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Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright (born Frank Lincoln Wright, June 8, 1867 died April 9, 1959, aged 91) was an American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures and completed 500 works. Wright believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. This philosophy was best exemplified by his design for Fallingwater (1935), which has been called "the best all-time work of American architecture". Wright was a leader of the Prairie School - a long, low building with hovering planes and horizontal emphasis. He developed these houses around the basic crucifix, L or T shape and utilized a basic unit system of organization movement of architecture and developed the concept of the Usonian home, his unique vision for urban planning in the United States.One of Wright's most famous private residences was built from 1934 to 1937 Fallingwaterfor Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr., at Mill Run, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. It was designed according to Wright's desire to place the occupants close to the natural surroundings, with a stream and waterfall running under part of the building. The construction is a series of cantilevered balconies and terraces, using limestone for all verticals and concrete for the horizontals. The house cost $155,000, including the architect's fee of $8,000. Kaufmann's own engineers argued that the design was not sound. They were overruled by Wright, but the contractor secretly added extra steel to the horizontal concrete elements. In 1994, Robert Silman and Associates examined the building and developed a plan to restore the structure. In the late 1990s, steel supports were added under the lowest cantilever until a detailed structural analysis could be done. His work includes original and innovative examples of many different building types, including offices, churches, schools, skyscrapers, hotels, and museums. Wright also designed many of the interior elements of his buildings, such as the furniture and stained glass. Wright evolved a new concept of interior space in architecture. Rejecting the existing view of rooms as single-function boxes, Wright created overlapping and interpenetrating rooms with shared spaces. He designated use areas with screening devices and subtle changes in ceiling heights and created the idea of defined space as opposed to enclosed space. He integrated simple materials such as brick, wood, and plaster into the designs.

Organic architecture - is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world through design approaches so sympathetic and well integrated with its site that buildings, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated composition. Plaster - a building material similar to mortar or cement, like those materials, plaster starts as a dry powder that is mixed with water to form a paste which liberates heat and then hardens. Residence - an establishment where it was originally or currently being used by a host as their main place of dwelling or home. Fee - the price one pays as remuneration for services. Stained glass - coloured glass obtained by adding metallic salts during its manufacture. Cantilever - a beam supported on only one end that carries the load to the support where it is resisted by moment and shear stress. Balcony - a platform projecting from the wall of a building, supported by columns or console brackets, and enclosed with a balustrade. Terrace - a porch or walkway bordered by colonnades; a platform extending outdoors from a floor of a house or apartment building. Usonian architecture - 'Usonian' is a term usually referring to a group of approximately 60 homes designed by Wright. The "Usonian Homes" were typically small, single-story dwellings without a garage or much storage, L-shaped to fit around a garden terrace on odd (and cheap) lots, with native materials, flat roofs and large cantilevered overhangs for passive solar heating and natural cooling, natural lighting with clerestory windows, and radiant-floor heating. A strong visual connection between the interior and exterior spaces is an important characteristic of all Usonian homes.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright ( Frank Lincoln Wright,nscut la 08 iunie 1867 - decedat la 09 aprilie 1959, n vrst de 91 de ani) a fost un arhitect american, designer de interior, scriitor i educator, care a proiectat mai mult de 1.000 de structuri i care are 500 de lucrri completate. Wright credea n proiectarea structurilor care erau n armonie cu umanitate i mediul su, o filosofie numit arhitectura organic. Aceast filozofie a fost cel mai bine exemplificat prin designul su pentru Fallingwater (1935), care a fost numit "cea mai bun lucrare arhitectural din toate timpurile". Wright a fost un lider al micrii arhitecturale Prairie School - o cldire lung, cu rindele mici plutind i accent pe orizontal, el a dezvoltat aceste case n jurul formei de baz a crucifixului, L sau T i a utilizat un sistem de unitate de baz de organizare dezvoltand astfel conceptul de cas Usonian, viziunea sa unica pentru planificarea urban n Statele Unite ale Americii. Unul dintre cele mai frumoase reedine private ale lui Wright a fost construit n 1934 1937 Fallingwater - pentru domnul i doamna Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr., la Mill Run, Pennsylvania, n apropiere de Pittsburgh. Aceasta a fost proiectat n conformitate cu dorina lui Wright n aa fel inct ocupanii s fie aproape de mediul natural, cu un flux de ap/un fluviu i o cascada ce curge pe sub o parte a cldirii. Construcia este o serie de balcoane si terase din grinzi n console, la care s-a folosit calcar pentru toate verticalele i beton pentru orizontale. Casa costa 155.000 dolari, inclusiv onorariul arhitectului de 8.000 $. Inginerii proprii ai lui Kaufmann au susinut c proiectul nu a era solid. Ei au fost respinsi de ctre Wright, dar antreprenorul a adugat n secret extra oel la elemente orizontale din beton. n 1994, Robert Silman i asociatii acestuia au examinat cldirea i au dezvoltat un plan de restabilire a structurii. La sfarsitul anilor 1990, suporturi de oel au fost adugate pe sub cele mai joase grinzi n console pn ce o analiz detaliat structural ar putea fi fcut. Munca arhitectului si designerului Wright include exemple originale i inovatoare de mai multe tipuri de cladiri, inclusiv birouri, biserici, coli, zgrie-nori, hoteluri i muzee. Wright de asemenea a proiectat multe dintre elementele interioare ale cladirilor sale, cum ar fi mobilierul i vitraliile. El a dezvoltat un nou concept de spatiu interior in arhitectura. Respingnd conceptia camerelor cu singura lor funcie de cutii, Wright a adus in lumina suprapunerea i intersectarea camerelor cu spaii comune. El a desemnat zonele de utilizare, cu dispozitive despartitoarea i a facut modificari subtile in inaltimi creind astfel ideea de spatiu definit spre deosebire de spaiu nchis. El a integrat materiale simple, cum ar fi caramida, lemnul i ipsosul n design. El a scris 20 de cri i numeroase articole i a fost un lector popular n Statele Unite i n Europa. Viaa lui colorat cu caracter personal de multe ori a ajuns pe prima pagin a ziarelor, mai ales pentru schimbul de focuri din 1914 i pentru crimele de la studioul lui Taliesin. Deja bine cunoscut n timpul vieii sale, Wright a fost recunoscut n 1991 de ctre Institutul American al Arhitecilor ca "cel mai mare arhitect american din toate timpurile."

Quotes by Frank Lloyd Wright:

A great architect is not made by way of a brain nearly so much as he is made by way of a cultivated, enriched heart. All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable. Buildings, too, are children of Earth and Sun. I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

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