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I sllule Ihe li@.hl within YOUf eyes where the Universe dwells .

dwells . For when you Ife at the cenlre within yourself and I within mine . we shall be one
- Crazy Horse, Lakota Tribal People

Court Registry

Sovereign Skwxwu 7mes h-Squa mi sh
Final Court Decision dated tbi s 2nd Day
of APRIL, 2011, on Sovereign
SkwxwIi 7mes h-Squami sh
Land - Earth
Effective upon service - WHEREAS:
... :r:-
In the Matter of verei gn Educati on Health
Ambassador Warren J oseph Da rnell Fischer
for the Sove cign Skwxwu 7mesh-Squami sh
Govern ept (SSG) on Ka na ta (large settl ement),
Turtl e Island Ea rth, Priva te a nd Conlidenti al

A. Announcement : SSG members and this Court xtend a warm welcome and official appointment to
Sovereign Education Health Ambassador (SEHA), Joseph Darnell FischerT>l as Special Sovereign
Government member and Ambassador with the partment of Health and Education for the Sovereign
Skwxwu7mesh-Squami shTM Government (SSG). r. Fischer currently lives on ' unceded no Treaty, original
sovereign' Land located on Kanata (large Turtle Island (Earth) governed by Common Law jurisdiction,
laws of the land for the people by the people. HA Warren Joseph Darnell Fischer agrees to the following
terms and conditions of this Appointment.

B. Endorsements: Justice AmictJs Curiae, Irene-Maus: Gravenhorst-KiapilanoqT>l officially endorses the
appointment by declaring, "We ,xclcome the appointment of Sovereign Education Health Ambassador, Warren
Joseph Darnell Fischer'" anc\.loo forward to working with him to expand peaceful Education Healing choices with
other sovereign nations 0 Earth through an economic reform that benefits Eart h and Humanity."' SSG members
are supported by legal sel. James O. Roberson, Jr. Esq. who provided SSG with a legal opinion that was
otarized in an Authen.ticated Affidavit recognized and autographed by Secretary or State for the United States of
America, Hillary . Qdham Clinton on August 22,2011 under Certificate number 11047477-2.
B. I SSG Sbvereign Education Health Ambassador Warren Joseph Darnell Fi scher has the support from
3.000+ original Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-Squami shTM people including but not limited to 600+
Maya EMers who are Leaders for nalUral resources located on Central and South America. the ori ginal hereditary
KingS rom Hawaii. Sovereign Leader Pol ynesian Kingdom of Atooi , the KhoiSan people from South Africa. the
editary leaders for the Hapu Nation with the Maori from Z. King David of the traditional Papua from Papua
New Guinea. the originals from Australia, Sovereign Hereditary Leaders 60+ from Northern BRITISH
COLUMBIA region and their respective Nations. SSG members are pleased to extend this appointment to SEI-IA
C 1963 - 2012
as both Sides of lhe paper are used to saIl! 1 rees. Common Lall JunS(hcl ion barcode IS PI1\i1IC, nOI negollable. la:< e\empt and usur:- free Documenl
template subJt:CIIO change "nhoUl fuMe! tIoOIlCC Unauthorized arc smctly Prohibited and mcue an aulomallC Vlolal1on ofCopynghl Trndemark mfnngcments of
SliT hard la\\fui currency debl Website .... ""I'..clU:U,"shf'" EmaIl ".\ .... !.!-!:Cl!lolil com ..m...qu;-:' knurt C.'IO S\lH<,llil .1;111;111 \;"11\
Jurat: Quod \Ie-um cst me aufrrri non pO It' S! Whlll is mine cannot be ta\.tll \\ithout Ill)
I salute the lIght withIn your e yes where the Uni verse dwell s For when you are at the eentre Withi n yourself and I withw mwe, we shall be one
- Crazy Horse, Lakota Tribal People
'. as he brings his Chinese natural health experience and knowledge to ass ist SSG Health Department
with international natural medicinal remedies. Dr. Fischer'" can write and speak in English and Chinese
Mandarin fluently with a workable knowledge of the French language.
C. Good Faith Notice of Appointment (NOA): Sovereign Education Health Ambassador, Warren
Joseph Darnell Fischer
" accepts this Appointment from the Sovereign Hereditary Leaders and members w0l:!'ing
with Siyam Te Kiapilanoq-Capilano who is the authorized Sovereign Hereditary Leader by Heir A rent
claim forthe SSG on sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-SquamishTM Land, Earth. SEHA Fischer' s
" acceptance of this
appointment falls into the category ofa Charge d'affaires wherein he represent s, protects, promotes 'nformation
with adopted international peace laws pursuant to Common law jurisdiction in order to est !l,ji,h traditional
medicinal healing choices to Traditional True Hereditary Leaders for Sovereign Governments.
Pursuant to the recommendation of the Justice-Amicus Curiae to fonnally appoint Education Health
Ambassador, Warren Joseph Darnell Fischer, this Offer and Acceptance is hereb eclared Official and
Authentic between the Named Parties. It is one of the high-ranking posi tions recogni ed and acknowledged by the
Sovereign Heredi tary members as a first class appointment to establish economic p , ceful relations with Sovereign
lations on Turtle Island, Earth-Gaia. ... .,."
D. De Jure Soverei gn Jurisdicti on: From the John Bouvie' evised Sixth Edition. 1856 A Law
Dictionary, "Once jurisdiction is challenged. the court cannot proceed en it clearly appears that the court lacks
jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, bUL rather, S OlJ,itl dismiss the action". Melo v. US. 505 F2d
1026. This Notice of Appointment is governed by Common la, .Juii diction defined and interpreted by Sovereign
Skwxwu7mesh-SquamishTM Government ' longhouse 1 an equitable remedy by estoppel in matters of
commerce. De Jure Sovereign Jurisdiction is not to be conti s'M'with the European Admiralty/ Marit ime jurisdiction
that practices de facto Corporate Government registered @x Jaws of war. De Jure Sovereign Jurisdiction does not
practice matters of commerce with usury fees. tax tariffs or inflation rates, instead Sovereign Juri sdiction' s
primary mandate is Universal Peace. _0
NOW THEREFORE with Valuable Security- " nd in consideration of this Canada Postage stamp affixed to this
April2011 - otice of Appointment as anEquitable Remedy by estoppel agreed to by all parties, together we make
the following declarations, attestations conscientiously knowing them to be true, and knowing that it is of the same
force and effect by virtue of the for Peace';, TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT:
1.0 Mandate: SEH ':: Warren Joseph Darnell Fischer'" suppons Universal Peace mandate by
promoting natural healinll.,techniques with traditional " Earth' medicine that is in a complete alignment with the
human body and Mother.$arth. Natural healing techniques offered by Dr. Fischer'" through education programs
teach people how to '0 al" oneself with safe traditional herbal medicines and no harmful side effects. Healthy
people make heal Jiy:Choices for happy and better lifestyles. SEHA ' s primary interest to protect sovereignty for
Earth and is sllpponed by Sovereign Leaders and at ions on Earth. He will serve as an emissary to meet
and discuss \l'ith sovereign members and hereditary leaders who are in close consultation with Siyam Te
."; .5
I On AuSUSot Her Majesty In Righi of BRITISH COl 1JMBtA pr(l\lded SSNG 101th a recognition letter. the Identification orlhe also Includes thl;' name So\.erclg"
Gmoemmenl (SSG) For purpose of cllnty throu,ghOlJl111l5 doa.iment, SSG ",11 be thai same recognized enuty IS unden;lood b\ me QuT1 throulP11ht presentment of tile
SSG' s Se),
1 includes (a) an order, acquainunct Of Other SKunt)' thai enmles or the tide OfUl" person Ii) 10 I sl'lllrt or mltreSI In a pubhc stock or fund or In .n) fund of.
bod, Ie. tonIp&n) Of or (n) 10. dC'pO$lIln I linancloll msututlon. (b) any dd)entutc. deed. bond. bltl. 1WIt. IO.-unnt. order or OIher 5unTY for money or for PfoymCII\ of mOIlC\'. (ell
dcxtJmenl ofutle to lands or Sltwllo.'d.. Cd) I stamp or wntlnj that Ures or C'\l tknces title 10 or an Inlerest in I chlnd or thaI t:\1dencn dch\ et'}, of I ch.anel ptnOI\ll . alld (e) I
recti Pi, discharge or OIlIn InSlNmen! e'ldt11Clng paymenl ofmOl1ey Pocket ('nmmal .... en. C ::003. pl2 The valuable conSldemion PfO'lded het-e'in by the (,mluor is presenlW In Ihe
fann of. ('anw or Et..: Slimp .... hl'h IS \1\emed by CPU inlt'fIllUOI1lltreaty l ..... s
1 Definrd and u ..... 1\neSS and process puaulnt 10 me adopll on of" the ('anada E'ldttlce AC1 (aJ
CI963 pt:rpctual , all nghts reSC'ned. IX>CUMENT SECURITY NOA1WFISCHER DOC RE APRlOl l NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT This document IS Eanh
friCTldl y as both sides of the paper arc used to save Trees Common La\\ Jurisdi ction barcode IS PTlWltc. nol negotiabl e, la"< e.l(cmpt and usury free. Document
template subJett 10 change Without funhcr Notice Unauthonzed Copies are strietly Prohibited and incur 3n automatIc vlolall on of Copynght Trademark infnnilcmenls of
SlIT hard lawful currenc) debt . Website .... w .. \ .... ,\ ,'I :: Emrul ... 1\ "'111.' .''-1&,.\ 1lJ;.m;111 COlli ... -.qu.' p: :ID:ul c.nn \,('1\ !!:In;lI!
Jurat : Quod \ lcum t'st sine mt auferri 11011 potest - Whllt is millt' {'annot be taken without con:-.t'nt.
I salute the lIaht within your eyes where tbe Universe dwells . For when you are at the centre within yourself and I wilhin mine, we shall be one
- Crazy Horst, lakota Tribal People
Kiapi lanoq-CAPILANOTM to create mutual ethical business agreements for fair trade and commerce of natural
healing techniques and medicines that Supporlthe healing sovereign nations trauma experienced from a hislOry of
unfair wars . This education mandate to offer a choice for a healthy living experience will guarantee the
strengthening of a spiritual consciousness to serve a permanent mandate for Universal Peace. Result s of Fair Trade
and Commerce Agreements are negotiated 10 benefit both parties in a meeting of the minds and reports will be
submitted by Dr. Fischer 10 Sovereign Hereditary Leader, Siyam Te Kiapilanoq-CAPILANOTM and
hereditary members, The diplomatic policy to secure Fair Trade and Commerce Agreements is Ith a
neutral position 10 politics and religion with a no IOlerance for racial discrimination legislation issued by,mis Courl.
1.1 Ethi cal Business Sta nda rds: SSG members must convey the views of the eadership of
membe rs with SSG and helshe is accredited 10 present the truth that maintains a spiritual integrit 0 protect the best
interest of mankind and Mother Earth. Secure communications systems via internet in realn "'e on line meetings
will provide immediate and efficient decision making 100is for policies that protects the inteMst of nations and their
soverei gn leaders. Final decisions are rendered in writing by hereditary leadership of'both parties, as the pen 10
paper becomes the bond that binds the commitment to serve peace with no Icies. Negotiated terms and
conditions for peace policies are critical and principal elements that suppon a m'!tl'ire understanding of respecting
ancient wisdom and traditions of the cultures. peoples and land.
1.2 Dress Code: SSG does not require a color' or uniform 10 orn by SSG members. A comfortable
attire of dress slack. short sleeve dress shirt and comfortable shoes 5'I1fandatory with a SSG pin worn on the right
hand corner of the shirt lapel or sport jacket to identify the SSG ers. When representing the SSG interests at
meetings, shons and sandals are not permitted. SSG memb rSo: elong to an exclusive and prestigious profession
and can not consume alcohol or drugs during the administration and negotiations for economic reform platforms.
This term and condition is not negotiable as a violation 0 rl'iis regulation is cause for automatic termination wit h no
further Notice. Results of International meetings e submitted in bi-annual report s to SSG members .

2.0 Experi ence: Sovereign Education Ambassador. Warren Joseph Darnell Fischers business
and education expenise with Chinese natural ""edicine offers healthy solutions and choices to sovereign nations
with usury free, tax free and inflation free " urrencies through Fair Trade and Commerce Agreements (FTCA).
FTC A 's primary mandate for universal ?eace is to protect soverei gnty for mankind and Earth. Sovereign Education
Health Ambassador, Warren Jose bt5arnell FischerTM has the passion and wisdom to introduce economic reform
to those who want to be a part of:\1 change. SEHA Warren Joseph Darnell Fischer is a perfect example of an
ideal visionary who sets higl'-S!"ifdards of natural healing options to eliminate human suffering and protect Earth's
natural resources for gen rations 10 come. Sovereign Education Health Ambassador, Warren JosephDarnell
Fischer is highly res for accepting this official leadership position to permanently terminale the pharma
mafia. SEHA Fischer ,'arml y welcomed to SSG. as SSG members believe that he will serve with integrity in the
name of truth and to help return peace to Earth .
.;::. ....
3.0 SecurIty: The security features of thi s Notice of Appointment are presented through the Maindustry
Indigeno tandards Organisation (MISO) that protects the cultural values and practices with a barcode displayed
on the slgnatory page of this Appointment in order to wrap the assurance policy of21 T (Twenty-One Trillion) hard
lawfd -currency protection with all rights reserved to the SSG Appointed Named Member. To ensure that this
of Title is not damaged. misrepresented. forged or manipulated to destroy the integri ty of this Diplomatic
Appointment wit h the SSGs official seal. the terms and conditions contained herein are Pri vate and not negotiable.
A pdf autographed version by all parties 10 this document is deemed to be true and in full force and effect. Only
0 1963 - 2012
perperual, all rights rescn.ed DOCUMENT SECURITY: NOA2WFISCHER DOC RE: APR10II - NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT This docume11l is Eanh
fnendly as both SIdes orlbe paper are used to 5:1\1: Trees Common la" JurisdictIon barcode securit) is Pm'ate, nOI negotiable, lax e-..:empt and USUf) free Documenl
template subJcct to change WlthOU! funhcr Notice Unauthonzed Copies are striClly PrOhlbllcd and I1lcur an automatiC violation ofCopynGht Trademark 1I1fnngementl> of
S2 1T liard la\\ful currenC) debt Websile \\"\\ """I .;gu:\rnl,h,,(\\ Em:lJ1 .,.l\-.(IU.l".;g'>'1.U:.m;nl com "1'1 ...qunJcoUltti J:m:1I1 C"1I1 S('>\-;l11l1J1\fcJII.eJ;m:III\:,'1lI
,Iunlt: Quod \Ieum est !line rtlf auft'rri nOli potcsl4 What is mint' cannot be uken 11\\:1) nithOUI m) {'oUStnl,
I salute the light within your eyes ..... here the Uni verse dwells . For when you are at the wlIhln yourself and I within mine . we shal1 be one
- Crazy Horse. Lakota Tribal Pe ople
two original NOAs are produced, one for each sovereign party and digitized security for the record with the
underwriter. SSCK. Cenified True Copy of this document is available upon written request for authentication and
validation' from the Court for a reasonable service fee to Third Panies. Alteration of information on all Court
documents incur an automatic penalty for fraud with no funher Notice.
4.0 Good Faith Acceptance Notice: I Am known by my Ancestral Name as, Warren Joseph Damell
Fischer"'. as a SSG Sovereign Education Health Ambassador. I am prepared to set high standards o[,'"Ocial
responsibilities to promote self healing solutions with natural Earth medicines and ancient healing for
healthy sovereign lifestyles pursuant to the mandate of protecting international human rights around with
Fair Trade and Commerce Agreements on behalf of the SSG and Hereditary Sovereign Siyam Te
Kiapilanoq-CAPILANOTM. Trustee. Creditor and Author for the Copyright Trademark Patent arne
autograph for the Sovereign Skwxwti7mesh-SquamishTM Government (SSG) on Sovereian 'anata. Turtle Island
(Earth/Gaia). I accept my appointment and responsibility as Sovereign Education Healt on this day
in my full capacity to know that I am capable and responsible for presenting S W mission of professional
diplomacy and respect for the sovereign hereditary leaders of sovereign Nations 'bo are interested in Un iversal
Peace with a Sovereign Economic Reform mandate. v
5.0 Time: SSG members Private Account is activated by a securecJ..dbposit through a Certificate of Deposit
issued to the Ambassador's Name in a sovereign commercial Transactio submission from the Sovereign
Skwxwti7mesh-SquamishT>1 Government administration is in and effect through a tax exempt work
contract approved by Sovereign Hereditary Leader, Siyam Details of the terms and
conditions for the Contract remain private pursuant to Comm n haw jurisdiction. This OA is fully authorized and
authenticated by Siyam Te Kiapilanoq-CAPILANO'sTM 'With pen to paper as an agreement to recognize the
aforesaid terms and conditions. This NOA must be ret C).1 d pursuant to Siyam Te Kiapilanoq-CAPILANOTM
request or should the Named Ambassador tender his ignation from this SSG Appointment for personal reasons.
A time of Three (3) years is a flexible employmenW'rm. Should either party wish to terminate the relationship of
this agreement prior to the end of each year ther -'ie no calculated penalties or liabilities issued to either party. A
negotiated severance package is attached as an " ddendum to terminate the contract and confirm that a replacemePl
for this position is trained by the present DiPlomat and approved by the SSG hereditary members.
V .....
DA TED as of the day and year first a ' e written on Skwxwti7mesh-Squamish"', Kanata, Turtle Island (TI) with
red ink to symbolize the hum a ood that directs these hands to seal this digitized
truth. THIS fiduciary
relationship is entered by autographed writers. Authors for the Copyright Names, Trademark Claim autographs for
the names and Skwxw ' 7tr.esh-SquamishTM in any style of cause. We, seal this lawful instrument with due
diligence as evidenced b our flesh and blood over the Sovereign Seal supported by a purchased Barcode
that serves as valuabl curity and consideration , receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and
accepted by all par 'S, to exerc ise the right to live free without malice aforethought, ill wil!, vexation or frivolity.
without corpora1l:o ictate. We aCt in our full capacity to know that our sovereign right to contract is unlimited and
provide this i t'ormati on with Good Faith for an equitable remedy by eSlOppel1O stop wars and genocide on Earth.
We hat we have personal knowledge of the facts and matters contained in thi s Notice and make thi s

J ... .. Ilon pr()\ldes msul3.llct 21T hard l."ful cum:ncy aUUl'llllte prOltcnon prmidtd b\ the undtNTlter SSeK ( trt1gn SQU COlIn 00 Kanal.l ) IU a poll'll m ume that the actiO!'! "'ill da .. hat 11 IS
to do "'1thoul anexnn- problem Pre<iiCll H WHEREAS Valldallon prmides measurable t,i dellU o_er time: that the lClion " Ltd properl y RefrrfllCt .:"m IIU ...!.bti...htn
5 Diglt lLcd pdf versIOns of laser Ilutographs to thIS NOllec IS 5('rved With Copynghl Trademark and all rights purSU3n1 10 Unl\i:rsal 11I\\ s of Peace
6 VaJuabk consi drnUlon A class of COMldeNnion upon ",hlth promise rna) b(' founded. " ruth enllllcs the promIsee to enforce hIS cl ai m against an un" IllIng prmmsor A thmg of val ue
paned .... Ith. or. nt .. obhgatl on assumed. at tM tlme of obi air ling a thmg. ", hleh IS a substanl1al compensanon for thaI whi ch IS oblamed thertb} Black"s La", Camp1:M:1I
Blaci. .. Thi rd Edmon. C 1933, P 1797
CI%3 - 20 I 2n.1 pe1l>eIUaJ, all nght$ rescl'\ ed DOCUMENT SECURITY' NOA2Vl FlSCHER [)()(: RE APRlOII - 1\IOTICE OF APPOINTMENT This document IS Eanh
fnendl) as bolh si des of the paper are to save Trees Common La", Junsdlction barcode secunty IS Pm ale, not negotiable, tax exempt and usul) Document
template subject to wtthout funher Notice Unauthonzed COPICS are stnctly Prohibi ted and Incur an automattc violatton of Copynght Trademark mfnngemems of
521 T hard 101\\ ful currency debt Website "IHI .'I'..,g Email "" 1 .!Z..;;!u'l ll eom ""'" -.tIll.' ;'c.oun !!J,'T11JIl ";.\111 Sill qJ,:1I1:ul 1,;0'111
.Jurlll: Quod \lrum est sine me aurerri non pOlest - \\,hal is mine cannot be lal.en "ithoul 01) consen!.
I salute the It,h l wit hin you r eyes ..... herc the Universe dwell s For whcn you are at the ('entre withi n yourself and I within mine , we s hall bc one
- Crazy Horse, La kota Triba l Peo ple
declaration and attestation conscientiously knowing that it is of the same force and effect by vi nue of The Great
Laws of Peace for Eanh '.
With no Corporate Dictate by
Credit 10 liens against named Debtors
Sovere ign H ered itary. Heir A "r.:
@, il.pii lanoqo" M-
CA PI LANOTM and stewarded by, Sovereign
Legislat or for the Underwriter. Sovereign ish'" Court (SSCK)
President for the Central Bank, Sovere ign Skwxwu7rn esh-SquarnishTM Bank on l\,8.'
Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-SquamishT> Credit Group (SSC J""

aka Irene-Maus: G e nhorst- Kiapilanoq-CAPILANOTM. in any style of cause.
Ji:rl.ooe.J\,miclJs Curiae" for the Sovereign Coun on Kanata (SSCK), TI
7 Lnderstood IS the Canada E\"!tdence Act (a)
II Spc:lhnj; of the Fannl) rfamd o\er the co\1BC of falst hl stOTY v. as produced In man) V. II) i so. the lradtllonal spellmg of the name In CS ..... -xwu1mtshSqulllnlsh
language. "e must COllt'lUI1: to rend('r the of our onglnaJ 'ames 81\ tnto us by our anceSIOl"S In English (ormat An) spelhng of the nlmC'rl autognlphed b) the heIr apparent
leader is deemed In full force and effect IlIld rcndered with full CopyngJn Tf1l4iemark assul1lnce pursuant to Intemauonal Trca!) and UnI\eTSal contract
9 PursUlni to C"olJ{l'lWn La" JwisdICUOn. the mle of ll1Sllce Cltnle- \taus Gni\ enhorst-Klapllanoq CAPILA ,orM IS not a member V.lth th(' Bar-mltz\ah organluuon but thIS poSITIon IS
defined and an AmICUS ('unae (fnend of thc coun) v.ho applies Jusnce as natural laws that 1",01\ cs a svstcm of consequences that natumn, den\es from an\ action or chOice In
tillS. it is 5IJttHfs.'tO thc laws ofphyslcs. in the same as the Third of :-'ewlOn's laws of Motion rluires that fo; ('\ery actIon thu(' must be an equai IlIld opposite rea-ction, Ju.stlce requIres
tMr\lduals or groups ... hat they actuall) deser.e, mml. or are entitled t09 Jusllce OGra\cnhorst, Klapdanoq-CAPILA:"O'sT),I dlre-eu\e is to protect the best interest for humanlT)
by re ng that each hwnan spmt has a soul v.lth a Universal nght 10 apply free v.IlLcholces to remam free, governed by the Creator' s wtsdorTlJhgbl .... 'th reawn and a dlreen'e to
m t n Universal peace in the Name of Love for Humankmd and Earth I, is a known fact , thai prestdmgJudges In AdmtrahylManltme couns do not ha\c la\\ degrees bUI are
appotnted 'officials" In a freemason system 10 admlntster contractla .... by assummg and presummg that hu-mankind arc slaves In debt owed 10 Ihe Global Elite \\ ho thmk the}
are God. This pro\ en fraud IS e'<perienced by self huganls \\ ho remo, e all se<:urities ' benefits' of Ihis ilIuslOnat) system and re-claim their 50\ ereignt} as a nght 10 unhmlled
contract \\herein the Illusionar:- JunsdlctlOn adnuntstrators arc automatlcal1) the Named Debtors and the livlIlg sovereign man on Eanh is the Named CredItor to the
laws of Truth
C I%3 - 2012
pcrp;:tual , all nghts reser.ed DOCUMENT SECURITY NOAlWFISCHER.r:xX' RE APR1011 - NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT T1llsdocumel1l lS Eanh
as both sides of the paper are to S3\e Trees Common La .... Junsdtctlon barcode secunt} IS Pmste, nOillegotlable,tax exempt and usul') free Document
templatc subject to chanj;e Without further Notice Unauthonzed COPies are stricti) Prohibited and tncur an automatic vlOlallon ofCopynght Trademnrk mfringcml:Tlt s of
S2:IT hard lawful currenc) debt Website .... ,\\\ "';': Email "'\ .... lll;.-; . cc>m ..... \ --I:lll . ;."'('\ln.::.:."',,,I,, .... 11 S<1\"' 11I1.n"re,ht.!.!"m:1I1 C,,111
Ju ral! Quod \f ru lll est lOt' 3u rl'rri nOli pot est Wh a l is minl' ellnllnt be till- til nithout Ill ) conse nt.
I salule the hght wlthl" your eyes where the Uni verse dwell s For when you are at the witbln and I with III mint: . we shall be one
- Crazy Horse, Lakota Tribal People
SSG Identification #SQU333SSCK- 196307WJDF-SBOKSSCG-042011 - Dated this 2nd day of April, 201 L
Kanata. Turtle Island. Autograph with no corporate dictate for:
- ,

Sovereign Warren Joseph Darnell Fischer"'. Education Health Ambassa 0
Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish Government (SSG)
Email: c-\\ arren.lischer-tm'a hu> Skype: Warren FisCh'1, r'"
Nationality: Soverei gn European descent; Irish. French, Gt;!'man, Slovak and Ukranian
Date of Birth: 1963July31 Place of Birth: Trail. B itish Columbia, Kanata. Turtle Island
178 cm US Measurement: 5' I
kg 1601bs. ,..,V
Eyes: hazel Hair: Dark bro v"n
Confidential Contact Details -the Appointe 0 member reserves the right to block abusive emai ls or other
type of communication information and/or re rd same as evidence for Trespass by the accused at his/her
discretion supported by SSCK administra!' n. Identification: This black and white photograph is printed with
a black laser printer to represent a tru lik'eness of the Named and Appointed Education Health Ambassador for
the Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-S Wl''mish Government (SSG). Two original product ions are made of this
Appointment and autographed tN e by the Named SSG Ambassador, copies are voluntarily provided for
securi ty purposes. Any alte :attPi 1 of this information is a direct violation of the biometric data that is protected
with all rights reserved a ntellectual property. Thi s digitized autograph is secured by Copyright Trademark
assurance from the under, riter, SSCK. This Appointment is nO! valid with out a Bar Code affixed hereon
purchased b) a license:. 0 Use by SSG members and watermark that clearly states Jurisdiction claim secured
with Barcode fea ees. Questions or concerns? Contact SSCK administration for more information at
so\ or so\squ333go\ ul! or skype: iamfr33. Hi yshkalthank you.
:"IOTI CE TO PRIi\CI PAL IS 'iOTICE TO AGE:oriT. i\OTICE TO AG.:yr IS !'Ioone[ TO 60f6
C I 963 - 201 2 perpetual, all rights rcsen.ed DOCUMENT SECURITY' NOA2WFISCHER DOC RE: APR2011 - NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ThIs IS Eanh
friendly as both sides of the are used to sa\'C Trees Common Law Junsdlctlon barcode secunt} is Private. not negotiable. tax exempt and usur) free Docume11l
template subJ:t 10 chang.e \\lthout funher Notice Unauthonzc:d COPIes are slnell} ProhIbited and incur an automatic \'lolallOO ofCopynght Trademark mfnngemenls of
S2IT hard current) deb!. Website; \\\\\\ ...,,\'tJtlanmho\ l'r.g Em3J1. 'IJ ;.:mUlI com ""\"'(lll.n.koun !!J;TI1:111 CI'11I Sr!\'llu1.t\.:rcJu (q;m;"l \!,'Ill
Jurat: Quoll '1tum esillillt me auferri non potest - What is mine cannot be IIi"tn "ithOUI m) consen!.

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