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Hola vvap2222, This topic has been widely discussed in this section of the forum.

It looks like the molecule Allegro is working on is another drug able to liquefy the vitreous and induce a separation from the retina (posterior vitreous detachment). As the doctor you visited said, it doesn't necessarily mean it will make floater s disappear. On the contrary, it could induce an onset of new floaters. However, it is reasonable to think that it may help make vitrectomy safer. It would have been interesting to know what molecule is being tested for vitreou s opacities. If you do get the chance to ask your doctor, then let us know. Saludos,

Hello, I will ask her when I come back in the next months for revision. I want to ask h er where in Spain can I find a doctor who make me a FOV if I tell him I really n eed it (she told me she wouldn't do it, but that if it was necessary, it could b e done in Spain). In fact, this is what I'm looking for. I'm not sure if she was talking about Allegro's molecule (ALG-1001), but it is w hat I think. I've find a presentation about this (it is partly in spanish). I share it. In sl ide 24/33 it says that vitreous floaters is a potential ophthalmic application. Regards, Saludos,

We read your post with interest: Can you confirm whether your doctor was definitely referring to the Allegro drug and trial please? She mentioned that floater patients could take part in this - perhaps you could find out more details from her about that? Thank you

Hello, No, I can't confirm that, it is only what I've supposed because when I sa id something about ocriplasmin, she said that ocriplasmin won't be usefull for m e because it will generate more floaters, and that there where investigations wi th a very little molecule (that is why I think she was talking about ALG-1001, b ut I'm not sure). I don't think that she wanted to say that floaters patiens could take part in th is right now.

When she told me that I shouldn't do a FOV, that I should wait for a cure, but t hat this could late 10 years due the fases and protocols for new medicaments. Th en I said that I couldn't wait 10 years and she told me that another option was to take part in trials. I'm not sure if she knows that there will be trials in a future or if she only was making me not to think in fov... It's difficult for m e to explain in english, but I don't think she was tell me to participate in tri als right now but in possible future trials to avoid waiting 10 years. Of course, when I come back (in some months), I'll ask her all the details. I went to that doctor because in your "doctors page" there was a doctor "jose xx xx" who has done fovs in Spain and I wanted to ask an appoinment with him, then I called his clinic (Vissum), but he don't work there anymore, and they concerte d me an appoinment whit the other doctor. The only way I can contact her is ask an appoinment, but I can't do it in next months. May be you want contact Vissum to ask if they have any information. If you know the new contact data of "jose xxx" let me know If I can contact her and find out more details, I'll let you know

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