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1 Ward 12 (Uptown Chapter) Community Action Network (CAN) Monday, March 26, 2012 - 6:30 p.m.

Community Care Access Centre - Boardroom Meeting Minutes Attendees: Richard Munn, Chair Brian Kelly, Secretary Cst. Ken Birtch, Greater Sudbury Police Services (GSPS) Peter Clark, Bernice Hibbs, Cynthia Mellaney, Kandy Pedisic, Uptown CAN residents. Agenda Item 1. Welcome by Chair / Call to Order Chair Munn welcomed the group. 2. Approval of Agenda The agenda was presented to the group for approval. Motion to approve: Cst. Ken Birtch, seconded by Bernice Hibbs. Carried. 3. Approval of previous Minutes Motion to approve: Peter Clark, seconded by Cynthia Mellaney. Carried. 4. Old Business 4.1 a) Environment and Beautification Projects St. Elizabeth School of Nursing Centennial 2013: update Judith Prior-Kelly

Brian Kelly reported on behalf of Judith that upon further investigation with Councilor Landry-Altmann, it appears that the apparent scope of the Ste. Anne Rd. mural project will be beyond the resources of the Centennial Committee. At this meeting, it was left that this CAN was still interested in supporting the Committee, and would entertain any follow-up requests from them.

2 b) Mural project Baker Street update. Bernice Hibbs presented some sketches which showed rough drafts of the proposed artwork for the Baker Street mural project. They included an image of an older home design in the area, and they were designed by some of the Sudbury Secondary students (who will be involved in the project). Bernice reiterated that Jason Ferrigan will make a heritage presentation to the students. As an aside, Bernice noted that the homeowner adjacent to the wall is not selling the home this year, as previously reported, and that he is in support of the proposed artwork. During the discussion, it was noted that the use of scaffolding (at the mural site) raised issues of licensing for provision and use of scaffolds, and Richard undertook to look into finding a contractor who could be of assistance in this regard. Also regarding the supply of paint, one or more sources of paint were identified by Richard and Ken Birtch, and Richard agreed to assist Bernice in procuring materials. Peter Clark indicated his willingness to provide liaison with the various media to achieve coverage of the various stages of the project, and he will work with Bernice in this regard. Bernice also asked for volunteers to assist with on-site management of the students; the target date for the completion of the project remains at end-of-May [while students are still attending]. As well, Bernice noted that it was the intention that the CAN provide some sort of gift to the school/students in recognition of their work, including perhaps a barbecue event. Later in the meeting, Bernice mentioned that she sent a note to College Notre Dame thanking them for their consideration of the mural project, and invited them to contact her in the event that their situation changed. c) Signage and graphic design project update

Richard Munn read a letter from Rene Germain [Community Development Coordinator], indicating that the final copy of the Street Sign Topper Policy would be submitted to City departments by weeks end, and that Community Development (rather than Planning) would deal with the application process. The policy will be presented to Council by City Staff, and Rene noted that it would be appropriate to have someone from our CAN attend the presentation. She will advise us of a date when it becomes known. d) Recycling initiative Tim Hortons Joscelyne Landry-Altmann

In the absence of Councilor Landry-Altmann, this item will be deferred to a future meeting. e) Louis Street Community Association request for funding re garden project June Davis

Chair Munn read a formal letter from June Davis requesting funding for their Community Garden project expansion this year. In support of this donation, Ken Birtch cited examples of how the Garden project has engaged and brought together a number of the residents for other undertakings such as an area cleanup, and a neighbourhood watch function which includes a phone tree to report incidents to the residents. There were discussions regarding some details of how the Garden project might expand.

3 A motion was forwarded to provide $1000.00 for the Louis St. Community Garden project; moved by Peter Clark and seconded by Bernice Hibbs. All attendees were in favour; motion carried. 4.2 Website design and newsletter events Cynthia Mellaney

Cynthia Mellaney indicated that the website is essentially in place, and as CAN projects and events develop, they will be highlighted on the site and associated social media. Chair Munn suggested that meeting minutes should be placed on the site. 4.3 Secretary Position update

Chair Munn indicated that initial investigations into locating a new secretary for the CAN did not prove fruitful. During the discussion which ensued, Cynthia Mellaney indicated that she was willing to accept the position, and the group indicated favour with having her do so. The details of the transition from Brian to Cynthia will be worked out shortly. [As present secretary, I would like to thank Cynthia very much for her agreeing to take on the position. -- Brian Kelly]


New Business 5.1 Guerilla Gardening Day May 1 Cynthia Mellaney

Cynthia opened the discussion by noting that the Guerilla Gardening Day event was 4 days before the Annual CleanUp Blitz. The group discussed the logic of combining the activities on the May 5 date, but no consensus was reached. Cynthia pointed out a few examples of locations in our area which might benefit from having some sort of ground cover applied to enhance the appearance. The conclusion of the discussion was that Cynthia would advise the membership via the E-mail list of details of the activity, including the date, time, and location. 5.2 Annual CleanUp Blitz May 5 for discussion

Richard Munn summarized the logistics of the event, including the use of release forms by the City. [Participants must pre-register by May 1.] The City has provided a flyer and registration form. Richard undertook to supply the forms to Ken Birtch and other members. Bernice Hibbs kindly offered to host a coffee gathering after the event; coffee and doughnuts will be supplied by the CAN. Richard also mentioned that the CAN could provide a hot dog lunch for the participants in the Louis St. area. Brian will forward the PDF files for the forms to Richard and Cynthia straightaway.

4 5.3 Additional item Cleanup assistance for Downtown to Flour Mill Pathway Cst. Ken Birtch

Ken Birtch indicated that the group involved in rejuvenation of the pathway from Hnatyshyn Park to the Burger King on Notre Dame will be seeking assistance from the CAN, in the September/October timeframe, to carry out planting, cleaning and trimming. He also indicated that there has been a suggestion that there be some form of luncheon events at the Park on business days. It appears that this might help promote public usage of the pathway and deter some of the inappropriate activities occurring in the Park and along the pathway. Ken has approached the Louis St. group (with appropriate partners) to undertake something in this regard. Attractions such as music groups, etc. could be invited to enhance the experience. The target participants would include the downtown business community, and there could also be Kids Day events. Ken will keep the group informed of this undertaking as it unfolds. 5.4 CAN meeting dates

Chair Munn noted that having our CAN meetings on the last Monday of the month is becoming problematic; both Councilor Landry-Altmann and Rene Germain have concurrent commitments at that time. Richard proposed that a date change be reviewed by the group and discussed at the next meeting. 6. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Peter Clark; all in favour. So moved.

NOTE: The next meeting will be on April 30, 2012 (6:30 p.m.) at the CCAC Boardroom. The CCAC is located at the east end/north side of the Rainbow Centre. There is a parking lot (controlled-access) near the entrance door. The lot is accessed from Ste. Anne Road.

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