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List of features in Moodle 1 2 3 4 5 6 Blogs Forums Chat(which can be assigned to a course for students to discuss) Calendar (with course

and events highlighted/exportable to iCal format) Activity log (based on user, date, IP etc) Activity Report: A course activity report, showing the number of views for each activity and resource (and any related blog entries), can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/outline:view) in Navigation > Courses > My course > Reports > Activity report. An activity report for the front page is available for administrators and managers in Navigation > Site pages > Reports > Activity report. Course Partcipation: A participation report for a particular activity can be generated by a manager, teacher or non-editing teacher (or any other user with the capability report/participation:view) in Navigation > Courses > My course > Reports > Participation report. Statistics : when statistics is enabled for the site, graphs and tables of user activity can be generated. statistics based on grades (mean, median mode, highest, lowest etc.) Export /Import grades as csv,xml Grade management (A+ = 100%; F= 35% and lesser) Scales (Scales are a way of evaluating or rating a students' performance. Moodle offers a standard set of numeric scales. It is also possible to create custom scales which can be available on the site. For example, you can give the student a word or small phrase as a way of rating or giving a student feedback. ) Category Management: This allows a user to create course categories. This capability may only be applied in the system context i.e. as a global role. System Back up/ Restore Question Banks (which can be categorized): This feature allows a teacher to create, preview, and edit questions in a database of question categories. The categories can be limited to being used on the site, course or quiz level. The questions in a category can be added to a Quiz or to a lesson activity via an export process. The teacher enters the question bank by creating or editing a quiz activity or via Settings > Course administration > Question bank. Role Management (Manager, Teacher,student, Guests) Switching to different role is available (For testing purpose): admin can swich as any other role and test the content that they have created. Settings based on Profile Notifications: Set this to administrators to be warned of anyone attempting to steal student or teacher logins. When set, a link stating the number of failed logins appears in the top right corner of the page when an administrator logs in. Click the link to access the login error page. Students Registrations : The module Registration is a Moodle activity add-on for registration of students for examination at institutions that have not central registration system. Location: An administrator can change the following location settings in Settings > Site administration > Location > Location settings. This sets the default time zone for date display. Localization (Language settings): To install additional language packs on your Moodle site, access Site Administration > Language > Language packs then select the languages you require and click on the "Install selected language pack" button. Plugin adaptor (downloadable @ ): The M in Moodle stands for modular. The easiest and most maintainable way to add new functionality to Moodle is by writing different types of plugins. Security related (IP blocker, Site policies, HTTP security, Module security, Notifications, Anti-Virus) Theme management: Themes provide a "skin" to completely change the look and feel of your site (or even an individual course).

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Content Management System(CMS): The idea is to have a system that provides a layer to handle all files in Moodle, whether they are in the database or on the actual file system, or even just links to external resources. Once such a thing existed all the rest of Moodle could be re-engineered to use it. This combination would be absolutely dynamite. Server config management, Maintanance mode Spam cleaner: This helps us to reduce spam in the moodle system. Webservice integration ready: Web services and APIs can be integrated to moodle easily Unit Testing module: The purpose of Unit tests is to evaluate the individual parts of a program (functions, and methods of classes) to make sure that each element individually does the right thing. Unit Tests can be one of the first steps in a quality control process for developing or tweaking Moodle code. The next steps will involve other forms of testing to ensure that these different parts work together properly. Functional DB testing Module: Functional unit tests can be used to test the interaction of Moodle and database Authentication using LDAP, CAS, web service and many more to list Repositories can be integrated: Repositories in Moodle enable users to upload files, access previously uploaded files and to easily bring content into Moodle from external repositories, such as Flickr or Google Docs. Enabled repositories are available in the File picker

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List of features not available with Moodle but available with klass-Akt User groups windows active directory based authentication Batch management Milestone settings

List of features not available with Moodle but available with Sakai email Archive

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List of features available with OpenCast (Video Capturing Tool) Media Capture Scheduling Recording Management Media Processing Distribution Engage Tools Bulk upload of media Multi Bitrates and Multi Format Content categorization Publishing media via Yahoo Connected TV Improved Analytics Ability to integrate with 3rd party hosting services Stream Encryption DRM (Digital Rights Management)

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