLed Breastfeeding gives you the tools to create a happy and fulfilling breastfeeding experience for mother and baby. Baby-Led Breastfeeding will help ensure a smooth start to breastfeeding and, more importantly, encourage [mothers] to continue . Victoria McEvoy, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
giLL RAPLEy, the pioneering champion of baby-led weaning, worked as a public health nurse for over twenty years and has also been a midwife, lactation consultant, and voluntary breastfeeding counselor. She is currently pursuing a PhD in infant feeding. TRACEy MURkETT is a voluntary mother-to-mother breastfeeding helper and coauthor with Gill Rapley of Baby-Led Weaning and The Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook.

baby-led .com
OCTOBER 2012 Breastfeeding (HEA044000) 5B/c x 8B/e | 256 pages $14.95 U.S. | $17.95 Can. | USCO* TRAdE PAPERBACk ORigiNAL 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-066-9 | No. 779066 Ebook 978-1-61519-164-2

new releaSeS | october

2013 Moon Calendar Card

kim Long

Know the Moons phase at a glance every day of 2013 with this popular reference card favored by sky watchers, sportsmen, and gardeners alike
The moon calendar card is back for 2013! The first of its kind and still the best, this annual calendar card captures the full, new, and first and last quarter moonsand every moon in betweenfor every day of the year, in an attractive design with realistic moon images that have made it a fan favorite. The reverse includes details on 2013s partial and penumbral lunar eclipses, monthly apogees and perigees (days the Moon is farthest from and nearest the Earth), and the exact times the Moon changes between each of its four principal phases. A popular gift, the 2013 Moon Calendar Card is perfect for: Amateur astronomers and sky watchers Fishermen and sportsmen keeping track of the brightest nights and changing tides Gardeners who follow age-old planting wisdom And followers of the many faiths that mark time by the lunar calendar. Whatever your reason for moon watching, you wont miss a thing with the 2013 Moon Calendar Card.
kiM LONg is the creator of the award-winning Moon Calendar, which has been produced in 30 editions from 1982 to the present. Between 1984 and 2006, his American Forecaster Almanac was published in 22 annual editions. He is the author or coauthor of many other books, including The Moon Book.

First produced in 1981 and now in its 31st edition, Kim Longs moon calendar has legions of fans great reference to carry with you, A or to tack up by your desk or in your garden shed realistic moon images 365 With details on 2013s eclipses, apogees, perigees, and exact phase transition times on the reverse

Shrink-wrapped sets of 5 and 20; one retails for $1.95 U.S./$2.50 Can.

available: also
40-copy counter display $78.00 U.S. | $100.00 Can. 978-1-61519-075-1 | No. 779075

themooncalendar .com
OCTOBER 2012 Nature (NAT033000) 9B/c x 6D/e | W TWO-SidEd REFERENCE CARd Four-color front, one-color back 5-pack: $9.75 U.S. | $12.50 Can. 978-1-61519-073-7 | No. 779073 20-pack: $39.00 U.S. | $50.00 Can. 978-1-61519-074-4 | No. 779074

recently publiShed

The Lady and the Peacock

the life of AunG sAn suu Kyi
Peter Popham

Nobel Peace Price Laureate and longtime political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi is known worldwide as a visionary for democracy in oppressed Burma rich account of Burmas history of A political turmoil and how it has led to this moment of dynamic change Includes unprecedented access to Suu Kyis life, drawing on a close confidantes diary, the authors own covert trips to Burma, and meetings with Suu Kyi and her friends and family Kyis election to Parliament was Suu front-page news

The definitive biography of the leader of the largest popular revolt in Burmas history
This major biography of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is essential reading as Burma finds itself on the threshold of a new era. Peter Popham draws on five years of research to craft this vivid account of Suu Kyis public successes and private sorrows, sense of humor, intellect, and commitment to nonviolent revolution. by far the best book yet written on this elusive heroine . The Wall Street Journal a spellbinding biography of aung San Suu Kyi . . . a complex and nuanced portrait of her on so many levels . Huffington Post an important book .Joseph Lelyveld, author of Great Soul a rich and often surprising portrait of burma and of aung San Suu Kyi . James Fallows, author of China Airborne this is the definitive and superbly written account of one of the most intriguing and admirable political and moral figures of our times . Pankaj Mishra, author of An End to Suffering: The Buddha in the World
PETER POPHAM has toured Burma as an undercover journalist several times since his first visit to the country in 1991. A foreign correspondent and feature writer for the Independent for more than twenty years, he has reported from locations around the world, including South Asia. He is also the author of Tokyo: The City at the End of the World. Married, with two children, Popham lives and works in both London and Milan.

Print, radio, and online publicity tied in to news continuing to develop in Burma/Myanmar Online advertising, including Facebook

peterpopham .com
RECENTLySEPTEMBER PUBLiSHEd Biography (BIO010000) Parenting 5B/c x 8B/e | 256 pages | CQ TK HARdCOVER $14.95 U.S. | $18.00|Can. pages 6 x 9 480 | USC TRAdE PAPERBACk ORigiNAL $27.50 U.S. | USO 45 black-and-white photographs 978-1-61519-021-8 978-1-61519-064-5 | No. 779064 Ebook 978-1-61519-124-6 Ebook 978-1-61519-162-8

upcoming titleS | july

Forks Over knives The Cookbook


over 300 reCipes for plAntBAsed eAtinG All throuGh the yeAr
del Sroufe, with desserts by iSA CHANdRA MOSkOWiTZ
and contributions by JULiEANNA HEVER, JUdy MiCkLEWRigHT, and dARSHANA THACkER

For everyone embracing the #1 New York Times bestseller Forks Over Knives, the next stepover 300 all-new recipes that make it easier and tastier than ever to benefit from whole-plant foods every day, all year
Hundreds of thousands of people have caught the 2011 documentary Forks Over Knives, and they and others are talking about and embracing its core message: A fully plant-based diet can improve physical fitness, weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, lifestyle, and overall healthand help prevent or even reverse diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Now, Forks Over KnivesThe Cookbook offers over 300 all-new recipesjust what new adopters of a whole-foods, plantbased diet are seeking. Chef and cooking teacher Del Sroufe, who contributed recipes to the first book, crafts eclectic, global, oil-free, and often gluten-free dishes made from easy-to-find whole-plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Here are recipes for all to enjoy, from kid-friendly Baked Ziti and Veggie Fajitas to festive, holiday-ready dishes like Chestnut Soup and Delicata Squash Boats. This cookbook outfits readers to cook the plant-based way all through the yearstarting now and continuing for life. a great resource for folks toying with the idea of transitioning to vegetarianism . VegNews on the previous book
dEL SROUFE is the chef and co-owner of Wellness Forum Foods, a plant-based meal delivery and catering company that offers healthy, minimally processed foods. He also regularly teaches cooking classes and has worked in vegan and vegetarian kitchens for twenty-two years. He lives and works in Columbus, Ohio.

Cookbook follow-up to the New York Times #1 bestselling Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health (page 21) recipes for a varied and 300 satisfying plant-based diet

National publicity Cross-promotion with Forks Over Knives on social media and in marketing materials Targeted social media advertising Ongoing promotion at VegFests nationwide

also available: Forks Over Knives, page 21

ForksoverKnives .com
JULy 2012 Cooking (HEA017000) TRAdE PAPERBACk ORigiNAL 7B/c x 10 | 320 pages | 2-color interior $18.95 U.S. | $22.50 Can. | W 978-1-61519-061-4 | No. 779061 Ebook 978-1-61519-159-8

upcoming titleS | june, july

The Plant-Powered diet

the lifelonG eAtinG plAn for AChievinG optimAl heAlth, BeGinninG todAy Sharon Palmer, RD Foreword by David L. Katz, MD, MPH

Learning to Bake Allergen-Free

A CrAsh Course for Busy pArents on BAKinG without wheAt, Gluten, dAiry, eGGs, soy or nuts Colette Martin Foreword by Stephen Wangen, ND

A major step forward for everyone seeking the lifelong health benefits of plant-powered eating
The healthiest diet is a plant-based diet. Sharon Palmer, a nationally recognized nutrition expert and editor of the respected wellness newsletter Environmental Nutrition (circulation about 80,000), gives readers the low-down on nutrient-packed plant proteins, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and plant fats. Then she explains how to take the powerful plants plunge, with a realistic 14-day plan guiding readers through the supermarket, the kitchen, school lunches, eating in restaurants and on the go, exercise, and moreculminating with 75 original recipes for every meal, all with detailed nutritional data.
JULy 2012 Health & Fitness (HEA017000) Trade paperback original 6 x 9 | 432 pages $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-058-4 | No. 779058 Ebook 978-1-61519-152-9

The perfect introduction to baking for children with food allergies

In Learning to Bake Allergen-Free, Colette Martin arms parents with the skills, recipes, and confidence to make delicious baked goods, free from all of the most common allergens. Over 70 sweet and savory recipes and variations take the whole family from breakfast through dinner, and explanations of common allergens, key ingredients and techniques, and methods for adapting recipes and packaged mixes will prepare parents of any skill level to make food their kids will love.
this book will give you the depth of knowledge you need to be a successful allergen-free baker . Chef Ming Tsai, chef and owner of Blue Ginger
JUNE 2012 Cooking (CKB106000) Trade paperback original 7H/i x 10 | 304 pages | CQ 22 $19 .95 u .S . | $23.95 Can. | W Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-053-9 | No. 779053 Ebook 978-1-61519-150-5

upcoming titleS | july

new second edition

Artisanal gluten-Free Cooking

275 GreAt-tAstinG, from-sCrAtCh reCipes from Around the world, perfeCt for every meAl And for Anyone on A Gluten-free dietAnd even those who Arent
revised And expAnded seCond edition

The gluten-Free Edge

A nutrition And trAininG Guide for peAK AthletiC performAnCe And An ACtive Gluten-free life Peter Bronski and Melissa McLean Jory, MNT Foreword by Amy Yoder Begley

Kelli and Peter Bronski

This beloved cookbook is better than ever in its second edition

This new edition showcases the Bronskis signature brand of delicious, unfussy, from-scratch gluten-free fare as never beforewith a fresh design, 25 new recipes, and 50 gorgeous full-color photos throughout!
this volumes impressive breadth and straightforward instructions make it an essential, horizon-broadening tool for those off gluten . Publishers Weekly also available: Artisanal Gluten-Free Cupcakes, page 18
JULy 2012 Cooking (CKB106000) Trade paperback, French flaps 7B/c x 9B/e | 352 pages | CQ 16 $21 .95 u .S . | $26.95 Can. | W Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-050-8 | No. 779050 Ebook 978-1-61519-157-4 Previous ed.: 978-1-61519-003-4

The first book on gaining an edge in life and sports by going gluten-free
Both for those who eat gluten-free out of necessity and those who choose to for the performance boost, The Gluten-Free Edge covers all the essentials of gluten-free sports nutrition. Grounded in cutting-edge research and practical experience, it explains how best to fuel up to optimize performance and recovery, how gluten can impede athletic performance and overall fitness, and how a gluten-free diet can reduce inflammation and smooth digestion. The authors cover how to deal with being glutened (accidentally ingesting gluten), profile numerous athletes gaining a gluten-free edge, and offer 50 powerpacked, easy-to-make recipes that will fuel any athlete, including carb-loaders and smoothie addicts.
JULy 2012 Health & Fitness (HEA017000) Trade paperback original 6 x 9 | 384 pages $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | W B&W photos and tables throughout 978-1-61519-052-2 | No. 779052 Ebook 978-1-61519-149-9


bacKliStScience & nature

now in paperback

North Pole, South Pole

the epiC quest to solve the GreAt mystery of eArths mAGnetism Gillian Turner, PhD

The Natural Navigator

the redisCovered Art of lettinG nAture Be your Guide Tristan Gooley Learn to navigate without GPS, compass, or map: Adventurer and navigation expert Tristan Gooley unlocks the directional clues hidden in the sun, moon, stars, clouds, weather patterns, lengthening shadows, changing tides, plant growth, and the habits of wildlife.
a great primer on how the forces of nature affect the landscapes and seascapes that everyone travels through . Science News [gooley] is the [michael] pollan of navigation . Outside magazine
Nature (NAT033000) Trade paperback 5B/c x 8B/e | 320 pages | CQ 44 $14 .95 u .S . | $16.95 Can. | USCO* B&W illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-046-1 | No. 779046 Ebook 978-1-61519-155-0 Previous ed.: 978-1-61519-029-4

Transit of Venus
1631 to the present Nick Lomb, PhD Get ready for a once-in-a-lifetime event this June 5th: A transit of Venus is one of the rarest and most historically significant planetary alignmentssince the invention of the telescope in 1608, there have only been seven. A must-have for all sky watchers.
the complete rundown on this astronomical event . Washington Post "everyone should read nick lombs fascinating book, which beautifully and dramatically highlights both the history and scientific importance of the transit of Venus . Jay M. Pasachoff, PhD, American Astronomical Society
Nature (NAT033000) Trade paperback original, French flaps 9 x 9 | 288 pages | CQ 16 $24 .95 u .S . | $28.95 Can. | USC* Color illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-055-3 | No. 779055 Ebook 978-1-61519-156-7

Science (SCi038000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 288 pages | CQ 48 $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | USCO B&W photographs and illustrations 978-1-61519-031-7 | No. 779031 Ebook 978-1-61519-132-1

in deep Water
the AnAtomy of A disAster, the fAte of the Gulf, And endinG our oil AddiCtion Peter Lehner with Bob Deans
Nature (NAT011000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 176 pages | CQ 76 $13 .95 u .S . | $16.95 Can. | W Maps 978-1-61519-035-5 | No. 779035

bacKliSthome & garden

its a Long Road to a Tomato

tAles of An orGAniC fArmer who quit the BiG City for the (not so) simple life
revised And expAnded seCond edition

Keith Stewart lllustrations by Flavia Bacarella Foreword by Deborah Madison

gardening (gAR025000) Trade paperback original 7 x 8 | 344 pages | CQ 20 $18 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | W B&W woodcut illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-023-2 | No. 779023 Ebook 978-1-61519-125-3

One Magic Square

the eAsy, orGAniC wAy to Grow your own food on A 3-foot squAre Lolo Houbein A hands-on guide to gardening starting with just one square yard: Lolo Houbein offers a wealth of information on how to turn small plots of land into sources of nourishing, inexpensive, organic food.
easy-to-follow instructions, diagrams, and photos inspire desire to grow good-for-the-body fresh produce . Virginian-Pilot enchants on many levels . . . . this single line could sustain us for life: never garden in a mood of wanting to control everything . Chicago Tribune
gardening (gAR025000) Trade paperback original 7 x 8 | 368 pages | CQ 12 $18 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | USCO Color illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-012-6 | No. 779012 Ebook 978-1-61519-113-0

Confessions of a Bad Beekeeper

whAt not to do when KeepinG Bees (with ApoloGies to my own) Bill Turnbull Enter the curious world of backyard beekeeping! Bill Turnbull had no intention of becoming a beekeeper. But when he saw an ad for beekeeping classesafter a swarm of bees landed in his suburban backyardit seemed to be a sign. Despite his bumbling first efforts, Turnbull soon found himself falling in love with the fascinating, infuriating honeybee.
in a sea of beekeeping books that read like textbooks, it was an absolute delight to discover [this one] . Howland Blackiston, author of Beekeeping for Dummies
Nature (NAT017000) Trade paperback original 5 x 7D/e | 256 pages | CQ 48 $13 .95 u .S . | US only 15 B&W illustrations 978-1-61519-032-4 | No. 779032 Ebook 978-1-61519-133-8

A Modern dogs Life

how to do the Best for your doG Paul McGreevy, PhD, MRCVS
Pets (PET004000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 328 pages | CQ 48 $15.95 U.S. | $18.95 Can. | USCO B&W photographs throughout 978-1-61519-018-8 | No. 779018 Ebook 978-1-61519-118-5

bacKliStFood & drinK

Artisanal gluten-Free Cupcakes

50 from-sCrAtCh reCipes to deliGht every CupCAKe devotee Gluten-free And otherwise Kelli and Peter Bronski

The Whoopie Pie Book

60 irresistiBle reCipes for CAKe sAndwiChes ClAssiC And new Claire Ptak Everyone is falling in love with Americas classic sandwich treat
ptak creates the very best desserts: Simple, delicious, pure . Alice Waters an absolutely gorgeous book by my favorite cake maker in the whole world . Jamie Oliver [claire ptaks] competent yet whimsical style imbues everything she bakesfrom a classic French apple tart to the humble whoopie piewith a delicate magic . David Tanis, author of A Platter of Figs and Heart of the Artichoke
Cooking (CkB024000) Trade paperback original, French flaps 6B/c x 9 | 160 pages | CQ 32 $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | USCO* Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-039-3 | No. 779039 Ebook 978-1-61519-141-3

Strong Waters
A simple Guide to mAKinG Beer, wine, Cider And other spirited BeverAGes At home Scott Mansfield Foreword by Anya Fernald Discover the many rewards of homemade spirits: Todays renewed interest in making wine and beer at home amounts to nothing less than a renaissance. No matter why you want to join the new generation of homebrewersto complement your cooking, save money, or simply for a rewarding hobbyStrong Waters will tell you how.
a lovely addition to the expanding field of traditional, non-hopped beers and herbal wines . Stephen Harrod Buhner, author of Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers
Cooking (CkB088000) Trade paperback original 6F/i x 9B/e | 264 pages | CQ 30 $18 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | W 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-010-2 | No. 779010 Ebook 978-1-61519-112-3

also available: Artisanal GlutenFree Cooking, page 15

Cooking (CkB106000) Trade paperback original, French flaps 6B/c x 7 | 272 pages | CQ 48 $16 .95 u .S . | $19.95 Can. | W Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-036-2 | No. 779036 Ebook 978-1-61519-136-9

High Protein, Low gi, Bold Flavor

reCipes to Boost heAlth And promote weiGht loss Fiona Carns Foreword by Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller
Cooking (CkB039000) Trade paperback original 9H/i x 10 | 176 pages | CQ 22 $18 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | USC Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-037-9 | No. 779037 Ebook 978-1-61519-137-6

bacKliStFood & drinK: Vegetarian, reFerence

25,000 copies in print

Vegetarian dishes from Across the Middle East

Arto der Haroutunian

Veggie Burgers Every Which Way

fresh, flAvorful And heAlthy veGAn And veGetAriAn BurGers plus toppinGs, sides, Buns And more Lukas Volger Tasty, exciting, inexpensive veggie burgers every which way!
this is a terrific book! Deborah Madison Volger isnt showy about it, but the guy knows how to cook . Jeff Gordinier, lukas Volger . . . elevates the vegetarian burger to its rightful status as real food . Montreal Gazette
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original, French flaps 6B/c x 7 | 192 pages | CQ 40 $16 .95 u .S . | $19.95 Can. W incl. Canada excl. ANZ/UK/CW Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-019-5 | No. 779019 Ebook 978-1-61519-120-8

Vegetarian Entres That Wont Leave you Hungry

nourishinG, flAvorful mAin Courses thAt fill the Center of the plAte Lukas Volger Turn everyday ingredients into delicious dinners
the beauty of Volgers approach lies in its simplicity, creativity, and portability . Publishers Weekly whether or not you are vegetarian, every dish in this book will lure you into the kitchen . Martha Rose Shulman, author of The Very Best Recipes for Health also available: Veggie Burgers Every Which Way
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original, French flaps 8 x 9 | 256 pages | CQ 20 $17 .95 u .S . | $21.95 Can. | W Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-033-1 | No. 779033 Ebook 978-1-61519-134-5

Cooking (CkB085000) Trade paperback original 6F/i x 9B/e | 288 pages | CQ 28 $18 .95 u .S . | $23.95 Can. | USC 978-1-61519-004-1 | No. 779004

The Safe Food Handbook

how to mAKe smArt ChoiCes ABout risKy food Heli Perrett, PhD
Health & Fitness (HEA034000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 368 pages | CQ 36 $16 .95 u .S . | $19.95 Can. | W B&W illustrations and tables 978-1-61519-017-1 | No. 779017 Ebook 978-1-61519-119-2


bacKliStFood & drinK: Vegan

Quick & Easy Vegan Celebrations

150 GreAt-tAstinG reCipes plus festive menus for veGAntAstiC holidAys And Get-toGethers All throuGh the yeAr Alicia C. Simpson
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original 7 x 9B/i | 296 pages | CQ 28 $18 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | W 16-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-022-5 | No. 779022 Ebook 978-1-61519-127-7

Quick & Easy Vegan Slow Cooking

more thAn 150 tAsty, nourishinG reCipes thAt prACtiCAlly mAKe themselves Carla Kelly Who knew slow could be so fast? Well, it can be, with these setand-forget vegan meals!
if your idea of luxury is having dinner simmering away for you after a long day, then this book is for you! Isa Chandra Moskowitz, bestselling author of Veganomicon

Caribbean Vegan
meAt-free, eGG-free, dAiry-free AuthentiC islAnd Cuisine for every oCCAsion Taymer Mason Heres your passport to a world of distinctive, unforgettable food: If Caribbean cuisine makes you think of pineapples and coconuts, youre missing out. The Caribbean islands are home to a rich cooking tradition that combines African, French, Spanish, British, Asian, and Indian influences, adds an unmistakable local flair, and tastes like paradise. Caribbean Vegan will spice up your vegan diet like no other cookbook.
everyone can enjoy these recipes . Seitan Is My Motor blog
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original 7 x 9B/i | 272 pages | CQ 30 $18 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | W 16-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-025-6 | No. 779025 Ebook 978-1-61519-122-2

Quick & Easy Vegan Bake Sale

more thAn 150 deliCious sweet And sAvory veGAn treAts perfeCt for shArinG Carla Kelly
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original 7 x 9B/i | 296 pages | CQ 22 $17 .95 u .S . | $22.95 Can. | W 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-026-3 | No. 779026 Ebook 978-1-61519-129-1

this book will make your slow cooker a permanent fixture in your kitchen . Kris Holechek, author of 100 Best Vegan Baking Recipes also available: Quick & Easy Vegan Bake Sale
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original 7 x 9B/i | 296 pages | CQ 24 $17 .95 u .S . | $21.95 Can. | W 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-043-0 | No. 779043 Ebook 978-1-61519-145-1

bacKliStFood & drinK: Vegan, plant-baSed

34,000 copies in print

190,000 copies in print

Quick & Easy Low-Cal Vegan Comfort Food

150 down-home reCipes pACKed with flAvor, not CAlories Alicia C. Simpson At last, vegan food that packs a heaping helping of comfort without the extra calories! Alicia C. Simpsons recipes have earned her legions of fans. But the calories in comfort food can add up, fast! Here are all-new recipes for down-home foodwith 350 calories or fewer per serving.
alicia has really outdone herself with this book . Finally we can have decadent soul food without the calories or fat . Lindsay S. Nixon, author of The Happy Herbivore Cookbook
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original 7 x 9B/i | 280 pages | CQ 28 $17 .95 u .S . | $20.95 Can. | W 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-042-3 | No. 779042 Ebook 978-1-61519-142-0

Quick & Easy Vegan Comfort Food

65 everydAy meAl ideAs for BreAKfAst, lunCh, And dinner with over 150 GreAt-tAstinG, downhome reCipes Alicia C. Simpson With spirit and style, Alicia shows just how easyand yes, comfortingvegan food can be. Here is the essential cookbook for any of Americas more than 6 million vegans who miss the down-home tastes they remember (or want to try), or for vegetarians and even meat-eaters who want to add more plant-based foods to their diets, but dont know where to start.
also available: Quick & Easy Low-Cal Vegan Comfort Food and Quick & Easy Vegan Celebrations (page 20)
Cooking (CkB086000) Trade paperback original 7 x 9B/i | 248 pages | CQ 32 $17 .95 u .S . | $21.95 Can. | W 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-005-8 | No. 779005 Ebook 978-1-61519-109-3

Forks Over knives

the plAnt-BAsed wAy to heAlth Edited by Gene Stone Foreword by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD What if one simple change could save you from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer? For decades, that question fascinated a small circle of impassioned doctors and researchersand last year, their research made headlines in the hit documentary Forks Over Knives. Their answer? Eat a whole-foods, plant-based dietit could save your life.
also available: Forks Over Knives The Cookbook (page 13)
Health & Fitness (HEA006000) Trade paperback original 6B/e x 8B/c | 224 pages | CQ 30 $13 .95 u .S . | $16.95 Can. W excl. ANZ/Brazil Two-color interior, 22 B&W photos 978-1-61519-045-4 | No. 779045 Ebook 978-1-61519-146-8



Active Baby, Healthy Brain

135 fun exerCises And ACtivities to mAximiZe your Childs BrAin development from Birth throuGh AGe 5

Old dogs, New Math

homeworK help for puZZled pArents Rob Eastaway and Mike Askew, PhD
Mathematics (MAT030000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8 | 384 pages | CQ 36 $15 .95 u .S . | USO* B&W figures throughout 978-1-61519-027-0 | No. 779027 Ebook 978-1-61519-126-0

your Children Are Listening

nine messAGes they need to heAr from you Jim Taylor, PhD Children become the messages they get the most. Parenting expert Dr. Jim Taylor describes the vital opportunity you have to shape your children (even when they may not appear to be listening) and guides you to answer this crucial question: How can I be sure Im sending the healthiest messages?
in a world filled with harmful messages, Your Children Are Listening will resonate with all parents . Michele Borba, EdD, author of Parents Do Make a Difference and The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
Family & Relationships (FAM010000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 288 pages | CQ 48 $13 .95 u .S . | $16.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-034-8 | No. 779034 Ebook 978-1-61519-135-2

Margaret Sass Foreword by Frances Page Glascoe, PhD

Family & Relationships (FAM010000) Trade paperback original 6B/i x 9 | 160 pages | CQ 36 $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | USCO B&W illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-006-5 | No. 779006 Ebook 978-1-61519-110-9

nappa 2011 gold award

The Baby Nurse Bible Bedtiming

the pArents Guide to GettinG your Child to sleep At Just the riGht AGe Marc D. Lewis, PhD, and Isabela Granic, PhD
Family & Relationships (FAM010000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8 | 244 pages | CQ 52 $14 .95 u .S . | USO | 4-page color insert 978-1-61519-015-7 | No. 779015 Ebook 978-1-61519-114-7

seCrets only A BABy nurse CAn tell you ABout hAvinG And CArinG for your BABy Carole Kramer Arsenault, RN, IBCLC Foreword by William Camann, MD
Family & Relationships (FAM010000) Trade paperback original 6 x 9 | 352 pages | CQ 32 $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | USCO 20 B&W illustrations 978-1-61519-014-0 | No. 779014 Ebook 978-1-61519-138-3


nappa 2011 honors award

now in paperback

gender Born, gender Made

rAisinG heAlthy GendernonConforminG Children

Baby-Led Weaning
the essentiAl Guide to introduCinG solid foodsAnd helpinG your BABy to Grow up A hAppy And Confident eAter Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett The definitive text on baby-led weaningthe natural, no-fuss method for starting babies on solid foods.
i recommend this groundbreaking book to every new mother i know . Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, clinical associate professor of pediatrics, Texas Tech University School of Medicine also available: Baby-Led Breastfeeding, page 10; The BabyLed Weaning Cookbook
Family & Relationships (FAM010000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 264 pages | CQ 44 $14 .95 u .S . | $17.95 Can. | USCO* 8-page four-color photo insert 978-1-61519-021-8 | No. 779021 Ebook 978-1-61519-124-6

The Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook

130 reCipes thAt will help your BABy leArn to eAt solid foods And thAt the whole fAmily will enJoy Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett No pures, no spoon-feeding, no struggle! Featuring healthy and delicious recipes for introducing babies to solid food, plus: Advice on which foods to start with Essential at-a-glance information on nutrition and food safety Anecdotes and quotes from parents who follow baby-led weaning
this engaging resource . . . should match the popularity of the previous guide . Library Journal
Cooking (CkB107000) Trade paperback 7 x 9B/bg | 192 pages | CQ 28 $15 .95 u .S . | $18.95 Can. | USCO* Color illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-049-2 | No. 779049 Ebook 978-1-61519-168-0 Previous ed.: 978-1-61519-030-0

Diane Ehrensaft, PhD Foreword by Edgardo Menvielle, MD, MSHS

Family & Relationships (FAM010000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/c | 288 pages | CQ 40 $16 .95 u .S . | $19.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-060-7 | No. 779060 Ebook 978-1-61519-158-1

Roots of Empathy
ChAnGinG the world Child By Child Mary Gordon Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Education (EdU040000) Trade paperback original 6 x 9 | 312 pages | CQ 36 $15 .95 u .S . | USO 8-page four-color insert 978-1-61519-007-2 | No. 779007 Ebook 978-1-61519-154-3

bacKliStwellneSS, reFerence

new third edition

Best Practices for a Healthy Heart

how to stop heArt diseAse Before or After it stArts Sarah Samaan, MD, FACC Board-certified cardiologist Dr. Sarah Samaan offers clear information and guidance on the best practices to follow regarding diet, exercise, drugs, alternative therapies, and more for anyone seeking optimal heart health.
dr . Samaan attacks the myths and hype . . . and lays out the fundamentals in an easy-to-digest format . this book provides the best up-to-date information on cardiovascular disease prevention . Michael Crawford, MD, FACC, Chief of Clinical Cardiology, University of California, San Francisco
Health & Fitness (HEA025000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 384 pages | CQ 32 $14 .95 u .S . | $17.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-047-8 | No. 779047 Ebook 978-1-61519-147-5

Vital yoga
A sourCeBooK for students And teAChers Meta Chaya Hirschl From a longtime yoga teacher, this highly visual, broadly informative resource gives serious yoga practitioners a wide-ranging framework that will enrich their practice.
an excellent overview . . . as reference and inspiration, hirschls beautifully illustrated compendium will best serve novice students and teachers, as well as those aspiring to change careers . Publishers Weekly a book with plenty of heart and lots of information . Nicolai Bachman, author of The Language of Yoga
Health & Fitness (HEA025000) Trade paperback original 8B/c x 10 | 320 pages | CQ 15 $24 .95 u .S . | $29.95 Can. | W Color photographs throughout 978-1-61519-040-9 | No. 779040 Ebook 978-1-61519-144-4

The Essential guide to gay and Lesbian Weddings

third edition Tess Ayers and Paul Brown This is the original wedding planner for gays and lesbians now updated in light of recent legalizations of gay marriage. Comprehensive, witty, and bursting with real-life anecdotes, this userfriendly guide is essential for any couple on the road to starting their married life together.
tackles every aspect of the wedding ceremony with humor and pride . . . . as much a statement about gay life as it is a nontraditional wedding planner . San Francisco Chronicle
Reference (REF024000) Trade paperback 7B/e x 9 | 288 pages | CQ 28 $16 .95 u .S . | $19.95 Can. | W B&W illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-054-6 | No. 779054 Ebook 978-1-61519-151-2 Previous ed.: 978-159350-121-1


see gail vaz-oxlade saturdays on cnbc

The Emotionally Absent Mother

A Guide to self-heAlinG And GettinG the love you missed Jasmin Lee Cori, MS, LPC Through reflections, exercises, and explanations, psychotherapist Jasmin Lee Cori helps adult sons and daughters heal the wounds left by undermothering.
with compassion and sparkling clarity, jasmin lee cori describes the effects of being undermothered and what it takes to overcome them . Evelyn Bassoff, PhD, author of Mothering Ourselves a revelation to those of us whose mothering was short of what we needed . Connie Dawson, PhD, coauthor of Growing Up Again
Family & Relationships (FAM019000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 240 pages | CQ 40 $14 .95 u .S . | $17.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-028-7 | No. 779028 Ebook 978-1-61519-123-9

difficult Personalities
A prACtiCAl Guide to mAnAGinG the hurtful BehAvior of others (And mAyBe your own) Helen McGrath, PhD, and Hazel Edwards, MEd An indispensable guide to understandingand living or working withpeople whose behavior leaves you frustrated and confused.
a no-frills resource that is both easy to understand and highly informative . . . . there's nothing difficult about this book, except for the subject it gracefully explicates . Publishers Weekly gets to the heart of the matter and offers a real plan for change and coping . Library Journal
Psychology (PSy022000) Trade paperback original 5 x 7D/e | 304 pages | CQ 48 $14 .95 u .S . | $17.95 Can. | USC 978-1-61519-013-3 | No. 779013 Ebook 978-1-61519-115-4

debt-Free Forever
tAKe Control of your money And your life Gail Vaz-Oxlade Tired of getting to the end of the money before you get to the end of the month? Wish you were in control? Getting out of debt isnt easy. But Gail Vaz-Oxlade offers a clear strategy and the steps needed to implement it. So if youre finished with excuses, overdue notices, and maxed-out credit cards, follow Gails plan to start becoming debt-free forever.
[gail Vaz-oxlades] no-nonsense manner and concrete advice are entertaining on televisionbut also a useful way to start the process of getting control of your money . More magazine
Business & Economics (BUS050030) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 320 pages | CQ 48 $14 .95 u .S . | USO 978-1-61519-020-1 | No. 779020 Ebook 978-1-61519-116-1


bacKliStSelF-help, memoir, adVice

One Life to give

A pAth to findinG yourself By helpinG others Andrew Bienkowski with Mary Akers Foreword by Gordon Livingston, MD

The Sages Tao Te Ching

AnCient AdviCe for the seCond hAlf of life
tenth AnniversAry edition

How to Be a Sister
A love story with A twist of Autism Eileen Garvin A deeply felt, impeccably written memoir for siblings, parents, friends, and teachers of people with autism and for anyone who sometimes struggles to connect with someone difficult or different.
garvins storytelling abilities are strong, and her fierce, protective love for margaret, whom she brings to stinging life on the page, gives this book real power . Washington Post an unforgettable, courageous siblings eye view into a rarely explored relationship, where the bond wrought by love and joy, crisis and heartbreak is mesmerizing . Mary-Ann Tirone Smith, author of Girls of Tender Age: A Memoir
Family & Relationships (FAM041000) Trade paperback original 5B/e x 8B/e | 272 pages | CQ 48 $14 .95 u .S . | $17.95 Can. | W 978-1-61519-016-4 | No. 779016 Ebook 978-1-61519-117-8

Self-Help (SEL031000) Trade paperback original 5 x 7B/i | 240 pages | CQ 56 $14 .95 u .S . | US only 8 B&W photographs 978-1-61519-008-9 | No. 779008 Ebook 978-1-61519-111-6

William Martin Illustrations by Hank Tusinski A classic free-verse interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, written expressly for those coming into the fullness of their wisdom. William Martin subtly and powerfully captures the complex emotions connected with growing older, and encourages todays sages to recognize their worth in a youthcentric world that often goes astray.
here is wisdom that is beauty and beauty that is wisdom . Hugh and Gayle Prather, authors of The Little Book of Letting Go
Philosophy (PHi023000) Trade paperback original 4B/c x 8B/e | 144 pages | CQ 60 $14 .95 u .S . | $17.95 Can. | USCO B&W illustrations throughout 978-1-61519-024-9 | No. 779024 Ebook 978-1-61519-128-4

whAt to do when life mAKes you CrinGe
A survivAl Guide

Sam Scholfield Illustrations by Eliot Lucas

Humor (HUM012000) Trade paperback original 5B/c x 8B/e | 272 pages | CQ 48 $12 .95 u .S . | $15.95 Can. | W 10 B&W cartoons 978-1-61519-038-6 | No. 779038 Ebook 978-1-61519-140-6

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2013 Moon Calendar Card . . . . . . . . 11 Active Baby, Healthy Brain . . . . . . . . 22 Artisanal Gluten-Free Cooking . . . . . 15 Artisanal Gluten-Free Cupcakes . . . 18 Awkward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Baby Nurse Bible, The . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Bb Gourmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Baby-Led Breastfeeding. . . . . . . . . . 10 Baby-Led Weaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook, The . 23 Bedtiming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Best Practices for a Healthy Heart . . 24 Caribbean Vegan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Choose the Life You Want . . . . . . . . . 2 Confessions of a Bad Beekeeper. . . 17 Debt-Free Forever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Difficult Personalities . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Emotionally Absent Mother, The. . . . 25 Essential Guide to Gay and Lesbian Weddings, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Forks Over Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Forks Over KnivesThe Cookbook . 13 Gender Born, Gender Made. . . . . . . 23 Gluten-Free Edge, The. . . . . . . . . . . 15 High Protein, Low GI, Bold Flavor . . 18 How to Be a Sister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 In Deep Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Its a Long Road to a Tomato . . . . . . 17 Lady and the Peacock, The . . . . . . . 12 Learning to Bake Allergen-Free . . . . 14 Longest Race, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Modern Dogs Life, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Natural Navigator, The . . . . . . . . . . . 16 North Pole, South Pole. . . . . . . . . . . 16 Old Dogs, New Math . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 One Life to Give . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 One Magic Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Plant-Powered Diet, The . . . . . . . . . 14 Quick & Easy Low-Cal Vegan Comfort Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Quick & Easy Vegan Bake Sale . . . . 20 Quick & Easy Vegan Celebrations . . 20 Quick & Easy Vegan Comfort Food . 21 Quick & Easy Vegan Slow Cooking . 20 Roots of Empathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Safe Food Handbook, The . . . . . . . . 19 Sages Tao Te Ching, The. . . . . . . . . 26 Simply Satisfying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Strong Waters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Transit of Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Veganissimo A to Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vegetarian Dishes from Across the Middle East. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Vegetarian Entres That Wont Leave You Hungry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Veggie Burgers Every Which Way . . 19 Vital Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Whoopie Pie Book, The . . . . . . . . . . 18 Your Children Are Listening . . . . . . . 22 Haroutunian, Arto der . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Hirschl, Meta Chaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Houbein, Lolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Jory, Melissa McLean, MNT . . . . . . . 15 Katz, David L., MD, MPH . . . . . . . . . 14 Kelly, Carla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Keraly, Dr. Jean Lalau . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Lehner, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lemlin, Jeanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lewis, Marc D., PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Livingston, Gordon, MD . . . . . . . . . . 26 Lomb, Nick, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Long, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lucas, Eliot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Madison, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Mansfield, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Martin, Colette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Martin, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mason, Taymer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 McGrath, Helen, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 McGreevy, Paul, PhD, MRCVS . . . . 17 Menvielle, Edgardo, MD, MSHS. . . . 23 Murkett, Tracey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 23 Palmer, Sharon, RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Perrett, Heli, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Popham, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Proctor, Reuben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ptak, Claire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Rapley, Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 23 Samaan, Sarah, MD, FACC . . . . . . . 24 Sass, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Scholfield, Sam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Siegel, Daniel J., MD . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Simpson, Alicia C.. . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 21 Sroufe, Del . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Stewart, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Stone, Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Taylor, Jim, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Thomsen, Lars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Turnbull, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Turner, Gillian, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tusinski, Hank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Vaz-Oxlade, Gail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Volger, Lukas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Wangen, Stephen, ND . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Akers, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Arsenault, Carole Kramer, RN . . . . . 22 Askew, Mike, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ayers, Tess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ayres, Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Bacarella, Flavia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Ben-Shahar, Tal, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Begley, Amy Yoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Bienkowski, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Brand-Miller, Jennie, MD . . . . . . . . . 18 Bronski, Kelli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18 Bronski, Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18 Brown, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Camann, William, MD. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Campbell, T. Colin, PhD . . . . . . . . . . 21 Carenco, Jenny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carns, Fiona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Cori, Jasmin Lee, MS, LPC . . . . . . . 25 Deans, Bob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 der Haroutunian, Arto . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Eastaway, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Edwards, Hazel, MEd. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ehrensaft, Diane, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Esselstyn, Caldwell B., Jr, MD . . . . . 21 Fernald, Anya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Garvin, Eileen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Glascoe, Frances Page, PhD. . . . . . 22 Gooley, Tristan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Gordon, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Granic, Isabela, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Catalog product number: 5685

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