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2011-2012 Kirk


AM Prom Meeting SEL 3: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

Unit Table

pre-recorded randomizer with stores: Jewel, WalMart, Costco, Aldi, Dominicks, Marianos, & Meijer pre-recorded switch with story comprehension questions worksheet with picture responses cut out and clipped to sheets grocery store story grocery store story visual page representations cut and clipped together for students to glue onto pages. grocery store story large 2 choice visual page representations cut and clipped to each page for teacher to use.

Learning Objective:

Students will show knowledge of how to make use of different places in the community appropriately? Students will review the purpose of a grocery store.

Anticipatory Set:

Brainstorm various places we go shopping for food. Use pictures of real grocery stores in the area (Jewel, WalMart, Costco, Aldi, Dominicks, Marianos, & Meijer) Students use a pre-recorded randomizer to brainstorm.

State L.O.:

Today, you are going to review what grocery stores are since they are place in our community that you will use a lot.


Students read a grocery store story using pre-recorded switch Have paper copies for students & copy on white board.

Check for Understanding:

Teacher reads story again. For each page, ask students to identify which of two Boardmaker pictures represent what the page is telling using the large pictures presented on the blue choice board.

Guided Practice:

Comprehension questions worksheet Answer as a group

Independent Practice:

Done as guided practice since students learn best from errorless learning.


Praise students for demonstrating appropriate behaviors (ie. looking at our story, reading the story nicely by having nice hands while hitting the switch) On Thursday, they will review how to act at a grocery store.

Unit Desk
Prep: -vocabulary worksheet L.O.:

Vocabulary identification

Vocabulary Worksheet

Match picture of vocabulary word to picture of the word. 3 pages using all vocab.

9-10.RH.2 9-10.RH.10

Reading Table

Soup and Salad Bar Project printed 4 copies in sleeves. pre-recorded switch with story on it. Visual timeline worksheet with picture responses. pre-recorded multiple choice switch with timeline responses. Comprehension Worksheets: 4 level 1, 2 level 2 with picture responses cut and clipped together. Large choice pictures for comp. worksheets for teacher to use. large voting board for class project

Learning Objective:

Reading Fluency: Build relevant sight vocabulary in context; Read fluently Acquisition of Vocabulary: Apply knowledge of words in the context of a topic Reading Comprehension: Answer literal and evaluative questions Economics: Compare costs for goods and services in relation to a budget Scientific Way of Knowing: Create a solution to a problem given a budget, time frame and materials Students will read/listen to text during a shared reading experience Students will point to pictures in response to oral/written questions

Students will visually focus on pictures while listening to text read aloud.

Anticipatory Set:

IWB activity:desktop-march-reading-What_Is_A_Job_Brainstorm Students circle pictures that are jobs using the whiteboard.

State L.O.:

Today, you are going to read about and learn about creating a project and the jobs needed to make it happen as a way to earn money.


Working on a project can be part of a job, a volunteer position or a personal plan to accomplish something. Working on a project has valuable lessons on planning processes, work skills and attitudes and money budgeting. These are all skills that contribute to getting a job and your everyday life. Students read Soup and Salad Bar Project using pre-recorded switch.

Check for Understanding:

Teacher reads. After every two pages ask students what is happening. Put together a visual timeline.

Guided Practice:

Complete comprehension worksheet. Answer as a group.

Independent Practice:

Done as guided practice since students learn best from errorless learning.


Vote on a trip the students would like to go on: go out for ice cream or go out for lunch Vote on how to earn the money: sell cupcakes or have a breakfast bar. Tomorrow, you will create a class project that you would like to do to earn money.

Reading Desk
Prep: -worksheet -response pictures cut up & paper clipped to worksheets. Vocab Matching Worksheet

Match vocabulary pictures to their matching picture. Not word to meaning. Word to Word

3 copies shuffled

Regular Vocabulary:

Money Plan Job Budget Price Want Make Spend Earn


Next week's cooking recipe:shamrock shake List worksheet with pictures of ingredients. pre-recorded multiple choice switch naming off the ingredients needed. student's grocery store shopping lists created last week for pancakes.

Community: Grocery Store

Students go to the grocery store. Pick up the ingredients they need for this week's cooking recipe using the list they created last week.

Class: Grocery Store Skills

Read over the recipe for cooking next week. Make a list of ingredients the recipe calls for. Once the list is made, check the cabbinet and fridge to see what ingredients we already have and cross off the list. Save the list for next week when they go to the grocery store to shop for those items.

Life Skills/Goal Work


Print 6 copies of Green Book


Complete Green Book


Amol-Write in computer journal. Ryan-work with teacher on IEP goals


Teacher writes in notebooks. Staff get students ready to go home.

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