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MARCO PASSAVANTI (Rome) 1. Introductory Remarks Within the vast amount of Tibetan texts kept in the Tucci Tibetan Fund in the Library of IsIAO in Rome there is a manuscript collection of explanatory texts on Sarahas Three Cycles of Doh (Do h skor gsum) titled phyogs gzigs


par zhu | dpal sa ra hai mdo hai grel [= grel] pa lags.1 This collection is
divided into seven sections: the first section (text 1095.1) is a short history of

1095.21095.7) are six rare commentaries on Sarahas Doh skor gsum, authored by Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge (mid- to late 12th cent.).2 The author of text 1095.1 remains anonymous: in the colophon he claims to be a disciple of a certain Mkhan lung rin cen gdings pa, who was in turn a disciple of Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge. Text 1095.1 is untitled but, right at the beginning, the author expresses his intention to illustrate the succession of the lineage
* I would like to thank Fabrizio Torricelli who kindly brought to my attention the copy of the manuscript that will be edited in the present study. Furthermore, I would like to for their assistance. Finally, I would like to thank Prof. Elena De Rossi Filibeck for her generous support and encouragement.

the doh lineage stemming from Saraha, while the other sections (texts

thank the personnel of the Library of IsIAO in Rome and the LTWA in Dharamsala

Text 1095 of the Tucci Tibetan Fund. For the cataloguing of this text, see De Rossi For biographical details on Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge, see Schaeffer 2005: 6465,

Filibeck 2003: 39596. See the appendix below.




masters (bla ma [b]rgyud pai rim pa, *guruparamparkrama); therefore, I far as we know, the LGR appears to be the earliest and most detailed native

have chosen to call this manuscript the Bla ma brgyud pai rim pa (LGR). As

Sarahas dohs. I tentatively placed its anonymous author, who lived two

Tibetan hagiography (rnam thar) of the masters of the transmission lineage of generations after Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge, somewhere in the first half of the 13th century. Unfortunately we do not know when and where professor Tucci found the entire collection to which the LGR belongs, nor the colophons indicate its place of origin. 2. An Outline of the Bla ma brgyud pai rim pa In the following paragraph I shall provide an outline of the LGR. In order to facilitate the reading of the text I have divided it into thirteen main sections: 1. Prologue by the author, 1b11b4: The text begins with a short prologue by the author, who declares his intention to illustrate the succession of the with regard to the teaching.3 lineage masters so that the reader may develop a firm conviction (nges shes) 2. kyamuni, 1b42a3: In this section we find the account of the mythical

origin of the lineage from Buddha kyamuni himself. The text describes his travel to South India, to the site of Karaha, where he is requested by his

pointing at the glorious origin of the lineage and by presenting examples of perfect master-disciple relationship. Nevertheless, it also serves the wider purpose of author belongs, such as the notions of gradual and instantaneous awakening and the presenting to the reader the basic ideas of the specific spiritual tradition to which the related distinction between Upyamrga and Mahmudr. Thus, the LGR should be read on different levels, as an historical document, as a piece of devotional literature and as a text containing meditative instructions. For a wider discussion on the rnam

The LGR is written with the aim of providing inspirational models to the reader by

thar genre and its different levels of signification, see Willis 1995: 329.



awakening (cig car gyi sangs rgyas pa snying poi don).

retinue of bodhisattvas to teach the the essential meaning of instantaneous 2.1. The Dharmadhtumaala, 2a3b1: The Buddha arranges the Eight

Chief Bodhisattvas (Gtso boi byang chub sems dpa) and the six Close and thereby leads his vast retinue of disciples to the realisation of the essential meaning, that is, to the instantaneous and direct realisation of the nature of things (chos nyid: dharmat).4

Spiritual Sons (Nye bai sras) within a maala, called Dharmadhtumaala,

bodhisattvas Majur and Avalokitevara are now requested by the Buddha to

holder of the lineage of gradual (rim gyis pa) awakening and Avalokitevara

2.2. The Rim gyis pa and Cig car ba lineages, 2b16: The two

become the holders of two distinct lineages: Majur is requested to be the

to be the holder of the lineage of instantaneous (cig car ba) awakening.

there is a change of scene as we find the two bodhisattvas on the two peaks of

2.3. The two peaks of rparvata, 2b69: At this point of the narration

(SSM), an 11th-century Sanskrit fragmentary manuscript discovered in Nepal and edited independently by Tucci (1971) and Lvi (1932). Both the LGR and fragment 1 of the SSM open with the legendary account of the Buddha kyamuni travelling

This part bears striking similarities with the so-called Sham Shere Manuscript

amanasikra) to a vast retinue of disciples; in addition, both texts describe a dharmadhtumaala, yet the list of the fourteen bodhisattvas of the maala
contained in the LGR slightly differs from the one contained in the SSM, where we find eight nyakas and eight upanyakas counted in a different order; lastly, both texts

down South to expound the teaching of non-mentation (yid la mi byed pa:

speak of South India as the source of their esoteric teaching. All these ideas are a find the account of the Buddha kyamuni travelling to South India, to the site of

recurrent topic in Vajrayna literature: for instance, in Nrops Sekoddeak we Dhnyakaaka, where he teaches the Klacakratantra to a vast retinue of disciples

2006: 6667, for the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts, and Gnoli and Orofino 1994: 13739, for an Italian translation.

dwelling in a maala called dharmadhtu (or vajradhtu). See Sferra and Merzagora



the sacred mountain of rparvata5: Majur manifests himself as the

Hayagrva (Bde chen mgon po Dpal Rta mgrin) on the Manobhaga peak. Majur (alias Ratnamati) finds a candidate for his teaching on gradual awakening in the Mahsukhantha r Hayagrva) finds a candidate for his teaching on instantaneous awakening in the Great Brahmin Saraha.6 3. Saraha, 2b95a8: This section contains an account of Sarahas legendary life.7

bodhisattva Ratnamati (Blo gros rin chen) on the Cittavirma peak, while Avalokitevara manifests himself as the bodhisattva Mahsukhantha r






5 6

For a comprehensive study of the site of rparvata, see Linrothe 2006: 12543. Compare this passage with the account found in the Phyag chen zla bai od zer (pp.

106.5108.1), written by Dwags po Bkra shis rnam rgyal (15121582): kyamuni, right before his parinirva, travels down South to the town of Vidarbha (Be ta) where

he expounds the doctrine of the essential meaning (snying po don gyi chos) to a vast and Majughoa, who manifest themselves respectively as Sukhantha and Ratnamati.

audience of disciples. This teaching is then handed down to Saraha by Avalokitevara

However, says Bkra shis rnam rgyal, another tradition maintains that Ratnamati was

an emanation of kyamuni while Sukhantha was an emanation of Guhyapati (Vajrapi). Finally the teaching is handed down from Saraha to Ngrjuna and from the latter to avarip. All these siddhas and bodhisattvas, says the author, can be met

in visions and dreams on the mountain of rparvata. See Lhalungpa 1993: 11617.

elements of the so-called fletcheress narrative, whereas no mention is made of the 2005: 1528). What is here worth of attention is that, paradoxically, we are faced with

The hagiographical account of Sarahas life that we read in the LGR features all the

so-called radish girl narrative (on these two hagiographical traditions, see Schaeffer one of the earliest Tibetan hagiographies of Saraha and, at the same time, with one of

the most detailed and complete. In fact, the account of Sarahas life found in the LGR proves that by the 13th century the fletcheress narrative was almost fully developed, for we encounter the greater part of those narrative elements that will appear in much later works. See, for instance, the 16th-century commentary on the Three Cycles of



3.1. The four brahmin girls, 3a24a6: Born as a Brahmin in Vras, he becomes an erudite Buddhist monk and finally is appointed court chaplain by the king Mahpla. After receiving instructions by four Brahmin girls emanated from Avalokitevara, he has a visionary encounter with Mahsukhantha r Hayagrva who grants him the teaching on instantaneous awakening. 3.2. Sarahas meeting with the fletcheress, 4a.65a.8: In the midst of a marketplace, Saraha meets a fletcheress (also an emanation of Avalokitevara) who grants him the definitive instructions by means of the life becoming a wandering yogin and doh-singer in the company of the young supposedly sang on different occasions to different individuals.8 fletcheress. This section ends with a list of dohs and vajragtis that Saraha symbol (brda) of the arrow (mda). From that time on he renounces monastic

hagiography of the crya Ngrjuna, the first siddha of the lineage of gradual awakening: Ngrjuna is said to have received from the bodhisattva

4. Ngrjuna and avarip, 5a86a8: The text goes on with the

Ratnamati the instructions on gradual awakening, that is, the teaching on the five stages and the four seals.9 After meeting with Saraha, from whom he
Doh authored by Karma Phrin las pa (14561539) (Do ha skor gsum gyi i ka bring po sems kyi rnam thar ston pai me long, pp. 4.28.5); for an English translation of
this passage, see Guenther 1969: 47; Schaeffer 2005: 2022.

that Saraha supposedly sang during a gaacakra offered by Drikap, the well-known

The text lists an unknown Song of the Adamantine Skull (Rdo rje thod pai glu)

Three Cycles of Doh (which he sang respectively to the king, the queens and the common people), a group of dohs in twenty and twelve verses dedicated to the yogins, and finally an unspecified number of songs on the six doctrines (chos drug).

the homonymous text, the Pacakrama (Th. 1340), whose authorship is traditionally

The five stages (rim pa lnga: pacakrama) are a set of five yogic practices treated in

caturmudr) are treated in the Caturmudrnicaya (Th. 2225), a text ascribed to an

individual named Ngrjunagarbha.

assigned to a 9th-century author named Ngrjuna. The four seals (phyag rgya bzhi:



receives the instructions on instantaneous awakening, he moves to Varendhr in Bengal, where he worships a drawn image of his master Ratnamati. He meets there three dancers who receive from him instructions on the dohs and traditionally listed as one of Ngrjunas great disciples.10

vajragtis; one of these three dancers is to become the siddha avarip,

4.1. Ngrjunas four disciples, 6a8b2: The text mentions Ngrjunas

and Khapda.

prophecies (lung bstan) to his four disciples avarip, Ngabodhi, ryadeva

5. Khapda, 6b27b1: This section contains a short account of Khapdas death: the tale is quite curious, as he is portrayed by the author as a rather boastful yogin, almost exclusively concerned with the display of miraculous powers and proudly engaging in magical contests with the Trthikas. After a quarrel for some mango fruits, Khapda is invited to a him by removing pieces of flesh from his body. At this point Khapda, remembering his masters instructions, attains definitive awakening in the intermediate state.11 magical contest by two non-Buddhist kins who eventually succeed in killing


Ngrjuna and avarip contained in fragment 1 of the SSM. See also the account 772.

Also in this case we notice several analogies with the narration of the lives of

written by Dpa bo gtsug lag (15041556) in his Chos byung mkhas pai dga ston: This short narrative of Khapdas death should be compared with some passages

found in the hagiography written by Trantha (15751634): the LGR uses the

yogin who has violated his masters command and who gets rightly punished for his pride; on the other hand, Tranthas account is definitely eulogistic, for he puts emphasis on Khas compassionate attitude rather than mocking his pride. See Ka

account of Khapdas death as a sort of exemplum, depicting him as an arrogant

ha pai rnam thar, pp. 297.2301.4; translated in Templeman 1989: 3741.



6. Maitrp, 7b112b9: This section of the manuscript is the longest and perhaps the most intriguing: it contains a detailed biography of the 11th-century scholar and yogin Maitrp. 6.1. Maitrps early career, 7b1b9: This subsection deals with Maitrps birth, his youth and his early career in the northern monastic colleges under Nrop and Ratnkaranti. 6.2. Maitrps quest for barevarapda, 7b98b8: This subsection contains an account of Maitrps journey to rparvata, in search of the enigmatic avarip. 6.3. The arrival at rparvata, 8b811a1: This subsection deals with Maitrps meeting with avarip and his two consorts, Jnavart and Padmavart. 6.4. The songs of avarip, Jnavart and Padmavart, 11a112a7: This subsection contains five non-canonical songs ascribed to avarips consorts, (11a1a7) feature the symbolism of hunting wild animals, which reminds of a

Padmavart and Jnavart, and to avarip himself. The first three songs

well-known imagery found in the Carygtis and in other works ascribed to the

siddhas12; the other two songs (11a7b6) are more technical and doctrinal,
being typical Mahmudr pointing-out instructions.

In the subsections 6.3 and 6.4 there is another important aspect that is worth of attention, namely, the symbolism related to the sacred geography of rparvata. This mythical place, the abode of the abaras, is described as having two peaks on its top: Cittavirma and Manobhaga.13 As we have

Schaeffer 2005: 8283.


On the image of hunting as a symbol of the yogic path, see Kvaerne 1986: 46;

pa), which respectively mean Minds Tranquillity and Minds Dissection, occurs in fragments 1 and 4 of the SSM. (see Tadz 1987: 701707). However, unlike the peaks. LGR, the SSM does not contain any explicit reference to the symbolism of the two

The earliest mention of Cittavirma (Sems ngal gso) and Manobhaga (Yid pham



seen above (fol. 2b69), the author already linked Cittavirma and two different siddhas with their respective lineages; now, describing Maitrps aspects of the Buddhist path, with two distinct yogic practices and with the two distinct textual transmissions that Maitrp receives from avarip.14 6.5. Maitrps Return to Madhyadea, 12a7b9: This subsection deals with Maitrps return to Madhyadea, his teaching activity and his departure to the paradise of Vajrayogin.15

Manobhaga with two bodhisattvas and their respective emanations, and with

encounter with avarip, he links these two peaks with the two different

summarised with the help of the following scheme: Cittavirma Majur Ratnamati Ngrjuna Lineage of Gradual Awakening Means (upya) generation and completion

This coherent system of correlations that we find throughout the LGR can be Manobhaga Avalokitevara Mahsukhantha r Hayagrva Saraha Lineage Awakening of Instantaneous

Discriminating Awareness (praj)

Path of Means (upyamrga): stages of Great Seal (mahmudr) Transmission of Yoganiruttaratantra Transmission of


texts such as the Pacakrama and the vajragtis




As in the case of Sarahas life, also in the case of Maitrps biography contained in

the LGR we are faced with one of the earliest native Tibetan accounts of his life and,

at the same time, with one of the most detailed: the LGR follows the narrative scheme of fragment 4 of the SSM, yet it appears to be much more elaborate; furthermore, the



7. Vajrapi, 12b913b7: This section contains a brief account of the life transmission of the entire doh corpus and who was responsible for its blessed by Vajrayogin with numerous magical powers, who takes up the life of an itinerant paita. During one of his travels he decides to settle in the of the Bengalese master Vajrapi, who received from Maitrp the transmission to Tibet. Vajrapi is portrayed here as a typical lay tntrika,

Kathmandu Valley, attracted by its beauty and probably by the wealth of one

of his Nepalese patrons called Ske ro Bhro.16 The text goes on by mentioning his stay among the Bhros, Vajrapi teaches the dohs to a disciple named Ba reg thos pa dga and to other eleven Tibetan disciples; from the translations made by this group of twelve lo ts bas originated one of the Tibetan lineages 8. Bal po A su, 13b79: The text now mentions another lineage of transmission, called the Lower Tradition (Smad lugs): it originated from a disciple of Vajrapi named Bal po A su. The text contains just a few data the first of the two lineages of transmission originating from Vajrapi: during

of transmission called the Upper Tradition (Stod lugs).17

SSM ends after Maitrps meeting with avarip whereas the LGR covers his entire life. In this regard, it should be noted that, unlike many later Tibetan accounts of the life of Maitrp, the LGR does not mention the controversial episode of his expulsion

from Vikramala by order of Atia, nor does it make any reference to Maitrps role in the rediscovery of the Uttaratantraastra and its transmission to Atia. For a As to this personage, we are informed by many sources that the Bhros were an

comprehensive study of the biographies of Maitrp, see Tadz 1987; 1988.


important community of Newar merchants with a particular involvement with

hosted Indian paitas as well as young Tibetans willing to be trained in the Buddhist esoteric practices. For further details, see Davidson 2005: 13438.

Buddhism. The Bhro community supported small temples guided by lay tntrikas who

On the life of Vajrapi, see Schaeffer 2005: 6266.



about Bal po A su: we are informed that Vajrapi told him to move to Tibet and to teach there the dohs.18 9. Mnga ris pa, 13b914a7: The manuscript goes on with a brief account

of Mnga ris pa, one of the first Tibetan holders of the doh lineage: he first travels to Vajrsana in order to receive teachings on the Vajravarah cycle and on Mahmudr, only to find out that Vajrapi (at that time the main representative of these teachings) had moved to Nepal. He then reaches Nepal where he finally receives from Vajrapi the transmission of the Vajrayogin cycle and the dohs. At this point Vajrapi urges him to return to Tibet and to meet his disciple Bal po A su. The meeting between the two takes place during one of Bal po A sus public teachings. At first, Mnga ris pa reluctantly extensive than Vajrapis; then, after a second explanation, he finds A sus teaching to be in complete accord with Vajrapis.19 10. Gru shul ba, 14a7b9: We find a short account of the life of Mnga ris pas disciple known as Gru shul ba: he is said to have received the transmission of the Three Cycles of Doh by Mnga ris pa20 at the Chud kar
18 19

accepts A sus explanation of the dohs as he finds the latters teaching more

On the life of Bal po A su, see ibid.: 6364. This same episode is treated more extensively by Gos lo ts ba (13921481)

(Roerich 1949/53: 86364), who speaks of a concise set of instructions known as the

cycle of pebbles, says Gos lo ts ba, was apparently much shorter than the long explanations that Bal po elaborated to suit the need of his Tibetan audience.

cycle of pebbles (rdeu skor) which Mnga ris pa received form Vajrapi. The

every day he used to chant them thrice (bla ma mnga ris pas dho ha gsum po [r]tse

In line 14b7 we read that since Mnga ris pa unified the three dohs in a triplet,

have seen above (note 8), the author of the LGR does indeed refer to the Three Cycles and the common peoplebut then, dealing with the subsequent transmission of

them today were actually arranged as such only at the time of Mnga ris pa. As we

[g]sum gcig tu mdzad byas nas nyin re la tshar gsum gsum don): this passage could be interpreted as an evidence to the fact that the Three Cycles of Doh as we know

of Dohwhich according to the tradition were sung by Saraha to the king, the queens



(sic) hermitage in the Gru Shul Valley; the next year he receives further explanations at Chu bo ri.21 11. Spa phu ba, 14b915a3: Finally, the text mentions Par phu pa (Spa phu ba) Blo gros seng ge, Gru shul bas main disciple, from whom he received biographical detail about Par phu pas life except for the mention of his place the transmission of the Three Cycles of Doh. The text does not give any

of origin22 and the mention of a set of three commentaries on Sarahas Three

Cycles of Doh that he authored.23

12. Colophon, 15a34: The text ends with the colophon in which the

anonymous author claims to be a disciple of a certain Mkhan lung rin cen gdings pa, who is in turn a disciple of Par phu ba Blo gros seng ge.24
Sarahas dohs, he only speaks of a bulk of dohs and vajragtis, without giving any

precise detail on the manner in which these texts were organised, translated and particular on the authenticity of the King and Queen Doh, see Schaeffer 2005: 73.

transmitted. On the controversies over the authenticity of Sarahas dohs, and in


1949/53: 864.

This whole episode is reported almost verbatim by Gos lo ts ba. See Roerich

of his family was Rngan (see Roerich 1949/53: 566). Guenther (1969: 18) has G.yor po for G.yo ru gra, and Rnga for Rngan. The LGR has Rui gra pa Rngan.

According to Gos lo ts ba, Par phu pas birthplace was G.yor ru gra and the name

Fund: in fact, three of these texts (1095.3, 1095.5, 1095.7) are extensive commentaries just short indexes of topics (sa bcad). For a list of these texts, see the appendix below.

The author refers to the six commentaries included in text 1095 of the Tucci Tibetan

on Sarahas Three Cycles of Doh, while the other three (1095.2, 1095.4, 1095.6) are The anonymous author of the LGR lived two generations after Par phu pa Blo gros

seng ge. As to the latter, no exact dating is available. If we assume that Par phu pa was a contemporary of Phag mo gru pa (11101170), whom he met between 1162 1168 (see Roerich 1949/53: 56667), we can safely place the author of the LGR more

pa mentioned in the LGR, I have not been able to find any biographical detail about him. For further details on Par phu pas biography, see Schaeffer 2005: 6465, 7273.

or less in the middle of the 13th century. As to the crya Mkhan lung rin cen gdings



in which the Buddha announces that a time will come when Ngrjuna, Saraha and avarip will appear in India. 3. Paleographic and Orthographic Remarks

which we find three prophecies (apparently quoted from three different stras)

13. Scriptural Quotations, 15a4a10: The text contains a small appendix in

The manuscript is written in dbu med and is almost entirely legible and well and orthographic peculiarities:

The LGR consists of 15 folios (115a), cm. 3110, with 9 lines per page.25

preserved. Apart from several scribal errors, we find the following linguistic 1) Use of orthographic abbreviations (bsdus yig): thad for thams cad; yees

bcons for bcom ldan das; sargyas ba for sangs rgyas pa; bsloon and slon for slob dpon; khasu for khams gsum; yotan for yon tan; bla for bla ma; brus for bras bu. Finally, the scribe employed the orthographic abbreviation bhe for bhvan; to the best of my knowledge,
this form is not employed in any other manuscript. I have been able to occurs.

for ye shes; rdoe for rdo rje; sen for sems can; sedpa for sems dpa;

reconstruct its meaning only by referring to the context in which this word 2) We find a few examples of alternative spelling: myug ma for gnyug ma;

rgyud for brgyud; lung stan for lung bstan; bslob dpon for slob dpon; blo bur for glo bur; jal for mjal; gur for mgur; gon po for mgon po; gdam ngag for gdams ngag; gda for brda and mda; rims kyis for rim gyis; ngal so for ngal gso; rka blas for dka las. 3) Occasional use of the grammatical particle ba for pa: mngon bar; sgrib ba; ldan ba; yin bar; sangs rgyas ba; snyam ba; byon ba; sbyin ba; gsungs ba; stan ba; bsgrub ba; thub ba; lon ba; bstan ba; phyin ba; rten ba; lan ba; mnyam ba; dran ba.

Fol. 15a has ten lines.



pa p ta, pan pi ta, pan bi ta, pa pi ta, pa pi a, pan pa ta, pa ta, pa i a for paita; bhu ta, bhu ta, bhud ta, bhud dha for buddha; dha ma ru for amaru; ma dal, ma dhal for maala. 5) Use of da drag: gyurd, rnal byord pa, pha rold du phyin pa. 6) Palatalisation of ma in words as mi or med, which are usually written with the ya btags: myi, myed. 7) Use of reversed gi gu, mainly for Sanskrit transliterations: pa b a; pa p ta; kha sar pa i; po t; bzhn. 8) Use of numeral graphemes (1, 2, 3, 4): nyi ma 1; dag pa 2; 2 dzin; 2 su; dus 3; 4 po; bras bu 4. We find also the use of numeral graphemes as homophones: phun 3 tshogs for phun sum thsogs and mngon 3 for mngon sum; lhan 1 skyes pa for lhan cig skyes pa; 1 car for cig car; 4n for bzhin. Furthermore, the scribe employed the numeral grapheme gcig with the meaning of the imperative particle cig: zung 1; gsol 1. 9) Use of two logograms: one meaning med and one meaning sogs. 10) Employing of the anusvra sign for the consonant m: tso; thas cad; ses; rnas, etc. 11) Final reduplication in ho: gsungs s.ho; bsdus s.ho; bzhugs s.ho, etc. 12) There is a pleonastic use of a, especially for numerals: gtso; bzhi; bde ba; bcu gnyis; bzhi bcu; brgya bcu; brdzu phrul; rgya mtsho; dge slong; bso; tsho ba; bzhu; gyu ba; gti mug; bkye; dgu; rtso khor; phyag dpe; skye; gsha ma; bsnga bar; bsu ba. 13) Compendious writing, such as rtens (rten nas), lagso, yongsu, nakha, is
sometimes used.

4) Wrong transliteration of Indic terms: dho ha, dho ha for doh; pa b a,

4. Diplomatic Edition of the LGR

Legenda: tha<s ca>d (bsdus yig); gcig (1); gnyis (2); gsum (3); bzhi (4); MED (logogram for med); SOGS (logogram for sogs); dgongs (written with small
characters); rigs (written above the line of writing and connected to the pertinent spot by means of a dotted line); (inverted gi gu); = (unreadable); 447


{mda} (reconstructed); gyin (uncertain or unclear reading); (yig mgo); (ornamental sign).

[1b1] || || bla ma dam pa rnams la phyag tshal lo || rgyas tha<s ca>d kyi thugs kyi dgongs pa

[1. Prologue by the author]


rnal byord kyi dbang phyug chen po dpal sa ra ha pas || dus gsum gyi sangs myug ma>26 [1b2] lhan cig skyes pa snying poi don de ci lta ba bzhin du thugs su chud nas | ma ongs pai gang zag dbang po yang rab du gyurd pa | snying poi don la mos pa pai dii don ston par byed pa la gsum ste | dang po nges shes skyed par bya rnams kyi don la dgongs nas | rtogs [1b3] pai gur27 rnam pa gsum


bai ched du bla ma rgyud pai rim pa stan pa dang | gnyis pa sgro dogs bcad pai ched du gzhung gyi [1b4] don bstan pa dang | gsum pa nyams su blang

bai ched du snyan rgyud kyi gdams pa stan pao || || [2. kyamuni]

dang po bla ma rgyud pai rim pa ni | o skol gyi ston pa yang dag par rdzogs pai sangs rgyas [1b5] des | dang po byang chub mchog du thugs skyed | bar du bsod nams dang ye <sh>es kyi tshogs legs par bsags | mtha ma bras bu du mngon bar rdzogs par sangs rgyas so || mngon bar rdzogs par sangs rgyas pa las | de yang sku gsum [1b6] gyi tshul

de la chos kyi sku dag pa gnyis ldan spros pa tha<s ca>d dang bral ba de de bzhin nyid cig28 du sangs rgyas so || longs spyod rdzogs pai sku og dmin [1b7] gyi gnas su yon tan gyi chos tha<s ca>d kyis legs par brgyan pa | ston pa rdo <rj>e chang chen por sangs rgyas so ||

26 27 28

Throughout: gnyug ma. Throughout: mgur. Read: gcig.



sprul pai so || ||

song la | shag kya [1b8] thub pai tshul du mngon bar rdzogs par sangs rgyas de la sprul pai sku shag kya thub pa des | gdul bya se<s ca>n rnas la


smon la gyi stobs kyis dzam bui gling rdo <rj>ei gdan gyi

gyis dul bya se<s ca>n rnas legs par btul | mdzad pa tha<s ca>d

bka khor lo rnam pa gsum yongs su rdzogs par gsungs | [1b9] theg pa gsum

mthar phyung nas | mtha ma dza bui gling gi lho phyogs <ka ra ha ta>29 zhes bya bar gshegs pa dang | gtso boi byang se brgyad dang [2a1] nye bai das kyis dul bya se<s ca>n rnas kyi don gyi ched du theg pa mtha dag gsungs pa las | bdag [2a2] cag rnams kyis drang don dang nges pai don gyi theg pa bzhan30 dag ni legs par btsal gyi | cig car gyis sangs rgyas pa snying poi don de ni da rung ma tshal lags na | dei don bdag cag byang chub se<s> dpa [2a3] rnas dang | dul bya se<s ca>n rnas kyi don la dgongs la bstan du gsol zhes zhus pa dang || [2.1. The Dharmadhtumaala] sras brgyad kyis yongs su bskor nas | bcom ldan das la zhus pa | bco ldan

bco <lda>n <da>s kyis de lta bui snying poi don rtogs par dod na | phyogs bcui byang se gzhan dag rnas kyang sbron [2a4] cig gsung nas | phyogs bcui byang se gzhan dag rnas kyang dus ste | de rnas kyi nang

nas gtso bor gyurd pai byang se byas pa dang | jam dpal dang | spyan ras gzigs dang | phyag na rdo <rj>e dang | [2a5] sai snying po dang | nam mkhai snying po dang | sgrib ba rna par sel pa dang | kun tu bzang po dang | nye bai sras byang se zla od dang | nyi mai od dang | dri ma myed pai od dang | dri ma MED par grags pa dang | [2a6] rad na ma ti dang | chos phags dang | nam mkha gro ba lasogs

dang | bye ba rgya stong tshad

pas bskor ba rnas la | bco ldan das kyis dbyings rang bzhin gyis

rna par dag pa chos kyi dbyings [2a7] kyi dkyil khor mngon bar bstan nas
29 30

Karaha[ka]. Read: gzhan.



dbang bskur <r>o || dus dei tshe byang chub se<s> dpa rnas kyis chos gang yang yang dag par rjes su ma mthong ngo | gang yang yang dag par rjes su ma mthong bas to || dei myed | spyad du
tshe dag na

| chos [2a8] gang ci yang yid la byar MED par gyurd

rna par dag

chos gang yang yang dag par lta ru myed | thob du

myed pao | de kho na yang dag

rna par dag


| bsgo du


pai lta ba dang | bsgo ba dang | [2a9] spyod pa dang | yang dag pai bras buo | zhes gsungs pa dang | dus der byang chub sems dpa rnas kyis chos mngon gsum du [2b1] gzigs | snying po don gi rtogs mngon gsum du gyurd te | thugs thag legs par chod par gyurd to | nyid de bzhin nyid la dbang ci lta bar thob | chos nyid don da pai bden pa

bui gling gi se<s ca>n rnas [2b2] kyi nang nas | <rims kyis>31 pa dang gsungs so | der khor rnas la <lung stan>32 pa yang mdzad de || nga dgongs pa
yongs su

de nas bco ldan das kyis | ja dpal dang | spyan ras gzigs gnyis la dza

[2.2. The Rim gyis pa and Cig car ba Lineages]

cig char bai skal ba dang ldan ba yod pas de rnas kyi don gyis gcig ces mya ngan las das pai [2b3] rjes thogs su | dza bui gling du rims

kyis pa dang cig car bai chos kyi rgyud smin cing grol bar byed pai gang zag lung stan no || sprul pai sku gnyis byung bar gyur gis | de khyed rnas kyis zung gcig ces

de nas [2b4] rtag par dzin pai se<s ca>n rnas skyo ba skyed pa dang | le lo can rnas brtson grus la dzud par bya bai ched du | grong khyer rtswa mchog du sprul pai skui snang ba brtul te | yongs su mya ngan las das [2b5] pai tshul stan nas
so soi skyeo 33

| og dmyin gi gnas su longs spyod rdzogs pai

skui rna par bzhugs s.ho || ||

31 32 33

Throughout: rim gyis. Throughout: lung bstan. Read: skye bo.



[2.3. The two peaks of rparvata]

de nas byang se ja dpal dang | spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gnyis kyis ye

<sh>es [2b6] kyi spyan gyis dza bui gling gi se<s ca>n rnas la kyi

nang na | phags pai gang zag rims kyis pa dang cig char bai gdas ngag stan pai snod du rung bai skal ba dang ldan ba su dug gzigs nas | dza bui gling gi lho phyogs dpal [2b7] gyi ri i sems ngal so bar byed pa dang | yid pha bar gyurd pai ri la byon no | de yang ja dpal gis byang se blo gros rin cen du sprul ste | ses ngal so bar byed pai ri la byon nas | <bslob dpon>34 klu [2b8] grub la rims kyis pai gdas ngag gyis rgyud smyin bar mdzad | phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis | byang se bde chen <gon po>35 dpal rta grin du sprul te yid pha bar byed pai ri la byon nas | bra ze chen [2b9] po sa ra ha la cig char bai gdas ngag gyis rgyud smyin cing grol bar mdzad do | [3. Saraha]

de yang lho phyogs dpal gi ri la byon nas | ye <sh>es kyi spyan gi gzigs pas | dus na zhig na yul <b ra na se>36i rgyal po [3a1] <ma ha pa la>37 zhes bya bai mchod gnas bra ze spun la yod pai chung shos de | cig car bai gdas ngag stan pai snod du gzigs nas | de thabs gang gis dul bar dug gzigs [3a2] pas | bud MED kyi snang bas dul bar dug par gzigs nas | sku la ye <sh>es kyi mkha gro ma gda mkhan mor sprul lo |
38 rnas

lnga sprul ste | bzhi bra ze mor sprul | cig

34 35 36 37 38

Throughout: slob dpon. Throughout: mgon po. Vras. Mahpla. Read: mda.



[3.1. The Four Brahmin Girls]

de nas rgyal poi mchod [3a3] gnas bra ze sprun39 lnga pos | khrus kyi

zei bu mo na so rgyas pa gzugs dang lang tsho phun gsum tshogs pa | rgyan kyis mdzes pa mtshan dang [3a4] ldan ba bzhi dug par mthong nas | spun lnga po de la yid chags nas dri ba dris te | khyed dang po gang nas ongs | da gar gro | da lta ci byed | yin pa su yin byas pas | nged dang po gang nas kyang [3a5] ma ongs | da gar yang myi gro | da lta ci yang myi byed | yin pa ni bra ze mo yin zer ro | o na rig byed thon dang byas pas | snyan sngags40 dang | mchod sbyin dang | srid srungs dang | nges rjod [3a6] bzhi thogs pa myed par bton bas bra ze mo yin bar yid ches so | khyed la bdag myed da byas pas | bdag MED zer ro | o na nged dang khyim thab byar rung thab du byas so || chung shos kyis bsas pa la bra ze mo bzhi po de dang ma gna42 ma bzhi poi drung du [3a8] bud MED bzhin gcig blangs nas khyim phrad pa ni phu bo bzhi pos khya41 thab du byas | da ngas phu boi chung nga byas pas | de ltar byar rung zer nas [3a7] de nas phu bo bzhi pos khyim

rdzing bui kha nas phar skyo bsangs la byon ba dang | sa phyogs de na bra

byung la da pai chos gcig bya dgos snya nas | dang po bslob dpon theg chen dpal gyi grags [3a9] pa zhes bya bai spyan sngar byon te | rab tu byung

thab byas pa la dgos pa MED pas | nga rang nang pa sangs rgyas par rab tu

nas | rgyu mtshan nyid kyi theg pa dang | bras <b>u gsang sngags rdo <rj>ei thegs pa tha<s ca>d ma lus par gsan te | mkhas pa chen por gyurd to || [3b1] de nas dus na zhig rgyal poi spyan sngar pho brang du byon te mchod gnas mdzad do || de nas dus de tsa na nyi ma gcig rgyal poi ldu rai ra ba nas phar skyo gsangs43 la byon bai dus su | ldu ra de na phu boi chung ma
Read: spun. Read: ngag. Read: khyim. Read: mna. Read: sangs.

39 40 41 42 43



[3b2] gna44 ma bzhi po de kha

dei nang du chang blugs nas thung gyin dug pa gzigs nas | bslob dpon gyi dgongs pa la bra ze ni thod pa thogs pa dang chang thung ba bas | [3b3] ni rnal byord ma a | mkha gro mai rigs gcig yin te ong bsnyam pa dang phyogs su nye bar yang myi byed pa yin la | mna ma bra ze mo bzhi po di


lta tshur lta byed kyin thod pa re re bzung

| bzhi pos rab tu byung ba nyid rang [3b4] dir spyon45 spyon dang zhes pai

gda46 gcig byung nas | bslob dpon gyis bzhi poi thad du byon pa dang | gna

thung ba yin | [3b5] rab tu byung ba nyid kyang di la gsol pas chog pa yin pas gsol gcig zer nas | thod pa chang dang bcas pa phyag du stad pa dang | [3b6] nang pa sangs rgyas pai sgor zhugs pa yin | dei nang nas kyang theg

ma bra ze mo bzhi po na re | nged kyang bra ze mo yin te gsangs nas

bslob dpon gyi dgongs pa la || bra ze chang thung du btub na nga spyir yang pa chen po gsang sngags pa yin bas thung du btub ste ong | bra ze mo di

kun yang rnal byor mai rigs sa mkha gro mai rigs rna par [3b7] sprul ba yin te ong | gal te dngos grub byung bai gda yin pa yang srid bsnya nas | thod pa chang dang bcas pa phyag tu bzhes nas gsol ba dang | bras chang | gur chang | rgun chang | [3b8] sbrang chang ste chang pas | de bla ma dam pai gda bzhii gda ngag gis myug ma lhan gcig skyes dug pa de bla ma da pai [3b9] gda bzhi mtshon te ngo sprod cing rtogs pai dus na | chos tha<s ca>d myug ma lhan gcig skyes pa phyag rgya

bzhir dug

pa mtshon par byed pai thabs yin bar go | thungs pas chang gyi ro gcig du

chen po lhan gcig skyes pai kyi ngo bor ro gcig pa yin bai brdar go | mang gi pa rtogs shing | nang du nyas su myong bai dus na zag pa MED pai bde ba chen po de dang bral du MED pai brda yin par go zhing rtogs pao | [4a2] de

ro mchog gi bde ba nyas su myong [4a1] ba de | nyug ma lhan gcig skyes

44 45

Read: mna. Scribal error: this word is not clearly readable; perhaps it has been erased by the

scribe who accidentally wrote it two times.


Throughout: brda.



ltar dngos grub kyi brda stan pai chang gsol ba dang | lus chang gyis ra ro zhing | ses chos nyid kyis ra ro bar gyurd to |dei dus der mkha gro ma

bzhs dbang skur byin kyis brlabs s.ho | dus [4a3] der byang chub sems dpa bde bai gon po dpal rta grin gi zhal mngon gsum du gzigs te | gcig char

gyis sa<ngs > rgya47 ba phyag rgya chen po snying poi don gi gda ngag

dang rtogs pa ci lta ba bzhin du [4a4] thugs su chud nas | jig rten dang jig rten las das pai rna par rtog pa tha<s ca>d dang bral ste | bdag bra ze yin | ma yin bsnya pa dang | rab tu byung ba yin ma yin bsnya pa | rnal [4a5] byor pa yin tha<s ca>d dang bral bar gyurd to || || kyis gcig char du grol bas na gcig [4a6] car bai gang zag ces byao || [3.2. Sarahas Meeting with the Fletcheress] de ltar la bhe48 ba la ma ltos par bla ma da pai gda dang byin rlabs

ma yin snya ba lasogs pai rna par rtog pa

de nas brtsis brdab49 MED pai spyod pa mdzad cing <ha ghe>50 zhes bya bai tshong dus chen po gcig du byon ba dang | de nas gser dang | dngul dang | mu

tig dang rta dang glang po dang bru [4a7] lasogs pa sna tshogs nyo tshong

byed pai tshong dus dei dkyil na mda mkhan gyi bu mo gzhon nu ma gcig smyug ma mang po tshags byas nas | dei bseb nas snyug51 ma gcig btsal te mei drod la sro [4a8] = yon legs par bsrang nas | rna par shes pa bdag du

g.yas g.yon gang tu yang mi yengs par mda gcig byed pa gzigs [4a9] pa dang
47 48 49 50

dzin pai dmyig52 ni btsums | ye <sh>es dmyig gcig dri ma MED pa ni phye ||

Read: rgyas.

Read: gdab. Possible misspelling of the locative hae (Sanskrit: haa, marketplace). See Karma

Phrin las pas Do ha skor gsum gyi i ka, p. 5.3: ha e.

51 52

Read: smyug. Throughout: mig.



| mda mkhan gyi bu mo de la | bu mo khyod dang po gang nas ongs | da gar gro | mda dis ci byed pa yin byas pas | bu mo na re dang po gang nas kyang ma ongs | da gar yang [4b1] mi gro | mda di snying la snun par byed pa yin zer | o na sui snying la snun byas pas | rab tu byung ba nyid kyi snying la snun par byed do zhes zer ro || = = {mda} mkhan mo [4b2] ma yin te | brda mkhan mo yin par dug <g>o byas pas | rab tu byung ba gda yin par goa zer ro | brda yin par go ste smyug ma de ni sangs rgyas kyi dgongs pa snying poi don de myug ma ma [4b3] bcos pai shes pai brda go | dei nang nas mda gcig byas pa ni snying poi don gcig char bai skal ba

dang ldan ba re re tsa yod pai gdar53 go | drod la sro ba ni dang po bla ma da pai brdai gda ngag dang byin [4b4] rlabs kyi drod la rten gos pai

brdar go | rtag tu ma yengs par srong ba ni | bla ma da pas stan54 pai snying po myug mai don la rtag du ma yengs par bya dgos pai brdar go | sgro bzhi skyon pa [4b5] ni mtshon par byed pai brda dang | btags snyad lasogs
pa pa


pai brdar go bao | de ltar brda stan pai don go ba rnas bkrol nas | bu mo kyi dgongs pa gcig car gyis sa<ngs >rgyas [4b8] pa snying poi don de nges

gro ba ni myug ma lhan gcig [4b7] skyes pa de kho na nyid la gro ong MED

skui don de la gyur ba MED pai brdar go | gang nas ma ongs pa dang myi

mde u btsugs pa ni myug ma lhan gcig skyes pa de kho na nyid chos kyi

snying rje gnyis po de dbyer MED zung [4b6] jug tu = rtogs pai gdar go |

bar go | ltong gnyissu byung ba ni thabs shes rab gnyis sa stong pa dang

sna grags kyi chos tha<s ca>d sgros btags sa thabs yin

la phar smras pa | kye ho bu mo khyod dus gsum bhud dha tha<s ca>d par brdai sgo nas ston pa gcig dug go zhes gsungs pa dang | bu mos smras de | bla ma da pai byin rlabs dang brdai sgo nas [4b9] stan pa ma yin bar | tshig dang tha snyad dang yi gei sgo nas rtogs pa ma yin te | khyod kyis gdai don ci lta ba bzhin go zhing rtogs pai rnal byord pa gcig dug pas | da
53 54

pa kye ho dus gsum sangs rgyas tha<s ca>d kyi dgongs pa snying poi don

Read: brdar. Read: bstan.



mda di khyed rang long gcig [5a1] ces gsung nas mda phyag tu stad de gyi gnad du snun bas mda snun zhes byao | gnyis dzin ni [5a2] rtog pa la

mda bsnun zhes btags so | bla ma dam pai brda zab mo de rang gyi ses ye <sh>es kyi mda snun bas na mda bsnun zhes byao |de nas

mda mkhan gi bu mo dang grogs nas spyod pa la gshegs pai dus su | sa ra hao zhes yongs su grags s.ho | dus der <dha ri ka pas>55 [5a3] smad tshong ma gcig gi g.yog po lo bcu gnyis
rna pa


byas pai bla rngan gyis dur khrod kyi rnal byord pa rnas la tshogs kyi khor lo bskor bai dus su | dpal gyi chas pai dus su [5a4] dris lan gi tshul du rdo <rj>ei thod gur gsungs s.ho || || de la rgyal po la tshigs su bcad pa bzhi bcu ba dang | btsun mo rnams la

brgyad kyis rgyan nas byon

tshigs su bcad pa brgya bcu ba dang | [5a5] dmangs phal pa rnas la tshigs bcad pa nyi shu ba dang | tshigs su bcad pa bcu gnyis pa dang | bsa rtan gi chos drug la SOGS [5a6] pai gur mang du gsungs <s>o || de nas bra ze chen po nyid sems chos kyi skur gyurd | lus longs spyod rdzogs pai skur gyurd te | ye <sh>es kyi mkha gro ma dang bcas nas nam mkha [5a7] la gzha bzhn du rang yal du gshegs te phung po lhag MED du sangs rgyas so || de la snang ba ma dag pas mi mthong la | snang ba dag pas da lta yang zhal mngon gsum du mthong du yod pa yin gsung [5a8] ngo | de rnas cig car bai rgyud pao || || su bcad pa brgya drug bcu ba dang | rnal byord pa rnas la tshigs <s>u

de la dang po bslob dpon klu grub lho phyogs <bhe ta>56i tshong dus kyi nang du bra zei rigs su khrungs57 ste | yab bra ze <krig gra ya>58 zhes bya ba

[4. Ngrjuna and avarip]

55 56 57

Drikap. Unidentified toponym. SSM: Karahaka. Read: khrungs.



dang | [5b1] yu <gha ti>59 zhes bya ba gnyis kyi bsras60 su lta pai dus su | na mkha la <na ga dzu na>61 zhes bya bai sgra grags par gyurd do | pha mas <dha mo dha ra>62 zhes bya bar btags | rab tu byung bai mying ni shag kyai [5b2] bshes gnyen | byang se rin cen blo gros kyis rjes su bzung bai dus kyi mying gnyis MED rdo <rj>eo || na gha dzu na zhes grags pa des | ja mjal nas | rim pa lnga dang | phyag rgya bzhi lasogs pa gsan te | rims kyis pai gda ngag tha<s ca>d thugs su chud par mdzad do |

dpal gyi sprul pa byang se blo gros rin cen dang zhal mngon [5b3] gsum du

de nas bra ze chen

sa ra ha dang yang zhal jal63 nas | [5b4] cig car bai

gda ngag tha<s ca>d thugs su chud par mdzad do || de nas na ga dzu nas <bha rin dha>64 zhes bya ba lho phyogs bhe65i tshal du [5b5] mchod pa mdzad kyin bzhugs pai tshe | <dhau dha ra>66 zhes bya bai zhes bya ba gnyis kyi sras <tri sa pa ri>69 zhes bya bai gar khan70 ming sring
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

byang se blo gros rin cen gi thang ka gcig bris nas nang nub du phyag dang

grong khyer zhig na | yab <glog go>67 zhes bya ba dang | yu <ghou ri>68

SSM: Trivikrama. SSM: Svitr (Tucci), Savitt (Lvi). Read: sras. Throughout: Ngrjuna. SSM: Dmodara. Throughout: mjal. SSM: Varendhr. Unidentified toponym. See n. 56. Unidentified toponym. SSM: Dedyapra. SSM: Loko. SSM: Gaur (Tucci), Gaur (Lvi). *Triabari; SSM: Triaraa.



gsum [5b6] yod pa la | dho ha rdo <rj>ei glu len gar byed kyin lho phyogs

bhe ta>71i yul du phyin nas yul di kun na gtong la dga ba sbyin ba la dga

ba byang sei rigs su gyurd pa su yod dris pa la | di lta bui [5b7] rigs bslob dpon klu grub ces bya ba yod pa yin te | de da lta bhe tai tshal na bzhugs zer ba thos pa dang | de phyin bas bslob dpon klu grub72 dang jal te gar gi mchod pa phul | dho ha rdo <rj>ei [5b8] glu glangs pas | khyed kyis dei don shes sam bstan kyis gsung nas gda ngag rnas stan no | dei dus na byang se [5b9]

ba la | myi shes mos nas len ba yin byas pa la | o na ngas dei don

dri ba mdzad pa thos nas | khyed gzugs rnyan gcig la di ka bzhin du phyag na kho bo cag gi bla ma dam pa gcig bzhugs pa yin gsung | de gang lags zhus dang <pu tsa>73 dang dri ba mdzad pa su bzhugs pa lags [6a1] zhus pas | di

blo gros rin cen gi thang ka gcig la ma dal phul | phyag dang mchod pa dang

pas | byang se blo gros rin cen bya ba yin gsung | o na khyed kyi bla ma dam pa [6a2] de nged la yang stan bar zhu byas pas | khyed la ye <sh>es kyi spyan yod na mthong ste | chu bur gyi dmig74 gis mi mthong gsung ngo | o na

nged la ye <sh>es kyi spyan gnang bar zhu zhus pas | dbang skur [6a3] byin du mthong ngo |dus der byang chub se<s >dpa blo gros rin cen gis kyang rdo <rj>e zhes bya bar btags te | <gdam ngag>75 rnas kyang gsungs s.ho || de nas yang bslob dpon klu grub kyi zhal nas | kho bos gsol ba btab na bra ze chen po sa ra hai zhal yang [6a5] bstan bar nus gsung nas | dpon bslob kun kyis gsol ba btab pas | ye <sh>es kyi mkha gro ma dang bcas pa
70 71 72 73 74 75

kyis brlabs nas ye <sh>es kyi spyan gnang bar mdzad pas zhal mngon gsum

dbang skur byin kyis brlabs nas da tshig gi mtshan yang [6a4] myi skyod

Read: mkhan. Unidentified toponym. See n. 56. Read: sgrub.

Read: mig. Throughout: gdams ngag.



mngon gsum du byon te | na mkhai thongs76 su bzhugs nas dho ha rdo

<rj>ei [6a6] gur yang gsungs gdam ngag kyang gnang ngo | dus der bslob

du gyurd pa de dpal <sa bha ri pa>77 la gdams nas lung stan [6a7] ba | kye

dpon klu grub dang bra ze chen po dang | byang se gsum thugs dgongs gcig

khyod kyi spyod pa di yongs la | dpal gi rii sems ngal so bar byed pa dang yid pha bar gyurd pai ri la rngon pai tshul du gyis la bsgrub ba byed cing | gang zag dbang po yang [6a8] rab skal ba dang ldan ba rnas kyi don gyis

gcig gsungs s.ho |

der slob dpon klu grub la lung stan pai slob ma bzhi yod de | sa pa ri pa la dpal gi ri la dug la bsgrub ba byed cing [6a9] gang zag dbang po yang rab tu gyurd pa byung na dei don gyis gcig par lung stan || nag po zhabs la snying

[4.1. Ngrjunas Four Disciples]

po don gyi chos shod la dar zhing rgyas par gyis gcig par lung stan | klui mong gyi dngos grub gzhan la bston gcig par lung bstan | <a rgya de ba>78 la zhing rgyas par gyis gcig par lung bstan no ||

byang [6b1] chub la khyod bsgrub ba nyas su long la mchog dang mthun mu stegs kyi rgol ba ngan pa rnas tshar79 chod la bhu tai [6b2] stan pa dar

de la nag po zhabs kyis bla mai bka bzhin du ma sgrubs te bshad pa ma byas par bsgrub ba brtso80 bor byas pas mthun mong gyi dngos [6b3] grub thob ste | mu stegs dang rtsod pa dang nus pa gran bas mu stegs kyis ma thub ba dang | na mkha la thogs pa MED par gro ba dang | nam < m>kha la
76 77 78 79 80

[5. Khapda]

Read: thog. Throughout: avarip. ryadeva. Read: tsar. Read: gtso.



gdugs rang khor ba dang


gling bu rang = =

[6b4] dha ma ru rang grol81 lasogs pai

nus pa byung bas nga rgyal skyed spyod pa byed kyin nam mkha la thogs pa par brdzu82 phrul gyis gshegs na zhig nags khrod du shing thog gsol bar [6b5] bzhed nas byon ba dang | de na mu stegs kyi mkha gro ma rgan shing phob la drongs byas pas | khyod rnal byor pa [6b6] grub pa thob pa mo ma smad gnyis kyi gzugs su dug pa mthong nas | de la khyod kyis nga la

dpon gyis lta stangs byas kyin phab tsam na | bud MED mos lta stangs byas kyin yar shing la sbyar <r>o gyin [6b7] de ltar lan mang du byas pas ma na re de tsug ma byed par khyod rang gyis phob la drong byas pa la mos phab nas drangs slob dpon khros nas gsol du ma bzhed pas | mo na re rnal byord pa khyod mthun [6b8] mong gyi dngos grub bag tsam las rgyal rlom ses de tsam byed pa | u cag nus pa gran dgos pas | yang na khyod kyis bsad pai sbyor ba gyis ngas bsrung ba bya | yang na ngas bsad pai sbyor [6b9] ba bya is | khyod ra84 bsrung ba gyis zer ba la | <bslo<b dp>on>85 gyis bsrung ba bya bar zhal gyi86 bzhes nas | sang nyi ma phyed tshun chad du de ltar bya bar chad nas | slo<b dpo>n gyis sang nyi ma phyed tshun chad du ting nge [7a1] dzin la mnyam bar bzhag nas bsrung ba byas te | nyi ma phyed nas

gcig men83 na | khyod rang gyi nus pas phob ngas drang gyis zer nas slob

sa ti>87 btang ba dang | mos phyed las thal gyi bar du bsad pai sbyor

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

ma bcad par | slob dpon la sha sa



[7a2] tshal byung


nas | sku


Read: khrol. Read: rdzu .

Read: rang. Read: slob dpon. Read: gyis.

Read: phro.



khas ma bde bas | cis phan dris pa la phyii rgya mtsho nas lbu ba lon na phan gsung nas | g.yog cig la rkang gyogs91 kyi dngos grub byin nas len du btang bai [7a3] zhag lnga tsam na sleb bai la ka na | mu stegs kyi rgan mo skyug bro nas nga rings pa gcig yod pas khyod sgral92 long MED byas pas shin du rid pa gcig du byas nas nga chu di la sgrol dang zer ba la | de la

[7a4] khyod la rings pa ci yod zer ro | bslob dpon bar bai <rtsooi>93 sku khams94 ma bde bas phyii rgya mtshoi lbu ba len du phyin te khong gyi rtsar khyer te gro ba yin byas pas | dgan95 mo na re nga la rgyus [7a5] yod de | khong das pa khyod kyis phyin yang myi phan zer bas | yi mug ste rgya mtshoi lbu ba chur bor nas phyin tsam na ma das par dug nas | rgya mtshoi lbu ba ga re gsungs pas | sngar gyi [7a6] phrad lugs dang lo rgyus rnams96 bshad pas | de mu stegs kyi mkha gro ma yin | de bsgral na bar chad mi byed pa yin te de ma bsgral bas bar chad byes97 pa yin | da nga da ba yin zhag bdun [7a7] nas bar do98 nas ongs nas phung po la rnas shes jug pa yin bas | dei bar du phung po la
gzhan = i gi

gcig gsung nas sku das so | dei bar du phung po la gnod pa ma song bar bsrungs nas [7a8] yod tsam na | yang mu stegs mo smad gnyis kyis rgyal poi

gnod pa ma song bar bsrungs

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Read: dbyung. Read: mgyogs. Read: bsgral. Read: gtso boi. Read: khams. Read: rgan. Read: rnam. Read: byed. Read: do.



drung du phyin das bzlas pas


ra tsa>99i bka byung nas bsregs te | zhag

bdun lon ba dang na mkha la dha ma rui sgra khrol gyis byung ba la [7a9] jug sa MED pas das so | tshe di nyid la dngos grub ma thob bar bar chad du song ba de bla mai bka bcag pai nyes pa yin gsung ngo | sa ba ri pa dang | klui byang chub dang | bzhugs s.ho || ||

a rgya [7b1] de ba>100 gsum da rung

[6.1. Maitrps Early Career]

[6. Maitrp]

dpal ri khrod dbang phyug gi bslob ma rgyal sras <me tri ba>101 yin te | de la ya kar ni ka>103 zhes bya bai gtsug lag khang gcig du sku khrungs te | de yang yab bra ze <dha nu>104 zhes bya ba dang | yu <sa bi tri>105 zhes bya bai sras su lta | pha mas mtshan <dha ma ra>106 zhes bya bar btags [7b3] nas dgung lo bcu gcig du pha ma can du bsdad do | de nas mu stegs kyi sgor zhugs te | mtshan yang <sa ha na dz a nan ta>107 zhes bya bar btags te | bra ze g.yug gu gcig pai spyod pa la [7b4] zhugs = nas mu stegs kyi sgra dang stan chos tha<s ca>d thugs su chud par mdzad do || de nas <bha ri dang po rgya gar gi yul dbus <ga bi la>102 zhes bya bai nang na <dza [7b2]


ryadeva. Throughout: Maitrp. SSM: Kapilavastu. *Jayakarika. SSM: Nnk. Svitr; SSM: Svit (Tucci), Sdhviti (Lvi). SSM: Dmodara. Sahanajnanta. SSM: Martabodha.

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107



dha>108 zhes bya bai yul gcig du gshegs nas | <li kha>109 bya bai sgra mkhan

gcig la sgra pa nii stan chos lo [7b5] gcig du gsan no | de nas mu stegs kyi
grub mtha tha<s ca>d la yid ma ches nas | joo <na ro pa>110 de nang ba

bhu tai chos la mkhas par grags nas | ne ne mo gcig gis chos zhu bai ngo chen byas [7b6] nas zhus pas gnang ste | dang po bra zei tshang skud bcad rdo <rj>e zhes bya bar btags te | sngags dang pha rold du phyin pa [7b7] dang | dbu ma dang | tshad mai stan chos lo drug gi bar du gsan no | de nas

| chang blud | dbang skur nas | dbang skur bai gsang mtshan yang dod chags

la ses tsam rna rdzun gi grub mtha lo gnyis su gsan [7b8] no | de nas <bhi ka ma la shi la>113i pa b a <dznya na shi la>114 theg pa phyi nang gi chos

rad na a ka ra shan ti>111i bslob dpon pan bi ta <ma



zhes bya ba gcig

du byon te mkhan po <shan ti ba>117i spyan [7b9] sngar rab du byung dge slong mdzad nas dul bai sde snod lo bzhir gsan |

lo gnyis su gsan no || de nas <bhi ka ma la shi la>115i <rtsug lag>116 khang

108 109

Varendhr. SSM: lkasantra (Tucci), lkai sanna (Lvi). According to Tucci, it should be

the LGR, it may be that the author considered the Sanskrit term for grammarian (likha) as a proper name.
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

read lkaatantra, The system of Lkaa. As to the name Li kha that we find in

Nrop. Ratnkaranti. Mai. Vikramala. Jnala; SSM: Jnarmitra. Vikramala; SSM: Vikramapura. Throughout: gtsug lag. ntipa.



[6.2. Maitrps Quest for barevarapda]

dang | phyag rgya bzhii don dang [8a1] gcig char bai don gyi rgyud pa bra g.yu khang>119 du byon nas jo mo sgrol mai bzlas bye ba tsa mdzad kyin lo

de nas snying po don gi chos la | rims kyis pai rgyud pa | <pan tsa kra ma>118

ze sa ra hai dgongs pa rnas thugs su ma chud pas | byang phyogs <a lii

gcig du [8a2] gsol ba debs shing bzhugs pas | nub gcig rmi la du lung stan
ba byung ste | kye pa pi a me tri ba khyod shan ti ba i rigs ma yin te | ldong ra pa>120i rigs yin bas | khyod kyi spyod pa [8a3] di spongs la | ci

bde bai spyod pa byed cing shar phyogs <kha sar pa >121i lha khang du song la spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la gsol ba thob dang | des khyod kyi dod pai don ci lta ba bzhin du [8a4] ston bar gyur gyis gsung ba dang | na byon te bzlas pa bye ba tsam mdzad kyin lo gcig du bsol
123 <

langs te me tog nyor nyos ma dal phul nas | kha sar pa nii lha gang122 du ba ba>124 debs shing bzhugs pas [8a5] na tho rangs ka tsam na phags pa spyan ras gzigs dang zhal dngos su jal nas lung bstan ba | kye pa bi a me tri ba khyod di nas lho phyogs dpal gyi ri zhes bya ba la | <ses ngal so>125 bar [8a6] byed pa dang | yid pha bar gyurd pa zhes bya bai ri yod kyis der song gcig dang

| de na dpal sha ba ri pa ri khrod dbang phyug zhabs zhes bya ba bzhugs pas | de dus gsum gyi bhud tai dgongs pa gcig car gyis [8a7] sangs rgyas snying po
118 119 120

Unidentified toponym. See fol. 10b6. This term may refer to the particular group of ascetics to which the

siddha avarip and his two consorts belonged.

121 122 123 124 125

Throughout: Khasarpaa. Read: khang. Read: gsol. Scribal error: the scribe wrote ba two times. Throughout: sems ngal gso.



don gyi chos ci lta ba bzhin du mkhyen gyis |

khrul pai the tso der chod nas dod pai don tha<s ca>d de nyid du grub bar gyur ro zhes lung stan no | de nas me tog nyos ma [8a8] dal phul nas | rdo <rj>ei gdan du byon te bzlas pa bye ba tsa mdzad cing lo phyed zhes bya bai rtswa yang MED shing yang MED [8a9] pai thang gcig la zla ba mdzad do || de nas lho phyogs nas phar la byon ba dang | <o tra bhi sha>126

de khyod la ston par gyur te

khyod kyis

gcig tsam du byon ba dang | tshad pa gdungs nas shing sdong gcig gi bsil grib gcig la bsnyel bso zhing bzhugs tsam na | ri rgyang ring po gcig nas myi gcig
rang gyi drung du byung ba la | pap tas [8b1] khyod gang nas ongs | su yin byas pas | nga yul <da ba yin | rgyal srid gzhan gis phrogs nas da yul nas khyam du gro ba yin | [8b2] o na khyed su yin | gang nas ongs | da gang tu gro ba yin byas pas | nga me tr ba zhes bya ba pan pi ta che ba gcig yin | yul dbus <dza ya kar ni ni lho phyogs dpal gyi ri la dpal sha ba ri pa ri khrod dbang phyug zhabs zhes ka>129 zhes bya bai rtsug lag khang gcig [8b3] nas ongs pa yin | da gro ba

ri>127 bya ba nas ongs | rgyal bu <sa ga ra>128 bya

bya bai bla ma gcig bzhugs zer bas de tshol du gro ba yin byas pas | o na

kho bo [8b4] yang khyed kyi zla la bla ma de tshol du gro bas o skol grogs

sha>130i thang rgal ba na | mya ngan gyi chu zhes bya bai chu <ched [8b5] nub tsam ba dang | long skor nub tsam dang | chu lcag lcig yod pa la zla ba

par bgyio zhes so | de nas gnyis po grogs nas phyin ba dang | <o tra bhi

po>131 gcig la gru gzings gtong dgos pa dang | skyed nub tsam ba dang | pus phyed tsam du rgal nas byon no | de rnas [8b6] rgal ba dang ri gcig gi gab

126 127 128 129 130 131

Oivia or Otrevia (?). SSM: Uradea. Unidentified toponym. SSM: Rahadea. SSM: Sgara. *Jayakarika. Unidentified toponym. See n. 126. Throughout: chen po.



gcig na <shri na da>132 zhes bya bai rang byung gi mchod rten ched po gcig la
skor ba mdzad cing lo phyed bzhugs nas | jo mo sgrol mai bzlas pa mdzad kyin gsol ba btab bas | [8b7] nub gcig rmyi la du lung bstan ba | kye pa pa

a me tri ba khyod di nas nub byang = tshams su133 song gcig dang | zhag lnga tsam na khyod dod pai skyes bu da pa de yod kyis | des khyod kyi the bas | tso tha<s ca>d [8b8] chod par gyur ro zhes bya bai sgra gcig byung

[6.3. The Arrival at rparvata]

rii rtsar bslebs pa dang | ri dei gra na ba glang mang po yang snang | ba glang rtsi yang [8b9] snang nas dpal gyi ri gang yin
lo rgyus

de nas gnyis po nub byang tshams su gshegs nas zhag lnga tsam na dpal gyi dris pas | dpal gyi ri

bya ba ni spyi ming yin | ses ngal so bar byed pai ri dang | yid pham bar

phyug zhes bya ba bzhugs par dug pas | khyed la cha yod da zhes dris pas | lan du bzhugs zer te nged kyis mthong ba ni MED | o na khyed de la bzhud na gang la btung byas pas bseb134 de kun na chu dmyig135 tho re yod pas de kun la btogs kyin gsol | me tog btogs shing ma dal phul nas | bsol ba debs shing zla ba

gyurd pai ri ya gi gnyis yin zer ro | o na ri di na dpal sha [9a1] ba ri dbang

[9a2] ri de gnyis kyi bar na smyo chu yod pas de la ma gsol gcig zer ro | o na

gsol bas chog zer bas shin tu rgyes136 [9a3] te | gnyis pos shing thog yod pa tsam du btsal yang ma rnyed do || de nas pap tai [9a4] zhal bsa

ba la | bla ma skyes bu chen po de dang da rung ma jal ba de | bdag kha zas kyi

ro la chags pas lan ba yin te ong bsnya nas kha zas phro bcad pa dang | rgyal bu sa ga ra na re [9a5] pa p ta chen po chos byed pa la tsho ba gal
132 133 134 135 136

*rnada. SSM: rdhnya[kaaka]. Throughout: mtshams. Read: gseb. Read: mig. Read: rgyas.



che ba yin bas mtsho137 ba ma bcad par gsol byas pas kyang ma gsan bar | rdo leb gcig steng du kri snya sa lei pags pa bting nas zhag [9a6] bdun du pai rmi la na skyes bu nag po sku bong thung ba | ral pai thor tshugs yod bsnyung bar bzhugs pai mtha mai nub mo tho rangs ka rnal thun gcig log

pa | ol ma ses rgyan byas pa | [9a7] rma byai mdongs kyi sku skyed la brgyan pa | phyag g.yas na mda snas pa | g.yon na rin po chei bu pa thugs kar bsnas pa | phrag pa la bzhu138 zhur nas bzhu mchog gnyis la kha gnyis yod pai nang na mda lnga lnga blugs nas rgyab du khur ba | g.yas na

phag [9a8] pai khog stod khog smad du bcad nas bkal ba | dong pa gcig la dznya na war ti>139i bya ro140 khur ba | g.yon na gling ru
142 <



byon ba rmis pa dang rnal sad nas | rgyal bu sa ga ra la bzlas pas | o de brag nas mtsho143 ba ma gsol bar snyung bar [9b2] gnas pas gser ma144 langs pa lags zer bas | gdung pai sems kyi phyogs bcu kun du ltas pas kyang ci yang ma mthong bas | gzhan ci la yang ma chags pa nga rang srog di la [9b3] chags <pas pas>145 lan ba yin na | da ni bdag dang tshe di la jal bai skal ba MED pa yin te ong | rang srog rang gyis bcad la <bar dho a>146 tshe phyi ma la jal bai smon la btab dgos snya nas [9b4] spu gri rkyed pa las
137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146

bud pa gnyis kyis sku rten ba can gcig nam mkha nas mar

pad ma [9b1] war

Read: tsho. Throughout: gzhu. Jnavart; SSM: Jnval. Read: rog. Padmavart; SSM: Padmval. Read: bu. Read: tsho. Read: bser ma. Scribal error: the scribe wrote the syllable pas two times. Read: bar doam.



phyung nas rtseu chung la snyags pa dang | rgyal bu sa ga ras mthong ste phrogs nas bor ba dang | pan pi ta rmi la du ci ltar mthong ba bzhin du dha ma rui sgra dang bcas pa

[9b5] rgyal bu sa ga ras na mkhai dbyings nas mar la mngon gsum du byon ba mthong nas | kye pa pi ta o skol dod pai bla ma skyes bu dam pa de ni

pha ki147 nas phar la byon no zer nas | rgyal bu sa [9b6] ga ras byon bai drung du rgyugs nas phyin te | yan lag brgyad pai rkyang phyag byas nas skor ba byas pa dang | | dpal ri khrod dbang phyug gi zhal nas rgyal bu sa ga ra khyod rgyal srid shor nas [9b7] bsdug bsngal dpag tu MED pa nyas su myong bas bsdug go bsnya148 du yid la ma byed cig ces gsungs pa dang | yid la myi byed pa phyag rgya chen poi don thugs su chud do | pa pi tas kyang mthong [9b8] nas khrag byid kyin rgyugs nas phyin bste149 | mar me mdzad bog go | de nas rgyal sangs pa dang phyag gnyis kyis zhabs gnyis kyi long bu kyi rkyang phyag byas pa dang yus kyis rnangs pa de krog la rgyal150 zhing

la [9b9] jus nas | kye bla ma mnga bdag chen po kho bos <rka blas>151 de tsa du byas pa la zhal byal152 du myi gnang thugs rjes myi gzigs pa bdag gis ci nongs pa lags zhes pa dang | kye pa pi ta [10a1] me tri ba khyod dang nga bral MED du rtag tu grogs na153 yod pa yin ste | khyod rang gi <blo bur>154

147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154

Read: gi. Read: snyam. Read: ste. Throughout: brgyal. Throughout: dka las. Read: mjal. Read: nas. Throughout: glo bur.



gyi dri mas sgribs155 nas nga ma mthong ba yin | da res khyod kyis rka blas dang gdung ba drag po byas pas [10a2] sgrib ba dag nas nga mthong ba yin | nga dang phrad156 do bsnya du ma ses gcig gsung nas | gur gsungs pa | nga mthong ba ni grol gyur te | nga ma mthong bas kyang grol bar gyur | nga mthong bas ni [10a3] ching gyur te | nga ma mthong bas kyang ching157 bar gyur | ces s.ho | khyod kyis rka blas ci byas gsung ba la | kho bos mu stegs kyi sgor zhugs nas rka blas di tsam bgyis | de nas nang pa bhu tai sgor [10a4] zhugs nas rka blas di tsam bgyis zhus pas | pa p ta yid la myi byed pa snying poi don

yin gsung ngo | kho bos dpal gi ri tshol ba dang | ses [10a5] ngal so bar byed pai ri dang | yid pham bar gyurd pai ri tshol ba la rka blas di tsa bgyis byas pas | dpal gyi ri na tshur la btsal bas myi bsnyed158 | dpal bya ba ni

gcig ma rnyed ma rtogs na khyod kyi rka blas de tha<s ca>d don


gnyis su


pai ye <sh>es la zer ba yin | [10a6] ri bya ba ni chos nyid

chen poi don la zer ba yin te | lta bhe159 spyod pa bras bu bzhi spangs pai don yin gsung | ses ngal so bar [10a7] byed pai ri dang | yid pha bar

gyur ba MED pai don la zer ba yin | yang dpal gyi ri bya ba ni spangs pa

gyurd pai ri na tshur la btsal bas myi rnyed | sems ngal so bar byed pa ni rna par rtog pa chos kyi dbyings su ma yal gyi bar du ma yal gyi bar

155 156 157 158 159

Read: bsgribs. Read: phrad. The scribe first wrote jing and then corrected it. Read: rnyed.




tha<s ca>d la ses ngal so bar byed pai ri zer ba yin | gnyis dzin gyi rna par rtog pa tha<s ca>d chos kyi dbyings su yal te | blo ngo bo nyid
ri zer ba yin

du>160 bskyed pai rim pa la SOGS pa [10a8] tha<s ca>d thabs kyi cha

kyis dag nas yid kyi gyu ba chad pa shes rab kyi [10a9] cha tha<s ca>d la | yid pha bar gyurd pai gsung ngo | de nas pan pi tas ma dal phul te | yan lag brgyad pai rgyang phyag byas nas | bla ma mnga bdag

cig car gyis sangs rgyas pa snying poi don de ci lta ba bzhin la khyed la mnga ba lags par gda bas | de kho bo la thugs kyis dgongs te gnang bar zhu zhus pas | o na [10b2] pa p ta khyod rang phag pai khog stod khog smad bcad pa di la ltos dang gsung ba la | dei don ma go ste phag pa ni gti mug che ba yin ba la dei nang nas kyang bsad pai ro khog stod khog [10b3] smad du bcad pa di ma tshal lags byas so | de la phag pa ni ma rig pai brda | bsad pa ni bla ma da pai gda ngag gis ma rig pa rtsad nas bcad pai gda | khog stong khog smad du bcad pa [10b4] ni chos sku dpe brjod dang bral bai brda yin <= sked>161 | de nas sems ngal so bar byed pai ri la ses bskyed dbang rdzogs par bskur nas | phyag rgya bzhi dang rim pa lnga la

chen po | dus gsum gyi bhu ta tha<s ca>d [10b1] kyi thugs kyi dgongs pa

pa rims kyis [10b5] pai gda ngag tha<s ca>d gnang ste | the tso

ga ra gnyis kyis ma dhal phul nas gsol ba debs shing bzhugs pa dang | zla ba

tha<s ca>d chod par mdzad do || de nas yang pa p ta dang rgyal bu sa phyed tsam na nam [10b6] kha nas mar la dha ma rui sgra dang bcas nas

kas rgyugs nas phyin jal ba dang | rnal byor ma gcig gis ldong ra ba162i ral

byon te | yid pha bar gyurd pai ri la gshegs pa dang | pan pi ta dang gnyis pai thor [10b7] cog bshig nas shig sro sen car163 byas | gcig gis nags bseb164
Scribal error: the scribe wrote ma yal gyi bar du two times. Read: skad. See fol. 8a2. Read: bcar. Read: gseb.

160 161 162 163 164



skyes te | a tsa ma di kun la snying rje ye rang myi dug ste [10b8] se<s ca>n gyi srog gcod par dug pas | mu stegs can gyi rigs yin na bsnyam ba dang | rnal byord ma gcig na re a tsa ma pa p tas gda myi go bar rtog pa ngan pa skyes pas dngos grub myi thob na zer ba dang | [10b9] pa p tas o na ci ltar bya na bsnyam du thugs chad165 pa dang | dpal sa ba ri pai zhal nas phyag rgya chen po la ni thob ba [11a1] ba dang ma thob ba gang yang MED do gsung ngo | [6.4. The Songs of avarip, Jnavart and Padmavart] dznya na war tis sha ba ri la bkye nas gur gsungs pa | kye gang yang myi skye gang yang mi shi ste | bsrid166 pas bcings dang bgrol167 ba [11a2] gang yang MED | khas <gs>u khor bai nags khrod du | gzung dzin sha ba rgyu ba la | snying po don gi mda gcig rgyab | thob ba dang ni ma thob ba gnyis ni mthun mong gyi dngos grub yin na |

na sha ba rgyu ba la mda gcig phangs nas bsad pas | pap ta thugs rtog

bzung dzin sha ba nga yis sod | sha ni gnyis su MED par zos |

khrag ni mnya ba nyid du thungs | [11a3] ro ni bde ba chen por myong | sha ba ma yin sprul pa yin | zhes gsungs so || yang pad ma war tis | gur bzhes pa ||

165 166 167

Read: bcad. Read: srid. Read: grol.



ma rig thibs poi gon168 pa ru | gti mug phag rgod rgyu ba [11a4] la | yid la myi byed mda gcig rgyab | ma rig phag rgod ngais sod | sha ni gnyis su MED par zos |

khrag ni mnyam ba nyid du thungs | ro ni bde ba chen por myong | zhes gsungs s.ho | | yang dznya na war tis [11a5] zhu gur bzhes pa | ri dags ri la rgyu ba ltar | ses ni dran bai rna par rgyu | ri dags ri la gnas pa ltar | sems ni dran MED dbyings su gnas |

ri dags bsmyo169 chu thungs pa ltar | sems ni [11a6] tol tol grongs MED | ri dags snying la da170 phog ltar | ses ni ses nyid dbyings su stor | ri dags pags pa bshus pa ltar | ses ni ses kyi du shes MED | ri dags sha zos khrag thungs ltar | [11a7] ses nyid mtha171 snyad kun dang bral | zhes gsungs s.ho ||
168 169 170 171

Read: dgon. Read: smyo. Read: mda. Read: tha.



dpal ldan sha ba ri pas dgda ngag gsungs pa |

las rgya

rdo <rj>e nas byung pad mar reg |

gnyis das nas ni gnyis shor ba |

myi bskyod rdo <rj>e nas byung [11a8] ba | rgyu la bras <b>u brgyas172 btab cing | bras bu la yang rgyus rgya btab || di ni bde ba chen poi rgya | tha mal shes pa di nyid la | sna tshogs snang ba sprul pai sku | rtogs pa longs spyod mtshan [11a9] nyid can | dus ma byas pa chos kyi sku | nyug173 ma ngo bo nyid kyi sku | deng di nyid kyi ye <sh>es ni | khyod kyis smros dang ci ltar yin | ma rtogs zhes ni smras pa na | de nyid rtogs pa ci [11b1] ste yin | zhes pa dang | dang po rdo <rj>e se<s >dpa ste | dran ba de dag myi bskyod pa | gzugs sogs rna par snang mdzad ste | gro bai rang bzhin rnyog pa MED | zhes pa lasogs pa gsungs so |

172 173

Read: rgyas. Read: gnyug.



yang [11b2] pad ma war tis gsungs pa | gnyen poi phyogs ni khyod kyi ses la ma bhe174 bskye | di ni don da yin gis ses la ma bzung kye | yid la myi byed phyag rgya chen poi la la ni | bras bu [11b3] re ba la ni khyod nyid ma chags kye | yang dag don la khyod kyis sgro dogs byed na ni | dpal ldan theg pa chen po sus kyang ma gsungs kye | yid la mi byed phyag rgya chen poi la la [11b4] ni | khams gsum ma lus di dag phyag rgya chen po ste | yid la myi byed phyag rgya chen poi la la ni | da tshig dkyil khor khor lo rang gyis bsgrubs gcig kye || di ni sangs rgyas se<s ca>n gnyis su [11b5] MED pa ste | di ni rgyal bai yo<n> tan bsa du MED pa kye ||

yid la myi byed phyag rgya chen poi la la ni | bcings dang grol ba MED pai sems kyi gnas lugs de | bar snang ci yang MED kyis dag par ma byed kye | [11b6] rang bzhin gdod nas dag pai ses kyi gnas lugs de | rtog pa bsgos pas thob du re ba ma byed kye | zhes gsungs s.ho | | de na dho ha rdo <rj>ei gur dang | de la brten bai gda ngag rnas | dei dus der rgyal bu

kyang gsungs te | [11b7] gcig car bai gdams pa rnas ma lus par gsungs s.ho rtogs pa mngon du gyurd te | zag bcas kyi phung po zag MED kyi lus su grol [11b8] nas nam mkha la phung po lhag MED du bun gyis
mchod pa mang po phul skad

ga ras snying poi don ci lta ba bzhn brdai sgo nas

lha rnas kyis men 175

don ci lta ba bzhn du thugs su chud do || dpal sha ba ri pas gsungs pa | kye
174 175

song ngo || pa p tas kyang yid la myi byed pa snying poi

tog gi

Read: me.



pan [11b9] pi ta me tri ba khyod kyis tshe di nyid la phyag rgya chen po mchog gi dngos grub dngos su myi thob ste | bar dor dngos grub thob bar gyur bas khyod rang yul du song la | snying po don gyi chos shod la dar [12a1] zhi rgyas par gyis gcig gsungs so | khyod kyis snga ma lo du lon

bcu rtsa brgu sdod la se<s ca>n [12a2] gyi don gyis gcig shi kar rdo <rj>e rnal byor ma rtso176 khor gsum gyi zhal dngos su mthong nas lung

gsungs pa la | lo su bcu rtsa dgu lon bar zhal gyis bzhes pa la | da lo gsum

ston par gyur bas | de nged dpon g.yog gsum yin bar shes par gyis gcig gsung nang mo rnal sad tsa na | sngar gyi chos dang dpal sa ba ri pas stan pai ngo | de nas byon ba dang dpal gi rii [12a3] gab gcig du nub gcig bzims nas

gda ngag tha<s ca>d rjed nas mi dug pas | ma dgyes nas thugs chad nas yod pai dus su | [12a4] nam <m>kha la dha ma rui sgra dang bcas te byon nas | kye pa p ta khyed ci la ma dga gsung ba la | zla od pa yang stor | chos rnas kyang brjed pas ma rga177 ba lags zhus pas | sha ba ris = gur gsung [12a5] pa | khor lo bde mchog bde bai mchog | ma gsungs pai chos nyid la | rjed ces bya ba ga la yod | ma skyes pai chos rnas la gag ces bya ba ga la yod | ma dus pai chos rnas [12a6] la | bral ba nyid kyang ga la yod | dran bai phyir na brjed pai rgyu | ma dran ba la brjed rgyu MED | dus pai phyir na bral bai rgyu | ma dus pa la bral ba MED |

176 177

Read: gtso. Read: dga.



khas su178 ye nas dag pa la [12a7] ma rig pai nga bsgribs pa yin | ces gsungs te |

gnyis MED rdo <rj>e <a ba du ti ba>179 |

dbang skur byin kyis brlabs pa dang | ye <sh>es kyi spyan thob bar gyurd do | [6.5. Maitrps Return to Madhyadea]

de nas mnga bdag gis mthun mong dang mthun [12a8] mong ma yin bai gdas pa tha<s ca>d thugs su chud | thugs kyi dgongs pa tha<s ca>d

yongs su grub nas yul du byon ba dang | kho bos lho phyogs dpal gyi ri la phyin nas dpal sha ba ri khrod dbang phyug [12a9] zhabs dang dngos su jal te | snying po don gyi gdam ngag gsungs nas bdag la yod do zhes dpal sha ba ri pai gdas ngag yod par zhal gis bzhes te khor bsdus s.ho || dus der mu stegs pa dang [12b1] nang pa bhu ta bai pa pi ta tha<s ca>d na re | me tri ba pan bi ta dis dpal sha ba ri pa dngos grub can de dang zhal dngos su jal te mi ong | de dang jal na o skol gyis brtsod pa mi thub ste | dun MED pai [12b2] ri khrod pa gzhan gcig dang phrad pa yin te ong bas | kho dang rtsod pa bya dgos zer nas pa ta tha<s ca>d dang rtsod pa

a <na de gha na>180 zhes bya bai [12b3] rdzus skyes gcig na re | khyed yo181 ma la skyes mnya po yin bas ma thub ba yin | nga rdzus skyes yin bas ngas thub ste ong bas | nga dang brtsod pa bya dgos zer nas | mnga bdag la dris pas rung [12b4] gsung nas gang rtsod pa rgyal ba dei stan pa la jug par chad
178 179 180 181

byas pas | tha<s ca>d kyis khong ma thub bo | de nas mu stegs kyi pa i

Read: gsum. Avadhtipa. Naegana. Read: g.yo.



nas brtsod pa byas pas | mu stegs kyi pa i as ma thub ste mnga bdag me tri ba rgyal lo | der rtsod pa tha<s ca>d las rgyal bas na [12b5] rgyal ba me tri ba zhes bya bar grags so | de nas

shri na len tra>182i brtsug183 lag

khang dang rdo <rj>e gdan du spyan drangs nas mnga dpon mdzad pas na mnga bdag me tri ba zhes bya bar grags s.ho | | [12b6] spyir mnga bdag la mtshan bdun du grags skad | rgya gar na pa ta tha<s ca>d kun kyi nang nas do ya MED cing | kun kyi rtsug gi nor bu lta bur bzhugs s.ho | mnga bdag gyi spyir dgung lo [12b7] bdun bcu rtsa dgu bzhugs pa la | dpal sha ba ri pa dang zhal jal gdam ngag thob nas rgung184 lo

gsum bcu rtsa dgur se<s ca>n gyi don mdzad | dei bar du theg pa chen

poi bka rab bya ma lus [12b8] par gsungs | khyad par du snying po don gyi chos dar zhing rgyas par mdzad do | mnga bdag la spyir thugs kyi sras mang du yod kyang | dei nang nas khyad par du phags pai sras bzhi yod de

| [12b9] <ra ma pa la>185 | <na de gha na>186 |<de ba tsan tra>187 | rgya gar

phyag nao [7. Vajrapi]

de la bla ma phyag na dang jal lugs ni | bla ma bai dang poi yul shar skad | sku mched gsum yod pa la | na mkhai snying po bya ba grongs |
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189

phyogs <bha gha la pa>188 | grong khyer <dha mo pu ri>189 [13a1] bya ba yin

r Nland. Read: gtsug. Read: dgung. Rmapla. Naeghana. Devacandra. Bagala. *Dmopuri. Unidentified toponym.



yod pa la zhu ba phul te | [13a2] bla ma me tri ba la gdam ngag gcig zhu bas mnga bdag gi spyan sngar phyin nas <phu os>191 zhu ba phul bas | [13a3]

phuo190 sai snying po bya ba rgyal poi bka rtags dzin pa dbang che ba gcig | khyed kyis zhu ba phul bar zhu bsdungs pas gnang ste | spun gnyis grogs te khyod kho bo la tshod lta maa <tho tsham>192 ba ma yin na gsung | rgyu

mtshan zhib du bshad pas o na ngai drung du bsdod gcig gsung nas hwa dar lag bcings nas | o skol pha spad dus di nas bzung nas rtogs pa rab kyi mthar

gyi sku regs la dud pa mdzad nas lag tu brtad | dar leb [13a4] rgan gyis skyin

thug ste | snying po byang chub kyi bar du chu la chu bzhag pa bzhin du gyurd cig gsung nas [13a5] thugs la btags pai brda yin skad | de nas dbang skur rgyud smyin bar byas te gda ngag mthar phyin bar gnad do || bla ma phyag nas yul da mo pu ri dang sras dang chung ma [13a6] spangs nas yul dbus su bzhugs te bla ma la lo bcu gnyis brten bskad | dus phyis bla ma mnga bdag

chen po dgongs pa yongs su mya ngan las da kar | rdo <rj>e rnal byor

mai zhal [13a7] mngon gsum du gzigs nas | stod pa yang mdzad | nye khor rnas la dbang rtags re yang gnang | bla ma [13a8] phyag nas shul du lo lnga bsgrub ba mdzad kyin bzhugs pas | rdo <rj>e rnal byor ma la rten nas mthun mong gyi dngos grub mang du brnyes | phyag rgya chen poi rtogs pa yang mthar phyin [13a9] =thug pa mnga ba yin skad do | phyis ldo bu la

gyi khor rnas bsdus nas | mkha spyod la gshegs par zhal gyis bzhes te khor

byon bai la kar | glang po che <snyon ba>193 dang dug sbrul byung ba la |

[13b1] bsod snyos mdzad pas | bra ze dgan194 rgon gnyis kyi g.yog mo

sdigs dzub stan pa tsam gyis bros nas song ba dang | grong khyer gcig du

mkha gro ma gcig gis rgyal bu skye ba bdun pa gcig gi thod pa byin ba yang
Read: phu bo. Read: phu bos. Read: mtho tshams. Read: smyon pa. Read: rgan.

190 191 192 193 194



phyag tshags mdzad nas | bal yul du ldo bu la [13b2] byon bai dus su da ni spyod pa <byas pas>195 tshogs ra dug snya tsa na la kar mkha gro ma stag dang seng ger sprul nas btang ngo | sdig dzub byas pas ma zlogs pas | dei dus su mkha gro [13b3] ma lngai zhal gzigs nas rnal byord pas da rung spyod pai dus la ma bab gsungs pa dang | de nas tshong pa da byon grogs nas bal yul du byon ba la yul bzang bar dug pas bzhugs par spro nas [13b4] rgya gar nas phyag dpe rnas blangs nas pa tai tshul du mdzad de byon ba dang | ske ro bha ros yon dag byas nas bzhugs so || dei dus su ba reg thos pa dga la SOGS pa bod ston bcu gnyis [13b5] rgya gar du lo tsa bslob du gro ba | rtsa ba bcad pas rgya gar na yang bla ma di las lhag pa MED par thos | shar bai pan ta yin bar dug zer skad | de nas bod ston bcu gnyis pos zhu ba phul te chos zhus pas gnang nas bsgyur ba rnas [13b7] dho ha stod lugs lasogs par grags s.ho || [8. Bal po A su] [13b6] bud MED gcig na re yang bla ma di rgya gar gyi nyi ma bal yul du

bal yul du sleb tsa na | bla ma phyag na dang zhal jal nas dad pa skyes nas

de nas

gcig bya rgos197 gsung nas | mtshar bar gnang bai rting la | khyod kyis bod du
phyin nas chos di bshad na phan thogs par gyur gsung nas | lung stan pai grags s.ho | rjes la bod du byon nas [13b9] bsgyur ba rnas la dho ha smad lugs bya bar

mnyes>196 pa byed kyin bzhugs pas o khyod kyis dho ha di shes pa [13b8]


bla ma bal po a sus chos kyi zhu ba phul te | lo bdun du <sku

195 196 197

Read: byed pai. Read: bsku mnye. Read: dgos.



bla ma mnga ris pa de spyir gsang sngags ma rgyud kyi chos la mos | khyad par du phag moi chos dang | phyag rgya chen po la [14a1] mos nas | rgya gar rdo <rj>e gdan du byon nas rgya gar shar nub na mkhas pa su yod dris pas | chos de rnas la khyad par du mkhas pa mnga bdag me tri bai bslob ma yin te | da lta bal yul du bzhud zer nas tshur bal yul du byon nas bla ma dang jal ba dang | chos kyi zhu ba phul [14a3]

[9. Mnga ris pa]

[14a2] phyag na rdo <rj>e bya ba pa pi ta grub ba thob ba gcig bzhugs pa

rang yal la nam mkha la gro ba dang | shing thog chua o mar bcug nas dar gcig la bras bu smin pai dngos grub kyi rtags gzhan la stan du rung ba yod bskad do ||>198

dang | khyeu dang bu mo gnyis kyis dkyil khor gyi thig btab bris nas du ba bzhin du

rje btsun phyag na la thod pai nang du chang blugs nas myi zad par gsol du yod pa

gsung nas | rnal byor ma dang dho hai chos skor tsho gnang nas | da bod na

bas | o khyod skye chi yis jigs pai gang zag gcig dug pas bshad dgos

ngai bslob ma bal po a su bya ba [14a4] yod pas dei drung du song la ltos

zhu thug gcig gyis gsung | de nas bod du byon nas bla ma bal po a su la tshar la bla [14a5] ma bal po na re | khyod groa gsung pa la | kho bo yang bla ma phyag nai bslob ma yin te | bla<a>i gsungs dang mi mthun bar khyed kyi di spros pa che bar dug byas pas | o na zhag [14a6] ag199 sdod dang | ngas bod la mang bar spros nas bshad pa yin gsung bskad do | bla ma mnga ris pa de yo<n> tan khyad [14a7] par du phags pa mang po brnyes pa | gsang spyod <bha zhing>200 mdzad pa yin gsung |
198 199 200

gcig bsan bas myi dra ba spros pa mang bar gyur na | bzhud par brtsams ba

gsung nas tshar gcig gsungs pas dei bla mai gsung dang mthun bar byung nas

Gloss in the manuscript. Read: ga. Read: ba zhig.



bla ma gsang spyad pai bslob ma gru shul ba yin te | bla<a> mnga ris pa de na zhig dpyid la nye ba na [14a8] lho gru shul nas phar la gsang spyod mdzad kyin byon nas phug gdong gi gnas kyi khyams gcig du bzhugs pa la | [14b1] ma bzhag nas | chud kar dgon pai gyang ra gcig du bzhugs nas | bla ba gcig byung nas nang mo spyan drangs pas byon | rgyud pai [14b2] thang

[10. Gru shul ba]

gnas rtan201 gra nag202 pa gcig gis bzhugs su ma ster | phyugs rar yang

ma gru shul bas nang du spyan drangs pa la byon du ma gnang | kha ba che

gcig gzigs nas khyed kyis di shes sa gsung | gsha203 ma mi shes mos pa
gsung nas lo rgyus kyang lang204 du [14b3] mdzad | o na dii chos ci nas kyang zhus dgos zhus pas | rtag pa bya yis gsung nas nang par byas pas chog bdun las mang bar phyi bzhugs pa yin ba la | da res kha ba ma cad pa dang

byed pa tsam lags | bla ma mkhyen na zhus pas ngas di yi chos shes pa yin

rab dug gis gsung nas zhal gyis bzhes | bla ma de dug sa gcig du zhag [14b4]

zhag nyi shu rtsa gcig bzhugs nas tshar bar gnang | bra ze chen po sa ra ha dang bcas pa tshar ba dang | gser la thub zho lnga phul bas | khyod rang

dngos dang jal ba bsnyam byed pa byung nas | [14b5] gzhung gda ngag gzhan la byin nga gsang spyod pa la gser gyis dgos pa MED gsung nas ma bzhed skad | de nas bzhud pa la skyel [14b6] thung mdzad pas | <sang pod>205

lo dus zla dus zhag dus btab nas chuo rir shog | dri rgyu byung na der thag ma mnga ris pa [14b7] bsnga206 bar dug | nas zla ba gcig bzhugs nas dri rgyu dang zhu thug mdzad spros pa chod par mdzad || bla ma mnga ris pas
Read: brtan. Read: sngags. Read: gsham. Read: lung. Throughout: sang phod. Read: snga.

bcad gsung nas bzhud | de nas sang pod chuo rir byon tsa na zhag lnga bla

201 202 203 204 205 206



don | gzhan [14b8] ci yang mi dug skad | de nas dir bzhud dang dir das

dho ha gsum po <tse su>207

gcig du

mdzad byas nas nyin re la tshar gsum gsum

gsung ngo | bla ma gru shul ba yang dho hai chos skor di rnas la shin

gsung nas ma gnang | phyis kha yar la gsungs ste | lo gsum tshun chod myi bhe208 ba la tshar bar myi gnang skad ||

du gces spras su mdzad do | gong du zhus pa kun la bka rgya [14b9] yod

bla ma spa phu ba dang po | rui gra pa rngan yul ba yin [15a1] skad | khong gyis bla ma gru shul ba can du yun rings su bzhugs pa dang | sras bslob gnyer mdzad pai po t gsum bri bai zhabs tog kyang mdzad | dang po nas kyang gzhan dang myi dra [15a2] bar thugs la dogs par byung nas | chos skor di

[11. Spa phu ba]

gzhung bsu ba la SOGS pai gda ngag kyang gnang nas | ngai rtsar byung ba la khyod las [15a3] blo rno bai shes rab che ba ma byung gsung | gzhan

tsho zhus pas tshar bar gnang | phyis dbul ba gcig skyal bai dus su yang

dag gi drung du yang ngai dho hai chos skor di tshar bar khos209 shes gsung ngo bskad do || [12. Colophon]

bla ma spar phu ba chen po de la | slob dpon mkhan lung rin cen [15a4] ma rnas ci ltar sten pai tshul lo || || | gdings pas ci lta ba bzhin du zhus so | de la kho bos legs par zhus so | des bla

207 208 209

Read: rtse gsum.

Read: khos.




mdo mya ngan las das pa>210 nas bco <lda>n <da>s kyis | nga ni

[13. Scriptural Quotations]

mya [15a5] ngan das og du | lo ni bzhi brgya lon ba na | lho phyogs bhe tai yul du ni | dge slong klu zhes bya ba byung | zhes gsungs s.ho | | yang

car mchog gi bskal213 ba can| <sa ra pa>214 zhes bya ba byung | rkyen bral

ni brgyad dang bcu gnyis na | dza gling brgya212 gar shar phyogs su | gcig

mdo sde gsung bkod pai rgyal po>211 las | [15a6] nga ni da ni mi gnas te | lo

gsum gyi don rtogs nas | [15a7] sa<ngs> rgyas sa la de gro o | ces pa dang
| <ja dpal gyis zhus pai mdo>215 las kyang | nga dgongs pa mya ngan las

das pai rjes thogs su | yul <ba ra na se>216 bya bar yab bra ze bsags pa

phun gsum tshogs [15a8] pa zhes bya ba dang | yu bra ze spangs pa phun

gsum tshogs pa zhes bya bai sras | bya ba byas pa myug ma sbyangs pa |

mda snun zhes bya ba byung bar gyur gyis | de khyed rnas kyis rjes su

zung gcig ces gsungs [15a9] s.ho | yang <sri sar pa tha>217 zhes bya bai sras |


(Th. 119) or to the ryamahparinirvanma-mahynastra (Th. 120). No attempt, however, was made to locate this citation.

This title may refer to the Phags pa yongs su mya ngan las das pa chen poi mdo

(Th. 114). No attempt, however, was made to locate this citation.

212 213 214 215

This title may refer to the ryasarvadharmaguavyharjanma-mahynastra

Read: rgya. Read: skal. Saraha. This title refers to the Aryamajurparipcchnma-mahynastra (Th. 172). No

attempt, however, was made to locate this citation.

216 217






thos nas | dei don gzhan la ston par gyur ro |

sa pa ri>218 zhes bya ba gcig gyis de kho na nyid nam mkhai mthongs nas

zhes gsungs s.ho | de ni sa pa rii lung ngo || [15a10] || zhus so |






APPENDIX A list of the texts contained in the phyogs gzigs par zhu | dpal sa ra hai

mdo hai grel pa lags, Manuscript 1095 of the Tucci Tibetan Fund:219

A page of the phyogs gzigs par zhu | dpal sa ra hai mdo hai grel pa lags 1095.1: [Bla ma brgyud pai rim pa] Folios 1a15a (folios 115 of the general pagination on the right) Author: anonymous (early 13th cent.). 1095.2: Rnal byor gyi dbang phyug sa ra hai glui don bsdus pa. Folios 14a (folios Summary of the Dohkoagti, or People Dohs (Th. 2224).220

2932 of the general pagination). Author: Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge.

1095.3: Dho ha mtshod [= mdzod] kyi sgo byed pai sgron ma lhan cig skyes pa

snang ba. Folios 1a55b (folios 3385 of the general pagination); there is one
folio numbered 42/43/44 (fol. 74 of the general pagination). Author: Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge. Extensive commentary on Sarahas People Dohs.

* One text is missing from the general pagination: folios 8696.

219 220

See De Rossi-Filibeck 2003: 39596. This text is also published in Kong spruls Gdams ngag mdzod (vol. 5, pp. 2228)

under the title Dpal sa ra hai gdams pa do hai bsdus don.



1095.4: Dho ha brgya bcu pai bsdus pai don. Folios 1a2b (folios 9798 of the

Dohkoopadeagti or Queen Dohs (Th. 2264).

general pagination). Author: Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge. Summary of the

1095.5: Dho ha mtshod [= mdzod] kyi sgo byed pai sgron ma lhan cig skyes pa folio numbered 10/11 (folio 108 of the general pagination). Author: Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge. Extensive commentary on the Queen Dohs.

snang ba. Fols. 1a22a (folios 99119 of the general pagination); there is one

1095.6: Dho ha bzhi bcu bai don bsdus pa. Folios 1a2a (kakha) (folios 12627 of Sarahas Dohkoanmacarygti (Th. 2263) or King Dohs.

the general pagination). Author: Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge. Summary of

1095.7: Zla bai od zer zhes bya ba. Folios 1a14a (folios 12842 of the general 139 of the general pagination). Author: Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge. Extensive commentary on the King Dohs. pagination); there are two folios numbered 12gong and 12og (folios 138 and



1. Tibetan Sources Bkra shis rnam rgyal. Nges don phyag rgya chen poi sgom rim gsal bar byed pai legs

bshad zla bai od zer [= Phyag chen zla bai od zer]. In Rtsibs rii dpar ma, vol. ga. Darjeeling: n.p., 1984.
Vidya Institute, 2003.

Gtsug lag phreng ba, Dpa bo II. Chos byung mkhas pai dga ston. Sarnath: Vajra Karma phrin las pa. Do ha skor gsum gyi i ka bring po sems kyi rnam thar ston pai

me long. A Commentary on the Three Cycles of Doh Composed by the Great Saraha by Karma phrin las. Reproduced from rare manuscripts preserved at Orgyan chos-gling in Bum-thang. Thimphu: Druk Sherig Press, 1984. Techniques for Spiritual Realization Compiled by Jam-mngon Ko-sprul Blogros-mtha-yas. Delhi: N. Lungtok & N. Gyaltsan, 1971.

Kong sprul Blo gros mtha yas. Gdams ngag mdzod. A treasury of Instructions and

Trantha. Slob dpon chen po spyod chang dbang poi rnam thar ngo mtshar snyan

pai sgra dbyangs kah na pai rnam thar. In Five Historical Works of Taranatha. Tezu: Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, 1974.

2. Secondary Sources Davidson, R. 2005. Tibetan Renaissance. Tantric Buddhism in the Rebirth of Tibetan

Culture. New York: Columbia University Press.

De Rossi Filibeck, E. 2003. Catalogue of the Tucci Tibetan Fund in the Library of

IsIAO. Vol. 2. Rome: IsIAO.

Gnoli, R. & G. Orofino 1994. Iniziazione. Milan: Adelphi. Guenther, H.V. 1969. The Royal Song of Saraha. Seattle/London: University of Washington Press. Kvaerne, P. 1977. An Anthology of Buddhist Tantric Songs. A Study on the Carygti. Bangkok: White Orchid Press.



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