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DISCHARGE PLAN Goal: Pain relieved or controlled Hemodynamically stable Prevent complication/minized Dse process/prognosis, potential complications, therapeutic

regimen understood Plan in place to meet needs after discharge As the patient generally condition improves clear oral fluids can be introduce PLAN of CARE Diet: Low-fat diet Instruct client to: Eat a well balanced diet every meal. skinless poultry, beef, pork chops, fresh or frozen fish, canned fish packed in water, Low-fat meat alternatives include tofu and legumes. Increase intake of vitamin rich foods especially vitamin C (oranges, citrus fruits, apple) and vegetables (malunggay and other green leafy vegetables) Increase oral fluid intake to 2000 ml/ day. Patient should have atleast 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Encourage patient to have low-salt and low-fat diet. Hygiene: Instruct patient to : Take daily bath and as necessary and avoid the use of irritating soap. Change clothing everyday or as needed. To perform hand washing before and after eating, before and after touching the wound and right after the use of CR. Keep the area around the incision site clean and free from discharges. Clean the wound daily and dress aseptically, note for PROBLEM Pain LEVEL of CARE Promotive HEALTH TEACHING Promote position of comfort Provide alternate comfort measures for example back rub. Encourage relaxation technique example guided imagery or visualization. Quiet diversional activity Administer analgesics Maintain meticulous skin care especially in the incision site. Avoid strenuous activity. Change dressing daily or as needed. Encourage patient to take daily bath Instruct client to avoid touching the operative site especially without hand washing. Change clothing daily and as necessary. Encourage to do hand washing before and after caring the wound. Encourage to do aseptic technique in leaning the wound and changing the dressing. Instruct to report any abnormalities noted at the incision site (discharges, foul smelling odor, redness, itchiness)



Activity: -

signs and symptoms of skin breakdown at the incision site such as redness, swelling, discharges, this may indicate infection. Avoid unprescribed creams or ointment on the incision site. Emphasize the importance of proper skin care, wound care and good hygiene.

Rehabilitative Instruct to take antibiotics (Cefuroxime) as ordered. Instruct to take vitamin C (fernC) as prescribed. Refer to the nearest hospital/clinic if s/sx of infection is noted/ manifested. Encourage to seek for immediate treatment if complications occurred.

Instruct patient to: Avoid streanous activities like heavy lifting or too much exertion. Do ambulation, toileting and other ADLs as tolerated or within capabilities. Have adequate rest and sleep to avoid fatigue. Educate about pacing of activities and encourage rest between activities. Community Support: Home hazard appraisal: Caregiver Responses: Financial Support: Medications: Ascorbic acid 1 tab once a day Rolavit 1 tab once a day Appointment: Follow up check up after 1 week at CLMMRH on October 28, 2011 in the morning for removal of sutures.

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