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By BANJAR YULIANTO LABAN Head of Lore Lindu National Park

A result of Stockholm Conference, 1972 was global commitment for applying world conservation strategy. The position of conservation was nearest to nature, and then well known as nature conservation. But in environmental aspect, nature conservation in Indonesia had been noticed as a local treatment. The impact of this policy is nature conservation law implementation that influences total top-down strategies for partial planning, conservation and protected area and regulation for flora fauna nature species trading. Thus the law may applied a monument and tool of power. There is no benefit for community awareness. Local or indigenous people lost recognition, subject approach, role and understanding as a part of nature in reality and its sustainability. The image of nature conservation has to be changed now and keep it for national Jargon. The change especially for autonomy or decentralization is condition that how the jargon get in space of regional policy development. There are four aspiration: 1. Keep conservation for a movement by community as a part of their live behavior 2. Keep conservation area management based on collaborative system 3. Keep conservation area as a core of regional development plasma 4. Nature conservation image as a bridge for recovering the local people enlightment.


By BANJAR YULIANTO LABAN A. THE HISTORY OF THE ROLE AND POSITION OF NATURE CONSERVATION IN INDONESIA Conservation is an English word that refers to the conservation of utilization of resources. When used in connection with renewable natural resources for improving the functions of productivity and quality, it is usually applied in a very precise manner, for example: the conservation of species of flora and fauna, the conservation of natural habitats, or the conservation of soil and water. The word sustainable has a more exact meaning, i.e., sustainability, for example, sustainable development or development which is sustainable, meaning a continuous process, continuing development. A German anthropologist, Wolfgang Such, warns us to be careful of sustainable development. He warns us that such development can lose its balance or fall flat on its face. We therefore need to threat the Earth as an object to be managed (management object). If this is to be sustainable the role of the Earth must be one of a macro cosmos else we will lose benefits to humanity that is tightly connected with micro cosmos. Since the Stockholm conference in 1972, which resulted in a Global Commitment to apply a world conservation strategy, conservation has been closely connected with aspects of nature. The term nature conservation is therefore used most commonly. In Indonesia, nature conservation is positioned as local treatment. This position is sometimes applied to the technical term preservation, as its position is similar to that of local treatment. The technical term preservation is more commonly applied to products resulting from the use of resources, for example, the preservation of multi-story buildings, dams, toll roads etc, where preservation is the most appropriate treatment in a manner that is slightly different from nature conservation. The impact of positioning nature conservation as a treatment has already forced it into a corner with narrow subject areas tied to specific regulations/acts in connection with spatial planning, protected areas, flora and fauna. In accordance with those regulations and acts, the role of nature conservation in Indonesia is increasingly being limited to Nature Conservation Areas (Kawasan Pelestarian Alam and Kawasan Suaka Alam). This top-down approach to spatial planning usually refers to areas, which are protected. An alternative option under Indonesias New Era (Orde Baru) gives an understanding that conservation areas are representative ecosystems without humans, in fact bio-regional policy are already stressing that Put in a certain place man / the community are not a separate part of the forest ecosystem, and is not a threat to natural forest resources. It is one of the points raised at the National Working Meeting Department of Forestry and Estate Crops (Rakernas Dephutbun) on year 2000. This advance in thinking has latent impact to transform the application of the concept of conservation in all areas. The position of nature conservation in Indonesia has certain limitations likened to one drop of oil on top of the sea (a drop in the ocean), which in a formal sense has already been shaken. The basic of this expression comes from Decision Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops (Keputusan Menhutbun) No. 104/ Kpt-2/2000, on May 8, 2000 concerning Traditions and Manners of taking Wild Vegetation and capturing Wild Animals. The position of natural habitats is not detailed in the decision. There are legal concerns about utilizing a system of supervision that is still weak and less integrated. Conservation Agency for Natural Resources (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam) and Regional Office of Forestry and Estate Crops (Kanwil Dephutbun) can be blamed for giving permission to entrepreneurs to plunder flora and fauna in the National Park with the excuse of conserving species ex-situ.

A conservation area can be an example of an ecosystem where an interactive connection exists between original genetic resources and their environmental habitat, based on an expression needing a system of management that is appropriate now. Act No. 5 /1990 concerning biodiversity conservation also needs reviewing as it is full of points that makes an area monumental power, meaning that the general population does not need follow the appropriate to manage function if not get permission letter. The community within and outside an area positioned as an object. Item 37 Act No.5/1990 entered to safety in order that the government to drive and to move in motion role of community inside the management of biodiversity natural resource conservation and ecosystem. Thanks be to God, Government Regulation until now not yet well up. Item 37 continued evident to cover up develop expression on equity and integrity. Consider to the role of conservation for communication about application nature conservation principle that own, superior best connection with role of conservation like a part of community behavior. The custom of community already long time to apply knowledge, wisdom and ability to use natural resources as eternal everlasting. Consider to role of conservation area, as a buffer and place for valuable plasma of flora and fauna will not mean in expression of spatial planning of bioregional, if conservation area is not positioned like core of plasma area development, which have an environmental perception. This thing should become a reference for Governor and Bupati account to keep protection of environment at the area. In the same manner already mandated to item 10 and 11 Act No. 22 /1999 concerning Regional Government (Autonomy). One of the consequences from role of conservation area is need ordered perception and application, certainly technical connection with buffer zone, in fact has passive impression. It is perhaps need changed to become support zone. Therefore activities of community in the zone and/or enclave will be proactive by principle of conservation; clearly standard knowledge and procedure with have a basic commitment. On the other hand, conservation can likewise to take on a very intensive role in the development of an area with excuse application technical soil conservation and land rehabilitation through projects. Therefore until almost forgotten a regulation in formal sense. Awareness notice an option to prepare its act concept, facilitated in formulation of working meeting Depthutbun 2000 result Immediate action plans, that is prepared act concept concerning conservation soil and water. Acts concept visible more frighten conservation soil and water as Catchments area. Join in overlap with area of biodiversity nature conservation possibility can happen. Positive impact from interactive role should can more and more strengthen the meaning of conservation in spatial planning bioregional expression. Thinking about worried that so many Acts and Ordinances at this country, possible still understanding to arrogant strength area, because excuse economic concept only can make confuse to role of nature conservation. Force successfully is not yet available, because concept of many regulations if connected with role of nature conservation will need opinion of community representative. Such its role to option regional autonomy.

B. NATURE CONSERVATION AND REGIONAL AUTONOMY Since the publication of Act No. 22 /1999 concerning Regional Government, echo of regional autonomy to become new trigger factor to euphoria democratic application. Distribute central authority of nature conservation; in Act No. 22/1999 including authority conservation follow item 7 is still to become centralized. The position and role of nature conservation in an area can be put into doubt if the centralized authority is only observed in terms of political and economic aspects.

Political aspects rose being bound with international commitment to aspects of ecology, culture and world heritage. While economic aspects speak about control to movement of globalization trade commodity specific yield of tropical forest. Two aspects already mentioned above, became problems for the Law Office of the Department of Forestry and Estate Crops that still need a have channel in Jakarta, like one propose of working paper in the meeting of natural resources management at Cisarau, Bogor, 13-14 March 2000. There is a visible need to strengthen the position and role of nature conservation in some areas, in order that the balance image of Indonesia at eye of the world. Efforts to strengthen that position and role need attacked through socialization and blow up conservation principle like national jargon. With socialization make nature conservation has hope to receive position plain in regional importance. Expression to fronted principal conservation like basic of wisdom development area, apparently, however needs developed blooms through approaches as follows: To develop an active local community who are in agreement for radical conservation measures To transform the National Park management system, from a system of bureaucracy into a system of collaboration; To establish and develop National Park and conservation areas with an environmental theme as a core of development area. The principle of conservation should be a catalyst for building capacity within the community so that they are able to maintain their characteristics within the framework of strengthened autonomy.

The approaches above need tried to procedure with dialogue similar fronted synergy 3 aspects i.e., social, ecological and cultural, before frighten away to economic aspect and political. Key result is euphoria of participatory. Therefore to join all of them (entirely) importance in basic instinct which it and load solidarity, equity and honesty/ integrity in growing up to manage forest and conservation area based its function.

C. BIO-REGIONAL AUTONOMY AFTER REGIONAL SPATIAL PLANNING DECLARATION All provinces in Indonesia already prepared policy of Spatial Planning based on Act. No. 24 /1992 with share: Protected Area; and Plantation or the other Area utilization. That share still needs to be tested implication because application of activity above, e.g. topography aspect and local culture aspect. As well as that, the wealth of endemic flora and fauna, mining materials, soil factor which possibly like various sensitive erosion, sloping which speed heaped burden landslide, because tectonic quake area and high rainfall, worried can make a disorder Structure Spatial Planning of Province, when practice to chase away not or less pay attention to bio-regional conditions. Spatial planning has clear line. During this image and socialization spatial planning developed less to accommodate characteristic cohesive and diffraction of border through participatory of community. In compiling spatial planning appropriate to home affair ministry regulation (Permendagri) No. 9 /1998. Therefore perception of community involve to bottom up spatial planning. Furthermore appeared terminology Pledge Nature reserve and National Park should forbidden never development for people welfare. More or less 5 years even time take a stroll spatial planning in Indonesia, concept bio-regional already hazard by manipulation license/ permission for utilizing and utilization potential of nature resources. Servicing permission which only arranged to business-man or people with money and weak to control system, factually to make social action and social jealous, special happened to community which life depending on natural resources owned communally. Dependence community based on traditional wisdom connected with nature/ forest conservation, however less attention paid to. Technical term Why they may, we not? to dominate sound community around forest. Department of Forestry understood that sound, but identical to the sound like businessman needs legal permission.

That understanding already clarified in formulation as a result of working Meeting Department of Forestry and Plantation 2000 to item condition social economic including: recognition to community rights based historical value to have connection interactive with forest, in form permission Community Forest (Hutan kemasyarakat) . Permission to concession-extractive natural resources forest need step approach participative through study process. Therefore not should always permission for Community Forest. Concept recognition which follows to Collaborative Management needs tried like media process of study surrounding community for equity. Partial planning means have province confession to texture function of forest. Texture spread in area appropriate criteria that function like factual not yet managed optimally and professional by technical institution of forestry. Institutional option and quality of natural resources stuck out for basic technical application and mechanism management. However control or supervision system indicates professionalism still force to illegal logging, black trading, smuggling forest yield and darkening tax of DR/ PSDH. Law enforcement is subject of forestry that very weak condition now. Awareness to law in political aspect already lined in formulation of Working Meeting Dept Forestry and Plantation 2000. But has not directive yet to inform or dialogue concerning awareness about right and obligation space and potential utilization, especially to local community in and around forest. D. INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGY FOR APPLIED CONSERVATION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF REGIONAL AUTONOMY The Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops has already published Decision No. 213/ Kpts-VIII/2000, 24 July 2000 concerning the Strategic Plan for the Department of Forestry and Estate Crops for the years 2001-2005. Based on that Strategic Plan (Rencana Stratejik Renstra) Forest Development has vision as follows: Conserving forest function as buffer life system, strengthen economic aspect based populism to carry on national economy for community welfare The mission is as follows: 1. Established and protect forest condition areas, 2. To rehabilitate forests and critical land areas, 3. To improve the conservation of natural resources, 4. To optimally the function and utilization of natural forest resources, 5. To improve community participation and forestry development with spirit of regional autonomy. Understand that mission, the position of nature conservation is an opportunity for expanded whole, including man-made forest. Whole position of nature conservation can be importance to accommodate community participation, which is connected with biodiversity resource potential development to sciences and technology through eco-populism programmed. The other importance: - To take account role of forests e.g. the presence of carbon reserves, the production of oxygen, and water drainage - Media for supervisor traditional or custom community active in eco-tourism and utilization of other services including eco-research and eco-sport Mission which to broaden the position of nature conservation, continued with programmed application with form effort to improve the role of nature conservation in the manner included Forestry Protection Programmed. Objective of the programmed very clear transparences that the role of nature conservation more guided to public and community, that is; to protect the function and recovery to capacity of natural resources and Environment is a part of prosperity. Justification if connected with condition of bioregional very precisely, that is: - There are large of conservation areas - There are damaged habitats, flora and fauna in natural forests as a result of encroachment, illegal logging and fires

There are endemic species with potential that has not yet been identified Rich potential exists for activities such as eco-tourism, eco-research and eco-sport Not yet expanding decentralization for handling eco-tourism, eco-research and eco-sport like activities which to accommodate role of community.

Those need institutional strengthening for enthusiasm regional autonomy in government sector for primary activities as follows: Area management Fire control Protection forest from illegal logging, encroachment, pests and disease Conservation in situ and ex situ Exploration and inventory potential - Variety of biodiversity - Eco-tourism, eco-sports and other environmental services

Special for institutions in the context of organization, formulation has already result from Working Meeting Department of Forestry and Plantation 2000, especially for applied act No. 22 /1999 and ordinances No. 25 /2000 those are: To form a District Forest Service; To form a Sub-district Branch of the Forest Service (Cabang Dinas Kehutanan CDK); To maintain a Provincial Forestry Service; To liquidate Regional Forestry Offices (Kantor Wilayah Kanwil) To implement a Technical Unit (Unit Teknis) in areas to become exist if; - To do government authority (center) - National scale/ provincial crossing authority - To become National and international Commitment - Valued Strategy for environment - To use technology certain/ special

E. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Pay attention to 5 activities in Programmed of Protection Forest and Nature Conservation, application should obtain to accommodate items of justification. Justification is a global overview, need custom/local community as main actor connect with conservation of natural forestry resources, such as: Conservation and protecting forest are objective to be accounted for law enforcement and learning ability of custom through co-management. Applied conservation area management to value local commitment, futuristic and strategic. Conservation education and biodiversity research are applicable for efforts with community participation for development and utilization of appropriate technology to aim strengthening property and intellectual right. Strengthening custom/local community on autonomy traditional or local specify through training and promoting environmental services. Activity on basic of expression to bio-regional need socialization about position and role of nature conservation, not only connection with area of conservation, conservation ex situ and in situ, but developed nature conservation socialization, local institution and community orientation on local culture value side by side to conservation principles. In order that socialization and application can become part of action enthusiastic regional autonomy, so that institutional forestry in regional context need pay attention: 1. Work together relationship strategy, not only standard/ quality/ value/ degree of coordination.


2. 3.

Work together participatory is authority based commodity of activities. Network development with Non Government Organization, business associations, forum of partners and organizations, which live at community through collaborative management system.

Palu, March 2001.

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