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1. Observation: - Necessary to see the way the system works first hand.

2 Document sampling: - These are all the documents that are used in the system. Th ey are necessary to check all th e data that enters and leaves the system.3 Q u e s t i o n n a i r e s : - T h e s e w e r e c o n d u c t e d t o g e t v i e w s o f t h e o t h e r employees who are currently employed in the system. ANALYSIS OF THE INVESTIGATION Strengths of the System 1. No complex equipment: - The equipment that is used is very simple and no special skills have to be mastered to be able to operate the system. Th erefo re no train ing is requ ired for theemployees.2. Low cost: - There is little money spent in maintaining the present system other than buying the necessary office equipment and the ledgers. CONSTRAINTS AND LIMITATIONS Th e constraints and limitation with in a system are th e d rawback s th at o ccur during the implementation of the system. These limitations and constraints can crop up in almo st every system; th e mo st i mp o rtan t fact is to f ind a way to overcome these problems. S of tware design is th e first of th ree tech nical activities d esign , co de g en eration , and test that are required to bu ild and v erif y the sof tware.

Each activity transforms information in manner that ultimately results invalidated computer software. T h e d e s i g n t a s k produces a data design, an architectural design, an interface design and component design. Th e d esign of an info rmation system p ro du ces th e d etails th at clearly describe how a system will meet the requirements identified during s y s t e m a n a l y s i s . T h e s y s t e m d e s i g n p r o c e s s i s n o t a s t e p b y s t e p adherence of clear procedures and guidelines. When I started working on

system design, I face different types of problems; many of these are due to constraints imposed by the user or limitations of hardware and software available. Sometimes it was quite difficult to enumerate that complexity of the problems and solutions thereof since the variety of likely problems is so g reat and n o solu tions are ex actly similar ho wev er th e follo wing consideration I kept in mind during design phased. Design objectives:Th e p rimary o bjectiv e of th e design is to d eliv er th e requiremen ts as specified in the feasibility report. These are the some of the objectives, which I kept in mind. Practicality: The system is quite stable and can be operated by the people with average intelligence. Efficiency: I tried to involve accuracy, timeliness and comprehensiveness of the system output. Cost: It is d esirable to aim f or th e system wi th a min i mu m cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement. Flexibility: I have tried that the system should be modifiable depending on the changing needs of the user. Such modifications should entail extensive reconstructing or recreation of software. It should also be portable to different computer systems.

Security: This is very important aspect which I followed in this d esign ing ph ase an d tried to cov ers th e areas of h ardware reliability, fallback procedures, and physical security of data.

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