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||Shri Suktam||

Shlok 5

I resort to that Lakshmi for shelter in this world, who is beautiful like the moon, who shines
bright, who is blazing with renown, which is adored (even) by the gods, which is highly
magnanimous, and grand like the lotus. May my misfortunes perish. I surrender myself to

Protection by Magnanimous & Blazing Wealth!

Protection by wealth

Everyone of us needs a protection and that is the reason that we feel great at home. But,
sometimes, home can't provide us full security, safety and support. That is the reason that
most of suicides occur at home. Here, security means, not only physical and financial but
also mental. Mental security is one of the most important securities in current time, which
provides indirect physical as well as financial security. It is seen that when Men are having
any problems, they try to involve themselves in different activities e.g., reading, watching
news, but trying to get away from anxiety atmosphere. Women on opposite side tries to get
involved with someone who can soothe their anxiety level within the anxiety atmosphere.
But, one thing is common among both sex and that is "need for soothing, calming and
supporting atmosphere."

In this atmosphere of financial crisis, we need a soothing atmosphere which is available within the shelter
of Goddess Lakshmi. Here, her shelter is not just used as usual home or a place with a roof and walls but
its beautiful like moon (beautiful means soothing and calming while maintaining its beauty) which is bright
(Prabhasam means extreme Brightness, utmost charm. Bright means bright future here) and highly
magnanimous in nature.

Fame by Society, Fame for Society

Yashasha means or fame. It talks about wealth being favorable to all. Highly generous and with nobility
of mind and adored by Gods (जुष्ट( juSTa) means acceptable).To me, देव means strong, intelligent,
morally correct and adventurous beings, living life on righteous principles. देवजूष्टाम (Devajushtam) means
wealth which is acceptable by Godlike beings. Probably, Vedic Culture is the only culture which accepts
wealthy and procesperous state of living and pray for it.Our Rushis were the only leaders who saw life as
reality and asked to live life with positive outlook and not like present so called religious leaders who
explain sadistic, boring and dull way of living in every next TV channel ( And they themselves live in
pink life style!!!) Many a times, our so called religious leaders ask us to leave wealth and live simple life
but there is no where mentioned in scriptures that lack of wealth is equal to simplicity. How a
culture can sing Shri Suktam and deny wealth?

Godlike (Read strong, intelligent, morally corrent and risk takers) personalities must acquire
wealth and use it to create more such leaders and dream for ideal living for entire world.
Understand one thing, wealth is necessity of life and we must earn it (ofcourse earning by
righteous ways! The साित्वक way of earning!). To regard with the utmost esteem, love, and
respect or honored by gods and grand like lotus (lotus is considered as highest level of
aasan in different books)

Contentment and Satisfaction

Contentment (happiness) is well explained by the example of moon (Chandram means

'moon') in this shlok. Wealth's nature is represented as contentment and self-complacency
by using 'Moon'.Here, author talks about complete contentment and satisfaction.
Contentment comes from either ignorance or complete learning(right knowledge) but
perfect satisfaction comes only from knowing and not ignorance.In Gujarati, we talk about
this escapist attitude with an example of a bird named shahmrug (looks like ostrich). This
bird , whenever it senses danger will bury his head in sand so that it doesn’t see the danger
and feel relief , eventually being eaten up. So there is this word ’shahmrugvritti’ means
tendency of closing your eyes on real problem. It also doesn't talk about satisfaction arised
from limited thinking.If you say that "I do not want penthouse in Manhattan, Newyork or
Marinedrive, Mumbai because I am happy in my 10x10 apartment" is showing contentment
by limited thinking with no hope for growth and it should not consider as COMPLETE
CONTENTMENT. Moon like contentment comes from understanding and knowing everything.

Blazing wealth

ज्विलत means burning, flaming or blazing. Mother sacrifices herself for children and cries after years
when those children leave her alone. Mother's(Godess Lakshmi) burning desire is to see her children's
progress. Blazing attitude is required to fight against ignorance and difficulties of life.

उदारता ( udaarataa ) means nobleness. Being noble and being generous bestower of inherited wealth are
two different roles. Being noble is a moral conduct whereas being bestower is a hobby. Sometimes
people call themeselves noble by donating money to their community or cast. I feel that it is false
presentation of nobleness. Donation without self-interest is only possible when person has self
confidence about earning unlimited wealth and desirous zeal to give it back to society without second
thought! Fluke earners or slaves cannot be considered as noble even if they do charity.

पिद्मिनम (Padminim) means God Vishnu's wife sitting on the lotus. This shlok invites पिद्मिनम
at home. Author invites Goddess of wealth in the form of Creator's Patni ( Read word पत्नी
here and not wife!). In Hindi or Gujarati, we use word Patni-पत्नी as synonym for wife and we should
understand its meaning in Sanskrit1.पत्नी means पत्युनोर् यज्ञसंयोगे which means that wife who gives full
support to husband in righteous and good actions and author welcomes God Vishnu's wife पिद्मिनम in
the form of wealth so that wealth is utilized in right manner.


At the end, author wants to surrender to Goddess of wealth make his future secured, bright and noble.
Why do we surrender to wealth? To remove poverty. If you remember, in this series of articles, we talked
about different form of wealth and lack of it represents poverty. Author wants to remove poverty because
poverty is one of the reasons behind crimes in Society. If we eradicate poverty, many problems just
vanish. And for that, author is ready to surrender himself to wealth.

My learnings:

• Contentment comes from knowing and satisfaction comes from giving.

• More you utilize, more you gain - wealth, knowledge and happiness.


1 - Reference taken from book "Shri Suktam by Pandurang Athavale ( In Gujarati)"

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