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Mobile 3.0: Mobile Enterprise Application Development

Mobile: Its not just for kids anymore
Mobile Enterprise Application Development
Today's smartphone is a truly amazing communication device that handles voice, email, text, web browsing, and much
more. It is loaded with tools such as GPS, compass, camera, and an orientation sensor that changes the screen view
depending upon how you are holding the device. These mobile devices are so packed with features that they are just a
small step away from the mobile information collection and analysis tools foreshadowed in Star Trek.
The mobile market has been driven by consumer demand. The success and rapid adoption of the iPhone

smartphones has set our expectations for immediate information access, literally at our fingertips. The
success of the iPad

has brought a new category of tablet computing to the mainstream. With cloud-based data
systems driving applications, consumers have instant access to an incredible amount of information. Since the iPad 2
has the same processing power as a four processor Cray-2
, which was the worlds fastest computer in 1985,
consumers have a tremendous amount of local computational capability.
The rise of smartphones and tablets in the consumer market is naturally driving a desire to harness this breadth of
devices and capabilities for use within and throughout the enterprise. Agencies are feeling the same pressure as is the
private sector to increase employee efficiency and morale by extending the reach of work activities across these
devices, while allowing the use of personal devices chosen by employees.
SAIC has been developing Mobile Enterprise Applications (MEA) heavily for the past three years for:
x Testing vendor tools and interoperability between vendor tools
x Internal employee consumption
x Developing apps for our customers.
We have high participation in internal communities of practice, specifically for the iPhone and Android devices, which
share lessons learned and technical changes in vendor offerings. We have developed everything from web applications,
to native applications, to cross-platform applications. We have developed public-facing applications and mobile
applications in highly secure environments for the military. We have considered environments that are fully connected
to the enterprise, intermittently connected, or have critical periods where there is no external connectivity.
Based on SAICs experience in the development of cross-platform MEAs, this paper will:
x Look at the state of mobile, giving a bit of context to understand the movement from consumer to enterprise
x Describe whats different about applications when mobile is a component
x Show examples of mobile applications providing productivity enhancements for government
x Provide lessons learned on MEA development
x Discuss the Mobile Service Catalog
The State of Mobile
For more than a decade now, enterprises have made good use of mobile devices with the popular Research in Motion
(RIM) BlackBerry

, which innovated on-the-go access to email, contacts, and calendar. The rise of the iPhone and
Android platforms in the consumer world has changed the mobile landscape through the proliferation of additional
apps that provide an amazing range of functionality. The consumer revolution of smartphones and tablets has spawned
a sea change in information access, accompanied by the rapid acceleration of connectivity. To put this progression of
changes into context, well compare them with the more familiar evolution of the World Wide Web (Web).

Cray-2 speed is 1.5 to 1.65 gigaflops according to Jack Dongarra, University Distinguished Professor and Director Innovative Computing Laboratory,
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as reported by John Markoff, NY Times, May 9, 2011, accessed Nov 30, 2011.
As the Web emerged in the mid-90s, it was originally a high-tech playground. The first enterprise applications were
essentially brochure-ware, in which companies created sites that presented information in much the same way they did
in print. This phase is now called Web 1.0
. Web 2.0, or the social web, introduced person-to-person connectivity, the
most notable current example being Facebook. The recently emerging characteristic, which has to date been primarily
focused in the research community, is Web 3.0, also most commonly called the semantic web, also referenced as the
data web.
The semantic web represents the shift from pages to facts, allowing people or applications to connect to actual data
and not just to semi-structured text containing relevant content. An example of the semantic web is DBpedia
, which
has harvested the data from Wikipedia, allowing this repository to be queried using a structured query. As a second
example, the data web can more narrowly refer to enterprise applications that today are typically written as web
applications in which employees can access corporate information through their desktop/laptop browsers. But web
applications are just a small part of what can be described as Web 3.0.
The historical progression from 1.0 to 3.0 is
not necessarily representative of greater complexity, but does represent a fundamental change in functionality and
These examples of the more familiar web technology and its evolution can help us understand where mobile has been
and where mobile is going. Mobile has all of the features of the Web, with the addition of voice, location, orientation,
photography, and video. These additional capabilities create a huge change in applications, but well leave some of the
more innovative uses such as computational photography and augmented reality for discussion at another time.
Much like Web 1.0, Mobile 1.0 is the presentation of information. Most non-game applications represent this type of
application. Newspapers, magazines, books, blogs, RSS feeds, etc., all are pushes (or pulls) of information to the
mobile device. Add location and, for example, a user can benefit by hearing about discounts relevant to their current or
a specified location. Mobile 2.0 introduces person-to-person interaction into applications. A notable example is
FourSquare, which lets you register at a location, and interact with others based on that location. Mobile 3.0 is perhaps
a little harder to define since its newly emerging, but it represents the synchronization of data between the device and
backend systems. In other words it represents an MEA. An enterprise-to-consumer example of this type of data
movement is in mobile banking. A specific example would be the Starbucks loyalty/debit card and accompanying
application. From your mobile device you can transfer money on the spot from a credit card to your member cash card,
and two seconds later hand it to the clerk to pay for your order (personally verified several times by one who never
seems to carry enough cash). The application connects with backend systems at Starbucks for a complete MEA, but
only for a very specific public-facing portion of the enterprise. Soon such payment transactions will be handled directly
from the smartphone itself to the retail point of sale system.
This description of Mobile 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 describes the steady and inevitable progression from the provision of
simple public-facing information to more sophisticated mobile applications that can provide real-time access to
business systems through the bi-directional flow of data. Compared to Mobile 1.0 apps, mobile enterprise applications
bring a whole new set of requirements that public-facing app developers never have to think about. Mobile for the
enterprise is not in fact an application, but a fully orchestrated system.
What Are MEAs?
Public-facing apps generally consume publicly available data via RSS data feeds or REpresentational State Transfer
architecture (REST) services. Twitter, Facebook, Google Search, Amazon, and many more provide public REST services.

As a side note to help further clarify, Amazon is considered Web 1.5, since it not only presents information, but incorporates Web 2.0 features of
consumer interaction through reviews, and more importantly, feedback on those reviews.
Web 3.0 commonly means the semantic web, which refers more specifically to the computer-to-computer exchange of tagged data, rather than our
second example of the employee-to-computer exchange in enterprise applications. However in principle both activities are part of Web 3.0.
There is no security needed because anyone can make data requests. Public-facing apps rarely update enterprise data.
Placing an order with Amazon or Wal-Mart does update your information that the enterprise maintains to facilitate
purchasing an item. There is, however, no connection into the enterprise for the transaction beyond the order and
payment. Figure 1 shows the straightforward architecture for a typical public facing app.

Figure 1. Architecture of a public mobile application
MEAs, on the other hand, are available only to employees of an organization, and must conform to enterprise security
rules, interface with the existing enterprise IT architecture, and control data usage, both incoming and outgoing. MEAs
must be part of a complete system just like any other enterprise application.
An enterprise application must provide complete functionality including the:
x Assignment of employees into roles
x Definition of access policies for each role
x Distribution of the applications to authorized employees
x Authentication of the employee
x Separation of consumer data from employee data (unless the device is dedicated only to agency applications)
x Remote control of the device for confirmation of device and OS integrity (non-jail broken); any restrictions on
operating system software versions; remote wipe upon termination; or a specified number of failed logins
x Security of data at rest and in transit
x Separation of the device from the enterprise backend systems through trusted security gateways
x Translation of enterprise data into lightweight transmission protocols and formats
x Distribution of compute functions between the device and the backend enterprise servers
These functional requirements dictate a different architecture from a public-facing information appliance. Figure 2
shows a high-level generic MEA architecture.
The hardware architecture begins with a dedicated mobile gateway server, which provides the interface point for
accessing/updating enterprise data. Many organizations share data via Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based
web services within their internal network. REST-based web services are much more mobile friendly than SOAP-based
web services for communications performance. The mobile gateway server is the logical place to repackage back-end
data, whether web services or database retrievals, into REST messages destined for consumption by the mobile app.
Most MEA platform (MEAP) vendors have middleware designed to be the mobile integration point between the mobile
app and the enterprise.

Figure 2. Architecture of an enterprise application
Security is critical from the very beginning of MEA development. Mobile devices are not within the security perimeter
and are connected to a range of external networks, so the connectivity must be secure. Minimally the app should use
HTTPS for communications to the gateway which resides in the DMZ. The server resides in a network DMZ because all
mobile cell access comes in via the public Internet. The application should require user authentication via user
name/passwords (and user roles if needed), and also encrypt all data at rest.
Even with proper authentication within the app, restricting who can install and run your MEAs adds an additional layer
of protection. A private app store ensures distribution of the application only to authorized employees. This is
established through a user management function. Administrators establish the rules for authorization by user and/or
role, and an assigned set of policy restrictions. At a high level there are two fundamental approaches used for
management of the device and the enterprise applications.
Traditionally, mobile devices were wholly owned and operated by an agency, configured with policy restrictions prior to
distribution, and distributed to employees for work-related activities only. This is the model employed by RIM for their
BlackBerry series of phones that have been dominant within the enterprise. This has been extended by a number of
vendors across other platforms, being categorized as Mobile Device Management (MDM). MDM solutions provide
control and monitoring of the device through imposition of device-wide policies such as password requirements, remote
lock, etc. MDM solutions are capable of encrypting the entire device, which protects email, documents, and data, and
implements security policy. Some tools can also manage access to the applications themselves.
In contrast we have seen more recently the emergence of Mobile Application Management (MAM) solutions, which
provide a container application, and all enterprise applications reside within the container. The enterprise controls the
container and the applications within it. The MAM client container app can remove the app and its data on command to
cover the lost or stolen phone scenario. This approach provides a separation of work and personal applications and
data. MAM addresses individual apps, but does not address protecting email or documents loaded on the mobile
device; that's the job for MDM solutions. MAM tends to be much simpler and less expensive than MDM.
How Does the Mobile Component Change Applications?
Based on our experiences in mobile development at SAIC, we see a number of functional differences as well as
differences in expectations from experiences with consumer mobile applications. Some functional differences for user
interaction are readily apparent, including the much smaller screen real estate than a typical monitor, the differences in
user interaction with no mouse or pen but finger gestures, and of course the new enhancement of voice control. The
biggest change, however, is in the simplicity of the interface. Just as Web 1.0 was initially a direct copy of print
functionality, initial mobile interface design tends to be a smaller screen version of a desktop browser application. A
significant amount of effort must be spent to ensure that the application is simpler, clearer, and appropriate to a
gesture-based interaction. Ideally it should be so intuitively obvious, that it needs one simple help screen at most. The
application should certainly require no training other than a demonstration video.
Other functional differences are not readily apparent to the employee, but are needed to ensure the expected
performance, including first the management of the available bandwidth. These devices are often connected across
more limited networks such as 3G, and must anticipate delays in downloading large amounts of data. This can be
exacerbated for example on older Blaokberries, which wait until an entire web page is received before rendering the
visible part of the page. A corollary to the bandwidth issue is the possibility that the device will not have any connectivity
at all. The design for data exchange will be quite different if the device is expected to have full connectivity, intermittent
connectivity, or no connectivity in the field. Each of these scenarios can dictate which development tools and
approaches are required.
The biggest difference for IT is the explosion in the types of devices. Traditionally the enterprise has standardized on
one platform (both phone and desktop/laptop), and often even developed web applications that were specific to one
version of one browser. At SAIC we view the introduction of multiple mobile device platforms, with multiple operating
systems and browsers, as inevitable a question of when, not if these changes will occur. Change will be driven by
the introduction of new platforms, the advancement or lag of a particular vendor as capabilities are leap-frogged by
another, or merely by the economic advantages of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy.
The multiplicity of platforms introduces the need for an MDM or MAM solution, as discussed above, for the
management of the device or the management of agency data through a container for all the agency applications. The
multiplicity of operating systems and versions also implies the need for a cross-platform development strategy for the
mobile app itself. There are a number of MEAPs that let you develop the code once, and then the platform takes care of
compilation for the different devices. SAIC has worked with a number of these tools including Rhomobile Rhodes,
PhoneGap and HTML, Adobe


, Appcelerator

, and AirPlay. We have also developed applications with native code

on each platform. Each tool has strengths and weaknesses that must be evaluated against agency requirements for
their mobile applications.
How can MEAs Help Agencies be More Productive?
MEA for government can have one or more of the characteristics of Mobile 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0, either singly or often in
combination. The productivity gains offered by MEA can be illustrated considering the stakeholders being served. The
following is a brief description of some applications SAIC has developed that illustrate previously impossible
functionality or enhanced efficiency that is helping agencies be more productive with internal and external
stakeholders. The applications that are now available allow numerous avenues of communication including from
agency to citizen, agency to employee, employee to citizen, employee to agency, and employee to employee. Following
are some examples of these current technologies.
Agency to Citizen Information Dissemination for Situational Awareness
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been a leader in the effort to make government more responsive to
citizens by offering more accessibility to information. You can find out more at
EPAsAirNow presents the Air Quality Index (AQI), an indicator for
reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air
is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you. With
this application you can see national data or data specific to your location.
The AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours
or days after breathing polluted air. EPA calculates the AQI for
five major air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act: ground-
level ozone, particle pollution (also known as particulate
matter), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
For each of these pollutants, EPA has established national air
quality standards to protect public health. This application
provides better and timelier access to air quality information
that can have immediate, positive health impacts.

EPAsSunWiseUVIndex provides a daily forecast of the ultraviolet radiation levels
from the sun on a 1 - 11+ scale. Some exposure to sunlight is enjoyable, however too much sun
can be dangerous. EPA provides three options for viewing the UV Index with your mobile device,
including the severity of the index, advice concerning this index, and a map of the country
showing the magnitude of the index.

CeNCOOSDataPortalMobileallows you to check todays ocean
temperature, wave heights, wind speeds or other ocean conditions in northern and
central California. This tool gives you access to data collected at platforms such as
offshore buoys and coastal water and weather stations by federal, state, academic,
industry and non-profit organizations. Most of these data are updated throughout
the day, allowing you to know what is going on before you go to the beach, launch a
boat or make a management decision. While originally developed to disseminate
information to the public, this app has become useful to employees at other
agencies in the course of their field responsibilities.
Agency to Citizen Case Management
MissingPersonsApplicationis an example of case management in the field, which SAIC developed for a
national not-for-profit organization. The same information that had been presented on the Web was converted for
efficient transmission to the phone. While specifically targeting citizens, the presentation of cases by state, near-me,
or on a map along with drill-down to specific details is applicable to any field worker such as home health providers, to
have relevant information available instantly.

Agency to Employee Tailored Content
LOAD+is a mobile device app that stores, organizes and displays
content (documents, videos, audio files and web sites) tailored to your
needs. Individuals, teams and leaders access these items with touch
menus. Content is served to your mobile device from a secured
company server where it is initially collected, stored, and updated. Once
content is downloaded on a mobile device, the content can be
displayed whether the mobile device has connectivity to the server or
not. Any time the content changes on the server, the content on the
mobile device will be updated when a valid Internet connection exists.
Employee to Citizen Language Translation
Technologyenables automated multi-lingual communication.
Technology can be used for: translation of text (documents, websites,
manuals, etc.); transcription and translation of audio files (broadcast,
telephony, radio and dictation); and speech-to-speech communication
between foreign language speakers. Example mobile applications are
Omnifluent Healthcare and Omnifluent Traveler.

Employee to Agency Field Data Gathering

Mobile is a new
software solution enabling the collection
of geographic information system (GIS)
data in the field with or without network
connectivity. The application is a
program that resides on mobile devices
(smartphones or tablets) that operate
using the Android platform and integrates
available global positioning system (GPS)
and Wi-Fi networks to provide current
location data and other information. The
application enables users to create waypoints, track logs, and routes when connected to an internal or external GPS,
including Bluetooth, to obtain real-time connection.
The software solution comprises the GeoRover Mobile Desktop extension for the Esri ArcGIS desktop application
and the mobile application for Android devices. Using a Map-Pack process, the SAIC GeoRover Mobile solution can
create maps packaged with other layers to quickly share information between desktop and mobile software
applications. Users can also link photos, including geo-tagged photos, or voice recordings to features within the
mapping application.
System(NAMIS) is a solution comprising seven separate
modules that interoperate to provide complete business and
operational aircraft management. SAIC is developing an iPad
application to assist pilots with flight data entry from remote
locations, allowing the data to be integrated into the complete
enterprise system. The application will allow information to be pre-
fetched to the device, and cached during times of no connectivity.
When connectivity is restored, the cached data will be synced to the
servers. Future extrapolation of this iPad application will allow
pilots, crew, maintenance personnel and inspectors to be
productive in the field, entering information at the time it is
generated rather than having to wait to do paperwork when they return to their desks.

Mobile(SAMM) solution provides
complete connectivity for field service
personnel responding to support requests,
providing full connectivity to the backend
ticketing system. The personnel can identify
assets by scanning the barcodes, which then
retrieves the service history of the asset.
Asset notes and ticket status updates are
transmitted from the device to the backend
systems. Rapid barcode scanning and text
edits can also be used to generate a rapid
walk-about asset inventory, providing more
timely information at a fraction of the cost.

Employee to Agency Enterprise Applications

WebTADSMobile is a mobile
implementation of the NASA timecharging system
for employees who are away from their computers
frequently. WebTADS Mobile implements most of
the features of the desktop system, including time
entry and approval. It is available in the NASA app
store only
to NASA employees.
Employee to Employee
E2IKnowledgeShare is an internal
SAIC collaboration tool that supports a highly
mobile workforce of about 3,500 employees via
a web interface. About 1,000 of these
employees have access to the E2I KS
information via an SAIC-developed MEA.
The mobile component connects to the back-
end collaborative system. Forums can be read
and comments added via the mobile app. An
organization-specific contact list is maintained
providing one tap access to call, text, or email
other E2I KS users. The app is a cross-platform
MEA that runs both on Apple iOS

and Android
devices. E2I KS is distributed to employees through an SAIC-hosted app store. The app management features of the
app store provide the ability to wipe just the E2I KS app and its data from the phone should the phone be lost, to
facilitate users using their personal smart phones.

Lessons Learned on MEA Development
From the development of these services and their use in real-world applications SAIC has learned valuable lessons that
we expect will benefit our customers as they on MEA development. The following are our most significant
x Begin with an enterprise view The enterprise view means treating mobile app development as you would in
creating any other application. The MEA is a system comprising the mobile device and middleware that
interfaces with the rest of the enterprise for data acquisition and update. Security is a major consideration
because mobile devices, especially those with cell connections, are on the public Internet.
x Use cross-platform apps Cross-platform development toolkits have matured significantly in the past two
years. Cross-platform apps generally have a shorter developer learning curve, and allow more efficient
development because they are based on using just one code from which each platforms code is compiled.
Cross-platform offers a significant savings in development and maintenance costs and time, as well as
ensuring that capabilities are in lock-step for the application across devices. Web applications (if no local data
storage is needed) can also provide a cross-platform functionality. HTML5 is currently stabilizing and beginning
to offer additional options for cross-platform development.
x Use lightweight messaging Communication between the mobile device and the back-end server should
always be encrypted, with HTTPS being the most commonly used encryption method. Lightweight messaging is
critical for app communication performance. REST web services using either Json or non-validated XML are
the preferred data formats for several reasons because they:
x Minimize the amount of data traffic, which is critical when connection is via cell network
x Minimize the parsing load for complex messages
x Generally simplify the application code
All of these efficiencies usually add up to a much better overall user experience. Heavyweight messaging
protocols, such as SOAP, are highly inefficient for mobile applications. The limited processing power of mobile
devices and the extra data in the SOAP message wrapper will contribute to sluggish mobile apps.
x Design split processing to optimize user experience and device response time While mobile devices have
significant compute power and data storage, compared with modern servers, they are quite limited.
Applications will need a more strict conservation design to efficiently accommodate this difference in compute
power, memory, and storage capacity. The decision of where to split the processing between the mobile device
and the back-end server can have a huge potential impact on usability. At one extreme, sending to the phone
only the data needed to draw the next screen keeps processing at the back-end and results in a very HTML-like
user experience. Sending more data than needed increases the processing load on the mobile device and can
cause performance issues depending on the processing being done. For an optimal user experience, you must
make a conscious decision on the processing split between the mobile device and the back-end.
x Build in offline capabilities to accommodate intermittent network access MEAs serve users best when they
operate transparently, both online and offline. Data collection apps come immediately to mind as benefiting
from network transparency. Data can be cached on the device, and then moved to the back-end server when
connectivity is restored. Apps that can operate independent of network connectivity have to be built that way
from the ground up. SAIC has extensive experience in developing mobile enterprise apps that work with
occasional network access.
x Know that back-end integration is an important part of the mobile enterprise app picture The back-end
infrastructure rarely exists at the start of a mobile enterprise app project. Integration can be through an
existing web application or a dedicated mobile server. MEAP vendors have middleware servers that facilitate
integration of the mobile app with the enterprise. SAIC has implemented mobile enterprise apps using both
existing web systems and dedicated servers from MEAP vendors. The decision about which back-end
integration approach to use should be made on an app-by-app basis.
The Mobile Service Catalog
MEAs represent a significant new opportunity for agencies to increase employee productivity, especially for field
workers, to save costs and improve morale by providing greater choices. Based upon SAICs experience in MEA
development, the market provides a number of tools that can be integrated into a solution to meet an agencys
requirements while not spending extra on unneeded functionality.
SAICs real-world MEA development experience has brought us deep knowledge not only of mobile app development,
but also about integrating mobile apps with enterprise back-end systems. Consequently, we believe that agencies will
be most successful if they incorporate mobile apps within a complete mobile enterprise strategy. SAIC offers high
quality, field-tested services for each component of such a strategy:
x Mobile Strategy Roadmap
x Develop business requirements to define need and optimal roll-out of mobile applications
x Select best-in-class tools and approach to meet cost and performance needs.
x Enterprise Mobile App Development
x Deliver optimized end-to-end app development, testing, and deployment
x Provide efficient cross-platform or web-app development for smartphones and tablets
x Integrate use of geo-location and cameras into applications
x Support complete systems integration and security protection for mobile apps.
x Mobile App Store
x Provide a hosted app store for employees
x Facilitate app submission to public app stores.
x Management
x Offer an employee site for help articles and training materials/videos
x Operate and maintain applications
x Manage devices and Help Desk.
x Security
x Prepare security plans and assist with needed certifications
x Enforce encryption at rest and in transit through key management
x Provide a secure Android platform from the ground up.

Lets Talk Mobility

SAIC stands ready to help agencies with mobile app, and device management needs. To discuss these mobile services
or any of the concepts discussed in this paper, contact:
Nancy Grady, Ph.D.
Technical Fellow, Data Scientist

Norman Smith
Technical Fellow, Senior Systems Analyst

Android is a trademark of Google Inc. iPad is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. iPhone is a registered trademark of
Apple Inc. BlackBerry is a registered trademark of Research In Motion Limited in the United States and/or other
countries. Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
AIR is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Appcelerator
is a registered trademark of Appcelerator Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. 0mnifluent is a trademark of
3oienoe Applioations lnternational Corporation in the united 3tates and/or other oountries. GeoRover is a registered
trademark of Science Applications International Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. ArcGIS is a
trademark of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc., in
the United States and/or other countries. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other
countries and is used by Apple under license.

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