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FORMTP2011242 fige37 = MAYHUNE2011 Secs CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SOCIOLOGY Unit 1—Paper 01 90 minutes INE 2011 (p.m. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFUL! This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them, Inaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Donotbe concerned thatthe answer sheet provides spaces for more answersthan there are items inthistest. Each item in this testhas foursuggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C),(D). Readeach item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. ‘Onyouranswersheet, find the number which conespondsto your item and shadethe space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sampleltem Which theoretical approach isassociated with microsociology? (A) Marxism Sample Answer (B) Neo functionalism (©) Classical functionalism ABC® (D) Symbolic interactionism Thebestanswerto thisitem is “Symbolic interactionism”,soanswer space (D)has been shaded. Ifyouwantto change youranswer, besure toerase itcompletely before you fillinyournew choice. When youare told to begin, tum the page and workas quickly andas carefullyas youcan. If you cannotansweran item, omititand go onto thenextone. You canreturn tothe omitted item later. ‘Yourscore will be the total number of correct answers, ‘Youmay doany rough workin this booklet. ‘You may use silent non- programmable calculators toanswer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright© 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council SE Which of the following BEST describes 5. sociology as.a discipline? (A) The systematic study of human social behaviour (B) Experimental designs of human interaction (C) The systematic study of individual behaviour (D) _Anunderstanding of the way things are in society 6. Which of the following are characteristics of empirical research? 1. The hypothesis is testable. Il. Data are interpreted and analysed Ill, Data are collected in a systematic way. IV. The hypothesis is confirmed or refuted. (A) Land Ilonly (B) i. Mand only (©) Ih Uland IV only 1 (D) 1,11, Mand tv Which of the following theorists subscribes to the view that a shared culture is necessary iffa society is to run smoothly? (A) Marx (B) Mead (©) Weber (D) Durkheim A sociologist who decides to research the prevalence of teenage pregnancy across 8. various generations in a society is pursuing (A) acase study (B) —_anin-depth study (C)_—alongitudinal study (D) _ across-sectional study Which of the following terms describes the process where the dominant culture is, imposed on the subordinate culture? (A) Assimilation (B) Acculturation (©) Enculturation (D) Counter culture A MAJOR difference between the positivists and interpretivists is that positivists (A) use case studies while interpretivists use experiments (B) are micro-theorists while inter- pretivists are macro-theorists (C) use quantitative research methods while interpretivists use qualitative research methods (D) study human behaviour using qualitative methods while inter- pretivists use quantitative methods ‘Which ofthe following thinkers are associated with the development of sociology in the Caribbean? I M.G.Smith TI. Susan Craig Ill, Anthony Giddens IV. Rhoda Reddock (A) Land ILonly (B) Hand Hf only (©) Ltland IV only (D) Lt and 1V A group of students is researching the prevalence of drug abuse in a community. Which sampling method may be BEST for this study? (A) Quota (B) Random (C) Snowball (D) Stratified GOONTOTHE NEXT PAGE at 9. According to Durkheim, a ‘social fact” is 13. Social researchers are often criticized for not : adhering to ethical principles in research. (A) external to the individual Which of the following is NOT an ethical (B) obvious inall institutions in society principle? (©) fanctional for social order and role allocation (A) Therighttoprivacy (D) necessary to maintain societal (B) —_Theconsentofthe participant , integration (©) Therighttoresearch i (D) —Thepublication ofresearch findings 10. Which of the following practical issues should sociologist considerbefore doing research? 14. __ Professor X has demanded that hs class take part in his research, Non-participation will 1. Cost of research result in failure in the course. What ethical IL, Access to information issue was breached by Professor X? IIL. Time required to do research TV. The availability of the information (A) Riskofharm (B) Confidentiality (A) Land IIT only (©) Informedconsent (B) and 1V only (D) Voluntary participation | (©) 1, Mand Il only (D) LT tandiv | 15, AsubculturecanBEST bedefinedasa group IL. Whena research method is repeatedly applied (A) whose cultural traits have been and consistently produces the same results in assimilated into modem society a study, it is said to be (B) —thathascertain cultural traits which are inferior to those of the wider (A) valid society (B) reliable (©) located withinthe wider society which (©) relevant hhas norms and values that differ (D) standardised from those of mainstream society (D) located within the substructure of society andare therefore exploited 12, Which ofthe following is the MAIN reason andoppressed for using a multi-stage sample in research” (A) It will allow for quick and easy analysis of the data. (B) A large geographical area can be ‘covered in less time. (C) Important characteristics within the sample can be tested. (D) All sample units have an unequal chance of being selected. GOON TO THE NEXTPAGE.

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