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BIBLIOGRAFIA ************************** Para a elaborao deste trabalho foram consultadas as seguintes obras :

* The Catholic Encyclopedia. (Broderick.). * Catholic Encyclopedia. (Stravinskas). * Dictionary of the Bible. (J.McKenzie). * Basics of the Faith . (A.Schereck). * Catholics Customs & Traditions, a popular Guide. (Greg Dues.). * American Catholic Catechism. (The Seabury Press.N.York). * What Would You Like to Know About the Church. (Fr. Kenneth Ryan, Vol.1,2,3,4). * Question Box. (J. Dietzen). * Concise Catholic Dictionary. (Reynolds R. Ekstrom). * Can You trust the Bible? (F. Hogan). * Concise Bible Dictionary. (Dr. Donald M. McFarlan). * Mysteries of the Bible . (R. Digest). * Whos Who in the O. Testament. (J. Comay). * What You didnt Know about Bible. (J.C.Swaim). * Family Christmas. (R. Digest). * Catholic Almanac 1995. (Felician A. Foy). * Dictionary of the Saints. (John J. Delaney). * Family Guide to the Bible. (R. Digest). * The Oxford Dictionary of Popes. (J.N.D.Kelly). * After Jesus. (R.Digest). * Jesus and His Times. (R.Digest). * Atlas of the Bible. (R.Digest). * Whos Who in the Bible. (R. Digest). * Three-in-One Bible Reference. (R. Digest). * Encyclopedia of Catholic History. (Matthew Bunson) * Histria de Portugal. 4 Volumes. (Dr. Hermano Saraiva). * Dicionrio da Histria de Portugal. 6 Volumes. (Joel Serro). * Maria Me de Jesus. (Edies Paulistas). * Maria Me dos homens. (Edies Paulistas). * Santos de cada dia. 3 Volumes. (Secretariado Nacional do Apost. Orao). * Invocaes de Nossa Senhora em Portugal. (P. Jacinto dos Reis). * Bblia Sagrada. (Difusora Bblica, 6 Edio). * Missal Popular. (Edio da Grfica de Coimbra de 1974). * Missal Dominical. (Edies Paulinas). * Catecismo da Igreja Catlica. (Edio da Grfica de Coimbra de 1993). * Anurio Catlico de Portugal. (1995-1998). * S. Joseph Baltimore Catechism N 2. * The Catholic Childrens Bible. (Sister Mary Theola). * New Catholic Picture Bible. (Rev.Lawrence G.Lovasick,SVD). * Por Terras de Portugal. (R.Digest). * As mais belas Vilas e Aldeias de Portugal. (Verbo). * Conclio Ecumnico Vaticano II. * Cdigo do Direito Cannico. * Catholic Digest. (Magazine.Fr.Kenneth Ryan Editor U.S.A.). * Western Catholic Reporter. (Semanrio Canadiano). * 1500 Fascinating Facts. (Simon Goodenough). * Mysteries of the Unexplained. (R. Digest). * Into the Unknown. (R. Digest). * History oh the occult. (T. Wynne Griffon). * Why in the World? (R. Digest). * Documentos de Ftima. (P.Antnio Martins.S.J.).

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The New Book of Knowledge. (Grolier In.21 Volumes). The New Caxton Enciclopedia. (20 volumes). Instruo Geral do Missal Romano. (Sectariado Nacional de Liturgia). Historys Timeline. (Jean Cooke, Ann Kramer, Theodore Rowland-Entwistle).

Todas as citaes bblicas so da Bblia Sagrada da Difusora Bblica, (6 Edio de 1973). Todas as obras citadas, sobre doutrina teolgica e sobre a Bblia, tm o Imprimatur e o Nihil Obstat.

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