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First night, prt 2 Disclaimer: See earlier chapters.

I do not own Pride and Prejudice Danny stuck his head in next. "Why are you crying, little sis? Did Vlad hurt you? If he did, I promise he will regret it." Sarah rolled over and sniffled. Her eyes were red. "No, Danny, I deserved it. I broke two rules." "Oh. Which ones?" "No jumping on the bed, and no running on the stairs. Jazz is going to break som e rules, too. She wants you to break the no long distance calls and call Sam or Tucker." "Do you know what rules Jazz will break?" "No, but I have some suggestions to make for her." Sarah went to Jazz's room and knocked on the door. "Come in." Jazz called. Sarah stuck her head in. "I have some suggestions for yo u. Put your shoes on the couch, if he fusses at you, say you thought that he mea nt only when we were wearing them. "All right. But what if I don't get in trouble for it?" "You could slide down the banisters until you get caught, or sneak into his stud y. You know where it is." "Yes, but why should I be the one to sneak in?" "Allright. I'll sneak in tomorrow." Sarah went back to Danny. "She'll be sliding down the banisters and putting her shoes on the couch. But sh e'll say that she thought he meant only when we're wearing them. If she doesn't get in trouble for that, I'll sneak into his study tomorrow." "Good plan. Maybe I should find a bowling ball and send it down the stairs after eleven." (Thanks to phantomschia for that idea the first time I posted this.) Sarah laughed. "Do it. That's a great idea. Look in the attic." Danny laughed "Good hiding place." Sarah went and told Jazz good night. "Danny's going to try to find a bowling ball and roll it down the stairs after e leven." "All right. Thanks for the warning." "No problem." The stairs were un-carpeted, so you can imagine the noise!

Vlad would get quite a rude wake up! Sarah went to Danny's room. "Maybe you should wait until early this morning like, four in the morning." "Maybe! That sure would wake him up!" Danny laughed. Sarah went back to her room in a hurry, until she reached the stairs. Then she went and told Jazz "He'll wa it until early tomorrow morning." "Rude wake up call, huh?" "Yeah. Did you put your shoes on the furniture yet?" "Yeah. He hasn't fussed at me yet. I wonder why not?" James came upstairs. "Oh, Ms. Sarah, could I trouble you and Ms. Jazzmin to meet Master Vlad in front of his study?" "Sure, James." Sarah pulled her head back out into the hall. She put it back int o Jazz's room. "Vlad wants to speak to us in front of his study. Come on." Sarah went down stairs, with Jazz right behind her. She stopped right in front o f the study, where Vlad was holding a pair of black-and-white shoes. "Yes, Vlad? You wanted to see us?" she asked "Yes, Ms. Badger. I found these on the couch in the living room. Whose are they? " "They're mine, Vlad. I didn't mean to leave them on the couch. I'm sorry." Jazz said. "I specifically told you three not to put your shoes on the couch." "I thought you only meant when we were wearing them." "Well, be as that may, I don't want to see you doing it again." "Yes, sir." "Good, you may go now." The girls went back upstairs. "He didn't punish me. What do you think that means? He understands I was testing him? He knows he should have expected us to break that rule because it was vagu e? What?" "I don't know. The only way to find out is to slide down the banister; you're bo und to get caught quickly, since he is downstairs." "You're right. Should I do it now, or right before he goes to bed?" "How about right before he goes to bed? No, after he goes to bed. See if he catc hes you." "Good plan."

"I'm sure Danny would have said the same thing." "You're right. I guess we could ask Danny his ideas for pranks and misbehavior, but you're usually the one who comes up with the pranks." "Well, he was the one to come up with the bowling ball down the stairs thing." They heard someone come up the stairs. "Hi, Vlad." Sarah said. "Good night, ladies. I'm very tired tonight, so I'd appreciate it if you two wou ld keep it down." "Yes, sir." Jazz said, having come out to say good night to Vlad. Vlad went into his room and closed the door. "So...wait till he's snoring?" Jazz asked." "Yes. Definitely." "Has Danny gone into the attic to look for the bowling ball, yet?" "I don't know. I'll see." Sarah contacted Danny. "Sarah to Dan-man. Have you gone up to the attic to look for the bowling ball, o ver?" "Stop talking like that. I'm in the attic now." "Any luck?" "Not yet." "He's in the attic now, but he can't find a bowling ball yet." "Oh." "Let's hope he's back in his room before Vlad goes to tell him good night." "You're right." Sarah contacted Danny "Vlad said he was "very tired" tonight. He may be coming to your room soon to sa y good night. You better get down there soon." Vlad came out in his boxers. "I think he's coming now." Danny phased through the floor to his room. Vlad knocked on the door. "Good night, Little Badger. Pleasant dreams."

"Good night, Vlad." Vlad came back up the hall. "Pleasant dreams, ladies. And remember to keep it down, please." "Good night, Vlad." He left the door open a foot. After they heard him start sno ring, the siblings put their plans into action. Well, Danny went back up into th e attic, and Jazz got ready to start sliding down the banister. Sarah went back into her room and started reading Pride and Prejudice. She giggled as she heard Jazz slide down the banister again and again. She heard Vlad open his door all the way. It banged against the far wall. "Jazzmin Madeline, just what do you think you're doing?" "Sliding down the banister." Jazz said. "I told you three not to do that because I was afraid you would break the banist er, and get hurt. Now, why are you sliding down the banister?" "It's fun." "Surely you can have fun other ways, besides breaking the rules I gave you." "He just lectured her. What will he do to Danny? Is Danny downstairs making that call right now?" Sarah asked herself. She contacted Danny. "Hey, Danny?" "Yeah?" "You making that call yet?" "I was just dialing. It's ringing now." "Hello, Manson residence. To whom do you wish to speak?" "Is Sam there?" "Yes. Please hold." Sam came to the phone. "Hello?" "Hey Sam. It's me, Danny." "Danny? Is Vlad letting you call?" "No. You know why we're here." "To teach Vlad that raising a family isn't easy." "Yeah. One of his rules is no long-distance calls unless it's an emergency." "Let me guess. You, Jazz, and Sarah are breaking all the rules you can, to prove to him

that kids will break rules?" "Yeah. Anyway, Jazz suggested that I call you or Tuck and run up his bill." "Have all of you decided which rules you want to break?" "Yes. Sarah broke the no running on the stairs and no jumping on the beds. Jazz broke the no shoes on the furniture and no sliding down the banister." "How did he punish them?" "Sarah he spanked, but he just lectured Jazz, except for the shoes on the furnit ure. He just told her not to let it happen again." "So, what other rule will you break, since your sisters both broke two?" "I think I'll use my ghost powers to sneak food into my room. He said no food in our rooms, and we couldn't use our ghost powers to sneak in or to get food. Dinner i s at seven sharp, and if we're late, we can't eat. Curfew is at ten, he locks the doo rs at that time, and if we're late, we can't get in." "Oh. So, dinner will be going up to your room later tonight?" "And possibly Sarah's. And Sarah came up with the idea of me getting a bowling b all and sending it downstairs early tomorrow morning. The stairs aren't carpeted, so you can just imagine the noise it'll make! I'm looking forward to that. Well, I'm th e one who came up with sending it down the stairs, but Sarah suggested early this morning. " "Please tell me about it later." "Oh, I will. Trust me. You and Tucker will probably get a play-by-play on this e ntire "adventure" later. And earlier today, Sarah turned invisible, grabbed her stuffe d cat, and sneaked into Vlad's study, which we aren't suppose to go into, anyway. She rubbe d the cat against his leg and said 'Meow'. He jumped back and asked himself 'How could a

ghastly cat get into my house? Why can't I see it?'" Sam laughed. Danny felt a dark shadow fall over him. "I think Dracula- that's what Sarah called him once- just discovered my call." H e turned around. "I was right. Bye, Sam. See in you school tomorrow." Danny hung up. "I made that rule so that if your parents called, they would be able to reach me . Now, go to your room and think about how you might have scared them." Vlad said. "Yes, sir." Danny went up stairs. But before he went to his room, he stopped at Sarah's. "He just sent me to my room to think about how I might have scared Mom and Dad h ad they tried to call while I was on the phone." "Oh. He just lectured Jazz on why she shouldn't have been sliding down the banis ter." "I told Sam about what you did earlier." Danny went to his room. Then he phased through the ceiling to the attic. He kept looking for a bowling ball. He found a lot of disco stuff, and a bowling ball. "This'll work." "Oh, children. I have something to tell you." Vlad called upstairs. The Fentons gathered at the top of the stairs. "Yes?" they called. "You won't be going to school tomorrow, because we won't be able to get you ther e in time for class, and I don't want to get any of you in trouble with your teachers . I'll call some teacher friends of mine. One teaches Jazz's grade, one teaches Danny's grad e, and the other teaches Sarah's grade." "But what about absences? What'll we do for an excuse?" Sarah asked. "Don't worry about that one bit, Ms. Badger. I'll handle it."

"What if Mom and Dad don't approve of it?" Jazz asked. "Leave every thing to me, eldest badger. I can handle it." They won't be happy. Sarah told her siblings. The phone rang. James answered it. "Master Vlad, a long distance call from Jack Fenton. He says it's an emergency." "Very well, then." Vlad picked up the phone in the hall. "Yes, Jack? No, your children are NOT behaving themselves. Sarah jumped on her b ed, ran up and down the stairs, Jazzmin slid down the banister, and Daniel made a long-distance phone call." "Ha, ha, Vlady! They're just being kids. But what I called you about was Maddie' s sick and won't be over it in time to come home tomorrow afternoon. Do you mind watchi ng the kids until Tuesday afternoon?" "Alright. I'm hiring some teacher friends to come and give the children their le ssons. You don't mind, do you?" "Of course not! What ever made you think I would?" "The children said you would. Sarah is worried about being absent." "We've taught them never to skip school, unless they were sick. And Sarah's just worried about getting in trouble with us." "Oh, I'll put that worrying little mind at ease. Tell Maddie to concentrate on g etting better. I'm handling the disciplinary problems like an old pro." "You always were so disciplined in college. Forgiving me for that accident, and now taking care of my kids! What have I done to deserve such a friend?" Nothing, we're not friends; I'm just trying to convince your wife to divorce you and come to me. Vlad thought. "Everyone needs friends." "We do, V-man! How did you punish them?"

"I spanked Sarah with my belt, and lectured Daniel George and Jazzmin Madeline." "You spanked Sarah? That's ineffective. Did I ever tell you that Danny's middle name came from my father and Jazzy's came from me? And Sarah's first name came from Maddie's grand-aunt?" "Yes. It was with the birth announcements." "Oh, that's right. Well, I gotta go. See ya Tuesday!" Jack hung up. "Oh, children!" Vlad went back to the stairs. The kids were still there. "That was your father; your mother is unwell and can't travel until Tuesday. So you three will be staying with me for one more day." "Yes, sir." Sarah said, speaking for herself as well as for Danny and Jazz. "What did he say about...?" "He's okay with what I plan to do for tomorrow, and he explained why you were so against it. Don't worry, Ms Badger, you won't be skipping. Now, I'll have to go call them. Good night. You three should go straight to bed, now." "Good night." The kids went to their rooms. Jazz went to bed, but Sarah and Dann y talked their plan out. I found a bowling ball. How heavy is it? Three pounds. That should be enough. True. I'll stay with it, intangible, of course. Then it'll turn invisible and he won't know what's making the noise! Perfect! Ma ke sure it goes all the way down. Will do. Goodnight. Goodnight. And make some extra noise, too. Sarah and Danny both went to sleep. At three in the morning, Sarah woke up to a terrible noise. She knew that it was Danny, with the bowling ball, but she ran o ut into the hall, so that she wouldn't get Vlad suspicious. Jazz came out as well.

"Where is Daniel?" Vlad asked. "He's a heavy sleeper." Jazz said. "A VERY heavy sleeper. He could sleep through World War Three." Sarah said. "What IS that noise?" Vlad demanded. "Our imaginations?" Sarah asked. Danny phased through the floor up to his room a nd got into bed. Vlad stormed to his room and threw the door open. There was Danny, in bed, fast asleep. "Well, he is a heavy sleeper, then." "Don't you think we know how heavy a sleeper our own brother is?" Sarah asked. Vlad didn't turn around. "Get back to bed, you two. Your teachers will be here a t six to try and figure out where you three are in your separate lessons." "I have mine marked with bookmarks." Sarah said. "The teachers always ask us to mark it so that they could always remember where we stopped." I wish the cameras would mess up. Sarah thought. Sarah went back to bed and lay down. "I wish that the cameras would mess up." she said softly. Wanda heard her. There was a poof, and later that morning... "I'll have to call an electrician!" Vlad yelled. "Good thing I know what the children were doing last night." he said. He thinks, Sarah thought, sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Hurry, Ms. Badger. Your teacher's here." Vlad said. Sarah kept chewing and cutt ing her pancakes. "Well, I suppose that you shouldn't eat too fast. You might get sick." "Yes, sir. I wouldn't like that." "I wouldn't, either. Your parents would think it was all my fault." "It WOULD be, since you're encouraging me to eat faster." "Be that as it may, young lady, but they wouldn't let Vladimir Masters sit for t heir children again. "Wouldn't want that to happen, now, would we?" Sarah muttered under her breath, sarcastically.

"What was that, Sarah Jessica Fenton?" Vlad asked, sternly. "I said, 'We wouldn't want that to happen, now, would we?'" "No, we wouldn't." Sarah finished her breakfast, and pushed her plate away. She got up and went to the sink. Since she knew Vlad was watching to make sure she didn't do anything bad, she just washed her hands. "Thanks for messing up the cameras, Wanda." She whispered to her necklace. "No problem, sweetie. Thanks for making that wish." "Wouldn't want you exploding from magical back-up, would we?" "I wonder what Cosmo's doing? I'm sure Danny's making wishes on the sly." "I didn't mean to make that wish, but I'm glad I did." Sarah went to her room, where her books were. She picked up her back pack and notebook, and jumped down the stairs, as Jazz and Danny came walking down. Sarah stopped jumping long enough to whisper to them "The cameras are messed up. He'l l have to call an electrician." Then she continued jumping. "I wonder how they messed up?" Jazz asked, smiling. She thought Sarah-or maybe Danny- had "gone ghost", turned invisible, and messed them up somehow. She doesn 't know about the fairies, of course.

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