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MID SEMESTER TEST Mata Kuliah Semester Dosen Waktu Hari/ Tanggal : Kapita Selekta IPA Terpadu : 4D : Muhamad Taufiq, S.Pd, M.Pd : Take Home : Friday/ 25 May 2012

Guideline: 1. Answer all of the questions below! 2. This is take home test and must be collected at Saturday 26 May 2012, 12.30 pm in my desk (Physics Department). 3. Dont be late! Problems:
1. Compare and contrast solids and liquids. 2. Compare and contrast liquids and gases. 3. Draw a diagram to represent 8 particles in each state of matter. (HINT: Recall that plasma is gas-like but with one major difference.)




4. A common trick for removing a stubborn jar lid is to run the metal lid under hot water. a. What does Kinetic Molecular Theory tell us about the effect of temperature on the motion of particles? b. Describe what happens to the particles in the metal lid when it is run under hot water. Why does this trick allow the lid to be removed more easily?

5. What is the process you described in 4b called? 6. Explain the graphics below and please write the equation of the motion.

Good Luck!

7. The same football in #15 is kicked from the ground instead. a) Find the maximum height. b) Find the time of travel. c) How far away does it hit the ground? d) Find the velocity vector at maximum height. e) Find the acceleration vector at maximum height. 8. A physics student swings a pail of water in a vertical circle 1.0 m in radius at a constant speed. If the water is NOT to spill on him/her: (A) calculate the minimum speed of the pail of water (B) calculate the maximum time per revolution (period) of the swing 9. A rectangular block of copper metal weighs 1896 g. The dimensions of the block are 8.4 cm by 5.5 cm by 4.6 cm. From this data, what is the density of copper? (hint: find the volume of a block first) 10. Sebutkan dan jelaskan macam-macam zat adiktif dan pengaruhnya bagi kesehatan manusia? Jelaskan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghindarkan diri dari pengaruh zat adiktif dan psikotropika? 11. Please draw the vector analysis the system below: m m mh

12. Find the acceleration and the friction of the object m, if the surface of the inclined plane is uneven surface: m

Good Luck!

13. Gelombang ultrasonik digunakan untuk mendeteksi kelajuan mobil di jalan raya. Peralatannya terdiri dari pesawat pemancar (transmitter) dan pesawat penerima (receiver), seperti pada diagram di bawah ini. Arah gerak maju mobil

transmitter receiver Batas kecepatan mobil maksimum yang diperkenankan melintas di jalan raya tersebut adalah 80 km/jam. Bila ada sebuah mobil yang panjangnya 4,8 meter melintasi detektor tersebut dan ternyata pesawat penerima tidak menerima

sinyal selama 0,16 sekon. Apakah mobil melanggar batas kecepatan? Jelaskan! 14. A bottle is floating upright in a large bucket of water as shown in the figure. In equilibrium it is submerged to a depth do below the surface of the water. Show that if it is pushed down to a depth d and released, it will execute harmonic motion, and find the frequency of its oscillations. If do = 20 cm, what is the period of the oscillations?

15. Please develop a short innovative lesson plan 20 minutes based on inquiry model to explain the phenomena of skydiver formation form! Complete your innovative lesson with the learning instrument (short materials, learning media and learning assessment)!

Good Luck!

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