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Mathematics syllabus Year 1- Year 6 Number

Year 1 Whole number i. Numbers 0 to 10 Say the number names 1 to 9. Recognise numerals 1 to 9. Count a group of objects 1 to 9. Write numerals 1 to 9. Read number words one to nine. Write number words one to nine. Arrange numbers 1 to 9: a. count on in ones. b. count back in ones. Say the number names 0 and 10. Recognise 0 and 10 in counting. Count a group of objects to 10. Write numerals 0

Year 2 Numbers to 1000 i. Say number names to 1000. ii. Recognize numerals to 1000. iii. Count up to 1000 objects by grouping them in hundreds, tens, fives, twos and ones. iv. Write numerals to 1000. v. Read number word to one thousand. vi. Write number word to one thousand. vii. Recognize the place value of numbers. viii. Arrange number to 1000. a. count on and count back in ones. b. count on and count back in twos. c. count on and count back in fives.

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


iii. iv. v.



Numbers to 10 000 Numbers to 100 000 i. Say and use the i. Name and write number names to number to 100 10 000. 000. ii. Read and write ii. Recognize the number to 10 place value of 000. number. iii. Recognize the iii. Compare value place value of up to 100 000. number. iv. Round off numbers to the iv. Understand and nearest tens, use the hundreds, vocabulary of thousands and comparing and ten thousands. arranging ADDITION WITH THE numbers or HIGHEST TOTAL OF quantities to 10 1000 000 000. ADDITION WITH THE v. Add any two t HIGHEST TOTAL OF four numbers to 10 000 1000 000. vi. Solve addition Add up to problems. three Subtraction within numbers the range of 1000 involving up 000 to 4-digit vii. Subtract one with number from a regrouping bigger number less than 1 00 and without 000. regrouping viii. Subtract vi. Use and apply v.

Numbers to 1000 Numbers to 10 000 000 000 i. Name and write i. Name and write numbers up to number to 1000 seven digits. 000. ii. Determine the ii. Recognize the place value of the place value of digits in any whole number. number of up to iii. Compare value seven digits. up to 1000 000. iii. Express whole
numbers in a) decimals b) fractions of a million and vice versa. iv. Compare number values up to seven digits. ADDITION WITH THE v. Round off numbers to the HIGHEST TOTAL OF nearest tens, 1000 000 hundreds, thousands, ten v. Add any two t thousands, four numbers to hundred 1000 000. thousands and millions. vi. Solve addition


Round off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and hundred thousands.

viii. ix.

problems. Subtraction within the range of 1000 000


vi. Add, subtract,

multiply and divide numbers involving numbers up to seven digits.

x. xi.


Subtract one number from a bigger number

and 10. xii. Read number words zero to ten. xiii. Write number words zero to ten. xiv. Arrange numbers from 0 to 10; a. count on in ones. b. count back in ones. c. count on from a given number. d. count back to a given number. xv. . Compare two numbers and say which is more or less. xvi. Identify one more or one less. Addition with the highest total of 10 xvii. Find one more than a number from 1 to 9. xviii. Find the total of two numbers. xix. Write number sentences for addition.

d. count on and count back in tens. e. count on and count back in hundreds. ix. Compare two numbers and say which is more or less. x. Arrange numbers in order: a. compare the numbers; b. Position the numbers on a number line. xi. Say ordinal numbers from eleventh to twentieth. xii. Use ordinal numbers in different contexts. ADDITION WITH THE HIGHEST TOTAL OF 1000 xiii. Add two numbers without regrouping: a. Two 1-digit numbers; s. b. 1-digit number; and a 2-digit number

knowledge of subtraction in real life. Subtraction within the range of 10 000 vii. Subtract two numbers involving up to 4-digit with regrouping and without regrouping. viii. Use and apply knowledge of subtraction in real life. MULTIPLICATION WITHIN 6, 7, 8 AND 9 TIMES-TABLES ix. Understand repeated addition multiplication as (6, 7, 8 and 9 times-tables). x. Write number sentences for multiplication. xi. Know by heart the tables of multiplication 6, 7, 8 and 9. xii. Use and apply knowledge of multiplication in real life. xiii. Understand and


successively from a bigger number less than 1 00 000. Solve subtraction problems.

Multiply with the highest product of 1000 000. x. Multiply any two

less than 1 000 000. viii. Subtract successively from a bigger number less than 1 000 000. ix. Solve subtraction problems.


Compute mixed operation problems involving addition and multiplication. viii. Compute mixed operation problems involving subtraction and division. ix. Compute mixed operation problems involving brackets. Solve problems involving mixed operations on numbers of up to seven digits.



Multiply with the numbers with the highest product of 1000 000. highest product of 1 00 000. x. Multiply any two
Multiply up to four digit numer with a. a one-digit number, b. a two-digit number, c. 10, 100 and 1000.numbers with the highest product of 1 000 000. Multiply up to five digit numer with d. a one-digit number, e. a two-digit number, f. 10, 100 and 1000.-


xii. Solve problem involving multiplication. Division with the highest dividend of 1000 000. xiii. Divide numbers
up to five digits by a. one-digit number, b. 10, 100 and 1000, c. two-digit number, Pupils ble to-

xv. Solve problem involving multiplication. Division with the highest dividend of 1000 000. xvi. Divide numbers
up to six digits by d. one-digit number, e. 10, 100 and 1000, f. two-digit

xiv. Solve problem

xx. State all possible pairs of numbers that total up to a given number. xxi. Recall rapidly the total of two numbers. xxii. Solve simple problems in real life situations. Subtraction within the range of 10 xxiii. Find one less than a number. xxiv. Write number sentences for subtraction. Numbers to 20 xxv. Say the number names 11 to 20. xxvi. Recognise numerals 11 to 20. xxvii. Count a group of objects 11 to 20. xxviii. Write numerals 11 to 20. xxix. Read number words eleven to twenty. xxx. Write number words eleven to twenty.

and a c. two 2-digit number xiv. Add two numbers with regrouping: a. 1-digit number; and a 2-digit b. two 2-digit numbers. xv. Add two numbers without regrouping: a. a 3-digit number and a 1-digit number b. a 3-digit number and 2digit number; and c. two 3-digit numbers. xvi. Add three 1digit numbers. xiv. Find unknown numbers in number sentences. xv. Solve problems involving addition in real life situations. SUBTRACTION WITHIN THE RANGE

use the operation of multiplication. LEARNING AREA: DIVISION WITHIN 6, 7, 8 AND 9 TIMESTABLES xiv. Understand division as sharing equally or grouping. (Corresponding to 6, 7, 8 and 9 times-tables) xv. Write number sentences for multiplication. xvi. Derive quickly division (Corresponding to 6, 7, facts. 8 and 9 timestables) xvii. Use and apply knowledge of division in real life. xviii. Understand and use the operation of division.

involving multiplication. Mixed operations

xv. Perform mixed operations involving addition and subtraction. xvi. Solve mix operation in real life situation.

number, Pupils ble to-

xvii. Solve problem involving multiplication. Mixed operations

xvii. Perform mixed operations involving multiplication and division.

xxxi. Say what each digit in a number represents. xxxii. Arrange numbers 11 to 20; a. count on in ones. b. count back in ones. c. count on from a given number. d. count back to a given number. Number to 100 xxxiii. Say the number names to 100. xxxiv. Recognise numerals to 100. xxxv. Count a group of objects to 100. xxxvi. Write numerals to 100 xxxvii. Read number words to one hundred. xxxviii. Write number words to

OF 1000 xvi. Subtract two numbers without regrouping: a. a 1-digit number from a 1-digit number b. a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number; and xvii. Subtract two numbers with regrouping: a. a 1-digit number from a2-digit number; and b. a 2-digit number from a2-digit number. c. a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number. xviii. Subtract two numbers without regrouping: a. a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number; b. a 2-digit

one hundred. xxxix. Arrange numbers to 100; a. count on in ones to 100. b. count back in ones from 100. c. count on in tens from 0. d. count back in tens from 100. e. count on and count back in tens from a given number. xl. Say ordinal numbers from first to tenth. xli. Use ordinal numbers in different contexts. Addition with the highest total of 18. xlii. Find one more than a number. xliii. Find total of

number from a 3-digit number; and c. a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number. xix. Subtract three 1-digit numbers. xx. Find unknown numbers in number sentences. xxi. Solve problems involving subtraction in real life situations. MULTIPLICATION WITHIN 2, 3, 4 AND 5 TIMES-TABLES xix. Recognise multiplication as repeated addition. xx. Write number sentences for multiplication. DIVISION WITHIN 2, 3, 4 AND 5 TIMES-TABLES xix. Underrstand division as sharing equally or grouping. xx. Derive quickly

two numbers. xliv. Write number sentences for addition. xlv. Recall rapidly basic facts of addition. xlvi. Solve simple problems in real life situations. Subtraction within the range of 18 xlvii. Find one less than a number. xlviii. Find the difference between two numbers. xlix. Write number sentences for subtraction. l. Recall rapidly basic facts of subtraction. li. State all possible pairs of numbers

division facts. (Corresponding to 2,3,4,5 times-table.) xxi. Use and apply division in real life.


with a difference equals to a given number. lii. Recall rapidly the difference of two numbers. liii. Solve simple problems in real life situations. Money to 10 i. Recognise coins and notes of Malaysia currency up to RM 10. ii. Represent the value of money in RM and sen. iii. Exchange coins and notes up to RM 10. iv. Add money up to RM 10. v. Subtract money up to RM10. vi. Solve simple problems involving money in real life situations.

i. Money to 50 Money to RM 100 Money to Rm10 000 Money to Rm100 ii. Represent the i. Represent the i. Read and write 000 the value of i. Convert value of money value of money in money up to proper fractions of in RM and RM and sen. RM10 000. tenths to percentage. sen. ii. Exchange coins ii. Add money up ii. Convert iii. Exchange coins and notes up to to RM10 000. proper fractions with and notes up to RM 100. iii. Subtract money the denominators of RM 50. iii. Convert ringgit to from up to 2, 4, 5, 20, 25 and 50 RM10 000. iv. Add money up sen and vice to percentage. iv. Multiply to 50. versa. iii. Convert money to the percentage to fraction v. Subtract money iv. Add money up to highest in its simplest form. up to 50. RM100. product of vi. Solve problem v. Subtract money iv. Convert RM10 000. involving in real up to Rm 100. v. Divide money percentage to life situations. vi. Multiply money with dividend decimal number and not more than vice versa. to the highest RM10 000. product of Rm v. Solve vi. Perform 100. problems in real mixed vii. Divide money money in context operation with dividend not involving ringgit and involving more than RM sen up to RM100 addition and subtraction 000. 100. involving vii. Solve problem


i. Perform mixed
operations with money up to a value of RM10 million. Solve problems in real context involving computation of money.


Duration iii. Calculate the

duration of an event in between a) months b) years c) dates. iv. Compute time period from situations expressed in fractions of duration. v. Solve problem in

involving in real life situations.

vii. viii. ix.

Round off money to the nearest Ringgit up to RM10 000. Solve problems involving money of up to RM10 000

real context involving computation of time duration.


Introduction to fraction i. Understand and use the vocabulary related to fractions. ii. Recognise one whole, quarter one half, one and three quarters. iii. Say fractions, parts, one whole, one half, one quarter and three quarters in context. iv. Read fractions, parts, one whole, one half, one quarter and three quarters in context. v. Write fraction in context. vi. Recognize


Name and write proper fractions with denominators up to 10. Express equivalent fraction for proper fractions. Express equivalent fractions to its simplest form. Add two proper fractions with denominators up to 10. Subtract proper fractions with denominators up to 10.

Improper fractions
two improper fractions. i. Name and write improper fractions with denominators ii. Compare the value of the up to 10. Mixed numbers iii. Name and write mixed numbers with denominators up to 10. iv. Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice- versa.

Addition of fractions i.
Add three mixed numbers with denominators of up to 10. Solve problems involving addition of mixed numbers.




Subtraction of fractions iii. Subtract mixed

numbers with denominators of up to 10. Solve problems involving subtraction of mixed numbers.




Addition of fractions
v. Add two mixed numbers with the same denominators up to 10. (ii) Add two

Multiplication of fractions v.
Multiply any mixed numbers with a whole numbers up to 1000.


vii. Recognise fractions as equal shares of a whole set.


mixed numbers with different denominators up to 10. (iii) Solve problems involving addition of mixed numbers.

Division of fractions vi. Divide fractions

with a whole number and a fraction.

Subtraction of fractions
viii. Subtract two mixed numbers with the same denominator up to 10. Subtract two mixed numbers with different denominators up to 10. Solve problems involving subtraction of mixed numbers.



Multiplication of fractions xi. Multiply whole numbers with proper fractions.

xii. Solve problems involving multiplication of fractions.


Decimals numbers
Name and write

Decimals numbers




decimals with one decimal place, two decimal places. Convert fraction to decimals of tenths, hundredths, tenths and hundredths, and vice versa Recognise the place value of tenths, hundredths, tenths and hundredths

i. Name and write

decimal numbers to three decimal places. ii. Recognise the place value of thousandths. iii. Convert fractions of thousandths to decimal numbers and vice versa. iv. Round off decimal numbers to the nearest a) tenths, b) hundredths.

i. Add and subtract

three to four decimal numbers of up to 3 decimal places, involving a) decimal numbers only b) whole numbers and decimal numbers.


Add decimal numbers up to three decimal places. Solve problems involving addition of decimal numbers.

Addition decimal numbers


v. Add decimal
numbers up to three decimal places. Solve problems involving addition of decimal numbers.


Subtraction decimal numbers


vii. Subtract decimal

numbers up to two decimal places. Solve problems involving subtraction of decimal numbers.

Subtraction decimal numbers



vii. Subtract
decimal numbers up to three decimal places. Solve problems

Multiplication of decimal


numbers ix. Multiply decimal

numbers up to two decimal places with a whole number. Solve problems involving multiplication of decimal numbers.

involving subtraction of decimal numbers.

Multiplication of decimal numbers ix. Multiply decimal

numbers up to three decimal places with a whole number. Solve problems involving multiplication of decimal numbers.


Division of decimal numbers xi. Divide decimal

numbers up to three decimal places by a whole number. xii. Solve problems involving division of decimal numbers.


Division of decimal numbers xi. Divide decimal

numbers up to three decimal places by a whole number. Solve problems involving division of decimal numbers.



i. Name and write ii. iii.

the symbol for percentage. State fraction of hundredths in percentage. Convert fraction of hundredths to percentage and


i. Convert mixed
numbers to percentage.

vice versa.

ii. Convert


numbers of value Convert more than 1 to fractions and percentage. decimals to iii. Find the value percentage. for a given

iv. Convert proper

fractions of tenths to percentage. Convert proper fractions with the denominators of 2, 4, 5, 20, 25 and 50 to percentage Convert percentage to fraction in its simplest form. Convert percentage to decimal number and vice versa.



percentage of a quantity. Solve problems in real context involving relationships between percentage, fractions and decimals.




Measure Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Introduction to Reading and Reading and writing Reading and writing time. Reading and time. writing time. time. writing time. i. Say time of i. Read and write i. Read and write i. Read and write time in i. Read and write the day time to five time to the half or the 12-hour. time in the24-hour correctly. minutes. quarter hour on a ii. Write time in hours system. and minutes according ii. Say in ii. Use units of clock. ii. Relate the time in to the 12-hours sequence time and know ii. Read simple the 24- hour system. events of the relationship timetables. system to the 12iii. Construct, read and the day. between: iii. Read calendar. hour system.


iii. Name the days of the week in sequence. iv. Name the months of the year in sequence. v. Read and write time to the hour.

extract information a. Hours and iv. Use units of time from a simple minutes and know the schedule. b. Days and relationship iv. Read calendar. hours between: v. Understand the iii. Solve problem a. minute and relationship between involving in real seconds; units of time. life situations. b. week and Duration days; and vi. Read and state the c. year and start and end of an event from a months schedule. v. Convert weeks to vii. Calculate the duration days and vice of an event from a versa. schedule in vi. Add, subtract, hours, multiply and minutes divide units of hours and minutes time. within a day and two vii. Solve problem consecutive live days. involving in real viii. Calculate the start or life situations. the end of an event

Basic operation involving time

viii. Add, subtract, multiply and divide units of time.

from a given duration of time and read the start or end of an event.

Convert time from the 24- hour system to the 12hour system and vice-versa. Relationship between units of time iv. Convert time in fractions and decimals of a minute to seconds. v. Convert time in fractions and decimals of an hour to minutes and to seconds. vi. Convert time in fractions and decimals of a day to hours, minutes and seconds. vii. Convert units of time from a) century to years and vice versa. b) century to decades and vice versa.


Basic operation involving time

viii. Add, subtract, multiply and divide units of time. Duration

ix. Identify the start

and end times of are event.

x. Calculate the
duration of an event, involving a) hours, minutes and b) days and hours seconds. xi. Determine the start or end time of an event from a given duration of time. xii. Solve problems involving time duration in fractions and/or decimals of hours, minutes and seconds.


INTRODUCTION Measuring and comparing length TO LENGTH i. Measure and i. Use the compare lengths vocabulary related to length using standard in practical units. contexts. a. metres Measuring and b. centimetres comparing length ii. estimate the ii. Measure and length of objects compare length in by direct comparison and a. metres using uniform b. Centimetres non-standard units. RELATIONSHIP iii. Measure and BETWEEN UNITS OF compare length length by using standard units. iii. Understand the relationship between units of length. iv. Add, subtract, multiply and divide units of length. Solving problem involving length. v. Solve problems involving length in real life situations.

Measuring length i. ii.

Measuring length

and Measure lengths using i. Measure compare distances. standard units. i. Write measurement of length to the nearest scales of tenth division for: Relationship between units of length

Compute length from a situation expressed in fraction. Solve problem in real context involving computation of length.

metre. centimetre,

ii. Relate metre and ii.

kilometre. iii. Convert metre to kilometre and vice versa. Basic operations involving legth. iv. Add, subtract, multiply and divide units of length.

iii. Estimate or measure and

record lengths of objects using units of millimetre, centimetre and milimetre,


metre centimetre.


iv. State the relationship

between centimetre and milimetre. v. Convert units of length from: milimetres to centimetres and vice versa, compound units to a single unit. Basic operations involving legth. vi. Add, subtract, multiply and divide units of length.


Measuring and COMPUTATION Measuring masses. Comparing mass comparing OF MASS i. Measure and compare i. Compare mass masses. of objects. i. Use the masses using standard i. Compute ii. Understand the mass from a vocabulary i. Measure and units. relationship situation related to compare c. kilograms between units expressed in length in of mass. masses using d. grams fraction. practical ii. Solve ii. Read measurement of standard units. contexts. problem in masses to the nearest a. kilograms Measuring and real context scales division of b. grams comparing masses involving kilograms and grams. computation ii. Measure and ii. estimate the iii. Estimate the masses of of mass. objects using kilograms compare masses of and grams. masses by objects in iv. Convert units of mass direct a. kilograms from comparison and b. grams kilograms to grams, using uniform kilograms and grams non-standard RELATIONSHIP to grams, units. kilograms and grams BETWEEN iii. Measure and to kilograms. UNITS OF MASS compare masses by using MULTIPLICATION AND Understand the standard units. iii. DIVISION INVOLVING relationship MASS between units v. Add, subtract, multiply of masses. and divide units of ADDITION, masses. SUBTRACTION, Solving problem involving MULTIPLICATIO mass

Introduction mass


N AND vi. DIVISION INVOLVING MASS iv. Add, subtract, multiply and divide units of masses. Solving problem involving mass v. Solve problems involving masses in real life situations.

Solve problems involving masses in real life situations.

Volume of Liquid.

Introduction to volume of liquid

i. Use the i. Read measurement of vocabulary volume of liquid in litres related to length i. Measure and and millilitres. in practical compare volume ii. Write measurement of contexts. volume of liquid to the of liquid using Measuring and nearest scales of tenth standard units. comparing volume division for a. Litres of liquid litre, ii. Measure and b. Millilitres mililitre. compare the ii. estimate the iii. Measure and compare volume of two volume of liquid using volume of liquid liquid by direct standard units. of objects in comparison and c. Litres a. Litres using uniform d. Millilitres b. Millilitres non-standard iv. estimate the volume of units.

Measuring and comparing volume of Liquid.

Measuring Liquid.


of Comparing volume

i. Measure and
compare volumes of liquid using standard units. Measure, estimate and compare the volumes of liquid involving fractions and decimals using litres and millilitres.





Relationship between units of volume iii. Convert unit of

volumes involving fractions and decimals in litres and vice versa. Solve problem

Compute volume of liquid from a situation expressed in fraction. Solve problem in real context involving computation of volume of liquid.


iii. Measure and compare volume of liquid by using standard units.

involving volume of RELATIONSHIP liquid of objects in liquid. BETWEEN c. Litres Operation on UNITS OF d. Millilitres volume of liquid v. Convert units of volume, volume of liquid v. Add, subtract, iii. Understand the from multiply and relationship litres to mililitres, divide units of between units mililitres to litres, volume. litres and mililitres to of volume of litres, liquid. litres and mililitres to ADDITION, milillitres. SUBTRACTION, ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATIO MULTIPLICATION AND N AND DIVISION INVOLVING DIVISION volume of liquid INVOLVING vi. Add, subtract, multiply volume of and divide units of volume of liquid. liquid Solving problem involving iv. Add, subtract, volume of liquid multiply and vii. Solve problems divide units of involving volume of volume of liquid in real life liquid. situations. Solving problem involving volume of liquid v. Solve problems involving volume of liquid in real life situations.

Shape and space Year 1 Threedimensional Shapes Year 2 Year 3 i. Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

i. Name solid i. Identify threeshapes. dimensional ii. Describe shape as a features of the appearance solid of a whole. shapes. ii. Compare and iii. Sort solid sort threeshapes. dimensional iv. Make shapes models. according to properties. iii. Label parts of threedimensional shapes. iv. Identify threedimensional shapes based on descriptions.

Identify i. Understand the volume for cubes various types and cuboids. of prisms. ii. Find the volume ii. Label parts of for cubes and prisms. cuboids. iii. Describe and classify prisms. iv. Build 3-D shapes.

i. Find the
volume of composite 3D shapes.

i. Find the surface

area of a threedimensional composite shape of two or more cubes and cuboids. ii. Find volume of a threedimensional composite shape of two or more cubes and cuboids. iii. Solve problems in real contexts involving calculation of surface area and volume of threedimensional shapes.

Two-dimensional Shapes


Name two- i. dimensional


i. Identify shapes of semi- circles

i. Find the perimeter

of composite 2-D shapes.


Find the perimeter of composite

i. Find the
perimeter of a two-




shapes. shape as a Describe Identify the features of appearance of twoa whole. dimensional ii. Compare and shapes. sort threeSort twodimensional dimensional shapes shapes. according to Make properties. designs with twoiii. Label parts of dimensional threeshapes. dimensional shapes. iv. Identify threedimensional shapes based on descriptions.

and regular polygons. ii. Describe and classify semiii. circles and regular polygons. Symmetry iii. Recognise and sketch iii. lines of symmetry in a. in the environmen t; and b. in twodimensional shapes.

Square Rectangle triangle

Find the area of composite 2-D shapes.

Square Rectangle Triangle

Find the area and perimeter twodimensional shapes.

2-D shapes. a) square and square, b) rectangle and rectangle, c) triangle and triangle, d) square and rectangle, e) square and triangle, f) rectangle and triangle.

dimensional composite shape of two or more quadrilaterals and triangles.

ii. Find the area

of a twodimensional composite shape of two or more quadrilaterals and triangles. Solve problems in real contexts involving calculation of perimeter and area of twodimensional shapes.

ii. Find the

area of composite 2-D shapes. a) square and square, b) rectangle and rectangle, c) triangle and triangle, d) square and rectangle, e) square and triangle, f) rectangle and triangle.


Statistics Year 1 Data Representation Year 2 Year 3 Collecting and organising data i. Collect data based on given situations. ii. Sort and classify data. iii. Organise data in a table. Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Understand the vocabulary relating to data organisation in graphs. Organise and interpret data from tables and charts.

i. Use
pictographs to read and display data. ii. Solve a given problem by organising and interpreting numerical data in pictographs. iii. Use bar graphs to read and display data. iv. Solve a given problem by organising and interpreting numerical data in bar graphs.




i. Construct a pie
chart from a given set of data. Determine the frequency, mode, range, mean, maximum and minimum value from a pie chart.



i. Describe the ii. iii. iv. v.

meaning of average. State the average of two or three quantities. Determine the formula for average. Calculate the average using formula. Solve problem in real life situation.

i. Calculate the average of up to five numbers. ii. Solve problems in real contexts involving average.

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