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APOSTOLIC FAT HERS (tra ns. and ed., J. B. Lightfoot) CHAPT ER 1 1 T here are two ways, on e o f life a nd one of d eath, and there is a grea t difference b etween the two wa ys. 2 The wa y o f life is this. 3 First of all, th ou sha lt love the God that made thee; 4 secondly, thy neighb our as thyse lf. 5 And a ll th ing s wha tso ever thou wo u lde st no t have b efal thyself n e ithe r do thou un to ano th er. 6 Now of these word s the d octrine is this. 7 Ble ss them tha t cu rse you , and p ray fo r your enemies and fast for the m that p ersecu te you ; 8 for wha t thank is it, if ye love the m tha t love you ? Do no t even the Gen tiles th e same? Bu t do ye lo ve the m tha t ha te you , and ye shall not ha ve a n enemy. 9 Abstain thou from fleshly and bodily lu sts. 10 If any man g ive thee a b lo w on thy rig ht cheek, turn to h im the o t h e r a lso , and thou shalt be perfect; 11 if a man impress th ee to go with h im, on e mile, go with h im twa in ; 12 if a man ta ke a way thy cloa k, g iv e him thy coa t a lso ; 13 if a man take a wa y from thee tha t wh ich is thine o wn , a sk it no t ba ck , for neither art thou able. 14 To every man tha t asketh o f thee g iv e, an d ask n ot ba ck; 15 for the Father desireth that gifts

be given to all from His own bou nties. 16 Blessed is he that giveth accor ding to the commandment; 17 for he is gu iltless. 18 Woe to him that receiveth; 19 for, if a man receiveth having need, he is gu iltless; 20 bu t he that hath no need shall give satisfaction why and wherefore he received; 21 and being put in confinement he shall be examined concerning the deeds that he hath done, and h e sha ll no t come ou t thence un til he ha th g iven back th e la st fa rthing . 22 Yea, as tou ching this also it is said; 23 Let th ine a lms swea t in to th ine han ds, un til tho u sha lt have learn t to whom to g ive. CHAPT ER 2 1 And this is the second comman dment of the teaching. 2 Thou sha lt do n o murder, thou sha lt n ot commit a du ltery, thou shalt not corru pt boys, thou shalt not commit fornication, tho u sha lt no t steal, thou shalt not deal in magic, thou shalt do no sorcery, thou shalt not mu rder a child by abortion nor k ill them when born, thou sh alt no t co vet thy n eig hbou r's good s, thou sha lt no t pe rjure th yself, thou sha lt no t bea r fa lse witn ess, thou shalt not speak evil, thou shalt not ch erish a gru dge, thou shalt not be dou ble-minded nor dou ble-tongu ed; 3 for the dou ble tongu e is a snare of death.


4 T hy word shall not be false or empty, bu t fu lfilled by action. 5 T hou shalt not be avariciou s nor a plu nderer nor a hypocrite nor ill tempered nor prou d. 6 T hou shalt not entertain an evil design against thy neighbou r. 7 Thou sha lt no t ha te any man, b ut some thou sha lt reprove, and for others thou shalt pray, an d o thers thou sha lt love more than thy life. CHAPT ER 3 1 My child, flee from ev ery evil a nd everything that resembleth it. 2 Be not angry, for anger leadeth to mu rder, nor jealou s nor conte ntiou s nor wrathfu l; 3 for of all these things mu rders are engend ered. 4 My child, be not lu stfu l, for lu st lea deth to fornication, neither foul spea k ing neither with u p lifted eyes; 5 for of all these things adu lteries a re engendered. 6 My child, b e no dea ler in o men s, since it leads to idolatry, nor an encha nter nor an astrologer nor a ma gician, neither be willing to look a t them; 7 for from all these thing s idolatry is engend ered. 8 My child, be not a liar, since l ying lea ds to theft, neither ava riciou s neither vaingloriou s; 9 for from all these things thefts a re engendered. 10 My child, be not a mu rmu rer, since it leadeth to blasphemy, ne ither self-willed n either a think er of evil thou ghts; 11 for from all these things bla sphemie s are engendered. 12 Bu t be meek , since the meek sha ll inh erit th e earth . 13 Be long-su ffering and pitifu l

and gu ileless and qu iet and k indly and always fearing th e word s which thou hast heard. 14 T hou shalt not exalt thyself, ne ither shalt thou admit boldness into thy sou l. 15 T hy sou l shall not cleave t ogether with the lofty, bu t with the righteou s and hu mble shalt thou walk . 16 T he accidents that befal thee thou shalt receive as good, k nowing that nothing is done withou t God. CHAPT ER 4 1 My child, tho u shalt remember h im tha t sp eaketh un to thee the wo rd o f God night and day, and shalt honou r him as the Lord; 2 for whenceso ever the Lordship speak eth, there is the Lord. 3 Moreover thou shalt seek ou t day by day the persons of the saints, that thou mayest find rest in th eir words. 4 T hou shalt not mak e a schism, bu t thou shalt pacify them that co ntend; 5 thou shalt ju dge righteou sly, thou shalt not mak e a difference in a pe rson to reprove him for t ransgressions. 6 T hou shalt not dou bt whether a thing shall be or not be. 7 Be no t thou found ho ld ing o ut thy han ds to receive, but dra wing them in as to g iving . 8 If thou hast ou ght passing throu gh thy hands, thou shalt give a ransom for thy sins. 9 T hou shalt not hesitate to give, neither shalt thou mu rmur when gi ving; 10 for thou shalt k now wh o is the good paymaster of thy reward. 11 T hou shalt not tu rn away from


him that is in want, bu t shalt mak e thy brother partak er in all things, a nd shalt not say tha t anyth ing is th ine o wn . 12 For if ye are fellow-partak ers in tha t which is imperishable, ho w mu ch rather in the things which are perisha ble? T hou shalt not withhold thy ha nd from thy son or from thy da u ghter, bu t from their you th thou sha lt teach them the fear of God. 13 T hou shalt not command thy bondservant or thine handmaid in thy bitterness, wh o tru st in the same God a s thyself, lest haply they shou ld cease to fear the God who is over both of you ; 14 for He cometh, not to call men with respect of persons, bu t He cometh to those who m the Spirit ha th prepared. 15 Bu t ye, servants, shall be su bject u nto you r masters, as to a type of God, in shame and fear. 16 T hou shalt hate all hypocrisy, a nd everything that is not plea sing to the Lord. 17 T hou shalt never forsak e the comma ndments o f the Lord; 18 bu t shalt k eep those things which thou hast received, neither a dding to them nor tak ing away from them. 19 In church thou shalt confess thy tra nsgressions, and shalt not b etak e thyself to prayer with an evil co nscienc e. 20 T his is the way of life. CHAPT ER 5 1 Bu t the way of death is this. 2 First of all, it is evil and fu ll of a cu rse murders, adu lteries, lu sts, fo rnica tions, thefts, idolatries, magical a rts, witchcrafts, plu nderings, false witnessin gs, hypocrisi es, dou bleness

of heart, treachery, pride, malice, stu bbornness, covetou sness, fou l speak ing, jealou sy, boldness, exalt a tion, boastfu lness; 3 persecu tors of good men, hating truth, loving a lie, not perceiving the reward of righteou sness, not cleaving to th e good nor to righteou s ju dgment, wak efu l not for that which is go od bu t for that which is evil; 4 from who m gentlen ess and fo rbearance stand aloof; 5 loving vain things, pu rsuing a r ecompen se, not pitying the poor man, not toiling for him that is o ppressed with toil, not recognizing Him that made them, mu rderers of children, corru pters of the creatu res of God, tu rning away from him that is in want, oppressing him that is a fflicted, advocates of the wealthy, u nju st ju dges of the poor, altogether sinfu l. 6 May ye be delivered, my chi ldren, from all these things. CHAPT ER 6 1 See lest any man lead you astray from this way of righteou sness, for he teacheth thee apart from God. 2 For if thou art able to bear the whole yok e of the Lord, thou shalt be perfect; 3 but if thou art not able, do that which thou art able. 4 Bu t concerning eating, bear that which thou art able; 5 yet abstain by all means from meat sacrificed to idols; 6 for it is the worship of dead god s. CHPAT ER 7 1 Bu t concerning baptism, thu s shall ye baptize. 2 Having first recited all these


things, baptize in the na me o f the Fa the r a nd o f the S on a nd o f the Holy Sp irit in living (ru nning) wa ter. 3 But if thou hast not living water, then ba ptize in other water; 4 a nd if thou art not able in cold, then in warm. 5 Bu t if thou hast neither, then pour wa ter on the head thrice in the name of the Father and of the Son and o f the Holy Spirit. 6 Bu t before the baptism let him tha t ba ptizeth and him that is ba ptized fast, and any others also who a re a ble; 7 a nd thou shalt order him that is ba ptized to fast a day or two before. CHAPT ER 8 1 And let not you r fastings be with the hypocrites, for they fast on the secon d and the fifth day o f the week ; 2 bu t do ye k eep your fast on the fou rth and on the preparation (the sixth) day. 3 Neither pray ye a s the hyp ocrites, bu t a s the Lord commanded in His Gospel, thu s pra y ye. 4 Our Fa ther, wh ich art in h eaven, ha llo wed be Thy na me; 5 Thy kingdo m co me; 6 Thy will be don e, as in heaven , so a lso on earth ; 7 g iv e u s this day o ur da ily bread; 8 and forg ive u s ou r deb t, a s we a lso fo rg ive ou r deb to rs; 9 and lead u s n ot into temp tatio n, bu t de liver us fro m the evil one; 10 for T hine is the power and the glory for ever and ever. 11 T hree times in the day pray ye so. CHAPT ER 9

1 But as tou ching the eu charistic thank sgiving give ye thank s thu s. 2 First, as regards the cu p: 3 We give T hee thank s, O our F a ther, for the holy vine of T hy son David, which T hou madest k nown u nto u s throu gh T hy Son Jesu s; 4 T hine is the glory for ever and ever. 5 T hen as regards the brok en bread: 6 We give T hee thank s, O our F a ther, for the life and k nowledge which T hou didst mak e k nown u nto u s throu gh T hy Son Jesu s; 7 T hine is the glory for ever and ever. 8 As this brok en bread was sca ttered u pon the mou ntains and being gathered together became one, so may T hy Church be gathered t ogether from the en ds o f the earth into T hy k ingdom; 9 for T hine is the glory and the power throu gh Jesu s Christ for ever and ever. 10 Bu t let no one eat or drink of this eu charist ic thank sgiving, bu t they that have been baptized into the name of the Lord; 11 for concerning this also the Lord hath said: 12 Give not that wh ich is ho ly to the do gs. CHAPT ER 1 0 1 And after ye are satisfied thu s give ye thank s: 2 We give T hee thank s, Ho ly Fa ther, for T hy holy name, which T hou hast made to tabernacle in ou r hearts, and for the k nowledge and faith and immortality, which T hou hast made k nown u nto u s throu gh T hy Son J esu s; 3 T hine is the glory for ever and ever.


4 T hou , Almighty Master, didst crea te all things for T hy name's sa k e, a nd didst give food and drink u nto men for enjoyment, that they might render thank s to T hee; 5 bu t didst bestow u pon u s spiritu al food and drink and eternal life throu gh T hy Son. 6 Before all things we give T hee tha nk s that T hou art powerfu l; 7 T hine is the glory for ever and ever. 8 Remember, Lord, T hy Chu rch to deliver it from all evil and to pe rfect it in T hy love; 9 a nd ga ther it together fro m the fou r wind s even the Church which ha s been sanctifiedinto T hy k ingdom which T hou hast prepared for it; 10 for T hine is the power and the glory for ever and ever. 11 May grace come and may this world pass away. 12 Hosanna to the God of David. 13 If any man is holy, let him come; 14 if any man is not, let him r epent. Maran Atha. Amen. 15 But permit the prophets to o ffer tha nk sgiving as mu ch as they d esire. CHAPT ER 11 1 Whosoever therefore shall come a nd teach you all these things that ha ve been said before, receive hi m; 2 bu t if the teacher himself be pe rverted and teach a different doctrine to the destru ction thereof, h ear him not; 3 but if to the increase of rig hteou sness and th e k nowledge of the Lord, receive him as the Lord. 4 But concerning the apostles and prophets, so do ye according to the ordina nce of the Gospel.

5 Let every apostle, when he co meth to you , be received as the Lord; 6 but he shall not abide more than a single day, or if there be need, a 7 but if he abide three days, h e is a false prophet. 8 And when he d eparteth let the apostle receive nothing save b read, u ntil he findeth shelter; 9 bu t if he ask money, he is a false prophet. 10 And any prophet speak ing in the Spirit ye shall not try neither di scern; 11 for every sin shall be forgiven, bu t this sin shall not be forgiven. 12 Yet not every one that speak eth in the Spirit is a prophet, bu t only if he have the ways of the Lord. 13 From his ways therefore the false prophet and th e prophet shall be recognized. 14 And no prophet when h e ord ereth a table in the Spirit shall eat of it; 15 otherwise he is a false prophet. 16 And every prophet teaching the truth, if he doeth not what he tea cheth, is a false prophet. 17 And every prop het approved and fou nd tru e, if he doeth ou ght as an ou tward mystery typical of the Chu rch, and yet teacheth you not to do all that he himself do eth, shall not be ju dged before you ; 18 he hath his ju dgment in the presence of God; 19 for in lik e manner also did the prophets of old time. 20 And whosoev er shall say in the Spirit, Give me silver or anything else, ye shall not listen to him; 21 bu t if he tell you to give on b ehalf of others that are in want, let no man ju dge him.


CHAPT ER 1 2 1 Bu t let every one tha t cometh in the na me o f the Lord be received; 2 a nd then when ye have tested him ye sha ll k now him, for ye shall have u nderstanding on the right hand and on the left. 3 If the comer is a traveller, assist him, so far as ye are able; 4 bu t he shall not stay with you more than two or three days, i f it be nece ssary. 5 Bu t if he wish es to settle with you , being a craftsman, let him work for and eat his bread. 6 But if he has no craft, accor ding to your wisdom provide how he sha ll live as a Christian among you , bu t not in idleness. 7 If he will not do this, he is tra ffick ing u pon Christ. 8 Beware of su ch men. CHAPT ER 1 3 1 Bu t every tru e prophet desiring to settle among you is wo rthy o f his food . 2 In lik e manner a tru e teacher is a lso wo rthy, lik e the wor kma n, o f h is food . 3 Every firstfru it then of the pr odu ce of the wine-vat and of the threshing-floor, of thy oxen and of thy sheep, thou shalt tak e and give a s the firstfru it to the prophets; 4 for they are your chief-priest s. 5 But if ye have not a prophet, give them to the poor. 6 If thou mak est bread, tak e the firstfru it and give according to the comma ndment. 7 In lik e manner, when thou openest a jar of wine or o f oil, tak e the firstfru it and give to the prop hets; 8 yea and of money and raiment a nd every possession tak e the

firstfru it, as shall seem good to thee, and give a ccording to the commandment. CHAPT ER 1 4 1 And on the Lord's own d ay gather you rselves together and break bread and give thank s, first confes sing you r transgressions, that your sacr ifice may be pu re. 2 And let no man, having his di spu te with his fellow, join y ou r a ssembly u ntil they have been reco nciled, that you r sacrifice may not be defiled; 3 for this sacrifice it is that was spok en of by the Lord; 4 In every p lace and a t every time o ffer Me a pu re sa crifice; 5 fo r I a m a g rea t kin g, sa ith the Lord and My na me is wond erfu l a mong the na tion s. CHAPT ER 1 5 1 Appoint for you rselves ther efore bishops and deacon s worthy o f the Lord, men who are meek and not lovers of mo ney, and tru e and a pproved; 2 for u nto you they also perform the service of the prophet s and teachers. 3 T herefore despise them not; 4 for they are your honour able men along with the prophets and teac hers. 5 And reprove one another, not in anger bu t in peace, as ye find in the Gospel; 6 and let no one speak to any that has gone wrong towards hi s neig h bou r, neither let him hear a word from you , u ntil he repent. 7 Bu t you r prayers and your almsgivings and all you r deeds so do ye as ye find it in the Gospel o f


ou r Lord. CHAPT ER 1 6 1 Be wa tch fu l for you r life; 2 let you r la mps no t be quenched and y our loins no t u ng irded , bu t be y e read y; 3 for ye kno w no t th e h our in wh ich ou r Lord cometh . 4 And ye shall gather you rselves together frequ ently, seek ing what is fitting for you r souls; 5 for the whole time of you r faith sha ll not profit you , if ye b e not perfected at the last season. 6 For in the last days the fa lse prophe ts and corru pters shall be mu ltiplied, and the sheep shall be tu rned into wolves, and love shall be tu rned into hate. 7 For as lawlessness increaseth, the y sha ll ha te one an other and sha ll p ersecu te an d betra y. 8 And then the world-deceiver sha ll app ear as a son of God; 9 and sha ll work sign s and wo nde rs, and the earth shall be del ivered into his hands; 10 a nd he shall do u nholy things, which have nev er been sin ce the world began. 11 T hen all created mank ind shall come to th e fire o f testing, and ma ny sha ll be offended and perish; 12 bu t th ey tha t endu re in their fa ith sh all be saved by the Cu rse Himself. 13 An d then sha ll the signs of the truth a ppea r; 14 first a sign of a rift in the he a ven, then a sign o f a voice of a tru mpet, and thirdly a resu rrection of the dead; 15 yet not of all, but as it was said: 16 The Lord sha ll come and a ll His saints with Him.

17 Then sh all the world see the Lord co ming upo n the cloud s o f heaven .

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