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NONLINEAR BEHAVIOR OF CONFINED REINFORCED CONCRETE SHORT COLUMNS UNDER AXIAL COMPRESSIVE LOADING Created by Tata, Arbain Subject Keyword : : Reinforced concrete, Kontruksi beton bertulang : ANSYS;daktilitas;hubungan tegangan-regangan;metoda elemen;perilaku nonlinier

Description :
Banyak penelitian telah dilaksanakan menyangkut perilaku hubungan tegangan-regangan dan daktilitas dari beton terkekang dibawah beban aksial tekan. Validasi dari model hubungan tegangan-regangan beton terkekang telah diveripikasi dengan beberapa benda uji. Suatu hal yang perlu diketahui bahwa penelitian dengan eksperimental adalah cara terbaik dan lebih teliti dalam memeperediksi perilaku elemen struktur yang real. Dalam kondisi tertentu keterbatasan alat sangat menentukan dalam proses eksperimental dan keakuratan data hasil penelitian. Oleh karena itu maka perlu suatu pendekatan yang rasional dengan metode elemen hingga non linier sebagai pengganti uji laboratorium yang mahal. Dalam tulisan ini, digunakan program ANSYS dalam memperediksi perilaku nonlinier hubungan tegangan-regangan beton mutu normal terkekang di bawah beban aksial tekan. Benda uji yang digunakan adalah kolom pendek dengan sengkang persegi atau bulat. Pemodelan spesimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan elemen SOLID658 titik nodal, yang dapat bertranslasi dan berotasi pada arah x, y dan z. Sedangkan pada tulangan baja dapat dimodelkan dalam bentuk discrete menggunakan elemen batang LINK83D. Dihasilkan analisis grafik kurva hubungan tegangan-regangan yang diperoleh dari software ANSYS. Telah ditunjukkan hasil validasi dari model dengan literatur kurva hasil eksperimental Hoshikuma dkk (1997). Dari perbandingan tersebut, didapatkan hasil perediksi kurva hubungan teganganregangan yang baik antara model dengan eksperimental. Tingkat akurasi grafik hasil pemodelan dengan eksperimental yaitu paek stress berkisar 0.9435 hingga 1.0388 dan regangan pada paek stress berkisar 1.1563 hingga 1.3061 untuk kolm persegi dan bulat. Dalam pemodelan ini juga telah ditunjukan bahwa penampang bulat lebih daktail dari pada penampang persegi.

Description Alt:
Numerous research have been carried out on the behavior of stress-strain relationship and the ductility of confined concrete columns under axial concentric loading. The validity of several proposed stress-strain models of confined concrete has been verified with a large number of test specimens. It is well known that the experimental tests is the best way in providing a accurate prediction on the behavior of the actual structural components. Under certain circumstance, the availability of the test apparatus plays an important roles to conduct an experimental program and to provide good data. Hence, an analytical approach employing a rational nonlinear finite element modeling is required in lieu of the costly laboratory testing. In this thesis, the nonlinear finite element model which is embedded in a well-established commericial software ANSYS is used to investigate the behavior of stress-strain relationship of confined concrete under axial loading. The columns examined in the study are square short columns with rectilinear stirrups and circular short columns with spirals. The concrete used in this investigation is the normal-strength concrete. The type of element used for concrete is 8-noded SOLID65, which can translate in the x-, y-, and z-axis directions and rotate with

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respect to x-, y-, and z-axes. As to the reinforcing steel, it is modeled in the form of discrete bar elements 3D-LINK8. The results obtained from the analysis of ANSYS software are presented in terms of stress-strain curves. To show the validity of the proposed models implemented in the software, a set of experimental results from Hoshikuma et al. (1997) was adopted. From the comparisons, it can be seen that the prediction of the proposed model is in good agreement with the experimental result. The accuracy of the proposed model is confirmed by the peak stress ratio of the model and the test which ranging from 0.9435 to 1.0388 and the strain at the peak stress that ranging from 1.1563 to 1.3061 either for the square or circular columns. It can also be concluded in this research that a circular column possesses higher ductility than a square one.

Contributor Date Create Type Format Language Identifier Collection Call Number Source COverage Right

: Tavio, ST., MT., Ph.D : 22/05/2009 : Text : pdf. : Indonesian : ITS-Master-3100009035221 : 3100009035221 : RTS 624.183 41 Tat p : Master Theses, CIVIL ENGINEERING ,RTS 624.183 41 Tat p, 2008 : ITS Community only : Copyright @2008 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievel system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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