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pseudobronchiectasis : a condition in which a bronchiectasis-like pattern appears in the bronchogram of partially atelectatic pulmonary segments when the larger

bronchi have become shortened and broadened in outline; these reversible changes do not indicate destruction of the bronchial walls. i think ans is atelectasis ! ALSO NOTE : pseudarthrosis : a pathologic entity characterized by deossification of a weight-bearing long bone, followed by bending and pathologic fracture, with inability to form normal callus leading to existence of the false joint that gives the condition its name. pseudencephalus :a fetus with a vascular tumor in place of the brain. pseudoacanthosis nigricans: a benign form of acanthosis nigricans associated with obesity; the obesity is sometimes associated with endocrine disturbance. pseudoacephalus : in asymmetrical conjoined twins, a parasitic twin, apparently headless, but with a rudimentary cranium contained in the more developed twin. pseudoagglutination :rouleau formation.

pseudoalbuminuria :adventitious proteinuria.

pseudoaneurysm : dilatation of a vessel, sometimes with tortuosity, giving the appearance of an aneurysm. Called also false or spurious aneurysm and pulsating hematoma. pseudoankylosis :fibrous ankylosis. pseudoanodontia : a condition characterized by the presence of multiple unerupted permanent teeth. pseudoantagonist : a muscle which by flexing a joint enhances the effect of another muscle crossing that joint to act on a more distant one. pseudoapoplexy : a condition resembling apoplexy, but without cerebral hemorrhage.

pseudoappendicitis : a condition with symptoms simulating appendicitis, sometimes hysterical and sometimes of syphilitic origin, but without affection of the appendix. pseudobronchiectasis : condition in which a bronchiectasis-like pattern appears in the bronchogram of partially atelectatic pulmonary segments when the larger bronchi have become shortened and broadened in outline; these reversible changes do not indicate destruction of the bronchial walls.

pseudocoarctation : an imprecise term used to refer to a condition radiographically resembling coarctation, but without compromise of the lumen of the affected structure, such as a kinked aorta (which is possibly an aortic arch anomaly). pseudocoarctation of the aorta: an uncommon congenital anomaly of the arch of the aorta that simulates coarctation radiographically but does not produce occlusion of the vessel.

pseudocoloboma a line or scar on the iris giving the appearance of a coloboma. pseudocoma :locked-in syndrome. pseudocowpox :1. paravaccinia, def. 1. 2. milker's nodules, def. 1.

pararenal pseudocyst: urinoma. pulmonary pseudocysts: cystic disease of lung.

pseudodiabetes :impaired glucose tolerance due to subclinical diabetes.

pseudodiphtheria : any of a group of infections resembling diphtheria but not caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Called also diphtheroid and Epstein's disease. pseudodiverticulum : herniation of the esophageal or intestinal mucosa and submucosa through a tear in the muscular coat. Called also false diverticulum.

pseudoepiphysis : an accessory bone at the distal and the proximal ends of the second metacarpal bone. pseudofluctuation : a movement resembling fluctuation, such as is sometimes seen on tapping lipomas or muscular tissue. pseudofolliculitis : a bacterial disorder, usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus, occurring chiefly in the beards of men of African descent, occurring especially in the submandibular region of the neck. The characteristic lesions are erythematous papules, sometimes pustules, containing buried hairs whose tips can easily be freed up; in contrast to sycosis barbae, which is most often seen in bearded men, pseudofolliculitis affects exclusively those who shave. Called also barber's itch and p. barbae. pseudoganglion :a thickening of a nerve simulating a ganglion. Bochdalek's pseudoganglion: plexus dentalis superior. Valentin's pseudoganglion: intumescentia tympanica. pseudoglioma : a condition resembling glioma, a membrane being produced behind the lens because of failure of the posterior vascular sheath of the lens to atrophy, or because of its replacement by connective tissue.

pseudogout : calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease, particularly the acute and subacute forms. pseudographia : the production of meaningless written symbols imitating letters, the written equivalent of jargon aphasia. pseudohemagglutination :rouleau formation. pseudohemophilia :von Willebrand's disease.

pseudohydrocephalus : abnormally large appearance of a normal-sized head, due to smallness of the face and body, as in Silver's syndrome. pseudohydronephrosis :a paranephritic cyst.

pseudohyperkalemia : a laboratory artifact in which serum potassium is elevated when plasma potassium is normal. It occurs in the presence of thrombocytosis or leukocytosis, most commonly in myeloproliferative disorders, because blood clotting causes the release of potassium from platelets and leukocytes.

pseudohypoparathyroidism : a hereditary condition clinically resembling hypoparathyroidism, but caused by inability to respond to rather than deficiency of parathyroid hormone. The major cause is defective G proteins required for signal transduction; in some cases, there is an associated inability to respond to other hormones that require the same G protein types. It is characterized by hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, and is commonly associated with short stature, obesity, short metacarpals, and ectopic calcification. pseudohypophosphatasia : a condition resembling hypophosphatasia, characterized by osteopathy of the skull and long bones, muscular hypotonia, hypercalcemia, and increased urinary excretion of phosphoethanolamine. It is distinguished by normal alkaline phosphatase activity. pseudohypothyroidism : inability to use thyroxine in tissue cells, despite normal thyroid function, leading to development of symptoms and certain stigmata of hypothyroidism.

pseudojaundice : skin discoloration caused by blood changes and not due to liver disease, as in carotenemia. Called also pseudoicterus.

pseudoleukemia : an obsolete term for a group of conditions resembling one another in showing enlargement of the lymph glands and in characteristics which resemble the conditions present in leukemia, but without leukemic blood findings. The group included Hodgkin's disease, multiple myeloma, agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, and several other conditions. pseudolymphoma : a group of disorders having a benign course but exhibiting clinical and histologic features suggestive of malignant lymphoma. Called also lymphocytoma. pseudomamma : a structure resembling a nipple, or even a complete breast, sometimes found on ovarian dermoids. pseudomania :

1. false or pretended mental disorder. 2. a mental disorder in which the patient admits to crimes of which he is innocent. pseudomegacolon :dilatation of the colon in adults. Cf. megacolon. pseudomelanoma: a benign melanotic lesion resembling a superficial spreading melanoma occurring at the site of an incompletely removed melanocytic nevus.

pseudomelia :phantom limb.

pseudomeningitis :meningism. pseudomenstruation: uterine discharge unattended with endometrial changes of menstruation, usually occurring in newborn babies.

pseudomonilethrix : a condition, inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, in which the hairs exhibit irregularly spaced nodal swellings, the internodal areas being normal; cf. monilethrix.

pseudomorphine : a compound occurring in opium and prepared by the oxidation of morphine; called also dehydromorphine.

pseudomyopia : defective vision resembling myopia, caused by spasm of the ciliary muscle or by failure of relaxation of accommodation. pseudomyxoma : a condition in which mucinous cells implant throughout the peritoneal cavity and secrete gelatinous mucinous material. Called also p. peritonei. pseudomyxoma peritonei: the presence in the peritoneal cavity of mucoid matter from a ruptured ovarian cyst or a ruptured mucocele of the appendix; called also hydrops spurius. pseudorabies : a highly contagious viral disease caused by a herpesvirus and primarily affecting the central

nervous system. It is endemic in pigs; older pigs usually have a mild respiratory infection but piglets often have convulsions and die. It sometimes spreads to cattle, dogs, cats, and other mammals, in which its characteristics include sudden onset, severe pruritus, late paralysis, convulsions, and death within three to four days. Called also Aujeszky's disease or itch, mad itch, and infectious bulbar paralysis.

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